//+++2003-11-18 // Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003 Mike Rieker, Beverly, MA USA // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //---2003-11-18 /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* These routines are called at boot time. There is one routine for */ /* the first cpu, and another routine for all the others. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define _OZ_KNL_BOOT_C #include "ozone.h" #include "oz_knl_boot.h" #include "oz_knl_debug.h" #include "oz_knl_devio.h" #include "oz_knl_event.h" #include "oz_knl_handle.h" #include "oz_knl_hw.h" #include "oz_knl_kmalloc.h" #include "oz_knl_logname.h" #include "oz_knl_printk.h" #include "oz_knl_process.h" #include "oz_knl_sdata.h" #include "oz_knl_section.h" #include "oz_knl_startup.h" #include "oz_knl_status.h" #include "oz_knl_userjob.h" #include "oz_io_console.h" #include "oz_io_fs.h" #define STARTUP_THREAD_PRIORITY 1000000 #define OZ_KNL_BOOT_NPPSIZE (oz_s_loadparams.nonpaged_pool_size) static void makesection (OZ_Mempage numpages, OZ_Mempage virtpage, OZ_Hw_pageprot pageprot, const char *ppstr); static void crelogname (OZ_Logname *lognamtbl, uLong logvalatr, char *name, char *value); /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* This routine is called at boot time by the first cpu */ /* */ /* The cpu should have already set up its initial system page table, */ /* and turned on virtual memory mapping. */ /* */ /* Firstfreephypage should have left room for any memory that the */ /* operating system should not mess with. */ /* */ /* After it returns, the caller can either wait forever using */ /* wait-for-interrupt instructions or call oz_knl_thread_exit. */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* smplocks = none */ /* softints = inhibited */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void oz_knl_boot_firstcpu (OZ_Mempage ffvirtpage, OZ_Mempage ffphyspage) { const char *ppstr; Long i; OZ_Logname *defaulttables, *jobtable; OZ_Logvalue logvalues[5]; OZ_Mempage numpages, pagenum, pageoffs, phypage, sysbasevp, virtpage; OZ_Hw_pageprot pageprot, pageprotx; OZ_Procmode procmode; OZ_Section *section; OZ_Section_pagestate pagestate; OZ_Thread *thread; uLong mapsecflags, sts; /* Initialize static data, including static smp locks */ oz_knl_syscall_init (); oz_knl_sdata_init1 (); /* Print message */ oz_knl_printk ("%s\n", oz_sys_copyright); oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu:\n"); oz_knl_printk (" total number of cpus: %d\n", oz_s_cpucount); oz_knl_printk (" page size (in bytes): %u\n", 1 << OZ_HW_L2PAGESIZE); oz_knl_printk (" total pages of physical memory: 0x%X (%u Megabytes)\n", oz_s_phymem_totalpages, oz_s_phymem_totalpages >> (20 - OZ_HW_L2PAGESIZE)); oz_knl_printk (" system base virtual address: %p\n", oz_s_sysmem_baseva); oz_knl_printk (" system page table entries: 0x%X (%u Megabytes)\n", oz_s_sysmem_pagtblsz, oz_s_sysmem_pagtblsz >> (20 - OZ_HW_L2PAGESIZE)); oz_knl_printk (" initial non-paged pool size: 0x%X (%u Kilobytes)\n", OZ_KNL_BOOT_NPPSIZE, OZ_KNL_BOOT_NPPSIZE >> 10); oz_knl_printk (" first free virt page: 0x%X\n", ffvirtpage); oz_knl_printk (" first free phys page: 0x%X\n", ffphyspage); oz_knl_printk ("\n"); if (oz_s_cpucount > OZ_HW_MAXCPUS) { oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: oz_s_cpucount %u .gt. OZ HW MAXCPUS %u", oz_s_cpucount, OZ_HW_MAXCPUS); } /* Initialize debugger */ oz_knl_debug_init (); /* Initialize physical memory and non-paged pool */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: initializing physical memory\n"); oz_knl_phymem_init (OZ_KNL_BOOT_NPPSIZE, ffvirtpage, ffphyspage); /* Now init data that uses npp */ oz_knl_sdata_init2 (); /* Call the various other module initialization routines */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: initializing modules\n"); oz_knl_event_init (); oz_knl_handle_init (); oz_knl_idno_init (); oz_knl_process_init (); oz_knl_quota_init (); oz_knl_section_init (); oz_knl_thread_init (); oz_knl_userjob_init (); /* Create a system process and section to manage pageable system memory */ /* Also turn us into a thread of that process, which makes that process current, which */ /* is important because some of the mapping routines only operate on the current process */ /* (Any use of paged pool here will be re-directed to non-paged pool until oz_s_systemproc gets set) */ /* (The paged-pool free routine is too st00pid to know how to free this memory so it can't be freed) */ /* (Having object pointers to everything created will keep it from being freed) */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: creating system process\n"); sts = oz_knl_logname_create (NULL, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, OZ_LOGNAMATR_TABLE, strlen (oz_s_logname_directorynames[3]), oz_s_logname_directorynames[3], 0, NULL, &oz_s_systemdirectory); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating system logical name directory", sts); sts = oz_knl_logname_create (oz_s_systemdirectory, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, OZ_LOGNAMATR_TABLE, strlen (oz_s_logname_deftblnames[4]), oz_s_logname_deftblnames[4], 0, NULL, &oz_s_systemtable); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating system logical name table", sts); for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { logvalues[i].attr = 0; logvalues[i].buff = oz_s_logname_deftblnames[i]; } sts = oz_knl_logname_create (oz_s_systemdirectory, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, strlen (oz_s_logname_defaulttables), oz_s_logname_defaulttables, 5, logvalues, &defaulttables); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating default table logical", sts); /* (throw-away pointer defaulttables makes sure it won't ever get freed off) */ sts = oz_knl_user_create ("OZ_Startup", NULL, NULL, STARTUP_THREAD_PRIORITY, &oz_s_systemuser); /* "log in" user OZ_Startup */ if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating system user block", sts); sts = oz_knl_job_create (oz_s_systemuser, "OZ_Startup", &oz_s_systemjob); /* create a system job block */ if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating system job block", sts); sts = oz_knl_process_create (oz_s_systemjob, 1, 0, 6, "system", NULL, &oz_s_systemproc); /* create a process as part of that user and job */ if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot: error %u creating system process", sts); /* (Now paged pool requests will go to paged pool) */ oz_knl_thread_cpuinit (); /* make this stuff a thread of that process */ thread = oz_knl_thread_getcur (); oz_knl_thread_setbasepri (thread, STARTUP_THREAD_PRIORITY); /* (or else everything starts up at priority 0) */ oz_knl_thread_setcurprio (thread, STARTUP_THREAD_PRIORITY); /* Now create sections for all pages that are already mapped in the SPT */ numpages = 0; virtpage = 0; pageprot = OZ_HW_PAGEPROT_NA; ppstr = ""; oz_s_sysmem_pagtblfr = oz_s_sysmem_pagtblsz; sysbasevp = OZ_HW_VADDRTOVPAGE (oz_s_sysmem_baseva); for (pagenum = 0; pagenum < oz_s_sysmem_pagtblsz; pagenum ++) { /* loop through the spt */ if ((oz_knl_process_getsecfromvpage (oz_s_systemproc, sysbasevp + pagenum, §ion, &pageoffs, &pageprotx, &procmode, &mapsecflags) != 0) || (oz_hw_pte_readany (sysbasevp + pagenum, &pagestate, &phypage, NULL, NULL) != NULL)) pagestate = OZ_SECTION_PAGESTATE_PAGEDOUT; switch (pagestate) { /* process the state */ case OZ_SECTION_PAGESTATE_VALID_R: { /* READONLY: */ if ((numpages != 0) && (pageprot != OZ_HW_PAGEPROT_UR)) { /* see if we were doing something else */ makesection (numpages, virtpage, pageprot, ppstr); /* - make a section for it */ numpages = 0; /* - start over */ } if (numpages == 0) { /* see if starting something new */ virtpage = pagenum; /* - save starting page number */ pageprot = OZ_HW_PAGEPROT_UR; /* - this will be its protection */ ppstr = "RO"; } numpages ++; /* there is one more page in the section */ break; } case OZ_SECTION_PAGESTATE_VALID_W: { /* READWRITE: */ if ((numpages != 0) && (pageprot != OZ_HW_PAGEPROT_KW)) { /* see if we were doing something else */ makesection (numpages, virtpage, pageprot, ppstr); /* - make a section for it */ numpages = 0; /* - start over */ } if (numpages == 0) { /* see if starting something new */ virtpage = pagenum; /* - save starting page number */ pageprot = OZ_HW_PAGEPROT_KW; /* - this will be its protection */ ppstr = "RW"; } numpages ++; /* there is one more page in the section */ break; } case OZ_SECTION_PAGESTATE_PAGEDOUT: { /* NOTINUSE: */ if (numpages != 0) { /* see if we were doing something */ makesection (numpages, virtpage, pageprot, ppstr); /* - make a section for it */ numpages = 0; /* - start over */ ppstr = ""; } break; } default: { /* has to be one of those three */ oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: vpage %x pagestate %d", OZ_HW_VADDRTOVPAGE (oz_s_sysmem_baseva) + pagenum, pagestate); } } } if (numpages != 0) makesection (numpages, virtpage, pageprot, ppstr); /* process the last section */ /* Now that sections are created, create handle table for system process */ sts = oz_knl_handletbl_create (); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating handle table", sts); /* Define logical names and dump them out - do this before device drivers so device drivers can define logicals if they want. */ /* Logical OZ_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY is already defined in the oz_s_systemproc header. In it we put table OZ_SYSTEM_TABLE. */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: defining logical names\n"); oz_s_systemdirectory = oz_knl_process_getlognamdir (oz_s_systemproc); oz_s_systemtable = oz_knl_process_getlognamtbl (oz_s_systemproc); crelogname (oz_s_systemtable, OZ_LOGVALATR_TERMINAL, "OZ_LOAD_DEV", oz_s_loadparams.load_device); /* Start the other cpu's running */ if ((oz_s_cpucount > 1) && !oz_s_loadparams.uniprocessor) { oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: starting alternate cpu's\n"); oz_hw_cpu_bootalts (oz_s_cpucount); } /* Start the