____________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual Order Number: AA-PV70B-TE March 1994 This manual describes the new features of the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 New Features Manual. Software Version: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ March 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. 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Thank you. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... ix 1 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features.............. 1-1 2 General Features 2.1 CONVERT/RECLAIM /KEY Qualifier................ 2-1 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions..................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Platform-Specific Attributes Have Been Removed................................... 2-1 2.2.2 DEBUG Command............................. 2-2 2.2.3 DIFFERENCES Command....................... 2-4 2.2.4 DIRECTORY Command......................... 2-4 New Keywords for /SELECT Qualifier...... 2-4 /SHELVED_STATE Qualifier................ 2-5 Output Navigation Qualifiers............ 2-5 2.2.5 F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Lexical Function........ 2-5 2.2.6 F$GETSYI Lexical Function................. 2-6 2.2.7 New PRODUCT Command....................... 2-6 2.2.8 REPLY Command............................. 2-7 2.2.9 SET FILE Command.......................... 2-7 2.2.10 SET PROCESS Command....................... 2-7 2.2.11 New SET SERVER Command.................... 2-8 2.2.12 SHOW MEMORY Command....................... 2-8 2.2.13 SHOW PROCESS Command...................... 2-9 2.2.14 TYPE Command.............................. 2-9 2.2.15 Output Navigation Qualifiers.............. 2-9 2.3 DECwindows DECnet/OSI Full Names Support...... 2-13 2.4 Support for File Shelving..................... 2-13 2.5 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Additions ...... 2-14 v 2.5.1 Accessing $STATUS Values for Uninstalled Messages ................................. 2-15 3 System Management Features 3.1 DECdtm Transaction Log Management............. 3-1 3.2 ERRFMT and Event Notification................. 3-1 3.3 Improvements to the File System............... 3-2 3.3.1 Performance Improvements.................. 3-2 3.3.2 Changes Affecting PATHWORKS............... 3-3 3.4 Two New Qualifiers for the SHOW LICENSE Command....................................... 3-3 3.5 Support for Full Names........................ 3-4 3.6 Monitoring Performance History Program Available..................................... 3-6 3.7 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility...... 3-6 3.8 New System Parameters for OpenVMS VAX......... 3-7 3.9 Volume Shadowing Supported on OpenVMS AXP .... 3-9 4 Programming Features 4.1 LAT Symbiont Customization.................... 4-1 4.2 Convert/Reclaim Utility DCL Interface......... 4-3 4.2.1 New /KEY Qualifier........................ 4-3 4.2.2 Display from CONVERT/RECLAIM/STATISTICS Command Enhanced.......................... 4-3 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics.................................... 4-4 4.3.1 Access to Qualifier Options Array......... 4-4 4.3.2 Access to Conversion Statistics Array..... 4-5 4.3.3 Access to Reclamation Statistics Array.... 4-6 4.4 CONV$RECLAIM Key Selection Parameter Added.... 4-7 4.5 LOGINOUT Callout Routines..................... 4-8 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features................. 4-8 4.6.1 DECwindows Motif User Interface........... 4-8 4.6.2 Connect/Disconnect Support................ 4-10 4.6.3 DCL DEBUG Command Enhancements............ 4-11 4.6.4 DECnet/OSI (Phase V) Full Names Support... 4-11 4.6.5 Heap Analyzer Support..................... 4-12 4.6.6 Online Help Changes....................... 4-12 4.7 New Optional Argument Supported for Calls to FDL$CREATE ................................... 4-12 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes ......... 4-13 vi 4.8.1 FIB$L_ACCTL (Access Control) Subfunctions.............................. 4-13 4.8.2 IO$_CREATE (Create File) Major Functions................................. 4-13 4.8.3 IO$_MODIFY (Modify File) Major Functions................................. 4-15 4.8.4 IO$M_MOVEFILE (Movefile) Subfunction...... 4-17 4.9 New LAN Drivers............................... 4-17 4.10 RMS Reverse-Search Option..................... 4-18 4.11 RMS Support for Shelving...................... 4-20 4.12 OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Full Name Support....................................... 4-21 4.13 System Services............................... 4-22 4.13.1 $GETDVI System Service Enhancements....... 4-22 4.13.2 $FILESCAN System Service Enhancements..... 4-23 4.13.3 Security System Services.................. 4-24 System Services for the Proxy Database................................ 4-24 System Services for the Intrusion Database................................ 4-25 4.13.4 $SETSHLV System Service................... 4-25 5 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters.... 5-1 5.2 New Keymap Name Support....................... 5-7 5.3 New Font Support.............................. 5-8 6 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.1 SCSI-2 Driver Design Considerations........... 6-2 6.2 Using the UCB$M_BSY Bit in a $QIO............. 6-4 6.3 Mixing Queued and Non-Queued I/O Requests..... 6-5 6.4 SPI Interface for SCSI-2 Devices.............. 6-6 6.5 Connection Characteristics for SCSI-2 Devices....................................... 6-8 6.6 Recovering Queues from Errors................. 6-9 6.7 I/O Flow Through the Queues................... 6-11 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices............ 6-12 6.8.1 SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) Changes................................... 6-12 6.8.2 SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) Changes................................... 6-21 vii 6.8.3 SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT) Changes................................... 6-26 6.9 Macros for SCSI-2 Devices..................... 6-32 6.9.1 SPI$CONNECT for SCSI-2 Support............ 6-33 6.9.2 SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR for SCSI-2 Support................................... 6-33 SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND................................... 6-34 SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE................................... 6-37 A New OpenVMS System Messages Index Figures 6-1 Class/Port Tagged Command Queuing Model... 6-3 6-2 SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP)................................... 6-17 6-3 SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT)... 6-23 6-4 SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT)......... 6-29 Tables 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features......................... 1-1 2-1 New Keywords for the /SELECT Qualifier.... 2-4 2-2 F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Items................... 2-6 2-3 F$GETSYI Item for the Local Node or for Other Nodes in the VMScluster............. 2-6 2-4 OpenVMS System Process Privileges......... 2-8 2-5 Commands That Support the Output Navigational Qualifiers................... 2-9 2-6 Keys and Key Sequences Used to Navigate Through Screens........................... 2-11 2-7 File Shelving Definitions................. 2-14 3-1 New System Parameters..................... 3-7 4-1 CONVERT Options Array..................... 4-4 4-2 Conversion Statistics Array............... 4-6 viii 4-3 Bucket Reclamation Statistics Array....... 4-7 4-4 FIB Fields (Access Control)............... 4-13 4-5 IO$_CREATE and the File Information Block..................................... 4-14 4-6 IO$_MODIFY and the File Information Block..................................... 4-15 4-7 New LAN Devices and Drivers............... 4-18 4-8 Keyed Search Combinations................. 4-19 4-9 LIB$ Routines for Full Name Support....... 4-21 4-10 New $GETDVI Item Codes.................... 4-22 4-11 New $FILESCAN Flag Bits................... 4-23 4-12 New $FILESCAN Item Codes.................. 4-24 5-1 DECwindows Customization Parameters....... 5-2 5-2 New DECwindows Motif Keymap Names......... 5-8 5-3 Lucida Bright Font Names.................. 5-8 5-4 Lucida Sans Font Names.................... 5-12 5-5 Lucida Typewriter Font Names.............. 5-16 5-6 VT330 Font Names.......................... 5-18 6-1 SCSI-2 Port Interface (SPI) Macros........ 6-8 6-2 New Fields of SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP)............................ 6-12 6-3 New Fields of the SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT)................... 6-21 6-4 New Fields of the SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT).............................. 6-26 6-5 Inputs to the SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Macro..... 6-35 6-6 SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Macro Return Values..... 6-36 ix _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for general users, system managers, and programmers who use the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. This document contains descriptions of the new features for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. For information about how some of the new features might impact your system, read the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes before you install, upgrade, or use Version 6.1. Document Structure This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains a summary of the new OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 software features. o Chapter 2 describes new features of interest to general users of the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. o Chapter 3 describes new features that are applicable to the tasks performed by system managers. o Chapter 4 describes new features that support programming tasks. o Chapter 5 describes several new features of the DECwindows Motif display server. o Chapter 6 describes OpenVMS system programming support for the SCSI-2 standard. o Appendix A describes new or changed messages from the Help Message database. ix Associated Documents Refer to the following documents for detailed information about the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 software features described in this manual. For more information about how to order these documents, see the Overview of OpenVMS Documentation or contact your Digital representative. o DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary o Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary o OpenVMS Debugger Manual o OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual o OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual o OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual o OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual o OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual o OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual o OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes o POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide o POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide o VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib Programming: MIT C Binding o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS x o X and Motif Quick Reference Guide Conventions In this manual, every use of OpenVMS AXP means the OpenVMS AXP operating system, every use of OpenVMS VAX means the OpenVMS VAX operating system, and every use of OpenVMS means both the OpenVMS AXP operating system and the OpenVMS VAX operating system. The following conventions are used in this manual: Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. PF1 x A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1, then press and release another key or a pointing device button. <Return> In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) . . . A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities: o Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted. o The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times. o Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. . A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission . of items from a code example or command . format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. xi ( ) In format descriptions, parentheses indicate that, if you choose more than one option, you must enclose the choices in parentheses. [ ] In format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose one, none, or all of the options. (Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification or in the syntax of a substring specification in an assignment statement.) { } In format descriptions, braces surround a required choice of options; you must choose one of the options listed. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term or the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. Boldface text is also used to show user input in Bookreader versions of the manual. italic text Italic text emphasizes important information and indicates complete titles of manuals and variables. Variables include information that varies in system messages (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in text (where device- name contains up to five alphanumeric characters). UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. - A hyphen in code examples indicates that additional arguments to the request are provided on the line that follows. xii numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal, unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes-binary, octal, or hexadecimal-are explicitly indicated. mouse The term mouse refers to any pointing device, such as a mouse, a puck, or a stylus. MB1, MB2, MB3 MB1 indicates the left mouse button, MB2 indicates the middle mouse button, and MB3 indicates the right mouse button. (The buttons can be redefined by the user.) xiii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features This chapter contains an overview of the new software features supported by OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 provides a summary of new features supported by OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Table 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ General Features _________________________________________________________________ Convert/Reclaim utility A new command qualifier allows users more selectivity for reclamations and statistics. DCL commands DCL commands are now modified to be common to OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. There are changes to the DEBUG command to invoke the Kept Debugger. A new PRODUCT command invokes the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (PCSI). There are changes to the commands: DIFFERENCES, DIRECTORY, REPLY, SET FILE, SET PROCESS, SHOW MEMORY, SHOW PROCESS, TYPE, and to the lexical function F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES. (continued on next page) 1-1 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ General Features _________________________________________________________________ The following commands now support the output navigation qualifers: DIFERENCES, DIRECTORY, DUMP, HELP, SEARCH, SHOW AUDIT, SHOW DEVICES, SHOW ENTRY, SHOW ERROR, SHOW LICENSE, SHOW LOGICAL, SHOW MEMORY, SHOW PROCESS, SHOW QUEUE, SHOW SYSTEM, SHOW USERS, TYPE. The new command SET SERVER controls starting, stopping, and restarting of the security server. DECwindows Motif DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS provides DECnet/OSI full names support. Support for file OpenVMS now supports the POLYCENTER HSM shelving for OpenVMS layered product. Help Message utility There are new /WORK_FILES and /SECTION_ additions FILE qualifiers. Search paths can now specify directories. (continued on next page) 1-2 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ System Management Features _________________________________________________________________ DECdtm Transaction Log There is a new LMCP utility command, Management CLOSE LOG. Error Formatter The Error Formatter (ERRFMT) now notifies users when it encounters a fatal error. File system performance Improved concurrency allows multiple improvements for processes to create files on a single PATHWORKS users disk in parallel. Multiblock bitmap reads reduce the time spent by the file system in allocating files. SHOW LICENSE command There are two new qualifiers: /CLUSTER, /USAGE. Support for full names There is support for DECnet/OSI full names. Monitoring Performance A new program to collect reliability History Program data from systems being used in customer environments has been added. POLYCENTER Software A new technology simplifies the Installation Utility distribution and management of software. New system parameters Two new system parameters related to volume shadowing have been added: SHADOW_SYS_TMO, SHADOW_SYS_WAIT. Volume Shadowing for Volume shadowing is available for OpenVMS OpenVMS AXP systems and is supported in VMSclusters that contain both VAX and AXP computers. Volume shadowing licenses are now available on a per disk basis, along with the traditional capacity (per CPU) licenses. _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-3 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features _________________________________________________________________ Batch and print queuing LAT symbiont customization has been system features added. Convert/Reclaim utility A new qualifier allows users more DCL interface selectivity in doing bucket reclamations and obtaining statistics. CPU and I/O statistics are displayed by the CONVERT/RECLAIM/STATISTICS command. Callable Convert The callable Convert and Convert/Reclaim and Convert/Reclaim routines now provide users with symbolic routines offset access to options and statistics arrays. CONV$RECLAIM utility A new key selection parameter has been routine added. OpenVMS Debugger DECwindows Motif has user interface enhancements. Connect/disconnect support has been added. The Kept Debugger is now invoked with a DCL command. Support for DECnet/OSI full names has been added. The new Heap Analyzer feature provides a graphical representation of memory use in real time. Changes to online Help have been made. FDL$CREATE routine Calls to FDL$CREATE now support the calls optional argument dflt_fdl_spc. File information block Subfields now support both OpenVMS VAX (FIB) systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. FIB$L_ACCTL now supports OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. (continued on next page) 1-4 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features _________________________________________________________________ IO$_CREATE now supports OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. IO$_MODIFY has field and subfield values that support OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. The Movefile subfunction supports both OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. Local Area Network New LAN drivers are available. (LAN) device drivers LOGINOUT callout LOGINOUT callout routines have been routines documented. RMS A new search option allows the return of the previous key in an ISAM file. Enhancements to the XABITM data structure support file shelving. OpenVMS RTL Library Support for DECnet/OSI full names has (LIB$) been added. System services New item codes for terminal devices have been added. Enhancements to the $FILESCAN system service support full names. The following new system services are included for the proxy database: o $ADD_PROXY o $DELETE_PROXY o $DISPLAY_PROXY o $VERIFY_PROXY (continued on next page) 1-5 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features _________________________________________________________________ The following new system services are included for the intrusion database: o $DELETE_INTRUSION o $SCAN_INTRUSION o $SHOW_INTRUSION The following system service is included for file shelving: o $SETSHLV _________________________________________________________________ DECwindows Motif Display Server Features _________________________________________________________________ DECwindows server Several new symbols have been created to customization customize the DECwindows Motif display parameters server. New keymap name support New DECwindows keymap name support has been added. New font support New font names for the display server have been added. (continued on next page) 1-6 Overview of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features 1.1 Summary of New Software Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Software Features _________________________________________________________________ Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices _________________________________________________________________ Tagged command queuing OpenVMS now supports the tagged command for SCSI-2 devices queuing architecture of the SCSI- 2 standard and provides an extended OpenVMS SCSI port interface (SPI$) for SCSI-2 devices. _________________________________________________________________ 1-7 2 _________________________________________________________________ General Features This chapter highlights new features of general interest to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 users. For detailed information about a feature, refer to the identified manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. In addition, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes for information about possible system impact. 2.1 CONVERT/RECLAIM /KEY Qualifier The CONVERT/RECLAIM command now takes the /KEY qualifier allowing the user more selectivity in doing bucket reclamations and obtaining related statistics. See Section 4.2 for more information. 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 provides some new DCL commands and some changes to existing DCL commands and lexical functions. For more information about DCL commands and lexical functions, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. 2.2.1 Platform-Specific Attributes Have Been Removed In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 and OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5, a number of DCL commands and lexical functions had some attributes that were specific to either OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS AXP systems. In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1, these attributes are no longer system- specific. The following commands or lexical functions are now equivalent on both systems: ALLOCATE ASSIGN/MERGE ASSIGN/QUEUE DELETE/ENTRY DELETE/QUEUE DELETE/QUEUE/MANAGER 2-1 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions DISABLE/AUTOSTART ENABLE/AUTOSTART F$GETQUI F$IDENTIFIER F$SETPRV INITIALIZE/QUEUE PRINT SET AUDIT SET DIRECTORY SET FILE SET HOST SET PROCESS SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT SET QUEUE SET RIGHTS_LIST SET SECURITY (replaces SET ACL, SET PROTECTION, SET PROTECTION, and SET UIC) SET VOLUME SHOW AUDIT SHOW CLUSTER SHOW INTRUSION SHOW MEMORY (the /CACHE qualifier) SHOW QUEUE/MANAGER SHOW SECURITY (replaces SHOW ACL) SPAWN START/QUEUE START/QUEUE/MANAGER STOP/QUEUE STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER STOP/QUEUE/NEXT STOP/QUEUE/RESET STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE SUBMIT UNLOCK 2.2.2 DEBUG Command The information in this section about the DEBUG command is new. 2-2 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions /KEEP Invokes the Kept Debugger. The Kept Debugger includes a run/rerun capability that allows you to debug an image multiple times or to debug a series of distinct images without exiting the debugger. Issuing the DEBUG/KEEP command is the only way to invoke the Kept Debugger. /RESUME (default) Reinvokes the non-Kept Debugger after a Ctrl/Y key sequence has interrupted the execution of a program you are debugging. (The interrupted program must not have been linked with a /NOTRACEBACK qualifier on the LINK command.) If you issue the DEBUG/RESUME command without a previous Ctrl/Y key sequence, no action occurs. Use the RUN program- name command to invoke the non-Kept Debugger. The following example was added to the documentation: Examples 1. $ FORTRAN/DEBUG/NOOPTIMIZE WIDGET $ LINK/DEBUG WIDGET $ RUN/NODEBUG WIDGET NAME: NAME: NAME: <Ctrl/Y> $ DEBUG . . . %DEBUG-I-INITIAL, language is FORTRAN, module set to WIDGET DBG> The FORTRAN and LINK commands both specify the /DEBUG qualifier to compile the program WIDGET.FOR with debugger symbol table information and to include the debugger in the image file. The RUN command begins execution of the image WIDGET.EXE, which loops uncontrollably. The key sequence Ctrl/Y interrupts the 2-3 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions program, and the DEBUG command gives control to the debugger. 2.2.3 DIFFERENCES Command The following additions were made to the DIFFERENCES command: o The /IGNORE=CASE qualifier allows a case-insensitive search for record differences. o The command supports output navigation qualifiers (see Section 2.2.15). 2.2.4 DIRECTORY Command The following additions were made to the DIRECTORY command. New Keywords for /SELECT Qualifier The /SELECT=(keyword[,...]) qualifier allows you to select files for display using the keywords in Table 2-1. By default, file selection is based on other criteria. Table 2-1 New Keywords for the /SELECT Qualifier ___________________________________________________________ ACL Displays files that have an NOACL associated ACL or files that do not (NOACL keyword). (continued on next page) 2-4 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions Table 2-1 (Cont.) New Keywords for the /SELECT Qualifier ___________________________________________________________ FILE=(option[,...]) Displays portions of the file specification. The /SELECT=FILE qualifier is used to turn off specific portions by explicit or implicit specification of the options. Possible options are: [NO]NODE [NO]DEVICE [NO]DIRECTORY [NO]NAME [NO]TYPE [NO]VERSION The /SELECT=FILE qualifier cannot be used with the /FULL qualifier. ONLINE Displays files that are on line or NOONLINE shelved. SHELVABLE Displays files that are shelvable NOSHELVABLE or not shelvable. ____________________________________________________________ /SHELVED_STATE Qualifier Specifying the /SHELVED_STATE qualifier displays whether a file is shelved or on line. For more information about file shelving, see Section 2.4. Output Navigation Qualifiers The DIRECTORY command supports the output navigation qualifiers (see Section 2.2.15). 2.2.5 F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Lexical Function Table 2-2 lists the new items you can specify with the F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES lexical function, the return type, and the information returned. For a complete list of F$FILE_ ATTRIBUTES items, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. 2-5 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions Table 2-2 F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Items ___________________________________________________________ Return Item Code Type Returns This Information ___________________________________________________________ MOVE String TRUE if movefile operations are enabled; returns TRUE or FALSE SHELVED String TRUE if the file is shelved; returns TRUE or FALSE SHELVABLE String TRUE if the file is eligible to be shelved; returns TRUE or FALSE ___________________________________________________________ For more information on file shelving see Section 2.4. For more information on the movefiles subfunction, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 2.2.6 F$GETSYI Lexical Function The following item (Table 2-3) was added to the F$GETSYI lexical function. This item returns system information about either your local node or another node in your VMScluster system. For a complete list of F$GETSYI items, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. Table 2-3 F$GETSYI Item for the Local Node or for Other Nodes in the VMScluster ___________________________________________________________ Return Item Type Information Returned ___________________________________________________________ DECNET_ String The node name of a DECnet Phase IV FULLNAME system or the node full name of a DECnet/OSI system. ___________________________________________________________ 2.2.7 New PRODUCT Command The PRODUCT command is a new command that invokes the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI) to do one of the following: o Install one or more software products o Remove one or more software products o Perform other related operations 2-6 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions For more information, see Section 3.7. For a complete description of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility and the use of the PRODUCT command, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide. 2.2.8 REPLY Command Messages pertaining to LICENSES have been added to the list of messages that can be displayed or inhibited from broadcasting to terminals. 