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Volume one consists of: | | | | - ArtWorks 1.7 (1996) | | - EasiWord 1.01 (1991) | | - EasiWriter Professional 4.08 (1998) | | - Eureka 1.00 (1992) | | - Eureka 3.00 (1994) | | - Impression II 2.19 (1991) | | - Impression Publisher 3.422Dev (1996) | | - Impression Style 3.01 (1993) | | - Ovation 1.42S (1994) | | - SparkFS 1.28 (1996) | | - Squirrel 1.07 (1991) | | - TechWriter Professional 4.10 (1998) | | - Wordz 1.01 (1993) | | - X Server 2.08 (1997) | | | | This pack also includes all the modules required in order to use | | included applications. All files have been tested in RISC OS 3 and | | 4, and should work on other versions in most cases - although | | please note that these apps are almost certainly not 32-bit | | compatible, and therefore will not run under RISC OS 5. You will | | also need a decompression utility in RISC OS to extract these | | files; if you don't have one, you can grab a copy of David | | Pilling's excellent free !SparkPlug read-only decompressor from: | | | | http://davidpilling.com/free.html | | | | IMPORTANT NOTE FOR EMULATOR USERS | | ================================= | | These files must be decompressed within RISC OS with a RISC OS | | dearchiving program. Decompression on other platforms will lead | | to a loss of filetype information. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Visit our profile for more, including some vary rare releases! | | | | http://thepiratebay.org/user/antiques | | | | [tags: risc, risc os, acorn, acorn user, riscos, antiques, apps] | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Please seed - this is for the benefit of the RISC OS community, | | to ensure that these useful applications and files are never lost. | | Do your part to help, but please do support legitimate developers! | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | acorn.antiques.warez@gmail.com | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Greetz to: | | [qUE], Adny, flibble, teh Hodge, acp, beardy Dave, | | beardy John, Paul 'the man' and pig-fucker Johnson | | | | And extra special ultra cuddly greetz to Eddie Edwards, | | whose challenge has been accepted and met: look out | | for our upcoming games pack! | | | | http://forums.theregister.co.uk/post/798975 | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO o:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:cO Oc:c:::c:::c::c::c::c::::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c:cc8 :c:::c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:cc:o c:c:c::::c:c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:c8 Oc::c:c:c::c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:c C:c::c:c:c:c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c::ccC c:c:c:c:c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::::ccC 8cc:c::c::c::c:c::c:c::c::c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c:c c::c:c::c:c::::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:o Oc:c:c:cc:c:c::c::c:c:c::c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c::C C::c:c:c:c:c::c:::c::::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c c:c::c::c:c:c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:O c::c:c:c::::c:c::c:c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::co c:cc:c:c:cc:c:c:c:c:::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c::c:c:co8 c::c:c:c::c:c:c::c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:c:::C Cc::c::c::c:c:c::c::c::c::c::c::c:::c::c:ccC o:c::c:c:c:::c::c:::c::c::c::c:c:c:c:O 8CO8 c:c:c:c:c:c::c::::c:c:c:c:c::O8 8c:::c:cc:ccoCO 8Cc::c:c:c::::c::c:cC 88Co::cc:c:ccCO 88OC:c:cCOO8 Ooc::c:oo8 :c::co 8Cc:c:::c:cccocc::co 8occ:cc:c:c:ccCO 8ccc::c:c::cc:oO ___ 8oc:c:c:c:c:c:cC8 / _ \ ___ ___ _ __ _ __ Ooc:c:cc:::c:cco8 | _ |/ __/ _ \| '__| '_ \ Oc:c:::cc:c:cc:C | | | | (_| (_) | | | | | | Oc:c:::cc:c:cc:C \_| |_/\___\___/|_| |_| |_| 8c:cc:c:c:::c:cc8 ___ _ _ 8cc:c:c:c:c:c:ccO / _ \ _ __ | | (_) __ _ _ _ ___ ___ (C) 1986 - 2010 Oc:c:c::c:c:c:c:O | _ | '_ \| __| |/ _` | | | |/ _ \/ __| 8:::c::::c::c:c:cO | | | | | | | |_| | (_| | |_| | __/\__ \ Occ:c:c:c::c::::cc8 \_| |_/_| |_|\__|_|\__, |\__,_|\___||___/ c:c:c::c:c:c:c::: | | Oc::c:cc::cc8 |_|