                    OpenVMS Version 6.2
                    New Features Manual

                    Order Number: AA-QJEEA-TE

                    May 1995

                    This manual describes the new features of the OpenVMS
                    VAX Version 6.2 and the OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
                    operating systems.

                    Revision/Update Information:  This is a new manual.

                    Software Version:             OpenVMS Alpha
                                                  Version 6.2
                                                  OpenVMS VAX Version

                    Digital Equipment Corporation
                    Maynard, Massachusetts

              May 1995

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     Preface...................................................     xv

     1  Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

     2  General User Features

           2.1   OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha Systems....    2-1
           2.1.1     Features of the Freeware Disc.............    2-2
           2.1.2     Guidelines for Software...................    2-2
           2.1.3     Submission of Freeware....................    2-3
           2.2   Automatic Foreign Commands from DCL (Paths)...    2-3
           2.3   DCL Commands - Changes and Enhancements.......    2-3
           2.4   Sort/Merge Utility (SORT/MERGE)...............    2-6
           2.5   DCL Commands for TCP/IP Users.................    2-7
           2.6   Specifying User Addresses in Mail.............    2-7

     3  System Management Features

           3.1   OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with
                 OpenVMS.......................................    3-2
           3.1.1     What Can You Do with OpenVMS Management
                     Station?..................................    3-4
           3.1.2     What Account Management Operations Are
                     Supported?................................    3-5
           3.1.3     Where Is OpenVMS Management Station
                     Documented?...............................    3-5
           3.2   Volume Shadowing New Features.................    3-6
           3.2.1     Support for Geometry-Based Shadowing
                     Device Recognition........................    3-6
           3.2.2     Increased Limits on Numbers of Disks
                     Allowed in Shadow Sets....................    3-6
      Configuration Guidelines................    3-7


              3.2.3     StorageWorks RAID Array Subsystem
                        Support...................................    3-8
              3.3   VMScluster Systems New Features...............    3-9
              3.3.1     Support for SCSI Interconnect in a
                        VMScluster System.........................    3-9
              3.3.2     Support for Multiple-Site VMScluster
                        Systems...................................   3-11
              3.3.3     OpenVMS Cluster Client Software...........   3-11
              3.3.4     DECnet Software No Longer Required for
                        VMScluster Software.......................   3-11
              3.3.5     Support for TMSCP Served SCSI Tapes.......   3-12
         No TMSCP Server Support for SCSI
                          Retension Command.......................   3-13
              3.3.6     DECamds Enhancements......................   3-13
              3.3.7     Enhanced Support for HSJ, HSC, and HSD
                        Series Controller Failover................   3-13
              3.3.8     Warranted and Migration VMScluster System
                        Configurations............................   3-13
              3.4   Local Area Network (LAN) Management
                    Enhancements..................................   3-14
              3.5   Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the
                    New LANCP Utility ............................   3-15
              3.5.1     Overview..................................   3-15
              3.5.2     Using LANACP to Boot Satellites...........   3-16
         New Installations.......................   3-16
         Existing Installations..................   3-17
              3.6   AUTOGEN Changes...............................   3-21
              3.6.1     Changes to Computation of SYSMWCNT
                        Parameter.................................   3-21
              3.6.2     Preventing Autoconfigure..................   3-21
              3.6.3     Suppression of Informational Messages.....   3-21
              3.6.4     Preventing AUTOGEN from Running As a
                        Spawned Subprocess........................   3-22
              3.6.5     Overriding Parameters Related to DECnet...   3-22
              3.7   New and Changed System Parameters.............   3-22
              3.8   Backup Manager................................   3-24
              3.9   BACKUP Changes................................   3-24
              3.9.1     New Qualifier, /[NO]ALIAS.................   3-25
              3.9.2     Increased Number of Directory Levels
                        Supported.................................   3-25
              3.10  Full Name Support.............................   3-25
              3.10.1    Use of Full Names with SYSMAN.............   3-25


              3.11  Two Proxy Authorization Files, NETPROXY.DAT
                    and NET$PROXY.DAT.............................   3-26
              3.11.1    Creation of Proxy Authorization Files.....   3-26
              3.11.2    Proxy Modifications.......................   3-27
              3.12  Security Server Process.......................   3-27
              3.13  New LAT System Management Features............   3-28
              3.14  New /NO_SHARE Qualifier for LICENSE MODIFY
                    Command.......................................   3-28
              3.15  Choosing Languages and Date/Time Formats......   3-29
              3.16  Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM)
                    Changes.......................................   3-30
              3.16.1    Enabling Selected Operator Classes........   3-30
              3.16.2    OPC$V_OPR_* Replaces OPR$V_*..............   3-30
              3.16.3    Using OPC$OPA0_ENABLE to Override Values
                        for Workstations..........................   3-30
              3.16.4    Using New Field Names.....................   3-31
              3.17  Invalid Symbiont Message Codes................   3-31
              3.17.1    Informational Invalid Symbiont Messages...   3-31
              3.17.2    Messages That Cause the Queue Manager to
                        Abort the Symbiont........................   3-32
              3.18  Erasing Old Home Blocks.......................   3-33
              3.19  Additional SHUTDOWN.COM Logicals..............   3-34
              3.20  Installing or Upgrading from a Running Alpha
                    System........................................   3-34
              3.21  OpenVMS Support for TCP/IP Networking.........   3-35
              3.22  Dump File Off the System Disk.................   3-35
              3.23  DECamds.......................................   3-35
              3.24  Inclusion of Selected Layered Products........   3-36

        4  ProgrammingFeatures

              4.1   DECnet/OSI Full Name Support..................    4-1
              4.1.1     DECnet/OSI Full Name Support Routines.....    4-2
              4.2   LAN Programming Features......................    4-2
              4.2.1     New Devices and Drivers...................    4-2
              4.2.2     New LAN Device Names and Devices..........    4-3
              4.2.3     New Controller Characteristics............    4-3
              4.2.4     New Procedures for Configuring ISA
                        Devices...................................    4-4
         OpenVMS LAN Devices Requiring
                          Configuration...........................    4-6
        DE202 Ethernet.........................    4-6
        DW110 Token Ring.......................    4-7


              4.3   LAT Programming Features......................    4-8
              4.4   System Services Changes and Enhancements......    4-8
              4.4.1     Intrusion Database System Services........    4-8
              4.4.2     Proxy Database System Services............    4-9
              4.4.3     Cluster Event Notification System
                        Services..................................   4-10
              4.4.4     Persona System Services...................   4-10
         $PERSONA_ASSUME.........................   4-11
         $PERSONA_CREATE.........................   4-13
         $PERSONA_DELETE.........................   4-15
              4.5   OpenVMS Alpha Support for SCSI-2 Devices......   4-16
              4.6   C++ RTL Object Library........................   4-17
              4.7   New Linker Option RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT=........   4-17

        5  DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

              5.1   GENCAT........................................    5-2
              5.1.1     Format....................................    5-2
         Parameters..............................    5-2
         Qualifiers..............................    5-2
              5.1.2     Description...............................    5-2
              5.1.3     Errors....................................    5-6
              5.1.4     Examples..................................    5-6
              5.2   ICONV COMPILE.................................    5-8
              5.2.1     Format....................................    5-8
         Parameters..............................    5-8
         Qualifier...............................    5-9
              5.2.2     Description...............................    5-9
              5.2.3     Errors....................................   5-14
              5.2.4     Example...................................   5-15
              5.3   ICONV CONVERT.................................   5-15
              5.3.1     Format....................................   5-15
         Parameters..............................   5-15
         Qualifiers..............................   5-15
              5.3.2     Description...............................   5-16
              5.3.3     Example...................................   5-16
              5.4   LOCALE COMPILE................................   5-17
              5.4.1     Format....................................   5-17
         Parameter...............................   5-17
         Qualifiers..............................   5-17
              5.4.2     Description...............................   5-19
              5.4.3     Errors....................................   5-19
              5.4.4     Example...................................   5-20


              5.5   LOCALE LOAD...................................   5-20
              5.5.1     Format....................................   5-20
         Parameter...............................   5-20
         Qualifiers..............................   5-21
              5.5.2     Description...............................   5-21
              5.6   LOCALE UNLOAD.................................   5-21
              5.6.1     Format....................................   5-21
         Parameter...............................   5-22
         Qualifiers..............................   5-22
              5.6.2     Description...............................   5-22
              5.7   LOCALE SHOW CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS.............   5-22
              5.7.1     Format....................................   5-22
         Parameters..............................   5-22
         Qualifiers..............................   5-23
              5.7.2     Description...............................   5-23
              5.7.3     Example...................................   5-23
              5.8   LOCALE SHOW CURRENT...........................   5-23
              5.8.1     Format....................................   5-24
         Parameters..............................   5-24
         Qualifiers..............................   5-24
              5.8.2     Description...............................   5-24
              5.8.3     Example...................................   5-25
              5.8.4     Errors....................................   5-26
              5.9   LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC............................   5-26
              5.9.1     Format....................................   5-26
         Parameters..............................   5-26
         Qualifiers..............................   5-26
              5.9.2     Description...............................   5-26
              5.9.3     Example...................................   5-26
              5.10  LOCALE SHOW VALUE.............................   5-27
              5.10.1    Format....................................   5-27
        Parameter...............................   5-27
        Qualifiers..............................   5-31
              5.10.2    Errors....................................   5-31
              5.10.3    Description...............................   5-31
              5.10.4    Examples..................................   5-32
              5.11  Locale File Format............................   5-33
              5.11.1    Locale Categories.........................   5-33
        Overriding Defaults.....................   5-33
        Category Source Definitions.............   5-34


              5.11.2    The LC_COLLATE Category...................   5-35
        The collating-element Statement.........   5-36
        The collating-symbol Statement..........   5-37
        The order_start Statement...............   5-37
              5.11.3    The LC_CTYPE Category.....................   5-41
              5.11.4    The LC_MESSAGES Category..................   5-47
              5.11.5    The LC_MONETARY Category..................   5-48
        LC_MONETARY Keywords....................   5-49
        Monetary Format Variations..............   5-55
              5.11.6    The LC_NUMERIC Category...................   5-57
              5.11.7    The LC_TIME Category......................   5-59
        Keywords................................   5-59
        Field Descriptors.......................   5-64
        Sample Locale Definition................   5-68
              5.12  Character Set Description (Charmap) File .....   5-70
              5.12.1    Portable Character Set....................   5-70
              5.12.2    Components of a Charmap File..............   5-73

        6  Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              6.1   The LANCP Utility.............................    6-5
              6.1.1     Invoking and Exiting the LANCP Utility....    6-6
              6.1.2     LAN Databases.............................    6-7
              6.1.3     LAN Device Management.....................    6-8
         Setting Device Parameters...............    6-9
         Displaying Device Parameters............   6-21
         Displaying Device Configuration.........   6-27
         Firmware Updates........................   6-27
              6.1.4     LANACP Device Database Management.........   6-28
         Entering Devices into the LAN Device
                          Databases...............................   6-29
         Displaying Devices in the LAN Device
                          Databases...............................   6-34
         Deleting Devices from the LAN Device
                          Databases...............................   6-35
         Enabling MOP Downline Load Service......   6-36
         Disabling MOP Downline Load Service.....   6-36
              6.1.5     LANACP Node Database Management...........   6-36
         Entering Nodes into the LAN Node
                          Databases...............................   6-37
         Displaying Devices in the LAN Node
                          Databases...............................   6-42


         Deleting Nodes from the LAN Node
                          Databases...............................   6-43
              6.1.6     LANACP MOP Downline Load Service
                        Management................................   6-43
         Displaying the Status and Counters
                          Data....................................   6-44
         Clearing the Counters Data..............   6-44
         Displaying the Status and Counters Data
                          for Individual Nodes....................   6-44
         OPCOM Messages..........................   6-46
         Load Trace Facility.....................   6-47
              6.1.7     LANCP MOP Console Carrier.................   6-48
              6.1.8     LANCP MOP Trigger Boot....................   6-50
              6.1.9     LANCP Miscellaneous Functions.............   6-52
              6.2   The LANACP LAN Server Process.................   6-52
              6.2.1     Running the LANACP Process................   6-54
              6.2.2     Stopping the LANACP LAN Server Process....   6-54
              6.3   LAN MOP Downline Load Services................   6-54
              6.3.1     Coexistence with DECnet MOP...............   6-54
              6.3.2     Migrating from DECnet MOP to LAN MOP......   6-55
              6.3.3     Using CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and LAN
                        MOP.......................................   6-56
         Sample Satellite Load...................   6-57
         Cross-Architecture Booting..............   6-58

        7  SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              7.1   Conventions Used in This Chapter..............    7-2
              7.1.1     SCSI ANSI Standard........................    7-2
              7.1.2     Symbols Used in Figures...................    7-2
              7.2   Accessing SCSI Storage........................    7-2
              7.2.1     Single-Host SCSI Access in VMScluster
                        Systems...................................    7-3
              7.2.2     Multiple-Host SCSI Access in VMScluster
                        Systems...................................    7-3
              7.3   Configuration Requirements and Hardware
                    Support.......................................    7-3
              7.3.1     Configuration Requirements................    7-3
              7.3.2     Hardware Support..........................    7-5
              7.4   SCSI Interconnect Concepts....................    7-7
              7.4.1     Number of Devices.........................    7-8
              7.4.2     Performance...............................    7-8
              7.4.3     Distance..................................    7-9


              7.4.4     Cabling and Termination...................   7-11
              7.5   SCSI VMScluster Hardware Configurations.......   7-12
              7.5.1     Systems Using Add-On SCSI Adapters........   7-12
         Building a Basic System Using Add-On
                          SCSI Adapters...........................   7-13
         Building a System That Allows a
                          Server to Be Removed (Using DWZZA
                          Converters).............................   7-14
         Building a System That Allows Additional
                          Features and Performance Using an HSZ40
                          Controller..............................   7-15
         Building a System with More Enclosures
                          or Greater Separation...................   7-15
         Planning for the Future.................   7-16
              7.5.2     Building a System Using Internal SCSI
                        Adapters..................................   7-16
              7.6   Installation..................................   7-17
              7.6.1     Step 1: Meet SCSI Grounding
                        Requirements..............................   7-18
              7.6.2     Step 2: Configure SCSI Node IDs...........   7-18
         Configuring Device IDs on Multiple-Host
                          SCSI Buses..............................   7-19
         Configuring Device IDs on Single-Host
                          SCSI Buses..............................   7-19
              7.6.3     Step 3: Power Up and Verify SCSI
                        Devices...................................   7-20
              7.6.4     Step 4: Show and Set SCSI Console
                        Parameters................................   7-23
              7.6.5     Step 5: Install the OpenVMS Operating
                        System....................................   7-26
              7.6.6     Step 6: Configure Additional Systems......   7-27
              7.7   Supplementary Information.....................   7-27
              7.7.1     Running the CLUSTER_CONFIG Command
                        Procedure.................................   7-27
              7.7.2     Errors Reports and OPCOM Messages in
                        Multiple-Host SCSI Environments...........   7-30
         SCSI Bus Resets.........................   7-31
         SCSI Timeouts...........................   7-31
         Mount Verify............................   7-32
         Shadow Volume Processing................   7-33
         Expected OPCOM Messages in Multiple-Host
                          SCSI....................................   7-33
         Error-Log Basics........................   7-34


         Error-Log Entries in Multiple-Host
                          SCSI....................................   7-35
              7.7.3     Restrictions and Known Problems...........   7-36
              7.7.4     Troubleshooting...........................   7-38
         Termination Problems....................   7-38
         Booting or Mounting Failures Caused by
                          Incorrect Configurations................   7-38
        Bugchecks During the Bootstrap
                           Process................................   7-38
        Mount Failures.........................   7-41
         Grounding...............................   7-42
         Interconnect Lengths....................   7-42
              7.7.5     SCSI Arbitration Considerations...........   7-42
         Arbitration Issues in Multiple-Disk
                          Environments............................   7-43
         Solutions for Resolving Arbitration
                          Problems................................   7-44
         Arbitration and Bus Isolators...........   7-45
              7.7.6     Removal and Insertion of SCSI Devices
                        While the VMScluster System is
                        Operating.................................   7-46
         Terminology for Describing Hot
                          Plugging................................   7-46
         Rules for Hot Plugging..................   7-47
         Procedures for Ensuring That a Device or
                          Segment Is Inactive.....................   7-51
         Procedure for Hot Plugging StorageWorks
                          SBB Disks...............................   7-52
         Procedure for Hot Plugging HSZ40s.......   7-52
         Procedure for Hot Plugging Host
                          Adapters................................   7-54
         Procedure for Hot Plugging DWZZAs.......   7-55
              7.7.7     OpenVMS Requirements for Devices Used on
                        Multiple-Host SCSI VMScluster Systems.....   7-57
              7.7.8     Grounding Requirements....................   7-59


