Thank you for contacting wabi1.0-apps@East.Sun.COM or wabi1.1-apps@East.Sun.COM. This current version of the list of Wabi 1.x Supported Windows Applications, the tentative list of Wabi 2.x applications, and various Application-Specific Notes about applications running under Wabi are being sent back to you by an automatic email responder. You will not receive any other response to your email, even if it included a subject or some content. Your email will be logged, and eventually its contents will be read and incorporated into a future version of the documents returned by this email responder. If you want to get a list of frequently asked questions and answers about configuring and using Wabi 1.x, send email To: wabi1.0-questions@East.Sun.COM. or To: wabi1.1-questions@East.Sun.COM. Thanks! -Wabi Sustaining Engineering From Subject: Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Appinfo Index ==================================================================== Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Appinfo's Last Updated 15 Sep 1994 This is all the items in the Application Information section of the Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base, concatenated into a large file or files in email folder format for distribution. To recover the individual items, divide at each line beginning with From. Item Subject - Item Classification Supported Windows Applications - Wabi 1.x PCDI-Certified-App Notes - Wabi 1.x Other-Application Notes - MS-Mail Notes - From (A Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Item) Subject: Supported Windows Applications X-Classification: ==================================================================== Wabi 1.x Supported Windows Applications Last Updated 94/09/06 (Revision 1.18) Windows Applications PCDI-Certified To Run Under Wabi 1.x -------------------------------------------------------- (PCDI is Personal Computer Desktop Integration, the part of Sun Microsystems that develops Wabi.) * Microsoft Excel(tm) 4.0 * Microsoft Word for Windows(tm) 2.0 * Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows(tm) 1.1 * WordPerfect for Windows(tm) 5.2 * Microsoft PowerPoint(tm) 3.0 [**] * Microsoft Project(tm) 3.0 * Harvard Graphics for Windows(tm) 1.0 * CorelDRAW 3.0b * Lotus AmiPro(tm) 3.0 * Aldus PageMaker(tm) 4.0 * Microsoft Windows 3.1 * Borland Paradox for Windows(tm) V1.0 [**] * Borland Quattro(R) Pro For Windows V1.0 * PROCOMM PLUS for Windows(tm) 1.0 [** These two apps require installation of Microsoft Windows 3.1.] {Note: Only the exact version listed has been tested and PCDI-certified to run correctly under Wabi 1.x. For information about other versions of these apps, see the document titled 'Wabi 1.x Application-Specific Notes For "Other" Applications'.} Windows Applications ISV-Certified To Run Under Wabi 1.x -------------------------------------------------------- (ISV is Independent Software Vendor, creator of an app.) Windows Applications Rumored To Run Under Wabi 1.x -------------------------------------------------- {Note: Users have run these windows applications extensively under Wabi 1.x and report that they work. There is however no commitment either by Sun or by the ISV that these applications work under Wabi 1.x.} {Note: If you've used an application extensively and think it should be included in this list, tell us about it in an E-mail To: wabi1.0-apps@East.Sun.COM or To: wabi1.1-apps@East.Sun.COM.} From (A Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Item) Subject: Wabi 1.x PCDI-Certified-App Notes X-Classification: ==================================================================== Wabi 1.x Application-Specific Notes For PCDI-Certified Applications Last Updated 94/09/06 (Revision 1.18) General ------- For all application installations (except MS-Windows), see the section "Installation of Windows-Based Applications" in the Wabi Users' Guide. For installation of MS-Windows, see the section "Microsoft Windows 3.1 Installation" in the Wabi User's Guide. In addition, be sure to use the File->Run option of Application Manager (or Program Manager). Do not attempt to install an app by double-clicking on its installation program in either the Unix or MS-Windows File Managers. And do not use the File->Run option of MS-Windows File Manager. The manual says you can install apps to C: if you wish. Unfortunately, the wording may seem to imply that installing apps to C: is suggested or even required. Apps can be installed to any drive you wish. In many cases you will want to install apps to a drive other than C:, and so should overtype the default location provided by the app install program. Microsoft Windows 3.1 Software ------------------------------ You must install the Windows 3.1 software in your $HOME directory using the Wabi Windows Install tool located in the Wabi Tools Group. Don't try to execute the install program that comes with MS-Windows, and don't try to copy files from a PC. The Wabi program does not support the Windows 3.1 Print Manager since the Unix print