Mesa 2 (tm) Spreadsheet for OS/2 from Sundial Systems Release Notes (README.TXT) for Version 2.2 September 1998 Thank you for trying Version 2.2 of Mesa 2 for OS/2. This file contains information which became available after the printed materials went to press as well as other key information to help you get started. What is Version 2.2? Version 2.2 is a major upgrade of Mesa 2, which features significant ease- of-use enhancements and new functionality when compared to the 2.0 and 2.1 series of Mesa 2 products. The details can be found in the "What's New In Version 2.2" section of the on-line documentation. Also, please note that Version 2.2 uses a smaller, more compact file format. Version 2.2 can read files created by all previous Mesa versions -- but those versions cannot read the new file format. However, as an option, Version 2.2 can create files for use with Mesa 2.1.x (but not 2.0.x). To do this, simply select the "Mesa 2.1 Workbook File" type when you save the file. Installation To install Mesa 2, just run the Install program provided with the package and follow the instructions. If you received the package electronically, and need to install from diskettes, you can use the MAKEDSKS command file (included in the package) to create the diskettes. (Two formatted disks are required.) You may install this version in its own directory or over any earlier Mesa 2 version. However, if you have installed a PreRelease of 2.2, please consult the PRREADME.TXT file before installing this version to determine how best to address some specific issues which may affect how you choose to install the product. If you need to uninstall Mesa 2 at some later time, use the Uninstall program in the Mesa 2 folder. Alternatively, you can also uninstall from your distribution media by opening a command window, changing to the directory containing the original installation files, and typing: uinstall (That's not a typographical error, it is "uinstall", not "uninstall".) OS/2, Presentation Manager, and Workplace Shell Compatibility: Mesa 2 is designed specifically for use with OS/2 Version 3, or 4 and the Workplace Shell. This includes all of the following releases: OS/2 Warp 4 "General Availability" release OS/2 Warp Server "General Availability" release OS/2 Warp Connect "Red Box" (for use with Windows) release "Blue Box" (with Win-OS2) release OS/2 Warp (OS/2 Version 3) "Red Box" (for use with Windows) release "Full Pack" (with Win-OS2) release OS/2 2.1 for Windows "General Availability" release "Service Pack" (CSD 6300) release OS/2 2.1 "General Availability" release "Service Pack" (CSD 6200) release "Manufacturing Refresh" (2.11) release Most "FixPak" levels of OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect, and Warp Server have also been tested. Note that some features which are primarily related to Workplace Shell integration are not supported on versions prior to OS/2 Warp. Limitations Listed below are some known limitations which may impact your use of the current version of Mesa 2. * In some circumstances, when you reinstall the product (or install in place of a PreRelease), the icons may be temporarily missing from some or all of the Palette objects in the Mesa 2 folder. They will generally reappear once you shutdown and reboot your system. If the problem persists, reinstall the product again and choose the Force Object (Re-)creation option in the installation program. * Under some circumstances, certain operations (including copying data to the clipboard and customizing the toolbars) will stop working after frequent, repeated use. This is due to a problem in the graphics processing at some FixPak levels of Warp 3 and Warp 4. The problem is known to be present in Warp 3 FixPaks 17 through 30 as well as in Warp 4 GA (no FixPak) and Warp 4 FixPak 1. Under normal circumstances, the problem is unlikely to appear since large numbers of repeated operations are required. However, the problem occurs significantly sooner on Warp 4 than Warp 3. Further, some inherently repetitive operations, such as updating a graph based on real-time feed data, will eventually cause the problem to appear. (In this particular case, turning off the Cache Graph Images option will avoid the problem.) When and if the problem appears, exiting and restarting Mesa 2 will temporarily resolve it. However, the problem will now reappear sooner than it did the last time. Repeating this process enough times eventually requires the system to be rebooted. The only way to completely avoid the problem is to move to a later FixPak level (at least FixPak 30 for Warp 3 or FixPak 2 for Warp 4) in which IBM has corrected the problem. * In some cases, if you run Mesa 2 from the command line and then exit from the program, you may find that your command line window will no longer accept keystrokes. It may also occur in an ordinary command line