

I put on this page all the Softwares and Softwares regarding risc/os and the mips magnum. You will find below a tutorial and all files needs to netinstall from Risc/OS v4.52 from scratch This tutorial work with the Magnum 3000 but it's should also work with : i2000 r2300 r2400 r3030 r3200 r6000 rb3125



Information of the boxes, you may find them in traces.


This chapter describe how to get the firmware prompt of the mips

  1. The console is output on a serial port. the default is Serial 1 (the big one) / if it's nor working on this port try on the Serial 0
  2. Connect with a tool like minicom / tip / teraterm / hyperterminal
  3. Port configuration : 9600 8N1
Once it's done, you can poweron the box and see a sequence like :
	Running Power-On Diagnostics...
	*** Warning: Keyboard May Not Be Connected ***
	Low Memory Test... PASSED
	KSeg0/KSeg1 Cache Test... PASSED
	Instruction Cache Functionality Test... PASSED
	Data Cache MATS+ Test... PASSED
	Instruction Cache MATS+ Test... PASSED
	Data Cache Block Refill Test... PASSED
	Instruction Cache Block Refill Test... PASSED
	Write Buffer Test... PASSED
	Memory Tests... PASSED
	Timer/Time-of-Day Clock Test... PASSED
	Color Frame Buffer Tests... *** SKIPPED ***
	FDC Tests... PASSED
	DMA Controller Chip Test... PASSED
	SCSI Controller Chip Test... PASSED
	TLB Tests... PASSED
	Exception Test... PASSED
	Parity Test... PASSED
	DMA Parity Test... PASSED
	Battery Check Test... PASSED
	Keyboard Interface Tests... PASSED
	FP Test #1... PASSED
	FP Test #2... PASSED
	Lance Slave Register Test... PASSED
	Lance Master Test... PASSED
	AT Serial Board Tests... *** SKIPPED ***

	Rx3230 MIPS Monitor: Version 5.42 OPT Thu Mar 7 14:18:57 PST 1991 root
	Memory size: 134217728 (0x8000000) bytes, 128 MB
	Icache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes
	Dcache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes

	Warning: Rx3230 operating at 33Mhz.

During this sequence if you see preblem about Timer problem, you're NVRAM battery is dead; in my case the mips is working perfectly except the mac address who became 00:00:00:00:00:00 ; This can cause problem with your Install Server because this mac address is not rfc1048 compliant. You can repare the NVRAM following theses tutorials (not tested) : I also provide a patch at kernel patch at the bottom of this page which override the faulty mac address (00:00:00:00:00:00) by (42:42:42:42:42:42) at bootime even if the NVRAM is faulty. But the system should have been installed first


The install server is a Linux debian sarge. but you can do this with all unix server Big or Little Endian, it doesn't matter.

Setup bootp

  1. install the isc dhcp : apt-get install dhcp
  2. add these lines to /etc/dhcpd.conf :
  3. 	allow bootp;
    	host MIPSNAME {
    	        hardware ethernet MIPS_MAC_ADDRESS; #  Find with tcpdump i-e on the InstallServer and running the command "boot -f bootp()" on the mips
    	        fixed-address MIPS_IP_ADDRESS; 
  4. Restart dhcpd : /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart

Setup tftpd

I try 2 tftp servers before finding one who's working :
  1. Install the server : apt-get install tftpd-hpa (default launch by inetd; I prefer standalone)
  2. Modify the /etc/default/tftp-hpa
  3. 	#Defaults for tftpd-hpa
    	OPTIONS="-l -s /tftpboot" # These options have been modified (-l = standalone / -s change root to /tftproot)
  4. Modify these kernel settings to allow the mips to download the kernel through tftp :
  5. untar the riscos network instalation archive previously downloaded in the /tftpboot folder

Setup rshd

The netinstall process use rsh to retreieve packages


The mips prom doesn't set netaddr automatically with the bootp server but BOTH are need. The SCSI ID must be 0, because all the install scripts use SCSI 0L0 If accessing to the Device failed, you can try a LowLEvel Format with another OS. It saved my own drive.

	  >> sprobe
          Vendor  -Product ID      -Rev -M Rev   -Serial Nr   -Device Type
	  SCSI 0L0: SEAGATE -ST31230N        -HPM4-00948732-            -DISK            
	  >> setenv netaddr
	  >> boot -f bootp()format.std
	  Setting $netaddr to (from server )
	  Obtaining format.std from server 
	  225632+67872+413680 entry: 0x80020000

	  MIPS Format Utility
	  Version 5.03  Tue Jan 15 07:38:14 PST 1991 root

	  WARNING: Please refer to the Technical Reference Manual
          for this machine before running this program.
          Certain responses to many of the questions result in
         the permanent loss of data from the disks on this machine.

         name of device? dksd
         LUN number? 0
         target id? 0

         dump device parameters (y if yes)? 

         use default device parameters (y if yes)? 
         modify device parameters (y if yes)? 

         dump partition table (y if yes)? 
         modify partition table (y if yes)? y

         partition table manipulation
         choose one of (list, add, delete, quit, init, modify, replace)
         command? init
         The Unix file system partitions may be either ffs (BSD) or System V
         do you desire fast file system (BSD) partitions (n if no)? y
         command? q

         dump partition table (y if yes)? 
         modify partition table (y if yes)? 

         formatting destroys ALL SCSI disk data, perform format (y if yes)? y

         formatting .................................................................................................
	 choose one of: add, delete, list, quit
	 command? q      

	 write new volume header? (n if no)? y
	 exit(0) called



This section explain how to override the mac address 00:00:00:00:00:00 send to kernel by a faulty NVRAM. To do that, we will compile a new kernel wih a little hack which force the mac address.

  1. Download the patch here
  2. ifconfig la0 # may work; this ensure that your network card is a lance board
  3. rm /usr/src/uts/mips/bootarea_i/if_lance.o # delete old object folder folder
  4. /usr/src/uts/mips/bsd/mips # go to the driver folder
  5. cp if_lance.c if_lance.orig # backup the driver
  6. patch -p1 if_lance.c < force_mac_addr.patch # apply the patch
  7. make # make the driver
  8. cd /usr/src/uts/mips # Go to the source tree root
  9. make # generate all mips kernels; you can pass a kernel name to make to reduce time (your current kernel name could be find at the FS root : /unix_r3030_std in my case (=> unix.r3030_std)
  10. cp /usr/src/uts/mips/unix.r3030_std /unix.new # copy the kernel matching my hardware version to the FS root
  11. init 6 # reboot
  12. ctrl-c # enter the prom
  13. boot # load sash
  14. dksd(0,0,0)/unix.new showconfig # run the new kernel with the showconfig argument to show mac address
  15. You can check the mac address from another host
  16. Once your are sure that everything is working find; you backup the previous kernel and rename the new one to /unix




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s0nik42 rev. 29/09/2008 (created on 25/11/06)