3 A x ~Remove installed files F x Remove ~desktop folder and objects H - E~xtended deinstallation error messages 22 %2 \Mesa2 Uninstalling Mesa 2 Version 2.3... * * * Mesa 2 ~ Spreadsheets on a Higher Plateau Part of the Sundial Systems Family of OS/2 Products ~ Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Sundial Systems Corporation. Mesa is a trademark of Athena Design, Inc., used under license. Version 2.3 OS2.INI Mesa2 INSTALLATIONPATH %1\uninst.log %0\uninst.txt * ~Uninstall * * # * Uninstall completed successfully. Uninstall completed but some errors occurred. Uninstall failed. Uninstall Version 2.3 Removes all installed files but not any files which you have created.