#!/bin/csh # # Generated by LMFGEN.EXE v1.1 beta at 1-JAN-2012 14:24:53.00 # # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42) # wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you # can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think # this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Butcher. # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering 400-SMTP-GW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001609 Product Name: 400-SMTP-GW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IIHH-BOHF-AKIH-KHLI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading 400-SMTP-GW" $lmfcom load 0 400-SMTP-GW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ABDAS-U" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001610 Product Name: ABDAS-U Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IHLP-GKME-LDHB-NOME =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ABDAS-U" $lmfcom load 0 ABDAS-U # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001611 Product Name: ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DPLG-HLJK-IGKL-IBPE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001612 Product Name: ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GANP-BGBL-PDGG-JONB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ACAS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001613 Product Name: ACAS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AMPD-CAPA-EIIG-BFEN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ACAS" $lmfcom load 0 ACAS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ACAS-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001614 Product Name: ACAS-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DGAJ-OEHE-BHKF-LOII =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ACAS-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 ACAS-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ACAS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001615 Product Name: ACAS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMEH-CGPB-DMJD-AOGK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ACAS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 ACAS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001616 Product Name: ADA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHMG-EAOK-OKEM-GKEF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADA" $lmfcom load 0 ADA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADAO" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001617 Product Name: ADAO Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHKN-NACK-NMMA-FLBE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADAO" $lmfcom load 0 ADAO # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADAO-PDO" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001618 Product Name: ADAO-PDO Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FPKP-ALFN-IIEH-GPGC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADAO-PDO" $lmfcom load 0 ADAO-PDO # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADAO-PDO-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001619 Product Name: ADAO-PDO-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CGLL-LDMI-EPLM-BAJH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADAO-PDO-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ADAO-PDO-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADAO-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001620 Product Name: ADAO-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KMMP-EFFM-NGOG-ELFM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADAO-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ADAO-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ADVFS-UTILITIES" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001621 Product Name: ADVFS-UTILITIES Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JNFC-LBBK-BKIO-KJCE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ADVFS-UTILITIES" $lmfcom load 0 ADVFS-UTILITIES # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASACS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001622 Product Name: ASACS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DINJ-HKMC-OPCL-HGBB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASACS" $lmfcom load 0 ASACS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASBCONTENTSERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001623 Product Name: ASBCONTENTSERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OGJO-PBJN-PEFP-PKMG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASBCONTENTSERVER" $lmfcom load 0 ASBCONTENTSERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASBMPEG-2-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001624 Product Name: ASBMPEG-2-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DCDO-JHAG-APEN-HHLF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASBMPEG-2-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 ASBMPEG-2-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASBREV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001625 Product Name: ASBREV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BNDD-NPAD-AMJP-BKCO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASBREV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ASBREV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASDU-CONNECT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001626 Product Name: ASDU-CONNECT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IDPF-MLJG-GMOE-AMOP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASDU-CONNECT" $lmfcom load 0 ASDU-CONNECT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASDU-MCS-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001627 Product Name: ASDU-MCS-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FLJH-GNBL-BCNI-BAEG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASDU-MCS-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 ASDU-MCS-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ASE-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001628 Product Name: ASE-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DDLC-ANMD-NCEI-MJAE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ASE-OA" $lmfcom load 0 ASE-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering AVS-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001629 Product Name: AVS-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CNNA-BDCG-PEDE-ICFO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading AVS-UR" $lmfcom load 0 AVS-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BASESTAR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001551 Product Name: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FMKB-OKEN-EOBH-KDOL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BASESTAR" $lmfcom load 0 BASESTAR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BASESTAR-DEVELOP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001552 Product Name: BASESTAR-DEVELOP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EDMK-JCOF-LPAN-HHML =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BASESTAR-DEVELOP" $lmfcom load 0 BASESTAR-DEVELOP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BSTROPEN-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001630 Product Name: BSTROPEN-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHOP-OKJP-BADJ-MGCG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BSTROPEN-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 BSTROPEN-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BSTROPEN-DEVELOP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001631 Product Name: BSTROPEN-DEVELOP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ACJI-HEAO-ACBA-IMHO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BSTROPEN-DEVELOP" $lmfcom load 0 BSTROPEN-DEVELOP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BSTROPEN-DEVELOP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001632 Product Name: BSTROPEN-DEVELOP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FKOA-PLEN-BHBA-HJGL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BSTROPEN-DEVELOP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 BSTROPEN-DEVELOP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BSTROPEN-RUNTIME" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001633 Product Name: BSTROPEN-RUNTIME Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CEOO-PMKP-EGDI-MPKP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BSTROPEN-RUNTIME" $lmfcom load 0 BSTROPEN-RUNTIME # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering BSTROPEN-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001634 Product Name: BSTROPEN-RUNTIME-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JDMO-BNLP-LCDD-AEED =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading BSTROPEN-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom load 0 BSTROPEN-RUNTIME-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CAPACITY-COLLECTOR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001635 Product Name: CAPACITY-COLLECTOR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NJMG-FIDC-GOEG-HLCM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CAPACITY-COLLECTOR" $lmfcom load 0 CAPACITY-COLLECTOR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CAPACITY-PLANNER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001553 Product Name: CAPACITY-PLANNER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BPMI-JAEN-OEKK-FKAI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CAPACITY-PLANNER" $lmfcom load 0 CAPACITY-PLANNER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CAPACITY-REDUCER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001636 Product Name: CAPACITY-REDUCER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HGAA-EKHP-DPLC-OIHP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CAPACITY-REDUCER" $lmfcom load 0 CAPACITY-REDUCER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CDA-CONVERTER-LIBRARY-J" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001637 Product Name: CDA-CONVERTER-LIBRARY-J Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LPHO-AMOK-EMLI-DOJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CDA-CONVERTER-LIBRARY-J" $lmfcom load 0 CDA-CONVERTER-LIBRARY-J # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CDDADMIN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001638 Product Name: CDDADMIN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBMP-FHHO-PLOA-HFJE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CDDADMIN" $lmfcom load 0 CDDADMIN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CICS-CELL-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001639 Product Name: CICS-CELL-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FBDE-PBGJ-DBBI-ABHE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CICS-CELL-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 CICS-CELL-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CICS-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001640 Product Name: CICS-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OHKH-AFHD-KPGC-OGCG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CICS-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 CICS-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CICS-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001641 Product Name: CICS-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHJK-INLK-FFJK-IPEF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CICS-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 CICS-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CIT-APP-INT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001642 Product Name: CIT-APP-INT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KKFF-MDJD-ICJA-PMMD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CIT-APP-INT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 CIT-APP-INT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CIT-APP-INT-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001643 Product Name: CIT-APP-INT-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BDHJ-KDDO-DDCG-FJGC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CIT-APP-INT-UV" $lmfcom load 0 CIT-APP-INT-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CMI-RT-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001644 Product Name: CMI-RT-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KAHN-CCOO-KHFO-KAII =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CMI-RT-OA" $lmfcom load 0 CMI-RT-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering COBOL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001645 Product Name: COBOL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMAI-PFGF-KNBN-ODLN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading COBOL" $lmfcom load 0 COBOL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering COBOL-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001646 Product Name: COBOL-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MJJP-CNGM-PHOF-PJLB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading COBOL-USER" $lmfcom load 0 COBOL-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering COM-AGNT-BAS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001554 Product Name: COM-AGNT-BAS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ANJJ-MLLO-MLJJ-DKOC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading COM-AGNT-BAS" $lmfcom load 0 COM-AGNT-BAS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering COM-AGNT-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001555 Product Name: COM-AGNT-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DPFD-PIHG-LNJM-MCLH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading COM-AGNT-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 COM-AGNT-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CVE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001556 Product Name: CVE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LELM-GPPD-NJMK-ABBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CVE" $lmfcom load 0 CVE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CVE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001647 Product Name: CVE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-INNC-KLOP-AMFM-ECBI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CVE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 CVE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CXXOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001648 Product Name: CXXOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JNCD-ACJB-MEEO-FDLC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CXXOSF" $lmfcom load 0 CXXOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering CXXOSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001649 Product Name: CXXOSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BFDF-DLEA-ACLG-ACAP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading CXXOSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 CXXOSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DADMIRE-PC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001650 Product Name: DADMIRE-PC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LPME-GMGD-LHPO-GPJG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DADMIRE-PC" $lmfcom load 0 DADMIRE-PC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DADMIRE-PC-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001651 Product Name: DADMIRE-PC-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NGGC-DHIB-KPFI-ALIN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DADMIRE-PC-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DADMIRE-PC-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DADMIRE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001652 Product Name: DADMIRE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CILG-NDPL-BNDA-OMCH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DADMIRE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DADMIRE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DAGN-ACMSXP-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001653 Product Name: DAGN-ACMSXP-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BDFE-LMDE-FHMO-NONK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DAGN-ACMSXP-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 DAGN-ACMSXP-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DAS3964" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001654 Product Name: DAS3964 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MOEG-MPFJ-NOHD-IHAL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DAS3964" $lmfcom load 0 DAS3964 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DASAB-INTER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001655 Product Name: DASAB-INTER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMDM-MBLJ-HGBC-MOOJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DASAB-INTER" $lmfcom load 0 DASAB-INTER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DASAIT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001656 Product Name: DASAIT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBFP-LEMG-PLOB-KEJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DASAIT" $lmfcom load 0 DASAIT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DASWARE-RUN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001657 Product Name: DASWARE-RUN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LIIJ-DANA-DOJC-HLIB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DASWARE-RUN" $lmfcom load 0 DASWARE-RUN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DATA-COL-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001557 Product Name: DATA-COL-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EAPD-BBOI-EJHI-DKIL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DATA-COL-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 DATA-COL-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DATA-DISTRIBUTOR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001658 Product Name: DATA-DISTRIBUTOR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HIKM-ONBP-JCCK-KOGH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DATA-DISTRIBUTOR" $lmfcom load 0 DATA-DISTRIBUTOR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DB-GATEWAY-PCDATA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001659 Product Name: DB-GATEWAY-PCDATA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CFEF-PCPC-MKID-COME =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DB-GATEWAY-PCDATA" $lmfcom load 0 DB-GATEWAY-PCDATA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DB-GATEWAY-SQLNK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001660 Product Name: DB-GATEWAY-SQLNK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AAKI-BELE-DBAD-IBMG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DB-GATEWAY-SQLNK" $lmfcom load 0 DB-GATEWAY-SQLNK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBI-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001661 Product Name: DBI-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-APPE-BAAI-AAOB-ECPP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBI-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 DBI-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBI-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001662 Product Name: DBI-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FFGA-LLDC-AGMP-FGPD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBI-RT" $lmfcom load 0 DBI-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-DT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001663 Product Name: DBUS-DT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FLMM-MEDC-EAEG-BLEL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-DT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-DT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-HIM-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001664 Product Name: DBUS-HIM-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BFDK-LBNK-NDFN-BMJA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-HIM-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-HIM-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-MM-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001665 Product Name: DBUS-MM-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MCBD-PIBP-DPLD-BDDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-MM-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-MM-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-SCRIPT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001666 Product Name: DBUS-SCRIPT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MGON-LBHC-EDMP-CCIH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-SCRIPT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-SCRIPT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-SDK-SCRIPT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001667 Product Name: DBUS-SDK-SCRIPT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LGKJ-KDEN-AAAA-MLEL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-SDK-SCRIPT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-SDK-SCRIPT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-SMP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001668 Product Name: DBUS-SMP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-COLC-NKON-DECA-GJAN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-SMP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-SMP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-TNT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001669 Product Name: DBUS-TNT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HBMK-ODHN-FOFO-OIEN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-TNT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-TNT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DBUS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001670 Product Name: DBUS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IOLJ-ENPE-JBBI-GCHL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DBUS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DBUS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCE-APP-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001671 Product Name: DCE-APP-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GADM-CIDC-CIPP-IKEO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCE-APP-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 DCE-APP-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCE-CDS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001672 Product Name: DCE-CDS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-APCK-GEMG-GENC-CBID =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCE-CDS" $lmfcom load 0 DCE-CDS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCE-PKT-PRIV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001673 Product Name: DCE-PKT-PRIV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GPAB-JGKL-MKFP-OBBA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCE-PKT-PRIV" $lmfcom load 0 DCE-PKT-PRIV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCE-RT-SVC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001558 Product Name: DCE-RT-SVC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MFAK-OMNC-LJFF-NEBI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCE-RT-SVC" $lmfcom load 0 DCE-RT-SVC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCSO-ADMIN-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001674 Product Name: DCSO-ADMIN-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KJAE-EHGL-FNBO-JNOP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCSO-ADMIN-UA" $lmfcom load 0 DCSO-ADMIN-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCSO-CLIENT-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001675 Product Name: DCSO-CLIENT-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CKDL-DHPN-JBDK-IENL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCSO-CLIENT-UA" $lmfcom load 0 DCSO-CLIENT-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DCSO-SERVER-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001676 Product Name: DCSO-SERVER-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OHCH-GKDI-EEGH-HKPI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DCSO-SERVER-UA" $lmfcom load 0 DCSO-SERVER-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DDU-BASE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001677 Product Name: DDU-BASE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EPGJ-BHBK-BHJD-ENAE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DDU-BASE" $lmfcom load 0 DDU-BASE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001678 Product Name: DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HNBB-IOAN-MFMB-OHIN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001679 Product Name: DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PPKP-NBBK-IGOE-HJKB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-OSI-DSA-CLT-OSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001680 Product Name: DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CPAH-KIKP-MJKM-JLKB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001681 Product Name: DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AOHF-APIJ-CJAM-FEBE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-OSI-DSA-SVR-OSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001682 Product Name: DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MNPK-NHEJ-EECC-INMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001683 Product Name: DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NACN-GEIC-PLDH-BGPA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-PATROL-RUNTIME-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DEC-PATROL-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001684 Product Name: DEC-PATROL-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PNFI-DNCE-FPBD-ABIH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DEC-PATROL-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 DEC-PATROL-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECATHENA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001559 Product Name: DECATHENA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PBLK-CNGI-CCGJ-HMHN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECATHENA" $lmfcom load 0 DECATHENA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECATHENA-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001685 Product Name: DECATHENA-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LIME-DPCA-DJLF-PKAO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECATHENA-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECATHENA-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECELX-68K" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001686 Product Name: DECELX-68K Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FDLE-BPOA-OEJF-FHPN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECELX-68K" $lmfcom load 0 DECELX-68K # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECELX-MIPS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001687 Product Name: DECELX-MIPS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FGJD-FMNM-OKHC-KIEG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECELX-MIPS" $lmfcom load 0 DECELX-MIPS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECELX-TOOLS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001688 Product Name: DECELX-TOOLS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ABBK-FHHC-HJEJ-LKDN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECELX-TOOLS" $lmfcom load 0 DECELX-TOOLS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECFIS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001689 Product Name: DECFIS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DLDK-JNMH-BICJ-MCJE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECFIS" $lmfcom load 0 DECFIS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECIMAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001690 Product Name: DECIMAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EPLL-LFPK-GLKH-PAJD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECIMAGE" $lmfcom load 0 DECIMAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECIMAGE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001691 Product Name: DECIMAGE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-APIL-FELM-CPIK-BKPE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECIMAGE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECIMAGE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECINSPECT-CM" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001560 Product Name: DECINSPECT-CM Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LJLO-EEOA-KILL-GPBC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECINSPECT-CM" $lmfcom load 0 DECINSPECT-CM # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECINSPECT-CM-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001692 Product Name: DECINSPECT-CM-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OEHH-OCFJ-FMMJ-GEND =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECINSPECT-CM-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 DECINSPECT-CM-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-BMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001561 Product Name: DECMCC-BMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EHIN-EPPP-LAPK-BBDI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-BMS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-BMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001562 Product Name: DECMCC-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EHPE-KNED-CPDE-GEID =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-CS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-DEV-TK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001563 Product Name: DECMCC-DEV-TK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBFL-KPCI-KCMD-GJLA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-DEV-TK" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-DEV-TK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-DIRECTOR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001564 Product Name: DECMCC-DIRECTOR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LJHC-GMKK-EEIL-IPII =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-DIRECTOR" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-DIRECTOR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-ELM-AM-U" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001565 Product Name: DECMCC-ELM-AM-U Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AAHM-GEEC-DMGL-OPNC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-ELM-AM-U" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-ELM-AM-U # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-ELM-FM-U" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001693 Product Name: DECMCC-ELM-FM-U Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DCNJ-OPDC-CCFB-NJIP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-ELM-FM-U" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-ELM-FM-U # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-FDS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001566 Product Name: DECMCC-FDS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JILP-NCAO-HEON-FCEI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-FDS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-FDS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-HS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001567 Product Name: DECMCC-HS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DBAF-KGOF-DFBI-GCHM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-HS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-HS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-MSU-RISC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001694 Product Name: DECMCC-MSU-RISC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LNHH-JCJB-GMOJ-JDAE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-MSU-RISC" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-MSU-RISC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-MSU-RISC-J" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001695 Product Name: DECMCC-MSU-RISC-J Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GJHJ-DJKF-EMIJ-MABL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-MSU-RISC-J" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-MSU-RISC-J # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-MSU-ULANA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001696 Product Name: DECMCC-MSU-ULANA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CBLG-GJEP-LHJE-KGKM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-MSU-ULANA" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-MSU-ULANA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-MSU-VAX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001697 Product Name: DECMCC-MSU-VAX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JIIL-IKHG-OHLO-GGNL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-MSU-VAX" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-MSU-VAX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-NS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001568 Product Name: DECMCC-NS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GEEH-BMNE-DMEE-LJGJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-NS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-NS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMCC-PS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001569 Product Name: DECMCC-PS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KMPA-BKGL-AJCM-MFOF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMCC-PS" $lmfcom load 0 DECMCC-PS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECMIGRATE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001698 Product Name: DECMIGRATE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GJGB-IIGK-GGHE-GHOO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECMIGRATE" $lmfcom load 0 DECMIGRATE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNDU-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001699 Product Name: DECNDU-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IMOO-OKPP-LJPF-IPAK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNDU-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DECNDU-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNDU-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001700 Product Name: DECNDU-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PJGF-OEBI-JPFM-BIEM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNDU-UV" $lmfcom load 0 DECNDU-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNET-OSI-END" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001570 Product Name: DECNET-OSI-END Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GNLE-EFCE-EFFI-HEBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNET-OSI-END" $lmfcom load 0 DECNET-OSI-END # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNET-OSI-EXT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001701 Product Name: DECNET-OSI-EXT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CHMD-BKLP-EPJF-EJIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNET-OSI-EXT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNET-OSI-EXT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNET-ULTRIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001571 Product Name: DECNET-ULTRIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OFLL-LDEE-MPFI-CACE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNET-ULTRIX" $lmfcom load 0 DECNET-ULTRIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001702 Product Name: DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CFBM-IIIP-INNA-LDMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001703 Product Name: DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OHMO-KAHK-ECGP-JHAD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001704 Product Name: DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHOF-OGEA-NGEP-KNNN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-CLUST-SVR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001705 Product Name: DECNSR-CLUST-SVR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMAP-NIDA-EFAG-BDMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-CLUST-SVR" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-CLUST-SVR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-DBMI-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001706 Product Name: DECNSR-DBMI-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NMON-IJAG-FPIC-NIHM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-DBMI-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-DBMI-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-DMO-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001707 Product Name: DECNSR-DMO-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHFE-FMHF-OBFK-KACA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-DMO-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-DMO-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-NET-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001708 Product Name: DECNSR-NET-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JJIM-FFNL-ODIF-JGDG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-NET-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-NET-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-NET-SVR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001709 Product Name: DECNSR-NET-SVR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EMFB-MNCI-JPEO-CKIL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-NET-SVR" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-NET-SVR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-PC-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001710 Product Name: DECNSR-PC-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JGPO-CFDO-OMBN-KLLD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-PC-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-PC-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SAP-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001711 Product Name: DECNSR-SAP-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DKII-DGOM-HKIC-CAOD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SAP-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SAP-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SINGLE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001712 Product Name: DECNSR-SINGLE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FPHH-HGFA-IEHJ-HCFO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SINGLE" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SINGLE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SRV-ARCH" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001713 Product Name: DECNSR-SRV-ARCH Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DDKD-DLBB-LGAK-MIMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SRV-ARCH" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SRV-ARCH # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SRV-EXCH" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001714 Product Name: DECNSR-SRV-EXCH Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FAKN-GIHN-NANG-PEDC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SRV-EXCH" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SRV-EXCH # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SRV-HSM" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001715 Product Name: DECNSR-SRV-HSM Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LBKF-OLKG-IMHC-BHDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SRV-HSM" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SRV-HSM # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SSC-SVR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001716 Product Name: DECNSR-SSC-SVR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HGDM-BBOG-HEEM-IBIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SSC-SVR" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SSC-SVR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECNSR-SVR-SQL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001717 Product Name: DECNSR-SVR-SQL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KHJF-KIFH-OCDH-IHHG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECNSR-SVR-SQL" $lmfcom load 0 DECNSR-SVR-SQL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECODB-APPL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001718 Product Name: DECODB-APPL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IPKF-HMIG-LFFO-FOOP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECODB-APPL" $lmfcom load 0 DECODB-APPL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECODB-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001719 Product Name: DECODB-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ENHO-KAOK-CMPK-ACMD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECODB-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 DECODB-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECODB-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001720 Product Name: DECODB-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMMM-KHCB-NDEC-JGPM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECODB-RT" $lmfcom load 0 DECODB-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECODB-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001721 Product Name: DECODB-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOPD-CNEF-FHDF-CMFM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECODB-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECODB-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOMNI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001722 Product Name: DECOMNI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DOGG-KCDB-MPHC-DHIL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOMNI" $lmfcom load 0 DECOMNI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOMNI-API" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001723 Product Name: DECOMNI-API Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CGBO-AIPK-EOIO-HAFG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOMNI-API" $lmfcom load 0 DECOMNI-API # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOMNI-MMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001724 Product Name: DECOMNI-MMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PIEH-BMOE-DCJK-LGJF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOMNI-MMS" $lmfcom load 0 DECOMNI-MMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001725 Product Name: DECOSAP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NIEP-EMHD-FHIH-BIEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP-AP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001726 Product Name: DECOSAP-AP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PEAA-MLBB-JNMC-IAEO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP-AP" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP-AP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP-AP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001727 Product Name: DECOSAP-AP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FDFH-BGMA-DDAH-LGJD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP-AP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP-AP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP-H1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001728 Product Name: DECOSAP-H1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HOJB-IHLJ-AKPF-NMBN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP-H1" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP-H1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP-H1-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001729 Product Name: DECOSAP-H1-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KGPH-EEOM-JPLA-LOEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP-H1-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP-H1-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECOSAP-S7" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001730 Product Name: DECOSAP-S7 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ANBL-NCCD-LBKG-ICHN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECOSAP-S7" $lmfcom load 0 DECOSAP-S7 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECPLAN-CL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001731 Product Name: DECPLAN-CL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMDM-PCHI-BOKC-OPJB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECPLAN-CL" $lmfcom load 0 DECPLAN-CL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECPLAN-CL-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001732 Product Name: DECPLAN-CL-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOBL-KFLN-BADD-GMOK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECPLAN-CL-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECPLAN-CL-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECPLAN-TM-CL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001733 Product Name: DECPLAN-TM-CL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PBCF-LDHD-GECG-ADPE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECPLAN-TM-CL" $lmfcom load 0 