Check for the most up-to-date version of sys_check. sys_check for STATION_A

sys_check for STATION_A

Run on Tue Oct 2 14:08:20 GMT+0500 2007 Script sys_check Version: 124.0
/vmunix is the current running kernel
Digital UNIX V4.0F (Rev. 1229); Wed Jul 11 01:49:15 GMT+0500 2007

System Type: COMPAQ AlphaServer DS10 617 MHz DEC6600
Number of CPUs: 1
CPU Type Speed (Mhz)
0EV67 (21264A)617

Cache: 2.0 MB ( 0 MB) Memory size: 2048 MB
Security Information Excluded
Warnings and Data Included
System recovery data stored in /var/recovery/sys_check

View Warnings
View Table of Contents

Options not selected: setld

Arguments to sys_check script: none

The sys_check script makes suggestions and recommendations that must be validated by administrative or support personnel before being implemented.

Note: Documentation links in this output are to the V4.0F documentation. This may not be accurate to older or newer releases of the operating system.

Note: Some Web browsers do not have enough memory to hold all of the links in this file, which may result in some empty links. If this occurs, you can increase the browser's memory cache size or use the scroll bar to view all the sections.

Table of Contents

  • Warnings
  • System Version
  • Hardware, Firmware, Console Revisions and Variables
  • System Boot Record
  • Operating System Patches
  • Manually Installed Customer Specific Patches
  • File Checksums
  • System Configuration File
  • sysconfig Settings
  • rc.config Settings
  • System Startup Procedures
  • Virtual Memory and Swap
  • CPUs and Processes
  • Device Special Files
  • Installed LMF licenses
  • setld Installed Products
  • TruCluster V5
  • TruCluster Available/Production Server
  • LPD Printers
  • Advanced Printing Software
  • crontab and at
  • X11 / CDE
  • Accounting
  • Adhoc information from System Administrator
  • Event Manager (EVM)
  • System Logs
  • Log File Sizes
  • UERF Error Information
  • DECevent Error Information
  • Crash Files
  • Security Information (Users and Groups)
  • Audit Subsystem
  • Disk Drives and Disk Labels
  • HS* RAID Controllers
  • HSV RAID Controllers
  • Tape Drives
  • SCSI Buses
  • SWXCR RAID Controllers
  • KZPCC RAID Controllers
  • Logical Storage Manager
  • Prestoserve
  • Mounted File Systems, fstab, Disk Space, and Quotas
  • VFS layer
  • UFS File Systems
  • Advanced File System (AdvFS)
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • NetWorker
  • Storage Map
  • TCP/IP Network
  • IP Routing Tables
  • Firewall Configuration
  • Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
  • Host and Domain Name Server
  • Streams Information
  • Network Time Protocol (NTP)
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
  • bootp and joind
  • Portmap
  • NIS / YP
  • Mail Configuration
  • Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
  • DECnet OSI
  • tty Settings
  • Local Area Transport (LAT)
  • Advanced Server for UNIX
  • Baan
  • BMC Patrol
  • Informix
  • Netscape http server
  • Oracle
  • Performance Manager
  • Samba
  • SAP
  • Sybase

  • The sys_check script gathers system configuration information and performs checks of many system parameters and subsystem attributes. It can be used by system administrators to understand and tune the system, and it also provides consolidated information to service personnel.

    Important information about Compaq Tru64 UNIX can be found in the online documentation:

    In addition, Compaq provides information on the following WWW pages on the Internet:

    Compaq Tru64 UNIX homepage
    Compaq Tru64 UNIX Patches
    Sys_check kit and documentation
    Compaq Services homepage
    DSNlink information
    Compaq Enterprise Solutions and Services
    Compaq Computer Corporation Home Page
    Systems and Options Catalog
    Compaq Alpha Systems
    Compaq Storage
    Alpha Firmware kits

    <=[ ToC ]=> Warnings

    <=[ ToC ]=> System Version

    Note: Newer versions of Tru64 UNIX have been released.

    The operating system name and version (uname -a):

    OSF1 STATION_A V4.0 1229 alpha

    The running kernel file name is /vmunix.

    Digital UNIX V4.0F  (Rev. 1229); Wed Jul 11 01:49:15 GMT+0500 2007 


    Digital UNIX V4.0F  (Rev. 1229); Wed Jul 11 01:49:15 GMT+0500 2007 
    The installation software has successfully installed your system.
    There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation.
    These are:
    	/var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf     - configuration description file
    	/var/adm/smlogs/install.log     - general log file
    	/var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log  - file system creation logs
    	/var/adm/smlogs/setld.log       - log for the setld(8) utility
    	/var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log     - verification log file
    Wide Area Networking Support V3.0B-1 for Digital UNIX  is installed.
    BL13 patches (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-29-04 
    117-1-13937_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    117-2-34_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    117-2-72_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    ALC_028465_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT01339A_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT0448343_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT048213A_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT19513A_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    117-1-16852-1_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT0496318B_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EVT898988_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    FR_G01637_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    1703786_V40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    EE_DRIVER_40F patch installed on 07/29/04
    xerces.jar, xalan.jar, bsf.jar and bsfengines.jar are installed under GNU public Licence. on 29-07-2004 
    gcc compiler is installed under GNU public licence. on 29-07-2004 
    EE_DRIVER_40F patch removed on 06/24/05
    EE_DRIVER_40F patch installed on 06/24/05
    EE_DRIVER_40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    1703786_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    FR_G01637_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT0496318B_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    117-1-16852-1_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    117-1-13937_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    117-2-34_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    117-2-72_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    ALC_028465_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT01339A_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT0448343_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT048213A_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT19513A_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    EVT898988_V40F patch removed on 07/10/07
    BL22 patches (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    21315_V40FB22 patch (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    21321_V40FB22 patch (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    21760_V40FB22 patch (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    20319_V40FB22 patch (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    22633_V40FB22 patch (UNIX V4.0F) installed on 07-11-07 
    ALC_028465_V40F22 patch installed on 07/10/07
    EVT19513A_V40F22 patch installed on 07/10/07
    SYSCONFIGTAB_REBUILD_V40F22 patch installed on 07/10/07


    The /etc/issue file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Hardware, Firmware, Console Revisions and Variables

    Note: You must ensure that all CPU, device, and disk firmware and palcode revisions are up to date.
    The sys_check script cannot perform this task.

    Note: You must make sure that you are using the correct system firmware.
    For more information on CPU firmware, see Alpha Systems Firmware.

    Note: You must make sure that you are using the correct storage firmware.
    For more information on storage firmware, see StorageWorks Support.

    CPU slot: 0 Firmware revision: 6.1-2 Palcode revision: 1.88-70

    The following SCSI devices were found:

    Device      Vendor                   Drive                Firmware
    ------      ------                   -----                --------
     rz0          Maxtor             6E040L0                    NAR6
     rz8          HL-DT-ST           CD-ROM GCR-8482B           2.09
     rz16         COMPAQ             BD0186459A                 B016
     rmt0         DEC                TLZ10    (C) DEC           04a8
     rz24         COMPAQ             BD0186459A                 B016

    System Boot Record

    Console variables (from CPU firmware):

    Firmware Rev: 6.1-2
    system fam:34  cpu:8  smm:1970
    auto_action = RESTART
    boot_dev = rz0
    bootdef_dev = rz0
    booted_dev = rz0
    boot_file = 
    booted_file = 
    boot_osflags = A
    booted_osflags = A
    boot_reset = ON
    dump_dev = 
    enable_audit = ON
    license = MU
    char_set = 
    language = 0x36
    tty_dev = 0
    Failed to get scsiid
    Failed to get scsifast
    com1_baud = 9600
    com1_modem = OFF
    com1_flow = SOFTWARE
    Failed to get com1_misc
    com2_baud = 9600
    com2_modem = OFF
    com2_flow = SOFTWARE
    Failed to get com2_misc
    Failed to get password
    secure = off
    logfail = 0
    srm2dev_id = 
    Failed to get prefetch_mode

    <=[ ToC ]=> System Boot Record

    There is no boot record in the current binlog output; this may be caused by rotating log files without rebooting the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Operating System Patches

    Note: Patch kits are installed; make sure that these are the latest patch kits.
    It is recommended that you install the latest patches on your system.
    You can obtain Tru64 UNIX patch kits from
    Compaq Computer Corporation .

    [ls -l /vmunix] [ls -l /sys/HOSTNAME/vmunix] [patch versions] [dupatch version] [installed patches] [patched files] [installed Manual Customer Specific Patches] [install notes]

    Installed patch kit versions (most recent patches are listed last):

    Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time
    	Patches installed on the system came from following patch kits:
    	- DUV40FB22AS0008-20030730 OSF440
    	- DUXKIT0020319-V40FB22-E-20031015 OSF440
    	- DUXKIT0021315-V40FB22-20040117 OSF440
    	- DUXKIT0021321-V40FB22-20040119 OSF440
    	- DUXKIT0021760-V40FB22-20040301 OSF440
    	- DUXKIT0022633-V40FB22-20040610 OSF440
    	When a patch kit is listed, it does not necessarily mean 
    	all patches on that kit are installed on your system.

    Version of dupatch:

    	$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 2003/03/18 21:42:46 $
    	$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 2003/04/17 12:30:42 $
    	$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 2002/01/15 17:19:19 $

    Installed Patches (dupatch output):

    Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time
    	Patches installed on the system:
      (depending upon the number of patches you installed, this may take awhile)
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches:
            Patch 00530.00 - Fix for Y2K lastlogin command problem                  
            Patch 00676.00 - Fix for newgrp command                                 
            Patch 00705.00 - fixso command may cause segmentation fault             
            Patch 01072.00 - Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable             
            Patch 01080.00 - Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable             
            Patch 01082.00 - Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable             
            Patch 01084.00 - Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable             
            Patch 01118.00 - Fix for grep command hang problem                      
            Patch 01134.00 - Fix for fwtmp command                                  
            Patch 01172.00 - Elminates compiler warnings in ln                      
            Patch 01178.00 - Fix for various vdump problems                         
            Patch 01186.00 - Compiler warnings addressing outside array bounds      
            Patch 01193.00 - restore command ignores property lists                 
            Patch 01218.00 - Corrected exit status of sed when disk is full         
            Patch 01226.00 - Fix for od command hang                                
            Patch 01233.00 - Eliminates compiler warnings in mkdir                  
            Patch 01248.00 - Corrects a problem with script program hang            
            Patch 01269.00 - Fixes problems in accounting commands                  
            Patch 01271.00 - Fix for which command                                  
            Patch 01288.00 - make cmd now correctly checks dependencies             
            Patch 01294.00 - Correction for the .mrg..login script                  
            Patch 01312.00 - find -ls displays incorrect number of blocks           
            Patch 01318.00 - Fix for startslip program                              
            Patch 01382.00 - cut cmd now handles incomplete lines correctly         
            Patch 01446.00 - scu displays misleading data expected pattern          
            Patch 01476.00 - Fix for rm command                                     
            Patch 01482.00 - Fixes buffer overflow problem in usr/bin/write         
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches:
            Patch 00019.00 - Fix For yacc                                           
            Patch 00036.00 - volrootmir -a Cmd Fails                                
            Patch 00037.00 - volrecover Not Returning Failed Status Code            
            Patch 00038.00 - quotaon Returns Incorrect Error Status                 
            Patch 00061.00 - Enhancement For makedepend Utility                     
            Patch 00068.00 - nroff Incorrectly Translates Years After 1999          
            Patch 00101.00 - Fix for prof -pixie -asm command                       
            Patch 00148.00 - Fix for rsh hang                                       
            Patch 00170.00 - Fixes a problem with the stdhosts command              
            Patch 00232.00 - Fix for lex command                                    
            Patch 00233.00 - Fix for ris script                                     
            Patch 00237.00 - defragment incorrect reports large free space holes    
            Patch 00242.00 - Fix for news command                                   
            Patch 00256.00 - mkfdmn command does not report errors                  
            Patch 00262.00 - lprsetup command sets up printers incorrectly          
            Patch 00296.00 - Fix for compress utility                               
            Patch 00395.00 - mdir command displays year 2000 date incorrectly       
            Patch 00402.00 - Fixes hang in shutdown process                         
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches:
            Patch 00182.00 - Fix for X server color map problem                     
            Patch 00205.00 - Fix for dxaccounts BadPixmap error                     
            Patch 00341.00 - Fixes file permission problem for trashinfo file       
            Patch 00690.00 - Fix for dtpad                                          
            Patch 00737.00 - dtpad does not allocate enough memory                  
            Patch 01092.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01451.00 - CDE login screen truncates message in issue file       
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Filesystem Patches:
            Patch 00075.00 - chvol Read & Write Transfer Size Increased             
            Patch 00297.00 - Fix for voldisksetup, voldiskadd, and newfs            
            Patch 00313.00 - showfdmn may core dump                                 
            Patch 00315.00 - Fixes performance problem on LSM mirrored volumes      
            Patch 00337.00 - Fix for AdvFS property list handling                   
            Patch 00339.00 - voldisksetup incorrectly reports device errors         
            Patch 00390.00 - Prevents vold from core dumping                        
            Patch 00507.00 - NFS writes cause protocol violations                   
            Patch 00548.00 - Fix for advscan                                        
            Patch 00642.00 - Support for activating temporary data logging          
            Patch 00684.00 - Fixes automount handling of nogrpid option             
            Patch 00783.00 - Fix for incorrect available size for AdvFS domain      
            Patch 01316.00 - Fix for salvage utility core dump problem              
            Patch 01414.00 - Provides fixes for the fixfdmn utility                 
            Patch 01466.00 - Fixes a problem in rpc.lockd                           
            Patch C 01036.00 - NFS Server: permit set[ug]id, sticky bit setting     
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Hardware Configuration Patches:
            Patch 00179.00 - Fix for panics on AlphaServer GS140/GS60 systems       
            Patch 00323.00 - Various fixes for ALPHAVME320 systems                  
            Patch 00409.00 - Fixes a problem with NCR810 script                     
            Patch 00461.00 - Cursor is displayed incorrectly                        
            Patch 00526.00 - Fix for kernel memory fault                            
            Patch 00598.00 - Fix for tapex utility                                  
            Patch 00735.00 - Prevents Turbolaser panic with DE600 in pci slot 0     
            Patch 00849.00 - Fix for telnet and ftp commands                        
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / I/O Device Handling Patches:
            Patch 00060.00 - Fix For spo_misc_errors errlog Entries                 
            Patch 00153.00 - Fixes a problem within the SCSI and tape subsystems    
            Patch 00188.00 - Compaq SCSI SNMP sub-agent returns incorrect info      
            Patch 00281.00 - Fix for tmv2_notify_cbf problem                        
            Patch 00447.00 - Fixes a problem with the psiop driver                  
            Patch 00592.00 - Fixes a problem with floppy driver                     
            Patch 01216.00 - Increase for ReadyTimeSeconds in ddr_config            
            Patch 01388.00 - Fixes an IDE/ATA bus hang                              
            Patch 01401.00 - cmd transfer size changed to avoid kmf                 
            Patch 01491.00 - Fix for tape read-write operations failure             
            Patch C 01023.00 - OSFHWBIN440                                          
            Patch C 01063.00 - V40F.BL22 CSP (lfa.mod)                              
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / I18N Patches:
            Patch 00351.00 - Provides missing compose definitions                   
            Patch 00353.00 - Fix for Turkish F keyboard problem                     
            Patch 00443.00 - Danish locale now uses all lowercase month names       
            Patch 01421.00 - Provides updated Russian keyboard map                  
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Kernel Patches:
            Patch 00076.00 - Fix for simple lock panic                              
            Patch 00082.00 - Fix for system crash                                   
            Patch 00209.00 - Static library fix for libclass.a                      
            Patch 00420.00 - quotactl prototype is now POSIX compliant              
            Patch 00561.00 - Fix for system panic                                   
            Patch 00817.00 - Fix for ccmn_rem_ccb3 panic                            
            Patch 00829.00 - Fix for i2c lock hierarchy violation                   
            Patch 01237.00 - Corrects a problem in the sysconfig command            
            Patch 01368.00 - Fixes a problem in procfs                              
            Patch 01437.00 - Correction for remote debugging with dbx -remote       
            Patch 01468.00 - Fixes panic in the auditing of swapctl syscall         
            Patch C 01057.00 - V40F.BL22 CSP (kn600_mult.mod)                       
            Patch C 01058.00 - V40F.BL22 CSP (dc104x_mult.mod)                      
            Patch C 01062.00 - V40F.BL22 CSP (std_kern.mod)                         
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches:
            Patch 00476.00 - Performance issues on EV6 SMP machines                 
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Mail Patches:
            Patch 00482.00 - Fix for mailx problem                                  
            Patch 01275.00 - Corrects buffer overflow in binmail utility            
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Memory Channel Patches:
            Patch 00670.00 - Incorrect heartbeat timer in memory channel driver     
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Miscellaneous Patches:
            Patch 00299.00 - Fix for update installation hang                       
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Network Patches:
            Patch 00008.00 - Fix For POP Mail Handler                               
            Patch 00162.00 - Fix for unresolved symbol:scc_configure message        
            Patch 00243.00 - Fix for rpc.statd hang                                 
            Patch 00306.00 - Fixes Standards namespace pollution problem            
            Patch 00308.00 - Corrects a NIS client problem                          
            Patch 00405.00 - Fixes a tftpd problem                                  
            Patch 00406.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM             
            Patch 00475.00 - Fixes kernel panic occurring in lockmode 4             
            Patch 00478.00 - Fix for LAT driver                                     
            Patch 00668.00 - ATM setup script fails when configuring ELAN           
            Patch 00707.00 - Fix for bindsetup problems                             
            Patch 00796.00 - Fixes a problem in latsetup                            
            Patch 00845.00 - Fix for dropped ATM lane connections                   
            Patch 00851.00 - Miscellaneous joind fixes                              
            Patch 01100.00 - Threaded applications using XTI/TLI may hang           
            Patch 01102.00 - Fix for XTI/TLI static library hang                    
            Patch 01189.00 - snmp getnext returns value of wrongOID                 
            Patch 01205.00 - NetRAIN does not failover to a backup interface        
            Patch 01257.00 - Resolves KMF in DLI interrupt handler                  
            Patch 01348.00 - Fixes a problem with TULIP network interface cards     
            Patch 01397.00 - Fixes a problem with ATM signalling                    
            Patch 01399.00 - XTI may experience a fatal error                       
            Patch 01456.00 - Fixes a problem with gated                             
            Patch C 01006.04 - Mandatory ERP for ee device driver update v1.0.23    
            Patch C 01022.00 - route add 32bit netmask problem fix for v40fbl22     
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Real Time Patches:
            Patch 01211.00 - Support for NEW_OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM in libaio              
            Patch 01214.00 - Support for NEW_OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM in libaio              
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches:
            Patch 00003.00 - Security (SSRT0585U)                                   
            Patch 00011.00 - Security (SSRT0596U)                                   
            Patch 00127.00 - Security (SSRT0583Z)                                   
            Patch 00183.00 - Security (SSRT0614U)                                   
            Patch 00194.00 - Security (SSRT0612U)                                   
            Patch 00211.00 - Security (SSRT0615U)                                   
            Patch 00344.00 - Security (SSRT0580U)                                   
            Patch 00381.00 - Security (SSRT0624U)                                   
            Patch 00537.00 - Security (SSRT0600U)                                   
            Patch 00567.00 - Security (SSRT0642U)                                   
            Patch 00725.00 - Security (SSRT0672U)                                   
            Patch 00739.00 - Security (SSRT1-15, SSRT0713U)                         
            Patch 00741.00 - Security (SSRT0592U)                                   
            Patch 00801.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 00823.00 - Security (SSRT0638U)                                   
            Patch 00827.00 - Security (SSRT1-85U)                                   
            Patch 00855.00 - Security (SSRT0638U)                                   
            Patch 01062.00 - Security (SSRT0556U, SSRT2275)                         
            Patch 01065.00 - Fix for kdbx                                           
            Patch 01068.00 - Security (SSRT2275)                                    
            Patch 01070.00 - Security (SSRT2275)                                    
            Patch 01074.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01076.00 - Corrects buffer overflow in dxterm utility             
            Patch 01078.00 - Security (SSRT2275)                                    
            Patch 01086.00 - Security (SSRT2275)                                    
            Patch 01088.00 - Corrects buffer overflow in dxterm utility             
            Patch 01090.00 - Security (SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U, SSRT1-48U)  
            Patch 01094.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01096.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01098.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01105.00 - Security (SSRT1-80U)                                   
            Patch 01120.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01124.00 - Updates for mktemp(3) reference page                   
            Patch 01126.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01130.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01132.00 - Security (SSRT2208)                                    
            Patch 01137.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01141.00 - Security (SSRT2229)                                    
            Patch 01145.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01147.00 - Security (SSRT2339, SSRT2339)                          
            Patch 01151.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01153.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01159.00 - Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)                        
            Patch 01161.00 - Corrects buffer overflow in the dxsysinfo utility      
            Patch 01163.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01165.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01167.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01169.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01174.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01176.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01180.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01184.00 - Security (SSRT0792U)                                   
            Patch 01195.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01202.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01208.00 - Security (SSRT0785U)                                   
            Patch 01220.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01228.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01231.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01235.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01241.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01244.00 - Security (SSRT0743U, SSRT2256)                         
            Patch 01246.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01250.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01253.00 - Security (SSRT2280)                                    
            Patch 01263.00 - Corrects buffer overflow occurs in the dxterm utility  
            Patch 01265.00 - Provides dirclean(8) reference page                    
            Patch 01273.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01277.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01281.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01284.00 - Security (SSRT0795U)                                   
            Patch 01286.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01290.00 - Security (SSRT0571U, SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)             
            Patch 01296.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01303.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01305.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01309.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01314.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01320.00 - Security (SSRT2400)                                    
            Patch 01323.00 - Security (SSRT2408, SSRT2410, SSRT2411)                
            Patch 01328.00 - Fixes improper file or privilege management            
            Patch 01337.00 - Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)                        
            Patch 01339.00 - Security (SSRT2368, SSRT2368)                          
            Patch 01346.00 - Security (SSRT2193)                                    
            Patch 01356.00 - Security (SSRT0617U, SSRT0788U, SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)  
            Patch 01358.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01361.00 - Security (SSRT2280)                                    
            Patch 01363.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01365.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01370.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01372.00 - Security (SSRT0642U)                                   
            Patch 01374.00 - Security (SSRT0779U)                                   
            Patch 01378.00 - Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)                        
            Patch 01380.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01384.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01386.00 - Corrects improper file access                          
            Patch 01391.00 - Security (SSRT0767U, SSRT2251, SSRT2274, SSRT0788U)    
            Patch 01395.00 - Security (SSRT2189)                                    
            Patch 01417.00 - Corrects security vulnerability                        
            Patch 01419.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01423.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01425.00 - Provides the ckfsec(1) reference page                  
            Patch 01427.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01429.00 - Security (SSRT0664U, SSRT0762U)                        
            Patch 01431.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01433.00 - Provides the ckfsec utility                            
            Patch 01435.00 - Security (SSRT0794U)                                   
            Patch 01442.00 - Security (SSRT1-80U)                                   
            Patch 01444.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege management         
            Patch 01449.00 - Security (SSRT2280)                                    
            Patch 01458.00 - Security (SSRT3469, SSRT3531)                          
            Patch 01464.00 - Security (SSRT2400)                                    
            Patch 01470.00 - Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)  
            Patch 01478.00 - Security (SSRT3498, SSRT3498)                          
            Patch 01480.00 - Fixes SDLT media error caused bus resets               
            Patch 01493.00 - Security (SSRT2275, SSRT2301, SSRT2309, SSRT2412)      
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Software Development Environment Patches:
            Patch 00435.00 - Adds missing prototype for stime function              
            Patch 00450.00 - Fixes several DEC C compiler problems                  
            Patch 00474.00 - stime function does not compile under C++              
            Patch 00480.00 - Extends max length of identifier for assembler         
            Patch 01107.00 - Fixes a problem in sys/timeb.h                         
            Patch 01255.00 - Miscellaneous linker fixes                             
            Patch 01405.00 - Corrects improper file or privilege mangement          
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / System Administration Patches:
            Patch 00718.00 - dop cannot find application names containing period    
            Patch 01301.00 - Fixes binlogd core dump problem                        
            Patch 01307.00 - Fixes a problem in dxproctuner                         
            Patch 01439.00 - savecore prematurely terminates crash dump recovery    
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Terminal Handling Patches:
            Patch 00727.00 - Fix for Korn shell hang                                
            Patch 01149.00 - Fix fix prevents simple lock owned panics              
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Threads Patches:
            Patch 01197.00 - Installs version V2.1-120                              
            Patch 01199.00 - Installs version V2.1-120                              
            Patch C 01064.00 - V40F.BL22 CSP (                        
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / VM Patches:
            Patch 01267.00 - Fixes vmstat formatting problem                        
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Workstation Patches:
            Patch 00646.00 - Updates Netscape Communicator to version 4.76          
            Patch 00672.00 - Fix for pixel problem for CDE                          
     - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / X11 Patches:
            Patch 00007.00 - dxcalendar Reminder Displays Through dxpause Screen    
            Patch 00196.00 - XDMCP Indirect queries do not work                     
            Patch 00198.00 - X server crashes when viewing tiff images              
            Patch 00215.00 - checklist utility does not provide scroll bar          
            Patch 00216.00 - diskconfig may display incorrectly                     
            Patch 00221.00 - Fixes problem on systems with a Powerstorm 4D10T       
            Patch 00358.00 - X server incorrectly includes DPSExtension             
            Patch 00469.00 - Fix for X server interaction with X font server        
            Patch 00470.00 - Problem with X server interaction                      
            Patch 00729.00 - Fixes a memory leak in the X server                    
            Patch 01122.00 - Fixes a problem with PowerStorm 4D20 card              
            Patch 01128.00 - Various fixes for X font server                        
            Patch 01182.00 - Static library fix (libXt)                             
            Patch 01259.00 - Fixes a problem in the mwm window manager              
            Patch 01326.00 - Fix for ELSA GLoria Comet card                         
            Patch 01331.00 - Correction to XCopyPlane                               
            Patch 01393.00 - Fixes memory leak in X Toolkit library                 
            Patch 01403.00 - PowerStorm 4D20 graphics card draws fonts incorrectly  

    Patched files (via dupatch):

    Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time
    	The list of all patched files on your system:
      (depending upon the number of patches you installed, this may take awhile)
    ./etc/ddr.dbase	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./etc/inittab	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00299.00)
    ./etc/lprsetup.dat	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00262.00)
    ./etc/namedb/bin/make_hosts	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01094.00)
    ./etc/sysconfigtab	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./genvmunix	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./osf_boot	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01255.00)
    ./sbin	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/Rsh	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/advscan	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00548.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01414.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/salvage	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01316.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/shfragbf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00783.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/verify	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00783.00)
    ./sbin/advfs/vfragpg	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00783.00)
    ./sbin/chvol	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00075.00)
    ./sbin/consvar	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/cp	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/cpio	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ddr_config	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01216.00)
    ./sbin/diff	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01137.00)
    ./sbin/dump	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01193.00)
    ./sbin/find	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01312.00)
    ./sbin/grep	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01118.00)
    ./sbin/halt	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ifconfig	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/acct	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01080.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/audit	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/crashdc	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/cron	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/enlogin	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/gateway	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/inet	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/inetd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/kmod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/lat	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01072.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/lpd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/motd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/named	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01084.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/nfs	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/nfsmount	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/nis	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/paging	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/preserve	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/presto	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/quota	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/recpasswd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/rmtmpfiles	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/route	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/rwho	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/savecore	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/sendmail	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/settime	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/sia	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/snmpd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/startlmf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/static_route	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/streams	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/syslog	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/uucp	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01082.00)
    ./sbin/init.d/xntpd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/it	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/it.d/bin/gettimezone	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/it.d/bin/load_usr_pak	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/kloadsrv	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/kreg	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ln	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01172.00)
    ./sbin/loader	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ls	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/mfs	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/mkdir	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01233.00)
    ./sbin/mkfdmn	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00256.00)
    ./sbin/mount	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/mount_advfs	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01086.00)
    ./sbin/mount_mfs	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/mv	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/named	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01323.00)
    ./sbin/pax	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ping	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01141.00)
    ./sbin/ps	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01244.00)
    ./sbin/quotacheck	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/rc3.d/S10.5static_route	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/reboot	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/restore	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01193.00)
    ./sbin/rm	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01476.00)
    ./sbin/rmdir	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01476.00)
    ./sbin/route	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01022.00)
    ./sbin/savecore	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01439.00)
    ./sbin/scu	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01446.00)
    ./sbin/sh	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/showfdmn	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00313.00)
    ./sbin/shutdown	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00402.00)
    ./sbin/sort	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01246.00)
    ./sbin/sulogin	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/sysconfig	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01237.00)
    ./sbin/sysconfigdb	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01314.00)
    ./sbin/tar	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/ufs_fsck	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/umount	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/update	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sbin/vdump	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01178.00)
    ./sbin/vold	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00390.00)
    ./sbin/voliod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01078.00)
    ./sbin/volrecover	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00037.00)
    ./sbin/vrestore	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01178.00)
    ./shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00297.00)
    ./shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/_lmf_.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ace.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/advfs.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/alt.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/arch_alpha.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/arch_alphapmap.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/atm.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00406.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/atmip.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00475.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/bsd_tty.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/bufcall.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01023.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_94.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00153.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_ata.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01388.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_disk.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_psiop.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00447.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_pza.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00060.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_sim.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01388.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_sim.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01023.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_simport.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00281.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cam_tape.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/cdfs.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/comet.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dc104x.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dc104x_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dc104x_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01058.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ddr.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01216.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dec_acl.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dec_audit.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dli.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01257.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/dsa_sysap.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00153.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ebm30.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ebm30_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ebv16.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00323.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ebv16_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00323.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ee.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ee.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01006.04)
    ./sys/BINARY/emx.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ether.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/fdi.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00592.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/fta.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/generic.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/gwscreen.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/i2c.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00829.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/i2o.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/i2o_bs.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/inet.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/isp.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00817.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/itpsa.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01480.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kds.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00076.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kio.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn300.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn300_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn600.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn600_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn600_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01057.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn8ae.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00179.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/kn8ae_mult.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00179.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/lane.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00845.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/lat.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00478.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/ldtty.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00727.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/lfa.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/lfa.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01063.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/linear_io_access.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00526.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/loop.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/lsm.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00315.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/mchan.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00670.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/net.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/netrain.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01205.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/nfs.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/nfs_server.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/nfs_server.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01036.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/p3g.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/packetfilter.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/pci.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/pcia.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00735.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/pd6729.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/proc.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/procfs.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01368.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/pts.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01149.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/pty.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00849.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/re_xcr.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01401.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/scc.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00162.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/sec.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/sec_min.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/spd_cache.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/std_kern.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/std_kern.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01062.00)
    ./sys/BINARY/streams.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
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    ./usr/share/man/man7/bind_manual_setup.7.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01464.00)
    ./usr/share/man/man8/dirclean.8.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01265.00)
    ./usr/share/man/man8/named-bootconf.8.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01464.00)
    ./usr/share/man/man8/named-xfer.8.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01464.00)
    ./usr/share/man/man8/named.8.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01464.00)
    ./usr/share/man/man8/nslookup.8.gz	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01464.00)
    ./usr/share/sysman/Dxproctuner/ps_api.tcl	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01307.00)
    ./usr/share/sysman/bin/insightd	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00194.00)
    ./usr/share/sysman/diskconfig/DSKCONF.ism	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01386.00)
    ./usr/share/sysman/diskconfig/dp_ui.tcl	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00216.00)
    ./usr/share/sysman/diskconfig/dskValidDisks	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01386.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01326.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01122.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01403.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00672.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00672.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01331.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01331.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00221.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00221.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00221.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00198.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00729.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00198.00)
    ./usr/shlib/X11/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01128.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00823.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01263.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01253.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01253.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01253.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01159.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01393.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01208.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01211.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01211.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01374.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01197.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01064.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 01064.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01372.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01176.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01100.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01100.00)
    ./usr/shlib/	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01100.00)
    ./usr/skel/.login	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01294.00)
    ./usr/skel/.profile	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01380.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/alpha_init.o	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01437.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/ee.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/init_main.o	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/kern_swapctl.o	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01468.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/p3g.mod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/pmap_init.o	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/sysv_init_sysent.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00561.00)
    ./usr/sys/BINARY/ufs_quota.o	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00420.00)
    ./usr/sys/bin/btcreate	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/bin/btextract	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/bin/mktape	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/bin/procprod	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/bin/sboot	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01255.00)
    ./usr/sys/conf/GENERIC	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/conf/alpha/files	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/conf/files	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01388.00)
    ./usr/sys/data/if_tu_data.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01348.00)
    ./usr/sys/data/pci_option_data.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/arch/alpha/hal/ebv16.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00323.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/arch/alpha/hal/kn300.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/arch/alpha/pmap.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/arch/alpha/prom.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/arch/alpha/rpb.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/dec/binlog/binlog.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/ata/sim_ata.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01388.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/cam_disk.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/pdrv.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/qlogic/isp1020.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00817.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/scsi_all.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01491.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/siop/pci/script_pci.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00409.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/cam/siop/pci_scripthost.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00447.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/common/devdriver.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/common/kds.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00076.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/eisa/aceregs.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/pci/pci.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usb.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usb_debug.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usb_hid.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usb_ohci.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usbd.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/usb/usbdi.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/dec/ws/comet.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/i2o/i2o_bs.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/io/i2o/i2omsg.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/net/if.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/net/netisr.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/net/proto_net.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/netinet/proto_inet.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/netinet/tcp_var.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/nfs/rnode.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/audit.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/buf.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/fcntl.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/fifonode.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/flock.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/fuser.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/mount.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/msgbuf.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/namei.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/proc.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/socket.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00306.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/socketvar.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/time.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00435.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/timeb.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01107.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/user.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sys/vnode.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/sysV/filehdr.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/ufs/quota.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00420.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/vm/pmap.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/include/vm/vm_umap.h	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/kern/lockinfo.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/nfs/nfs_server_stubs.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/sys/vfs/vfs_conf.c	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/var/X11/Xserver.conf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00358.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/abscallout	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/arp	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/array_action	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/audit	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/buf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/callout	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/cam	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/cast	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/config	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/convert	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/cpustat	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/ctime	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/default	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/dis	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/ds	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/echo	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/export	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/fields	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/file	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/filename	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/ilock	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/inpcb	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/list_action	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/list_cells	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/lockinfo	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/lockstats	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/mbuf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/memwatch	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/mount	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/namecache	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/ofile	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/paddr	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/pcb	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/plist	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/printf	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/proc	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/procaddr	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/rtcallout	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/site.kdbxrc	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/slock	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/slot	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/socket	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/sum	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/swap	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/system.kdbxrc	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/task	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/thread	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/trace	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/tty	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/u	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/ucred	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/unaliasall	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/vlock	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/vnode	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/kdbx/walk	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01065.00)
    ./usr/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   01493.00)
    ./usr/var/yp/stdhosts	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00170.00)
    ./usr/var/yp/ypxfr	(DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch   00011.00)

    Install Notes:

    Installed by Alcatel
    on Fri Jun 24 23:51:00 GMT+0500 2005
    Notes : 
    Installed from /var/tmp/patch_kit/DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F/kit
    Kit name <DUV40F13-C0057300-99999-20040323

    <=[ ToC ]=> Manually Installed Customer Specific Patches

    Manually Installed Customer Specific Patches (CSPs):

    No manual customer specific patches have been installed

    <=[ ToC ]=> File Checksums

    Checksums for *.conf and hosts* files in /etc directory:

    #.mrg..binlog.conf = 988607825
    #.mrg..inetd.conf = 3741771946
    #.mrg..ntp.conf = 2965593328
    atm.conf = 532271583
    autopush.conf = 3049340052
    binlog.conf = 2207374073
    cml.conf = 95397763
    ifaccess.conf = 1623045411
    inetd.conf = 232927281
    latautopush.conf = 1464794472
    ntp.conf = 447086646
    resolv.conf = 2389838484
    snmpd.conf = 1848024249
    strsetup.conf = 1790101778
    svc.conf = 3200356660
    syslog.conf = 3173973031
    hosts = 663728748
    hosts.OLD_21 = 2808872963
    hosts.equiv = 2506266877
    hosts.rds03 = 4046065357

    <=[ ToC ]=> System Configuration File

    [devswmgr -display] [devswmgr -getnum] [config file] [param.c file] [.list file] [.product.list file] [ls -l /vmunix] [ls -l /sys//vmunix] [ls -l /sys/conf] [ls -l /subsys] [ls -l /var/subsys]

    devswmgr -display

    Device switch information
      device switch database read from primary file
      device switch table has 140 entries

    devswmgr -getnum

    Device switch reservation list
                                              (*=entry in use)
                driver name             instance   major
      -------------------------------   --------   -----
                                 nmts          1      87*
                             tu_reset          1      86*
                                  aal          1      85*
                                  n7s          1      84*
                                 n7cs          1      83*
                                  nl2          1      82*
                                 nios          1      81*
                                  nid          1      80*
                               cs_tcp          1      79*
                            cs_server          1      78*
                                 ntrp          1      77*
                                 noss          1      76*
                                  ndl          1      75*


    The /sys/conf/STATION_A file is not available.


    The param.c file contains system configuration parameters and should not be modified.

     * *****************************************************************
     * *                                                               *
     * *    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991, 1999    *
     * *                                                               *
     * *   All Rights Reserved.  Unpublished rights  reserved  under   *
     * *   the copyright laws of the United States.                    *
     * *                                                               *
     * *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   *
     * *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Digital   *
     * *   Equipment Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or   *
     * *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  *
     * *   pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment  *
     * *   Corporation.                                                *
     * *                                                               *
     * *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  *
     * *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  *
     * *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  *
     * *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       *
     * *                                                               *
     * *****************************************************************
     * HISTORY
    static char	*sccsid = "@(#)$RCSfile: param.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1998/11/18 18:43:14 $";
     * (c) Copyright 1990, OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
     * Mach Operating System
     * Copyright (c) 198[7-9] Carnegie-Mellon University
     * All rights reserved.  The CMU software License Agreement specifies
     * the terms and conditions for use and redistribution.
     * OSF/1 Release 1.0
     * Copyright (C) 1988,1989 Encore Computer Corporation.  All Rights Reserved
     * Property of Encore Computer Corporation.
     * This software is made available solely pursuant to the terms of
     * a software license agreement which governs its use. Unauthorized
     * duplication, distribution or sale are strictly prohibited.
     * Copyright (c) 1980, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
     * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
     * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
     * NOTE: confdep.h MUST preceed param.h.
     *	This allows overriding System V IPC default
     *	definitions from the kernel config file.
     * System parameter formulae.
     * This file is copied into each directory where we compile
     * the kernel; it should be modified there to suit local taste
     * if necessary.
     * Compiled with -DMAXUSERS=xx
     * On alpha, "hz", "tick", "fixtick", and "tickadj" are initialized at
     * bootup in alpha_init.c.
    int hz;
    int tick;
    int fixtick;
    int tickadj;
    int     maxdriftrecip = 1000;		/* This is a default which represents
    					   a ridiculously poor clock which
    					   drifts at a rate of 1 part in 1000,
    					   most cpu clocks are good to between
    					   1 part in 10000 (maxdriftrecip =
    					   10000) and 2 parts in 100000
    					   (maxdriftrecip = 50000). This value
    					   should be established in some (clock)
    					   hardware dependent module, e.g.
    					   mc146818clock.c. for the PMAX */
    struct utsname utsname = {
    int nproc;
    int nproc = MAXPROC;
    int nvnode; 	/* set in vfs_cfg.c now */
    int   min_free_vnodes; /* set in vfs_cfg.c now */
    int   max_vnodes = MAX_VNODES; /* max vnodes is now a percentage of memory */
    int vnode_age = VNODE_AGE;
    u_long ncache_valid_time = NCACHE_VALID_TIME;
     * maxuprc is set from source by CHILD_MAX in sys/limits.h.  Allow it to be
     * overridden if maxuprc is set in the config file.  Future kernel code should
     * use the global int maxuprc, not MAXUPRC or CHILD_MAX.
    int   maxuprc = CHILD_MAX;
    int   maxuprc = MAXUPRC;
    unsigned long maxuthreads = 4 * CHILD_MAX;  /* maximum threads per user */
    int autonice = 0;
    int autonice = 1;
    int   bufcache = 3;
    int   bufcache = BUFCACHE;
    int	ubc_minpercent = 10;
    int	ubc_minpercent = UBCMINPERCENT;
    int	ubc_maxpercent = 100;
    int	ubc_maxpercent = UBCMAXPERCENT;
    vm_size_t vm_max_wrpgio_kluster = 32*1024;
    vm_size_t vm_max_wrpgio_kluster = WRITEIO_KLUSTER;
    vm_size_t vm_max_rdpgio_kluster = 16*1024;
    vm_size_t vm_max_rdpgio_kluster = READIO_KLUSTER;
    int     thread_max = THREADMAX;  /* max number of threads system-wide */
    int	thread_max;
    int     task_max = TASKMAX;      /* max number of tasks system-wide */
    int	task_max;
    int	port_hash_max_num;
    int	port_max_num;
    int	port_reserved_max_num;
    int	set_max_num;
    int   maxusers = MAXUSERS;
    int   sys_v_mode = SYS_V_MODE;
     * RT_PREEMPT_OPT is set at config time so that preemption can be
     * turned off in a kernel which has RT_PREEMPT compiled on.
    long	rt_preempt_opt = 1; /* preemption is enabled */
    long	rt_preempt_opt = 0; /* preemption is disabled */
     * callout elements are dynamically allocated now.
    int ncallout;
     * Assigned value in data/tty_pty_data.c, reference here because
     * bsd/tty_pty.c looks at it.
    int npty;
    int	nclist = MAXCLISTS;
    int	nclist;
    int	create_fastlinks = 1;
    int	path_num_max = 64;
    int	ucred_max = 256;
     *  Note: nmount_max is *not* a hard limit on the total number of mounts (nfs,
     *  	ufs, s5).  It is the number passed to zinit() when initializing the
     *  	'mount_zone' zone.  This zone is dynamically expandable.
    int	nmount = NMOUNT;		/* max number of ufs mounts */
    int	nmount_max;
    int	nchsize;	/* now set in vfs_cfg.c */
    int	inohsz = 512;
    int	spechsz = 64;
     * nchsz overrides should be set with sysconfig using
     * stanza vfs and parameter name-cache-hash-size.  If no
     * override for vfs: name-cache-hash-size is set in 
     * /etc/sysconfigtab, a default value will be
     * calculated that scales to the name-cache-size.
    int	nchsz = 0;
    int	bufhsz = 512;
    int	nmbclusters;
    int     nmbclusters = NMBCLUSTERS;
    int ufs_blkpref_lookbehind = 8;
     * The default number of per-process file descriptors is configurable.
     * The getdtablesize(2) system call should be used to obtain the
     * current limit.  open_max_soft is the default per-process limit.
     * A process can increase its soft limit up to its hard limit using 
     * setrlimit(2).  The default hard and soft limits below must be 
     * at least 64, and less than or equal to OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM in param.h.
    int open_max_hard = OPEN_MAX_HARD;
    int open_max_soft = OPEN_MAX_SOFT;
     * These have to be allocated somewhere; allocating
     * them here forces loader errors if this file is omitted
     * (if they've been externed everywhere else; hah!).
    struct	vnode *vnode, *vnodeNVNODE;
    struct	file *file, *fileNFILE;
    struct	cblock *cfree = 0;
    struct	cblock *cfreelist = 0;
    int	cfreecount = 0;
     * These are initialized at bootstrap time
     * to values dependent on memory size
    struct	buf *buf;
    char	*buffers;
     * Declare these as initialized data so we can patch them.
     * moved here from arch/<machine>/startup.c
    long	nbuf = NBUF;
    long	nbuf = 0;
    long	bufpages = BUFPAGES;
    long	bufpages = 0;
    struct	namecache *namecache;
    struct  pid_entry *pidtab, *pidNPID;
    struct	quota *quota, *quotaNQUOTA;
    struct	dquot *dquot, *dquotNDQUOT;
     * Establish current and maximum values for task's
     * data and stack sizes. If maxdsiz is specified in
     * the config file, then the define comes from confdep.h,
     * otherwise the defaults in vmparam.h are used. Same
     * for maxssiz, dfldsiz, and dflssiz.
    struct rlimit vm_initial_limit_stack = { DFLSSIZ, MAXSSIZ };
    struct rlimit vm_initial_limit_data = { DFLDSIZ, MAXDSIZ };
    struct rlimit vm_initial_limit_core = { RLIM_INFINITY, RLIM_INFINITY };
    struct rlimit vm_initial_limit_rss = { DFLRSS, MAXRSS };
    struct rlimit vm_initial_limit_vas = { MAXVAS, MAXVAS };
     * System V IPC definitions. Default values come from param.h
     * or user can override the defaults in the kernel config file
     * (in which case values come from confdep.h).
    /* messages */
    struct msginfo  msginfo = {             /* message parameters */
    /* semaphores */
    struct seminfo  seminfo = {             /* semaphore information structure */
    /* shared memory */
    struct  shminfo shminfo = {     /* shared memory info structure */
     * vm tune parameters 
     * If any of the vm_tune parameters are defined in
     * the config file, then the define comes from
     * confdep.h, otherwise the defaults in vm_tune.h
     * are used.
    struct vm_tune vm_tune = {
    		COWFAULTS,		/* Copy point */
    		MAPENTRIES,		/* Maximum map entries */
    		MAXVAS,			/* Maximum VAS for user map */
    		MAXWIRE,		/* Maximum wired memory */
    		HEAPPERCENT,		/* Percent of memory for heap */
    		ANONKLSHIFT,		/* 128K anon page shift */
    		ANONKLPAGES,		/* Use system default anon_klpages */
    		VPAGEMAX,		/* Maximum vpage for umap */
    		SEGMENTATION,		/* Segmentation on or off */
    		UBCPAGESTEAL,		/* Steal from vnode clean list */
    		UBCDIRTYPERCENT,	/* Percent dirty UBC buffers */
    		UBCSEQSTARTPERCENT,	/* Start when ubc is this percent */
    		UBCSEQPERCENT,		/* Percent sequential allocates */
    		CSUBMAPSIZE,		/* Size of kernel copy map */
    		UBCBUFFERS,		/* Maximum UBC buffers */
    		SYNCSWAPBUFFERS,	/* Maximum synchronous swap buffers */
    		ASYNCSWAPBUFFERS,	/* Maximum asynchronous swap buffers */
    		CLUSTERMAP,		/* ckluster dup map size*/
    		CLUSTERSIZE,            /* max cluster bp size */
    		ZONE_SIZE,              /* zone_map size */
    		KENTRY_ZONE_SIZE,       /* kentry_map size */
    		SYSWIREDPERCENT,	/* max pct of wired memory system-wide*/
    		INSWAPPEDMIN		/* minimum inswapped ticks */
     * This is the size in bytes of the kernel memory area that is available
     * to the SVR4 versions of kmem_alloc() and kmem_zalloc().  See ddi_init()
     * for details.
    int ddi_map_size = 0x10000;
     * The quantum table, indexed by SVR4 RT priority.  Note that this table must
     * be editted when the number of RT priorities change because of changes in
     * SVR4_RT_MAX and/or SVR4_RT_MIN.  The priorities are given as MACH
     * priorities, and (SVR4_RT_MAX < SVR4_RT_MIN) and (SVR4_RT_MIN <=
    int svr4_rt_max	= SVR4_RT_MAX;
    int svr4_rt_min	= SVR4_RT_MIN;
    struct rt_default_quantum rt_default_quantum[SVR4_RT_MIN - SVR4_RT_MAX + 1] =
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
      { 1, 0 },
     * provide configurable size for the basic dma window. This is being
     * added for reflective memory (Cluster Memory Channel), but could be
     * useful for other, dma-intensive devices. If the variable defined
     * here is zero, the normal DMA window sizing code in the appropriate
     * platform (kn...c) file executes. If this is non-zero (i.e. has been
     * set by a sysconfigdb call or an entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab
     * file, this is the size of the window (* 1048576), then rounded up
     * to the next reasonable megabyte boundary. So, to force a 512-MB 
     * DMA window, this entry would be 512. To force a gigabyte window, 
     * this entry would be 1024. NOTE that this is *not* something that
     * can change dynamically, while the system is running. Setting the
     * DMA window only happens _very_ early in the bootup sequence, so
     * changing this variable requires a reboot for it to take effect.
     *     -bill grava
    int basic_dma_window_size = 0;	/* init to the default platform logic */
     * SCSI CAM subsystem CCB pool parameters.
     * Moved here from cam_data.c so they can
     * be configured via /etc/sysconfigtab.
    U32 cam_ccb_pool_size = 200;
    U32 cam_ccb_low_water = 100;
    U32 cam_ccb_increment = 50;
    /*U32 cam_ccb_high_water = 1000;	NOT USED */
     * Enable/Disable use of EV56 byte/word IO maps.
     * non-zero = auto enable/disable; zero = force disable,
     * to disable byte/word maps:
     *    >>> b -fl i; vmunix ev56_bw_io_maps=0
     * or edit param.c and rebuild kernel,
     * or dbx /vmunix; patch ev56_bw_io_maps=0.
    long	ev56_bw_io_maps = 1;


    The /sys/conf/STATION_A.list file is not available.


    This file contains descriptive information about the kernel software options installed on the system.


    ls -Ll /vmunix

    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system   12302480 Jul 11 01:49 /vmunix

    ls -Ll /sys/STATION_A/vmunix

    /sys/STATION_A/vmunix not found

    ls -Ll /sys/conf/

    total 868
    -rwxr--r--   1 bin      bin         2299 Apr 12  1999 #.mrg..param.c
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        14526 Apr 12  1999 .new..param.c
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       440 Jul 29  2004 .product.list
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        14526 Apr 12  1999 .proto..param.c
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin         3473 Apr 12  1999 BINARY
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        39011 Jan 11  2001 GENERIC
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     bin        39011 Sep 26 07:33 GENERIC.BOOTABLE
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system      3138 Jul 11 01:45 IOLAN1
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system      3138 Jul 11 01:48 IOLAN1.bck
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       440 Jul 29  2004 IOLAN1.list
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system      3117 Jul 29  2004 IOLAN1.ori
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Jul 11 00:49 alpha
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 bin      bin       409600 Apr 13  1999 config
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin          786 Apr 12  1999 copyright
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        46735 Jan 11  2001 files
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            8 Apr 12  1999 filesystems
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin         3389 Apr 12  1999
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        14526 Apr 12  1999 param.c
    -r-xr-xr-x   1 bin      bin       221184 Apr 13  1999 sourceconfig
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        17514 Apr 12  1999
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin        19917 Apr 12  1999
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            1 Apr 12  1999 version.banner
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            4 Apr 12  1999 version.baselevel
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            5 Apr 12  1999
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            2 Apr 12  1999 version.major
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            2 Apr 12  1999 version.minor
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            2 Apr 12  1999 version.patch
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            2 Apr 12  1999 version.type
    -r--r--r--   1 bin      bin            2 Apr 12  1999 version.variant

    ls -Ll /subsys

    total 48
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 device.mth

    ls -Ll /var/subsys

    total 12629
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     371725 Jan 24  2002 aal.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 aal.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 7322     users     993275 Jul 23  2003 cs_server.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     993761 Jan 24  2002 cs_server.mod.preNGH141
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 sersgsn1 system    992584 Feb 20  2002 cs_server.mod.preNGH192
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 7322     users     993388 Jan 31  2003 cs_server.mod.preNGH205
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 cs_server.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 sersgsn1 system    207266 Feb 20  2002 cs_tcp.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     206697 Jan 24  2002 cs_tcp.mod.preNGH141
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 cs_tcp.mth
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system    553144 Aug  9  2001 ctf_base.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system    920271 Sep  3  1999 dna_base.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system    235836 Sep  3  1999 dna_dli.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system    230629 Sep  3  1999 dna_netman.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system     41234 Sep  3  1999 dna_xti.mod
    -rw-r--r--   1 bin      bin       249113 Jan 11  2001 lat.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 364      system    145481 Mar 18  2002 n7cs.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     145017 Jan 24  2002 n7cs.mod.preN7H123
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 n7cs.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 364      system    180432 Mar 18  2002 n7s.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     179481 Jan 24  2002 n7s.mod.preN7H123
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 n7s.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users      15793 Jan 24  2002 ndl.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 ndl.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     302248 Jan 24  2002 nid.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 nid.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     232253 Jan 24  2002 nios.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 nios.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     150967 Jan 24  2002 nl2.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 nl2.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users       8957 Jan 24  2002 nmts.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 nmts.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system    309071 Aug  9  2005 noss.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     308278 Jan 24  2002 noss.mod.preNGH141
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 noss.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 sersgsn1 system     82988 Feb 20  2002 npfsrv.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users      82895 Jan 24  2002 npfsrv.mod.preNGH141
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 npfsrv.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 sersgsn1 system    134967 Feb 20  2002 ntrp.mod
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users     135023 Jan 24  2002 ntrp.mod.preNGH141
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        49152 Apr 12  1999 ntrp.mth
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 13       users       8037 Jan 24  2002 tu_reset.mod
    -rw-r-----   1 root     system    287976 Aug  9  2001 wan_utilities.mod
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system   1896888 Aug  9  2001 x25_access.mod
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system    573520 Aug  9  2001 x25_relay.mod

    <=[ ToC ]=> sysconfig Settings

    [/etc/sysconfigtab] [sysconfig -q]

    /sbin/init.d/autosysconfig list

    Current automatic configuration list includes following dynamic subsystems:


    The sysconfigtab file contains boottime values for the attributes of subsystems that are dynamically configured into the kernel. Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to modify the file.

