Luxembourg, April 12th, 2006 Greetings! Finally some up-to-date packages for your Sun3 I just finished. PLEASE read this text to the end before installing any of these packages. If you find them useful, feel free to contact me by mail. If you have some spare 4 MB 30-Pin parity memory modules or a CG6 for the 3/80 to give away... you'll find my mail address at the end of this text. ========================================================================== ntpd-4.2.0_rev2.tar.gz: Without SSL (yet), documentation only available in *.html, as ISC dropped the manpages a while ago. Maybe I'm going to extract the manpages from an older ntp package some time, maybe not. copy /opt/network/etc/ntp.conf.sample to /opt/network/etc/ntp.conf, edit it to your needs and finally add /opt/network/etc/add_to_rc.local to your rc.local if you want ntpd to be started at boot-time. Read through the documentation if you want to know what the tickadj command does. Ignore the "mlockall(): I/O error" when ntpd is started for now. Didn't had the time to patch it and it works fine nevertheless. *** UPDATE *** Apr. 6th, 2006 *** tickadj now part of the package perl5.8.8.tar.gz: Compile time was about 3 days on a 3/80, tests failed at UTF8-related stuff. Should be ok otherwise. openssh-4.3p2+openssl-0.98a+ocrandom_rev2.tar.gz: Latest openssl and openssh as of March 26th, 2006 ocrandom provides a /dev/urandom and is (at least on such old machines) much faster than the sluggish PRNGD/EGD. Randomness of the provided data seemed to be sufficient to me. /opt/security/etc/ssh/genkeys will generate the SSH keypairs. Took a bit more than 1hr on my 3/80 so be sure to have a good can of coffee or a nice book at hand. Add /opt/security/etc/add_to_rc.local to your rc.local to get ocrandom and sshd started at boot-time. UPDATE (March 30th, 2006): DNS resolving works now. ****** Be sure to read the WARNING.readme in /opt/security/etc/ssh ****** essential_gnu_rev2.tar.gz: Some useful GNU stuff See corresponding README gcc-3.2.3.tar.gz: The GNU C Compiler, Version 3.2.3 See corresponding README vim-5.8.tar.gz: vim 5.8, for those who need a newer vim than the one supplied with essential_gnu_rev2.tar.gz See corresponding README diffutils-2.8.1.tar.gz: See corresponding README net.tar.gz: Collection of some useful mail/news/www/ftp tools See corresponding README X11R6.8.tar.gz: See corresponding README ========================================================================== All packages will extract into /opt, so make sure you have a seperate /opt filesystem or /opt is linked to some filesystem with sufficient disk space (ntpd will only use a few megabytes, openssl/ssh uses around 15 MB and perl will chew up 42 MB!) Usual disclaimers apply. I'm not going to be responsible if one of the packages screws up your machine. Keep in mind this is done at my spare time. The packages work for me and my machine. If you encounter any problems, just drop me a mail but don't expect things to be fixed in a day (if at all). Have a nice day! Martin Etteldorf -