DECPLAN-TM-CL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECPLAN-TM-CL-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001734 Product Name: DECPLAN-TM-CL-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JIAL-IGBD-BOGJ-JHFA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECPLAN-TM-CL-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECPLAN-TM-CL-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECQUERY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001735 Product Name: DECQUERY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MEAA-APAA-OKPD-BOFE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECQUERY" $lmfcom load 0 DECQUERY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECQUERY-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001736 Product Name: DECQUERY-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DJEI-EEFL-MANO-NLHF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECQUERY-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECQUERY-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001737 Product Name: DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EOEC-DBAJ-LJOB-AKHE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA-USR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001738 Product Name: DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA-USR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-APEP-BJCO-NMNO-KNCF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA-USR" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-OA-USR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001739 Product Name: DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NEAC-FCAJ-IJIA-EOFN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSDISTRIBUTOR-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSDISTRIBUTR-UR-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001740 Product Name: DECRBSDISTRIBUTR-UR-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OMBF-FPMD-KADJ-FEAB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSDISTRIBUTR-UR-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSDISTRIBUTR-UR-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSMONITOR-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001741 Product Name: DECRBSMONITOR-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBAA-AHJI-GKDM-AJIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSMONITOR-OA" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSMONITOR-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSMONITOR-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001742 Product Name: DECRBSMONITOR-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EKKM-HJHG-BCIC-ILBG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSMONITOR-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSMONITOR-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSTRANSMITTER-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001743 Product Name: DECRBSTRANSMITTER-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DKGI-IIAO-MDPG-ILDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSTRANSMITTER-OA" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSTRANSMITTER-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECRBSTRANSMITTER-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001744 Product Name: DECRBSTRANSMITTER-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LALC-DLAH-NJBM-NDKF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECRBSTRANSMITTER-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DECRBSTRANSMITTER-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSCHEDULER-CLNT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001745 Product Name: DECSCHEDULER-CLNT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ABKG-JPKK-GFPF-CGOJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSCHEDULER-CLNT" $lmfcom load 0 DECSCHEDULER-CLNT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSCHEDULER-EXEC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001746 Product Name: DECSCHEDULER-EXEC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JOGG-GNKN-KLHL-OLEO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSCHEDULER-EXEC" $lmfcom load 0 DECSCHEDULER-EXEC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSPIN-AUD-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001747 Product Name: DECSPIN-AUD-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CNAL-GDCL-DEGK-IOEG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSPIN-AUD-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 DECSPIN-AUD-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSPIN-VID-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001748 Product Name: DECSPIN-VID-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBNK-JEDP-LKLF-AAHE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSPIN-VID-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 DECSPIN-VID-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-1S41-C" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001749 Product Name: DECSS7-1S41-C Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NNHA-LJHA-BDNJ-HAGA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-1S41-C" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-1S41-C # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001750 Product Name: DECSS7-BEP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DBMM-EDFM-JDBM-BKKJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEP" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEP-ANSI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001751 Product Name: DECSS7-BEP-ANSI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KEKO-IADB-FBID-ANID =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEP-ANSI" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEP-ANSI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEP-FT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001752 Product Name: DECSS7-BEP-FT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FPIL-KKMJ-BACN-ODJG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEP-FT" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEP-FT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEP-ITU" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001753 Product Name: DECSS7-BEP-ITU Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KANO-IIBG-GDHJ-NAFA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEP-ITU" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEP-ITU # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEP-TTC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001754 Product Name: DECSS7-BEP-TTC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MGLJ-IEKJ-KDBK-KJJD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEP-TTC" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEP-TTC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEPI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001755 Product Name: DECSS7-BEPI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MMHD-HKLD-IFGF-FKDE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEPI" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEPI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEPISUP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001756 Product Name: DECSS7-BEPISUP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NBHI-EFIG-IDAF-PBMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEPISUP" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEPISUP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEPISUP-ANSI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001757 Product Name: DECSS7-BEPISUP-ANSI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FHNL-AJPK-KMOJ-OMLP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEPISUP-ANSI" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEPISUP-ANSI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEPL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001758 Product Name: DECSS7-BEPL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JGMK-KFLH-CADF-FDAO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEPL" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEPL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-BEPM" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001759 Product Name: DECSS7-BEPM Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FIHF-IGAE-LMLB-KHGJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-BEPM" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-BEPM # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-FEP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001760 Product Name: DECSS7-FEP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HPFO-NCMK-PGDI-PMBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-FEP" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-FEP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-FEP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001761 Product Name: DECSS7-FEP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OCBI-MHOB-MMGM-PNFE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-FEP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-FEP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-IS41-C" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001762 Product Name: DECSS7-IS41-C Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LHMO-CAKH-FLNK-IFAE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-IS41-C" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-IS41-C # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-SNMP-ISUP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001763 Product Name: DECSS7-SNMP-ISUP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CNKO-IKOM-GJMI-NPIE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-SNMP-ISUP" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-SNMP-ISUP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECSS7-SNMP-SS7" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001764 Product Name: DECSS7-SNMP-SS7 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KKFH-KNBE-LONH-LEBF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECSS7-SNMP-SS7" $lmfcom load 0 DECSS7-SNMP-SS7 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTALK-SW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001765 Product Name: DECTALK-SW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AJPC-HGLA-OFLO-HCLK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTALK-SW" $lmfcom load 0 DECTALK-SW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTALK-SW-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001766 Product Name: DECTALK-SW-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EBLK-KJEN-NNDM-MJJB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTALK-SW-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECTALK-SW-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTALK-SW97-INT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001767 Product Name: DECTALK-SW97-INT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IDIP-DAGE-GIBI-ODHJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTALK-SW97-INT" $lmfcom load 0 DECTALK-SW97-INT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTALK-SW97-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001768 Product Name: DECTALK-SW97-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JPHK-MJGK-GCJC-NKDD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTALK-SW97-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECTALK-SW97-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTPU" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001572 Product Name: DECTPU Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FJKF-KPIP-LPDB-GEBF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTPU" $lmfcom load 0 DECTPU # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTPU-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001769 Product Name: DECTPU-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FGFJ-GJGK-LLAD-AEKH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTPU-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECTPU-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECTRACE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001770 Product Name: DECTRACE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JIMJ-FHCC-IEIL-EOGN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECTRACE" $lmfcom load 0 DECTRACE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECVIEW3D" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001573 Product Name: DECVIEW3D Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KJBL-NIBC-JEBN-KHIJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECVIEW3D" $lmfcom load 0 DECVIEW3D # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECVIEW3D-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001771 Product Name: DECVIEW3D-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FBGH-DDIO-GCKP-JDOO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECVIEW3D-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DECVIEW3D-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECWRITE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001772 Product Name: DECWRITE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FANB-COLK-BAEN-JNLC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECWRITE" $lmfcom load 0 DECWRITE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECWRITE-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001773 Product Name: DECWRITE-UI-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MDLF-GFNO-JDEI-BFNH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECWRITE-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 DECWRITE-UI-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DECWRITE-USER-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001774 Product Name: DECWRITE-USER-UI-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FMMK-PKAC-BBMO-JFJE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DECWRITE-USER-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 DECWRITE-USER-UI-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DESKTOP-ACMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001775 Product Name: DESKTOP-ACMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FIAP-IFPF-HBGE-JOAH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DESKTOP-ACMS" $lmfcom load 0 DESKTOP-ACMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DESKTOP-ACMS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001776 Product Name: DESKTOP-ACMS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NPFF-EFKM-PEBI-JDHA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DESKTOP-ACMS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DESKTOP-ACMS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DFW-BASE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001777 Product Name: DFW-BASE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LDDC-JKAN-BJPP-KLDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DFW-BASE" $lmfcom load 0 DFW-BASE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DIGITAL-AUTHENT-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001778 Product Name: DIGITAL-AUTHENT-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJEG-KBOB-GDOP-EDPD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DIGITAL-AUTHENT-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 DIGITAL-AUTHENT-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DIRECTORY-ASSISTANT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001779 Product Name: DIRECTORY-ASSISTANT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AAMN-NFGC-HMLJ-PLAJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DIRECTORY-ASSISTANT" $lmfcom load 0 DIRECTORY-ASSISTANT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DISK-SHADOW-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001780 Product Name: DISK-SHADOW-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JKHE-GPNK-ADKG-ILME =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DISK-SHADOW-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DISK-SHADOW-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DISK-SHADOW-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001781 Product Name: DISK-SHADOW-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CEIL-PNDN-IJKM-EPON =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DISK-SHADOW-UV" $lmfcom load 0 DISK-SHADOW-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DMQ-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001782 Product Name: DMQ-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MFOD-NABB-DKMJ-LDJN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DMQ-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 DMQ-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DMQ-RTO" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001783 Product Name: DMQ-RTO Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EOCI-LDNF-CGFD-PIAJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DMQ-RTO" $lmfcom load 0 DMQ-RTO # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DMQ-RTO-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001784 Product Name: DMQ-RTO-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CHBC-EDNG-KIKE-GHIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DMQ-RTO-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DMQ-RTO-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DMQ-RTO-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001785 Product Name: DMQ-RTO-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MFBI-PCEA-KHEA-MDGJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DMQ-RTO-UV" $lmfcom load 0 DMQ-RTO-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DRV1W-ULTRIX-RISC" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001574 Product Name: DRV1W-ULTRIX-RISC Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FBNF-MDEL-NMMB-KKNI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DRV1W-ULTRIX-RISC" $lmfcom load 0 DRV1W-ULTRIX-RISC # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DRV1W-ULTRIX-VAX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001575 Product Name: DRV1W-ULTRIX-VAX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DEOK-MKBM-FLMF-LLNN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DRV1W-ULTRIX-VAX" $lmfcom load 0 DRV1W-ULTRIX-VAX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSF-SRV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001576 Product Name: DSF-SRV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ONDE-HMNM-JKMF-GLLJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSF-SRV" $lmfcom load 0 DSF-SRV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSM" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001786 Product Name: DSM Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CCGP-JDOI-JONG-GGCA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSM" $lmfcom load 0 DSM # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSM-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001787 Product Name: DSM-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HCLP-BKPD-BIMO-HLHE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSM-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 DSM-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSM-JAPANESE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001788 Product Name: DSM-JAPANESE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GGJF-KBFG-JAAJ-CEJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSM-JAPANESE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DSM-JAPANESE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSM-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001789 Product Name: DSM-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BNCB-BDBG-FBML-LKPA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSM-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DSM-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSO-AOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001790 Product Name: DSO-AOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NMCN-NPGP-BEPK-BFKN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSO-AOSF" $lmfcom load 0 DSO-AOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DSRS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001791 Product Name: DSRS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HNDK-DJKG-NHFH-GABH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DSRS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DSRS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DTF-FOR-DIGITAL-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001792 Product Name: DTF-FOR-DIGITAL-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KBCD-BCHD-AFIH-NLJO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DTF-FOR-DIGITAL-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 DTF-FOR-DIGITAL-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DVI-INT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001793 Product Name: DVI-INT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LHLP-ABAB-LJOF-KAHK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DVI-INT" $lmfcom load 0 DVI-INT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-4125-EMULATOR-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001794 Product Name: DW-4125-EMULATOR-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CGDH-FDMI-AOBP-GEJK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-4125-EMULATOR-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DW-4125-EMULATOR-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-4125-EMULATOR-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001795 Product Name: DW-4125-EMULATOR-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EOGB-ADLH-KJCF-BKJB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-4125-EMULATOR-UV" $lmfcom load 0 DW-4125-EMULATOR-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-F6680-TE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001796 Product Name: DW-F6680-TE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JIEG-CKEO-HMJA-FJHL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-F6680-TE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DW-F6680-TE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-J-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001797 Product Name: DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-J-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-INGB-IAHD-HFLG-CDFM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-J-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-J-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001798 Product Name: DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IBOF-KCGD-PJAO-CBHP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 