       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ADP0001, Function_Name - AHA1740, Driver_Name - aha, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ADP0002, Function_Name - AHA1740, Driver_Name - aha, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2500, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - envram, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ISA1010, Function_Name  - 'COM,1' Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ISA1010, Function_Name - 'COM,2', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ISA1010, Function_Name - PAR, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2A01, Function_Name - SYSMEM, Driver_Name - Null, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2A01, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,1', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2A01, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,2', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2A01, Function_Name - PAR, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - MLX0070, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - xcr, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - MLX0075, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - xcr,  Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config  - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - MLX0077, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - xcr,  Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - SYSMEM, Driver_Name - Null, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,1', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,2', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - PAR, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5100, Function_Name - SYSMEM, Driver_Name - Null, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5100, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,1', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5100, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,2', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5100, Function_Name - PAR, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5301, Function_Name - SYSMEM, Driver_Name - Null, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5301, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,1', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5301, Function_Name - 'ACECOM,2', Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5301, Function_Name - PAR, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC6000, Function_Name - 'SYSMEM', Driver_Name - Null, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'KBD,MOUSE', Driver_Name - gpc, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - COM, Driver_Name - ace, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - LPT, Driver_Name - lp, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'ISA--SCC', Driver_Name - iscc, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMTNV-AA', Driver_Name - nvtc, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAP-AA', Driver_Name - nvtc, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZ-AA', Driver_Name - asc, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZ-DS', Driver_Name - tcds, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZ-FS', Driver_Name - tcds, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZB-AA', Driver_Name - tcds, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZB-AB', Driver_Name - tcds, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAZC-AA', Driver_Name - tcds, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'KZTSA-AA', Driver_Name - tza, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - A, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGB-BA', Driver_Name - fb, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAG-RO', Driver_Name - fb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAG-JA', Driver_Name - fb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - PMADC, Driver_Name - pv, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGC-AA', Driver_Name - pv, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGC-BA', Driver_Name - pv, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGC-DA', Driver_Name - pvl, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGC-EA', Driver_Name - pvl, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - PMAGD, Driver_Name - fb, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGD-AA', Driver_Name - fb, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAGD-BA', Driver_Name - fb, Int_Aft_Attach - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - FLOPPY, Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ADP0002, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2400, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC2A01, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5100, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5301, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC6000, Function_Name - 'MSD,FPYCTL', Driver_Name - fdi, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAD-AA', Driver_Name - ln, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC4220, Function_Name - 'NET,ETH', Driver_Name - ln, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'DE200-LE', Driver_Name - le, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - '3Com Corporation', Product_Name - '3C589', Manufact_Id - 0x101, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 6, Driver_Name - el, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 0, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - '3Com Corporation', Product_Name - '3C589D', Manufact_Id - 0x101, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 6, Driver_Name - el, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 0, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 3C509, Driver_Name - el, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC4250, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - tu,  Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAF-AA', Driver_Name - fza, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAF-FA', Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAF-FS', Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAF-FD', Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAF-FU', Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC3001, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC3002, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - fta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'PMAT-AA', Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - DW110, Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - TKRNG, Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - PRO6000, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - PRO6001, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - PRO6002, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - tra, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       TC_Option =  Modname - 'DGLTA-FA',Driver_Name - lta, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'AT&T Paradyne', Product_Name - 'KeepInTouch Card', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 2, Driver_Name - ace, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'Digital', Product_Name - 'PCMCIA V.32bis 14,400 Fax', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 2, Driver_Name - ace, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'MEGAHERTZ', Product_Name - 'XJ2288', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 2, Driver_Name - ace, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'AD PC-CARD', Product_Name - 'RC288ACL', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 2, Driver_Name - ace, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'AD2880WRLD', Product_Name - 'International_V.34_PC-Card_Modem', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 2, Driver_Name - ace, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 1, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'INTEGRAL PERIPHERALS', Product_Name - 'ATA CARD', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 4, Driver_Name - ata, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 0, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'IBM', Product_Name - '', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 4, Driver_Name - ata, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 0, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 0, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       PCMCIA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'Maxtor', Product_Name - '', Manufact_Id - 0, Card_Rev - 0, Func_Code - 4, Driver_Name - ata, Loadable_Flag - 0, Unload_Flag - 0, Intr_Handler_Flag - 0, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N, Man_Name_Mo_Flag - 1, Prd_Name_Mo_Flag - 0, Mid_Mo_Flag - 0, Card_Rev_Mo_Flag - 0
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - CPQ3011, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - qvision, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - CPQ3111, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - qvision, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - CPQ3112, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - qvision, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - DEC5000, Function_Name - VID, Driver_Name - cirrus, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - ISA6400, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - ati, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'MACH64', Driver_Name - ati, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'WD90', Driver_Name - wd, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       EISA_Option = Board_Id - PHI8041, Function_Name - Null, Driver_Name - vga, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       ISA_Option =  Board_Id - Null, Function_Name - 'ISA--VGA', Driver_Name - vga, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
       VBA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'Digital', Product_Name - 'VME Backplane Network Driver',  Bus_Instance - 0, Driver_Name - vb, Driver_Instance - 0, Csr1 - 0, Csr2 - 0, Vector - 0x1150, Bus_Priority - 7, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_hub, Release_Num - 0x1000, Device_Class - 0x09, Device_Sub_Class - 0x1, Config_Device - 0x1
    	USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_hub, Release_Num - 0x1000, Device_Class - 0x09, Device_Sub_Class - 0x0, Config_Device - 0x1
    	USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_mouse, Release_Num - 0x1000, Device_Class - 0xff, Interface_Class - 0x03, Interface_Sub_Class - 0x01, Interface_Protocol - 0x02, Config_Interface - 0x1
    	USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_keyboard, Release_Num - 0x1000, Device_Class - 0xff, Interface_Class - 0x03, Interface_Sub_Class - 0x01, Interface_Protocol - 0x01, Config_Interface - 0x1
    	USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_hid, Release_Num - 0x1000, Device_Class - 0xff, Interface_Class - 0x03, Interface_Sub_Class - 0x01, Config_Interface - 0x1
            USB_Class_Driver = Driver_Name - usb_printer, Release_Num - 0x1000, Interface_Class - 0x07, Interface_Sub_Class - 0x01, Interface_Protocol - 0x01, Config_Interface - 0x1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wans_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wans_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wans_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wans_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wans_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wans_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wans_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wans_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan0_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan0_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan0_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan0_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan0_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan0_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan0_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan0_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan1_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan1_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan1_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan1_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan1_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan1_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan1_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan1_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan2_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan2_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan2_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan2_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan2_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan2_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan2_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan2_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan3_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan3_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan3_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan3_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan3_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan3_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = wan3_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = wan3_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = x25_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = x25_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = x25_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = x25_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = x25_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = x25_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = x25_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = x25_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ixe_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ixe_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ixe_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ixe_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ixe_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ixe_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ixe_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ixe_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = lapb_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = lapb_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = lapb_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = lapb_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = lapb_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = lapb_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = lapb_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = lapb_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = fr_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = fr_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = fr_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = fr_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = fr_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = fr_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = fr_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = fr_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ifre_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ifre_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ifre_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ifre_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ifre_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ifre_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = ifre_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = ifre_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp0_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp0_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp0_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp0_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp0_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp0_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp0_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp0_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp1_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp1_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp1_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp1_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp1_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp1_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp1_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp1_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp2_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp2_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp2_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp2_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp2_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp2_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp2_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp2_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp3_0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp3_0
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp3_1
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp3_1
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp3_2
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp3_2
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgmlp3_3
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgmlp3_3
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dxb
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x001F, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x0020, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x0021, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x0022, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x003A, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x003B, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x003C, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	PCI_Option = PCI_SE_Rev - 0x210, Vendor_Id - 0x114F, Device_Id - 0x003D, Rev - 0, Base - 0, Sub - 0, Pif - 0, Sub_Vid - 0, Sub_Did - 0, Vid_Mo_Flag - 1, Did_Mo_Flag - 1, Rev_Mo_Flag - 0, Base_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Mo_Flag - 0, Pif_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Vid_Mo_Flag - 0, Sub_Did_Mo_Flag - 0, Driver_Name - dxb, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
    	Device_Char_Major = Any
    	Device_Char_Subdir = dgppp
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Module_Config_Name = dgppp
    	Module_Config_Name = lig
    	Module_Config_Name = cs_server
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = cs_server
    	cs_SO_KEEPALIVE_bool = 0
    	Module_Config_Name = cs_tcp
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = cs_tcp
    	Module_Config_Name = noss
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = noss
    	Module_Config_Name = npfsrv
    	Module_Config_Name = ntrp
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = ntrp0
    	lockmode = 1
    	rt_preempt_opt = 1
    	rt-preempt-opt = 1
    	shm-seg = 256
    	sem-mni = 256
    	shm-mni = 256
    	Module_Config_Name = ndl
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Must_be_root = 1
    	Debug_mode = 0
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = ndl
    	netisrwakeupthreshold = 0
    	netisrpriority = 4
    	netisrthreads = 2
    	Module_Config_Name = nmts
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = nmts
    	nmts_Tracebuffer_Size = 10
    	Module_Config_Name = tu_reset
    	Device_Major_Req = Same
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Minor = 0
    	Device_Char_Files = tu_reset
    	new-wire-method = 0
    	ubc-nfsloopback = 1
    	ubc-maxpercent = 75
    	Module_Config_Name = aal
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = aal
    	Module_Config_Name = nid
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = nid
    	Module_Config_Name = nios
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = nios
    	Module_Config_Name = nl2
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = nl2
    	Module_Config_Name = n7s
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = n7s
    	Module_Config_Name = n7cs
    	Module_Type = Dynamic
    	Device_Char_Major = ANY
    	Device_Char_Files = n7cs
            udp_ttl = 64
    	tcp_keepidle = 30
    	tcp_keepcnt = 3
    	tcp_keepintvl = 8
    	tcp_keepinit = 20
    	tcp_keepalive_default = 1

    sysconfig -s

    cm: loaded and configured
    generic: loaded and configured
    io: loaded and configured
    ipc: loaded and configured
    proc: loaded and configured
    sec: loaded and configured
    socket: loaded and configured
    rt: loaded and configured
    bsd_tty: loaded and configured
    xpr: loaded and configured
    kdebug: loaded and configured
    dli: loaded and configured
    ffm_fs: loaded and configured
    atm: loaded and configured
    atmip: loaded and configured
    lane: loaded and configured
    atmifmp: loaded and configured
    atmuni: loaded and configured
    atmilmi3x: loaded and configured
    uni3x: loaded and configured
    bparm: loaded and configured
    advfs: loaded and configured
    net: loaded and configured
    netrain: loaded and configured
    ppp: loaded and configured
    inet: loaded and configured
    snmpinfo: loaded and configured
    bufcall: loaded and configured
    streams: loaded and configured
    dlb: loaded and configured
    kinfo: loaded and configured
    strstd: loaded and configured
    timod: loaded and configured
    tirdwr: loaded and configured
    ldtty: loaded and configured
    xtiso: loaded and configured
    pts: loaded and configured
    ufs: loaded and configured
    vfs: loaded and configured
    vm: loaded and configured
    kn600: loaded and configured
    dc104x: loaded and configured
    cma_dd: loaded and configured
    cam_disk: loaded and configured
    cam_tape: loaded and configured
    cam: loaded and configured
    cam_ata: loaded and configured
    isp: loaded and configured
    isa: loaded and configured
    ace: loaded and configured
    pci: loaded and configured
    ws: loaded and configured
    gpc_input: loaded and configured
    lsm: loaded and configured
    ddr: loaded and configured
    kio: loaded and configured
    kds: loaded and configured
    lan_common: loaded and configured
    ee: loaded and configured
    dna_netman: loaded and configured
    dna_dli: loaded and configured
    dna_base: loaded and configured
    dna_xti: loaded and configured
    envmon: loaded and configured
    ndl: loaded and configured
    npfsrv: loaded and configured
    noss: loaded and configured
    ntrp: loaded and configured
    cs_server: loaded and configured
    cs_tcp: loaded and configured
    nid: loaded and configured
    nios: loaded and configured
    nl2: loaded and configured
    n7cs: loaded and configured
    n7s: loaded and configured
    aal: loaded and configured
    tu_reset: loaded and configured
    nmts: loaded and configured

    Current attribute values for the cm subsystem:

    max_callbacks = 341

    Current attribute values for the generic subsystem:

    clock-frequency = 1024
    booted_kernel = vmunix
    booted_args = vmunix
    lockmode = 1
    lockdebug = 0
    locktimeout = 15
    max-lock-per-thread = 16
    lockmaxcycles = 0
    rt_preempt_opt = 1
    rt-preempt-opt = 1
    cpu_enable_mask = 1
    cpu-enable-mask = 1
    binlog-buffer-size = 0
    msgbuf_size = 8192
    message-buffer-size = 8192
    dump-sp-threshold = 4096
    lite-system = 0
    physio_max_coalescing = 65536
    kmem-percent = 0
    kmemhighwater-16 = 4
    kmemhighwater-32 = 8
    kmemhighwater-64 = 8
    kmemhighwater-128 = 8
    kmemhighwater-256 = 8
    kmemhighwater-512 = 8
    kmemhighwater-1k = 8
    kmemhighwater-2k = 8
    kmemhighwater-4k = 8
    kmemhighwater-8k = 8
    kmemhighwater-16k = 4
    kmemhighwater-32k = 0
    kmemhighwater-64k = 0
    kmemhighwater-128k = 0
    kmemhighwater-256k = 0
    kmemhighwater-512k = 0
    kmemhighwater-96 = 8
    kmemhighwater-160 = 8
    kmemhighwater-192 = 8
    kmemhighwater-320 = 8
    kmemhighwater-384 = 8
    kmemhighwater-448 = 8
    kmemhighwater-576 = 8
    kmemhighwater-640 = 8
    kmemhighwater-704 = 8
    kmemhighwater-768 = 8
    kmemhighwater-896 = 8
    kmemhighwater-1152 = 8
    kmemhighwater-1344 = 8
    kmemhighwater-1600 = 8
    kmemhighwater-2688 = 8
    kmemhighwater-12k = 4
    kmem-debug = 0
    kmem-debug-size-mask = 0
    kmem-protected-size = 0
    kmem-protected-lowat = 1000
    kmem-protected-hiwat = 0
    kmem-protected-kmempercent = 75
    kmem-audit-count = 1024
    old-obreak = 1
    user_cfg_pt = 45000
    memstr-buf-size = 0
    memstr-start-addr = 0
    memstr-end-addr = 0
    insecure-bind = 0
    kmemreserve-percent = 0

    Current attribute values for the io subsystem:

    bdevsw-size = 140
    cdevsw-size = 140
    max-iosize-read = 65536
    max-iosize-write = 65536
    basic-dma-window-size = 0
    dma-sg-map-64bit = 0
    dma-dac-capable = attribute does not allow this operation
    dma-sg-map-unload-zero = 2
    device_switch_inited = 1
    device_switch_stale = 0
    device_switch_print = 0
    cam_ccb_pool_size = 200
    cam_ccb_low_water = 100
    cam_ccb_increment = 50
    no_scatter_gather = 0

    Current attribute values for the ipc subsystem:

    msg-max = 8192
    msg-mnb = 16384
    msg-mni = 64
    msg-tql = 40
    shm-max = 4194304
    shm-min = 1
    shm-mni = 256
    shm-seg = 256
    sem-mni = 256
    sem-msl = 25
    sem-opm = 10
    sem-ume = 10
    sem-vmx = 32767
    sem-aem = 16384
    num-of-sems = 60
    max-kernel-ports = 22487
    port-hash-max-num = 1124350
    port-reserved-max-num = 22487
    set-max-num = 1029
    ssm-threshold = 8388608
    ssm-enable-core-dump = 1

    Current attribute values for the proc subsystem:

    max-proc-per-user = 64
    max-threads-per-user = 256
    per-proc-stack-size = 2097152
    max-per-proc-stack-size = 33554432
    per-proc-data-size = 134217728
    max-per-proc-data-size = 1073741824
    max-per-proc-address-space = 1073741824
    per-proc-address-space = 1073741824
    executable_stack = 0
    autonice = 0
    autonice-time = 600
    autonice-penalty = 4
    open-max-soft = 4096
    open-max-hard = 4096
    ncallout_alloc_size = 8192
    round-robin-switch-rate = 0
    round_robin_switch_rate = 0
    sched-min-idle = 0
    sched_min_idle = 0
    give-boost = 1
    give_boost = 1
    maxusers = 32
    task-max = 277
    thread-max = 552
    num-wait-queues = 64
    num-timeout-hash-queues = 32
    enable_extended_uids = 0
    enhanced-core-name = 0
    enhanced-core-max-versions = 16
    dump_cores = 1
    dump_setugid_cores = 0
    executable_data = 0

    Current attribute values for the sec subsystem:

    audit-buffer-size = 32
    audit-site-events = 64
    nfs-flatten-mode = 0
    ufs-sec-proplist-max-entry = 1548
    ufs-proplist-max-entry = 8192
    restricted_symlink_follow = 0
    restricted_hardlink_creat = 0
    restricted_fifo_open = 0

    Current attribute values for the socket subsystem:

    pftimerbindcpu = 0
    sbcompress_threshold = 0
    sb_max = 1048576
    sobacklog_drops = 0
    sobacklog_hiwat = 2
    somaxconn = 1024
    somaxconn_drops = 0
    sominconn = 0
    mbuf_ext_lock_count = 64
    umc_min_len = 1024
    umc = 0

    Current attribute values for the rt subsystem:

    aio-max-num = 716
    aio-task-max-num = 333
    aio-listio-max-num = 64
    aio-max-percent = 1
    aio-max-retry = 0
    aio-retry-scale = 4
    aio-socket-on-off = 1
    sigqueue-max-num = 64
    rttimer-max-num = 32
    aio-percpu-data = 0
    rtsem-nsems-max = 256

    Current attribute values for the bsd_tty subsystem:

    nclist = 120

    Current attribute values for the xpr subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the kdebug subsystem:

    kdebug_escape = 
    kdebug_stop_on_panic = 0
    kdebug_unix_console = 0
    kdebug_saveterm = 1

    Current attribute values for the dli subsystem:

    must-be-root = 1
    max-ifq-length = 512

    Current attribute values for the ffm_fs subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the atm subsystem:

    resvtimeo = 30
    sysresvlim = attribute does not allow this operation
    fsysresvlim = 90
    bsysresvlim = 90
    global_msg_level = 0
    cmm_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the atmip subsystem:

    atmip_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the lane subsystem:

    nelan = 4
    arp_mac_hash = 128
    vc_txflowq_maxlen = 512
    lane_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the atmifmp subsystem:

    resend = 1
    easy = 4
    lifetime = 5
    buckets = 10
    debuglevel = 0
    reclassify = 1
    dumplen = 0
    usetype1 = 0
    bitmask = 15
    ackinterval = 5
    multicast = 2
    interruptcontext = 0

    Current attribute values for the atmuni subsystem:

    atmuni_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the atmilmi3x subsystem:

    atmilmi3x_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the uni3x subsystem:

    timer_resolution = 10
    max_adapters = 16
    max_connections = 4096
    max_ptmpt_connections = 1024
    max_ptmpt_parties = 32767
    uni3x_msg_level = -1

    Current attribute values for the bparm subsystem:

    bootdef_dev = IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0
    boot_dev = IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0
    boot_osflags = A

    Current attribute values for the advfs subsystem:

    AdvfsCacheMaxPercent = 7
    AdvfsMinFragGrps = 16
    AdvfsMaxFragGrps = 48
    AdvfsAccessMaxPercent = 80
    AdvfsAccessCleanupPercent = 33
    AdvfsSyncMmapPages = 1
    AdvfsMaxDevQLen = 24
    AdvfsFavorBlockingQueue = 1
    AdvfsReadyQLim = 16384
    AdvfsPreallocAccess = 128
    AdvfsCacheHashSize = 2048

    Current attribute values for the net subsystem:

    arptab_nb = 37
    ifqmaxlen = 512
    netisrfair = 1
    netisrpriority = 4
    netisrthreads = 2
    netisrwakeupthreshold = 0
    nslip = 1
    screen_cachedepth = 8
    screen_cachewidth = 8
    screen_maxpend = 32

    Current attribute values for the netrain subsystem:

    nr_debug = 0
    nr_maxdev = 128
    nr_max_retries = 4
    netrain_timeout = 1000

    Current attribute values for the ppp subsystem:

    nppp = 1
    lock_debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the inet subsystem:

    inifaddr_hsize = 32
    ipdefttl = 64
    ipdirected_broadcast = 0
    ipforwarding = 0
    ipfragttl = 60
    ipgateway = 0
    ipport_userreserved = 5000
    ipport_userreserved_min = 1024
    ipqmaxlen = 512
    ipqs = 1
    ipsendredirects = 1
    ipsrcroute = 1
    pmtu_decrease_intvl = 1200
    pmtu_enabled = 1
    pmtu_increase_intvl = 240
    pmtu_rt_check_intvl = 20
    subnetsarelocal = 1
    tcbhashnum = 1
    tcbhashsize = 512
    tcbquicklisten = 1
    tcp_compat_42 = 1
    tcp_cwnd_segments = 2
    tcp_dont_winscale = 0
    tcp_keepalive_default = 1
    tcp_keepcnt = 3
    tcp_keepidle = 30
    tcp_keepinit = 20
    tcp_keepintvl = 8
    tcp_msl = 60
    tcp_mssdflt = 536
    tcpnodelack = 0
    tcp_recvspace = 32768
    tcp_rexmit_interval_min = 2
    tcp_rexmtmax = 128
    tcprexmtthresh = 3
    tcp_rttdflt = 3
    tcp_sendspace = 32768
    tcp_ttl = 60
    tcptwreorder = 0
    tcp_urgent_42 = 1
    udpcksum = 1
    udp_recvspace = 41600
    udp_sendspace = 9216
    udp_ttl = 64

    Current attribute values for the snmpinfo subsystem:

    snmp_devs = 12

    Current attribute values for the bufcall subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the streams subsystem:

    strmsgsz = 12288
    nstrpush = 9

    Current attribute values for the dlb subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the kinfo subsystem:

    kinfo_streams = 10

    Current attribute values for the strstd subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the timod subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the tirdwr subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the ldtty subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the xtiso subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the pts subsystem:

    nptys = 255

    Current attribute values for the ufs subsystem:

    inode-hash-size = 512
    create-fastlinks = 1
    ufs-blkpref-lookbehind = 8
    nmount = 128

    Current attribute values for the vfs subsystem:

    name-cache-size = 1029
    name-cache-hash-size = 128
    buffer-hash-size = 512
    special-vnode-alias-tbl-size = 64
    bufcache = 3
    bufpages = 7853
    path-num-max = 64
    sys-v-mode = 0
    ucred-max = 256
    nvnode = 468
    max-vnodes = 212754
    min-free-vnodes = 468
    vnode-age = 120
    namei-cache-valid-time = 1200
    max-free-file-structures = 0
    max-ufs-mounts = 1000
    vnode-deallocation-enable = 1
    pipe-maxbuf-size = 65536
    pipe-single-write-max = -1
    pipe-databuf-size = 8192
    pipe-max-bytes-all-pipes = 81920000
    noadd-exec-access = 0
    fifo-do-adaptive = 1
    smoothsync-age = 30
    io-throttle-static = 0
    io-throttle-shift = 1
    io-throttle-maxmzthruput = 1

    Current attribute values for the vm subsystem:

    ubc-minpercent = 10
    ubc-maxpercent = 75
    ubc-borrowpercent = 20
    ubc-maxdirtywrites = 5
    vm-max-wrpgio-kluster = 32768
    vm-max-rdpgio-kluster = 16384
    vm-cowfaults = 4
    vm-mapentries = 200
    vm-maxvas = 1073741824
    vm-maxwire = 16777216
    vm-heappercent = 7
    vm-vpagemax = 16384
    vm-segmentation = 1
    vm-ubcpagesteal = 24
    vm-ubcdirtypercent = 10
    vm-ubcseqstartpercent = 50
    vm-ubcseqpercent = 10
    vm-csubmapsize = 1048576
    vm-ubcbuffers = 256
    vm-syncswapbuffers = 128
    vm-asyncswapbuffers = 4
    vm-clustermap = 1048576
    vm-clustersize = 65536
    vm-zone_size = 0
    vm-kentry_zone_size = 16777216
    vm-syswiredpercent = 80
    vm-inswappedmin = 1
    vm-page-free-target = 128
    vm-page-free-swap = 74
    vm-page-free-hardswap = 2048
    vm-page-free-min = 20
    vm-page-free-reserved = 10
    vm-page-free-optimal = 74
    vm-page-prewrite-target = 256
    dump-user-pte-pages = 0
    kernel-stack-guard-pages = 1
    vm-min-kernel-address = 18446744071562067968
    malloc-percpu-cache = 1
    vm-aggressive-swap = 0
    vm_page_color_private = 0
    vm-map-index-count = 64
    vm-map-index-rebalance = 128
    vm-map-index-enabled = 1
    vm-map-index-hiwat = 4
    vm-map-index-lowat = 2
    new-wire-method = 0
    vm-segment-cache-max = 50
    vm-page-lock-count = 0
    gh-chunks = 0
    gh-min-seg-size = 8388608
    gh-fail-if-no-mem = 1
    private-text = 0
    private-cache-percent = 0

    Current attribute values for the kn600 subsystem:

    kn600-developer-debug = 0
    kn600-override-ide-check = 0
    kn600-ide-dma-rate = 0
    kn600-force-crd = 0
    kn600-force-crd-count = 4
    kn600-force-crd-delay = 310
    kn600-number-pci-busses = 1
    kn600-sys-fan-hotswap = 1
    kn600-sys-ps-hotswap = 0

    Current attribute values for the dc104x subsystem:

    DC104X_Developer_Debug = 0
    DC104X_DMA_Debug = 0
    DC104X_P2P_Debug = 0
    DC104X_SG_DMA_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the cma_dd subsystem:

    CMA_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    hw_database_debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the cam_disk subsystem:

    initialized = 1
    max_spinups_per_bus = 2
    disk_no_response_time = 14
    disk_starvation_time = 4294967295
    disk_dualcntr_no_resp_time = 30
    disk_bus_resp_time_enable = 0
    pwrmgmt_poll_period = 30
    disk_busy_timeout = 10
    disk_iob_retry = 3
    disk_iob_aptpl = 0
    disk_iob_console_key = 18446744073709551615

    Current attribute values for the cam_tape subsystem:

    initialized = 1
    open_behaviour = 1
    fixed_block_padding = 0

    Current attribute values for the cam subsystem:

    cam_initialized_flag = 1
    cam_printdb_flag = 0
    cam_param_1 = 1
    number_of_SCSI_buses = 0
    num_peripheral_drivers = 2
    num_old_peripheral_drivers = 0

    Current attribute values for the cam_ata subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = cam_ata
    Subsystem_Description = IDE adapter for PCI/PCMCIA 
    ATA_Developer_Debug = 0
    ATA_Intr_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the isp subsystem:

    isp_fw_file = /dev/qlogic

    Current attribute values for the isa subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = attribute does not allow this operation
    Module_Type = attribute does not allow this operation
    ISA_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    ISA_Developer_Debug = 0
    Adapt_Config = 0
    Confl1 = -4398040005908

    Current attribute values for the ace subsystem:

    dcd_timer = 2

    Current attribute values for the pci subsystem:

    PCI_Developer_Debug = 0
    PCI_Resource_Request = 0
    Module_Config_Name = attribute does not allow this operation
    Module_Type = attribute does not allow this operation
    PCI_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    Adapt_Config = 0
    Confl1 = 0

    Current attribute values for the ws subsystem:

    ws_graphics_flag = attribute does not allow this operation

    Current attribute values for the gpc_input subsystem:

    kbd_scancode = 3
    Module_Config_Name = gpc
    Subsystem_Description = gpc input driver
    ISA_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    EISA_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    Version = 1.00
    Num_Units_Installed = 1
    Num_Units_Probed = 1
    gpc_developer_debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the lsm subsystem:

    lsm_rootdev_is_volume = 0
    lsm_swapdev_is_volume = 0
    max-vol = 1024
    lsm_V_ROUND_enhanced = 0
    lsm_V_ROUND_enhance_proximity = 512

    Current attribute values for the ddr subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the kio subsystem:


    Current attribute values for the kds subsystem:

    kds_version = 1
    kds_inited = 3
    kds_print_flag = 0
    kds_num_db = 4
    kds_corrupt = 0
    kds_bio_read = 2
    kds_kio_read = 0
    kds_kio_write = 2

    Current attribute values for the lan_common subsystem:

    Version = 1

    Current attribute values for the ee subsystem:

    DriverVersion = V1.0.23
    minimal_isr = 1
    link_check_interval = 200

    Current attribute values for the dna_netman subsystem:

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present

    Current attribute values for the dna_dli subsystem:

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present
    dli-64bit-ctrs = 1

    Current attribute values for the dna_base subsystem:

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present
    tposi-somaxconn = 0
    tposi-rxmt-dr = 1
    doti-port-ntohs = 0
    sc_max_incoming = 1024
    sc_max_outgoing = 1024
    rfc1006-ignore-zerolen-tsels = 0
    rfc1006-strict-pdu-size = 0

    Current attribute values for the dna_xti subsystem:

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present
    load-method = TDB

    Current attribute values for the envmon subsystem:

    env_current_temp = 37
    env_high_temp_thresh = 60
    env_fan_status = 0
    env_ps_status = 0
    env_supported = 1

    Current attribute values for the ndl subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = ndl
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    Device_Major_Req = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Minor = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Files = attribute does not allow this operation
    cmajnum = 75
    dsflags = 0
    Version = NDL driver Rev 4.0
    Must_be_root = 1
    Debug_mode = 0

    Current attribute values for the npfsrv subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = npfsrv

    Current attribute values for the noss subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = noss
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 76
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision =  3.10 $
    noss_Developer_Debug = 0
    nossSpiPanic = 1

    Current attribute values for the ntrp subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = ntrp
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    Device_Major_Req = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Minor = ntrp0
    Device_Char_Files = ntrp0
    cmajnum = 77
    dsflags = 0
    version = $Revision: 3.34 $
    ntrp_pcatch = 1
    ntrp_unintr = 0
    ntrp_debug = 0
    _debug_serverId = 0

    Current attribute values for the cs_server subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = cs_server
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 78
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 1.20 $
    Cs_ALL_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_SRV_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_ARG_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_ADM_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_CGL_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_CGST_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_BL_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_JOBQ_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_FSM_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_RCV_UNSOLC_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_RCV_SOLC_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_RCV_ANSW_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_FAPI_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_LIB_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_OBS_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_POOL_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_RV5_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_SES_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_ERRNO_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_CTXDMP_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_BLDMP_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_TO_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_VRF_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_LCK_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_CTX_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_SYNC_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_SRCH_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_HOT_Developer_Debug = 1
    Cs_funnel = 0
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_SetUser = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_SetCore = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_SetPriv = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_SetSpi = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_ClrUser = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_ClrCore = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_ClrPriv = all | "function name"
    Cs_FUNC_Developer_ClrSpi = all | "function name"
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_APIs_Priv = 18446744073709551615
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_APIs_Core = 18446744073709551615
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_APIs_User = 18446744073709551615
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_APIs_Spi = 18446744073709551615
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_trsp = 4294967295
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_thread = 4294967295
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_declare = 4294967295
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_driver = 4294967295
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_encap = 4294967295
    Cs_printf_INCLUDE_misc = 1
    Cs_printf_ONLY_pid1 = 0
    Cs_printf_ONLY_pid2 = 0
    Cs_printf_ONLY_comm1 = 
    Cs_printf_ONLY_comm2 = 
    Cs_printf_ONLY_first_task = 0
    cs_timers_Developer_Debug = 0
    Cs_Wait_Before_Panic = 0
    Cs_Wait_Before_Printf = 0
    Cs_Link_Check = 0

    Current attribute values for the cs_tcp subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = cs_tcp
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    Module_Path = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Major_Req = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Major = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Minor = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Files = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    Device_Char_Minor = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Files = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_User = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Group = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Mode = attribute does not allow this operation
    cmajnum = 79
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 1.9 $
    cs_SO_KEEPALIVE_bool = 0
    cs_SO_REUSEADDR_bool = 1
    cs_SO_SNDBUF_sz = 8192
    cs_SO_RCVBUF_sz = 4096
    cs_TCP_NODELAY_bool = 1
    cs_TCP_KEEPIDLE_half_sec = 2
    cs_TCP_KEEPINTVL_half_sec = 2
    cs_TCP_KEEPCNT_cnt = 3
    cs_TCP_KEEPINIT_sec = 10
    cs_tcp_Developer_Debug = 0
    cs_tcp_use_MSG_WAITALL = 0
    cs_tcpsnd_wait_ms = 0
    cs_tcpsnd_wait_cnt = 0
    cs_tcp_passing_queue = 0
    cs_tcp_ceiling_prio = 0
    cs_tcp_delivery_thld = 0

    Current attribute values for the nid subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = nid
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 80
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 3.1 $
    nid_Developer_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the nios subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = nios
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 81
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 3.1 $
    nios_Developer_Debug = 0
    nios_hdlcdrv_ctx = 0

    Current attribute values for the nl2 subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = nl2
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 82
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 0.1 $
    nl2_Developer_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the n7cs subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = n7cs
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 83
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 3.1 $
    n7cs_Developer_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the n7s subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = n7s
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 84
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 3.1 $
    n7s_Developer_Debug = 0

    Current attribute values for the aal subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = aal
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    cmajnum = 85
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: 0.1 $
    aal_Developer_Debug = 0
    skip_audit = 1
    audit_mask = 0

    Current attribute values for the tu_reset subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = tu_reset
    Module_Type = 
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    numunit = 1
    Device_Major_Req = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Minor = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Files = attribute does not allow this operation
    cmajnum = 86
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    Revision = $Revision: $
    tu_reset_Developer_Debug = 0
    tu_disable_resets = 1
    tu_unit_to_act_on = 2

    Current attribute values for the nmts subsystem:

    Module_Config_Name = nmts
    Module_Type = Dynamic
    Device_Char_Major = ANY
    CMA_Option = attribute does not allow this operation
    numunit = 1
    Module_Path = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Subdir = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Major_Req = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Major = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Minor = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Block_Files = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Char_Minor = nmts
    Device_Char_Files = nmts
    Device_User = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Group = attribute does not allow this operation
    Device_Mode = attribute does not allow this operation
    cmajnum = 87
    dsflags = 0
    version = 0
    nmts_Developer_Debug = 0
    nmts_Tracebuffer_Size = 81920

    <=[ ToC ]=> rc.config Settings

    The /etc/rc.config.common file is not available.

    The /etc/rc.config file contains parameters that the system startup scripts use in order to boot the system.

    IFCONFIG_0=" netmask"
    IFCONFIG_1=" netmask"
    IFCONFIG_2=" netmask"
    IFCONFIG_3=" netmask"
    export INST_SERVER
    export XLOGIN
    export LAT_SETUP
    NECTAR_STARTUP="ngpas ns7bblevel2"
    export NGPAS_VERSION
    export NFSSERVING
    export NUM_TCPD
    export NUM_UDPD
    export NUM_NFSIOD
    export NFSLOCKING
    export NUM_PROPLISTD
    export NS7B2_VERSION
    export XNTPD_CONF
    export XNTP_SERV1
    export XNTP_SERV2
    XNTPD_OPTS="-g -x"
    export XNTPD_OPTS
    export BIND_CONF
    BIND_SERVERARGS="-c /etc/namedb/named.conf"
    export XNTP_SERV3
    export XNTP_SERV4
    export XNTP_SERV5
    export XNTP_SERV6

    <=[ ToC ]=> System Startup Procedures

    [inittab] [init.d] [rc2 startup] [rc3 startup] [rc2 shutdown] [rc0 shutdown]


    The inittab file provides the init program with instructions for creating and running initialization processes. The init program reads the inittab file each time it is invoked (most importantly, when the system boots). The file typically contains instructions for the default initialization, the creation and control of processes at each run level, and the getty command, which controls the activation of terminal lines.

    ss:Ss:wait:/sbin/rc0 shutdown < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 off < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    lsmr:s:sysinit:/sbin/lsmbstartup -b </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1 ##LSM
    lsm:23:wait:/sbin/lsmbstartup -n </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1 ##LSM
    vol:23:wait:/sbin/vol-reconfig </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1 ##LSM
    fs:23:wait:/sbin/bcheckrc < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    kls:Ss:sysinit:/sbin/kloadsrv < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    sysconfig:23:wait:/sbin/init.d/autosysconfig start < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    update:23:wait:/sbin/update > /dev/console 2>&1
    smsync:23:wait:/sbin/sysconfig -r vfs smoothsync-age=30 > /dev/null 2>&1
    smsyncS:Ss:wait:/sbin/sysconfig -r vfs smoothsync-age=0 > /dev/null 2>&1
    it:23:wait:/sbin/it < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    kmk:3:wait:/sbin/kmknod > /dev/console 2>&1
    s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    cons:1234:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console vt100
    q3mgrstart:3:respawn:/usr/sgsn/craft/bin/files/q3mgrstart > /dev/console 2>&1

    Scripts in /sbin/init.d

    The following scripts are run by the init program when the system boots:

    total 211
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         8371 Jul 29  2003 #.mrg..rmtmpfiles
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 .control
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2196 Jul 29  2003 .new..rmtmpfiles
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2473 Jul 11 01:04 .proto..rmtmpfiles
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1663 Jul 29  2003 acct
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2476 Feb 12  1999 advfsd
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         1927 Apr 13  1999 atm
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2309 Jul 29  2003 audit
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system      6563 Jul 29  2004 autosysconfig
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 bin
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2014 Apr 13  1999 binlog
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2543 Jul 29  2003 crashdc
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1892 Jul 29  2003 cron
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        32 Mar 18  2006 ctf -> ../../opt/CTA306/sbin/init.d/ctf
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        38 Mar 18  2006 decnetosi -> ../../opt/DNA402/sbin/init.d/decnetosi
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2397 Apr 13  1999 dhcp
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        32 Mar 18  2006 dli -> ../../opt/DNA403/sbin/init.d/dli
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1743 Jul 29  2003 enlogin
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         4690 Apr 13  1999 envmon
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2775 Jul 29  2003 gateway
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin        12701 Jul 29  2003 inet
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1933 Jul 29  2003 inetd
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2026 Apr 13  1999 insightd
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1737 Jul 29  2003 kmod
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         4859 Jul 29  2003 lat
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2879 Apr 13  1999 libmsetup
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2347 Jul 29  2003 lpd
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2877 Apr 13  1999 lsm
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         1669 Apr 13  1999 mfsmount
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        32 Mar 18  2006 mop -> ../../opt/DNA402/sbin/init.d/mop
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1389 Jul 29  2003 motd
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         3934 Jul 29  2003 named
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        35 Mar 18  2006 netman -> ../../opt/DNA403/sbin/init.d/netman
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         6317 Jul 29  2003 nfs
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2739 Jul 29  2003 nfsmount
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         5972 Jul 29  2003 nis
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        45 Mar 18  2006 osi_applications -> ../../opt/DNA403/sbin/init.d/osi_applications
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2596 Jul 29  2003 paging
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        30 Mar 18  2006 pmgrd -> ../../usr/opt/pm/scripts/pmgrd
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1486 Jul 29  2003 preserve
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         4415 Jul 29  2003 presto
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2696 Jul 29  2003 quota
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1785 Jul 29  2003 recpasswd
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        36 Mar 18  2006 rfc1006 -> ../../opt/DNA403/sbin/init.d/rfc1006
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2473 Jul 11 01:04 rmtmpfiles
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2245 Jul 29  2003 route
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         2154 Jul 29  2003 rwho
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         4318 Jul 29  2003 savecore
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2321 Apr 13  1999 security
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin        14249 Jul 29  2003 sendmail
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         3040 Jul 29  2003 settime
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1664 Jul 29  2003 sia
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         3377 Jul 29  2003 snmpd
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1732 Jul 29  2003 startlmf
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1848 Jul 30  2003 static_route
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1741 Jul 29  2003 streams
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1903 Jul 29  2003 syslog
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2108 Apr 13  1999 timed
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         1428 Jul 29  2003 uucp
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         2387 Apr 13  1999 vectored_x
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        32 Mar 18  2006 wdd -> ../../opt/WDA306/sbin/init.d/wdd
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        35 Mar 18  2006 wddpwb -> ../../opt/WDA306/sbin/init.d/wddpwb
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         2733 Apr 13  1999 write
    -rwxr-x---   1 bin      bin         1676 Apr 13  1999 ws
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        36 Mar 18  2006 x25stop -> ../../opt/XXA306/sbin/init.d/x25stop
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         5430 Apr 13  1999 xlogin
    -rwxr-xr--   1 bin      bin         3390 Jul 29  2003 xntpd

    Startup scripts in /sbin/rc2.d

    The following scripts are run by the init program when the system boots:

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S00savecore -> ../init.d/savecore
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S01libmsetup -> ../init.d/libmsetup
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S05paging -> ../init.d/paging
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S06mfsmount -> ../init.d/mfsmount
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S10recpasswd -> ../init.d/recpasswd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S15uucp -> ../init.d/uucp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S25enlogin -> ../init.d/enlogin
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           20 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S28.30rfc1006 -> /sbin/init.d/rfc1006
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S35streams -> ../init.d/streams
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/S45atm -> ../init.d/atm

    Startup Scripts in /sbin/rc3.d

    The following scripts are run by the init program when the system boots:

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S00inet -> ../init.d/inet
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S01quota -> ../init.d/quota
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S04uucp -> ../init.d/uucp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S08startlmf -> ../init.d/startlmf
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S09syslog -> ../init.d/syslog
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           22 Jul 11 00:49 /sbin/rc3.d/S10.5static_route -> ../init.d/static_route
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S10binlog -> ../init.d/binlog
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S11gateway -> ../init.d/gateway
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S12route -> ../init.d/route
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S13rwho -> ../init.d/rwho
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S14settime -> ../init.d/settime
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S15named -> ../init.d/named
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S18nis -> ../init.d/nis
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S19nfs -> ../init.d/nfs
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S20nfsmount -> ../init.d/nfsmount
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S21audit -> ../init.d/audit
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S25preserve -> ../init.d/preserve
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S26security -> ../init.d/security
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S27sia -> ../init.d/sia
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           27 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.05dxbstart -> /opt/DGIS2K100/etc/dxbstart
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           22 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.05net -> /opt/DGIS2K100/etc/net
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           24 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.06dgmlp -> /opt/DGIS2K100/etc/dgmlp
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           23 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.06ifre -> /opt/DGIS2K100/etc/ifre
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           22 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.06ixe -> /opt/DGIS2K100/etc/ixe
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.10netman -> /sbin/init.d/netman
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.30dli -> /sbin/init.d/dli
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           22 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.60decnetosi -> /sbin/init.d/decnetosi
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           20 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.70rfc1006 -> /sbin/init.d/rfc1006
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           29 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S28.95osi_applications -> /sbin/init.d/osi_applications
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           20 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S30rmtmpfiles -> ../init.d/rmtmpfiles
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S36presto -> ../init.d/presto
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S40sendmail -> ../init.d/sendmail
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S45xntpd -> ../init.d/xntpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S46timed -> ../init.d/timed
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S49snmpd -> ../init.d/snmpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S50insightd -> ../init.d/insightd
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           30 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S50pmgrd -> ../../usr/opt/pm/scripts/pmgrd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S51envmon -> ../init.d/envmon
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S53advfsd -> ../init.d/advfsd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S55inetd -> ../init.d/inetd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S56dhcp -> ../init.d/dhcp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S57cron -> ../init.d/cron
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S59lsm -> ../init.d/lsm
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S60motd -> ../init.d/motd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S63write -> ../init.d/write
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S65lpd -> ../init.d/lpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S75acct -> ../init.d/acct
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           20 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S85vectored_x -> ../init.d/vectored_x
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           12 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S90ws -> ../init.d/ws
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin         2791 Aug 31 01:37 /sbin/rc3.d/S98nec_cfg
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           38 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S98nec_cfg.beforeIAP152 -> ../../opt/NGP303/sbin/rc3.d/S98nec_cfg
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           38 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S99sgsn_1_appli -> /opt/H23125/sbin/rc3.d/S99sgsn_1_appli
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin         2132 Aug  9  2005 /sbin/rc3.d/S99sgsn_5_craft_pilot
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           34 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc3.d/S99sua -> ../../opt/NGP303/sbin/rc3.d/S99sua

    Shutdown scripts in /sbin/rc2.d

    The following scripts are run by the init program when the system shuts down by using init:

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K00lpd -> ../init.d/lpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K03lat -> ../init.d/lat
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K04dhcp -> ../init.d/dhcp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K05inetd -> ../init.d/inetd
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           30 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K08pmgrd -> ../../usr/opt/pm/scripts/pmgrd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K09snmpd -> ../init.d/snmpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K12envmon -> ../init.d/envmon
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K12insightd -> ../init.d/insightd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K15xntpd -> ../init.d/xntpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K16timed -> ../init.d/timed
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K20cron -> ../init.d/cron
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           20 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K21dgmlp -> /opt/DGIS2K100/dgmlp
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K22ifre -> /opt/DGIS2K100/ifre
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K23ixe -> /opt/DGIS2K100/ixe
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K24net -> /opt/DGIS2K100/net
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           23 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K25dxbstart -> /opt/DGIS2K100/dxbstart
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           29 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K28.05osi_applications -> /sbin/init.d/osi_applications
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K28.70dli -> /sbin/init.d/dli
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K28.90netman -> /sbin/init.d/netman
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K30sendmail -> ../init.d/sendmail
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K35nfs -> ../init.d/nfs
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K36presto -> ../init.d/presto
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K40nfsmount -> ../init.d/nfsmount
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K43nis -> ../init.d/nis
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K45named -> ../init.d/named
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K47rwho -> ../init.d/rwho
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K48route -> ../init.d/route
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K49gateway -> ../init.d/gateway
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K50syslog -> ../init.d/syslog
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K51uucp -> ../init.d/uucp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K52write -> ../init.d/write
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K53binlog -> ../init.d/binlog
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K55inet -> ../init.d/inet
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc2.d/K57quota -> ../init.d/quota

    Shutdown Scripts in /sbin/rc0.d

    The following scripts are run by the init program when the system shuts down by using init:

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K00enlogin -> ../init.d/enlogin
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K05lpd -> ../init.d/lpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K07lat -> ../init.d/lat
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K08audit -> ../init.d/audit
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K09dhcp -> ../init.d/dhcp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K10inetd -> ../init.d/inetd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K12insightd -> ../init.d/insightd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K14snmpd -> ../init.d/snmpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K16envmon -> ../init.d/envmon
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K19xlogin -> ../init.d/xlogin
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K20xntpd -> ../init.d/xntpd
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K21timed -> ../init.d/timed
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K22cron -> ../init.d/cron
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K25sendmail -> ../init.d/sendmail
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           29 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K28.05osi_applications -> /sbin/init.d/osi_applications
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           22 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K28.40decnetosi -> /sbin/init.d/decnetosi
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           25 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K28.50x25 -> ../../sbin/init.d/x25stop
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K28.70dli -> /sbin/init.d/dli
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     bin           19 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K28.90netman -> /sbin/init.d/netman
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K30nfs -> ../init.d/nfs
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K31presto -> ../init.d/presto
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           18 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K35nfsmount -> ../init.d/nfsmount
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K38nis -> ../init.d/nis
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K40named -> ../init.d/named
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K42rwho -> ../init.d/rwho
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K43route -> ../init.d/route
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           17 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K44gateway -> ../init.d/gateway
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K45syslog -> ../init.d/syslog
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K46uucp -> ../init.d/uucp
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K47write -> ../init.d/write
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           16 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K48binlog -> ../init.d/binlog
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           14 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K50inet -> ../init.d/inet
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K51atm -> ../init.d/atm
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           15 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K52quota -> ../init.d/quota
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin           13 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/rc0.d/K59lsm -> ../init.d/lsm

    <=[ ToC ]=> Virtual Memory and Swap

    [vmstat -P] [vmstat -s] [vmstat -f] [vmstat 2 5] [sched_stat] [vmstat -M] [dbx variables] [swapdefault] [swapon -s] [ipcs] [lockinfo] [kprofile]
    vm sysconfig data
    process data
    ipc sysconfig data
    vfs sysconfig data

    Tuning Suggestion: The value of new-wire-method may be 1
    This version of the operating system with the latest patches installed, the value of new-wire-method may be 1. Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.

    Operational: High free memory ( 898192 KB ).
    This may be caused by the system being idle or system parameters incorrectly set.

    Operational: High wired memory ( 1064344 KB ).
    This may be caused by system parameters incorrectly set, or too little memory.

    Operational: Raise msgbuf_size and message-buffer-size parameters.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.

    Tuning Suggestion: The value of vm-ubcseqstartpercent is recommended to be 30 %.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.
    See Improving Large File Caching Performance in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Operational: The value of vm-page-free-target ( 128 ) should be set to 512 or more (but never greater than 2048).
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value..
    See Changing the Rate of Swapping in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Tuning Suggestion: Change the value of vm-mapentries ( 200 ) to 16384.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.
    See Increasing the Number of Memory-Mapped Files in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Tuning Suggestion: Change the value of vm-vpagemax ( 16384 ) to 131072.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.
    See Increasing the Number of Pages With Individual Protections in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Operational: Increase the value of maxusers ( 32 ) to at least 1024.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value..
    See Tuning System Resource Limits in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Note: The top and syd system monitoring tools, which are available in the public domain or on the Tru64 UNIX Freeware CD-ROM, may consume enough kernel memory to crash the system if they are being run continuously. Do not run these tools continuously, unless you apply patches to these tools that fix the problem.

    Total memory = 2097152 KB ( 2048 MB ) ( 2046 MB )
    Kernel size, console and gh-chunks = 46592 KB ( 45 MB )
    gh-chunks = 0 ( 0 KB ) ( 0 MB )
    Total vm managed memory after boot = 2050560 KB ( 2002 MB )
    current ubc size = 66376 KB ( 64 MB ) ( 3 % )
    current wired memory = 1060976 KB ( 1036 MB ) ( 51 % )
    current vm memory = 922128 KB ( 900 MB ) ( 44 % )

    vm-page-free-target = 128 ( 1024 KB )
    vm-page-free-optimal = 74 ( 592 KB )
    vm-page-free-min = 20 ( 160 KB )
    vm-page-free-reserved = 10 ( 80 KB )

    ubc-maxpercent = 75 % ( 1537920 KB ) ( 1501 MB )
    ubc-minpercent = 10 % ( 205056 KB ) ( 200 MB )
    ubc-borrowpercent = 20 % ( 410112 KB ) ( 400 MB )
    vm-ubcdirtypercent = 10 % ( 6637 KB ) ( 6 MB )
    vm-ubcseqstartpercent = 50 % ( 1025280 KB ) ( 1001 MB )
    vm-ubcseqpercent = 10 % of current UBC size, when UBC size is greater than vm-ubcseqstartpercent ( 102528 KB ) ( 100 MB )

    The UBC cache hit rate is 2 %.

    vmstat -P

    Total Physical Memory =  2048.00 M
                          =   262144 pages
    Physical Memory Clusters:
     start_pfn     end_pfn        type  size_pages / size_bytes
             0         256         pal         256 /    2.00M
           256      130974          os      130718 / 1021.23M
        130974      131072         pal          98 /  784.00k
        131072      262142          os      131070 / 1023.98M
        262142      262144         pal           2 /   16.00k
    Physical Memory Use:
     start_pfn     end_pfn        type  size_pages / size_bytes
           256         280   unixtable          24 /  192.00k
           280         284    scavenge           4 /   32.00k
           284         841        text         557 /    4.35M
           841         963        data         122 /  976.00k
           963        1123         bss         160 /    1.25M
          1123        1282      kdebug         159 /    1.24M
          1282        1292     cfgmgmt          10 /   80.00k
          1292        1575   unixtable         283 /    2.21M
          1575        1588        pmap          13 /  104.00k
          1588        5724    vmtables        4136 /   32.31M
          5724      262142     managed      256418 / 2003.27M
             Total Physical Memory Use:     261886 / 2045.98M
    Managed Pages Break Down:
           free pages = 112589
         active pages = 1045
       inactive pages = 1637
          wired pages = 132758
            ubc pages = 8295
                Total = 256324
    WIRED Pages Break Down:
       vm wired pages = 100592
      ubc wired pages = 11835
      meta data pages = 7853
         malloc pages = 10554
         contig pages = 203
        user ptepages = 1649
      kernel ptepages = 63
        free ptepages = 9
                Total = 132758

    vmstat -s

    Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
          1044   active pages             
          1637   inactive pages           
        112591   free pages               
        132757   wired pages              
     208504591   virtual memory page faults
      56679274   copy-on-write page faults
     155591113   zero fill page faults    
        802739   reattaches from reclaim list
      89714197   pages paged in           
          7323   pages paged out          
    3960298736   task and thread context switches
     747457262   device interrupts        
    2362159113   system calls             

    vmstat -f

       2741630   forks                    
           526   vforks                   

    vmstat 2 5

    Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
     procs    memory        pages                         intr      cpu
     r   w  u act free wire fault cow zero react pin pout  in sy cs us sy id
     2 423 33 10K 112K 132K  208M 56M 155M  802K 89M 7323 639 2K 3K  1  6 92
     3 422 33 10K 112K 132K  2012 558  767     0 376    0 622 1K 3K  1 10 88
     2 423 33 10K 112K 132K   605  92  564     0 158    0 638 1K 3K  1 10 88
     2 423 33 10K 112K 132K   674 118  581     0 184    0 620 1K 3K  1  8 90
     2 423 33 10K 112K 132K   604  92  564     0 158    0 688 2K 3K  1  9 88

    vmstat -f

       2741659   forks                    
           526   vforks                   

    The sched_stat sleep 75 output:

    hostname:	STATION_A
    processors:	1
    command:	sleep 75 
    start time:	Tue Oct  2 14:18:06 2007
    end time:	Tue Oct  2 14:19:21 2007
     Funnelling counts 
     unix master calls 40   resulting blocks 0
                  Scheduler Dispatch Statistics     
    cpu  0    local   global    idle    |   total   percent
    hot           0    190183     32440 |    222623    99.3
    warm          0      1114       491 |      1605     0.7
    cold          0         0         0 |         0     0.0
    total         0    191297     32931 |    224228
    percent     0.0      85.3      14.7
                               Scheduler Load Balancing	
                                                 |         5-second averages  
             steal             idle      desired |   current   interrupt     RT 
    cpu       trys    steals   steals    load    |   load         %          %
     0  |        0        0        0      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
    		                Processor Usage 
    cpu    user   nice  system  idle  widle |   scalls      intr       csw    tbsyc
     0 |    0.9    0.0    7.0   91.1    0.9 |   153077     48471    256818        0

    vmstat -M

    Memory usage by bucket:
    bucket#  element_size  elements_in_use  elements_free  bytes_in_use fail_nowait
        0            16        105297            1711         1684752       0
        1            32         17383            3097          556256       0
        2            64          6742            1066          431488       0
        3           128          5117            1155          654976       0
        4           256         22801            2639         5837056       0
        5           512         25669            1947        13142528       0
        6          1024            25               7           25600       0
        7          2048           565              31         1157120       0
        8          4096            22               4           90112       0
        9          8192            74               8          606208       0
       10         16384             8               4          131072       0
       11         32768            14               0          458752       0
       12         65536            69               0         4521984       0
       13        131072            10               0         1310720       0
       14        262144             4               0         1048576       0
       15        524288            10               0         5242880       0
       16            96        534887             103        51349152       0
       17           160          6735             252         1077600       0
       18           192           445              17           85440       0
       19           320          1473             127          471360       0
       20           384            40              23           15360       0
       21           448             7              11            3136       0
       22           576           103              23           59328       0
       23           640            22              14           14080       0
       24           704             3               8            2112       0
       25           768           565              75          433920       0
       26           896           476              19          426496       0
       27          1152          1366              13         1573632       0
       28          1344            31               5           41664       0
       29          1600            13              12           20800       0
       30          2688           287              10          771456       0
       31         12288            24               8          294912       0
    Total memory being used from buckets = 93540528 bytes
    Total free memory in buckets = 2609520 bytes
    Memory usage by type: Type and Number of bytes being used
    MBUF        = 145152   MCLUSTER    = 1114112  SOCKET      = 104832   
    PCB         = 69648    ROUTETBL    = 5568     IFADDR      = 2688     
    SONAME      = 7424     MBLK        = 512      STRHEAD     = 1024     
    STRQUEUE    = 3584     STRMODSW    = 2880     STRSYNCQ    = 1184     
    STREAMS     = 1472     NFS REQ     = 10368    FILE        = 26816    
    DEVBUF      = 50287744 PATHNAME    = 912      KERNEL TBL  = 76880    
    ADVFS       = 5062512  IPM OPT     = 192      IPM ADDR    = 448      
    IFM ADDR    = 1344     VNODE       = 13075648 DMASG       = 2239200  
    SIGQ        = 384      ATM         = 80448    KALLOC      = 1079472  
    TEMP        = 840176   PMAP        = 549408   CRED        = 27904    
    TASK        = 354816   THREAD      = 413952   SELQ        = 25792    
    RTTIME      = 3840     SVIPC       = 736      MOUNT       = 3520     
    MIPC        = 50957792 VMOBJ       = 846976   VMANON      = 1570400  
    VMSEG       = 11392    VMLOCK      = 4160     VMMAP       = 26304    
    VMENTRY     = 300960   FLOCK       = 192      FIFO        = 5617152  
    ANON        = 1233120  VMVPAGE     = 90368    NCALLOUT    = 32064    
    WS          = 16384    HWINTR      = 10240    SIGACT      = 33088    
    THREADLOCK  = 21888    DNA         = 60448    DLI         = 27520    
    VMSWAP      = 65664    IORSRC      = 8192     

    VM dbx output:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  maxusers: 
    ======  ubc_pages in Mbytes: 
    ======  vm_page_free_min: 
    ======  vm_page_free_optimal: 
    ======  vm_page_free_target: 
    ======  vm_perfsum: 
     struct {
        vpf_pagefaults = 208526696
        vpf_kpagefaults = 2728313
        vpf_cowfaults = 56684255
        vpf_cowsteals = 14678959
        vpf_zfod = 152879180
        vpf_kzfod = 2728288
        vpf_pgiowrites = 7323
        vpf_pgwrites = 11824
        vpf_pgioreads = 89721900
        vpf_pgreads = 11382
        vpf_swapreclaims = 9
        vpf_taskswapouts = 39
        vpf_taskswapins = 15
        vpf_vmpagesteal = 0
        vpf_vmpagewrites = 0
        vpf_vmpagecleanrecs = 10331
        vpf_vplmsteal = 0
        vpf_vplmstealwins = 0
        vpf_vpseqdrain = 0
        vpf_ubchit = 2058
        vpf_ubcalloc = 13108130
        vpf_ubcpushes = 0
        vpf_ubcpagepushes = 0
        vpf_ubcdirtywra = 1
        vpf_ubcreclaim = 0
        vpf_ubcpagesteal = 82048
        vpf_ubclookups = 13466198
        vpf_ubclookuphits = 358599
        vpf_reactivate = 802739
        vpf_allocatedpages = 145096
        vpf_vmwiredpages = 108445
        vpf_ubcwiredpages = 11315
        vpf_mallocpages = 10552
        vpf_totalptepages = 1713
        vpf_contigpages = 203
        vpf_rmwiredpages = 0
        vpf_ubcpages = 9247
        vpf_freepages = 111224
        vpf_vmcleanpages = 0
        vpf_swapspace = 407621
    ======  vm_perfcomp: 
     struct {
        vpf_pagefaults = 534
        vpf_kpagefaults = 1
        vpf_cowfaults = 61
        vpf_cowsteals = 119
        vpf_zfod = 330
        vpf_kzfod = 1
        vpf_pgiowrites = 0
        vpf_pgwrites = 0
        vpf_pgioreads = 209
        vpf_pgreads = 0
        vpf_swapreclaims = 0
        vpf_taskswapouts = 0
        vpf_taskswapins = 0
        vpf_vmpagesteal = 0
        vpf_vmpagewrites = 0
        vpf_vmpagecleanrecs = 0
        vpf_vplmsteal = 0
        vpf_vplmstealwins = 0
        vpf_vpseqdrain = 0
        vpf_ubchit = 0
        vpf_ubcalloc = 4
        vpf_ubcpushes = 0
        vpf_ubcpagepushes = 0
        vpf_ubcdirtywra = 0
        vpf_ubcreclaim = 0
        vpf_ubcpagesteal = 0
        vpf_ubclookups = 4
        vpf_ubclookuphits = 0
        vpf_reactivate = 0
        vpf_allocatedpages = 144339
        vpf_vmwiredpages = 108443
        vpf_ubcwiredpages = 11322
        vpf_mallocpages = 10552
        vpf_totalptepages = 1720
        vpf_contigpages = 199
        vpf_rmwiredpages = 0
        vpf_ubcpages = 9232
        vpf_freepages = 111977
        vpf_vmcleanpages = 0
        vpf_swapspace = 0
    ======  vm_tune: 
     struct {
        vt_cowfaults = 4
        vt_mapentries = 200
        vt_maxvas = 1073741824
        vt_maxwire = 16777216
        vt_heappercent = 7
        vt_anonklshift = 17
        vt_anonklpages = 1
        vt_vpagemax = 16384
        vt_segmentation = 1
        vt_ubcpagesteal = 24
        vt_ubcdirtypercent = 10
        vt_ubcseqstartpercent = 50
        vt_ubcseqpercent = 10
        vt_csubmapsize = 1048576
        vt_ubcbuffers = 256
        vt_syncswapbuffers = 128
        vt_asyncswapbuffers = 4
        vt_clustermap = 1048576
        vt_clustersize = 65536
        vt_zone_size = 0
        vt_kentry_zone_size = 16777216
        vt_syswiredpercent = 80
        vt_inswappedmin = 1
    ======  *(vm_granhint_stats *)&gh_stats_store: 
     struct {
        total_mappers = 0
        shared_mappers = 0
        unshared_mappers = 0
        total_unmappers = 0
        shared_unmappers = 0
        unshared_unmappers = 0
        unaligned_mappers = 0
        access_violations = 0
        unaligned_size_requests = 0
        unaligned_attachers = 0
        wired_bypass = 0
        wired_returns = 0


    The swapdefault file points to the primary swap device if immediate (eager) swap mode is enabled.

