____________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Release Notes Order Number: AA-PV6ZB-TE March 1994 This manual describes modified or enhanced features, upgrade and compatibility information, new and existing software problems and restrictions, and software and documentation corrections. Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 Release Notes. Software Version: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ March 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994. All rights reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, AXP, BI, Bookreader, CI, DECdtm, DEC Fortran, DECmigrate, DECnet, DEC PHIGS, DECpresent, DECserver, DECset, DECspell, DECstation, DECterm, DECthreads, DECTPU, DECwindows, DEQNA, Digital, EDT, HSC, InfoServer, MASSBUS, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, OpenVMS RMS, OpenVMS Volume Shadowing, PATHWORKS, PDP-11, POLYCENTER, Q-bus, Rdb/VMS RL, RX01, StorageWorks, TU, TURBOchannel, UNIBUS, VAX, VAX 4000, VAX 6000, VAX 7000, VAX 10000, VAX Ada, VAX C, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX MACRO, VAX RMS, VAXstation, VAX Volume Shadowing, VMS, VMScluster, VT500, VT550 WPS, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: IEEE is a registered trademark and POSIX is a registered certification mark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Internet is a registered trademark of Internet, Inc. Motif and OSF are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. 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Thank you. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... xiii 1 General User-Level Release Notes 1.1 Changes and Enhancements...................... 1-1 1.1.1 DCL Commands-Changes and Enhancements..... 1-1 INITIALIZE Command...................... 1-1 SET QUEUE Command....................... 1-2 1.1.2 DCL Documentation Changes................. 1-4 1.1.3 F$GETDVI-New Items for Terminal Devices... 1-4 1.1.4 Sort/Merge Translation Utility (SRTTRN) Not Supported............................. 1-5 1.1.5 UETP Documentation Relocated.............. 1-5 1.1.6 VT500 Series Terminals-Support Added for New Baud Rates............................ 1-5 1.2 Corrections................................... 1-5 1.2.1 Printing DFS-Served Files-NOSUCHOBJECT Message................................... 1-6 1.2.2 PRINT/NOTIFY and SUBMIT/NOTIFY Commands... 1-6 1.3 Problems and Restrictions..................... 1-6 1.3.1 DCL Restrictions.......................... 1-6 Command Verb and Qualifier Lengths...... 1-6 DELETE/ERASE May Cause Access Violation............................... 1-7 ENDSUBROUTINE Command Required.......... 1-7 SET DEVICE/NOAVAILABLE-Restriction...... 1-8 SUBMIT/PRINTER Command-Checks Not Performed with Multiple Queue Managers................................ 1-8 Symbol Name Assignments-Caution......... 1-8 1.3.2 SET RIGHTS_LIST Command Documentation Error..................................... 1-8 v 2 System Management Release Notes 2.1 An Invitation to Use Monitoring Performance History (MPH)................................. 2-1 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes......................................... 2-3 2.2.1 Accessing ISO 9660 Compact Discs from an InfoServer System......................... 2-3 2.2.2 Caution: DECnet for OpenVMS Users......... 2-3 2.2.3 DEC LANcontroller Firmware-Version Requirement............................... 2-4 2.2.4 DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Installation Fails..................................... 2-4 2.2.5 DECpresent-Dependencies for Installing on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1................... 2-5 2.2.6 DECwindows Release Notes.................. 2-5 DECwindows XUI Packaging Change......... 2-5 Startup Procedure for DECwindows Software................................ 2-6 2.2.7 InfoServer Client-Failure to Start If DECnet Is Started or Stopped.............. 2-7 2.2.8 LICENSE Command Restriction Removed....... 2-7 2.2.9 NET$MANAGE Rights Identifier Recommended............................... 2-7 2.2.10 POSIX Version 1.2 Installation Considerations............................ 2-8 2.2.11 Registering OpenVMS Software Before Using POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility................................... 2-9 2.2.12 Registering Permanent License PAKs Before Installation.............................. 2-9 2.2.13 Resetting System Time After Installation.............................. 2-10 2.2.14 RZ23L, RA80, and RM80 System Disks-Limited Space Support............................. 2-12 2.2.15 Security Auditing......................... 2-13 Auditing Configuration.................. 2-13 Audit Server Database Files in Mixed-Version Clusters.................. 2-13 Audit Server Database Name Change....... 2-13 2.2.16 Standalone BACKUP Cannot Be Built on RX01 and TU58 Media............................ 2-13 2.2.17 SYSTARTUP_V5.COM Renamed During Upgrade... 2-14 vi 2.2.18 Updating InfoServer Software from ConDIST................................... 2-14 2.2.19 Upgrade Caution-Snapshot Facility......... 2-15 2.2.20 Upgrade to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Requires Version 5.5-2 or Later........... 2-15 2.2.21 Upgrade Warning Messages.................. 2-16 2.2.22 VAXstation and MicroVAX Installation Workaround................................ 2-16 2.2.23 VMSINSTAL Interaction with Layered Product Installations............................. 2-16 2.2.24 XGDRIVER No Longer Shipped................ 2-17 2.3 Changes and Enhancements...................... 2-17 2.3.1 Altered Error Message for DECnet for OpenVMS................................... 2-17 2.3.2 Audit Analysis Utility: Changes in Interactive Mode.......................... 2-18 2.3.3 BADPRCPGFL Bugcheck During Boot No Longer Occurs.................................... 2-18 2.3.4 Caching Default........................... 2-19 2.3.5 DECamds Version 6.1 (Digital Availability Manager for Distributed Systems).......... 2-19 2.3.6 DECnet/OSI Full Names Support............. 2-20 2.3.7 DISKMOUNT Available to Speed Up Disk Mounts.................................... 2-20 2.3.8 Exclusive Access to a Recovery-Unit Journaled File-Error Message Corrected.... 2-21 2.3.9 Menu-Driven Procedure for System Disk Backups................................... 2-21 2.3.10 MONITOR RMS Implements Data Items......... 2-21 2.3.11 Proxy Database, NET$PROXY.DAT............. 2-22 2.3.12 Security Server........................... 2-23 2.3.13 System Parameters-Value Changes........... 2-23 I/O Buffer Cache Pools.................. 2-23 Paged Pool.............................. 2-24 System Working Set...................... 2-25 2.4 Corrections................................... 2-25 2.4.1 BACKUP Corrections........................ 2-25 Audit Alarms Reduced.................... 2-25 BACKUP/EXACT ACCVIO Problem Fixed....... 2-25 BACKUP/LIST Enhancement................. 2-26 BACKUP/STORAGE_MANAGEMENT Qualifier Change.................................. 2-26 Change to BACKUP/VERIFY................. 2-26 vii Changes to BACKUP Input File Processing.............................. 2-27 BACKUP Handling of Forced Errors Improved............................... 2-27 Relative File Version Support.......... 2-27 Rooted Directory Specification Support................................ 2-27 NOMSG Problem Corrected................. 2-28 Standalone BACKUP/LIST Problem Resolved................................ 2-28 Tape Handling Problem Corrected......... 2-28 VAX BACKUP Now Saves AXP Bootblock...... 2-28 2.4.2 Connection Loss During Shadowing State Change Sometimes Caused Bugcheck.......... 2-29 2.4.3 SHOW DEVICES Display Corrected for Merge Copy ..................................... 2-29 2.4.4 SMISERVER Failures on Version 5.n Nodes... 2-29 2.5 Problems and Restrictions..................... 2-30 2.5.1 Adding Memory............................. 2-30 Driver and Image Impact with Extended Addressing.............................. 2-30 Presetting System Parameters Before Adding Large Amounts of Memory.......... 2-30 Problem Caused by Adding Large Amounts of Memory............................... 2-31 2.5.2 AUTOGEN Problem When Executed from SYSMAN.................................... 2-32 2.5.3 AUTOGEN Problem When Setting Parameters Out of Bounds............................. 2-32 2.5.4 Avoiding Multiple Versions of Device Drivers................................... 2-33 2.5.5 BACKUP Restrictions....................... 2-34 /COMPARE and /IMAGE in BACKUP........... 2-34 Menu-Driven Interface Restriction....... 2-34 Saving and Restoring Alias Directories............................. 2-35 Fixing the System Disk................. 2-36 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 Systems........ 2-36 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Systems........ 2-37 Standalone BACKUP Failure on VAX 4000 Model 300 and TF857..................... 2-37 Standalone BACKUP Version 5.3 on Console Media................................... 2-38 viii 2.5.6 Batch and Print Queuing System Restrictions.............................. 2-38 DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC Command-One Characteristic Name to a Number......... 2-38 PRINT/DELETE Command Requirement........ 2-39 Queue Manager OPCOM Messages in Mixed-Version Cluster................... 2-40 Queue Protected Objects-Restricted Use in a Mixed-Version Cluster.............. 2-41 Queuing System Operations-Process Identifier Restriction.................. 2-41 START/QUEUE/BACKWARD Command Restriction............................. 2-41 VAXcluster Restrictions................. 2-42 2.5.7 Booting Not Supported for TURBOchannel Devices................................... 2-42 2.5.8 Debugger Restrictions..................... 2-42 Process Requirements.................... 2-42 System Resources........................ 2-43 2.5.9 DEC LAN Device Driver Support............. 2-43 DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus Controller..... 2-43 DEC FDDIcontroller/TURBOchannel Controller.............................. 2-45 2.5.10 DECwindows Restrictions................... 2-45 DECwindows Motif Start Session Dialog Box Not Displayed After Rebooting the System.................................. 2-45 DECwindows Server Height and Width Restrictions............................ 2-45 DECwindows Snapshot Feature-Unsupported by SPX/gt Graphic Subsystem............. 2-47 Using SET DISPLAY to Create WSA Pseudo Workstation Devices..................... 2-47 2.5.11 DEQNA-Not Supported by LAT Protocol....... 2-48 2.5.12 Full InfoServer Backup and Restore for Tapes..................................... 2-48 2.5.13 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Restriction............................... 2-51 2.5.14 Incorrect Image Backups from an RF73 Disk...................................... 2-52 ix 2.5.15 ISO 9660 Problems and Restrictions........ 2-52 ISO 9660 Files of UNDEFINED Record Format-Forcing RMS Format............... 2-52 ISO 9660 Volume Labels and Volume Set Names-Restrictions...................... 2-53 OpenVMS VAX Volume Label............... 2-53 OpenVMS VAX Volume Label and Volume Set Name................................... 2-54 OpenVMS VAX Volume Set Name............ 2-54 2.5.16 LAT Restrictions.......................... 2-54 Application LAT Devices Created with Hangup Characteristic................... 2-54 Change in LAT Behavior with DECnet...... 2-55 Changing LAT Device Characteristics..... 2-57 2.5.17 MONITOR Restriction in Mixed-Version VMSclusters............................... 2-57 2.5.18 Mounting a Disk in a Host-Based Shadow Set....................................... 2-58 2.5.19 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Restrictions.............................. 2-58 DCL Scrolling Problem................... 2-58 DECWindows Motif Mode Menu Behavior..... 2-58 Inaccurate Disk Space Reporting......... 2-59 Installing an Earlier Version of an Installed Product....................... 2-59 Mishandling of Access Control Strings... 2-60 PRODUCT Command-/OUTPUT Not Supported... 2-60 PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT Qualifiers.......... 2-60 Products Removal Restrictions........... 2-60 2.5.20 Resetting System Time After January 1st... 2-61 2.5.21 RF31T, RF31T+, RF35, RF35+, and RF73 Disk Drives-Potential Data Corruption Problem................................... 2-64 2.5.22 RMS Journaling Phase V Restriction........ 2-66 2.5.23 SHOW DEVICE Does Not Display Capacity..... 2-66 2.5.24 Support for StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem and Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ)..................................... 2-66 Specifying Logical Unit Numbers (LUN)... 2-68 Third-Party Driver Restrictions......... 2-69 2.5.25 System Dump Analyzer-Possible System Failure................................... 2-70 x 2.5.26 Using DECdtm Services in a DECnet/OSI Network................................... 2-70 2.5.27 Using DUP Driver Utility with VAX 4000 Series Computers.......................... 2-72 2.5.28 Using Improved Concurrency in VMSclusters............................... 2-72 2.5.29 Volume Shadowing Restrictions ............ 2-73 Assisted Copy Operation Resets Incorrectly After Minimerge............. 2-73 Memory Requirements for Volume Shadowing............................... 2-73 Phase I Retirement-Considerations About VMSclusters and Striping................ 2-74 Recommended Version for KDM70 Devices ........................................ 2-76 Unnecessary Merge During System Reboot-Suggested Workaround ............ 2-76 Using Volume Shadowing in a Mixed-Version Cluster .................. 2-76 2.5.30 Writeboot Utility-Writing New Bootblocks on the System Disk........................ 2-78 3 Programming Release Notes 3.1 Changes and Enhancements...................... 3-1 3.1.1 CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT Now Supported on OpenVMS VAX....................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Foreign Mounted Tape: Maximum Record Size Restriction Removed....................... 3-1 3.1.3 RMS$_NETBTS Status Replaces RMS$_RTB and RMS$_RSZ for Remote Files................. 3-2 3.1.4 Run-Time Library Support for DEC Fortran Version 6.0............................... 3-2 3.1.5 SORT Command Returns Error Status After Detecting Invalid Decimal String Data..... 3-2 3.1.6 System Services Changes and Enhancements.............................. 3-3 $ABORT_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned................................ 3-3 $END_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned................................ 3-3 $GETDVI-New Parameters for Terminal Devices................................. 3-3 xi $GETLKI Accepts 0 and -1 LKIDADR Values for Wildcard Search..................... 3-5 $START_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned................................ 3-5 3.2 Corrections................................... 3-5 3.2.1 Convert Utility Accepts More FDL Attributes................................ 3-5 3.2.2 Convert Utility Corrections............... 3-6 Convert Utility Correctly Formats File Names in Error Messages................. 3-6 Convert Utility No Longer Reports "Record Too Big" Error If /TRUNCATE Requested............................... 3-6 Convert Utility Reports an Error for Excessive Input Files................... 3-6 Virtual Memory for FDL Files Released... 3-6 3.2.3 CONV$RECLAIM Reclaims Alternate Structures................................ 3-6 3.2.4 Data Size Returned by Callable MAIL User Routines Corrected........................ 3-6 3.2.5 Debugger Corrections...................... 3-7 3.2.6 Documentation Corrections................. 3-7 OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual....... 3-7 Linking a Device Driver................ 3-8 Restrictions on the Use of Device-Register I/O Space.............. 3-8 OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual.................................. 3-8 COM$DRVDEALMEM Routine Synchronization........................ 3-9 CRB Data Structure Description......... 3-9 SCDRP Data Structure Description of SCSI Flags............................. 3-9 SPI$CONNECT Macro Changes.............. 3-10 SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR Macro.......... 3-10 $EQULST Macro Clarification............ 3-10 VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual.................................. 3-11 .ASCIZ Macro Directive................. 3-11 General Register Addressing............ 3-11 VAX Instruction CASE................... 3-11 xii 3.2.7 Synchronization Problem with RMS Shared Sequential Files.......................... 3-12 3.3 Problems and Restrictions..................... 3-12 3.3.1 CONV$ADD_KEY Callable Routine Removed..... 3-12 3.3.2 DCL Subroutine Entry Point Scoping Modifications............................. 3-12 3.3.3 Debugger Problems and Restrictions........ 3-13 Concealed Rooted-Directory Logical Names for Source Files........................ 3-14 Debugger SET TASK/ACTIVE Command Does Not Work................................ 3-14 DECwindows Motif Interface Restrictions and Problems............................ 3-14 DEPOSIT/TYPE Command with C Programs.... 3-17 $DEQ System Service Call Limitation..... 3-18 Examining LABEL[n] for a Code Location................................ 3-18 Kept Debugger Restrictions and Problems................................ 3-18 STEP/OVER Steps into FORTRAN Run-Time Library Routines........................ 3-20 Systems Using DECset V11-Default System Debugger................................ 3-21 Systems Using DECset V11-Retaining DECset Customizations for Default System Debugger................................ 3-22 Vector-Support Restrictions and Problems................................ 3-22 Watchpoint Support Restrictions and Problems................................ 3-23 $WAKE Call or $HIBER Call............... 3-23 3.3.4 DECthreads-Problem During Exit Handler Routine................................... 3-23 3.3.5 DECthreads-Problem with DEC C RTL......... 3-24 3.3.6 DECTPU for DECwindows Motif............... 3-24 DECwindows Motif Applications That Execute READ_KEY and READ_CHAR Built-Ins............................... 3-24 SET (MAPPED_WHEN_MANAGED) Built-In Procedure............................... 3-25 Small Display Monitors and DECwindows Motif Applications...................... 3-25 xiii 3.3.7 DECwindows Motif Transport-User-Written Transport Recommendations................. 3-26 3.3.8 Effects of an I/O Write Operation Failure .......................................... 3-27 3.3.9 Impact on Device Support for Third Party SCSI Disk Drives.......................... 3-29 3.3.10 Linking Images to Run on Previous OpenVMS Versions.................................. 3-30 3.3.11 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Restrictions.............................. 3-30 Alphanumeric Options Not Supported...... 3-31 Alternate File Placement Not Supported............................... 3-31 Command Procedure Behavior.............. 3-31 Conflict Error Reporting................ 3-31 Error Reporting......................... 3-31 File Conflict Resolution Problem........ 3-32 File Generation Restrictions............ 3-32 File Statement Generation Limit......... 3-33 Future Statement Compatibility.......... 3-33 Information Statement Problem........... 3-33 Internationalization Support Restrictions............................ 3-33 Multiple Execute Remove Statements Problem................................. 3-34 Multiple Operating Scopes Not Supported............................... 3-34 Network Object Statement Problem........ 3-34 Package Operation Errors................ 3-34 Partial Kit Restrictions................ 3-34 Restrictions on Removing Accounts and Rights Identifiers...................... 3-35 Source and Destination Constraints for Package Operation....................... 3-35 3.3.12 RTL Behavior Differences.................. 3-36 3.3.13 RTL Restrictions.......................... 3-39 3.3.14 System Service Restrictions............... 3-39 $FORMAT_AUDIT System Service-Inconsistency................... 3-39 $SNDJBC System Service-Batch Queue Limitation.............................. 3-39 SYS$CREMBX System Service-BUFQUO Error Message Status Altered.................. 3-40 xiv A OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers........ A-1 A.1.1 Remedial Kit VAXCLIU01_060 (CSCPAT_1104)............................. A-1 A.1.2 Remedial Kit VAXDRIV01_060 (CSCPAT_1102)............................. A-2 A.1.3 Remedial Kit VAXF11X01_060 (CSCPAT_1096)............................. A-2 A.1.4 Remedial Kit VAXLAT01_060 (CSCPAT_0579)... A-2 A.1.5 Remedial Kit VAXPHV01_060 (CSCPAT_0591)... A-4 A.1.6 Remedial Kit VAXSHAD01_060 (CSCPAT_1116)............................. A-4 A.1.7 Remedial Kit VAXSMUP01_060 (CSCPAT_1093)............................. A-6 A.1.8 Remedial Kit VAXSYS01_060 (CSCPAT_1113)... A-7 A.1.9 Remedial Kit VAXSYS02_060 (CSCPAT_1111)... A-7 A.1.10 Remedial Kit VAXSYSL01_060 (CSCPAT_1076)............................. A-7 A.1.11 Remedial Kit VAXTTDR01_060 (CSCPAT_1103)............................. A-8 A.1.12 Remedial Kit VAXUTIL01_060 (CSCPAT_1095)............................. A-8 B OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Not Included in Version 6.1 B.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers........ B-1 B.1.1 Remedial Kit VAXCDU01_060 (CSCPAT_1117)... B-2 Index Examples 2-1 Example of System Disk Backup to an InfoServer Tape........................... 2-49 xv Figures 2-1 Transaction Group......................... 2-71 2-2 Serving Nodes in a CI or DSSI Configuration............................. 2-77 Tables 2-1 RF Disk Drive Firmware Revisions ......... 2-65 2-2 TCQ and SCSI Port Driver Support for VAX Systems................................... 2-67 3-1 Debugger Commands Disabled in the DECwindows Motif Interface................ 3-16 3-2 Changes in printf Behavior Required by ANSI...................................... 3-37 xvi _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for all OpenVMS VAX operating system users. Read this manual before you install, upgrade, or use Version 6.1 of the operating system. Document Structure This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes: o Chapter 1 contains release notes that relate to the general use of the OpenVMS VAX operating system. o Chapter 2 contains release notes that are specific to installation and upgrade, as well as general system management information. o Chapter 3 contains release notes that relate to programming on an OpenVMS VAX system. o Appendix A contains descriptions of the OpenVMS VAX remedial kits that are included in Version 6.1. o Appendix B contains descriptions of the OpenVMS VAX remedial kits that are not included in Version 6.1. ________________________ Note ________________________ In response to customer requests, this manual is organized so that in each chapter, changes, corrections, and restrictions are grouped in separate sections. Please use the Reader's Comments page in the back of the manual or the Internet electronic mail address in the front of the manual to let us know whether you like this organization. Digital welcomes your feedback. ______________________________________________________ xvii Each chapter in this manual is organized as follows: o Changes and Enhancements-Describes changes and enhancements that are introduced in this OpenVMS VAX release. o Corrections-Includes information pertaining to software problems that have been corrected, as well as corrections to documentation errors. o Problems and Restrictions-Describes software problems, restrictions, and workarounds. xviii ________________________ Note ________________________ This manual contains release notes from current and previous OpenVMS and VAX VMS versions that still apply to the new release. Margin notes for each release note indicate the version of origin (for example, V6.1). Notes from previous releases are published when: o The release note has not been documented in any other manual in the OpenVMS VAX documentation set, and the note is still pertinent. o The release note may be pertinent in multiple- version clusters. ______________________________________________________ Associated Documents The following OpenVMS manuals contain more information about the OpenVMS VAX documentation set and about the topics discussed in this manual: o Overview of VMS Documentation- provides a summary of each manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual- provides brief descriptions of the new features introduced in this OpenVMS VAX version. o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Upgrade and Installation Manual- provides step-by-step procedures to use when performing an OpenVMS VAX installation or upgrade. o OpenVMS User's Manual- provides an overview of the OpenVMS VAX operating system and presents basic concepts, task information, and reference information that enable you to perform daily computing tasks. o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual- provides system managers with descriptions of the procedures for managing daily and occasional operations on OpenVMS VAX systems. o OpenVMS Programming Environment Manual- explains phases of the application program development process and describes the programming tools supported by the OpenVMS VAX and AXP operating systems. xix o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary-Provides detailed reference information and examples for all OpenVMS DCL commands and lexical functions. o OpenVMS Guide to System Security-Describes the security features available through the OpenVMS VAX operating system. It explains the purpose and proper application of each feature in the context of specific security needs. o VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS-Contains information about configuring VMSclusters on the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP operating systems. The following Digital manuals also contain information about the topics discussed in this manual: o OSF/Motif Style Guide-Provides specifications to guide application developers in the design and implementation of new products consistent with the OSF/Motif user interface. o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual describes how to manage software licenses on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP systems using the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF). o OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual describes how to write a driver for a device connected to a VAX processor. It discusses the required and optional components of a driver and explains their functions. It details the requirements that the operating system imposes upon driver code and includes guidelines for creating, loading, and debugging a driver that can run on OpenVMS uniprocessing and multiprocessing systems. o OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual provides the reference material for the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual, which describes how to write a driver for a device connected to a VAX processor. This manual describes the data structures, macros, and routines used in device driver programming. o OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual describes the OpenVMS Linker utility. xx o VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual discusses the features of the VAX MACRO instruction set and assembler. It includes a detailed description of MACRO directives and instructions, as well as a discussion of MACRO source program syntax. o OpenVMS Debugger Manual explains the features of the OpenVMS Debugger for programmers in high-level languages and assembly language. o OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual documents the library routines contained in the LIB$ and CVT$ facilities of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. o OpenVMS Upgrade/Installation: VAX 4000 Series, MicroVAX, VAXstation, and VAXserver 32/33/34/35/36/38/3900 Series describes the installation and operation of VAX 4000 series systems. o OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual contains general information intended for use in any OpenVMS programming language, as well as specific information on writing programs that use OpenVMS Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS). o OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual provides reference information for System Management utilities used with the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP operating systems. o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS explains how to use Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS to replicate data transparently on multiple disks and to provide high data availability. o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual describes a set of routines that the OpenVMS operating system uses to control resources, to allow process communication, to control I/O, and to perform other such operating system functions. xxi Conventions In this manual, every use of OpenVMS and OpenVMS VAX means the OpenVMS VAX operating system, and every use of OpenVMS AXP means the OpenVMS AXP operating system. In this manual, every use of DECwindows and DECwindows Motif refers to DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software. The following conventions are also used in this manual: Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you press the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. PF1 x A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the PF1 key, then press and release another key or a pointing device button. In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) . . . Horizontal ellipsis points in examples indicate one of the following possibilities: o Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted. o The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times. o Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. . Vertical ellipsis points indicate the . omission of items from a code example . or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. xxii ( ) In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that, if you choose more than one option, you must enclose the choices in parentheses. [ ] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose one, none, or all of the options. (Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification or in the syntax of a substring specification in an assignment statement.) { } In command format descriptions, braces surround a required choice of options; you must choose one of the options listed. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term or the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason (user action that triggers a callback). Boldface text is also used to show user input in Bookreader versions of the manual. italic text Italic text emphasizes important information and indicates complete titles of manuals and variables. Variables include information that varies in system messages (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in text (where device- name contains up to five alphanumeric characters). UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. - A hyphen in code examples indicates that additional arguments to the request are provided on the line that follows. xxiii numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes-binary, octal, hexadecimal-are explicitly indicated. struct Monospace type in text identifies the following C programming language elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. V6.1 Margin notes are used throughout this manual to indicate the OpenVMS VAX version of origin for each release note. mouse The term mouse refers to any pointing device, such as a mouse, a puck, or a stylus. MB1, MB2, MB3 MB1 indicates the left mouse button, MB2 indicates the middle mouse button, and MB3 indicates the right mouse button. (The user can redefine the buttons.) xiv 1 _________________________________________________________________ General User-Level Release Notes This chapter provides information pertaining to the general use of the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. For information about the new features included in this version of the software, see the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual. 1.1 Changes and Enhancements The notes in this section describe feature changes, enhancements, upgrade information, and incompatibilities that relate to general use of this OpenVMS VAX version. 1.1.1 DCL Commands-Changes and Enhancements The notes in this section describe changes and enhancements to DCL commands. INITIALIZE Command V6.1 The INITIALIZE command is common to both OpenVMS platforms. The following qualifiers have been modified or changed: /GROUP Used in conjunction with the /NOSHARE qualifier to create a group volume. The group volume allows access by system (S), owner (O), and group (G) accessors. The protection is (S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W). /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][,...]) Applies the specified protection to the volume. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). o Specify the access parameter as read (R), write (W), create (C) or delete (D). 1-1 General User-Level Release Notes 1.1 Changes and Enhancements SET QUEUE Command V6.1 The following SET QUEUE command qualifiers are modified: /DEFAULT=(option[,...]) /NODEFAULT Establishes defaults for certain options of the PRINT command. The modified option follows: FORM=type Specifies the default form for an output execution queue. If a job is submitted without an explicit form definition, this form is used to process the job. If no form type is explicitly specified with the FORM keyword, the system assigns the form "DEFAULT" to the queue. See also the description of the /FORM_MOUNTED qualifier. 1-2 General User-Level Release Notes 1.1 Changes and Enhancements /FORM_MOUNTED=type Specifies the mounted form for an output execution queue. If no form type is explicitly specified, the system assigns the form "DEFAULT" to the queue. If the stock of the mounted form does not match the stock of the default form, as indicated by the /DEFAULT=FORM qualifier, all jobs submitted to this queue without an explicit form definition enter a pending state and remain pending until the stock of the mounted form of the queue is identical to the stock of the form associated with the job. If a job is submitted with an explicit form and the stock of the explicit form is not identical to the stock of the mounted form, the job enters a pending state and remains pending until the stock of the mounted form of the queue is identical to the stock of the form associated with the job. To specify the form type, use either a numeric value or a form name that has been defined by the DEFINE/FORM command. Form types are installation-specific. You cannot use the /FORM_MOUNTED qualifier with the /GENERIC qualifier. /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access],...) Requires OPER (operator) privilege to control access to the queue. Specifies the protection of the queue. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). 1-3 General User-Level Release Notes 1.1 Changes and Enhancements o Specify the access parameter as read (R), submit (S), manage (M), or delete (D). A null access specification means no access. 1.1.2 DCL Documentation Changes V6.1 The OpenVMS User's Manual now includes information on the RUNOFF/CONTENTS command and the RUNOFF/INDEX command. 1.1.3 F$GETDVI-New Items for Terminal Devices V6.1 The F$GETDVI lexical function supports the new items listed in the following table. ___________________________________________________________ Return Item Type Information Returned ___________________________________________________________ TT_CHARSET Integer A bitmap indicating the coded character set supported by the terminal TT_CS_KANA String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Kana coded character set. TT_CS_KANJI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Kanji coded character set. TT_CS_HANZI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Hanzi coded character set. TT_CS_ String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether HANGUL the terminal supports the DEC Korean coded character set. TT_CS_HANYU String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Hanyu coded character set. TT_CS_THAI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Thai coded character set. ___________________________________________________________ 1-4 General User-Level Release Notes 1.1 Changes and Enhancements 1.1.4 Sort/Merge Translation Utility (SRTTRN) Not Supported V6.1 OpenVMS VAX no longer supports the Sort/Merge translation utility for specification files (SRTTRN.EXE). This utility translates PDP-11 Version 2.0 and VAX VMS Version 3.0 Sort /Merge specification files to the specification file format that was introduced after VAX VMS Version 3.0. The SRTTRN.EXE image from OpenVMS Version 6.0 will continue to work with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. However, if you no longer need the Sort/Merge translation utility for specification files, you may delete the SRTTRN.EXE image from your SYS$SYSTEM directory. 1.1.5 UETP Documentation Relocated V6.1 In previous OpenVMS releases, the documentation for UETP (the User Environment Test Package) software was provided in the OpenVMS upgrade and installation manuals. With this OpenVMS release, UETP documentation has been moved to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. 1.1.6 VT500 Series Terminals-Support Added for New Baud Rates V6.1 The new VT500 series terminals are now supported with the following baud rates: o 57600 baud o 76800 baud o 115200 baud The DECserver 90TL and the DECserver 90M support port speeds of 57600. The DECserver 700 is the only terminal controller that supports 57600, 76800, and 115200 bauds. However, when the DECserver communicates with OpenVMS using LAT, a restriction allows LAT to report speeds only up to 57600. This restriction will be addressed in a future release. 1.2 Corrections The notes in this section describe software and documentation corrections that relate to general use of the operating system. 1-5 General User-Level Release Notes 1.2 Corrections 1.2.1 Printing DFS-Served Files-NOSUCHOBJECT Message V6.0 A problem introduced in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 caused the print symbiont to reject files served by the Distributed File Service (DFS) and to issue a NOSUCHOBJECT error message. With the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 release, NOSUCHOBJECT is accepted as a successful status by the print symbiont, allowing you to print DFS-served files. 1.2.2 PRINT/NOTIFY and SUBMIT/NOTIFY Commands V6.1 In OpenVMS versions prior to Version 5.5, a problem existed with the PRINT/NOTIFY and SUBMIT/NOTIFY commands. When you printed or submitted a job to a generic queue with the /NOTIFY qualifier, the notification message incorrectly displayed the name of the generic queue on which the job completed. This behavior was inconsistent with versions earlier than VMS Version 5.5, where the notification message displays the name of the execution queue on which the job completes. This problem has been corrected. When you print or submit a job to a generic queue with the PRINT/NOTIFY or SUBMIT /NOTIFY command, the notification message displays the name of the execution queue on which the job completes. 1.3 Problems and Restrictions The notes in this section describe known problems and restrictions that affect general use of the operating system. 1.3.1 DCL Restrictions The notes in this section describe restrictions in the DIGITAL Command Language (DCL). Command Verb and Qualifier Lengths 1-6 General User-Level Release Notes 1.3 Problems and Restrictions V5.2 Restriction: DCL currently checks only the first four characters of command verbs and qualifiers. Because of the continuing growth in the number of OpenVMS VAX products that use DCL command syntax, Digital is considering a change that could cause four characters to be insufficient to identify all verbs or qualifiers. A transition period would precede any such change. Further details will be made available in the event of a transition and change. Workaround: When writing or modifying command procedures or creating symbols for shorthand interactive use, it is important that you spell out the command syntax correctly. Digital also recommends that you spell out the command in its entirety. This can prevent any problems or confusion if the four- character restriction is relaxed. In general, this is also a good practice to follow because it helps to comment the command procedure and prevents ambiguity as new or updated products are installed on your system. DELETE/ERASE May Cause Access Violation V6.1 The DELETE/ERASE command on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 may result in an access violation if the target file is currently locked by another user. If you enter the DELETE command without the /ERASE qualifier, the correct message will be displayed: %DELETE-W-FILNOTDEL, error deleting file-spec -RMS-E-FLK messages, file currently locked by another user ENDSUBROUTINE Command Required V5.4 Restriction: The DCL commands SUBROUTINE and ENDSUBROUTINE define the beginning and end of a subroutine in a command procedure. Workaround: Beginning with VMS Version 5.4, use the ENDSUBROUTINE command to end every subroutine. Otherwise, a CALL command could fail to locate label destinations. In this case, the following error message is displayed: %DCL-I-MSNGENDS, missing or misspelled ENDSUBROUTINE statement detected while scanning for label 1-7 General User-Level Release Notes 1.3 Problems and Restrictions SET DEVICE/NOAVAILABLE-Restriction V6.0 Devices are automatically set /AVAILABLE when brought on line even if the device has been previously set /NOAVAILABLE. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information. SUBMIT/PRINTER Command-Checks Not Performed with Multiple Queue Managers V6.0 Restriction: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 allows multiple queue managers. If your system uses this feature to run batch queues on a separate queue manager from output queues, certain checks that would otherwise be performed for the SUBMIT/PRINTER command are not performed. When batch and output queues are managed by the same queue manager, the queue manager checks to ensure that the queue specified on the SUBMIT/PRINTER command is an output queue and that the user has access to the output queue. These checks are not made if the batch queue specified by the SUBMIT command and the output queue specified by the /PRINTER qualifier are managed by different queue managers. Workaround: If you explicitly specify an output queue for the log file when submitting a batch job, be sure the queue you specify with the /PRINTER qualifier is an output queue and not a batch queue. Also, be sure that you have access to the output queue. Symbol Name Assignments-Caution V5.0 Digital advises against assigning a symbol name that is already a DCL command name. Digital especially discourages the assignment of symbols such as IF, THEN, ELSE, and GOTO, which can affect the interpretation of command procedures. 1.3.2 SET RIGHTS_LIST Command Documentation Error V6.1 Version 6.0 of the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z erroneously documents the HOLDER_HIDDEN and NAME_HIDDEN keywords to the SET RIGHTS_LIST/ATTRIBUTES command. Those keywords are invalid. 1-8 2 _________________________________________________________________ System Management Release Notes This chapter contains the following information about OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1: o Installation and upgrade-specific release notes o General system management release notes For information about the new features included in Version 6.1, see the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual. 2.1 An Invitation to Use Monitoring Performance History (MPH) Digital invites you to participate in the Digital Product Performance Program, which monitors and verifies in-field performance of Digital systems. This program provides our Service, Manufacturing, and Design Engineering organizations with accurate information on the performance of products at customer sites throughout the life of our products. Digital's goal in developing reliability profiles is to provide you with improved reliability in future Digital products. To ensure the high quality of its products, Digital has developed a system monitoring tool called Monitoring Performance History (MPH). MPH collects the following information: o Error log entries o Crash dump summaries o Configuration information The information is collected on a weekly basis and sent back directly to a Digital engineering group by way of Internet or DSN link, bypassing the Colorado Support Center. There will be no feedback to you from Digital based on the data. The information from your system, as well as information from other customers, is collected in a secure 2-1 System Management Release Notes 2.1 An Invitation to Use Monitoring Performance History (MPH) database that Digital uses to create reliability profiles. These reliability profiles will highlight areas such as meantime-between-crashes (MTBCr) and meantime-between- system-interruptions (MTBSi). This is a voluntary program that costs you nothing and requires no special maintenance agreement with Digital, unless you are going to use DSNlink as your transport protocol. If you agree to participate in the program, you will find the MPH kit and installation manual in the following OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 media locations: o Volume 3 of the magnetic tape media o Volume 2 of the TK50 media o Directory [MPH] of the CD-ROM media MPH requires only 300 blocks of disk space for both the program and the data it collects. The program will not affect or degrade your system's performance. You install MPH using VMSINSTAL. The installation manual is located in the MPH kit and can be extracted in either text form or postscript form. o To extract the installation manual in text form, enter the following command: $ BACKUP/SELECT=MPH_ALPHA_MERGE_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT MPH_V_MERG030.A/SAVE [].TXT o To extract the information in PostScript form, enter the following command: $ BACKUP/SELECT=MPH_ALPHA_MERGE_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS MPH_V_MERG030.A/SAVE [].PS Additional information about MPH is available in a STARs article in text form on the kit. To extract the STARs article, enter the following command: $ BACKUP/SELECT=STARS.TXT MPH_V_MERG030.A/SAVE MPH can be stopped on your systems at any time by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MPH$SHUTDOWN.COM MPH can be deinstalled at any time by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MPH$DEINSTAL.COM 2-2 System Management Release Notes 2.1 An Invitation to Use Monitoring Performance History (MPH) Digital looks forward to your participation in this mutually beneficial program. Thank you for your cooperation. 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes Release notes in this section pertain to installing and upgrading OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Some are problems or restrictions that you may encounter, while others are just informational. 2.2.1 Accessing ISO 9660 Compact Discs from an InfoServer System 6.0 To access ISO 9660 compact discs from an InfoServer system, the InfoServer manager must create services in the ODS_2 service class for these discs. See the InfoServer System Opertations Guide for more information about creating these services. 2.2.2 Caution: DECnet for OpenVMS Users V6.1 The OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 kit installs the DECnet for OpenVMS (DNA Phase IV) software. If you are currently running any of the DECnet Phase V products (DECnet for OpenVMS Extensions, DECnet/OSI Version 5.5 for OpenVMS, or DECnet/OSI Version 5.6 for OpenVMS), be aware of the current status of the network software before you install or upgrade to Version 6.1 of the OpenVMS VAX operating system. The DECnet for OpenVMS VAX Extensions product is not supported for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. The network products associated with DECnet for OpenVMS VAX Extensions (P.S.I., WANDD, VOTS, OSAK, and FTAM) are no longer available separately. If you need these products, you must migrate to Version 5.7 of DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS. See the DECnet/OSI installation and configuration manuals for information about planning for and implementing DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS software. Note that Versions 5.5 and 5.6 DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS are supported on VMS Version 5.5-2 but are not supported for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. If you are currently running Version 5.5 or Version 5.6 of DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS, you have the following options: 2-3 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes o You can upgrade to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and then install Version 5.7 of the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS layered product. o You can remain at VMS Version 5.5-2. o You can install DECnet for OpenVMS, which is included with the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 distribution kit, if you have no need for OSI, X.25, or NCL. If you are currently using OSI, X.25, or NCL components and want to continue to use them with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you must install Version 5.7 of the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS layered product. If you are upgrading from OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 and are running Version 5.7 of DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS, you have the option to continue to run DECnet/OSI or to install the DECnet for OpenVMS software that is included on the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 kit. 2.2.3 DEC LANcontroller Firmware-Version Requirement V6.1 Before installing OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you should verify that the Digital LANcontroller 400 devices in your system have a version of firmware that is greater than 6.08. The first version of firmware available (greater than 6.08) is 8.00. 2.2.4 DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Installation Fails V6.1 During the installation of DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS, VMSINSTAL may fail with the following error message: %SMI-E-INGDUPINV, Image NET$MESSAGE for product DECNET already in images table If you experience this behavior, issue the following commands and repeat the installation: $ SYSMAN:=$SYSMAN $ SYSMAN SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE DECNET NET$MESSAGE Note that under normal circumstances you will not experience this behavior. 2-4 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.5 DECpresent-Dependencies for Installing on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 V6.1 To run DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you must upgrade the CDA Converter Library from Version 1.1 to Version 2.0. When installing DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, system managers can safely ignore the IVP failure for the CDA Converter Library Version 1.1 because that version of the product is bundled with DECpresent but does not work on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. After installing DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, or upgrading from VMS Version 5.5-2 to Version 6.1 with DECpresent Version 1.0A already installed on the system, system managers should install CDA Converter Library Version 2.0. 2.2.6 DECwindows Release Notes This section contains DECwindows release notes that are related to installation and upgrade. DECwindows XUI Packaging Change V6.0 OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 was the final release of the OpenVMS VAX operating system to include DECwindows XUI (X User Interface) support. Beginning with the release of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, DECwindows XUI support is available exclusively in the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS layered product. The OpenVMS VAX license no longer provides license rights to run DECwindows. DECwindows users will need to order and install the DECwindows Motif layered product license and media kit to obtain XUI and Motif run-time and development support on OpenVMS VAX systems. DECwindows XUI-based applications will continue to run under the DECwindows Motif layered product without modification. Because of operating system dependencies, some DECwindows support files- including the X11 display server, keyboard maps, transports, graphics drivers and video fonts- physically ship on the OpenVMS media kit. However, these support files do not provide users with the ability to run DECwindows applications or to work in the DECwindows environment unless the DECwindows Motif layered product license and media are also installed. The OpenVMS VAX 2-5 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes Version 6.0 installation procedure prompts users to decide whether they want to install DECwindows support files, but reminds them that these files do not provide a complete DECwindows environment. The OpenVMS installation procedure lets users know that they must also purchase and install the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS layered product and license to use or work in the DECwindows environment. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 customers who want the DECwindows environment must install VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 at a minimum. VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.0 is supported on VAX VMS Version 5.4-3 through OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2. Startup Procedure for DECwindows Software V6.0 Beginning with the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, the operating system no longer provides the entire DECwindows product. The OpenVMS VAX kit contains DECwindows base support, which includes DECwindows transport and DECwindows keymap files and workstation support, which includes the X11 display server and related files. Select the appropriate options when you install or upgrade to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. ________________________ Note ________________________ To obtain full DECwindows support, you must install both the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system and the separate DECwindows Motif layered product. The DECwindows base and workstation support components are not provided with the DECwindows Motif layered product. ______________________________________________________ The OpenVMS VAX startup procedure for the DECwindows Motif layered product is modified so that the DECW$STARTUP.COM procedure is executed only within VMS$LPBEGIN-050_ STARTUP.COM. Previously, the DECW$STARTUP.COM procedure was also executed within VMS$CONFIG-050_VMS.COM. 2-6 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.7 InfoServer Client-Failure to Start If DECnet Is Started or Stopped V6.0 The InfoServer client software will fail to start on a system where DECnet has been started and subsequently stopped. The following message will be found in the file SYS$MANAGER:ESS$STARTUP.LOG: %ESS-I-NONET ESS started before DECnet. 4-MAR-1994 16:36:39.29 This is caused by a problem in the startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:ESS$STARTUP.COM. If the InfoServer client must be started at this point, the LASTport transport can be started with the Last Control Program using the following command: $ MCR ESS$LASTCP LASTCP> START This command will start the transport. You may now execute the InfoServer client startup: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ESS$STARTUP DISK Because the last transport is already started, the startup will run successfully. 2.2.8 LICENSE Command Restriction Removed V6.1 On previous VAX systems, you could not use the following LICENSE commands on a PAK containing the ALPHA option: REGISTER, DELETE/STATUS, DISABLE, ENABLE, ISSUE, MOVE. This restriction is removed as of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1. 2.2.9 NET$MANAGE Rights Identifier Recommended V6.1 After installing the Decnet/OSI for OpenVMS product, Digital recommends that you grant the NET$MANAGE rights identifier to the SYSTEM account or any other account from which you expect to use VMSINSTAL. Installations of some layered products may fail if you are running Decnet/OSI and the account running the installation does not have this identifier. 2-7 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.10 POSIX Version 1.2 Installation Considerations V6.1 POSIX for OpenVMS Version 1.2 can be installed on any of the following versions of OpenVMS VAX: o Version 5.5 family o Version 6.0 o Version 6.1 POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 is a kit containing different images for the OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5 family and OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.0 and 6.1; the installation procedure selects the correct images according to the installed version of OpenVMS VAX. If POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 is installed on an earlier version of OpenVMS VAX (for example, Version 5.4), the installation will fail. If POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 was installed on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5, and the system was subsequently upgraded to OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.0 and 6.1, you must reinstall POSIX. POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 installed on OpenVMS VAX does not support the OpenVMS DECnet/OSI Fullnames feature. If you have an OpenVMS VAX system that is an earlier version than Version 6.0 (with VMS POSIX Version 1.0 or 1.1, or POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 installed) and you upgrade the system to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, you must do the following: o Before upgrading, disable VMS POSIX (Version 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2). Otherwise, multiple error messages are displayed when the system is rebooted during the upgrade. o After upgrading if you require POSIX for OpenVMS, install POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2 (or if already installed, repeat the installation), so that the correct images for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 are installed. A registered and loaded license for OpenVMS VAX must be installed. For more information about installing POSIX, refer to the POSIX for OpenVMS VAX Installation and System Management Guide. 2-8 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.11 Registering OpenVMS Software Before Using POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility V6.1 It is important to register the OpenVMS Version 6.1 software before you install products using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Registering the OpenVMS software creates a product database and allows you to install layered products that require OpenVMS software. To register the OpenVMS software, enter the following command: $ PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT VMS/LOG/SOURCE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSUPD] This registers the software using the transition product description in SYS$COMMON:[SYSUPD]DEC-VAXVMS-VMS-V0601- 6.PCSI$DESCRIPTION. You can query the product database (using the PRODUCT SHOW command or the DECwindows Motif interface) to learn about products that were installed, removed, or reconfigured with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. For more information, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide. 2.2.12 Registering Permanent License PAKs Before Installation V6.1 Digital has supplied valid license Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) to most customers who were originally supported with Service Update PAKs (SUPs.) If you have not received a valid permanent license PAK or have misplaced your license PAK, please contact your Digital representative for PAK resolution before you proceed with the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 installation. Verify that you registered your permanent license PAKs and that you are no longer using any Service Update PAKs or temporary PAKs. If you are currently using SUPs or temporary PAKs for OpenVMS System Integrated Products or Layered Products, the PAKs may be registered in one of two databases: o SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB o SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB 2-9 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes The AUTHORIZATION NUMBER for a SUP usually begins with the letters SQM or AWS and has a version number or product release date associated with it. A temporary PAK usually begins with the letters ATP or ATS and has either a product release date or a key termination date associated with it. Enter the following command to determine if you have SUPs or temporary PAKs registered in your node-specific License Management Facility (LMF) database: $ LICENSE LIST/FULL/DATABASE=SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB If no licenses are displayed or the following error message appears on your screen, you have no SUPs or temporary PAKs registered in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB: %RMS-F-FNF, file not found Enter the following command to determine if you have any SUPs or temporary PAKs registered in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB: $ LICENSE LIST/FULL/DATABASE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB Enter a command in the following format to determine if you have any SUPs or temporary PAKs registered in user-defined database: LICENSE LIST/FULL/DATABASE=user_defined_database Once you have received your permanent PAKs, delete and unload the corresponding temporary PAKs, and then register and load the permanent PAKs. Register the corresponding permanent license PAKs by using the command procedure @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE. See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for complete PAK registration instructions. 2.2.13 Resetting System Time After Installation All The following release note applies to all past and present ver- versions of OpenVMS VAX. sions Problem: The system time might be incorrect after you perform either of the following operations: o Install a new OpenVMS VAX system o Upgrade your OpenVMS VAX system to a newer version 2-10 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes The system displays the year of the original release of the version. If you install or upgrade your system at a later time, the year displayed might not be the current calendar year. You can verify system time by using the following command: $ SHOW TIME Action: If the time that the system displays is incorrect, you can reset the system time after your upgrade is complete. Use either of the methods listed in the following table, depending on whether you have a nonclustered node or a node in a VAXcluster system: ___________________________________________________________ Type of Node Action ___________________________________________________________ Nonclustered Use the SET TIME command to set the correct node time. For example: $ SET TIME=13-JUN-1994:11:22:00 Node in a Use SYSMAN commands to set the correct VAXcluster time for all the nodes in the cluster. For system example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGE=(LOG_IO,SYSLCK) SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SET TIME 13-JUN-1994:11:22:00 SYSMAN> EXIT ___________________________________________________________ For more information, refer to the following: ___________________________________________________________ Subject Reference ___________________________________________________________ Using SYSMAN commands OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual How OpenVMS VAX systems Chapter 5 in OpenVMS maintain time and how to System Manager's Manual: adjust system time for Essentials daylight savings ___________________________________________________________ 2-11 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes While performing an upgrade, you can also reset the system time when you boot in Phase II of the upgrade. By setting the SETTIME system parameter to 1, you force the system to ask you to enter the correct time. For example: >>> B/F0000001 device SYSBOOT> SET SETTIME 1 SYSBOOT> CONTINUE . . . Please enter date and time 13-JUN-1994:11:22:00 2.2.14 RZ23L, RA80, and RM80 System Disks-Limited Space Support V6.1 The RZ23L, RA80, and RM80 disks are too small for the full OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS kits. In the past, when the OpenVMS VAX operating system grew too large for a specific disk type, that disk was no longer supported as a system device. However, to preserve the investment in some user configurations, a limited space support option has been introduced that allows these disks to continue to be used as system disks. The limited space support option means that, although the disk is supported as a system device, you must take some explicit action to not install or to remove some portions of the product so the remainder will fit. This option gives small, resource-constrained system users a choice between spending towards new hardware or continuing with existing hardware but with (possibly) reduced capabilities, including access to new online documentation, programming examples, and programming support files. The most important mechanisms used to provide this environment are the OpenVMS VAX and DECwindows Motif tailoring facilities, VMSTAILOR, and DECW$TAILOR. The OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Upgrade and Installation Manual provides a detailed description of methods you can use to install or to upgrade to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system and the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS layered product on an RZ23L system disk. 2-12 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.15 Security Auditing This section contains installation and upgrade information related to security. Auditing Configuration V6.0 Prior to Version 6.0, SET AUDIT commands in different command procedures or startup files established audit server settings. Starting with Version 6.0, the audit server stores auditing settings in a permanent database. The settings in the database VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT are reinstated on each system startup. Therefore, system managers running Version 6.0 or later systems can remove SET AUDIT commands from startup files and command procedures. Before configuring your system, see the auditing chapter in the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Audit Server Database Files in Mixed-Version Clusters V6.0 As Section describes, the name for the audit server database changes in Version 6.0 or later from AUDIT_SERVER.DAT to VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT. When redirecting this file off the system disk, system managers doing a rolling upgrade must provide logicals for both AUDIT_SERVER and VMS$AUDIT_SERVER in SYSECURITY.COM. As before, these logical names must be defined /SYSTEM/EXEC. Audit Server Database Name Change V6.0 The security auditing server process maintains the set of auditing events that are enabled on the system. The audit server process stores this information in a file in SYS$MANAGER. In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, the name of this file has been changed from AUDIT_SERVER.DAT to VMS$AUDIT_ SERVER.DAT because the format of the Version 6.0 file differs from earlier versions. 2.2.16 Standalone BACKUP Cannot Be Built on RX01 and TU58 Media V6.0 Beginning with Version 6.0, OpenVMS VAX cannot build standalone BACKUP on RX01 and TU58 media. The kit has become too large to fit. If your CPU uses RX01 or TU58 console media, it is critical that you build a standalone BACKUP kit before upgrading, and retain copies of this kit for use with future versions of OpenVMS. 2-13 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.17 SYSTARTUP_V5.COM Renamed During Upgrade V6.0 During Phase 1 of an upgrade, the upgrade procedure renames the SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. This change was introduced in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0. It affects systems that upgrade from VMS Version 5.5-2 to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. 2.2.18 Updating InfoServer Software from ConDIST V6.1 You can use disc 1 of the Digital Consolidated Software Distribution (ConDIST) to update InfoServer software. After you log in to the InfoServer system, perform the following steps: 1. Insert the disc in a compact disc drive attached to the InfoServer system. 