        8  VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

              8.1   What Is a Multiple-Site VMScluster System?....    8-1
              8.1.1     ATM, DS3, and FDDI Intersite Links........    8-2
              8.1.2     Benefits of Multiple-Site VMScluster
                        Systems ..................................    8-3
              8.1.3     General Configuration Guidelines..........    8-5
              8.2   Using FDDI to Configure Multiple-Site
                    VMScluster Systems............................    8-5
              8.3   Using WAN Services to Configure Multiple-Site
                    VMScluster Systems............................    8-6
              8.3.1     The ATM Communications Service............    8-7
              8.3.2     The DS3 Communications Service............    8-7
              8.3.3     FDDI-to-WAN Bridges.......................    8-8
              8.3.4     Guidelines for Configuring ATM and DS3 in
                        a VMScluster System.......................    8-8
         Requirements............................    8-9
         Recommendations.........................   8-10
              8.3.5     Availability Considerations...............   8-13
              8.3.6     Specifications............................   8-13
              8.4   Managing VMScluster Systems Across Multiple
                    Sites.........................................   8-27
              8.4.1     Methods and Tools.........................   8-29
              8.4.2     Shadowing Data............................   8-29
              8.4.3     Monitoring Performance....................   8-30

        A  New OpenVMS System Messages



              4-1       Using the isacfg Command at the Console
                        Prompt....................................    4-6

              4-2       Using the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT
                        Entry.....................................    4-6

              4-3       Using the isacfg Command at the Console
                        Prompt....................................    4-7

              4-4       Using the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT
                        Entry.....................................    4-7

              7-1       Adding a Node to a SCSI VMScluster........   7-29



              3-1       Sample OpenVMS Management Station
                        Screen....................................    3-3

              3-2       Managing User Accounts with OpenVMS
                        Management Station........................    3-4

              7-16      SCSI Bus Topology.........................   7-48

              7-17      Hot Plugging a Bus Isolator...............   7-49

              8-2       Multiple-Site VMScluster Configuration
                        with Remote Satellites ...................    8-5

              8-3       ATM/SONET OC-3 Service....................    8-7

              8-4       DS3 Service...............................    8-8


              1-1       Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                        Version 6.2 Software Features.............    1-1

              2-1       DCL Dictionary Command Updates............    2-3

              3-1       Number of Shadow Sets Supported...........    3-7

              3-2       SCSI VMScluster System Hardware...........   3-10

              3-3       The TMSCP_SERVE_ALL System Parameter......   3-12

              3-4       New and Changed System Parameters.........   3-23

              3-5       Informational Invalid Symbiont Message
                        Type Definitions..........................   3-32

              3-6       Invalid Symbiont Message Definitions......   3-33

              4-1       Supported Communication Devices...........    4-2

              4-2       LAN Device Names and Devices..............    4-3

              4-3       Ethernet Controller Device
                        Characteristics...........................    4-4

              4-4       ISA Configuring Concepts..................    4-5

              4-5       Intrusion Database System Services........    4-8

              4-6       Proxy Database System Services............    4-9

              4-7       Cluster Event Notification System
                        Services..................................   4-10

              4-8       OpenVMS Alpha Tagged Command Queuing
                        Support...................................   4-16

              5-1       Special Characters........................    5-5

              5-2       Codeset Declarations......................   5-10

              5-3       Locale Categories and Keywords............   5-27


              5-4       LC_COLLATE Category Keywords..............   5-36

              5-5       LC_CTYPE Category Keywords................   5-41

              5-6       LC_MESSAGES Category Keywords.............   5-47

              5-7       LC_MONETARY Category Keywords.............   5-49

              5-8       Monetary Format Variations................   5-56

              5-9       LC_NUMERIC Category Keywords..............   5-57

              5-10      LC_TIME Category Keywords.................   5-59

              5-11      LC_TIME Locale Field Descriptors..........   5-65

              5-12      Portable Character Set....................   5-70

              6-1       LAN System Management Enhancements........    6-2

              6-2       Functions of the LANCP Utility............    6-5

              6-3       Invoking the LANCP Utility................    6-6

              6-4       LAN Devices...............................    6-9

              6-5       LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers.......   6-11

              6-6       Default Functional Address Mapping for
                        Token Ring Devices........................   6-20

              6-7       LANCP SHOW DEVICE Command Qualifiers......   6-22

              6-8       LANCP DEVICE Command Qualifiers...........   6-30

              6-9       LANCP NODE Command Qualifiers.............   6-38

              6-10      LANCP CONNECT NODE Command Qualifiers.....   6-49

              6-11      LANCP TRIGGER NODE Command Qualifiers.....   6-51

              6-12      The LANACP Utility........................   6-52

              7-1       Requirements for SCSI VMScluster
                        Configurations............................    7-4

              7-2       Supported Hardware for SCSI VMScluster
                        Systems...................................    7-6

              7-3       Maximum Data Transfer Rates in Megabytes
                        per Second................................    7-9

              7-4       Maximum SCSI Interconnect Distances.......   7-10

              7-5       Internal SCSI Cable Lengths...............   7-17

              7-6       Steps for Installing a SCSI VMScluster
                        System....................................   7-18

              7-7       SCSI Environment Parameters...............   7-23

              7-8       Steps for Installing Additional Nodes.....   7-27

              7-9       Steps for Ensuring Proper Grounding.......   7-59

              8-1       DS3 Protocol Options......................   8-10

              8-2       Bellcore and VMScluster Requirements and
                        Goals Terminology.........................   8-15


              8-3       VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error
                        Performance Requirements..................   8-16




        Intended Audience

              This manual is intended for general users, system managers,
              and programmers who use the OpenVMS operating system.

              This document contains descriptions of the new features for
              Version 6.2 of the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha operating
              systems. For information about how some of the new features
              might affect your system, read the OpenVMS Version 6.2
              Release Notes before you install, upgrade, or use Version

        Document Structure

              This manual is organized as follows:

              o  Chapter 1 contains a summary of the new OpenVMS Version
                 6.2 software features.

              o  Chapter 2 describes new features of interest to general
                 users of the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
                 operating systems.

              o  Chapter 3 describes new features that are applicable to
                 the tasks performed by system managers.

              o  Chapter 4 describes new features that support
                 programming tasks.

              o  Chapter 5 describes the new DEC C XPG4 localization

              o  Chapter 6 describes local area network (LAN) management


              o  Chapter 7 describes how VMScluster systems support the
                 Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) as a storage

              o  Chapter 8 discusses multiple-site VMScluster

              o  Appendix A describes new or changed messages from the
                 Help Message database.

        Related Documents

              Refer to the following documents for detailed information
              about the software features described in this manual.
              For more information about how to order these documents,
              see the Overview of OpenVMS Documentation or contact your
              Digital representative.

              o  DEC C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS

              o  DECamds User's Guide

              o  DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual

              o  DECnet/OSI DECdns Management

              o  Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations

              o  OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation

              o  OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

              o  OpenVMS Guide to System Security

              o  OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual

              o  OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual

              o  OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes

              o  OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual

              o  OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

              o  OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

              o  OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help
                 Message Users

              o  OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual


              o  OpenVMS User's Manual

              o  OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual

              o  OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release Notes

              o  TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems

              o  VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS


              The name of the OpenVMS AXP operating system has been
              changed to OpenVMS Alpha. Any references to OpenVMS AXP
              or AXP are synonymous with OpenVMS Alpha or Alpha.

              The following conventions are used to identify information
              specific to OpenVMS Alpha or to OpenVMS VAX:

              In this manual, every use of DECwindows and DECwindows
              Motif refers to DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.

              The following conventions are also used in this manual:

              Ctrl/x           A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that
                               you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl
                               while you press another key or a pointing
                               device button.

              <Return>         In examples, a key name enclosed in a
                               box indicates that you press a key on
                               the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not
                               enclosed in a box.)

               . . .           Horizontal ellipsis points in
                               examples indicate one of the following

                               o  Additional optional arguments in a
                                  statement have been omitted.

                               o  The preceding item or items can be
                                  repeated one or more times.

                               o  Additional parameters, values, or other
                                  information can be entered.


              .                Vertical ellipsis points indicate the
              .                omission of items from a code example
              .                or command format; the items are omitted
                               because they are not important to the
                               topic being discussed.

              ( )              In command format descriptions,
                               parentheses indicate that, if you choose
                               more than one option, you must enclose the
                               choices in parentheses.

              [ ]              In command format descriptions, brackets
                               indicate optional elements. You can
                               choose one, none, or all of the options.
                               (Brackets are not optional, however, in
                               the syntax of a directory name in an
                               OpenVMS file specification or in the
                               syntax of a substring specification in
                               an assignment statement.)

              { }              In command format descriptions, braces
                               indicate a required choice of options; you
                               must choose one of the options listed.

              boldface text    Boldface text represents the introduction
                               of a new term or the name of an argument,
                               an attribute, or a reason.

                               Boldface text is also used to show user
                               input in Bookreader versions of the

              italic text      Italic text indicates important
                               information, complete titles of
                               manuals, or variables. Variables include
                               information that varies in system
                               messages (Internal error number), in
                               command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in
                               command parameters in text (where device-
                               name contains up to five alphanumeric

              UPPERCASE TEXT   Uppercase text indicates a command, the
                               name of a routine, the name of a file, or
                               the abbreviation for a system privilege.


              struct           Monospace type in text identifies the
                               following C programming language elements:
                               keywords, the names of independently
                               compiled external functions and files,
                               syntax summaries, and references to
                               variables or identifiers introduced in
                               an example.

              -                A hyphen in code examples indicates that
                               additional arguments to the request are
                               provided on the line that follows.

              numbers          All numbers in text are assumed to be
                               decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal
                               radixes-binary, octal, or hexadecimal-are
                               explicitly indicated.



                                      Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

              This chapter contains Table 1-1, which summarizes the new
              software features supported by OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS
              Alpha Version 6.2.

        Table 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
                  Software Features

                              General User Features

        OpenVMS Freeware      Contains free software tools and utilities
        disc                  to aid software developers in creating
                              applications, and managing and using
                              OpenVMS systems.

        Automatic foreign     It is now possible to tell DCL to search a
        commands from DCL     specific set of directories for executable
                              images or command procedures and have them
                              automatically invoked without defining a
                              DCL symbol.

        DCL commands          Several DCL commands have been changed or

        Sort/Merge utility    The VALUE keyword is now available.

        DCL commands for      Several DCL commands have new qualifiers
        TCP/IP users          that make frequently used TCP/IP functions
                              easier to access.

        Specifying user       Permits user addresses to be specified
        addresses in Mail     in the Internet format without requiring
                              a transport name or quotes (unless the
                              address contains reserved characters).

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                  Summary of Version 6.2 New Features 1-1

        Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                              System Management Features

        OpenVMS Management    This powerful Microsoft Windows based
        Station               management tool is now bundled with OpenVMS

        Volume Shadowing      New features include:

                              o  Support for geometry-based shadowing
                                 device recognition

                              o  Increased limits on numbers of disks
                                 allowed in shadow sets

                              o  StorageWorks RAID Array subsystem

        VMScluster systems    Includes support for SCSI interconnect,
                              multiple-site clusters, and TMSCP served
                              SCSI tapes.

        Local area network    Two new LAN utilities perform system
        (LAN) management      management tasks related to LAN operations.

        Booting VMScluster    The new LANCP facility allows VMScluster
        satellite nodes       systems to boot satellites without the use
                              of DECnet and provides several features not
                              available with DECnet MOP booting.

        AUTOGEN               Changes to computation of SYSMWCNT
                              parameter, suppression of informational
                              messages, and overriding parameters related
                              to DECnet.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        1-2 Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

                                      Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                              System Management Features

        System parameters     New parameters:

                              o  DR_UNIT_BASE

                              o  RMTDBG_SCRATCH_PAGES (Alpha systems

                              o  TMSCP_SERVE_ALL

                              o  VCC_PTES (VAX systems only)

                              Changed parameters:

                              o  LGI_BRK_LIM, minimum value now 1

                              o  SHADOWING, new values

        Backup Manager        Provides a screen-oriented interface to the
                              OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP).

        OpenVMS BACKUP        The new /[NO]ALIAS qualifier allows users
                              more control over how alias (synonym) file
                              entries are processed by the OpenVMS Backup

                              BACKUP now supports up to 32 directory

        Full names            Naming conventions for DECnet node names
                              correspond to the two types of DECnet

        Two proxy             OpenVMS Version 6.2 offers two proxy
        authorization files   authorization files, NET$PROXY.DAT (the
                              primary proxy database) and NETPROXY.DAT
                              (for use by DECnet for OpenVMS and for
                              backward compatibility).

        Security Server       Creates and manages the system's intrusion
        process               database, and maintains the network proxy
                              database file.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                  Summary of Version 6.2 New Features 1-3

        Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                              System Management Features

        LAT                   New features have been added to the
                              SET HOST/LAT command, the LAT Control
                              Program (LATCP) utility, and the
                              programming environment.

        LICENSE MODIFY        The new /[NO]NO_SHARE qualifier lets you
        command               add the NO_SHARE option to a PAK registered
                              in a license database (LDB).

        Choosing languages    System managers can select the time and
        and date/time         date formats for many SHOW commands from a
        formats               predefined list or define new time and date

        OPCOM                 Changes include enabling selected
                              operator classes, overriding values for
                              workstations, and new field names.

        Invalid symbiont      The invalid symbiont message errors logged
        message codes         to the operator console and operator log
                              file now contain integer values that
                              identify why the symbiont message was

        Erasing old home      The new /HOMEBLOCKS qualifier on the
        blocks                ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command enables
                              you to erase old home blocks.

        Determining volume    You can now find out whether volumes that
        rebuild status        are mounted need rebuilding using the
                              SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS command.

        SHUTDOWN.COM          Two new logicals in the SHUTDOWN.COM
        logicals              command procedure allow system managers to
                              determine the time when DECnet and queues
                              are shut down.

        Installing or         Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2,
        upgrading from a      you can install or upgrade from a running
        running Alpha system  OpenVMS Alpha system to a target system

                                                 (continued on next page)

        1-4 Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

                                      Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                              System Management Features

        OpenVMS TCP/IP        New OpenVMS manual describes TCP/IP
        support               networking support, including DCL TCP/IP

        Dump file off the     On some VAX configurations, the system dump
        system disk (VAX      file can be placed on a device other than
        systems only)         the system disk.

        DECamds               Console now supported on OpenVMS Alpha
                              systems. In addition, DECamds now has
                              the ability to adjust VMScluster quorum
                              values and supports some new customization

        Inclusion of          The OpenVMS CD-ROM distribution kit has
        selected layered      been expanded to include many software
        products on           products that previously required the
        distribution kit      purchase of additional CD-ROMs. Also,
                              all OpenVMS online documentation will now
                              be included on one OpenVMS documentation


        DECnet/OSI full       Several run-time routines and system
        names                 services are provided to support DECnet/OSI
                              full names.

        LAN (Alpha systems    LAN programming features added to OpenVMS
        only)                 Alpha Version 6.2 include:

                              o  New devices and drivers

                              o  New LAN device names and devices

                              o  New controller characteristics

                              o  New procedures for configuring ISA

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                  Summary of Version 6.2 New Features 1-5

        Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

                Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                      Programming Features

        LAT                   $QIO has a new LAT function modifier and a
                              new LAT SENSEMODE argument.

        System services       Intrusion database system services:

                              o  $DELETE_INTRUSION

                              o  $SCAN_INTRUSION

                              o  $SHOW_INTRUSION

                              Proxy database system services:

                              o  $ADD_PROXY

                              o  $DELETE_PROXY

                              o  $DISPLAY_PROXY

                              o  $VERIFY_PROXY

                              Cluster event notification system services:

                              o  $CLRCLUEVT

                              o  $SETCLUEVT

                              o  $TSTCLUEVT

                              Persona system services:

                              o  $PERSONA_ASSUME

                              o  $PERSONA_CREATE

                              o  $PERSONA_DELETE

        OpenVMS Alpha         On Alpha systems, OpenVMS now supports the
        programming support   tagged command queuing architecture of the
        for SCSI-2 devices    SCSI-2 standard.

        C++ RTL object        Object modules are now available in
        library               SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.OLB.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        1-6 Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

                                      Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                    Programming Features

        Linker                The new linker option,
                              RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT=, enables or disables
                              RMS related name context processing within
                              the linker option file.

                       DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

        Localization          OpenVMS Version 6.2 provides XPG4-compliant
        utilities             utilities for managing localization data
                              for international software applications or
                              layered products.

                Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Two new LAN           You can perform the following system
        utilities             management tasks related to LAN operations:

                              o  Set LAN parameters to customize the LAN

                              o  Display LAN settings and counters.

                              o  Provide Maintenance Operations Protocol
                                 (MOP) downline load support for booting

                  SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

        Storage interconnect  VMScluster systems now support the Small
                              Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) as a
                              shared multihost storage interconnect.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                  Summary of Version 6.2 New Features 1-7

        Summary of Version 6.2 New Features

        Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
                          Version 6.2 Software Features

                  VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Multiple-site         VMScluster systems can have member nodes
        VMScluster            in geographically separate areas, using the
        configurations        new DS3 and ATM communications service.

        1-8 Summary of Version 6.2 New Features


                                                    General User Features

              This chapter provides the following new features
              information for all users of the OpenVMS operating system:

              o  OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha systems

              o  Automatic foreign commands from DCL (paths)

              o  DCL commands - changes and enhancements

              o  New keyword for Sort/Merge utility

              o  DCL commands for TCP/IP users

              o  Specifying user addresses in Mail

        2.1 OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha Systems

              OpenVMS Engineering is sponsoring an OpenVMS Freeware
              CD-ROM, which contains "public domain" and "freeware"
              software that runs on OpenVMS Version 6.0 or later. The
              purpose of the OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM is to provide
              OpenVMS customers with easy access to public domain
              software and free internal Digital software and tools.

              The OpenVMS Freeware disc contains free software tools
              and utilities to aid software developers in both creating
              applications and managing or using OpenVMS systems. Many of
              these tools are popular packages already in use, and others
              are internally developed Digital tools that our engineers
              are making available to OpenVMS customers. For example,
              this disc includes Bliss-32 for OpenVMS VAX, Bliss-32 for
              OpenVMS Alpha, and Bliss-64 for OpenVMS Alpha.

                                                General User Features 2-1

        General User Features
        2.1 OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha Systems

        2.1.1 Features of the Freeware Disc

              The Freeware disc includes the following features:

              o  An easy-to-use 4GL-based menu system for examining the
                 contents of the CD-ROM

              o  Files-11 format to make it readable on OpenVMS systems

              o  Binaries, source code (except for the Bliss compilers),
                 and documentation

              o  Some of the most popular free packages, plus new items
                 never before made public

                ____ Disclaimer on Testing, Quality, and Licensing ____

                The OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha Systems CD-ROM
                is provided "as is" without a warranty. Digital
                imposes no restrictions on its distribution nor on the
                redistribution of anything on it. Be aware, however,
                that some of the packages on the disc may carry
                restrictions on their use, imposed by the original
                authors. Therefore, you should carefully read the
                documentation accompanying the products.


        2.1.2 Guidelines for Software

              The guidelines for the software to be contained on the
              OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM are:

              o  The software is unencumbered to the public. No license
                 fees shall be requested of or required by the customer
                 for its use.

              o  The software must run on OpenVMS Version 6.0 or later.

              o  Digital does not issue a warranty for this software.

              o  Digital does not provide services for this software, fix
                 the software, or guarantee that it works correctly.

              o  Customers are free to adapt the source files to their

        2-2 General User Features

                                                    General User Features
                           2.1 OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and Alpha Systems

        2.1.3 Submission of Freeware

              Instructions for submission of software are included on the

        2.2 Automatic Foreign Commands from DCL (Paths)

              In previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system, DCL
              symbols needed to be defined to implement user-defined or
              foreign commands.

              With this release of the OpenVMS operating system, it
              is now possible in many cases to tell DCL to search a
              specific set of directories for executable images or
              command procedures and have them automatically invoked
              without defining a DCL symbol.

              For more information, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.

        2.3 DCL Commands - Changes and Enhancements

              Table 2-1 lists the new and updated DCL commands. Refer to
              the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details.

              Note that BOOT and LOGIN have been added as keywords to the
              /BEFORE and /SINCE qualifiers for many commands to select
              files dated prior to or since the last system boot or the
              user's last login.

              Table 2-1 DCL Dictionary Command Updates

              Command               DCL Dictionary Modification

              ANALYZE/IMAGE         Documentation updated

              APPEND                /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              ASSIGN                /USER_MODE (updated)

              COPY                  /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)
                                    /TRUNCATE (updated)
                                    /WRITE_CHECK (updated)

              CREATE/NAME_TABLE     /USER_MODE (updated)

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                                General User Features 2-3

        General User Features
        2.3 DCL Commands - Changes and Enhancements

              Table 2-1 (Cont.) DCL Dictionary Command Updates

              Command               DCL Dictionary Modification

              DEASSIGN              /USER_MODE (updated)

              DEFINE                /USER_MODE (updated)

              DELETE                /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              DIFFERENCES           /CHANGE_BAR (updated)

              DIRECTORY             /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)
                                    /TIME (added)

              EXCHANGE/NETWORK      /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              F$CONTEXT lexical     NEQ (updated)

              F$GETQUI lexical      INTERVENING_BLOCKS (added)
                                    INTERVENING_JOBS (added)

              F$GETSYI lexical      ++CONSOLE_VERSION (added)
                                    ++PALCODE_VERSION (added)
                                    QUANTUM (added)
                                    USED_GBLPAGCNT (added)
                                    USED_GBLPAGMAX (added)
                                    CLUSTER_EVOTES (added)
                                    NODE_EVOTES (added)
                                    REAL_CPUTYPE (added)

              INITIALIZE            /DENSITY (updated)

              PRINT                 /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              PURGE                 /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              RECALL                Documentation (updated)

              RENAME                /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /INHERIT_SECURITY (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              RUN (process)         Documentation updated

              ++Alpha specific.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        2-4 General User Features

                                                    General User Features
                              2.3 DCL Commands - Changes and Enhancements

              Table 2-1 (Cont.) DCL Dictionary Command Updates

              Command               DCL Dictionary Modification

              SEARCH                /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /KEY (added)
                                    /MATCH=XOR (added)
                                    /MATCH=EQV (added)
                                    /SINCE (updated)
                                    /WARNINGS (added)

              SET AUDIT             /ENABLE=(AUDIT=ILLFORMED) (added)

              SET DIRECTORY         /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              SET FILE              /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)
                                    Example (added)

              SET HOST/DTE          Baud rates (updated)

              SET HOST/LAT          /DIAL (added)
                                    /[NO]EIGHT_BIT (added)
                                    /SPEED (added)

              SET MAGTAPE           Documentation updated

              SET SECURITY          /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              SET TERMINAL          /SECURE_SERVER (updated)

              SET TIME              /CLUSTER (now supported)

              SET VOLUME            Documentation updated

              SHOW DEVICES          /REBUILD_STATUS (added)

              SHOW DEVICES/SERVED   /EXACT (added)
                                    /HIGHLIGHT (added)
                                    /PAGE (added)
                                    /SEARCH (added)

              SHOW PROCESS          /DUMP (added)
                                    /INTERVAL (updated)

              SHOW SECURITY         /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                                General User Features 2-5

        General User Features
        2.3 DCL Commands - Changes and Enhancements

              Table 2-1 (Cont.) DCL Dictionary Command Updates

              Command               DCL Dictionary Modification

              SHOW SYSTEM           /[NO]BATCH (updated)
                                    /[NO]HEADING (added)
                                    /IDENT (added)
                                    /[NO]INTERACTIVE (added)
                                    /[NO]NETWORK (updated)
                                    /OWNER_UIC (added)
                                    /[NO]PROCESS (updated)
                                    /STATE (added)
                                    /[NO]SUBPROCESS (updated)
                                    Examples (added)

              SHOW TERMINAL         /BRIEF (added)
                                    /FULL (added)
                                    Examples (added)

              SHOW USERS            /[NO]BATCH (updated)
                                    /[NO]HEADING (added)
                                    /[NO]INTERACTIVE (updated)
                                    /[NO]NETWORK (updated)
                                    /[NO]SUBPROCESS (updated)
                                    Examples (added)

              SPAWN                 Documentation updated

              STOP                  Documentation updated

              SUBMIT                /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)

              TYPE                  /BEFORE (updated)
                                    /SINCE (updated)
                                    /TAIL (updated)

        2.4 Sort/Merge Utility (SORT/MERGE)

              The VALUE keyword is now available for use with the /FIELD
              qualifier in Sort/Merge specification files. The VALUE
              keyword allows you to define a constant field and assign it
              a value of any valid Sort/Merge data-type. You can use this
              constant field in /KEY, /DATA, and /CONDITION statements.

        2-6 General User Features

                                                    General User Features
                                      2.4 Sort/Merge Utility (SORT/MERGE)

              The following are sample formats for the /FIELD qualifier:



              If you specify VALUE:n, do not specify POSITION:n. The
              VALUE field is a constant and is not part of an input

              For more information about the Sort/Merge utility, see the
              OpenVMS User's Manual.

        2.5 DCL Commands for TCP/IP Users

              Several DCL commands have new qualifiers that make
              frequently used TCP/IP functions easier to access and
              better integrated. Some of these commands are:

              o  COPY /FTP

              o  COPY /RCP

              o  DIRECTORY /FTP

              o  SET HOST /RLOGIN

              o  SET HOST /TELNET

              o  SET HOST /TN3270

              Note that in order for the new commands to work, you must
              install a TCP/IP product that supports them. DEC TCP/IP
              Services for OpenVMS (UCX) Version 3.2 supports only
              the SET HOST /RLOGIN command; the other commands require
              Version 3.3.

              For more information, see TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS

        2.6 Specifying User Addresses in Mail

              When you use the Mail utility or callable Mail routines,
              you can now specify user addresses in the Internet format
              without specifying the transport or quotes (unless the
              address contains reserved characters).

                                                General User Features 2-7

        General User Features
        2.6 Specifying User Addresses in Mail

              For example, in previous versions of OpenVMS,
              SMTP%"user@node.org" was required to send mail to an
              Internet address. The string may now be specified as

              o  If the Internet transport on your machine is not SMTP,
                 then the logical name MAIL$INTERNET_TRANSPORT may be
                 defined to select an alternate transport.

              o  The user@node syntax can also be used to specify a
                 DECnet phase IV node name or a DECnet/OSI alias. In
                 this case, it is treated as node::user.

        2-8 General User Features

                                                    General User Features
                                    2.6 Specifying User Addresses in Mail

              Note the following:

              o  This feature is available in character-cell mail and
                 DECwindows mail.

              o  Although this change removes the requirement that you
                 include the transport and quotes when specifying a user
                 address, you must still include quotes if you choose to
                 specify the transport.

              o  You can specify the user@node.org format only from a
                 local system.

              For more information about the Mail utility, see the
              OpenVMS User's Manual. For more information about callable
              Mail, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual.

                                                General User Features 2-9


                                               System Management Features

              This chapter contains information about the following new
              features, changes, and enhancements for system managers:

              o  OpenVMS Management Station bundled with OpenVMS

              o  Volume Shadowing new features

              o  VMScluster systems new features

              o  Local area network (LAN) management enhancements

              o  Booting VMScluster satellite nodes using the new LANCP

              o  AUTOGEN changes

              o  New and changed system parameters

              o  Backup Manager

              o  New OpenVMS BACKUP features

              o  Full name support

              o  Two proxy authorization files, NETPROXY.DAT and

              o  Security Server process

              o  New LAT system management features

              o  New /NO_SHARE qualifier for LICENSE MODIFY command

              o  Choosing languages and date/time formats

              o  Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM) changes

              o  Invalid symbiont message codes

              o  Erasing old home blocks

              o  Additional SHUTDOWN.COM logicals

              o  Installing or upgrading from a running Alpha system

                                           System Management Features 3-1

        System Management Features

              o  OpenVMS support for Transmission Control Protocol
                 /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networking

              o  Dump file off the system disk (VAX systems only)

              o  DECamds

              o  Inclusion of selected layered products

        3.1 OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with OpenVMS

              OpenVMS Management Station is a powerful Microsoft Windows
              based management tool for system managers and others who
              perform account management tasks on OpenVMS systems.
              OpenVMS Management Station provides a comprehensive user
              interface to OpenVMS account management across multiple

              OpenVMS Management Station coexists with all of the current
              OpenVMS system management utilities.

              Figure 3-1 shows a sample OpenVMS Management Station

        3-2 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                      3.1 OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with OpenVMS

              Figure 3-1 Sample OpenVMS Management Station Screen

              OpenVMS Management Station addresses the problem of having
              to use multiple OpenVMS utilities to manage OpenVMS
              accounts. For example, creating an account traditionally
              consists of the following steps:

              o  Adding a UAF entry

              o  Granting rights identifiers

              o  Creating a directory

              o  Creating disk quotas

              o  Granting network proxies

              This operation requires you to use DCL, the Authorize
              utility, and the DISKQUOTA component of the System
              Management utility. OpenVMS Management Station provides
              an easy-to-use interface to this process so that you do not
              need to use multiple utilities.

                                           System Management Features 3-3

        System Management Features
        3.1 OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with OpenVMS

              OpenVMS Management Station consists of two components. You

              o  The Microsoft Windows based client software on a PC to
                 perform all management operations

              o  The server component on all of the OpenVMS systems you
                 want to manage

              You do not interact directly with the server component.

        3.1.1 What Can You Do with OpenVMS Management Station?

              OpenVMS Management Station allows you to organize the
              systems you need to manage in ways that are meaningful
              to you and your environment, and allows you to manage user
              accounts on those systems.

              You can easily manage user accounts across multiple OpenVMS
              systems, depending on your needs. The systems might be some
              of the clusters in a network, all of the systems on a given
              floor of a building, a mix of clusters and nonclustered
              nodes, and so forth.

              Figure 3-2 shows how a screen might look when you are
              managing user accounts.

              Figure 3-2 Managing User Accounts with OpenVMS Management

        3-4 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                      3.1 OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with OpenVMS

              You can use OpenVMS Management Station to manage
              OpenVMS user accounts in a convenient, easy manner. For
              example, when creating an account on multiple systems,
              OpenVMS Management Station can add a user authorization
              file (UAF) entry, grant rights identifiers, create an
              OpenVMS directory, set a disk quota, set up OpenVMS Mail
              characteristics, and so forth, for each instance of the

              OpenVMS Management Station manages the following OpenVMS

              o  SYSUAF.DAT user authorization file

              o  RIGHTSLIST.DAT user rights file

              o  Network proxy database

              o  Account login-directory trees

              o  User account disk quotas

              o  OpenVMS Mail VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA file

        3.1.2 What Account Management Operations Are Supported?

              OpenVMS Management Station supports the following account
              management operations:

              o  Creating user accounts

              o  Modifying user accounts (any aspect)

              o  Deleting user accounts

              o  Renaming user accounts

              o  Displaying user account attributes

        3.1.3 Where Is OpenVMS Management Station Documented?

              The features and functions of OpenVMS Management
              Station are completely described in extensive Microsoft
              Windows help files. The help files include step-by-step
              instructions and numerous examples.

              The OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes
              document provides an overview of OpenVMS Management Station
              and describes how to get started using the software.

                                           System Management Features 3-5

        System Management Features
        3.1 OpenVMS Management Station Bundled with OpenVMS

              Information about installing OpenVMS Management Station on
              your Alpha or VAX computer and your PC is located in the
              following manuals:

              o  OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation

              o  OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual

        3.2 Volume Shadowing New Features

              Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS contains the following new

              o  Support for geometry-based shadowing device recognition

              o  Increased limits on numbers of disks allowed in shadow

              o  StorageWorks RAID Array Subsystem support

              In addition to these new features in Volume Shadowing,
              OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2
              now support the HSJ40, HSJ30, HSD30, HSZ40, and HSD05
              controllers. See the OpenVMS SPD for the complete list
              of controllers and firmware.

        3.2.1 Support for Geometry-Based Shadowing Device Recognition

              Formerly, Volume Shadowing checked device IDs and the
              maximum logical block numbers (LBNs) on devices. With this
              release, Volume Shadowing checks for geometries and maximum
              LBNs instead. This enables devices such as the RZ28 and
              the RZ28B to operate in the same shadow set. Even though
              their device IDs differ, their geometries and maximum LBNs
              will match when configured on like controllers (two HSJ
              controllers, for example).