2.2.9 SET FILE Command The SET FILE command has the following new qualifier: /SHELVABLE /NOSHELVABLE /SHELVABLE controls whether the file is shelvable. For more information on file shelving see Section 2.4. 2.2.10 SET PROCESS Command The SET PROCESS command has a new /AUTO_UNSHELVE qualifier. The /PRIVILEGES qualifier has been modified to include four new privileges (AUDIT, DOWNGRADE, IMPORT, and UPGRADE). /AUTO_UNSHELVE /NOAUTO_UNSHELVE Controls whether the process automatically unshelves files. For more information on file shelving see Section 2.4. /PRIVILEGES=(privilege[,...]) The /PRIVILEGES qualifier requires SETPRV (set privilege) privilege as an authorized privilege to enable any privilege you do not have in your authorized privilege mask. Table 2-4 lists the process privileges available on OpenVMS systems. 2-7 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions Table 2-4 OpenVMS System Process Privileges ___________________________________________________________ ACNT ALLSPOOL ALTPRI AUDIT BUGCHK BYPASS CMEXEC CMKRNL DETACH DIAGNOSE DOWNGRADE EXQUOTA GROUP GRPNAM GRPPRV IMPORT LOG_IO MOUNT NETMBX OPER PFNMAP PHY_IO PRMCEB PRMGBL PRMMBX PSWAPM READALL SECURITY SETPRV SHARE SHMEM SYSGBL SYSLCK SYSNAM SYSPRV TMPMBX UPGRADE VOLPRO WORLD ___________________________________________________________ 2.2.11 New SET SERVER Command The SET SERVER command is a new command that enables you to start, stop, and restart the security server. The security server maintains information stored in the system intrusion and proxy databases. The system intrusion database is used by LOGINOUT, DECnet/OSI, DECwindows, SHOW INTRUSION, DELETE INTRUSION, and other applications. For more information about the system intrusion database and $DELETE_INTRUSION, $SCAN_ INTRUSION, and $SHOW_INTRUSION system services, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. For further information, see the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. The system proxy database is used by AUTHORIZE, DECnet/OSI, DFS, and other applications to access information stored in the network proxy database. Additional information can be found in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. See also the $ADD_PROXY, $DELETE_PROXY, $DISPLAY_ PROXY, $SHOW_PROXY, and $VERIFY_PROXY system services in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 2.2.12 SHOW MEMORY Command The SHOW MEMORY command supports the output navigation qualifiers (see Section 2.2.15). Also, the /CACHE qualifier is now common to OpenVMS systems. 2-8 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions 2.2.13 SHOW PROCESS Command The SHOW PROCESS command has a new /SHELVING qualifier: /SHELVING /SHELVING displays whether the process automatically unshelves files. For more information on file shelving, see Section 2.4. The SHOW PROCESS command also supports the output navigation qualifiers (see Section 2.2.15). 2.2.14 TYPE Command When you use the TYPE command and specify a file name but not a file type, the file type defaults to .LIS. However, you can specify a different default file type with the TYPE$DEFAULT_FILESPEC logical name. The TYPE command supports the output navigation qualifiers (see Section 2.2.15). 2.2.15 Output Navigation Qualifiers The commands listed in Table 2-5 support the output navigation qualifiers. Table 2-5 Commands That Support the Output Navigational Qualifiers ___________________________________________________________ Command /EXACT /HEADER /HIGHLIGHT /PAGE /SEARCH /WRAP ___________________________________________________________ DIFFERENCES x x x x x DIRECTORY x x x x x DUMP x x x x x HELP x x x x x SEARCH x x x SHOW AUDIT x x x x x SHOW DEVICES x x x x x (continued on next page) 2-9 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions Table 2-5 (Cont.) Commands That Support the Output Navigational Qualifiers ___________________________________________________________ Command /EXACT /HEADER /HIGHLIGHT /PAGE /SEARCH /WRAP ___________________________________________________________ SHOW ENTRY x x x x x SHOW ERROR x x x x x SHOW LICENSE x x x x x SHOW LOGICAL x x x x x SHOW MEMORY x x x x x SHOW PROCESS x x x x x SHOW QUEUE x x x x x SHOW SYSTEM x x x x x SHOW USERS x x x x x TYPE x x x x x x ___________________________________________________________ The following section describes the output navigation qualifiers. /EXACT Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a search string that must match the search string exactly and must be enclosed with quotation marks (" "). If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search string with the Find (E1) key. /HEADER /NOHEADER Specifies whether a header line is placed at the top of each file that is displayed with the TYPE /PAGE=SAVE command. This qualifier is valid with the TYPE command only. 2-10 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions /HIGHLIGHT[=keyword] /NOHIGHLIGHT (default) Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD is the default highlighting. /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default) Controls the display of directory information on the screen. You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier: CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed. SCROLL Displays information one line at a time. SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the keys described in Table 2-6 to navigate through the information. Table 2-6 Keys and Key Sequences Used to Navigate Through Screens ___________________________________________________________ Press To ___________________________________________________________ Up arrow (^ ) Scroll up one line. or Ctrl/B Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line. Left arrow Scroll left one column. (< - ) (continued on next page) 2-11 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions Table 2-6 (Cont.) Keys and Key Sequences Used to Navigate Through Screens ___________________________________________________________ Press To ___________________________________________________________ Right arrow Scroll right one column. (- > ) Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed. Insert Here Scroll right one half screen. (E2) Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen. Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode. Prev Screen Get the previous page of information. (E5) Next Screen Get the next page of information. (E6) or Return or Enter or Space F10 or Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these key sequences differently.) Help (F15) Display utility help text. Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page. Ctrl/W Refresh the display. N Display the next file (when more than one file is specified with the TYPE command). Q Quit displaying output from the TYPE command. ___________________________________________________________ The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier. /SEARCH="string" Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string. 2-12 General Features 2.2 New and Modified DCL Commands and Lexical Functions You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search. /WRAP /NOWRAP (default) Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line. The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier. 2.3 DECwindows DECnet/OSI Full Names Support DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS supports DECnet/OSI full names. DECnet/OSI supports names that have a hierarchical structure and are longer than those currently supported by DECnet Phase IV. The following components support DECnet/OSI full names: o Bookreader o DECnet transport o DECterm o FileView o Session Manager o The DCL command SET DISPLAY For additional information about full names, see Section 3.5. 2.4 Support for File Shelving OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 supports the layered product, POLYCENTER HSM for OpenVMS Version 1.0. HSM is a file shelving facility that lowers the average cost of storing data that is rarely used. 2-13 General Features 2.4 Support for File Shelving File shelving allows users and processes to move an inactive file to nearline or offline media transparently, and to return the file to online media when needed. Table 2-7 contains definitions of these three terms. Table 2-7 File Shelving Definitions ___________________________________________________________ Term Definition ___________________________________________________________ Online Data is stored so that it is immediately storage available to the user without human or robotic intervention. Offline Data is stored so that human intervention is storage required to make it available to the user. Nearline Data is stored so that the intervention of a storage robot is required to make it available to the user. ___________________________________________________________ 2.5 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Additions The Help Message utility (MSGHLP) has three new features: o You can now specify a directory name in a search path. If no file name is associated with a directory, Help Message searches all .MSGHLP$DATA files in that directory. This allows you to add or delete files in a specified directory without having to change the search path definition. o You can specify /WORK_FILES=nn with /SORT in order to use work files on large sort operations that previously failed. o You can specify the new /SECTION_FILE qualifier to identify message section files to the system so that Help Message can interpret $STATUS values for messages pointed to by those files. See Section 2.5.1 for details. 2-14 General Features 2.5 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Additions 2.5.1 Accessing $STATUS Values for Uninstalled Messages Any messages that are not installed as part of the OpenVMS operating system cannot be equated with a value stored in $STATUS until they are recognized by the system. Such messages include user-supplied messages, third-party messages, and messages from layered products and certain other OpenVMS facilities. Your system manager may already have linked all the messages you need at the system level. If not, you can make these links in your own account. (System managers who want information about linking message section files at the system level should refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.) Before linking such messages, determine whether you must frequently access them using the value in $STATUS or a value specified using the /STATUS qualifier. If not, the simplest alternative is to use the HELP/MESSAGE command and specify the message identifier or message text in the search string. If you prefer the convenience of having Help Message interpret a $STATUS value, there are two ways that you can make the system recognize uninstalled messages: o The simplest method is to use the SET MESSAGE command to link an unknown messages .EXE file. For example: $ SET MESSAGE TOOLS:[MYPROJ]MYNEWMSG.EXE This command includes the messages pointed to by file MYNEWMSG.EXE as part of the system until you enter another SET MESSAGE command specifying a different file. o For a more permanent solution, execute the following command for every message section file that you would like to include in the list of files that Help Message automatically searches for $STATUS values: HELP/MESSAGE/SECTION_FILE=disk:[directory]file-name.EXE By default, /SECTION_FILE tries to generate or update object library SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB. Unless you have write access to system files, you must first define the logical name MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS to point to your own account. 2-15 General Features 2.5 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Additions For example, to make the messages pointed to by file TOOLS:[MYPROJ]MYNEWMSG.EXE known in your own account, use the following command sequence: $ DEFINE MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS SYS$LOGIN:MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS $ HELP/MESSAGE/SECTION_FILE=TOOLS:[MYPROJ]MYNEWMSG.EXE Unlike the SET MESSAGE command, the /SECTION_FILE qualifier permanently links the specified message section file unless you later delete it. The default device and directory for the file specification is SYS$MESSAGE, where all OpenVMS message section files are stored, and the default file type is .EXE. Therefore, the following command automatically includes all OpenVMS message section files: $ HELP/MESSAGE/SECTION_FILE= Your system manager may already have included the OpenVMS message section files at the system level. You will need to add these only if you define the logical name MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS to point somewhere other than SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS. Help Message can search a maximum of 42 message section files. Files are searched in the following order: o The last file activated by a SET MESSAGE command (if any). o The message section files that Help Message is linked with before it is shipped: - SYSMSG.EXE - SYSMGTMSG.EXE - CLIUTLMSG.EXE - PRGMSG.EXE o Any message section files explicitly linked against MSGHLP$MAIN.EXE or any of the shareable images that it references. o Any nonduplicate message section files linked with a MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.EXE file, if such a file exists. 2-16 General Features 2.5 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Additions The MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.EXE file is automatically generated from the MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB file each time the HELP/MESSAGE command is executed with the /SECTION_FILE qualifier. Each execution of the /SECTION_ FILE qualifier adds a module to the .OLB file; each module represents a message section file. Message section files are searched in the order in which they are listed in the .OLB file. (Order is alphabetical.) If the total count of message section files exceeds 42, message section files listed near the end of the .OLB file might not be searched. To display the contents of your .OLB file, use the following command: $ LIBRARY/LIST MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB The names of the modules in this .OLB file are derived from strings specified in the /SECTION_FILE qualifier. You can remove references to message section files in the .OLB file in order to control which 42 message section files Help Message will search. For example, to delete the NCP (Network Control Program) messages from your private .OLB file, use the following command: $ LIBRARY/DELETE=NETWRKMSG MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB If you delete a module from the .OLB file, you must execute the HELP/MESSAGE command with the /SECTION_FILE qualifier in order to generate an updated .EXE file. The qualifier argument can specify either a new file or a file that is already listed in the .OLB file. For complete information about the Help Message utility, refer to OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users. 2-17 3 _________________________________________________________________ System Management Features This chapter highlights new system management features for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. For detailed information about a feature, refer to the identified manuals in the OpenVMS documentation set. In addition, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes for information about possible system impact. 3.1 DECdtm Transaction Log Management The new Log Manager Control Program (LMCP) utility command, CLOSE LOG, lets you perform the following tasks without rebooting any nodes: o Change the size of a transaction log o Move a transaction log o Dismount a disk that has transaction logs o Disable DECdtm services For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 3.2 ERRFMT and Event Notification The Error Formatter, ERRFMT, provides a new feature that allows you to send mail to a user if the ERRFMT process encounters a fatal error and deletes itself. Sending mail is enabled by default. However, two new system logical names ERRFMT$_SEND_MAIL and ERRFMT$_SEND_TO defined in SYS$STARTUP:VMS$CONFIG-050_ERRFMT.COM control this feature. See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information. 3-1 System Management Features 3.3 Improvements to the File System 3.3 Improvements to the File System PATHWORKS for OpenVMS users can take advantage of OpenVMS file system enhancements that provide performance improvements for PATHWORKS servers. The file system enhancements affect the OpenVMS eXtended QIO Processor (XQP), and are called the XQP+. Previously, the OpenVMS XQP+ file system enhancements were available on the PATHWORKS for VMS kits. With OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, these enhancements are integrated into the OpenVMS operating system. The following table shows you which section to read, depending on whether you have the XQP+ on your system: ___________________________________________________________ If... Read... ___________________________________________________________ You do not have the XQP+ Section 3.3.1 You already have the XQP+ Section 3.3.2 ___________________________________________________________ 3.3.1 Performance Improvements OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 provides the following new features to improve the performance of the file system: ___________________________________________________________ New Feature Description ___________________________________________________________ Improved Allows multiple processes to create files concurrency on a single disk in parallel. Previously, only one process could create files on a disk at a time. Multiblock Reduces the time spent by the file system bitmap reads in allocating files. ___________________________________________________________ You can control improved concurrency using the static system parameter, XQPCTL2. Improved concurrency is off by default. To turn it on, set XQPCTL2 to 1. ________________________ Note ________________________ In a VMScluster system, do not turn on improved concurrency unless all the nodes are running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1. ______________________________________________________ 3-2 System Management Features 3.3 Improvements to the File System 3.3.2 Changes Affecting PATHWORKS Read this section if you are a PATHWORKS user with the XQP+ on your system. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 now includes the XQP+. There is only one change. The VMSD2 system parameter is replaced by two new system parameters, XQPCTLD1 and XQPCTL2. ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Controls Values Default ___________________________________________________________ XQPCTLD1 Multi-threading 0 (off) and 0 8 (on) XQPCTL2 Improved 0 (off) and 0 concurrency 1 (on) ___________________________________________________________ XQPCTLD1 is a dynamic system parameter; XQPCTL2 is static. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are performing a rolling upgrade from OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, turn off improved concurrency on all the nodes before you begin. ______________________________________________________ 3.4 Two New Qualifiers for the SHOW LICENSE Command Two new qualifiers are available for the SHOW LICENSE command. The /USAGE qualifier displays information on the current license use for a specific product installed on the system. It tells you how many license units are loaded, how many are currently allocated, and how many are currently available, as well as the license type. The /CLUSTER qualifier, in conjunction with the /UNIT_ REQUIREMENTS qualifier, displays the license unit requirements for every node in a VMScluster system. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. 3-3 System Management Features 3.5 Support for Full Names 3.5 Support for Full Names On OpenVMS VAX systems, naming conventions for DECnet node names correspond to the two types of DECnet functions that are available: o DECnet for OpenVMS VAX node names These names are used in the default version of DECnet shipped with the OpenVMS operating system. Refer to the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual for more information. o DECnet/OSI full names Full names are hierarchically-structured DECnet node names that can be stored in a DECdns naming service. Full names on OpenVMS VAX systems can be a maximum of 255 bytes long. ________________________ Note ________________________ Full names are available only on OpenVMS VAX systems that are running DECnet/OSI. ______________________________________________________ The network software checks and parses the name that you enter, whether it is a DECnet for OpenVMS VAX name or a DECnet/OSI full name. Full Names Syntax Full names have the following general syntax: namespace:.directory ... .directory.node-name where: namespace Identifies the global naming service directory ... Defines the hierarchical directory path .directory within the naming service node-name Is the specific object defining the DECnet node The node full name must begin with the namespace and a colon (:). The directory path must begin with a period (.). 3-4 System Management Features 3.5 Support for Full Names Example OMNI:.US.Massachusetts.Boston.RUBY In this example of a full name, OMNI is the name of a namespace in a global naming service; .US.Massachusetts.Boston is the directory path to the object, RUBY, which represents the node. The system stores a full name as you enter it, preserving uppercase and lowercase entries. However, when matching an entry with a stored full name, the system is not case sensitive; in other words, if the user enters Omni, the system recognizes it as equivalent to OMNI. Considerations for Assigning Full Names o Node full names must be unique within your network. o OpenVMS supports any type of node name except one containing an odd number of quotation marks (" "). o You must place quotation marks (" ") around a node name under any of the following conditions: - The node name contains a space, tab, comma, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, quotation mark (" "), slash (/), exclamation point (!), plus sign (+), at sign (@), or single quote ('). - The node name contains the character sequence of two colons (::). - The node name starts or ends with a colon (:) character. o If a DECnet node name contains quotation marks, you must duplicate each quotation mark. Also, you must be sure to pair quotation marks within a full name. For example, the node name abc:"xyz" must appear as "abc:""xyz""". For information on full names and suggestions for setting up a system of names, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. For more information on DECnet/OSI, see the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary manual. 3-5 System Management Features 3.6 Monitoring Performance History Program Available 3.6 Monitoring Performance History Program Available Digital is committed to providing highly reliable systems. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 includes the Monitoring Performance History (MPH) program that collects reliability data from systems being used in customer environments. The program periodically collects data and sends it to Digital for analysis. For more information about MPH and how to install it, please refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes. 3.7 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility The POLYCENTER Software Installation architecture is a new technology that simplifies the distribution and management of software. For system managers, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility provides DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) and DECwindows Motif interfaces that they can use to configure, install, and remove software products. It also allows system managers to track the status of software on their system. For software providers, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility simplifies the task of packaging software for the following reasons: o The utility provides a standard process and toolset for packaging products on all platforms. o All software and documentation can exist on single pieces of media. o The utility keeps track of which products (and versions) have been installed and removed in the execution environment. By using this information, you can design your installation procedure so that users can use the utility to manage version dependencies. o Installations require less code than most conventional installation methods. This results in performance gains and reduced development time over conventional installations. The code is also nonprocedural, which means that you do not need to understand the details of how the utility functions. 3-6 System Management Features 3.7 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility o You can include installation text to guide users through an installation, resulting in a higher installation success rate. For more detailed information, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide and the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide. 3.8 New System Parameters for OpenVMS VAX Table 3-1 describes new system parameters for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Table 3-1 New System Parameters ___________________________________________________________ Parameter Description ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-7 System Management Features 3.8 New System Parameters for OpenVMS VAX Table 3-1 (Cont.) New System Parameters ___________________________________________________________ Parameter Description ___________________________________________________________ SHADOW_SYS_TMO The SHADOW_SYS_TMO parameter has the following two distinct usages: o Use this parameter at system boot time, when this is the first node in the cluster to boot and to create this specific shadow set. If the proposed shadow set is not currently mounted in the cluster, use this parameter to extend the time a booting system waits for all former members of the shadowed system disk to become available. o Use this parameter once the system successfully mounts the virtual unit and begins normal operations. In this usage the SHADOW_SYS_TMO parameter controls the time the operating system waits for errant members of a system disk. (Use the SHADOW_MBR_TMO parameter to control the time the operating system waits for the errant members of an application disk.) This parameter applies only to members of the system disk shadow set. All nodes using a particular system disk shadow set should have their SHADOW_SYS_TMO parameter set to the same value once normal operations begin. The default value is 20 seconds. Change this parameter to a higher value if you want the system to wait more than the 20- second default for all members to join the shadow set. You can set the parameter value to 20 through 65,535 seconds. (continued on next page) 3-8 System Management Features 3.8 New System Parameters for OpenVMS VAX Table 3-1 (Cont.) New System Parameters ___________________________________________________________ Parameter Description ___________________________________________________________ SHADOW_SYS_WAIT Extends the time a booting system waits for all current members of a mounted shadowed system disk to become available to this node. The shadow set must already be mounted by at least one other cluster node for this parameter to take effect. The default value is 256 seconds. Change this parameter to a higher value if you want the system to wait more than the 256- second default for all members to join the shadow set. You can set the parameter value to 1 through 65,535 seconds. ___________________________________________________________ For a listing of all system parameters, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual 3.9 Volume Shadowing Supported on OpenVMS AXP In addition to running on OpenVMS VAX systems, volume shadowing is now available on OpenVMS AXP systems. This means that you can implement volume shadowing in a VMScluster that contains both VAX and AXP systems. Volume shadowing licenses are now available on a per- disk basis, along with the traditional capacity (per CPU) licenses. For more detailed information, see Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS. 3-9 4 _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features This chapter highlights new programming features for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. For detailed information about a feature, refer to the identified manuals in the OpenVMS documentation set. In addition, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes for information about possible system impact. 