2. At the InfoServer> prompt, enter a command in the following format, where n is the drive number: o On the InfoServer 100 or InfoServer 150 system, enter a command in the following format: UPDATE SYSTEM DKn: o On the InfoServer 1000 system, enter a command in the following format: UPDATE SYSTEM DKn: FLASH These commands move the InfoServer software to the internal read/write device. The next time you boot the InfoServer system, it runs the updated software. ________________________ Note ________________________ To boot the server, you must use the InfoServer Software compact disc included with your InfoServer software kit. You cannot boot the server from the ConDIST disc. ______________________________________________________ 2-14 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.19 Upgrade Caution-Snapshot Facility V6.0 The Snapshot facility enables you to reduce system startup time by booting your system from a saved system image disk file. Beginning with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, if you used the Snapshot facility to boot your current system with a system snapshot image, you must change the BOOT_STYLE system parameter to 0 before you can perform an upgrade. You can change the BOOT_STYLE system parameter to 0 by using the following sequence: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> PARAMETERS USE CURRENT SYSMAN> PARAMETERS SET BOOT_STYLE 0 SYSMAN> PARAMETERS WRITE CURRENT SYSMAN> EXIT $ You can re-execute the Snapshot command procedure (SYS$MANAGER:SNAPSHOT.COM) after the upgrade has completed, as described in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials. 2.2.20 Upgrade to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Requires Version 5.5-2 or Later V6.1 To upgrade your system or cluster to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you must have VMS Version 5.5-2 or later already installed. To perform a concurrent upgrade in a VAXcluster environment, all nodes in the cluster must be running at least VMS Version 5.5-2. For a rolling upgrade, all nodes in the cluster must be running at least OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0. For more information about upgrading to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, see the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Upgrade and Installation Manual. 2-15 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes 2.2.21 Upgrade Warning Messages V6.1 When performing system upgrades to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 from VMS Version 5.5-2, warning messages that indicate "no such parameter" regarding xRP, CRDENABLE, TTY_PROT, and TTY_OWNER system parameters should be ignored. These warning messages result from obsolete system parameters in a previous VAXVMSSYS.PAR file. 2.2.22 VAXstation and MicroVAX Installation Workaround V6.0 This release note applies specifically to VAXstation 4000-VLC, VAXstation 4000 M60, VAXstation 4000 Model 90, MicroVAX 3100 Models 30 and 40, and MicroVAX 3100 Model 80. If you halt the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 installation procedure after booting the new system disk, the console will either display miscellaneous characters or appear to hang. Turn the system power off and on to recover the use of the console and continue the installation. Once AUTOGEN runs and the system reboots at the completion of the installation procedure, the console is usable again. 2.2.23 VMSINSTAL Interaction with Layered Product Installations V6.0 During a layered product installation, if another process is accessing DCL Help, the following events occur: o The installer sees the following message displayed once: %VMSINSTAL-I-DCLHLPINUSE, Trying to update DCL HELP library. Procedure will try three more times. The procedure makes up to three additional attempts to access DCL Help (one attempt every 1 1/2 minutes). o All user processes see the following message up to three times (that is, each time VMSINSTAL attempts and fails to access DCL Help): Software installation procedure in progress, but DCL HELP command is in use. Trying to update DCL HELP library. Please exit DCL HELP command temporarily. 2-16 System Management Release Notes 2.2 Installation and Upgrade-Specific Release Notes o After three tries to update DCL Help (4 1/2 minutes), if DCL Help is still accessed, VMSINSTAL does the following: 1. Moves the files to be updated to a working directory 2. Notifies the installer with the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-NODCLHLP, DCL HELP not provided for this product. Manually update HELP libraries after installation. Use SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] for providing new HELP 3. At the completion of the installation, issues the following message to the installer: %VMSINSTAL-I-REFDCLHLP, DCL HELP could not be updated. Reference SYS$UPDATE:DODCLHELP.VMI for information updating DCL HELP. 2.2.24 XGDRIVER No Longer Shipped V6.0 While XGDRIVER (the driver for the DMF-32 synchronous communication port) has been officially supported through the Wide Area Network Device Drivers (WANDD) product, a version of XGDRIVER has also shipped as part of the base OpenVMS kit. As of OpenVMS Version 6.0, this driver is not provided as part of OpenVMS. If your system uses the DMF-32 synchronous port, you will have to install DECnet/OSI, as described in Section 2.2.2. 2.3 Changes and Enhancements The notes in this section describe changes in OpenVMS VAX system management features. 2.3.1 Altered Error Message for DECnet for OpenVMS V6.1 Prior to this release, node names were parsed by RMS. As of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, node name parsing is the responsibility of the network software. With DECnet for OpenVMS, this means a syntactically invalid node name will result in the generation of a slightly different error message. Here is an example of what a user would see before this release: 2-17 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements $ COPY NONESUCH::NOTREALLYTHERE.FILE * %COPY-F-OPENIN, error opening NONESUCH::NOTREALLYTHERE.FILE as input -RMS-F-NOD, error in node name With this release, the user will see this instead: $ COPY NONESUCH::NOTREALLYTHERE.FILE * %COPY-E-OPENIN, error opening NONESUCH::NOTREALLYTHERE.FILE; as input -RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed -SYSTEM-F-IVNODNAM, invalid node name 2.3.2 Audit Analysis Utility: Changes in Interactive Mode V6.1 The Audit Analysis utility (ANALYZE/AUDIT) behaves differently in interactive mode than it did in earlier versions of the operating system: o The utility prompts for the next command when it reaches the end of the log file, allowing you to either return to a record within the audit log file or exit the utility. Previously, the utility would exit upon reaching the end of the log file. o The NEXT RECORD command is now the default at the command prompt. o Ctrl/T displays the current file name, the record within the file, the process ID, the CPU, and other status information. 2.3.3 BADPRCPGFL Bugcheck During Boot No Longer Occurs V6.1 On some systems, an attempt to boot without a primary paging file caused a BADPRCPGFL bugcheck to occur. On OpenVMS VAX releases prior to Version 6.1, if a system requires the use of a large amount of paging file space before any paging files are installed, the bugcheck could occur. With Version 6.1, this bugcheck no longer happens. It is a good system management practice to minimize disk activity on the system disk, which is typically the busiest disk on the system. To minimize system disk activity, you can locate paging files on disks other than the system disk. Paging files of this type are installed somewhat later in the booting process than the primary paging file, identified as SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS, which is installed very early in the booting process. 2-18 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2.3.4 Caching Default V6.1 By default, when you mount a disk, writeback caching is now enabled for ODS-2 disks. On ODS-2 disks, only PATHWORKS servers can use writeback caching. All other applications use writethrough caching. 2.3.5 DECamds Version 6.1 (Digital Availability Manager for Distributed Systems) V6.1 The DECamds kit is now included with the base operating system kit as a separately installable save set. DECamds is a real-time monitoring, investigation, diagnostic, and software correction tool to assist system managers and system integrators in improving system availability on OpenVMS systems. DECamds collects and analyzes system level data simultaneously from multiple nodes, directing all output to a centralized DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS display. On the basis of collected data, DECamds analyzes and directs corrective actions for exhausted resources and problems with gaining access to system resources. The DECamds kits install and work on any VMS Version 5.5 or later system. Before installing DECamds, DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.1 must be installed. You can use DECamds with the VAXcluster license. If you own the DECamds Version 1.0 license, this license will also continue to be valid. For information on how to install and use DECamds, refer to the DECamds User's Guide, which is included in your documentation kit. You can find the DECamds kits, named AMDS061.A and AMDS061.B, in the following OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 media locations: o Volume 3 of the magnetic tape media o Volume 2 of the TK50 media o Directory [AMDS061] of the CD-ROM media 2-19 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements 2.3.6 DECnet/OSI Full Names Support V6.1 When running DECnet/OSI software, OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 supports-but does not require-the use of DECnet/OSI full names throughout the system. However, not all layered products support DECnet/OSI full names. Check layered product SPDs for current information. For more information about full names, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2.3.7 DISKMOUNT Available to Speed Up Disk Mounts V6.1 DISKMOUNT is a prototype C program that can be used to speed up disk mounts at system startup time. DISKMOUNT reduces the MOUNT image activation time by making direct calls to the $MOUNT system service. ________________________ Note ________________________ DISKMOUNT does not support mounting of disks connected to an Infoserver, disks served using DFS, or stripe sets. ______________________________________________________ This program requires a VAX C compiler. Perform the following steps: o Copy the files DISKMOUNT.H, DISKMOUNT.C, and DISKMOUNT_ CHILD.C in SYS$EXAMPLES to a directory. o Define a logical name "SRC$" that points to this directory. o Assemble DISKMOUNT.C and DISKMOUNT_CHILD.C. o Link DISKMOUNT.OBJ and DISKMOUNT_CHILD.OBJ to produce DISKMOUNT.EXE and DISKMOUNT_CHILD.EXE. o Copy these executable images to a directory, preferably SYS$MANAGER on the target system. For additional information, refer to the commentary included in file DISKMOUNT.H. 2-20 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements 2.3.8 Exclusive Access to a Recovery-Unit Journaled File-Error Message Corrected V6.1 Prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, if you attempted to insert or update a record in an indexed file and all of the following conditions were true: o The file was marked for recovery-unit journaling. o The file had a secondary key that disallowed duplicate secondary keys. o The file was opened for exclusive access. You might receive the following error message: %RMS-F-DUP, duplicate key detected (DIP not set) For Version 6.1, the error message is no longer displayed, and you do not have to open the file for shared access. 2.3.9 Menu-Driven Procedure for System Disk Backups V6.1 The OpenVMS VAX distribution compact disc includes a menu- driven command procedure that allows you to back up and restore the system disk. This command procedure starts automatically when you boot from the SYS1 directory on the OpenVMS VAX distribution compact disc, displaying a menu. To back up or restore the system disk, choose the menu item to enter the DCL environment, and enter BACKUP commands at the DCL prompt. For more detailed information about using the new menu- driven procedure, to perform backup and restore operations, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2.3.10 MONITOR RMS Implements Data Items V6.1 Two data items under the RMS file locking statistics section of the MONITOR RMS command are implemented for Version 6.1: o Bucket splits (bucket splits involving one new bucket) o Multibucket splits (bucket splits involving more than one new bucket) 2-21 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements 2.3.11 Proxy Database, NET$PROXY.DAT V6.1 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 has a new format proxy database, NET$PROXY.DAT. The following notes apply to both proxy databases, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT: o Convert Your Old Proxy Database Following your installation of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you need to convert your old proxy database, NETPROXY.DAT, to the new format proxy database, NET$PROXY.DAT. To make this conversion, you need to run the Conversion utility, CONVERT_PROXY, which is part of the installation. See the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Upgrade and Installation Manual for instructions. The command procedure that starts the security server checks for the new format proxy database, NET$PROXY.DAT. If you have not converted your proxy database, the system displays the following error message: %SYSTEM-W-PROXYCONVERT, old-format proxy data base needs to be converted o Do Not Delete Your Old Proxy Database Deleting your old proxy database, NETPROXY.DAT, will cause proxy access to function incorrectly on a system running DECnet for OpenVMS. Also, many applications such as ALL-IN-1 rely on NETPROXY.DAT. The command procedure that starts the security server checks for the presence of the old proxy database, NETPROXY.DAT. If you have deleted the file, the system displays the following error message: %SYSTEM-W-PROXYMISSING, old-format proxy data base is missing o Maintain Proxy Databases from a VAX Version 6.1 Node in a Cluster If your node is part of a VMScluster environment containing systems other than OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 systems, be sure to maintain your proxy databases from an OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 node. 2-22 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements 2.3.12 Security Server V6.1 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 contains a new security server that runs as a detached process on the system. For more information, refer to the following documents: o Proxy and intrusion services in the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual 2.3.13 System Parameters-Value Changes This section describes changes to the default and minimum values for the following: o I/O buffer cache pools o Paged pool o System working set I/O Buffer Cache Pools V6.1 The default sizes and minimum sizes of the four I/O buffer cache pools have been increased. The pools and the corresponding system parameters are: ___________________________________________________________ Pool System Parameter ___________________________________________________________ Directory index pool ACP_DINDXCACHE Directory pool ACP_DIRCACHE Header pool ACP_HDRCACHE Bitmap pool ACP_MAPCACHE ___________________________________________________________ 2-23 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements The changes to the default sizes are: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Default New Default ___________________________________________________________ ACP_DINDXCACHE 25 26 ACP_DIRCACHE 20 22 ACP_HDRCACHE 32 36 ACP_MAPCACHE 8 9 ___________________________________________________________ The changes to the minimum sizes are: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Minimum New Minimum ___________________________________________________________ ACP_DIRCACHE 2 4 ACP_HDRCACHE 3 8 ACP_MAPCACHE 1 2 ___________________________________________________________ Note that the minimum size of ACP_DINDXCACHE remains unchanged (2). Paged Pool V6.1 When you mount a disk, space is allocated from paged pool to the I/O buffer cache pools. Because the default sizes and minimum sizes have been increased, the I/O buffer cache pools use a greater amount of paged pool. To ensure that the same amount of paged pool remains free, the default size and minimum size of paged pool (PAGEDYN) have been increased. The change to the default size is: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Default New Default ___________________________________________________________ PAGEDYN 210004 214100 ___________________________________________________________ The change to the minimum size is: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Minimum New Minimum ___________________________________________________________ PAGEDYN 10240 14336 ___________________________________________________________ 2-24 System Management Release Notes 2.3 Changes and Enhancements System Working Set V6.1 There is an increase in the default size and minimum size of the system working set (SYSMWCNT). The change to the default size is: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Default New Default ___________________________________________________________ SYSMWCNT 500 508 ___________________________________________________________ The change to the minimum size is: ___________________________________________________________ System Parameter Old Minimum New Minimum ___________________________________________________________ SYSMWCNT 40 48 ___________________________________________________________ 2.4 Corrections The notes in this sections describe software corrections that apply to system management on OpenVMS VAX. 2.4.1 BACKUP Corrections The notes in this section describe corrections to BACKUP for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Audit Alarms Reduced V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, the way in which BACKUP accessed the master file directory (MFD) sometimes generated unnecessary audit alarms. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 greatly reduces the number of these audit alarms by accessing the MFD differently. BACKUP/EXACT ACCVIO Problem Fixed V6.1 In previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, a BACKUP command with all of the following characteristics caused an access violation (ACCVIO): o The command specified the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier. o The command did not specify magnetic tape labels (using the /LABEL qualifier). o The command used more than 20 magnetic tape volumes in a single BACKUP operation. 2-25 System Management Release Notes 2.4 Corrections OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. BACKUP/LIST Enhancement V6.1 In previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, the BACKUP/LIST command displayed preallocated files as using zero blocks of disk space. Preallocated files have a zero end-of- file block (EFBLK), but their allocated size is greater than zero. The DIRECTORY/SIZE=ALL and DIRECTORY/FULL commands correctly display the same number of blocks used as allocated. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. The BACKUP /LIST command now displays the same number of blocks used as allocated for preallocated files. BACKUP/STORAGE_MANAGEMENT Qualifier Change V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, BACKUP accepted the /STORAGE_MANAGEMENT qualifier regardless of whether the Storage Library System (SLS) product was installed. This could eventually result in various BACKUP errors. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. BACKUP now rejects the /STORAGE_MANAGEMENT qualifier if SLS is not installed. Change to BACKUP/VERIFY V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, BACKUP did not perform verification on the output files in a disk-to- disk copy operation. The BACKUP/VERIFY command displayed a message indicating that it was performing verification on the output files, but it was actually comparing the read and write buffers. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem by adding a second verify file scanning pass to compare the input and output files. ________________________ Note ________________________ BACKUP/LOG displays messages as files are successfully saved or verified. Because BACKUP displays the messages in the order that these actions occur, the sequence of the messages may be different from that of previous versions of BACKUP. ______________________________________________________ 2-26 System Management Release Notes 2.4 Corrections Changes to BACKUP Input File Processing V6.1 The release notes in this section describe fixes to BACKUP input file processing. BACKUP Handling of Forced Errors Improved With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, files that received Forced Error read errors during a BACKUP save operation would be included in a save set twice, once in the original directory and once as part of the lost files pass. This wasted save set space and could cause a restore operation to fail because BACKUP had to restore more files and disk blocks than were originally contained on the source disk. Additionally, the restore operation did not indicate that an error occurred during the save operation and that the restored file's data may be questionable. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. BACKUP issues the appropriate error messages but does not include files a second time in the save set as lost files. Additionally, BACKUP now issues a warning during the restore operation regarding any errors that occurred during the save operation. Relative File Version Support With previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system, BACKUP did not save input files that were specified by using relative file versions, as shown in the following example: $ BACKUP A.A;-1,A.A;0,A.A;-5 SAVE.BCK/SAVE OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem, except for the case of the relative version ;-0. Specifying ;-0 saves the latest version rather than the earliest. Rooted Directory Specification Support With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, BACKUP did not save input files that were specified using a rooted directory specification, as shown in the following example: $ BACKUP DEV:[DIR.][SUBDIR]*.*;* SAVE.BCK/SAVE OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. 2-27 System Management Release Notes 2.4 Corrections NOMSG Problem Corrected V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, BACKUP sometimes displayed the NOMSG error message while trying to display a message. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. Standalone BACKUP/LIST Problem Resolved V6.1 In previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, either of the following two conditions caused standalone BACKUP to go into an infinite loop: o You specified the asterisk, period, asterisk (*.*) wildcard characters for the magnetic tape input save set in a list operation. This caused standalone BACKUP to loop infinitely, displaying only the first save set on the magnetic tape volume. o You specified the asterisk (*) wildcard character for the magnetic tape input save set in a restore operation. This caused standalone BACKUP to loop infinitely, restoring only the first save set on the magnetic tape volume. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. Tape Handling Problem Corrected V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, when a BACKUP save operation to tape failed with a PROCINDEX error message, you could not append any save sets to the tape. (BACKUP issued the NOTANSI error message.) OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. VAX BACKUP Now Saves AXP Bootblock V6.1 With OpenVMS Version 6.0, there was a problem using the OpenVMS VAX standalone BACKUP or the OpenVMS VAX Backup utility (BACKUP) to back up an OpenVMS AXP system disk. Such a backup would complete successfully, but did not save the bootblock of the AXP system disk. This would result in an unusable system disk if the resultant save set was restored. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 corrects this problem. 2-28 System Management Release Notes 2.4 Corrections 2.4.2 Connection Loss During Shadowing State Change Sometimes Caused Bugcheck V6.1 In the rare event that multiple connection losses occurred during a shadow set state change (such as when a disk member was being dismounted), a system bugcheck sometimes resulted. The bugcheck occurred when the connection loss prevented shadowing software from updating the storage control block information on member disks after the local update had been committed. This was reported by the following message: SHADDETINCON, SHADOWING detects inconsistent state This problem has been corrected. 2.4.3 SHOW DEVICES Display Corrected for Merge Copy V6.0 This note pertains to Volume Shadowing (Phase II) only. On rare occasions, the SHOW DEVICES command might indicate the status of a merge operation as being 100 percent merged when, in fact, the merge was still in progress. This was a problem with the SHOW DEVICES display only. The Volume Shadowing (Phase II) merge operation was functioning correctly. This problem has been corrected. 2.4.4 SMISERVER Failures on Version 5.n Nodes V6.1 A problem was introduced into SYSMAN in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 that sometimes caused failures in the SMISERVER on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.n nodes. These failures took various forms, but sometimes included system crashes of the Version 5.n node. This problem has been observed when running SYSMAN on Version 6.0 nodes, sending requests to Version 5.5-2 nodes within the same mixed version VMScluster or VAXcluster and to nodes not in the cluster. The problem possibly affects VMS Version 5.1 through Version 5.5-2. Several factors contributed to the failures. The most severe factor was the number of rights granted to the user running SYSMAN. Users with approximately 20 or more rights granted often produced SMISERVER failures on Version 5.n nodes. Other environmental factors such as the length of the default device/directory specification also contribute 2-29 System Management Release Notes 2.4 Corrections to failures. Many SYSMAN users, however, will not see any problems. The problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. 2.5 Problems and Restrictions The notes in this section describe problems and restrictions that relate to system management. 2.5.1 Adding Memory This section contains information related to adding memory. Driver and Image Impact with Extended Addressing V6.0 Extended Addressing (XA) is part of the OpenVMS VAX Memory Management Subsystem for this release supported on VAX 6000-600, VAX 7000-600, and VAX 10000 systems. This feature extends both the physical and virtual addressing architecture of these processors. Driver and image upgrading may be required on your XA enhanced system. For possible impact and workaround procedures that might affect your Version 5.n system images, SIPs, LPs, and device drivers, refer to OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. Presetting System Parameters Before Adding Large Amounts of Memory V6.0 If you are planning to upgrade your machine by adding a large amount (512 MB or more) of memory to your system, you might want to run AUTOGEN to preset your system parameters to values appropriate for the additional memory. Presetting your system parameters minimizes memory upgrade problems that might be caused by inappropriate parameter values. Perform the following steps: 1. Add a line in the following format to SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT: MEMSIZE = total-number-of-pages-of-memory-after-upgrade. For example: MEMSIZE = 2048 * 1024 ! (2048 page per MB * 1GB of memory) For information on the file MODPARAMS.DAT, see the chapter on managing system parameters in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2-30 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2. Run AUTOGEN. For specific instructions, see the chapter on managing system parameters in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 3. Perform the hardware upgrade to add the additional memory. 4. Edit MODPARAMS.DAT to remove the line added in Step 1. Adding large amounts of memory can cause a fatal error to occur during SYSBOOT. See Section for a workaround. Problem Caused by Adding Large Amounts of Memory V6.0 Problem: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 supports systems with more than 512 MB of physical memory. Under certain conditions, however, adding a large amount of memory to your system might cause the following fatal error during SYSBOOT: %SYSBOOT-F-VASOVF, system virtual address space limit exceeded ?006 Halt instruction executed in kernel mode This problem is caused by the increased size of the PFN database needed to map your new memory. Workaround: If this error occurs, use the following procedure to restart your system and keep it running: 1. Boot the machine with a conversational boot. 2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, show the number of balance slots as follows: SYSBOOT> SHOW BALSETCNT 3. Take the current value your system displayed in Step 2 and divide by two. Set BALSETCNT to the new value. For example, if your system showed a BALSETCNT value of 250, set the new value to 125: SYSBOOT> SET BALSETCNT 125 4. Enter CONTINUE to continue booting: SYSBOOT> CONTINUE 2-31 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 5. When the system finishes booting, run AUTOGEN as follows to reset the value for the BALSETCNT parameter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT CHECK_FEEDBACK See Section for information on running AUTOGEN to minimize memory upgrade problems caused by adding large amounts of memory. 2.5.2 AUTOGEN Problem When Executed from SYSMAN V5.5-2 Problem: When you execute AUTOGEN on a remote node using the System Management utility (SYSMAN), AUTOGEN might return an access violation error during the GETDATA phase. For example, an access violation error might occur if you enter the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(NODE1,NODE2,NODE3) SYSMAN> DO @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS Workaround: Digital suggests you execute AUTOGEN using a batch-oriented command procedure as explained in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. If the command procedure is not practical for an individual case, log in to the desired node and execute AUTOGEN interactively. 2.5.3 AUTOGEN Problem When Setting Parameters Out of Bounds V5.5-1 Problem: If you run AUTOGEN through the SETPARAMS phase, it may display the following error: %SMI-E-OUTRANGE, parameter is out of range %AUTOGEN-I-ERROR, SETPARAMS phase was aborted due to an unexpected error. This error occurs when one of the parameters is above the maximum or below the minimum value allowed for that parameter. When AUTOGEN invokes the System Management utility (SYSMAN) to set the parameter value, SYSMAN corrects the problem. For example, if a parameter is to be set above its maximum value, SYSMAN sets the parameter at the maximum value and continues. When SYSMAN completes, AUTOGEN detects that an error has occurred and displays the 2-32 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions abort message. If you review the parameter values set by AUTOGEN, you will see that they have been set correctly. To identify which parameter is causing the problem, create a command procedure similar to the following one and use your editor to include the file SYS$SYSTEM:SETPARAMS.DAT: $! $ SET VERIFY $! $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN $! $! Include SYS$SYSTEM:SETPARAMS.DAT $! $ EXIT When you execute the command procedure, the parameter names will be displayed, allowing you to find the out-of-range parameter. Workaround: To correct the cause of the problem, define the maximum or minimum value for the parameter in the AUTOGEN parameter file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT by using the MAX_ or MIN_ prefix as follows: MIN_parameter-name = minimum-value MAX_parameter-name = maximum-value For example, to specify a maximum value of 400000 for PAGEDYN, add the following line to SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT: MAX_PAGEDYN = 400000 For information about the MAX_ and MIN_ prefixes and MODPARAMS.DAT, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2.5.4 Avoiding Multiple Versions of Device Drivers V6.1 Device drivers normally reside in a directory identified by the system logical name SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES, from which the drivers are loaded when the system is booted. Note, however, that this logical name translates to a two-element list of directories that are searched in the following order: 1. SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR] 2-33 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2. SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] The OpenVMS VAX installation procedures always place drivers in the SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] directory, which is the directory searched after the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR] directory. Therefore, if you (or another privileged user) have copied a different version of a driver to the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR] directory (the directory searched first), that version of the driver will continue to be used instead of the new version that is copied to the SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] directory during the installation. To avoid this problem, check the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR] directory before you install a new device driver to make sure there is not another version of that driver. If there is, delete or rename that file before installing the new version. 