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        11 Mar 18  2006 /sbin/swapdefault -> ../dev/rz0b

    swapon -s

    Swap partition /dev/rz0b (default swap):
        Allocated space:       512000 pages (4000MB)
        In-use space:            4601 pages (  0%)
        Free space:            507399 pages ( 99%)
    Total swap allocation:
        Allocated space:       512000 pages (4000MB)
        Reserved space:        102199 pages ( 19%)
        In-use space:            4601 pages (  0%)
        Available space:       409801 pages ( 80%)

    ipcs -a

    Message Queues:
    q       0 0x415510ea --rw-------      root   system     root   system      0     0  16384    12 27720 14:10:54 14:10:54  1:42:49
    Shared Memory:
    m       0     0x1664 --rw-------      root   system     root   system      1    524288   540   591  1:43:27  2:23:27  1:43:12
    m       1 0x3253bc5c --rw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2       648   848   860  1:43:29  1:43:29  1:43:29
    m       2     0x19a8 -Lrw-r--r--      root   system     root   system      1     32768  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:24
    m       3     0x19a7 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:24
    m       4     0x1aa7 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:24
    m       5     0x19a6 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m       6     0x1aa6 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m       7     0x19a5 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m       8     0x1aa5 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m       9     0x19a4 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m      10     0x1aa4 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:26
    m      11     0x19a3 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:40
    m      12     0x1aa3 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:40
    m      13     0x19a2 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:47
    m      14     0x1aa2 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:47
    m      15     0x19a1 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:48
    m      16     0x1aa1 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:48
    m      17     0x19a0 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:49
    m      18     0x1aa0 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:49
    m      19     0x199f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:49
    m      20     0x1a9f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:49
    m      21     0x199e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:50
    m      22     0x1a9e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:50
    m      23     0x199d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:51
    m      24     0x1a9d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:51
    m      25     0x199c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:51
    m      26     0x1a9c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:51
    m      27     0x199b -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:52
    m      28     0x1a9b -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:44:52
    m      29     0x199a -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:02
    m      30     0x1a9a -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:02
    m      31     0x1999 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:07
    m      32     0x1a99 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:07
    m      33     0x1998 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:07
    m      34     0x1a98 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:07
    m      35     0x1997 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:08
    m      36     0x1a97 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:08
    m      37     0x1996 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  1017 14:16:31 14:16:31  1:45:08
    m      38     0x1a96 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:08
    m      39     0x1995 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:08
    m      40     0x1a95 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:08
    m      41     0x1994 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:12
    m      42     0x1a94 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:12
    m      43     0x1993 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:16
    m      44     0x1a93 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:16
    m      45     0x1992 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:17
    m      46     0x1a92 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:17
    m      47     0x1991 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:19
    m      48     0x1a91 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:19
    m      49     0x1990 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:19
    m      50     0x1a90 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:19
    m      51     0x198f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  8342 14:19:22 14:19:22  1:45:20
    m      52     0x1a8f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:20
    m      53     0x198e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      54     0x1a8e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      55     0x198d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      56     0x1a8d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      57     0x198c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      58     0x1a8c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:26
    m      59     0x198b -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      60     0x1a8b -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      61     0x198a -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      62     0x1a8a -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      63     0x1989 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      64     0x1a89 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      65     0x1988 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      66     0x1a88 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      67     0x1987 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      68     0x1a87 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      69     0x1986 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      70     0x1a86 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:30
    m      71      0x3e9 --rw-------      root   daemon     root   daemon      1         4  2081  2081  1:45:44 no-entry  1:45:44
    m      72     0x1985 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      73     0x1a85 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      74     0x1984 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2116  1:45:54  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      75     0x1a84 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      76     0x1983 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      77     0x1a83 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      78     0x1982 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      79     0x1a82 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      80     0x1981 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      81     0x1a81 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:44
    m      82     0x1980 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2141  1:45:52  1:45:51  1:45:45
    m      83     0x1a80 -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:45
    m      84     0x197f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:49
    m      85     0x1a7f -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:49
    m      86     0x197e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2147  1:45:53  1:45:51  1:45:51
    m      87     0x1a7e -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:51
    m      88     0x197d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2148  1:45:52  1:45:51  1:45:51
    m      89     0x1a7d -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:51
    m      90     0x197c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      2     16384  1858  2149  1:45:53  1:45:51  1:45:51
    m      91     0x1a7c -Lrw-rw-rw-      root   system     root   system      1     16384  1858  2149  1:45:51  1:45:51  1:45:51
    T      ID        KEY    MODE         OWNER    GROUP  CREATOR   CGROUP NSEMS   OTIME    CTIME 
    s       0 0x415510ea --ra-------      root   system     root   system     1  1:42:49  1:42:49
    s       1     0x1664 --ra-------      root   system     root   system     4 13:42:29  1:43:12
    s       2     0x1aaa --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1  1:44:26  1:44:19
    s    1027     0x17a2 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:40
    s       4     0x17a1 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:47
    s       5     0x17a0 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:48
    s       6     0x179f --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:49
    s     263     0x179d --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:50
    s       8     0x179c --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:51
    s       9     0x179b --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:51
    s      10     0x179a --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:44:52
    s      11     0x1799 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:02
    s      12     0x1798 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:07
    s     269     0x1796 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:08
    s     270     0x1790 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:19
    s     783     0x178d --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:26
    s      16     0x1793 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:13
    s      17     0x1792 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:16
    s      18     0x1791 --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:17
    s      19     0x178c --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:26
    s      20     0x178b --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:26
    s      21     0x178a --ra-ra-ra-      root   system     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:30
    s      22     0x1789 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:30
    s      23     0x1788 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:30
    s      24     0x1787 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:30
    s      25     0x1786 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:30
    s     282     0x1784 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:44
    s      27     0x1783 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:44
    s      28     0x1782 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:44
    s      29     0x1781 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:44
    s      30     0x1780 --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:44
    s      31     0x177f --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:49
    s      32     0x177e --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:49
    s      33     0x177d --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:51
    s      34     0x177c --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:51
    s      35     0x177b --ra-ra-ra-      root   daemon     root   system     1 no-entry  1:45:51

    lockinfo -sort=tries sleep 10

    The lockinfo command displays lock statistics on multiprocessor systems (SMP). Run lockinfo when the system has a normal steady-state workload.

    The lockmode is 1 ; the lockinfo command was not run.

    The lockinfo command requires that the value of lockmode be set to 2 or 4. Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value. Running in lockmode 4 will have a negative impact on system performance, so you must return to the original value of lockmode after gathering the statistics

    The kprofile Program Information

    Information: The kprofile program profiles the kernel and provides input to the prof program.
    To run kprofile , the system configuration file ( /usr/sys/conf/STATION_A ) m ust include the pfm pseudo-device, as follows:

    pseudo-device pfm
    In addition, profile devices must be created in the /dev directory by using the MAKEDEV command, as follows:
    cd /dev
    MAKEDEV pfcntr
    MAKEDEV prf
    To profile the kernel , reboot the system if a new kernel was created, and ensure that it has a normal steady-state workload. Run the kprofile program for at least 1 minute and up to several minutes. Use Ctrl-C to exit the program. The kprofile program creates the kmon.out file, which is used as input to the prof program:
    prof /vmunix kmon.out
    The prof program displays the profile data for the workload.

    <=[ ToC ]=> CPUs and Processes

    [uac system] [uac process] [iec system] [iec process] [uptime] [psrinfo] [pset_info] [class_admin] [ps alxww] [ps -e -O RUSAGE] [ps -Am -O THREAD] [ps -em -O SCHED]
    proc sysconfig data
    vm sysconfig data

    vm-maxvas= 1073741824 ( 1024 MB )
    max-per-proc-address-space= 1073741824 ( 1024 MB )
    max-per-proc-data-size= 1073741824 ( 1024 MB )
    max-per-proc-stack-size= 33554432 ( 32 MB )
    per-proc-address-space= 1073741824 ( 1024 MB )
    per-proc-data-size= 134217728 ( 128 MB )
    per-proc-stack-size= 2097152 ( 2 MB )

    Unaligned Access Message Control system settings (uac s output):

    system printing is on

    Unaligned Access Message Control process settings (uac p output):

    parent printing is on
           fixup is on
           sigbus is off

    iec s

    system printing is on

    iec p

    parent printing is on
           emulation is on
           verbose is off
           fat binary is on


    14:19  up 13 days, 12:37,  2 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.30, 0.37


    0	on-line   since time unknown


    number of processor sets on system = 1
    pset_id  # cpus   # pids   # threads  load_av    created
      0         1        133      463       0.27     creation time unknown
    total number of processors on system = 1
    cpu #    running  boot_cpu pset_id  assigned_to_pset
     0	    1	      1	      0     assignment time unknown


     -Processes not explicitly defined in the database are not
      class scheduled.
     -If the processor has some idle time, class scheduled processes are
      allowed to exceed their cpu percentage.
     -The class scheduler will check class CPU usage every 1 seconds.
    Class scheduler status: disabled
    changes saved

    Process dbx output:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  nproc: 
    ======  task_inswapped_queue_count: 
    ======  task_outswapped_queue_count: 

    Process kdbx cpustat output:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
     Cpu   User (%)    Nice (%) System (%)  Idle (%)   Wait (%)
    ===== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
        0       0.97       0.12       6.73      91.56       0.62

    ps alxww

           UID    PID   PPID  CP PRI  NI   VSZ  RSS WCHAN    S    TTY             TIME COMMAND
             0      0      0  21  38  -6  998M 130M *        R <  ??          06:40:05 [kernel idle]
             0      1      0   0  44   0  496K  72K pause    S    ??           0:06.59 /sbin/init -a
             0     12      1   0  44   0 1.63M 608K sv_msg_  I    ??           0:00.37 /sbin/kloadsrv
             0     52      1   0  44   0 1.69M  48K pause    S    ??           0:26.86 /sbin/update
             0    236      1   0  44   0 1.73M 144K event    S    ??           0:00.84 /usr/sbin/syslogd
             0    251      1   0  44   0 2.70M 112K event    I    ??           0:01.68 /usr/sbin/binlogd
             0    431      1   0  44   0 2.23M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.02 /usr/sbin/portmap
             0    433      1   0  44   0 2.40M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.08 /usr/sbin/mountd -i
             0    435      1   0  44   0 1.70M   0K socket   S    ??           0:00.00 /usr/sbin/nfsd -t8 -u8
             0    437      1   0  44   0 2.98M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.24 /usr/sbin/proplistd 2
             0    439      1   0  44   0 1.69M   0K 788fe0   I    ??           0:00.06 /usr/sbin/nfsiod 7
             0    442      1   0  44   0 2.28M   0K event    IW + ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
             0    444      1   0  44   0 2.38M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/rpc.lockd
             0    497      1   0  44   0 2.82M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/dnalimd
             0    500    497   0  44   0 4.86M  80K event    S    ??           0:00.05 /usr/sbin/dnaevld
             0    534    497   0  44   0 3.17M 144K event    S    ??           0:02.91 /usr/sbin/dnascd
             0    535    534   0  44   0 2.77M   0K socket   IW   ??           0:00.02 /usr/sbin/dnansd
             0    536    534   0  44   0 2.77M   0K socket   IW   ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/dnaksd
             0    540    497   0  44   0 7.02M 592K event    I    ??           0:00.19 /usr/sbin/dnsadv
             0    589    497   0  44   0 2.74M   0K socket   IW   ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/dnanoded
             0    626      1   0  44   0 2.67M  16K event    S    ??           0:00.01 /usr/sbin/osaknmd
             0    809      1   0  32 -12 2.15M 288K pause    S <  ??           0:22.55 /usr/sbin/xntpd -g -x -c /etc/ntp.conf
             0    825      1   0  44   0 2.38M  96K event    I    ??           0:01.39 sendmail: accepting connections on
             0    854      1   0  44   0 1.85M 128K event    S    ??           0:24.82 /usr/sbin/snmpd
             0    860      1   0  44   0 2.50M 104K event    I    ??           0:00.04 /usr/sbin/os_mibs
             0    862      1   0  44   0 2.32M  80K event    S    ??           0:00.04 /usr/sbin/svrMgt_mib
             0    863      1   0  44   0 2.33M 128K event    S    ??           0:17.03 /usr/sbin/svrSystem_mib
             0    865      1   0  44   0 3.02M 120K event    S    ??           0:00.09 /usr/sbin/cpq_mibs
             0    901      1   0  44   0 6.10M 456K *        S    ??           0:46.65 /usr/share/sysman/bin/insightd
             0    904      1   0  43  -1 2.97M  72K event    I <  ??           0:00.09 bin/pmgrd
             0    905    904   0   0 -44    0K   0K -          <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
             0    906    904   0   0 -44    0K   0K -          <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
             0    908    904   0   0 -44    0K   0K -          <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
             0    913    904   0   0 -44    0K   0K -          <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
             0    936      1   0  44   0 3.24M 400K -        I    ??           2:40.71 sysmansh /usr/sbin/envmond -ui cli
             0    955      1   0  43  -1 7.50M 2.3M *        S <  ??          20:17.69 /usr/sbin/advfsd
             0    965      1   0  44   0 1.77M  80K event    S    ??           0:00.79 /usr/sbin/inetd
             0    998      1   0  44   0 3.32M 144K 2efcc094 I    ??           0:00.12 /usr/sbin/cron
             0   1019      1   0  44   0 1.84M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/lbin/lpd
             0   1100      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10000 -d60 /usr/sgsn/bin/csobs
             0   1102      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10000 -d60 /usr/sgsn/bin/flow
             0   1104      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.26 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10000 -d60 /usr/sgsn/bin/pstat -s,,LAN_IO_1,LAN_IO_2 -p 300 -l A-N:CPU_NRT,CPU_RT,zzPLFA,sldm,csobs,flow,pstat -l A-B:zzACL,zzALR,zzBKP,zzCHA,zzDYN,zzGTPGWC,zzGTW,zzICLM,zzLOCA,zzOAM,zzOBS,zzSDA -l A-B:zzPCA,zzPING,zzPLF,zzRAT,zzTRACE,zzVCM,zzNAMED,SCA,GEM,q3perlmgr -l C-N:zzCDRH,zzDIST,zzGBH,zzGDSP,zzIGPU,zzLDRH,zzLISE,zzLLC,zzMM,zzMSAH,zzMSSH -l C-N:zzRELAYGTP,zzRELU,zzSDAUD,zzSDM,zzSMS,zzSNDC,zzSSF
             0   1106      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10000 -d60 /usr/sgsn/bin/mstrack -s 4194304
             0   1108      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.24 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10 -d2 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/
             0   1109      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.27 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10 -d2 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/
             0   1110      1   0  44   0 2.82M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.27 /usr/sgsn/bin/defend -n10 -d2 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/hwad
             0   1133   1104   0  44   0 6.10M 248K *        S    ??           1:37.29 /usr/sgsn/bin/pstat -s,,LAN_IO_1,LAN_IO_2 -p 300 -l A-N:CPU_NRT,CPU_RT,zzPLFA,sldm,csobs,flow,pstat -l A-B:zzACL,zzALR,zzBKP,zzCHA,zzDYN,zzGTPGWC,zzGTW,zzICLM,zzLOCA,zzOAM,zzOBS,zzSDA -l A-B:zzPCA,zzPING,zzPLF,zzRAT,zzTRACE,zzVCM,zzNAMED,SCA,GEM,q3perlmgr -l C-N:zzCDRH,zzDIST,zzGBH,zzGDSP,zzIGPU,zzLDRH,zzLISE,zzLLC,zzMM,zzMSAH,zzMSSH -l C-N:zzRELAYGTP,zzRELU,zzSDAUD,zzSDM,zzSMS,zzSNDC,zzSSF
             0   1134   1110   0  44   0 2.60M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.29 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/hwad
             0   1135   1106   0  44   0 7.30M 7.1M *        S    ??           0:00.30 /usr/sgsn/bin/mstrack -s 4194304
             0   1136   1100   0  44   0 2.74M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.27 /usr/sgsn/bin/csobs
             0   1137   1102   0  44   0 2.67M  64K *        S    ??           0:00.27 /usr/sgsn/bin/flow
             0   1138   1108   0  44   0 2.18M 112K wait     S    ??           4:26.32 sh /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/
             0   1142   1109   0  44   0 2.18M 112K wait     S    ??           3:13.84 sh /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/
             0   1157      1   0  44   0 1.68M   0K 6afc6a94 IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/createLog /sgsn_log/access/error_log
             0   1177      1   0  44   0 4.47M  72K event    S    ??           0:00.06 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
             0   1188      1   0  44   0 4.70M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.26 /usr/local/sbin/sshd
         65534   1284   1177   0  44   0 4.40M   0K vn_exlo  IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
         65534   1285   1177   0  44   0 4.40M   0K event    IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
             0   1286   1177   0  44   0 2.18M   0K wait     IW   ??           0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/createLog /sgsn_log/access/access_log
             0   1289   1290   0  44   0 1.68M   0K 6adcec94 IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/createLog /sgsn_log/access/error_log
             0   1290   1177   0  44   0 2.18M   0K wait     IW   ??           0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/createLog /sgsn_log/access/error_log
         65534   1294   1177   0  44   0 4.40M   0K vn_exlo  IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
         65534   1295   1177   0  44   0 4.40M   0K vn_exlo  IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
             0   1296   1286   0  44   0 1.68M   0K 30015e94 IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/createLog /sgsn_log/access/access_log
         65534   1297   1177   0  44   0 4.40M   0K vn_exlo  IW   ??           0:00.00 /usr/local/server/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
             0   1368      1   0  44   0 2.43M  64K *        S    ??           0:00.26 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_SUA
             0   1379   1368   0  44   0 2.64M  72K *        S    ??           0:00.26 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_SUA
             0   1415      1   0  34 -10 2.55M  64K *        S <  ??           0:00.30 /usr/nectar/bin/nse/nseagent -v
             0   1853      1   0  44   0 1.70M  40K -        I    ??           0:00.01 /usr/nectar/bin/CoreMW /usr/nectar/bin/xma 2
             0   1855      1   0  44   0 3.48M 224K *        S    ??           0:00.32 /usr/nectar/bin/nectar_confine /usr/nectar/var/data 2
             0   1857   1858   7  44   0  643M 643M *        S    ??          03:11:51 /usr/nectar/bin/sldm 6054 4 5 6
             0   1858   1853   0  44   0 7.73M 7.7M *        S    ??           0:01.24 /usr/nectar/bin/xma
             0   1897   1858   0   8 -36 3.93M 3.8M *        S <  ??           0:00.37 /usr/nectar/bin/CMA 6566 2 66 SG_R232_1_HC15 SG_R232_1_HC15
             0   1900   1858   0  10 -34 2.92M 2.9M *        S <  ??           0:00.32 /usr/nectar/bin/SMA 6565
             0   1903   1858  12  10 -34 3.24M 3.2M *        S <  ??          03:20:09 /usr/nectar/bin/NMA 6564
             0   1908      1   0  44   0  912K   0K wait     IW   ??           0:00.01 sh /usr/sgsn/craft/bin/files/q3mgrstart
             0   1944   1858   0  13 -31 3.13M 3.1M *        S <  ??           0:00.28 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GSW 6558
             0   1956   1858   0  44   0 2.58M 2.6M *        S    ??           0:00.32 /usr/nectar/bin/pldm 6563 0
             0   1958      1   0  24 -20 1.09M 120K event    I <  ??           0:00.08 /sbin/vold
             0   1965   1858   0  11 -33 5.04M 5.0M *        S <  ??           0:00.29 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GCM 6562 65,66,SITE,0,1
             0   1966   1858   0  46   2 2.53M 2.5M *        S N  ??           0:00.26 /usr/nectar/bin/UP_GT_TCP 6561 UP_GT
             0   1967   1858   0  44   0 3.39M 3.4M *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/nectar/bin/UP_SWA 6559
             0   1968   1858   0   8 -36 3.08M 3.1M *        S <  ??           0:00.29 /usr/nectar/bin/GNM 6560 tu1 tu2 2000
             0   1971   1858   0  12 -32 3.23M 3.2M *        S <  ??           0:00.23 /usr/nectar/bin/GMT 6557
             0   1973   1858   0  18 -26 2.88M 2.9M *        S <  ??           0:00.33 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GBK 6555
             0   1974   1858   0  43  -1 3.22M 3.2M *        S <  ??           0:00.33 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GAM 6556
             0   1978   1908   0  44   0 11.8M  64K *        S    ??           0:00.43 /usr/sgsn/bin/q3perlmgr
             0   1984   1858   0  43  -1 3.94M 3.9M *        S <  ??           0:00.30 /usr/sgsn/bin/GEM 6553
             0   1987   1858   0  31 -13 3.68M 3.7M *        S <  ??           0:00.31 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GHM 6554
             0   1991   1858   0  44   0 4.45M 4.4M *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_G3 6548
             0   1994   1858   0  43  -1 2.77M 2.8M *        S <  ??           0:00.28 /usr/sgsn/bin/SCA 6552
             0   1995   1858   0  44   0 3.02M 3.0M *        S    ??           0:00.30 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzTRACE 6551
             0   1996   1858   0  44   0 3.03M 3.0M *        S    ??          26:38.98 /usr/nectar/bin/HMA 6550 hma hma
             0   1997   1858   0  44   0 2.72M 2.7M *        S    ??           0:00.29 /usr/nectar/bin/Q3A 6549
             0   1999   1997   0  44   0 1.75M   0K socket   IW   ??           0:00.01 snmp_traprcv
             0   2000   1858   0  44   0 3.78M 3.8M *        S    ??           0:00.34 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GOBS 6546
             0   2001   1858   0  44   0 4.45M 4.4M *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_G3 6547
             0   2012   2013   0  34 -10 1.95M   0K event    IW<  ??           0:00.01 volnotify -f
             0   2013   1858   0  34 -10 3.02M 3.0M *        S <  ??           0:09.73 /usr/nectar/bin/FMA 6544 fma fma
             0   2014   1858   0  44   0 4.93M 4.9M *        S    ??           0:00.31 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GSS7 6545
             0   2017   2013   0  34 -10 1.99M   0K vxvm     IW<  ??           0:00.01 voltrace
             0   2018   1858   0  44   0 2.77M 2.7M *        S    ??          52:07.87 /usr/nectar/bin/EIPAS 6543 /usr/nectar/var/data/inconf
             0   2044   1858   0  44   0 4.12M 4.1M *        S    ??           0:00.30 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzOAM 6541
             0   2045   1858   0  44   0 3.27M 3.3M *        S    ??           0:00.30 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GSCCP 6542
             0   2054   1858   0  31 -13 5.16M 5.2M *        S <  ??           0:00.32 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzPLF 6540
             0   2073   1858   0  44   0 5.52M 5.5M *        S    ??           0:00.33 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzGTPGWC 6538 1
             0   2075   1858   0  44   0 3.06M 3.1M *        S    ??           0:00.31 /usr/nectar/bin/UR_GT 6539
             0   2077   1858   0  44   0 2.92M 2.9M *        S    ??           0:00.28 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzSVNAMED 6537
             0   2078   1858   0  43  -1 10.4M  10M *        S <  ??           0:00.38 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzALR 6535
             0   2079   1858   0  34 -10 8.19M 8.2M *        S <  ??           0:00.30 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzGTW 6536 GHM GCM GSW GAM -no_scoped_get GSS7
             0   2081   1858  22  44   0 8.31M 8.3M *        S    ??          06:00:03 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzPLFA 6534 1
             0   2091   1858   0  44   0 4.59M 4.6M *        S    ??           0:00.35 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzPING 6530
             0   2101   1858   0  44   0 11.0M  11M *        S    ??           0:00.38 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzOBS 6531
             0   2115   1858   0  43  -1 8.20M 8.2M *        S <  ??           0:00.34 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzDYN 6533
             0   2116   1858   0  44   0 21.4M  21M *        S    ??           0:00.61 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzPCA 6532 -compkg DUAL -persistency /sgsn_conf/oam/mib
             0   2117   1858   0  44   0 7.85M 7.9M *        S    ??           0:00.33 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzSDA 6529
             0   2141   1858   0  38  -6 6.91M 6.9M *        S <  ??           0:00.35 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzCHA 6528
             0   2142   1858   0  43  -1 5.29M 5.3M *        S <  ??           0:00.32 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzLOCA 6527
             0   2147   1858   0  44   0 8.46M 8.5M *        S    ??           0:00.45 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzRAT 6526
             0   2148   1858   0  44   0 6.16M 6.2M *        S    ??           0:00.31 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzVCM 6525
             0   2149   1858   0  44   0 5.22M 5.2M *        S    ??           0:00.29 /usr/sgsn/bin/zzICLM 6524
             0   7388   1138   0  44   0 1.69M 128K -        S    ??           0:00.00 sleep 10
             0   8079   1142   0  44   0 1.69M 128K -        S    ??           0:00.00 sleep 10
             0  14887    965   0  44   0 1.85M 240K event    S    ??           0:00.02 telnetd
             0  23201    965   0  44   0 1.85M 240K event    S    ??           0:00.12 telnetd
             0    815      1   0  44   0  504K 112K ttyin    I  + console      0:00.01 /usr/sbin/getty console console vt100
             0     23   4400   0  44   0 1.89M 320K -        R  + ttyp0        0:00.01 ps alxww
             0   2222   4400   0  44   0 7.52M 816K -        R  + ttyp0        0:00.00 ksh -p /usr/sbin/sys_check - process none 12
             0   4400  22567  39  44   0 7.52M 5.3M wait     S  + ttyp0        0:00.52 ksh -p /usr/sbin/sys_check - process none 12
             0  22567  25017   0  44   0 7.53M 5.4M wait     S  + ttyp0        0:03.28 ksh -p /usr/sbin/sys_check
             0  25017  14887   0  44   0 2.11M 376K pause    I    ttyp0        0:00.06 -csh (csh)
             0  19755  23201   0  44   0 2.11M 376K tty      S  + ttyp1        0:00.09 -csh (csh)

    ps -e -O RUSAGE

         0    -23     23     0   187 965812 137710820 333977138     0 1140241361 1470998835 R <  ??          06:40:05 kernel idle
         1   5992     76     1  1217 21286      0      0 18975 23965  5826 S    ??           0:06.59 init
        12   1523    158     1   757    12      0      0     0  1333   537 I    ??           0:00.37 kloadsrv
        52     40     95     0     4 252212      0      0 38953 159241 34018 S    ??           0:26.86 update
       236     25    150     0    37  9876      0   4717 38966 48018  1967 S    ??           0:00.84 syslogd
       251     95     51     1    13 16896      0      0     0 14194  3052 I    ??           0:01.68 binlogd
       431     20      0     1     0     0    154    154     0   155   114 IW   ??           0:00.02 portmap
       433     41      0     1    11   131     37     37    25    93    68 IW   ??           0:00.08 mountd
       435     12      0     0     0     0      6      6     0 58436   158 S    ??           0:00.00 nfsd
       437     43    206     0     2     0      4      4     0 117034  1447 S    ??           0:00.24 proplistd
       439      8      0     0     0     0      0      0     0 19477   294 I    ??           0:00.06 nfsiod
       442     32      0     1     4    17     23     23     0    31    29 IW + ??           0:00.01 rpc.statd
       444     33      7     1     7     2     56     56     2    65    69 IW   ??           0:00.01 rpc.lockd
       497     48      1     1     4     3      0      4     0    12     6 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnalimd
       500    274    176     0    83     0     33     32 19476 19649   409 S    ??           0:00.05 dnaevld
       534    179    560     0    78    36      4 1869684     1 117458 26898 S    ??           0:02.91 dnascd
       535     80      2     1     4     2      1      0     0     5    87 IW   ??           0:00.02 dnansd
       536     79      2     1     3     0      1      0     0     4    45 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnaksd
       540    617    115     1   169  2057     17     13     1   373   117 I    ??           0:00.19 dnsadv
       589     59      3     1     4     3      5      3     0     8     4 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnanoded
       626     94    102     0    22     8      5      2     0 233821  1479 S    ??           0:00.01 osaknmd
       809    179    185     0    50  3255 199280 199283 1366777 1366892 32162 S <  ??           0:22.55 xntpd
       825   7863     53     1     8     2      1      0  2599 20831  1540 I    ??           0:01.39 sendmail
       854     88    230     0     3     2 441720 441721     0 980069 327089 S    ??           0:24.82 snmpd
       860     63    129     0    10     4    230    229     0 39223  1862 I    ??           0:00.04 os_mibs
       862     72    234     0     1     4  32462  32461     0 270145 98433 S    ??           0:00.04 svrMgt_mib
       863     49    168     0     0     0  97331  97330     0 241230 129616 S    ??           0:17.03 svrSystem_mib
       865    239    325     0    72     0      5      5 116854 117208  5415 S    ??           0:00.09 cpq_mibs
       901    341    892     0   104    66  19493 253146     0 8195235 6450548 S    ??           0:46.65 insightd
       904     98     76     0    15     1    219    219     0 39060 65956 I <  ??           0:00.09 pmgrd
       905      -      -     -     -     -      -      -     -     -     -   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       906      -      -     -     -     -      -      -     -     -     -   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       908      -      -     -     -     -      -      -     -     -     -   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       913      -      -     -     -     -      -      -     -     -     -   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       936 1284729    438     1    48 183936      0      0     0 222404 180593 I    ??           2:40.71 envmond
       955    533   1763     0 11436416 208409 234069 234061     1 4136689 3421373 S <  ??          20:17.69 advfsd
       965    796     33     1    17     1   5846   5846   188  6273   699 S    ??           0:00.79 inetd
       998    814     21     1    80   109      0      0    70   236   105 I    ??           0:00.12 cron
      1019     27      0     1     2     4      1      0     0     3     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 lpd
      1100    143    204     0     2     0      3      0     0 117051  1521 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
      1102    148    183     0    13     1      3      0     0 117030  1478 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
      1104    108    230     0    42     2      3      0     0 117040  1492 S    ??           0:00.26 defend
      1106    142    204     0     0     1      3      0     0 117049  1517 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
      1108    120    210     0     0     8      2      0     0 117054  1467 S    ??           0:00.24 defend
      1109    120    218     0     2     0      2      0     0 117062  1467 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
      1110    120    188     0     0     0      2      0     0 117030  1525 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
      1133 561290    291     0    16     7  16442  16444     0 129690 48417 S    ??           1:37.29 pstat
      1134    100    214     0     7     1      5      0     0 117035  1514 S    ??           0:00.29 hwad
      1135    565     62     0    64   579      2      0     0 116869  1705 S    ??           0:00.30 mstrack
      1136     78    227     0    28     0      2      0     0 117043  1515 S    ??           0:00.27 csobs
      1137     72    228     0    26     0      2      0     0 117023  1435 S    ??           0:00.27 flow
      1138 2450350    363     0    24     0      1      0     0 420819 259694 S    ??           4:26.32
      1142 1867764    351     0     3     0      1      0     0 233825 136202 S    ??           3:13.84
      1157     43      2     1     3     0      1      0     0     3     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1177    296     52     0    48    13      0      0     0 1168576 11855 S    ??           0:00.06 httpd
      1188     35      3     1     3     4      1      0     0     4    54 IW   ??           0:00.26 sshd
      1284     51      0     1     0     0      0      0     0     1     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1285     51      0     1     0     0      0      0     0     1     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1286     68      0     1     0     0      1      0     0     1     1 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1289     44      0     1     6     0      1      0     0    10     1 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1290     64      0     1     0     0      1      0     0     1     1 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1294     51      0     1     0     0      0      0     0     1     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1295     51      0     1     0     0      0      0     0     1     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1296     44      0     1     0     0      1      0     0     1     2 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1297     46      0     1     0     0      0      0     0     1     0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1368     93    197     0    28     8      4      0     0 117001  1441 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
      1379    121    179     0     3    10      5      2     0 117024  1470 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
      1415    209    191     0     2     9     12     14     0 117057  1672 S <  ??           0:00.30 nseagent
      1853     53      8     1     7     1      2      0     0    24     0 I    ??           0:00.01 CoreMW
      1855    253    563     0    62     4     19      0     0 12427238 597450 S    ??           0:00.32 nectar_confine
      1857    392    105     0   111     2     23      0 2333842 176806314 141644007 S    ??          03:11:51 sldm
      1858   1757    105     0   174    15    382    360 23024476 23142489 79601 S    ??           0:01.24 xma
      1897    481    107     0   125    16    457    455 23024431 23180660 81880 S <  ??           0:00.37 CMA
      1900    495     33     0    50  2531      5      0 23022065 23196345 105566 S <  ??           0:00.32 SMA
      1903    497     28     0    34     2 23234021 372124391 23024427 779220267 81057 S <  ??          03:20:09 NMA
      1908    100      0     1     5     0      0      0     1    14     8 IW   ??           0:00.01 q3mgrstart
      1944    120     49     0    50     1      2      0     0 116817  1425 S <  ??           0:00.28 UR_GSW
      1956    477     25     0    26     0      2      0     0 116832  1540 S    ??           0:00.32 pldm
      1958    147    145     1    95    15    655    686     0 22561   583 S <  ??           0:00.08 vold
      1965   -142    356     0   362     2      2      0     0 116859  1836 S <  ??           0:00.29 UR_GCM
      1966    146     20     0    21     0      2      0     0 116817  1387 S N  ??           0:00.26 UP_GT_TCP
      1967    116     83     0    88     7      3      0     0 116855  1445 S    ??           0:00.28 UP_SWA
      1968    104     66     0    67     0      2      0     0 116833  1488 S <  ??           0:00.29 GNM
      1971    134     49     0    50     0      2      0     0 116817  1385 S <  ??           0:00.23 GMT
      1973    134     19     0    21     1      2      0     0 116817  1557 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GBK
      1974    154     17     0    24     1      2      0     0 116833  1546 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GAM
      1978    308   1099     0   907     9      2      0     0 117992  1935 S    ??           0:00.43 q3perlmgr
      1984     60    128     0   129     1      2      0     0 116839  1503 S <  ??           0:00.30 GEM
      1987     70    107     0   112     2      2      0     0 116859  1540 S <  ??           0:00.31 UR_GHM
      1991     77     97     0   100     1      2      0     0 116831  1469 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
      1994    129     33     0    36     1      2      0     0 116828  1506 S <  ??           0:00.28 SCA
      1995     88     69     0    71     2      2      0     0 116818  1445 S    ??           0:00.30 zzTRACE
      1996  88518     21     0    22  3211   3898      0     0 11684774 1577880 S    ??          26:38.98 HMA
      1997    149     13     0    14     2      2      0     0 233667  3183 S    ??           0:00.29 Q3A
      1999    121      9     1    10     0      1      0     0     5     0 IW   ??           0:00.01 snmp_traprcv
      2000    121    144     0   155     3      2      0     0 116845  1477 S    ??           0:00.34 UR_GOBS
      2001    163      0     0     0     0      2      0     0 116810  1433 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
      2012    129      2     1     4     1     11      5     0     7   184 IW<  ??           0:00.01 volnotify
      2013    201     27     0    32    11     17      2     0 554971 20377 S <  ??           0:09.73 FMA
      2014     46    196     0   197     1      2      0     0 116887  1445 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GSS7
      2017    125      0     1     0     0      1      0     0     3   131 IW<  ??           0:00.01 voltrace
      2018 22719917      6     0    96     4      2 19237002     0 33566308 27892221 S    ??          52:07.87 EIPAS
      2044    109    137     0   141     2      2      0     0 116858  1415 S    ??           0:00.30 zzOAM
      2045    117     62     0    63     1      2      0     0 116821  1408 S    ??           0:00.30 UR_GSCCP
      2054    114    173     0   174     2      2      0     0 116857  1553 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzPLF
      2073     58    216     0   217     1      2      0     0 116875  1605 S    ??           0:00.33 zzGTPGWC
      2075    141     35     0    36     1      2      0     0 116815  1425 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GT
      2077    146     14     0    15     1      2      0     0 116813  1475 S    ??           0:00.28 zzSVNAMED
      2078    -35    627     0   629     1      2      0     0 116976  1590 S <  ??           0:00.38 zzALR
      2079    -59    547     0   557     1      2      0     0 116969  1493 S <  ??           0:00.30 zzGTW
      2081    295     72     0   268   620      2      0     0 19021379 20610997 S    ??          06:00:03 zzPLFA
      2091    210     12     0    13     0      2      0     0 116822  1595 S    ??           0:00.35 zzPING
      2101    -10    512     0   515     2      2      0     0 116930  1578 S    ??           0:00.38 zzOBS
      2115     78    257     0   258     0      2      0     0 116847  1581 S <  ??           0:00.34 zzDYN
      2116   -192   2078     0  2079     2      2      0     0 118329  2085 S    ??           0:00.61 zzPCA
      2117    252    185     0   186     1      2      0     0 116876  1525 S    ??           0:00.33 zzSDA
      2141     71    248     0   251     0      2      0     0 116843  1590 S <  ??           0:00.35 zzCHA
      2142    167     29     0    30     1      2      0     0 116810  1487 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzLOCA
      2147    237    231     0   233     1      2      0     0 116862  1677 S    ??           0:00.45 zzRAT
      2148    191    124     0   128     4      2      0     0 116864  1434 S    ??           0:00.31 zzVCM
      2149    137     94     0    97     2      2      0     0 116831  1455 S    ??           0:00.29 zzICLM
      7388     30      0     0     0     0      1      0     0     1     0 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
      8079     28      0     0     0     0      1      0     0     1     4 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
     14887     90      9     0    18     8     96     59     0   205   161 S    ??           0:00.02 telnetd
     23201    182      0     0     0     4    853    245     0   940   973 S    ??           0:00.12 telnetd
       815     36     28     0    29    10      0      0     1    40    16 I  + console      0:00.01 getty
       256     67      0     0     0     0      1      0     0     1     2 S  + ttyp0        0:00.00 grep
      4400   1773      0     0     0    24      1      0     3   113   486 S  + ttyp0        0:00.54 sys_check
      5481    197      0     0     0     0      1      0     0     0     7 R  + ttyp0        0:00.02 ps
     22567   7462      5     0   131    63      1      0    35  1188  1903 S  + ttyp0        0:03.28 sys_check
     25017    225     91     0   117    28      4      0     8   189   122 I    ttyp0        0:00.06 csh
     19755    619      0     0     2    20      4      0    31   836   439 S  + ttyp1        0:00.09 csh

    ps -Am -O THREAD

       PID USER     %CPU PRI SCNT WCHAN           USER      SYSTEM S    TTY             TIME COMMAND
         0 root      2.1  38    0 *            0:00.00    06:40:05 R <  ??          06:40:05 kernel idle
                     0.0  63    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00 R N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 malloc_      0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 5f21d4       0:00.00     1:03.39 U <               1:03.39                 
                     0.0  32    0 5f23b8       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 78a2d0       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 7fe59200     0:00.00     0:03.48 U <               0:03.48                 
                     0.0  38    0 ss_tmo       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 7fe59680     0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 ss_tmo       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  33    0 7bb5e2c8     0:00.00     3:41.89 S <               3:41.89                 
                     0.0  33    0 7bb5e308     0:00.00     0:00.55 S <               0:00.55                 
                     0.0  38    0 7bb5f5e0     0:00.00     0:00.04 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  33    0 7fea02c8     0:00.00     2:19.64 S <               2:19.64                 
                     0.0  33    0 7fea0308     0:00.00     0:00.36 S <               0:00.36                 
                     0.0  38    0 7fea15e0     0:00.00     0:00.04 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  31    0 isp_rq       0:00.00     0:00.17 S <               0:00.17                 
                     0.0  38    0 isp_abo      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 isp_fm       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 ss_tmo       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31    0 isp_rq       0:00.00     0:01.35 S <               0:01.35                 
                     0.0  38    0 isp_abo      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 isp_fm       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 ss_tmo       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 7864d8       0:00.00     0:00.05 U <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  32    0 789d78       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.3   4    0 netisr       0:00.00    01:20:42 S <              01:20:42                 
                     0.4   4    0 netisr       0:00.00    01:22:21 S <              01:22:21                 
                     0.0  33    0 bcfefa28     0:00.00     0:00.02 S <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  38    0 bcff7a28     0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 788578       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 7c31c0       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  43    0 atmifmp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 5c8fc0       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 5ca830       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 5caa20       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 78a5c0       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 7b9e2d00     0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 7b9e2fc0     0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 atm_arp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  43    0 bd04fa30     0:00.00     0:00.06 S <               0:00.06                 
                     0.0  33    0 atmlane      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 ubc_dir      0:00.00     0:00.01 U                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  42    0 7832b0       0:00.00     0:00.26 U                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  38    0 7fdfdb10     0:00.00     0:04.68 U <               0:04.68                 
                     0.0  38    0 7fdfdbd0     0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 7fdfdc30     0:00.00     0:01.67 U <               0:01.67                 
                     0.0  38    0 7b3f00       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37    0 7b5650       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37    0 7b5660       0:00.00     0:00.01 U <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  38    0 789998       0:00.00     0:00.12 U <               0:00.12                 
                     0.0  32    0 7b5680       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37    0 7b5690       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37    0 77e648       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0    0 7b5620       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 255f90       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38    0 783c48       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nfs_tcp      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:15.86 I                 0:15.86                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:16.50 I                 0:16.50                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:14.22 I                 0:14.22                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:16.57 I                 0:16.57                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:15.85 I                 0:15.85                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:17.26 I                 0:17.26                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:20.36 I                 0:20.36                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfs_udp      0:00.00     0:16.00 I                 0:16.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:01.91 I                 0:01.91                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:02.10 I                 0:02.10                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:01.97 I                 0:01.97                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:02.05 I                 0:02.05                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:01.95 I                 0:01.95                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:01.82 I                 0:01.82                 
                     0.0  42    0 nfsiod_      0:00.00     0:02.01 I                 0:02.01                 
                     0.0  38    0 88f1f0       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 8b5308       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 8b5308       0:00.00     0:00.00 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31    0 LRECOV       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.6   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00    01:50:48 S <              01:50:48                 
                     0.8   9    0 socket       0:00.00    01:56:16 S <              01:56:16                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
         1 root      0.0  44    0 pause        0:00.50     0:06.08 S    ??           0:06.59 init
        12 root      0.0  44    0 sv_msg_      0:00.20     0:00.16 I    ??           0:00.37 kloadsrv
        52 root      0.0  44    0 pause        0:00.37     0:26.49 S    ??           0:26.86 update
       236 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.15     0:00.69 S    ??           0:00.84 syslogd
       251 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.38     0:01.30 I    ??           0:01.68 binlogd
       431 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 IW   ??           0:00.02 portmap
       433 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.07 IW   ??           0:00.08 mountd
       435 root      0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 S    ??           0:00.00 nfsd
       437 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.13     0:00.11 S    ??           0:00.24 proplistd
                     0.0  42    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.11 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
       439 root      0.0  44    0 788fe0       0:00.00     0:00.06 I    ??           0:00.06 nfsiod
       442 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 IW + ??           0:00.01 rpc.statd
       444 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 IW   ??           0:00.01 rpc.lockd
       497 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnalimd
       500 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.03     0:00.03 S    ??           0:00.05 dnaevld
       534 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.64     0:02.27 S    ??           0:02.91 dnascd
       535 root      0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.01     0:00.01 IW   ??           0:00.02 dnansd
       536 root      0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnaksd
       540 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.18 I    ??           0:00.19 dnsadv
       589 root      0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnanoded
       626 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.01 S    ??           0:00.01 osaknmd
       809 root      0.0  32    0 pause        0:07.41     0:15.14 S <  ??           0:22.55 xntpd
       825 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.03     0:01.36 I    ??           0:01.39 sendmail
       854 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:11.17     0:13.65 S    ??           0:24.82 snmpd
       860 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.03 I    ??           0:00.04 os_mibs
       862 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.03 S    ??           0:00.04 svrMgt_mib
       863 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:06.47     0:10.56 S    ??           0:17.03 svrSystem_mib
       865 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.08 S    ??           0:00.09 cpq_mibs
       901 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:30.94     0:15.71 S    ??           0:46.65 insightd
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.11     0:00.12 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  42    0 socket       0:06.05     0:03.00 S                 0:09.05                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       0:06.28     0:03.12 S                 0:09.40                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       0:06.14     0:03.18 S                 0:09.32                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:06.18     0:03.17 S                 0:09.35                 
                     0.0  42    0 socket       0:02.72     0:01.38 S                 0:04.10                 
       904 root      0.0  43    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.08 I <  ??           0:00.09 pmgrd
       905 root      0.0   0    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       906 root      0.0   0    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       908 root      0.0   0    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       913 root      0.0   0    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       936 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:49.52     1:51.19 I    ??           2:40.71 envmond
       955 root      0.0  43    0 *            2:00.34    18:17.35 S <  ??          20:17.69 advfsd
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.11     0:00.44 S                 0:00.55                 
                     0.0  43    0 event        0:00.17     0:00.15 I <               0:00.33                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.06 S <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  43    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.04 S <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmextr      0:00.01     0:00.14 S <               0:00.15                 
       965 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.15     0:00.64 S    ??           0:00.79 inetd
       998 root      0.0  44    0 2efcc094     0:00.02     0:00.10 I    ??           0:00.12 cron
      1019 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 lpd
      1100 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.02     0:00.01 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.12 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1102 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1104 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.12 S    ??           0:00.26 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.11 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1106 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.12 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.11 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1108 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.13     0:00.11 S    ??           0:00.24 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.01     0:00.00 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.11 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1109 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.02     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.12 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1110 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.12 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.12 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1133 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:07.15     1:30.14 S    ??           1:37.29 pstat
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.01 S N               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  49    0 socket       0:06.99     1:29.97 I N               1:36.96                 
      1134 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.29 hwad
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  34    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1135 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.12     0:00.19 S    ??           0:00.30 mstrack
                     0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.01     0:00.03 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.11     0:00.11 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.00     0:00.04 I                 0:00.05                 
                     0.0   0    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1136 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.12 S    ??           0:00.27 csobs
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1137 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.27 flow
                     0.0  42    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1138 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:24.26     4:02.07 S    ??           4:26.32
      1142 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:15.49     2:58.35 S    ??           3:13.84
      1157 root      0.0  44    0 6afc6a94     0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1177 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.02     0:00.05 S    ??           0:00.06 httpd
      1188 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.26     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.26 sshd
      1284 nobody    0.0  44    0 vn_exlo      0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1285 nobody    0.0  44    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1286 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1289 root      0.0  44    0 6adcec94     0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1290 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1294 nobody    0.0  44    0 vn_exlo      0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1295 nobody    0.0  44    0 vn_exlo      0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1296 root      0.0  44    0 30015e94     0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1297 nobody    0.0  44    0 vn_exlo      0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1368 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.12 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
                     0.0  42    0 wait         0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.11 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1379 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.12     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.13 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0   6    0 7b1ade94     0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 pause        0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0   6    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1415 root      0.0  34    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.14 S <  ??           0:00.30 nseagent
                     0.0  34    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.13 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  34    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.01                 
      1853 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00 I    ??           0:00.01 CoreMW
      1855 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.13     0:00.19 S    ??           0:00.32 nectar_confine
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.11 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0   6    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.04 S <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0   8    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0    0 WCFN         0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  41    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  21    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  11    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.01 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   0    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0    0 usleep       0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
      1857 root      0.7  44    0 *           56:24.72    02:15:27 S    ??          03:11:51 sldm
                     0.0  42    0 sigwait      0:00.01     0:00.03 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.16     0:00.12 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.7   8    0 necQwai     52:54.64    02:10:33 S <              03:03:28                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:01.81     0:01.63 I <               0:03.44                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.61     0:21.44 S <               0:36.05                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.55     0:21.65 S <               0:36.21                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.44     0:21.72 S <               0:36.16                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.35     0:21.33 S <               0:35.68                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.57     0:21.51 S <               0:36.08                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.38     0:21.39 S <               0:35.77                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.51     0:21.46 S <               0:35.98                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.28     0:21.53 S <               0:35.81                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:13.97     0:21.15 S <               0:35.12                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:14.60     0:21.96 S <               0:36.56                 
                     0.0  21    0 necQwai      1:03.41     1:16.05 S <               2:19.47                 
                     0.0  10    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32    0 necQwai      0:00.43     0:00.50 I <               0:00.93                 
                     0.0   9    0 SVWRCV       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1858 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.42     0:00.82 S    ??           0:01.24 xma
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.10 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.01 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  10    0 SVWRCV       0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   9    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.14     0:00.04 I <               0:00.19                 
                     0.0  10    0 nxmbloc      0:00.11     0:00.49 I <               0:00.60                 
                     0.0  10    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.02                 
      1897 root      0.0   8    0 *            0:00.20     0:00.17 S <  ??           0:00.37 CMA
                     0.0   8    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.08 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0   8    0 necQwai      0:00.01     0:00.01 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0   8    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  32    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.00 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  10    0 necQwai      0:00.01     0:00.04 I <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1900 root      0.0  10    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.16 S <  ??           0:00.32 SMA
                     0.0  10    0 necQwai      0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.09 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  10    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 necQwai      0:00.02     0:00.03 S <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  10    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.01 S <               0:00.01                 
      1903 root      1.2  10    0 *           55:49.29    02:24:19 S <  ??          03:20:09 NMA
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.10 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  10    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  10    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.01 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   3    0 usleep       0:00.01     0:00.01 S <               0:00.02                 
                     1.2   3    0 event       55:49.14    02:24:19 S <              03:20:08                 
                     0.0   8    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1908 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:00.00     0:00.01 IW   ??           0:00.01 q3mgrstart
      1944 root      0.0  13    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S <  ??           0:00.28 UR_GSW
                     0.0  13    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.11 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  13    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1956 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.32 pldm
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.17     0:00.12 S                 0:00.29                 
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1958 root      0.0  24    0 event        0:00.02     0:00.05 S <  ??           0:00.08 vold
      1965 root      0.0  11    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.14 S <  ??           0:00.29 UR_GCM
                     0.0  11    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.03 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.11 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  11    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1966 root      0.0  46    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.11 S N  ??           0:00.26 UP_GT_TCP
                     0.0  46    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I N               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.10 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  46    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I N               0:00.00                 
      1967 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.28 UP_SWA
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.12 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1968 root      0.0   8    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.13 S <  ??           0:00.29 GNM
                     0.0   8    0 sv_sem       0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.16     0:00.11 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.01                 
      1971 root      0.0  12    0 *            0:00.12     0:00.12 S <  ??           0:00.23 GMT
                     0.0  12    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.10     0:00.10 S                 0:00.20                 
                     0.0  12    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1973 root      0.0  18    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.15 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GBK
                     0.0  18    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.17     0:00.14 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  18    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1974 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.19     0:00.14 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GAM
                     0.0  43    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.01 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.18     0:00.12 S                 0:00.30                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
      1978 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.23     0:00.20 S    ??           0:00.43 q3perlmgr
                     0.0  42    0 event        0:00.07     0:00.06 I                 0:00.12                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.13 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.04     0:00.01 I                 0:00.05                 
      1984 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.12 S <  ??           0:00.30 GEM
                     0.0  43    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.17     0:00.10 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1987 root      0.0  31    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.14 S <  ??           0:00.31 UR_GHM
                     0.0  31    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.16     0:00.12 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  31    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1991 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.10 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1994 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.12 S <  ??           0:00.28 SCA
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.10 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  33    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      1995 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.30 zzTRACE
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      1996 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:11.09    26:27.89 S    ??          26:38.98 HMA
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       0:00.99     0:06.71 I                 0:07.70                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       0:00.52     0:05.58 S                 0:06.10                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       0:09.42    26:15.46 I                26:24.88                 
      1997 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.29 Q3A
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.11 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 S                 0:00.01                 
      1999 root      0.0  44    0 socket       0:00.00     0:00.00 IW   ??           0:00.01 snmp_traprcv
      2000 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.16 S    ??           0:00.34 UR_GOBS
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.04 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2001 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.11 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2012 root      0.0  34    0 event        0:00.00     0:00.01 IW<  ??           0:00.01 volnotify
      2013 root      0.0  34    0 *            0:03.01     0:06.72 S <  ??           0:09.73 FMA
                     0.0  34    0 nxmidle      0:00.01     0:00.02 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.13 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  34    0 sigwait      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  34    0 necQwai      0:00.00     0:00.01 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  34    0 event        0:02.86     0:06.56 S <               0:09.42                 
      2014 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GSS7
                     0.0  42    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.04 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.10 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2017 root      0.0  34    0 vxvm         0:00.00     0:00.00 IW<  ??           0:00.01 voltrace
      2018 root      0.0  44    0 *           12:18.34    39:49.53 S    ??          52:07.87 EIPAS
                     0.0  42    0 socket       0:00.01     0:00.01 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.08     0:00.25 S                 0:00.33                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      3:04.74     9:59.88 S                13:04.62                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       3:04.42     9:54.22 S                12:58.64                 
                     0.0  42    0 event        3:05.11     9:52.77 S                12:57.87                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       3:03.99    10:02.40 S                13:06.39                 
      2044 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.30 zzOAM
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.02     0:00.02 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.11 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2045 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.13     0:00.17 S    ??           0:00.30 UR_GSCCP
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.14 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2054 root      0.0  31    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.16 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzPLF
                     0.0  31    0 sv_sem       0:00.02     0:00.02 I <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.13 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  31    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2073 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.18 S    ??           0:00.33 zzGTPGWC
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.02     0:00.02 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.15 S                 0:00.29                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2075 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.15 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GT
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.13 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2077 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.14     0:00.14 S    ??           0:00.28 zzSVNAMED
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.01     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.13 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2078 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.18     0:00.20 S <  ??           0:00.38 zzALR
                     0.0  43    0 sv_sem       0:00.05     0:00.05 I <               0:00.11                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.15 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2079 root      0.0  34    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.15 S <  ??           0:00.30 zzGTW
                     0.0  34    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.05 I <               0:00.08                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.10 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  34    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2081 root      2.2  44    0 *           24:31.99    05:35:31 S    ??          06:00:03 zzPLFA
                     2.2  42    0 nxmidle      9:04.89    02:01:17 S                02:10:21                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.06     0:00.13 S                 0:00.18                 
                     0.0  42    0 usleep       7:09.98    01:40:11 S                01:47:21                 
                     0.0  42    0 necQwai      8:12.71    01:53:52 I                02:02:05                 
                     0.0  44    0 necQwai      0:04.36     0:09.47 S                 0:13.82                 
      2091 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.19     0:00.16 S    ??           0:00.35 zzPING
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.02     0:00.02 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.17     0:00.14 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.01 I                 0:00.01                 
      2101 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.20     0:00.18 S    ??           0:00.38 zzOBS
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.06     0:00.06 I                 0:00.11                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.12 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2115 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.16 S <  ??           0:00.34 zzDYN
                     0.0  43    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.04 I <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.15     0:00.12 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2116 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.27     0:00.34 S    ??           0:00.61 zzPCA
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.10     0:00.11 I                 0:00.21                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.14     0:00.16 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.03     0:00.06 I                 0:00.09                 
      2117 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.17 S    ??           0:00.33 zzSDA
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.04 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.13 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2141 root      0.0  38    0 *            0:00.20     0:00.15 S <  ??           0:00.35 zzCHA
                     0.0  39    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.04 I <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.17     0:00.11 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  38    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2142 root      0.0  43    0 *            0:00.17     0:00.14 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzLOCA
                     0.0  43    0 sv_sem       0:00.02     0:00.02 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.16     0:00.12 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  43    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I <               0:00.00                 
      2147 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.25     0:00.21 S    ??           0:00.45 zzRAT
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.03 I                 0:00.06                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.21     0:00.16 S                 0:00.37                 
                     0.0  42    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.02 I                 0:00.02                 
      2148 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.16     0:00.15 S    ??           0:00.31 zzVCM
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.03     0:00.03 I                 0:00.06                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.12     0:00.12 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      2149 root      0.0  44    0 *            0:00.15     0:00.13 S    ??           0:00.29 zzICLM
                     0.0  44    0 sv_sem       0:00.02     0:00.02 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmbloc      0:00.13     0:00.11 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44    0 nxmidle      0:00.00     0:00.00 I                 0:00.00                 
      7388 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
      8079 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
     14887 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.01     0:00.01 S    ??           0:00.02 telnetd
     23201 root      0.0  44    0 event        0:00.02     0:00.10 S    ??           0:00.12 telnetd
       815 root      0.0  44    0 ttyin        0:00.00     0:00.01 I  + console      0:00.01 getty
      4400 root      3.9  44    0 wait         0:00.21     0:00.35 S  + ttyp0        0:00.56 sys_check
      4612 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.02 R  + ttyp0        0:00.03 ps
      7223 root      0.0  44    0 -            0:00.00     0:00.00 R  + ttyp0        0:00.00 sys_check
     22567 root      0.0  44    0 wait         0:00.32     0:02.96 S  + ttyp0        0:03.28 sys_check
     25017 root      0.0  44    0 pause        0:00.02     0:00.04 I    ttyp0        0:00.06 csh
     19755 root      0.0  44    0 tty          0:00.02     0:00.07 S  + ttyp1        0:00.09 csh

