- Macros begin with OZ_ and are all capital letters.
- Types begin with OZ_ and have the first letter in capital.
- Entrypoints and variables begin with oz_ and are all lower case. NoCamelNotationIsUsedHere!!
I try to stick to these guidelines when naming routines:
- oz_knl_... : routines that can only be called from kernel mode
- oz_sys_... : routines that can be called from any access mode (user, kernel)
- oz_hw_... : hardware layer routines that are part of the OZONE architecture.
some can be called directly from user mode.
- oz_hw486_... : routines that are just used for the x86 implementation.
There probably are some routines that should be changed, especially some of the
oz_hw_... vs oz_hw486_... stuff.
Last modified on 03/15/2025 00:17:47