subsystem provides equivalent or better print spooling capabilities. Most Windows 3.1 Control Panel functions are managed by the Wabi program or by your operating system. Do not attempt to change settings by using the following Windows Control Panel functions: * Fonts * Ports * Mouse * Desktop (including Wallpaper and Screen Saver) * Keyboard * Printers * International * Date/Time Under Wabi 1.x, be sure to use Microsoft Windows 3.1, not Microsoft Windows 3.1.1. Pagemaker 4.0 ------------- ProCOMM Plus for Windows 1.0 ---------------------------- If you use ProCOMM Plus for Windows and a modem with Solaris 2.1 for x86 operating software, you will need to install an operating system patch and, most likely, configure a second COM port. See the notes above that pertain to Solaris 2.1 for x86 for more information. Do not enable hardware flow control when using ProCOMM Plus for Windows. The Wabi program does not support this control mode. Lotus AmiPro 3.0 ---------------- Some Smarticons may disappear when you resize an AmiPro window. To make the icons reappear, minimize the window and then restore it. The install option "Install AmiPro on Server" is not supported. The install option "New Wave" is not supported. The AmiPro tutorial is not supported. Under Wabi 1.x, be sure to use Lotus AmiPro 3.0, not Lotus AmiPro 3.01. Lotus 1-2-3 ----------- You must install Lotus 1-2-3 as if you are installing it on a stand-alone computer, even if your computer is a network node. Harvard Graphics for Windows ---------------------------- When you print large graphics files, you may encounter printer errors caused by the root disk partition becoming filled with temporary printing files. If this happens, and your system uses 'tmpfs', add more swap space. If this happens and your system does not use 'tmpfs', use a symlink to redirect /tmp into a different disk partition with a larger amount of free space. In either case examine the /tmp directory for large unused files. Normally programs remove their files from /tmp when they're done. If you find unused files in /tmp, determine where they came from and why they still exist. Borland Paradox for Windows --------------------------- You must install the Microsoft Windows 3.1 software to use Paradox. The Wabi drive on which the Paradox network control file is located must be a dedicated drive and must have a Remote drive flag set. Serious data loss can result in multi-user settings if you do not set the proper drive flags for this application. To prevent data loss, do the following: 1. Dedicate a Wabi drive for use by the Paradox network control file, for example drive P. 2. Connect the drive. 3. Temporarily stop Wabi. 4. Using a text editor, find the [CommonSettings] section at the end of your WABI.INI file. Set the DriveFlags entry for this drive to "Remote,Sharing". For example, the entry for drive P would look as follows: DriveFlags.P=Remote,Sharing 5. Save your changes. 6. Restart the Wabi program. To ensure that all users will be able to access files in the network control file, you must change the default file creation privileges before you start the Wabi program by entering the following command: umask 000 You must issue this command each time you start a new Command tool (shell) prior to starting a Wabi session. Note that, after you use this command, all files created with the Wabi program (not just those in the network control file drive) have read and write access for all users. You can do this just for Parasox when you launch it by adding an entry like this to your window system root menu: "Paradox..." set umask 000; exec wabi -s "P:\PDOXWIN\PDOXWIN.EXE" You cannot export a database file immediately after doing a query. If you want to export an existing database file, do it before doing a query. If you want to export data gathered through a query, save the data to a file, exit Paradox, restart Paradox, and export the file. Microsoft PowerPoint 3.1 ------------------------ You must install the Microsoft Windows 3.1 software to use this application. When printing to a file, you must specify the drive letter in the path name or the output file cannot be opened. If you are using the PowerPoint Viewer and see an error message indicating that the Wabi program is unable to read a font file, exit PowerPoint and restart the Wabi program to avoid further problems with either program. WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows --------------------------- You must install this application as follows: 1. Select the Custom Install option. 