        3.2.2 Increased Limits on Numbers of Disks Allowed in Shadow Sets

              Table 3-1 shows the new limits for numbers of disks allowed
              in shadow sets:

        3-6 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                        3.2 Volume Shadowing New Features

              Table 3-1 Number of Shadow Sets Supported

              Type of Shadow
              Set              Sets Supported

              Single member    Unlimited sets

              Multimember      Total of 400 disks in two- and three-
                               member sets, or both

              These limits apply per cluster. For example, 400 total
              disks could be configured into 200 two-member shadow
              sets or into 133 three-member shadow sets per cluster. If
              single, two- and three-member shadow sets are all present
              on a single cluster, then a maximum of 400 disks may be
              contained in the two- and three-member shadow sets. Configuration Guidelines

              Increasing the number of shadow sets supported on an
              OpenVMS cluster also increases the risk that the system
              overhead required to perform shadowing functionality
              will exceed customer expectations. Customers are urged
              to use care in configuring clusters with large numbers of
              shadow sets. The Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS manual is the
              best source for shadowing configuration information. The
              following are areas where users of the shadowing product
              should use caution:

              o  Shadow copy/merge performance

                 The purpose of the shadowing product is to enhance
                 storage availability. Copy and merge operations may
                 have an impact on performance.

                 Shadow copy/merge operations require that the entire
                 disk be accessed. On very large devices that are not
                 attached to controllers with shadowing assists, this
                 can take a long time. A shadow copy on a one-gigabyte
                 disk without copy assists will take about an hour. It
                 will take longer if the copy operation competes with
                 heavy user I/O, is served over a slow Ethernet link,
                 or both. A large number of shadow sets performing copy
                 /merge operations in parallel will compete for system
                 resources. The system overhead involved in performing
                 shadow copy and merge may limit the number of shadow
                 sets mounted on a given system or cluster.

                                           System Management Features 3-7

        System Management Features
        3.2 Volume Shadowing New Features

              o  Satellite-initiated copy/merge is not recommended

                 Cluster satellite nodes should set the system parameter
                 SHADOW_MAX_COPY to zero. This will prevent copy and
                 merge operations from occurring over the Ethernet.
                 This is especially important for slow Ethernet links
                 or for high Ethernet traffic. Satellite nodes doing a
                 large number of copies or merges will substantially
                 degrade performance of the satellite node, the Ethernet
                 link, or both. Shadow copies should occur on nodes with
                 direct connections to shadow set members. This work is
                 controlled by the system parameter SHADOW_MAX_COPY on
                 each cluster node.

              o  Pool size

                 Mounting large numbers of shadow sets will require
                 additional nonpaged pool. For a larger number of shadow
                 sets, the NPAGEDYN parameter may need to be increased.
                 See the documentation on AUTOGEN.

              o  Mount /CLUSTER only when required

                 Mounting shadow sets only on cluster nodes that require
                 them to be mounted will reduce cluster shadowing
                 overhead, especially on very large clusters.

        3.2.3 StorageWorks RAID Array Subsystem Support

              The StorageWorks RAID Array 210 subsystem (KZESC-AA
              or KZESC-BA EISA Backplane RAID controllers) and the
              StorageWorks PCI Backplane RAID controller (KZPSC-AA or
              KZPSC-BA) have their own firmware implementations of RAID,
              levels 0, 1, and 5. You can use the firmware implementation
              of RAID level 1 (shadowing) to create shadow sets using the
              SCSI disks attached locally to a single RAID controller.

              With OpenVMS Version 6.2, the SCSI disks connected to
              these controllers can also be included in shadow sets
              created using host-based Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.
              In previous releases, these disks were not accessible by
              Volume Shadowing. With host-based Volume Shadowing, now
              you can create a RAID1 shadow set containing two like disks
              or two like RAID arrays, each of which is attached to a
              separate RAID controller located within a cluster. You
              also can create a RAID1 shadow set using one SCSI disk
              attached to the StorageWorks RAID controller and one SCSI

        3-8 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                        3.2 Volume Shadowing New Features

              disk attached elsewhere in the cluster (as long as the disk
              geometries and sizes match).

              See the StorageWorks RAID Array Subsystem User's Guide
              for more information on using Volume Shadowing with these

        3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features

              In OpenVMS Version 6.2, VMScluster systems include the
              following new features:

              o  Support for SCSI interconnect in a VMScluster system

              o  Support for multiple-site VMScluster systems

              o  OpenVMS Cluster Client Software

              o  DECnet software no longer required for VMScluster

              o  Support for TMSCP served SCSI tapes

              o  DECamds enhancements

              o  Enhanced support for HSJ, HSC, and HSD series controller

              o  Warranted and migration VMScluster system configurations

              These features further enhance the performance,
              availability, and functionality of VMScluster systems. The
              following sections describe these features in more detail.
              In addition, Section 3.3.8 charts the most recent pairings
              information for supported VMScluster system configurations.

        3.3.1 Support for SCSI Interconnect in a VMScluster System

              You can use the SCSI interconnect as a storage interconnect
              for multiple Alpha systems in a VMScluster system. A
              SCSI interconnect, also referred to as a SCSI bus, is an
              industry-standard interconnect that supports SCSI storage
              devices, controllers, and support components.

              VMScluster Software for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
              provides support for a limited set of multiple-host SCSI
              configurations. You can configure systems, SCSI adapters,
              controllers and disk devices on multiple-host SCSI buses
              using the components in Table 3-2.

                                           System Management Features 3-9

        System Management Features
        3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features

              Table 3-2 SCSI VMScluster System Hardware

              Component        Description

              Alpha Systems:   AlphaServer 2100
                               AlphaServer 2000
                               AlphaServer 1000
                               AlphaServer 400
                               AlphaStation 2500
                               AlphaStation 400
                               AlphaStation 200

              SCSI Adapters:   The embedded SCSI adapter available in all
                               the supported Alpha systems.
                               Optional add-on KZPAA adapters.

              Controllers:     HSZ40 and all its supported disks. Note
                               that DWZZA single-ended to fast-wide
                               differential converters are required when
                               configuring HSZ40 controllers.

              Disks:           You can directly connect the following
                               disks on a multihost SCSI bus:

              In a VMScluster system, you can configure:

              o  Up to two systems to a multiple-host SCSI bus

              o  A system to a maximum of two multiple-host SCSI buses

              o  Any number of single-host SCSI buses

              Chapter 7 provides a complete discussion about SCSI
              configurations, setup, and management.

        3-10 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                      3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features

        3.3.2 Support for Multiple-Site VMScluster Systems

              Since OpenVMS Version 6.1, VMScluster systems have
              supported DS3 technology, also called T3, as a cluster
              interconnect when used in conjunction with FDDI and
              appropriate bridging technology. Using DS3 as an
              interconnect, nodes in a VMScluster can be located in
              multiple, geographically separate sites as far apart as 150
              miles. With OpenVMS Version 6.2, this feature is enhanced
              to include ATM technology.

              Chapter 8 provides a complete discussion of multiple-site

        3.3.3 OpenVMS Cluster Client Software

              OpenVMS Version 6.2 introduces a new license type for
              OpenVMS cluster software, called OpenVMS Cluster Client
              software. The new license provides a low-cost cluster
              client product for Alpha and VAX workstations.

              The OpenVMS Cluster Client software provides fully
              functional OpenVMS Cluster software with two exceptions:

              o  Clients cannot provide VOTES to the VMScluster

              o  Clients cannot MSCP serve disks or TMSCP serve tapes

              OpenVMS Cluster Client software is available for VAX and
              Alpha systems. The software uses a License Management
              Facility (LMF) license name of VMSCLUSTER-CLIENT. OpenVMS
              Cluster Client software is included in the NAS 150 package,
              and can be ordered separately. Refer to the OpenVMS Cluster
              Software Product Description for ordering information.

        3.3.4 DECnet Software No Longer Required for VMScluster Software

              Prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2, DECnet Phase IV or DECnet/OSI
              software was a prerequisite for VMScluster software. With
              OpenVMS Version 6.2, there is no longer a requirement for
              DECnet software.

              DECnet software is required in VMScluster environments
              under the following conditions:

              o  When applications perform node-to-node communication
                 using DECnet mailboxes

                                          System Management Features 3-11

        System Management Features
        3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features

              o  When the MONITOR/CLUSTER utility is used

              Note that DECnet is not required for the correct operation
              of SYSMAN in a VMScluster configuration. Also, you can
              perform SET HOST operations without DECnet by using the SET
              HOST/LAT command.

        3.3.5 Support for TMSCP Served SCSI Tapes

              VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS has been enhanced to allow
              the TMSCP server to serve SCSI tapes. The TMSCP server
              makes locally connected tapes of the following types
              available across a cluster:

              o  TA series tapes for CI

              o  TF series tapes for DSSI

              o  TZ and TLZ tapes for SCSI

              The TMSCP server is controlled by the TMSCP_LOAD and
              TMSCP_SERVE_ALL system parameters.

              o  The TMSCP_LOAD parameter controls whether the TMSCP
                 server is loaded. By default, the value of the TMSCP_
                 LOAD parameter is set to zero so that the TMSCP server
                 is not loaded. Refer to VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS
                 for information about setting this parameter.

              o  The TMSCP_SERVE_ALL system parameter is new with this
                 release. This parameter specifies TMSCP tape-serving
                 functions when the TMSCP server is loaded. If TMSCP_
                 LOAD is set to zero, the TMSCP_SERVE_ALL parameter
                 is ignored. Table 3-3 describes the TMSCP_SERVE_ALL
                 parameter settings.

              Table 3-3 The TMSCP SERVE ALL System Parameter

              Value     Description

              0         Serve no tapes. This is the default value.

              1         Serve all available tapes.

              2         Serve only locally connected tapes.

        3-12 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                      3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features
 No TMSCP Server Support for SCSI Retension Command

              The SCSI Retension command modifier is not supported by the
              TMSCP server. Retension operations should be performed from
              the node serving the tape.

        3.3.6 DECamds Enhancements

              DECamds includes enhancements to provide additional event
              filtering and the ability to perform real-time recomputing
              of VMScluster quorum. Additionally, the DECamds console
              has been ported from VAX so that you can run it on an Alpha

              For more information, see Section 3.23.

        3.3.7 Enhanced Support for HSJ, HSC, and HSD Series Controller

              In previous releases of VMScluster software, dual porting
              of disks between pairs of HSJ and HSC series controllers
              was supported when the controllers were attached to a
              common star coupler. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 6.2,
              you can connect dual-ported disks to pairs of HSJ and
              HSC series controllers that are attached to different
              star couplers. This feature enhances availability because
              failure of a CI adapter need not cause both controllers to
              become unreachable.

              This feature is available for HSJ and HSC series CI
              controllers and for HSD30 DSSI controllers. It permits
              HSD30 controllers to be configured across different DSSI

        3.3.8 Warranted and Migration VMScluster System Configurations

              OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2
              provide two levels of support for mixed-version and mixed-
              architecture VMScluster systems. These two support types
              are warranted and migration.

              Warranted support means that Digital has fully qualified
              the two versions coexisting in a VMScluster system and will
              answer all problems identified by customers using these

                                          System Management Features 3-13

        System Management Features
        3.3 VMScluster Systems New Features

              Migration support is a superset of the rolling upgrade
              support provided in earlier releases of OpenVMS, and is
              available for mixes that are not warranted. Migration
              support means that Digital has qualified the versions
              for use together in configurations that are migrating in
              a staged fashion to a newer version of OpenVMS VAX or to
              OpenVMS Alpha. Problem reports submitted against these
              configurations will be answered by Digital. However, in
              exceptional cases, Digital may request that you move to a
              warranted configuration as part of fixing the problem.

              Migration support will help customers move to warranted
              VMScluster version mixes with minimal impact on their
              cluster environments.

              Figure 3-3 shows the level of support provided for all
              possible version pairings.

              Note that Digital does not support the use of more than
              two versions in a VMScluster system at a time. In many
              cases, more than two versions will successfully operate
              but Digital cannot commit to resolving problems experienced
              with such configurations.

              The next major release of the OpenVMS operating system will
              coexist in a mixed-version VMScluster system with OpenVMS
              Version 6.2 (both VAX and Alpha). This is consistent with
              the Digital policy of providing mixed-version coexistence
              across adjacent OpenVMS releases. However, due to the
              development of many significant new features within the
              OpenVMS operating system, it is expected that the next
              major release will not coexist with OpenVMS Version 6.1 and
              earlier releases.

        3.4 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              The local area network (LAN) software has been enhanced to
              include system management tools for LAN configurations. The
              enhancements include two LAN utilities that perform system
              management tasks.

              Chapter 6 discusses these utilities.

        3-14 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
      3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

        3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP

              LANCP (LAN Control Program) and LANACP (LAN Ancillary
              Control Process) are new images supplied with OpenVMS
              Version 6.2. These images provide a general purpose MOP
              booting service that can be used for VMScluster satellites.
              This new utility, along with the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM
              procedure, allows VMScluster systems to boot satellites
              without the use of DECnet and provides several features not
              available with DECnet MOP booting.

              By default in OpenVMS Version 6.2, DECnet is used to
              service satellite boot requests. However, you might want to
              use use LANCP/LANACP for satellite booting if you wish to
              operate a VMScluster without DECnet or for other reasons.
              This section provides instructions for using LANCP/LANACP
              for satellite booting.

              For more information on the LANCP utility, see Chapter 6.

        3.5.1 Overview

              LANCP is the control program for LANACP, which runs as a
              detached process to service boot requests. LANCP and LANACP
              utilize the following data files:


                 This file maintains information about devices on
                 the local node. By default, the file is created in
                 SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], and the system looks for the file
                 in that location. However, you can modify the file name
                 or location for this file by redefining the systemwide
                 logical name LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE.


                 This file contains information about the nodes for which
                 LANACP will supply boot service. This file should be
                 shared among all nodes in the VMScluster, including
                 both Alpha and VAX systems. By default, the file is
                 created in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], and the system looks for
                 the file in that location. However, you can modify the
                 file name or location for this file by redefining the
                 systemwide logical name LAN$NODE_DATABASE.

                                          System Management Features 3-15

        System Management Features
        3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

        3.5.2 Using LANACP to Boot Satellites

              You can use the LANACP utility to service all types of MOP
              downline load requests. This includes VMScluster satellite
              nodes, terminal servers, LAN resident printers, and X-

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                Digital recommends that customers currently using
                DECnet Phase IV or DECnet/OSI to perform MOP
                operations such as satellite loading, continue to
                do so. The new LANACP/LANCP feature is only necessary
                for configurations that are not using DECnet.


              The next sections describe how to use LANACP for satellite
              booting for new installations and existing installations.
              Support for using LANCP and LANACP for satellite booting
              requires all VMScluster nodes to be running OpenVMS Version
              6.2. New Installations

              For new OpenVMS installations to use LANCP/LANACP for
              satellite booting, follow these steps:

              1. Add the startup command for LANACP

                 You should start up LANACP as part of your system
                 startup procedure. To do this, remove the comment from
                 the line in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM that runs the
                 LAN$STARTUP command procedure. If your VMScluster system
                 will have more than one system disk, see Section 3.5.1
                 for a description of logicals that can be defined for
                 locating LANACP configuration files.

                 $ @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP

                 You should now either reboot the system or invoke
                 the above command procedure from the system manager's
                 account to start LANACP.

              2. Follow the steps in the VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS
                 manual for configuring a VMScluster system and adding
                 satellites. Use the command procedure CLUSTER_CONFIG_
                 LAN.COM instead of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. If you invoke
                 CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM, it will give you the option to

        3-16 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
      3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

                 switch to running CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM if the LANACP
                 process has been started. Existing Installations

              For an existing installation to migrate to using LANCP
              /LANACP for satellite booting, several steps are required.
              These include configuration of LANACP and configuration
              of the node database with the nodes to be MOP booted by
              LANACP. This initial release of LANCP/LANACP is primarily
              targeted for new VMScluster installations. There does exist
              some support to assist in migrating from DECnet Phase IV
              and minimal support for migrating from DECnet/OSI to LANCP

              Configuring LANCP/LANACP

              To configure the data files SYS$SYSTEM:LAN$DEVICE_
              these steps:

              1. Define LANCP/LANACP database logicals

                 Define systemwide logicals for LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE and
                 LAN$NODE_DATABASE if you wish these files to be located
                 in other than the default locations specified above.
                 These definitions should be added to the system startup

              2. Create the LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE

                 Use LANCP to configure LAN devices for MOP booting. The
                 permanent LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE is created when the first
                 DEVICE command is issued. To create the database and get
                 a list of available devices, enter:

                 $ MCR LANCP
                 LANCP> LIST DEVICE /MOPDLL
                 %LANCP-I-FNFDEV, File not found, LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE
                 %LANACP-I-CREATDEV, Created LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE file

                 Device Listing, permanent database:
                   --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics ---
                 Device    State   Access Mode      Client            Data Size
                 ------    -----   -----------      ------            ---------
                 ESA0    Disabled NoExlusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes
                 FCA0    Disabled NoExlusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes

              3. Use LANCP to enable LAN device for MOP booting

                                          System Management Features 3-17

        System Management Features
        3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

                 By default, the LAN devices have MOP booting capability
                 disabled. Determine the LAN devices for which you want
                 to enable MOP booting. Then use the DEFINE command in
                 the LANCP utility to enable these devices to service MOP
                 boot requests in the permanent database, as shown in the
                 following example:


              4. Configure the LAN$NODE_DATABASE

                 If you are running DECnet Phase IV, you can use the
                 command procedure SYS$EXAMPLES:LAN$POPULATE.COM.
                 This procedure extracts all MOP booting information
                 from a DECnet Phase IV NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT file and
                 produces a site-specific command procedure called
                 LAN$DEFINE.COM. You can then execute LAN$DEFINE.COM
                 to populate LAN$NODE_DATABASE.

