The Signal Cross Reference for Circuit documentation is submitted to support the NeXT Turbo Cube Schematics which were submitted to the same archives about March 12. These 43 pages of XRefs were scanned from a copy of the original set. They are 8 1/2 x 11", scanned as 300dpi line art, optimized and saved in GIF format. They print well in Landscape mode from an original NeXT out of Pixel Magician. They do not print so well out of Photoshop on a Mac. The edges will be clipped. I haven't tested printing them out of a Web Browser. The Signal Cross Reference for Circuit for the Color Turbo Slab are not available at this time. Those wishing to work with the NeXT Color Turbo Slab Schematics found at the same archive will need to extrapolate the Cross Reference data from the Turbo Cube set. Please direct questions to: Charles Dvorak March 27, 1999