2. When prompted for the elements to install, select "All." When printing from WordPerfect 5.2, be sure that the "Windows" printer driver is selected in the Select Printer dialog box. Incorrect output will result if you select the "WordPerfect" printer driver. WordPerfect help is not supported. On Solaris 2.1 for x86 systems, WordPerfect macros are not supported. On Solaris 2.1 for x86 systems, a problem exists in the equations function. When you select Graphics -> Equations -> Create, a Commands list box appears. Open the list box and click on any item between the "Large" and the "Other" selections. No items display in the box, although the items are there. Try clicking on an item to locate or select it. QuattroPro for Windows ---------------------- You must install the QuattroPro program to a drive letter that is mapped to a file system that is accesed over the network. You cannot install this application on a local drive. CorelDRAW 3.0b -------------- To use this application, you must perform two installations. The first installation installs the main part of the application. The second installation installs fonts. Follow these procedures to install CorelDRAW: 1. Perform the first installation of the program using one of the install options ("Full," "Minimum," or "Custom"). 2. Perform a second installation using the "Custom Install" option. 3. In the "Choose which files to install" dialog, set "Fonts" and "Symbols" to Some, and set all other options to None. 4. In the "Fonts and Symbols Selection Window" dialog, select the TrueType Fonts to install, and the Symbols/WFN fonts to install. 5. Complete the Custom Install. CorelDRAW is now fully installed. When you open the file EYE.CDR in the CorelDRAW samples directory, the Wabi program sometimes terminates unexpectedly. If you import a file and then print it, CorelDRAW sometimes terminates unexpectedly. Some of the sample charts for CorelCHART may not print, or may print a page of print errors. If you select the Symbol tool after selecting the Text tool and entering text in a drawing, you may sometimes encounter a CorelDRAW memory access error. Using CorelSHOW Portion of CorelDRAW ------------------------------------ By default, CorelSHOW assumes that you have a VGA-based graphics display. To use CorelSHOW, you must edit your WIN.INI file to indicate a display other than VGA is present. Follow these steps to edit this file: 1. Locate in your WIN.INI file the section titled, "AAPLAY Animation". 2. Locate in this section the following line: Fullscreen=AAVGA.drv. 3. Edit this line to read: Fullscreen=No 4. Save your changes. 5. Restart the Wabi program. CorelSHOW will now run correctly. Microsoft Excel --------------- The keyboard accelerators (Alt+key) for list boxes are not supported. You must use the mouse to select. From (A Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Item) Subject: Wabi 1.x Other-Application Notes X-Classification: ==================================================================== Wabi 1.x Application-Specific Notes For "Other" Applications Last Updated 94/09/06 (Revision 1.27) [Note: Presence or absence of information about an application in this document does not imply anything about the application's status. To find out the status of a particular application see the portion of this document titled "Supported Windows Applications". Also note: This portion of this document contains information about applications that do not work or work only partially as well as about applications that do work. Hence presence of an application in this portion of this document does not imply that the application can be used under Wabi 1.x.] Quicken ------- o To install you may need to use an undocumented option on its install script A:\install /a o The application will start and will allow you to set up your categories, but will not do anything further. It dies when it tries to create or import a database. TurboTax v10.01 --------------- o Installs okay o Dies when it tries to create or import a database. TurboTax v11.0 for 1993 ----------------------- o Unable to install. Setup fails with a message "Microsoft Test Driver -- Scantime Error: Line too long -- TTWINSTL.MST(2)" DATAEASE Express 1.0 -------------------- o Does not work currently. Norton Desktop 2.0 ------------------ o Does not work currently. Norton Desktop 2.2 ------------------ o Do Not attempt to install Norton Desktop 2.2 on Wabi. The installation process for this application will leave Wabi in a state where it will not initialize for the user. Note !! If a user does attempt to install Norton 2.2 or any other application that corrupts the user's ~/wabi directory in such a way that Wabi will not initialize, users will need to rename or delete their ~/wabi directory to get Wabi to setup a new ~/wabi directory before they can proceed. YourWay ------- o Does not work currently. o For example of 2500+ cardfile records, those above #1024 are missing. Semantec TimeLine for Windows 1.0 --------------------------------- o Seems to install fine. o Under Wabi prefcs 1.0, Menu and Icon bars are not always redrawn. They do remain functional -- Wabi still thought they were there and the mouse acted on what was supposed to be there. o The tutorial does not run. One error message is "SetWindowsHook - Attempting to Set Hook Type 0x4 / Segmentation Fault - core dumped" o Pert and Gannt charts seem to print okay. Frame ----- o Seems to install fine. o Does not work currently. MS-Mail ------- o Seems to install fine. o The "client" package does start up, and appears to work correctly except for a problem discarding old mail when it exits. (Much more detailed information is available in a separate section titled "MS-Mail Notes".) o Maintenance functions on the "server" package cannot be performed under Wabi since the programs are DOS-based. o The "MTA" (message Transfer Agent) package does not work under Wabi 1.0 since applications running under Wabi don't yet have any access to networking APIs. Cc:Mail ------- o Like MS-Mail, only the "client" package is a candidate to run under Wabi 1.x since applications running under Wabi don't yet have any access to networking APIs. o The "client" package will not install under Wabi 1.x for reasons unrelated to the presence or absence of a networking API. o It's not known whether or not the "client" package would run under Wabi 1.x if it were installed on a real PC and then all the pieces copied over to the Wabi system. MS-Access --------- o The functions that access remote databases over the network won't work with Wabi 1.x since applications running under Wabi don't yet have any access to networking APIs. o Some of the local functions do not currently work either. MS-Access will not run usefully under Wabi 1.x. MS-Visual C/C++ 1.0 ------------------- o Does not complete installation. Borland C/C++ 3.1 ----------------- o One report says it installs okay. o Another report says the install fails when it's trying to customize a new *.GRP file. o When invoked, BCW.EXE just displays the banner screen then disappears. Lotus Organizer --------------- o It appears to require the installation of "real Windows". Once that's provided it appears to work okay. Lotus Organizer 1.1 ------------------- o It appears to work okay. MS-Windows Printing System -------------------------- o Does not install and would not run even if it did install. o This is intentional. Wabi simply spools all its printouts to the Unix print system. If Wabi either provided some sort of Wabi-specific print manager function or supported the MS-Windows print manager, it would lead to "dueling print managers" on the desktop and confuse users. America Online 1.0 ------------------ o Installs okay under Wabi 1.0. o Does not run correctly under Wabi 1.0. Reports attempt to use an entry point that Wabi currently doesn't support. MS-Windows 3.1.1 ---------------- o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. (The PCDI-certified version is 3.1.) America Online 1.0 ------------------ o Currently does not install. During installation an error message about using an unsupported API appears. NewWave ------- o Does not work under Wabi 1.x. Issues an error message about using an unsupported entry point. (This is consistent with the general rule that _no_ replacement desktop or shell is expected to run under Wabi.) MS-Video 1.0 ------------ o Does not install. (It almost certainly would not work even if it did install, since Wabi 1.x does not support windows' "multimedia extensions".) PhotoEdge --------- o Installs okay. Windows Entertainment Pack #1 (Taipei) -------------------------------------- o Installs okay. o Runs okay, except mouse pointer disappears under some tiles. MS-Works 2.0a ------------- o Installs okay. o One report says it runs okay, however... o The word processor may fail, sometimes with the message "Internal Error: Native Exception 11 ..." MS-Office 3.0 ------------- o "Bundled" product. For status of each component application see that application. MS-Word 2.0, MS-Excel 4.0, and MS-PowerPoint 3.0 are all PCDI-certified to install and run correctly under Wabi 1.x. The client part of MS-Mail, which is not certified to run under Wabi 1.x, does run albeit imperfectly. o Use the individual installation program for each app. The "unified" installation program is not certified under Wabi 1.x and probably will not work. MS-Office 4.0 ------------- o "Bundled" product. For status of each component application see that application. MS-Excel 4.0 and MS-PowerPoint 3.0 are PCDI-certified to install and run correctly under Wabi 1.x. The client part of MS-Mail, which is not certified to run under Wabi 1.x, does run albeit imperfectly. MS-Word 6.0 is _not_ certifed to run under Wabi 1.x and does _not_ run correctly. o Only a "unified" installation program is supplied. Although not certified under Wabi 1.x, it probably can be made to work. To install this package, `touch ~/wabi/windows/share.exe`. The DOS-based driver SHARE.EXE isn't necessary under Wabi since file locking is integrated into Wabi. And it is never executed by the MS-Office applications. Nevertheless the MS-Office 4.0 install procedure insists that the file be present on the system. MS-Office 4.1 & 4.2 ------------------- o "Bundled" product. For status of each component application see that application. o Only a "unified" installation program is supplied. It is not certified under Wabi 1.x and probably cannot be made to work. The first problem you will encounter is the insistence on the presence of SHARE.EXE. The