4.1 LAT Symbiont Customization In previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system, you could modify a print symbiont but not a LAT symbiont. With this OpenVMS release, you can use the LAT protocol in a modified symbiont. This change has no effect on system management tasks such as setting up, creating, and managing queues. The programming interface to PSM$PRINT has been enhanced to include the ability to use the newly added LAT protocol. The following section describes the two new arguments. Format PSM$PRINT [streams] [,bufsiz] [,worksiz] [,maxqios] [,options] Arguments maxqios OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value 4-1 Programming Features 4.1 LAT Symbiont Customization Specifies the maximum number of outstanding $QIOs that a LAT symbiont stream will generate. The symbiont process quotas for the symbiont process must be large enough to handle the maximum number of QIOs, times the number of streams should all streams become stalled. Use a number between 2 and 32. Ten is suggested for normal printing capabilities; a larger number for high-speed printers. options OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference 4-2 Programming Features 4.1 LAT Symbiont Customization Longword bit vector that specifies symbiont options. The following is the valid option flag: ___________________________________________________________ Option Description ___________________________________________________________ PSM$V_LAT_PROTOCOL Specifies that the LAT protocol is used ___________________________________________________________ Note that using the LAT_PROTOCOL option carries the following restrictions: o Replacement of the output and job completion routines will be overridden. o The output device must be a LAT device. 4.2 Convert/Reclaim Utility DCL Interface The DCL interface to the Convert/Reclaim utility has been enhanced. 4.2.1 New /KEY Qualifier The /KEY qualifier to the DCL command CONVERT/RECLAIM allows the user to reclaim index file buckets for a specified key(s). If the user also requests statistics, they are reported separately for each specified key. Prior to this release, only key 0 index and data buckets were reclaimable. Use the following format: CONVERT/RECLAIM/KEY=(key_number[,...]) filename The default is to reclaim all bucket space and, if statistics are requested, to provide a single summary report. 4.2.2 Display from CONVERT/RECLAIM/STATISTICS Command Enhanced The display format for CONVERT/RECLAIM/STATISTICS command now includes CPU and I/O statistics, similar to the display format for the CONVERT/STATISTICS command. 4-3 Programming Features 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics Access to the options and statistics arrays used with the callable Convert and Convert/Reclaim utilities has been facilitated by defining the array elements as named longwords in a structure and by providing symbolic names for the element numbers. The $CONVDEF module in the STARLET macro library has been expanded to provide these symbolic definitions. 4.3.1 Access to Qualifier Options Array Programmers using the callable Convert routine CONV$PASS_ OPTIONS can now specify qualifiers to the CONVERT command using zero-based, symbolic offsets (CONV$K_...) into the variable-length array of longwords, which lists the qualifier options. The array is now also defined as a structure (CONV$OPTIONS) of named longwords (CONV$L_...) to support access by high-level programming languages. Table 4-1 lists the array elements by number and by symbol, and includes the default values for each qualifier option. Note that the first element contains the number of valid elements in the array. Table 4-1 CONVERT Options Array ___________________________________________________________ Default Array Default Value CONVERT Element Symbolic Value (in Longwords) Command Value ___________________________________________________________ 0 CONV$L_OPTIONS_ No default N/A COUNT 1 CONV$L_CREATE 1 /CREATE 2 CONV$L_SHARE 0 /NOSHARE 3 CONV$L_FAST 1 /FAST_LOAD 4 CONV$L_MERGE 0 /NOMERGE 5 CONV$L_APPEND 0 /NOAPPEND 6 CONV$L_SORT 1 /SORT (continued on next page) 4-4 Programming Features 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics Table 4-1 (Cont.) CONVERT Options Array ___________________________________________________________ Default Array Default Value CONVERT Element Symbolic Value (in_Longwords) Command Value ___________________________________________________________ 7 CONV$L_WORK_FILES 2 /WORK_FILES=2 8 CONV$L_KEY 0 /KEY=0 9 CONV$L_PAD 0 /NOPAD 10 CONV$L_PAD_ 0 Pad CHARACTER character=0 11 CONV$L_TRUNCATE 0 /NOTRUNCATE 12 CONV$L_EXIT 0 /NOEXIT 13 CONV$L_FIXED_ 0 /NOFIXED_ CONTROL CONTROL 14 CONV$L_FILL_BUCKETS 0 /NOFILL_ BUCKETS 15 CONV$L_READ_CHECK 0 /NOREAD_CHECK 16 CONV$L_WRITE_CHECK 0 /NOWRITE_ CHECK 17 CONV$L_FDL 0 /NOFDL 18 CONV$L_EXCEPTION 0 /NOEXCEPTION 19 CONV$L_PROLOG No default System or process default ___________________________________________________________ 4.3.2 Access to Conversion Statistics Array Programmers using the callable Convert routine CONV$CONVERT can now request conversion statistics using zero-based, symbolic offsets (CONV$K_...) into the variable-length array of longwords which contains the statistics. The array is now also defined as a structure (CONV$STATISTICS) of named longwords (CONV$L_...) to support access by high- level programming languages. Table 4-2 lists the array elements by number and by symbol. The first element is used to specify the number of statistics to return by array order. For example, if you assign the symbol CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT the value 2, the routine returns the statistics from the first two statistics elements: 4-5 Programming Features 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics o Number of files converted o Number of records converted Table 4-2 Conversion Statistics Array ___________________________________________________________ Array Element Field Name Description ___________________________________________________________ 0 CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT Number of statistics specified 1 CONV$L_FILE_COUNT Number of files 2 CONV$L_RECORDS_COUNT Number of records 3 CONV$L_EXCEPTION_RECORDS_COUNT Number of exception records 4 CONV$L_VALID_RECORDS_COUNT Number of valid records ___________________________________________________________ 4.3.3 Access to Reclamation Statistics Array Programmers using the callable Convert/Reclaim routine CONV$RECLAIM can now request reclamation statistics using zero-based, symbolic offsets (RECL$K_...) into the variable-length array of longwords which contains the statistics. The array is now also defined as a structure (RECL$STATISTICS) of named longwords (RECL$L_...) to support access by high-level programming languages. Table 4-3 lists the array elements by number and by symbol. The first element is used to specify one or more statistics by array order. For example, if you assign the symbol RECL$L_STATISTICS_COUNT the value 3, the routine returns the statistics from the first three statistics elements: o Data buckets scanned o Data buckets reclaimed 4-6 Programming Features 4.3 Access to Convert Routines Options and Statistics o Index buckets reclaimed Table 4-3 Bucket Reclamation Statistics Array ___________________________________________________________ Array Element Field Name Description ___________________________________________________________ 0 RECL$L_STATISTICS_COUNT Number of statistics specified 1 RECL$L_SCAN_COUNT Data buckets scanned 2 RECL$L_DATA_COUNT Data buckets reclaimed 3 RECL$L_INDEX_COUNT Index buckets reclaimed 4 RECL$L_TOTAL_COUNT Total buckets reclaimed ___________________________________________________________ For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 4.4 CONV$RECLAIM Key Selection Parameter Added The CONV$RECLAIM key selection parameter has been added. The callable Convert/Reclaim utility routine CONV$RECLAIM now provides an optional parameter, key_number, for selectively reclaiming buckets by key. If this parameter is omitted, or if the routine is passed a NULL value, reclamation is done for all keys in the file as in previous versions. If a valid key number for the file is passed in this parameter, the reclamation is limited to the index and data buckets for the specified key. The following calling format includes the key selection parameter: CONV$RECLAIM input_filespec [,statistics_blk][,flags][,key_number] 4-7 Programming Features 4.5 LOGINOUT Callout Routines 4.5 LOGINOUT Callout Routines The LOGINOUT callout routines enable user installations to merge site-specific login policies and events with OpenVMS LOGINOUT policies and events. With this release, the LOGINOUT callout routines have been added to user documentation. For details, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features This section describes the following OpenVMS Debugger features, which are new in this release: o DECwindows Motif user interface enhancements o Connect/disconnect support o DCL DEBUG command enhancements o DECnet/OSI full names support o Heap Analyzer support o Online Help changes 4.6.1 DECwindows Motif User Interface This version of the Debugger contains new DECwindows Motif interface features: o Single window design for most common operations The main window now includes the former source and control panel windows. A single menu bar contains the pulldown menus for this window. o Single window design for Breakpoint, Monitor, Register, and Tasking Views These views no longer appear within the control panel window but within their own optional view window. The Instruction View still appears in its own window with a separate menu bar. o Additional and adjusted pulldown menus and menu items 4-8 Programming Features 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features These include a new Commands pulldown menu on the main window and Monitor and Register pulldown menus on the optional view window. The Options menu on the main window no longer lists individual views, but brings up a dialog box from which views can be chosen. o Editable source in a new window The editor is accessed from the Edit File item in the Commands pulldown menu on the main window. o Context-sensitive popups Context-sensitive popup menus can be accessed by positioning your mouse pointer in Debugger window panes and clicking MB2. Each popup allows you to issue commands and choose functions from a list of those available for the pane in which your mouse pointer is located. o User overrides for radix and type information in Monitor and Register Views This feature was formerly available only through the command line. o Ability to expand and to modify breakpoints in the Breakpoint View The ability to modify breakpoints was formerly available only in the source display or command line. Breakpoint entries can now be expanded to show conditions and actions associated with the breakpoint. o Enhanced pushbutton customization The design of the Customize dialog box has been simplified. In addition, the ability to resequence the push buttons in the main window has been added. o Keypad support The following commands have been mapped to individual keys on the computer keypad: ________________________________________________________ Command Key or Key Sequence ________________________________________________________ Step/Line KP0 4-9 Programming Features 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features ________________________________________________________ Command Key or Key Sequence ________________________________________________________ Examine KP1 Go KP comma Step/Into GOLD KP0 Step/Over BLUE KP0 Examine^ GOLD KP1 Show Calls KP5 Show Calls 3 GOLD KP5 ________________________________________________________ To issue one of these commands, press the key or key sequence indicated, followed by the Enter key on the keypad. You can change the commands represented by each key, or map commands to other keys on your keyboard, by customizing the EnterCmdOnCmdLine entry in the Debugger resource file. For more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. If you are mapping to other keys, you also need to consult the key designations listed in the KeySym Encoding chapter of the X and Motif Quick Reference Guide. 4.6.2 Connect/Disconnect Support In this release, the CONNECT and DISCONNECT commands allow you to interrupt an image running in a separate process and to bring the image under Debugger control. After completion of debugging, you can then disconnect the Debugger from the process, allowing the process to continue to run without being under the control of the Debugger. In this release, you can connect to a process started by yourself or by anyone in your user identification code (UIC) group. To do this, include the /GROUP qualifier in the command that establishes your multiprocessing configuration: $ DEFINE/GROUP DBG$PROCESS MULTIPROCESS The CONNECT and DISCONNECT commands, like other debugger commands for debugging multiprocess programs, can be issued only from the debugger's command interface. These commands are disabled in the debugger's graphical user interface. 4-10 Programming Features 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features 4.6.3 DCL DEBUG Command Enhancements In this release, two new qualifiers have been added to the DCL DEBUG command: /KEEP and /RESUME. The Kept Debugger is now invoked by issuing the following command at the DCL prompt: $ DEBUG/KEEP This replaces: $ RUN SYS$SHARE:DEBUGSHR Also, after executing Ctrl/Y to interrupt the character- cell debugger, you can resume your debugging session with the following DCL command: $ DEBUG/RESUME This replaces the command: $ DEBUG Note that the following key sequence commands are disallowed by the debugger (that is, they cause internal debugger errors): o RUN program-name/DEBUG, Ctrl/Y, and DEBUG/KEEP o DEBUG/KEEP, Ctrl/Y, and DEBUG/RESUME 4.6.4 DECnet/OSI (Phase V) Full Names Support In previous releases, OpenVMS VAX supported DECnet-VAX (Phase IV) network node names. This included a number of restrictions, the most cumbersome of which was a length restriction of six characters. This version of the Debugger provides support for the more flexible DECnet/OSI (Phase V) full names network node names. For more information on full names, see Section 3.5. ________________________ Note ________________________ Full names are available only on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 systems that are running DECnet/OSI. ______________________________________________________ 4-11 Programming Features 4.6 OpenVMS Debugger New Features 4.6.5 Heap Analyzer Support The Heap Analyzer, a new debugger feature, provides a graphical representation of memory use in real time. By studying this representation, you can quickly identify areas in your application where memory usage and performance can be improved. For example, you might notice allocations that are made too often, memory blocks that are too large, evidence of fragmentation, or memory leaks. Once you have located an area of interest, you can request an enlarged, more detailed, or altered view. If you choose, you can see traceback or statistical information associated with an allocation. You can then display the source code associated with a particular allocation and correlate memory events with application code. 4.6.6 Online Help Changes Online Help has been enhanced in this release to contain full reference material. This material has been removed from the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. In addition, online Help is available through printable files in both text and postscript format as follows: SYS$HELP:DBG$HELP.PS SYS$HELP:DBG$HELP.TXT 4.7 New Optional Argument Supported for Calls to FDL$CREATE The FDL$CREATE routine now accepts the name of the default FDL file or the default FDL specification as an optional routine call argument. The optional dflt_fdl_spc argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to either the default FDL file or the default FDL specification. If the FDL$V_DEFAULT_STRING flag is set in the flags argument, FDL$CREATE interprets this argument as an FDL specification in string form. Otherwise, FDL$CREATE interprets this argument as an FDL file name. With this argument, you can specify default FDL attributes. FDL$CREATE processes the attributes specified in the character string descriptor, unless you override these attributes with the attributes you specify in the fdl_spec argument. 4-12 Programming Features 4.7 New Optional Argument Supported for Calls to FDL$CREATE You can also code the FDL defaults directly into your program, typically with an FDL specification in string form. This argument is optional. For more information, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes As of this release of the OpenVMS operating system, fields, subfields, subfunctions, and major functions of the file information block (FIB) support both OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS AXP systems. For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 4.8.1 FIB$L_ACCTL (Access Control) Subfunctions Table 4-4 contains the subfields for FIB$L_ACCTL (access control) that are no longer OpenVMS VAX system specific. Table 4-4 FIB Fields (Access Control) _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ FIB$L_ACCTL Specifies field values that control access to the file. The following access control bits are applicable to the access subfunction. FIB$V_CONTROL Set for control access. If this bit is set, you cannot access the file if you do not have control access. FIB$V_NO_READ_DATA Set to deny read access to the file. _________________________________________________________________ 4.8.2 IO$_CREATE (Create File) Major Functions Table 4-5 contains the field and subfields of IO$_CREATE (create file) that are no longer OpenVMS VAX system specific. 4-13 Programming Features 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes Table 4-5 IO$_CREATE and the File Information Block _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ FIB$L_STATUS Access status. Programmers can control the security information being propagated as well as the source of this information by setting the following bits. FIB$V_DIRACL Propagate the ACL from the parent directory to the file, assuming the file is a directory file. FIB$V_EXCLPREVIOUS Set to indicate that propagation may not occur from a previous version of the file. FIB$V_ALIAS_ENTRY Set on any file system operation where the directory backlink in the file header is different (and nonzero) from the directory id specified in the FIB. FIB$V_NOCOPYACL Set to indicate that the ACL should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. (continued on next page) 4-14 Programming Features 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes Table 4-5 (Cont.) IO$_CREATE and the File Information Block _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ FIB$V_NOCOPYOWNER Set to indicate that the owner UIC should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. FIB$V_NOCOPYPROT Set to indicate that the UIC- based protection should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. FIB$V_PROPAGATE Propagate attributes from the parent directory (or previous version of the file). If you set the FIB$V_NOCOPYACL, FIB$V_NOCOPYOWNER, or FIB$V_ NOCOPYPROT bits, you must also set FIB$V_PROPAGATE or a SS$_ BADPARAM error results. _________________________________________________________________ 4.8.3 IO$_MODIFY (Modify File) Major Functions Table 4-6 contains the field and subfields of IO$_MODIFY (modify file) that are no longer OpenVMS VAX system specific. Table 4-6 IO$_MODIFY and the File Information Block _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ FIB$L_STATUS Access status. Applies to all major functions. (continued on next page) 4-15 Programming Features 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes Table 4-6 (Cont.) IO$_MODIFY and the File Information Block _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ Programmers can control the security information being propagated as well as the source of this information by setting the following bits. FIB$V_DIRACL Propagate the ACL from the parent directory to the file, assuming the file is a directory file. FIB$V_EXCLPREVIOUS Set to indicate that propagation may not occur from a previous version of the file. FIB$V_ALIAS_ENTRY Set on any file system operation where the directory backlink in the file header is different (and nonzero) from the directory id specified in the FIB. FIB$V_NOCOPYACL Set to indicate that the ACL should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. FIB$V_NOCOPYOWNER Set to indicate that the owner UIC should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. (continued on next page) 4-16 Programming Features 4.8 File Information Block (FIB) Changes Table 4-6 (Cont.) IO$_MODIFY and the File Information Block _________________________________________________________________ Field Subfields Meaning _________________________________________________________________ FIB$V_NOCOPYPROT Set to indicate that the UIC-based protection should not be propagated from the parent directory (or a previous version of the file) to the file. FIB$V_PROPAGATE Propagate attributes from the parent directory (or previous version of the file). If you set the FIB$V_NOCOPYACL, FIB$V_ NOCOPYOWNER, or FIB$V_ NOCOPYPROT bits, you must also set FIB$V_PROPAGATE or a SS$_BADPARAM error results. _________________________________________________________________ 4.8.4 IO$M_MOVEFILE (Movefile) Subfunction The movefile subfunction is no longer OpenVMS VAX system specific. For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 4.9 New LAN Drivers Table 4-7 lists the new LAN devices and drivers. 4-17 Programming Features 4.9 New LAN Drivers Table 4-7 New LAN Devices and Drivers _________________________________________________________________ Device Device Bus Driver Name Device Type Medium _________________________________________________________________ ++Digital FUTUREBUS+ FADRIVER FAc0: DT$_FQ_DEFQA FDDI Equipment FDDIcontroller (DEFAA) +Digital Q-bus FQDRIVER FQc0: DT$_FA_DEFAA FDDI Equipment FDDIcontroller (DEFQA) ++Digital EISA FRDRIVER FRc0: DT$_FR_DEFEA FDDI Equipment FDDIcontroller (DEFEA) _________________________________________________________________ +VAX specific. ++AXP specific. _________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ LAN devices always have a device class of DC$_SCOM. ______________________________________________________ For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 4.10 RMS Reverse-Search Option For random, keyed access to an index file, RMS returns records with keys that have the same value as the specified search key, unless otherwise directed. Prior to this release, RMS provided two search key options: o RAB$M_EQNXT (RAB$M_KGE). This option returns records that have the same key value as the specified search key, or the next greater key value, according to the sort order for the current key of reference. o RAB$M_NXT (RAB$M_KGT). This option returns records that have the next greater key value, according to the sort order for the current key of reference. 4-18 Programming Features 4.10 RMS Reverse-Search Option OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 introduce a search key option that reverses the direction of the search when used with the two existing search key options. When you specify the reverse-key (RAB$M_REV) option, RMS returns the previous record (next lower key) rather than the next record (next greater key). You can use the following combinations: o RAB$M_REV + RAB$M_EQNXT. This combination of search key options returns records that have the same key value as the specified search key, or the next lower key value, according to the sort order for the current key of reference. o RAB$M_REV + RAB$M_NXT. This combination of search key options returns records that have the next lower key value, according to the sort order for the current key of reference. In all cases, you specify search key options symbolically using the mask bits in the RAB$L_ROP field of the record access block (RAB) structure. Table 4-8 identifies the results of all combinations of the REV, EQNXT, and NXT bits. Table 4-8 Keyed Search Combinations ___________________________________________________________ Search Result REV EQNXT NXT ___________________________________________________________ Equal (default) 0 0 0 Greater-than or 0 1 0 equal Greater-than (next) 0 0 1 RMS$_ROP error 0 1 1 RMS$_ROP error 1 0 0 Less-than or equal 1 1 0 Less than (previous) 1 0 1 RMS$_ROP error 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________ You should consider the following design characteristics when choosing the reverse-search key option: o The reverse-search key option is restricted to keyed access to indexed files. 4-19 Programming Features 4.10 RMS Reverse-Search Option o The reverse-search key option reverses the search direction for random keyed access only. Sequential access still proceeds forward only, according to the sort order. o When the previous record is one of a chain of duplicates, RMS returns the first record in the chain. o Using the reverse-search option to retrieve successive records with duplicate keys requires additional compiler or application program logic. o On-disk data structures are designed to provide optimum performance for forward searches. Reverse search performance may be diminished, especially for applications that process long chains of deleted records. o A performance caching optimization has been built into the reverse-search option to improve performance when retrieving successive previous records. To take advantage of this feature, specify full key sizes (RAB$B_KSZ) and select the RAB$M_NXT search option. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual and the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications. 4.11 RMS Support for Shelving RMS provides the XABITM data structure for passing information between RMS and the application program using appropriate item codes. Two new item codes have been developed to do the following: o Indicate whether a file is shelved o Indicate whether a file can be shelved o Disallow shelving for a new file The XAB$_UCHAR_SHELVED item code senses whether a file is shelved. 4-20 Programming Features 4.11 RMS Support for Shelving The XAB$_UCHAR_NOSHELVABLE item code can be used to sense whether a file can be shelved-or it can be used to prevent a new file from being shelved using the set function. Sensing is permitted as part of the $OPEN, $CREATE, and $DISPLAY services. You can only set a file to disallow shelving when you create the file using the $CREATE service. If you want to disallow shelving for an existing file, use the DCL command SET FILE/NOSHELVABLE (see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary). These item codes are not supported for DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS operations. For more detailed information about RMS, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. 4.12 OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Full Name Support DECnet/OSI (Phase V) full name processing is now available through the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) facility. The new routines are listed in Table 4-9. Table 4-9 LIB$ Routines for Full Name Support ___________________________________________________________ Routine Name Function ___________________________________________________________ +LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC Build a node name specification. +LIB$COMPARE_NODENAME Compare two node names. +LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME Compress a node name to its short form equivalence. +LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME Expand a node name to its full name equivalence. +LIB$FIT_NODENAME Fit a node name into an output field. +LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET Get the offset to the starting position of the most significant part of a full name. +LIB$GET_HOSTNAME Get host node name. ___________________________________________________________ +OpenVMS VAX specific. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 4-21 Programming Features 4.12 OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Full Name Support Table 4-9 (Cont.) LIB$ Routines for Full Name Support ___________________________________________________________ Routine Name Function ___________________________________________________________ +LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME Trim a full name to fit into a desired output field. ___________________________________________________________ +OpenVMS VAX specific. ___________________________________________________________ For complete information on each routine, see the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual. 4.13 System Services This section contains information about new features for system services. For detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4.13.1 $GETDVI System Service Enhancements Several new item codes for terminal devices have been added to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Table 4-10 describes the new item codes for the $GETDVI system service. Table 4-10 New $GETDVI Item Codes ___________________________________________________________ Item Code Description ___________________________________________________________ DVI$_TT_CHARSET Returns the character sets supported by the terminal. DVI$_TT_CS_HANGUL Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Hangul coded character set. DVI$_TT_CS_HANYU Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Hanyu coded character set. DVI$_TT_CS_HANZI Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Hanzi coded character set. (continued on next page) 4-22 Programming Features 4.13 System Services Table 4-10 (Cont.) New $GETDVI Item Codes ___________________________________________________________ Item Code Description ___________________________________________________________ DVI$_TT_CS_KANA Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Kana coded character set. DVI$_TT_CS_KANJI Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Kanji coded character set. DVI$_TT_CS_THAI Indicates whether or not the device supports the DEC Thai coded character set. ___________________________________________________________ For detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4.13.2 $FILESCAN System Service Enhancements Several enhancements have been made to the $FILESCAN system service in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 to support full names. Two new arguments, auxout and retlen, have been added. The auxout argument can be used to specify an auxiliary output buffer into which $FILESCAN copies an entire source string. When you specify the auxout argument, quotation information is reduced and simplified for the primary node only. The retlen argument is the address of a word into which $FILESCAN writes the length of the auxiliary buffer string. Three new flag bits have been added to correspond with three new file specifications. Table 4-11 shows the file specification component that corresponds to the symbolic name of each flag bit. Table 4-11 New $FILESCAN Flag Bits ___________________________________________________________ Symbolic Name Corresponding Component ___________________________________________________________ FSCN$V_NODE_ Primary (first) node name PRIMARY (continued on next page) 4-23 Programming Features 4.13 System Services Table 4-11 (Cont.) New $FILESCAN Flag Bits ___________________________________________________________ Symbolic Name Corresponding Component ___________________________________________________________ FSCN$V_NODE_ACS Access control string of primary node FSCN$V_NODE_ Secondary (additional) node information SECONDARY ___________________________________________________________ In addition, three new item codes have been added. Table 4-12 describes the new item codes. Table 4-12 New $FILESCAN Item Codes ___________________________________________________________ Item Code Description ___________________________________________________________ FSCN$_NODE_PRIMARY Retrieves the primary node specification. FSCN$_NODE_ACS Retrieves the access control string. FSCN$_NODE_ Retrieves the secondary node SECONDARY specification. ___________________________________________________________ For detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4.13.3 Security System Services OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 includes new system services for the proxy and intrusion databases. System Services for the Proxy Database OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 contains the following features for accessing the proxy database: o $ADD_PROXY The $ADD_PROXY system service adds a new proxy to, or modifies an existing proxy in, the proxy database. o $DELETE_PROXY The $DELETE_PROXY system service deletes an existing proxy or removes the default user or a local user from an existing proxy in the proxy database. 4-24 Programming Features 4.13 System Services o $DISPLAY_PROXY The $DISLAY_PROXY system service returns information about one or more existing proxies. o $VERIFY_PROXY The $VERIFY_PROXY system service verifies that a proxy exists and returns a valid local user for the caller to use to create a local login. For a complete description of these features, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. System Services for the Intrusion Database OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 contains the following features for accessing the intrusion database: o $DELETE_INTRUSION The $DELETE_INTRUSION system service searches for and deletes all records in the intrusion database matching the caller's specifications. o $SCAN_INTRUSION The $SCAN_INTRUSION system service scans the intrusion database for suspects or intruders during a login attempt, audits login failures and updates records, or adds new records to the intrusion database. o $SHOW_INTRUSION The $SHOW_INTRUSION system service searches for and returns information about records in the intrusion database matching the caller's specifications. For detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4.13.4 $SETSHLV System Service The $SETSHLV system service controls whether a process automatically unshelves files. For detailed information, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4-25 5 _________________________________________________________________ DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features The DECwindows Motif display server included with the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system includes several new features. This chapter describes those features. For more information about customizing and configuring your display server, see Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems in the DECwindows Motif Verison 1.2 for OpenVMS documentation set. 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 systems, several new symbols have been created that you can use to customize the DECwindows Motif display server. In previous versions of OpenVMS, these parameters could be defined using logical names. These customizations modify the default behavior of the DECwindows display server. Table 5-1 lists the new symbols for Version 6.1, a short description of what each parameter controls, and the default value. The parameters are grouped in Table 5-1 in the following areas: o Server process o Transport/connection o Fonts o Font caching o Keyboard o Screen saver o Mouse o Backing store o Error reporting 5-1 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters To customize the DECwindows Motif display server environment, perform the following steps: 1. Copy the template file SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE to SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM. 2. Edit the command file and search for the section entitled Cluster Common or Standalone Workstation Setup. 3. Add any customizations in that section, as in the following example: $ DECW$SERVER_WSQUOTA == "2048" 4. Restart the DECwindows server with the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECW$STARTUP RESTART _______________________ Caution _______________________ Restarting the DECwindows server disconnects all current client processes. ______________________________________________________ For a complete list of DECwindows display server parameters, descriptions, and customization examples, see Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems in the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS documentation set. Table 5-1 DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Server Process ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_WSDEF Defines process limits in 500 pages. DECW$SERVER_WSQUOTA Defines maximum amount of 1300 physical memory pages. (continued on next page) 5-2 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters Table 5-1 (Cont.) DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Server Process ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_WSEXTENT Defines limit on physical WSMAX[1] memory pages. DECW$SERVER_PAGE_FILE Defines the maximum 25000 amount of virtual memory. DECW$SERVER_FILE_LIMIT Defines the maximum 200 number of files the server can open at one time. DECW$SERVER_ENQUEUE_LIMIT Defines the maximum 512 number of outstanding locks that are used in sharing resources, particularly files, between processes. _________________________________________________________________ Transport Setup _________________________________________________________________ DECW$XPORT_SYNC_TIMEOUT Specifies which 30000 transports your server monitors for incoming connections. DECW$SERVER_RETRY_WRITE_TIMEOUT Defines the number of 500 milliseconds at which time the DECwindows server stops attempting transport write requests. DECW$SERVER_RETRY_WRITE_INTERVAL Defines the number of 30000 milliseconds between failed transport write- request attempts. _________________________________________________________________ Font Setup _________________________________________________________________ [1]Equal to the WSMAX system parameter _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 5-3 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters Table 5-1 (Cont.) DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Font Setup ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$CURSOR_SIZE Defines which cursor font 32 directories are included in the font path. It can be set to 16 to include only the 16x16 cursors, or 32 to include both the 32x32 and 16x16 cursor. ____________________________________________________________________ Font Caching Setup ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$FM_INIT_NUM_CACHE_ROWS Defines the initial size 60 of the cache, in rows. DECW$FM_MAX_ROW_CACHE_SIZE Defines the maximum 300 number of rows that can be allocated to the font cache. DECW$FM_MIN_ROW_CACHE_SIZE Defines the minimum 20 number of rows that can be allocated to the font cache. DECW$FM_NO_CACHE_AUTOTUNING Determines whether the False font cache is dynamic or static. The default value, false, enables autotuning so that all font cache symbols are active. If you set the symbol value to true, you disable autotuning. (continued on next page) 5-4 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters Table 5-1 (Cont.) DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Font Caching Setup ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$FM_ROW_CACHE_EXTEND Defines the number of 5 rows to be added to the font cache when the cache is full and another row must be read in from a font file. DECW$FM_TIME_TO_SHRINK_CACHE Defines the number of 600 seconds that a row is allowed to remain in the font cache without having been accessed, after which the row is removed unless the size of the cache has reached the minimum number of rows allowed. _________________________________________________________________ Keyboard Setup _________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_BELL_BASE_VOLUME Determines the bell 50 volume of the keyboard. DECW$SERVER_KEYCLICK_VOLUME Determines the key click 0 volume of the keyboard. DECW$SERVER_ENABLE_KB_AUTOREPEAT Causes a character True to repeat itself automatically while a key is pressed. DECW$SERVER_MAIN_KB_UPDOWN Defines whether the False server receives reports of the down and up movements made by pressing the main keyboard keys. (continued on next page) 5-5 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters Table 5-1 (Cont.) DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Screen Saver Setup ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_SCREEN_SAVER_PREFER_ Determines the method True BLANKING by which screen saver is performed. When the value is True (the default), the DECwindows server causes the video device driver to turn off the video signal when the screen saver timeout expires. When the value is False, the DECwindows server clears the screen when the timeout expires. DECW$SERVER_SCREEN_SAVER_TIMEOUT Defines the initial time 600 (in seconds) before the screen saver is activated, after which the screen saver interval takes effect. DECW$SERVER_SCREEN_SAVER_ Defines the number of 600 INTERVAL seconds the server waits before repainting the screen background. _________________________________________________________________ Mouse Setup _________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_MOUSE_THRESHOLD Defines the minimum 4 motion of the mouse (in pixels) at which time the DECwindows server is notified of the motion. _________________________________________________________________ Backing Store Setup _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 5-6 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.1 DECwindows Server Customization Parameters Table 5-1 (Cont.) DECwindows Customization Parameters ____________________________________________________________________ Parameter Description Default ____________________________________________________________________ Backing Store Setup ____________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_DEFAULT_BACKING_ Enables backing store of 0 STORE windows in three types of window states: (0) Indeterminate, depends on the server and the device being used; (1) Enable backing store only when window is mapped; (2) Enable backing store at all times. DECW$SERVER_DISABLE_SAVE_UNDER Records window False information that may be hidden when another window is placed on top. _________________________________________________________________ Error Reporting Setup _________________________________________________________________ DECW$SERVER_DUMP Adds the /DUMP qualifier False to the DCL command RUN causing a process dump if the server crashes. DECW$CLIENT_ERROR_THRESHOLD Defines the number of 1 protocol errors generated by a single client above which the client will be terminated. DECW$SERVER_ERROR_THRESHOLD Defines the total number 10 of server errors allowed before generating a warning message. _________________________________________________________________ 5.2 New Keymap Name Support Table 5-2 lists the new DECwindows Motif keymap names in the display server. The table is arranged based on the language for which each keyboard is designed and includes keyboard model numbers. 5-7 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.2 New Keymap Name Support For all other keymap names and information about changing the default keyboard layout, see Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems. Table 5-2 New DECwindows Motif Keymap Names _________________________________________________________________ Language Model DECwindows Keymap Name _________________________________________________________________ Belgian/French LK201 BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK201LP_DP Czech LK401 CZECH_LK401_BV Polish LK401 POLISH_LK401_BP Russian LK401 RUSSIAN_LK401_BT Slovak LK401 SLOVAK_LK401_CZ _________________________________________________________________ 5.3 New Font Support This section lists the new font names that are included in the display server. Table 5-3 contains the Lucida Bright font names. Table 5-4 contains the Lucida Sans font names. Table 5-5 contains the Lucida Typewriter font names. Table 5-6 contains the VT330 font names. See the VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib Programming: MIT C Binding for all other fonts included in the display server. Table 5-3 Lucida Bright Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDABRIGHT08 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--8-80-75- 75-P-45-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT10 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--10-100- 75-75-P-56-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT12 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--12-120- 75-75-P-68-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-8 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-3 (Cont.) Lucida Bright Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDABRIGHT14 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--14-140- 75-75-P-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT18 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--18-180- 75-75-P-103-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT19 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--19-190- 75-75-P-109-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT24 -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--24-240- 75-75-P-137-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--8-80- DEMI08 75-75-P-47-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--10-100- DEMI10 75-75-P-59-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--12-120- DEMI12 75-75-P-71-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--14-140- DEMI14 75-75-P-84-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--18-180- DEMI18 75-75-P-107-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--19-190- DEMI19 75-75-P-114-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--24-240- DEMI24 75-75-P-143-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--8-80- DEMIITALIC08 75-75-P-48-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--10-100- DEMIITALIC10 75-75-P-59-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--12-120- DEMIITALIC12 75-75-P-72-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--14-140- DEMIITALIC14 75-75-P-84-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--18-180- DEMIITALIC18 75-75-P-107-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-9 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-3 (Cont.) Lucida Bright Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--19-190- DEMIITALIC19 75-75-P-114-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--24-240- DEMIITALIC24 75-75-P-143-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--8-80-75- ITALIC08 75-P-45-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--10-100- ITALIC10 75-75-P-57-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--12-120- ITALIC12 75-75-P-67-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--14-140- ITALIC14 75-75-P-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--18-180- ITALIC18 75-75-P-102-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--19-190- ITALIC19 75-75-P-109-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--24-240- ITALIC24 75-75-P-136-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT08_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--11-80- 100DPI 100-100-P-63-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT10_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--14-100- 100DPI 100-100-P-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT12_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--17-120- 100DPI 100-100-P-96-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT14_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--20-140- 100DPI 100-100-P-114-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT18_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--25-180- 100DPI 100-100-P-142-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT19_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--26-190- 100DPI 100-100-P-149-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT24_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-R-Normal--34-240- 100DPI 100-100-P-193-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-10 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-3 (Cont.) Lucida Bright Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--11-80- DEMI08_100DPI 100-100-P-66-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--14-100- DEMI10_100DPI 100-100-P-84-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--17-120- DEMI12_100DPI 100-100-P-101-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--20-140- DEMI14_100DPI 100-100-P-118-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--25-180- DEMI18_100DPI 100-100-P-149-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--26-190- DEMI19_100DPI 100-100-P-155-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-R-Normal--34-240- DEMI24_100DPI 100-100-P-202-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--11-80- DEMIITALIC08_ 100-100-P-66-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--14-100- DEMIITALIC10_ 100-100-P-84-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--17-120- DEMIITALIC12_ 100-100-P-101-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--20-140- DEMIITALIC14_ 100-100-P-119-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--25-180- DEMIITALIC18_ 100-100-P-149-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--26-190- DEMIITALIC19_ 100-100-P-156-ISO8859-1 100DPI (continued on next page) 5-11 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-3 (Cont.) Lucida Bright Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-DemiBold-I-Normal--34-240- DEMIITALIC24_ 100-100-P-203-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--11-80- ITALIC08_100DPI 100-100-P-63-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--14-100- ITALIC10_100DPI 100-100-P-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--17-120- ITALIC12_100DPI 100-100-P-96-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--20-140- ITALIC14_100DPI 100-100-P-113-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--25-180- ITALIC18_100DPI 100-100-P-142-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--26-190- ITALIC19_100DPI 100-100-P-148-ISO8859-1 LUCIDABRIGHT_ -B&H-LucidaBright-Medium-I-Normal--34-240- ITALIC24_100DPI 100-100-P-194-ISO8859-1 _________________________________________________________________ Table 5-4 Lucida Sans Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-8-80-75-75-P- BOLDITALICSANS08 49-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS10 P-67-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-12-120-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS12 P-79-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-14-140-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS14 P-92-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-18-180-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS18 P-119-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-12 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-4 (Cont.) Lucida Sans Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-19-190-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS19 P-122-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-24-240-75-75- BOLDITALICSANS24 P-151-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS08 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-8-80-75-75-P- 50-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS10 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75- P-66-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS12 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-12-120-75-75- P-79-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS14 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-14-140-75-75- P-92-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS18 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-18-180-75-75- P-120-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS19 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-19-190-75-75- P-122-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS24 -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-24-240-75-75- P-152-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-8-80-75-75- ITALICSANS08 P-45-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-10-100-75- ITALICSANS10 75-P-59-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-12-120-75- ITALICSANS12 75-P-71-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-14-140-75- ITALICSANS14 75-P-82-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-18-180-75- ITALICSANS18 75-P-105-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-19-190-75- ITALICSANS19 75-P-108-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-24-240-75- ITALICSANS24 75-P-136-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-13 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-4 (Cont.) Lucida Sans Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDA_SANS08 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-8-80-75-75- P-45-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS10 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75- 75-P-58-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS12 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-12-120-75- 75-P-71-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS14 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-14-140-75- 75-P-81-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS18 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-18-180-75- 75-P-106-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS19 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-19-190-75- 75-P-108-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS24 -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-24-240-75- 75-P-136-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-11-80-100- BOLDITALICSANS08_ 100-P-69-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-14-100-100- BOLDITALICSANS10_ 100-P-90-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-17-120-100- BOLDITALICSANS12_ 100-P-108-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-20-140-100- BOLDITALICSANS14_ 100-P-127-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-25-180-100- BOLDITALICSANS18_ 100-P-159-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-26-190-100- BOLDITALICSANS19_ 100-P-166-ISO8859-1 100DPI (continued on next page) 5-14 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-4 (Cont.) Lucida Sans Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-I-Normal-Sans-34-240-100- BOLDITALICSANS24_ 100-P-215-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_BOLDSANS08_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-11-80-100- 100DPI 100-P-70-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS10_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-14-100-100- 100DPI 100-P-89-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS12_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-17-120-100- 100DPI 100-P-108-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS14_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-20-140-100- 100DPI 100-P-127-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS18_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-25-180-100- 100DPI 100-P-158-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS19_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-26-190-100- 100DPI 100-P-166-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_BOLDSANS24_ -B&H-Lucida-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-34-240-100- 100DPI 100-P-216-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-11-80-100- ITALICSANS08_ 100-P-62-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-14-100-100- ITALICSANS10_ 100-P-80-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-17-120-100- ITALICSANS12_ 100-P-97-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-20-140-100- ITALICSANS14_ 100-P-114-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-25-180-100- ITALICSANS18_ 100-P-141-ISO8859-1 100DPI (continued on next page) 5-15 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-4 (Cont.) Lucida Sans Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-26-190-100- ITALICSANS19_ 100-P-147-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-I-Normal-Sans-34-240-100- ITALICSANS24_ 100-P-192-ISO8859-1 100DPI LUCIDA_SANS08_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-11-80-100- 100DPI 100-P-63-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS10_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-14-100-100- 100DPI 100-P-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS12_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-17-120-100- 100DPI 100-P-96-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS14_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-20-140-100- 100DPI 100-P-114-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS18_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-25-180-100- 100DPI 100-P-142-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS19_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-26-190-100- 100DPI 100-P-147-ISO8859-1 LUCIDA_SANS24_ -B&H-Lucida-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-34-240-100- 100DPI 100-P-191-ISO8859-1 _________________________________________________________________ Table 5-5 Lucida Typewriter Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-8- BOLDSANS08 80-75-75-M-50-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-10- BOLDSANS10 100-75-75-M-60-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-12- BOLDSANS12 120-75-75-M-70-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-16 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-5 (Cont.) Lucida Typewriter Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-14- BOLDSANS14 140-75-75-M-90-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-18- BOLDSANS18 180-75-75-M-110-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-19- BOLDSANS19 190-75-75-M-110-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-24- BOLDSANS24 240-75-75-M-140-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS08 8-80-75-75-M-50-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS10 10-100-75-75-M-60-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS12 12-120-75-75-M-70-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS14 14-140-75-75-M-90-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS18 18-180-75-75-M-110-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS19 19-190-75-75-M-110-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS24 24-240-75-75-M-140-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-11- BOLDSANS08_100DPI 