What I have to do to run OpenVMS on AXPpci33 aka NoName? --------------------------------------------------------mod:29feb2000 You may use Multia VMS kit: http://www.openvms.digital.com/freeware/MULTIA/ Some instructions and files about Multia kit: http://home.earthlink.net/~djesys/vms/hobbyist/multia.html It works, but contains stuff that's not needed for AXPpci33, like Graphics driver and SRM firmware for Multia. (Use latest SRM version for AXPpci33.) I'd prefer not to use Multia kit as is but do next: 1) Take normal VMS 7.2 system disk from any supported Alpha. 2) Copy SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_0B04.EXE from Multia kit to [VMS$COMMON.SYS$LDR] on system disk 3) Edit [VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]FIRM_REV_MATRIX.DAT to contain entry for AXPpci33 (See file with same name in Multia kit). Copy lines starting from "SYS_TYPE = 11 ..." to "END_SYS_TYPE " in the right place. Or: You may copy whole file from Multia kit, but then system disk doesn't work in other alphas any more. (3. possibility is to skip firmware check when booting by bit 11 example: boot dka300 -fl 0,800) Problems: - Only one PCI card seems to work (S3-trio64 graphics). VMS doesn't support shared interrupts - Installation using serial console doesn't seem to work (Any VGA compatible graphics should help here) - There's some bugcheck in every boot. Doesn't matter. - SCSI not working after shutdown. Can't reboot. - If you don't have PS/2 type board, mouse doesn't work unless you solder it to PS/2 mouse connector place on board. Working network cards: DE203,DE205 (DEC Etherworks 3) work in ISA (SRM-command >>> add_de205 is good for config) Suggestion for "AXPpci33 VMS kit": I've made axppci33 version of Multia kit by deleting everything else but SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_0B04.EXE and FIRM_REV_MATRIX.DAT (Contains entries for other Alphas). It can be used like Multia kit: >>> boot dka400,dva0 -fl 0,80000 where dka400 is normal VMS CD or system disk and dva0 contains AxpPCI33 kit. Kit is as backup saveset in http://www.jyu.fi/~kujala/axppci33.bck [File attributes: $ set file/attr=(rfm:fix,lrl:32256)...] and as raw floppy image (use $copy, dd, rawrite...) in http://www.jyu.fi/~kujala/axppci33.dd . THIS IS ALL UNSUPPORTED and I assume no responsibility. Osmo Kujala