DW-FNA-6680-TE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-H560-TE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001799 Product Name: DW-H560-TE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ONID-EDEE-MMDA-PLPE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-H560-TE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 DW-H560-TE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-MOTIF-UI-HEBREW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001800 Product Name: DW-MOTIF-UI-HEBREW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KLIG-GEME-KNME-IFLM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-MOTIF-UI-HEBREW" $lmfcom load 0 DW-MOTIF-UI-HEBREW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001801 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DFNP-CEAC-KPNJ-BBDN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANGUL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001802 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANGUL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CINE-KDKF-AHHA-MGKB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANGUL" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANGUL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANYU" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001803 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANYU Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ACHB-GAGM-FOCC-HAAO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANYU" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-HANYU # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001804 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HDGN-JJAI-GKAC-KIKI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001805 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FICP-OKNA-FNCL-KFKN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-USER" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-OA-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DW-SNA-3270-TE-UR-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001806 Product Name: DW-SNA-3270-TE-UR-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HDPF-AIDD-OIKG-HOAF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DW-SNA-3270-TE-UR-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 DW-SNA-3270-TE-UR-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DWATCHDOGMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001807 Product Name: DWATCHDOGMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PNEM-LBKL-PKIL-FIFD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DWATCHDOGMS" $lmfcom load 0 DWATCHDOGMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering DWATCHDOGMS-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001808 Product Name: DWATCHDOGMS-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ILIN-EIHI-BCEA-IGCJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading DWATCHDOGMS-OA" $lmfcom load 0 DWATCHDOGMS-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDCS-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001577 Product Name: EDCS-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FHHP-BGIO-CBOP-GCIH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDCS-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 EDCS-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-APP-SERV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001809 Product Name: EDI-APP-SERV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HFKB-NCPC-JJEF-EGOB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-APP-SERV" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-APP-SERV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-BISYNC-PACKAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001810 Product Name: EDI-BISYNC-PACKAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LPAN-NMIP-LNNL-GCAH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-BISYNC-PACKAGE" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-BISYNC-PACKAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-BISYNC-SERV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001811 Product Name: EDI-BISYNC-SERV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KFJE-AOHI-BHGH-JKBG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-BISYNC-SERV" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-BISYNC-SERV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-COMCEN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001812 Product Name: EDI-COMCEN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JKKL-AEKP-AHHL-LOOG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-COMCEN" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-COMCEN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001813 Product Name: EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMMP-HLAK-PPFL-CNHH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-OFTP-SERV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001814 Product Name: EDI-OFTP-SERV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBAL-MJBF-LHJG-DIOD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-OFTP-SERV" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-OFTP-SERV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001815 Product Name: EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KPLB-KDOI-MHCF-MNGP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-SMTP-SERV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001816 Product Name: EDI-SMTP-SERV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EFGB-DEEO-NHIN-JJIB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-SMTP-SERV" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-SMTP-SERV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-X400-PACKAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001817 Product Name: EDI-X400-PACKAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BPID-PCNE-BHKP-DPHO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-X400-PACKAGE" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-X400-PACKAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EDI-X400-SERV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001818 Product Name: EDI-X400-SERV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJFA-OKPA-NJGH-LBED =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EDI-X400-SERV" $lmfcom load 0 EDI-X400-SERV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ETK-GE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001819 Product Name: ETK-GE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GFMA-ONNP-NKGB-HBNG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ETK-GE" $lmfcom load 0 ETK-GE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ETK-GE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001820 Product Name: ETK-GE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EGEJ-COPH-DIKE-HEPA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ETK-GE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ETK-GE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ETK-SK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001821 Product Name: ETK-SK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FLJP-DDKG-JKIP-CMCP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ETK-SK" $lmfcom load 0 ETK-SK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ETK-SK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001822 Product Name: ETK-SK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KDDO-BBGK-LIPB-HJHE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ETK-SK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 ETK-SK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EXT-MATH-LIB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001823 Product Name: EXT-MATH-LIB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KACL-LJJP-KNLA-HPNC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EXT-MATH-LIB" $lmfcom load 0 EXT-MATH-LIB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EXT-MATH-LIB-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001824 Product Name: EXT-MATH-LIB-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DKGH-MLPG-BMPI-PMDD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EXT-MATH-LIB-RT" $lmfcom load 0 EXT-MATH-LIB-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering EXT-MATH-LIB-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001578 Product Name: EXT-MATH-LIB-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KGDH-ENFP-LIIF-CGOA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading EXT-MATH-LIB-UV" $lmfcom load 0 EXT-MATH-LIB-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FAILOVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001579 Product Name: FAILOVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IPOJ-JACP-DADI-LJCM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FAILOVER" $lmfcom load 0 FAILOVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FBEOS-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001825 Product Name: FBEOS-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JAMH-LEFH-HDNM-CEMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FBEOS-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 FBEOS-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FBEOS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001826 Product Name: FBEOS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MBAG-GLFM-CEMB-KLEJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FBEOS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 FBEOS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FNA-6680-DSPI-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001827 Product Name: FNA-6680-DSPI-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BDDE-FEBF-IFDI-OLJM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FNA-6680-DSPI-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 FNA-6680-DSPI-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001828 Product Name: FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FBAM-EOEL-BEOA-EDME =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001829 Product Name: FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BHHG-IMMP-PCEC-INBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001830 Product Name: FNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NMAO-MMJK-DJPO-HLMF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 FNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001580 Product Name: FORMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EKIH-CJCO-JFLI-GKIG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORMS" $lmfcom load 0 FORMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORMS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001581 Product Name: FORMS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FMDL-MMPG-GIBH-EHMP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORMS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 FORMS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORMS-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001831 Product Name: FORMS-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OMGM-KKAH-PIAF-OHBH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORMS-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FORMS-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001832 Product Name: FORTE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BCOE-FIJO-ACAM-IEML =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTE" $lmfcom load 0 FORTE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTRAN-HPO-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001582 Product Name: FORTRAN-HPO-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AGFC-OOFD-DPMF-BJAN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTRAN-HPO-UV" $lmfcom load 0 FORTRAN-HPO-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTRAN-O" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001833 Product Name: FORTRAN-O Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KHMF-HCJF-JHBC-JHIM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTRAN-O" $lmfcom load 0 FORTRAN-O # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTRAN-O-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001834 Product Name: FORTRAN-O-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NNMB-ECFI-DKPP-AOON =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTRAN-O-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FORTRAN-O-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTRAN90-O" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001835 Product Name: FORTRAN90-O Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NFJG-MJPF-DHKL-MOHO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTRAN90-O" $lmfcom load 0 FORTRAN90-O # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FORTRAN90-O-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001836 Product Name: FORTRAN90-O-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NEHC-NFEJ-BMLH-CKPG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FORTRAN90-O-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FORTRAN90-O-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FS-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001837 Product Name: FS-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HGHE-CBDB-GGJA-HONJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FS-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 FS-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FS-CLIENT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001583 Product Name: FS-CLIENT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LNAK-GFCP-GGHE-PGFP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FS-CLIENT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 FS-CLIENT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FS-USER-INTERFACE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001838 Product Name: FS-USER-INTERFACE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KDEA-CHFL-AFLK-LMIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FS-USER-INTERFACE" $lmfcom load 0 FS-USER-INTERFACE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FS-USER-INTERFACE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001584 Product Name: FS-USER-INTERFACE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EDOJ-KKIA-HNBA-DLOI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FS-USER-INTERFACE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 FS-USER-INTERFACE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FTSO" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001839 Product Name: FTSO Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NJCA-OGNG-LION-NLAE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FTSO" $lmfcom load 0 FTSO # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001840 Product Name: FUSE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ELAE-NGGL-PLGO-GMOK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-ADA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001841 Product Name: FUSE-ADA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DBFP-FOCP-NKMA-MMFA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-ADA" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-ADA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-ADA-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001842 Product Name: FUSE-ADA-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GFGD-FLPK-PHFA-LIDB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-ADA-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-ADA-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-C" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001843 Product Name: FUSE-C Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JHMB-HOJM-BELO-DFNA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-C" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-C # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-C-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001844 Product Name: FUSE-C-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KKPM-PEJM-NLDM-PHMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-C-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-C-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-DECCXX-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001845 Product Name: FUSE-DECCXX-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OECO-LLLH-DLOD-AGIN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-DECCXX-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-DECCXX-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-ENC-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001846 Product Name: FUSE-ENC-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OPOE-KGML-MDIN-GDLP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-ENC-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-ENC-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001847 Product Name: FUSE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JFHJ-CMBH-HENI-FDJC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering FUSE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001848 Product Name: FUSE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JJGI-EENM-HONA-AACM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading FUSE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 FUSE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001849 Product Name: GKS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BHKK-CMHK-HKDF-FDGP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS" $lmfcom load 0 GKS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001850 Product Name: GKS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LFCO-DCDH-ODCE-BALJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 GKS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS-RT-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001851 Product Name: GKS-RT-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ALEI-PGAP-BCNL-ADAP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS-RT-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 GKS-RT-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001852 Product Name: GKS-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OGBH-LGIG-ELJJ-KKHB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 GKS-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS-RT-USER-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001853 Product Name: GKS-RT-USER-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EOAJ-DGGN-LDJC-FFCE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS-RT-USER-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 GKS-RT-USER-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering GKS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001854 Product Name: GKS-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CHCJ-NAFE-PKBE-MLIB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading GKS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 GKS-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering HEALTHVIEWCONNECTIVITY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001855 Product Name: HEALTHVIEWCONNECTIVITY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HOEG-GLMJ-LNIL-KMAD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading HEALTHVIEWCONNECTIVITY" $lmfcom load 0 HEALTHVIEWCONNECTIVITY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering HUBWATCH-FOR-MSU" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001856 Product Name: HUBWATCH-FOR-MSU Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IGEA-BIKP-CJMF-HDCM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading HUBWATCH-FOR-MSU" $lmfcom load 0 HUBWATCH-FOR-MSU # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering HUBWATCH-FOR-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001857 Product Name: HUBWATCH-FOR-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LKJJ-NBHD-CJFA-MJIB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading HUBWATCH-FOR-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 HUBWATCH-FOR-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering IMAGE-OCR-SERV-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001858 Product Name: IMAGE-OCR-SERV-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LHFN-BMGL-PCKP-BJON =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading IMAGE-OCR-SERV-UR" $lmfcom load 0 IMAGE-OCR-SERV-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering INT-ELEC-LOCKER-ADMIN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001859 Product Name: INT-ELEC-LOCKER-ADMIN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJDP-FJGP-AHOM-ALLK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading INT-ELEC-LOCKER-ADMIN" $lmfcom load 0 INT-ELEC-LOCKER-ADMIN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering INT-TUNNEL-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001860 Product Name: INT-TUNNEL-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MBCM-HNGH-CGJJ-FMNI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading INT-TUNNEL-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 INT-TUNNEL-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering INTEGRITY-MLS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001861 Product Name: INTEGRITY-MLS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MGPH-JFLM-HJAP-MEDK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading INTEGRITY-MLS" $lmfcom load 0 INTEGRITY-MLS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering INTEGRITY-ULTRIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001862 Product Name: INTEGRITY-ULTRIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KHNP-FFBD-KPOJ-JEJO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading INTEGRITY-ULTRIX" $lmfcom load 0 INTEGRITY-ULTRIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering INTEGRITY-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001863 Product Name: INTEGRITY-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHCC-OEMN-BKJM-FMBH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading INTEGRITY-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 INTEGRITY-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering IP-FAULT-MANAGER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001864 Product Name: IP-FAULT-MANAGER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DIIF-JGJC-DHDP-PCKL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading IP-FAULT-MANAGER" $lmfcom load 0 IP-FAULT-MANAGER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering IUL-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001865 Product Name: IUL-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FMMF-GHIG-NGMB-CFNH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading IUL-UR" $lmfcom load 0 IUL-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering IUL-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001866 Product Name: IUL-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ACEJ-AIHA-AIEH-DJOC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading IUL-UV" $lmfcom load 0 IUL-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering JUKEBOX-TIER-1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001867 Product Name: JUKEBOX-TIER-1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHCN-KHDP-AMBI-JDDF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading JUKEBOX-TIER-1" $lmfcom load 0 JUKEBOX-TIER-1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering JUKEBOX-TIER-2" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001868 Product Name: JUKEBOX-TIER-2 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IAMC-ALOI-FBJO-PBLE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading JUKEBOX-TIER-2" $lmfcom load 0 JUKEBOX-TIER-2 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering JUKEBOX-TIER-3" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001869 Product Name: JUKEBOX-TIER-3 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MGNB-JLMG-HPCI-LDIC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading JUKEBOX-TIER-3" $lmfcom load 0 JUKEBOX-TIER-3 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering LPS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001870 Product Name: LPS-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJGL-PGBB-CDAL-JDHI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading LPS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 LPS-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering LSM-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001871 Product Name: LSM-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ABLP-IKHK-BEMN-MDBO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading LSM-OA" $lmfcom load 0 LSM-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILBUS-400-API" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001585 Product Name: MAILBUS-400-API Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OOON-IJLK-BKKD-NNPB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILBUS-400-API" $lmfcom load 0 MAILBUS-400-API # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILBUS-400-MTA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001872 Product Name: MAILBUS-400-MTA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DPFF-IJOO-MABC-CEEC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILBUS-400-MTA" $lmfcom load 0 MAILBUS-400-MTA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILBUS-VIEW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001586 Product Name: MAILBUS-VIEW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GPBD-FOEJ-EAMI-NIPK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILBUS-VIEW" $lmfcom load 0 MAILBUS-VIEW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILBUS-VIEW-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001873 Product Name: MAILBUS-VIEW-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IKAD-DAMI-JAHF-MJJC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILBUS-VIEW-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MAILBUS-VIEW-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILWORKS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001874 Product Name: MAILWORKS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOIG-EIOE-HIMG-DAOE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILWORKS" $lmfcom load 0 MAILWORKS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILWORKS-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001587 Product Name: MAILWORKS-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NCNK-PDIN-JLEP-BNEJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILWORKS-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 MAILWORKS-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILWORKS-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001875 Product Name: MAILWORKS-CLIENT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FKIG-JHJC-CKAK-KDBO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILWORKS-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MAILWORKS-CLIENT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MAILWORKS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001876 Product Name: MAILWORKS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EBAB-NLNC-AMBL-PKID =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MAILWORKS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MAILWORKS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MB400-MSG-STORE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001877 Product Name: MB400-MSG-STORE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBJA-OJDG-EHBF-MCAN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MB400-MSG-STORE" $lmfcom load 0 MB400-MSG-STORE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MB400-MSG-STORE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001878 Product Name: MB400-MSG-STORE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EOFP-FBMA-FJGH-PEPH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MB400-MSG-STORE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MB400-MSG-STORE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MCA-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001879 Product Name: MCA-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ABHO-KLMG-PJLA-FDCE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MCA-UA" $lmfcom load 0 MCA-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001588 Product Name: MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MOPO-MDBM-OOOL-GMGM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH" $lmfcom load 0 MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001880 Product Name: MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BIFD-CHOM-JMIP-GAPH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MEDIAIMPACT-AUTH-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MEDIAIMPACT-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001589 Product Name: MEDIAIMPACT-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HOPG-NAHJ-AIKM-CBKG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MEDIAIMPACT-RT" $lmfcom load 0 MEDIAIMPACT-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MEDIAIMPACT-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001881 Product Name: MEDIAIMPACT-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HFBO-EHON-JMPK-AFMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MEDIAIMPACT-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MEDIAIMPACT-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MFCOBOL-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001882 Product Name: MFCOBOL-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DEII-OBAM-CGEJ-CGAO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MFCOBOL-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MFCOBOL-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MFOSX-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001883 Product Name: MFOSX-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBGM-NEBJ-FELG-ADFK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MFOSX-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MFOSX-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MLS-PLUS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001884 Product Name: MLS-PLUS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FNKH-HKGP-IEEA-OHBM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MLS-PLUS" $lmfcom load 0 MLS-PLUS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MMS-DK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001885 Product Name: MMS-DK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ECED-HEPN-GLJK-OECN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MMS-DK" $lmfcom load 0 MMS-DK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MMS-DK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001886 Product Name: MMS-DK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NIKE-KLNF-MMOM-FDCB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MMS-DK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 MMS-DK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MMS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001887 Product Name: MMS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PMBC-GFLA-BDIK-BCMO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MMS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 MMS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MMSPN-BASE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001888 Product Name: MMSPN-BASE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GKJG-AHPK-JBAK-OKKD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MMSPN-BASE" $lmfcom load 0 MMSPN-BASE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MODDAS-U" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001889 Product Name: MODDAS-U Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FCPI-JNBA-MBBJ-MMMP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MODDAS-U" $lmfcom load 0 MODDAS-U # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering MONITOR-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001590 Product Name: MONITOR-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ICHD-EALG-EBLF-GKPB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading MONITOR-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 MONITOR-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering NDUP-U" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001890 Product Name: NDUP-U Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AEAK-IFGI-FNIO-LJMA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading NDUP-U" $lmfcom load 0 NDUP-U # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering NET-APP-SUP-150" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001891 Product Name: NET-APP-SUP-150 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LNEE-FACP-LNAP-NGJI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading NET-APP-SUP-150" $lmfcom load 0 NET-APP-SUP-150 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering NET-APP-SUP-200" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001892 Product Name: NET-APP-SUP-200 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FNMO-ALCE-IFJH-NONH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading NET-APP-SUP-200" $lmfcom load 0 NET-APP-SUP-200 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering NET-APP-SUP-250" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001893 Product Name: NET-APP-SUP-250 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FNJC-HGLF-DECD-NMPN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading NET-APP-SUP-250" $lmfcom load 0 NET-APP-SUP-250 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OBW-SV-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001894 Product Name: OBW-SV-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JHKI-EFJH-MAJF-EFIC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OBW-SV-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 OBW-SV-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPEN3D" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001895 Product Name: OPEN3D Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OHLH-COIC-IOHO-FGPA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPEN3D" $lmfcom load 0 OPEN3D # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001896 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DCIN-FBDI-JJAF-MCDI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001897 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ENOG-GJDO-EIGI-DDAF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-CL-AOSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-DV-AOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001898 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-DV-AOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HGHM-INOB-CGFE-JEHF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-DV-AOSF" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-DV-AOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001899 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JNJC-JDMI-BLHL-ADED =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001900 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HOLN-IDBB-OCNC-CGOF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-RT-AOSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001901 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HGHG-BALM-NLOA-FBNL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001902 Product Name: OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMNH-KJPK-HMDN-JGMA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 OPENDATAMGR-SV-AOSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPS5-COMPILER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001903 Product Name: OPS5-COMPILER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HMGG-IDGB-FLDD-JLFF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPS5-COMPILER" $lmfcom load 0 OPS5-COMPILER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OPS5-COMPILER-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001904 Product Name: OPS5-COMPILER-UI-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHFM-JGJA-EHOP-BCMH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OPS5-COMPILER-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 OPS5-COMPILER-UI-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSDS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001905 Product Name: OSDS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MBJD-NEPL-IKJM-EBCB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSDS" $lmfcom load 0 OSDS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-BASE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001906 Product Name: OSF-BASE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KECG-OIAJ-NDIO-KFDO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-BASE" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-BASE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-BASE-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001907 Product Name: OSF-BASE-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AONP-DDOL-EGDJ-NMBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-BASE-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-BASE-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001908 Product Name: OSF-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KHEF-NECC-OLPJ-LJLB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001909 Product Name: OSF-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OGAG-MCGI-GBHD-PHKJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-SVR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001910 Product Name: OSF-SVR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DHAE-JIOG-HJLD-MKDM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-SVR" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-SVR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-CESKY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001911 Product Name: OSF-UI-CESKY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IBGG-NMFG-KHKL-AKPI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-CESKY" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-CESKY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-DEUTSCH" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001912 Product Name: OSF-UI-DEUTSCH Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MCIN-JNBB-MDAO-HIOH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-DEUTSCH" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-DEUTSCH # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-ESPANOL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001913 Product Name: OSF-UI-ESPANOL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MJJB-DALP-OKIE-CANE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-ESPANOL" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-ESPANOL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-FRANCAIS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001914 Product Name: OSF-UI-FRANCAIS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KJLF-CLJE-AILF-JGGG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-FRANCAIS" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-FRANCAIS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-ITALIANO" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001915 Product Name: OSF-UI-ITALIANO Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CEAO-OLGE-DLNM-FDGE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-ITALIANO" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-ITALIANO # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-MAGYAR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001916 Product Name: OSF-UI-MAGYAR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FKIJ-FDHE-IIFC-PFIA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-MAGYAR" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-MAGYAR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-POLSKI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001917 Product Name: OSF-UI-POLSKI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EAJD-LDCG-DIHJ-DIDI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-POLSKI" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-POLSKI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-RUSSKIJ" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001918 Product Name: OSF-UI-RUSSKIJ Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MHPM-FDCH-NHAP-NFIJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-RUSSKIJ" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-RUSSKIJ # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-SLOVENSKY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001919 Product Name: OSF-UI-SLOVENSKY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LABO-HKPN-AGON-ABIP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-SLOVENSKY" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-SLOVENSKY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-SVENSKA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001920 Product Name: OSF-UI-SVENSKA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AGHB-DPHF-HPPJ-OPNC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-SVENSKA" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-SVENSKA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-UI-TURKISH" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001921 Product Name: OSF-UI-TURKISH Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-APDI-GNDO-BHPN-CDAF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-UI-TURKISH" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-UI-TURKISH # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001922 Product Name: OSF-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ELMF-GLMP-DOCE-CNNA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-USER" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSF-USR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001923 Product Name: OSF-USR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LKFN-POFL-AHMA-LIDC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSF-USR" $lmfcom load 0 OSF-USR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSI-API-TOOLKIT-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001924 Product Name: OSI-API-TOOLKIT-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FPMC-PNFB-LAFB-LIHA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSI-API-TOOLKIT-OA" $lmfcom load 0 OSI-API-TOOLKIT-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSI-API-TOOLKIT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001925 Product Name: OSI-API-TOOLKIT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AHFF-GDOK-LAED-MDMJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSI-API-TOOLKIT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 OSI-API-TOOLKIT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSI-DSA-CLIENT-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001926 Product Name: OSI-DSA-CLIENT-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OCHE-ENOC-EFAC-EAPP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSI-DSA-CLIENT-UV" $lmfcom load 0 OSI-DSA-CLIENT-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSI-DSA-SVR-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001927 Product Name: OSI-DSA-SVR-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PKGA-EEGK-NGEE-BABF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSI-DSA-SVR-UR" $lmfcom load 0 OSI-DSA-SVR-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSI-DSA-SVR-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001928 Product Name: OSI-DSA-SVR-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MPFF-OIIO-BDAC-KKNE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSI-DSA-SVR-UV" $lmfcom load 0 OSI-DSA-SVR-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering OSMS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001929 Product Name: OSMS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GGND-HKMH-MJAF-NAIF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading OSMS" $lmfcom load 0 OSMS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PAKGEN-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001930 Product Name: PAKGEN-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JNDP-IDHE-HCGM-PCHI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PAKGEN-UR" $lmfcom load 0 PAKGEN-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PAKGEN-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001931 Product Name: PAKGEN-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OLEK-NEBJ-AIKF-AIAI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PAKGEN-UV" $lmfcom load 0 PAKGEN-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PASCAL-O" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001932 Product Name: PASCAL-O Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GNBM-KFGL-HLFN-NHAH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PASCAL-O" $lmfcom load 0 PASCAL-O # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PASCAL-O-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001933 Product Name: PASCAL-O-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LDNG-JMJO-GMDE-JBPL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PASCAL-O-USER" $lmfcom load 0 PASCAL-O-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PASCAL-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001934 