                 For DECnet Phase IV sites, the LAN$POPULATE procedure
                 scans all DECnet areas (1-63) by default. If you MOP
                 boot systems from only a single or a few DECnet areas,
                 you can cause the LAN$POPULATE procedure to operate on
                 a single area at a time by providing the area number
                 as the P1 parameter to the procedure, as shown in the
                 following example (including log):

                 $ @SYS$EXAMPLES:LAN$POPULATE 15

                  LAN$POPULATE - V1.0

                  Do you want help (Y/N) <N>:

                  LAN$DEFINE.COM has been successfully created.

                  To apply the node definitions to the LANCP permanent database,
                  invoke the created LAN$DEFINE.COM command procedure.

              Digital recommends that you review LAN$DEFINE.COM and remove any
              obsolete entries prior to executing this command procedure.

                  A total of 2 MOP definitions were entered into LAN$DEFINE.COM

                 The LAN$DEFINE procedure is created as part of the
                 LAN$POPULATE procedure. In the following sequence, the
                 LAN$DEFINE.COM procedure that was just created is typed
                 on the screen and then executed:

        3-18 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
      3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility


        $ !
        $ ! This file was generated by LAN$POPULATE.COM on 16-DEC-1994 09:20:31
        $ ! on node CLU21.
        $ !
        $ ! Only DECnet Area 15 was scanned.
        $ !
        $ MCR LANCP
          Define Node PORK    /Address=08-00-2B-39-82-85 /File=APB.EXE -
                           /Root=$21$DKA300:<SYS11.> /Boot_type=Alpha_Satellite
           Define Node JYPIG   /Address=08-00-2B-A2-1F-81 /File=APB.EXE -
                           /Root=$21$DKA300:<SYS10.> /Boot_type=Alpha_Satellite

         $ @LAN$DEFINE

          %LANCP-I-FNFNOD, File not found, LAN$NODE_DATABASE

                 If you are currently running DECnet/OSI, information on
                 the nodes that DECnet/OSI will MOP boot can be obtained
                 with the following NCL command:

                 $ MCR NCL
                 NCL> SHOW MOP CLIENT * ALL

                 Nodes for MOP booting can then be added to LANCP with
                 the following define command:

                 $ MCR LANCP
                 LANCP> DEFINE NODE node-name -
                 /ADDRESS=hw-address -

                 Section 6.1.5 provides detailed information on the LANCP
                 DEFINE command.

              5. Start LANACP

                 To start LANACP, execute the startup command procedure
                 as follows:

                                          System Management Features 3-19

        System Management Features
        3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

                 $ @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP
                   %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2920009B

                 You should start up LANACP for all boot nodes as part
                 of your system startup procedure. To do this, include
                 the following line in your site-specific startup file

                 $ @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP

                 If you have defined logicals for either LAN$DEVICE_
                 DATABASE or LAN$NODE_DATABASE, be sure that these are
                 defined in your startup files prior to starting up

        3-20 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
      3.5 Booting VMScluster Satellite Nodes Using the New LANCP Utility

              6. Disable DECnet MOP booting

                 If you use LANCP/LANACP for satellite booting, you may
                 no longer need DECnet to handle MOP requests. If this is
                 the case for your site, you can turn off this capability
                 with the appropriate NCP command (DECnet Phase IV) or
                 NCL commands (DECnet/OSI).

        3.6 AUTOGEN Changes

              This section describes the changes made to AUTOGEN and how
              these changes affect this release.

        3.6.1 Changes to Computation of SYSMWCNT Parameter

              The formula AUTOGEN uses for computing the SYSMWCNT
              parameter has been changed slightly. It will now typically
              calculate from 200 to 400 pages more than the previous
              formula. The number of pages might be higher on MicroVAX

        3.6.2 Preventing Autoconfigure

              You can prevent AUTOGEN from performing a SYSGEN
              AUTOCONFIGURE by defining the AGEN$NO_AUTOCONFIGURE logical
              to be TRUE or 1. This makes it safer to run AUTOGEN on
              an active system because the AUTOCONFIGURE can interfere
              with active I/O on certain devices, and will not interfere
              with normal startup as incautious use of the logical
              STARTUP$AUTOCONFIGURE_ALL might. It has the disadvantage
              that the GETDATA phase will record only the hardware that
              is already present and will not look for more.

        3.6.3 Suppression of Informational Messages

              You can suppress the display of informational messages on
              your terminal by defining the AGEN$REPORT_NO_INFORMATIONALS
              logical to TRUE or 1. Informational messages are entered
              in SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT regardless of the value of

                                          System Management Features 3-21

        System Management Features
        3.6 AUTOGEN Changes

        3.6.4 Preventing AUTOGEN from Running As a Spawned Subprocess

              You can prevent AUTOGEN from running as a spawned
              subprocess by defining the AGEN$NO_SPAWN logical to TRUE
              or 1. AUTOGEN normally runs as a spawned subprocess for two

              o  AUTOGEN uses a large number of DCL symbols in its work,
                 and when run in a process that already has defined a
                 large number of symbols, it can run out of room in the
                 symbol table. Running in a spawned subprocess makes this
                 occurrence unlikely.

              o  When run in a spawned subprocess, AUTOGEN can define
                 some additional symbols in order to improve its

              If you define AGEN$NO_SPAWN to force AUTOGEN to run without
              spawning and it runs out of room in its symbol table, you
              will receive the following error message:

              %AUTOGEN-F-SYMOVF, no room for symbol definitions
              %AUTOGEN-F-DEL_EXP, delete some symbols or expand CLISYMTBL

        3.6.5 Overriding Parameters Related to DECnet

              The MODPARAMS.DAT file can now include the pseudoparameter
              (or FALSE) overrides AUTOGEN's observations regarding
              the presence or absence of DECnet. This is expected to
              be useful for sites with no synchronous network hardware
              that want to run asynchronous DECnet.

        3.7 New and Changed System Parameters

              Table 3-4 describes the new and changed system parameters
              for OpenVMS Version 6.2.

        3-22 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                    3.7 New and Changed System Parameters

        Table 3-4 New and Changed System Parameters

        Parameter             Description

        DR_UNIT_BASE          Specifies the base value from which
        (New Special          unit numbers for DR devices (Digital
        Parameter)            StorageWorks RAID Array 200 Family logical
                              RAID drives) are counted.

        DUMPSTYLE+ (Changed)  Specifies the method of writing system

        LGI_BRK_LIM           Specifies the number of failures that can
        (Changed)             occur at login time before the system will
                              take action against a possible break-in.

        RMTDBG_SCRATCH_       On Alpha systems, the number of pages of
        PAGES++               memory allocated for the remote debugger.
        (New)                 See the OpenVMS Alpha Device Support Manual
                              for more information.

        SHADOWING (Changed)   Digital does not support Phase I shadowing
                              for versions greater than OpenVMS Version
                              6.1. Use Phase II shadowing instead. Phase
                              II shadowing provides shadowing of all
                              disks located on a standalone system or an
                              OpenVMS cluster system.

                              SHADOWING has the following new values:

                              0   No shadowing is enabled; SHDRIVER is
                                  not loaded. (Default)

                              2   Phase II shadowing is enabled; SHDRIVER
                                  is loaded.

        TMSCP_SERVE_ALL       Specifies TMSCP tape-serving functions when
        (New)                 TMSCP server is loaded. If TMSCP_LOAD is
                              set to 0, the TMSCP_SERVE_ALL parameter is
                              ignored. Refer to VMScluster Systems for
                              OpenVMS for information about setting the
                              TMSCP_SERVE_ALL parameter.

        +VAX only

        ++Alpha only

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                          System Management Features 3-23

        System Management Features
        3.7 New and Changed System Parameters

        Table 3-4 (Cont.) New and Changed System Parameters

        Parameter             Description

        VCC_PTES+ (New)       Used on VAX systems to specify the
                              MAXIMUM size that the virtual I/O cache
                              is permitted to expand dynamically. VCC_
                              PTES is a static parameter and requires
                              that the system reboot after being changed
                              by the AUTOGEN mechanism.
        +VAX only

              Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
              Manual for more information about these system parameters.

        3.8 Backup Manager

              Backup Manager provides a screen-oriented interface to the
              OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP) based on the OpenVMS Screen
              Management Run-Time Library (RTL) routines. It presents
              a subset of BACKUP's capabilities in an intuitive, task-
              oriented, self-documenting manner that does not require
              knowledge of BACKUP command syntax and qualifiers. Backup
              Manager is designed to help the user perform common system
              management tasks such as backing up files to a save set,
              restoring files from a save set, and listing the contents
              of a save set.

              To start Backup Manager, issue the following command:


              Documentation on features, concepts, and how to use the
              utility is available on line through each screen's help
              menu. Context-sensitive help on any field is provided by
              pressing the Help key.

        3.9 BACKUP Changes

              This section describes the new features added to the
              OpenVMS Backup utility for this release.

              See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information
              about how to use BACKUP.

        3-24 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                                       3.9 BACKUP Changes

        3.9.1 New Qualifier, /[NO]ALIAS

              The /[NO]ALIAS qualifier has been added to allow users more
              control over how alias (synonym) file entries are processed
              by the OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP). The default is

              See the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
              Manual for more information about this qualifier.

        3.9.2 Increased Number of Directory Levels Supported

              BACKUP now supports saving individual files or groups
              of files located in disk directories greater than eight
              levels in depth, up to 32 levels of disk directories.
              Prior versions of BACKUP (and OpenVMS utilities in general)
              could not access, and thus could not save, files located in
              directories greater than eight levels in depth.

              BACKUP also supports restoring these files selectively in a
              BACKUP restore operation. Note, however, that OpenVMS file
              system restrictions still apply when restoring these files.
              For nonimage and nonphysical restore operations, individual
              files or groups of files may be restored to a disk, but
              the destination directories must be no greater than eight
              levels deep.

              This new feature is of most interest to PATHWORKS users.

        3.10 Full Name Support

              Information about full name support that was documented in
              OpenVMS Version 6.1 manuals as VAX specific also applies to
              Alpha Version 6.2 systems.

        3.10.1 Use of Full Names with SYSMAN

              SYSMAN now supports longer node names in an environment
              command. A valid node name can be up to 255 characters



                                          System Management Features 3-25

        System Management Features
        3.10 Full Name Support

              In a local cluster, when full names are used instead of
              SCSNODE name in an environment command, DECnet will be used
              for communication, even though the systems are clustered.
              For example, if SYS1 and SYS2 are two systems in a cluster,
              the following command would result in usage of DECnet
              services for communication rather than SCS services. Due
              to this difference, the user will be prompted to enter a
              remote password.

              The following command is issued from SYS1 to SYS2. SYS1 and
              SYS2 are assumed to be clustered and are running DECnet/OSI
              for OpenVMS.

              Remote Password:
              %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
                      Individual nodes: VMS:.ZKO.SYS2
                      At least one node is not in local cluster
                      Username SYSTEM  will be used on nonlocal nodes

              For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's

        3.11 Two Proxy Authorization Files, NETPROXY.DAT and

              Proxy authorization file information that was shown in
              OpenVMS Version 6.1 manuals as VAX specific also applies to
              Alpha Version 6.2 systems.

        3.11.1 Creation of Proxy Authorization Files

              OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 offers two proxy authorization
              files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT, which are created
              with the following default protections:

              NETPROXY.DAT    S:RWED, O:RWED, G:RWE, W
              NET$PROXY.DAT   S:RWED, O, G, W

              The primary proxy database that the system uses is the
              NET$PROXY.DAT file. NETPROXY.DAT is maintained for:

              o  Use by DECnet for OpenVMS

              o  Backward compatibility

        3-26 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
       3.11 Two Proxy Authorization Files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT

        3.11.2 Proxy Modifications

              To properly maintain proxy database consistency across
              all members of a mixed-version VMScluster system, you
              must perform all proxy modifications from either of the

              o  A VAX Version 6.1 (or later) system

              o  An Alpha Version 6.2 system

              This restriction ensures that the NET$PROXY.DAT database is
              updated with correct proxy information.

              For more information about proxy accounts, see the OpenVMS
              Guide to System Security.

        3.12 Security Server Process

              The Security Server process, which is created as part of
              normal operating system startup, performs the following

              o  Creates and manages the system's intrusion database

              o  Maintains the network proxy database file

              The intrusion database is used by the system to keep track
              of failed login attempts. This information is scanned
              during process login to determine if the system should take
              restrictive measures to prevent access to the system by a
              suspected intruder. The contents of this database may be
              examined by the DCL SHOW INTRUSION command. Information can
              be deleted from the database using the DCL DELETE/INTRUSION

              The network proxy database file (NET$PROXY.DAT) is used
              during network connection processing to determine if a
              specific remote user may access a local account without
              using a password. The information contained in this
              database is managed by the Authorize utility.

              The following example shows the expanded expiration time
              field in the new SHOW INTRUSION output:

Intrusion       Type       Count        Expiration         Source
  NETWORK      SUSPECT       1   21-OCT-1994 12:41:01.07  DEC:.ZKO.TIDY::SYSTEM

                                          System Management Features 3-27

        System Management Features
        3.12 Security Server Process

              For more information, see the OpenVMS Guide to System

        3.13 New LAT System Management Features

              The OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 operating system includes
              new features that have been added to the SET HOST/LAT
              command, the LAT Control Program (LATCP) utility, and the
              programming environment.

              Because these features were added to the OpenVMS AXP
              Version 6.1 operating system, see the following documents
              for more detailed information:

              o  OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, for LAT system
                 management information

              o  OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual,
                 for new LATCP commands and qualifiers

              o  OpenVMS DCL Dictionary, for information about the SET
                 HOST/LAT command

              o  OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual, for information
                 about new LAT programming features

        3.14 New /NO_SHARE Qualifier for LICENSE MODIFY Command

              This new qualifier lets you add the NO_SHARE option to a
              PAK registered in a license database (LDB). The NO_SHARE
              PAKs are assigned to a single node in a VMScluster system.
              A NO_SHARE PAK cannot be shared with other VMScluster

              The use of this qualifier remedies problems that
              occasionally occur when you attempt to use the PAK of a
              software product for which you already have other PAKs in
              your LDB. The PAK does not combine with the other PAKs for
              the same software product, resulting in LICENSE-W-NOCOMB
              warnings. Often, the license is not loaded on the nodes you
              want it loaded on.

              To remedy this problem, do the following:

              1. Add the NO_SHARE option to the PAK or PAKs causing the
                 NOCOMB warnings

              2. Assign each PAK to a specific VMScluster node

        3-28 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                  3.14 New /NO_SHARE Qualifier for LICENSE MODIFY Command

              For more information, see the OpenVMS License Management
              Utility Manual.

        3.15 Choosing Languages and Date/Time Formats

              Beginning with OpenVMS Version 6.2, system managers can
              select the time and date formats for many SHOW commands
              from a predefined list or define new time and date formats.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                The SHOW TIME command does not include this feature
                because the SHOW TIME command is processed completely
                by DCL, which does not have access to the LIB$
                routines that are needed to format the output.

                In addition, the SHOW commands for batch and print
                operations were modified to include, in the default
                timestamp, seconds as well as hours and minutes. These
                new features were not previously documented.


              For example, rather than 15-JAN-1995 10:16:25.14, you can
              use a different format, such as the following:

              $ SHOW USERS

                    OpenVMS User Processes at JANUARY 15, 1995 10:16 AM
                  Total number of users = 7,  number of processes = 11

               Username     Node     Interactive  Subprocess   Batch
               MCDERMOT    ARD26B            1
               PASTERNAK   ARD26B            -         2         1

              Users can override the system defaults set up by the system
              manager and select their own date and time formats.

              System managers can also specify languages other than
              English. From the list that the system manager defines,
              users can later select a language that they want displayed.

