I put on this page all the Softwares and Softwares regarding risc/os and the mips magnum. You will find below a tutorial and all files needs to netinstall from Risc/OS v4.52 from scratch This tutorial work with the Magnum 3000 but it's should also work with : i2000 r2300 r2400 r3030 r3200 r6000 rb3125
This chapter describe how to get the firmware prompt of the mips
Running Power-On Diagnostics... *** Warning: Keyboard May Not Be Connected *** Low Memory Test... PASSED KSeg0/KSeg1 Cache Test... PASSED Instruction Cache Functionality Test... PASSED Data Cache MATS+ Test... PASSED Instruction Cache MATS+ Test... PASSED Data Cache Block Refill Test... PASSED Instruction Cache Block Refill Test... PASSED ID PROM Test... PASSED Write Buffer Test... PASSED Memory Tests... PASSED SCC Test... PASSED Timer/Time-of-Day Clock Test... PASSED Color Frame Buffer Tests... *** SKIPPED *** FDC Tests... PASSED DMA Controller Chip Test... PASSED SCSI Controller Chip Test... PASSED TLB Tests... PASSED Exception Test... PASSED Parity Test... PASSED DMA Parity Test... PASSED Battery Check Test... PASSED NVRAM Test... PASSED Keyboard Interface Tests... PASSED FP Test #1... PASSED FP Test #2... PASSED Lance Slave Register Test... PASSED Lance Master Test... PASSED AT Serial Board Tests... *** SKIPPED *** Rx3230 MIPS Monitor: Version 5.42 OPT Thu Mar 7 14:18:57 PST 1991 root Memory size: 134217728 (0x8000000) bytes, 128 MB Icache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes Dcache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes Warning: Rx3230 operating at 33Mhz. >>During this sequence if you see preblem about Timer problem, you're NVRAM battery is dead; in my case the mips is working perfectly except the mac address who became 00:00:00:00:00:00 ; This can cause problem with your Install Server because this mac address is not rfc1048 compliant. You can repare the NVRAM following theses tutorials (not tested) :
allow bootp; host MIPSNAME { hardware ethernet MIPS_MAC_ADDRESS; # Find with tcpdump i-e on the InstallServer and running the command "boot -f bootp()" on the mips fixed-address MIPS_IP_ADDRESS; }
#Defaults for tftpd-hpa RUN_DAEMON="yes" OPTIONS="-l -s /tftpboot" # These options have been modified (-l = standalone / -s change root to /tftproot)
root@Qube ~>cat /etc/pam.d/rlogin #%PAM-1.0 #auth required pam_nologin.so #auth required pam_securetty.so auth sufficient pam_rhosts_auth.so #auth required pam_unix.so nullok #account required pam_unix.so #password required pam_unix.so nullok use_authtok obscure \ # min=4 max=8 #session required pam_unix.so
root@Qube ~>cat /root/.rhosts localhost root root root@Qube ~>cat /bin/.rhosts localhost root root
The mips prom doesn't set netaddr automatically with the bootp server but BOTH are need. The SCSI ID must be 0, because all the install scripts use SCSI 0L0 If accessing to the Device failed, you can try a LowLEvel Format with another OS. It saved my own drive.