2.5.5 BACKUP Restrictions Notes in this section pertain to BACKUP restrictions. /COMPARE and /IMAGE in BACKUP V6.0 By using the /COMPARE and /IMAGE qualifiers, you can instruct BACKUP to perform an image compare operation. The image compare operation compares the files on one disk to the files on a second disk using the file identifications (FIDs) of the files. An image compare operation sometimes does not work correctly when you create two disks with identical files by incrementally backing up and restoring the files from one disk to the other disk. This is because BACKUP does not ensure that the incrementally restored files have the same FIDs as the incrementally saved files. This is true regardless of whether the /OVERLAY, /NEW_VERSION, or /REPLACE qualifiers were used in the restore command. Menu-Driven Interface Restriction V6.1 Do not use the new menu-driven interface on the OpenVMS VAX distribution compact disc to back up user disks. Use it to back up system disks only. 2-34 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions When you boot from the SYS1 directory on the distribution compact disc, you are booting a writelocked system disk that does not allow paging. Because of this, the system displays error messages similar to the following: %SYSINIT-E, error opening page file, status = 0000025C %SYSINIT-E, error opening swap file, status = 0000025C %SYSINIT, primary PAGEFILE.SYS not found; system initialization continuing %SYSINIT, no dump file - error log buffers not saved %SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 00000F64 These messages are normal. The lack of page and swap files does not affect most operations. If you back up large user disks, BACKUP may need to page and the operation could fail. Use online BACKUP to back up user disks. This can also occur when you use the menu-driven procedure to back up large system disks on low memory systems (those with less than 32 Mb of memory). If this problem occurs, use standalone BACKUP to back up system disks. Saving and Restoring Alias Directories V6.1 On an OpenVMS system disk, the file [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR is an alias directory of the file [000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR. This means that both files point to the same file header. Prior to the VMS Version 5.5-2 operating system, during the restore operation, BACKUP did not properly restore the VMS$COMMON.DIR file. Although this does not affect the system disk, it might produce errors with DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) lexical functions. VMS Version 5.5-2 corrected this problem. However, if you restored image backups created with a previous VMS version, the problem recurred. The symptoms of the problem are different depending on which version of the operating system you are using. If you upgraded from VMS Version 5.5-2 to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, it is unlikely that your system disk has this problem. However, you should confirm this and correct the problem if necessary. 2-35 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Fixing the System Disk To restore VMS$COMMON to its proper state, enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT DISK:[000000] $ SET FILE/ENTER=SYSCOMMON.DIR VMS$COMMON.DIR $ SET FILE/REMOVE VMS$COMMON.DIR; $ RENAME SYSCOMMON.DIR VMS$COMMON.DIR ________________________ Note ________________________ Restoring image backups created with a previous VMS version will cause the problem to recur. ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 Systems To determine if your system disk has this problem, make sure that you have the LOGIO privilege and enter the DUMP/HEADER/BLOCK command shown in the following example: $ DUMP/HEADER/BLOCK=(COUNT=0) DISK:[000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR Map area offset: 100 Access control area offset: 255 Reserved area offset: 255 . . . Identification area File name: SYSCOMMON.DIR;1 Revision number: 3 Creation date: 15-JUN-1989 05:27:35.68 Revision date: 23-JUN-1992 13:13:53.04 Expiration date: Backup date: Map area Retrieval pointers Count: 2 LBN: 5411 Checksum: 16366 If the file name in the Identification area part of the display is not VMS$COMMON.DIR, as shown in this example, your system disk is affected by this problem. To correct this problem follow the procedure in Section 2-36 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Systems If you upgraded to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 from VMS Version 5.5-2 without following the procedure in Section, your system disk could be affected by this problem. To determine if your system disk has this problem, enter a BACKUP/LIST command to display save set information about the files contained in the VMS$COMMON directory. For example: . . . [000000]VOLSET.SYS;1 0 24-SEP-1993 []000000.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-1993 []SYSCOMMON.DIR;1 2 24-SEP-1993 []SYSLIB.DIR;1 18 24-SEP-1993 []SYSTEST.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-1993 []SYSMAINT.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-1993 []SYSMGR.DIR;1 6 24-SEP-1993 []SYSHLP.DIR;1 6 24-SEP-1993 []EXAMPLES.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-1993 []SYSUPD.DIR;1 4 24-SEP-1993 []SYSMSG.DIR;1 3 24-SEP-1993 . . . []SECURITY_AUDIT.AUDIT 2 3-FEB-1994 []SECURITY_AUDIT.AUDIT 11 3-FEB-1994 []BACKUP.EXE;33 273 4-FEB-1994 []STABACKUP.EXE;9 486 4-FEB-1994 If the display lists the files in the VMS$COMMON directory as lost files (files with an empty directory specification as shown in this example), your system disk is affected by this problem. To correct this problem follow the procedure in Section Standalone BACKUP Failure on VAX 4000 Model 300 and TF857 V6.0 Problem: If a TF857 and the VAX 4000 Model 300 are connected as part of a tri-hosted DSSI configuration, standalone BACKUP fails to operate properly. 2-37 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Workaround: For standalone BACKUP to work properly on VAX 4000 Model 300 from a TF857, it is necessary to either have the TF857 connected to no more that one host or to disable the other two hosts by executing the shutdown procedure. Standalone BACKUP Version 5.3 on Console Media V6.1 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 is available on 9-track magtape in three forms: magnetic tape only or with standalone BACKUP on either RX50 or RL02 console media. The standalone BACKUP on the console media is VMS Version 5.3; the media is so labeled and identifies itself as Version 5.3 on startup. The standalone BACKUP console media have not been updated for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 is not available with standalone BACKUP on RX01 or TU58 console media. Installations using these console media are expected to have standalone BACKUP console media created from previous versions of the operating system. If you need standalone BACKUP on RX01 or TU58 media and are not in a position to create your own kits before installing Version 6.1, please contact your Digital representative for assistance. After you have installed OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you can build a Version 6.1 standalone BACKUP kit on a disk of your choice or on the RL02 or RX50 console media. You cannot build a Version 6.1 standalone BACKUP kit on RX01 or TU58 media. If you use either of the latter, you must retain a kit built from a previously installed version of the operating system. 2.5.6 Batch and Print Queuing System Restrictions The following sections contain batch and print queuing system restrictions. DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC Command-One Characteristic Name to a Number 2-38 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions V6.0 Restriction: Prior to Versions 5.5 and 6.0, the DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC command allowed you to define more than one characteristic name to a number, although this capability was unsupported. The result of defining multiple characteristic names to a number was unpredictable. The DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC command no longer allows you to define more than one characteristic name to a number. Workaround: If your queue configuration requires you to have more than one characteristic name for a single number, you can define logical names to achieve the same result. For example, you might enter the following commands: $ DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC SECOND_FLOOR 2 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE SALES_FLOOR SECOND_FLOOR $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE SALES_DEPT SECOND_FLOOR In this example, the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR is assigned to the characteristic number 2. The logical names SALES_FLOOR and SALES_DEPT are then defined as equivalent to the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR. As a result, the logical names SALES_FLOOR or SALES_DEPT are equivalent to the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR and the characteristic number 2. These logical names can be specified as the characteristic-name value for any /CHARACTERISTIC=characteristic-name qualifier. In a VAXcluster environment, you must define the logical names on every node that requires them. For more information on the DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC command, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. For information on using characteristics with queues, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. PRINT/DELETE Command Requirement V5.5 Prior to VMS Version 5.5, the queue manager allowed users to specify the PRINT/DELETE command for a file residing on a disk that was not mounted clusterwide, as long as the queue specified in the command was assigned to a node with access to the file being printed. 2-39 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions As of VMS Version 5.5, the new clusterwide queue manager process must have access to the file specified with the PRINT/DELETE command. Otherwise, the file will print but will not be deleted. This problem will be addressed in a future release of the OpenVMS VAX operating system. Until then, you can ensure that the PRINT/DELETE command deletes the specified files by mounting the disks on which the files reside clusterwide. To mount a disk clusterwide, use the /CLUSTER qualifier with the MOUNT command. However, if your operating environment does not allow you to mount a disk clusterwide, you can resolve this problem by running the queue manager process on a node that has access to the disk. You can specify the node on which the queue manager process runs by specifying the /ON=node- list qualifier with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command. For more information, on this qualifier, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. The information in this note applies equally to the SUBMIT /DELETE command. Queue Manager OPCOM Messages in Mixed-Version Cluster V6.0 Problem: In a mixed-version VAXcluster system running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or Version 6.1 and Version 5.5-n, you might see OPCOM (operator communication manager) messages similar to the following on the operator console or in the operator log file: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 28-JUN-1994 15:06:00.26 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on SUMNODE %QMAN-E-COMMERROR, unexpected error #5 in communicating with node CSID 0008000B %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 28-JUN-1994 15:06:00.28 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on SUMNODE -QMAN-W-NOMSG, Message number 04FE8678 Action: You can safely ignore these messages. 2-40 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Queue Protected Objects-Restricted Use in a Mixed-Version Cluster V6.0 Problem: Although the queue manager runs and queues are secure, auditing is not complete. Action: If you need full auditing capabilities or if you are running a system that needs to be C2 compliant, you should upgrade the entire cluster to Version 6.0. Queuing System Operations-Process Identifier Restriction V6.0 Problem: Since VMS Version 5.5, processes that have more than 256 rights identifiers cannot perform queuing system operations. When a process with more than 256 identifiers attempts to submit or print jobs, or manage queues, forms or characteristics, the system returns the following error message: SYSTEM-F-ARBTOOBIG, access rights block too big Workaround: Ensure that processes have no more than 256 rights identifiers. START/QUEUE/BACKWARD Command Restriction V6.0 Problem: Using the /BACKWARD=n qualifier with the START/QUEUE command to restart a print job that uses Fortran carriage control which was printed with /NOFEED might have unexpected results. In particular, you might see the following: o The page positioning in the restarted job might not be correct; the output might not begin at the top of the page specified by n. o The output from the print job might be preceded by extra meaningless information. Workaround: Digital recommends you not use the /BACKWARD qualifier of the START/QUEUE command with Fortran carriage control jobs which were printed with /NOFEED. 2-41 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions VAXcluster Restrictions V6.0 Problem: The multiple queue manager feature cannot be used until all nodes in a VAXcluster are running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or later. In addition, once you begin using multiple queue managers, you cannot bring into the cluster a node running an operating system version earlier than Version 6.0. Doing so can result in unexpected results and failures. Workaround: To run the multiple queue manager feature, upgrade all nodes in the cluster to Version 6.0. 2.5.7 Booting Not Supported for TURBOchannel Devices V6.1 VAX workstations running the OpenVMS VAX operating system do not provide support for system booting from a TURBOchannel device. You cannot, therefore, boot from a StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem connected to a TURBOchannel-SCSI adapter. 2.5.8 Debugger Restrictions The release notes in this section pertain to the OpenVMS VAX Debugger. Process Requirements V5.2 Problem: Prior to Version 5.2, the debugger and the program being debugged ran in the same process. Starting with Version 5.2, the debugger consists of two parts-main and kernel-to accommodate the debugging of multiprocess programs. The following changes affect system management: o For a program that runs in one process, a debugging session now requires two processes instead of one. o For a multiprocess program, a debugging session requires as many processes as are used by the program, plus an additional process for the main debugger. 2-42 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Under these conditions, multiple users who are simultaneously debugging programs can place an additional load on a system. Note that the information in this section pertains only to the resources used by the debugger. In the case of multiprocess programs, you might also need to tune the system to support the programs themselves. Workaround: Section describes the resources used by the debugger, so that you can tune your system for this activity. System Resources V5.2 The kernel and main debugger communicate through global sections. The main debugger communicates with up to eight kernel debuggers through a 65-page global section. Therefore, you might need to increase the system parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS. For example, if 10 users use the debugger simultaneously, the debugger requires 10 global sections using a total of 650 global pages. 2.5.9 DEC LAN Device Driver Support V6.1 This release of the OpenVMS VAX operating system includes support for the DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus and DEC FDDIcontroller/TURBOchannel controllers. The QIO interface to these devices is the same as that described for the DEC FDDIcontroller 400 (DEMFA) in the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual; except that the DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus device type is DT$_FQ_DEFQA (58 decimal) and the DEC FDDIcontroller /TURBOchannel device type is DT$_FC_DEFTA (57 decimal). The following sections contain additional information about DEC LAN device driver support. DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus Controller V6.1 The FQDRIVER supports the DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus (DEFQA). Its device name is FQcu, where c represents the controller and u represents the unit number (for example, FQA0). 2-43 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Using DECnet for OpenVMS with the DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus Controller To use DECnet for OpenVMS with the DEC FDDIcontroller /Q-bus on the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system, you must define a logical once per system boot procedure before invoking the NETCONFIG.COM or STARTNET.COM command procedures. Use the following DCL command to define the required logical: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM FXc0 FQc0: In this command, c represents the controller (for example, FQA0). Note that this logical is required only when using DECnet for OpenVMS on the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. The NCP LINE and CIRCUIT name for the Q-bus controller is as follows: MFA- (For example, MFA-0 for FQAn.) Using DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS with the DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus Controller To use DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS with the DEC FDDIcontroller /Q-bus on the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system, you must define a logical in SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM before invoking the NET$CONFIGURE.COM or NET$STARTUP.COM command procedures. Use the following DCL command to define the required logical: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM FXc0 FQc0: In this command, c represents the controller (for example, FQA0). Note that this logical is required only when using DECnet/OSI on the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 operating system. To make the definition permanent, define the logical in SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM. 2-44 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions DEC FDDIcontroller/TURBOchannel Controller V6.1 The FCDRIVER supports the DEC FDDIcontroller/TURBOchannel. Its device name is FCcu where c is the controller and u is the unit number (for example, FCA0). The NCP LINE and CIRCUIT name for the DEFTA controller is as follows: FZA- (For example, FZA-0 for FCAn.) 2.5.10 DECwindows Restrictions This section contains DECwindows restrictions. DECwindows Motif Start Session Dialog Box Not Displayed After Rebooting the System V6.1 Problem: Occasionally, when you reboot a system running DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 software on an OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or 6.1 system, the Start Session dialog box does not display. Workaround: Usually, you can enter the following command from a privileged account to work around the problem: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DECW$STARTUP APPS To resolve the problem, contact the Customer Service Center to obtain the following patch for DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 software: CSCPAT_1082 ________________________ Note ________________________ This is a problem that exists in DECwindows Motif Version 1.1. The problem has been corrected in DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. ______________________________________________________ 2-45 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions DECwindows Server Height and Width Restrictions V6.1 Problem: When an X application sends the display server a width or height greater than 32767, the application may terminate with a BadValue error similar to the following: X error event recieved from server: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 61 (X_ClearArea) Value in failed request: 0xffff**** Serial number of failed request: ### Current serial number in output stream: ### The following calls can cause this problem: CopyArea() CreateWindow () PutImage() GetImage() CopyPlane() ClearArea() This is due to the width and height being defined as a signed word by the display server when it should be defined as an unsigned word (CARD16) that allows for values up to 65536. Workaround: To modify the default operation perform the following steps: 1. Set the logical name DECW$CARD16_VALIDATE to TRUE as follows: $DEFINE/TABLE=DECW$SERVER0_TABLE DECW$CARD16_VALIDATE TRUE 2. Exit the session and log back in. Exiting the session causes the display server to reset using the new value of the logical name DECW$CARD16_ VALIDATE. The server will now accept values that are greater then 32767 without generating an error. To make this a permanent change, add the command from Step 1 to the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM. 2-46 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions DECwindows Snapshot Feature-Unsupported by SPX/gt Graphic Subsystem V6.0 Restriction: The snapshot feature is not supported in VAXstation 4000 Model 60 and Model 90 systems with the SPX/g or SPX/gt graphic subsystem (GECDRIVER). This support may be provided in a future release. Workaround: As a workaround, you can do one of the following: o Do not use the snapshot feature. o Use the snapshot feature and follow these steps: 1. Disable DECwindows startup. 2. Take the snapshot before the GECDRIVER is loaded. 3. Start up DECwindows in the SYS$MANAGER:SNAPSHOT$SYCLEANUP.COM procedure. Using SET DISPLAY to Create WSA Pseudo Workstation Devices V6.1 When creating WSA pseudo workstation devices using the SET DISPLAY command, be careful not to create WSA devices that are never destroyed. For example, this DCL command procedure is wrong: $LOOP: $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=remote $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK $ IF $STATUS THEN GOTO DONE $ WAIT 0:0:5 $ GOTO LOOP $DONE: If the clock cannot be started for some reason, one WSA device will be created for each failed attempt. These WSA devices will use up non-paged dynamic memory, and eventually the process will exceed its BYTLM quota and enter a resource wait state (if resource waiting is enabled, as it is by default). 2-47 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions A better version of this command procedure is the following: $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=remote $LOOP: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK $ IF $STATUS THEN GOTO DONE $ WAIT 0:0:5 $ GOTO LOOP $DONE: $ SET DISPLAY/DELETE 'F$TRNLNM("DECW$DISPLAY")' The SET DISPLAY/DELETE command deletes the WSA device that was created at the beginning of the command procedure; the logical name DECW$DISPLAY contains the name of the WSA device that was created. 2.5.11 DEQNA-Not Supported by LAT Protocol V5.5-1 Restriction: Beginning with VMS Version 5.5-1, the DEQNA network device was supported by fewer network protocols. The LAT driver for the LAT protocol uses a new interface with the Ethernet drivers. Because this new interface was not supported on the DEQNA, you could not use the LAT protocol with that Ethernet device. Action: If your system has a DEQNA device, contact your Digital Services representative to make arrangements to have your DEQNA device upgraded to a DELQA. 2.5.12 Full InfoServer Backup and Restore for Tapes V6.1 With previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, you could use InfoServer tapes to back up and restore work disks only. You could not back up the system disk to an InfoServer tape or restore the system disk from an InfoServer tape. With OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, you can use InfoServer tapes to back up and restore the system disk. 2-48 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions How to Perform This Task 1. Boot the system from the SYS1 directory using the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 distribution compact disc. This compact disc can be in a compact disc reader on the InfoServer or on a local compact disc drive. ________________________ Note ________________________ The boot command you use for your computer depends on the type of system you have. For more information about booting your system, see the installation and operations supplement for your computer. ______________________________________________________ 2. When the system boots, choose option 1 from the menu- driven interface. 3. At the prompt, you can perform the backup of your system disks. Example 2-1 shows the procedure for backing up a system disk to an InfoServer tape. Example 2-1 Example of System Disk Backup to an InfoServer Tape >>> B/R5:10000100 ESA0 Bootfile: ISL_SVAX_061 -ESA0 Network Initial System Load Function Version 1.1 FUNCTION FUNCTION ID 1 - Display Menu 2 - Help 3 - Choose Service 4 - Select Options 5 - Stop (continued on next page) 2-49 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Example 2-1 (Cont.) Example of System Disk Backup to an InfoServer Tape Enter a function ID value: 3 OPTION OPTION ID 1 - Find Services 2 - Enter known Service Name Enter an Option ID value: 2 Enter a Known Service Name: VMS061 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0 %SYSINIT-E, error opening page file, status = 0000025C %SYSINIT-E, error opening swap file, status = 0000025C %SYSINIT, primary PAGEFILE.SYS not found; system initialization continuing %SYSINIT, no dump file - error log buffers not saved %SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 00000F64 $! Copyright (c) 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. $set noverify Copyright © (c) 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. Installing required known files... Configuring devices... **************************************************************** The menu can be used to execute DCL commands and procedures for various "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk. Please choose one of the following: 1) Execute DCL commands and procedures 2) Shut down this system Enter CHOICE or "?" to repeat menu: (1/2/?) 1 WARNING -- The normal VMS startup procedure has not executed. Some commands and utilities will not work as documented. (continued on next page) 2-50 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Example 2-1 (Cont.) Example of System Disk Backup to an InfoServer Tape Enter DCL commands -- Enter "LOGOUT" when done. When you enter "LOGOUT" a logout message will be displayed, and you will be returned to the menu. $$$ MCR ESS$LADCP SHOW SERVICE/TAPE $$$ MCR ESS$LADCP BIND/WRITE/TAPE TZL04_TAPE $$$ MOUNT/FOREIGN MADn $$$ BACKUP/IMAGE DKA100: MADn:SYS_DISK.BCK/SAVE_SET . . . $$$ LOGOUT Process SYSTEM_1 logged out at 2-SEP-1994 23:35:17.52 **************************************************************** The menu can be used to execute DCL commands and procedures for various "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk. Please choose one of the following: 1) Execute DCL commands and procedures 2) Shut down this system Enter CHOICE or "?" to repeat menu: (1/2/?) 2.5.13 Help Message Utility (MSGHLP) Restriction V6.0 Restriction: Currently, user-supplied comments or additions to Digital- supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files will not be preserved through the next upgrade. However, your own .MSGHLP$DATA files are not affected by future releases. Workaround: Note that you can reuse .MSGHLP files to insert your own messages into future Digital-supplied database files. Depending on the content of future databases, you might also be able to reuse some .MSGHLP files to add comments to existing messages. 2-51 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2.5.14 Incorrect Image Backups from an RF73 Disk V6.1 When performing an image backup from an RF73 disk (or a disk with a cluster size of 4 blocks) to an RF74 disk (or a disk with a cluster size of 7 blocks), the Backup utility does not check the file size when it is allocating space for the file being copied. As such, if the file has an allocation greater than the value of the CLUSTER_SIZE attribute established during initialization, the Backup utility will allocate one more cluster size number of blocks to the allocation size even though the actual file size is less than the cluster size. For example, during an image backup, a file that uses 6 blocks and is allocated 8 blocks (which displays as 6/8 on the screen if you enter a DIRECTORY/SIZE=ALL command) shows an increase in its allocation size to 14, instead of 7, after it is copied to the target disk. As a result of this problem, the following files are copied to the image system disk with a blocks used/allocation size of 6/14 blocks: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]LIDRIVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]LPDRIVER.EXE This incorrect allocation size causes standalone BACKUP to fail on the booted image system disk. To correct this problem, recopy the two previously listed files to the same directory after the image backup, by using the following command (which also specifies the correct allocation size): $ COPY/ALLOCATION=7 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]LIDRIVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] $ COPY/ALLOCATION=7 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]LPDRIVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] 2.5.15 ISO 9660 Problems and Restrictions This section contains problems and restrictions relating to ISO 9660 media. 2-52 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions ISO 9660 Files of UNDEFINED Record Format-Forcing RMS Format V6.0 Problem: Since ISO 9660 media can be mastered from platforms other than OpenVMS VAX, and not all platforms support semantics of files containing predefined record formats, many ISO 9660 CD-ROMs have no specific record format. Since many OpenVMS VAX file system utilities (TYPE, COPY), language RTLs, and existing applications use OpenVMS RMS for record access, various RMS errors-utility and language errors-may be reported when accessing files whose record format is UNDEFINED or illegally specified. Workaround: When using the MOUNT command, you can force all files of type UNDEFINED to a known RMS record format, for example: $ ! Force undefined records to STREAM, maximum record length = 512 $ ! $ MOUNT/MEDIA=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(STREAM:512) device-name [volume-label] This resolves most RMS record access problems. ISO 9660 Volume Labels and Volume Set Names-Restrictions V6.0 For ISO 9660 media, several restrictions exist on the use of volume labels and volume set names. OpenVMS VAX Volume Label Problem: An ISO 9660 volume label can be from 1 to 32 characters long. The first 12 characters are used to produce a unique volume ID. If the volume label is not unique within the first 12 characters, attempting to mount the volume causes the following error: VOLALRMNT - another volume of the same label already mounted Workaround: To resolve this problem, mount the volume specifying a different volume label, and use the /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFIER command qualifier. 2-53 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions OpenVMS VAX Volume Label and Volume Set Name Problem: The first 12 characters of both the volume label and volume-set name are used to produce OpenVMS VAX lock manager resource names, which are used to coordinate volume and volume set associations. If the volume label and volume set name are the same (within 12 characters), a lock manager deadlock error occurs: DEADLOCK, deadlock detected Workaround: To bypass this problem, you must override either the volume label or volume-set name, as described in the preceding sections. OpenVMS VAX Volume Set Name Problem: An ISO 9660 volume-set name can be from 1 to 128 characters long. The first 12 characters are used to produce a unique volume-set ID. If the volume-set name is not unique within the first 12 characters, attempting to mount the volume causes the following error: VOLINSET - volume is already part of another volume set Workaround: To resolve this problem, mount the volume and specify a new volume-set name by using the /BIND=volume-set-name command qualifier. 2.5.16 LAT Restrictions This section contains release notes that describe LAT restrictions. Application LAT Devices Created with Hangup Characteristic V6.0 In the VMS Version 5.4 operating system (and earlier versions), APPLICATION LAT devices created with LATCP included (by default) the NOHANGUP terminal characteristic. In the VMS Version 5.5 operating system, the new LAT software changed how LAT devices are created to allow for user level $QIOs. One result of this change is that APPLICATION LAT devices are now created with the HANGUP terminal characteristic. However, you can apply the 2-54 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions NOHANGUP characteristic to APPLICATION LAT devices after they are created with LATCP by entering a series of LATCP commands. For example: $ LCP :== $LATCP $ LCP CREATE PORT LTA1234 $ LCP SET PORT LTA1234 /APPLICATION /NODE=terminal_server /PORT=server_port $ SET TERMINAL LTA1234 /PERMANENT /NOHANGUP Note that you can insert the SET TERMINAL command in the SYS$MANAGER:LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM file and that the command should be entered for each LAT device that requires the NOHANGUP characteristic. Change in LAT Behavior with DECnet V6.1 After you enter the LATCP CREATE LINK /DECNET command, the following message might be displayed: %SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value This may indicate that the SCSSYSTEMID system parameter is set to a illegal value. Use the following formula when setting this parameter: (1024 * a) + n In the formula, a is the DECnet area and n is the DECnet computer number. If the value is outside the range of 1025 to 65535, the LAT protocol is unable to start. When you use the /DECNET qualifier with the LATCP CREATE LINK command, be sure that the value of the SCSSYSTEMID system parameter is within the range of 1025 to 65535, as determined by the formula. The value for this parameter should match the results obtained by using the formula. When you use the /NODECNET qualifier, the LAN device driver code decides what address to use. For example, if SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0 but DECnet is already running on an Ethernet controller, the LAN device code allows LAT to use the same address as DECnet (AA-00-04-00-xx-xx). If SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0 and DECnet is not running, the 08- 00-2B-xx-xx-xx address is used (a different address format is used if your LAN controller is supplied by a vendor other than Digital). If the setting for SCSSYSTEMID is the same as the DECnet node number and DECnet is not running, 2-55 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions the LAN device code forces LAT to use the AA-00-04-00-xx-xx address. Restriction: If DECnet is configured on the system (or if the system is part of a cluster), SCSSYSTEMID may contain a nonzero value. Normally this is not a problem unless the system has 2 or more LAN controllers connected to the same logical LAN. For example, if your system has an FDDI controller and an Ethernet controller, your site may be configured so that the FDDI ring attached to the FDDI controller and the Ethernet segment attached to the Ethernet controller are bridged by a 10/100 LAN bridge (FDDI-to-Ethernet). In this configuration, it is impossible to run LAT over both controllers. In such a configuration, you must run LAT and DECnet over the same controller if SCSSYSTEMID is not 0. If you fail to do so, DECnet starts first, which in turn causes the LAT startup on the other controller to fail. This failure occurs because LAT startup tries to use the AA-00-04-00- xx-xx address (the DECnet LAN address) but is prevented from doing so by the data link layer. The LAT startup fails because DECnet is already using this address on a different controller. (In a single logical LAN, all data link addresses must be unique. In this setup, both controllers try to use the same address, which is then not unique.) The following command to create the LAT link also fails because the LAN driver tries to use the address based on SCSSYSTEMID: LATCP> CREATE LINK LAT$LINK_2 /NODECNET If SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0, configuring LAT and DECnet on different controllers is possible. However, in a cluster environment, SCSSYSTEMID cannot be set to 0. 