device drivers way down here as they can use just about anything */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: starting device drivers\n"); oz_knl_devinit (); oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: device driver init complete\n"); oz_knl_devdump (0); /* Assign OZ_JOB_TABLE%OZ_CONSOLE to the console device. Then, only */ /* those that have access to the job table can access the console. */ /* Also create OZ_JOB_TABLE%OZ_ERROR for error messages. */ sts = oz_knl_iochan_crbynm ("console", OZ_LOCKMODE_EX, OZ_PROCMODE_USR, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, &oz_s_coniochan); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u assigning channel to console", sts); jobtable = oz_knl_job_getlognamtbl (oz_s_systemjob); sts = oz_knl_logname_creobj (jobtable, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, 10, "OZ_CONSOLE", oz_s_coniochan, NULL); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating job logical OZ_CONSOLE", sts); sts = oz_knl_logname_creobj (jobtable, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, 8, "OZ_ERROR", oz_s_coniochan, NULL); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating job logical OZ_ERROR", sts); sts = oz_knl_logname_creobj (jobtable, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, 9, "OZ_OUTPUT", oz_s_coniochan, NULL); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating job logical OZ_OUTPUT", sts); sts = oz_knl_logname_creobj (jobtable, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, 8, "OZ_INPUT", oz_s_coniochan, NULL); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating job logical OZ_INPUT", sts); /* Create the startup process to execute command-line initialization scripts, etc. */ oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: creating startup process\n"); oz_knl_startup (); /* Return to caller at priority 0 - the caller can either */ /* 1) loop with 'wait-for-interrupt' instructions */ /* this will leave 'cpu init ' threads laying around but the cpu will be executing 'wait-for-interrupt' instruction while idle */ /* 2) call oz_knl_thread_exit */ /* there won't be 'cpu init ' threads, but the cpu will be executing a loop in the scheduler while idle */ oz_knl_thread_setbasepri (thread, 0); oz_knl_thread_setcurprio (thread, 0); oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (1); } static void makesection (OZ_Mempage numpages, OZ_Mempage virtpage, OZ_Hw_pageprot pageprot, const char *ppstr) { uLong sts; OZ_Section *syspagtblsec; virtpage += OZ_HW_VADDRTOVPAGE (oz_s_sysmem_baseva); oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: %u page %s system section found at %p\n", numpages, ppstr, OZ_HW_VPAGETOVADDR (virtpage)); sts = oz_knl_section_create (NULL, numpages, 0, OZ_SECTION_TYPE_ZEROES, NULL, &syspagtblsec); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u creating system section", sts); sts = oz_knl_process_mapsection (syspagtblsec, &numpages, &virtpage, OZ_MAPSECTION_EXACT | OZ_MAPSECTION_SYSTEM, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, pageprot); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("oz_knl_boot_firstcpu: error %u mapping system section at %X", sts, virtpage); } static void crelogname (OZ_Logname *lognamtbl, uLong logvalatr, char *name, char *value) { uLong sts; OZ_Logvalue logvalue; logvalue.attr = logvalatr; logvalue.buff = value; sts = oz_knl_logname_create (lognamtbl, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, oz_s_secattr_syslogname, 0, strlen (name), name, 1, &logvalue, NULL); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) oz_crash ("error %u creating logical name %s", name); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* This routine is called by the other cpus when the oz_hw_bootaltcpu */ /* has started them. After it returns, the caller can either wait */ /* forever using wait-for-interrupt instructions or call */ /* oz_knl_thread_exit. */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* smplocks = none */ /* softints = inhibited */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void oz_knl_boot_anothercpu () { Long cpuidx; cpuidx = oz_hw_cpu_getcur (); if ((1 << cpuidx) & oz_s_loadparams.cpu_disable) { oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_anothercpu: cpu %d disabled via cpu_disable load parameter mask 0x%x\n", cpuidx, oz_s_loadparams.cpu_disable); oz_knl_halt (); } oz_knl_printk ("oz_knl_boot_anothercpu: initializing cpu %d\n", cpuidx); oz_knl_thread_cpuinit (); /* this makes this cpu a thread (at priority 0) */ oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (1); /* this allows software interrupts on this cpu */ /* Return to caller - the caller can either */ /* 1) loop with 'wait-for-interrupt' instructions */ /* this will leave 'cpu init ' threads laying around but the cpu will be executing 'wait-for-interrupt' instruction while idle */ /* 2) call oz_knl_thread_exit */ /* there won't be 'cpu init ' threads, but the cpu will be executing a loop in the scheduler while idle */ }