>> sprobe Vendor -Product ID -Rev -M Rev -Serial Nr -Device Type SCSI 0L0: SEAGATE -ST31230N -HPM4-00948732- -DISK >> setenv netaddr >> boot -f bootp()format.std Setting $netaddr to (from server ) Obtaining format.std from server 225632+67872+413680 entry: 0x80020000 MIPS Format Utility Version 5.03 Tue Jan 15 07:38:14 PST 1991 root WARNING: Please refer to the Technical Reference Manual for this machine before running this program. Certain responses to many of the questions result in the permanent loss of data from the disks on this machine. name of device? dksd LUN number? 0 target id? 0 dump device parameters (y if yes)? use default device parameters (y if yes)? modify device parameters (y if yes)? dump partition table (y if yes)? modify partition table (y if yes)? y partition table manipulation choose one of (list, add, delete, quit, init, modify, replace) command? init The Unix file system partitions may be either ffs (BSD) or System V do you desire fast file system (BSD) partitions (n if no)? y command? q dump partition table (y if yes)? modify partition table (y if yes)? formatting destroys ALL SCSI disk data, perform format (y if yes)? y formatting ................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ .................................................................................................[...] choose one of: add, delete, list, quit command? q write new volume header? (n if no)? y exit(0) called
Rx3230 MIPS Monitor: Version 5.42 OPT Thu Mar 7 14:18:57 PST 1991 root Memory size: 134217728 (0x8000000) bytes, 128 MB Icache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes Dcache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes Warning: Rx3230 operating at 33Mhz. >> boot -f bootp()sash.std Setting $netaddr to (from server ) Obtaining sash.std from server 210192+58672+230560 entry: 0xa0600000 Standalone Shell: Version 5.03 OPT Tue Jan 15 07:37:34 PST 1991 root sash: cp bootp()root.fs dksd(0,0,1) Setting $netaddr to (from server ) Obtaining root.fs from server ................................................................. ................................................................ ............................................................[...] .......................................................SCSI 0L0: request of 14 not a multiple of 512 write error, offset=0xd2f000 13824000 (0xd2f000) bytes copied
sash: boot -f bootp()unix.r3030_std root=sdc0d0s1 Setting $netaddr to (from server ) Obtaining unix.r3030_std from server 876080+111856+798192 entry: 0x80021000 Parity Enabled CPU: MIPS R3000A Processor Chip Revision: 3.0 FPU: MIPS R3010A VLSI Floating Point Chip Revision: 4.0 RISC/os Release 4_52 mips Version UMIPS Total real memory = 134217728 Available memory = 130584576 Root on dev 0x2101, Swap on dev 0x2101 WARNING: clock gained 5779 days WARNING: CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! Root fstype ffs New swplo: 26992 swap size: 6104K bytes Available memory = 128393216 Miniroot run level 1 Making miniroot device files for RC3330 system... erase=^H, kill=^U, interrupt=^C #At this stage you can be happy, it tooks me 7 days, to found all of these :)
# cd /bin # ed inst 16996 29,30p # From=en # Server=MACHINE_NAME 29,30s/^#// 29,30p From=en Server=MACHINE_NAME 30s/MACHINE_NAME/qube/ p Server=qube w 16986 q
# inst Software package installation ===== initializing the network ===== Enter the hostname of this machine []? ion Enter the netmask []? Enter the broadcast address []? Enter the inet address for ion []? Enter the inet address for qube []? hostname: ion server: qube netmask: broadcast: Ok (y n) [y]? Network installation selected. Server [qube]? Remote package root [/relroot]? /tftpboot/tree Remote packaging information tree [/rel]? /tftpboot/tree/umips4.52 Installation Information: This is a SCRATCH install. Data on the root and /usr disks will be lost. Packages will be read in over the Ethernet. Machine type: RC3330 Is the information above correct? (y n) [y]? Note: It is not necessary to install a kernel on the miniroot The process will take a few minutes. Would you like to install the kernel to the miniroot (y n) [n]? ========== checking subpackages ========== The following subpackages may be installed: root -- RISC/os Standard Root Filesystem RC3330 -- RISC/os RS3230/RS3330 RC3230/RC3330 Kernel and Devices usr -- RISC/os Standard /usr Filesystem cmplrs -- MIPS-C Compiler cmplrs-bsd43 -- MIPS-C 4.3 BSD Include Files and Libraries man -- RISC/os Manual Pages compat -- RISC/os 4.00 Compatibility Libraries bsd43 -- RISC/os 4.3 BSD Utilities, Include Files and Libraries reconfig -- Kernel Binary Reconfiguration Components emacs -- emacs posix -- RISC/os POSIX P1003.1 Include Files, Commands and Libraries