80-100-100-M-70-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-14- BOLDSANS10_100DPI 100-100-100-M-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-17- BOLDSANS12_100DPI 120-100-100-M-100-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-20- BOLDSANS14_100DPI 140-100-100-M-120-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-25- BOLDSANS18_100DPI 180-100-100-M-150-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-17 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-5 (Cont.) Lucida Typewriter Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-26- BOLDSANS19_100DPI 190-100-100-M-159-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-34- BOLDSANS24_100DPI 240-100-100-M-200-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS08_100DPI 11-80-100-100-M-70-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS10_100DPI 14-100-100-100-M-80-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS12_100DPI 17-120-100-100-M-100-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS14_100DPI 20-140-100-100-M-120-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS18_100DPI 25-180-100-100-M-150-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS19_100DPI 26-190-100-100-M-159-ISO8859-1 LUCIDATYPEWRITER_ -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans- SANS24_100DPI 34-240-100-100-M-200-ISO8859-1 _________________________________________________________________ Table 5-6 VT330 Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ VT33018 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Normal--20-180-75-75-C- 100-ISO8859-1 VT33036 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Normal--40-360-75-75-C- 200-ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD18 -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Normal--20-180-75-75-C- 100-ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD36 -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Normal--40-360-75-75-C- 200-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-18 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-6 (Cont.) VT330 Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Double Wide--20-180-75-75- DBLWIDE18 C-200-ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Double Wide--20-180-75-75- DBLWIDE_DECTECH18 C-200-DEC-DECtech VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Normal--20-180-75-75-C- DECTECH18 100-DEC-DECtech VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Normal--40-360-75-75-C- DECTECH36 200-DEC-DECtech VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Narrow--20-180-75-75-C-60- NARROW18 ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Narrow--40-360-75-75-C- NARROW36 120-ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD_NARROW_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Narrow--20-180-75-75-C-60- DECTECH18 DEC-DECtech VT330_BOLD_NARROW_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Narrow--40-360-75-75-C- DECTECH36 120-DEC-DECtech VT330_BOLD_WIDE18 -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Wide--20-180-75-75-C-120- ISO8859-1 VT330_BOLD_WIDE_ -DEC-VT330-Bold-R-Wide--20-180-75-75-C-120- DECTECH18 DEC-DECtech VT330_DBLWIDE18 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Double Wide--20-180-75- 75-C-200-ISO8859-1 VT330_DBLWIDE_ -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Double Wide--20-180-75- DECTECH18 75-C-200-DEC-DECtech VT330_DECTECH18 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Normal--20-180-75-75-C- 100-DEC-DECtech VT330_DECTECH36 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Normal--40-360-75-75-C- 200-DEC-DECtech VT330_NARROW18 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Narrow--20-180-75-75-C- 60-ISO8859-1 VT330_NARROW36 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Narrow--40-360-75-75-C- 120-ISO8859-1 (continued on next page) 5-19 DECwindows Motif Display Server New Features 5.3 New Font Support Table 5-6 (Cont.) VT330 Font Names _________________________________________________________________ .DECW$FONT File Name Font Name _________________________________________________________________ VT330_NARROW_ -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Narrow--20-180-75-75-C- DECTECH18 60-DEC-DECtech VT330_NARROW_ -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Narrow--40-360-75-75-C- DECTECH36 120-DEC-DECtech VT330_WIDE18 -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Wide--20-180-75-75-C- 120-ISO8859-1 VT330_WIDE_ -DEC-VT330-Medium-R-Wide--20-180-75-75-C- DECTECH18 120-DEC-DECtech _________________________________________________________________ 5-20 6 _________________________________________________________________ Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices This chapter expands the SCSI class and port driver support documentation provided in the Version 6.0 OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual and the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual to include support for the SCSI-2 device driver programming. On VAX systems, OpenVMS now supports the tagged command queuing architecture of the SCSI-2 standard and provides an extended OpenVMS SCSI port interface (SPI$) for SCSI- 2 devices interfaced to an NCR 53C94 controller. Tagged command queuing allows the class driver to pass multiple queued I/O requests directly to the port driver without waiting for any one I/O to complete. The port driver then sends each I/O request directly to the target device, where the device queues the request on its internal command device queue. (See Figure 6-1.) The port-queue architecture increases I/O delivery to an internal SCSI-2 device queue allowing the device to optimize its operation. A device can improve performance by optimizing the operation of a set of I/O requests received against the known hardware capabilities (dynamic positioning and latency schedules, and spindle configuration). Also, any new pending I/O in the device queue begins immediately upon completion of the current I/O without waiting for the I/O status to be returned to the class driver. 6-1 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.1 SCSI-2 Driver Design Considerations 6.1 SCSI-2 Driver Design Considerations The SCSI class driver allocates and builds a SCSI class driver request packet (SCDRP) for each I/O request, passing the address to the port driver. The SCDRP contains the addresses of the unit control block (UCB), SCSI connection descriptor table (SCDT), I/O request packet (IRP), and critical IRP data. Once the port driver queues the I/O, the class driver thread is suspended. The port driver executes the I/O completion sequence. Figure 6-1 illustrates the queues and data structures in the tagged command queuing class/port architecture. As shown in Figure 6-1, the class driver utilizes the existing UCB busy queue (UCB$L_IOQFL) for some stalling situations. The port driver manages I/O requests using two queues: o Incoming port queue o In-device port queue The incoming port queue holds I/O requests received from the class driver. I/O requests from the incoming queue are then sent to the device via the SCSI bus and are also moved to the in-device port queue to track pending I/O in the device. In addition, SCSI-2 devices have their own device queue. Note that when the device reports a queue full status, some incoming requests will be stalled in the incoming port queue. 6-2 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.1 SCSI-2 Driver Design Considerations Figure 6-1 Class/Port Tagged Command Queuing Model 6-3 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.1 SCSI-2 Driver Design Considerations With tagged command queuing, the port driver handles events such as a full device queue. The port driver must requeue the overflow of requests in the incoming port queue until the device is ready to receive more commands. When the device becomes ready, the port driver sends the next command in the incoming queue to the device. To support the $CANCEL system service, your class driver must have a cancel I/O entry point and be able to account for all outstanding I/O. Outstanding I/O can be located in the following: o Port driver queues and the device queue o Resource wait queue o UCB$L_IOQFL busy queue The port driver must ensure that all threads in a resource wait state are returned in an error condition (but not necessarily in the order received). Since SCSI-1 level devices may not handle the ABORT message properly, your existing SCSI-1 type port drivers may not issue the ABORT message. However, most SCSI-2 devices conform to the SCSI-2 specification. Therefore, port drivers should implement the ABORT mechanism to SCSI-2 devices. 6.2 Using the UCB$M_BSY Bit in a $QIO When a $QIO system service posts a new I/O, the $QIO sets the UCB$M_BSY (busy) bit. The class driver STARTIO routine clears this bit for I/O requests that it queues to the port driver. If a $QIO posts another I/O before the queued I/O completes, the $QIO again sets the busy bit and the class driver subsequently clears it again. Clearing the busy bit in STARTIO bypasses the system wait cycle for I/O completion. This sequence can continue until a condition occurs that causes the class driver to leave the busy bit set (for example, error recovery in progress or mount verification). In such cases, a $QIO will queue the new I/O to the UCB busy queue (pointer is UCB$L_IOQFL) as in the standard OpenVMS driver sequence. 6-4 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.2 Using the UCB$M_BSY Bit in a $QIO As I/O completes, the port driver resumes the appropriate class driver thread to complete the I/O to the user process. At I/O post-processing time, the class driver checks for I/O on the UCB busy queue using UCB$L_IOQFL. (See Figure 6-1.) If this list is not empty, the class driver initiates the next I/O on the list to the STARTIO routine. The STARTIO routine may then post the I/O to the port driver. If STARTIO clears the busy bit, the class driver continues to process the UCB busy queue until the list is empty or it encounters a request that does not clear the busy bit. 6.3 Mixing Queued and Non-Queued I/O Requests Specifically, the port driver must support the SCSI-2 mechanism and protocol queuing requests to the device when required. Additionally, the class driver must also detect if a device is a SCSI-1 or a SCSI-2 command queuing device and post I/O requests to the port driver as appropriate. Because the infinite I/O queue is in the SCSI-2 port layer, the class driver sends all I/O requests to the port driver, whether the I/Os can be queued in the device or not. A SCSI port interface (SPI) routine (SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND) for queuing an I/O request to the port driver allows the class driver to specify to the port driver the queuing characteristics (SCDRP$W_QUEUE_CHAR) of the I/O request. The following are the queuing characteristics: o Ordered queuing o Unordered queuing o Head of port queue o Non-queued I/O o Error recovery Ordered queuing makes an I/O request a queue barrier. All requests sent before the barrier request are completed first. Next, the barrier request is completed. Then, all requests received after the barrier request command are completed last. 6-5 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.3 Mixing Queued and Non-Queued I/O Requests Unordered queuing allows the device to reorder execution of the requests in any way desired (as defined in the ANSI SCSI-2 specification). Unordered requests are not necessarily completed in the order in which they are posted by the class driver. Head of port queue requests are placed in the incoming port queue in normal order of occurrence. However, when the I/O is received by the device, the device queues the request before requests currently on the device queue. The port translates the queue characteristics into the appropriate SCSI-2 tag messages to convey the class driver's intentions on queue management. Non-queued I/O requests are treated as defined in the SCSI-1 specification. These requests represent a special barrier on the incoming port queue in that the port waits for all commands currently on the port queue and those in the device queue to complete before sending the non-queued I/O to the device. The port then waits for the non-queued request to complete in the device before sending any other I/O to the device. New I/O requests received from the class driver, while a non-queued request is outstanding in the device, are queued to the incoming port queue. Error recovery requests are used in error recovery. These are special requests that the class driver may issue while the incoming port queue is frozen. The port must allow these requests to pass to the device, bypassing all port driver queuing mechanisms. See Section 6.6 for more information about recovering queues from errors. 6.4 SPI Interface for SCSI-2 Devices The SCSI-2 port interface (SPI) consists of a group of routines within the port driver that queue requests and manage the queue connection between a SCSI-2 port driver and a SCSI-2 device. When a connection must be established, a SCSI-2 command transmitted, or any data transferred, a SCSI-2 class driver calls the appropriate routine within the port driver by invoking one of a series of macros, defined in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB. Each macro corresponds to a vector in the SCSI port decriptor table (SPDT) that supplies the address of the port routine that performs the applicable 6-6 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.4 SPI Interface for SCSI-2 Devices function. Table 6-1 lists the SCSI-2 SPI macros and their functions: 6-7 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.4 SPI Interface for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-1 SCSI-2 Port Interface (SPI) Macros ___________________________________________________________ Macro Function ___________________________________________________________ SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Initiates a new I/O to the port driver for queued SCSI-2 command tagged requests (analogous to the SPI$SEND_ COMMAND) SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE Clears the frozen state of the port queues allowing queue processing to resume and new I/O to be processed ___________________________________________________________ 6.5 Connection Characteristics for SCSI-2 Devices The port driver recognizes queuing support in a particular device using the SPI connection characteristic set up by the class driver. If a class driver attempts to issue a queued command to a device not recognized as supporting command queuing, the port converts the queued request to a non-queued request. So that queuing for a particular device can easily be enabled or disabled by changing the connection characteristic, this request must not be treated as an error condition. Connection characteristics are established by the SPI$GET_ CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR macro calls as described in the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. To support the tagged command queuing mechanism, characteristics are implemented in longword #12 at the end of the get and set connection characteristic data block (buffer) of these macro routines. The SCSI-2 connection characteristics (bits 0-1) are as follows: SCDT$V_SCSI_2 SCSI-2 conformant device (bit 0) SCDT$V_CMDQ Command queuing supported by device (bit 1) The SCDT$V_SCSI_2 characteristic bit is set when the class driver detects that a device is a SCSI-2 device type. A SCSI-2 device conveys its type to the class driver in the standard INQUIRY data. The SCSI_2 bit is not required for command queuing, but is provided as an implementation 6-8 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.5 Connection Characteristics for SCSI-2 Devices convenience. Port drivers can use the SCSI_2 bit or may rely on the occurrence of SCSI-2 behavior or features to sense and perform any SCSI-2 type operations. For example, not all SCSI-1 or CCS level devices properly handle the ABORT message as most SCSI-2 devices do. The SCDT$V_CMDQ characteristic bit is set when the class driver detects that a device supports command queuing. This information is conveyed by the device using the CMDQ bit in the INQUIRY data. A class driver may also reset this characteristic at any time to disable queuing by the port driver. The port driver treats any queued request to a device that does not have the CMDQ characteristic as a non- queued request. (See Section 6.3.) If the port driver does not support command queuing (SPDT$M_CMDQ bit in the port capability mask), the class driver must not set the CMDQ characteristic. 6.6 Recovering Queues from Errors The class driver must issue the appropriate MODE_SENSE /SELECT commands to clear the QErr bit in the SCSI Mode Parameter Page 0A(16). The QErr bit specifies whether the device will flush its internal command queue or resume it after a contingent allegiance condition is cleared. Clearing the QErr bit stalls the commands in the device queue until the contingent allegiance is cleared. 6-9 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.6 Recovering Queues from Errors Issuing MODE_SENSE/SELECT commands is a class driver function and is, therefore, not performed by the port as a result of SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR. _______________________ Caution _______________________ The consequences of setting QErr to 1 are unpredictable and may yield undesirable results. ______________________________________________________ When a command terminates in the device with a CHECK_ CONDITION SCSI state, the device enters a contingent allegiance condition (defined by SCSI-2 specification). At this point, both the device queue and the incoming port queue are frozen. The port driver sets the SCDT$V_ QUEUE_FROZEN bit. For information about the SCDT data structure, see Section 6.8.2 and the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. The class driver issues a REQUEST_SENSE command with the ERROR_RECOVERY queue characteristic specified. Here, ERROR_ RECOVERY signals the port driver that this command should be allowed to pass to the device while the incoming port queue is still frozen. The port issues the ERROR_RECOVERY request as an untagged command. Any new I/O requests issued to the port while the queue is frozen, which does not have the ERROR_RECOVERY characteristic, are returned with failure status. Note that the REQUEST_SENSE command will unfreeze the device queue and allow the queue to continue processing commands. The incoming port queue, however, remains frozen until the class driver explicitly releases the queue. Once the class driver issues a REQUEST_SENSE command, it must call SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE to inform the port driver that it can continue to process the incoming port queue. Once the REQUEST_SENSE command is sent, the device continues to process commands and may complete commands to the port before the class driver calls SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE. This is not an error as SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE is provided to prevent the port from issuing a new command to the device before the class driver sends the REQUEST_SENSE command, thereby inadvertently clearing the contingent allegiance condition. 6-10 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.6 Recovering Queues from Errors For I/O returned while the queue is frozen, a failure status of SS$_SUSPENDED is returned. 6.7 I/O Flow Through the Queues This section summarizes the I/O flow through the queues of a SCSI-2 class/port driver shown in Figure 6-1. The sequence of I/O flow follows: 1. A $QIO starts an I/O with a SCSI-2 class/port driver. The $QIO checks the busy bit (UCB$M_BSY). If this bit is set, the I/O is queued to the UCB busy queue and the $QIO returns. If the busy bit is clear, $QIO posts the I/O to the STARTIO routine, which sends the I/O to the port driver. The port driver inserts this I/O on the incoming port queue. 2. The port driver then removes this I/O from the incoming port queue and queues it to the in-device queue as it sends the I/O to the device. 3. Later, the I/O completes in the device and is removed from the in-device queue and returned to the class driver. 4. The class driver, at this point, may be processing other I/O such as removing an I/O previously queued in the UCB busy queue by posting it to the STARTIO and port driver. The originally completed I/O continues through post- processing and is returned to the $QIO to be completed to the user process. If an error occurs, I/O flow proceeds as follows: 1. I/O on the in-device queue resumes once the REQUEST_ SENSE command is sent. 2. I/O on the incoming port queue suspends until the class driver issues the SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE call. 3. Any new I/O received before SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE is called is returned with a failure status. 6-11 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices This section describes the new data structure fields that implement the SCSI-2 command queuing interface, which affect the following data structures: o SCDRP - SCSI class driver request packet o SCDT - SCSI connection descriptor table o SPDT - SCSI port descriptor table 6.8.1 SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) Changes Table 6-2 lists and describes the new fields added to the SCDRP structure. For information about the existing fields, see the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. Table 6-2 New Fields of SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDRP$W_QUEUE_TAG SCSI-2 queue tag for this I/O allocated by the port driver. For more complex ports where the tag allocation is done by adapter firmware, this field is undefined. SCDRP$W_QUEUE_CHAR SCSI-2 queuing characteristic specified for this I/O. This field is filled in by the SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND as the class driver specifies one of the following values: 0 SCDRP$K_UNORDERED 1 SCDRP$K_HEAD 2 SCDRP$K_ORDERED 3 SCDRP$K_NOT_QUEUED 4 SCDRP$K_ERROR_RECOVERY SCDRP$L_CLASS_ Class driver return address stack pointer STACK_PTR for SCSI-2 devices only. SCDRP$L_CLASS_STACK Class driver return address stack for SCSI-2 devices only (replaces UCB$L_STACK). SCDRP$L_PQFL Port (incoming and in-device) queue forward link used by INSQUE and REMQUE. (continued on next page) 6-12 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-2 (Cont.) New Fields of SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDRP$L_PQBL Port (incoming and in-device) queue backward link. SCDRP$L_BUS_PHASE Current SCSI bus phase. The SCSI port driver defines the following flags in this longword bit map: SCDRP$V_DATAOUT DATA OUT phase SCDRP$V_DATAIN DATA IN phase SCDRP$V_CMD COMMAND phase SCDRP$V_STS STATUS phase SCDRP$V_INV1 Invalid phase 1 SCDRP$V_INV2 Invalid phase 2 SCDRP$V_MSGOUT MESSAGE OUT phase SCDRP$V_MSGIN MESSAGE IN phase SCDRP$V_ARB ARBITRATION phase SCDRP$V_SEL SELECTION phase SCDRP$V_RESEL RESELECTION phase SCDRP$V_DISCON DISCONNECT message seen SCDRP$V_CMD_CMPL COMMAND COMPLETE message received SCDRP$V_TMODISCON Disconnect operation timed out SCDRP$V_FREE BUS FREE phase SCDRP$L_OLD_PHASES Bus phase tracking information. (continued on next page) 6-13 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-2 (Cont.) New Fields of SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDRP$L_EVENTS_SEEN Longword bit mask of bus events seen by the SCSI port driver. The following bits are defined: SCDRP$V_PARERR Parity error SCDRP$V_BSYERR Bus lost during command SCDRP$V_MISPHS Missing bus phase SCDRP$V_BADPHS Bad phase transition SCDRP$V_RST Bus reset during command SCDRP$V_CTLERR SCSI controller error SCDRP$V_BUSERR SCSI bus error SCDRP$V_ABORT I/O has been aborted SCDRP$V_MSGERR Error during message send (continued on next page) 6-14 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-2 (Cont.) New Fields of SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDRP$L_CNX_STS Longword bit mask for the connection status. The following bits are defined: SCDRP$V_ Abort pending on connection ABORT_PND SCDRP$V_ Abort completed on connection ABORT_CMPL SCDRP$V_ Abort in progress ABORT_INPROG SCDRP$V_ Port was reselected while ABORT_RESEL abort was in progress SCDRP$V_PND_ Reselection interrupt pending RESEL SCDRP$V_DSCN Connection is disconnected SCDRP$V_ Connection timed out TMODSCN SCDRP$L_SEQUENCE Sequence number for this I/O. SCDRP$W_PHASES Bus phase tracking information. This field is 44 bytes long. SCDRP$L_PHASE_STK_ Address of the top of the bus phase stack. PTR The SCSI port driver uses the bus phase stack to maintain a phase histogram. SCDRP$L_PHASE_END_ Address of the bottom of the bus phase STK_PTR stack. The SCSI port driver uses the bus phase stack to maintain a phase histogram. SCDRP$L_SCDRP_SAV2 Saved address of original SCDRP request sense. SCDRP$L_ADDNL_INFO Information bytes from sense data. SCDRP$L_SENSE_KEY Request sense key from check condition. _________________________________________________________________ The SCDRP$L_SCSI_FLAGS field has the following new flag bits: 6-15 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices SCDRP$V_QUEUE_FULL Indicates a full queue to port driver when the port is sending I/O to device. SCDRP$V_QUEUED_IO Indicates a queued I/O characteristic when set. Indicates a not-queued I/O and error recovery when zero. SCDRP$V_ERROR_REC_ Indicates an error recovery I/O. IO As shown in Figure 6-2, the new fields are appended to the end of the SCDRP structure at byte offset 412. 