This package contains the OS/2 "Mahjongg" game.
This package contains the OS/2 "Klondike" game.
This package has additional sounds for the other packages. This will modify your DPATH in CONFIG.SYS for demonstration purposes.
This is a copy of \OS2\DLL, just to make the archive nicely large and for testing.
This demo archive has four packages with files from the OS2\APPS directory.
You can unpack the files in here in a new directory (specify the path on the next page), have CONFIG.SYS updated with a demo string, and have WPS objects created.
If you select the Sounds package, your DPATH entry in CONFIG.SYS will be updated to contain the target path of that package.
The "Libraries" package is just a copy of \OS2\DLL to make the archive nicely large.
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Select "Cancel" to abort installation.
~I agree
By pressing the "I agree" button, you agree to all terms and conditions to the below licence agreement.
Hmmm. I guess this would be your licence agreement.
Please select the packages which are to be installed. You may change the target paths for the packages.
Please select additional configuration that WarpIN should perform after installing this archive.
Press "Install" to begin installing this archive.