uucp -- UUCP sccs -- SCCS news_readers -- News Readers games -- Games mh -- mh ========== selecting subpackages ========== You may select all of the above subpackages by answering "y" to the following question. If you answer "n" then you will be asked to select the optional subpackages you would like to have installed. Install ALL subpackages (y n) [n]? When asked if you want to install a subpackage, please answer with one of the following: y - Yes, you want to install the subpackage n - No, you do NOT want to install the subpackage l - List the contents of the subpackage and ask me again Subpackage root will be installed. Subpackage RC3330 will be installed. Subpackage usr will be installed. Install subpackage cmplrs (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage cmplrs-bsd43 (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage man (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage compat (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage bsd43 (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage reconfig (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage emacs (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage posix (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage uucp (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage sccs (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage news_readers (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage games (l y n) [n]? y Install subpackage mh (l y n) [n]? n Selected subpackages: root RC3330 usr cmplrs cmplrs-bsd43 man compat bsd43 reconfig emacs posix uucp sccs news_readers games Is this what you want (y n) [y]? ========== setting system clock/calendar ========== The current value of the clock is: Mon Nov 27 21:52:52 PST 2006 Is the clock correct (y n) [y]? ========== verifying single-user mode ========== The system is in a single-user run level. Please answer "y" to the following question unless you really understand the consequences. Do you want to install sash to the volume header (y n) [y]? ========== installing sash to the volume header ========== ========== determining /usr partition ========== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Partition Megs Mounted File System or Partition Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s3 962 -**** Available Partition ****- 4 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s4 627 -**** Available Partition ****- 5 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s5 314 -**** Available Partition ****- 6 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s6 940 -**** Available Partition ****- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk Device /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s2 1003 Megabytes Total Size ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible partitions to use are marked by -**** Available Partition ****- select either partition 3, 4, 5 or 6 Which partition should /usr be installed on [6]? /usr partition will be installed on partition 6 ========== initializing filesystems ========== A scratch install of an operating system package is being performed from the miniroot. Normally in this case the filesystems are initialized. When a filesystem is initialized, any existing data will be lost. You will be given a chance to override initialization of each individual filesystem below. Initialize filesystems (y n) [y]? y Disk type for controller 0 drive 0 [LXT-200S]? Initialize filesystem on /dev/root (y n) [y]? Initialize filesystem on /dev/usr (y n) [y]? Initializing the filesystem on /dev/root... Warning: 112 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated /dev/root: 44240 sectors in 132 cylinders of 7 tracks, 48 sectors 22.7Mb in 9 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.75Mb/g, 1088 i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at: 32, 5456, 10880, 16304, 21728, 27152, 32576, 38000, 43040, rotational delay between contiguous blocks changes from 7ms to 0ms Checking the filesystem on /dev/root... ** /dev/root ** Last Mounted on ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups 2 files, 9 used, 20726 free (14 frags, 2589 blocks, 0.1% fragmentation) Initializing the filesystem on /dev/usr... Warning: inode blocks/cyl group (41) >= data blocks (7) in last cylinder group. This implies 112 sector(s) cannot be allocated. /dev/usr: 1924608 sectors in 5728 cylinders of 7 tracks, 48 sectors 985.4Mb in 358 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.75Mb/g, 1216 i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at: 32, 5456, 10880, 16304, 21728, 27152, 32576, 38000, 43040, 48464, 53888, 59312, 64736, 70160, 75584, 81008, 86048, 91472, 96896, 102320, [...] 