11 * - 195 A x 4400 ~Copy program and help files (4400K) B x 820 Copy ~extra documentation files (820K) C x 160 Copy example ~files/tutorials (160K) D x 5 Copy default ~templates (5K) E x ~Register Workplace Shell classes F x Create ~desktop folder and objects G x ~Update CONFIG.SYS H - E~xtended installation error messages I x Re~move obsolete files N - Force o~bject (re-)creation 23 %2 \Mesa2 Thank you for trying Version 2.3 of Mesa 2 from Sundial Systems! * * * See the What's New section of the documentation for everything that's new and improved! * * * Mesa 2 ~ Spreadsheets on a Higher Plateau Part of the Sundial Systems Family of OS/2 Products ~ Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Sundial Systems Corporation. Mesa is a trademark of Athena Design, Inc., used under license. Version 2.3 OS2.INI Mesa2 INSTALLATIONPATH %2\OS2\SYSTEM\EPFIS.INI "EPFINST_Mesa for OS/2_2442_0001" FilePath OS2.INI %1\install.log %0\readme.txt * * * * * * * * * license.txt Version 2.3 Installation Install over any Mesa 2 version or into a new directory. By installing, your agree to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement. If you have a license number, enter it the first time you run the program. If you do not have a license number, the program can be used as a Working Model.