same workaround that works with MS-Office 4.0 will get past this problem. However you will then probably encounter other problems for which no workaround is known. Visual Basic Development Environment ------------------------------------ o Does not run under Wabi. Requires a "Virtual Device Driver", something Wabi does not support. o Because the development environment won't run under Windows NT either, for the same reason, we hope Microsoft will remove the requirement for a Virtual Device Driver in a future release of Visual Basic. Visual Basic Applications ------------------------- o Most will run under Wabi. Just install VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL into Wabi as necessary. FileMaker Pro from Claris (2.1 ?) --------------------------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Does not come up, error message is "Unrecoverable Error in Wabi -- Internal Error -- ..." PC-Xware from NCD (an X11R5 server that runs under MS-Windows) -------------------------------------------------------------- o Wabi windows projected into this X-server display correctly. So Wabi windows and Windows windows appear on the same screen. CA-Super Project ---------------- o May not install under Wabi 1.x. If necessary run install on a real PC then copy all the files to the Wabi system. o Will not run under Wabi 1.x. Starts up, draws its initial screen including logo and license information, then displays the message "Can not run CA-Super Project. Product Produced for sale and use in US only." No workaround is known. The message not withstanding, it appears the problem has nothing to do with internationalization / locale. VPix ---- o If it's available and runs, this DOS emulator can be launched by Wabi. (Also runs without Wabi, both from the local Unix command line and from inside an xterm window.) Lotus Improv ------------ o Seems to install okay. o Seems to run okay under Wabi too. (A user reports it won't start up, that it mistakenly senses that another copy is already running. Another user reports they've seen Improv mis-behave the same way under "real Windows", so this doesn't seem to be a Wabi-specific problem.) WinCIM ------ o WinCIM installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Using the default configuration, WinCIM will come up part way, then the two windows will flicker madly for several seconds until a stack overflow terminates the application. o The flickering and initial failure can be eliminated by adding Show-Browse-Menu=OFF to c:\cserve\wincim\wincim.ini (~/wabi/cserve/wincim/wincim.ini). o After bringing up WinCIM in this way, a user has successfully connected to CompuServe from WinCIM 1.0.5 running under Wabi 1.1 on a SPARCstation 2 at 2400 baud. o Many of the icons did not display correctly, some functionality was missing, a few functions crashed Wabi, and the comm connection didn't seem to be as robust as expected. PageMaker 5.0 ------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.0. o Starts up under Wabi 1.0, but fails 0 as soon as you try to do anything substaintial. AmiPro 3.01 ---------- o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. (The PCDI-certified version is 3.0.) Lotus 1-2-3 4.0 --------------- o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. MS-Word 6.0 ----------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x after workaround of `touch ~/wabi/windows/system/share.exe`. o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. Will fail to come up. May issue a message "unrecoverable error in Application - Application error D ...". May issue a message "Unrecoverable error:Xt error: shell widget has zero width and/or height. Wabi will exit now". Or, when launched in minimized mode, may issue a message "there is not enough memory to run Word". MS-Word 2.0c ------------ o Will not install under Wabi 1.0. Quattro Pro 5.0 --------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Appears to not run under Wabi 1.x. Complaint may be with file sharing. It's possible (not tested) that the problem can be worked around by `touch ~/wabi/windows/share.exe`. SQL-Forms 4.0 ------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Runform, oraterm, and orainst come up and appear to work. o Since Wabi 1.x doesn't support WinSock, can't use SQL*Net and so there's not much to try. Prodigy ------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. Exits with the message "Unrecoverable Error in Wabi - Internal Error ...". Scitor PSN6 ----------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. Exits with the message "application error - Exception 0 while running PSN6 at 317:75b in PSN6:1". XoftWare/32 for Windows 3.0 by Age Logic, Inc. ---------------------------------------------- o At a basic level, works to allow you to display Wabi windows on your PC (!?) o There are some crashes. o The mouse has an XOR problem. Excel V4.0a ----------- o Seems to work fine under Wabi 1.x (not tested extensively, though). Excel V5.0 ---------- o Will not install and run correctly under Wabi 