    ps -em -O SCHED

         0 root      2.1  38  38  -6  25   ~0  TS    0 R <  ??          06:40:05 kernel idle
                     0.0  63  63  19   0   ~0  TS    0 R N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               1:03.39                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:03.48                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30    0  RR    0 S <               3:41.89                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30    0  RR    0 S <               0:00.55                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30    0  RR    0 S <               2:19.64                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30    0  RR    0 S <               0:00.36                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  RR    0 S <               0:00.17                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  RR    0 S <               0:01.35                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.3   4   4 -40  59    0  RR    0 S <              01:20:42                 
                     0.4   4   4 -40  59    0  RR    0 S <              01:22:21                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30   ~0  RR    0 S <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  RR    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  RR    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  43  38  -6  20   ~0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25   ~0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  43  38  -6  20   ~0  TS    0 S <               0:00.06                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30   ~0  RR    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 U                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 U                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:04.68                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:01.67                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37  37  -7  26    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37  37  -7  26    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.12                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37  37  -7  26    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  37  37  -7  26    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  FF    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  42  -2  21    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:15.86                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:16.50                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:14.22                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:16.57                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:15.85                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:17.26                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:20.36                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:16.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:01.91                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:02.10                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:01.97                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:02.05                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:01.95                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:01.82                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:02.01                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  RR    0 U <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.6   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 S <              01:50:48                 
                     0.8   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 S <              01:56:16                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
         1 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:06.59 init
        12 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.37 kloadsrv
        52 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:26.86 update
       236 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.84 syslogd
       251 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:01.68 binlogd
       431 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.02 portmap
       433 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.08 mountd
       435 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.00 nfsd
       437 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.24 proplistd
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
       439 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.06 nfsiod
       442 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW + ??           0:00.01 rpc.statd
       444 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 rpc.lockd
       497 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnalimd
       500 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.05 dnaevld
       534 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:02.91 dnascd
       535 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.02 dnansd
       536 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnaksd
       540 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.19 dnsadv
       589 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 dnanoded
       626 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.01 osaknmd
       809 root      0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:22.55 xntpd
       825 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:01.39 sendmail
       854 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:24.82 snmpd
       860 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.04 os_mibs
       862 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.04 svrMgt_mib
       863 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:17.03 svrSystem_mib
       865 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.09 cpq_mibs
       901 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S    ??           0:46.65 insightd
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:09.05                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:09.40                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:09.32                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:09.35                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:04.10                 
       904 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <  ??           0:00.09 pmgrd
       905 root      0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  ??    0   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       906 root      0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  ??    0   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       908 root      0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  ??    0   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       913 root      0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  ??    0   <  ??           0:00.00 <defunct>
       936 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           2:40.71 envmond
       955 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  RR    0 S <  ??          20:17.69 advfsd
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.55                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.33                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <               0:00.15                 
       965 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.79 inetd
       998 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.12 cron
      1019 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 lpd
      1100 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1102 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1104 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.26 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1106 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1108 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.24 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1109 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1110 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.27 defend
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1133 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           1:37.29 pstat
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49  49   5  14    0  FF    0 I N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49  49   5  14    0  FF    0 I N               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  49  49   5  14    0  FF    0 S N               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  49  49   5  14    0  FF    0 I N               1:36.96                 
      1134 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S    ??           0:00.29 hwad
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1135 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.30 mstrack
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.05                 
                     0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1136 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.27 csobs
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1137 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.27 flow
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1138 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           4:26.32
      1142 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           3:13.84
      1157 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1177 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.06 httpd
      1188 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.26 sshd
      1284 nobody    0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1285 nobody    0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1286 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1289 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1290 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 sh
      1294 nobody    0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1295 nobody    0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1296 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 createLog
      1297 nobody    0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.00 httpd
      1368 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1379 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.26 UR_SUA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0   6   6 -38  57    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0   6   6 -38  57    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1415 root      0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.30 nseagent
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.01                 
      1853 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ??           0:00.01 CoreMW
      1855 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.32 nectar_confine
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0   6   6 -38  57    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  41  41  -3  22    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  21  21 -23  42    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  11  11 -33  52    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   0   0 -44  63    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
      1857 root      0.7  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??          03:11:51 sldm
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.7   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <              03:03:28                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:03.44                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:36.05                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:36.21                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:36.16                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:35.68                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:36.08                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:35.77                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:35.98                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:35.81                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:35.12                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <               0:36.56                 
                     0.0  21  21 -23  42    0  FF    0 S <               2:19.47                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.93                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1858 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S    ??           0:01.24 xma
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.19                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.60                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.02                 
      1897 root      0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.37 CMA
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  32  32 -12  31    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   7   7 -37  56    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1900 root      0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.32 SMA
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.01                 
      1903 root      1.2  10  10 -34  53    0  RR    0 S <  ??          03:20:09 NMA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  10  10 -34  53    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0   3   3 -41  60    0  FF    0 S <               0:00.02                 
                     1.2   3   3 -41  60    0  FF    0 S <              03:20:08                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1908 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 q3mgrstart
      1944 root      0.0  13  13 -31  50    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.28 UR_GSW
                     0.0  13  13 -31  50    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  13  13 -31  50    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1956 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 S    ??           0:00.32 pldm
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.29                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1958 root      0.0  24  24 -20  39    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.08 vold
      1965 root      0.0  11  11 -33  52    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.29 UR_GCM
                     0.0  11  11 -33  52    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  11  11 -33  52    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1966 root      0.0  46  46   2  17    0  FF    0 S N  ??           0:00.26 UP_GT_TCP
                     0.0  46  46   2  17    0  FF    0 I N               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.23                 
                     0.0  46  46   2  17    0  FF    0 I N               0:00.00                 
      1967 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 S    ??           0:00.28 UP_SWA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1968 root      0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.29 GNM
                     0.0   8   8 -36  55    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
      1971 root      0.0  12  12 -32  51    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.23 GMT
                     0.0  12  12 -32  51    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.20                 
                     0.0  12  12 -32  51    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1973 root      0.0  18  18 -26  45    0  FF    0 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GBK
                     0.0  18  18 -26  45    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  18  18 -26  45    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1974 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.33 UR_GAM
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.30                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
      1978 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.43 q3perlmgr
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.12                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.05                 
      1984 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.30 GEM
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1987 root      0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.31 UR_GHM
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1991 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1994 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  RR    0 S <  ??           0:00.28 SCA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  33  33 -11  30    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0   9   9 -35  54    0  FF    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      1995 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.30 zzTRACE
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      1996 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??          26:38.98 HMA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:07.70                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:06.10                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                26:24.88                 
      1997 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S    ??           0:00.29 Q3A
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                 0:00.01                 
      1999 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 IW   ??           0:00.01 snmp_traprcv
      2000 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.34 UR_GOBS
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2001 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 UR_G3
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2012 root      0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 IW<  ??           0:00.01 volnotify
      2013 root      0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:09.73 FMA
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.01                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 S <               0:09.42                 
      2014 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GSS7
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2017 root      0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 IW<  ??           0:00.01 voltrace
      2018 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??          52:07.87 EIPAS
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.33                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                13:04.62                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                12:58.64                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                12:57.87                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                13:06.39                 
      2044 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.30 zzOAM
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2045 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.30 UR_GSCCP
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2054 root      0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzPLF
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.05                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  31  31 -13  32    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2073 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.33 zzGTPGWC
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.29                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2075 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.31 UR_GT
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2077 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.28 zzSVNAMED
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2078 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.38 zzALR
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.11                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2079 root      0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.30 zzGTW
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.08                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.22                 
                     0.0  34  34 -10  29    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2081 root      2.2  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??          06:00:03 zzPLFA
                     2.2  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                02:10:21                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.18                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 S                01:47:21                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                02:02:05                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  FF    0 S                 0:13.82                 
      2091 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.35 zzPING
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.03                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.01                 
      2101 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.38 zzOBS
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.11                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2115 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.34 zzDYN
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.27                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2116 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.61 zzPCA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.21                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.31                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.09                 
      2117 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.33 zzSDA
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.26                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2141 root      0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.35 zzCHA
                     0.0  39  38  -6  24    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.07                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  38  38  -6  25    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2142 root      0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 S <  ??           0:00.32 zzLOCA
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.28                 
                     0.0  43  43  -1  20    0  TS    0 I <               0:00.00                 
      2147 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.45 zzRAT
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.06                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.37                 
                     0.0  42  44   0  21    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.02                 
      2148 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.31 zzVCM
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.06                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.25                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      2149 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.29 zzICLM
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.04                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  RR    0 S                 0:00.24                 
                     0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I                 0:00.00                 
      7388 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
      8079 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.00 sleep
     14887 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.02 telnetd
     23201 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S    ??           0:00.12 telnetd
       815 root      0.0  44  44   0  19   ~0  TS    0 I  + console      0:00.01 getty
      4400 root      3.9  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S  + ttyp0        0:00.58 sys_check
      4748 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 R  + ttyp0        0:00.03 ps
      8181 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S  + ttyp0        0:00.00 grep
     22567 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S  + ttyp0        0:03.28 sys_check
     25017 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 I    ttyp0        0:00.06 csh
     19755 root      0.0  44  44   0  19    0  TS    0 S  + ttyp1        0:00.09 csh

    <=[ ToC ]=> Device Special Files

    [ls -lR] [ls -LlR]

    ls -lR /dev

    total 184
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin          32074 Apr 12  1999 MAKEDEV
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system        1473 Jul 29  2004 MAKEDEV.log
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin           1622 Apr 12  1999 SYSV_PTY
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    85,    0 Sep 19 01:44 aal
    crw-------   1 root     system    47,    0 Jul 29  2004 atm_cmm
    cr--------   1 root     system    17,    0 Jul 29  2004 audit
    srw-rw----   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 binlogdmb
    crw-------   1 root     system    30,    0 Jul 29  2004 cam
    crw--w--w-   1 root     terminal   0,    0 Oct  2 14:15 console
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    78,    0 Sep 19 01:44 cs_server
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    79,    0 Sep 19 01:44 cs_tcp
    brw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    0 Jul 29  2004 fd0a
    brw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    2 Jul 29  2004 fd0c
    crw-------   1 root     system    31,    0 Aug 11 18:08 kbinlog
    crw-------   1 root     system     3,    1 Jul 29  2004 kcon
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    25,    1 Jul 29  2004 keyboard0
    crw-------   1 root     system     3,    0 Jul 29  2004 klog
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem        2,    1 Jul 29  2004 kmem
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 lat
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem       45,    0 Jul 29  2004 lockdev
    srw-rw-rw-   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 log
    c-w--w--w-   1 root     system    34,    0 Jul 29  2004 lp0
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem        2,    0 Jul 29  2004 mem
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    23,    1 Jul 29  2004 mouse0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    83,    0 Sep 19 01:44 n7cs
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    84,    0 Sep 19 01:44 n7s
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    75,    0 Sep 19 01:44 ndl
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    80,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nid
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    81,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nios
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    82,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nl2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    87,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nmts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    76,    0 Sep 19 01:44 noss
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36871 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36867 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0h
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36865 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0l
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36869 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0m
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    77,    0 Sep 19 01:44 ntrp0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     2,    2 Oct  2 14:19 null
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Sep 19 01:43 osak
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Jul 25 16:26 pf
    cr--r--r--   1 root     system    26,    0 Jul 29  2004 pfcntr
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,   57 Jul 29  2004 pipe
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 plex
    crw-------   1 root     system    37,    0 Jul 29  2004 prf
    srwxrwxrwx   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 printer
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptm
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,   62 Jul 29  2004 ptmx
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptmx_bsd
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 pts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    0 Jul 29  2004 ptyp0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    1 Jul 29  2004 ptyp1
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    2 Jul 29  2004 ptyp2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    3 Jul 29  2004 ptyp3
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    4 Jul 29  2004 ptyp4
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    5 Jul 29  2004 ptyp5
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    6 Jul 29  2004 ptyp6
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptyp7
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    8 Jul 29  2004 ptyp8
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    9 Jul 29  2004 ptyp9
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   10 Jul 29  2004 ptypa
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   11 Jul 29  2004 ptypb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   12 Jul 29  2004 ptypc
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   13 Jul 29  2004 ptypd
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   14 Jul 29  2004 ptype
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   15 Jul 29  2004 ptypf
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   16 Jul 29  2004 ptyq0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   17 Jul 29  2004 ptyq1
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   18 Jul 29  2004 ptyq2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   19 Jul 29  2004 ptyq3
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   20 Jul 29  2004 ptyq4
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   21 Jul 29  2004 ptyq5
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   22 Jul 29  2004 ptyq6
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   23 Jul 29  2004 ptyq7
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   24 Jul 29  2004 ptyq8
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   25 Jul 29  2004 ptyq9
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   26 Jul 29  2004 ptyqa
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   27 Jul 29  2004 ptyqb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   28 Jul 29  2004 ptyqc
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   29 Jul 29  2004 ptyqd
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   30 Jul 29  2004 ptyqe
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   31 Jul 29  2004 ptyqf
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    0 Jul 29  2004 rfd0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    2 Jul 29  2004 rfd0c
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36870 Jul 29  2004 rmt0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36866 Jun  4 06:24 rmt0h
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36864 Jul 29  2004 rmt0l
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36868 Jul 29  2004 rmt0m
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    0 Jul 29  2004 rrz0a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    1 Jul 29  2004 rrz0b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    2 Jul 29  2004 rrz0c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    3 Jul 29  2004 rrz0d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    4 Jul 29  2004 rrz0e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    5 Jul 29  2004 rrz0f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    6 Jul 29  2004 rrz0g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    7 Jul 29  2004 rrz0h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32768 Jul 29  2004 rrz16a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32769 Jul 29  2004 rrz16b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32770 Jul 29  2004 rrz16c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32771 Jul 29  2004 rrz16d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32772 Jul 29  2004 rrz16e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32773 Jul 29  2004 rrz16f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32774 Jul 29  2004 rrz16g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32775 Jul 29  2004 rrz16h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49152 Nov 17  2004 rrz24a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49153 Jul 29  2004 rrz24b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49154 Jul 29  2004 rrz24c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49155 Jul 29  2004 rrz24d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49156 Jul 29  2004 rrz24e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49157 Jul 29  2004 rrz24f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49158 Jul 29  2004 rrz24g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49159 Jul 29  2004 rrz24h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16384 Jul 29  2004 rrz8a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16385 Jul 29  2004 rrz8b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16386 Jul 29  2004 rrz8c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16387 Jul 29  2004 rrz8d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16388 Jul 29  2004 rrz8e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16389 Jul 29  2004 rrz8f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16390 Jul 29  2004 rrz8g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16391 Jul 29  2004 rrz8h
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 rvol
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    0 Jul 29  2004 rz0a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    1 Sep 19 01:43 rz0b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    2 Jul 29  2004 rz0c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    3 Jul 29  2004 rz0d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    4 Jul 29  2004 rz0e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    5 Jul 29  2004 rz0f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    6 Jul 29  2004 rz0g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    7 Jul 29  2004 rz0h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32768 Jul 29  2004 rz16a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32769 Jul 29  2004 rz16b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32770 Jul 29  2004 rz16c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32771 Jul 29  2004 rz16d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32772 Jul 29  2004 rz16e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32773 Jul 29  2004 rz16f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32774 Jul 29  2004 rz16g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32775 Jul 29  2004 rz16h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49152 Jul 29  2004 rz24a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49153 Jul 29  2004 rz24b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49154 Jul 29  2004 rz24c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49155 Jul 29  2004 rz24d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49156 Jul 29  2004 rz24e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49157 Jul 29  2004 rz24f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49158 Jul 29  2004 rz24g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49159 Jul 29  2004 rz24h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16384 Jul 29  2004 rz8a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16385 Jul 29  2004 rz8b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16386 Jul 29  2004 rz8c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16387 Jul 29  2004 rz8d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16388 Jul 29  2004 rz8e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16389 Jul 29  2004 rz8f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16390 Jul 29  2004 rz8g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16391 Jul 29  2004 rz8h
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 sad
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,   49 Jul 29  2004 snmpinfo
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       77326 Mar 23  2007 stderr
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 streams
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     1,    0 Jul 25 17:49 tty
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    35,    0 Jul 29  2004 tty00
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    35,    1 Aug 31 02:59 tty01
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    0 Oct  2 14:08 ttyp0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    1 Oct  2 14:19 ttyp1
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    2 Oct  2 14:19 ttyp2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    3 Aug 10 01:40 ttyp3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    4 Jul 11 02:27 ttyp4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    5 Jul 11 04:17 ttyp5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    6 Mar 28  2007 ttyp6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    7 May  7  2006 ttyp7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    8 May  7  2006 ttyp8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    9 Nov 29  2004 ttyp9
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   10 Nov 22  2004 ttypa
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   11 Nov 22  2004 ttypb
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   12 Nov 22  2004 ttypc
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   13 Nov 22  2004 ttypd
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   14 Nov 22  2004 ttype
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   15 Nov 22  2004 ttypf
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   16 Nov 22  2004 ttyq0
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   17 Nov 22  2004 ttyq1
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   18 Nov 22  2004 ttyq2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   19 Nov 14  2004 ttyq3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   20 Jul 29  2004 ttyq4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   21 Jul 29  2004 ttyq5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   22 Jul 29  2004 ttyq6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   23 Jul 29  2004 ttyq7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   24 Jul 29  2004 ttyq8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   25 Jul 29  2004 ttyq9
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   26 Jul 29  2004 ttyqa
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   27 Jul 29  2004 ttyqb
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   28 Jul 29  2004 ttyqc
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   29 Jul 29  2004 ttyqd
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   30 Jul 29  2004 ttyqe
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   31 Jul 29  2004 ttyqf
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 vol
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    0 Jul 29  2004 volconfig
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    1 Jul 29  2004 volevent
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    3 Jul 29  2004 volinfo
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    2 Jul 29  2004 voliod
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    33,    1 Jul 29  2004 ws0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    38,    0 Jul 29  2004 zero
    total 0
    total 0
    srwxrwxrwx   1 root     system         0 Sep 19 01:43 OSAK_MGT
    total 0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  0 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  1 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt1
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 10 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt10
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 11 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt11
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 12 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt12
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 13 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt13
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 14 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt14
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 15 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt15
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 16 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt16
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 17 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt17
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 18 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt18
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 19 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt19
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  2 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt2
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 20 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt20
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 21 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt21
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 22 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt22
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 23 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt23
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 24 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt24
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 25 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt25
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 26 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt26
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 27 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt27
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 28 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt28
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 29 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt29
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  3 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt3
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 30 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt30
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 31 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt31
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 32 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt32
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 33 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt33
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 34 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt34
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 35 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt35
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 36 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt36
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 37 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt37
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 38 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt38
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 39 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt39
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  4 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt4
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 40 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt40
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 41 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt41
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 42 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt42
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 43 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt43
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 44 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt44
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 45 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt45
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 46 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt46
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 47 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt47
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 48 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt48
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 49 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt49
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  5 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt5
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 50 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt50
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 51 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt51
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 52 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt52
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 53 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt53
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 54 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt54
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 55 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt55
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 56 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt56
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 57 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt57
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 58 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt58
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 59 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt59
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  6 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt6
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 60 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt60
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 61 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt61
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 62 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt62
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 63 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt63
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  7 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt7
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  8 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt8
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  9 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt9
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0
    total 0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  0 Oct  2 14:08 0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  1 Oct  2 14:19 1
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 10 Nov 22  2004 10
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 11 Nov 22  2004 11
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 12 Nov 22  2004 12
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 13 Nov 22  2004 13
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 14 Nov 22  2004 14
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 15 Nov 22  2004 15
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 16 Nov 22  2004 16
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 17 Nov 22  2004 17
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 18 Nov 22  2004 18
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 19 Nov 14  2004 19
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  2 Oct  2 14:19 2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 20 Jul 29  2004 20
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 21 Jul 29  2004 21
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 22 Jul 29  2004 22
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 23 Jul 29  2004 23
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 24 Jul 29  2004 24
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 25 Jul 29  2004 25
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 26 Jul 29  2004 26
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 27 Jul 29  2004 27
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 28 Jul 29  2004 28
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 29 Jul 29  2004 29
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  3 Aug 10 01:40 3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 30 Jul 29  2004 30
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 31 Jul 29  2004 31
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  4 Jul 11 02:27 4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  5 Jul 11 04:17 5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  6 Mar 28  2007 6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  7 May  7  2006 7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  8 May  7  2006 8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  9 Nov 29  2004 9
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0
    total 0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 56 Jul 29  2004 admin
    total 8
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    32, 63 Jul 29  2004 dlb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 55 Jul 29  2004 echo
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32, 49 Jul 29  2004 kinfo
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,  5 Jul 29  2004 lat
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 53 Jul 29  2004 log
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 54 Jul 29  2004 nuls
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 57 Jul 29  2004 pipe
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 66 Jul 29  2004 rfc1006
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 52 Jul 29  2004 strkinfo
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 xtiso
    total 0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 65 Jul 29  2004 clts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 64 Jul 29  2004 cots
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 59 Jul 29  2004 tcp
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 61 Jul 29  2004 tcp+
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 58 Jul 29  2004 udp
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 60 Jul 29  2004 udp+
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0

    ls -LlR /dev

    total 184
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin          32074 Apr 12  1999 MAKEDEV
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system        1473 Jul 29  2004 MAKEDEV.log
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin           1622 Apr 12  1999 SYSV_PTY
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    85,    0 Sep 19 01:44 aal
    crw-------   1 root     system    47,    0 Jul 29  2004 atm_cmm
    cr--------   1 root     system    17,    0 Jul 29  2004 audit
    srw-rw----   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 binlogdmb
    crw-------   1 root     system    30,    0 Jul 29  2004 cam
    crw--w--w-   1 root     terminal   0,    0 Oct  2 14:15 console
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    78,    0 Sep 19 01:44 cs_server
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    79,    0 Sep 19 01:44 cs_tcp
    brw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    0 Jul 29  2004 fd0a
    brw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    2 Jul 29  2004 fd0c
    crw-------   1 root     system    31,    0 Aug 11 18:08 kbinlog
    crw-------   1 root     system     3,    1 Jul 29  2004 kcon
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    25,    1 Jul 29  2004 keyboard0
    crw-------   1 root     system     3,    0 Jul 29  2004 klog
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem        2,    1 Jul 29  2004 kmem
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 lat
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem       45,    0 Jul 29  2004 lockdev
    srw-rw-rw-   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 log
    c-w--w--w-   1 root     system    34,    0 Jul 29  2004 lp0
    cr--r-----   1 root     mem        2,    0 Jul 29  2004 mem
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    23,    1 Jul 29  2004 mouse0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    83,    0 Sep 19 01:44 n7cs
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    84,    0 Sep 19 01:44 n7s
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    75,    0 Sep 19 01:44 ndl
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    80,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nid
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    81,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nios
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    82,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nl2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    87,    0 Sep 19 01:44 nmts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    76,    0 Sep 19 01:44 noss
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36871 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36867 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0h
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36865 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0l
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36869 Jul 29  2004 nrmt0m
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    77,    0 Sep 19 01:44 ntrp0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     2,    2 Oct  2 14:19 null
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Sep 19 01:43 osak
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Jul 25 16:26 pf
    cr--r--r--   1 root     system    26,    0 Jul 29  2004 pfcntr
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,   57 Jul 29  2004 pipe
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 plex
    crw-------   1 root     system    37,    0 Jul 29  2004 prf
    srwxrwxrwx   1 root     system           0 Sep 19 01:43 printer
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptm
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,   62 Jul 29  2004 ptmx
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptmx_bsd
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 pts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    0 Jul 29  2004 ptyp0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    1 Jul 29  2004 ptyp1
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    2 Jul 29  2004 ptyp2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    3 Jul 29  2004 ptyp3
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    4 Jul 29  2004 ptyp4
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    5 Jul 29  2004 ptyp5
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    6 Jul 29  2004 ptyp6
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    7 Jul 29  2004 ptyp7
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    8 Jul 29  2004 ptyp8
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,    9 Jul 29  2004 ptyp9
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   10 Jul 29  2004 ptypa
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   11 Jul 29  2004 ptypb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   12 Jul 29  2004 ptypc
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   13 Jul 29  2004 ptypd
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   14 Jul 29  2004 ptype
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   15 Jul 29  2004 ptypf
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   16 Jul 29  2004 ptyq0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   17 Jul 29  2004 ptyq1
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   18 Jul 29  2004 ptyq2
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   19 Jul 29  2004 ptyq3
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   20 Jul 29  2004 ptyq4
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   21 Jul 29  2004 ptyq5
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   22 Jul 29  2004 ptyq6
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   23 Jul 29  2004 ptyq7
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   24 Jul 29  2004 ptyq8
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   25 Jul 29  2004 ptyq9
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   26 Jul 29  2004 ptyqa
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   27 Jul 29  2004 ptyqb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   28 Jul 29  2004 ptyqc
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   29 Jul 29  2004 ptyqd
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   30 Jul 29  2004 ptyqe
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     7,   31 Jul 29  2004 ptyqf
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    0 Jul 29  2004 rfd0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    14,    2 Jul 29  2004 rfd0c
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36870 Jul 29  2004 rmt0a
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36866 Jun  4 06:24 rmt0h
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36864 Jul 29  2004 rmt0l
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     9,36868 Jul 29  2004 rmt0m
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    0 Jul 29  2004 rrz0a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    1 Jul 29  2004 rrz0b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    2 Jul 29  2004 rrz0c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    3 Jul 29  2004 rrz0d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    4 Jul 29  2004 rrz0e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    5 Jul 29  2004 rrz0f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    6 Jul 29  2004 rrz0g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,    7 Jul 29  2004 rrz0h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32768 Jul 29  2004 rrz16a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32769 Jul 29  2004 rrz16b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32770 Jul 29  2004 rrz16c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32771 Jul 29  2004 rrz16d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32772 Jul 29  2004 rrz16e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32773 Jul 29  2004 rrz16f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32774 Jul 29  2004 rrz16g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,32775 Jul 29  2004 rrz16h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49152 Nov 17  2004 rrz24a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49153 Jul 29  2004 rrz24b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49154 Jul 29  2004 rrz24c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49155 Jul 29  2004 rrz24d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49156 Jul 29  2004 rrz24e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49157 Jul 29  2004 rrz24f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49158 Jul 29  2004 rrz24g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,49159 Jul 29  2004 rrz24h
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16384 Jul 29  2004 rrz8a
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16385 Jul 29  2004 rrz8b
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16386 Jul 29  2004 rrz8c
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16387 Jul 29  2004 rrz8d
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16388 Jul 29  2004 rrz8e
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16389 Jul 29  2004 rrz8f
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16390 Jul 29  2004 rrz8g
    crw-------   1 root     system     8,16391 Jul 29  2004 rrz8h
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 rvol
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    0 Jul 29  2004 rz0a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    1 Sep 19 01:43 rz0b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    2 Jul 29  2004 rz0c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    3 Jul 29  2004 rz0d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    4 Jul 29  2004 rz0e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    5 Jul 29  2004 rz0f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    6 Jul 29  2004 rz0g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,    7 Jul 29  2004 rz0h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32768 Jul 29  2004 rz16a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32769 Jul 29  2004 rz16b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32770 Jul 29  2004 rz16c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32771 Jul 29  2004 rz16d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32772 Jul 29  2004 rz16e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32773 Jul 29  2004 rz16f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32774 Jul 29  2004 rz16g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,32775 Jul 29  2004 rz16h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49152 Jul 29  2004 rz24a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49153 Jul 29  2004 rz24b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49154 Jul 29  2004 rz24c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49155 Jul 29  2004 rz24d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49156 Jul 29  2004 rz24e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49157 Jul 29  2004 rz24f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49158 Jul 29  2004 rz24g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,49159 Jul 29  2004 rz24h
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16384 Jul 29  2004 rz8a
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16385 Jul 29  2004 rz8b
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16386 Jul 29  2004 rz8c
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16387 Jul 29  2004 rz8d
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16388 Jul 29  2004 rz8e
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16389 Jul 29  2004 rz8f
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16390 Jul 29  2004 rz8g
    brw-------   1 root     system     8,16391 Jul 29  2004 rz8h
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 sad
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32,   49 Jul 29  2004 snmpinfo
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       77326 Mar 23  2007 stderr
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Mar 18  2006 streams
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system     1,    0 Jul 25 17:49 tty
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    35,    0 Jul 29  2004 tty00
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    35,    1 Aug 31 02:59 tty01
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    0 Oct  2 14:08 ttyp0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    1 Oct  2 14:19 ttyp1
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,    2 Oct  2 14:19 ttyp2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    3 Aug 10 01:40 ttyp3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    4 Jul 11 02:27 ttyp4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    5 Jul 11 04:17 ttyp5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    6 Mar 28  2007 ttyp6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    7 May  7  2006 ttyp7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    8 May  7  2006 ttyp8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,    9 Nov 29  2004 ttyp9
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   10 Nov 22  2004 ttypa
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   11 Nov 22  2004 ttypb
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   12 Nov 22  2004 ttypc
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   13 Nov 22  2004 ttypd
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   14 Nov 22  2004 ttype
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   15 Nov 22  2004 ttypf
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   16 Nov 22  2004 ttyq0
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   17 Nov 22  2004 ttyq1
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   18 Nov 22  2004 ttyq2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   19 Nov 14  2004 ttyq3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   20 Jul 29  2004 ttyq4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   21 Jul 29  2004 ttyq5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   22 Jul 29  2004 ttyq6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   23 Jul 29  2004 ttyq7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   24 Jul 29  2004 ttyq8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   25 Jul 29  2004 ttyq9
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   26 Jul 29  2004 ttyqa
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   27 Jul 29  2004 ttyqb
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   28 Jul 29  2004 ttyqc
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   29 Jul 29  2004 ttyqd
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   30 Jul 29  2004 ttyqe
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,   31 Jul 29  2004 ttyqf
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     system        8192 Aug 11 18:19 vol
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    0 Jul 29  2004 volconfig
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    1 Jul 29  2004 volevent
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    3 Jul 29  2004 volinfo
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    41,    2 Jul 29  2004 voliod
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    33,    1 Jul 29  2004 ws0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    38,    0 Jul 29  2004 zero
    total 0
    total 0
    srwxrwxrwx   1 root     system         0 Sep 19 01:43 OSAK_MGT
    total 0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  0 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  1 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt1
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 10 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt10
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 11 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt11
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 12 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt12
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 13 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt13
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 14 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt14
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 15 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt15
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 16 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt16
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 17 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt17
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 18 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt18
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 19 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt19
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  2 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt2
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 20 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt20
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 21 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt21
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 22 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt22
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 23 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt23
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 24 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt24
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 25 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt25
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 26 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt26
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 27 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt27
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 28 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt28
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 29 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt29
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  3 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt3
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 30 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt30
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 31 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt31
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 32 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt32
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 33 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt33
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 34 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt34
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 35 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt35
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 36 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt36
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 37 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt37
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 38 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt38
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 39 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt39
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  4 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt4
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 40 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt40
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 41 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt41
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 42 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt42
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 43 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt43
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 44 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt44
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 45 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt45
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 46 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt46
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 47 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt47
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 48 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt48
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 49 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt49
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  5 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt5
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 50 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt50
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 51 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt51
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 52 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt52
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 53 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt53
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 54 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt54
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 55 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt55
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 56 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt56
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 57 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt57
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 58 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt58
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 59 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt59
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  6 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt6
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 60 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt60
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 61 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt61
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 62 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt62
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13, 63 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt63
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  7 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt7
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  8 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt8
    crw-r--r--   1 root     system    13,  9 Jul 25 16:26 pfilt9
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0
    total 0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  0 Oct  2 14:08 0
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  1 Oct  2 14:19 1
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 10 Nov 22  2004 10
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 11 Nov 22  2004 11
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 12 Nov 22  2004 12
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 13 Nov 22  2004 13
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 14 Nov 22  2004 14
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 15 Nov 22  2004 15
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 16 Nov 22  2004 16
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 17 Nov 22  2004 17
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 18 Nov 22  2004 18
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 19 Nov 14  2004 19
    crw--w----   2 root     terminal   6,  2 Oct  2 14:19 2
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 20 Jul 29  2004 20
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 21 Jul 29  2004 21
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 22 Jul 29  2004 22
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 23 Jul 29  2004 23
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 24 Jul 29  2004 24
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 25 Jul 29  2004 25
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 26 Jul 29  2004 26
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 27 Jul 29  2004 27
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 28 Jul 29  2004 28
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 29 Jul 29  2004 29
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  3 Aug 10 01:40 3
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 30 Jul 29  2004 30
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6, 31 Jul 29  2004 31
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  4 Jul 11 02:27 4
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  5 Jul 11 04:17 5
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  6 Mar 28  2007 6
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  7 May  7  2006 7
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  8 May  7  2006 8
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system     6,  9 Nov 29  2004 9
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0
    total 0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 56 Jul 29  2004 admin
    total 8
    crw-rw----   1 root     system    32, 63 Jul 29  2004 dlb
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 55 Jul 29  2004 echo
    crw-rw-rw-   2 root     system    32, 49 Jul 29  2004 kinfo
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32,  5 Jul 29  2004 lat
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 53 Jul 29  2004 log
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 54 Jul 29  2004 nuls
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 57 Jul 29  2004 pipe
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 66 Jul 29  2004 rfc1006
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 52 Jul 29  2004 strkinfo
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 xtiso
    total 0
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 65 Jul 29  2004 clts
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 64 Jul 29  2004 cots
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 59 Jul 29  2004 tcp
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 61 Jul 29  2004 tcp+
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 58 Jul 29  2004 udp
    crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system    32, 60 Jul 29  2004 udp+
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 rootdg
    total 0

    <=[ ToC ]=> Installed LMF licenses

    The following products are registered with LMF on the system:

    Product                   Status                     Users: Total      Active
    OSF-DEV                   active                            unlimited
    DECNET-OSI-EXT            active                            unlimited
    OSF-BASE                  active                            unlimited
    LSM-OA                    active                            unlimited
    ADVFS-UTILITIES           active                            unlimited
    X25-NATIVE                active                            unlimited
    OSF-USR                   active                            4          0    

    Full display of LMF products:

               Product Name: OSF-DEV
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 1050
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: H
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 1050
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: DECNET-OSI-EXT
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 1050
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: H
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 1050
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: OSF-BASE
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 15
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: A
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 15
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: LSM-OA
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 1050
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: H
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 1050
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: ADVFS-UTILITIES
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 1050
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: H
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 1050
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: X25-NATIVE
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 1050
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: H
        Activity Table Code: 
                Key Options: MOD_UNITS, ALPHA
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 1050
            Activity Charge: 0
               Product Name: OSF-USR
                   Producer: DEC
                     Issuer: DEC
            Number of units: 400
       Product Release Date: 
       Key Termination Date: 
    Availability Table Code: 
        Activity Table Code: CONSTANT=100
                Key Options: 
              Product Token: 
             License status: active
          Cancellation Date: 
            Revision Number: 0
          Cache Total Units: 400
            Activity Charge: 100
               Usable Units: 400

    <=[ ToC ]=> setld Installed Products

    The following layered products are installed on the system (setld -i output):