6-16 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Figure 6-2 SCSI Class Driver Request Packet (SCDRP) _______________________________________________________________ _________________________SCDRP$L_FQFL__________________________ 0 |_________________________SCDRP$L_FQBL_________________________| 4 | | |__SCDRP$B_FLCK__SCDRP$B_CD_TYPE_______SCDRP$W_SCDRPSIZE_______| 8 | | |______________|___________SCDR|$L_FPC_________________________|12 | | | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_FR3_________________________|16 | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_FR4_________________________|20 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_PORT_UCB_______________________|24 | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_UCB_________________________|28 | | |__________SCDRP$W_STS____________________SCDRP$W_FUNC_________|32 | | |________________________SCDRP$|_SVAPTE________________________|36 | | | |___________Reserved______________________SCDRP$W_BOFF_________|40 | | |_________________________SCDRP|L_BCNT_________________________|44 | | | |_________________________SCDRP$L_MEDIA________________________|48 | | |_________________________SCDRP$L_ABCNT________________________|52 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SAVD_RTN_______________________|56 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_MSG_BUF_______________________|60 | | |_________________________SCDRP$L_RSPID________________________|64 | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_CDT_________________________|68 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_RWCPTR________________________|72 | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_IRP_________________________|76 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SVA_USER_______________________|80 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-17 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ ________________________SCDRP$L_CMD_BUF________________________ 84 |______________________SCDRP$L_CMD_BUF_LEN_____________________| 88 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_CMD_PTR_______________________| 92 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_STS_PTR_______________________| 96 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SCSI_FLAGS_____________________|100 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_DATACHECK______________________|104 | | |______________________SCDRP$L_SCSI_STK_PTR____________________|108 | | |� SCDRP$L_SCSI_STK (32 bytes) |�12 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |________________________SCDRP$L_CL_RETRY______________________|144 | | |______________________SCDRP$L_DMA_TIMEOUT_____________________|148 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_DISCON_TIMEOUT___________________|152 | | |____________Reserved___________________SCDRP$W_PAD_BCNT_______|156 | | |� SCDRP$B_TQE| (52 bytes) |�60 |_ | |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_TQE_DELAY*_____________________|212 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_SVA_DMA*______________________|216 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_SVA_CMD*______________________|220 | | |_______SCDRP$W_CMD_MAPREG*______________SCDRP$W_MAPREG*_______|224 | | |_______SCDRP$W_CMD_NUMREG*_____|________SCDRP$W_NUMREG*_______|228 | | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_|VA_SPTE*______________________|232 | | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_SCSIMSGO_PTR*____________________|236 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_SCSIMSGI_PTR*____________________|240 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-18 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ _____________________SCDRP$B_SCSIMSGO_BUF* _244 |_ _______________________________|248 | | |_____________________SCDRP$B_S|SIMSGI_BUF*____________________| | | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_MSGO_PENDING*____________________|256 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_MSGI_PENDING*____________________|260 | | |___________________Reserved____________________SCDRP$B_LAST_MS|264 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_DATA_PTR*______|_______________|268 | | | |______________________SCDRP$L_TRANS_CNT*______________________|272 | | |____________________SCDRP$L_SAVE_DATA_CNT*____________________|276 | | |____________________SCDRP$L_SAVE_DATA_PTR*____________________|280 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_SDP_DATA_CNT*____________________|284 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_SDP_DATA_PTR*____________________|288 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_DUETIME*_______________________|292 | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_TIMEOUT_ADDR*____________________|296 | | |____SCDRP$W_BUSY_RETRY_CNT*___________SCDRP$W_CMD_BCNT*_______|300 | | |____SCDRP$W_SEL_RETRY_CNT*____|_____SCDRP$W_ARB_RETRY_CNT*____|304 | | | |__SCDRP$W_SEL_TQE_RETRY_CNT*__|_____SCDRP$W_CMD_RETRY_CNT*____|308 | | | |________________________SCDRP$|_SAVER3*_______________________|312 | | | |________________________SCDRP$L_SAVER6*_______________________|316 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_SAVER7*_______________________|320 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SAVER3CL*______________________|324 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SAVEPCCL*______________________|328 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-19 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ _______________________SCDRP$L_ABORTPCCL*______________________332 |______________________SCDRP$L_PO_STK_PTR*_____________________|336 | | |� SCDRP$L_PO_STK* (24 bytes) |�40 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |__________________________SCDRP$L_TAG*________________________|364 | | |� Reserved (44 bytes) |�68 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_______SCDRP$W_QUEUE_CHAR*____________SCDRP$W_QUEUE_TAG*______|412 | | |____________________SCDRP$L_CLA|S_STACK_PTR*__________________|416 | | | |� SCDRP$L_CLASS_STACK* (40 bytes) |�20 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_________________________SCDRP$L_PQFL*________________________|460 | | |_________________________SCDRP$L_PQBL*________________________|464 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_BUS_PHASE*_____________________|468 | | |______________________SCDRP$L_OLD_PHASES*_____________________|472 | | |______________________SCDRP$L_EVENTS_SEEN*____________________|476 | | |________________________SCDRP$L_CNX_STS*______________________|480 | | |_______________________SCDRP$L_SEQUENCE*______________________|484 | | |� SCDRP$W_PHASES* (44 bytes) |�88 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________SCDRP$L_PHASE_STK_PTR*___________________|532 | | |___________________SCDRP$L_PHASE_END_STK_PTR*_________________|536 | | |______________________SCDRP$L_SCDRP_SAV2*_____________________|540 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-20 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ ______________________SCDRP$L_ADDNL_INFO*______________________544 |______________________SCDRP$L_SENSE_KEY*______________________|548 | | *A read-only field from the class driver point of view 6.8.2 SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) Changes Table 6-3 lists and describes the new fields added to the SCDT structure. For information about the existing fields, see the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. Table 6-3 New Fields of the SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDT$L_PORT_QFL Forward queue header link in managing the incoming port queue. As each I/O is sent to the device, it is removed from the port queue and placed on the in-device queue (SPDT$L_DEV_ QBL). SCDT$L_PORT_QBL Backward (tail) queue header link in managing the incoming port queue. SCDT$L_DEV_QFL Forward queue header link in managing the in- device queue of I/O requests that were sent to the device. SCDT$L_DEV_QBL Backward (tail) queue link in managing the in-device port queue. SCDT$L_QUEUE_ Port queue flags for queue management are as FLAGS follows: SCDT$V_CMDQ Indicates this connection supports command queuing. SCDT$V_FLUSHQ Indicates this connection is to flush on error. SCDT$V_SCSI_2 Indicates the device conforms to SCSI-2. (continued on next page) 6-21 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-3 (Cont.) New Fields of the SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDT$V_QUEUE_ Indicates the port queue WAIT is currently waiting for a command to complete in the device. The I/O causing the wait is identified in the SCDT$W_WAIT_TAG field. When this I/O completes, the SCDT$V_QUEUE_WAIT bit is cleared unblocking the queue. SCDT$V_QUEUE_ Indicates a queued command FROZEN has terminated with a CHECK_ CONDITION SCSI status. Used by the port driver to know when the port is waiting for the class driver to complete its error recovery. Cleared by the SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE call. Any I/O received while this bit is set is immediately returned to the class driver with failure status. This bit is also set by the SPI$FREEZE_QUEUE call. SCDT$V_ Indicates the port is flushing FLUSHING_ the device and port queues. QUEUE I/O received while this bit is set is immediately returned to the class driver with failure status. Cleared by a count 0 in the SCDT$W_DEV_IO_COUNT and SCDT$W_PORT_IO_COUNT fields. This bit is also set by the SPI$FLUSH_QUEUE call. SCDT$V_QUEUE_ Queue full status detected. FULL (continued on next page) 6-22 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-3 (Cont.) New Fields of the SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SCDT$W$_TAG_MAP Quadword bitmap of allocated tags. A bit set in this map indicates a tag value in use. Tag values in the map can be from 0 to 63 allowing 64 outstanding I/Os in a device. SCDT$W_DEV_IO_ Number of I/Os currently outstanding on the COUNT in-device queue. SCDT$W_PORT_IO_ Number of I/Os currently outstanding on the COUNT incoming port queue. SCDT$W_WAIT_TAG Synchronizes the port queue for a non-queued I/O request. A tag value is still allocated though the command is not sent as a tagged command to the device. The port will not initiate queued I/O if the SCDT$V_QUEUE_WAIT bit is set until the I/O in SCDT$W_WAIT_TAG has completed. SCDT$W_MAX_TAG Largest tag value used. SCDT$W_MAX_QUEUE Class driver imposed limit. SCDT$L_SEQUENCE Next sequence to be used. SCDT$L_NEXT_ Next sequence ID to be sent to the device. SEQUENCE SCDT$L_SCDRP_MAP Pointer to a list of SCDRPs indexed by the tag value. Reduces searching by SCDT$L_DEV_QFL. _________________________________________________________________ As shown in Figure 6-3, the new fields are appended to the end of the SCDT structure at byte offset 244. Figure 6-3 SCSI Connection Descriptor Table (SCDT) _______________________________________________________________ _________________________SCDT$L_FLINK*_________________________ 0 |_SCDT$B_SUBTYP*__SCDT$B_TYPE*____________SCDT$W_SIZE*_________| 4 | | |__SCDT$B_FLCK*|_______________|____Reserved___________________| 8 | | | | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-23 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ __________________________SCDT$L_FPC*__________________________ 12 |__________________________SCDT$L_FR3*_________________________| 16 | | |__________________________SCDT$L_FR4*_________________________| 20 | | |__________________________SCDT$L_STS*_________________________| 24 | | |__________SCDT$W_STATE*________________SCDT$W_SCDT_TYPE*______| 28 | | |__________________________SCDT$|_SPDT*________________________| 32 | | | |______________________SCDT$L_SCSI_PORT_ID*____________________| 36 | | |______________________SCDT$L_SCSI_BUS_ID*_____________________| 40 | | |________________________SCDT$L_SCSI_LUN*______________________| 44 | | |________________________SCDT$L_AUXSTRUC_______________________| 48 | | |_________________________SCDT$L_SCDTLST_______________________| 52 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_SCDRP_ADDR*_____________________| 56 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_BUS_PHASE*______________________| 60 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_OLD_PHASES*_____________________| 64 | | |� SCDT$W_PHASES* (44 bytes) |�68 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________SCDT$L_PHASE_STK_PTR*____________________|112 | | |___________________SCDT$L_PHASE_END_STK_PTR*__________________|116 | | |______________________SCDT$L_EVENTS_SEEN*_____________________|120 | | |______________________SCDT$L_ARB_FAIL_CNT*____________________|124 | | |______________________SCDT$L_SEL_FAIL_CNT*____________________|128 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_PARERR_CNT*_____________________|132 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_MISPHS_CNT*_____________________|136 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-24 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ ______________________SCDT$L_BADPHS_CNT*_______________________140 |_______________________SCDT$L_RETRY_CNT*______________________|144 | | |________________________SCDT$L_RST_CNT*_______________________|148 | | |______________________SCDT$L_CTLERR_CNT*______________________|152 | | |______________________SCDT$L_BUSERR_CNT*______________________|156 | | |________________________SCDT$L_CMDSENT*_______________________|160 | | |________________________SCDT$L_MSGSENT*_______________________|164 | | |________________________SCDT$L_BYTSENT*_______________________|168 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_CON_FLAGS*______________________|172 | | |______________________SCDT$L_SYNCHRONOUS*_____________________|176 | | |____SCDT$W_TRANSFER_PERIOD*_________SCDT$W_REQACK_OFFSET*_____|180 | | |_____SCDT$W_ARB_RETRY_CNT*____|_____SCDT$W_BUSY_RETRY_CNT*____|184 | | | |_____SCDT$W_CMD_RETRY_CNT*____|_____SCDT$W_SEL_RETRY_CNT*_____|188 | | | |______________________SCDT$L_D|A_TIMEOUT*_____________________|192 | | | |____________________SCDT$L_DISCON_TIMEOUT*____________________|196 | | |_____________________SCDT$L_SEL_CALLBACK*_____________________|200 | | |______________________SCDT$L_SEL_CONTEXT*_____________________|204 | | | Reserved (36 bytes) |208 |_ | | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_______________________SCDT$L_PORT_QFL*_______________________|244 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_PORT_QBL*_______________________|248 | | |________________________SCDT$L_DEV_QFL*_______________________|252 | | |________________________SCDT$L_DEV_QBL*_______________________|256 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-25 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ ______________________SCDT$L_QUEUE_FLAGS*______________________260 |_ SCDT$Q_TAG_MAP* |264 | | |______________________________________________________________| | | |______SCDT$W_PORT_IO_COUNT*__________SCDT$W_DEV_IO_COUNT*_____|272 | | |______SCDT$W_MAX_TAG_USED*_____|_______SCDT$W_WAIT_TAG*_______|276 | | | |____________Reserved___________|____SCDT$W_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH*___|280 | | | |________________________SCDT$L_|EQUENCE*______________________|284 | | | |_____________________SCDT$L_NEXT_SEQUENCE*____________________|288 | | |_______________________SCDT$L_SCDRP_MAP*______________________|292 | | *A read-only field from a class driver point of view 6.8.3 SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT) Changes Table 6-4 lists and describes the new fields added to the SPDT structure. For information about the existing fields, see the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. Table 6-4 New Fields of the SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SPDT$L_QUEUE_CMD Address of the port driver routine that executes in response to a class driver's SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND call. The port driver initializes this field. SPDT$L_FREEZE_ Address of the port driver routine that QUEUE executes in response to a class driver's SPI$FREEZE_QUEUE call. The port driver initializes this field. (continued on next page) 6-26 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Table 6-4 (Cont.) New Fields of the SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT) _________________________________________________________________ Field Name Contents _________________________________________________________________ SPDT$L_RELEASE_ Address of the port driver routine that QUEUE executes in response to a class driver's SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE call. The port driver initializes this field. SPDT$L_FLUSH_QUEUE Address of the port driver routine that executes in response to a class driver's SPI$FLUSH_QUEUE call. The port driver initializes this field. SPDT$L_TVDRV_ISR Address of the TVDriver's ISR. SPDT$L_TVDRV_DMA_ Address of the TVDriver's DMA buffer. BASE SPDT$L_TVDRV_DMA_ Size of the TVDriver's DMA buffer. SIZE SPDT$L_TVDRV_UCB Address of the TVDriver's UCB. SPDT$L_CUR_SCDT_ Pointer into SCDT_VECTOR for CMDQ. VEC SPDT$L_QMAN_RESUME Address to resume QUEUE_MANAGER. SPDT$L_OWNER_TAG Tag value of bus owner thread. SPDT$L_PORT_IO_ I/O number in port using SEND/QUEUE_CMD. COUNT SPDT$L_QUEUE_SPINS Number of passes over port queues. SPDT$L_QUEUE_EXITS Number of exits from the queue_manager. _________________________________________________________________ The following new flag bits are added to the SPDT$L_STS field: SPDT$V_QUEUE_PROC Indicates the port queue manager is running. SPDT$V_QWORK_DONE Indicates the port queue manager has completed work in the current pass over the SCDT vector table. SPDT$V_RESET_ Indicates port driver reset the SCSI ISSUED bus. 6-27 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices The following new flag bit is added to the SPDT$L_PORT_ FLAGS field (port capability mask): SPDT$V_CMDQ Indicates the port supports command queuing I/O. As shown in Figure 6-4, four new fields are inserted at byte offset 500 and 10 new fields are appended to the end of the structure at byte offset 704. 6-28 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices Figure 6-4 SCSI Port Descriptor Table (SPDT) _______________________________________________________________ _________________________SPDT$L_FLINK*_________________________ 0 |_SPDT$B_SUBTYP*__SPDT$B_TYPE*____________SPDT$W_SIZE*_________| 4 | | |__SPDT$B_FLCK*|SPDT$B_SCSI_INT|MSK*___SPDT$W_SPDT_TYPE*_______| 8 | | | | |______________|___________SPDT|L_FPC*_________________________|12 | | | | |__________________________SPDT$L_FR3*_________________________|16 | | |__________________________SPDT$L_FR4*_________________________|20 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_SCSI_PORT_ID*_____________________|24 | | |______________________SPDT$L_SCSI_BUS_ID*_____________________|28 | | |__________________________SPDT$L_STS*_________________________|32 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_PORT_WQFL*______________________|36 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_PORT_WQBL*______________________|40 | | |______________________SPDT$L_MAXBYTECNT*______________________|44 | | |________________________SPDT$L_WAITQFL________________________|48 | | |________________________SPDT$L_WAITQBL________________________|52 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_PORT_UCB*_______________________|56 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_PORT_CSR*_______________________|60 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_PORT_IDB*_______________________|64 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_DMA_BASE*_______________________|68 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_SPTE_BASE*______________________|72 | | |______________________SPDT$L_SPTE_SVAPTE*_____________________|76 | | |__________________________SPDT$L_ADP*_________________________|80 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-29 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ |� SPDT$L_PORT_RING* (64 bytes) |�84 _ _ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________SPDT$L_PORT_RING_PTR*____________________|148 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_OWNERSCDT*______________________|152 | | |� SPDT$L_SCDT_VECTOR* (256 bytes) |�56 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |__________________________SPDT$L_DLCK*________________________|412 | | |____________________Reserved_____________________SPDT$B_DIPL*_|416 | | |________________________SPDT$L_AUXSTRUC_______|_______________|420 | | | |_______________________SPDT$L_SEL_SCDRP*______________________|424 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_ENB_SEL_SCDRP*____________________|428 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_MAP_BUFFER*_____________________|432 | | |_________________________SPDT$L_UNMAP*________________________|436 | | |__________________________SPDT$L_SEND*________________________|440 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_SET_CONN_CHAR*____________________|444 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_GET_CONN_CHAR*____________________|448 | | |_________________________SPDT$L_RESET*________________________|452 | | |________________________SPDT$L_CONNECT*_______________________|456 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_DISCONNECT*_____________________|460 | | |__________________SPDT$L_ALLOC_COMMAND_BUFFER*________________|464 | | |_________________SPDT$L_DEALLOC_COMMAND_BUFFER*_______________|468 | | |_________________________SPDT$L_ABORT*________________________|472 | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-30 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ _______________________SPDT$L_SET_PHASE*_______________________476 |______________________SPDT$L_SENSE_PHASE*_____________________|480 | | |______________________SPDT$L_SEND_BYTES*______________________|484 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_RECEIVE_BYTES*____________________|488 | | |______________________SPDT$L_FINISH_CMD*______________________|492 | | |______________________SPDT$L_RELEASE_BUS*_____________________|496 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_QUEUE_CMD*______________________|500 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_FREEZE_QUEUE*_____________________|504 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_RELEASE_QUEUE*____________________|508 | | |______________________SPDT$L_FLUSH_QUEUE*_____________________|512 | | | Reserved (52 bytes) |516 |_ | | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |___________________Reserved_____________________BUS_HUNG_VEC*_|568 | | | SPDT$B_TQE* (52 bytes) | |572 |_ | | | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |_______________________SPDT$L_TQE_DELAY*______________________|624 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_BUS_HUNG_CNT*_____________________|628 | | |______________________SPDT$L_TARRST_CNT*______________________|632 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_RETRY_CNT*______________________|636 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_STRAY_INT_CNT*____________________|640 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_UNEXP_INT_CNT*____________________|644 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_NODISCON_CNT*_____________________|648 | | |______SPDT$W_DISCON_CNT*___________________Reserved___________|652 | | | | (continued on next pa|e) 6-31 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.8 Data Structures for SCSI-2 Devices _______________________________________________________________ _______________________SPDT$L_PORT_FLAGS*______________________656 |_____________________SPDT$L_VERSION_CHECK*____________________|660 | | |� Reserved (36 bytes) |�64 |_ |_ | | _______________________________________________________________ | | |SPDT$B_EVENT_CNT*_SPDT$B_MODE*___SPDT$B_STATUS*_SPDT$B_CUR_STA|*700 | | |_______________|_______SPDT$L_T|DRV_ISR*______|_______________|704 | | | | | |_____________________SPDT$L_TVDRV_DMA_BASE*___________________|708 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_TVDRV_DMA_SIZE*___________________|712 | | |_______________________SPDT$L_TVDRV_UCB*______________________|716 | | |______________________SPDT$L_CUR_SCDT_VEC*____________________|720 | | |______________________SPDT$L_QMAN_RESUME*_____________________|724 | | |_________SPDT$W_Reserved_______________SPDT$W_OWNER_TAG*______|728 | | |_____________________SPDT$L_POR|_IO_COUNT*____________________|732 | | | |______________________SPDT$L_QUEUE_SPINS*_____________________|736 | | |______________________SPDT$L_QUEUE_EXITS*_____________________|740 | | *A read-only field from a class driver point of view 6.9 Macros for SCSI-2 Devices This section describes new macros and changes that support the SCSI-2 command queuing interface. The following new macros specifically support SCSI-2 driver programs: o SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND o SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE The following existing macros contain changes to support SCSI-2 driver programs: o SPI$CONNECT 6-32 Programming Support for SCSI-2 Devices 6.9 Macros for SCSI-2 Devices o SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR o SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR 6.9.1 SPI$CONNECT for SCSI-2 Support The existing SPI$CONNECT macro now supports SCSI-2 devices. A new port capability mask bit (SPDT$M_CMDQ) of the SPDT$L_ PORT_FLAGS is returned in R3. SPDT$M_CMDQ is set when the driver supports command queuing I/O. The address of the SPDT structure must be supplied in R4 as an input before the SPI$CONNECT call. For more information about the connection and connection characteristics macro, see the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. 6.9.2 SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR for SCSI-2 Support The existing SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_ CONNECTION_CHAR macros now support SCSI-2 device connections. Appended to the macro characteristic buffer of longwords for these macros is a new longword (#12) that contains SCSI-2 characteristic status bits (0-1) as follows: SCDT$V_SCSI_2 SCSI-2 conformant device (bit 0). SCDT$V_CMDQ Command queuing supported by device (bit 1). Bits 2-31 Reserved. 6-33 System Macros Invoked by Drivers SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND _________________________________________________________________ SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Initiates a new I/O to the port driver for queued SCSI-2 command tagged requests. Format SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Description The SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND initiates a new I/O to the port driver for queued SCSI-2 command tagged requests. This macro is similar to the SPI$SEND_COMMAND, but SPI$QUEUE_ COMMAND does not wait for command completion in the device before returning to the class driver. A class driver first calls SPI$ALLOCATE_COMMAND_BUFFER to allocate a port command buffer and then formats a SCSI command descriptor block in this buffer before invoking this macro. The class driver may need to call SPI$MAP_ BUFFER to allocate and map user buffer resources. To execute a burst of I/O requests, the class driver may also call SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND for each request without waiting for any of these I/O requests to complete. When an I/O request completes, the port driver then returns SCSI status to the class driver. Table 6-5 lists the inputs to the SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND macro. 6-34 System Macros Invoked by Drivers SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Table 6-5 Inputs to the SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Macro ___________________________________________________________ Location Contents ___________________________________________________________ R0 Queue characteristics (constants, QCHAR$K_xxx). R3 Address of the UCB. R4 Address of the SPDT. R5 Address of the SCDRP. The class driver must provide values in the following fields: SCDRP$L_CMD_PTR Address of the port command buffer. The first longword of the port command buffer contains the number of bytes in the buffer (not including the count longword). Subsequent bytes contain the SCSI command descriptor block. SCDRP$L_BCNT Size in bytes of the mapped process buffer. SCDRP$W_PAD_BCNT Number of bytes to make the size of the buffer equal to the data length value required in the command. SCDRP$L_SVA_USER System virtual address of the process buffer as mapped in system space (S0 space). SCDRP$L_STS_PTR Address of the status longword. The port driver copies the SCSI status byte it receives in the bus STATUS phase into the low-order byte of this buffer. SCDRP$W_FUNC Read or write operation. SCDRP$L_CDT Address of the SCDT. ___________________________________________________________ The port driver returns the values listed in Table 6-6 to the class driver, preserving R3, R4, and R5. 6-35 System Macros Invoked by Drivers SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Table 6-6 SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND Macro Return Values ___________________________________________________________ Location Contents ___________________________________________________________ R0 Port status. The port driver returns one of the following status values: SS$_BADPARAM Bad parameter specified by the class driver. SS$_CTRLERR Controller error or port hardware failure. SS$_DEVACTIVE Command outstanding on this connection. SS$_DEVREQERR SCSI message reject. SS$_IVSTSFLG All required phases are not entered. SS$_LINKABORT Connection no longer exists. SS$_NORMAL Normal, successful completion. SS$_TIMEOUT Failed during selection or arbitration. SS$_PARITY Non-recoverable parity error detected. R5 Address of the SCDRP. The port driver provides information in the following fields: SCDRP$L_STS_PTR Address of the status longword. The port driver copies the SCSI status byte it receives in the bus STATUS phase into the low-order byte of this buffer. SCDRP$L_TRANS_ Actual number of bytes sent CNT or received by the port driver during the Data phase. ___________________________________________________________ 6-36 System Macros Invoked by Drivers SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE _________________________________________________________________ SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE Clears the frozen state of the SCSI-2 port driver queues. Format SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE Description The SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE macro clears the frozen state of the port driver queues allowing queue processing to resume and new I/O to be processed. The entry point routine in the port driver clears the SCDT$V_QUEUE_FROZEN bit in the SCDT$L_QUEUE_FLAGS longword mask. This bit is checked by the queue manager to signal when to resume queue processing. Inputs to the SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE macro include the following: ___________________________________________________________ Location Contents ___________________________________________________________ R3 Address of the UCB R4 Address of the SPDT R5 Address of the SCDRP ___________________________________________________________ The port driver returns SS$_NORMAL status in R0 and preserves the contents of R3, R4, and R5. 