1.x. o If installed on a PC or under SunPC, then copied over to Wabi, may run correctly under Wabi 1.x. Lotus Freelance for Windows --------------------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.0. o Starts up, and sorta runs under Wabi 1.0. o Text and backgrounds work fine. o Print requests often fail with no message from the app, only an obscure message from the printer itself. o Usually dies when you try to add polygons to the output. o Several oddities in text editing, display, and using the Lotus clipart. o Ran well enough under Wabi 1.1 to display slide by slide an entire presention that had been created elsewhere. (Large screen format, colors, and speed were all fine for presentation use.) o Did not crash under Wabi 1.1 while displaying the presentation or in casual use. MDL ISIS Draw 1.01a ------------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.0. o Does not run usefully under Wabi 1.0. Complains it can't find or open needed files. Deltagraph ---------- o Does not install under Wabi 1.0. o If installed on a PC or under SunPC, then copied over to Wabi, causes Wabi 1.0 to exit. MS Video V1.0 ------------- o Does not install correctly under Wabi 1.0. o Given that Wabi 1.x does not support the MS-Windows multimedia extensions, this program would probably not be useful even if it installed and came up. QuarkXpress ----------- o Would not install under Wabi Beta II. MathCAD V4.0 ------------ o Not known to run successfully under Wabi 1.x. May issue the error message "Cannot load library: KRNL386.exe". May issue an error message referring to user.exe. Documental Database ------------------- o Installs okay under Wabi 1.x. o Does not run under Wabi 1.x. Issues the error message "Unrecoverable error ... - Application Error - Exception D ..." Intel Client/Server Solutions Catalog - 5/13/94 ----------------------------------------------- o Installs fine under Wabi 1.1 o Runs fine under Wabi 1.1 From (A Wabi 1.x Knowledge Base Item) Subject: MS-Mail Notes X-Classification: ==================================================================== MS-Mail Notes Last Updated 94/08/12 (Revision 1.9) Although it's not a "certified" app, we've heard that the MS-Mail client package seems to run under Wabi! This means you may be able to keep your Unix desktop and still participate fully in email connectivity right now, even if your enterprise has standardized on MS-Mail and you can't set up a fully functional SMTP gateway. Setting up MS-Mail to do this is a bit tricky. We have some of the answers, but not all of them yet. Here for your information is what we do know. If you start from here and make further progress, please let us know by sending email To: or To: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rather than being a monolithic app, MS-Mail is packaged in several pieces. Each piece provides one part of the overall functionality, and each piece has its own operating requirements. The "Server" Package -------------------- The server package is the actual executables run by the clients, the shared directory structure used to exchange email within one workgroup, and some administrative tools. One server package corresponds to one "Post Office". A complete server package plus 10 client licenses and a gateway currently lists for $695. The server package can be installed on any machine whose files are accessible to a PC. The Post Office is completely passive -- it stores a whole bunch of files, but doesn't actually execute anything. In other words the server package can be installed onto any Sun server that provides NFS service, making it into a Post Office. The process of installing a server package must be done from a Windows environment. We know it can be done on an x86 machine running "real Windows" and an NFS client package like PC-NFS. We suspect but have not verified the server package can also be installed from a workstation running Wabi. The process of administering the server must be done from a DOS environment. It definitely can be done on an x86 machine running DOS and an NFS client package like PC-NFS. We suspect but have not verified the server package can also be installed from a workstation running a DOS emulator such as SunPC. Communication between the "client" and the "server" is via shared files. MS-Mail doesn't know or care how the file sharing is done -- it simply references a drive a file. For Wabi 1.x under Solaris 2.[23] the only viable way to share files is with NFS over TCP/IP. File sharing using IPX protocols is not supported by either Wabi 1.x or Solaris 2.[23] (although it will work with SunPC if you have all the right software). And file sharing using NetBIOS over TCP/IP is not supported by either Wabi 1.x or Solaris 2.