              For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's

                                          System Management Features 3-29

        System Management Features
        3.16 Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM) Changes

        3.16 Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM) Changes

              The following Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM)
              changes appear in the OpenVMS Version 6.2 release:

              o  Selected operator classes are enabled, depending on
                 whether or not the operator log file is open

              o  OPC$V_OPR_* replaces OPR$V_*

              o  OPC$OPA0_ENABLE is used to override values for

              o  New field names are used

              For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's

        3.16.1 Enabling Selected Operator Classes

              In previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system,
              after the initial creation of the OPERATOR.LOG file, any
              subsequent REPLY/LOG command created a new log file with
              all of the operator classes enabled.

              In OpenVMS Version 6.2, this functionality has changed:

              o  If a log file is already open, the list of classes is
                 preserved and enabled on the newly created log file.

              o  If a log file is not open, the value of the logical
                 OPC$ENABLE_LOGFILE_CLASSES is used. If that logical does
                 not exist, all classes are enabled on the new log file.

        3.16.2 OPC$V_OPR_* Replaces OPR$V_*

              The bit definitions OPR$V_*, which were loosely based on
              the operator classes, are now obsolete. (These definitions
              were never documented.) OPC$V_OPR_* replaces these
              definitions in OpenVMS Version 6.2.

        3.16.3 Using OPC$OPA0_ENABLE to Override Values for Workstations

              You can now use the OPC$OPA0_ENABLE logical to override
              the values for the symbols for a workstation in a cluster.
              In previous versions of the OpenVMS operating system, if a
              system was defined as a workstation in a cluster, the OPA0
              device was set to NOBROADCAST.

        3-30 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                      3.16 Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM) Changes

              In OpenVMS Version 6.2:

              o  For workstations in a cluster, you can define the
                 OPC$OPA0_ENABLE logical as TRUE to override NOBROADCAST
                 and thus set the OPA0 device to BROADCAST.

              o  For all systems that are not workstations in clusters,
                 you can define the logical OPC$OPA0_ENABLE as FALSE to
                 set the OPA0 device to NOBROADCAST.

        3.16.4 Using New Field Names

              In OpenVMS Version 6.2, the following fields have new names
              (although you can still use the old names to refer to the

              o  Change OPC$B_MS_TARGET to OPC$Z_MS_TARGET_CLASSES

                 This is a three-byte field that stores the bit mask of
                 target operator classes.

              o  Change OPC$B_MS_ENAB to OPC$Z_MS_ENAB_TERMINALS

                 This is a value that indicates whether the given classes
                 should be disabled (zero) or enabled (nonzero).

        3.17 Invalid Symbiont Message Codes

              The invalid symbiont message errors logged to the operator
              console and operator log file now contain integer values
              that identify why the symbiont message was rejected. There
              are two types of symbiont message errors logged:

              o  Informational invalid symbiont messages

              o  Messages that cause the queue manager to abort the

        3.17.1 Informational Invalid Symbiont Messages

              The informational invalid symbiont messages that are logged
              to the operator console are listed in Table 3-5. When the
              queue manager logs these messages, the contents of the
              message causing the error are ignored. The queue manager
              continues to accept messages from the symbiont.

                                          System Management Features 3-31

        System Management Features
        3.17 Invalid Symbiont Message Codes

              In the following example, the queue manager signals that
              the symbiont sent a STOP_STREAM request at an inappropriate
              time for queue TEST_QUEUE:

%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  ss-MMM-ddd hh:mm:ss.hh  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE
%QMAN-I-INVSMBMSG2, invalid data 10 in message from symbiont on queue TEST_QUEUE

        Table 3-5 Informational Invalid Symbiont Message Type Definitions

        Value  Description

        00     Error processing symbiont message item list.

        01     Job in symbiont message is not valid for queue, or job is
               not active. The job does exist in the queue database.

        02     Unused.

        03     Job state is starting but symbiont message received was
               not START_TASK.

        04     Symbiont device status requesting that tasks be paused
               when queue state is not pausing, busy, or available.

        05     Symbiont device status requesting that queue be stalled
               when queue is not busy or available.

        06     Symbiont PAUSE_TASK message received when queue state is
               not pausing.

        07     Symbiont RESUME_TASK message received when queue state is
               not resuming.

        08     Symbiont START_STREAM message received when queue state is
               not starting.

        09     Unused.

        10     Symbiont stopped the stream when the queue state is not

        3.17.2 Messages That Cause the Queue Manager to Abort the

              Invalid symbiont messages that cause the queue manager to
              request the symbiont to abort are listed in Table 3-6. The
              queue manager returns a JBC$_INVMSG status in the iosb of
              the $SNDJBC SYMBIONT_SERVICE request that generated the
              error. The PRTSMB or LATSYM process will exit, producing a
              dump file. For example, if a start queue requiring that a
              new symbiont process be created is immediately followed by

        3-32 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                                      3.17 Invalid Symbiont Message Codes

              a stop queue for the same queue, an invalid message type
              number 53 might be logged, as in the following example:

        %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  ss-MMM-ddd hh:mm:ss.hh  %%%%%%%%%%%
        Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE
        %QMAN-I-INVSMBMSG2, invalid data 53 in message from symbiont id 4

        Table 3-6 Invalid Symbiont Message Definitions

        Value  Description

        51     Symbiont message SMBMSG$K_STRUCTURE_LEVEL field is invalid
               or message length less than SMBMSG$S_REQUEST_HEADER

        52     Invalid symbiont id number in message header

        53     All queues were stopped before message received; the
               symbiont is expected to terminate

        54     The current incarnation of the queue manager did not
               create the symbiont process sending the message (might
               be seen during failovers)

        55     The symbiont sent a duplicate START_SYMBIONT message to
               the queue manager

        56     The maximum streams in the START_SYMBIONT message is out
               of range

        57     The stream number in the message is greater than maximum
               allowable streams, or the PID of the symbiont sending the
               message is unknown to the queue manager

        3.18 Erasing Old Home Blocks

              When you initialize a volume, the initialize operation may
              not erase old home blocks. These are home blocks that were
              created by previous initialize operations.

              If a volume that has old home blocks is damaged, you may
              not be able to recover the volume.

              You can now erase old home blocks manually, using the new
              /HOMEBLOCKS qualifier on the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command
              as follows:


              Note that this operation can take up to 30 minutes to

                                          System Management Features 3-33

        System Management Features
        3.18 Erasing Old Home Blocks

              For further information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's
              Manual and the OpenVMS System Management Utilities
              Reference Manual.

        3.19 Additional SHUTDOWN.COM Logicals

              Two new logicals in the SHUTDOWN.COM command procedure
              allow system managers to determine the time when DECnet and
              queues are shut down:

              Logical Name            Description

              SHUTDOWN$DECNET_        Defines the number of minutes
              MINUTES                 remaining before shutdown when
                                      DECnet is shut down; must be
                                      defined with the /SYSTEM qualifier.

                                      The default is 6 minutes.

              SHUTDOWN$QUEUE_MINUTES  Defines the number of minutes
                                      remaining before shutdown when
                                      queues are shut down; must be
                                      defined with the /SYSTEM qualifier.

                                      The default is 1 minute.

              For more information about SHUTDOWN.COM, see the OpenVMS
              System Manager's Manual.

        3.20 Installing or Upgrading from a Running Alpha System

              Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2, you can install
              or upgrade from a running OpenVMS Alpha system to a
              target system disk. To do this, run the same installation
              procedure that you use to install or upgrade OpenVMS Alpha
              from the distribution compact disc.

              This new feature provides functionality that is similar to
              that of the command procedure VMSKITBLD.COM, which is no
              longer supported on Alpha systems.

              For more information, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
              Upgrade and Installation Manual. <>

        3-34 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                               3.21 OpenVMS Support for TCP/IP Networking

        3.21 OpenVMS Support for TCP/IP Networking

              For this release, the OpenVMS operating system supports
              Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
              parameters and qualifiers for the DCL commands SET HOST,
              COPY, and DIRECTORY. These commands invoke the TCP/IP
              layered software products that access remote terminals,
              files, and directories.

              For more information, see the TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS
              Systems manual.

        3.22 Dump File Off the System Disk

              To enable OpenVMS VAX customers to place the system
              dump file on a device other than the system disk, a
              new capability has been added for a restricted set of

              The current mechanism of using the system disk as a
              dump device will not be otherwise affected by this new

              For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's
              Manual. <>

        3.23 DECamds

              The Digital Availability Manager for Distributed Systems
              (DECamds) is a real-time monitoring, diagnostic, and
              correction tool that assists system managers to improve
              OpenVMS system and VMScluster availability. DECamds is
              also helpful to system programmer/analysts to target a
              specific node or process for detailed analysis, and system
              operators and service technicians to help resolve hardware
              and software problems.

              DECamds simultaneously collects and analyzes system
              data and process data from multiple nodes and displays
              the output on a DECwindows Motif display. Based on the
              collected data, DECamds analyzes, detects, and proposes
              actions to correct resource and denial issues in real time.

              New features for OpenVMS Version 6.2 include:

              o  Console application support for OpenVMS Alpha systems

              o  Ability to modify cluster quorum

                                          System Management Features 3-35

        System Management Features
        3.23 DECamds

              o  Enhanced customization options for Locks, Events, and
                 Disk Volumes

              o  Ability to search for specific processes by name

              For more information, see the DECamds User's Guide and the
              DECamds Release Notes.

        3.24 Inclusion of Selected Layered Products

              OpenVMS is introducing additional software to the OpenVMS
              CD-ROM distribution kit with the release of OpenVMS Alpha
              and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2. The kit has been expanded
              to include software products that previously required
              the purchase of additional CD-ROMs. This new packaging
              strategy simplifies customer purchases and installation
              processes. In addition, all OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
              online documentation will now be included on one OpenVMS
              documentation CD-ROM.

              The following products have been added to the OpenVMS
              Version 6.2 CD-ROM distribution:

                                    Version     Alpha Version

              POSIX                 2.0         2.0

              DECwindows Motif      1.2-3       1.2-3

              Softwindows           N/A         1.0

              SoftPC                4.0         N/A

              TCP/IP Services       3.3         3.3

              DECmigrate            1.1A        1.1A

              DCE Runtime Services  1.3         1.3

              DCE Security Server   1.3         1.3

              DCE Cell Directory    1.3         1.3

              DCE Application       1.3         1.3
              Developer's Kit

              These layered software products will continue to be
              included on the quarterly VAX CONDIST distribution and the
              Alpha Layered Product Software Library, except for the DCE
              products, which are available as a separate kit. Customers

        3-36 System Management Features

                                               System Management Features
                              3.24 Inclusion of Selected Layered Products

              should continue to purchase these quarterly distributions
              to have access to the most current software versions.
              The OpenVMS CD-ROM distribution will contain the layered
              product version that is available at the time the OpenVMS
              operating system is released.

              The rights to use POSIX and DCE Runtime Services are
              granted with the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha operating
              system licenses. All other layered products continue to
              require a license to run the software.

              This new packaging will require changes to the contents
              of the OpenVMS CD-ROM distribution kits. The new media
              contents of these kits are as follows:

              o  OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 CD-ROM H-kit (QA-MT1AA-H8):

                 -  OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 Binary CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Version 6.2 Online
                    Documentation CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM for VAX & Alpha Systems

                 -  Alpha Firmware CD-ROM

              o  OpenVMS VAX V6.2 CD-ROM H-kit (QA-XULAA-H8):

                 -  OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 Binary CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Version 6.2 Online
                    Documentation CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM for VAX & Alpha Systems

              o  OpenVMS Combined (VAX & Alpha) V6.2 CD-ROM H-kit (QA-MT3AA-H8):

                 -  OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 Binary CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 Binary CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Version 6.2 Online
                    Documentation CD-ROM

                 -  OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM for VAX & Alpha Systems

                 -  Alpha Firmware CD-ROM

                                          System Management Features 3-37

        System Management Features
        3.24 Inclusion of Selected Layered Products

              The OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM has also been added to all
              OpenVMS VAX V6.2 and OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 distribution kits.
              This CD-ROM contains free software tools and utilities to
              aid software developers in both creating applications and
              managing or using OpenVMS systems.

              See Section 2.1 for more information about the OpenVMS
              Freeware CD-ROM.

              See the OpenVMS Version 6.2 CD-ROM User's Guide for product
              directory and documentation information.

        3-38 System Management Features



              This chapter describes new features relating to application
              and system programming on this version of the OpenVMS
              operating system. These features include:

              o  DECnet/OSI full name support

              o  LAN programming features (Alpha only)

              o  LAT programming features

              o  System services changes and enhancements

              o  OpenVMS Alpha programming support for SCSI-2 devices

              o  C++ RTL object library

              o  New linker option RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT=

        4.1 DECnet/OSI Full Name Support

              DECnet/OSI full names are supported in this version of
              OpenVMS Alpha. Full names are hierarchically structured
              node names that can be a maximum of 255 bytes long.
              Several run-time routines and several system services are
              provided to support this function. They are documented,
              respectively, in the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual and
              in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.

              For each of the full name routines and system services,
              this documentation currently states that they are available
              for VAX only. This is no longer true. The documentation
              will be updated to reflect the availability of full name
              routines on both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX. <>

                                                  ProgrammingFeatures 4-1

        4.1 DECnet/OSI Full Name Support

        4.1.1 DECnet/OSI Full Name Support Routines

              The DECnet/OSI full name support routines that are
              currently available in LIBRTL on both OpenVMS VAX and on
              OpenVMS Alpha are:

              o  LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC

              o  LIB$COMPARE_NODENAME

              o  LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME

              o  LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME

              o  LIB$FIT_NODENAME

              o  LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET

              o  LIB$GET_HOSTNAME

              o  LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME

              For more information, see the documentation on each of the

        4.2 LAN Programming Features

              The following sections describe new LAN programming
              features for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2.

        4.2.1 New Devices and Drivers

              Table 4-1 lists new devices and drivers supported by
              OpenVMS Version 6.2.

              Table 4-1 Supported Communication Devices

              Device                          Driver

              Proteon PROnet-4/16 ISA NIC     IRDRIVER

              Digital FDDI PCI-bus (DEFPA)    FWDRIVER

              Digital Quad Ethernet PCI-bus   EWDRIVER

              Digital Ethernet PCI-bus        EWDRIVER

                                                 (continued on next page)

        4-2 ProgrammingFeatures

                                             4.2 LAN Programming Features

              Table 4-1 (Cont.) Supported Communication Devices

              Device                          Driver

              Digital Ethernet ISA-bus        ERDRIVER

              Digital Ethernet ISA-bus        ERDRIVER

              Digital Ethernet ISA-bus        ERDRIVER

              For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference

        4.2.2 New LAN Device Names and Devices

              Table 4-2 lists the new device names and devices supported
              by OpenVMS Version 6.2.

              Table 4-2 LAN Device Names and Devices

              Device Name     Device            Medium

              IRc0:           DW110             Token Ring

               FWc0:           DEFPA             FDDI

              EWc0:           DE436             Ethernet

              EWc0:           DE434             Ethernet

              ERc0:           DE200             Ethernet

              ERc0:           DE201             Ethernet

              ERc0:           DE202             Ethernet

              For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference

        4.2.3 New Controller Characteristics

              Table 4-3 lists the new Ethernet controller and its
              device characteristics when using the Get Device/Volume
              Information (SYS$GETDVI) system service with the DVI$_
              DEVTYPE and DVI$_DEVCLASS items.

                                                  ProgrammingFeatures 4-3

        4.2 LAN Programming Features

              Table 4-3 Ethernet Controller Device Characteristics

              Controller  Device Type      Device Class Name

              DW110       DT$_IR_DW300     DC$_SCOM

              DEFPA       DT$_FW_DEFPA     DC$_SCOM

              DE200       DT$_ER_DE422     DC$_SCOM

              DE201       DT$_ER_DE422     DC$_SCOM

              DE202       DT$_ER_DE422     DC$_SCOM

              DE436       DT$_EW_DE435     DC$_SCOM

              DE434       DT$_EW_DE435     DC$_SCOM

              For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference

        4.2.4 New Procedures for Configuring ISA Devices

              There are two ways to configure an ISA LAN device on
              OpenVMS. They are as follows:

              o  Create an entry in the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT file.

              o  Use the isacfg command at the console prompt (>>>). This
                 requires the use of SYSMAN IO CONNECT.

              If you choose to create an entry in the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_
              CONFIG.DAT file, see SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.TEMPLATE for an
              example. To use the isacfg command at your console prompt,
              see the hardware documentation associated with your system
              for more information.

              Regardless of which configuration method you choose,
              you should become familiar with the concepts listed
              in Table 4-4. See your LAN hardware documentation for
              configuring information on how to set the jumper settings
              for those features listed in Table 4-4.