Product Name: PASCAL-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KLEJ-MNPL-CNGO-FLJB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PASCAL-UR" $lmfcom load 0 PASCAL-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PCIVME-OPT1-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001935 Product Name: PCIVME-OPT1-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KJPC-PGIE-BJKF-GPND =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PCIVME-OPT1-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 PCIVME-OPT1-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PDAS-DEVELOP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001936 Product Name: PDAS-DEVELOP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMIG-LNNB-LPFA-KIPG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PDAS-DEVELOP" $lmfcom load 0 PDAS-DEVELOP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PDAS-RUNTIME" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001937 Product Name: PDAS-RUNTIME Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KAGI-IKEA-GFKE-JNDH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PDAS-RUNTIME" $lmfcom load 0 PDAS-RUNTIME # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001938 Product Name: PHIGS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MIEE-HDNC-CJKE-DCOD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS-RUNTIME" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001939 Product Name: PHIGS-RUNTIME Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OAPO-ALIE-KPGC-NLEL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS-RUNTIME" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS-RUNTIME # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS-RUNTIME-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001940 Product Name: PHIGS-RUNTIME-UI-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BCNA-BNNL-FLOH-DMEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS-RUNTIME-UI-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS-RUNTIME-UI-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001941 Product Name: PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MANJ-IPFK-FCOB-FHAK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER-UI-JP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001942 Product Name: PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER-UI-JP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PNNL-KKHO-IHOF-JOEN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER-UI-JP" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS-RUNTIME-USER-UI-JP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PHIGS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001943 Product Name: PHIGS-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NLEP-ADNP-PBGM-OBMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PHIGS-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 PHIGS-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-CONSOLEMGR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001944 Product Name: POLY-CONSOLEMGR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BJOF-AIIJ-IIHH-GONC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-CONSOLEMGR" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-CONSOLEMGR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-DECNET-MGR-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001945 Product Name: POLY-DECNET-MGR-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MDGL-OGJP-PKCH-PCOO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-DECNET-MGR-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-DECNET-MGR-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-MAIL-MON-API" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001946 Product Name: POLY-MAIL-MON-API Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHKO-KBPN-FOHN-NJBA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-MAIL-MON-API" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-MAIL-MON-API # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-MAIL-MON-CLT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001947 Product Name: POLY-MAIL-MON-CLT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-INPP-LNCI-JCCK-CBEP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-MAIL-MON-CLT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-MAIL-MON-CLT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-MAIL-MON-SRV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001948 Product Name: POLY-MAIL-MON-SRV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LAGE-MDCF-OJAA-KIBC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-MAIL-MON-SRV" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-MAIL-MON-SRV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-OSCINT-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001949 Product Name: POLY-OSCINT-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IEAL-GAMJ-ICGI-NPPA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-OSCINT-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-OSCINT-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-OSCINT-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001950 Product Name: POLY-OSCINT-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LGMO-AOFK-GNIF-GBJF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-OSCINT-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-OSCINT-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-SAPR3-AGENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001951 Product Name: POLY-SAPR3-AGENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DFEE-HGHK-CDHI-FMOP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-SAPR3-AGENT" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-SAPR3-AGENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-SC-AGT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001591 Product Name: POLY-SC-AGT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HHOI-MANN-CIKK-PJGA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-SC-AGT" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-SC-AGT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-SC-CON" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001592 Product Name: POLY-SC-CON Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ADKG-JILO-NANC-JABB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-SC-CON" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-SC-CON # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLY-SC-GUI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001593 Product Name: POLY-SC-GUI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PJBF-ENDC-ONHF-MPKA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLY-SC-GUI" $lmfcom load 0 POLY-SC-GUI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering POLYCTR-SID" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001594 Product Name: POLYCTR-SID Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MHBF-OAJE-IIGE-HMII =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading POLYCTR-SID" $lmfcom load 0 POLYCTR-SID # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PPJ-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001952 Product Name: PPJ-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HHPA-MJFI-IJND-NBFI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PPJ-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 PPJ-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PRESTOSERVE-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001953 Product Name: PRESTOSERVE-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LNGH-NHFN-HIIA-DNEP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PRESTOSERVE-OA" $lmfcom load 0 PRESTOSERVE-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PRESTOSERVE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001954 Product Name: PRESTOSERVE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMJB-OFDO-IFFO-MLAA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PRESTOSERVE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 PRESTOSERVE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PROBEWATCH-FOR-ULTRIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001955 Product Name: PROBEWATCH-FOR-ULTRIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PBCL-MPJH-JEBJ-PKMJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PROBEWATCH-FOR-ULTRIX" $lmfcom load 0 PROBEWATCH-FOR-ULTRIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PSE-O" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001956 Product Name: PSE-O Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ICLE-CCFH-MMAO-GIHF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PSE-O" $lmfcom load 0 PSE-O # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PVL-ORACLE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001957 Product Name: PVL-ORACLE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOJP-PEPM-JBDF-JDNC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PVL-ORACLE" $lmfcom load 0 PVL-ORACLE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PVL-SDK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001958 Product Name: PVL-SDK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PGBL-LJJC-PMPF-AJDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PVL-SDK" $lmfcom load 0 PVL-SDK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PVL-SDK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001959 Product Name: PVL-SDK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GEKI-JBNN-IKGD-MFNA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PVL-SDK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 PVL-SDK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWASMACCC01.03" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001960 Product Name: PWASMACCC01.03 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FEHO-HOEC-ALID-KNNO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWASMACCC01.03" $lmfcom load 0 PWASMACCC01.03 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWASXXXFP01.02" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001961 Product Name: PWASXXXFP01.02 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KGML-NEKC-ILBP-BLHO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWASXXXFP01.02" $lmfcom load 0 PWASXXXFP01.02 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWASXXXFP01.03" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001962 Product Name: PWASXXXFP01.03 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PCFK-KBMD-GLCO-FPBH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWASXXXFP01.03" $lmfcom load 0 PWASXXXFP01.03 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMASUCC04.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001963 Product Name: PWLMASUCC04.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PBKJ-OOHJ-OFJO-NCIH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMASUCC04.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMASUCC04.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMDOSCC05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001964 Product Name: PWLMDOSCC05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ANEH-KKGF-LMJL-OKME =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMDOSCC05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMDOSCC05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMDOSCC05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001965 Product Name: PWLMDOSCC05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMGF-GICI-ADHL-IDLA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMDOSCC05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMDOSCC05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMDOSCC06.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001966 Product Name: PWLMDOSCC06.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ECIB-CCDH-GALO-JDDJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMDOSCC06.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMDOSCC06.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMOS2CC05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001967 Product Name: PWLMOS2CC05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJEN-FKKB-CMJN-HJJH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMOS2CC05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMOS2CC05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMOSFCU05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001968 Product Name: PWLMOSFCU05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IHNA-JDMD-AAKK-JHHL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMOSFCU05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMOSFCU05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMVMSCU05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001969 Product Name: PWLMVMSCU05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AECI-MHCG-JNMP-PIHM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMVMSCU05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMVMSCU05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMWNTCC04.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001970 Product Name: PWLMWNTCC04.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMDP-EDAA-HNCA-JMOC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMWNTCC04.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMWNTCC04.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMXXXCA07.03" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001971 Product Name: PWLMXXXCA07.03 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BJIJ-GJLH-PPNN-EJAC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMXXXCA07.03" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMXXXCA07.03 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWLMXXXFP05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001972 Product Name: PWLMXXXFP05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KLOB-NLPB-ODAJ-AABM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWLMXXXFP05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWLMXXXFP05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWDOSCC05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001973 Product Name: PWNWDOSCC05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DNKN-HCDL-LEFD-NIMM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWDOSCC05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWDOSCC05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWDOSCC05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001974 Product Name: PWNWDOSCC05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EIME-MDBO-KLAC-NPJM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWDOSCC05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWDOSCC05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWDOSCC06.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001975 Product Name: PWNWDOSCC06.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PAGB-DPOL-EAPM-GNOJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWDOSCC06.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWDOSCC06.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWOS2CC05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001976 Product Name: PWNWOS2CC05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PNHM-CGKP-GKCP-BJEC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWOS2CC05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWOS2CC05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWOSFCU05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001977 Product Name: PWNWOSFCU05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NLJO-GPEF-MMCA-FEEJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWOSFCU05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWOSFCU05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWVMSCU01.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001978 Product Name: PWNWVMSCU01.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ILKK-JPNN-IKFC-HLBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWVMSCU01.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWVMSCU01.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWNWXXXFP05.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001979 Product Name: PWNWXXXFP05.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LAOL-LLDP-ICNP-LMBJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWNWXXXFP05.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWNWXXXFP05.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXDOSAT05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001980 Product Name: PWXXDOSAT05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BFII-NAGD-POJH-HKDJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXDOSAT05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXDOSAT05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXDOSAT06.00" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001981 Product Name: PWXXDOSAT06.00 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JDLM-OHLD-OOHJ-MJBC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXDOSAT06.00" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXDOSAT06.00 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXMACAT01.03" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001982 Product Name: PWXXMACAT01.03 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KBGF-OLHK-KHCO-PABB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXMACAT01.03" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXMACAT01.03 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXOS2AT05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001983 Product Name: PWXXOS2AT05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GFKH-GDBM-CAPL-AABI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXOS2AT05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXOS2AT05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXOSFDK05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001984 Product Name: PWXXOSFDK05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KOBA-OHOK-GAFE-CGLM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXOSFDK05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXOSFDK05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXVMSDK05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001985 Product Name: PWXXVMSDK05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LDMI-FKME-OHNM-IHJD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXVMSDK05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXVMSDK05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXWINAT07.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001986 Product Name: PWXXWINAT07.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KOIL-GKNI-OLPG-NMCI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXWINAT07.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXWINAT07.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXWINAT07.02" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001987 Product Name: PWXXWINAT07.02 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HDDD-BEOL-AGON-PODP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXWINAT07.02" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXWINAT07.02 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXWINDK05.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001988 Product Name: PWXXWINDK05.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NHLK-BIOD-FDNF-KGFO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXWINDK05.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXWINDK05.