1881920, 1887344, 1892384, 1897808, 1903232, 1908656, 1914080, 1919504, rotational delay between contiguous blocks changes from 7ms to 0ms Checking the filesystem on /dev/usr... ** /dev/usr ** Last Mounted on ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups 2 files, 9 used, 902129 free (9 frags, 112765 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation) ========== mounting filesystems ========== /dev/root mounted on /mnt /dev/usr mounted on /mnt/usr ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Partition Megs Mounted File System or Partition Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s0 22 /dev/root 1 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s1 20 / 6 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s6 940 /dev/usr 7 /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s7 22 -**** Available Partition ****- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk Device /dev/dsk/sdc0d0s2 1003 Megabytes Total Size ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you wish to change swap partition configuration (y n) [n]? ========== verifying disk space ========== Do you want to check for space (please do so unless you really understand the consequences) (y n) [y]? y The system will now be checked to verify that there is enough disk space with the current configuration to successfully install the package (and any selected optional subpackages). For large packages (especially operating system packages), this can be time consuming... There is enough space. ========== extracting files from subpackage archives ========== Loading subpackage: root... 50 of 273 100 of 273 150 of 273 200 of 273 250 of 273 273 of 273 Loading subpackage: RC3330... 4 of 4 Loading subpackage: usr... 50 of 1764 [...] 1764 of 1764 Loading subpackage: cmplrs... 50 of 124 1764 of 1764100 of 124 124 of 124 Loading subpackage: cmplrs-bsd43... 34 of 34 Loading subpackage: man... 50 of 1359 [...] 1359 of 1359 Loading subpackage: compat... 50 of 803 [...] 803 of 803 Loading subpackage: bsd43... 50 of 419 [...] 419 of 419 Loading subpackage: reconfig... 50 of 578 [...] 578 of 578 Loading subpackage: emacs... 50 of 438 [...] 438 of 438 Loading subpackage: posix... 50 of 52 52 of 52 Loading subpackage: uucp... 38 of 38 Loading subpackage: sccs... 2 of 2 Loading subpackage: news_readers... 17 of 17 Loading subpackage: games... 35 of 35 ========== making device special files ========== running MKDEV... done. ========== running comply ========== running first comply pass... running second comply pass... There were no comply messages from the second pass. ========== configuring network on newly installed system ========== Set up /etc/local_hostname and /etc/hosts for installed system (y n) [y]? What? Set up /etc/local_hostname and /etc/hosts for installed system (y n) [y]? y Local domainname [mips]? no-l.int rcp: /.rhosts: No such file or directory Do you wish to configure the network (y n) [n]? y ========== cleaning up ========== Copying packaging information directory to /mnt/usr/pkg/lib/umips4.52... Copying miniroot fstab to installed system... Unmounting filesystems... /mnt/usr: Unmounted /mnt: Unmounted ========== installation complete ========== # telinit 0 # INIT: New run level: 0 Miniroot shutdown
>> setenv bootfile dksd(,,8)sash >> auto Autoboot: Waiting to load dksd(,,8)sash (CTRL-C to abort) loading 210192+58672+230560 entry: 0xa0600000 Standalone Shell: Version 5.03 OPT Tue Jan 15 07:37:34 PST 1991 root Loading dksd(,,0)/unix 876080+111856+798192 entry: 0x80021000 Parity Enabled CPU: MIPS R3000A Processor Chip Revision: 3.0 FPU: MIPS R3010A VLSI Floating Point Chip Revision: 4.0 RISC/os Release 4_52 mips Version UMIPS Total real memory = 134217728 Available memory = 130584576 Checking root file system () if necessary. The system is coming up. Please wait. ***** Normally all file systems are fscked. ***** To fsck only dirty ones, type 'yes' within 5 seconds: ***** All file systems will be fscked. [...] ************************************************* * * * MIPS - The Measure of Performance * * * ************************************************* TERM=(dumb) vt100 ion #
This section explain how to override the mac address 00:00:00:00:00:00 send to kernel by a faulty NVRAM. To do that, we will compile a new kernel wih a little hack which force the mac address.
ion # cat > /etc/resolv.conf nameserver ion # cp /etc/named.d/named.boot /etc/ ion # ./netdaemons stop ion # ./netdaemons start Internet daemons:bind: Address already in use routedbind: Address already in use snmpdbind: Address already in use snmptrapd named portmap inetd rwhod timed(slave). ion # ping www.netbsd.org PING www.netbsd.org ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=212. ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=206. ms