        4-4 ProgrammingFeatures

                                              4.2 LAN Programming Features

              Table 4-4 ISA Configuring Concepts

              Concept             Explanation

              ISA slot number     Also called node. The ISA slot number
                                  that the device is in. The OpenVMS
                                  Alpha Device Support Manual describes
                                  how to number ISA slots.

              IRQ                 Interrupt request line. Used to
                                  establish the interrupt level. Boards
                                  support IRQs from 1 to 15. Since
                                  OpenVMS does not support shared IRQs,
                                  every ISA device must have its own IRQ
                                  value reserved for it by the console
                                  ISACFG utility.

              Port address        I/O base control and status register
                                  (CSR) address. Boards usually have I/O
                                  addresses associated with their CSR
                                  locations. These locations must not
                                  be in use by any other device on the

              Memory address      Also called shared memory. This address
                                  range is used to share memory resident
                                  on the adapter card between the host
                                  CPU and the LAN device on the adapter
                                  card. If the device uses shared memory,
                                  the I/O addresses for accessing
                                  this memory must be reserved. These
                                  locations must not be used by any other
                                  device on the system.

              DMA channel         If the device performs DMA (either
                                  slave or bus mastering), a DMA channel
                                  is required. Channels are numbered
                                  1 to 7, but channel 4 is always
                                  reserved for the system. See your
                                  adapter documentation for DMA channels
                                  supported by the device.

                                                  ProgrammingFeatures 4-5

        4.2 LAN Programming Features
 OpenVMS LAN Devices Requiring Configuration

              The DE202 Ethernet and DW110 Token Ring devices require
              configuring. The following information and examples show
              how this is done.

     DE202 Ethernet

              The DE202 is a shared memory Ethernet device. To configure
              the jumper settings on the board, see the adapter
              documentation. Example 4-1 and Example 4-2 show how to
              configure the OpenVMS software to use the DE202. The
              examples illustrate a configuration of:

              o  Slot 1

              o  IO Base at %x300

              o  IRQ 5

              o  Shared memory at %xd0000 with length of %x10000

              Example 4-1 Using the isacfg Command at the Console Prompt

              >>> isacfg -slot 1 -etyp 1 -ena 1 -irq0 5 -iobase0 %x300
                         -membase0 %xd0000 -memlen0 %x10000 -handle "DE20" -mk

              The -mk command makes an isacfg entry for an ISA device at
              slot 1. It is a single-port type of device (-etyp 1). The
              -handle parameter tells the operating system what type of
              device it is.

              Example 4-2 Using the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT Entry

                 NODE=1                       ; plugged into ISA Option slot 1
                 PORT=(300:f)                 ; 15 bytes starting at 300
                 MEM= (D0000:10000)           ; 64 Kbytes starting at D0000

        4-6 ProgrammingFeatures

                                             4.2 LAN Programming Features

     DW110 Token Ring

              The DW110 is a bus mastering DMA device on the ISA bus.
              In addition to setting up the ISA I/O parameters, you may
              configure ring speed (4 or 16 Mb) and media (UTP or STP).
              By using LANCP, you can also configure ring speed and media
              during system startup. Example 4-3 and Example 4-4 show
              how to configure the OpenVMS software to use the DW110. The
              examples illustrate a configuration of:

              o  Slot 4

              o  IRQ 10

              o  DMA channel 7

              o  Base %x4e20

              o  Shielded twisted pair (STP)

              o  Ring speed of 16

              Example 4-3 Using the isacfg Command at the Console Prompt

              >>> isacfg -slot 4 -etyp 1 -ena 1 -irq0 %xa -dmachan0 7
                         -iobase0 %x4e20 -handle "DW11,STP,16" -mk

              The -mk command makes an isacfg entry for an ISA device at
              slot 4. It is a single-port type of device (-etyp 1). The
              -handle parameter tells the operating system that this is
              a DW110, that STP media is to be used, and that the ring
              speed is 16.

              Example 4-4 Using the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT Entry


              For more information, see the OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release
              Notes, Appendix A. <>

                                                  ProgrammingFeatures 4-7

        4.3 LAT Programming Features

        4.3 LAT Programming Features

              Several LAT programming features are new for OpenVMS VAX
              Version 6.2, but they were introduced with OpenVMS AXP
              Version 6.1. They include:

              o  LAT $QIO function modifier IO$M_LT_QUE_CHG_NOTIF

              o  LAT SENSEMODE and SETMODE argument LAT$C_ENT_QUEUE_ENTRY

              o  LAT SENSEMODE item codes for port node counters, node
                 counters, protocol errors, service counters subblocks,
                 port entities, and queue entries

              o  LAT SETMODE item codes for node entities, service type,
                 and port type

              For more information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference

        4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              This section contains information about new features for
              system services.

        4.4.1 Intrusion Database System Services

              Table 4-5 describes the new OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
              system services for accessing the intrusion database:

              Table 4-5 Intrusion Database System Services

              System Service    Function

              $DELETE_          Searches for and deletes all records
              INTRUSION         in the intrusion database matching the
                                caller's specifications

              $SCAN_INTRUSION   Scans the intrusion database for suspects
                                or intruders during a login attempt,
                                audits login failures and updates
                                records, or adds new records to the
                                intrusion database

                                                 (continued on next page)

        4-8 ProgrammingFeatures

                             4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              Table 4-5 (Cont.) Intrusion Database System Services

              System Service    Function

              $SHOW_INTRUSION   Searches for and returns information
                                about records in the intrusion database
                                matching the caller's specifications

              For details about these services, see the OpenVMS Version
              6.1 OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. (These system
              services are already available on OpenVMS VAX.)

        4.4.2 Proxy Database System Services

              Table 4-6 describes the new OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2
              system services for accessing the proxy database:

              Table 4-6 Proxy Database System Services

              Service       Function

              $ADD_PROXY    Adds a new proxy to or modifies an existing
                            proxy in the proxy database

              $DELETE_      Deletes an existing proxy, or removes the
              PROXY         default user or a local user from an existing
                            proxy in the proxy database

              $DISPLAY_     Returns information about one or more
              PROXY         existing proxies

              $VERIFY_      Verifies that a proxy exists and returns a
              PROXY         valid local user for the caller to use to
                            create a local login

              For details about these services, see the OpenVMS Version
              6.1 OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. (These system
              services are already available on OpenVMS VAX.)

                                                  ProgrammingFeatures 4-9

        4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

        4.4.3 Cluster Event Notification System Services

              Table 4-7 describes the new OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 system
              services for detection of cluster membership changes:

              Table 4-7 Cluster Event Notification System Services

              Service       Function

              $CLRCLUEVT    Removes one or more notification requests
                            previously established by a call to

              $SETCLUEVT    Establishes a request for notification when a
                            VMScluster configuration event occurs

              $TSTCLUEVT    Simulates the occurrence of a cluster
                            configuration event to test the functionality
                            of the notification AST

              For details about these services, see the OpenVMS Version
              6.1 OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. (These system
              services are already available on OpenVMS Alpha.)

        4.4.4 Persona System Services

              In the past, a privileged server had to explicitly verify
              that a client's access to an OpenVMS object was allowed
              by the site-defined security policy. The server process
              used privileges to access the OpenVMS objects, then used
              $CHCKPRO or $CHECK_ACCESS to determine a client's access
              rights to an object. The following three problems resulted
              from this approach:

              o  It was difficult to duplicate the security checks
                 performed by the base system components.

              o  Superfluous security auditing messages resulted from the
                 server's privileged access to the host system files.

              o  The performance of the server was adversely affected by
                 having to perform secondary protection checking.

              The persona system services allow programmers to eliminate
              the extraneous audits and the cost of secondary protection
              checks, and to determine access with the normal OpenVMS
              access tests.

        4-10 ProgrammingFeatures

                             4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              The three new services are $PERSONA_ASSUME, $PERSONA_

              The $PERSONA_ASSUME system service modifies the context
              of the current process to match the context of a given
              persona. This service allows an OpenVMS process to assume
              the identity of another user or to discard a persona to
              return the process to its original state.


              SYS$PERSONA_ASSUME persona, [flags]



              OpenVMS       integer
              usage:        longword (unsigned)
              Type:         read
              Access:       by reference

              Address of a longword in which the persona handle is

              If the value of the context passed is 1, then the current
              persona is discarded and the state of the calling process
              is returned to the state that existed prior to the first
              call to $PERSONA_CREATE.


              OpenVMS       mask_longword
              usage:        longword (unsigned)
              Type:         read only
              Access:       by value

              Flag mask specifying which persona services options are to
              be employed when the persona is assumed. This argument is
              ignored when a persona is being discarded.

                                                 ProgrammingFeatures 4-11

        4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              The following table describes each flag:

              Flag                  Description
              IMP$M_ASSUME_         Assume access rights, UIC, authorized
              SECURITY              privileges, user name, and security
                                    audit flag

              IMP$M_ASSUME_ACCOUNT  Assume OpenVMS account

              IMP$M_ASSUME_JOB_     Assume the new persona, even in a
              WIDE                  multiprocess job


              When assuming a persona using the IMP$M_ASSUME_SECURITY
              option, any previously enabled image privileges will
              be disabled. The caller's process will have only the
              privileges of the impersonated user enabled. These
              privileges are enabled in the Current, Process, and
              Authorized privilege masks.

              When using IMP$M_ASSUME_SECURITY, access to the job logical
              name table may no longer be possible since the table is
              protected by the UIC of the user on whose behalf the
              current process was created. Also, a new access to the
              process' controlling terminal may fail, and the process may
              be in a different default resource domain for locking.

              Any persona is automatically discarded and deleted upon
              image exit. Hence, it is not possible to permanently change
              the persona of a process using $PERSONA_ASSUME.

              The arguments are read in caller's mode, so an invalid
              argument may cause an access violation to be signaled.

              Required Access or Privileges


              Required Quota


              Related Services


        4-12 ProgrammingFeatures

                             4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              Condition Values Returned

              SS$_NORMAL              The service completed successfully.

              IMP$_NOCHJIB            The Job Information Block cannot be

              IMP$_PERSONANONGRATA    Invalid persona argument. $PERSONA_CREATE

              The $PERSONA_CREATE system service creates a persona that
              may be assumed using the $PERSONA_ASSUME service.


              SYS$PERSONA_CREATE persona, usrnam, flags



              OpenVMS       integer
              usage:        longword (unsigned)
              Type:         write
              Access:       by reference

              Address of a longword into which the persona handle is


              OpenVMS       char_string
              usage:        character coded text string
              Type:         read only
              Access:       by descriptor (fixed-length descriptor)

              Name of the user to be impersonated.

              The usrnam argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
              to a character string containing the user name. The string
              may contain a maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters.


                                                 ProgrammingFeatures 4-13

        4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              OpenVMS       mask_longword
              usage:        longword (unsigned)
              Type:         read only
              Access:       by value

              Flag mask specifying which persona services options are to
              be employed when the persona is created.

              The following table describes each flag:

              Flag                  Description

              IMP$M_ASSUME_DEFPRIV  Create a persona with only default

              IMP$M_ASSUME_         Create a persona with default
              DEFCLASS              classification


              On calling the $PERSONA_CREATE system service, the required
              information concerning the OpenVMS user specified by the
              usrnam argument is read from the user authorization file
              and rights database, and is stored in system memory. A
              handle to refer to the created persona is returned in the
              persona argument.

              It is not possible to create a persona for a user name that
              has been disabled.

              No changes are made to the caller's process as a result of
              calling $PERSONA_CREATE.

              Some of the $PERSONA_CREATE service executes in the
              caller's access mode (assumed to be user mode). Improper
              use of the usrnam argument may cause an access violation to
              be signaled.

              Required Access or Privileges

              All calls to $PERSONA_CREATE require DETACH privilege and
              access to the system authorization database.

              Required Quota


              Related Services


        4-14 ProgrammingFeatures

                             4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              Condition Values Returned

              SS$_NORMAL            The service completed successfully.

              SS$_ACCVIO            The persona argument cannot be
                                    written by the caller.

              SS$_NODETACH          Operation requires DETACH privilege.

              SS$_INSFMEM           Insufficient memory.

              IMP$_USERDISABLED     User name disabled.

              Any condition value returned by $LKWSET, $GETUAI, or $FIND_
              HELD may also be returned. $PERSONA_DELETE

              The $PERSONA_DELETE system service deletes a persona
              created using the $PERSONA_CREATE service.


              SYS$PERSONA_DELETE persona



              OpenVMS       integer
              usage:        longword (unsigned)
              Type:         read
              Access:       by reference

              Address of a longword in which the persona handle is


              The $PERSONA_DELETE service frees the resources used by the
              persona. No changes to the caller's process are made as a
              result of calling $PERSONA_DELETE.

              Required Access or Privileges


              Required Quota


              Related Services


                                                 ProgrammingFeatures 4-15

        4.4 System Services Changes and Enhancements

              Condition Values Returned

              SS$_NORMAL            The service completed successfully.

              SS$_INUSE             Persona is in use; it cannot be

        4.5 OpenVMS Alpha Support for SCSI-2 Devices

              On Alpha systems, OpenVMS now supports the tagged command
              queuing functionality of the SCSI-2 standard. Tagged
              command queuing allows a SCSI class driver to pass multiple
              queued I/O requests directly to a port driver without
              waiting for any one I/O request to complete. The port
              driver then sends each I/O request directly to the target
              SCSI device, where the device queues the request on its
              internal command device queues.

              Tagged command queuing functionality increases overall disk
              I/O performance. Because a device knows which I/O requests
              are in progress, it can optimize the order in which it
              handles the requests based on its own hardware capabilities
              (dynamic positioning and latency schedules, and spindle

              The OpenVMS Alpha implementation includes tagged command
              queuing support only on DISK class devices on the SCSI port
              drivers shown in Table 4-8.

              Table 4-8 OpenVMS Alpha Tagged Command Queuing Support

              Driver      Adapter          Adapter Classification

              PKCDRIVER   NCR 53C94        DEC 3000 Alpha family
                                           supporting TURBOchannel

              PKTDRIVER   NCR 53C710       DEC 4000 Alpha family
                                           supporting Futurebus/Plus

              PKEDRIVER   NCR 53C810       Digital Alpha family
                                           supporting PCI

              PKSDRIVER   KZTSA            SIMport TURBOchannel add-on

                          KZPSA            SIMport PCI add-on adapter

              PKQDRIVER   KZPBA, P1SE,     Qlogic PCI SCSI add-on adapter

        4-16 ProgrammingFeatures

                             4.5 OpenVMS Alpha Support for SCSI-2 Devices

              OpenVMS Alpha continues to support nonqueuing operations
              for SCSI magnetic tapes, class drivers, and the following
              SCSI port drivers:

              o  PKJDRIVER - Adaptec 1742A (EISA)

              o  PKZDRIVER - KZMSA (XMI)


        4.6 C++ RTL Object Library

              With OpenVMS Version 6.2, the C++ RTL object modules are
              available in SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.OLB. Most C++ programs can
              include these object modules directly by linking /NOSYSSHR
              in their link commands. C++ programs that include the Task
              class must explicitly include the CMA shared library when
              they link /NOSYSSHR, as in the following example:

              $ LINK/NOSYSSHR foo,SYS$INPUT:/OPT

              For more information, see the DEC C++ Class Library
              Reference Manual.

        4.7 New Linker Option RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT=

              This option enables or disables RMS related name context
              processing within the linker option file. This is also
              known as file specification stickiness. The default is
              to have RMS related name context processing enabled.
              This default applies at the start of each options file
              regardless of the setting in a previous options file.
              The related name context itself (the collection of data
              structures RMS maintains to supply the most recently

                                                 ProgrammingFeatures 4-17

        4.7 New Linker Option RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT=

              specified fields) does not carry over from one linker
              options file to the next (that is, specified fields in the
              previous options file are not used to fill in absent fields
              for file specifications in the current options file).

              The format is as follows:


              Option Values:

              o  YES

                 Enables RMS related name context processing starting
                 with the context previously saved by a RMS_RELATED_
                 CONTEXT=NO command. If RMS related name context
                 processing is already enabled, this option has no

              o  NO

                 Disables RMS related name context processing. When
                 RMS related name context processing is disabled, the
                 current context is saved for a possible future RMS_
                 RELATED_CONTEXT=YES option. If RMS related name context
                 processing is already disabled, specifying RMS_RELATED_
                 CONTEXT=NO has no effect.

              When RMS related name processing is enabled (by default at
              the beginning of each options file), file specifications
              that do not have all fields of the file specification
              present will have the missing fields replaced with the
              corresponding fields most recently specified in earlier
              file specifications. When disabled, fields in the file
              specification that are absent are not replaced with
              corresponding fields of previous file specifications.
              When RMS related name processing is disabled, the current
              related name context is saved. When RMS related name
              processing is enabled via this option, the saved related
              name context is restored.