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering PWXXWNTAT04.01" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001989 Product Name: PWXXWNTAT04.01 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KEOA-ODHE-PNOL-CMKO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading PWXXWNTAT04.01" $lmfcom load 0 PWXXWNTAT04.01 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RAID-110-UTIL-DEC-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001990 Product Name: RAID-110-UTIL-DEC-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FCNC-HLJI-LLHF-LFNB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RAID-110-UTIL-DEC-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 RAID-110-UTIL-DEC-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RCHU-RTR-CL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001595 Product Name: RCHU-RTR-CL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GDOH-LJCJ-HNMA-PCNA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RCHU-RTR-CL" $lmfcom load 0 RCHU-RTR-CL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RCM-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001991 Product Name: RCM-CLIENT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FNLK-LAMO-BCDB-JLLB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RCM-CLIENT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 RCM-CLIENT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RISC-PLI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001992 Product Name: RISC-PLI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KCMC-KNIP-NMNH-POIG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RISC-PLI" $lmfcom load 0 RISC-PLI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ROS-DEV-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001993 Product Name: ROS-DEV-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LLBM-EKFA-GNLJ-NOKB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ROS-DEV-UR" $lmfcom load 0 ROS-DEV-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ROS-DEV-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001994 Product Name: ROS-DEV-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BOFJ-IGGL-GECC-AOAC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ROS-DEV-UV" $lmfcom load 0 ROS-DEV-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ROS-RT-OA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001995 Product Name: ROS-RT-OA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MOMC-MICJ-HPOD-DEIO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ROS-RT-OA" $lmfcom load 0 ROS-RT-OA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ROS-RT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001996 Product Name: ROS-RT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DGBM-EKEL-EBHH-BENA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ROS-RT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 ROS-RT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ROS-RT-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001997 Product Name: ROS-RT-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PLAH-ODKI-DEKP-HJJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ROS-RT-UV" $lmfcom load 0 ROS-RT-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RSM-CLIENT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001596 Product Name: RSM-CLIENT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MNGD-ALDK-BKCG-JJON =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RSM-CLIENT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 RSM-CLIENT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-APP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001998 Product Name: RTI-APP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HMEE-IFNN-BPBF-AGKK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-APP" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-APP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-ICON" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001999 Product Name: RTI-ICON Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EMPI-EBBP-CJKI-MOPC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-ICON" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-ICON # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-RT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002000 Product Name: RTI-RT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KPGI-NFAG-MLJM-JNDP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-RT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-RT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-RT-UR-JA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002001 Product Name: RTI-RT-UR-JA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GDDO-KHCI-EJDN-NKOB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-RT-UR-JA" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-RT-UR-JA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002002 Product Name: RTI-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DCPH-EJII-DBHC-DJLB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-UR" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTI-UR-JA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002003 Product Name: RTI-UR-JA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PCEO-NIAE-LNLF-BKNP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTI-UR-JA" $lmfcom load 0 RTI-UR-JA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTR-CL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002004 Product Name: RTR-CL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GANG-BMIM-FABH-JFMD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTR-CL" $lmfcom load 0 RTR-CL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering RTR-SVR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002005 Product Name: RTR-SVR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IDBI-AMML-DLDK-NAJG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading RTR-SVR" $lmfcom load 0 RTR-SVR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SAPMW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002006 Product Name: SAPMW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BMAD-LEFL-CFHF-NAEN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SAPMW" $lmfcom load 0 SAPMW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SDB203CPP-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001597 Product Name: SDB203CPP-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FMFM-GDGK-ANKE-MOED =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SDB203CPP-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 SDB203CPP-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SDB203CPP-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001598 Product Name: SDB203CPP-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CHNG-AHDE-MBKD-FHMO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SDB203CPP-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SDB203CPP-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SII-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002007 Product Name: SII-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MHOJ-OEHF-GIPJ-LPAD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SII-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 SII-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SII-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002008 Product Name: SII-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NFNH-LAOK-NPNF-ILGC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SII-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SII-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SII-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002009 Product Name: SII-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LBLI-HOIB-OFEO-MFMN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SII-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SII-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SII-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002010 Product Name: SII-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HCGI-FONK-MPOC-GFNL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SII-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SII-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SIPF-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001599 Product Name: SIPF-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JKHM-AJKA-HIAO-LKLO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SIPF-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SIPF-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-DSPI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002011 Product Name: SNA-3270-DSPI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LAJK-EJIN-CCAH-FGPL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-DSPI" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-DSPI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-DSPI-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002012 Product Name: SNA-3270-DSPI-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IPFK-LMFA-LEOO-PGEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-DSPI-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-DSPI-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-DSPI-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002013 Product Name: SNA-3270-DSPI-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JKNE-CNCL-KAJL-IPJE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-DSPI-UR" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-DSPI-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-DSPI-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002014 Product Name: SNA-3270-DSPI-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LABH-IAKJ-GHPO-IGPK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-DSPI-UV" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-DSPI-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002015 Product Name: SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOHC-NABF-ABCJ-ABMD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002016 Product Name: SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PODB-OKHI-BIHP-GOBM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-SVCS-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002017 Product Name: SNA-3270-SVCS-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DMMD-NAJL-BLDE-FDBD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-SVCS-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-SVCS-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-SVCS-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002018 Product Name: SNA-3270-SVCS-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JDGC-KELB-BDFN-GKOK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-SVCS-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-SVCS-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-TPS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002019 Product Name: SNA-3270-TPS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CCJK-ICAL-JJJC-NCNA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-TPS" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-TPS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-3270-TPS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002020 Product Name: SNA-3270-TPS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LPEM-EDNM-COJN-LPAJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-3270-TPS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-3270-TPS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002021 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NILJ-LFKN-HJBJ-AOPB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002022 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FBCC-MPNF-OJIH-GPGG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002023 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-COKK-LLFH-ABEN-KIBH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002024 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MDGK-FBHB-OIEG-FKJA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-TK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-D-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002025 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-D-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DLIJ-JCBJ-KIFJ-MABI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-D-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-D-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002026 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HMIP-IMHC-ABCP-KLCN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-R-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002027 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-R-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MIHM-LILJ-MNEO-PNNH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-R-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-R-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002028 Product Name: SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AIBI-NGHG-HMCC-ILEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-APPC-LU6.2-UA-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002029 Product Name: SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NKEO-GKLA-NFHP-BKNO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY-CT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002030 Product Name: SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY-CT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OKGG-BJCF-DIJI-BPPO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY-CT" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY-CT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-HLLAPI-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002031 Product Name: SNA-HLLAPI-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LDOO-PKJL-MMLD-ICPK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-HLLAPI-RT" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-HLLAPI-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-HLLAPI-TK" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002032 Product Name: SNA-HLLAPI-TK Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KNLI-DMLE-PMOC-HHMK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-HLLAPI-TK" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-HLLAPI-TK # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-HLLAPI-TK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002033 Product Name: SNA-HLLAPI-TK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NDLB-LFIG-LPNO-MOEB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-HLLAPI-TK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-HLLAPI-TK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-LUA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002034 Product Name: SNA-LUA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BAGM-PLKF-APFM-CKAN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-LUA" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-LUA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-PEER-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002035 Product Name: SNA-PEER-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ENML-AINA-GPGN-MFNK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-PEER-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-PEER-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002036 Product Name: SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EAPP-LGEN-AGIO-DMMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002037 Product Name: SNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HMKI-GBAG-FOGK-KIPN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-PRE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-RJE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002038 Product Name: SNA-RJE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MCHD-DNKB-CDPO-AMBK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-RJE" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-RJE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002039 Product Name: SNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EDKM-DHEI-OODL-JOHN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-RJE-OA-JAPAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-RJE-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002040 Product Name: SNA-RJE-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LMKI-GBCG-CJHM-BENG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-RJE-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-RJE-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-TN3270C" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002041 Product Name: SNA-TN3270C Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DEKF-JINB-PAEI-BIAG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-TN3270C" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-TN3270C # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNA-TN3270C-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002042 Product Name: SNA-TN3270C-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DAEG-BLGL-OCFI-MLJA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNA-TN3270C-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SNA-TN3270C-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNMP-MGR-LIMITED" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001600 Product Name: SNMP-MGR-LIMITED Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BOEA-IDLH-KEAI-GPJC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNMP-MGR-LIMITED" $lmfcom load 0 SNMP-MGR-LIMITED # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SNMP-MGR-UPGRADE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001601 Product Name: SNMP-MGR-UPGRADE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KDBI-OKMF-FLBB-GEHC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SNMP-MGR-UPGRADE" $lmfcom load 0 SNMP-MGR-UPGRADE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SOFTPC-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002043 Product Name: SOFTPC-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LBHL-GENP-AKAE-MBKI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SOFTPC-UR" $lmfcom load 0 SOFTPC-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SQL-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002044 Product Name: SQL-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HDCG-GOOL-MNAA-ADMG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SQL-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 SQL-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SQL-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002045 Product Name: SQL-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OHIE-BEMO-MHGJ-NCDO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SQL-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SQL-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SQL-INT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002046 Product Name: SQL-INT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JBKI-LGEF-JAIE-OKKC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SQL-INT" $lmfcom load 0 SQL-INT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SQL-INT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002047 Product Name: SQL-INT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KFGB-NFNO-LBIF-KBJI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SQL-INT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 SQL-INT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering STARSTREAM-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002048 Product Name: STARSTREAM-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBCN-EOGK-BFBK-KEHN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading STARSTREAM-USER" $lmfcom load 0 STARSTREAM-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering STORAGESERVER-STORAGE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002049 Product Name: STORAGESERVER-STORAGE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CCMN-NBAG-BOGO-CBCL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading STORAGESERVER-STORAGE" $lmfcom load 0 STORAGESERVER-STORAGE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering SYNC-REC-PROTOCOL-UNIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002050 Product Name: SYNC-REC-PROTOCOL-UNIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FLFJ-LJAP-JLGB-OBDK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading SYNC-REC-PROTOCOL-UNIX" $lmfcom load 0 SYNC-REC-PROTOCOL-UNIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TCR-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002051 Product Name: TCR-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DLCA-KCHI-CHNG-GFBM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TCR-UA" $lmfcom load 0 TCR-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TCS-UA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002052 Product Name: TCS-UA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NOFE-DLHK-EMDK-GHLJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TCS-UA" $lmfcom load 0 TCS-UA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TCVMEAXP-OSF" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002053 Product Name: TCVMEAXP-OSF Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PFCB-IMKF-KNBJ-APMB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TCVMEAXP-OSF" $lmfcom load 0 TCVMEAXP-OSF # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-AE-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002054 Product Name: TEMIP-AE-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ADOE-BOHF-MDFH-MIAL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-AE-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-AE-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-AH-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002055 Product Name: TEMIP-AH-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ILNK-BOBH-NKEO-DANP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-AH-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-AH-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-AM-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002056 Product Name: TEMIP-AM-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DAKP-OEIC-HKKG-HKEN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-AM-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-AM-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-ASCII-AM-DK-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002057 Product Name: TEMIP-ASCII-AM-DK-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AKDP-CDDD-HLIL-JEBL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-ASCII-AM-DK-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-ASCII-AM-DK-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-ASCII-AM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002058 Product Name: TEMIP-ASCII-AM-RT-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JDIL-JIKF-NMMD-DGLC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-ASCII-AM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-ASCII-AM-RT-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-CLIENT-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002059 Product Name: TEMIP-CLIENT-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AGPC-NMBA-BMGH-EPAJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-CLIENT-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-CLIENT-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-DVT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002060 Product Name: TEMIP-DVT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BNBA-NANJ-DEPM-IMNH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-DVT" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-DVT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-EL-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002061 Product Name: TEMIP-EL-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EGOA-FJBD-ADMH-MJKP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-EL-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-EL-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002062 Product Name: TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GFCF-IPJK-KNHD-GBBD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002063 Product Name: TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DGOL-GMNO-OODI-EKAC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-MONO-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002064 Product Name: TEMIP-MONO-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OAFL-IOJN-NCCO-KDDK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-MONO-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-MONO-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-NMS-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002065 Product Name: TEMIP-NMS-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PAFL-LOEC-IDOI-JBLJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-NMS-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-NMS-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002066 Product Name: TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JMAI-PKMF-HKID-LMFH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002067 Product Name: TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FGAI-EGCA-NLMP-KCDD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002068 Product Name: TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KDLF-GEML-DNOK-BNID =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-TFR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002069 Product Name: TEMIP-TFR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IGGD-BKME-JBLC-KKJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-TFR" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-TFR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-TFR-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002070 