3 A x ~Remove installed files F x Remove ~desktop folder and objects H - E~xtended deinstallation error messages 22 %2 \Mesa2PR Uninstalling the Mesa 2 Version 2.2 PreRelease... * * * Mesa 2 ~ Spreadsheets on a Higher Plateau Part of the Sundial Systems Family of OS/2 Products ~ Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Sundial Systems Corporation. Mesa is a trademark of Athena Design, Inc., used under license. Version 2.2 PreRelease OS2.INI MesaPR INSTALLATIONPATH %1\uninst.log %0\prreadme.txt * ~Uninstall * * * * Uninstall completed successfully. Uninstall completed but some errors occurred. Uninstall failed. Uninstall Version 2.2 PreRelease Removes all installed files but not any files which you have created. Consult the Readme for important information relative to the released version.