//+++2002-08-17 // Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Mike Rieker, Beverly, MA USA // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //---2002-08-17 /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Password file utility routines */ /* */ /* Records in the OZ_PASSWORD_FILE are: */ /* */ /* |username|password|seckeys..|secattr..|quotas|def/maxprio|image|defdir /* */ /************************************************************************/ #include "ozone.h" #include "oz_io_fs.h" #include "oz_knl_devio.h" #include "oz_knl_handle.h" #include "oz_knl_security.h" #include "oz_knl_status.h" #include "oz_knl_userjob.h" #include "oz_sys_handle.h" #include "oz_sys_hash.h" #include "oz_sys_io.h" #include "oz_sys_io_fs.h" #include "oz_sys_password.h" #include "oz_sys_syscall.h" #define RECORD_MAX (1024) static uLong openpwfile (void *h_pwdfile_r, const char *devname, const char *filname, OZ_Handle h_iochan); static uLong editpwrec (OZ_Handle h_pwdfile, OZ_IO_fs_readrec *fs_readrec, int oldlen, char *oldstr, int newlen, char *newstr); static uLong getcurpos (OZ_Handle h_pwdfile, OZ_Dbn *curblock_r, uLong *curbyte_r); /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Read record from password file that corresponds to an username */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* username = null-terminated username key string */ /* nitems = number of items in items */ /* items = item list of items to return */ /* ment = routine to call to allocate memory */ /* mprm = param to pass to ment routine */ /* */ /* Output: */ /* */ /* oz_sys_password_getbyusername = OZ_SUCCESS : successful */ /* OZ_ENDOFFILE : username not found */ /* else : other error */ /* *index_r = -1 : error was in opening/reading file */ /* else : index of item causing the error */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ uLong oz_sys_password_getbyusername (const char *username, int nitems, OZ_Password_item *items, int *index_r, void *(*ment) (void *mprm, uLong osize, void *obuff, uLong nsize), void *mprm) { char *image, *p, pwdrec[RECORD_MAX], sepc; int i, usedup, username_l; OZ_Handle h_pwdfile; OZ_IO_fs_open fs_open; OZ_IO_fs_readrec fs_readrec; uByte hashbin[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE]; uLong pwdrec_l, sts; char *pwdrec_un; char *pwdrec_pw; char *pwdrec_sk; char *pwdrec_sa; char *pwdrec_qu; char *pwdrec_im; char *pwdrec_dd; uLong pwdrec_defbasepri; uLong pwdrec_maxbasepri; if (index_r != NULL) *index_r = -1; /* Open the password file - given by logical OZ_PASSWORD_FILE */ memset (&fs_open, 0, sizeof fs_open); fs_open.name = "OZ_PASSWORD_FILE"; fs_open.lockmode = OZ_LOCKMODE_PR; sts = oz_sys_io_fs_open (sizeof fs_open, &fs_open, 0, &h_pwdfile); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); /* Scan password file for the username */ memset (&fs_readrec, 0, sizeof fs_readrec); fs_readrec.size = sizeof pwdrec - 1; fs_readrec.buff = pwdrec; fs_readrec.trmsize = 1; fs_readrec.trmbuff = "\n"; fs_readrec.rlen = &pwdrec_l; username_l = strlen (username); while (1) { sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_READREC, sizeof fs_readrec, &fs_readrec); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) break; if (pwdrec_l == 0) continue; pwdrec[pwdrec_l] = 0; sepc = pwdrec[0]; if (pwdrec[username_l+1] != sepc) continue; if (memcmp (pwdrec + 1, username, username_l) == 0) break; } /* Close password file */ oz_sys_handle_release (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile); /* Check completion status. OZ_ENDOFFILE means the username was not found. */ if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); /* Divide up the record into fields */ pwdrec_un = pwdrec + 1; /* username directly follows separator char */ p = strchr (pwdrec + 1, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_pw = p; /* password */ p = strchr (p, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_sk = p; /* seckeys */ p = strchr (p, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_sa = p; /* defcresecattr */ p = strchr (p, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_qu = p; /* quotas */ p = strchr (p, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_defbasepri = oz_hw_atoi (p, &usedup); /* defbasepri[/maxbasepri] */ if ((pwdrec_defbasepri == 0) || (p[usedup] != '/' && p[usedup] != sepc)) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); if (p[usedup] == sepc) pwdrec_maxbasepri = pwdrec_defbasepri; else { p += usedup + 1; pwdrec_maxbasepri = oz_hw_atoi (p, &usedup); if ((pwdrec_maxbasepri == 0) || (p[usedup] != sepc)) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); } p += usedup + 1; pwdrec_im = p; /* imagename */ p = strchr (p, sepc); if (p == NULL) return (OZ_BADPWRECORD); *(p ++) = 0; pwdrec_dd = p; /* default directory is last */ /* Return requested items */ for (i = 0; i < nitems; i ++) { if (index_r != NULL) *index_r = i; switch (items[i].code) { case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_PASSHASH: { if (items[i].size < OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE) return (OZ_BADITEMSIZE); if ((strlen (pwdrec_pw) == OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1) && oz_sys_hash_str2bin (pwdrec_pw, hashbin)) strcpy (items[i].buff, pwdrec_pw); else oz_sys_password_hashit (pwdrec_pw, items[i].size, items[i].buff); if (items[i].rlen != NULL) *(items[i].rlen) = OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1; break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_SECKEYSP: { sts = oz_sys_seckeys_str2bin (strlen (pwdrec_sk), pwdrec_sk, ment, mprm, items[i].rlen, items[i].buff); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_DEFCRESECATTRP: { sts = oz_sys_secattr_str2bin (strlen (pwdrec_sa), pwdrec_sa, NULL, ment, mprm, items[i].rlen, items[i].buff); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_QUOTASTRP: { *((char **)(items[i].buff)) = (*ment) (mprm, 0, NULL, strlen (pwdrec_qu) + 1); strcpy (*((char **)(items[i].buff)), pwdrec_qu); break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_IMAGENAMEP: { *((char **)(items[i].buff)) = (*ment) (mprm, 0, NULL, strlen (pwdrec_im) + 1); strcpy (*((char **)(items[i].buff)), pwdrec_im); break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_DEFDIRP: { *((char **)(items[i].buff)) = (*ment) (mprm, 0, NULL, strlen (pwdrec_dd) + 1); strcpy (*((char **)(items[i].buff)), pwdrec_dd); break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_DEFBASEPRI: { if (items[i].size != sizeof (uLong)) return (OZ_BADITEMSIZE); *(uLong *)(items[i].buff) = pwdrec_defbasepri; break; } case OZ_PASSWORD_CODE_MAXBASEPRI: { if (items[i].size != sizeof (uLong)) return (OZ_BADITEMSIZE); *(uLong *)(items[i].buff) = pwdrec_maxbasepri; break; } default: return (OZ_BADITEMCODE); } } if (index_r != NULL) *index_r = i; return (OZ_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Convert plaintext password string to hashed string */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void oz_sys_password_hashit (const char *password, int hashsize, char *hashbuff) { uByte hashbin[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE]; if (hashsize < OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE) oz_crash ("oz_sys_password_hashit: hashsize %d must be at least %d", hashsize, OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE); oz_sys_hash (strlen (password), password, hashbin); oz_sys_hash_bin2str (hashbin, hashbuff); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Change current user's password. */ /* This routine can be called by non-privileged users. */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* oldpw = the current user's old password string */ /* newpw = what the current user wants the pw changed to */ /* */ /* Output: */ /* */ /* oz_sys_password_change = OZ_SUCCESS : successful */ /* OZ_BADPASSWORD : old password incorrect */ /* else : i/o error */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ OZ_HW_SYSCALL_DEF_2 (password_change, const char *, oldpw, const char *, newpw) { char newpwhashstr[OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE], *oldstr, *p, pwdrec[RECORD_MAX], sepc; const char *username; int oldlen, si, username_l; OZ_Handle h_pwdfile; OZ_IO_fs_getinfo1 fs_getinfo1; OZ_IO_fs_readrec fs_readrec; uByte hashbin1[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE], hashbin2[OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE]; uLong pwdrec_l, sts; h_pwdfile = 0; si = oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (0); /* Open the password file - given by kernel mode logical OZ_PASSWORD_FILE */ sts = oz_sys_io_fs_parse3 ("OZ_PASSWORD_FILE", 0, NULL, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, openpwfile, &h_pwdfile); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts; /* Scan password file for the username */ memset (&fs_getinfo1, 0, sizeof fs_getinfo1); memset (&fs_readrec, 0, sizeof fs_readrec); fs_readrec.size = sizeof pwdrec - 1; fs_readrec.buff = pwdrec; fs_readrec.rlen = &pwdrec_l; fs_readrec.trmsize = 1; fs_readrec.trmbuff = "\n"; username = oz_knl_user_getname (NULL); username_l = strlen (username); while (1) { sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec.atblock, &fs_readrec.atbyte); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts; sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_READREC, sizeof fs_readrec, &fs_readrec); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) goto rtnsts; if (pwdrec_l == 0) continue; pwdrec[pwdrec_l] = 0; sepc = pwdrec[0]; if (pwdrec[username_l+1] != sepc) continue; if (memcmp (pwdrec + 1, username, username_l) == 0) break; } /* Get what's in password record to hashbin2 */ sts = OZ_BADPWRECORD; oldstr = pwdrec + username_l + 2; p = memchr (oldstr, sepc, pwdrec_l - username_l - 2); if (p == NULL) goto rtnsts; oldlen = p - oldstr; if ((oldlen != OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1) || !oz_sys_hash_str2bin (oldstr, hashbin2)) oz_sys_hash (oldlen, oldstr, hashbin2); /* Get what caller gave us for old password to hashbin1 */ oz_sys_hash (strlen (oldpw), oldpw, hashbin1); /* See if they match */ sts = OZ_BADPASSWORD; if (memcmp (hashbin1, hashbin2, OZ_SYS_HASH_BINSIZE) != 0) goto rtnsts; /* Make new password hash string */ oz_sys_hash (strlen (newpw), newpw, hashbin1); oz_sys_hash_bin2str (hashbin1, newpwhashstr); /* Edit password record replacing the old password with new one */ sts = editpwrec (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec, oldlen, oldstr, OZ_SYS_HASH_STRSIZE - 1, newpwhashstr); /* Close password file and return final status */ rtnsts: oz_sys_handle_release (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile); oz_hw_cpu_setsoftint (si); return (sts); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Open password file, but bypass caller's privs */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* devname = device the password file is on */ /* filename = filename of the password file */ /* smplevel = softints inhibited */ /* */ /* Output: */ /* */ /* openpwfile = OZ_SUCCESS : successful */ /* else : i/o error status */ /* *h_pwdfile_r = handle to I/O channel */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ static uLong openpwfile (void *h_pwdfile_r, const char *devname, const char *filname, OZ_Handle h_iochan) { OZ_Handle h_pwdfile; OZ_IO_fs_open fs_open; OZ_Iochan *iochan; uLong sts; /* If I/O channel handle, return that handle */ if (h_iochan != 0) { *((OZ_Handle *)h_pwdfile_r) = h_iochan; return (OZ_SUCCESS); } /* Assign I/O channel to disk the password file is on */ /* Pass secattrs NULL so only kernel routines can access it */ sts = oz_knl_iochan_crbynm (devname, OZ_LOCKMODE_CW, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, NULL, &iochan); if (sts == OZ_SUCCESS) { /* Open the password file, don't let anyone else read it while we're in there */ /* The oz_knl_io routine uses the sysio flag = 1 which means it can access anything */ memset (&fs_open, 0, sizeof fs_open); fs_open.name = filname; fs_open.lockmode = OZ_LOCKMODE_EX; sts = oz_knl_io (iochan, OZ_IO_FS_OPEN, sizeof fs_open, &fs_open); /* If successful, assign an handle to the I/O channel. The oz_knl_handle_assign routine will find */ /* that the caller can't access anything on the channel (because the channel has secattr NULL), so */ /* we have to manually set the handle's secaccmsk to indicate all accesses. The handle, however, */ /* is owned by kernel mode so another user mode thread in the process can't access it. */ if (sts == OZ_SUCCESS) sts = oz_knl_handle_assign (iochan, OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile_r); if (sts == OZ_SUCCESS) oz_knl_handle_setsecaccmsk (*((OZ_Handle *)h_pwdfile_r), OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, -1); /* Anyway, all done with the I/O channel pointer */ oz_knl_iochan_increfc (iochan, -1); } return (sts); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Edit password record */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* h_pwdfile = password file, positioned just past record being edited /* fs_readrec = read param block used to read record being edited */ /* -> buff = points to buffer containing old contents */ /* -> rlen = points to length of old contents */ /* -> atblock,atbyte = where the old rec was read from */ /* oldlen = length of old string in the fs_readrec buffer */ /* oldstr = address of old string in the fs_readrec buffer */ /* newlen = length of new string to put in fs_readrec buffer */ /* newstr = address of new string to put in fs_readrec buffer */ /* */ /* Output: */ /* */ /* editpwrec = OZ_SUCCESS : successful */ /* else : error status */ /* *(fs_readrec -> buff) = updated with new contents */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ static uLong editpwrec (OZ_Handle h_pwdfile, OZ_IO_fs_readrec *fs_readrec, int oldlen, char *oldstr, int newlen, char *newstr) { char *oldbuf, recbuf2[RECORD_MAX]; OZ_IO_fs_readrec fs_readrec2; OZ_IO_fs_writerec fs_writerec; uLong oldsiz, sts; memset (&fs_writerec, 0, sizeof fs_writerec); /* If lengths are the same, we can do an in-place update */ /* This will be a common case for changing passwords, as the hash string is always the same length */ oldsiz = *(fs_readrec -> rlen); oldbuf = fs_readrec -> buff; #if 00 oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: old at %u.%u\n", fs_readrec -> atblock, fs_readrec -> atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (oldsiz, oldbuf); oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: oldstr\n"); oz_knl_dumpmem (oldlen, oldstr); oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: newstr\n"); oz_knl_dumpmem (newlen, newstr); #endif if (newlen == oldlen) { memcpy (oldstr, newstr, oldlen); fs_writerec.size = oldsiz; fs_writerec.buff = oldbuf; fs_writerec.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize; fs_writerec.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff; fs_writerec.atblock = fs_readrec -> atblock; fs_writerec.atbyte = fs_readrec -> atbyte; sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec); return (sts); } /* Different lengths, make sure new length not too long */ if (oldsiz - oldlen + newlen > RECORD_MAX) return (OZ_BUFFEROVF); /* Copy rest of records over the old one */ memset (&fs_readrec2, 0, sizeof fs_readrec2); fs_readrec2.size = sizeof recbuf2; fs_readrec2.buff = recbuf2; fs_readrec2.rlen = &fs_writerec.size; fs_readrec2.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize; fs_readrec2.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff; fs_writerec.buff = recbuf2; fs_writerec.trmsize = fs_readrec -> trmsize; fs_writerec.trmbuff = fs_readrec -> trmbuff; fs_writerec.atblock = fs_readrec -> atblock; fs_writerec.atbyte = fs_readrec -> atbyte; while (1) { sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_READREC, sizeof fs_readrec2, &fs_readrec2); if (sts == OZ_ENDOFFILE) break; if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_readrec2.atblock, &fs_readrec2.atbyte); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); #if 00 oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: cpy at %u.%u\n", fs_writerec.atblock, fs_writerec.atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (fs_writerec.size, fs_writerec.buff); #endif sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); sts = getcurpos (h_pwdfile, &fs_writerec.atblock, &fs_writerec.atbyte); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); } /* Write the modified record to the end of the file */ memmove (oldstr + newlen, oldstr + oldlen, oldbuf + oldsiz - oldstr - oldlen); memcpy (oldstr, newstr, newlen); fs_writerec.size = oldsiz - oldlen + newlen; fs_writerec.buff = oldbuf; fs_writerec.truncate = 1; #if 00 oz_knl_printk ("oz_sys_password*: end at %u.%u\n", fs_writerec.atblock, fs_writerec.atbyte); oz_knl_dumpmem (fs_writerec.size, fs_writerec.buff); #endif sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_WRITEREC, sizeof fs_writerec, &fs_writerec); if (sts != OZ_SUCCESS) return (sts); /* Close file */ sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_CLOSE, 0, NULL); return (sts); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Get the current position we are at in the file */ /* */ /* Input: */ /* */ /* h_pwdfile = handle to password file */ /* */ /* Output: */ /* */ /* getcurpos = OZ_SUCCESS : successful */ /* else : error status */ /* *curblock_r = current block in the file */ /* *curbyte_r = current byte within that block */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ static uLong getcurpos (OZ_Handle h_pwdfile, OZ_Dbn *curblock_r, uLong *curbyte_r) { OZ_IO_fs_getinfo1 fs_getinfo1; uLong sts; memset (&fs_getinfo1, 0, sizeof fs_getinfo1); sts = oz_sys_io (OZ_PROCMODE_KNL, h_pwdfile, 0, OZ_IO_FS_GETINFO1, sizeof fs_getinfo1, &fs_getinfo1); if ((sts == OZ_SUCCESS) && (fs_getinfo1.curblock == 0)) sts = OZ_BADIOFUNC; if (sts == OZ_SUCCESS) { *curblock_r = fs_getinfo1.curblock; *curbyte_r = fs_getinfo1.curbyte; } return (sts); }