2-56 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Changing LAT Device Characteristics V5.5 If a DECserver port had the characteristic REMOTE MODIFICATION enabled, you could previously (in Version 5.4) change certain device characteristics. For example, you could change the speed of a DECserver port by doing the following: 1. Entering the LATCP CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands 2. Entering the following DCL command, without an existing LAT connection: $ SET TERM LTAn:/PERM/SPEED=n 3. Establishing a LAT connection to the DECserver Beginning with Version 5.5 of the OpenVMS operating system, you cannot change these characteristics unless there is an existing LAT connection to the DECserver. 2.5.17 MONITOR Restriction in Mixed-Version VMSclusters V6.0 Restriction: Remote monitoring is a feature of the Monitor utility that allows you to perform live monitoring of any node in a VMScluster. It is accomplished either by issuing the MONITOR CLUSTER command or by adding the /NODE qualifier to any live MONITOR request. Due to an incompatibility in the definition of MONITOR's collected data, it is not possible to perform remote monitoring across nodes running different versions of OpenVMS. In a mixed-version VMScluster, remote monitoring is allowed only between nodes running the same OpenVMS version. If you try to monitor a remote node of a different version, you get the following message: %MONITOR-E-SRVMISMATCH, MONITOR server on remote node is an incompatible version 2-57 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Workaround: You can, however, obtain MONITOR data from a remote node of a different version of OpenVMS by recording the data on the remote node and then using the MONITOR playback feature to examine it on the local node. Please see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for details on using the MONITOR recording and playback features. 2.5.18 Mounting a Disk in a Host-Based Shadow Set V6.1 To mount a disk in the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem in a host-based shadow set, you must use the /OVERRIDE=NO_FORCED_ERROR qualifier with the MOUNT command. The StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem does not support the READ/WRITE LONG SCSI commands which are necessary for implementing the FORCED ERROR function in SCSI. Without FORCED ERROR, you must override that check by the shadowing driver. 2.5.19 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Restrictions Notes in this section pertain to problems and restrictions with using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to install, remove, reconfigure software kits. DCL Scrolling Problem V6.1 The DCL user interface cannot display one screenful of information at a time without it scrolling off the screen. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. DECWindows Motif Mode Menu Behavior V6.1 If you use the DECWindows Motif Mode menu to select POLYCENTER Software Installation operating modes, the main window lists products that are available for the operation you chose. For example, if you choose the Reconfigure menu item, the main window lists the products available for reconfiguration. If no products are available for the operation you select, the main window is empty. 2-58 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Inaccurate Disk Space Reporting V6.1 The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility estimates the amount of disk space required for an installation. Sometimes this number is inaccurate, and an installation may fail due to lack of disk space even though the utility reports that there is enough disk space. The utility also fails to check for enabled disk quotas. Digital expects to correct these problems in a future release. Installing an Earlier Version of an Installed Product V6.1 If you attempt to install an earlier version (one with a lower version number) of an installed product, the utility displays a sequence of messages. This sequence of messages does not have the correct defaults and by taking them, the utility attempts to install both versions. This causes an error similar to the following: %PCSI-E-FAILCONF, failed to resolve conflicting requirements for file [000000]DEC-VAXVMS-XYZ-V0105--1.PCSI$DESCRIPTION Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] The following example shows how to answer the questions to install the version you want: 1. The system displays the following message: %PCSI-E-CONREMHV, confirm removal of higher version of DEC AXPVMS XYZ V2.0 Do you want to take this action? [NO] If you want the lower version, answer Yes. If you want the higher version, answer No. 2. The system displays the following message: Do you want to continue? [YES] If you want the lower version, answer Yes. If you want the higher version, answer No. 2-59 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Mishandling of Access Control Strings V6.1 If you attempt the access a kit remotely, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility does not handle the access control string correctly. The password and node name portions of the access control string are merged. The resultant error message is similar to the following: %PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows... %DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening NODEUSERNAMEPASSWORD::DISK$WORK1:[USERNAME] -RMS-E-ACC, ACP file access failed -SYSTEM-F-IVNODNAM, invalid node name Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. PRODUCT Command-/OUTPUT Not Supported V6.1 The DCL PRODUCT command does not support the /OUTPUT qualifier, which would be useful especially for PRODUCT SHOW commands. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT Qualifiers V6.1 The /DIRECTORY and /DEVICE qualifiers to the PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT command do not work correctly. The utility either ignores them or provides output that does not match the qualifiers. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Products Removal Restrictions V6.1 Removing a product with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility results in the removal of accounts created for that product. This happens regardless of whether the SYSUAF.DAT file is shared by another system disk. The same problem exists with rights identifiers and the file RIGHTSLIST.DAT. Digital expects to correct these problems in a future release. 2-60 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2.5.20 Resetting System Time After January 1st V6.1 The following restriction applies to all past and present versions of OpenVMS VAX. Problem: The Time of Day Register (TODR), which the system uses to maintain system time, has a limit of approximately 15 months. If you do not reset the system time after January 1st, the following problems might occur: o The first time in a new year that you reboot a VAXcluster system or a node in the system, one or more nodes display any of the following: - A system time that is a year in the past. - A system time that is a year in the future, which might cause passwords to expire and other difficulties. - A system time that is correct, but a SHOW SYSTEM command indicates that the system has been up since sometime in the 1800s. o Even if you have corrected an incorrect system time when you boot the system, one or more of the following problems might remain: - A SHOW SYSTEM command displays an incorrect up time such as a date in the 1800s. - The error log report (ERRLOG) shows errors for a year in the future. - Batch jobs are waiting for a year in the future. - Files have a creation or modification date in the future. OpenVMS maintains system time across reboots using the TODR register in the OpenVMS VAX system CPU. Because the TODR has a range of approximately 15 months, the system actually maintains system time by combining the TODR value with a base time recorded in the base system image (SYS$LOADABLE_ IMAGES:SYS.EXE). The base time is defined as follows: 01-JAN-CURRENT_YEAR 00:00:00.00 2-61 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Because all TODRs ordinarily have the same base, multiple CPUs can boot off the same system disk, and you can use multiple system disks on one CPU; in either case, the system sets the time correctly. When a SET TIME command is issued (with or without specifying a time), OpenVMS does the following: 1. Writes the current time to the system image file. 2. Resets the TODR as an offset within the current year. In a VAXcluster system, the TODR is reset only on the node on which the SET TIME command was issued. However, multiple systems might share the system image. This does not normally cause a problem, except after the first day of a new year. ________________________ Note ________________________ The system issues the SET TIME command when it boots and as a part of the normal SHUTDOWN command procedure. ______________________________________________________ By December, each node has a very large offset stored in the TODR (from the base time of 1-JAN of that year). When the time advances to a new year, the system image still has the old year and the TODR values are still large. After January 1st, if a SET TIME command is issued on any node (or any node is shut down using SHUTDOWN.COM), the following happens: 1. The new year becomes the base year. 2. The system resets the TODR on that node. 3. The other nodes still have a large value in the TODR. After these three events occur, if a node that has a large TODR crashes and rejoins the cluster, its system time is initially in the next year (applying the large TODR to the new year). This system time is recorded as the system's boot time. When the node joins the cluster, its time is set to the correct value, but the boot time remains one year in the future. Certain forms of the SHOW SYSTEM command 2-62 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions compare current time to boot time; in this circumstance, SHOW SYSTEM displays incorrect values. If a system disk is used at different times by different, unclustered CPUs or if different system disks are used at different times on the same CPU, the system might incorrectly set the time to a year in the future or a year in the past, depending on how the CPU's TODR and the value recorded on the system disk become unsynchronized: o Sharing a system disk across multiple CPUs pushes the time into the future. o Using multiple disks on one CPU pushes the time into the past. Action: Between January 1 and April 1, reset the system time. Use either of the following methods, depending on whether you have a nonclustered node or a node in a VAXcluster system: ___________________________________________________________ Type of Node Action ___________________________________________________________ Nonclustered Use the SET TIME command; for example: node $ SET TIME 05-JUN-1994:12:00:00 1 Node in a Use the following SYSMAN commands to reset VAXcluster the time on all the nodes in a VAXcluster system system; for example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGE=(LOG_IO,SYSLCK) SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SET TIME 05-JUN- 1994:12:00:00 1 SYSMAN> EXIT ___________________________________________________________ [1] You do not need to specify a time. If you do not specify a time, SET TIME updates the system time using the time in the TODR. ___________________________________________________________ Either method shown in the table resets the TODR and the base time in the system image with the values for the new year. 2-63 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are running the Digital Distributed Time Service (DECdts) on your system, you must use it to set the time. ______________________________________________________ 2.5.21 RF31T, RF31T+, RF35, RF35+, and RF73 Disk Drives-Potential Data Corruption Problem V6.0 Problem: There is a potential data corruption problem with all RF31T[1], RF31T+, RF35, RF35+ and RF73 disk drives shipped between the "First Customer Ship (FCS)" date and November 13, 1992. This problem can affect any application (Digital or third- party) that uses the specialized IO$_WRITECHECK function. (Note that Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS (Phase II) uses the IO$_WRITECHECK function.) Verification: To verify the revision level of your RF devices, execute a SHOW CLUSTER command on the nodes directly connected to the devices, as shown in the following example: $ SHOW CLUSTER View of Cluster from system ID 64812 node: MYNODE +-------------------+---------+ | SYSTEMS | MEMBERS | +--------+----------+---------+ | NODE | SOFTWARE | STATUS | +--------+----------+---------+ | MYNODE | VMS V6.0 | MEMBER | | R4IMOK | RFX T387 | | | R4TREK | RFX T329 | | +--------+----------+---------+ In the previous example, note that node R4IMOK is at the correct revision level but node R4TREK is not. ____________________ [1] The RF31T disk drive is the 3.5 in (8.75 cm) form factor replacement for the 5.25 in (13.2 cm) half- height RF31 drive, which does not exhibit the potential data corruption problem. 2-64 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 of the DUDRIVER will not disallow use of devices at an incorrect firmware revision and no override will be necessary. If circumstances make it impossible to upgrade your RF drives to firmware revision T387, in future a version of OpenVMS, you can set the static SYSGEN parameter VMS7 to override the specific firmware check, as shown: $ MCR SYSGEN SYSGEN> SET VMS7 %X49535344 SYSGEN> SHOW/HEX . Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- VMS7 49535344 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFF SYSGEN> WRITE CURRENT SYSGEN> EXIT Once you reboot the system, the RF devices can be accessed and their firmware updated according to the firmware upgrade instructions supplied in the FIRMWARE_UPGRADE.TXT file. Solution: To prevent potential data corruption problems, upgrade all RF31T[1], RF31T+, RF35, RF35+[2], and RF73 disk drives to firmware revision T387. Contact your Digital Services to obtain the necessary images to correctly upgrade the devices show in Table 2-1: Table 2-1 RF Disk Drive Firmware Revisions ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS AXP Drive Loader File Loader File ___________________________________________________________ RF31T RF31_T387E_DEC.EXE RF31_T387E_DEC_ALPHA.EXE RF31T+ RF1C_T387E_DEC.EXE RF1C_T387E_DEC_ALPHA.EXE RF35 RF35_T387E_DEC.EXE RF35_T387E_DEC_ALPHA.EXE RF35+ RF5C_T387E_DEC.EXE RF5C_T387E_DEC_ALPHA.EXE RF73 RF73_T387E_DEC.EXE RF73_T387E_DEC_ALPHA.EXE ___________________________________________________________ [2] The RF35+ is a cost-reduced version of the RF35. 2-65 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2.5.22 RMS Journaling Phase V Restriction V6.1 If you use nodes that host RU-journaled files that are to be accessed remotely from other nodes in the network, you must define SYS$NODE to be a Phase IV-style node name. The node name specified by SYS$NODE must be known to any remote node attempting to access the RU-journaled files on the host node, and must be sufficiently unique for the remote node to use this node name to establish a DECnet connection to the host node. 2.5.23 SHOW DEVICE Does Not Display Capacity V6.1 On some VAX systems, the capacity of the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem is not displayed after you enter the following console command: >>> SHOW DEVICE Instead the capacity displays as "...". (This is due to the current settings for spin up time in the EEPROM of the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem.) If you reenter the SHOW DEVICE command, the correct capacity will be displayed. This will be corrected in an update to the DEC RAID OpenVMS VAX Utility Kit. 2.5.24 Support for StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem and Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ) V6.1 This section includes release information for the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem and tagged command queuing (TCQ). The StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem is an implementation of RAID (redundant array of independent disks) that can be configured with no single point of failure. Tagged command queuing (TCQ) allows multiple IOs to be outstanding to a given device. (For more information about tagged command queuing, refer to the ANSI SCSI-2 X3T9.2 specification.) Support for TCQ is available in OpenVMS Version 6.1 in the DK driver plus the port drivers listed in Table 2-2 (which lists queuing support that is available for specific VAX systems and port drivers). 2-66 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Table 2-2 TCQ and SCSI Port Driver Support for VAX Systems _________________________________________________________________ Port Drivers Queuing Not Queuing Available Available Systems PKB PKC PKR PKI PKS PKN Adapter __________________________________________________________________ MicroVAX 3100 Model 30 - Y - - - - Native Model 40 - Y - - - - Native Model 80 - Y - - - - Native Model 90 Y - - - - - Native VAXstation 4000 Model VLC - Y - - - - Native Model 60 - Y Y - - N Native, PMAZ Model 90 Y - Y - - N Native, PMAZ VAX System 4000 Model 100 Y - - N - - Native, KZQSA _________________________________________________________________ Key to Port Drivers Y-The StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem can be configured on this port and system. N-The StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem is not functional on these ports and systems, although OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 can be installed and existing SCSI devices will work. _________________________________________________________________ 2-67 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions ________________________ Notes ________________________ Note the following about TCQ support and specific VAX computers: o VAXstation 3100 series computers (Models 10, 20, 30, 40, 38, 48, and 76) do not support TCQ. However, if OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 is installed on one of these systems, existing SCSI devices will still work on the PKN port driver (with a native adapter). o VAXstation 3520 and VAXstation 3540 computers do not support TCQ. However, if OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 is installed on one of these systems existing SCSI devices will still work on the PKS port driver (with a native adapter). o VAX 4000 series computers other than the VAX 4000 Model 100, do not support TCQ. However, if OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 is installed on one of these systems, existing SCSI devices will still work on the PKI port driver (with a KZQSA adapter). ______________________________________________________ The following sections contain additional release information about the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem and TCQ support. Specifying Logical Unit Numbers (LUN) V6.1 When specifying a logical unit number (LUN), note the following: o The LUN is an encoded three-bit identifier for a physical or virtual device, in the range of 0-7 and should not be confused with the SCSI-ID. For example, a device name of DKA100 identified as follows: - DK is the device code of the boot device. - A is the boot device controller designation. - 1 is the SCSI ID value. - 0 (which follows the SCSI ID value of 1) is a placeholder value that is always zero. - 0 (the last value in the device name) is the LUN. 2-68 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions o Booting an OpenVMS VAX system from other than logical unit 0 (LUN0) is not supported. Boot devices are required to be at logical unit 0. Other logical units (LUN1-LUN7) can be used as data storage devices. o Digital strongly recommends that you retain a LUN of 0 on the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem device because the console expects to see a LUN 0 for all its disk devices. If a device does not have a LUN 0, it will not be identified and sized after you enter the console command SHOW DEV. Devices without LUN 0 will be designated "Offline" by the OpenVMS VAX operating system. See the DEC RAID OpenVMS VAX Utility Release Notes and Installation Guide for a description of how to recreate LUN 0. Third-Party Driver Restrictions V6.1 Third-party drivers are commonly used to support devices other than disks and tapes (such as scanners). If you are not sure whether or not your system contains any third- party SCSI devices, contact your system manager. If you do use third-party drivers, note the following: o If you plan to use OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 in conjunction with a third-party product using SCSI class drivers, or a Digital Layered Product with SCSI class drivers (or both), you must obtain a version of the third-party product that is compatible with DEC SCSI TCQ Driver operating system Version 1.0. (Contact your local Digital Representative to see if the appropriate version of the product is available.) o Due to the changes in the driver data structures, any third-party SCSI drivers will require recompilation against OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. If you connect existing third-party SCSI devices without first recompiling them, your system will display the status of those devices as "Offline". 2-69 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2.5.25 System Dump Analyzer-Possible System Failure V6.0 If you make a mistake specifying a virtual address for the EXAMINE command and you are examining global page table entries, your system may crash with a bugcheck. This occurs rarely and only when you use ANALYZE/SYSTEM. 2.5.26 Using DECdtm Services in a DECnet/OSI Network V6.1 Read this section if all the following apply to you: o You have a DECnet/OSI network o You use DECdtm services o Your DECdtm transactions span different VMSclusters or standalone computers SCSNODE is a system parameter that defines the name of a computer. DECdtm transactions may fail if the SCSNODE value for a computer is the same as other computer names. Make sure SCSNODE values are not the same as other computer names by following these steps. ___________________________________________________________ Step Action ___________________________________________________________ 1 Make a note of the computers that belong to your transaction group. A transaction group is a group of computers involved in DECdtm transactions, where: o A computer belongs to only one transaction group o Every computer in a VMScluster belongs to the same transaction group o Computers A and B belong to the same transaction group if any transaction on computer A involves computer B o Computers A and C belong to the same transaction group if any transaction on computer A involves computer B, and any transaction on computer B, or any node in B's VMScluster, involves computer C For an illustration of a transaction group, see Figure 2-1. 2-70 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions ___________________________________________________________ Step Action ___________________________________________________________ 2 For each computer in your transaction group: a. Make sure that the SCSNODE value is different from: o The SCSNODE values of other computers in the transaction group o DECnet synonyms of other computers in the entire network o DECnet simple names of other computers on the same local root b. If the computer is part of a VMScluster, also make sure that the SCSNODE value is different from: o DECnet simple names of other computers in the same VMScluster o DECnet simple names of computers on the same local root as other VMScluster members For information on how to find out DECnet synonyms and DECnet simple names, see the DECnet/OSI DECdns Management manual. For information on how to find out or change the SCSNODE name, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. ____________________________________________________________ Figure 2-1 illustrates a transaction group. [NOTE: The illustration appears in hardcopy or Bookreader versions.] In this illustration: o Transactions on a computer in cluster FRED involve other computers in cluster FRED and a computer in cluster BILL. 2-71 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions o Transactions on a computer in cluster BILL involve standalone machine TOM. o No other computers in the network are involved in transactions with computers in clusters FRED or BILL or with standalone computer TOM. Therefore, the computers in the transaction group are: All computers in cluster FRED All computers in cluster BILL Computer TOM 2.5.27 Using DUP Driver Utility with VAX 4000 Series Computers V6.1 The following notes supplement the information contained in OpenVMS Upgrade/Installation: VAX 4000 Series, MicroVAX, VAXstation, and VAXserver 32/33/34/35/36/38/3900 Series: o For certain VAX 4000 series systems with embedded DSSI buses, you can specify a DSSI bus number from 0 to 3 (rather than only 0 or 1). o After you start the DUP Driver utility, you can change the DSSI node name by entering the following command at the PARAMS> prompt. For example: PARAMS> SET NODE 2.5.28 Using Improved Concurrency in VMSclusters V6.1 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 includes an improved file system. This improved file system is also available as part of OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 and as a special release known as the XQP+ for PATHWORKS. One of the features provided by the improved file system is improved concurrency, which allows multiple processes to create files on a single disk in parallel. In a VMScluster system, do not enable improved concurrency unless all nodes are running the improved file system. Each node in the cluster must be running one of the following: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 o OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 2-72 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions o XQP+ for PATHWORKS If you are running the improved file system on all of the nodes in your VMScluster, enable improved concurrency by setting the static XQPCTL2 system parameter to 1. 2.5.29 Volume Shadowing Restrictions V6.1 This section describes known problems and other considerations that pertain to Volume Shadowing. Assisted Copy Operation Resets Incorrectly After Minimerge V5.5-2 Volume Shadowing (Phase II) may incorrectly reset an assisted copy operation after a system crash and a subsequent minimerge operation. If a node with the shadow set mounted crashes at the time an assisted copy operation is in progress, the copy may restart at 0 percent copied. The expected behavior is for the copy operation to continue at the percentage copied when the crash occurred. For example, if the shadow set was 33 percent copied at the time of the crash, the copy should resume at 33 percent after the system crash and the minimerge completes. This problem will be fixed in a future version of the operating system. Memory Requirements for Volume Shadowing V5.5-2 Volume Shadowing (Phase II) uses one additional process, SHADOW_SERVER, on nodes that have shadowing enabled. This section includes a breakdown of the additional memory requirements for Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Version 5.5-2. Note that the following list is not exhaustive; it contains only major memory consumers. o Shadowing (Phase II) code: - SHDRIVER-137 pages (about 70K bytes) - SHADOW_SERVER-the maximum working set size of the server process is: PQL_DWSQUOTA + (128 x SHADOW_MAX_COPY) Using default values for these parameters, this value is 712. A typical working set size for this process is 150 to 200 pages. 2-73 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions o Shadowing (Phase II) data: - One SHAD structure (2 pages) per shadow set - One additional VCB (volume control block) (240 bytes, about 1/2 page) per shadow set for the virtual unit. - One additional UCB (unit control block) (164 bytes, about 1/3 page) per shadow set for the virtual unit. Note that the UCBs for shadow set members are already present if the disks are visible on the system, and the VCBs for the members are created whenever the disks are mounted, regardless of shadowing status. o I/O operations performed: - One additional IRP per outstanding read (an IRP is 176 bytes, or about 1/3 page). - For an n-member shadow set, n additional IRPs per outstanding write. (One IRP is needed for each of the shadow set members, and one IRP is needed for the virtual unit. For an unshadowed disk, only one IRP is needed for an outstanding write; for an n- member shadow set, n + 1 IRPs are needed, thus the difference of n.) - Additional IRPs are used for various other operations; for example, if the disk is in merge state, one additional IRP per member is needed. - Buffer space during copies and merges (approximately 100 pages per copy or merge stream). - Each physical device using minimerge write logs requires a maximum additional 8K bytes of nonpaged pool. Phase I Retirement-Considerations About VMSclusters and Striping V6.1 Beginning with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS product will support only Phase II. For customers who have not had the opportunity to migrate to Phase II, Phase I is still usable but is unsupported. In the next release of OpenVMS VAX, Phase I will be unavailable. 2-74 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS product supported two phases of operation: o Phase I-originally sold as VAX Volume Shadowing and often referred to as controller-based volume shadowing o Phase II-introduced with VMS Version 5.4 and often referred to as host-based volume shadowing. Phase II shadowing fully replaces Phase I shadowing because Phase II provides significantly enhanced data availability and supports a much wider range of configurations, disk controllers, and disks. Following are some VMScluster and operating system dependencies to consider when migrating to Phase II volume shadowing or when running volume shadowing in a VMScluster: o A VAX node that currently runs VMS Version 5.4-1 or earlier can use only VAX Volume Shadowing (Phase I). Such nodes cannot access a Phase II shadow set. o Every node that mounts a Phase II shadow set must have a Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS license installed. This differs from Phase I configurations, where nodes that access a Phase I shadow set via an MSCP served path do not require a license. Please contact your local Digital sales office for further information. o Any Phase I shadow sets that you have mounted are not accessible from OpenVMS AXP systems. o A VMScluster that contains VAX and AXP operating systems requires a minimum of VMS Version 5.5-2 on VAX systems and a minimum of OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 on AXP systems. - For OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, nodes in a mixed-version VAXcluster system must run a minimum of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0. - For mixed-version VAXcluster systems that use Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS, Digital recommends running a minimum of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0. o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 requires Striping Version 2.1 with a patch update when striping is used in conjunction with Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS. 2-75 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions For information on how to migrate from Phase I shadowing to Phase II, refer to Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS. For information about an additional restriction that applies to mixed-version VAXcluster systems that use VMS Version 5.5-2 shadowing performance assists, see Section Recommended Version for KDM70 Devices V6.1 Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS (Phase II) requires that KDM70 disk controllers run a minimum of Version 3.0 microcode. Unnecessary Merge During System Reboot-Suggested Workaround V5.5-2 Problem: In a VAXcluster system, when a node that has a shadow set mounted shuts down incorrectly (or crashes), a remaining node will merge the shadow set. If the merge operation completes and the shadow set is either subsequently dismounted or the entire cluster is shut down, a remount of the shadow set may result in an unnecessary merge operation. Workaround: To avoid the unnecessary merge operation, ensure that a file system rebuild operation (for example, SET VOLUME /REBUILD) is performed on the shadow set prior to dismount or shutdown. Do not use the MOUNT/REBUILD command because you must first DISMOUNT the device before you can issue a MOUNT command. Using Volume Shadowing in a Mixed-Version Cluster V5.5-2 Problem: The following restriction applies in mixed-version VAXcluster systems that use Volume Shadowing with the VMS Version 5.5-2 shadowing performance assists. A shadow set member that supports the minimerge assist may not be VMS MSCP served by multiple VAXcluster nodes that are running a mixture of Version 5.5-2 and previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system. This restriction must be observed in configurations where nodes access shadow set members through multiple VMS MSCP served paths. 2-76 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions Figure 2-2 shows two examples of VAXcluster systems (CI and DSSI) that are susceptible to violating this restriction. [NOTE: The illustration appears in hardcopy or Bookreader versions.] In Figure 2-2, when the served node accesses shadow set members through the node running Version 5.5-2, it will see the members as being able to support the minimerge feature. However, if the client node accesses the same shadow set members through the node running an earlier version of the operating system, they will be flagged as not supporting the minimerge feature. This conflict regarding shadow set member status may cause a system failure. Workaround: Use the following configuration modifications to overcome this restriction: o Ensure that all nodes serving HSC and RF-series disks that are shadow set members run VMS Version 5.5-2. o Ensure that VMS Version 5.5-2 nodes do not share a common allocation class with nodes running previous versions. This will require changes to HSC and RF disk controller allocation classes. See Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS and VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS for information about setting allocation classes. o Disable the Phase II shadowing performance assists at the HSC console. o Disable VMS MSCP serving using the system parameter MSCP_LOAD on either the Version 5.5-2 nodes or the nodes running earlier versions. 