    Subset		     Status	Description
    ------		     ------	-----------
    AFAADVANCED440       installed  Advanced File System Advanced Utilities, v4.0f, r440(General Applications)
    AFAADVDAEMON440      installed  Advanced File System Daemon, v4.0f, r440(General Applications)
    AFAADVGUI440         installed  Advanced File System Graphical User Interface, v4.0f, r440(General Applications)
    AFAADVMAN440         installed  Advanced File System Advanced Utilities Reference Pages, v4.0f, r440(General Applications)
    CTAANAL301                      CTF User Environment (Optional Trace Facility Components)
    CTAANAL306           installed  CTF User Environment (Common Trace Facility Components)
    CTABASE301                      CTF Collector Components (Optional Trace Facility Components)
    CTABASE306           installed  CTF Collector Components (Common Trace Facility Components)
    DGIS2K100            installed  Digi Sync2000 Device Driver Package
    DNABASE402           installed  DECnet/OSI Base Components (DECnet/OSI Standard Run-time Environment)
    DNADECDNSSRV402      installed  DECnet/OSI DECdns Server (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNAGATEWAYS402       installed  DECnet/OSI Gateways (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNAKBIN402                      DECnet/OSI Kernel Components (DECnet/OSI Standard Run-time Environment)
    DNAKBIN403           installed  DECnet-Plus Kernel Components (DECnet-Plus Standard Run-time Environment)
    DNALITE402                      DECnet for Small Configurations (Lightweight DECnet Configuration Environment)
    DNAMAN402            installed  DECnet/OSI Reference Pages (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNAMOP402            installed  DECnet/OSI MOP Utilities (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNANETMAN402                    DECnet/OSI Network Management (DECnet/OSI Standard Run-time Environment)
    DNANETMAN403         installed  DECnet-Plus Network Management (DECnet-Plus Standard Run-time Environment)
    DNANETMANGUI402                 DECnet/OSI Network Management GUI (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNANETMANGUI403      installed  DECnet-Plus Network Management GUI (Optional DECnet-Plus Components)
    DNAPGMR402           installed  DECnet/OSI Programming Tools (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNATRANSITION402     installed  DECnet/OSI Transition Tools (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    DNAUTIL402           installed  DECnet/OSI Miscellaneous Software (Optional DECnet/OSI Components)
    GAMGAMMIB119         installed  GAMMIB Binary
    GAMLIBSCP119         installed  LIBSCP
    GEMGEMMIB108         installed  GEMMIB Binary
    GEMLIBSCP108         installed  LIBSCP
    JAVA122              installed  Java 1.2.2-6 Environment (General Applications)
    JAVADEV122           installed  Java 1.2.2-6 Development Environment(Software Development)
    JAVADOC122           installed  Java 1.2.2-6 Online Documentation (Documentation Kit)
    LDBBASE469           installed  Ladebug Debugger Version 469
    LDBDOC469            installed  Ladebug Debugger Version 469 Documentation
    LDBMAN469            installed  Ladebug Debugger Version 469 Reference Pages
    M72LIBSCP108         installed  LIBSCP
    M72SS7MIB108         installed  SS7MIB Binary
    MN2CMMIB119          installed  CMMIB Binary
    MN2HMMIB119          installed  HMMIB Binary
    MN2LIBSCP119         installed  LIBSCP
    N7ABBLEVEL2API303    installed  NS7/BroadBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    N7ALASS7API303       installed  NS7/Administration - Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    N7ALIBSCP303         installed  NS7/Software Management - SCP libraries (Shared library)
    N7ANBLEVEL2API303    installed  NS7/NarrowBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    N7AXBMTP3API303      installed  NS7/BroadBand Message Transfer Part - MTP3 Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    N7AXBTCAPAPI303      installed  NS7/TCAP Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC020123 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC036127 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC039128 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC044129 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC050130 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC054132 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC056133 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC067134 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC079137 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC082138 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC089139 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC103143 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC116146 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC117147 installed  NS7/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    N7HKERNELCONF_RC30B_303_HC089139 installed  NS7/Kernel - Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    N7HLASS7BASE_RC30B_303_HC044129 installed  NS7/Administration - LASS7 Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    N7HLASS7BASE_RC30B_303_HC050130 installed  NS7/Administration - LASS7 Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    N7HLASS7BASE_RC30B_303_HC082138 installed  NS7/Administration - LASS7 Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    N7HNBLEVEL2BASE_RC30B_303_HC039128 installed  NS7/NarrowBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBMTP3BASE_RC30B_303_HC036127 installed  NS7/BroadBand Message Transfer Part - MTP3 Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBMTP3BASE_RC30B_303_HC089139 installed  NS7/BroadBand Message Transfer Part - MTP3 Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBSCCPBASE_RC30B_303_HC020123 installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBSCCPBASE_RC30B_303_HC056133 installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBSCCPBASE_RC30B_303_HC067134 installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBSCCPBASE_RC30B_303_HC079137 installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBSCCPBASE_RC30B_303_HC117147 installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC054132 installed  NS7/TCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC082138 installed  NS7/TCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC103143 installed  NS7/TCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    N7HXBTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC116146 installed  NS7/TCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    N7HXGTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC079137 installed  NS7/GTCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    N7HXUTCAPBASE_RC30B_303_HC054132 installed  NS7/TCAP Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    NCOBASE320           installed  Generic Kernel for Objects Definition and Generation(Base Software)
    NGAAMAPI303          installed  NGA/Availability Manager - AM Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGAASAPI303          installed  NGA/Availability Server - AS Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGAASMAN303                     NGA/Software Management - AS MAN (Software Development)
    NGAGWAPI303          installed  NGA/Gate-Way - GW Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGAHMAPI303          installed  NGA/Hardware Management - HM Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGALIBSCP303         installed  NGA/SCP libraries (Shared Library)
    NGAQ3API303          installed  NGA/Q3 Stack - Q3 Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGASMAPI303          installed  NGA/Software Management - SM Application Programming Interface (Software Development)
    NGASMMAN303          installed  NGA/Software Management - SM MAN (Software Development)
    NGBBASICMIB303       installed  NGB/BASIC MIB Files - Basic MIB Backup Files
    NGBCMMIB303                     NGB/CM MIB Files - Configuration Management MIB Backup Files
    NGBHMMIB303                     NGB/HM MIB Files - Hardware Management MIB Backup Files
    NGBLIBSCP303         installed  NGB/SCP libraries (Shared library)
    NGDDELIVERY303       installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGDLIBSCP303         installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset - Shared Libraries SCP (Shared Library Components)
    NGHADLAPFBASE_RC30B_303_HC025151 installed  NGP/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Base Components (Nectar Local Agent)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC012143 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC048168 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC052170 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC060176 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC064179 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC072186 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC075189 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC083195 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC084196 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC086199 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC093203 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC096206 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC100210 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC108215 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC109216 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC124226 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components
    NGHAMBASE_RC30B_303_HC142237 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC013144 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC027153 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC034159 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC052170 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC060176 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC077191 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMCONF_RC30B_303_HC119222 installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGHAMLIB_RC30B_303_HC073187 installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries AM (Shared Library Components)
    NGHASBASE_RC30B_303_HC009141 installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHASBASE_RC30B_303_HC023149 installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHASBASE_RC30B_303_HC059175 installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHASBASE_RC30B_303_HC078192 installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHASBASE_RC30B_303_HC095205 installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHASLIB_RC30B_303_HC078192 installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries AS (Shared Library Components)
    NGHASLIB_RC30B_303_HC095205 installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries AS (Shared Library Components)
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC002134 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC009141 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC012143 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC013144 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC019147 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC023149 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC025151 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC027153 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC034159 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC048168 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC052170 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC057173 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC059175 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC060176 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC064179 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC070185 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC072186 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC073187 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC075189 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC077191 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC078192 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC083195 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC084196 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC086199 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC087198 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC093203 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC094204 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC095205 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC096206 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC097207 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC0982O8 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC099209 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC100210 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC108215 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC109216 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC111218 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC112219 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC119222 installed  NGD/DELIVERY Delivery Subset
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC124226 installed  NGD/Delivery Information
    NGHDELIVERY_RC30B_303_HC142237 installed  NGD/Delivery Information
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC002134 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC019147 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC057173 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC094204 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC097207 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC0982O8 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC099209 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHHMBASE_RC30B_303_HC111218 installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHQ3SETUP_RC30B_303_HC112219 installed  NGP/Q3 Stack - Q3 Setup Components (Base Software)
    NGHSMBASE_RC30B_303_HC070185 installed  NGP/Software Management - SM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHSMBASE_RC30B_303_HC075189 installed  NGP/Software Management - SM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGHSMBASE_RC30B_303_HC087198 installed  NGP/Software Management - SM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGLAMLIB303          installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries AM (Shared Library Components)
    NGLASLIB303          installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries AS (Shared Library Components)
    NGLLIBSCP303         installed  NGL/Lib - Shared Libraries SCP (Shared Library Components)
    NGMADALBIE303        installed  NGM/Alcatel Build Imake Environment (Agent Building Environment)
    NGMADINFRAMAKE303    installed  NGM/Administrative Infrastructure - INFRA Make Environment (Agent Building Environment)
    NGMADINFRAMODEL303   installed  NGM/Administrative Infrastructure - INFRA Infomodel Components (Administrative Infomodel)
    NGMADINFRASETUP303   installed  NGM/Administrative Infrastructure - INFRA Setup Components (Administrative Setup)
    NGMADLAPFMAKE303     installed  NGM/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Make Environment (Agent Building Environment)
    NGMADLAPFMODEL303    installed  NGM/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Infomodel Components (Administrative Infomodel)
    NGMADLAPFSERV303     installed  NGM/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF SERVICES Environment (Agent Building Environment)
    NGMADLAPFSETUP303               NGM/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Setup Components (Administrative Setup)
    NGMADLAXXMAKE303     installed  NGM/Local Agent Platform Skeleton - Make Environment (Agent Building Environment)
    NGMADNEMOTXMODEL303  installed  NGM/NEMOTX - Infomodel Components (Administrative Infomodel)
    NGMADTUTORIAL303     installed  NGM/Administrative Infrastructure Tutorial (Tutorial)
    NGMLIBSCP303         installed  NGM/SCP libraries (Shared Library)
    NGPADLAPFBASE303     installed  NGP/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Base Components (Nectar Local Agent)
    NGPADLAPFCONF303     installed  NGP/Nectar Local Agent Platform - LAPF Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGPAMBASE303         installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGPAMCONF303         installed  NGP/Availability Manager - AM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGPAMSTARTING303     installed  Nectar Generic Platform - Starting with Standard Initialization (Starting with Base Software)
    NGPASBASE303         installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Base Components (Base Software)
    NGPASCONF303         installed  NGP/Availability Server - AS Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGPHMBASE303         installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGPHMCONF303         installed  NGP/Hardware Management - HM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NGPLIBSCP220         installed  Nectar Library for Subset Script (Subset Shell Library)
    NGPLIBSCP303         installed  NGP/Software Management - SCP libraries (Shared library)
    NGPQ3SETUP303        installed  NGP/Q3 Stack - Q3 Setup Components (Base Software)
    NGPSMBASE303         installed  NGP/Software Management - SM Base Components (Base Software)
    NGPSMCONF303         installed  NGP/Software Management - SM Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NPPNGPN00101_303100  installed  Patch to prevent restart of the platform due to Unix process overflow with FTP daemon
    NS7BBLEVEL2BASE303   installed  NS7/BroadBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Base Components (Base Software)
    NS7BBLEVEL2CONF303   installed  NS7/BroadBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7KERNELCONF303     installed  NS7/Kernel - Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7LASS7BASE303      installed  NS7/Administration - LASS7 Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    NS7LASS7CONF303      installed  NS7/Administration - Administration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7LIBSCP303         installed  NS7/Software Management - SCP libraries (Shared library)
    NS7NBLEVEL2BASE303   installed  NS7/NarrowBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Base Components (Base Software)
    NS7NBLEVEL2CONF303   installed  NS7/NarrowBand Level 2 - LEVEL2 Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XBMTP3BASE303     installed  NS7/BroadBand Message Transfer Part - MTP3 Base Components (Base Software)
    NS7XBMTP3CONF303     installed  NS7/BroadBand Message Transfer Part - MTP3 Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XBSCCPBASE303     installed  NS7/SCCP Base Components (Base Software)
    NS7XBSCCPCONF303     installed  NS7/SCCP Nectar Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XBTCAPBASE303     installed  NS7/TCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    NS7XBTCAPCONF303     installed  NS7/TCAP Nectar Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XGTCAPBASE303     installed  NS7/GTCAP Base Nectar Components (Base Software)
    NS7XGTCAPCONF303     installed  NS7/GTCAP Nectar Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XUSCCPCONF303     installed  NS7/SCCP Unix Configuration Components (Platform Configuration)
    NS7XUTCAPBASE303     installed  NS7/TCAP Base Unix Components (Base Software)
    OSFACCT440           installed  System Accounting Utilities (System Administration)
    OSFADVFS440          installed  AdvFS Commands (System Administration)
    OSFADVFSBIN440       installed  AdvFS Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFADVFSBINOBJECT440            AdvFS Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
    OSFAFM440            installed  Adobe Font Metric Files (Printing Environment)
    OSFATMBASE440        installed  ATM Commands (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFATMBIN440         installed  ATM Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFATMBINCOM440      installed  ATM Kernel Header and Common Files (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFATMBINOBJECT440              ATM Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
    OSFBASE440           installed  Base System (- Required -)
    OSFBIN440            installed  Standard Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFBINCOM440         installed  Kernel Header and Common Files (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFBINOBJECT440                 Standard Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
    OSFC2SEC440          installed  C2-Security (System Administration)
    OSFCDAPGMR440        installed  CDA(tm) Software Development (Software Development)
    OSFCDEAPPS440        installed  CDE Additional Applications (Windows Applications)
    OSFCDEDEV440         installed  CDE Software Development and Programming Examples(Software Development)
    OSFCDEDT440          installed  CDE Desktop Environment (Windowing Environment)
    OSFCDEMAIL440        installed  CDE Mail Interface (Mail Applications)
    OSFCDEMANOP440       installed  Ref Pages: CDE Development (Reference Pages)
    OSFCDEMANOS440       installed  Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User (Reference Pages)
    OSFCDEMIN440         installed  CDE Minimum Runtime Environment (Windowing Environment)
    OSFCLINET440         installed  Basic Networking Services (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFCMPLRS440         installed  Compiler Back End (Software Development)
    OSFCTABLOC440        installed  Obsolete Locale databases (System Administration)
    OSFDCMT440           installed  Doc. Preparation Tools (Text Processing)
    OSFDCMTEXT440        installed  Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions (Text Processing)
    OSFDECW440           installed  Additional DECwindows Applications (Windows Applications)
    OSFDMS440            installed  Dataless Management Services (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFDOSTOOLS440       installed  DOS tools (General Applications)
    OSFEMACS440          installed  GNU Emacs (General Applications)
    OSFENVMON440         installed  Environmental Monitoring (System Administration)
    OSFEURLOC440         installed  Single-Byte European Locales (System Administration)
    OSFEXAMPLES440       installed  Programming Examples (Software Development)
    OSFEXER440           installed  System Exercisers (System Administration)
    OSFFONT15440         installed  DECwindows 100dpi Fonts (Windowing Environment)
    OSFFONT440           installed  DECwindows 75dpi Fonts (Windowing Environment)
    OSFHWBASE440         installed  Base System - Hardware Support (- Required -)
    OSFHWBIN440          installed  Hardware Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFHWBINCOM440       installed  Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files(Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFHWBINOBJECT440               Hardware Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
    OSFIMXE440           installed  Insight Manager (System Administration)
    OSFINCLUDE440        installed  Standard Header Files (Software Development)
    OSFINET440           installed  Additional Networking Services (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFJAVA440                      Java 1.1.7B-2 Environment (General Applications)
    OSFJAVADEV440                   Java 1.1.7B-2 Development Environment(Software Development)
    OSFJAVADOC440                   Java 1.1.7B-2 Online Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)
    OSFKBDLK201440       installed  LK201 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKBDLK401440       installed  LK401 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKBDLK411440       installed  LK411 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKBDLK421440       installed  LK421 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKBDLK444440       installed  LK444 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKBDPCXAL440       installed  PCXAL Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
    OSFKTOOLS440         installed  Kernel Debugging Tools (System Administration)
    OSFLAT440            installed  Local Area Transport (LAT) (General Applications)
    OSFLDBBASE440                   Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-49 (Software Development)
    OSFLDBDOC440                    Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-49 Release Notes(Software Development)
    OSFLDBGUI440                    Ladebug Debugger graphical user interface(Software Development)
    OSFLDBSRV440                    Ladebug Debugger remote server (Software Development)
    OSFLEARN440          installed  Computer Aided System Tutor (General Applications)
    OSFLIBA440           installed  Static Libraries (Software Development)
    OSFLSMBASE440        installed  Logical Storage Manager (System Administration)
    OSFLSMBIN440         installed  Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules(Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFLSMBINCOM440      installed  Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and Common Files(Kernel Build Environment)
    OSFLSMBINOBJECT440              Logical Storage Manager Kernel Objects(Kernel Software Development)
    OSFLSMX11440         installed  Logical Storage Manager GUI (System Administration)
    OSFLVM440            installed  Logical Volume Manager (System Administration)
    OSFMANOP440          installed  Ref Pages: Programming (Reference Pages)
    OSFMANOS440          installed  Ref Pages: Admin/User (Reference Pages)
    OSFMANWOP440         installed  Ref Pages: Windows Programming (Reference Pages)
    OSFMANWOS440         installed  Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User (Reference Pages)
    OSFMH440             installed  RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH) (Mail Applications)
    OSFMITFONT440        installed  X Fonts (Windowing Environment)
    OSFMOTIF11440        installed  X/Motif 1.1 (Windowing Environment)
    OSFNETCONF440        installed  Basic Networking Configuration Applications(System Administration)
    OSFNETSCAPE440       installed  Netscape Communicator V4.5 (Windows Applications)
    OSFNFS440            installed  NFS(tm) Utilities (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFNFSCONF440        installed  NFS(tm) Configuration Application (System Administration)
    OSFOBSOLETE440       installed  Obsolete Commands and Utilities (System Administration)
    OSFOLDDECW440        installed  Old Additional DECwindows Applications(Windows Applications)
    OSFOLDX11440         installed  Old X Environment (Windowing Environment)
    OSFPAT00000016440    installed  Patch Tools (- Required -)
    OSFPAT00000031440    installed  Patch Tools (- Required -)
    OSFPAT00000040440    installed  Patch Tools (- Required -)
    OSFPAT00000200440               Patch: Security (SSRT0571U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00000300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0585U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00000400440               Patch: Security (SSRT0580U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00000700440    installed  Patch: dxcalendar Reminder Displays Through dxpause Screen(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00000800440    installed  Patch: Fix For POP Mail Handler (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00001100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0596U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00001700440               Patch: Fix For BIND Server (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00001900440    installed  Patch: Fix For yacc (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00002000440               Patch: Cannot Use ipcs Cmd On System Not Booted With vmunix(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00002100440               Patch: Fix For XTI And DECnet/OSI (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00002200440               Patch: automount Daemon Hangs (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00002600440               Patch: Fix For defragment -V Option(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00002800440               Patch: Security (SSRT0556U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00003200440               Patch: mkdir -p Not Returning Error(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00003400440               Patch: Fix For kio Subsystem Panic (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00003500440               Patch: Enhancement For verify Utility(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00003600440    installed  Patch: volrootmir -a Cmd Fails (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00003700440    installed  Patch: volrecover Not Returning Failed Status Code(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00003800440    installed  Patch: quotaon Returns Incorrect Error Status(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00004000440               Patch: binmail Delivers Only Partial Messages(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00004100440               Patch: Fix For nroff Y2K Problem (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00004200440               Patch: Fixes For vrestore Command (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00004300440               Patch: Fix For XTI Over TCP/IP (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00004400440               Patch: Fix For Kernel Memory Fault (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00004500440               Patch: Fix For sort -i Abort Problem(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00004600440               Patch: Shared Library Fix For curses-based Applications(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00004700440               Patch: vi Puts Server Port INTO PASSALL MODE(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00005300440               Patch: Fix For spo_process_rsp Panic(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00005900440               Patch: Characters Randomly Repeated Using tip(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00006000440    installed  Patch: Fix For spo_misc_errors errlog Entries(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00006100440    installed  Patch: Enhancement For makedepend Utility(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00006200440               Patch: Fix For Motif Drag-and-Drop (X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00006300440               Patch: xfs Fails With Segmentation Fault(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00006600440               Patch: libxti/libtli Static Library Fix(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00006700440               Patch: mount Cmd Sometimes Kills Other Processes(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00006800440    installed  Patch: nroff Incorrectly Translates Years After 1999(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00006900440               Patch: Static Library Fix For curses-based Applications(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00007000440               Patch: libXm Static Library Fix For Motif Drag-and-Drop(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00007100440               Patch: Ladebug Enhancements (Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00007200440               Patch: Updates FORE ATM (lfa) driver to Rev. V1.0.14(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00007500440    installed  Patch: chvol Read & Write Transfer Size Increased(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00007600440    installed  Patch: Fix for simple lock panic (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00007700440               Patch: tapex -L command reports failures(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00007800440               Patch: Fix for dbx (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00008000440               Patch: Fix for cdfs file system (Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00008200440    installed  Patch: Fix for system crash (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00008400440               Patch: Fix for ALPHAVME320 systems (Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00008500440               Patch: Security (SSRT0567U, SSRT0590U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00008600440               Patch: Fix for kernel memory fault (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00008700440               Patch: DECthreads Library Fix (Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00008900440               Patch: Fix for ASE or Cluster system crash(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00009300440               Patch: Fix for kdbx (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00009400440               Patch: MC1 or 1.5 will not configure(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00009800440               Patch: Fix for C++ compiler tools (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00010100440    installed  Patch: Fix for prof -pixie -asm command(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00010400440               Patch: System hang prevents rlogins or telnets(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00010500440               Patch: Fix for class_admin class_daemon problem(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00010800440               Patch: Fixes several DEC C compiler problems(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00011100440               Patch: System panics with kernel memory fault msg in dqget(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00011400440               Patch: Fix for NFS system hang (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00011800440               Patch: Security (SSRT0563U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00011900440               Patch: System hang occurs in I2c code(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00012300440               Patch: libsecurity shared library produces core file(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00012400440               Patch: libots3 shared run-time library fix(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00012700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0583Z) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00012800440               Patch: Fix and update for sys_check utility(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00013100440               Patch: Fixes for Compaq AlphaServer DS20E and DS20(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00013200440               Patch: Fix for packetfilter applications(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00013500440               Patch: Fix for ar command (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00013600440               Patch: Fix for assert panic (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00013900440               Patch: Fix for lock-terminate system panic(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00014000440               Patch: Fixes a problem with the newfs command(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00014400440               Patch: Fix for NFS problems (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00014700440               Patch: Fixes a problem with creating multiple ATM ELANs(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00014800440    installed  Patch: Fix for rsh hang (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00015100440               Patch: Fix for ITPSA driver (I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00015200440               Patch: System hang with large number of pending ioctls(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00015300440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem within the SCSI and tape subsystems(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00015400440               Patch: Fixes restart detection problem with proplistd(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00015800440               Patch: Error msg added to DHCP for outdated databases(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00015900440               Patch: Fix for system hang with inetd(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00016200440    installed  Patch: Fix for unresolved symbol:scc_configure message(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00016500440               Patch: Fixes a problem with CDFS (Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00016700440               Patch: Fix for vdump core dump problem(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00016800440               Patch: Corrects the printing of Japanese SJIS strings(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00016900440               Patch: Fix for crontab -e user command(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00017000440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with the stdhosts command(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00017300440               Patch: fsck may not be able to repair UFS filesystem(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00017500440               Patch: Fix for data loss problem that occurs with ksh(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00017600440               Patch: Fix for log_flush_sync system panic(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00017700440               Patch: portmap allows RPC select timeouts to occur(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00017900440    installed  Patch: Fix for panics on AlphaServer GS140/GS60 systems(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00018100440               Patch: Fix for system panic with tcp_output REXMT error msg(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00018200440    installed  Patch: Fix for X server color map problem(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00018300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0614U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00018400440               Patch: dtfile does not work correctly in restricted mode(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00018500440               Patch: Security (SSRT0600U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00018600440               Patch: Fix for dxaccounts error message(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00018700440               Patch: diskconfig fails when creating an AdvFS partition(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00018800440    installed  Patch: Compaq SCSI SNMP sub-agent returns incorrect info(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00019300440               Patch: usermod does not allow commas in comma field(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00019400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0612U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00019500440               Patch: Shared library fix for libXt(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00019600440    installed  Patch: XDMCP Indirect queries do not work(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00019800440    installed  Patch: X server crashes when viewing tiff images(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00020000440               Patch: X server support for PCI To Ethernet/Graphics adapter(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00020300440               Patch: libsecurity static library produces core file(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00020400440               Patch: libots3 static run-time library fix(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00020500440    installed  Patch: Fix for dxaccounts BadPixmap error(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00020600440               Patch: Static library fix (libXt) (X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00020800440               Patch: Support for New Hardware Delivery Two (NHD2)(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00020900440    installed  Patch: Static library fix for libclass.a(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00021000440               Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.12(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00021100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0615U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00021500440    installed  Patch: checklist utility does not provide scroll bar(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00021600440    installed  Patch: diskconfig may display incorrectly(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00022100440    installed  Patch: Fixes problem on systems with a Powerstorm 4D10T(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00023200440    installed  Patch: Fix for lex command (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00023300440    installed  Patch: Fix for ris script (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00023700440    installed  Patch: defragment incorrect reports large free space holes(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00024200440    installed  Patch: Fix for news command (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00024300440    installed  Patch: Fix for rpc.statd hang (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00025600440    installed  Patch: mkfdmn command does not report errors(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00026200440    installed  Patch: lprsetup command sets up printers incorrectly(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00028100440    installed  Patch: Fix for tmv2_notify_cbf problem(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00029600440    installed  Patch: Fix for compress utility (Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00029700440    installed  Patch: Fix for voldisksetup, voldiskadd, and newfs(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00029900440    installed  Patch: Fix for update installation hang(Miscellaneous Patches)
    OSFPAT00030600440    installed  Patch: Fixes Standards namespace pollution problem(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00030800440    installed  Patch: Corrects a NIS client problem(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00031300440    installed  Patch: showfdmn may core dump (Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00031500440    installed  Patch: Fixes performance problem on LSM mirrored volumes(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00032300440    installed  Patch: Various fixes for ALPHAVME320 systems(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00033700440    installed  Patch: Fix for AdvFS property list handling(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00033900440    installed  Patch: voldisksetup incorrectly reports device errors(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00034100440    installed  Patch: Fixes file permission problem for trashinfo file(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00034400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0580U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00035100440    installed  Patch: Provides missing compose definitions(I18N Patches)
    OSFPAT00035300440    installed  Patch: Fix for Turkish F keyboard problem(I18N Patches)
    OSFPAT00035800440    installed  Patch: X server incorrectly includes DPSExtension(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00038100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0624U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00039000440    installed  Patch: Prevents vold from core dumping(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00039500440    installed  Patch: mdir command displays year 2000 date incorrectly(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00040200440    installed  Patch: Fixes hang in shutdown process(Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches)
    OSFPAT00040500440    installed  Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00040600440    installed  Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00040900440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with NCR810 script(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00042000440    installed  Patch: quotactl prototype is now POSIX compliant(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00043500440    installed  Patch: Adds missing prototype for stime function(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00044300440    installed  Patch: Danish locale now uses all lowercase month names(I18N Patches)
    OSFPAT00044700440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with the psiop driver(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00045000440    installed  Patch: Fixes several DEC C compiler problems(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00046100440    installed  Patch: Cursor is displayed incorrectly(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00046900440    installed  Patch: Fix for X server interaction with X font server(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00047000440    installed  Patch: Problem with X server interaction(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00047400440    installed  Patch: stime function does not compile under C++(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00047500440    installed  Patch: Fixes kernel panic occurring in lockmode 4(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00047600440    installed  Patch: Performance issues on EV6 SMP machines(Library Patches)
    OSFPAT00047800440    installed  Patch: Fix for LAT driver (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00048000440    installed  Patch: Extends max length of identifier for assembler(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00048200440    installed  Patch: Fix for mailx problem (Mail Patches)
    OSFPAT00050700440    installed  Patch: NFS writes cause protocol violations(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00052600440    installed  Patch: Fix for kernel memory fault (Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00053000440    installed  Patch: Fix for Y2K lastlogin command problem(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00053700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0600U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00054800440    installed  Patch: Fix for advscan (Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00056100440    installed  Patch: Fix for system panic (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00056700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0642U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00059200440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with floppy driver(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00059800440    installed  Patch: Fix for tapex utility (Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00064200440    installed  Patch: Support for activating temporary data logging(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00064600440    installed  Patch: Updates Netscape Communicator to version 4.76(Workstation Patches)
    OSFPAT00066800440    installed  Patch: ATM setup script fails when configuring ELAN(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00067000440    installed  Patch: Incorrect heartbeat timer in memory channel driver(Memory Channel Patches)
    OSFPAT00067200440    installed  Patch: Fix for pixel problem for CDE(Workstation Patches)
    OSFPAT00067600440    installed  Patch: Fix for newgrp command (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00068400440    installed  Patch: Fixes automount handling of nogrpid option(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00069000440    installed  Patch: Fix for dtpad (Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00070500440    installed  Patch: fixso command may cause segmentation fault(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00070700440    installed  Patch: Fix for bindsetup problems (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00071800440    installed  Patch: dop cannot find application names containing period(System Administration Patches)
    OSFPAT00072500440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0672U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00072700440    installed  Patch: Fix for Korn shell hang (Terminal Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00072900440    installed  Patch: Fixes a memory leak in the X server(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00073500440    installed  Patch: Prevents Turbolaser panic with DE600 in pci slot 0(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00073700440    installed  Patch: dtpad does not allocate enough memory(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00073900440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-15, SSRT0713U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00074100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0592U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00078300440    installed  Patch: Fix for incorrect available size for AdvFS domain(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00079600440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in latsetup (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00080100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00081700440    installed  Patch: Fix for ccmn_rem_ccb3 panic (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00082300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0638U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00082700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-85U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00082900440    installed  Patch: Fix for i2c lock hierarchy violation(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00084500440    installed  Patch: Fix for dropped ATM lane connections(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00084900440    installed  Patch: Fix for telnet and ftp commands(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPAT00085100440    installed  Patch: Miscellaneous joind fixes (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00085500440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0638U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00106200440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0556U, SSRT2275)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00106500440    installed  Patch: Fix for kdbx (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00106800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2275) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00107000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2275) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00107200440    installed  Patch: Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00107400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00107600440    installed  Patch: Corrects buffer overflow in dxterm utility(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00107800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2275) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00108000440    installed  Patch: Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00108200440    installed  Patch: Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00108400440    installed  Patch: Scripts in /sbin/init.d now world-readable(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00108600440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2275) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00108800440    installed  Patch: Corrects buffer overflow in dxterm utility(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00109000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U, SSRT1-48U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00109200440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00109400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00109600440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00109800440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00110000440    installed  Patch: Threaded applications using XTI/TLI may hang(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00110200440    installed  Patch: Fix for XTI/TLI static library hang(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00110500440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-80U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00110700440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in sys/timeb.h(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00111800440    installed  Patch: Fix for grep command hang problem(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00112000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00112200440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with PowerStorm 4D20 card(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00112400440    installed  Patch: Updates for mktemp(3) reference page(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00112600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00112800440    installed  Patch: Various fixes for X font server(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00113000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00113200440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2208) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00113400440    installed  Patch: Fix for fwtmp command (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00113700440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00114100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2229) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00114500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00114700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2339, SSRT2339)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00114900440    installed  Patch: Fix fix prevents simple lock owned panics(Terminal Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00115100440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00115300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00115900440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00116100440    installed  Patch: Corrects buffer overflow in the dxsysinfo utility(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00116300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00116500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00116700440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00116900440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00117200440    installed  Patch: Elminates compiler warnings in ln(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00117400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00117600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00117800440    installed  Patch: Fix for various vdump problems(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00118000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00118200440    installed  Patch: Static library fix (libXt) (X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00118400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0792U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00118600440    installed  Patch: Compiler warnings addressing outside array bounds(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00118900440    installed  Patch: snmp getnext returns value of wrongOID(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00119300440    installed  Patch: restore command ignores property lists(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00119500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00119700440    installed  Patch: Installs version V2.1-120 (Threads Patches)
    OSFPAT00119900440    installed  Patch: Installs version V2.1-120 (Threads Patches)
    OSFPAT00120200440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00120500440    installed  Patch: NetRAIN does not failover to a backup interface(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00120800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0785U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00121100440    installed  Patch: Support for NEW_OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM in libaio(Real Time Patches)
    OSFPAT00121400440    installed  Patch: Support for NEW_OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM in libaio(Real Time Patches)
    OSFPAT00121600440    installed  Patch: Increase for ReadyTimeSeconds in ddr_config(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00121800440    installed  Patch: Corrected exit status of sed when disk is full(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00122000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00122600440    installed  Patch: Fix for od command hang (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00122800440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00123100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00123300440    installed  Patch: Eliminates compiler warnings in mkdir(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00123500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00123700440    installed  Patch: Corrects a problem in the sysconfig command(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00124100440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00124400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0743U, SSRT2256)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00124600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00124800440    installed  Patch: Corrects a problem with script program hang(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00125000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00125300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2280) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00125500440    installed  Patch: Miscellaneous linker fixes (Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00125700440    installed  Patch: Resolves KMF in DLI interrupt handler(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00125900440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in the mwm window manager(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00126300440    installed  Patch: Corrects buffer overflow occurs in the dxterm utility(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00126500440    installed  Patch: Provides dirclean(8) reference page(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00126700440    installed  Patch: Fixes vmstat formatting problem(VM Patches)
    OSFPAT00126900440    installed  Patch: Fixes problems in accounting commands(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00127100440    installed  Patch: Fix for which command (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00127300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00127500440    installed  Patch: Corrects buffer overflow in binmail utility(Mail Patches)
    OSFPAT00127700440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00128100440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00128400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0795U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00128600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00128800440    installed  Patch: make cmd now correctly checks dependencies(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00129000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0571U, SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00129400440    installed  Patch: Correction for the .mrg..login script(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00129600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00130100440    installed  Patch: Fixes binlogd core dump problem(System Administration Patches)
    OSFPAT00130300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00130500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00130700440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in dxproctuner(System Administration Patches)
    OSFPAT00130900440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00131200440    installed  Patch: find -ls displays incorrect number of blocks(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00131400440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00131600440    installed  Patch: Fix for salvage utility core dump problem(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00131800440    installed  Patch: Fix for startslip program (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00132000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2400) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00132300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2408, SSRT2410, SSRT2411)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00132600440    installed  Patch: Fix for ELSA GLoria Comet card(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00132800440    installed  Patch: Fixes improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00133100440    installed  Patch: Correction to XCopyPlane (X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00133700440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00133900440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2368, SSRT2368)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00134600440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2193) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00134800440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with TULIP network interface cards(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00135600440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0617U, SSRT0788U, SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00135800440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00136100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2280) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00136300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00136500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00136800440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in procfs (Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00137000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00137200440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0642U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00137400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0779U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00137800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0753U, SSRT0752U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00138000440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00138200440    installed  Patch: cut cmd now handles incomplete lines correctly(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00138400440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00138600440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file access(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00138800440    installed  Patch: Fixes an IDE/ATA bus hang (I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00139100440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0767U, SSRT2251, SSRT2274, SSRT0788U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00139300440    installed  Patch: Fixes memory leak in X Toolkit library(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00139500440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2189) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00139700440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with ATM signalling(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00139900440    installed  Patch: XTI may experience a fatal error(Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00140100440    installed  Patch: cmd transfer size changed to avoid kmf(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00140300440    installed  Patch: PowerStorm 4D20 graphics card draws fonts incorrectly(X11 Patches)
    OSFPAT00140500440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege mangement(Software Development Environment Patches)
    OSFPAT00141400440    installed  Patch: Provides fixes for the fixfdmn utility(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00141700440    installed  Patch: Corrects security vulnerability(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00141900440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00142100440    installed  Patch: Provides updated Russian keyboard map(I18N Patches)
    OSFPAT00142300440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00142500440    installed  Patch: Provides the ckfsec(1) reference page(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00142700440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00142900440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0664U, SSRT0762U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00143100440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00143300440    installed  Patch: Provides the ckfsec utility (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00143500440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT0794U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00143700440    installed  Patch: Correction for remote debugging with dbx -remote(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00143900440    installed  Patch: savecore prematurely terminates crash dump recovery(System Administration Patches)
    OSFPAT00144200440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-80U) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00144400440    installed  Patch: Corrects improper file or privilege management(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00144600440    installed  Patch: scu displays misleading data expected pattern(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00144900440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2280) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00145100440    installed  Patch: CDE login screen truncates message in issue file(Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches)
    OSFPAT00145600440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem with gated (Network Patches)
    OSFPAT00145800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT3469, SSRT3531)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00146400440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2400) (Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00146600440    installed  Patch: Fixes a problem in rpc.lockd(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPAT00146800440    installed  Patch: Fixes panic in the auditing of swapctl syscall(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPAT00147000440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1-42U, SSRT1-45U)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00147600440    installed  Patch: Fix for rm command (Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00147800440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT3498, SSRT3498)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00148000440    installed  Patch: Fixes SDLT media error caused bus resets(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPAT00148200440    installed  Patch: Fixes buffer overflow problem in usr/bin/write(Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches)
    OSFPAT00149100440    installed  Patch: Fix for tape read-write operations failure(I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPAT00149300440    installed  Patch: Security (SSRT2275, SSRT2301, SSRT2309, SSRT2412)(Security Related Patches)
    OSFPATC0057300440               Patch: Processes hang waiting for I/O interrupts(Hardware Configuration Patches)
    OSFPATC0100604440    installed  Patch: Mandatory ERP for ee device driver update v1.0.23(Network Patches)
    OSFPATC0102200440    installed  Patch: route add 32bit netmask problem fix for v40fbl22(Network Patches)
    OSFPATC0102300440    installed  Patch: OSFHWBIN440 (I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPATC0103600440    installed  Patch: NFS Server: permit set[ug]id, sticky bit setting(Filesystem Patches)
    OSFPATC0105700440    installed  Patch: V40F.BL22 CSP (kn600_mult.mod)(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPATC0105800440    installed  Patch: V40F.BL22 CSP (dc104x_mult.mod)(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPATC0106200440    installed  Patch: V40F.BL22 CSP (std_kern.mod)(Kernel Patches)
    OSFPATC0106300440    installed  Patch: V40F.BL22 CSP (lfa.mod) (I/O Device Handling Patches)
    OSFPATC0106400440    installed  Patch: V40F.BL22 CSP ( Patches)
    OSFPGMR440           installed  Standard Programmer Commands (Software Development)
    OSFPRINT440          installed  Local Printer Support (Printing Environment)
    OSFRCS440            installed  GNU Revision Control System (Software Development)
    OSFRIS440            installed  Remote Installation Service (Network-Server/Communications)
    OSFSCCS440           installed  Source Code Control System (Software Development)
    OSFSDE440            installed  Software Development Tools and Utilities(Software Development)
    OSFSDECDE440         installed  Software Development Desktop Environment(Software Development)
    OSFSER3D440          installed  X Servers for Open3D (Windowing Environment)
    OSFSER440            installed  X Servers Base (Windowing Environment)
    OSFSERPC440          installed  X Servers for PCbus (Windowing Environment)
    OSFSERTC440          installed  X Servers for TurboChannel (Windowing Environment)
    OSFSERVICETOOLS440   installed  Service Tools (System Administration)
    OSFSVID2440          installed  UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility (General Applications)
    OSFSYSMAN440         installed  Base System Management Applications and Utilities(System Administration)
    OSFTCLBASE440        installed  Tcl Commands (General Applications)
    OSFTERM440           installed  Additional Terminfo databases (General Applications)
    OSFTKBASE440         installed  Tk Toolkit Commands (General Applications)
    OSFUUCP440           installed  UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility (General Applications)
    OSFX11440            installed  Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment)
    OSFXADMIN440         installed  Graphical System Administration Utilities(System Administration)
    OSFXC2SEC440         installed  C2-Security GUI (System Administration)
    OSFXCDADEV440        installed  CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development (Software Development)
    OSFXDEMOS440         installed  Demo X Applications (Windows Applications)
    OSFXDEV440           installed  X Window and X/Motif Software Development(Software Development)
    OSFXEXAMPLES440      installed  X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples(Software Development)
    OSFXIEDOC440         installed  XIE Version 5 Online Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)
    OSFXINCLUDE440       installed  X Window and X/Motif Header Files (Software Development)
    OSFXLIBA440          installed  X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries(Software Development)
    OSFXMIT440           installed  Additional X Applications (Windows Applications)
    OSFXNEST440          installed  Nested X Server (Windows Applications)
    OSFXOEM440           installed  X Customizations for OEM (Windowing Environment)
    OSFXPRINT440         installed  Graphical Print Configuration Application(System Administration)
    OSFXSYSMAN440        installed  Graphical Base System Management Utilities(System Administration)
    OSFXVFB440           installed  Virtual X Frame Buffer (Windows Applications)
    PMGRAPP440           installed  Performance Manager Additional Application
    PMGRBASE440          installed  Performance Manager Daemons & Base
    PMGRCLUSTERS440      installed  Performance Manager TruCluster Support
    PMGRGUI440           installed  Performance Manager Graphical User Interface
    PMGRMAN440           installed  Performance Manager Reference Pages
    PMGRUTIL440          installed  Performance Manager Additional Utilities
    PRLBASE504           installed  Perl Language Binaries & Manpages
    PRLMISC504           installed  Perl Miscellaneous (WWW, Mail, Time, ...) Binaries & Manpages
    PRLTK504             installed  Perl/Tk Binaries & Manpages
    R23BIN119            installed  SGSN Binary
    R23BUL119            installed  SGSN Bul Files
    R23CFG119            installed  SGSN Configuration
    R23LIBSCP119         installed  LIBSCP
    V23BASE106           installed  SGSN IBASE
    V23CFG106            installed  SGSN ICFG
    V23CONF106           installed  SGSN ICONF
    V23LIBSCP106         installed  LIBSCP
    WDABASE306           installed  WDD Base Component (WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components)
    WDADATALNKS306       installed  WDD Datalink Protocols (WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components)
    WDADRIVERS306        installed  WDD Synchronous Device Drivers (WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components)
    WDAEXAMPLES306       installed  WDD Example Programs (WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components)
    WDAMAN306            installed  WDD Manual Pages (WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components)
    XXAACC306            installed  X.25 Base Component (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components)
    XXAEXAMPLES306       installed  X.25 Example Programs (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components)
    XXAIP306             installed  X.25 IP Support (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components)
    XXAMAN306            installed  X.25 Manual Pages (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components)
    XXARLY306            installed  X.25 Relay (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components)
    XXAWLSSRV306         installed  RoamAbout Transport Server Support (WAN Support Utilities Components)
    ZZAKPGMR306          installed  WAN Kernel Programming Tools (WAN Support Utilities Components)
    ZZAUTIL301                      WAN Utilities Base (Optional Trace Facility Components)
    ZZAUTIL306           installed  WAN Utilities Base (WAN Support Utilities Components)

    <=[ ToC ]=> TruCluster V5

    <=[ ToC ]=> TruCluster Available/Production Server

    TruCluster Available/Production Server is not being used on the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> LPD Printers

    [queue status] [/etc/lpsodb] [printcap]

    Print queue status (lpc status output):



    The /etc/lpsodb file is not available.


    The /etc/printcap file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Advanced Printing Software

    APX printing was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> crontab and at

    [ps alxww]

    The cron daemon runs shell commands at specified dates and times. Commands that must run according to a regular or periodic schedule are found in the crontab files.

    The following users' crontab files contain important system tasks:




    15 4 * * * /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/
    20 4 * * * /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/
    30 4 * * * /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/
    40 4 * * * find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;
    25 4 * * * /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/


    15 4 * * * find /var/preserve  -mount -mtime +7 -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
    20 4 * * * find /tmp   -mount -type f -atime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;
    30 4 * * * find /var/tmp  -mount -type f -atime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;
    40 4 * * * find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +5 -exec rm -rf {} \;




    The /var/adm/cron/cron.allow file is not available.


    The cron.deny file lists denied users.



    The /var/adm/cron/at.allow file is not available.


    The at.deny file lists denied users.


    Last 500 lines of /var/adm/cron/log

    ! > root	18787 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Aug 15 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	18787 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 15 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	22286 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Aug 15 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	22286 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 15 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	26361 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Aug 15 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	26361 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 15 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	27776 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Aug 15 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	27776 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Aug 15 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	20897 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Aug 16 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	20897 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Aug 16 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	22394 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Aug 16 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	22394 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 16 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	22740 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Aug 16 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	22740 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 16 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	23668 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Aug 16 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	23668 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 16 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	25254 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Aug 16 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	25254 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Aug 16 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	18134 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Aug 17 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	18134 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Aug 17 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	21719 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Aug 17 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	21719 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 17 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	21824 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Aug 17 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	21824 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 17 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	19975 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Aug 17 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	19975 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 17 04:30:01 2007
    ! > root	24682 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Aug 17 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	24682 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Aug 17 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	15641 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Aug 18 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	15641 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Aug 18 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	17975 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Aug 18 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	17975 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 18 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	19745 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Aug 18 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	19745 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 18 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	20458 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Aug 18 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	20458 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 18 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	19816 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Aug 18 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	19816 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Aug 18 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	13352 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Aug 19 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	13352 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Aug 19 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	13991 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Aug 19 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	13991 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 19 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	14992 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Aug 19 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	14992 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 19 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	12937 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Aug 19 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	12937 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 19 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	15873 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Aug 19 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	15873 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Aug 19 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	13932 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Aug 20 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	13932 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Aug 20 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	14610 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Aug 20 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	14610 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 20 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	15016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Aug 20 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	15016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 20 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	13526 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Aug 20 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	13526 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 20 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	17423 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Aug 20 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	17423 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Aug 20 04:40:00 2007
    ! *** cron started ***   pid = 997 Tue Aug 21 02:02:38 2007
    ! Max job limit set to 25 jobs Tue Aug 21 02:02:38 2007
    ! Log level set to 4  Tue Aug 21 02:02:38 2007
    ! > root	22064 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Aug 21 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	22064 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Aug 21 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	22850 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Aug 21 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	22850 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 21 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	23665 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Aug 21 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	23665 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 21 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	24450 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Aug 21 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	24450 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 21 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	25990 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Aug 21 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	25990 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Aug 21 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	19914 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Aug 22 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	19914 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Aug 22 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	20753 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Aug 22 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	20753 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 22 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	21714 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Aug 22 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	21714 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 22 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	22178 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Aug 22 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	22178 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 22 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	23627 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Aug 22 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	23627 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Aug 22 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	18390 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Aug 23 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	18390 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Aug 23 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	16151 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Aug 23 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	16151 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 23 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	19684 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Aug 23 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	19684 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 23 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	20330 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Aug 23 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	20330 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 23 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	22172 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Aug 23 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	22172 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Aug 23 04:40:00 2007
    ! *** cron started ***   pid = 999 Fri Aug 24 03:00:10 2007
    ! Max job limit set to 25 jobs Fri Aug 24 03:00:10 2007
    ! Log level set to 4  Fri Aug 24 03:00:10 2007
    ! > root	13016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Aug 24 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	13016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Aug 24 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	13840 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Aug 24 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	13840 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 24 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	14630 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Aug 24 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	14630 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 24 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	15364 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Aug 24 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	15364 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 24 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	16964 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Aug 24 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	16964 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Aug 24 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	10734 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Aug 25 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	10734 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Aug 25 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	11629 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Aug 25 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	11629 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 25 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	12413 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Aug 25 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	12413 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 25 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	13215 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Aug 25 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	13215 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Aug 25 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	14746 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Aug 25 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	14746 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Aug 25 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	5732 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Aug 26 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	5732 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Aug 26 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	6565 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Aug 26 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	6565 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 26 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	9733 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Aug 26 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	9733 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 26 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	10565 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Aug 26 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	10565 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Aug 26 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	12711 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Aug 26 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	12711 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Aug 26 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	6019 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Aug 27 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	6019 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Aug 27 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	4423 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Aug 27 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	4423 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 27 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	2494 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Aug 27 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	2494 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 27 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	8603 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Aug 27 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	8603 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Aug 27 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	7422 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Aug 27 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	7422 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Aug 27 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	3925 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Aug 28 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	3925 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Aug 28 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	32501 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Aug 28 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	32501 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 28 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	5440 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Aug 28 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	5440 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 28 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	5964 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Aug 28 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	5964 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Aug 28 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	4982 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Aug 28 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	4982 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Aug 28 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	31940 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Aug 29 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	31940 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Aug 29 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	1746 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Aug 29 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	1746 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 29 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	30248 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Aug 29 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	30248 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 29 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	1351 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Aug 29 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	1351 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Aug 29 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	5357 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Aug 29 04:40:01 2007
    ! < root	5357 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Aug 29 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	32697 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Aug 30 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	32697 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Aug 30 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	915 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Aug 30 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	915 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 30 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	28801 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Aug 30 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	28801 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 30 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	2455 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Aug 30 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	2455 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Aug 30 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	3773 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Aug 30 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	3773 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Aug 30 04:40:00 2007
    ! *** cron started ***   pid = 1006 Fri Aug 31 03:01:23 2007
    ! Max job limit set to 25 jobs Fri Aug 31 03:01:23 2007
    ! Log level set to 4  Fri Aug 31 03:01:23 2007
    ! > root	13006 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Aug 31 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	13006 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Aug 31 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	13775 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Aug 31 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	13775 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 31 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	14536 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Aug 31 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	14536 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 31 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	15344 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Aug 31 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	15344 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Aug 31 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	16946 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Aug 31 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	16946 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Aug 31 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	10865 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Sep  1 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	10865 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Sep  1 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	11638 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Sep  1 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	11638 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  1 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	12578 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Sep  1 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	12578 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  1 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	13304 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Sep  1 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	13304 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  1 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	14749 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Sep  1 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	14749 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Sep  1 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	9853 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Sep  2 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	9853 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Sep  2 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	8179 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Sep  2 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	8179 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  2 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	11584 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Sep  2 04:25:01 2007
    ! < root	11584 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  2 04:25:01 2007
    ! > root	12375 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Sep  2 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	12375 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  2 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	8326 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Sep  2 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	8326 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Sep  2 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	7536 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Sep  3 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	7536 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Sep  3 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	4323 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Sep  3 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	4323 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep  3 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	3895 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Sep  3 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	3895 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep  3 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	7223 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Sep  3 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	7223 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep  3 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	11575 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Sep  3 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	11575 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Sep  3 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	2807 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Sep  4 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	2807 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Sep  4 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	3673 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Sep  4 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	3673 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep  4 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	6969 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Sep  4 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	6969 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep  4 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	7848 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Sep  4 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	7848 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep  4 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	9200 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Sep  4 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	9200 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Sep  4 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	30672 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Sep  5 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	30672 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Sep  5 04:15:01 2007
    ! > root	4622 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Sep  5 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	4622 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep  5 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	5018 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Sep  5 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	5018 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep  5 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	2685 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Sep  5 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	2685 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep  5 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	6982 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Sep  5 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	6982 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Sep  5 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	1003 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Sep  6 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	1003 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Sep  6 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	1759 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Sep  6 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	1759 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep  6 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	2501 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Sep  6 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	2501 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep  6 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	3065 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Sep  6 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	3065 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep  6 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	4985 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Sep  6 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	4985 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Sep  6 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	344 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Sep  7 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	344 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Sep  7 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	1772 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Sep  7 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	1772 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep  7 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	32262 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Sep  7 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	32262 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep  7 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	142 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Sep  7 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	142 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep  7 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	4487 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Sep  7 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	4487 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Sep  7 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	22535 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Sep  8 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	22535 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Sep  8 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	31964 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Sep  8 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	31964 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  8 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	32656 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Sep  8 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	32656 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  8 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	764 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Sep  8 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	764 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep  8 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	31809 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Sep  8 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	31809 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Sep  8 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	28526 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Sep  9 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	28526 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Sep  9 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	28961 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Sep  9 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	28961 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  9 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	30238 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Sep  9 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	30238 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  9 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	28283 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Sep  9 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	28283 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep  9 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	29786 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Sep  9 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	29786 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Sep  9 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	24008 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Sep 10 04:15:01 2007
    ! < root	24008 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Sep 10 04:15:01 2007
    ! > root	26855 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Sep 10 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	26855 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 10 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	25770 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Sep 10 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	25770 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 10 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	29019 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Sep 10 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	29019 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 10 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	25131 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Sep 10 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	25131 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Sep 10 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	22165 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Sep 11 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	22165 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Sep 11 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	18582 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Sep 11 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	18582 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 11 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	25416 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Sep 11 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	25416 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 11 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	20930 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Sep 11 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	20930 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 11 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	25294 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Sep 11 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	25294 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Sep 11 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	18802 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Sep 12 04:15:01 2007
    ! < root	18802 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Sep 12 04:15:01 2007
    ! > root	18173 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Sep 12 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	18173 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 12 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	20983 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Sep 12 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	20983 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 12 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	21641 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Sep 12 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	21641 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 12 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	26180 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Sep 12 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	26180 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Sep 12 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	16958 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Sep 13 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	16958 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Sep 13 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	18236 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Sep 13 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	18236 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 13 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	21451 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Sep 13 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	21451 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 13 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	16400 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Sep 13 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	16400 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 13 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	20794 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Sep 13 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	20794 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Sep 13 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	12650 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Sep 14 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	12650 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Sep 14 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	15370 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Sep 14 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	15370 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 14 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	18422 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Sep 14 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	18422 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 14 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	14351 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Sep 14 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	14351 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 14 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	18910 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Sep 14 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	18910 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Sep 14 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	9639 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Sep 15 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	9639 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Sep 15 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	12593 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Sep 15 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	12593 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 15 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	13356 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Sep 15 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	13356 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 15 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	9926 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Sep 15 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	9926 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 15 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	12004 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Sep 15 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	12004 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Sep 15 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	10186 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Sep 16 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	10186 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Sep 16 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	13101 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Sep 16 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	13101 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 16 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	12187 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Sep 16 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	12187 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 16 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	9710 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Sep 16 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	9710 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 16 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	10796 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Sep 16 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	10796 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Sep 16 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	3617 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Sep 17 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	3617 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Sep 17 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	4955 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Sep 17 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	4955 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 17 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	6638 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Sep 17 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	6638 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 17 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	1753 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Sep 17 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	1753 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 17 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	8740 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Sep 17 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	8740 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Sep 17 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	5338 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Sep 18 04:15:01 2007
    ! < root	5338 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Sep 18 04:15:01 2007
    ! > root	5743 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Sep 18 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	5743 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 18 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	30077 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Sep 18 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	30077 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 18 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	9365 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Sep 18 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	9365 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 18 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	5865 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Sep 18 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	5865 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Sep 18 04:40:00 2007
    ! *** cron started ***   pid = 998 Wed Sep 19 01:43:45 2007
    ! Max job limit set to 25 jobs Wed Sep 19 01:43:45 2007
    ! Log level set to 4  Wed Sep 19 01:43:45 2007
    ! > root	25778 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Sep 19 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	25778 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Sep 19 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	25982 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Sep 19 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	25982 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 19 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	27357 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Sep 19 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	27357 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 19 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	28192 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Sep 19 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	28192 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 19 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	29712 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Sep 19 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	29712 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Sep 19 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	23414 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Sep 20 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	23414 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Sep 20 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	24234 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Sep 20 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	24234 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 20 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	25005 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Sep 20 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	25005 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 20 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	25966 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Sep 20 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	25966 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 20 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	24668 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Sep 20 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	24668 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Sep 20 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	21676 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Sep 21 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	21676 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Sep 21 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	20089 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Sep 21 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	20089 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 21 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	23187 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Sep 21 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	23187 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 21 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	23924 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Sep 21 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	23924 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 21 04:30:01 2007
    ! > root	25621 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Sep 21 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	25621 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Sep 21 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	16561 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Sep 22 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	16561 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Sep 22 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	19933 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Sep 22 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	19933 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 22 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	18803 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Sep 22 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	18803 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 22 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	21671 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Sep 22 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	21671 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 22 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	23175 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Sep 22 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	23175 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Sep 22 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	16756 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Sep 23 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	16756 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Sep 23 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	15109 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Sep 23 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	15109 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 23 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	17938 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Sep 23 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	17938 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 23 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	18908 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Sep 23 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	18908 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 23 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	20819 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Sep 23 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	20819 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Sep 23 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	9635 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Sep 24 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	9635 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Sep 24 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	15854 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Sep 24 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	15854 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 24 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	13353 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Sep 24 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	13353 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 24 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	16889 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Sep 24 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	16889 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Sep 24 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	15717 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Sep 24 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	15717 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Sep 24 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	11851 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Sep 25 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	11851 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Sep 25 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	13021 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Sep 25 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	13021 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 25 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	11243 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Sep 25 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	11243 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 25 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	14090 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Sep 25 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	14090 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Sep 25 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	13348 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Sep 25 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	13348 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Sep 25 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	10016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Wed Sep 26 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	10016 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Wed Sep 26 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	8381 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Wed Sep 26 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	8381 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 26 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	11402 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Wed Sep 26 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	11402 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 26 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	9704 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Wed Sep 26 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	9704 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Wed Sep 26 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	14031 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Wed Sep 26 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	14031 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Wed Sep 26 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	3118 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Thu Sep 27 04:15:01 2007
    ! < root	3118 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Thu Sep 27 04:15:01 2007
    ! > root	10376 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Thu Sep 27 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	10376 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 27 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	8331 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Thu Sep 27 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	8331 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 27 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	11466 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Thu Sep 27 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	11466 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Thu Sep 27 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	13041 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Thu Sep 27 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	13041 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Thu Sep 27 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	6847 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Fri Sep 28 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	6847 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Fri Sep 28 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	4762 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Fri Sep 28 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	4762 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 28 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	8716 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Fri Sep 28 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	8716 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 28 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	1755 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Fri Sep 28 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	1755 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Fri Sep 28 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	10670 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Fri Sep 28 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	10670 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Fri Sep 28 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	2146 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sat Sep 29 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	2146 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sat Sep 29 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	5409 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sat Sep 29 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	5409 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 29 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	6013 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sat Sep 29 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	6013 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 29 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	7660 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sat Sep 29 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	7660 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sat Sep 29 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	5724 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sat Sep 29 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	5724 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sat Sep 29 04:40:01 2007
    ! > root	29988 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Sun Sep 30 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	29988 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Sun Sep 30 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	30562 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Sun Sep 30 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	30562 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 30 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	3362 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Sun Sep 30 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	3362 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 30 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	30532 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Sun Sep 30 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	30532 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Sun Sep 30 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	1043 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Sun Sep 30 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	1043 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Sun Sep 30 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	32225 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Mon Oct  1 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	32225 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Mon Oct  1 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	559 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Mon Oct  1 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	559 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Mon Oct  1 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	1291 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Mon Oct  1 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	1291 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Mon Oct  1 04:25:00 2007
    ! > root	32264 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Mon Oct  1 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	32264 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Mon Oct  1 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	475 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Mon Oct  1 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	475 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Mon Oct  1 04:40:00 2007
    ! > root	22133 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ Tue Oct  2 04:15:00 2007
    ! < root	22133 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k '' /var/preserve/ rc=0  Tue Oct  2 04:15:00 2007
    ! > root	25377 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ Tue Oct  2 04:20:00 2007
    ! < root	25377 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /tmp/ rc=0  Tue Oct  2 04:20:00 2007
    ! > root	32048 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ Tue Oct  2 04:25:00 2007
    ! < root	32048 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +2 -o -k s /.osonly_tmp/ rc=0  Tue Oct  2 04:25:01 2007
    ! > root	26804 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ Tue Oct  2 04:30:00 2007
    ! < root	26804 cr /usr/sbin/dirclean -t +7 -o -k s /var/tmp/ rc=0  Tue Oct  2 04:30:00 2007
    ! > root	29035 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; Tue Oct  2 04:40:00 2007
    ! < root	29035 cr find /var/adm/syslog.dated -depth -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; rc=0  Tue Oct  2 04:40:00 2007

    at -l


    <=[ ToC ]=> X11 / CDE

    XLOGIN: cde

    Type of graphics (sizer -gt):


    Determining if the Xserver is running (ps | grep X11):


    Contents of /usr/lib/X11/Xserver.conf file:

    ! Default configuration file for extensible X server
    ! no other sysyem files are needed 
    ! no other core files are needed
    ! device <
    ! >
    ! You can set alternate library search paths here or supplement the
    ! default path.
    ! library_path < /newserver/fonts/lib/font:/usr/shlib >
    ! Add a few more extensions
    extensions <
    	< extdpms   	DPMSExtensionInit       DPMS >
    	< dbe	DbeExtensionInit	DOUBLE-BUFFER >
    	< extshape	ShapeExtensionInit	SHAPE	>
    	< extMultibuf	MultibufferExtensionInit	Multi-Buffering	>
    ! The KME extension is obsolete functionality that supports lock down
    ! and latching modifiers.  It has been replaced by the XKB extension
    ! and is only provided here for interoperability with R5 servers.
    	< extkme	KMEInit	Keyboard-Management-Extension >
    	< extMITMisc	MITMiscExtensionInit	MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD >
    	< extScrnSvr	ScreenSaverExtensionInit	MIT-SCREEN-SAVER >
    	< extSync	SyncExtensionInit	SYNC >
    	< extxtest	XTestExtensionInit	XTEST >
    	< extbigreq	BigReqExtensionInit	BIG-REQUESTS >
            < extXCMisc XCMiscExtensionInit     XC-MISC >
    	! add the xtrap extension 
    	< extxtrap	DEC_XTRAPInit	DEC-XTRAP >
    	! add the video extension along with device specific handlers
    	! for the TX device 
    	< xv	XvExtensionInit	XVideo
        		< _dec_xv_tx XvropScreenInit PMAG-RO >
        		< _dec_xv_tx XvropScreenInit PMAG-JA >
    	! add the X imaging extension
    !not R6	< _dec_xie	Xie3Init	Xie >
    	< dixie	XieInit		XIE 
        		< mixie >
    !	< _adobe_dps	XDPSExtensionDeferredInit	Adobe-DPS-Extension >
    !	< _adobe_dps	XDPSExtensionDeferredInit	DPSExtension >
    ! Load Speedo and Type1 renderers and
    ! enable communication with a font server
    font_renderers <
    	< fr_fs	fs_register_fpe_functions >
    	< fr_Speedo	SpeedoRegisterFontFileFunctions >
    	< fr_Type1	Type1RegisterFontFileFunctions >
    ! Enable X Input Devices
    !input <
    !       Dial and Button Box on port /dev/tty01
    !       < _dec_xi_pcm       XiPcmInit /dev/tty01 >
    !	Serial Mouse.  Use the following format for the last parameter:
    !	device:type:baud:emulate3:chordmid:samplerate:cleardtr:clearrts:core
    !       where
    !	device:		The port the device is connectd to.  
    !			For example, /dev/tty00.  /dev/tty00 is the
    !			default.
    !	type:		The mouse type.  It must be one of the following
    !			strings (case does not matter):  microsoft 
    !			mousesystems mmseries logitech busmouse mouseman 
    !			ps/2 mmhittab.  mousesystems is the default.
    !	baud:		The baud rate of the mouse.  Mine is 1200, I think
    !			others will do 9600.  1200 is the default.
    !	emulate3:	Either 0 or 1.  1 means emulate a 3 button mouse 
    !			with a 2 button mouse.  This is not implemented yet,
    !			though 0 is the default.
    !	chordmid:	Either 0 or 1.  Some 3 button mice treat MB2 kind of 
    !			whacky.  A value of 1 supports those meesers.  0 is 
    !			the default.
    !	samplerate:	The sample rate of the mouse.  I don't have a mouse
    !			that supports this, so I don't know what it does.
    !			150 is the default.
    !	cleardtr:	Either 0 or 1.  1 means clear the DTR signal for 
    !			the port before using the mouse.  0 is the default.
    !	clearrts:	Either 0 or 1.  1 means clear the RTS signal for 
    !			the port before using the mouse.  0 is the default.
    !	core:		Either 0 or 1.  1 means make this emulate the core
    !			device.  0 means make it a two relative motion 
    !			valuator, n-button X Input Device.  0 isn't 
    !			implemented yet.  1 is the default.
    !        < _dec_xi_serial_mouse XiSerialMouseInit /dev/tty00:microsoft:1200:1 >
    ! CalComp Tablet entry
    !	< _dec_xi_db3       XiDb3Init /dev/tty00:1:12:12:16:1:8:1000:1:1 >
    ! transport and auth_protocol library loading is not yet supported
    ! you specify command line arguments here
    args <

    <=[ ToC ]=> Accounting

    Accounting is disabled in rc.config .