6-37 A _________________________________________________________________ New OpenVMS System Messages This release includes new messages for the following OpenVMS facilities: o ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility o BACKUP, Backup Utility o CLI, Command Language Interpreter (DCL) o DDTM, DECdtm Services o LIB, Library Facility o LINK, Linker Utility o LMCP, Log Manager Control Program o LICENSE, License Management Utility o MAIL, Mail Utility o MOUNT, Mount Utility o MSGHLP, Help Message utility o PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility o PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility o PRINT, PRINT Command o PSM, Print Symbiont Modification Facility o RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services o SHOW, SHOW Command o SUBMIT, SUBMIT Command o SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility o SYSTEM, System Services o UAF, Authorize Utility A-1 New OpenVMS System Messages This appendix alphabetically lists and describes all messages that have been added for this release. You can access online descriptions of these and all other OpenVMS system messages by using the online Help Message utility. For information about the HELP/MESSAGE command and qualifiers, see DCL help or refer to the OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users. New Help Message features for this release are described in Section 2.5. ABORT, fatal error encountered - operation terminated Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred. User Action: Query the product database to determine the cause of the error. Correct the problem and retry the operation. ALRDYINST, product already installed; use RECONFIGURE to modify Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This product is referred to by another product in the current installation. The product will not be reinstalled. User Action: None. If you want to modify the product, you must use the RECONFIGURE command. APPLYTOERR, product 'product-name' to which maintenance product 'product-name' applies not found Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You attempted to patch or apply a mandatory update to a product that cannot be found on the system. User Action: Verify that you have the correct mandatory update or patch kit and that the product you want to update is on the system. A-2 New OpenVMS System Messages ASKABORT, Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A severe error was detected by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility during the operation. Continuing might leave the system in an incomplete state, for example, with partially installed software. Terminating leaves the product database in the state it was in before this operation was attempted. User Action: Terminate the operation and identify the problem before reattempting the operation. An accompanying error message provides more information about the problem. BADREASON, abort reason code was invalid Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: The abort reason code passed in the reason argument of the $ABORT_TRANS service is invalid. User Action: Use a valid abort reason code. Block Size - Total: 'number' Optional: 'number' Required: 'number' Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message reports the total disk block consumption of a product or a product option. User Action: None, unless total disk block consumption of the product exceeds the space available on the destination device. In this case, stop the operation and create enough disk space on the destination device. CANCEL_WIP, termination resulted in an incomplete modification to the system Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You interrupted an operation that was executing, leaving the system in an incomplete state. For example, if you interrupt an installation in progress, the utility does not remove any files created by the installation. User Action: Digital recommends that you do not interrupt POLYCENTER Software Installation utility operations. A-3 New OpenVMS System Messages CBSNOTSUPTD, Attention - Phase I Shadowing is not supported as of OpenVMS VAX V6.1 Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility Explanation: You specified a phase I volume shadowing virtual unit (DUSnn) in a command. OpenVMS VAX no longer supports phase I volume shadowing. User Action: Reissue the command using a phase II volume shadowing virtual unit name (DSAnn) consistent with phase II (host-based) volume shadowing. COMPWERR, operation completed after explicit continuation from errors Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: If you answer No to the ASKABORT query after a severe error occurs, this message displays when the operation completes. User Action: Query the product database (PDB) to determine the cause of the error. Correct the problem and retry the operation. CONFIG, product has already been configured Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This product has already been configured during this operation, either because it was selected or because it was included due to a dependency of another product. User Action: None. CONREMHV, confirm removal of higher version of 'product-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message asks you to confirm whether to remove the higher version of the specified product. User Action: Enter Yes to remove the higher version of the product. Enter No to keep the higher version and to omit the lower version on the system. A-4 New OpenVMS System Messages CONREMOS, confirm removal of operating system 'product-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message displays with a question about whether to remove the specified operating system. User Action: Confirm that you want to remove the operating system or else exit the operation. CONREMUNR, optionally remove product 'product-name' that is no longer required by another product Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A software product that you are removing depends on another software product. This message asks if you want to remove the dependent software product. User Action: Enter Yes to remove the specified product. Enter No or press Return to keep the product. COPYREQD, destination specification required for this operation Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No destination directory was specified. User Action: Use the /DESTINATION qualifier on the COPY command to specify a destination directory for the copy of the product kit. CURTIDCHANGE, default transaction currently being changed Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: An attempt was made to change the default transaction while a change is already in progress. User Action: Retry the transaction. DBINUSE, product database in use; waiting... Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: Another user is accessing the product database (PDB). User Action: None. The utility processes your request when the current user is finished using the PDB. A-5 New OpenVMS System Messages DEFER, that item has been deferred. Please set the default value Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No value is assigned to this configuration choice in the input configuration file. User Action: Supply a default value. This default configuration choice will be presented to the user during installation. DELETED, 'compress-file-name.TMP' deleted Facility: MAIL, Mail Utility Explanation: This informational message marks the successful deletion of a temporary file created by MAIL during a COMPRESS operation. User Action: None. Do you want all the defaults for the subitems? Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This question prompts you to select the default values or view the configuration choices. User Action: Enter Yes or No: Yes Automatically selects all of the defaults established by either the product or the product database. You will not see any configuration choices nested inside this configuration choice. No Displays the configuration choices that you can select. DUPPROD, duplicate product ignored Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product has already been selected for the operation. User Action: None. A-6 New OpenVMS System Messages ERRNOAPPLY, APPLY TO statement is required for this distribution type Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You are using a mandatory update or patch distribution kit that does not contain an apply to statement. User Action: Add an apply to statement to the kit. A mandatory update or patch kit must name the product to which the patch or update applies. ERRPDFPRD, product description file name does not match PRODUCT statement Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The file name of the product description file (PDF) does not match the information contained in the product statement. User Action: Make sure the file name of the PDF and the product statement contain the same information. EXEFAIL, execute statement failed; status returned from DCL follows Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An execute statement failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. FAILCONF, failed to resolve conflicting requirements for 'object-type' 'object-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: More than one product supplies a managed object of the same name, type, and scope. They cannot coexist because of a conflict in the objects' properties. User Action: Determine which product's managed object you want to preserve and make the necessary adjustments to the system. A-7 New OpenVMS System Messages FAILCONFNNM, failed to resolve conflicting requirements for 'object-type' (unnamed) Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: More than one product supplies a managed object of the same name, type, and scope. They cannot coexist because of a conflict in the objects' properties. User Action: Determine which product's managed object you want to preserve and make the necessary adjustments to the system. FORCED, product 'product-name' implicitly selected Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named product has been implicitly selected to execute in the current operation. User Action: None. FORCEDDES, product 'product-name' implicitly deselected Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named product has been implicitly deselected so that it will not execute in the current operation. User Action: None. FORCEDRCF, product 'product-name' implicitly selected for reconfiguration Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named product has been implicitly selected to be reconfigured in the current operation. User Action: None. FORCEDUPG, product 'product-name' implicitly removed Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named product has been implicitly selected to be removed in the current operation. User Action: None. A-8 New OpenVMS System Messages Global Pages - Total: 'number' Optional: 'number' Required: 'number' Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message reports the global page consumption of a product or a product option. User Action: None, unless global page consumption of the product exceeds a limit set by a system or process parameter. In this case, modify the system or process parameters accordingly. Global Sections - Total: 'number' Optional: 'number' Required: 'number' Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message reports the global section consumption of a product or product option. User Action: None, unless global section consumption of the product exceeds a limit set by a system or process parameter. In this case, modify the system or process parameters accordingly. IDXSEARCH, key search encountered index structure inconsistency - convert file Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services Explanation: The last keyed access to the file exceeded a maximum iteration count for restarting the operation at the root index bucket for the key of reference. This condition can occur if the index structure has become inconsistent. The status value (STV) of the RAB contains the key of reference. User Action: Convert the file and retry the operation. If the error persists, contact a Digital service representative. INTEGRITY, transaction aborted because a resource manager integrity constraint check failed Facility: DDTM, DECdtm Services Explanation: Either you entered invalid data, or the resource manager integrity constraint check was not properly defined. User Action: Verify your data, then retry the transaction. A-9 New OpenVMS System Messages INVALKEY, that key is not valid Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The answer or key you entered is not a valid reply to the question being asked. User Action: Try another response. INVALRESP, invalid response Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: Your response to the prompt is invalid. User Action: Specify the number that is displayed to the left of the product you want to select. INVAPLTO, multiple APPLY TO statements Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product description file (PDF) contains more than one apply to statement. User Action: Use only one apply to statement in the PDF. INVNOD, invalid node name specification; respecify Facility: CLI, Command Language Interpreter (DCL) Explanation: The node name specification is invalid. User Action: Reenter the command using a valid node name specification. INVPDFTYPE, APPLY TO statement requires distribution type of PATCH or MANDATORY UPDATE Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An apply to statement occurs in a product description file (PDF) that is not a patch or mandatory update. User Action: Either remove the apply to statement or change the product distribution kit type in the product statement to patch or mandatory update. A-10 New OpenVMS System Messages INVREMDST, remote destination must be mounted privately by the process performing the operation Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility tried to place material on a volume whose owner is not the same as the owner of the process. User Action: Have the process owner privately mount the destination volume. INVUPGRADE, multiple UPGRADE statements Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product description file (PDF) contains more than one upgrade statement. User Action: Use only one upgrade statement in the PDF. 'number' items found Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message reports the number of matches found in the product database in response to a PRODUCT SHOW command. User Action: None. IVNODNAM, invalid node name Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: DECnet for OpenVMS has detected an invalid syntax in a node name specification; for example, the user attempted to specify a full name on a system running Phase IV DECnet. User Action: Retry the command using a valid node name specification. LASTIPCF, multiple input configuration files were specified: values in a later one may supersede those in a previous one Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This message displays whenever you specify a list of files with the /CONFIGURATION=INPUT qualifier to the PRODUCT command. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility does not check whether a product configuration A-11 New OpenVMS System Messages choice appears in any or several of the specified configuration files. User Action: None required. You can inspect the configuration files to determine which products' values are contained in each. LATSYM, LAT protocol requested on device 'device-name' which is not a LAT device Facility: PSM, Print Symbiont Modification Facility Explanation: This device is not a LAT device, but LAT symbiont protocol is being requested by the requested processor symbiont. User Action: Either use a non-LAT symbiont for this device or choose a LAT device for this processor. LOG_BUSY, transaction log busy Facility: LMCP, Log Manager Control Program Explanation: The dump aborted because the transaction log was too busy. This can happen when the transaction rate is very high. User Action: Wait until the system is less busy, then try again. LOG_FAIL, transaction aborted because an attempt to write to the transaction log failed Facility: DDTM, DECdtm Services Explanation: The DECdtm transaction log could not be written to. User Action: Check whether the transaction log's disk is mounted. Use the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility to check for disk errors. LOG_NOT_IN_USE, transaction log not in use Facility: LMCP, Log Manager Control Program Explanation: The transaction log is not in use and the TP_ SERVER process is not running. User Action: None. A-12 New OpenVMS System Messages MULOBJ, the 'object-type' 'object-name' is multiply defined; conflict resolution may occur Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: More than one managed object of the same name and type was detected. User Action: None. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility attempts to resolve the conflict. MULOBJNNM, the 'object-type' (unnamed) is multiply defined; conflict resolution may occur Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: More than one managed object of the same name and type was detected. User Action: None. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility attempts to resolve the conflict. NAFADDERR, error adding proxy from 'node-name'::'remote-user' to 'local-user' Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An error occurred while adding a network proxy for the remote node and user to the specified local user. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. NAFADDMSG, proxy from 'node-name'::'remote-user' to 'local- user' added Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: A network proxy from the remote node and user to the specified local user has been added to the proxy database. User Action: None. NAFCREERR, unable to create network proxy database (NET$PROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: A network user authorization file (NET$PROXY.DAT) could not be created. For example, this error occurs if you do not have sufficient privilege to create the file. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. A-13 New OpenVMS System Messages NAFMODERR, error modifying proxy from 'node-name'::'remote- user' to 'local-user' Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An error occurred while modifying a network proxy for the remote node and user to the specified local user. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. NAFMODMSG, proxy from 'node-name'::'remote-user' to 'local- user' modified Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: The network proxy from the remote node and user to the specified local user has been modified in the proxy database as requested. User Action: None. NAFREMERR, error removing proxy from 'node-name'::'remote-user' to 'local-user' Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An error occurred while removing a network proxy for the remote node and user to the specified local user. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. NAFREMMSG, proxy from 'node-name'::'remote-user' to 'local- user' removed Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: The network proxy from the remote node and user to the specified local user has been removed from the proxy database. User Action: None. NAFUAEERR, proxy from 'remote-node-name::user-name' to 'local- user-name' already exists Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: The local user that you tried to add to the specified remote network user proxy entry is already in the file; it has not been duplicated. User Action: None. A-14 New OpenVMS System Messages NETBTS, network buffer too small for 'size' byte record Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services Explanation: The network buffer is too small for an attempted $GET, $PUT, or $UPDATE operation on a remote file. For a $GET, no record is returned to the user's record buffer; however, the next record pointer is properly advanced to the next record in the remote file, if there is one, or to the end-of-file. The status value (STV) in the RAB contains the size of the record that is too large for the network buffer. User Action: Increase the size of the network buffer to accommodate the maximum record size in the remote file. The default system setting for the SYSGEN RMS_DFNBC (network block count) parameter is 8, which becomes the process default if it is not overridden by the process. Determine the size of the largest record in the file either by using the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL or ANALYZE/RMS_FILE or, from within the program, by examining the contents of the XABFHC field XAB$W_LRL after opening the file with the XABFHC chained to the FAB. Increase the network buffer size for the process by executing the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/NETWORK_BLOCK_ COUNT=n on the local node or, from within the program, by setting the XABITM item XAB$_NET_BLOCK_COUNT to 'n' when opening the file with the XABITM chained to the FAB. Determine the value of 'n' as follows: o For a remote file opened from an image: n = maximum record size in blocks Example: For a maximum record size of 4112 bytes, n = 9. 4112 divided by 512 = 8.03 o For a remote file opened using the DCL command OPEN, the actual size of the network buffer is derived by dividing the NETWORK_BLOCK_COUNT by 8. To compensate for this, the block size must be multiplied by 8: n = (maximum record size in blocks) x 8 Example: For a maximum record size of 2048 bytes, n = 32. 2048 divided by 512 = 4 x 8 = 32 A-15 New OpenVMS System Messages NODEFER, defer key is not available at this time Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No value was specified for the configuration choice default. User Action: Enter a configuration choice value to complete the operation. NODTOOLNG, primary node name too long after being quoted Facility: LIB, Library Facility Explanation: When quotation marks are added to the primary node name, it exceeds 1024 characters, the maximum size allowed for a node name. User Action: Check the primary node name argument for the call to the run-time library and correct the program to use a node name that does not exceed 1022 characters. NOHELP, there is no help available at this time Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The Help key is not supported on this input device. Help is not available for individual items. User Action: To access help information for this product, reenter the PRODUCT command with the /HELP qualifier. NOHOSNAM, no host node name found Facility: LIB, Library Facility Explanation: The run-time library cannot get the host node name from the system. User Action: Check with your system manager to see if DECnet is running. NOITEMS, there are no items to answer for this product Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product has no configuration choices. User Action: None. A-16 New OpenVMS System Messages NOLIBRARIES, none of the specified libraries were found; check logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY Facility: MSGHLP, Help Message utility Explanation: The search path logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY is defined to point to a number of database files, none of which exists. User Action: Verify that the logical name search path defines existing Help Message database files, or deassign the logical name so that Help Message accesses the default database file, SYS$HELP:MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA. NOMATCH, no products found matching: Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No products were found to satisfy the selected product filter or search criteria for the chosen operation. User Action: None required. However, you can change the filters as desired to control product selection. The /SOURCE qualifier (which defaults to the logical name PCSI$SOURCE) determines the source search path used to find products for operations that require kits. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the product database for other operations. The product name parameter and the /PRODUCER, /BASE_SYSTEM, and /VERSION qualifiers operate as product filters. NOPRIV, insufficient privilege to display complete information Facility: SHOW, SHOW Command Explanation: You do not have sufficient privilege to see all the users of an Activity license. User Action: See your system manager. You must obtain GROUP privilege to see license users in the same group and WORLD privilege to see license users outside your group. NOPROD, no products found on which to perform this operation Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No products were found to satisfy the selected product filter or search criteria for the chosen operation. User Action: None required. However, you can change the filters as desired to control product selection. A-17 New OpenVMS System Messages The /SOURCE qualifier (which defaults to the logical name PCSI$SOURCE) determines the source search path used to find products for operations that require kits. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the product database for other operations. The product name parameter and the /PRODUCER, /BASE_SYSTEM, and /VERSION qualifiers operate as product filters. NOTORIGIN, process did not start the transaction Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: The process calling $END_TRANS is not the same process that called $START_TRANS. User Action: Check your application to ensure that $START_ TRANS and $END_TRANS are called by the same process, then retry the transaction. NOTTRANS, INFER statement requires distribution type of TRANSITION Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You are using an infer statement in a product description file (PDF) that is not a transition kit. User Action: Either remove the infer statement or change the product statement to the transition type. NOUNSHELVE, file 'file-name' is shelved, this process does not automatically unshelve files Facility: PRINT, PRINT Command Facility: SUBMIT, SUBMIT Command Explanation: Your process tried to access a shelved file, and automatic unshelving is turned off. User Action: Do one of the following: o Use the DCL command SET PROCESS/AUTO_UNSHELVE to turn automatic unshelving on. o Use the DCL command UNSHELVE to unshelve the shelved file. A-18 New OpenVMS System Messages NOWRITE, nowrite key is not available at this time Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No configuration choice value was specified. User Action: Specify a value for the configuration choice in order to complete the operation. OBJDES, the 'object-type' 'object-name' is part of an option that was not selected - replacement skipped Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named managed object will not execute in this operation. User Action: None. ONFADDERR, error adding entry to old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An error occurred while adding a proxy record to the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. ONFBUFOVF, old format proxy database record exceeds maximum length (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: A record in the old format proxy database has an invalid record length. This error can occur if the old proxy database is damaged. User Action: Restore the old format proxy database from a backup copy and reenter the command. ONFCONERR, connect error on old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: OpenVMS RMS detected an error while connecting to the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. A-19 New OpenVMS System Messages ONFCREERR, unable to create old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: OpenVMS RMS encountered an error while attempting to create the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. ONFINVREC, invalid old format proxy database record format (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: A record in the old format proxy database has an invalid record format. This error can occur when the old proxy database is damaged. User Action: Restore the old format proxy database from a backup copy and reenter the command. ONFMAXEX, exceeded maximum local proxy count in old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An attempt was made to add more than 16 local users to a specific proxy record for a remote node and user. User Action: Remove a sufficient number of local users from the proxy record and reenter the command. ONFMODERR, error modifying entry in old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: OpenVMS RMS encountered an error while attempting to write a record in the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. ONFNPDAEX, old format proxy database already exists (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: The /PROXY qualifier was specified on the CREATE command and the old format proxy database already exists. User Action: None. A-20 New OpenVMS System Messages ONFNPDDNE, old format proxy database does not exist (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: The /OLD qualifier was specified with /PROXY on a SHOW or LIST command to display information contained in the old format proxy database, but such a database does not exist. User Action: Omit the /OLD qualifier from the command to display information from the proxy database. ONFOPNERR, unable to open old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. ONFREMERR, error removing entry from old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT) Facility: UAF, Authorize Utility Explanation: OpenVMS RMS encountered an error while attempting to delete a record from the old format proxy database. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. OPREQRD, specify the operation (such as INSTALL) in the PRODUCT command line Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A required parameter is missing from the command. User Action: Specify the operation (for example, INSTALL, REMOVE, RECONFIGURE, SHOW) in the command line. OPTINVKIT, OPTION statement invalid in distribution type PATCH, PARTIAL, MANDATORY UPDATE, or TRANSITION Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An option statement is included in a product description file (PDF) that is not for one of the following kit types: full, operating system, or platform. The kit A-21 New OpenVMS System Messages types named in the message do not allow you to present configuration choices to the user. User Action: Either remove the option statement or modify the product statement to be the correct type. OUTRANGE, number out of range Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The response is not a number within the displayed range. User Action: Enter an integer from the range of listed products. PARDES, the 'object-type' 'object-name' is part of an option that was not selected - 'object-type' update skipped Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named managed object will not execute in this operation. User Action: None. PART_SERIAL, transaction aborted because a resource manager serialization check failed Facility: DDTM, DECdtm Services Explanation: A resource manager serialization check failed. User Action: Retry the transaction. PART_TIMEOUT, transaction aborted because a resource manager timeout expired Facility: DDTM, DECdtm Services Explanation: A resource manager exceeded its execution timeout. User Action: Retry the transaction. PARUDF, the 'object-type' 'object-name' has not been provided by a previous Install or Register operation - 'object-type' update skipped Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You attempted to update a managed object that is not known to the POLYCENTER Software Installation A-22 New OpenVMS System Messages utility, for example, an object provided by a previous install or register operation. User Action: Check the product database and your command to verify that you are trying to update a known managed object. PDFEND, unmatched end Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You specified a group statement in the product description file (PDF) without a corresponding end group statement. User Action: Check the group statements in the PDF for missing or extraneous end statements. PDFEOF, unexpected end of file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You specified a group statement in the product description file (PDF) without a corresponding end group statement. User Action: Check the group statements in the PDF and add the missing end statement. PDFLIN, 'line-number' 'text' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An error was detected in the specified line and text of the product description file (PDF). User Action: Fix the text on the specified line in the PDF. PDFMTX, duplicate or mutually exclusive option specified Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You either specified an option twice or specified incompatible options with a product description language (PDL) statement. User Action: Review your option specifications. A-23 New OpenVMS System Messages PDFSTR, PRODUCT statement must be the only statement at the outermost level Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: There are statements outside the product and end product statements in the product description file (PDF). User Action: Make sure all statements in the PDF come after the product statement and before the end product statement. PKGCNT, packaging more than one product may result in an unexpected kit Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This informational message warns that kit problems can occur if more than one product's kit is packaged in one PACKAGE operation. User Action: Use a separate PACKAGE command to package each kit. PKGREQD, source, destination, and material specification required for this operation Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The PACKAGE command is missing one or more required qualifiers. User Action: Specify all of the following qualifiers in the PACKAGE command: /SOURCE Specifies an explicit source search path in which to find product description and text files. /MATERIAL Specifies a source search path for the files associated with the product. /DESTINATION Specifies an explicit destination directory specification in which to create the packaged kit. A-24 New OpenVMS System Messages PRCERR, error communicating with subprocess; status returned from DCL follows Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An error occurred while communicating with the Digital Command Language (DCL) shell subprocess. User Action: Take action based on any accompanying error messages and retry the operation. PRDALRREM, product has been removed Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You attempted to remove a product that has already been removed. User Action: Verify the name of the product you want to remove. PRDSTAABS, operation invalid on product 'product-name' that is absent Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You attempted to perform an operation on a product that is not on the system or is not accessible to the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. User Action: Verify that you are attempting the operation on the correct product. If necessary, install the correct product and make it available on the system. PROXYCONVERT, old-format proxy database needs to be converted Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: The security server startup command procedure detected an existing NETPROXY.DAT file with no corresponding NET$PROXY.DAT file. This error occurs when the old-format NETPROXY.DAT database file has not yet been converted to a new NET$PROXY.DAT database following a system upgrade. User Action: Run the conversion utility (CONVERT_PROXY) to convert NETPROXY.DAT. (See the installation documentation for details.) A-25 New OpenVMS System Messages PROXYMISSING, old-format proxy database file is missing Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: The security server startup command procedure detected a new format proxy database (NET$PROXY.DAT) with no corresponding old format proxy database (NETPROXY.DAT). Probably the CONVERT_PROXY utility was run to create the new database, and then the old format database was deleted. The old database is required on the system by DECnet Phase IV and many layered products. User Action: Restore NETPROXY.DAT from backup files. PTFDUPMOD, duplicate module name in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: More than one text module has the same name in the product text file (PTF). User Action: Remove the duplicate module or change the name of the module in the product text file (PTF). PTFDUPPRM, duplicate parameter line for this module in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: There is more than one parameter line (starting with an equal sign) of the same type for a text module in the product text file (PTF). User Action: Change or remove any duplicate parameter lines in the text module. PTFINVMOD, invalid module header syntax in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A text module header in the product text file (PTF) contains a syntax error. User Action: Fix the syntax of the text module header and the module name in the PTF. PTFINVPRM, invalid parameter line syntax in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: An unrecognized parameter line was found in a text module in the product text file (PTF). User Action: Correct the syntax or remove the unrecognized parameter line. A-26 New OpenVMS System Messages PTFMISMAT, =PRODUCT directive field does not match PRODUCT statement Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product information in the =PRODUCT directive of the product text file (PTF) does not match the product information in the product statement of the product description file (PDF). User Action: Make sure the product statement and the =PRODUCT directive contain the same information. PTFMISMOD, missing product text file module for 'name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The product description file (PDF) specifies a text module that does not exist in the product text file (PTF). User Action: Verify that the PTF contains the correct text modules and that their names match those specified in the PDF. PTFMISPRD, required =PRODUCT directive missing in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The utility cannot find the =PRODUCT directive in the product text file (PTF). User Action: Verify that the first line of the PTF is an =PRODUCT directive. PTFMISPRM, missing required parameter line for previous module in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A text module in the product text file (PTF) is missing a required parameter line (starting with an equal sign). User Action: Review the matching statement types in the product description file (PDF) to determine what parameter lines are required in the text module. Add any missing parameter lines. A-27 New OpenVMS System Messages PTFNOHDR, missing module header in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A text module in the product text file (PTF) is missing a module header. User Action: Add a text module header to the module in the PTF. PTFPRD1ST, =PRODUCT directive must be first line in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The first line of the product text file (PTF) does not contain an =PRODUCT directive. User Action: Correct the first line of the PTF. PTFUNDMOD, undefined module name in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A text module header in the product text file (PTF) has a module name that is not defined in the corresponding product description file (PDF). User Action: Either remove the text module from the PTF or add the statement that corresponds to this text module to the PDF. PTFUNDPRM, parameter line type not defined for this module in product text file Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A text module in the product text file (PTF) contains a parameter line (starting with an equal sign) that is not allowed for this module type. User Action: Correct or remove the undefined parameter line. REFUNA, product 'product-name' is required by 'product-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A product required by another product executing in this operation is unavailable. User Action: Install the required product or make it available. A-28 New OpenVMS System Messages REFUNAPRC, product 'product-name' is required by 'product-name' on node 'node-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A product required by another product executing in this operation is unavailable on a specific processor. User Action: Install the required product or make it available on the processor. RELOFIXOUT, deferred relocation/fixup is outside image boundaries at location 'location' Facility: LINK, Linker Utility Explanation: An attempt was made to write relocation or fixup information into the image outside of the image section boundaries. This condition indicates a compiler or linker fault. User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). REMRUNOS, cannot remove the running operating system Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: You attempted to remove the operating system without first shutting it down. User Action: Shut down the operating system and retry the operation. Requires 'number' disk blocks. Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This product or configuration choice requires the specified number of disk blocks. User Action: None, unless disk space might be overrun by this operation. In this case, stop the operation and create enough disk space on the destination device. Requires from 'number' to 'number' disk blocks depending upon configuration. Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: This product or configuration choice requires the specified number of disk blocks. The lower number is required if no configuration choices are selected. The A-29 New OpenVMS System Messages higher number is required if all configuration choices are selected. User Action: None, unless disk space might be overrun by this operation. In this case, stop the operation and create enough disk space on the destination device. RESGEN, the 'object-type' 'object-name' provided by 'object- type' will remain installed; replacement material unavailable Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A managed object that has no replacement material in the newer version (or whose replacement material is unavailable) will remain on the system. User Action: None. RMTMNTFAIL, 'device' failed to mount on node 'node' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: An attempt to mount a device clusterwide failed to mount the device on a remote node. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. RMVINVKIT, REMOVE statement invalid in distribution type TRANSITION Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A transition product description file (PDF) contains a remove statement. User Action: Delete the remove statement or change the distribution type to something other than transition. SERIALIZATION, transaction aborted because a serialization check failed Facility: DDTM, DECdtm Services Explanation: A serialization check failed. User Action: Retry the transaction. A-30 New OpenVMS System Messages SFTCIRC, referenced product 'product-name' causes circular dependency Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: Two products refer to each other, causing a dependency that the utility cannot resolve. User Action: Examine the products' product description files (PDFs) to ensure that they contain no circular software statement dependencies; for example, product A requires product B, which requires product A. SFTCNFINS, installed product 'product-name' does not satisfy Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The specified installed product does not satisfy the constraints of a software statement in a selected product. User Action: Terminate the operation and check the product database to be sure you are upgrading the correct product. SFTCNFLCT, the following products also have requirements for 'product-name': Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: Certain selected or installed products have constraints on the named product. User Action: None. SFTCNFSEL, selected product 'product-name' does not satisfy Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named, selected product does not satisfy the constraints of a software statement in another selected product. User Action: Terminate the operation and deselect one of the conflicting products. SFTREFERR, referenced product 'product-name' not found for product 'product-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A product that is referenced by a selected product cannot be located. User Action: Either deselect the product or locate the product kit (possibly in another source area) and try again. A-31 New OpenVMS System Messages SFTREFREM, referenced product 'product-name' removed from database Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named, referenced product will be removed from the product database or, in some operations, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will ask whether to remove it. User Action: If given a choice, choose Yes to remove the product or No to keep it. SHELFERROR, access to shelved file failed Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: An attempt to access a file failed. The file was shelved and the shelving facility could not unshelve it. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. SHELVED, 'file-name' data not copied, file is shelved Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: An image mode save operation was performed on a file that is currently shelved. Therefore, only the file header was saved; no data was transferred to the save set. User Action: None required. However, if you want to create an image backup that includes the contents of the specified file, use the UNSHELVE command to bring the file back on line before performing the image mode backup. SHELVED, file is shelved Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: Your process tried to access a shelved file, and automatic unshelving is turned off. User Action: Do one of the following: o Use the DCL command SET PROCESS/AUTO_UNSHELVE to turn automatic unshelving on. o Use the DCL command UNSHELVE to unshelve the shelved file. A-32 New OpenVMS System Messages SHLVSTATE, 'file-name' has changed shelved state Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: During a compare or verify operation, the Backup utility detected that the data contents of the specified file have been shelved and the file contents are unavailable for verification. This condition can occur when shelving activity on the volume causes the file state to change from online to shelved. User Action: Specify the /AUTOUNSHELVE qualifier on the SET PROCESS command to change the process shelving default to autounshelve, or disable shelving activity during the backup operation. TERMIMM, 'number' licenses will terminate in 'number' days Facility: SHOW, SHOW Command Explanation: Termination is imminent for one or more of the listed licenses. User Action: If you plan to continue using these products, you must obtain a new license before the specified termination date to maintain product availability. UNDEFER, that item is no longer deferred. Please set the value Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No value is set for this configuration choice. User Action: Supply a value for the configuration choice if the choices are to be written to a configuration file. UNRDEP, failed to resolve execution order dependency for 'object-type' 'object-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A required software dependency cannot be resolved. User Action: Check the product database and available kits for more information. A-33 New OpenVMS System Messages UNRDEPNNM, failed to resolve execution order dependency for 'object-type' (unnamed) Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A required software dependency cannot be resolved. User Action: Check the product database and available kits for more information. UNSHELVED, file is not shelved Facility: SYSTEM, System Services Explanation: You tried to unshelve a file that is not shelved. User Action: None. UNSHELVERR, error unshelving file 'file-name' Facility: PRINT, PRINT Command Facility: SUBMIT, SUBMIT Command Explanation: An RMS error or a memory management error occurred while unshelving the file. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying messages. UNSUPCOMBOP, 'product-name' uses an unsupported combination of options and license type Facility: LICENSE, License Management Utility Explanation: You attempted to load a license with attributes that LMF does not support. Specifically, the combination of key options and license type is not supported. User Action: Notify the issuer of the Product Authorization Key (PAK) and obtain a PAK that LMF can use. UNVSTATUS, translation of symbol $STATUS is unavailable Facility: MSGHLP, Help Message utility Explanation: Help Message cannot translate the CLI symbol $STATUS to determine the result of the last executed command. Either the $STATUS symbol has been deleted, no command has been executed, or the first and only command was aborted by Ctrl/Y. User Action: Reissue the HELP/MESSAGE command and specify a search string or the /STATUS or /FACILITY qualifier. The A-34 New OpenVMS System Messages default HELP/MESSAGE command will work properly when $STATUS is available and a command has been executed. UPGRADERR, existing version of product that 'product-name' upgrades is incorrect Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The named product has an upgrade statement that directs the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to upgrade an existing version of the same product. The existing version fails to meet the version constraints of the new product. An upgrade of the existing product is not possible with this product kit. User Action: Verify whether the upgrade was already completed. VERERR, verification error for 'file-name' Facility: PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: A verification error occurred on the named file. The resulting output file is not equal to the input file. User Action: Retry the operation. VERSELCT, this selection unselected a previous version Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: The current product version selection has superseded a previous product version selection. Only one version of a product can be selected for this operation. User Action: Verify that the correct product version is selected. VOLSETALRMNT, another volume set of same label already mounted Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: Either a volume set with the specified name is already mounted in the cluster, or the devices were mounted into the volume set in a different order on another node. User Action: Rename the volume set to a unique name or, if the same volume set is already mounted on another node, ensure that devices are mounted into the volume set in the same order. A-35 New OpenVMS System Messages WRGARCH, 'product-name' license is not valid on this architecture Facility: LICENSE, License Management Utility Explanation: You attempted to load a license that cannot be used on the current architecture. For example, you attempted to load a license designated for use only on VAX systems onto an AXP system. User Action: Obtain the correct Product Authorization Key (PAK) for your system. WRITE, that item will be written to configuration file. Please set the default value Facility: PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Explanation: No value is assigned for this configuration choice. User Action: Supply a value for the configuration choice if this choice is to be written to a configuration file. If no file is being written, you can press Ctrl/D to defer the choice. A-36 _________________________________________________________________ Index B______________________________ D______________________________ Batch and print queuing system Data structures features SCSI-2 support, 6-12 customizing LAT symbionts, DCL commands 4-1 DEBUG command, 2-2 to 2-4 Bucket reclamation statistics, DIFFERENCES command, 2-4 4-7 Directories shelved files, 2-5 C______________________________ DIRECTORY command, 2-4 /CLUSTER qualifier F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES lexical with the SHOW LICENSE command function, 2-5 , 3-3 F$GETSYI lexical function, Command queuing 2-6 device support, 6-1 Former platform-specific (now Connection characteristics common) DCL commands, 2-1 SCSI-2 devices, 6-8 Kept Debugger, 2-3 Contingent allegiance Output navigation qualifiers, SCSI devices, 6-9 2-9 CONV$RECLAIM key selection PRODUCT command, 2-6 parameter, 4-7 REPLY command, 2-7 CONVERT command SET FILE command, 2-7 list of qualifiers, 4-4 SET PROCESS command, 2-7 CONVERT conversion statistics, SET SERVER command, 2-8 4-6 Shelving, 2-5, 2-7, 2-9 CONVERT/RECLAIM /KEY qualifier SHOW MEMORY command, 2-8 , 2-1 SHOW PROCESS command, 2-9 Customizing the display server TYPE command, 2-9 , 5-1 Debugger full names support, 4-11 Heap Analyzer support, 4-12 Motif user interface, 4-8 new features, 4-8 online help, 4-12 Index-1 DECnet for OpenVMS VAX Feedback on documentation, node names, 3-4 sending to Digital, iii DECnet/OSI File shelving full names, 3-4 general information, 2-13 OpenVMS Debugger, 4-11 File system OpenVMS RTL Library, 4-21 performance improvements, DECwindows Motif display 3-2 server $FILESCAN system service See Display server enhancements to, 4-23 DECwindows Motif new features Fonts DECnet/OSI full names support in DECwindows display server, , 2-13 5-8 Device support Lucida Bright, 5-8 for SCSI-1 and SCSI-2, 6-5 Lucida Sans, 5-8 Display server, 5-1 Lucida Typewriter, 5-8 customizing, 5-1 VT330, 5-8 font name support, 5-8 Full names keymap name support, 5-7 Debugger support, 4-11 parameters for customizing, DECnet/OSI 5-1 definition, 3-4 Documentation comments, syntax, 3-4 sending to Digital, iii OpenVMS RTL Library, 4-21 Driver design H for SCSI-2, 6-2 _______________________________ Head of port queue E______________________________ SCSI-2 devices, 6-6 ERRFMT Help Message utility (MSGHLP) See Error formatter accessing $STATUS values for ERRFMT$SEND_TO logical name, uninstalled messages, 2-15 3-1 message section files, 2-15 ERRFMT$_SEND_MAIL logical order searched, 2-16 new features, 2-14 name, 3-1 /SECTION_FILE qualifier usage Error formatter (ERRFMT), 3-1 , 2-15 Error messages HSM new messages, A-1 See POLYCENTER HSM for Error recovery OpenVMS, 2-13 SCSI devices, 6-6 F I______________________________ _______________________________ I/O flow FDL$CREATE using SCSI queues, 6-11 optional argument dlft_fdl_ In-device port queue spc, 4-12 SCSI devices, 6-2 Index-2 Incoming port queue Node names SCSI devices, 6-2 DECnet for OpenVMS VAX, 3-4 IO$M_MOVEFILE subfunction, DECnet/OSI full names, 3-4 4-17 Non-queued I/O IO$_CREATE function code, 4-13 SCSI devices, 6-6 IO$_MODIFY function code, 4-15 O______________________________ K______________________________ Offline storage Keymap name support, 5-7 definition, 2-14 Online storage L______________________________ definition, 2-14 LAN device Ordered queuing DEFAA, 4-17 SCSI-2 devices, 6-5 DEFEA, 4-17 P DEFQA, 4-17 _______________________________ LAN driver /PAGE=SAVE qualifier FADRIVER, 4-17 navigation keys, 2-11 FQDRIVER, 4-17 Parameters FRDRIVER, 4-17 See System parameters LAT symbionts PATHWORKS customizing, 4-1 new system parameters for Log Manager Control Program XQP+, 3-3 (LMCP) utility PCSI, 3-6 CLOSE LOG command, 3-1 POLYCENTER HSM for OpenVMS, LOGINOUT 2-13 callout routines, 4-8 POLYCENTER Software Lucida font support, 5-8 Installation utility, 3-6 M benefits of using, 3-6 _______________________________ Port queues Macros I/O flow, 6-11 SCSI port interface (SPI$), Port-queue architecture, 6-1 6-32 Program access to conversion Messages statistics array, 4-5 new system messages, A-1 Program access to Convert Movefile subfunction, 4-17 options array, 4-4 Program access to Convert N______________________________ /Reclaim statistics array, Namespace 4-6 in DECnet/OSI full name, 3-4 Nearline storage definition, 2-14 Index-3 Q______________________________ S______________________________ QErr bit SCDRP data structure, 6-12 queue recovery, 6-9 SCDT data structure, 6-21 Queue I/O requests SCDT$V_CMDQ characteristic bit using busy bit, 6-4 SCSI, 6-8 Queues SCDT$V_SCSI_2 characteristic releasing, 6-37 bit, 6-8 UCB busy, 6-4 SCSI command Queuing I/O sending to SCSI-2 device, SCSI support, 6-1 6-34 Queuing system features SCSI errors, 6-9 See Batch and print queuing recovery sequence, 6-11 system features SCSI queues I/O flow, 6-11 R recovering, 6-9 _______________________________ SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 mixed device RAB$B_KSZ support, 6-5 used with performance caching SCSI-2 optimization, 4-20 data structures, 6-12 RAB$M_EQNXT option, 4-18 device support, 6-1 to 6-11 used with reverse-search drivers (RAB$M_REV) option, 4-19 design, 6-2 RAB$M_KGT option INQUIRY data, 6-9 used with reverse-search macros, 6-32 (RAB$M_REV) option, 4-19 port interface (SPI), 6-6 RAB$M_NXT option, 4-18 Security system services, 4-24 RAB$M_REV reverse-search Sequential access, 4-19 option, 4-19 Server Resource wait See Display server SCSI-2 support, 6-4 SET MESSAGE command Reverse-search key option used to access uninstalled design characteristics, 4-19 messages, 2-15 performance, 4-20 Shadowing performance caching system parameters for, 3-7 optimization, 4-20 Shelving use restriction, 4-19 DCL commands, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, used with duplicate keys, 2-9 4-20 general information, 2-13 RMS RMS support, 4-20 reverse-search option, 4-18 SHOW LICENSE command, 3-3 shelving support, 4-20 SPDT data structure, 6-26 Run-time library full names support, 4-21 Index-4 SPI System messages (cont'd) See SCSI-2 port interface new messages, A-1 SPI$CONNECT macro System parameters for SCSI-2 support, 6-33 for shadowing, 3-7 SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR XQPCTL2, 3-2, 3-3 routine XQPCTLD1, 3-3 with SCSI-2 devices, 6-8 System services, 4-22 SPI$GET_CONNECT_CHAR macro $ADD_PROXY, 4-24 for SCSI-2 support, 6-33 $DELETE_INTRUSION, 4-25 SPI$QUEUE_COMMAND macro, 6-8, $DELETE_PROXY, 4-24 6-34 $DISPLAY_PROXY, 4-25 SPI$RELEASE_QUEUE macro, 6-8, $FILESCAN, 4-23 6-37 $SCAN_INTRUSION, 4-25 SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR $SETSHLV, 4-25 routine $SHOW_INTRUSION, 4-25 with SCSI-2 devices, 6-8 $VERIFY_PROXY, 4-25 SPI$SET_CONNECT_CHAR macro for SCSI-2 support, 6-33 T______________________________ STARTIO routine Tagged command queuing UCB busy bit, 6-4 device support, 6-1 $STATUS values I/O requests, 6-1 accessing for uninstalled messages, 2-15 U______________________________ SYS$ADD_PROXY system service, UCB busy queue, 6-4 4-24 UCB$M_BSY bit SYS$DELETE_INTRUSION system in SCSI class driver, 6-4 service, 4-25 Unordered queuing SYS$DELETE_PROXY system SCSI-2 devices, 6-5 service, 4-24 /USAGE qualifier SYS$DISPLAY_PROXY system with the SHOW LICENSE command service, 4-25 , 3-3 SYS$SCAN_INTRUSION system service, 4-25 V______________________________ SYS$SETSHLV system service, Volume shadowing 4-25 on OpenVMS AXP systems, 3-9 SYS$SHOW_INTRUSION system VT330 font support, 5-8 service, 4-25 SYS$VERIFY_PROXY system X service, 4-25 _______________________________ SYSGEN parameters XABITM data structure See System parameters XAB$_UCHAR_NOSHELVABLE, 4-20 System messages XAB$_UCHAR_SHELVED, 4-20 accessing $STATUS values for uninstalled messages, 2-15 Index-5 XQP+, 3-3 XQPCTL2 system parameter, 3-2, 3-3 XQPCTLD1 system parameter, 3-3 Index-6