2-77 System Management Release Notes 2.5 Problems and Restrictions 2.5.30 Writeboot Utility-Writing New Bootblocks on the System Disk V6.0 When using the Writeboot utility to write a new boot block on the system disk, you must specify the [VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE] directory as well as the device name. For example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:WRITEBOOT Target system device (and boot file if not VMB.EXE):? DUA0:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE] Enter VBN of boot file code (default is one): Enter load address of primary bootstrap in HEX (default is 200): If you specify only the device name (without including the [VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE] directory), you might receive the following error message: %RMS-E-FNF, file not found 2-78 3 _________________________________________________________________ Programming Release Notes This chapter includes release notes about both application and system programming on the OpenVMS VAX operating system. For information about the new programming features included in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, see the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual. 3.1 Changes and Enhancements The notes in this section describe programming feature changes, enhancements, upgrade information, and incompatibilities that relate to system and application programming on this version of the operating system. 3.1.1 CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT Now Supported on OpenVMS VAX V6.1 The Run-Time Library routine CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT, which converts floating point values among various native and non-native formats, is now supported on OpenVMS VAX. It was previously supported only on OpenVMS AXP. The routine is documented in the CVT$ reference section of the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual. The CVT$K_ constants are available in system symbol definition files using the module name $CVTDEF where applicable. 3.1.2 Foreign Mounted Tape: Maximum Record Size Restriction Removed V6.1 The maximum record size for a variable record format for a sequential file on a foreign mounted tape is no longer restricted to the ANSI tape maximum of 9995. The same maximum record sizes that apply to a sequential file on disk no longer apply to a sequential file on a foreign mounted tape. For more information on the FAB$W_MRS field, 3-1 Programming Release Notes 3.1 Changes and Enhancements see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual Manual. 3.1.3 RMS$_NETBTS Status Replaces RMS$_RTB and RMS$_RSZ for Remote Files V6.1 Prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, if RMS attempted to retrieve, insert, or update a record and the buffer was to small for the record, the following errors would be returned: $GET (or DCL READ) %RMS-W-RTB, nnn byte record is too large for users buffer $PUT or $UPDATE (or DCL WRITE or WRITE/UPDATE) %RMS-F-RSZ, invalid record size Beginning with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, these errors will be returned only if the buffer that is too small is one of the user record buffers (pointed to by either RAB$L_UBF or RAB$K_RBF) allocated in the user application. If the file is a remote file and the buffer that is too small is one for which the size is determined by the network block count (NBC), then the new RMS-E-NETBTS (network buffer too small) error status will be returned. User action assistance for responding to this error is provided in the Help Message database. 3.1.4 Run-Time Library Support for DEC Fortran Version 6.0 V6.1 This version of OpenVMS VAX provides updated versions of the Fortran and Mathematics Run-Time Libraries that are compatible with those required and supplied by DEC Fortran for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 and Version 6.1. 3.1.5 SORT Command Returns Error Status After Detecting Invalid Decimal String Data V6.1 Prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, the SORT command returned a status level of success after detecting invalid decimal string data. For Version 6.1, the SORT command now returns an error level completion status when invalid signs or digits have been detected. However, the SORT command still completes as before with the invalid signs treated as plus signs and invalid digits treated as zeros. Spaces (either leading, trailing, or embedded) are not considered to be 3-2 Programming Release Notes 3.1 Changes and Enhancements invalid as signs or digits. In these cases, SORT still completes with a success status. This change does not affect callable SORT, which does not provide a method for trapping and handling errors. 3.1.6 System Services Changes and Enhancements V6.1 The notes in this section pertain to System Services. $ABORT_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned V6.1 The $ABORT_TRANS system service now also returns the following condition values, in addition to the values that it returned previously: o SS$_BADREASON o SS$_CURTIDCHANGE o SS$_NOTORIGIN o SS$_TPDISABLED For a full description of the $ABORT_TRANS system service, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. $END_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned V6.1 The $END_TRANS system service now also returns the following condition values, in addition to the values that it returned previously: o SS$_CURTIDCHANGE o SS$_NOLOG o SS$_NOTORIGIN o SS$_TPDISABLED For a full description of the $END_TRANS system service, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. $GETDVI-New Parameters for Terminal Devices V6.1 The $GETDVI system service now supports the following new parameters for terminal devices: o DVI$_TT_CHARSET When you specify DVI$TT_CHARSET, $GETDVI returns, as a 4-byte bit vector, the character sets supported by the terminal. Each bit in the vector, when set, corresponds 3-3 Programming Release Notes 3.1 Changes and Enhancements to the name of a coded character set. The $TTCDEF macro defines the coded character sets listed in the following table. ________________________________________________________ Symbol Description ________________________________________________________ TTC$V_KANA DEC Kana TTC$V_KANJI DEC Kanji TTC$V_HANZI DEC Hanzi TTC$V_HANGUL DEC Korean TTC$V_HANYU DEC Hanyu TTC$V THAI DEC Thai ________________________________________________________ o DVI$_TT_CS_KANA When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_KANA, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Kana coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Kana coded character set. o DVI$_TT_CS_KANJI When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_KANJI, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Kanji coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Kanji coded character set. o DVI$_TT_CS_HANZI When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_HANZI, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Hanzi coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Hanzi coded character set. o DVI$_TT_CS_HANGUL When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_HANGUL, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Korean coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Korean coded character set. 3-4 Programming Release Notes 3.1 Changes and Enhancements o DVI$_TT_CS_HANYU When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_HANYU, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Hanyu coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Hanyu coded character set. o DVI$_TT_CS_THAI When you specify DVI$_TT_CS_THAI, $GETDVI returns a longword, which is interpreted as Boolean. A value of 1 indicates that the device supports the DEC Thai coded character set; a value of 0 indicates that the device does not support the DEC Thai coded character set. $GETLKI Accepts 0 and -1 LKIDADR Values for Wildcard Search V6.1 Beginning with Version 6.1, you may specify either 0 and -1 as values for the lkidadr argument to indicate the beginning of a wildcard search. For a full description of the $GETLKI system service, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. $START_TRANS-New Condition Values Returned V6.1 The $START_TRANS system service now also returns the SS$_ CURTIDCHANGE condition value, in addition to the values that it returned previously. For a full description of the $START_TRANS system service, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 3.2 Corrections This section describes software and documentation corrections that pertain to system and application programming on OpenVMS VAX. 3.2.1 Convert Utility Accepts More FDL Attributes V6.1 Prior to this release, the Convert utility ignored the following FDL attributes, when specified, for the output file. FILE DEFAULT_NAME CONNECT MULTIBUFFER_COUNT The problem is now corrected. 3-5 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections 3.2.2 Convert Utility Corrections This section describes corrections in the Convert utility. Convert Utility Correctly Formats File Names in Error Messages V6.1 Prior to this release, the Convert utility did not consistently format file names in error messages correctly. The problem has been corrected. Convert Utility No Longer Reports "Record Too Big" Error If /TRUNCATE Requested V6.1 Prior to this release, the Convert utility would occasionally report an RTB (record too big) error when an input record was too long for the output file, even if the /TRUNCATE qualifier was specified. The problem has been corrected. Convert Utility Reports an Error for Excessive Input Files V6.1 Prior to this release, the Convert utility would not process more than 10 input files, as documented, but the utility would not report on extraneous files. The utility now reports an error when more than 10 input files are presented for conversion. Virtual Memory for FDL Files Released V6.1 Prior to this release, when the CONV$PASS_FILES routine was called with an FDL argument, the memory used to process the FDL file was not released. The problem has been corrected. 3.2.3 CONV$RECLAIM Reclaims Alternate Structures V6.1 Prior to this release, the callable Convert/Reclaim routine CONV$RECLAIM was able to read and analyze SIDR buckets for alternate keys, but it was not able to reclaim these structures. The problem has been corrected. 3.2.4 Data Size Returned by Callable MAIL User Routines Corrected V6.1 Programs that call the MAIL$USER_BEGIN and MAIL$USER_ GET_INFO user routines can request that these routines use a 16-bit word to store the length (in bytes) of returned information at an address that the calling program specifies in the output item list. 3-6 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections Prior to this release, these user routines were encoding the length of the returned information in a longword (32 bits) rather than a word (16 bits), thus overwriting space adjacent to the specified address. The problem has been corrected in this release by ensuring that these routines encode the length of the returned information in a word. 3.2.5 Debugger Corrections V6.1 The following problems in OpenVMS Debugger Version 6.0 have been corrected: o In previous releases, the GUI source display provided only four columns for source code line numbers. o In previous releases, a CALL command that passed C strings directly to routines did not correctly interpret C string syntax, causing incorrect results or program failure. o In previous releases, an EXAMINE/SOURCE routine-name command issued for a Pascal routine caused an error when the address of the routine-name was the entry mask, and not the first source line. o In previous releases, an EXAMINE/DATE command issued for Pascal [BYTE(8)] RECORD END types generated by the Rdb/VMS precompiler did not display a date. o In previous releases, setting a watchpoint with a WHEN expression sometimes resulted in %DEBUG-E-NOFREE and %DEBUG-E-INSVIRMEM memory errors and then a debug stack dump. 3.2.6 Documentation Corrections The following section describes corrections to the OpenVMS Programming documentation. OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual V6.1 The following sections describe changes to the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. 3-7 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections Linking a Device Driver Chapter 12 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual, Version 6.0 describes how to assemble, link, and load a device driver. In Step #3 of the procedure for preparing a driver for loading into the operating system, append the following text to the end of the procedure (following the paragraph that begins: "The resulting image must . . . "): To produce an image with a symbol table compatible with the System Dump Analyzer (SDA), you must link again; this time, using the UNIVERSAL=* option statement (to include all global symbols and to ensure proper state of the REL bits in the object records). Relink as shown in the following example: $ LINK /NOEXECUTABLE/NOTRACEBACK/NOSYSSHR - _$ /SYMBOLS=MYDRIVER.EXE,- _$ /SHARE=DUMMY_FILE_NAME,- _$ /NOMAP,MYDRIVER1.OBJ,MYDRIVER2.OBJ,- _$ SYS.STB/SELECTIVE,- _$ SYS$INPUT/OPTION _$ BASE=0 _$ UNIVERSAL=* For more information about the Linker, see the OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual. Restrictions on the Use of Device-Register I/O Space Chapter 5 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual, Version 6.0 describes device driver coding and the restrictions on the use of device-register I/O space. The third sentence of the fifth bulleted paragraph in Section 5.2 states that the instructions that refer to UNIBUS adapter registers must use longword context. This is the wrong bus. The sentence should read: "Instructions that refer to MASSBUS adapter registers must use the longword context." OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual V6.1 The following sections describe changes to the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual. 3-8 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections COM$DRVDEALMEM Routine Synchronization Chapter 3 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains a section describing the COM$DRVDEALMEM routine. At the end of the paragraph under Synchronization, add the following sentence: "If called at IPL$_SYNCH or higher, the routine executes the fork process." CRB Data Structure Description Chapter 1, Section 1.7, of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains Table 1-8 describing the CRB data structure fields. The description in the table for the CRB$L_INTD field is confusing and needs clarification. Replace the first two sentences in the CRB$L_INTD description as follows: ___________________________________________________________ Field Name Description ___________________________________________________________ CRB$L_INTD Portion of the interrupt transfer vector block that stores executable code, driver entry points, and I/O adapter information. This 10- longword area is overlaid with the contents of the interrupt transfer vector block that starts at VEC$L_INTD (offset 16) as described in Section 1.7.1. It contains pointers to the driver's ... ___________________________________________________________ SCDRP Data Structure Description of SCSI Flags Chapter 1 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains a section describing the SCDRP data structure SCSI flags. In the SCDRP$L_SCSI_FLAGS field description for bit SCDRP$V_LOCK, make the following correction: Change: SCDRP$VLOCK To: SCDRP$V_LOCK 3-9 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections SPI$CONNECT Macro Changes Chapter 2 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains a section describing the SPI$CONNECT macro. In the table listing the required inputs, add: R4 Address of the SPDT In the values returned in R3, the SPDT$M_CMDQ bit was added to the port capability mask (SPDT$L_PORT_FLAGS). When set, SPDT$M_CMDQ indicates that the port driver supports command queuing I/O. In the return values table listing R3 and the mask bits (after SPDT$M_LUNS), add: SPDT$M_CMDQ Supports command queuing I/O SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_ CHAR Macro Chapter 2 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains sections describing the SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR and SPI$SET_CONNECTION_CHAR macros. Appended to the macro characteristics buffer is longword #12 for SCSI-2 support. At the end of the characteristics buffer table in these macro descriptions, add the longword #12 information as follows: 12 SCSI-2 device characteristic status bits. Bits of this longword are defined as follows: _________________________________________________ Bit Description _________________________________________________ 0 When set, (SCDT$V_SCSI_2) indicates the device connection is SCSI-2 conformant. 1 When set, (SCDT$V_CMDQ) indicates the device connection supports command queuing. _________________________________________________ 3-10 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections $EQULST Macro Clarification Chapter 2 of the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual, Version 6.0 contains a section describing the $EQULST macro. In the parameter description for symbols,value insert the phrase in decimal as follows: " . . . and value specifies in decimal the value of the symbol." VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual V6.1 The following sections describe changes to the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual. .ASCIZ Macro Directive Chapter 6 of the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual, Version 6.0 describes the .ASCIZ macro directive. In the example that illustrates the .ASCIZ directive, the following line of code is incorrect: .ASCIZ /A/(FF\TEXT)/B/ ; 3 characters in string, ; 4 bytes of data Change this code to: .ASCIZ /A//B/ ; 3 characters in string General Register Addressing Chapter 8 of the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual, Version 6.0 describes the general register addressing notations for the Macro assembler. In Table 8-5, the assembler notation for "Register deferred" (addressing mode 6) in Macro code is listed as: Rn Change to: (Rn) VAX Instruction CASE Chapter 9 of the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual, Version 6.0 describes the VAX instruction set. Where the description of the CASE instruction references symbol disp1[0] twice in the first note, the symbols use the digit 1 (one) instead of the letter "l". Change the occurrences of disp1[0] to displ[0]. 3-11 Programming Release Notes 3.2 Corrections 3.2.7 Synchronization Problem with RMS Shared Sequential Files V6.0 A synchronization problem was introduced in OpenVMS Version 6.0 with RMS sequential files open for shared write access with deferred write. If only one process has a file open in this manner, and another process opens the file for shared read and repeatedly attempts to read new records added at the end of file, there was a small probability that the writing process would hang. The TYPE/CONTINUOUS command has the potential for provoking this problem. This problem is corrected with OpenVMS Version 6.1. 3.3 Problems and Restrictions The notes in this section describe problems and restrictions that relate to system and application programming on OpenVMS VAX. 3.3.1 CONV$ADD_KEY Callable Routine Removed V6.1 The code for the undocumented and unsupported Convert utility routine, CONV$ADD_KEY, has been removed from the operating system. The entry point for the routine is still accessible but if a program tries to access the routine, the error message SS$_UNSUPORTED will be returned. 3.3.2 DCL Subroutine Entry Point Scoping Modifications V5.4 To make the scoping of subroutine entry points more intuitive, the following restrictions were added for VMS Version 5.4 and subsequent releases: o Subroutine entry points that are defined within another subroutine are local to that subroutine. You cannot call a subroutine if the subroutine entry point is within a separate subroutine block. For example, the following call is not valid for VMS Versions 5.4 and later: $ CALL BAR $ $ MAIN: SUBROUTINE $ $ BAR: SUBROUTINE $ ENDSUBROUTINE $ $ ENDSUBROUTINE 3-12 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions The following call is valid for VMS Version 5.4 because BAR is defined within MAIN: $ MAIN: SUBROUTINE $ $ BAR: SUBROUTINE $ ENDSUBROUTINE $ $ CALL BAR $ ENDSUBROUTINE o If a subroutine entry point is located within an IF- THEN-ELSE block, you cannot call this subroutine from outside the IF-THEN-ELSE block. For example, the following call is not allowed in VMS Version 5.4: $ IF 1 $ THEN $ FOO:SUBROUTINE $ ENDSUBROUTINE $ ENDIF $ CALL FOO o Every SUBROUTINE command must have a matching ENDSUBROUTINE command to delimit the subroutine. This is not a new restriction, but it is now enforced more stringently. In the following example, the entry point for subroutine B is defined within subroutine A because there is no ENDSUBROUTINE to delimit A (that is, EXIT is not a delimiter of A). Therefore, subroutine B is inaccessible from outside subroutine A. $ A: SUBROUTINE $ EXIT $ $ B: SUBROUTINE $ ENDSUBROUTINE 3.3.3 Debugger Problems and Restrictions This section pertains to the OpenVMS VAX Debugger. Unless specified otherwise, the release notes apply to both the command and DECwindows interfaces of the debugger. This section describes problems or restrictions with this release. 3-13 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Concealed Rooted-Directory Logical Names for Source Files V5.4 When compiling a program with the /DEBUG qualifier, if you use a rooted-directory logical name to specify the location of the source file, make sure that it is a concealed rooted-directory logical name. You must have included the /TRANSLATION_ATTRIB=CONCEALED qualifier in your logical name definition, as follows: DEFINE /TRANSLATION_ATTRIB=CONCEALED root_dir_log_name disk:[dir.] If the rooted-directory logical name is not concealed and you move the source file to another directory after compilation, you cannot then use the debugger SET SOURCE command to specify the new location of the source file. Debugger SET TASK/ACTIVE Command Does Not Work V6.1 Setting a task with the /ACTIVE qualifier is a complicated maneuver in which the OpenVMS Debugger requests a state- change from DECthreads and then releases control of the program to allow DECthreads to make that change. When DECthreads switches to the proper thread context, it signals the OpenVMS Debugger to take control again. Some recent changes in handling special-case thread context switching appear to have upset this function. Digital may address this problem in a future release. In the meantime, be aware that using the SET TASK/ACTIVE command will result in spurious errors that may terminate your debugging session. You can usually circumvent the SET TASK/ACTIVE command. For example, with query-type actions, such as examining local variables, you can use the SET TASK/VISIBLE command. For an effective way to get control to STEP in a particular thread, use breakpoints strategically along with the SET TASK/HOLD command, instead of relying on SET TASK/ACTIVE. DECwindows Motif Interface Restrictions and Problems V6.0 The following problems or restrictions are specific to the DECwindows Motif interface: o Occasionally, if you are debugging a UI application and you have many debugger windows overlapping the user program's windows, the X server will abruptly terminate the user program. 3-14 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions To avoid this problem, refrain from overlapping or covering windows belonging to the user program. o If you are stopped at a breakpoint in a routine which has gotten control of the mouse pointer via a PointerGrab or a KeyboardGrab, you will hang your workstation. To workaround this problem, debug your program using two workstations. For more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. o Occasionally, if you are scrolling or clicking on items in the Register View, the following message displays in the DECterm from which you initiated the debugging session: X Toolkit Warning: Not all children have same parent in XUnmanageChildren This error can be safely ignored. o Initially, the debugger main and optional views windows in this release may appear to be oddly sized. The resource file shipped with the Version 6.0 debugger causes these windows to take the shape of the previous source and control windows in Version 6.0. To work around this problem, resize the new windows and save your window configuration. o If you attempt to typecast or change the radix for a monitored item (for example, a task in a multitasking program) where deposit operations do not make sense, the debugger does not issue an error message. Instead, it tries to complete the operation and then freezes the display. To workaround this problem, exit the debugger by issuing a Ctrl/Y key sequence from the DECterm in which you invoked the debugger. o Table 3-1 lists debugger commands that are disabled in the DECwindows Motif interface. The debugger issues an error message if you try to enter any of these disabled commands at the command prompt or when the debugger executes a command procedure containing any of these commands. 3-15 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Table 3-1 Debugger Commands Disabled in the DECwindows Motif Interface ___________________________________________________________ ATTACH SELECT CANCEL MODE (SET, SHOW) ABORT_KEY CANCEL WINDOW (SET, SHOW) KEY DEFINE/KEY (SET, SHOW) MARGINS DELETE/KEY SET MODE [NO]KEYPAD DISPLAY SET MODE [NO]SCREEN EXAMINE/SOURCE SET MODE [NO]SCROLL EXPAND SET OUTPUT [NO]TERMINAL EXTRACT (SET, SHOW) SEARCH HELP (SET, SHOW) TERMINAL MOVE (SET, SHOW) WINDOW SAVE (SHOW,CANCEL) DISPLAY SCROLL SHOW SELECT SEARCH ___________________________________________________________ o DECwindows Motif does not provide for specialized key support (such as Ctrl/Y), but the DECwindows Motif interface provides alternative means of executing these functions (for example, the STOP button). Therefore, commands that require specialized key support are disabled in the DECwindows Motif interface. o The DECwindows Motif interface has limited keypad support. Other commands related to keypad or key bindings are not supported in the DECwindows Motif interface. o Commands related to character-cell terminal display apply only to the command interface. These commands are disabled in the DECwindows Motif interface. o The DECwindows Motif interface to the debugger does not make use of a DECterm. Therefore, commands that require a DECterm are disabled in the DECwindows Motif interface. The exception is the EDIT command, which is still available. 3-16 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o If you decrease the size of the Communications Pane so that the prompt is occluded, the message area is not automatically scrolled to display the prompt. To work around this problem, use the vertical scroll bar to scroll the view so that the prompt reappears. o Under certain circumstances, when the Breakpoint View option is invoked prior to setting a breakpoint, the Breakpoint View has a height of zero. To work around this problem, resize the Breakpoint View after it has been displayed and then resave its location. o The column labels within the Monitor View and Tasking View do not line up properly when resizing the Monitor View. o Occasionally, the DECwindows Motif interface does not accept properly formatted Fortran commands. For example, if you select the fragment "qdata( :ilen)" from the program statement "read(qdata( :ilen),100)ivalue" with the mouse and paste it into an EXAMINE command at the DBG> prompt, the debugger issues an error message: DBG> EXAMINE qdata( :ilen) DEBUG-E-MISOPEMIS, misplaced operator or missing operand at 'end of expression' To workaround this problem, reenter your command: DBG> EXAMINE qdata(1:ilen) DEPOSIT/TYPE Command with C Programs V5.5 When debugging a C program, you cannot use the DEPOSIT/TYPE command if the type specified is a mixed or lowercase name. For example, suppose the program has a function like the following: xyzzy_type abc () { xyzzy_type z; z = get_z (); return (z); } 3-17 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions If you try to enter the following command, the debugger issues a message that it cannot find the type "xyzzy_type": DBG> DEPOSIT/TYPE=(xyzzy_type) z="whatever" $DEQ System Service Call Limitation V6.0 When an application includes the LCK$M_DEQALL modifier in a $DEQ system service call, this modifier breaks communication links between the portion of the debugger in the user process (the kernel) and the debugger main process. The result is that the user's process stays in hibernate (HIB) state. To workaround this problem, debug these application programs using the limited one-process mode, rather than the default or the multiprocess mode. To set up one-process mode, issue the following command: $ DEFINE DBG$PROCESS NONE Examining LABEL[n] for a Code Location V5.4 A command in the form EXAMINE LABEL[n] or EXAMINE LABEL(n), where LABEL is a label for a code location and n is an integer, causes an access violation error. In this case, the debugger does not handle the error. Note that this problem does not occur when the label marks the start of data storage, as in a MACRO program. Kept Debugger Restrictions and Problems V6.0 The following problems or restrictions are specific to the Kept Debugger: o If a previous debugger process has not completely stopped, you may see the following error at debugger startup: %DEBUG-E-INTERR, internal debugger error in DBGMRPC\DBG$WAIT_FOR_EVENT got an ACK To fix this problem, exit the debugger. Then use the DCL command SHOW PROCESS/SUBPROCESS to check if any debugger subprocesses exist. If so, you can stop them by using the DCL command STOP. You should then be able to restart the debugger without seeing the error. 3-18 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o The Kept Debugger configuration does not support invocation of debugger following a Ctrl/Y key sequence that interrupts the debugger. o The RUN/COMMAND="command-line" capability does not use the command table of the process from which the debugger was invoked. When you append the /COMMAND qualifier to the RUN command, the following error displays: DBG> RUN/COMMAND="MY_COMMAND/MY_QUAL KIT_BUILD/COPIES=0" %DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling \MY_COMMAND\ To workaround this problem, ask your system manager to build a custom DCLTABLES file for your project. Note that the DCLTABLES file must be updated if you change the DCL command. o Running a sequence of many large programs may cause the debugger to fail because it has run out of memory, global sections, or some other resource. To fix this problem, exit the debugger and restart the debugging session. o Many commands are disabled when there is no running program. This includes commands that might be expected to work, such as SET STEP and SET PROMPT/SUFFIX. The disabled command may cause DBG$INIT files to generate %DEBUG-W-NOPROGRAM messages. These commands are enabled once a RUN command has been executed. o The prompt may change when a RUN command is executed. It will change back to its former state once the program has completed. o If you are using the DECwindows Motif user interface (as opposed to character-cell screen mode) and you try to run a program that does not exist or you misspell the name of a program that does exist, you may not notice the following error messages displaying: %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image -CLI-E-IMAGEFNF, image file not found 3-19 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions This is because DECwindows Motif displays the messages in the DECterm window, rather than in the Command View. Therefore, it is not always obvious that an error has occurred. To avoid this problem, make sure the "Select an application to run" box in the File Selection popup contains a valid file specification. o The %DEBUG-I-INITIAL is not displayed after execution of the RERUN/SAVE command. The absence of this message does not adversely affect the execution of this command. o The Kept Debugger shares I/O channels with the parent process when it is run via a SPAWN/NOWAIT command. Therefore, you must press the Return key twice on the DECterm from which the debugger was run after the debugger version number has appeared in the Communications Pane. Optionally, you can execute the Kept Debugger in the following manner: $ DEFINE DBG$INPUT NL: $ SPAWN/NOWAIT RUN DEBUG/KEEP o If you issue the RERUN command while the file you are debugging is locked by another user, the debugger returns the following message: %DEBUG-E-NORERUNPGM, There is no program to RERUN To work around this problem, wait until your file is unlocked. Then, issue a RUN command and reset breakpoints. STEP/OVER Steps into FORTRAN Run-Time Library Routines V6.1 If you are debugging a Fortran program and the debugger encounters a Fortran I/O operation such as READ, WRITE, or PRINT, you will notice that the Fortran compiler calls a Fortran Run-Time Library routine to complete the I/O operation. When you issue a STEP command at the call to the RTL routine, the debugger exhibits unexpected behavior if one of the I/O function arguments is itself a function returning CHARACTER*n. That is, the debugger steps into, rather than over, the routine and issues the following error: 3-20 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions %DEBUG-W-NOSCRLIN, no source line for address nnnnnnnn The problem occurs because the debugger steps across routines by searching for a RET instruction to be executed, and, in this case, the Fortran compiler is deallocating temporary strings from the stack in a non-standard way, without explicit RET instructions. To recover from the error message, issue several STEP commands to return the session to the expected line of code. To prevent recurrence of the problem, modify your program to include a temporary variable that stores the results of the function prior to the I/O statement. For example: CHARACTER*23 c1, c2 c1 = c2() ! c1 is the temporary variable WRITE (*) c1 END C CHARACTER*23 FUNCTION c2() c2 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW' RETURN END Systems Using DECset V11-Default System Debugger V6.1 The debugger shipped with this release of the operating system is a superset of the debugger that was shipped with the DECset V11 product. The debugger shipped with this release should be the default system debugger. To make this debugger the default system debugger, edit the system startup procedure to remove the command to run DEBUG$STARTUP.COM. If you remove the command before you upgrade the operating system software, you need not do anything else. If you did not remove the command to run DEBUG$STARTUP.COM before upgrading the operating system software, then you also need to deassign the logicals defined by that command procedure. System managers should edit the system startup procedure and deassign the logicals as shown in the following example: 3-21 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DEBUG $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DEBUGSHR $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DEBUGUISHR $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DBGTBKMSG $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DBG$HELP $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DBG$UIHELP $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM DEBUGAPPCLASS $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM VMSDEBUGUIL Systems Using DECset V11-Retaining DECset Customizations for Default System Debugger V6.1 If you have customized your DECset DSDEBUG.DAT file for the Version 11 DECset Debugger and you would like to retain these customizations when you use the default system debugger, copy your customized version of DSDEBUG.DAT to SYS$LOGIN:VMSDEBUG.DAT. The system debugger reads VMSDEBUG.DAT and reflects your customizations during startup of the DECwindows Motif interface. Vector-Support Restrictions and Problems V5.4 The following are problems and restrictions with the debugger's support for vectorized programs: o When the programming language is BLISS, COBOL, or RPG, you must specify a type qualifier to deposit into %VMR. For example: DEPOSIT/QUADWORD %VMR = %HEX 0FFFFFFFF o When the programming language is PL/I, COBOL, or DIBOL, the command EXAMINE %VMR displays %VMR as an array of bits instead of as a hexadecimal quadword. Enter the command EXAMINE/HEX/QUADWORD %VMR to obtain the default behavior for other programming languages. o When the vector mode is synchronized (that is, if you have entered the command SET VECTOR_MODE SYNCHRONIZED), the debugger suspends execution twice at any breakpoints that were set on vector instructions. To resume execution from such breakpoints, you must enter the GO or STEP command twice. 