    Accounting rc.config settings:


    Note: Check the crontab entries for accounting commands in the crontab adm file.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Adhoc information from System Administrator

    The Adhoc directory ( /var/adhoc ) does not exist; no files were included.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Event Manager (EVM)

    EVM not available on system

    <=[ ToC ]=> System Logs


    The syslog.conf file contains entries that specify the facility (the part of the system that generated the error), the error message severity level, and the destination to which the syslogd daemon sends the messages.

    kern.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/kern.log
    user.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/user.log
    mail.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/mail.log
    daemon.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/daemon.log
    auth.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/auth.log
    syslog.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/syslog.log
    lpr.debug		/var/adm/syslog.dated/lpr.log
    msgbuf.err		/var/adm/crash/msgbuf.savecore
    kern.debug		/var/adm/messages
    kern.debug		/dev/console
    *.emerg			*
    local0.err	/var/adm/syslog.dated/coremid.log
    kern.notice		/var/adm/nectar/log/userfile2.log
    local0.debug		/var/adm/nectar/log/userfile2.log

    [daemon.log] [user.log] [auth.log] [syslog.log] [kern.log] [lpr.log] [mail.log] [messages]

    ls -l of the current directory:

    total 48
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm          344 Oct  2 14:08 auth.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm        19500 Oct  2 14:16 coremid.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm          209 Oct  2 14:10 daemon.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm            0 Oct  2 01:48 kern.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm            0 Oct  2 01:48 lpr.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm            0 Oct  2 01:48 mail.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm           43 Oct  2 01:48 syslog.log
    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm            0 Oct  2 01:48 user.log

    Last 500 lines of daemon.log file

    Oct  2 14:09:44 STATION_A /usr/lbin/collect4d[31367]: started by root
    Oct  2 14:10:23 STATION_A /usr/lbin/collect4d[31367]: received fatal SIGALRM
    Oct  2 14:10:23 STATION_A /usr/lbin/collect4d[31367]: exiting

    Last 500 lines of user.log file


    Last 500 lines of auth.log file

    Oct  2 09:00:12 STATION_A rshd[7092]: ROOT shell from mobilink@STATION_B, comm: uptime
    Oct  2 12:20:56 STATION_A rshd[2940]: ROOT shell from root@STATION_B, comm: uptime
    Oct  2 13:11:59 STATION_A login: ROOT login on /dev/ttyp0
    Oct  2 14:07:43 STATION_A login: ROOT login on /dev/ttyp0
    Oct  2 14:08:29 STATION_A login: ROOT login on /dev/ttyp1

    Last 500 lines of syslog.log file

    Oct  2 01:48:09 STATION_A syslogd: restart

    Last 500 lines of kern.log file


    Last 500 lines of lpr.log file


    Last 500 lines of mail.log file


    Last 500 lines of /var/adm/messages file:

    Aug 24 03:00:49 STATION_A vmunix: nmts_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbe09e4a0
    Aug 24 03:00:49 STATION_A vmunix: nmts : Major number obtained 87
    Aug 24 03:00:49 STATION_A vmunix: NMT driver Rev 1.2
    Aug 24 03:00:49 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 24 03:00:53 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP listening on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:00:54 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:24 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:42 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:43 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:43 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:43 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 24 03:04:44 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 30 22:22:59 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(r) from on port 5555
    Aug 30 22:24:59 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: SUA software reset (nos_panic) reset_code (211) date Aug 31 02:59:17 337ms CFN_DRV: Confinement req by pid=1280 UR_SUA to be handled by pid=1762
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 02:59:17 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP disconnecting(e) from on port 5555 - error 54 on req 2
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: Alpha boot: available memory from 0x2cb8000 to 0x7fffc000
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: Digital UNIX V4.0F  (Rev. 1229); Wed Jul 11 01:49:15 GMT+0500 2007 
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: physical memory = 2048.00 megabytes.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: available memory = 2002.51 megabytes.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: using 7853 buffers containing 61.35 megabytes of memory
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: Firmware revision: 6.1-2
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: PALcode: Digital UNIX version 1.88-70
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: COMPAQ AlphaServer DS10 617 MHz
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: gpc0 at isa0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: pci0 at nexus
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isa0 at pci0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: gpc1 not probed
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: gpc1 not probed
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ace0 at isa0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ace1 at isa0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: lp0 at isa0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: fdi0 at isa0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: fd0 at fdi0 unit 0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: DECchip 21143: Revision: 4.1
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: auto negotiation capable device
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu1 at pci0 slot 9
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 00-0F-20-2B-90-47
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: auto negotiation off: selecting 100BaseTX (UTP) port: half duplex
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: DECchip 21143: Revision: 4.1
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: auto negotiation capable device
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu2 at pci0 slot 11
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 00-0F-20-2B-FF-FF
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: auto negotiation off: selecting 100BaseTX (UTP) port: half duplex
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ata0 at pci0 slot 13
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ata0: ACER M1543C
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: scsi0 at ata0 slot 0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: rz0 at scsi0 target 0 lun 0 (LID=0) (Maxtor  6E040L0          NAR6)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: scsi1 at ata0 slot 1
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: rz8 at scsi1 target 0 lun 0 (LID=1) (HL-DT-STCD-ROM GCR-8482B 2.09)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: pci2000 at pci0 slot 14
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee0 at pci2000 slot 4
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: COMPAQ Intel 82559 (10/100 Mbps) Ethernet Interface
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: Driver Rev = V1.0.23, Chip Rev = 8, hardware address: 00-0B-CD-F4-F1-86
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee1 at pci2000 slot 5
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: COMPAQ Intel 82559 (10/100 Mbps) Ethernet Interface
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: Driver Rev = V1.0.23, Chip Rev = 8, hardware address: 00-0B-CD-F4-F1-87
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp0 at pci0 slot 15
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2 - Differential Mode
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded by console)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: Fast RAM timing enabled.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: scsi2 at isp0 slot 0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: rz16 at scsi2 target 0 lun 0 (LID=2) (COMPAQ  BD0186459A       B016) (Wide16)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: tz20 at scsi2 target 4 lun 0 (LID=3) (DEC     TLZ10    (C) DEC 04a8)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp1 at pci0 slot 16
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2 - Differential Mode
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded by console)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: Fast RAM timing enabled.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: Autonegotiated, 100 Mbps full duplex
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: Autonegotiated, 100 Mbps full duplex
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: cam_logger: CAM_ERROR packet
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: cam_logger: bus 2 
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp_intr
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: SCSI Bus Reset detected
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: scsi3 at isp1 slot 0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: rz24 at scsi3 target 0 lun 0 (LID=4) (COMPAQ  BD0186459A       B016) (Wide16)
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: Created FRU table binary error log packet
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: lvm0: configured.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: lvm1: configured.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: kernel console: ace0
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: dli: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATM Subsystem configured with 1 restart threads
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATM IFMP: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATMUNI: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATMSIG: 3.x (module=uni3x) configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ILMI: 3.x (module=ilmi) configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATM IP: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ATM LANE: configured.
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: ADVFS: using 18699 buffers containing 146.08 megabytes of memory
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: i2c: Server Management Hardware Present
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: cam_logger: CAM_ERROR packet
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: cam_logger: bus 3 
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: isp_intr
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: SCSI Bus Reset detected
    Aug 31 03:00:32 STATION_A vmunix: lfa: Cannot configure driver -- status = 22
    Aug 31 03:00:38 STATION_A vmunix: NOTE: dxb_configure: Configure values: dxb, ffffffffffffff9d, ffffffffbd843f80, ffffffffbd841a20
    Aug 31 03:00:38 STATION_A vmunix: WARNING: dxb_configure: configure_driver error = 22
    Aug 31 03:00:38 STATION_A vmunix: Node ID is 00-0b-cd-f4-f1-86 (from device ee0)
    Aug 31 03:00:38 STATION_A vmunix: dna_netman: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:39 STATION_A vmunix: dna_dli: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:39 STATION_A vmunix: Node UID is 721e4a9c-5744-11dc-839c-000bcdf4f186
    Aug 31 03:00:40 STATION_A vmunix: dna_base: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:57 STATION_A vmunix: dna_xti: configured
    Aug 31 03:00:59 STATION_A vmunix: Environmental Monitoring Subsystem Configured.
    Aug 31 03:02:27 STATION_A vmunix: ndl_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbdcc0588
    Aug 31 03:02:27 STATION_A vmunix: ndl : Major number obtained 75
    Aug 31 03:02:27 STATION_A vmunix: NDL driver Rev 4.0
    Aug 31 03:02:27 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 0 successfully registered
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem noss
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 76
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: noss : Major number obtained 76
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: NOSS driver v 3.10 $
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 10 successfully registered
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: NTRP driver $Revision: 3.34 $
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 20 successfully registered
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Major_Req not in subsystem cs_server
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Minor not in subsystem cs_server
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem cs_server
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: cs: Configuring cs_server...
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = cs_server
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 78
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: cs_server_devsw_entry addr = 0xffffffffbdd9bb60
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: cs_server : Major number obtained 78
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: CS_SERVER driver Rev. 1.0.1
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 30 successfully registered
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: Configuring cs_tcp...
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = cs_tcp
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 79
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbddea610
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp : Major number obtained 79
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: CS_TCP driver Rev. 1.0.0
    Aug 31 03:02:28 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 40 successfully registered
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nid
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = nid
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 80
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: nid_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde01bc0
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: nid : Major number obtained 80
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: nid driver vx.1
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nios
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = nios
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 81
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: nios_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde40a20
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: nios : Major number obtained 81
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: NIOS driver PBXDP/PBXDD
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nl2
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : NL2 driver SS730A
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : Real share mem size = 14336; MALLOC asked = 16384
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : shared area at 0xffffffff80668000
    Aug 31 03:02:29 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : init of kernel network adr done
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem n7cs
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = n7cs
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 83
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: n7cs_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde92470
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: n7cs : Major number obtained 83
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: N7CS driver vx.1
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem n7s
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = n7s
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 84
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: n7s_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbdea6460
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: n7s : Major number obtained 84
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: n7s driver   compiled Feb 26 2002 13:47:27
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem aal
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: NECATM driver vx.1
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: NECATM : shared area at 0xffffffff80734000
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Hello you --- MA -:)
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: register_major_number return 0
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected tu1 SPYING ... <========
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected tu2 SPYING ... <========
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ee0 NOT SPYING
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ee1 NOT SPYING
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected sl0 NOT SPYING
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected lo0 NOT SPYING
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ppp0 NOT SPYING
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Status of Resets on tu1 is ENABLED=standard
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Resets DISABLED on tu1 (was ENABLED=standard)
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Status of Resets on tu2 is ENABLED=standard
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Resets DISABLED on tu2 (was ENABLED=standard)
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] tu1 CALLED with cmd SIOCSIFADDR 0x8020690c *** FILTERED***
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] tu2 CALLED with cmd SIOCSIFADDR 0x8020690c *** FILTERED***
    Aug 31 03:02:30 STATION_A vmunix: CFN_DRV: Notice, Pid=2042 nectar_confine registered and waiting for confinement
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: noss: queue pool at 0xffffffff8079e000 - 512 elts
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: noss: message pool at 0xffffffff807c6000 - 2048 elts
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: Logical Buffer Pool Descriptor at ffffffffbdcffd10
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: ncbpoolbuild : 6784000 bytes allocated at ffffffff8081a000
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: ncbpoolbuild : 2048000 bytes allocated at ffffffff80e94000
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: 16000 logical buffers declared at 0xffffffff8081a000
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: 32000 physical buffer descriptors declared at 0xffffffff80e94000
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: Physical Buffer Pool at 0xffffffff81088000 (0x1f40000 bytes)
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:31 STATION_A vmunix: Scim descriptors pool at ffffffff82fc8000
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = nmts
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance JLP : 1
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 87
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: nmts_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbe09e4a0
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: nmts : Major number obtained 87
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: NMT driver Rev 1.2
    Aug 31 03:02:33 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Aug 31 03:02:37 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP listening on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:02:48 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:00 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:03 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:04 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:04 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:05 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:05 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:14 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:19 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:19 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Aug 31 03:06:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Machine Check SYSTEM Fatal Abort
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Machine check code = 0x100000202
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Ibox Status				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Dcache Status				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Cbox Address				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Fill Syndrome 1				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Fill Syndrome 0				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Cbox Status				= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 captured status of Bcache mode	= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 Exception Address			= fffffc00002bf070
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 Interrupt Enablement and Current Processor mode = 0000006ee0000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 Interrupt Summary Register		= 0000000200000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 TBmiss or Fault status		= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 PAL Base Address			= 0000000000018000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 Ibox control			= fffffffc1a300396
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	EV6 Ibox Process_context		= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	O/S Summary flag			= 0000000000000005
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Cchip Base Address (phys)		= 00000801a0000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Cchip Device Raw Interrupt Request	= 4000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	    DRIR Register Decode:
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Bit 62: Error from Pchip 0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		PCI Device Interrupt Mask	= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Cchip Miscellaneous Register		= 0000000100000020
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	    Misc Register Decode:
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Bit 5: Interval Timer Intr Pending to CPU 1
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Bit 32: CChip Rev (Bit<32>)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Cchip Revision: 01
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		ID of CPU performing read: 00
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Pchip 0 Base Address (phys)		= 0000080180000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Pchip 0 Error Register			= 4a006e592f500801
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	    Pchip Error Register Decode:
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Bit 0: Lost Error
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Bit 11: Correctable ECC Error
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		System Address		= 000000006e592f50
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		Command: DMA Read
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		ECC Syndrome: 4a
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Pchip 1 Base Address (phys)		= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	Pchip 1 Error Register			= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 	    Pchip Error Register Decode:
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		PCI Xaction Start Address	= 0000000000000000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: 		PCI Command: Interrupt Acknowledge
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: panic (cpu 0): System Uncorrectable Machine Check 
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: syncing disks... device string for dump = IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: DUMP.prom: dev IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0, block 27648000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: device string for dump = IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: DUMP.prom: dev IDE 0 13 0 0 0 0 0, block 27648000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Alpha boot: available memory from 0x2cb8000 to 0x7fffc000
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Digital UNIX V4.0F  (Rev. 1229); Wed Jul 11 01:49:15 GMT+0500 2007 
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: physical memory = 2048.00 megabytes.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: available memory = 2002.51 megabytes.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: using 7853 buffers containing 61.35 megabytes of memory
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Firmware revision: 6.1-2
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: PALcode: Digital UNIX version 1.88-70
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: COMPAQ AlphaServer DS10 617 MHz
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: gpc0 at isa0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: pci0 at nexus
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isa0 at pci0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: gpc1 not probed
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: gpc1 not probed
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ace0 at isa0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ace1 at isa0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: lp0 at isa0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: fdi0 at isa0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: fd0 at fdi0 unit 0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: DECchip 21143: Revision: 4.1
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: auto negotiation capable device
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu1 at pci0 slot 9
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 00-0F-20-2B-90-47
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu1: auto negotiation off: selecting 100BaseTX (UTP) port: half duplex
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: DECchip 21143: Revision: 4.1
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: auto negotiation capable device
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu2 at pci0 slot 11
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 00-0F-20-2B-FF-FF
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tu2: auto negotiation off: selecting 100BaseTX (UTP) port: half duplex
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ata0 at pci0 slot 13
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ata0: ACER M1543C
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: scsi0 at ata0 slot 0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: rz0 at scsi0 target 0 lun 0 (LID=0) (Maxtor  6E040L0          NAR6)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: scsi1 at ata0 slot 1
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: rz8 at scsi1 target 0 lun 0 (LID=1) (HL-DT-STCD-ROM GCR-8482B 2.09)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: pci2000 at pci0 slot 14
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee0 at pci2000 slot 4
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: COMPAQ Intel 82559 (10/100 Mbps) Ethernet Interface
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: Driver Rev = V1.0.23, Chip Rev = 8, hardware address: 00-0B-CD-F4-F1-86
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee1 at pci2000 slot 5
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: COMPAQ Intel 82559 (10/100 Mbps) Ethernet Interface
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: Driver Rev = V1.0.23, Chip Rev = 8, hardware address: 00-0B-CD-F4-F1-87
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp0 at pci0 slot 15
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2 - Differential Mode
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded by console)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp0: Fast RAM timing enabled.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: scsi2 at isp0 slot 0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: rz16 at scsi2 target 0 lun 0 (LID=2) (COMPAQ  BD0186459A       B016) (Wide16)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: tz20 at scsi2 target 4 lun 0 (LID=3) (DEC     TLZ10    (C) DEC 04a8)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp1 at pci0 slot 16
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2 - Differential Mode
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded by console)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: isp1: Fast RAM timing enabled.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee0: Autonegotiated, 100 Mbps full duplex
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ee1: Autonegotiated, 100 Mbps full duplex
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: scsi3 at isp1 slot 0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: rz24 at scsi3 target 0 lun 0 (LID=4) (COMPAQ  BD0186459A       B016) (Wide16)
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: Created FRU table binary error log packet
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: lvm0: configured.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: lvm1: configured.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: kernel console: ace0
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: dli: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATM Subsystem configured with 1 restart threads
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATM IFMP: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATMUNI: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATMSIG: 3.x (module=uni3x) configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ILMI: 3.x (module=ilmi) configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATM IP: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ATM LANE: configured.
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: ADVFS: using 18699 buffers containing 146.08 megabytes of memory
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: i2c: Server Management Hardware Present
    Sep 19 01:43:06 STATION_A vmunix: lfa: Cannot configure driver -- status = 22
    Sep 19 01:43:08 STATION_A vmunix: NOTE: dxb_configure: Configure values: dxb, ffffffffffffff9d, ffffffffbd843f80, ffffffffbd841a20
    Sep 19 01:43:08 STATION_A vmunix: WARNING: dxb_configure: configure_driver error = 22
    Sep 19 01:43:09 STATION_A vmunix: Node ID is 00-0b-cd-f4-f1-86 (from device ee0)
    Sep 19 01:43:09 STATION_A vmunix: dna_netman: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:10 STATION_A vmunix: dna_dli: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:10 STATION_A vmunix: Node UID is c49aa350-6627-11dc-ae90-000bcdf4f186
    Sep 19 01:43:10 STATION_A vmunix: dna_base: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:27 STATION_A vmunix: dna_xti: configured
    Sep 19 01:43:29 STATION_A vmunix: Environmental Monitoring Subsystem Configured.
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: ndl_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbdcc0588
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: ndl : Major number obtained 75
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: NDL driver Rev 4.0
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 0 successfully registered
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem noss
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 76
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: noss : Major number obtained 76
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: NOSS driver v 3.10 $
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 10 successfully registered
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: NTRP driver $Revision: 3.34 $
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:20 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 20 successfully registered
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Major_Req not in subsystem cs_server
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Minor not in subsystem cs_server
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem cs_server
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs: Configuring cs_server...
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = cs_server
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 78
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_server_devsw_entry addr = 0xffffffffbdd9bb60
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_server : Major number obtained 78
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: CS_SERVER driver Rev. 1.0.1
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 30 successfully registered
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: Configuring cs_tcp...
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = cs_tcp
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 79
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbddea610
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp : Major number obtained 79
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: CS_TCP driver Rev. 1.0.0
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: npfsrv_register_driver: subsystem 40 successfully registered
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nid
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = nid
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 80
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: nid_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde01bc0
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: nid : Major number obtained 80
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: nid driver vx.1
    Sep 19 01:44:21 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nios
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = nios
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 81
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: nios_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde40a20
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: nios : Major number obtained 81
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NIOS driver PBXDP/PBXDD
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem nl2
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : NL2 driver SS730A
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : Real share mem size = 14336; MALLOC asked = 16384
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : shared area at 0xffffffff80658000
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NL2 : init of kernel network adr done
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem n7cs
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = n7cs
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 83
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: n7cs_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbde92470
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: n7cs : Major number obtained 83
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: N7CS driver vx.1
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem n7s
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: SUBSYSTEM_DYNAMICALLY_CONFIGUREDdevsw_add : mcfgname  = n7s
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 84
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: n7s_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbdea6460
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: n7s : Major number obtained 84
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: n7s driver   compiled Feb 26 2002 13:47:27
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: sysconfigtab: attribute Device_Char_Files not in subsystem aal
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NECATM driver vx.1
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:22 STATION_A vmunix: NECATM : shared area at 0xffffffff806e2000
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Hello you --- MA -:)
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: register_major_number return 0
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected tu1 SPYING ... <========
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected tu2 SPYING ... <========
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ee0 NOT SPYING
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ee1 NOT SPYING
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected sl0 NOT SPYING
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected lo0 NOT SPYING
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Network controller detected ppp0 NOT SPYING
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Status of Resets on tu1 is ENABLED=standard
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Resets DISABLED on tu1 (was ENABLED=standard)
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Status of Resets on tu2 is ENABLED=standard
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] Resets DISABLED on tu2 (was ENABLED=standard)
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] tu1 CALLED with cmd SIOCSIFADDR 0x8020690c *** FILTERED***
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: [tu reset spy] tu2 CALLED with cmd SIOCSIFADDR 0x8020690c *** FILTERED***
    Sep 19 01:44:23 STATION_A vmunix: CFN_DRV: Notice, Pid=1855 nectar_confine registered and waiting for confinement
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: noss: queue pool at 0xffffffff8074c000 - 512 elts
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: noss: message pool at 0xffffffff80774000 - 2048 elts
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: Logical Buffer Pool Descriptor at ffffffffbdcffd10
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: ncbpoolbuild : 6784000 bytes allocated at ffffffff807c8000
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: ncbpoolbuild : 2048000 bytes allocated at ffffffff80e42000
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: 16000 logical buffers declared at 0xffffffff807c8000
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: 32000 physical buffer descriptors declared at 0xffffffff80e42000
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: Physical Buffer Pool at 0xffffffff81036000 (0x1f40000 bytes)
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:24 STATION_A vmunix: Scim descriptors pool at ffffffff82f76000
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: devsw_add : mcfgname  = nmts
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: driver reg instance JLP : 1
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: majnum = 87
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: nmts_devsw_entry address = 0xffffffffbe09e4a0
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: nmts : Major number obtained 87
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: NMT driver Rev 1.2
    Sep 19 01:44:26 STATION_A vmunix: 
    Sep 19 01:44:29 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP listening on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:44:37 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(in) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555
    Sep 19 01:45:08 STATION_A vmunix: cs_tcp: NOTICE(102) TCP connected(out) to on port 5555

    <=[ ToC ]=> Log File Sizes

    Operational: Very large number of files were found in the /var/esnmp ( 125 ) directory.
    Use a startup procedure to clean up these files when the system boots.

    Operational: Very large number of files were found in the /tmp ( 17 ) directory.
    Use a startup procedure to clean up these files when the system boots.

    Operational: Check core file(s) in directory / and then remove the file(s).

    <=[ ToC ]=> UERF Error Information


    The binlog.conf file describes where binlogd logs messages.

    *.*			/usr/adm/binary.errlog
    dumpfile		/usr/adm/crash/binlogdumpfile
    crdlog			/usr/adm/binary.crdlog

    ls -Ll /usr/adm/binary.errlog

    -rw-r-----   1 root     adm      3687600 Oct  2 14:18 /usr/adm/binary.errlog

    Last 500 lines of uerf output:

    						  uerf version 4.2-011 (122)
    ********************************* ENTRY     1. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7816.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:18:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     2. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7815.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:18:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     3. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7814.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:13:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     4. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7813.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:13:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     5. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7812.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:10:23 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     6. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7811.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:10:23 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     7. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7810.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:10:23 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     8. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7809.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:10:23 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY     9. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7808.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:08:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY    10. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7807.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:08:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY    11. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7806.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:03:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY    12. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7805.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 14:03:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0002
                                  x0080     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY    13. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
    EVENT CLASS                             ERROR EVENT 
    OS EVENT TYPE                  199.     CAM SCSI 
    SEQUENCE NUMBER               7804.
    OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
    OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Tue Oct  2 13:58:58 2007
    OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      STATION_A 
    SYSTEM ID                 x000B0022
    SYSTYPE                   x00000000
    ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
    CLASS                         x0000     DISK 
    SUBSYSTEM                     x0000     DISK 
    BUS #                         x0003
                                  x00C0     LUN x0
                                            TARGET x0
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ROUTINE NAME                            cdisk_op_spin 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
                                            Unit Reserved 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    ERROR TYPE                              Information Message Detected 
    ----- CAM STRING -----
    DEVICE NAME                             COMPAQ  BD0186459A      B016 
    ********************************* ENTRY    14. *********************************
    ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----

    filterlog -d crdlog


    filterlog -d crdlifetime


    <=[ ToC ]=> DECevent Error Information

    Warning: DECevent is not installed.
    Compaq Computer Corporation requires that customers use DECevent to view log files of system errors. You must install DECevent.
    For information on DECevent, see the DECevent home page.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Crash Files

    SAVECORE_DIR: /var/adm/crash

    Current dump type: Partial compressed

    Current estimated dump size: 516108 KB ( 504 MB )

    Crash kernel variables:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  partial_dump: 
    ======  compressed_dump: 

    Crash files were not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Security Information (Users and Groups)

    Security rc.config settings:



    The shells file contains shells that are valid for use on the system.



    The profile file contains startup information for the sh and ksh shells.

    trap "" 2 3
    export LOGNAME TERM
    . /etc/TIMEZONE
    case "$0" in
    -su )
            export PATH
    -sh )
            export PATH
    -ksh )
            export PATH
    umask 022
    trap 2 3


    The csh.login file contains startup information for the csh shell.

    stty dec crt new


    The ftpusers file contains a list of users who are denied ftp login.


    passwd file has 17 lines.

    ls -l /etc/passwd*

    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       960 Aug 13 18:01 /etc/passwd

    The passwd, tcb, group, matrix.conf hosts.lpd hosts.equiv .rhosts, syslog.auth, and cfgmgr.auth files are not displayed because of security reasons.
    Use the sys_check -all option to display these files.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Audit Subsystem

    system config file

    Audit rc.config settings:



    The /etc/sec/auditd_clients file is not available.


    The /etc/sec/auditd_loc file is not available.


    The audit_events file lists all auditable system calls and trusted application events.

    !  Audited system calls:
    exit                  succeed  fail
    fork                  succeed  fail
    old open              succeed  fail
    close                 succeed      
    old creat             succeed  fail
    link                  succeed  fail
    unlink                succeed  fail
    execv                 succeed  fail
    chdir                 succeed  fail
    fchdir                succeed  fail
    mknod                 succeed  fail
    chmod                 succeed  fail
    chown                 succeed  fail
    classcntl             succeed  fail
    mount                 succeed  fail
    unmount               succeed  fail
    setuid                succeed  fail
    exec_with_loader      succeed  fail
    ptrace                succeed  fail
    nrecvmsg              succeed  fail
    nsendmsg              succeed  fail
    nrecvfrom             succeed  fail               
    naccept               succeed  fail               
    access                succeed  fail
    kill                  succeed  fail
    old stat              succeed  fail
    setpgid               succeed  fail
    old lstat             succeed  fail
    dup                   succeed  fail
    pipe                  succeed  fail
    open                  succeed  fail
    setlogin              succeed  fail
    acct                  succeed  fail
    ioctl                 succeed  fail
    reboot                succeed  fail
    revoke                succeed  fail
    symlink               succeed  fail
    readlink              succeed  fail
    execve                succeed  fail
    chroot                succeed  fail
    old fstat             succeed  fail
    vfork                 succeed  fail
    stat                  succeed  fail
    lstat                 succeed  fail
    mmap                  succeed  fail
    munmap                succeed  fail
    mprotect              succeed  fail
    old vhangup           succeed  fail
    kmodcall              succeed  fail
    setgroups             succeed  fail
    setpgrp               succeed  fail
    table                 succeed  fail
    sethostname           succeed  fail
    dup2                  succeed  fail
    fstat                 succeed  fail
    fcntl                 succeed  fail
    setpriority           succeed  fail
    socket                succeed  fail
    connect               succeed  fail
    accept                succeed  fail
    bind                  succeed  fail
    setsockopt            succeed  fail
    recvmsg               succeed  fail
    sendmsg               succeed  fail
    settimeofday          succeed  fail
    fchown                succeed  fail
    fchmod                succeed  fail
    recvfrom              succeed  fail
    setreuid              succeed  fail
    setregid              succeed  fail
    rename                succeed  fail
    truncate              succeed  fail
    ftruncate             succeed  fail
    setgid                succeed  fail
    sendto                succeed  fail
    shutdown              succeed  fail
    socketpair            succeed  fail
    mkdir                 succeed  fail
    rmdir                 succeed  fail
    utimes                succeed  fail
    adjtime               succeed  fail
    sethostid             succeed  fail
    old killpg            succeed  fail
    setsid                succeed  fail
    getdirentries         succeed  fail
    setdomainname         succeed  fail
    exportfs              succeed  fail
    getmnt                succeed  fail
    alternate setsid      succeed  fail
    statfs                succeed  fail
    fstatfs               succeed  fail
    getfsstat             succeed  fail
    swapon                succeed  fail
    msgctl                succeed  fail
    msgget                succeed  fail
    msgrcv                succeed  fail
    msgsnd                succeed  fail
    semctl                succeed  fail
    semget                succeed  fail
    semop                 succeed  fail
    lchown                succeed  fail
    shmat                 succeed  fail
    shmctl                succeed  fail
    shmdt                 succeed  fail
    shmget                succeed  fail
    utc_adjtime           succeed  fail
    security              succeed  fail
    kloadcall             succeed  fail
    priocntlset           succeed  fail
    sigsendset            succeed  fail
    msfs_syscall          succeed  fail
    sysinfo               succeed  fail
    uadmin                succeed  fail
    fuser                 succeed  fail
    audcntl               succeed  fail
    setsysinfo            succeed  fail
    swapctl               succeed  fail
    memcntl               succeed  fail
    proplist_syscall      succeed  fail
    pid_unblock           succeed  fail
    ntp_adjtime           succeed  fail
    SystemV/unlink        succeed  fail
    SystemV/open          succeed  fail
    RT/memlk              succeed  fail
    RT/memunlk            succeed  fail
    RT/psx4_time_drift    succeed  fail
    RT/rt_setprio         succeed  fail
    !  Audited trusted events:
    audit_start           succeed  fail
    audit_stop            succeed  fail
    audit_setup           succeed  fail
    audit_suspend         succeed  fail
    audit_log_change      succeed  fail
    audit_log_creat       succeed  fail
    audit_xmit_fail       succeed  fail
    audit_reboot          succeed  fail
    audit_log_overwrite   succeed  fail
    audit_daemon_exit     succeed  fail
    login                 succeed  fail
    logout                succeed  fail
    auth_event            succeed  fail
    audgen8               succeed  fail


    The event_aliases file lists aliases for logically related groupings of events.

    obj_creat: "old open" "old creat" link mknod open symlink mkdir SystemV/open
    obj_delete: unlink truncate ftruncate SystemV/unlink rmdir
    exec: execv exec_with_loader execve
    obj_access: access "old stat" "old lstat" "old open" open statfs fstatfs \
        readlink "old fstat" stat lstat fstat close:1:0 dup dup2 fcntl \
        "old creat" mmap munmap mprotect memcntl SystemV/open
    obj_modify: chmod chown fchown fchmod lchown utimes rename
    ipc: recvmsg nrecvmsg recvfrom nrecvfrom sendmsg nsendmsg sendto accept \
        naccept connect socket bind shutdown socketpair pipe sysV_ipc \
        kill "old killpg" setsockopt sigsendset
    sysV_ipc: msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd shmat shmctl shmdt shmget semctl \
        semget semop
    proc: exit fork chdir fchdir setuid ptrace setpgid setlogin chroot vfork \
        setgroups setpgrp setpriority setreuid setregid setgid audcntl \
        RT/rt_setprio setsid "alternate setsid" priocntlset
    system: getfsstat mount unmount acct reboot table sethostname settimeofday \
        adjtime sethostid setdomainname exportfs getmnt swapon utc_adjtime \
        audcntl setsysinfo kloadcall getdirentries revoke "old vhangup" kmodcall \
        security sysinfo uadmin swapctl
    misc: ioctl msfs_syscall fuser
    trusted_event: login logout auth_event audgen8
    all: obj_creat obj_delete exec obj_access obj_modify ipc proc system misc \


    The /etc/sec/site_events file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Disk Drives and Disk Labels

    io sysconfig data
    cam sysconfig data
    cam_disk sysconfig data

    New CAM naming is disabled.

    [rz0] [rz8] [rz16] [rz24]

    Tuning Note: Monitor disk performance statistics.
    See Managing Disk Storage Performance in the System Configuration and Tuning

    The collect disk output averaged over 39 seconds:

    # DISK Statistics
       0    rz0   0/0/0   4   158   3    49   1.8   0.0   0.0   0.0    5   0.0   0.0
       1    rz8   1/0/0   0     0   0     0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0   0.0   0.0
       2   rz16   2/0/0   0     0   0     0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0   0.0   0.0
       3   rz24   3/0/0   0     0   0     0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0   0.0   0.0

    CAM kernel variables:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  xpt_qhead: 
     struct {
        xws = struct {
            x_flink = 0xfffffc007fe2a900
            x_blink = 0xfffffc007fe46000
            xpt_flags = 2147483648
            xpt_ccb = (nil)
            xpt_nfree = 200
            xpt_nbusy = 0
        xpt_wait_cnt = 0
        xpt_times_wait = 0
        xpt_ccb_limit = 1048576
        xpt_ccbs_total = 200
        x_lk_qhead = struct {
            sl_data = 0
            sl_info = 0
            sl_cpuid = 0
            sl_lifms = 0
    ======  ccmn_bp_head: 
     struct {
        num_bp = 50
        bp_list = 0xfffffc007fe78600
        bp_wait_cnt = 0
    ======  xpt_cb_queue: 
     struct {
        flink = 0xfffffc000088c388
        blink = 0xfffffc000088c388
        flags = 0
        initialized = 1
        count = 0
        cplt_lock = struct {
            sl_data = 0
            sl_info = 0
            sl_cpuid = 0
            sl_lifms = 0

    Disk rz0 disk label: Bus 0 Target 0 Lun 0

    /dev/rrz0a:	character special (8/0) EIDE #0 6E040L0 disk #0 (SCSI ID #0) (SCSI LUN #0) 
    # /dev/rrz0a:
    type: EIDE
    disk: 6E040L0
    flags: dynamic_geometry
    bytes/sector: 512
    sectors/track: 63
    tracks/cylinder: 16
    sectors/cylinder: 1008
    cylinders: 16383
    sectors/unit: 78165360
    rpm: 4500
    interleave: 1
    trackskew: 0
    cylinderskew: 0
    headswitch: 0		# milliseconds
    track-to-track seek: 0	# milliseconds
    drivedata: 0 
    8 partitions:
    #          size     offset    fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]      # NOTE: values not exact
      a:    1024000          0     AdvFS                    	# (Cyl.    0 - 1015*)
      b:    8192000   27648000      swap                    	# (Cyl. 27428*- 35555*)
      c:   56322048          0    unused        0     0       	# (Cyl.    0 - 55875*)
      d:   10240000    1024000     AdvFS                    	# (Cyl. 1015*- 11174*)
      e:   10240000   11264000     AdvFS                    	# (Cyl. 11174*- 21333*)
      f:    6144000   21504000     AdvFS                    	# (Cyl. 21333*- 27428*)
      g:   20480000   35840000     AdvFS                    	# (Cyl. 35555*- 55873*)
      h:       2048   56320000   LSMsimp                    	# (Cyl. 55873*- 55875*)

    Disk rz8 disk label: Bus 1 Target 0 Lun 0

    /dev/rrz8a:	character special (8/16384) EIDE #1 CD-ROM G disk #64 (SCSI ID #0) (SCSI LUN #0) offline 

    Disk label was not found for rz8.

    Disk rz16 disk label: Bus 2 Target 0 Lun 0

    /dev/rrz16a:	character special (8/32768) SCSI #2 BD018645 disk #128 (SCSI ID #0) (SCSI LUN #0) offline 

    Disk label was not found for rz16.

    Disk rz24 disk label: Bus 3 Target 0 Lun 0

    /dev/rrz24a:	character special (8/49152) SCSI #3 BD018645 disk #192 (SCSI ID #0) (SCSI LUN #0) offline 

    Disk label was not found for rz24.

    <=[ ToC ]=> HS* RAID Controllers

    An HSZ was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> HSV RAID Controllers

    <=[ ToC ]=> Tape Drives


    New CAM naming is disabled.

    Tape rmt0 Bus 2 Target 4 Lun 0

    /dev/nrmt0h:	character special (9/36867) SCSI #2 TLZ10    tape #3 (SCSI ID #4) (SCSI LUN #0) offline 

    <=[ ToC ]=> SCSI Buses

    Operational: Missing entry for scsi vendor HL-DT-ST in /etc/ddr.dbase.
    This device is unrecognized by the system and may be operating in an inefficient manner. (1 0 0)

    [scu show edt] [/etc/ddr.dbase] [/etc/mcicap] [/etc/]
    [b0 t0 l0] [b1 t0 l0] [b2 t0 l0] [b2 t4 l0] [b3 t0 l0]
    cam sysconfig data
    cam_disk sysconfig data
    cam_tape sysconfig data

    New CAM naming is disabled.

    scu show edt

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
        Device: 6E040L0    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
        Device: CD-ROM GCR-8482B Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Read-Only Direct Access
        Device: BD0186459A Bus: 2, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
        Device: TLZ10      Bus: 2, Target: 4, Lun: 0, Type: Sequential Access
        Device: BD0186459A Bus: 3, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access

    Bus 0 Target 0 Lun 0 /dev/rz0

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
    Inquiry Information:
                           SCSI Bus ID: 0
                        SCSI Target ID: 0
                       SCSI Target LUN: 0
                Peripheral Device Type: 0 (Direct Access)
                  Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
                  Device Type Modifier: 0
                       Removable Media: No
                          ANSI Version: 2 (Complies to ANSI X3.131-1994, SCSI-2)
                          ECMA Version: 0
                           ISO Version: 0
                  Response Data Format: 2 (SCSI-2)
                 Terminate I/O Process: No
                     Additional Length: 31
                    Soft Reset Support: No
               Command Queuing Support: No
               Target Transfer Disable: No
                Linked Command Support: No
            Synchronous Data Transfers: No
          Support for 16 Bit Transfers: No
          Support for 32 Bit Transfers: No
           Relative Addressing Support: No
                 Vendor Identification: Maxtor  
                Product Identification: 6E040L0         
               Firmware Revision Level: NAR6

    Bus 1 Target 0 Lun 0 /dev/rz8

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
    Inquiry Information:
                           SCSI Bus ID: 1
                        SCSI Target ID: 0
                       SCSI Target LUN: 0
                Peripheral Device Type: 0x5 (Read-Only Direct Access)
                  Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
                  Device Type Modifier: 0
                       Removable Media: Yes
                          ANSI Version: 2 (Complies to ANSI X3.131-1994, SCSI-2)
                          ECMA Version: 0
                           ISO Version: 0
                  Response Data Format: 2 (SCSI-2)
                    Normal ACA Support: Yes
                 Terminate I/O Process: No
                     Additional Length: 31
                    Soft Reset Support: No
               Command Queuing Support: No
               Target Transfer Disable: No
                Linked Command Support: No
            Synchronous Data Transfers: No
          Support for 16 Bit Transfers: No
          Support for 32 Bit Transfers: No
           Relative Addressing Support: No
                 Vendor Identification: HL-DT-ST
                Product Identification: CD-ROM GCR-8482B
               Firmware Revision Level: 2.09

    Bus 2 Target 0 Lun 0 /dev/rz16

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
    Inquiry Information:
                           SCSI Bus ID: 2
                        SCSI Target ID: 0
                       SCSI Target LUN: 0
                Peripheral Device Type: 0 (Direct Access)
                  Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
                  Device Type Modifier: 0
                       Removable Media: No
                          ANSI Version: 3 (Complies to ANSI, SCSI-3)
                          ECMA Version: 0
                           ISO Version: 0
                  Response Data Format: 2 (SCSI-2)
                    Normal ACA Support: No
                 Terminate I/O Process: No
                     Additional Length: 91
                Medium Changer Support: No
             Multi-port Device Support: No
                    Soft Reset Support: No
               Command Queuing Support: Yes
               Target Transfer Disable: Yes
                Linked Command Support: Yes
            Synchronous Data Transfers: Yes
          Support for 16 Bit Transfers: Yes
          Support for 32 Bit Transfers: No
           Relative Addressing Support: No
                 Vendor Identification: COMPAQ  
                Product Identification: BD0186459A      
               Firmware Revision Level: B016

    Bus 2 Target 4 Lun 0 /dev/rmt0

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
    Inquiry Information:
                           SCSI Bus ID: 2
                        SCSI Target ID: 4
                       SCSI Target LUN: 0
                Peripheral Device Type: 0x1 (Sequential Access)
                  Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
                  Device Type Modifier: 0
                       Removable Media: Yes
                          ANSI Version: 2 (Complies to ANSI X3.131-1994, SCSI-2)
                          ECMA Version: 0
                           ISO Version: 0
                  Response Data Format: 2 (SCSI-2)
                 Terminate I/O Process: No
                     Additional Length: 31
                    Soft Reset Support: No
               Command Queuing Support: No
               Target Transfer Disable: No
                Linked Command Support: No
            Synchronous Data Transfers: Yes
          Support for 16 Bit Transfers: No
          Support for 32 Bit Transfers: No
           Relative Addressing Support: No
                 Vendor Identification: DEC     
                Product Identification: TLZ10    (C) DEC
               Firmware Revision Level: 04a8

    Bus 3 Target 0 Lun 0 /dev/rz24

    CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
    Inquiry Information:
                           SCSI Bus ID: 3
                        SCSI Target ID: 0
                       SCSI Target LUN: 0
                Peripheral Device Type: 0 (Direct Access)
                  Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
                  Device Type Modifier: 0
                       Removable Media: No
                          ANSI Version: 3 (Complies to ANSI, SCSI-3)
                          ECMA Version: 0
                           ISO Version: 0
                  Response Data Format: 2 (SCSI-2)
                    Normal ACA Support: No
                 Terminate I/O Process: No
                     Additional Length: 91
                Medium Changer Support: No
             Multi-port Device Support: No
                    Soft Reset Support: No
               Command Queuing Support: Yes
               Target Transfer Disable: Yes
                Linked Command Support: Yes
            Synchronous Data Transfers: Yes
          Support for 16 Bit Transfers: Yes
          Support for 32 Bit Transfers: No
           Relative Addressing Support: No
                 Vendor Identification: COMPAQ  
                Product Identification: BD0186459A      
               Firmware Revision Level: B016



    The ddr.dbase file contains a list of SCSI CAM device definitions.

    VERSION = 1
        # The values in this GLOBAL section control how the kernel routine
        # get_def_partitionmap() creates a default partition layout
        # based on a disk's capacity and blocksize.
        #   Creates a partition map as follows :
        #      The "a" partition will be "Partition_A_size" MB in size,
        #         starting at block 0.
        #      The "b" partition will be "Partition_B_size" MB in size,
        #         starting after "a".
        #      The "c" partition will span the entire disk.
        #      The "d", "e", and "f" partitions will be undefined with
        #         lengths of zero.
        #      The "g" partition will be :
        #         The larger of 1/2 the remaining capacity or
        #         "Partition_G_size" MB.
        #         The partition will start after "b".
        #      The "h" partition will be the remainder of the disk,
        #         starting after "g".
        #      If a partition cannot be fully allocated, it will be allocated
        #         with whatever capacity remains. All subsequent partitions
        #         will get "0" length.
        #      If the capacity remaining after a partition is allocated leaves
        #         less than "min_partition_size" MB, the remaining capacity will
        #         be added to the partition. All subsequent partitions will
        #         get "0" length.
        # If these values are not specified (in this database), the system will
        # default to:
        #      Partition_A_size = 64
        #      Partition_B_size = 128
        #      Partition_G_size = 400
        #      min_partition_size = 50
        # set the default partition sizes (in MBytes)
        Partition_A_size = 64
        Partition_B_size = 128
        Partition_G_size = 400
        min_partition_size = 50
        # ##################################################################
        # Supply everything for the SCSI Density Code translation table
        # This "GLOBAL" section must appear before any SCSIDEVICE section.
        # ##################################################################
        # Table Size *MUST* be specified first
        scsi_density_table_size = 0x4a
        # ##################################################################
        # Entries - in the form:
        #  scsi_tape_density[<ansi density code>] = <name> <bpi> <block size>
        # Note: <ansi density code> must be less than "scsi_density_table_size"
        # Note: <name> provides a non-integer name that can be specified for
        #    the "DensityCode" value which is specified in a "DENSITY:"
        #    subsection for a "SCSIDEVICE" section. 
        # Note: <name> is not case-sensitive.
        # Note: Unknown <bpi> values should be left 0 (zero).
        # Note: A <block size> of 0 (zero) implies variable length blocking.
        # Those not specified will inherit "NULL" values.
        # Entries may be specified in any order....
        #  ansi density code         name                   bpi    block size
        #  -----------------         ----                   ---    ----------
        scsi_tape_density[0x00] =   "default"               0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x01] =   "800r_bpi"              800         0
        scsi_tape_density[0x02] =   "1600r_bpi"             1600        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x03] =   "6250r_bpi"             6250        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x04] =   "8000c_bpi"             8000        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x05] =   "8000r_bpi"             8000        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x06] =   "3200r_bpi"             3200        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x07] =   "6400c_bpi"             6400        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x08] =   "8000cs_bpi"            8000        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x09] =   "38000c_bpi"            38000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x0a] =   "6666c_bpi"             6666        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x0b] =   "1600c_bpi"             1600        0
        scsi_tape_density[0x0c] =   "12690c_bpi"            12690       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x0d] =   "qic120_ecc"            10000       512
        scsi_tape_density[0x0e] =   "qic150_ecc"            10000       512
        scsi_tape_density[0x0f] =   "qic120"                10000       512
        scsi_tape_density[0x10] =   "qic150"                10000       512
        scsi_tape_density[0x11] =   "qic320"                16000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x12] =   "qic1350"               0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x13] =   "61000_bpi"             61000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x14] =   "54000_bpi"             54000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x15] =   "45434_bpi"             45434       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x16] =   "10000_bpi"             10000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x17] =   "42500_bpi"             42500       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x18] =   "42500_bpi"             42500       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x19] =   "62500_bpi"             62500       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1a] =   "81630_bpi"             81630       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1b] =   "85700_bpi"             85700       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1c] =   "42000_bpi"             42000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1d] =   "38400_bpi"             38400       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1e] =   "36000_bpi"             36000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x1f] =   "67733_bpi"             67733       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x20] =   "67733_bpi"             67733       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x21] =   "67733_bpi"             67733       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x22] =   "40640_bpi"             40640       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x23] =   "67733_bpi"             67733       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x24] =   "61000_bpi"             61000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x25] =   "97000_bpi"             97000       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x26] =   "122000_bpi"            122000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x27] =   "77611_bpi"             77611       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x28] =   "37871_bpi"             37871       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x29] =   "density_code_29"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2a] =   "density_code_2A"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2b] =   "density_code_2B"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2c] =   "density_code_2C"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2d] =   "density_code_2D"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2e] =   "density_code_2E"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x2f] =   "density_code_2F"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x30] =   "116000_bpi"            116000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x31] =   "167000_bpi"            167000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x32] =   "density_code_32"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x33] =   "density_code_33"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x34] =   "density_code_34"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x35] =   "density_code_35"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x36] =   "density_code_36"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x37] =   "density_code_37"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x38] =   "density_code_38"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x39] =   "density_code_39"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3a] =   "density_code_3a"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3b] =   "density_code_3b"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3c] =   "density_code_3c"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3d] =   "density_code_3d"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3e] =   "density_code_3e"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x3f] =   "density_code_3f"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x40] =   "124000_bpi"            124000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x41] =   "98250_bpi"             98250       0
        scsi_tape_density[0x42] =   "186000_bpi"            186000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x43] =   "density_code_43"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x44] =   "density_code_44"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x45] =   "density_code_45"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x46] =   "density_code_46"       0           0
        scsi_tape_density[0x47] =   "163000_bpi"            163000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x48] =   "131000_bpi"            131000      0
        scsi_tape_density[0x49] =   "190000_bpi"            190000      0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ1CF-CF"
    	AttributeName	= "DSBLflags"
    	Length		= 4
    	ubyte[0]	= 1
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ1DF-CF"
    	AttributeName	= "DSBLflags"
    	Length		= 4
    	ubyte[0]	= 1
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ55"
            TagQueueDepth = 0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ56"
            TagQueueDepth = 0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ57"
            TagQueueDepth = 0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ58"
            TaggedQueuing     = disabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds  = 60
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ73"
            TagQueueDepth = 74
        # Matches everyone in the HSGx family
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "HSG"
            TypeSubClass        = hard_disk, raid
            BlockSize           = 0
            BadBlockRecovery    = disabled
            DynamicGeometry     = true
            DisperseQueue       = true
            LongTimeoutRetry    = enabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90
            TagQueueDepth       = 25
            RequestSenseLength  = 255
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        # Matches everyone in the HSZx family
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "HSZ"
            TypeSubClass        = hard_disk, raid
            BlockSize           = 0
            BadBlockRecovery    = disabled
            DynamicGeometry     = true
            DisperseQueue       = true
            LongTimeoutRetry    = enabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
            RequestSenseLength  = 160
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "HSZ10"
            BlockSize           = 0x84032b
            CMD_WriteVerify     = supported
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
            LongTimeoutRetry    = disabled
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "HSZ15"
            BlockSize           = 0x82032b
            CMD_WriteVerify     = supported
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
            LongTimeoutRetry    = disabled
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "HSZ22"
            TagQueueDepth       = 32
            LongTimeoutRetry    = disabled
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RWZ01"
            CMD_PreventAllow    = supported
            TagQueueDepth       = 8
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ23"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ23
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ23L"
            SyncTransfers = disabled
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ22"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RX23"
            TypeSubClass        = floppy_3.5
            BadBlockRecovery    = disabled
    	DynamicGeometry     = true
            CmdReordering       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # Matches RZ24 and RZ24L
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ24"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # Matches RZ25, RZ25F, RZ25L and RZ25M
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ25"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ25
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ25L"
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ25 and RZ25L
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ25L" "006"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ25 and RZ25L
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ25L" "007"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ25
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ25M"
            TagQueueDepth       = 36
        # Matches RZ26, RZ26B, RZ26F, RZ26J, RZ26L, RZ26M, RZ26N
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26"
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ26
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26F"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ26
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26J"
            TagQueueDepth       = 38
        # Matches RZ26L Rev 440C firmware
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26L" "440C"
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ26
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26M"
            TagQueueDepth       = 30
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ26
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ26N"
            TagQueueDepth       = 30
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ27"
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        # Matches RZ28, RZ28B, RZ28D, RZ28J, RZ28L, RZ28M
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28"
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        # Matches RZ28 Rev 441C firmware
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28" "441C"
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        # Matches RZ28 Rev D41C firmware
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28" "D41C"
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28B"
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28 and RZ28B
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28B" "0003"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28D"
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28J"
            TagQueueDepth       = 38
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28L"
            TagQueueDepth       = 38
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ28
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ28M"
            TagQueueDepth       = 38
        # Matches RZ29, RZ29B, RZ29L, RZ29M
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ29"
            TagQueueDepth       = 38
        # NOTE: Inherits values from RZ29
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ29B"
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ74"
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ59"
            TagQueueDepth       = 64
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RZ35"
            TaggedQueuing       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        Type = disk
        Name = "IBM" "0661467"
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        #	Entry for the SCSI Iomega ZIP (DEC RX25) drives
        Type = disk
        Name = "IOMEGA" "ZIP"
    	TypeSubClass        = floppy_3.5
    	DynamicGeometry     = true
    	TagQueueDepth       = 0
    	CMD_PreventAllow    = supported
        #	Entry for the IDE/ATAPI Iomega ZIP drives
        Type = disk
        Stype = 1
        Name = "IOMEGA" "ZIP"
    	TypeSubClass        = floppy_3.5
    	DynamicGeometry     = true
    	TagQueueDepth       = 0
    	CMD_PreventAllow    = supported
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RX26"
            TypeSubClass        = floppy_3.5
            BadBlockRecovery    = disabled
    	DynamicGeometry     = true
            CmdReordering       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "RX33"
            TypeSubClass        = floppy_5.25
            BadBlockRecovery    = disabled
    	DynamicGeometry     = true
            CmdReordering       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # Matches all members of the "EZxxx" family
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "EZ"
            TagQueueDepth       = 4
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120
        # Matches EZ51, EZ54, EZ58
        # NOTE: Inherits values from EZ
        Type = disk
        Name = "DEC" "EZ5"
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
        #	Entry for the Maxtor 131Mb PCMCIA ATA card.  This device has
        #	broken firmware that swaps the 2 size fields (making it look
        #	like it has over 9,000 Gbytes).  So, set the ddr flag so the
        #	driver can swap the fields back into standard alignment so it
        #	will work without self destructing (by smashing it's heads into
        #	it's center spindle).
        Type = disk
        Stype = 1
        Name = "Maxtor M" "XL-131-III PCMCI"
    	AttributeName	= "IDEflags"
    	Length		= 4
    	ubyte[0]	= 1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZK50"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            MaxTransferSize     = 64512
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
        # Use "default" tape densities
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ30"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            MaxTransferSize     = 64512
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
        # Use "default" tape densities
            AttributeName = "BDRatBoot"
            Length        = 1
            ubyte[0]      = 1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ04"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 61000_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            AttributeName = "BDRatBoot"
            Length        = 1
            ubyte[0]      = 1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ06"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 61000_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = 61000_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ6"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 61000_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = 61000_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ07"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ7"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ09"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ9"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches TLZ10, TLZ1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ1"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TLZ1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TLZ10"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
        # use TLZ1 densities
        Type = tape
        Name = "NCR H621"
            TypeSubClass        = 9trk
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
            MaxTransferSize     = 65536
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 1600r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TSZ07"
            TypeSubClass        = 9trk
            MaxTransferSize     = 65536
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,2
            DensityCode = 1600r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 6250r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "CIPHER" "M995"
            TypeSubClass        = 9trk
            MaxTransferSize     = 65536
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,2
            DensityCode = 1600r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 6250r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZK10"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic120
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 1,7
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic150
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 3
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 5,6
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 1024
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZK11"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic120
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic150
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 3,4
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 5,6
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 1024
            DensityNumber = 7
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZK20"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
        # use the "default" densities
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZK13"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,2,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches TKZ60, TKZ60L, TKZ60C, TKZ60CL
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ60"
            TypeSubClass        = 3480
            MaxTransferSize     = 65536
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
        # use the "default" densities
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TKZ60
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ60L"
            TypeSubClass        = 3480, loader
        # use the "default" densities
        # Matches TKZ60C and TKZ60CL
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TKZ60
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ60C"
            TypeSubClass        = 3480
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TKZ60 and TKZ60C
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ60CL"
            TypeSubClass        = 3480, loader
        # use TKZ60C densities
        # TKZ62CL Tape drive ddr entry
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ62CL"
            TypeSubClass = 3480, loader
            MaxTransferSize = 0x10000     #64k
            SyncTransfers = enabled
            WideTransfers = disabled
            Disconnects = enabled
            CmdReordering = disabled
            TaggedQueuing = disabled
            TagQueueDepth = 0
            WCE_Capable = false
            PwrMgmt_Capable = false
            LongTimeoutRetry = disabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds = 240
            DisperseQueue = false
            DensityNumber = 0               # rmt*l
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityCode = 0x09
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            DensityNumber = 1,2             # rmt*m, rmt*h
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityCode = 0x28
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3               # rmt*a
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
        # Matches all TZ8XXX devices
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ8"
            RequestSenseLength      = 72
        # Matches TZ85 and TZ857
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ85"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            MaxTransferSize     = 262144
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 42500_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZ85
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ857"
            TypeSubClass        = tk, loader
        # use TZ85 densities
        # Matches TZ86 and TZ867
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ86"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            MaxTransferSize     = 262144
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3
            DensityCode = 42500_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 0x18
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZ86
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ867"
            TypeSubClass        = tk, loader
        # use TZ86 densities
        # Matches TZ87 and TZ877
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ87"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            DensityCode = 0x18
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = 62500_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 62500_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3
            DensityCode = 42500_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZ87
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ877"
            TypeSubClass        = tk, loader
        # use TZ87 densities
        # Matches TZ88, TZ885, TZ887
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ88"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            DensityCode = 0x18
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3
            DensityCode = 42500_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZ88
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ885"
            TypeSubClass        = tk, loader
        # use TZ88 densities
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZ88
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ887"
            TypeSubClass        = tk, loader
        # use TZ88 densities
        # Matches TZ89
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZ89"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # 120 seconds for TZ89s
            DensityNumber = 0
            DensityCode = 0x1a
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3
            DensityCode = 0x1a
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches DLT4000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "DLT4000"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            DensityCode = 0x18
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3
            DensityCode = 42500_bpi
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches DLT8000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "DLT8000"
            TypeSubClass        = tk
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            DensityCode = 0x1b
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 3
            DensityCode = 0x1b
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SuperDLT1
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SuperDLT1"
    	TypeSubClass        = tk
    	TagQueueDepth       = 0
    	MaxTransferSize     = 0x0fffffb         # (16MB - 4)
    	ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
    	DensityNumber = 0,2,4,6
    	DensityCode = default
    	CompressionCode = 0x0
    	Buffered = 0x1
    	DensityNumber = 1,3,5,7
    	DensityCode = default
    	CompressionCode = 0x1
    	Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDLT320
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDLT320"
    	TypeSubClass        = tk
    	TagQueueDepth       = 0
    	MaxTransferSize     = 0x0fffffb         # (16MB - 4)
    	ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
    	DensityNumber = 0
    	DensityCode = 0x48
    	CompressionCode = 0x1
    	Buffered = 0x1
    	DensityNumber = 1,5
    	DensityCode = default
    	CompressionCode = 0x1
    	Buffered = 0x1
    	DensityNumber = 2,4,6,7
    	DensityCode = default
    	CompressionCode = 0x0
    	Buffered = 0x1
    	DensityNumber = 3
    	DensityCode = 0x48
    	CompressionCode = 0x0
    	Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDT-7000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDT-7000"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDT-9000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDT-9000"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDT-10000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDT-10000"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches TSL-10000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "TSL-10000"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches TSL-9000
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "TSL-9000"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches the DAT72 dat drive from HP
        Type = tape
        Name = "HP" "C7438A"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
        # Vendor Unique mode select parameters for rewind after reset behavior
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi2
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 16
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x3D   #Vendor Unique Page Code 0x3D
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x02
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x01
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDX-500C
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDX-500C"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches SDX-300C
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "SDX-300C"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches C5683A
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "C5683A"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches C5713A
        Type = tape
        Name = "COMPAQ" "C5713A"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches the HP C5683A
        Type = tape
        Name = "HP" "C5683A"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
        # Vendor Unique mode select parameters for rewind after reset behavior
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi2
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 16
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x3D   #Vendor Unique Page Code 0x3D
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x02
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x01
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches the HP C5713A
        Type = tape
        Name = "HP" "C5713A"
            TypeSubClass        = rdat, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 120               # seconds
        # Vendor Unique mode select parameters for rewind after reset behavior
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi2
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 16
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x3D   #Vendor Unique Page Code 0x3D
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x02
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x01
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "TANDBERG" " TDC 3800"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic120
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 1,7
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 2,4
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic150
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 3
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = default
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 5,6
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 1024
        Type = tape
        Name = "ARCHIVE" "VIPER"
            TypeSubClass        = qic
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic120
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 1
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 2
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic150
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 3
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = 8000r_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            Blocking = 512
            DensityNumber = 4,5,6,7
            OneFilemarkOnClose = yes
            DensityCode = qic320
            Buffered = 0x1
        Type = tape
        Name = "EXABYTE" "EXB-8200"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45                # seconds
        # use the "default" densities
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi1
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 17
            # set non-zero values in mode data
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x06   # Page Code 0x06 - SCSI1 vendor unique
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x00
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[4] = 0x07
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TKZ09"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x3c000
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 240
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            DensityNumber = 0,3
            DensityCode = 54000_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 45434_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi2
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 18
            # set non-zero values in mode data
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x20   # Page Code 0x20
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x04   # Page Length = 4
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x06
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            Data.UBYTE[4] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[5] = 0x07
        # TKZ9E Tape Drive ddr entry
        # TKZ9EA (Exabyte 8505 XL)
        Type = tape
        Name = "EXABYTE" "85058SQANXR1" "07J0"
            TypeSubClass = 8mm
            MaxTransferSize = 0x3c000
            SyncTransfers   = enabled
            WideTransfers   = disabled
            Disconnects =   enabled
            CmdReordering   = disabled
            Cmd_PreventAllow = Supported
            TaggedQueuing   = enabled
            TagQueueDepth   = 0
            WCE_Capable =   false
            PwrMgmt_Capable = false
            LongTimeoutRetry = disabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds = 90
            DisperseQueue   = false
            InquiryLength   = 36
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = SCSI2
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
            TransferLength = 18
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x20    # page Code 0x20
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x04    # Page Length = 4
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x06
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            Data.UBYTE[4] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[5] = 0x07
            DensityNumber   =  0,3            # rmt*l, rmt*a
            DensityCode   =  54000_bpi      # 8200 uncompressed
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber   =  1              # rmt*m, rmt*h
            DensityCode   =  45434_bpi      # 8500 uncompressed
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber   =  2              # rmt*h
            DensityCode   =  default        # 8500c compressed
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches TZS20, TZS2
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZS2"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm, loader
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x0ffffff         # (16MB - 1)
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90                # seconds
            DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x0
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2
            DensityCode = default
            CompressionCode = 0x1
            Buffered = 0x1
        # NOTE: Inherits info from TZS2
        Type = tape
        Name = "DEC" "TZS20"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
         # use TZS2 densities
        Type = tape
        Name = "EXABYTE" "EXB-8500"
            TypeSubClass        = 8mm
            MaxTransferSize     = 0x3c000
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 240
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            DensityNumber = 0,3
            DensityCode = 54000_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber = 1,2,4,5,6,7
            DensityCode = 45434_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi2              # 0x02 ??
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            TransferLength = 18
            # set non-zero values in mode data
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 0x1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x20   # Page Code 0x20
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x04   # Page Length = 4
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x06
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            Data.UBYTE[4] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[5] = 0x07
        # TKZ15 Tape Drive ddr entry
        Type = tape
        Name = "EXABYTE" "85058SQANXR1" "05B0"
            TypeSubClass = 8mm
            MaxTransferSize = 0x3c000
            SyncTransfers   = enabled
            WideTransfers   = disabled
            Disconnects =   enabled
            CmdReordering   = disabled
            TaggedQueuing   = enabled
            TagQueueDepth   = 0
            PwrMgmt_Capable = false
            LongTimeoutRetry = disabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds = 90
            DisperseQueue   = false
            InquiryLength   = 36
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = SCSI2
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
            TransferLength = 18
            Hdr.Tape.BufferMode = 1
            Data.UBYTE[0] = 0x20    # page Code 0x20
            Data.UBYTE[1] = 0x04    # Page Length = 4
            Data.UBYTE[2] = 0x06
            Data.UBYTE[3] = 0x00
            Data.UBYTE[4] = 0x80
            Data.UBYTE[5] = 0x07
            DensityNumber   =  0,3
            DensityCode   =  54000_bpi
            Buffered = 0x1
            DensityNumber   =  1,2
            DensityCode   =  45434_bpi 
            Buffered = 0x1
        # Matches all members of the "RRDxxx" family
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD"
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        # This is the default for the ATAPI CDrom devices
        Type = rodirect
        Stype = 1
        Name = "*"
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD40"
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
            CMD_PreventAllow    = notsupported
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD42"
            SyncTransfers       = disabled
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD43"
            # Set density for CD/XA format discs (like Kodak PhotoCD).
    	# Note that these drives only support this format
    	# when set to a block size of 2048 bytes.
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            PageFormat = scsi2
    	SavePage = No
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
    	BlkDescr.Density = 0x83
    	BlkDescr.BlockLength = 2048
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD44"
            # Set density for CD/XA format discs (like Kodak PhotoCD).
    	# Note that these drives only support this format
    	# when set to a block size of 2048 bytes.
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            PageFormat = scsi2
    	SavePage = No
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
    	BlkDescr.Density = 0x83
    	BlkDescr.BlockLength = 2048
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "SONY" "CD-ROM"
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45
            TagQueueDepth       = 0
            # The "default" cdrom leaves the blocksize at the H/Ws default.
            # So, force a mode select for Mode Select Number 0.
            # We do this since the SONY CDroms can operate in 512 byte mode.
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            SavePage = No
            PageFormat = scsi1
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = yes
            BlkDescr.BlockLength = 512
        # Generic entry for cdroms behind an HSZxx
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "HSZ"
            LongTimeoutRetry    = enabled
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 90
            TagQueueDepth       = 74
            RequestSenseLength  = 160
            PwrMgmt_Capable     = false
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD45"
            # Set density code for CD/XA format discs (like Kodak PhotoCD).
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            PageFormat = scsi2
    	SavePage = No
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
    	BlkDescr.Density = 0x83
    	BlkDescr.BlockLength = 512
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "DEC" "RRD46"
            # Set density code for CD/XA format discs (like Kodak PhotoCD).
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            PageFormat = scsi2
    	SavePage = No
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
    	BlkDescr.Density = 0x83
    	BlkDescr.BlockLength = 512
        # Generic entry for Toshiba drives and RRD43,44,45,& 46 drives
        # without DEC jumper inserted.
        Type = rodirect
        Name = "TOSHIBA" "CD-ROM XM"
            ReadyTimeSeconds    = 45
            # Set density code for CD/XA format discs (like Kodak PhotoCD).
            ModeSelectNumber = 0
            PageFormat = scsi2
    	SavePage = No
            TransferLength = 12
            BlockDescriptor = Yes
    	BlkDescr.Density = 0x83
    	BlkDescr.BlockLength = 2048
        Type = rodirect
        # Panasonic KXL-D720 portable CDROM drive
        # These drives incorrectly respond as having all 8 LUNs present.
        Name = "MATSHITA" "KME CD-ROM01"
            CMD_PreventAllow    = notsupported
    	WideTransfers = disabled
        Type = rodirect
        # Panasonic KXL-D740 portable CDROM drive
        # These drives incorrectly respond as having all 8 LUNs present.
        Name = "MATSHITA" "KME CD-ROM02"
            CMD_PreventAllow    = notsupported
    	WideTransfers = disabled



    The /etc/mcicap file is not available.



