Thank you for contacting wabi2.0-apps@East.Sun.COM. This current tentative version of the list of Wabi2.0 Supported Windows Applications is being sent back to you by an automatic email responder. You will not receive any other response to your email, even if it included a subject or some content. If you want to get a list of frequently asked questions and answers about configuring and using the current version Wabi 1.x, send email To: wabi1.0-questions@East.Sun.COM. or To: wabi1.1-questions@East.Sun.COM. If you want to get information about apps that run under the current version Wabi 1.x, send email To: wabi1.0-apps@East.Sun.COM. or To: wabi1.1-apps@East.Sun.COM. Thanks! -Wabi Sustaining Engineering From Subject: Wabi 2.0 Knowledge Base Appinfo Index ==================================================================== Wabi 2.0 Knowledge Base Appinfo's Last Updated 15 Sep 1994 This is all the items in the Application Information section of the Wabi 2.0 Knowledge Base, concatenated into a large file or files in email folder format for distribution. To recover the individual items, divide at each line beginning with From. Item Subject - Item Classification Supported Windows Applications - From (A Wabi 2.0 Knowledge Base Item) Subject: Supported Windows Applications X-Classification: ==================================================================== Windows Applications That Will Be PCDI-Certified To Run Under Wabi 2.0 (PCDI is Personal Computer Desktop Integration, the part of Sun Microsystems that develops Wabi.) (List Subject To Change Before Wabi 2.0 Final Release) Last Updated 94/09/06 (Revision 1.14) Individual Applications * Microsoft Excel(tm) 5.0 (or 4.0) * Microsoft Word for Windows(tm) 6.0 (or 2.0) * Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows(tm) 4.01 (or 1.1) * WordPerfect for Windows(tm) 6.0 (or 5.2) [6.0a desirable] * Microsoft PowerPoint(tm) 4.0 (or 3.0) * Microsoft Project(tm) 3.0 * Harvard Graphics for Windows(tm) 2.0 (or 1.0) * CorelDRAW 4.0 (or 3.0b) * Lotus AmiPro(tm) 3.01 (or 3.0) * Aldus PageMaker(tm) 5.0 (or 4.0) * Microsoft Windows 3.1.1 (or 3.1) * Borland Paradox for Windows(tm) 4.5 (or V1.0) * Borland Quattro(R) Pro For Windows 5.0 (or V1.0) * PROCOMM PLUS for Windows(tm) 1.02 (or 1.0) * Lotus Approach 2.1 * Lotus Freelance Graphics 2.01 * Lotus Organizer 1.1 * Lotus CC:Mail Client 2.0 * Lotus Notes Client 3.0c * Microsoft Mail Client 3.2 * Microsoft Access 2.0 * Intuit Quicken 3.0 Suites (All apps are included in above list) * MS Office 4.3 (including unified install) (also 3.0) * Lotus SmartSuite 2.0 * Borland Office 2.0 (install not committed yet) ====================================================================