3-22 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Watchpoint Support Restrictions and Problems V6.0 The following are problems and restrictions with the debugger's support for watchpoints: o Watchpoints set on variables whose addresses are in global sections do not work. Attempting to set a watchpoint on a location in a global section will result in a %DEBUG-E-BADWATCH message. o If a watched location changes during a system service routine, you will be notified, as usual, that the watchpoint occurred. However the stack will show one or more debugger frames on top of the frame or frames for your program. To work around this problem, enter one or more STEP /RETURN commands to get back to your program. $WAKE Call or $HIBER Call 5.4 If a program, running under the two-process debugger or multiprocess debugger, issues a $WAKE call or a $HIBER call, the user application hibernates. 3.3.4 DECthreads-Problem During Exit Handler Routine V6.1 Problem: There is a known problem on the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP platforms for programs that use DECthreads functions in an exit handler routine. If you try to abort such a program with a Ctrl/Y sequence followed by the DCL EXIT command (or almost any DCL command), the program may hang indefinitely in the exit handler routine. One instance of this problem occurs when you enter a Ctrl/Y sequence to interrupt a multithreaded program in the middle of a C RTL I/O function. The problem is with the operating system, not with your program code or the C RTL code. To release your program from the exit handler routine, enter another Ctrl/Y sequence followed by the DCL STOP command. This problem should be corrected in a subsequent release of the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP operating systems. 3-23 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions 3.3.5 DECthreads-Problem with DEC C RTL V6.0 Problem: A potential problem occurs between DECthreads and DEC C RTL when a C program that calls LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL dynamically activates DECthreads or another shareable image that depends on DECthreads. This problem may result in an access violation inside CMA$RTL in a call from DECC$SHR. Workaround: To work around this problem, link the image that calls LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL against CMA$RTL. Dynamically activating DECthreads or shareable images that depend on DECthreads does not work under all circumstances. Several software facilities contain code whose behavior is conditional upon the presence or absence of threads at the time that these facilities initialize. If any of these facilities is in use by a program, threads cannot be safely brought into the process after execution begins because these facilities cannot respond to the change. Attempting to do so will typically abort execution with an error. Other unpredictable behavior, such as access violations, may result. 3.3.6 DECTPU for DECwindows Motif This section describes known restrictions that pertain to DECTPU for DECwindows Motif. DECwindows Motif Applications That Execute READ_KEY and READ_CHAR Built-Ins V6.0 Restriction: DECTPU signals an error if a READ_KEY or READ_CHAR built-in is aborted by any of the following events: resize, widget callback, loss of primary selection, and client message. 3-24 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions The following example shows an error handler returning from a procedure that has a READ_KEY built-in aborted when a widget callback occurs: procedure get_a_key (the_key) on_error [TPU$_READABORTED]: message ("Prompt terminated.", 0); return; endon_error; loop ... the_key := read_key; ... endloop; endprocedure; Workaround: If your DECwindows Motif applications execute READ_KEY and READ_CHAR built-ins, you should use error handlers containing the TPU$_READABORTED selector. The code associated with that selector should return from the procedure by executing either an ABORT or RETURN statement. If instead of returning, the procedure executes another READ_KEY or READ_CHAR built-in, DECTPU will enter an infinite loop. SET (MAPPED_WHEN_MANAGED) Built-In Procedure V6.0 The SET (MAPPED_WHEN_MANAGED) built-in does not return the previous state of the modified widget. There is no workaround to this restriction. Small Display Monitors and DECwindows Motif Applications V6.0 Restriction: When running DECwindows Motif DECTPU on small display monitors, the main window can be less than fully visible. Workaround: To correct this, follow these steps: 3-25 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions 1. Add the following resources to your DECTPU X resource file: Tpu.Tpu$MainWindow.X: 0 Tpu.Tpu$MainWindow.Y: 0 Tpu.Tpu$Mainwindow.Rows: 21 Tpu*condensedFont: on Tpu*fontSetSelection: 1 2. Copy the resource file from SYS$LIBRARY:EVE.DAT and add the previous lines. 3. Use logical name TPU$DEFAULTS to point at the new resource file. The following example invokes the EVE DECwindows Motif user interface using the X resource file named eve_ small_window.dat in your login directory to edit the file LOGIN.COM. $ DEFINE TPU$DEFAULTS SYS$LOGIN:EVE_SMALL_WINDOW.DAT $ EDIT/TPU/INTER=DECWINDOWS LOGIN.COM 3.3.7 DECwindows Motif Transport-User-Written Transport Recommendations V6.0 Problem: This section discusses a previous problem with the DECwindows Motif Transport and the modifications that correct the problem. The DECwindows Motif Transport has been modified to correct previous disconnect problems. Under certain conditions, pending ASTs could be sent after the Transport cleanup process had begun. As a result, the AST could attempt to access data that had already been deallocated, which caused access violations or system crashes. Queuing the CLOSE_AND_DEALLOCATE_AST AST from the DECW$$TCPIP_CLOSE routine is an incomplete solution. The CLOSE_AND_DEALLOCATE_AST AST is queued to the current operation mode (EXEC), and this AST could be sent before pending USER mode ASTs. The Transport Function Table (XTFT) data structure has been modified and a new common routine has been added. The XTFT data structure has been increased by one longword to provide an additional routine entry, XTFT$A_DISCONNECT. The new common routine is DECW$XPORT_DISCONNECT. 3-26 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Workaround: If you have written your own DECwindows Motif Transport, you can implement these modifications, based on the Sample Transport implementation Digital recommends in the VMS DECwindows Transport Manual. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must recompile any user-written specific transport that uses the XTFT$C_LENGTH constant. ______________________________________________________ o Create a new routine to remove the cleanup instructions from the CLOSE_AND_DEALLOCATE_AST AST. Store this new routine address in the XTFT data structure at offset XTFT$A_DISCONNECT. The XTFT is initialized in the DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT routine. This new routine takes the IXTCC parameter. o From DECW$$TCPIP_CLOSE, queue CLOSE_AND_DEALLOCATE_AST as a USER mode AST. o Inside CLOSE_AND_DEALLOCATE_AST, call the Common Transport routine DECW$XPORT_DISCONNECT, passing an IXTCC parameter. DECW$XPORT_DISCONNECT will call the routine stored in XTFT[XTFT$A_DISCONNECT]. By dispatching the disconnect routine through the Common Transport layer, the process will change to EXEC mode as required to deallocate data structures. 3.3.8 Effects of an I/O Write Operation Failure V6.0 The OpenVMS VAX operating system ensures that, when an I/O write operation returns a successful completion status, the data is available on the disk or tape media. OpenVMS guarantees atomicity for single-block I/O write operations to DIGITAL Storage Architecture (DSA) drives.[1] However, if a system failure occurs while a multiple block ____________________ [1] Single block atomicity may not be guaranteed with SCSI devices. This includes the new HSC SCSI adapters that extend SCSI disk connectivity to the HSC family of devices. An OpenVMS operating system makes no distinction between the SCSI-adapted DSA devices and actual SCSI devices. 3-27 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions I/O write operation is in progress, the OpenVMS operating system does not guarantee the successful completion of the I/O write. When a failure interrupts a write operation, the data may be left in any one of the following conditions: o The new data is written completely to the disk blocks on the media, but a completion status was not returned before the failure. o The new data is partially written to the media so that some of the disk blocks involved in the I/O contain the data from the in-progress I/O write and other blocks contain the data that was present prior to the I/O write operation. Note that blocks updated with new data can be interspersed with blocks containing old data. o The new data was never written to any of the disk blocks on the media. Individual blocks can contain either all new data or all old data; a block is not partially updated when dealing with DSA devices. To guarantee that an I/O write operation either completes successfully, or (in the event of failure) is redone or rolled back as if it was never started, applications must be supplemented by additional techniques to ensure data correctness and recovery. For example, using RMS Journaling for OpenVMS or database or file journaling and recovery techniques allows applications to automatically recover from failures such as: o Permanent loss of the path between a CPU data buffer containing the data being written and the disk being written to during a multiple block I/O operation. Communication path loss can occur due to node failure or a failure of node-to-node communications. Note that transient failures are automatically recovered from during mount verification without requiring any further recovery techniques. o Failure of a CPU (such as a system crash, halt, power failure) during a multiple block I/O write operation. o Mistaken deletion of a file. o OpenVMS RMS incomplete bucket write operation to an indexed file. 3-28 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o Cancellation of an in-progress multiple block write operation. Note that Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS is an availability product that provides access to data in the presence of media deterioration, communication path failure, or controller or device failure. Volume shadowing should not be mistaken for a journaling product that provides multiple block coherence for data integrity. 3.3.9 Impact on Device Support for Third Party SCSI Disk Drives V6.1 Your SCSI disk driver (DKDRIVER) supplied with OpenVMS Version 6.1 and Version 5.5-2H4 contain a MODE SENSE data buffer that may be too small for the amount of data returned by newer SCSI drives (for example, drives by Seagate, Maxtor, or Hitachi). As a result, these SCSI drives may not operate when the system boots up on OpenVMS Version 6.1. These newer SCSI disk drivers support SCSI-2 tagged-command queuing that utilizes a full MODE SENSE data page whereas, the older version 5.n and 6.0 drivers accepted truncated and missing MODE SENSE pages that masked the problem and continued to operate. ________________________ Note ________________________ Some Seagate drives are incompatible with the ANSI SCSI-2 specification and, therefore, do not operate properly on an OpenVMS system. These drives supply more data on the MODE SENSE Control Mode page than allowed by the SCSI-2 specification and any new DKDRIVER. ______________________________________________________ For more information about device support for the SCSI- 2 requirements, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 New Features Manual and the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. Note that you may need to contact your Digital Services representative to resolve MODE SENSE error problems. 3-29 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions 3.3.10 Linking Images to Run on Previous OpenVMS Versions V6.1 This version of OpenVMS VAX provides updated versions of the Mathematics Run-Time Library (RTL) images MTHRTL.EXE, UVMTHRTL.EXE, and VMTHRTL.EXE that contain new entry points in support of DEC Fortran Version 6.0. (UVMTHRTL.EXE is an alternate form of MTHRTL.EXE; references to MTHRTL.EXE in the following paragraphs also apply to UVMTHRTL.EXE.) Due to the large number of entry points added to MTHRTL.EXE, that image's transfer vector was extended and its global section match identifier incremented. This means that images linked against the new version of MTHRTL.EXE will not run on a system running a previous versions of OpenVMS VAX, unless that system has also installed DEC Fortran Version 6.0. In addition, images linked against the new MTHRTL.EXE cannot be translated to run on OpenVMS AXP using DECmigrate. To link an image so that it will run on a previous version of OpenVMS VAX, create a directory that contains saved copies of the .EXE and .OLB files from SYS$LIBRARY directory of the earliest version you wish to support and define the logical name SYS$LIBRARY to point to that directory before linking. Because OpenVMS VAX also defines a system logical name MTHRTL to refer to either MTHRTL.EXE or UVMTHRTL.EXE, you must also define MTHRTL as a logical name in the process or job table to point to the copy in the directory of older images. For example: $ DEFINE/USER SYS$LIBRARY disk:[OLD_SYSLIB] $ DEFINE/USER MTHRTL SYS$LIBRARY:MTHRTL.EXE $ LINK ... Images to be translated using DECmigrate should be linked against the SYS$LIBRARY files of VMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or earlier. 3.3.11 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Restrictions Notes in this section pertain to problems and restrictions with using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to create software kits. 3-30 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Alphanumeric Options Not Supported V6.1 You cannot allow installers to specify alphanumeric configuration choices using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. The option statement allows only Boolean configuration choices. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Alternate File Placement Not Supported V6.1 You cannot specify an alternate location for some of your product files using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Command Procedure Behavior V6.1 The following product description file (PDF) statements use command procedures to perform the creation and deletion of managed objects: o account o network object o rights identifier In a future version, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility may create and delete these managed objects directly without the use of command procedures. If this is the case, these statements will continue to function, but the command procedures may not be maintained or shipped with future versions of the utility. Conflict Error Reporting V6.1 Some error messages indicating managed object conflicts do not identify the related products. Error Reporting V6.1 When packaging a kit, you may receive many different errors (for example, wrong keywords or missing directives) in your product description file (PDF). In several cases, the utility error messages do not contain enough information to determine the problem with the PDF. 3-31 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. File Conflict Resolution Problem V6.1 If you specify a file statement without the generation option, the utility assigns the file generation zero (rather than not assigning a generation number as the documentation states). By default, the utility should not assign a generation number unless one is specified. Currently, a file with a generation option greater than zero will supersede an installed file of the same name without generating a message. The utility should detect this as a conflict and display a message. File Generation Restrictions V6.1 The generation option to the file statement does not work correctly under some circumstances. For example: -- PDF #1: product DEC VAXVMS TEST1 V1.0 full ; file [SYSMGR]TEST.EXE generation 1 ; end product ; -- PDF #2: product DEC VAXVMS TEST2 V1.0 full ; file [SYSMGR]TEST.EXE generation 2 ; end product ; Installing TEST1 then TEST2 works correctly. However, if you remove TEST2, generation one of the TEST.EXE file is not reinstalled and the utility displays a message about replacement material being unavailable. One workaround is to have TEST2 use the execute install statement to execute a procedure that saves previous versions of TEST.EXE. A corresponding execute remove could restore it. Another related problem is that you can remove TEST1 and then TEST2, but only in that order. The previous example shows removing TEST2 first which is the logical order (since it is the reverse order of installation). 3-32 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Note that if you install TEST2 then TEST1, the installation of TEST1 generates an error message about replacement material being unavailable. The utility should give a better error message that indicates that a newer generation of the file is already installed on the system. Digital expects to correct these problems in a future release. File Statement Generation Limit V6.1 The generation option on the file statement allows generation numbers only as high as 4230196224. If you specify a larger number, the utility truncates it without warning. Future Statement Compatibility V6.1 The product description language (PDL) of the POLYCENTER Software utility has no provision for forward compatibility (the ability for future statements to work with this version of the utility). This means that kits that use a statement or syntax not supported in this version will not work correctly. Information Statement Problem V6.1 Product Description File (PDF) information statements that you want to display to the user during the configuration phase are not displayed if the user enters Yes (the default answer) to the following question: Do you want all the default values for this product? [YES] Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Internationalization Support Restrictions V6.1 Internationalization support for using command procedures with execute statements is not supported with this version of the utility. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. 3-33 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Multiple Execute Remove Statements Problem V6.1 There is a problem with the execute remove statement where only the first one executes during a remove operation. However, all of the execute install statements execute during an install operation. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Multiple Operating Scopes Not Supported V6.1 Multiple operating scopes are not supported and may not work correctly in certain circumstances. Digital expects to correct this problem in a future release. Network Object Statement Problem V6.1 The command procedure that creates network objects for the network object statement asks the product developer for the network object number. This is information that the installer, not the product developer has access to. Also, the utility does not provide a way for the installer to enter this information. Package Operation Errors V6.1 If you receive error messages while creating a sequential kit using the PACKAGE command, the resulting kit may be unusable. Attempting to install such a kit displays the following error message: %PCSI-E-INVDOCMTL, document has invalid product material ordering Partial Kit Restrictions V6.1 Kits of type partial do work correctly under many circumstances. Digital recommends that you avoid creating partial kits with this version of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility because of the following problems and restrictions: o The utility does not require that a full kit of the product is already installed. o If a full product kit is not found, the utility attempts to attach the partial kit to the operating system as its parent. 3-34 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o When removing a partial kit that has the operating system as its parent, the utility also removes the operating system without displaying any messages. If possible, use patch or mandatory update kit types rather than partial kits. Digital expects to correct these problems in a future release. Restrictions on Removing Accounts and Rights Identifiers V6.1 Removing a product with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility results in the removal of accounts specified by account statements. The utility should not do this in all cases because the file SYSUAF.DAT may be clusterwide or local to a single system disk or groups of system disks. If you install software on a particular system disk, any account statements create the necessary accounts. If you install the software on a second system disk that shares the same SYSUAF.DAT file, the account already exists and does not need to be created. When you remove a product, the utility always removes the account, regardless of whether the SYSUAF.DAT file is shared by another system disk. The same problem exists with the rights identifier statement and the file RIGHTSLIST.DAT. Digital expects to correct these problems in a future release. Source and Destination Constraints for Package Operation V6.1 A typical task when creating software kits is to create a sequential kit by performing a package operation. If you use the same directory for the source and destination for your package operation, you can create problems for future install operations that use the directory as a source. If both a sequential kit and a file with the file type .PCSI$DESCRIPTION are in the same directory, an install operation that points to that source area always opens the file with the file type .PCSI$DESCRIPTION. This can cause 3-35 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions errors locating product material, if it is not in the same place. There is no way to specify the sequential kit for the installation. To avoid this problem, use separate directories for the source and destination of your package operations. 3.3.12 RTL Behavior Differences V6.0 This section describes differences in behavior between DEC C RTL and VAX C RTL. Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, each difference was introduced because of the need to comply with the ANSI C Standard: o The ANSI C Standard-defined behavior for negated scansets in the scanf function is different from the VAX C RTL behavior. The ANSI C Standard requires at least one character to match a negated scanset; VAX C RTL allowed no characters to match. For example, the following code fails if it encounters an empty line: /* read lines and throw away the newline */ fscanf("%[^\n]%*c", &string); The DEC C RTL requires the code to be implemented as follows: /* read lines and throw away the newline */ if (fscanf("%[^\n]%*c", &string) == 0 ) fscanf("%*c"); /* swallow blank-line newline */ o The ANSI C Standard padding rules for the printf routines are different than the VAX C RTL behavior. Table 3-2 shows examples of the new and old behavior. o The ANSI C Standard rules for the output of floating- point numbers is different from the VAX C RTL behavior, so that a digit of precision can be lost. Table 3-2 shows examples of the old and new behavior. o The ANSI C Standard requires that an empty precision value in a printf format specifier be treated as a zero precision. The VAX C RTL ignores an empty precision value. Table 3-2 shows an example of the new behavior. 3-36 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions Table 3-2 Changes in printf Behavior Required by ANSI ___________________________________________________________ Example VAX C RTL DEC C RTL ___________________________________________________________ printf("%04.2d", 77 ) "0077" " 77" printf("%6.4d", 77 ) " 77" " 0077" printf("%.2g", 9.876e+2 ) "9.88e+02" "9.9e+02" printf("%-.s", "hello" ) "hello" "" ___________________________________________________________ o Exit handlers established by atexit are not executed when abort is called. o Files containing binary data that are opened with stream I/O must specifiy "ctx=bin" on the fopen or creat call. o Files opened in append mode always have writes forced to end-of-file (EOF). With VAX C RTL, the behavior of files opened in append mode was no different than for files opened in write mode. o Files opened for write access default to exclusive file sharing mode. With VAX C, files are opened with the "shr=get" option set by default. o A call to ungetc clears the EOF flag for the file. o A call to a file position routine (fseek, for example) clears the EOF flag for the file. o The EOF flag for a file is always cleared when the file is first opened. VAX C RTL sets the EOF flag to true if the file opened was empty. o A call to a file position routine (fseek, for example) now causes the character pushed back by a call to ungetc to be lost. o The C signal SIGABRT is defined to be equal to the SIGIOT signal rather than to SIGILL as in VAX C RTL. Programs that look for the SS$_OPCDEC exception to prevent an abort from occurring will fail. The exception to look for is now SS$_OPCCUS. 3-37 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o The value of the DEC C RTL constant BUFSIZ is 8192, compared with 512 for VAX C. This changes the behavior of setvbuf and setbuf for both DEC C and VAX C: - setvbuf ignores buffers smaller than BUFSIZ. This results in the user's buffer not being used; the previous buffer or default buffer gets used. - A program that links with DEC C RTL and calls setbuf with a pointer to a buffer smaller than 8192 bytes will not execute properly because the DEC C RTL writes past the end of the buffer. VAX C programs that link to DEC C RTL using VAXC2DECC.EXE or VAXCG2DECC.EXE will execute properly but will not benefit from the larger buffer size. This change was made to improve DEC C RTL I/O performance. o The gets and fgets functions no longer null-terminate the input buffer when EOF is encountered and no characters have been read since the last read operation. o The DEC C RTL I/O functions allow the writing of zero- length records. Passing a length of 0 to write and fwrite now results in an empty record, whereas VAX C RTL would do nothing. This change was requested by users. o The signal function now returns SIG_ERR on error. This should not affect the behavior of programs that check for -1. o If the parameter to fflush is NULL, all buffers associated with all currently open files are flushed. o File positioning (fseek for example) is now allowed on files opened in append mode. o ftell now reports a file position that takes into account the character pushed back by a call to ungetc. o DEC C RTL will not accept uppercase versions of printf and scanf format specifiers. That is, DEC C RTL will not accept "%D" as a format specifier, whereas VAX C RTL accepts "%D" as a synonym for the "%D" format specifier. DEC C RTL prints the letter encountered; for example, "%D" produces the letter "D" in the output stream, rather than being processed as an output source. 3-38 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions o DEC C RTL allows file positioning calls to seek to an arbitrary byte with fixed-length record files. VAX C RTL treats fixed length record files like all record files and allows file positioning only to record boundaries. This change was requested by users. 3.3.13 RTL Restrictions V6.0 VAX C RTL shipping on Version 6.0 is the same as VAX C RTL that shipped on Version 5.5-2. To preserve upward compatibility, VAX C RTL will remain unchanged for future releases. Testing has shown that large numbers of applications break when software corrections or features are added to VAX C RTL. All the C RTL software corrections and new features have been incorporated into DEC C RTL. 3.3.14 System Service Restrictions This section contains release notes that describe system service restrictions. $FORMAT_AUDIT System Service-Inconsistency V6.0 Problem: The width argument to the $FORMAT_AUDIT system service does not work consistently. In most cases, if you specify both the width argument and the full format style (NSA$C_FORMAT_ STYLE_FULL), $FORMAT_AUDIT ignores the width argument. The minimum width is 80 columns; lower values do not limit the width to less than 80. If you specify a width greater than 80 columns, most lines are not joined to use the full width. Workaround: Avoid using the width argument. $SNDJBC System Service-Batch Queue Limitation V6.0 Problem: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 allows multiple queue managers. If your system uses this feature to run batch queues on a separate queue manager from output queues, certain checks that would otherwise be performed for the SJC$_LOG_QUEUE item code of the $SNDJBC system service are not performed. 3-39 Programming Release Notes 3.3 Problems and Restrictions When batch and print queues are managed by the same queue manager, the queue manager checks to ensure that the queue specified with the SJC$_LOG_QUEUE is an output queue and that the user has access to the output queue. These checks are not made if the batch queue specified by the $SNDJBC service and the output queue specified by the SJC$_LOG_ QUEUE item code are managed by different queue managers. Workaround: If you explicitly specify an output queue for the log file when submitting a batch job, be sure the queue you specify with the SJC$_LOG_QUEUE is an output queue and not a batch queue. Also, be sure that you have access to the printer queue. SYS$CREMBX System Service-BUFQUO Error Message Status Altered V5.5 Problem: In versions of OpenVMS VAX prior to Version 5.5, the BUFQUO parameter to the SYS$CREMBX system service accepted a maximum value of 65355. Beginning with Version 5.5-1, the maximum recommended value of BUFQUO is 60000. If the value is too high, the following error message appears: "-SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value" Workaround: This error message does not appear unless the value is set to 65324 or higher. However, Digital recommends that programs use a value no higher than 60000. Values of 60000 or less reduce the likelihood of programs failing due to future changes to the operating system. 3-40 A _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 This appendix contains remedial solutions that are included in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. Appendix B contains additional remedial solutions that are not included in Version 6.1, but will be available in a future release. Because Digital continually updates existing kits and creates new ECO kits, your support channel may have additional or revised kits available for problems reported after this manual is published. Digital uses Advanced Electronic Support (AES) tools to make ECO kits available on line. The exact tools used will vary by geography. To obtain more information about the tools available, contact your support channel. A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers Each remedial kit described in this chapter has two reference numbers. The first number is for Digital internal tracking purposes. The second number, CSCPAT_nnnnvvv, is often used by support channels or as reference within an AES tool. Nnnn is the actual ECO kit number and vvv is the current revision number. To obtain a kit, contact your support channel. Please note that CSCPAT ECO kits are usually cumulative images that will be revised or updated as new, individual point fixes are created by Digital. The AES tools used to make CSCPAT ECO kits available on line also contain information on contents and changes in the latest kits. A.1.1 Remedial Kit VAXCLIU01_060 (CSCPAT_1104) This kit replaces SYS$SYSTEM:SET.EXE and SYS$SYSTEM:SHOW.EXE with new images. The new images correctly identify the VT510 terminal as a member of the VT500 series of terminals. A-1 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers A.1.2 Remedial Kit VAXDRIV01_060 (CSCPAT_1102) This kit supplies the following new images: o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PKRDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PKCDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PKBDRIVER.EXE These new images correct the following problems: o The peak 5Mb/Sec data rates aggravate signal integrity issues in certain maximum length cable configurations. o Code from PKNDRIVER that was imported into PKCDRIVER at PK$ABORT causes various problems particularly with command queuing enabled. A.1.3 Remedial Kit VAXF11X01_060 (CSCPAT_1096) This kit supplies a new image, SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP.EXE, to address the following file control block (FCB) problems: o An attempt by an open file with an NL mode access lock to access an extension header may fail because the FCB chain is being rebuilt. o BACKUP accesses file extension headers directly instead of under the synchronization of the primary header. Other processes may deallocate the FCBs for the headers that BACKUP is trying to access. This behavior occurs if you back up the same disk using two different processes at the same time. The result is any number of different XQP bugchecks, most notably UNXSIGNAL (accvio), NOTFCBFCB, and XQPERRs. An earlier modification to the XQP was intended to fix this lack of synchronization; however, a timing window in this fix allows the problem to occur. A.1.4 Remedial Kit VAXLAT01_060 (CSCPAT_0579) This kit provides two new images: o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:LTDRIVER.