window when you run Mesa 2 from the desktop if that command line window happens to be immediately "under" Mesa (without any other windows in between) when you exit from the program. This problem is known to occur on some systems with Warp 4 GA (no FixPak) installed. It may also exist with some other FixPak levels of Warp 3 or Warp 4. Recent FixPak levels (such as FixPak 5 or higher for Warp 4) appear to address the problem. If the problem occurs, you should close the command window. * There is a known problem with OS/2 Warp 3 FixPak 17 and Mesa 2 such that when Mesa 2 is open, windows won't come to the front when activated. This is corrected in later FixPaks. * There have been reports of SYS0147 problems when exiting from Mesa 2 on OS/2 Warp 3 with FixPak 17 installed. If this happens, do not attempt to restart Mesa 2 without shutting down the system. * If you have multiple copies of Mesa 2 installed on your system, you may see a SYS2070 error when you try to run one copy or the other. Similar problems may also occur if an older version was not completely removed from your system. While newer versions of Mesa 2 have been designed to avoid this problem, the conflict cannot always be automatically avoided when an older version (typically, 2.0.4 or earlier) is involved. Almost always, this is caused by a LIBPATH conflict between the different directories involved. The general solution is to be sure the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file contains ".;" before any "\MESA;", "\MESA\DLL;" "\MESA2;", "\MESA2\DLL", or similar entries related to previous Mesa 2 installations. This resolves most such conflicts. If this solution does not work or doesn't apply to your situation, please contact technical support for further assistance. Be sure to include information on the versions involved, and be prepared to supply a copy of your LIBPATH information. * Some OS/2 enhancement utilities reserve (or remap) particular key combinations for their own use no matter what program is running. For instance, Process Commander "remaps" the traditional Ctrl+Alt+Del system reboot sequence for its use and then assigns Ctrl+Alt+Esc to the system reboot sequence. You should not try assign these "enhanced" system-wide key combinations to command or script shortcuts in Mesa 2. Otherwise, unpredictable results are likely to occur. The Legal Fine Print Mesa is a trademark of Athena Design, Inc., and is used by Sundial Systems Corporation under license. Other phrases used herein may be brand names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of Athena Design, Inc., CompuServe Incorporated, Corel Corporation, Lotus Development Corporation, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Sundial Systems Corporation, or others. All such names and trademarks remain the property of their respective companies. Technical Support We at Sundial Systems are committed to supporting you, our customer. If you have a License Number for the product, you are entitled to full technical support by any of the means listed below (or in the on-line documentation). If you are using the product as a Working Model or demonstration without a License Number, we will be happy to try to answer your questions on a limited basis. If you have questions or suggestions, the most effective way to contact us is by email to or You can also visit us on the web at where you will find information about Mesa as well as other members of the Sundial Systems family of OS/2 products. That's also the best place to find out about updates and other enhancements as they become available. You can also call us at (562) 596-5121 between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM Pacific time, Monday through Friday. We can't guarantee the immediate availability of support personnel at all times, but all calls are handled as quickly as possible. You can also FAX your questions and comments to us at (562) 596-7825 at any time. Technical support is also available on CompuServe through the Sundial Systems section of the OS/2 Application Vendor forum. Start connecting with Sundial Systems and other CompuServe members by calling 800-524-3388 and ask for Representative #456. (In the United Kingdom, call 0800 289 378. In Germany, call 0130 37 32. In the rest of Europe, call (+44) 272 255111. Outside the U.S., Canada, and Europe, call 614-457-0802. Be sure to ask for Representative #456). If you're already a CompuServe member, enter GO OS2AVEN at the ! prompt to access the Sundial Systems Section of the OS/2 Vendor Forum on CompuServe. We track all questions, comments, "bug reports", and other feedback concerning our products and use this information in planning future releases. If there are features you particularly like or things you think should be added to our products, please let us know. Thanks in advance, Sundial Systems Support Services