    The /etc/ file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> SWXCR RAID Controllers

    SWXCR RAID controllers were not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> KZPCC RAID Controllers

    KZPCC RAID controllers were not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Logical Storage Manager

    lsm sysconfig data

    LSM vold is running.

    [Diskgroup rootdg] [voldisk list]

    Operational: LSM /etc/vol/volboot defines fewer than 3 disks.
    Defining fewer than three disks can decrease LSM reliability if disks fail. See the Logical Storage Manager manual (LSM private regions) and the voldctl(8) reference page for information.
    See Selecting Private Region Parameters in the Logical Storage Manager Manual and voldctl(8) reference page for information.

    Operational: The LSM volwatch monitor is not running.
    If you are using LSM, start the volwatch monitor at boot time in order to enable automatic notification of LSM events.

    Tuning Suggestion: Performance may be improved by changing the value of volinfo.max_io to 256.
    Use the dbx patch command to change the value of volinfo.max_io, as follows:

    dbx -k /vmunix /dev/mem
    (dbx) patch volinfo.max_io=256
    (dbx) quit

    See Displaying and Modifying Kernel Variable by Using the dbx Debugger in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Operational: There are errors in the rootdg disk group.
    You must investigate this condition.


    2 volume I/O daemons running

    sysconfig -q lsm

    lsm_rootdev_is_volume = 0
    lsm_swapdev_is_volume = 0
    max-vol = 1024
    lsm_V_ROUND_enhanced = 0
    lsm_V_ROUND_enhance_proximity = 512

    LSM kernel variables:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  volinfo: 
     struct {
        version = 4
        voldinfo_sz = 2048
        volbmajor = 40
        volcmajor = 40
        plexmajor = 42
        maxvol = 1024
        maxplex = 1024
        plexnum = 8
        sdnum = 4096
        max_ioctl = 32768
        max_specio = 128
        max_io = 128
        max_ilocksleep = 5
        dflt_iodelay = 250
        max_freebuf = 8
        max_freevcb = 8
        max_parallelio = 256
        volinfo_spare = {
            [0] 0
            [1] 0
            [2] 0
            [3] 0
            [4] 0
            [5] 0
            [6] 0
            [7] 0
            [8] 0
            [9] 0
            [10] 0
            [11] 0
            [12] 0
            [13] 0
            [14] 0

    LSM configuration was saved in /var/recovery/sys_check/lsm/.


    The volboot file contains descriptive information about the LSM rootdg disk group.

    volboot 3.1 0.2
    hostid STATION_A
    disk rz0h simple 

    Information about each LSM disk group on the system:

    NAME         STATE    ID
    rootdg       enabled  1142639884.1025.STATION_A

    diskgroup rootdg

    [volprint -S] [voldg list rootdg] [volstat rootdg] [free space rootdg] [volprint rootdg] [volprint -htl rootdg] [ Top of LSM section ]
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    volprint -S rootdg

    0         0         0         0         0         1        
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    voldg list rootdg

    Group:     rootdg
    dgid:      1142639884.1025.STATION_A
    import-id: 0.1
    config:    seqno=0.1139 permlen=363 free=359 templen=2 loglen=55
    config disk rz0h copy 1 len=363 state=clean online
    config disk rz0h copy 2 len=363 state=clean online
    log disk rz0h copy 1 len=55
    log disk rz0h copy 2 len=55
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    volstat -i 10 -c 2 -g rootdg

    volstat: named object(s) not in database: (null), TMPDIR=/var/tmp/sys_check_22567tsGBDK, LANG=, OLDLANG=, SYS_CHECK_TEST=0, DEBUG=N, V5=, V4=V4.0, PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/lbin:/usr/share/sysman/bin, HTML=Y, LOCKFIL=sys_check, LC_ALL=C, BIGNUMFILE=15, V3=, VENDOR_NAME=Compaq Computer Corporation, LOCKPID=22567, V40F=V4.0F, V40E=V4.0F, V40D=V4.0F, CWD=/tmp, TOOLS_DIR=/usr/lbin, LOGNAME=root, EXTAURL=, EVM=N, BIGFILE=3072, V4OR5=1, PRODUCT_NAME=Tru64 UNIX, GWSOURCE=telnet, CMD_ENV=, USER=root, KEEP_TMPDIR=0, IOMAX=256, SHLVL=1, NEW_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/sys_check_22567tsGBDK, VSTR=V4.0F, SHELL=/bin/ksh, VARSIZE=15360, NOWARN=N, ADD_RCM_TAG=, DEFLOCKDIR=/var/tmp, ADHOC_DIR=/var/adhoc, NCLRC=, HOME=/, LOGLINES=500, EXTURL=, SYS_STR=SYSCHECK124, RECOVERY_DIR=/var/recovery, WARN=, EXTTURL=, TERM=xterm, EDITMODE=emacs, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sgsn/lib, KERNEL=vmunix, PWD=/tmp, EXTMURL=, TMPDIR_SAVE=/var/tmp, ENV=, IMXE=N, OSVER=V4.0
                               OPERATIONS           BLOCKS        AVG TIME(ms)
    TYP NAME                 READ     WRITE      READ     WRITE   READ   WRITE 
    Tue Oct  2 14:21:13 2007
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    volstat -d -i 10 -c 2 -g rootdg

                               OPERATIONS           BLOCKS        AVG TIME(ms)
    TYP NAME                 READ     WRITE      READ     WRITE   READ   WRITE 
    Tue Oct  2 14:21:14 2007
    dm  rz0h                    0         0         0         0    0.0     0.0
    Tue Oct  2 14:21:24 2007
    dm  rz0h                    0         0         0         0    0.0     0.0
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    Free space rootdg

    DISK         DEVICE       TAG          OFFSET    LENGTH    FLAGS
    rz0h         rz0h         rz0          0         1024      -
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    voldg list rootdg

    Group:     rootdg
    dgid:      1142639884.1025.STATION_A
    import-id: 0.1
    config:    seqno=0.1139 permlen=363 free=359 templen=2 loglen=55
    config disk rz0h copy 1 len=363 state=clean online
    config disk rz0h copy 2 len=363 state=clean online
    log disk rz0h copy 1 len=55
    log disk rz0h copy 2 len=55
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    volprint rootdg

    DG NAME         GROUP-ID
    dg rootdg       1142639884.1025.STATION_A
    dm rz0h         rz0h         simple   1024     1024     /dev/rrz0h
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    volprint -htl rootdg

    Group:    rootdg
    info:     dgid=1142639884.1025.STATION_A
    Disk:     rz0h
    info:     diskid=1142639884.1028.STATION_A
    assoc:    device=rz0h type=simple
    device:   path=/dev/rz0h
    devinfo:  publen=1024 privlen=1024
    [ Top of rootdg ]

    voldisk list

    [rz0h] [rz16] [rz24]
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    rz0h         simple    rz0h         rootdg       online
    rz16         sliced    -            -            error
    rz24         sliced    -            -            error

    voldisk list rz0h (rz0 disk label)

    Device:    rz0h
    devicetag: rz0
    type:      simple
    hostid:    STATION_A
    disk:      name=rz0h id=1142639884.1028.STATION_A
    group:     name=rootdg id=1142639884.1025.STATION_A
    flags:     online ready private imported
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/rz0h char=/dev/rrz0h
    version:   1.1
    iosize:    512
    public:    slice=7 offset=1024 len=1024
    private:   slice=7 offset=0 len=1024
    update:    time=1190148279 seqno=0.93
    headers:   0 248
    configs:   count=2 len=363
    logs:      count=2 len=55
    Defined regions:
     config   priv     17-   247[   231]: copy=01 offset=000000
     config   priv    249-   380[   132]: copy=01 offset=000231
     log      priv    381-   435[    55]: copy=01 offset=000000
     log      priv    589-   643[    55]: copy=02 offset=000000
     config   priv    644-  1006[   363]: copy=02 offset=000000

    voldisk list rz16 (rz16 disk label)

    Device:    rz16
    devicetag: rz16
    type:      sliced
    flags:     online error private
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/rz16 char=/dev/rrz16
    errno:     Disk is not usable

    voldisk list rz24 (rz24 disk label)

    Device:    rz24
    devicetag: rz24
    type:      sliced
    flags:     online error private
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/rz24 char=/dev/rrz24
    errno:     Disk is not usable

    <=[ ToC ]=> Prestoserve

    Prestoserve is not being used on the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Mounted File Systems, fstab, Disk Space, and Quotas

    Operational: The root file system fstab entry fsck is incorrect.
    The root file system fsck parameter must be set to 1.

    Operational: The /usr file system fstab fsck entry is incorrect.
    The fsck parameter must be set to more than 1.

    Operational: The /var file system fstab fsck entry is incorrect.
    The fsck parameter must be set to more than 1.

    Tuning Suggestion: Put /tmp on its own file system, instead of on the root file system.

    AdvFS is installed in the running kernel.


    Quotas are disabled.


    The fstab file contains descriptive information about the known file systems. File systems specified in fstab are automatically mounted when the system boots.

    root_domain#root /		advfs rw 0 0
    /proc		 /proc	procfs rw 0 0
    usr_domain#usr	 /usr		advfs rw 0 0
    var_domain#var	 /var 	advfs rw 0 0
    /dev/rz0b	 swap1 	ufs sw 0 2

    The mount -l command shows the currently mounted filesystems:

    root_domain#root on / type advfs (rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, nodual, noadl)
    /proc on /proc type procfs (rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes)
    usr_domain#usr on /usr type advfs (rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, nodual, noadl)
    var_domain#var on /var type advfs (rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, nodual, noadl)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/DELIV on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/DELIV.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_log on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_log.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_data on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_data.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_conf on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_conf.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/spdata on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/spdata.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/RESULT on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/RESULT.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, exec, suid, dev, nosync, noquota, grpid, atimes, udp, hard, intr, ac, cto, wsize=8192, rsize=8192, timeo=11, retrans=4, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)

    The df -ik command shows the currently mounted filesystems and the disk usage for each of those filesystems:

    Filesystem       1024-blocks        Used   Available Capacity     Iused       Ifree  %Iused  Mounted on
    root_domain#root      512000      357256      146664    71%        4341      506102     1%   /
    usr_domain#usr       5120000     3078364     2041636    61%       37130     7731738     0%   /usr
    var_domain#var       5120000      880752     4239248    18%        4819    14527928     0%   /var

    repquota -va

    The output has been omitted because quotas are disabled.

    <=[ ToC ]=> VFS layer

    vfs sysconfig data

    The namei cache hit rate is 99 %.

    VFS dbx output:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  maxusers: 
    ======  total_vnodes: 
    ======  nchstats: 
     struct {
        ncs_goodhits = 68876108
        ncs_neghits = 7055598
        ncs_badhits = 81905
        ncs_falsehits = 79814
        ncs_miss = 434114
        ncs_long = 15049
        ncs_pass2 = 0
        ncs_2passes = 0
        ncs_dirscan = 0
    ======  max_vnodes: 
    ======  vnode_stats: 
     struct {
        vn_allocations = 367603
        vn_deallocations = 337114
        vn_recycled = 3751465
        vn_getnewcalls = 3841327
        vn_getlock = 0
        vn_vgetcalls = 141244490
        vn_vgetfree = 34767158
        vn_freecalls = 38721620
        vn_failget = 0
        vn_waitvxlock = 0
        vn_inactivating = 26
        vn_transitioning = 26
        vn_faildeallocs = 1935775
        rev_number = 3
    ======  nlock_record: 
    ======  flckinfo: 
     struct {
        recmax = 3
        filmax = 3
        reccnt = 1
        filcnt = 1
        rectot = 2632
        filtot = 2632
        flckinfo_lock = struct {
            sl_data = 0
            sl_info = 0
            sl_cpuid = 0
            sl_lifms = 0
    ======  fifoinfo: 
     struct {
        fifobuf = 65536
        fifomax = -1
        fifobsz = 8192
        fifomnb = 81920000
    ======  fifo_stats: 
     struct {
        fifo_wbolts_tot = 119812
        fifo_wbolts_deliv = 119803
        fifo_wbolts_force = 9
        fifo_rbolts_tot = 1240810
        fifo_rbolts_deliv = 493817
        fifo_rbolts_force = 4064
        fifo_found_newdata = 0
        fifo_active_fifonodes = 26711
    ======  fifo_do_adaptive: 

    <=[ ToC ]=> UFS File Systems

    ufs sysconfig data
    vfs sysconfig data

    UFS is not being used on the system.

    The bufcache value is 3 %; the memory consumed is 62914 KB ( 61 MB ).

    Tuning Suggestion: UFS/CDFS file systems are not being used.
    You can free memory by changing the value of the vfs subsystem attribute bufcache (currently 3) to 1%. Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.
    See Decreasing the Size of the Metadata Buffer Cache in the System Configuration and Tuning

    <=[ ToC ]=> Advanced File System (AdvFS)

    [root_domain] [usr_domain] [var_domain]

    [/etc/fdmns] [disks.ignore] [alerts.list]

    AdvFS sysconfig data
    vfs sysconfig data
    crontab files

    Operational: One or more AdvFS domains are not mounted.
    This could be caused by:

    See AdvFS Administration


    Operational: defragcron is not enabled.
    Defragment should be run regularly on AdvFS domains.

    Operational: Use the userquota and groupquota mount options with all read write AdvFS file systems in /etc/fstab, even if quotas are not enforced.
    Using the userquota and groupquota mount options facilitates AdvFS maintenance and does not affect performance.
    See fstab(4) reference page, and AdvFS Administration

    root_domain#root /		advfs rw 0 0
    usr_domain#usr	 /usr		advfs rw 0 0
    var_domain#var	 /var 	advfs rw 0 0

    Tuning Suggestion: Adjust AdvfsPreallocAccess to a value within the 1920 to 3840 range.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system in order to use the new value.
    See Increasing the Memory Access Structures in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Tuning Suggestion: Decrease AdvfsCacheMaxPercent by 4.
    Use the sysconfigdb command or the Kernel Tuner to add the following to /etc/sysconfigtab:

    You must reboot the system to use the new value. Monitor the system to ensure that this change does not decrease performance.
    See Increasing the Size of the AdvFS Buffer Cache in the System Configuration and Tuning

    Tuning Suggestion: Performance may be improved by stopping the advfsd daemon.
    The advfsd daemon is used by dtadvfs and pmgr. You can prevent the daemon from starting at boot time by renaming /sbin/rc3.d/S53advfsd to /sbin/rc3.d/T53advfsd. To stop the daemon immediately, use the kill -9 pid command, where pid specifies the daemon's PID.

    Note: Check crontab entries for defragcron commands in the crontab root file.

    Information: Regular maintenance of AdvFS file systems is recommended.
    Perform the following tasks on a lightly loaded system:
    Run quotacheck regularly (invoked automatically at reboot time if quotas are enabled and enforced)
    Run defragment regularly
    Run balance regularly
    After any unrecoverable I/O error, run verify before remounting disks
    See the AdvFS Guide to File System Administration

    AdvfsCacheMaxPercent value is 7 % and memory consumed is 143539 KB ( 140 MB ).

    AdvFS Access hit rate: 99 %

    AdvFS kernel variables:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  flushvolcalls: 
        [0] 0
        [1] 0
        [2] 0
        [3] 0
        [4] 0
        [5] 0
        [6] 0
        [7] 0
        [8] 0
    ======  numbufs: 
    ======  AdvfsFixUpSBM: 
    ======  AllowQuotaFailuresForRoot: 
    "AllowQuotaFailuresForRoot" is not defined or not active
    ======  DoReadAhead: 
    ======  AdvfsDoPreAlloc: 
    ======  NumAccess: 
    ======  max_prefetch_pgs: 
    ======  AdvfsUbcHit: 
    ======  AdvfsUbcMiss: 
    ======  Advfs_access_stats: 
     struct {
        found_hashlist = 70488975
        found_state_retry = 0
        found_tag_change = 0
        found_state_invalid = 112920
        freelist_retry = 58
        from_freelist = 612521
        recycled_access = 634154
        recycled_vnode = 498141
        waited_for_free = 0
        failed_with_emfile = 0


    The vdumpdates file contains information about backups created with the vdump command. To allow recovery after a catastrophic failure, the /, /usr, and /var file systems must be backed up with the dump or vdump command at regular intervals and also backed up by using other backup software.

    root_domain#root 0 Wed Sep 26 07:33:12 2007
    usr_domain#usr 0 Wed Sep 26 07:35:47 2007
    var_domain#var 0 Wed Sep 26 07:57:01 2007

    ls -lR /etc/fdmns

    total 80
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_DELIV_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_RESULT_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Sep 26 03:01 .advfslock_bt_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_fdmns
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_root_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_sgsn_conf_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_sgsn_data_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_sgsn_log_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_spdata_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_usr_domain
    -r--------   1 root     system         0 Jul 29  2004 .advfslock_var_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 DELIV_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 RESULT_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Sep 26 03:01 bt_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Sep 26 07:33 root_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 sgsn_conf_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 sgsn_data_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 sgsn_log_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Mar 18  2006 spdata_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Sep 26 07:33 usr_domain
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system      8192 Sep 26 07:57 var_domain
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol6 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol6
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol1 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol1
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system         9 Sep 26 03:01 rz0g -> /dev/rz0g
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system         9 Mar 18  2006 rz0a -> /dev/rz0a
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol3 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol3
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol4 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol4
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol5 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol5
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system        19 Mar 18  2006 nsedg.vol2 -> /dev/vol/nsedg/vol2
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system         9 Mar 18  2006 rz0d -> /dev/rz0d
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     system         9 Mar 18  2006 rz0e -> /dev/rz0e

    AdvFS root_domain domain

    [showfdmn] [showfsets] [showfile -x M-*] [advfsstat] [ Top of AdvFS section ]


                   Id              Date Created  LogPgs  Domain Name
    441b4b7c.000029f0  Sat Mar 18 04:51:24 2006     512  root_domain
      Vol   512-Blks        Free  % Used  Cmode  Rblks  Wblks  Vol Name 
       1L    1024000      293328     71%     on    256    256  /dev/rz0a

    Output of chvol /dev/rz0a volume:

    rblks = 256  wblks = 256  cmode = on, thresh = 16384

    Output of showfsets root_domain domain:

    	Id           : 441b4b7c.000029f0.1.8001
    	Files        :     4341,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Blocks (512) :   714512,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Quota Status : user=off group=off 

    Output of BMT showfile root_domain domain:

    Output of showfile -x M-6 for root_domain domain:

             Id  Vol  PgSz  Pages  XtntType  Segs  SegSz  I/O   Perf  File
    fffffffa.0000    1    16    386    simple    **     **  ftx   100%  M-6
        extentMap: 1
            pageOff    pageCnt     vol    volBlock    blockCnt
                  0          2       1          32          32
                  2        384       1        8432        6144
            extentCnt: 2

    advfsstat [-s -b -p -r -n -l] root_domain

    The -s output:

    Domain -1142639484.10736- Stats -
    Deref 86147783   Refhit    86099526   Refhitwait 8504       R_ahead     45939   
    Unpin 8054634    Pinhit    7839423    Pinhitwait 8          Pinreads    0       
    Lazy  7837825    Log       216729     Blocking   67         Clean       13      
                     Ubchit    219559     Unconsol   0          ConsolAbort 0       
                     UnpinMeta 7314770    UnpinFtx   7831892    UnpinData   6013    
                     DerefMeta 9685981    DerefFtx   12927695   DerefData   73220088
    Disk      Reads     Writes     Rglobs   AveRglob     Wglobs   AveWglob
    ----      -----     ------     ------   --------     ------   --------
       1      47088     256432       3886        188      90906         50

    The -b -s output:

     pin                 ref            unpin-type          misc      cons
      cnt  hit hitw read  cnt  hit hitw lazy  blk  cln  log   ra  ubc   un abrt
       7M   7M    8    0  82M  82M 8504   7M   67   13 211K  44K 214K    0    0

    The -p -s output:

     pin                    pin-type          data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw  read  lazy   blk   cln   log bsFtx fsFtx other
       7M    7M     8     0    7M    67    13  211K    6M  716K  6021

    The -r -s output:

     ref              data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw bsFtx fsFtx other
      82M   82M  8504    9M    3M   69M

    The -n -s output:

     goodh  negh  badh falsh  miss 
       65M    6M   80K   77K  424K

    The -s -l 2 output:

                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                   mutex                             0
                   genLk     0     0     0     0     0
                 stateLk    52     0    58    27  135M
                   shrLk     0     0     0     0     0
                   excLk     0     0     0     0     0
              bufStateLk    2M     0    2M  8195     0
                pinBlkCv  5049  3068  5156     0     0
               bfFlushCv  221K   21K  656K     0     0
                   ftxCv    67     1     6    61     0
                  msgQCv  295K     0  295K     0     0
                   total    2M     0    3M  8267
                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                LOG_DESC     0     0     0     0     0
         LOG_READ_STREAM     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_STATE    34     0    19    27  135M
             BF_XTNT_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
                  BF_COW     0     0     0     0     0
           BF_MCELL_LIST     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_FLUSH     0     0     0     0     0
                  BUFFER    2M     0    2M  8195     0
              BF_SET_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
          BF_SET_TAG_DIR     0     0     0     0     0
              VD_STG_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
         VD_PAGE0_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           VD_MIG_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
             VD_DEV_BUSY     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_ACTIVE    18     0    39     0  118K
           VD_LAZY_BLOCK     0     0     0     0     0
              WIRED_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
            RAW_BUF_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
                    INIT     0     0     0     0     0
               FS_BF_GET     0     0     0     0     0
               CLONE_DEL     0     0     0     0     0
                unused23     0     0     0     0     0
                unused24     0     0     0     0     0
          FS_CONTEXT_SEM     0     0     0     0     0
                 DQ_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
             FILE_SET_LK     0     0     0     0     0
              DOMAIN_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
            BF_SET_STATE     0     0     0     0     0
       SERVICE_CLASS_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
                 BF_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
                 FS_FILE     0     0     0     0     0
              ZAP_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           MOVE_METADATA     0     0     0     0     0
               MIG_TRUNC     0     0     0     0     0
              DDL_ACTIVE     0     0     0     0     0
         DDL_ACTIVE_WAIT     0     0     0     0     0
         QUOTA_FILE_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
                 FRAG_BF     0     0     0     0     0
             BF_SET_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
             LKU_MSS_PQD     0     0     0     0     0
      LKU_MSS_PQD_LOWPRI     0     0     0     0     0

    AdvFS usr_domain domain

    [showfdmn] [showfsets] [showfile -x M-*] [advfsstat] [ Top of AdvFS section ]


                   Id              Date Created  LogPgs  Domain Name
    441b4ba4.00099b10  Sat Mar 18 04:52:04 2006     512  usr_domain
      Vol   512-Blks        Free  % Used  Cmode  Rblks  Wblks  Vol Name 
       1L   10240000     4514656     56%     on    256    256  /dev/rz0d

    Output of chvol /dev/rz0d volume:

    rblks = 256  wblks = 256  cmode = on, thresh = 16384

    Output of showfsets usr_domain domain:

    	Id           : 441b4ba4.00099b10.1.8001
    	Files        :    37130,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Blocks (512) :  6156728,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Quota Status : user=off group=off 

    Output of BMT showfile usr_domain domain:

    Output of showfile -x M-6 for usr_domain domain:

             Id  Vol  PgSz  Pages  XtntType  Segs  SegSz  I/O   Perf  File
    fffffffa.0000    1    16   2818    simple    **     **  ftx   100%  M-6
        extentMap: 1
            pageOff    pageCnt     vol    volBlock    blockCnt
                  0          2       1          32          32
                  2       2816       1        9568       45056
            extentCnt: 2

    advfsstat [-s -b -p -r -n -l] usr_domain

    The -s output:

    Domain -1142639524.629520- Stats -
    Deref 38765958   Refhit    38717159   Refhitwait 2570       R_ahead     333071  
    Unpin 1495885    Pinhit    1450026    Pinhitwait 0          Pinreads    0       
    Lazy  1449979    Log       45882      Blocking   19         Clean       5       
                     Ubchit    61479      Unconsol   2          ConsolAbort 0       
                     UnpinMeta 1495199    UnpinFtx   1449913    UnpinData   90      
                     DerefMeta 4593185    DerefFtx   5190196    DerefData   33575762
    Disk      Reads     Writes     Rglobs   AveRglob     Wglobs   AveWglob
    ----      -----     ------     ------   --------     ------   --------
       1      67877      65972      26977        196       5471         47

    The -b -s output:

     pin                 ref            unpin-type          misc      cons
      cnt  hit hitw read  cnt  hit hitw lazy  blk  cln  log   ra  ubc   un abrt
       1M   1M    0    0  36M  36M 2570   1M   19    5  44K 325K  60K    2    0

    The -p -s output:

     pin                    pin-type          data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw  read  lazy   blk   cln   log bsFtx fsFtx other
       1M    1M     0     0    1M    19     5   44K    1M   596    90

    The -r -s output:

     ref              data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw bsFtx fsFtx other
      36M   36M  2570    4M  583K   32M

    The -n -s output:

     goodh  negh  badh falsh  miss 
       65M    6M   80K   77K  424K

    The -s -l 2 output:

                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                   mutex                             0
                   genLk     0     0     0     0     0
                 stateLk    52     0    58    27  135M
                   shrLk     0     0     0     0     0
                   excLk     0     0     0     0     0
              bufStateLk    2M     0    2M  8195     0
                pinBlkCv  5049  3068  5156     0     0
               bfFlushCv  221K   21K  656K     0     0
                   ftxCv    67     1     6    61     0
                  msgQCv  295K     0  295K     0     0
                   total    2M     0    3M  8267
                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                LOG_DESC     0     0     0     0     0
         LOG_READ_STREAM     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_STATE    34     0    19    27  135M
             BF_XTNT_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
                  BF_COW     0     0     0     0     0
           BF_MCELL_LIST     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_FLUSH     0     0     0     0     0
                  BUFFER    2M     0    2M  8195     0
              BF_SET_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
          BF_SET_TAG_DIR     0     0     0     0     0
              VD_STG_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
         VD_PAGE0_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           VD_MIG_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
             VD_DEV_BUSY     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_ACTIVE    18     0    39     0  118K
           VD_LAZY_BLOCK     0     0     0     0     0
              WIRED_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
            RAW_BUF_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
                    INIT     0     0     0     0     0
               FS_BF_GET     0     0     0     0     0
               CLONE_DEL     0     0     0     0     0
                unused23     0     0     0     0     0
                unused24     0     0     0     0     0
          FS_CONTEXT_SEM     0     0     0     0     0
                 DQ_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
             FILE_SET_LK     0     0     0     0     0
              DOMAIN_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
            BF_SET_STATE     0     0     0     0     0
       SERVICE_CLASS_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
                 BF_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
                 FS_FILE     0     0     0     0     0
              ZAP_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           MOVE_METADATA     0     0     0     0     0
               MIG_TRUNC     0     0     0     0     0
              DDL_ACTIVE     0     0     0     0     0
         DDL_ACTIVE_WAIT     0     0     0     0     0
         QUOTA_FILE_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
                 FRAG_BF     0     0     0     0     0
             BF_SET_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
             LKU_MSS_PQD     0     0     0     0     0
      LKU_MSS_PQD_LOWPRI     0     0     0     0     0

    AdvFS var_domain domain

    [showfdmn] [showfsets] [showfile -x M-*] [advfsstat] [ Top of AdvFS section ]


                   Id              Date Created  LogPgs  Domain Name
    441b4cc0.000698f0  Sat Mar 18 04:56:48 2006     512  var_domain
      Vol   512-Blks        Free  % Used  Cmode  Rblks  Wblks  Vol Name 
       1L   10240000     8521216     17%     on    256    256  /dev/rz0e

    Output of chvol /dev/rz0e volume:

    rblks = 256  wblks = 256  cmode = on, thresh = 16384

    Output of showfsets var_domain domain:

    	Id           : 441b4cc0.000698f0.1.8001
    	Files        :     4853,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Blocks (512) :  1761684,  SLim=        0,  HLim=        0
    	Quota Status : user=off group=off 

    Output of BMT showfile var_domain domain:

    Output of showfile -x M-6 for var_domain domain:

             Id  Vol  PgSz  Pages  XtntType  Segs  SegSz  I/O   Perf  File
    fffffffa.0000    1    16    642    simple    **     **  ftx   100%  M-6
        extentMap: 1
            pageOff    pageCnt     vol    volBlock    blockCnt
                  0          2       1          32          32
                  2        640       1        9568       10240
            extentCnt: 2

    advfsstat [-s -b -p -r -n -l] var_domain

    The -s output:

    Domain -1142639808.432368- Stats -
    Deref 1123480    Refhit    1112313    Refhitwait 7487       R_ahead     118414  
    Unpin 4658399    Pinhit    4557102    Pinhitwait 152        Pinreads    0       
    Lazy  4589819    Log       60002      Blocking   8409       Clean       169     
                     Ubchit    70267      Unconsol   187        ConsolAbort 0       
                     UnpinMeta 363731     UnpinFtx   428734     UnpinData   4169663 
                     DerefMeta 386023     DerefFtx   558122     DerefData   565358  
    Disk      Reads     Writes     Rglobs   AveRglob     Wglobs   AveWglob
    ----      -----     ------     ------   --------     ------   --------
       1      23704     141271      11749        156      13693         73

    The -b -s output:

     pin                 ref            unpin-type          misc      cons
      cnt  hit hitw read  cnt  hit hitw lazy  blk  cln  log   ra  ubc   un abrt
       4M   4M  152    0   1M   1M 7487   4M 8409  169  58K 115K  68K  187    0

    The -p -s output:

     pin                    pin-type          data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw  read  lazy   blk   cln   log bsFtx fsFtx other
       4M    4M   152     0    4M  8409   169   58K  296K  122K    3M

    The -r -s output:

     ref              data-type   
      cnt   hit  hitw bsFtx fsFtx other
       1M    1M  7487  377K  168K  552K

    The -n -s output:

     goodh  negh  badh falsh  miss 
       65M    6M   80K   77K  424K

    The -s -l 2 output:

                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                   mutex                             0
                   genLk     0     0     0     0     0
                 stateLk    52     0    58    27  135M
                   shrLk     0     0     0     0     0
                   excLk     0     0     0     0     0
              bufStateLk    2M     0    2M  8195     0
                pinBlkCv  5053  3071  5161     0     0
               bfFlushCv  221K   21K  656K     0     0
                   ftxCv    67     1     6    61     0
                  msgQCv  295K     0  295K     0     0
                   total    2M     0    3M  8267
                    type  wait rwait signl bcast  lock
                LOG_DESC     0     0     0     0     0
         LOG_READ_STREAM     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_STATE    34     0    19    27  135M
             BF_XTNT_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
                  BF_COW     0     0     0     0     0
           BF_MCELL_LIST     0     0     0     0     0
                BF_FLUSH     0     0     0     0     0
                  BUFFER    2M     0    2M  8195     0
              BF_SET_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
          BF_SET_TAG_DIR     0     0     0     0     0
              VD_STG_MAP     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
         VD_PAGE0_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           VD_MIG_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
             VD_DEV_BUSY     0     0     0     0     0
               VD_ACTIVE    18     0    39     0  118K
           VD_LAZY_BLOCK     0     0     0     0     0
              WIRED_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
            RAW_BUF_FREE     0     0     0     0     0
                    INIT     0     0     0     0     0
               FS_BF_GET     0     0     0     0     0
               CLONE_DEL     0     0     0     0     0
                unused23     0     0     0     0     0
                unused24     0     0     0     0     0
          FS_CONTEXT_SEM     0     0     0     0     0
                 DQ_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
             FILE_SET_LK     0     0     0     0     0
              DOMAIN_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
            BF_SET_STATE     0     0     0     0     0
       SERVICE_CLASS_TBL     0     0     0     0     0
                 BF_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
                 FS_FILE     0     0     0     0     0
              ZAP_MCELLS     0     0     0     0     0
           MOVE_METADATA     0     0     0     0     0
               MIG_TRUNC     0     0     0     0     0
              DDL_ACTIVE     0     0     0     0     0
         DDL_ACTIVE_WAIT     0     0     0     0     0
         QUOTA_FILE_LOCK     0     0     0     0     0
                 FRAG_BF     0     0     0     0     0
             BF_SET_SHLV     0     0     0     0     0
             LKU_MSS_PQD     0     0     0     0     0
      LKU_MSS_PQD_LOWPRI     0     0     0     0     0


    The /var/opt/advfsd/disks.ignore file is not available.


    The /var/opt/advfsd/alerts.list file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Network File System (NFS)

    [NFS rc.config settings] [mounted NFS file systems] [exports] [showmount] [nfsstat] [ls -l /etc/auto]

    Tuning Suggestion: Adjust NFS parameters to improve performance.

    To improve performance:

    rcmgr set NUM_NFSIOD 24
    rcmgr set NUM_TCPD 32
    rcmgr set NUM_UDPD 32
    /sbin/init.d/nfs stop
    /sbin/init.d/nfs start

    Tuning Note: NFS V3 and TCP/IP provide the best performance on heavily loaded systems and networks.

    NFS rc.config settings:

    NUM_TCPD: 8
    NUM_UDPD: 8

    NFS kernel variables:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  udpcksum: 
    ======  nfs_write_gather: 
    ======  nfs3_write_gather: 
    ======  ubc_nfsloopback: 
    "ubc_nfsloopback" is not defined or not active

    The mount command output for NFS file systems currently mounted on the system:

    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/DELIV on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/DELIV.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_log on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_log.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_data on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_data.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_conf on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/sgsn_conf.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/spdata on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/spdata.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)
    secure_serveur.100:/var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/RESULT on /var/nse/mnt/secure_serveur/RESULT.nfs type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr, maxtimo=5, actimeo=3)


    The exports file specifies remote access mount points for the NFS protocol.

    .INCLUDE /etc/exports.nse
    .INCLUDE /etc/


    Hosts on localhost:


    Server rpc:
    tcp: calls      badcalls   nullrecv   badlen     xdrcall    creates
         0          0          0          0          0          8          
    udp: calls      badcalls   nullrecv   badlen     xdrcall
         915573     0          0          0          0          
    Server nfs:
    calls      badcalls   badprog    badproc    badvers    badargs
    915573     0          0          0          0          0          
    unprivport weakauth
    0          0          
    Server nfs V2: 
    null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read       
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink    
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs     
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    Server nfs V3: 
    null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read       
    0  0%      182  0%    378  0%    371  0%    189  0%    0  0%      119  0%    
    write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir      
    906231 98% 21  0%     0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf   
    0  0%      0  0%      14  0%     14  0%     98  0%     14  0%     14  0%     
    7928  0%   
    Client rpc:
    tcp: calls      badxids    badverfs   timeouts   newcreds
         0          0          0          0          0          
         creates    connects   badconns   inputs     avails     interrupts
         0          0          0          0          0          0          
    udp: calls      badxids    badverfs   timeouts   newcreds   retrans
         165146     0          0          0          0          0          
         badcalls   timers     waits
         0          0          0          
    Client nfs:
    calls      retrans    badcalls   nclget     nclsleep
    165140     0          0          165140     0          
    Client nfs V2: 
    null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read       
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink    
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs     
    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    Client nfs V3: 
    null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read       
    0  0%      1199  0%   54  0%     6988  4%   2049  1%   2  0%      666  0%    
    write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir      
    149404 90% 3  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      
    rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf   
    0  0%      0  0%      964  0%    935  0%    110  0%    8  0%      2  0%      
    2750  1%   

    ls -l /etc/auto*

    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         1632 Apr 12  1999 /etc/autopush.conf

    File /etc/autopush.conf

    # *****************************************************************
    # *                                                               *
    # *    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991, 1999    *
    # *                                                               *
    # *   All Rights Reserved.  Unpublished rights  reserved  under   *
    # *   the copyright laws of the United States.                    *
    # *                                                               *
    # *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   *
    # *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Digital   *
    # *   Equipment Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or   *
    # *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  *
    # *   pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment  *
    # *   Corporation.                                                *
    # *                                                               *
    # *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  *
    # *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  *
    # *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  *
    # *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       *
    # *                                                               *
    # *****************************************************************
    #  @(#)$RCSfile: autopush.conf,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1994/02/22 22:35:20 $
    # (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
    # OSF/1 Release 1.2
    #maj	min	last_minor	modules
    6	-1	0		ldterm

    <=[ ToC ]=> NetWorker

    NSR Server is not installed.

    NSR Client is not installed.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Storage Map

    Note: Disk rz0 size is not same as c partition ( 56322048 )
    This suggests a disklabel problem. Please investigate

    Note: Disk rz0 has free disk space but no partition defined to access the space
    This suggests a disklabel problem. Please investigate

    Storage Map for STATION_A

    Filesys Fsize
    Fset Dsize
    Domain Volume Plex Subdisk dg Cluster Service RZ Bus Target Lun Typ FW HSZ Unit container csize
    state wbc hdisks:type:dfw:hdsz
    AdvFS ( f ) 3000 (unused / unmounted partition) 3000 STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    LSMsimp ( h ) 1 (unused / unmounted partition) 1 STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    swap ( b ) 4000 (mounted swap partition) 4000 STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unavailable (No disklabel) STATION_A local rz16 2 0 0 BD0186459A B016
    unavailable (No disklabel) STATION_A local rz24 3 0 0 BD0186459A B016
    unused (unused / unmounted CD) STATION_A local rz8 1 0 0 CD-ROM 2.09
    unused (unused / unmounted partitions: ) 10665 STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_B 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_C 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_E 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_G 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_I 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_K 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    unused 0 STATION_M 0 bt_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    / 349 root 500 root_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    /usr 3006 usr 5000 usr_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6
    /var 860 var 5000 var_domain STATION_A local rz0 0 0 0 6E040L0 NAR6

    <=[ ToC ]=> TCP/IP Network

    [rcconfig settings] [netstat -iad] [dbx variables] [netstat -is] [netstat -s] [netstat -m] [/etc/services] [/etc/inetd.conf] [/etc/inet.local] [/etc/iptos] [/etc/ifaccess.conf] [ifconfig interface] [netstat -an] [atm]

    socket sysconfig data
    net sysconfig data
    inet sysconfig data

    Information: Read Network Tuning Guide
    See Internet/Intranet Technical Information for information about tuning Tru64 UNIX on an Internet server.

    There are no defined netrain interfaces.

    Network rc.config settings:

    NETDEV_0: ee0
    IFCONFIG_0: netmask
    NETDEV_1: tu1
    IFCONFIG_1: netmask
    NETDEV_2: tu2
    IFCONFIG_2: netmask
    NETDEV_3: ee1
    IFCONFIG_3: netmask

    netstat -iad

    Name  Mtu   Network     Address               Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll Drop
    tu1   1500  <Link>      00:0f:20:2b:90:47  191890003     0 154462205     2 78521   0
    tu1   1500  DLI         none               191890003     0 154462205     2 78521   0
    tu1   1500  1.1.1       STATION_A.mnc080.m 191890003     0 154462205     2 78521   0
    tu2   1500  <Link>      00:0f:20:2b:ff:ff  359180038     0 13746587     2  7192   0
    tu2   1500  DLI         none               359180038     0 13746587     2  7192   0
    tu2   1500  2.2.2       STATION_A_tu2      359180038     0 13746587     2  7192   0
    ee0   1500  <Link>      00:0b:cd:f4:f1:86   9973905     0   235794     0     0   0
    ee0   1500  DLI         none                9973905     0   235794     0     0   0
    ee0   1500  172.24.2    iolan1              9973905     0   235794     0     0   0
    ee0   1500  OSI         none                9973905     0   235794     0     0   0
    ee1   1500  <Link>      00:0b:cd:f4:f1:87   9672082     0   189940     0     0   0
    ee1   1500  DLI         none                9672082     0   189940     0     0   0
    ee1   1500  172.24.3    iolan1              9672082     0   189940     0     0   0
    ee1   1500  OSI         none                9672082     0   189940     0     0   0
    sl0*  296   <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0   0
    lo0   4096  <Link>                          1145400     0  1145400     0     0   0
    lo0   4096  loop        localhost           1145400     0  1145400     0     0   0
    ppp0* 1500  <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0   0

    TCP dbx output:

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  somaxconn: 
    ======  sominconn: 
    ======  sb_max: 
    ======  sbcompress_threshold: 
    ======  total_tcp_inpcbs: 
    ======  tcbhashsize: 
    ======  sobacklog_hiwat: 
    ======  sobacklog_drops: 
    ======  somaxconn_drops: 
    ======  sbappendaddr_failed_addrtoolong: 
    ======  sbappendaddr_failed_nombuf: 
    ======  sbappendaddr_failed_nospace: 
    ======  ipport_userreserved: 
    ======  tcp_msl: 
    ======  tcp_rexmit_interval_min: 
    ======  tcp_cwnd_segments: 
    ======  tcp_keepinit: 
    ======  tcp_keepalive_default: 
    ======  tcpnodelack: 
    ======  inifaddr_hsize: 
    ======  tcbhashstats: 
     struct {
        ChainHiwatCount = 2346714
        ChainHiwatThreshold = 0
        EmptyWarnCount = 0
        EmptyWarnThreshold = 0
        FastActive = 1
        FastIdle = 19
        SlowActive = 2
        AllTimeSlowActive = 13
        SlowIdle = 18
        ChainHiwat = 3
        AllTimeChainHiwat = 5
        ChainLowat = 1
        EmptyBuckets = 492
        TotalBuckets = 512
        TotalTcpConns = 72
        AllTimeMaxTcpConns = 88
    ======  icmp_rejectcodemask: 
    ======  ipintrq: 
     struct {
        ifq_head = (nil)
        ifq_tail = (nil)
        ifq_len = 0
        ifq_maxlen = 512
        ifq_drops = 0
        ifq_slock = struct {
            sl_data = 0
            sl_info = 0
            sl_cpuid = 0
            sl_lifms = 0
    ======  tcp_sendspace: 
    ======  tcp_recvspace: 
    ======  udp_sendspace: 
    ======  udp_recvspace: 
    ======  unpst_sendspace: 
    ======  unpst_recvspace: 
    ======  unpdg_sendspace: 
    ======  unpdg_recvspace: 
    ======  tcp_noackwar: 
    ======  routemode: 

    netstat -is

    tu1 Ethernet counters at Tue Oct  2 14:22:21 2007
           65535 seconds since last zeroed
      4294967276 bytes received
      4294967292 bytes sent
       191890247 data blocks received
       154462352 data blocks sent
      4294967270 multicast bytes received
       186094698 multicast blocks received
      1278323202 multicast bytes sent
        11622176 multicast blocks sent
          292753 blocks sent, initially deferred
           25947 blocks sent, single collision
           26287 blocks sent, multiple collisions
               2 send failures, reasons include:
    		Carrier check failed
               0 collision detect check failure
               0 receive failures
               0 unrecognized frame destination
               0 data overruns
               0 system buffer unavailable
               0 user buffer unavailable
    tu2 Ethernet counters at Tue Oct  2 14:22:21 2007
           65535 seconds since last zeroed
      4294967285 bytes received
      1486064008 bytes sent
       359180458 data blocks received
        13746602 data blocks sent
      4294967266 multicast bytes received
       186089620 multicast blocks received
      1278261540 multicast bytes sent
        11621390 multicast blocks sent
           50245 blocks sent, initially deferred
            2366 blocks sent, single collision
            2413 blocks sent, multiple collisions
               2 send failures, reasons include:
    		Carrier check failed
               0 collision detect check failure
               0 receive failures
               0 unrecognized frame destination
               0 data overruns
               0 system buffer unavailable
               0 user buffer unavailable
    ee0 Ethernet counters at Tue Oct  2 14:22:21 2007
             251 seconds since last zeroed
          186876 bytes received
           35125 bytes sent
            2384 data blocks received
             236 data blocks sent
          169504 multicast bytes received
            2112 multicast blocks received
            2407 multicast bytes sent
              33 multicast blocks sent
               0 blocks sent, initially deferred
               0 blocks sent, single collision
               0 blocks sent, multiple collisions
               0 send failures
               0 collision detect check failure
               0 receive failures
               0 unrecognized frame destination
               0 data overruns
               0 system buffer unavailable
               0 user buffer unavailable
    ee1 Ethernet counters at Tue Oct  2 14:22:21 2007
             251 seconds since last zeroed
          167164 bytes received
            2776 bytes sent
            2073 data blocks received
              39 data blocks sent
          166624 multicast bytes received
            2064 multicast blocks received
            2250 multicast bytes sent
              30 multicast blocks sent
               0 blocks sent, initially deferred
               0 blocks sent, single collision
               0 blocks sent, multiple collisions
               0 send failures
               0 collision detect check failure
               0 receive failures
               0 unrecognized frame destination
               0 data overruns
               0 system buffer unavailable
               0 user buffer unavailable

    netstat -s

    	199631461 total packets received
    	0 bad header checksums
    	0 with size smaller than minimum
    	0 with data size < data length
    	0 with header length < data size
    	0 with data length < header length
    	5500242 fragments received
    	0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
    	12072 fragments dropped after timeout
    	0 packets forwarded
    	4372 packets not forwardable
    	0 packets denied access
    	0 redirects sent
    	0 packets with unknown or unsupported protocol
    	195033859 packets consumed here
    	145448247 total packets generated here
    	1 lost packet due to resource problems
    	907012 total packets reassembled ok
    	149393 output packets fragmented ok
    	896343 output fragments created
    	0 packets with special flags set
    	209 calls to icmp_error
    	0 errors not generated 'cuz old ip message was too short
    	0 errors not generated 'cuz old message was icmp
    	Output histogram:
    		echo reply: 64846
    		destination unreachable: 209
    	0 messages with bad code fields
    	0 messages < minimum length
    	0 bad checksums
    	0 messages with bad length
    	Input histogram:
    		echo reply: 2
    		destination unreachable: 213
    		echo: 64846
    	64846 message responses generated
    	0 messages received
    	0 messages received with too few bytes
    	0 messages received with bad checksum
    	0 membership queries received
    	0 membership queries received with invalid field(s)
    	0 membership reports received
    	0 membership reports received with invalid field(s)
    	0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong
    	0 membership reports sent
    	141025506 packets sent
    		137767799 data packets (3461750126 bytes)
    		13 data packets (3429 bytes) retransmitted
    		2830602 ack-only packets (2187682 delayed)
    		0 URG only packets
    		1 window probe packet
    		75851 window update packets
    		351240 control packets
    	174033608 packets received
    		137114231 acks (for 3462101472 bytes)
    		573097 duplicate acks
    		0 acks for unsent data
    		167268611 packets (241814625 bytes) received in-sequence
    		171692 completely duplicate packets (172876 bytes)
    		0 packets with some dup. data (0 bytes duped)
    		120052 out-of-order packets (956631 bytes)
    		21 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
    		0 window probes
    		1642 window update packets
    		0 packets received after close
    		0 discarded for bad checksums
    		0 discarded for bad header offset fields
    		0 discarded because packet too short
    	117134 connection requests
    	117124 connection accepts
    	234243 connections established (including accepts)
    	234333 connections closed (including 3 drops)
    	15 embryonic connections dropped
    	137214560 segments updated rtt (of 137214588 attempts)
    	13 retransmit timeouts
    		0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
    	0 persist timeouts
    	5800697 keepalive timeouts
    		169351 keepalive probes sent
    		0 connections dropped by keepalive
    	1461579 packets sent
    	20935190 packets received
    	0 incomplete headers
    	0 bad data length fields
    	0 bad checksums
    	0 full sockets
    	221 for no port (12 broadcasts, 0 multicasts)
    	0 input packets missed pcb cache

    netstat -m

        143 Kbytes for small data mbufs (peak usage 361 Kbytes)
       1088 Kbytes for mbuf clusters (peak usage 1970 Kbytes)
        103 Kbytes for sockets (peak usage 108 Kbytes)
         69 Kbytes for protocol control blocks (peak usage 75 Kbytes)
          6 Kbytes for routing table (peak usage 6 Kbytes)
          3 Kbytes for interface addresses (peak usage 3 Kbytes)
          8 Kbytes for socket names (peak usage 43 Kbytes)
        < 1 Kbyte for ip multicast options (peak usage < 1 Kbyte)
        < 1 Kbyte for ip multicast addresses (peak usage < 1 Kbyte)
          2 Kbytes for interface multicast addresses (peak usage 2 Kbytes)
          0 requests for mbufs denied
          0 calls to protocol drain routines
    1420 Kbytes allocated to network
    Network threads:   2 netisrthreads configured (peak active   2)


    The services file associates Internet service names and aliases with the port number and protocol used by the service.

    echo		7/tcp		
    echo		7/udp	
    discard		9/tcp		sink null
    discard		9/udp		sink null
    systat		11/tcp		users
    daytime		13/tcp
    daytime		13/udp
    netstat		15/tcp
    quote		17/udp		text
    chargen		19/tcp		ttytst
    chargen		19/udp		ttytst
    ftp		21/tcp
    telnet		23/tcp
    smtp		25/tcp		mail
    time		37/tcp		timserver
    time		37/udp		timserver
    name		42/tcp		nameserver
    whois		43/tcp		nicname
    auditd		48/tcp				# Digital Audit Daemon
    domain		53/udp		nameserver	# domain name server
    domain		53/tcp		nameserver
    mtp		57/tcp				
    bootps		67/udp
    bootpc          68/udp
    tftp		69/udp
    rje		77/tcp
    finger		79/tcp
    link		87/tcp		ttylink
    supdup		95/tcp
    hostnames	101/tcp		hostname	
    snagas          108/tcp
    pop		109/tcp
    auth            113/tcp         authentication
    nntp		119/tcp		readnews        
    erpc		121/udp			# RPC listener for Annex term srvr
    ntp		123/udp		ntp		
    imap		143/tcp
    snmp		161/udp
    snmp-trap	162/udp
    snmp-rt		167/udp			# SNMP snmpd<-->routed/gated
    print-srv	170/tcp				
    dnacml		436/tcp			# DECnet/OSI
    biff		512/udp		comsat
    exec		512/tcp
    login		513/tcp
    who		513/udp		whod
    shell		514/tcp		cmd		
    syslog		514/udp
    printer		515/tcp		spooler		
    talk		517/udp		
    ntalk		518/udp		
    efs		520/tcp				
    route		520/udp		router routed		
    timed		525/udp		timeserver
    courier		530/tcp		rpc		
    uucp		540/tcp		uucpd		#the uucp daemon
    klogin		543/tcp
    kshell		544/tcp		kcmd
    kxct		549/tcp		
    new-rwho	550/udp		new-who		
    rmonitor	560/udp		rmonitord		
    monitor		561/udp				
    binlogd		706/udp				#Binary Error Log daemon
    kerberos	750/udp		kdc
    kerberos_master	751/tcp
    passwd_server	752/udp
    krb_prop	753/tcp
    at-rtmp		769/udp
    at-nbp		770/udp
    at-echo		771/udp
    sms_db          775/tcp                         
    sms_update      777/tcp                         
    serv		778/tcp
    supfilesrv	871/tcp
    supfiledbg	1127/tcp
    ingreslock	1524/tcp
    nbiff		1950/udp				
    rauth2		2001/udp				
    zephyr-clt	2103/udp
    zephyr-hm	2104/udp
    genquery        2220/tcp
    writesrv	2401/tcp		# for the write server (AIXism, new)
    man		9535/tcp
    dictionary	10300/tcp	webster
    kdebug		10401/tcp
    cfgmgr		10402/tcp
    wnn4		22273/tcp		# Wnn Ver 4.1
    dtspc		6112/tcp		#subprocess control
    rdg		10403/udp
    rdg		10403/tcp
    clstrmond-snmp  1165/udp          # PMGR TruCluster agent private SNMP request port
    Nectar_CS		5555/tcp	# NGP : CS service port
    Nectar_Xma		11111/tcp	# NGP : XMA service port
    Nectar_Sua  5001/tcp # NGP : SUA port
    Nectar_Contact  5002/tcp # NGP : CONTACT port
    Nectar_I_am_failed 5003/tcp # NGP : I am failed port
    Nectar_Adm  5004/tcp # NGP : Administrative port
    Nectar_nmt_test  5005/tcp # NGP : Test tool port
    advfsd-snmp	     1163/udp		# advfs private SNMP request port
    advfsd-snmp-trap     1164/udp		# advfs private SNMP trap port
    AdvFS		    30000/tcp	advfs	# Added for AdvFS daemon command port
    sgsn_trace              5115/udp       # udp port for sgsn trace
    sgsn_paction            5116/udp       # udp port for sgsn paction tool
    sgsn_ptrace             5117/udp       # udp port for sgsn ptrace tool
    sgsn_log_util           5118/tcp       # tcp port for sgsn TRACE/DYN connection 
    sgsn_trace_unix         5119/udp       # zzTRACE port for connection to not SCIM processes
    sgsn_trace_unixMax	5200/udp       # unix traces port range is [sgsn_trace_unix+1 sgsn_trace_unixMax]	
    sgsn_corba_naming       10000/tcp      # CORBA naming service
    sgsn_corba_boa_dyn      10001/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for dynamic Interface        (zzDYN)
    sgsn_corba_boa_obs      10002/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for observation Interface    (zzOBS)
    sgsn_corba_boa_bkp      10003/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for back-up Interface        (zzBKP)
    sgsn_corba_event        10004/tcp      # CORBA Event Service
    sgsn_corba_ir           10005/tcp      # CORBA Interface Repository
    sgsn_corba_boa_access   10006/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for access control Interface (zzACL)	
    sgsn_corba_boa_gateway  10008/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for Gateway Interface        (zzGTW)
    sgsn_corba_boa_alarm    10009/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for Alarm Interface	         (zzALR)
    sgsn_corba_boa_rat	10010/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for RAT Interface            (zzRAT)
    sgsn_corba_boa_sda      10011/tcp      # CORBA Basic Object Adapter for SDA Interface            (zzSDA)
    sgsn_proxy_LAN_IO_1     10100/tcp      # Proxy for router and switch web pages
    sgsn_proxy_LAN_IO_2     10101/tcp      # Proxy for router and switch web pages
    sgsn_proxy_ROUTER_1     10102/tcp      # Proxy for router and switch web pages
    sgsn_proxy_ROUTER_2     10103/tcp      # Proxy for router and switch web pages
    sgsn_proxy_ROUTER_3     10104/tcp      # Proxy for router and switch web pages
    sgsn_swm_vc_server      10400/udp      # Version Change
    sgsn_swm_vc_client      10500/udp      # Version Change
    sgsn_q3_server          1888/tcp       # RETIX-Q3 interface server port
    sgsn_perl_server        1889/tcp       # PERL/Q3 Adapter interface server port
    CRAFT_SRV               5700/tcp       # Hardware manager
    sgsn_csobs_proxy        56999/tcp      # csobs proxy
    sgsn_csobs_server       46000/tcp      # csobs local server         
    sgsn_flow_server        58100/tcp      # flow server
    sgsn_flow_snmp_min      58101/udp      # flow snmp port min
    sgsn_flow_snmp_max      58150/udp      # flow snmp port max
    sgsn_pstat_proxy        57000/tcp      # pstat proxy
    sgsn_pstat_server       57001/tcp      # pstat local server
    sgsn_pstat_udp_min      57002/udp      # pstat port min
    sgsn_pstat_udp_max      57100/udp      # pstat port max
    sgsn_mstrack_proxy	59000/tcp      # mstrack proxy
    sgsn_mstrack_spy	59001/tcp      # mstrack spy
    sgsn_mstrack_time	59002/udp      # mstrack time synchro
    sgsn_mstrack_stop	59003/udp      # mstrack stop spy
    sgsn_3g_gtpgwc_server   2123/udp       # port for the GTPgwC	(listening)/ GTPGW.udp_SERVER_port
    sgsn_3g_gtpgwc          10652/udp      # port for the GTPgwC	(sending  )/ GTPGW.udp_MM_port
    sgsn_3g_gtpc_server     2123/udp       # port for the GTPgwC    (listening)/ GTPGW.udp_SERVER_port
    sgsn_3g_gtpu_server     2152/udp       # SGSN GTP-U v1 server
    sgsn_2g_gtp_server      3386/udp       # SGSN GTP v0 server
    sgsn_3g_relu_sig        44200/tcp      # SGSN Relay-U signalling              (no default value)
    sgsn_3g_relu_charg      44201/tcp      # SGSN Relay-U tickets for charging    (no default value)
    sgsn_3g_gtpu_data       10651/udp      # SGSN GTP-U data sender
    sgsn_sndcp_client       44204/udp      # SGSN port for SNDCP acting as a client (src)     (no default value)
    sgsn_sndcp_relay_server 44203/udp      # SGSN port for SNDCP server (dest)  vs RELAY      (no default value)
    sgsn_relay_sndcp        44202/udp      # SGSN port for RELAY  server and client  vs SNDCP (no default value)
    sgsn_IEG_IRI            8320/udp       # SGSN-IE_G/IRI connection for interception (x2p)
    sgsn_IEG_IPR            8321/udp       # SGSN-IE_G/IPR connection for interception (x3p)
    sgsn_iclm_log_pwd       10300/tcp      # Interception login/password change tool
    sgsn_iclm               10200/tcp      # SGSN-IMC connection for interception
    sgsn_lafe_sig           11000/udp      # SGSN-LAFE localization Request Port
    platform                5678/tcp       # PSOS Port
    jbetilayer              5801/tcp       # communication with jbeti
    mfs_traceGEM            5679/udp       # Dynamic trace management for GEM
    mfs_traceSCA            5680/udp       # Dynamic trace management for SCA
    mfs_traceGAM            5681/udp       # Dynamic trace management for GAM
    mfs_trace_p             6002/udp       # mfs traces
    bnp_server              7002/udp       # bnp server
    bnp_client              7003/udp       # bnp client
    mfs_pmd_ctrl            7022/udp       
    mfs_pmd                 7023/tcp
    nsc_signalling          44395/udp
    nsc_data                44396/udp
    sgsn_2g_gtpgwc_server   3386/udp
    sgsn_2g_gtpgwc          10605/udp


    The inetd daemon reads the inetd.conf file for information on how to handle Internet service requests.

    ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/nectar/bin/nec_ftpd          ftpd
    telnet  stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/nectar/bin/nec_ftpd       telnetd
    shell   stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/sbin/rshd		rshd
    login   stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/nectar/bin/nec_ftpd	rlogind
    exec    stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/sbin/rexecd        rexecd
    finger  stream  tcp     nowait  root	/usr/sbin/fingerd       fingerd
    comsat  dgram   udp     wait    root	/usr/sbin/comsat        comsat
    ntalk   dgram   udp     wait    root	/usr/sbin/ntalkd        ntalkd
    time    dgram   udp     wait    root    internal                time
    kdebug  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/kdebugd       kdebugd
    cfgmgr  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /sbin/cfgmgr            cfgmgr
    rquotad/1       dgram   rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad  rpc.rquotad
    dtspc stream tcp nowait root /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd dtspcd
    rpc.cmsd/2-4 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd rpc.cmsd
    rpc.ttdbserverd stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd rpc.ttdbserverd
    dnacml	stream	tcp	nowait	daemon	/usr/sbin/cml		cml
    tftp   dgram   udp     wait    root	/usr/sbin/tftpd         tftpd /tmp
    tftp   dgram  udp  wait  root  /usr/sbin/tftpd  tftpd -d -r  /tftpboot /tftpboot


    The inet.local file is used to set additional network parameters at startup time.



    The /etc/iptos file is not available.


    The ifaccess.conf file specifies access filters entries for network interfaces.


    ifconfig interfaces output:

    ifconfig tu1

         inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast ipmtu 1500 

    ifconfig tu2

         inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast ipmtu 1500 

    ifconfig ee0

         inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast ipmtu 1500 

    ifconfig ee1

         inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast ipmtu 1500 

    ifconfig sl0

    sl0: flags=10<POINTOPOINT>

    ifconfig lo0

         inet netmask ff000000 ipmtu 4096 

    ifconfig ppp0

    ppp0: flags=10<POINTOPOINT>

    Connection status:

      44 LISTEN
       7 TIME_WAIT

    netstat -an

    printing 1 hashtable with 512 buckets
    Active Internet connections (including servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
    tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0  *.1889                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.5555                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.5005                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.46000                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.1023                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.22                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.80                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.443                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.59001                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.59000                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.57000                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.57001                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.5700                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.58100                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.56999                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.515                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.436                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.1030                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.6112                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.10402                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.10401                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.79                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.512                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.513                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.514                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.23                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.21                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.30000                *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.2301                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.25                   *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.399                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0         *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0           *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0           *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0         *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0           *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0           *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.2049                 *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.616                  *.*                    LISTEN
    tcp        0      0  *.111                  *.*                    LISTEN
    udp        0      0  *.1020                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1017                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1019                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1016                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1015                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1022                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1021                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1014                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1023                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0          *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.162                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.5680                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1041                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.5001                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.59003                *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.59002                *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.69                   *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1040                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1039                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.37                   *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.518                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.512                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1038                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1163                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.2301                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.161                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0          *.*                   
    udp        0      0         *.*                   
    udp        0      0         *.*                   
    udp        0      0            *.*                   
    udp        0      0            *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.123                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.722                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0         *.*                   
    udp        0      0        *.*                   
    udp        0      0        *.*                   
    udp        0      0           *.*                   
    udp        0      0           *.*                   
    udp        0      0         *.*                   
    udp        0      0        *.*                   
    udp        0      0        *.*                   
    udp        0      0           *.*                   
    udp        0      0           *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.615                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.2049                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.608                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.111                  *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.1025                 *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.*                    *.*                   
    udp        0      0  *.514                  *.*                   

    netstat -f unix

    Active UNIX domain sockets
    Address  Type   Recv-Q Send-Q    Inode     Conn     Refs  Nextref Addr
    28018140 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 7b189c80
    2f9d52c0 dgram       0      0 6b83e800        0 1ec71e00        0 /dev/log
    2f9d5cc0 dgram       0      0 7b1b4400        0        0        0 /dev/binlogdmb
    661cb680 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 63c1a400
    661cb680 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 63c1a400
    63c2ba40 dgram       0      0 2bd08200 2f038580 2f038580        0 /var/adm/nectar/log/nse/.nseagent
    63c2b900 dgram       0      0        0        0        0        0
    2f9d5900 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0        0
    672b2280 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 6abd3b80
    672b28c0 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 6711ed00
    672b32c0 stream      0      0 2fbd1e00        0        0        0 /usr/lib/dnet/GetnodeentServer
    2af3c8c0 stream      0      0 7b19a600        0        0        0 /var/dss/dns/dnsLib
    2af3ca00 stream      0      0 7b19ac00        0        0        0 /var/dss/dns/dnsAdver
    2af3cb40 stream      0      0 7b19a800        0        0        0 /var/dss/dns/dnsConf
    2af3d540 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 674bee80
    2b368000 dgram       0      0 6adcf200        0        0        0 /dev/osak/OSAK_MGT
    2f9d5540 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2f1e9880
    2f9d4640 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 6abd2f80
    63c2b680 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 65fcf900
    6a43ba40 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 62423a00
    6a43b900 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2700ca00
    6a43b7c0 stream      0      0 7b19b400        0        0        0 /var/tmp/xma_sock
    6a43a8c0 stream      0      0        0 29fd9d80        0        0 /var/tmp/xma_sock
    2f9d43c0 dgram       0      0 6a833800        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd
    7fe5f7c0 dgram       0      0 33211e00        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd863
    7fe5f680 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2b158400
    7fe5f540 dgram       0      0 30014a00        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd862
    2b368c80 dgram       0      0 2fbd1800        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd865
    2b368dc0 dgram       0      0 674af200        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd902
    2b369040 dgram       0      0 7b1ad000        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd860
    2b369b80 dgram       0      0 3301d000        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmpd955
    2f9d5040 dgram       0      0 3301d800        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub860
    2f9d4000 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 7ba6f580
    2f9d4500 dgram       0      0 2f7dd400        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub862
    7fe5fb80 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2b159780
    7fe5fa40 dgram       0      0 7b1b9600        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub863
    7fe5ea00 dgram       0      0 6b013400        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub865
    6a43a640 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2d07cc00
    661cbb80 stream      0      0        0 28c35600        0        0
    4ecf6f00 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 58dcef00
    63c2b2c0 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2700df80
    2b368b40 dgram       0      0 7b1b2600        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub902
    63c2ba40 dgram       0      0 2bd08200 2f038580 2f038580        0 /var/adm/nectar/log/nse/.nseagent
    63c2b900 dgram       0      0        0        0        0        0
    62a62000 stream      0      0 7b193e00        0        0        0 /etc/vol/vold_diag/socket
    62a632c0 stream      0      0 7b1b3200        0        0        0 /etc/vol/vold_request/socket
    54e26780 stream      0      0        0 58dcf680        0        0 /etc/vol/vold_request/socket
    62a62780 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 64ca6e00
    2b3697c0 dgram       0      0 6afcac00        0        0        0 /var/esnmp/esnmp_sub955
    27f21a40 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 2f039780
    54e26640 stream      0      0        0 64307980        0        0
    54e26280 dgram       0      0 6af96a00        0        0        0 /var/adm/nectar/log/nse/.hwm
    54e263c0 dgram       0      0        0        0        0        0
    54e26140 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 1afe1b00
    54e26280 dgram       0      0 6af96a00        0        0        0 /var/adm/nectar/log/nse/.hwm
    54e263c0 dgram       0      0        0        0        0        0
    54e26280 dgram       0      0 6af96a00        0        0        0 /var/adm/nectar/log/nse/.hwm
    54e263c0 dgram       0      0        0        0        0        0
    27f21cc0 stream      0      0 29fd5400        0        0        0 /tmp/rip_sock
    661cbcc0 dgram       0      0        0 2f1e8200        0 6717fe00
    65bd6000 stream      0      0 2efcdc00        0        0        0 /dev/printer

    Information: How to gather a network trace by using tcpdump.
    To gather a network trace, perform the following tasks:

    1. Configure the kernel with the PACKETFILTER option (use doconfig)
    2. Create packetfilter /dev/ entries (change to the /dev directory and use ./MAKEDEV pfilt)
    3. Set the adapter to use copy-all mode and to receive all packets (use pfconfig +p +c interface)
    4. Run the tcpdump utility (use tcpdump -w outfile args)
    See the tcpdump(8) reference page for information.

    <=[ ToC ]=> IP Routing Tables

    Routing rc.config settings:



    The routes file contains the static TCP/IP routes that are defined when the network starts. Routes are defined by using the route command.



    The /etc/gated.conf file is not available.


    The /etc/gateways file is not available.


    The networks file contains information about the known networks that comprise the Internet. The routed daemon reads the file in order to obtain information about report Internet routing.

    loop 127 loopback


    The /etc/ogated.conf file is not available.


    The /etc/mrouted.conf file is not available.

    Active Routing Table

    The active routing table displays the TCP/IP routes that are currently being used by the system. The routes that are used must be the same as the routes defined by the /etc/routes file.

    netstat -rs

    	0 bad routing redirects
    	0 dynamically created routes
    	0 new gateways due to redirects
    	2 destinations found unreachable
    	0 uses of a wildcard route

    netstat -rnv

    Routing tables
    Destination      Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use  Interface     MTU HopCnt Expire  RPipe  SPipe Thresh     RTT  RTTvar
    Route Tree for Protocol Family 2:
    default        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    1.1.1/24            U          27 142174203  tu1            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    2.2.2/24            U           1  1261276  tu2            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0          UH          8   974258  lo0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.1/24        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.2/27         U           1    58249  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.3/27         U           1    38775  ee1            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.6/24        UGS         2      744  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.8/24        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.10/24        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 
    172.24.11/24        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0        UGS         0        0  ee0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0          UGHS        0        0  lo0            0      0      0      0      0      0       0       0 

    iprsetup -d

    ipforwarding = 0
    ipgateway = 0
    ipfirewall = 0
    ipchkredirects = 0
    ipsrcroute = 1

    <=[ ToC ]=> Firewall Configuration



    The /etc/screend.conf file is not available.

    screend kernel variables

    dbx version 3.11.10
    Type 'help' for help.
    stopped at  [thread_block:2383 ,0xfffffc00002bd5b0]	 Source not available
    warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
    ======  screen_cachewidth: 
    ======  screen_cachedepth: 
    ======  screen_maxpend: 
    ======  screen_cachemiss: 
    "screen_cachemiss" is not defined or not active
    ======  screen_cachehits: 
    "screen_cachehits" is not defined or not active

    The system is not part of a firewall.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Point to Point Protocol (PPP)

    ls -Ll of /etc/ppp/

    total 17
    -rwxr--r--   1 root     bin         4177 Apr 12  1999 #.mrg..options
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     bin         3552 Apr 12  1999 .new..options
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     bin         3552 Apr 12  1999 .proto..options
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     bin         3552 Apr 12  1999 options


    The options file contains system default parameters for PPP.

    asyncmap 200a0000	# XOFF, XON, and ^] (the default telnet escape)
    escape 7e,7f,fe,ff,93	# 7-bit and 8-bit variants of rlogin escapes
    			# 0x93 is XOFF or-ed with top bit (0x80)
    mru 296			# IP header plus 256 more octets


    The /etc/ppp/ip-up file is not available.


    The /etc/ppp/ip-down file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Host and Domain Name Server

    Bind rc.config settings:

    BIND_SERVERARGS: -c /etc/namedb/named.conf


    The hosts file contains information about the known hosts on the network.	localhost	iolan1	iolan1_ee0	iolan1	iolan1_ee1 GTWDS10ST	secure_serveur.100	secure_serveur	secure_serveur.101	secure_serveur	STATION_A.mnc080.mcc200.gprs STATION_A	STATION_A_tu1	STATION_A_tu2	STATION_B	STATION_B_tu1	STATION_B_tu2	STATION_C	STATION_C_tu1	STATION_C_tu2	STATION_D	STATION_D_tu1	STATION_D_tu2	STATION_E	STATION_E_tu1	STATION_E_tu2	STATION_F	STATION_F_tu1	STATION_F_tu2	STATION_G	STATION_G_tu1	STATION_G_tu2	STATION_H	STATION_H_tu1	STATION_H_tu2	STATION_I	STATION_I_tu1	STATION_I_tu2	STATION_J	STATION_J_tu1	STATION_J_tu2	STATION_K	STATION_K_tu1	STATION_K_tu2	STATION_L	STATION_L_tu1	STATION_L_tu2	STATION_M	STATION_M_tu1	STATION_M_tu2	STATION_N	STATION_N_tu1	STATION_N_tu2
         LAN_IO_A1     LAN_IO_A2     LAN_IO_B1     LAN_IO_B2     LAN_IO_C1     LAN_IO_C2     LAN_IO_D1     LAN_IO_D2     LAN_IO_E1     LAN_IO_E2     LAN_IO_F1     LAN_IO_F2     LAN_IO_G1     LAN_IO_G2     LAN_IO_H1     LAN_IO_H2     LAN_IO_I1     LAN_IO_I2    LAN_IO_J1    LAN_IO_J2    LAN_IO_K1    LAN_IO_K2    LAN_IO_L1    LAN_IO_L2    LAN_IO_M1    LAN_IO_M2    LAN_IO_N1    LAN_IO_N2
          active_pilot jbeti1 jbeti2 GPU50_1 gpu50_1 GPU50_2 gpu50_2 GPU51_1 gpu51_1 GPU51_2 gpu51_2 GPU52_1 gpu52_1 GPU52_2 gpu52_2 GPU53_1 gpu53_1 GPU53_2 gpu53_2 GPU54_1 gpu54_1 GPU54_2 gpu54_2 GPU55_1 gpu55_1 GPU55_2 gpu55_2 GPU56_1 gpu56_1 GPU56_2 gpu56_2 GPU57_1 gpu57_1 GPU57_2 gpu57_2 GPU58_1 gpu58_1 GPU59_1 gpu59_1 GPU60_1 gpu60_1 GPU61_1 gpu61_1 GPU62_1 gpu62_1 GPU63_1 gpu63_1 GPU64_1 gpu64_1 GPU65_1 gpu65_1 GPU58_2 gpu58_2 GPU59_2 gpu59_2 GPU60_2 gpu60_2 GPU61_2 gpu61_2 GPU62_2 gpu62_2 GPU63_2 gpu63_2 GPU64_2 gpu64_2 GPU65_2 gpu65_2
 jbeti11 jbeti12 GPU150_1 gpu150_1 GPU150_2 gpu150_2 GPU151_1 gpu151_1 GPU151_2 gpu151_2 GPU152_1 gpu152_1 GPU152_2 gpu152_2 GPU153_1 gpu153_1 GPU153_2 gpu153_2 GPU154_1 gpu154_1 GPU154_2 gpu154_2 GPU155_1 gpu155_1 GPU155_2 gpu155_2 GPU156_1 gpu156_1 GPU156_2 gpu156_2 GPU157_1 gpu157_1 GPU157_2 gpu157_2 GPU158_1 gpu158_1 GPU159_1 gpu159_1 GPU160_1 gpu160_1 GPU161_1 gpu161_1 GPU162_1 gpu162_1 GPU163_1 gpu163_1 GPU164_1 gpu164_1 GPU165_1 gpu165_1 GPU158_2 gpu158_2 GPU159_2 gpu159_2 GPU160_2 gpu160_2 GPU161_2 gpu161_2 GPU162_2 gpu162_2 GPU163_2 gpu163_2 GPU164_2 gpu164_2 GPU165_2 gpu165_2	ROUTER_A_1	ROUTER_A_2	ROUTER_B_1	ROUTER_B_2	Install_PC	Craft_PC	craft_PC_2


    The resolv.conf file defines the DNS nameserver that the system uses to resolve Internet names such as STATION_A.

    domain          mnc001.mcc410.gprs


    The svc.conf file defines how various system databases are accessed.

    SECLEVEL=BSD   # for backwards compatibility ONLY

    ls -l /etc/*.conf /etc/hosts

    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         2737 Apr 12  1999 /etc/#.mrg..binlog.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         4361 Apr 12  1999 /etc/#.mrg..inetd.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         5648 Apr 12  1999 /etc/#.mrg..ntp.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         5649 Apr 12  1999 /etc/atm.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         1632 Apr 12  1999 /etc/autopush.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin          409 Apr 12  1999 /etc/binlog.conf
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        26 Mar 18  2006 /etc/cml.conf -> ../opt/DNA403/etc/cml.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         6383 Mar 21  2007 /etc/hosts
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         2056 Apr 12  1999 /etc/ifaccess.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system      5976 Aug  9  2005 /etc/inetd.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         1490 Apr 12  1999 /etc/latautopush.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin          294 Nov 11  2004 /etc/ntp.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system        56 Nov 26  2004 /etc/resolv.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         3192 Apr 12  1999 /etc/snmpd.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         4989 Apr 12  1999 /etc/strsetup.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         2045 Jul 29  2004 /etc/svc.conf
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         2534 Sep 14 17:54 /etc/syslog.conf

    Domain Name Service files


    directory	/etc/namedb
    primary	named.local
    cache		.


    The /etc/namedb/name.local file is not available.


    .                        3600000  IN  NS    A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A
    .                        3600000  IN  NS    B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.      3600000      A

    The named daemon is not running.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Streams Information


    The strsetup.conf file is the configuration database for streams.

    ptm		/dev/ptmx		0666		clone
    log		/dev/streams/log	0666		clone
    nuls		/dev/streams/nuls	0666 		clone
    echo 		/dev/streams/echo	0666		clone
    sad		/dev/sad/admin		0666		clone
    pipe		/dev/pipe		0666		clone
    pipe		/dev/streams/pipe	0666		clone
    kinfo		/dev/streams/strkinfo	0666		clone
    dlb		/dev/streams/dlb	0660		clone
    xtisoUDP	/dev/streams/xtiso/udp	0666		clone
    xtisoTCP	/dev/streams/xtiso/tcp	0666		clone


    The autopush.conf file specifies the modules to be pushed onto the streams for STREAMS devices.

    6	-1	0		ldterm

    strsetup -c

    STREAMS Configuration Information...Tue Oct  2 14:22:27 2007
               Name       Type   Major  Module ID
               ----       ----   -----  ---------
              clone                 32          0
              kinfo     device      52       5020
                log     device      53         44
               nuls     device      54       5001
               echo     device      55       5000
                sad     device      56         45
               pipe     device      57       5304
           xtisoUDP     device      58       5010
           xtisoTCP     device      59       5010
          xtisoUDP+     device      60       5010
          xtisoTCP+     device      61       5010
                ptm     device      62       7609
                pts     device       6       7608
                dlb     device      63       5010
          xtisoCOTS     device      64       5010
          xtisoCLTS     device      65       5010
            rfc1006     device      66       5010
              pppif     module               6002 
           pppasync     module               6000 
            pppcomp     module               6001 
            bufcall     module                  0 
               null     module               5002 
               pass     module               5003 
               errm     module               5003 
               ptem     module               5003 
              spass     module               5007 
             rspass     module               5008 
            pipemod     module               5303 
              timod     module               5006 
             tirdwr     module                  0 
              ldtty     module               7701 
    	Configured devices = 16, modules = 14

    <=[ ToC ]=> Network Time Protocol (NTP)


    The localtime file points to the system's timezone file.

    -rw-r--r--   3 root     system        59 Apr 12  1999 /etc/zoneinfo/localtime

    Time rc.config settings:



    The xntpd daemon reads the ntp.conf file in order to synchronize time between systems.

    driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
    peer STATION_B_tu1 version 3 prefer
    peer STATION_B_tu2 version 3
    server ROUTER_A_1 version 3 # External time source
    server ROUTER_A_2 version 3 # External time source
    server ROUTER_B_1 version 3 # External time source
    server ROUTER_B_2 version 3 # External time source

    ntp.keys not displayed. Use -all to include in output

    xntpdc -p

         remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp
    +STATION_B_tu2          3 1024  376 -0.0001 -0.001467 0.01492
    +STATION_B          3 1024  376 -0.0014 -0.000430 0.01369
    =ROUTER_B_1       2 1024  377 0.00095 -0.002006 0.00095
    =ROUTER_B_2       2 1024  377 0.00095 -0.000995 0.00108
    =ROUTER_A_2       2 1024  377 0.00095 -0.001009 0.00160
    *GTWDS10ST       2 1024  377 -0.0000 -0.000757 0.00130

    <=[ ToC ]=> Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)


    The snmpd.conf file controls the snmpd daemon, which starts automatically at boot time and listens for and responds to queries from remote management stations.

    sysLocation     unknown
    sysContact      unknown
    snmpEnableAuthenTraps   1
    community       public       read


    The /etc/eca/snmp_pe.conf file is not available.


    The /etc/eca/internet_mom.conf file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> bootp and joind


    The bootptab file contains startup information for the bootpd daemon.

    dummy2:		tc=subnet1.dummy:   ht=ethernet:ha=080020C88900:	ip=
    DS.default: ht=ethernet: hd="/tftpboot":
    jbeti1_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F802:  ip=  bf=/equip_mgr_boot:\
    gpu1_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F804:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu2_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F806:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu3_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F808:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu4_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80a:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu5_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80c:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu6_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80e:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu7_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F810:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu8_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F812:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu1_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F805:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu2_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F807:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu3_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F809:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu4_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80b:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu5_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80d:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu6_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F80f:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu7_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F811:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu8_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F813:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    jbeti2_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09F814:  ip=  bf=/equip_mgr_boot:\
    jbeti11_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090840:  ip=  bf=/equip_mgr_boot:\
    gpu11_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090844:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu12_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090846:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu13_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090848:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu14_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084a:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu15_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084c:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu16_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084e:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu17_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090850:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu18_lg0:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090852:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu11_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090845:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu12_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090847:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu13_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090849:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu14_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084b:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu15_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084d:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu16_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F09084f:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu17_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090851:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    gpu18_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090853:  ip=  bf=Loader.hex:\
    jbeti12_lg1:           tc=DS.default:  ha=00809F090866:  ip=  bf=/equip_mgr_boot:\


    The tftptab file contains startup information for the tftpd daemon.


    The joind rc.config settings:



    The nets file contains startup information for the joind daemon.



    The netmasks file contains startup information for the joind daemon.



    The namepool file contains startup information for the joind daemon.



    The server.pcy file contains startup information for the joind daemon.

    default_ttl 86400
    provisional_ttl 60
    free_list_size 8
    name_service dns
    ping_timeout 500


    The client.pcy file contains startup information for the joinc daemon.

    arp_timeout 2
    timeouts 4,8,16,-120
    max_bad_offers 2
    start_delay 16
    lease_desired 604800    # 1 week
    class_id JOIN.ALPHA.OSF1
    request  broadcast_address
    request  dns_servers
    request  dns_domain_name
    request  routers
    request  host_name
    request  lease_time
    request  time_offset
    request  static_routes
    request  subnet_mask
    request  nis_servers
    request  nis_domain_name

    The joind daemon is not running.

    Last 500 lines of /var/join/log:


    <=[ ToC ]=> Portmap


    The rpc file maps RPC names to numbers.

    portmapper	100000	portmap sunrpc
    rstatd		100001	rstat rup perfmeter
    rusersd		100002	rusers
    nfs		100003	nfsprog
    ypserv		100004	ypprog
    mountd		100005	mount showmount
    ypbind		100007
    walld		100008	rwall shutdown
    yppasswdd	100009	yppasswd
    etherstatd	100010	etherstat
    rquotad		100011	rquotaprog quota rquota
    sprayd		100012	spray
    3270_mapper	100013
    rje_mapper	100014
    selection_svc	100015	selnsvc
    database_svc	100016
    rexd		100017	rex
    alis		100018
    sched		100019
    llockmgr	100020
    nlockmgr	100021
    x25.inr		100022
    statmon		100023
    status		100024
    bootparam	100026
    ypupdated	100028	ypupdate
    keyserv		100029	keyserver
    sunlink_mapper	100033 
    tfsd		100037 
    nsed		100038
    nsemntd		100039
    showfhd		100043	showfh
    rpc.cmsd	100068	dtcalendar
    ypxfrd		100069	ypxfr
    rpc.ttdbserverd	100083	tooltalk
    pcnfsd		150001  
    exportmap	200023
    prestoctl_svc	390100	presto
    amd		300019  amq
    bssd		300433	bss
    drdd		300434	drd
    cluinfod	300527  # cluster information server
    cnxmond		300483  # cluster node monitor
    cnxagentd	300484  # cluster agent
    asedirector	395175  asedirector
    aseagent	395176  aseagent
    asehsm		395177  asehsm
    aselogger	395179  aselogger
    prpasswd	300632

    rpcinfo -p

       program vers proto   port
        100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
        100005    1   udp    608  mountd
        100005    3   udp    608  mountd
        200023    1   udp    608  exportmap
        100005    1   tcp    616  mountd
        100005    3   tcp    616  mountd
        100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
        100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
        100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
        100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
        300020    2   udp    615
        300020    3   udp    615
        100024    1   udp   1026  status
        100024    1   tcp   1024  status
        100021    1   tcp   1025  nlockmgr
        100021    3   tcp   1025  nlockmgr
        100021    4   tcp   1025  nlockmgr
        100021    2   tcp   1025  nlockmgr
        100020    3   tcp   1025  llockmgr
        100021    1   udp   1027  nlockmgr
        100021    3   udp   1027  nlockmgr
        100021    4   udp   1027  nlockmgr
        100021    2   udp   1027  nlockmgr
        100020    3   udp   1027  llockmgr
        100011    1   udp   1039  rquotad
        100068    2   udp   1040  rpc.cmsd
        100068    3   udp   1040  rpc.cmsd
        100068    4   udp   1040  rpc.cmsd
        100083    1   tcp   1030  rpc.ttdbserverd
        395183    1   tcp   1023

    <=[ ToC ]=> NIS / YP

    NIS is not running.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Mail Configuration

    Mail has not been configured.


    [mailstats] [mailq] [] [aliases]


    Statistics from Fri Dec 24 20:08:17 2004
     M msgsfr bytes_from  msgsto   bytes_to  Mailer
     3      1          1K      1          1K  local
     T      1          1K      1          1K
    Mlocal,	P=/bin/mail, F=SlsDFMmnu, S=10, R=20, A=mail -r $f -d $u
    Mprog,	P=/bin/sh,   F=lsDFM,   S=10, R=20, A=sh -c $u
    Mpop,	P=/usr/lib/mh/spop, F=nsmFDM, S=10, R=20, A=pop $u
    Msmtpl,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=11, R=21, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    Msmtp,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXL, S=12, R=22, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    Msmtpr,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=13, R=23, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    Mmail11, P=/usr/sbin/mail11v3, F=nSX, S=14, R=24/29,
    Mumc,	P=/usr/lib/umc/mr_mailer, F=mnDFMS, R=0, S=0,
    Muucp,	P=/usr/bin/uux, F=sDFhuU, S=15, R=25, M=100000,


    Mail queue is empty


    The file contains configuration information for the sendmail daemon.

    CKmts mr umc
    Cddnet enet uucp
    CNdaemon mailer-daemon news nobody pop postmaster rdist root uucp
    FN/var/adm/sendmail/local.users %[^#]
    DlFrom $g  $d
    Dq$?x$x $.<$g>
    De$j Sendmail $v ($V) $b
    Troot daemon uucp news
    H?P?Return-Path: <$g>
    HReceived: by $j id $i; $b
    H?D?Resent-Date: $a
    H?D?Date: $a
    H?F?Resent-From: $q
    H?F?From: $q
    H?x?Full-Name: $x
    H?M?Resent-Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>
    H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>
    R$+<@$-.UUCP>		$2!$1				decapsulate UUCP
    R$+<@$-.UUCP>		$2!$1				decapsulate UUCP
    R<>			$@@				turn into magic token
    R<@$+:$+>$*		@$1:$2				unfocus <route-addr>
    R$*<@$+>$*		$@$>7$1<@$2>$3			idempotency is good
    R$*<$+>$*		$2				basic RFC822 parsing
    R@$+,$+			@$1:$2				change all "," to ":"
    R@$+:$+			$@$>7<@$1>:$2			handle <route-addr>
    R$+:$*;$*		$@$1:$2;$3			list syntax
    R$+@$+			$:$1<@$2>			focus on domain
    R$+<$+@$+>		$1$2<@$3>			move gaze right
    R$+@$+<@$+>		$1%$2<@$3>			a@b@c@d ->a%b%c@d
    R$+<@$+.$E>		$@$>7$1<@$2.$E>			already encapsulated IV
    R$+<@$-.$-.$=J>		$:$2.$3::$1			u@aa.nnn.DNET
    R$+<@$-.$=J>		$:$2::$1			u@node.DNET
    R$+<@$+.$=J>		$1<@$2>				not IV; try as a V
    R$+<@.$-.$+>		$:.$2.$3::$1			u@.root.path
    R$+<@$-:.$-.$+>		$:$2:.$3.$4::$1			u@ns:.root.path
    R$+<@%$->		$:%$2::$1			u@%nsap
    R$+<@$+>		$@$>7$1<@$2>			now canonical
    R$-.$-::$+		$@$>7$3<@$1.$2.$E>		numeric decnet addr
    R$-::$+			$@$>7$2<@$1.$E>			h::u -> u@h.pseudodom
    R%$-::$+		$@$>7$2<@$1.$F>			%nsap::user
    R.$-.$+::$+		$:$X:.$1.$2::$3		add default namespace
    R$-:.$-.$+::$+		$:$4@$3<@$2.$1>			ns:.root.path
    R$+@$-.$+<@$*>		$1@$3<@$2.$4>			shuffle tokens to end
    R$+@$-<@$+>		$@$>7$1<@$2.$3.$F>		last token; remove dot
    R$-.$+!$+		$@$>7$3<@$1.$2>			host.domain!user
    R$-!$+			$@$>7$2<@$1.UUCP>		resolve uucp names
    R$+%$+			$@$>7$1<@$2>			user%host
    R$*<@$+%$+>$*		$1%$2<@$3>$4			move @ right after %
    R$*<@$+.$E>$*		$@$1<@$2.$E.$P>$3		hide .$E under $P
    R$*<@$+.$F>$*		$@$1<@$2.$F.$P>$3		hide .$F under $P
    R$*<@$+.$=K>$*		$@$1<@$2.$M.$P>$4		.$=K -> $M.$P
    R$+<@POP>$*		$@$1<@POP>$2			POP already OK
    R$*<@$->$*		$@$1<@$2.$N>$3			qualify hostnames
    R@			$@				handle <> error addr
    R$*<$+>$*		$1$2$3				defocus
    R@$+:$+:$+		@$1,$2:$3			<route-addr> canonical
    R@$+:$+			$@<@$1:$2>			route-addr needs <>
    R$+			$@$>1$1				same as envelope
    R$+			$@$>2$1				same as envelope
    R$+			$:$>3$1				needed for recursions
    R$*<@$j>$*		$:$1<@>$2			@myfqdm
    R$*<@$=w>$*		$:$1<@>$3			@my alias
    R$*<@$=w.$N>$*		$:$1<@>$3			@my alias
    R$*<@$y.$E.$P>$*	$:$1<@>$2			myname:: (IV)
    R$*<@$y.$F.$P>$*	$:$1<@>$2			myname:: (V)
    R$*<@$U.UUCP>$*		$:$1<@>$2			myuucpname!
    R<@>:$*			$@$>8$1				localhost/route-addr
    R$*<@>$*		$@$>8$1$2			localhost
    R$*<@$->$*		$:$1<@$2.$N>$3			qualify
    R$*<@$+.$=T>$*		$@$1<@$2.$3>$4			trash pseudodom, lv aln
    R$*<@$+.$=T.$P>$*	$@$1<@$2.$3.$P>$4			qualified trash, lv aln
    R$*<@$+>$*		$:$1<@$[$2.$]>$3			canon'ize complex names
    R$*<@$+.>$*		$1<@$2>$3			strip trailing dots
    R@			$#local $:$n			handle <> form
    R$*<@[$+]>$*		$#smtp $@[$2] $:$1<@[$2]>$3	numeric internet spec
    R$*<@$+>$*		$:$>8$1<@$2>$3
    R$+<@$+.$E.$P>		$:$2@@$1<@$2.$E.$P>		dup nodename; add @@
    R$+@@$+<@$+>	$:$?J$1@@$2??$3<@$J>$|$1@@$2<@$3>$.	mk @relay or lv alone
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$j>		$#mail11 $@$1 $:$2	them is us; use mail11
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$J>		$#smtp $@$J $:$2<@$3>	undo damage; send now
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$+>		$:$2<@$3>			undo $?J damage
    R$+@@$+<@$+>		$:$2<@$3>			undo !$?J damage
    R$+<@$+.$F.$P>		$:@@$2@@$1<@$2.$F.$P>		dup nodename; add @@ @@
    R$*@@$-.$+@@$+		$2.$1@@$3@@$4			slide tokens to left@@
    R$+.@@$-@@$+		$2:.$1@@$3			rm 1@@; final reformat
    R@@$-@@$+		%$1@@$2			rm 1@@; final reformat
    R$+@@$+<@$+>	$:$?I$1@@$2??$3<@$I>$|$1@@$2<@$3>$.	mk @relay or lv alone
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$j>		$#mail11 $@$1 $:$2		them is us; use mail11
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$I>		$#smtp $@$I $:$2<@$3>	undo damage; send now
    R$+@@$+??$+<@$+>		$:$2<@$3>			undo $?I damage
    R$+@@$+<@$+>		$:$2<@$3>			undo !$?I damage
    R$+<@$+.$=K.$P>		$:$?K$1??$2.$M.$P<@$K>$|$1<@$2.$M.$P>$.
    R$+??$+.$M.$P<@$j>	$#umc $@$2 $:$1<@$2>		them is us; use mail11
    R$+??$+.$M.$P<@$K>	$#smtp $@$K $:$1<@$2.$M.$P>	undo damage; send now
    R$*<@$-.UUCP>		$#uucp $@$2 $:$2!$1		use our own uucp
    R$+<@POP>		$#pop $@$j $:$1			username@POP
    R$*<@$*$N>$*	$#smtpl $@$2$N $:$1<@$2$N>$3	our domain; no gw
    R$*<@$*$P>$*	$#smtp $@$2$P $:$1<@$2$P>$3	our domain; no gw
    R$*<@$+>$*		$#smtp $@$?R$R$|$2$. $:$1<@$2>$3	
    R$+			$#local $:$1			must be local
    Mlocal,	P=/bin/mail, F=SlsDFMmnu, S=10, R=20, A=mail -r $f -d $u
    Mprog,	P=/bin/sh,   F=lsDFM,   S=10, R=20, A=sh -c $u
    Mpop,	P=/usr/lib/mh/spop, F=nsmFDM, S=10, R=20, A=pop $u
    R@			$n				errors to mailer-daemon
    Msmtpl,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=11, R=21, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    R$*<@$j>$*		$>3$1$2				strip local host name
    R$*<@$+>$*		$:$>9$1<@$2>$3			canonicalize domain
    R$*<@$+>$*		$@$1<@$2>$3			already has an @domain
    R$+			$@$1<@$j>			add our hostname
    R$+			$@$>11$1			nothing special here
    Msmtp,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXL, S=12, R=22, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    R<@$+>$*		$@<@$1>$2			<route-addr> syntax
    R$*<@[$+]>$*		$@$1<@[$2]>$3			numeric, lv alone
    R$*<@$+>$*		$@$>9$1<@$2>$3			canonicalize domain
    R$=N			$@$1<@$j>			Add $j to local
    R$-			$:$1??$(aliases $1 $: $)		Look up aliases
    R$-??$+			$@$1<@$j>			Found it - reformat
    R$-??			$:$1				undo dammage
    R$+			$@$1<@$W>			fix up return addr
    R$+			$@$>12$1			nothing special here
    Msmtpr,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=13, R=23, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n
    R$*<@$j>$*		$>3$1$2				strip local host name
    R$*<@$+>$*		$:$>9$1<@$2>$3			canonicalize domain
    R$=N			$@$1<@$j>			qualify nonhidden users
    R$-			$:$1??$(aliases $1 $: $)		Look up aliases
    R$-??$+			$@$1<@$j>			Found it - reformat
    R$-??			$:$1				undo dammage
    R$+			$@$>13$1			nothing special here
    Mmail11, P=/usr/sbin/mail11v3, F=nSX, S=14, R=24/29,
    	A=mail11 $f $x $h
    R$+			$:$>3$1			Make canonical to convert last % to @
    R$+<@$+.$E.$P>		$@$2::$1			phaseIV back to :: form
    R$+<@$-.$F.$P>		$@$1@%$2			% form
    R$+<@$+.$F.$P>		$:@@$2@@$1			dup nodename; add @@ @@
    R$*@@$-.$+@@$+		$2.$1@@$3@@$4			slide tokens to left@@
    R$+.@@$-@@$+		$@$3@$2:.$1			rm 1@@; final reformat
    R$+			$@$>14$1			nothing special here
    R$-			$@$1@$y				tack on our nodename
    R$+			$@$>14$1			nothing special here
    Mumc,	P=/usr/lib/umc/mr_mailer, F=mnDFMS, R=0, S=0,
    	A=mr_mailer -send -hop $c -from $f -to $u
    Muucp,	P=/usr/bin/uux, F=sDFhuU, S=15, R=25, M=100000,
    	A=uux -  $h!rmail ($u)
    R$*<@$+>$*		$@$1<@$2>$3		domain form is ok
    R$+			$:$>25$1		do unto sender as to recipient
    R$U!$+			$@$U!$1			already has our node name
    R$+			$@$U!$1			tack on our hostname.
    R$*<@$+>$*		$@$1<@$2>$3		domain form is ok
    R$-!$+			$@$1!$2			!-form is ok; done
    R$+!$+			$@$>3$2<@$1>		looks like domain; chg to u@dom


    The aliases file contains mail aliases.

    nobody: /dev/null

    <=[ ToC ]=> Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)

    /opt/dcelocal/ not found; DCE is not installed

    <=[ ToC ]=> DECnet OSI

    [sysconfiq -q dna_base] [sysconfiq -q dna_dli] [ncl show implementation] [ncl show node 0 all] [ncl show node 0 routing all] [ncl show node 0 nsp all] [ncl show session control application * all] [ls /var/dna/scripts]

    sysconfig -q dna_base

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present
    tposi-somaxconn = 0
    tposi-rxmt-dr = 1
    doti-port-ntohs = 0
    sc_max_incoming = 1024
    sc_max_outgoing = 1024
    rfc1006-ignore-zerolen-tsels = 0
    rfc1006-strict-pdu-size = 0
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    sysconfig -q dna_dli

    release-info = DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0C-1 (Rev. 0.1); Thu Sep  2 20:58:17 EDT 1999
    eco-level = none present
    dli-64bit-ctrs = 1
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    ncl show implementation

    Node 0 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:32.625+00:00I-----
        Implementation                    = 
                    Type ........  = DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX ,
                    Implementation = "DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V4.0B-0 (Rev. 0.16); Fri Sep 12 09:54:20 EDT 1997"
                ] ,
                    Type ........  = Digital UNIX ,
                    Implementation = "Digital UNIX V4.0F (Rev. 1229); Thu Jul 29 10:56:55 MET DST 2004"
                ] ,
                    Type ........  = Alpha ,
                    Implementation = ""DEC6600""
    [ Top of OSI section ]


    DECnet OSI management configuration file

    0	lim	/usr/sbin/dnanoded
    8	lim	/usr/sbin/dnascd
    9	lim	/usr/sbin/dnsadv
    10		/usr/sbin/dtsd,/usr/sbin/dtssd
    14	lim	/usr/sbin/dnaevld
    15	lim	/usr/sbin/dnaloopd
    16	lim	/usr/sbin/dnamopd
    27		/usr/sbin/dnsd
    30		/usr/sbin/osaknmd
    53		/usr/sbin/osaknmd
    33		/var/dxd/scripts/dxd_dsa_startup

    ncl show node 0 all

    PROCESS ERROR: Connection lost: remote side disconnected link
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    ncl show node 0 routing all

    Node 0 Routing 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:32.903+00:00I-----
        UID                               = C4C43652-6627-11DC-AE90-000BCDF4F186
        State                             = On
        Area Addresses                    = 
        Version                           = V3.0.0
        Type                              = Endnode
        Maximum Buffers                   = 65535
        Generate Checksums                = False
        Lifetime                          = 63
        Probe Rate                        = 1000
        ES Cache Width                    = 3
        DNA Address Format                = False
        Manual Network Entity Titles      = 
                49::00-0C:00-0B-CD-F4-D9-BC:00 (LOCAL:.iolan1) ,
        Segment Buffer Size               = 570
        PhaseIV Buffer Size               = 576
        PhaseIV Address                   = 0.0
        PhaseIV Prefix                    = 49::
        PhaseIV Maximum Visits            = 63
        ES Cache Holding Time             = 600
        Inactive Selector                 = 33
        Initialization Timer              = 6
        Holding Multiplier                = 3
        Default ESHello Timer             = 600
        Multicircuit ESHello Timer        = 10
        Poll ESHello Rate                 = 50
        Routing Mode                      = Segregated
        ES Cache Size                     = 1024
        Address Unreachable PDUs Discarded             =                    0
        PDU Format Errors                              =                    0
        Error Reports Generated                        =                    0
        Unsupported Options                            =                    0
        PhaseIV Translation Failures                   =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2007-09-18-20:43:10.522+00:00I-----
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    ncl show node 0 nsp all

    Node 0 NSP 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.434+00:00I-----
        UID                               = C4E16B1E-6627-11DC-AE90-000BCDF4F186
        State                             = On
        Currently Active Connections      = 0
        Maximum Transport Connections     = 128
        Delay Weight                      = 3
        Delay Factor                      = 2
        Maximum Window                    = 32
        DNA Version                       = T4.2.1
        Acknowledgement Delay Time        = 3
        Maximum Remote NSAPS              = 160
        NSAP Selector                     = 32
        Keepalive Time                    = 30
        Retransmit Threshold              = 12
        Congestion Avoidance              = True
        Flow Control Policy               = No Flow Control
        Maximum Transmit Window           = 32
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    ncl show session control application '*' all

    Node 0 Session Control Application cml 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.580+00:00I-----
        Name                              = cml
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCCC5392-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/cml
        User Name                         = "daemon"
        Data Abstraction                  = Stream
        Accept Mode                       = Deferred
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.093+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application cterm 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.581+00:00I-----
        Name                              = cterm
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCD32E56-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/dlogind
        User Name                         = "daemon"
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Immediate
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = True
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.138+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application dterm 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.581+00:00I-----
        Name                              = dterm
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCCE69A2-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/dtermd
        User Name                         = "daemon"
        Data Abstraction                  = Stream
        Accept Mode                       = Immediate
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.107+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application dtr 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.581+00:00I-----
        Name                              = dtr
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCD4ABC8-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/dtr
        User Name                         = "daemon"
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Deferred
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.148+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application fal 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.581+00:00I-----
        Name                              = fal
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCCA63AC-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/fal
        User Name                         = "guest"
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Deferred
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = True
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.080+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application mail11 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.582+00:00I-----
        Name                              = mail11
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCD18ABA-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/mail11dv3
        User Name                         = "root"
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Deferred
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.127+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application mirror 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.582+00:00I-----
        Name                              = mirror
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCCFE714-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Client                            = Loopback Application 
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/sbin/dnaloopd
        User Name                         = "daemon"
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Deferred
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.117+00:00I-----
    Node 0 Session Control Application TELL 
    AT 2007-10-02-09:22:33.582+00:00I-----
        Name                              = TELL
        Process Identifiers               = 
        Active Instances                  = 0
        UID                               = DCD64F6E-E141-11D8-8707-000BCDF4D9BC
        Last Request                      = <undefined>
        Addresses                         = 
        Incoming Proxy                    = True
        Node Synonym                      = False
        Image Name                        = /usr/bin/tell
        User Name                         = ""
        Data Abstraction                  = Message
        Accept Mode                       = Immediate
        Programming Interface             = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances                 = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access = False
        Total Invocations                 =                    0
        Access Control Violations         =                    0
        Resource Failures                 =                    0
        Creation Time                     = 2004-07-29-09:30:00.159+00:00I-----
    [ Top of OSI section ]

    ls -lt /var/dna/scripts

    total 27
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        57 Mar 18  2006 block_events.template -> ../../../var/opt/DNA403/dna/scripts/block_events.template
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        75 Mar 18  2006 create_session_control_applications.ncl -> ../../../var/opt/DNA402/dna/scripts/create_session_control_applications.ncl
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        67 Mar 18  2006 start_event_dispatcher.template -> ../../../var/opt/DNA403/dna/scripts/start_event_dispatcher.template
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        56 Mar 18  2006 x25_extra_enable.ncl -> ../../../var/opt/XXA306/dna/scripts/x25_extra_enable.ncl
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        58 Mar 18  2006 x25_extra_security.ncl -> ../../../var/opt/XXA306/dna/scripts/x25_extra_security.ncl
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        53 Mar 18  2006 x25_extra_set.ncl -> ../../../var/opt/XXA306/dna/scripts/x25_extra_set.ncl
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        60 Mar 18  2006 x25addressconversion.ncl -> ../../../var/opt/XXA306/dna/scripts/x25addressconversion.ncl
    -rwxr--r--   1 root     system       159 Jul 29  2004 start_dns
    -rwxr--r--   1 root     system       155 Jul 29  2004 stop_dns
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       189 Jul 29  2004 start_datalink.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system      1766 Jul 29  2004 start_routing.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       160 Jul 29  2004 stop_datalink.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070        1161 Dec  7  1998 start_osi_transport.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070         763 Dec  7  1998 start_osi_cons_transport.ncl
    -rwxr--r--   1 9120     6070         109 Dec  7  1998 start_dns_clerk.ncl
    -rwxr--r--   1 9120     6070          35 Dec  7  1998 stop_dns_clerk.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070          62 Dec  7  1998 start_event_dispatcher_relay.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070          22 Dec  7  1998 start_nsp_transport.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070          23 Dec  7  1998 start_session_control.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070        1583 Dec  7  1998 x25_extra_create.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070       11148 Dec  7  1998 x25startup.ncl
    -rw-r--r--   1 9120     6070           0 Dec  4  1998 x25_isdn.ncl
    [ Top of OSI section ]


    Contains directory service configuration data set by ncl

    Local	*
    Local	LOCAL:.*
    Local	LOCAL:*
    DECdns	*
    Domain	*
    Local_b	*
    DECdns_b	LOCAL:.DNA_BackTranslation
    Domain_b	*

    <=[ ToC ]=> tty Settings

    The ttys, ttysrch gettytab, gettydefs, securettys remote, phones, and acucap file are not displayed because of security reasons
    Use the sys_check -all option to display these files.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Local Area Transport (LAT)

    LAT rc.config settings:

    LAT_SETUP: 1

    LAT is enabled.

    latcp -d

    lat driver is not loaded/configured in kernel

    latcp -d -P

    lat driver is not loaded/configured in kernel

    latcp -d -N

    lat driver is not loaded/configured in kernel

    latcp -d -C

    lat driver is not loaded/configured in kernel


    The /etc/latstartup.conf file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Advanced Server for UNIX

    ASU is not installed on the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Baan

    Baan user was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> BMC Patrol


    The /etc/patrol file is not available.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Informix

    $INFORMIXDIR parameter is not set.
    The $INFORMIXDIR variable is not defined, /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs does not exist, or Informix software is not being used on this system. To gather Informix data, the $INFORMIXDIR, $ONCONFIG, $INFORMIXSERVER, $INFORMIXSQLHOSTS variables should be set, or /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs should exist.

    The /usr/informix directory was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Netscape http server

    Netscape web server not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Oracle

    An /etc/oratab file was not found.
    This indicates that an Oracle database is not configured on the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Performance Manager

    Current Performance Manager version (pmgr -r):

    pmgr version: V4.35-b9.34

    Current Performance Manager environment file:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 146 Jul 29 2004 /var/opt/pm/data/PMGR440.env
    PMGR_VERSION="PM V4.4-b9.38"

    The current installed version of pmgrd (pmgrd -v):

    PM subagent V5.0-b9.38 (Jan 29 1999)

    The current installed version of clstrmond (clstrmond -r):

    clstrmond version: V4.40-b9.37

    <=[ ToC ]=> Samba

    Samba was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> SAP

    SAP configuration files were not found.
    This indicates that SAP software is not configured on the system.

    <=[ ToC ]=> Sybase

    The $SYBASE variable is not defined.
    To gather Sybase data, the $SYBASE variable must be defined.

    The /usr/sybase file was not found.

    <=[ ToC ]=> WEBES

    Warning: WEBES is not installed.
    Compaq Computer Corporation requires that customers use WEBES to provide hardware event notification. You must install WEBES.
    For information on WEBES, see the WEBES home page.

    RCM is not installed

    <=[ ToC ]=> Done

    Generated by sys_check 124.0 on Tue Oct 2 14:23:33 GMT+0500 2007 .