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:LATACP.EXE This kit addresses the following LAT problems: o BUGCHECK INVEXCEPTN in routine LT$TICK. A-2 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers A LAT UCB is marked for deletion and LTDRIVER is verifying that the UCB does not exist on another CPU's IPL 8 fork queue. Since the SMP environment does not provide a synchronization mechanism for this operation, the other CPU IPL 8 fork queue can change while LTDRIVER is checking the queue items. If this occurs, the queue is no longer in the same state as it was when LTDRIVER began checking the queue items. This will result in either a system crash or system hung at IPL 8 holding the IOLOCK8 spin lock. o BUGCHECK INVEXCEPTN in LTDRIVER (routine LT$XMT_REJSL). The system is attempting to transmit a LAT reject slot to a remote terminal server, but crashes because the virtual circuit for the connection has already been deleted. This crash usually occurs with systems that have many connections from an Emulex terminal server. o Using SET HOST /LAT, a user attempts to access an InfoServer or another system that requires a password for the LAT service. After the user enters the password, the following message appears and the system hangs: %LAT-I-DISCONNECTED, session disconnected from SERVICE -LAT-I-END, control returned to node NODE_NAME When the user attempts to get back to the DCL level, the process hangs and enters the RWAST state. o Nonpaged pool is consumed, and most of the blocks in nonpaged pool contain LAT service announcement messages. o BUGCHECK INCONSTATE in LTDRIVER in routine LT$XMT_RUN. o When using a dedicated port with application LAT services, the LATCP SHOW SERVICE command incorrectly lists dedicated ports for the wrong application services. A-3 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers A.1.5 Remedial Kit VAXPHV01_060 (CSCPAT_0591) This kit supplies the following new images: o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:ECDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:EFDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:EPDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:ESDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:ETDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:EXDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:EZDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:FCDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:FXDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:XEDRIVER.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:XQDRIVER.EXE These new images address two problems: o The first problem causes a DECnet event to be repeatedly logged on and OPCOM repeatedly sends the following error message: %MOM-E-BADMOPFCT, Bad MOP Function received from target. o The second problem formats the P5 buffer returned from the Ethernet driver incorrectly for the message type received when in it was in promiscuous mode. A.1.6 Remedial Kit VAXSHAD01_060 (CSCPAT_1116) This kit supplies the following new images: o [SYS$LDR]SHDRIVER.EXE o [SYS$LDR]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE These new images correct the following problems: o SHDRIVER encounters a situation where more than one member of a 3-member shadow set goes into error recovery at the same time, and they cannot be brought back into the shadow set (that is, loss of connectivity, media off line, write-locked device, and so forth). SHDRIVER expels one of the members and crashes with a A-4 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers SHADDETINCON error when it cannot update the SCB on the remaining members. o When all shadow set members are write-locked, a bugcheck will occur due to R4 being destroyed across a JSB to SHSB$GET_CLEAN_IRP. The fix preserves that register. o The SHADOW_MAX_COPY system parameter is used to set the number of merge/copy threads that may be started at the same time on a node. Without this fix, systems would start more than the number of threads allowed by the SHADOW_MAX_COPY parameter. o SHDRIVER system disk member timer issues and R2/R5 corruption. - The SHSB$MATCH_MASTER_SCB routine makes improper use of SHSB$PAUSE. When SHSB$PAUSE is used, the SHAD (in R2) is not preserved when the time delay is invoked, so the resulting value in R2 is indeterminate. - The SHSB$MATCH_MASTER_SCB routine makes improper use of SH$TIME_DELAY. An input requirement of SH$TIME_ DELAY is to have a UCB in R5. - The SH$ABORT_VP routine makes improper use of SH$TIME_DELAY. When SH$TIME_DELAY is used, the SHAD (in R2) is not preserved when the time delay is invoked leaving an indeterminate value R2. - The benefit of being able to reassemble, at boot time, a multiple member system disk shadow set is lost if the former approach of using a fixed amount of time to locate all of the said former members is followed. The SHADOW_MBR_TMO system parameter will now control the amount of time former members of the system disk shadow set have to respond to I/O requests at boot time. In Version 6.1 a new system parameter (SHADOW_SYS_ TMO) will be used to control the amount of time a booting system will wait for all former system disk shadow set members to respond to I/O requests. A-5 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers o SHDRIVER MVTIMEOUT after member error and R5 corruption creates two problems: - The spontaneous removal of one shadow set member, because of a fatal error condition, when a multiple member set is involved, causes some cluster nodes to hang the virtual unit until the MVTIMEOUT time expires. - In SHSB$VALIDATE_SHADOW_SET, the wait loop at 130$ does not correctly restore the contents of R5 to be the V.U. VCB, after a call to SHSB$PAUSE. o WLE_POST_PROC is not done on all the clones. This causes allocation of new, unnecessary write log entries. The write log INUSE bit is never cleared and thus the table has to be expanded. Once the table expands to MAX, write logging is disabled. When write logging gets turned back on, it starts all over. All the entries in the controller are exhausted, forcing write log exhaustion handling and in some cases the controller will be reset. o Shadowset hangs with SEQCMD lock. If the LBN#1 READ fails while doing INVALIDATE_ALL_ ENTRIES, or if WLG has been turned off, the program branches to the wrong location. This results in an I/O being issued with no READY clones, and the process goes into a virtual wait state with the SEQCMD lock held and RWAITCNT bumped. A.1.7 Remedial Kit VAXSMUP01_060 (CSCPAT_1093) ________________________ Note ________________________ Security Enhanced Service (SES) customers should not install this update. If you have SEVMS installed on your system, do not install the OpenVMS images included in this update. Please contact your local SEVMS Delivery Center for the corresponding SEVMS images. ______________________________________________________ This kit installs the following images: o SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:CIA.EXE A-6 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers o SYS$LIBRARY:DNS$CLIENT.EXE o SYS$LIBRARY:DNS$SHARE.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:IMAGE_MANAGEMENT.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:NCP.EXE o SYS$LIBRARY:NMLSHR.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:WORKING_SET_MANAGEMENT.EXE This kit prevents security vulnerabilities that allow an authorized but unprivileged user to deny system services or gain an enhanced set of privileges with OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 A.1.8 Remedial Kit VAXSYS01_060 (CSCPAT_1113) This kit installs a new SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:IO_ROUTINES.EXE image that prevents an access violation when a user attempts to access the VPROT item with GETDVI on UCX TYMNET terminals. The VPROT item is implicitly accessed using the $GETDEV and $GETCHN services used by a number of utilities. A.1.9 Remedial Kit VAXSYS02_060 (CSCPAT_1111) This kit installs a new SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:LOCKING.EXE image. The documentation for SYS$GETLKI states that -1 as well as 0 is accepted as a wildcard. However, beginning with VMS Version 5.5, the -1 was not always accepted as a wildcard search. This kit corrects the problem so that -1 is always accepted a wildcard search. A.1.10 Remedial Kit VAXSYSL01_060 (CSCPAT_1076) This kit installs a new SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYSLOA1701.EXE image. The current cache error correction routine for the VAX 7000 and VAX 10000 does not properly correct cache single bit errors. This problem can severely disrupt normal system operation. Digital is providing VAX 7000 and VAX 10000 system customers a mandatory upgrade to the OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 error handling capabilities. This software corrects the VAX 7000 and VAX 10000 system response to occurrences of single bit ECC (Error Correction Code) errors in the CPU module backup cache RAM. A-7 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Included in Version 6.1 A.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers A.1.11 Remedial Kit VAXTTDR01_060 (CSCPAT_1103) The new image, SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:TTDRIVER.EXE, is installed by this kit to prevent the following problems from occurring: o The user will see a FATAL bugcheck (SSRVEXCEPT) in routine IO_POST (in MOVBUF), because the IRP$W_BCNT field is negative (FFFx) and tries to copy 64k of buffer space. o The user will see a FATAL bugcheck (SSRVEXCEPT) in routine CTRLAST (in module TTYFDT.MAR), because the CTRL list pointed to by R7 has been emptied while inserting an entry. This occurs because the call to COM$SETATTNAST was done at IPL 2 and an interrupt occurred. The problem occurs because the logical UCB is used instead of the physical UCB when comparing the baud rate. o The user may see the following error message when setting terminal characteristics, even though there is really no error: -SYSTEM-F-NOLOG_IO, operation requires LOG_IO privilege This problem occurred only when virtual terminals are enabled and the port is set to /DISCONNECT and /NOSET_ SPEED. A.1.12 Remedial Kit VAXUTIL01_060 (CSCPAT_1095) This kit installs the new image, SYS$SYSTEM:SEARCH.EXE, to prevent a failure of the Search utility. Code was added to the Search utility during development of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 to print information about the file being searched when Ctrl/T was entered. This code caused the Search utility to fail with an "invalid device name" error if the SYS$COMMAND logical name was defined as a file. A-8 B _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Not Included in Version 6.1 This appendix contains remedial solutions that are not included in OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, but will be available in a future release. Appendix A contains descriptions of the OpenVMS VAX remedial solutions (software ECO kits) that are included in Version 6.1. Because Digital continually updates existing kits and creates new ECO kits, your support channel may have additional or revised kits available for problems reported after this manual is published. Digital uses Advanced Electronic Support (AES) tools to make ECO kits available on line. The exact tools used will vary by geography. To obtain more information about the tools available, contact your support channel. B.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers Each remedial kit described in this chapter has two reference numbers. The first number is for Digital internal tracking purposes. The second number, CSCPAT_nnnnvvv, is often used by support channels or as reference within an AES tool. The ECO kit number is nnnn and the current revision number is vvv. To obtain a kit, contact your support channel. Please note that CSCPAT ECO kits are usually cumulative images that are revised or updated when new, individual point fixes are created by Digital engineering. The AES tools used to make CSCPAT ECO kits available on line also contain information on contents and changes in the latest kits. B-1 OpenVMS VAX Remedial Kit Solutions Not Included in Version 6.1 B.1 Kit Descriptions and Reference Numbers B.1.1 Remedial Kit VAXCDU01_060 (CSCPAT_1117) The OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual recommends that you create a new command table by using the following procedure: o Create an empty table. o Add the new command verbs. The Command Definition utility fails when the first command verb is added to the empty command table: %RMS-F-RBF, invalid record buffer This kit corrects the problem. B-2 _________________________________________________________________ Index A BACKUP command (cont'd) _______________________________ failure on VAX 4000 Model 300 $ABORT_TRANS system service, and TF857, 2-37 3-3 /IMAGE restriction, 2-34 ACP_DINDXCACHE system /LIST qualifier, 2-26 parameter, 2-23 restriction on RX01 and TU58, ACP_DIRCACHE system parameter, 2-13 2-23 restrictions, 2-34 to 2-38 ACP_HDRCACHE system parameter, /STORAGE_MANAGEMENT qualifier 2-23 , 2-26 ACP_MAPCACHE system parameter, /VERIFY qualifier, 2-26 2-23 BACKUP utility .ASCIZ directive backing up the system disk, Macro assembler, 3-11 2-21 Audit Analysis utility forced error handling, 2-27 (ANALYZE/AUDIT) NOMSG error message, 2-28 interactive mode, 2-18 reducing audit alarms, 2-25 AUTOGEN command procedure relative file versions, 2-27 problem when executed from restoring the system disk, SYSMAN, 2-32 2-21 running before adding memory, rooted directory 2-30 specifications, 2-27 SYSMAN error, suggested save operation to tape, 2-28 workaround, 2-32 saving and restoring alias %AUTOGEN-I-ERROR, 2-32 directories, 2-35 system disk backup, 2-34 B______________________________ VAX and AXP compatibility, Backing up the system disk, 2-28 2-21 /BACKWARD qualifier BACKUP command START/QUEUE command, 2-41 /COMPARE restriction, 2-34 BADPARAM error, 3-40 /EXACT_ORDER ACCVIO problem, 2-25 Index-1 BADPRCPGFL bugcheck Controller-based volume without primary paging file, shadowing 2-18 See Volume shadowing Batch and print queuing system Controllers , 2-42 DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus, notification of job 2-43 completion, 1-6 DEC FDDIcontroller PRINT/DELETE command, 2-39 /TURBOchannel, 2-43 restrictions, 2-38 to 2-42 CONV$ADD_KEY utility routine, Batch jobs 3-12 specifying output queue for CONV$PASS_FILES utility log file, 1-8 routine, 3-6 specifying printer queue for CONV$RECLAIM utility routine, log file, 3-39 3-6 Bootblocks Convert utility writing with Writeboot CONV$ADD_KEY routine, 3-12 utility, 2-78 CONV$PASS_FILES routine, 3-6 Booting error message format, 3-6 TURBOchannel devices, 2-42 excess input files, 3-6 BOOT_STYLE parameter /TRUNCATE, 3-6 adjusting for installation, Copy assists 2-15 restriction, 2-76 BUFQUO parameter, 3-40 Corrections Bugchecks volume shadowing shadowing, 2-29 connection loss during shadow state, 2-29 C______________________________ SHOW DEVICES display, C2-compliant protected objects 2-29 , 2-41 CRB$L_INTD field Callable MAIL user routines interrupt vector, 3-9 return data size corrected, CRDENABLE system parameter, 3-6 2-16 Callable OpenVMS system CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT run-time routines library routine, 3-1 CONV$RECLAIM routine, 3-6 D CASE instruction, 3-11 _______________________________ Changes to system parameters, DCL (DIGITAL Command Language) 2-23 to 2-25 label scoping in, 3-12 Characteristics, queue, 2-38 subroutine entry points, COM$DRVDEALMEM routine 3-12 synchronization, 3-9 DCL commands Connection loss CALL, 3-12 during shadowing state change changes, 1-1 , 2-29 Index-2 DCL commands (cont'd) Debugger (cont'd) ENDSUBROUTINE and SUBROUTINE, vector-support restrictions, 1-7 3-22 INITIALIZE command, 1-1 $WAKE call, 3-23 Protection watchpoint support disk volumes, 1-1 restrictions, 3-23 magnetic tape volumes, DEC C RTL 1-1 differences from VAX C RTL, restrictions, 1-6 3-36 RUNOFF command qualifiers DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus documented, 1-4 controller SET QUEUE command, 1-2 QIO interface for, 2-43 SET RIGHTS_LIST command, 1-8 using DECnet for OpenVMS VAX, SUBROUTINE, 3-12 2-44 SUBROUTINE and ENDSUBROUTINE, using DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS, 1-7 2-44 verb and qualifier length DEC FDDIcontroller restriction, 1-6 /TURBOchannel controller DCL Dictionary QIO interface for, 2-43 changes, 1-1 DEC Fortran DCL Help See Fortran affected during layered DEC LAN software, 2-43 product installation, DECdtm services 2-16 using in a DECnet/OSI network Debugger , 2-70 concealed rooted-directory DECnet for OpenVMS VAX logical names, 3-14 Extensions, 2-3 corrections, 3-7 DECnet Phase IV DECset V11, 3-21 altered error message, 2-17 DECwindows Motif restrictions DECnet/OSI , 3-14 change in LAT behavior, 2-55 DEPOSIT/TYPE command compatibility with OpenVMS restrictions, 3-17 VAX Version 6.1, 2-3 $DEQ system service call for VMS Version 5.5-2, 2-3 limitation, 3-18 full names, 2-20 EXAMINE LABEL command, 3-18 DECpresent $HIBER call, 3-23 installation dependencies process requirements, 2-42 with OpenVMS VAX Version programming restrictions, 6.0, 2-5 3-13 to 3-23 DECthreads STEP/OVER, 3-20 problem during exit handler system resource requirements, routine, 3-23 2-43 problem with DEC C RTL, 3-24 using DECset V11, 3-22 Index-3 DECTPU DIGITAL Command Language DECwindows Motif interface See DCL resource files, 3-25 Disks small monitors, 3-25 mounting in host-based shadow restrictions set, 2-58 aborted READ_CHAR, 3-25 Documentation comments, aborted READ_KEY, 3-25 sending to Digital, iii READ_KEY and READ_CHAR Documentation corrections built-ins, 3-24 .ASCIZ macro directive, 3-11 SET built-in COM$DRVDEALMEM routine, 3-9 MAPPED_WHEN_MANAGED $EQULST macro, 3-10 keyword, 3-25 general register addressing, small display monitors, 3-11 3-25 OpenVMS VAX Device Support DECwindows Reference Manual, 3-9 Creating WSA pseudo SCDRP data structure SCSI workstation devices, 2-47 flags, 3-9 interdependencies with SET RIGHTS_LIST command, 1-8 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, SPI$CONNECT macro, 3-10 2-5 SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR macro server , 3-10 SPXg/gt graphic subsystem, VAX MACRO and Instruction Set 2-47 Reference Manual, 3-11 startup procedure, 2-6 DUP Driver utility XUI packaging change, 2-5 using on VAX 4000 series DECwindows Motif computers, 2-72 height and width restrictions , 2-45 E______________________________ starting the Start Session $END_TRANS system service, 3-3 dialog box, 2-45 $EQULST macro DECwindows Motif Transport symbol value, 3-10 modifying, 3-26 Errors DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC command BADPARAM, 3-40 restriction, 2-38 FNF, 2-78 DEPOSIT/TYPE command, 3-17 MSNGENDS, 1-7 DEQNA PROCINDEX, 2-28 not supported by LAT protocol Extended addressing (XA) , 2-48 driver and image impact, Device driver coding 2-30 MASSBUS adapters, 3-8 Device drivers DEC LAN support, 2-43 multiple versions of, 2-33 restrictions, 2-69 Index-4 F______________________________ I______________________________ F$GETDVI lexical function I/O write operations new items for terminal failure, 3-27 devices, 1-4 Identifiers FAB$W_MRS field changes, 3-1 and queuing requests, 2-41 Feedback on documentation, Improved concurrency sending to Digital, iii in VMSclusters, 2-72 FNF error, 2-78 InfoServer $FORMAT_AUDIT system service, backing up system disks, 3-39 2-48 Fortran updating software from carriage control ConDIST, 2-14 restriction for print InfoServer client jobs, 2-41 failure to start, 2-7 Mathematics RTL INITIALIZE command interoperability qualifier changes, 1-1 restrictions, 3-30 Installation and upgrade Fortran run-time library, 3-2 restrictions, 2-3 to 2-14 Full names Backup on RX01 and TU58, support for, 2-20 2-13 DEC LANCE controller firmware G______________________________ version, 2-4 General register addressing DECnet/OSI, 2-3 assembler, 3-11 DECpresent dependencies, 2-5 $GETDVI system service DECwindows new parameters for terminal XUI packaging change, 2-5 devices, 3-3 DECwindows Motif $GETLKI system service, 3-5 support components, 2-6 Global pages layered product installations required by debugger, 2-43 and DCL Help, 2-16 Global symbols table, 3-8 POSIX Version 1.2 installation requirements, H 2-8 _______________________________ requirement for VMS Version HANGUP characteristic 5.5, 2-15 application LAT devices, RZ23L, RM80, RA80, 2-12 2-54 security Help Message utility (MSGHLP) audit server database restriction, 2-51 files, 2-13 Host-based shadow set audit server database name mounting disks, 2-58 change, 2-13 Host-based volume shadowing auditing configuration, See Volume shadowing 2-13 Index-5 Installation and upgrade Layered product installations restrictions (cont'd) with VMSINSTAL, 2-16 Snapshot facility, 2-15 LICENSE command system time reset, 2-10 restriction removed, 2-7 VAXstation and MicroVAX License PAKs system hangs, 2-16 registering, 2-9 warning messages, 2-16 Linking XGDRIVER, 2-17 with MTHRTL, 3-30 ISO 9660 compact disc Linking device driver images, accessing from an InfoServer 3-8 System, 2-3 Log messages ISO 9660 formatted media in mixed version-cluster, record format workaround, 2-40 2-52 Logical name volume label restriction, using with queue 2-53 characteristics, 2-38 volume set label and volume Logical unit numbers, 2-68 set name restriction, 2-54 LUN volume set name restriction, See logical unit numbers 2-54 M______________________________ K______________________________ Macro directive Kept Debugger .ASCIZ, 3-11 restrictions, 3-18 Manager, queue See Queue managers L______________________________ MASSBUS adapters Label scoping in DCL, 3-12 I/O registers, 3-8 LAN controllers Mathematics run-time library, DEC FDDIcontroller/Q-bus, 3-2 2-43 Memory DEC FDDIcontroller adjusting system parameters /TURBOchannel, 2-43 before adding, 2-30 LAT problem with adding large LATCP CREATE LINK/DECNET amounts, 2-31 command, 2-55 requirements for shadowing, LAT Devices 2-73 changing characteristics, Merge operation 2-57 unnecessary, 2-76 created with HANGUP MicroVAX installation system characteristic, 2-54 hangs, 2-16 LAT protocol Minimerge operation not supported on DEQNA, 2-48 restriction, 2-76 Index-6 Mixed-version cluster, 2-41 Operator log messages restriction for using QMAN-W-NOMSG, 2-40 multiple queue managers, Output jobs 2-42 restriction for VAX FORTRAN MODE SENSE pages carriage control, 2-41 SCSI drivers, 3-29 START/QUEUE/BACKWARD command, MONITOR RMS command 2-41 bucket split, 2-21 MOUNT errors P______________________________ ISO 9660 formatting PAGEDYN system parameter, 2-24 workaround, 2-52 PAKs MOUNT/REBUILD command registering, 2-9 avoids shadowing merge, 2-76 Parameters MSGHLP See System parameters See Help Message utility POLYCENTER Software MSNGENDS error, 1-7 Installation utility, 3-33 MTHRTL executable image access control strings, 2-60 restrictions, 3-30 account statement, 3-35 Multiple queue managers alternate file placement, checks not performed for 3-31 SJC$_LOG_QUEUE item code, compatibility issues, 3-33 3-39 conflict error reporting, checks not performed for 3-31 SUBMIT/PRINTER command, DCL interface, 2-58 1-8 DECwindows Motif interface, restriction, 2-42 2-58 N disk space reporting, 2-59 _______________________________ error reporting, 3-31 NET$PROXY.DAT file, 2-22 execute statement, 3-34 NETPROXY.DAT file, 2-22 file generations, 3-32, 3-33 NOSUCHOBJECT message information statement, 3-33 printing DFS-served files, network object statement, 1-6 3-34 option statement, 3-31 O______________________________ package errors, 3-34 OpenVMS software package operation, 3-35 registering with the partial kits, 3-34 POLYCENTER Software PRODUCT command restriction, Installation utility, 2-60 product installation 2-9 restriction, 2-59 OpenVMS VAX Upgrades registering OpenVMS, 2-9 See Upgrades removing products, 2-60 Index-7 POLYCENTER Software Installation utility Q______________________________ (cont'd) QMAN-W-NOMSG operator log rights identifier statement, message 3-35 in mixed-version cluster, scope support, 3-34 2-40 use of command procedures, Queue characteristics 3-31 restriction, 2-38 POSIX Queue managers, 2-42 installation requirements, checks not performed for 2-8 SJC$_LOG_QUEUE item code, installing with pre-Version 3-39 6.0 of OpenVMS, 2-8 checks not performed for Print jobs SUBMIT/PRINTER command, restriction for VAX FORTRAN 1-8 carriage control, 2-41 Operator log messages in START/QUEUE/BACKWARD command, mixed-version cluster, 2-41 2-40 PRINT/DELETE command, 2-39 Queue Protected Objects, 2-41 Printing files Queuing system requirements, 2-39 and process rights PRINT/NOTIFY command, 1-6 identifiers, 2-41 Problems See Restrictions R______________________________ Problems and Restrictions RA80 disk restrictions, 2-12 See Restrictions Recovery-unit journaled files, Process requirements when 2-21 running debugger, 2-42 Register deferred PRODUCT command notation, 3-11 /DEVICE restriction, 2-60 Remedial kits /DIRECTORY restriction, 2-60 VAXCDU01_060, B-2 /OUTPUT restriction, 2-60 VAXCLIU01_060, A-1 Proxy databases VAXDRIV01_060, A-2 converting, 2-22 VAXF11X01_060, A-2 deleting, 2-22 VAXLAT01_060, A-2 maintaining, 2-22 VAXPHV01_060, A-4 NET$PROXY.DAT, 2-22 VAXSHAD01_060, A-4 NETPROXY.DAT, 2-22 VAXSMUP01_060, A-6 VAXSYS01_060, A-7 VAXSYS02_060, A-7 VAXSYSL01_060, A-7 VAXTTDR01_060, A-8 VAXUTIL01_060, A-8 Index-8 Remote monitoring Restrictions restriction in mixed-version debugger (cont'd) clusters, 2-57 process requirements, Restoring files on the system 2-42 disk, 2-21 system resource Restrictions requirements, 2-43 adding large amounts of DECthreads memory, 2-30, 2-31 problem during exit application LAT devices, handler routine, 3-23 2-54 problem with DEC C RTL, AUTOGEN problem when executed 3-24 from SYSMAN, 2-32 DECTPU for DECwindows Motif, AUTOGEN problem when setting 3-24 to 3-26 parameters, 2-32 READ_KEY and READ_CHAR BACKUP command built-ins, 3-24 /COMPARE and /IMAGE, 2-34 SET (MAPPED_WHEN_MANAGED) standalone failure on VAX built-in, 3-25 4000 Model 300, 2-37 small display monitors, batch and print queuing 3-25 system, 2-38 to 2-42 DECwindows DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC height and width greater command, 2-38 than 32767, 2-45 multiple queue manager in DECwindows Motif VAXclusters, 2-42 Snapshot unsupported by nonsupport of C2-compliant SPXg/gt, 2-47 protected objects, 2-41 start session dialog box, PRINT/DELETE command, 2-45 2-39 WSA pseudo workstation process identifier, 2-41 devices, 2-47 queue manager OPCOM DECwindows transport messages in mixed- implementing new version cluster, 2-40 modifications, 3-26 START/QUEUE/BACKWARD, DEQNA not supported by LAT 2-41 protocol, 2-48 changing LAT device devices set /AVAILABLE, 1-8 characteristics, 2-57 ENDSUBROUTINE command checks not performed with required, 1-7 multiple queue manager, Extended addressing 1-8 possible impact, 2-30 DCL, 1-6 general user-level, 1-6 to DCL subroutine entry points, 1-8 3-12 Help Message utility, 2-51 debugger I/O write operations failure, 3-27 Index-9 Restrictions (cont'd) Restrictions installation and upgrade, ISO 9660 (cont'd) 2-3 to 2-17 volume set label and audit server database volume set name, 2-54 files, 2-13 volume set name, 2-54 audit server database name LAT behavior with DECnet, change, 2-13 2-55 auditing configuration, LICENSE command, 2-7 2-13 MTHRTL, 3-30 Backup on RX01 and TU58, possible future DCL change, 2-13 1-7 DEC LANCE controller programming, 3-12 firmware version, 2-4 symbol name assignments, 1-8 DECnet/OSI, 2-3 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) DECpresent dependencies, utility 2-5 possible system failure, DECwindows 2-70 support components, system management, 2-30 2-6 system services DECwindows Motif BUFQUO error message XUI packaging change, status, 3-40 2-5 $FORMAT_AUDIT InfoServer client inconsistency, 3-39 failure to start, 2-7 $SNDJBC batch queue limit, layered product 3-39 installations and DCL system time Help, 2-16 resetting after January POSIX Version 1.2 1st, 2-61 installation VAX C RTL, 3-39 requirements, 2-8 VAXclusters requirement for VMS remote monitoring in Version 5.5, 2-15 mixed-version clusters, RZ23L, RM80, RA80, 2-12 2-57 Snapshot facility, 2-15 volume shadowing, 2-73 system time reset, 2-10 assisted copy operation VAXstation and MicroVAX resets incorrectly, system hang, 2-16 2-73 warning messages, 2-16 memory requirements, 2-73 XGDRIVER, 2-17 mixed-version clusters, ISO 9660 2-76 files of UNDEFINED record, OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 2-52 requirements, 2-75 volume label, 2-53 Phase I retirement, 2-74 Index-10 Restrictions Shadowing volume shadowing (cont'd) See Volume Shadowing recommended version for SHOW DEVICE console command, KDM70 devices, 2-76 2-66 unnecessary merge SJC$_LOG_QUEUE item code operation, 2-76 check not performed with Writeboot utility, 2-78 multiple queue manager, RF73 disk 3-39 image backups of, 2-52 %SMI-E-OUTRANGE, 2-32 RM80 disk restrictions, 2-12 SMISERVER failures RMS Version 5.n nodes, 2-29 file access block, 3-1 Snapshot facility RMS Journaling BOOT_STYLE parameter, 2-15 Phase V restriction, 2-66 definition, 2-15 RMS$_NETBTS error status, 3-2 $SNDJBC Service Run-time library changes SJC$_LOG_QUEUE item code, CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT routine, 3-39 3-1 SORT command FORTRAN, 3-2 error status with decimal Mathematics, 3-2 string data, 3-2 RZ23L disk restrictions, 2-12 Sort/Merge utility SRTTRN utility not supported, S______________________________ 1-5 SCSI device support SPI$CONNECT macro incompatibility, 3-29 R3 return with SPDT$M_CMDQ, SCSI disk drives and drivers, 3-10 3-29 R4 input, 3-10 SCSI drivers SPI$GET_CONNECTION_CHAR macro MODE SENSE pages, 3-29 characteristics buffer, 3-10 SCSI-2 status Standalone BACKUP getting characteristics, list operation, 2-28 3-10 START/QUEUE/BACKWARD command SCSSYSTEMID system parameter, restriction for jobs using 2-55 VAX FORTRAN carriage Security server, 2-23 control, 2-41 Service Update PAKs (SUPs), $START_TRANS system service, 2-9 3-5 SET QUEUE command, 1-2 StorageWorks RAID Array 110 SHADDETINCOM error Subsystem, 2-66 shadowing bugcheck, 2-29 Striping Shadow sets recommended version, 2-75 mounting disks, 2-58 SUBMIT/DELETE command, 2-40 Index-11 SUBMIT/NOTIFY command, 1-6 System services (cont'd) SUBMIT/PRINTER command $START_TRANS, 3-5 check not performed with SYS$CREMBX, 3-40 multiple queue managers, System time 1-8 resetting after installation Subroutine entry points in and upgrade, 2-10 DCL, 3-12 resetting after January 1st, Symbol name assignment 2-61 restriction, 1-8 SYS$CREMBX system service T______________________________ BUFQUO parameter, 3-40 Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ), SYSBOOT operations 2-66 fatal error during, 2-31 TF857 backup failure on VAX SYSGEN parameters 4000 Model 300, 2-37 See System parameters Time SYSMAN commands, 2-29 resetting after January 1st, SYSMWCNT system parameter, 2-61 2-25 Transaction group SYSTARTUP_V5.COM, 2-14 definition, 2-70 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) example, 2-71 utility TTY_OWNER system parameter, possible system failure, 2-16 2-70 TTY_PROT system parameter, System Management utility 2-16 (SYSMAN) TURBOchannel devices problem when executing booting, 2-42 AUTOGEN, 2-32 System parameters U______________________________ ACP_DINDXCACHE, 2-23 UETP documentation, 1-5 ACP_DIRCACHE, 2-23 Upgrades ACP_HDRCACHE, 2-23 warning messages, 2-16 ACP_MAPCACHE, 2-23 adjusting before adding memory, 2-30 V______________________________ CRDENABLE, 2-16 VAX 4000 Model 300 PAGEDYN, 2-24 backup failure, 2-37 SCSSYSTEMID, 2-55 VAX 4000 series computers SYSMWCNT, 2-25 using the DUP Driver utility, TTY_OWNER, 2-16 2-72 TTY_PROT, 2-16 VAX C RTL xRP, 2-16 differences from DEC C RTL, System services 3-36 $ABORT_TRANS, 3-3 restrictions, 3-39 $END_TRANS, 3-3 $GETLKI, 3-5 Index-12 VAX Instruction Volume shadowing (cont'd) CASE, 3-11 mounting disks in host-based VAXCDU01_060 shadow set, 2-58 remedial kit, B-2 Phase I retirement, 2-74 VAXCLIU01_060 remedial kit, recommended VAXcluster A-1 version, 2-75 VAXcluster systems restrictions, 2-73 recommended version, 2-75 unnecessary merge operation, restriction for using 2-76 multiple queue managers, VT500 series terminals 2-42 baud rates supported, 1-5 shadowing restriction, 2-76 VAXDRIV01_060 remedial kit, W______________________________ A-2 WIDTH argument, 3-39 VAXF11X01_060 remedial kit, Writeback caching A-2 change to defaul, 2-19 VAXLAT01_060 remedial kit, A-2 Writeboot utility VAXPHV01_060 remedial kit, A-4 writing new bootblocks, 2-78 VAXSHAD01_060 remedial kit, A-4 X VAXSMUP01_060 remedial kit, _______________________________ A-6 XGDRIVER driver VAXstation installation no longer shipped, 2-17 system hangs, 2-16 xRP system parameter, 2-16 VAXSYS01_060 remedial kit, A-7 VAXSYS02_060 remedial kit, A-7 VAXSYSL01_060 remedial kit, A-7 VAXTTDR01_060 remedial kit, A-8 VAXUTIL01_060 remedial kit, A-8 VMSINSTAL command procedure with layered product installations, 2-16 Volume shadowing and striping, 2-75 assisted copy operation resets incorrectly, 2-73 connection loss, 2-29 controller-based, 2-74 correction to SHOW DEVICES display, 2-29 host-based, 2-74 memory requirements, 2-73 Index-13