Product Name: TEMIP-TFR-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ACHD-MMHE-CFBN-NNEG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-TFR-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-TFR-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-TT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002071 Product Name: TEMIP-TT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BKNH-CCDM-HDNI-MOCE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-TT" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-TT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-TT-CS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002072 Product Name: TEMIP-TT-CS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CFAO-IMDM-PGGD-MEJK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-TT-CS" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-TT-CS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TEMIP-VISUAL-DVT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002073 Product Name: TEMIP-VISUAL-DVT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FFIK-LHAN-CKIP-LECD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TEMIP-VISUAL-DVT" $lmfcom load 0 TEMIP-VISUAL-DVT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TESTMAN" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002074 Product Name: TESTMAN Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JNBO-BIBG-KOHO-DOGM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TESTMAN" $lmfcom load 0 TESTMAN # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering TUNNEL-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002075 Product Name: TUNNEL-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DJOJ-NFDI-KJMM-NGPD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading TUNNEL-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 TUNNEL-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002076 Product Name: ULTRIX Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DBIF-DIBF-DFDD-IDPO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX-MLS-PLUS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001602 Product Name: ULTRIX-MLS-PLUS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NJME-GEBK-KHFB-GGKN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX-MLS-PLUS" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX-MLS-PLUS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX-SNA" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002077 Product Name: ULTRIX-SNA Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IMCP-DDBM-GKOB-BDIM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX-SNA" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX-SNA # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX-UI-HANGUL" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002078 Product Name: ULTRIX-UI-HANGUL Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EFMB-AEFP-JACN-HNDG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX-UI-HANGUL" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX-UI-HANGUL # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX-UI-HANYU" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002079 Product Name: ULTRIX-UI-HANYU Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AELI-MBNK-ONNH-DNFC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX-UI-HANYU" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX-UI-HANYU # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering ULTRIX-UI-HANZI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002080 Product Name: ULTRIX-UI-HANZI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MHGF-HNKF-PLBC-OOAO =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading ULTRIX-UI-HANZI" $lmfcom load 0 ULTRIX-UI-HANZI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-010TB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002081 Product Name: UNITREE-010TB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GMIM-LOMO-HKNF-KGCH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-010TB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-010TB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-060GB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002082 Product Name: UNITREE-060GB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FFGP-PGLK-AOAI-DGGJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-060GB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-060GB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-1.4TB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002083 Product Name: UNITREE-1.4TB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DEJF-AHKM-GGCK-CBCG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-1.4TB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-1.4TB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-140GB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002084 Product Name: UNITREE-140GB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IJLM-ENFK-PHDA-MDAL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-140GB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-140GB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-2.5TB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002085 Product Name: UNITREE-2.5TB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KCAO-PADF-CFJH-GCBF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-2.5TB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-2.5TB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-280GB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002086 Product Name: UNITREE-280GB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OMID-FPCG-OEBI-BBFM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-280GB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-280GB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-5.0TB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002087 Product Name: UNITREE-5.0TB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PMJF-FKJK-HHCL-IJKN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-5.0TB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-5.0TB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-560GB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002088 Product Name: UNITREE-560GB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KHNC-KFKN-OCNJ-GMIJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-560GB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-560GB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UNITREE-900GB" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002089 Product Name: UNITREE-900GB Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-AOFB-HKDD-CHJH-PDAB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UNITREE-900GB" $lmfcom load 0 UNITREE-900GB # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-CESKY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002090 Product Name: UWS-UI-CESKY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ELMC-CBKI-DDDH-GIAI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-CESKY" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-CESKY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-MAGYAR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002091 Product Name: UWS-UI-MAGYAR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FGDP-KMOB-BBLI-CMJJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-MAGYAR" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-MAGYAR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-POLSKI" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002092 Product Name: UWS-UI-POLSKI Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EPLP-OFHL-OKGD-JMDC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-POLSKI" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-POLSKI # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-RUSSKIJ" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002093 Product Name: UWS-UI-RUSSKIJ Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OIJF-DDKO-PLEO-HPGE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-RUSSKIJ" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-RUSSKIJ # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-SLOVENSKY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002094 Product Name: UWS-UI-SLOVENSKY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IDHO-GCDN-ECJL-KGCL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-SLOVENSKY" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-SLOVENSKY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering UWS-UI-TURKCE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002095 Product Name: UWS-UI-TURKCE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LCLA-KMOK-PIML-KLJA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading UWS-UI-TURKCE" $lmfcom load 0 UWS-UI-TURKCE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VIP-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002096 Product Name: VIP-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OAHC-EMFE-NHEG-ENOK =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VIP-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 VIP-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VIP-SERVER-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002097 Product Name: VIP-SERVER-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ICAB-JFIE-KDLM-DBNC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VIP-SERVER-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VIP-SERVER-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002098 Product Name: VUIT-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NEMM-ADMH-BJPM-BKIB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-JAPANESE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002099 Product Name: VUIT-JAPANESE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CEBB-BGGB-AIMI-KAMI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-JAPANESE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-JAPANESE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002100 Product Name: VUIT-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BHPP-OLBA-ENKA-JOJH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-UR" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-USER-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002101 Product Name: VUIT-USER-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OICI-CJCK-MOPP-EMHG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-USER-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-USER-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-USER-JAPANESE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002102 Product Name: VUIT-USER-JAPANESE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FDKJ-GPCD-KGMM-LFAG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-USER-JAPANESE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-USER-JAPANESE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VUIT-UV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002103 Product Name: VUIT-UV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CNAJ-JCAN-ECGL-JIKM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VUIT-UV" $lmfcom load 0 VUIT-UV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-68K" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002104 Product Name: VXWORKS-68K Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HMNF-PGBC-LEDO-CFKE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-68K" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-68K # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-68K-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002105 Product Name: VXWORKS-68K-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LMJN-KHJA-GBGO-OLPP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-68K-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-68K-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-AXP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002106 Product Name: VXWORKS-AXP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBAH-MPCD-BDLF-JGEI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-AXP" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-AXP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-AXP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002107 Product Name: VXWORKS-AXP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BPND-MDPC-BNGB-LPBF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-AXP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-AXP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-BPK-AXP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002108 Product Name: VXWORKS-BPK-AXP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KPPK-AJPJ-HKEO-PECE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-BPK-AXP" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-BPK-AXP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-BPK-AXP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002109 Product Name: VXWORKS-BPK-AXP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HAFN-FFLI-LLAH-AMGN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-BPK-AXP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-BPK-AXP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-TOOLS" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002110 Product Name: VXWORKS-TOOLS Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GBFI-IPMI-LFAE-GKFB =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-TOOLS" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-TOOLS # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-TOOLS-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002111 Product Name: VXWORKS-TOOLS-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MMBK-PNKD-IOAC-FIJC =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-TOOLS-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-TOOLS-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-VAXELN-API" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002112 Product Name: VXWORKS-VAXELN-API Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HIGA-PKDN-FPPL-PFBF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-VAXELN-API" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-VAXELN-API # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-VXMP-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002113 Product Name: VXWORKS-VXMP-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IEPB-BHDP-KAMJ-AAGA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-VXMP-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-VXMP-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-VXSIM-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002114 Product Name: VXWORKS-VXSIM-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FEBO-ENMO-NNID-KIAL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-VXSIM-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-VXSIM-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-WINDVIEW-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002115 Product Name: VXWORKS-WINDVIEW-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-MINA-NEDO-HMEK-LFBN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-WINDVIEW-USER" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-WINDVIEW-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering VXWORKS-X-CLIENT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002116 Product Name: VXWORKS-X-CLIENT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-OLEA-KAMH-EGKN-ANDN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading VXWORKS-X-CLIENT" $lmfcom load 0 VXWORKS-X-CLIENT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering WAN-DRIVERS-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001603 Product Name: WAN-DRIVERS-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-ENOL-HDBH-LKCC-PDFH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading WAN-DRIVERS-UR" $lmfcom load 0 WAN-DRIVERS-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering WRITE-UR-HEBREW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002117 Product Name: WRITE-UR-HEBREW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KNFP-LBNN-KCEP-DKOE =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading WRITE-UR-HEBREW" $lmfcom load 0 WRITE-UR-HEBREW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering WRITE-UR-USER-HEBREW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002118 Product Name: WRITE-UR-USER-HEBREW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NMDH-MOHI-NHLM-CBHI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading WRITE-UR-USER-HEBREW" $lmfcom load 0 WRITE-UR-USER-HEBREW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X.400-SMTP-GW" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002119 Product Name: X.400-SMTP-GW Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-PGIH-KGGH-INBD-KIJL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X.400-SMTP-GW" $lmfcom load 0 X.400-SMTP-GW # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X25-NATIVE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002120 Product Name: X25-NATIVE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EEDA-KFGM-LMIM-JJMG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X25-NATIVE" $lmfcom load 0 X25-NATIVE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X25-NATIVE-UR" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001604 Product Name: X25-NATIVE-UR Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EMHO-COOP-DHGI-DOIM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X25-NATIVE-UR" $lmfcom load 0 X25-NATIVE-UR # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X500-ADMIN-FACILITY" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002121 Product Name: X500-ADMIN-FACILITY Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-LOLL-IOHN-HGNF-AMBI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X500-ADMIN-FACILITY" $lmfcom load 0 X500-ADMIN-FACILITY # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X500-ADMIN-FACILITY-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002122 Product Name: X500-ADMIN-FACILITY-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IFGB-IPJE-MDFD-BALL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X500-ADMIN-FACILITY-USER" $lmfcom load 0 X500-ADMIN-FACILITY-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering X500-DIRECTORY-SERVER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002123 Product Name: X500-DIRECTORY-SERVER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-BBDD-CHIN-ODPH-OIEM =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading X500-DIRECTORY-SERVER" $lmfcom load 0 X500-DIRECTORY-SERVER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XDT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002124 Product Name: XDT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-JMPA-PKHH-KMJP-ANKH =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XDT" $lmfcom load 0 XDT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XDT-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002125 Product Name: XDT-UI-JAPANESE Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GPGE-MKGP-OKFO-IDGN =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XDT-UI-JAPANESE" $lmfcom load 0 XDT-UI-JAPANESE # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XDT-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002126 Product Name: XDT-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-GKHG-LFDE-LNML-AEGD =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XDT-USER" $lmfcom load 0 XDT-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XLP-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001605 Product Name: XLP-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-EAFO-MNJN-JKLF-GDAF =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XLP-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 XLP-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XLP-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001606 Product Name: XLP-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-CJIK-OHBN-LGJL-LLMI =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XLP-RT" $lmfcom load 0 XLP-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-AUD-DEV" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002127 Product Name: XMED-AUD-DEV Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-IAOE-PCMP-LJPI-NIJJ =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-AUD-DEV" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-AUD-DEV # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-AUD-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002128 Product Name: XMED-AUD-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-HKPD-ONDF-DJAM-FANL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-AUD-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-AUD-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-AUD-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001607 Product Name: XMED-AUD-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-DGEA-INCJ-CNLL-JFDL =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-AUD-RT" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-AUD-RT # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-AUDIO-CLIP" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002129 Product Name: XMED-AUDIO-CLIP Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-FCEN-BEGF-CIBH-DADP =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-AUDIO-CLIP" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-AUDIO-CLIP # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-VID-DEV-USER" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-002130 Product Name: XMED-VID-DEV-USER Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-NCOL-JEMH-JBMP-BKJA =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-VID-DEV-USER" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-VID-DEV-USER # if `whoami` != "root" then echo "You must be superuser to run this script" exit 1 endif test -r /etc/lmf if ($status != 0) then set lmfcom = "/usr/sbin/lmf" else set lmfcom = "/etc/lmf" endif echo "" echo "Registering XMED-VID-RT" $lmfcom register - << =EOF= Licensed Software Product Product Authorization Key Issuer: VLF Authorization Number: VLF-HOBBYIST-0000-001608 Product Name: XMED-VID-RT Producer: DEC Number of units: 0 Version: Product Release Date: Key Termination Date: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100 Key Options: MOD_UNITS Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum: 2-KJAL-HMAP-NCDO-DLEG =EOF= if $status then echo "Registration failed" exit 1 endif echo "" echo "Loading XMED-VID-RT" $lmfcom load 0 XMED-VID-RT #