[23]. The "MTA" Package ----------------- If you want your workgroup to be able to exchange email with other Post Offices, you need an MTA (Message Transfer Agent) package. A complete MTA package purchased separately currently lists for $1995. The MTA package must run in an x86 environment. It runs on a "real PC". We suspect but have not verified it will also run under a DOS emulator such as SunPC. The "Client" Package -------------------- You need a client package on every workstation. The client package is the part of MS-Mail that we know ran under Wabi Beta II. A client package consists of only a setup program and a right to use license. The actual client executables come with the server package and are loaded from the Post Office. Client packages are typically sold in quantity and/or bundled with other packages. If purchased separately without any promotions, a small kit of only 5 client packages currently lists for $395. "Gateway" Packages ------------------ Depending on your enterprise's configuration, you may need one or more gateways to other email protocols. Microsoft sells gateways to many other email systems, currently including: AT&T, MCI, SNADS, MS-Mail 1.0, FAX, MHS, SMTP, and X.400. Microsoft also sells "Access" packages, which we suspect are one-way gateways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To run MS-Mail on all your Unix workstations and participate fully in your enterprise's email connectivity, you'll probably need one dedicated "real PC" with two network interface cards and a second non-dedicated "real PC" with one network interface card. Both "real PCs" need to be running a client NFS package such as PC-NFS. You'll also need one "server" package and one "MTA" package for your workgroup, and a "client" package for each workstation. And you may need one or more "gateway" packages. First go to the machine you intend to be your Post Office. Find or create an empty directory with a meaningful name on a disk partition with enough space available. Then export it. Second go to the non-dedicated PC. Use the "net use" command to mount the file structure exported by the machine you intend to be your Post Office onto a drive letter. Install the "server package". When asked where the server files should be stored, point to the drive you did the "net use" for. Third install client packages under Wabi on two of your Unix workstations. Use the Wabi ConfigurationManager:Disks to map the Post Office files to a Wabi drive letter. When MS-Mail asks, tell it where these files are (for example answer H:\MSMAIL\). Test the two workstations and make sure they can exchange email with each other. Fourth install the MTA package directly onto the dedicated PC. Fifth install client packages under Wabi on the rest of your Unix workstations. Periodically, when you need to administer the MS-Mail system, go to the non-dedicated PC again. Do the same "net use" of the Post Office files if it isn't already done. Bring up the administration tools under DOS and do whatever needs doing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the MS-Mail client didn't run under Wabi at all before Wabi Beta II, this information is relatively new and some wrinkles remain. In particular, when you exit MS-Mail it will attempt to put all your old email messages in the trash basket. This operation may hang all of Wabi, forcing you to manually `kill` Wabi. We don't know yet if this is fixable under Wabi 1.x. Maybe changing it just requires resetting some MS-Mail option or changing the permissions on some directory. Also, you may experience various problems with MS-Mail not being able to access files. Most of these problems are the same ones you'd have if you ran MS-Mail on "real PCs" with a client NFS package such as PC-NFS. These are configuration problems which can be solved by correcting the Unix permissions on these files. Subject: Supported Windows Applications X-Classification: ==================================================================== Windows Applications That Will Be PCDI-Certified To Run Under Wabi 2.0 (PCDI is Personal Computer Desktop Integration, the part of Sun Microsystems that develops Wabi.) (List Subject To Change Before Wabi 2.0 Final Release) Last Updated 94/09/06 (Revision 1.14) Individual Applications * Microsoft Excel(tm) 5.0 (or 4.0) * Microsoft Word for Windows(tm) 6.0 (or 2.0) * Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows(tm) 4.01 (or 1.1) * WordPerfect for Windows(tm) 6.0 (or 5.2) [6.0a desirable] * Microsoft PowerPoint(tm) 4.0 (or 3.0) * Microsoft Project(tm) 3.0 * Harvard Graphics for Windows(tm) 2.0 (or 1.0) * CorelDRAW 4.0 (or 3.0b) * Lotus AmiPro(tm) 3.01 (or 3.0) * Aldus PageMaker(tm) 5.0 (or 4.0) * Microsoft Windows 3.1.1 (or 3.1) * Borland Paradox for Windows(tm) 4.5 (or V1.0) * Borland Quattro(R) Pro For Windows 5.0 (or V1.0) * PROCOMM PLUS for Windows(tm) 1.02 (or 1.0) * Lotus Approach 2.1 * Lotus Freelance Graphics 2.01 * Lotus Organizer 1.1 * Lotus CC:Mail Client 2.0 * Lotus Notes Client 3.0c * Microsoft Mail Client 3.2 * Microsoft Access 2.0 * Intuit Quicken 3.0 Suites (All apps are included in above list) * MS Office 4.3 (including unified install) (also 3.0) * Lotus SmartSuite 2.0 * Borland Office 2.0 (install not committed yet) ====================================================================