              For more information about linker options, see the OpenVMS
              Linker Utility Manual.

        4-18 ProgrammingFeatures


                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

              OpenVMS Version 6.2 provides XPG4-compliant utilities for
              managing localization data for international software
              applications or layered products. Localization data is
              defined separately from the application and is bound to it
              only at run time.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                The addition of the DEC C XPG4 code to OpenVMS Version
                6.2 means that developers who link their code on
                OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 will not be able to run it
                on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1.


              The following localization utilities are described in this

              o  GENCAT

              o  ICONV COMPILE

              o  ICONV CONVERT

              o  LOCALE COMPILE

              o  LOCALE LOAD

              o  LOCALE UNLOAD


              o  LOCALE SHOW CURRENT

              o  LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC

              o  LOCALE SHOW VALUE

              These utilities are provided only on CD-ROM.

                                    DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-1

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

              Because these utilities support the XPG4 model of
              internationalization, they are only useful for localizing
              applications written to that model. See the user
              documentation for each application or layered product to
              see if it supports XPG4 internationalization.

              This chapter also describes the locale file format and the
              character set description (charmap) file.

        5.1 GENCAT

              The GENCAT command merges one or more message text source
              files into a message catalog file.

        5.1.1 Format

              GENCAT msgfile[,...] catfile Parameters


              The file specification of a message text source file. The
              default file type for a message text source file is .MSGX.


              The file specification of the message catalog file that
              is created. If catfile already exists, a new version is
              created that includes the messages in the existing catalog.
              The file type for a message catalog file is .CAT. Qualifiers


        5.1.2 Description

              The GENCAT command creates new message catalogs from one
              or more input source files and an existing catalog file
              (if there is one). A message catalog is a binary file
              containing the messages for an application. This includes
              all messages that the application issues, such as error
              messages, screen displays, and prompts. Applications
              retrieve messages from a message catalog using the catopen,
              catgets, and catclose C run-time library routines. See the
              DEC C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems
              for details of these routines.

        5-2 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                               5.1 GENCAT

              A message text source file is a text file that you create
              to hold messages printed by your program. You can use any
              text editor to enter messages into the text source file.
              Messages can be grouped into sets, usually to represent
              functional subsets of your program. Each message has a
              numeric identifier, which must be unique within its set.
              The message text source file can also contain commands
              recognized by GENCAT for manipulating sets and individual

              If a message catalog with the name catfile exists, GENCAT
              creates a new version of the file that includes the
              contents of the older version and then modifies it. If
              the catalog does not exist, GENCAT creates the catalog with
              the name catfile.

              You can specify any number of message text source files.
              The GENCAT command processes multiple source files one
              after the other in the sequence that you specify them. Each
              successive source file modifies the catalog.

              The catfile can contain the following commands:

                 message_number text

                 Inserts text as a message with the identifier message_
                 number. Follow these guidelines:

                 o  Numbers must be ascending within each set. You
                    can skip a number, but you cannot go back to add a
                    missing number or replace an existing number during a
                    GENCAT session.

                 o  If the message text is empty and a space or tab field
                    separator is present, an empty string is stored in
                    the message catalog.

                 o  If a message source line has a message number but
                    neither a field separator nor message text, the
                    existing message with that number (if any) is deleted
                    from the catalog.

                 $delset set_number

                 Deletes the set of messages indicated by set_number.

                 $quote character

                                    DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-3

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.1 GENCAT

                 Sets the quote character to character. See the Examples
                 section for more information.

                 $set set_number

                 Indicates that all messages entered after this command
                 are placed in the set indicated by set_number. You
                 can change the set by entering another $set command.
                 However, set numbers must be entered in ascending order;
                 you cannot go back to a lower numbered set during the
                 GENCAT session. If the command is not used, the default
                 set number is 1.

              Each initial keyword or number must be followed by white
              space. The GENCAT utility ignores any line that begins with
              a space, a tab, or a dollar sign ($) character followed by
              a space, a tab, or a newline character. Therefore, you can
              use these sequences to start comments in your catfile.
              Blank lines are also ignored. Finally, you can place
              comments on the same line after the $delset, $quote, or
              $set commands because GENCAT ignores anything that follows
              these commands.

              A line beginning with a digit marks a message to be
              included in the catalog. You can specify any amount of
              white space between the message ID number and the message
              text; however, when the message text is not delimited by
              quotation marks, one space or tab character is recommended.
              When message text is not in quotation marks, GENCAT treats
              additional white space as part of the message. When message
              text is enclosed in quotation marks, GENCAT ignores
              all spaces or tabs between the message ID and the first
              quotation character.

              Escape sequences like those recognized by the C language
              can be used in text. The escape character (\), a backslash,
              can be used to insert special characters in the message
              text. See Table 5-1.

        5-4 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                               5.1 GENCAT

              Table 5-1 Special Characters

              Sequence    Character

              \n          New Line

              \t          Horizontal Tab

              \v          Vertical Tab

              \b          Backspace

              \r          Carriage Return

              \f          Form Feed

              \\          Backslash Character (\). Use to continue
                          message text on the following line.

              \ddd        The single-byte character associated with the
                          octal value ddd. You can specify one, two, or
                          three octal digits. However, you must include
                          leading zeros if the characters following the
                          octal digits are also valid octal digits;
                          for example, the octal value for $ (dollar
                          sign) is 44. To insert $5.00 into a message,
                          use \0445.00, not \445.00; otherwise the 5 is
                          parsed as part of the octal value.

                ________________________ Notes ________________________

                GENCAT conforms to X/Open specifications. In an
                X/Open conforming application, the set numbers must be
                integers in the range of 1 to NL_SETMAX, inclusive;
                message numbers must be integers in the range of 1
                to NL_MSGMAX, inclusive. NL_SETMAX and NL_MSGMAX are
                defined in the <limits.h> header file that comes with
                DEC C and DEC C++. For OpenVMS Version 6.2, each of
                these limits is 65535.

                The value of LC_CTYPE from the LOCALE SHOW CURRENT
                command determines the interpretation of message text
                in the message source files msgfile....


                                    DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-5

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.1 GENCAT

        5.1.3 Errors

              When GENCAT reports an error, no action is taken on any
              commands and an existing catalog is left unchanged.

        5.1.4 Examples


                 $set 10 Communication Error Messages

                 This example uses the $set command in a source file to
                 assign a set number to a group of messages.

                 The message set number is 10. All messages after the
                 $set command and up to the next $set command are
                 assigned a message set number of 10. (Set numbers
                 must be assigned in ascending order but they need not
                 be contiguous.) You can include a comment in the $set


                 $delset 10 Communication Error Messages

                 This example uses the $delset command to remove from a
                 catalog all messages belonging to the specified message
                 set (10, in this case).

                 The $delset command must be placed in the proper set
                 number order with respect to any $set commands in the
                 same source file. You can include a comment in the
                 $delset command.


                 12 "file removed"

                 This example shows how to enter the message text and
                 assign a message ID number to it. In this case, a
                 message ID of 12 is assigned to the text that follows

                 You must leave at least one space or tab character
                 between the message ID number and the message text but
                 you can include more spaces or tabs if you prefer. If
                 you do include more spaces or tabs, they are ignored
                 when the message text is in quotation marks and they are
                 considered part of the text when the message text is not
                 in quotation marks.

        5-6 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                               5.1 GENCAT

                 Message numbers must be in ascending order within a
                 single message set but they need not be contiguous.

                 All text following the message number and up to the
                 end of the line is included as message text. If you
                 place the escape character (\), a backslash, as the last
                 character on the line, the message text continues on the
                 following line. Consider the following example:

                 This is the text associated with \
                 message number 5.

                 The two lines in the example define the following
                 single-line message:

                 This is the text associated with message number 5.


                 $quote "   Use a double quote to delimit message text
                 $set 10            Message Facility - Quote command messages
                 1 "Use the $quote command to define a character \
                 \n for delimiting message text" \n
                 2 "You can include the \"quote\" character in a message \n \
                 by placing a \\ (backslash) in front of it" \n
                 3 You can include the "quote" character in a message \n \
                 by having another character as the first nonspace \
                 \n character after the message ID number \n
                 4 You can disable the quote mechanism by \n \
                 using the $quote command without \n a character \
                 after it \n

                 This example shows the effect of a quote character.

                 The $quote command defines the double quote (") as the
                 quote character. The quote character must be the first
                 nonspace character after the message number. Any text
                 following the next occurrence of the quote character is

                 This example also shows two ways to include the quote
                 character in the message text:

                 o  Place a \ in front of the quote character.

                 o  Use another character as the first nonspace character
                    after the message number. This disables the quote
                    character for that message only.

                                    DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-7

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.1 GENCAT

                 This example also shows the following:

                 o  A \ is still required to split a quoted message
                    across lines.

                 o  To display a \ in a message, you must place another \
                    in front of it.

                 o  You can format your message with a new-line character
                    by using \n.

                 o  If you use the $quote command with no character
                    argument, you disable the quote mechanism.

        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              The ICONV COMPILE command creates a conversion table file
              from a conversion source file. The conversion table file is
              used by the ICONV CONVERT command to convert characters in
              a file from one codeset to another.

        5.2.1 Format

              ICONV COMPILE sourcefile tablefile Parameters


              The file specification of the conversion source file. The
              default file type is .ISRC. The file naming convention
              Digital uses for conversion source files is:



              The file specification of the conversion table file to be
              created. The default file type is .ICONV. The file naming
              convention for conversion table files is:


              You must follow this convention for naming conversion table
              files for the ICONV CONVERT command to recognize them.

              Public conversion table files are in the directory defined
              by the logical name SYS$I18N_ICONV. Put new conversion
              table files in the same directory if you want to make them
              available systemwide.

        5-8 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                        5.2 ICONV COMPILE


              Directs ICONV COMPILE to produce a listing file, which
              contains the source file listing and any error messages
              generated during compilation. If the file name is omitted
              from the qualifier, the default listing file name is

        5.2.2 Description

              The ICONV commands support any 1- to 4-byte codesets that
              are state independent. They do not support state-dependent

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                There is an implementation restriction in the
                tocodeset encodings in this implementation. The
                characters in tocodeset must not use 0XFF in the
                fourth byte.


              The conversion source file contains the character
              conversion rules for a specific conversion.

              The format of a codeset conversion source file is defined
              as follows:

      <fromcodeset_mb_cur_max>    value
      <fromcodeset_mb_cur_min>    value
      <tocodeset_mb_cur_max>      value
      <tocodeset_mb_cur_min>      value
      <fallback_code>             value
      <escape_char>               value
      <comment_char>              value
      <fromcodeset_range>         value...value;value...value;...;value...value
      fromvalue                         tovalue
      fromvalue                         tovalue
         .                                 .
         .                                 .
         .                                 .
      fromvalue                         tovalue

                                    DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-9

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              where the <...> symbols and their associated values are
              codeset declarations, and the fromvalue/tovalue pairs are
              character conversion rules.

              Codeset Declarations

              The codeset declarations must precede the character
              conversion rules. Each declaration consists of a symbol,
              starting in column 1 and including the surrounding
              brackets, followed by one or more blanks (tabs or spaces),
              followed by the value to be assigned to the symbol. See
              Table 5-2.

              Table 5-2 Codeset Declarations

              Symbol                Value

              <fromcodeset_mb_cur_  The maximum number of bytes in a
              max>                  character in the fromcodeset. This
                                    value defaults to 1.

              <fromcodeset_mb_cur_  The minimum number of bytes in a
              min>                  character in the fromcodeset. This
                                    value must be less than or equal to
                                    fromcodeset_mb_cur_max. If this value
                                    is not specified, it defaults to the
                                    value of fromcodeset_mb_cur_max.

              <tocodeset_mb_cur_    The maximum number of bytes in a
              max>                  character in the tocodeset. This
                                    value defaults to 1.

              <tocodeset_mb_cur_    The minimum number of bytes in a
              min>                  character in the tocodeset. This
                                    value must be less than or equal to
                                    tocodeset_mb_cur_max. If this value
                                    is not specified, it defaults to the
                                    value of tocodeset_mb_cur_max.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-10 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              Table 5-2 (Cont.) Codeset Declarations

              Symbol                Value

              <fallback_code>       The tovalues for the fromvalues that
                                    appear in the <fromcodeset_range> but
                                    are not specified between ICONV_TABLE
                                    and END ICONV_TABLE. Specify one of
                                    three kinds of values:

                                    o  SAME - specifies that the tovalues
                                       are the same as the fromvalues.

                                    o  ERROR - specifies that the
                                       conversion from the fromvalue
                                       to a tovalue is not supported.
                                       ICONV CONVERT issues a warning
                                       and ignores the rest of the record
                                       read. The DEC C run-time library
                                       routine iconv returns to the
                                       caller with an "illegal character"

                                    o  User-defined tovalue - the
                                       fromvalues are converted to the
                                       specified user-defined tovalue.

                                       The user-defined tovalue can
                                       represent a multibyte character
                                       with the restriction that 0xff
                                       cannot be used as the value in
                                       the fourth byte. The settings
                                       for user-defined tovalues for
                                       <fallback_code> are the same
                                       as the settings for character
                                       conversion rule values. You can
                                       use octal, decimal, or hexadecimal
                                       digits. If the <fallback_code>
                                       is not specified, it defaults to

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-11

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              Table 5-2 (Cont.) Codeset Declarations

              Symbol                Value

              <escape_char>         The escape character used to indicate
                                    that subsequent characters are
                                    interpreted in a special way.
                                    The escape character defaults to
                                    backslash (\).

              <comment_char>        The character that, when placed in
                                    column 1 of a line, indicates that
                                    the line will be ignored. The default
                                    comment character is the number sign

              <fromokcodeset_       The fromcodeset encoding ranges.
              range>                Specify this declaration if the
                                    fromcodeset is a multibyte codeset.
                                    If the fromcodeset is omitted, it
                                    defaults to a single-byte codeset
                                    and the table created by ICONV
                                    COMPILE will support only single-byte
                                    fromcodeset conversions.

              When specifying codeset encoding ranges for the
              fromcodeset, every zone of characters must be specified. If
              any zones of characters are missing from the <fromcodeset_
              range> specification, the codeset conversion might be
              incorrect. It is very important to specify the codeset
              encoding ranges correctly for the fromcodesets supported
              by the rest of the DEC C run-time library (RTL). If this is
              not done, the codeset support for iconv and the rest of the
              DEC C RTL will not be consistent.

              For example, the fromcodeset ranges for EUCJP are specified

           <fromcodeset_range>  \x0...\x7f;\x8e\xa1...\x8e\xfe;

              The settings for <fromcodeset_range> values are the same as
              the settings for character conversion rule values. You can
              use octal, decimal or hexadecimal digits.

        5-12 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              Character Conversion Rules

              The character conversion rules are all the lines between
              the string ICONV_TABLE starting in column 1 and END ICONV_
              TABLE starting in column 1.

              Character conversion rules must begin in column 1.

              Empty lines and lines containing a comment_char in the
              first column are ignored. Comments are optional.

              Character conversion rules can have one of two forms:

              fromvalue                   tovalue

              fromvalue...fromvalue       tovalue

              Place one or more blanks (tabs or spaces) between fromvalue
              and tovalue.

              Use the first format to define a single-character
              conversion rule. For example:

              \d32       \d101
              \d37       \d106

              Use the second format to define a range of character
              conversion rules. In this format, the ending fromvalue must
              be equal to or greater than the starting fromvalue. The
              subsequent fromvalues defined by the range are converted to
              tovalues in increasing order.

              For example, consider the following line:

              \d223\d32...\d223\d35       \d129\d254

              This line is interpreted as:

              \d223\d32       \d129\d254
              \d223\d33       \d129\d255
              \d223\d34       \d130\d0
              \d223\d35       \d130\d1

              For settings of fromvalue and tovalue:

              o  A decimal constant is defined as one, two, or three
                 decimal digits preceded by the escape character and
                 lowercase d. For example: \d42.

              o  An octal constant is defined as one, two, or three octal
                 digits preceded by the escape character. For example:

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-13

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

              o  A hexadecimal constant is defined as one or two
                 hexadecimal digits preceded by the escape character
                 and a lowercase x. For example: \x6a.

              Each constant represents a single-byte value. You can
              represent multibyte values by concatenating two or more
              decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constants.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                When constants are concatenated for multibyte values,
                they must have the same radix (decimal, octal,
                or hexadecimal). Only characters in the Portable
                Character Set can be used to construct conversion
                source files.


              Also see the ICONV CONVERT command.

        5.2.3 Errors

              If an error is encountered during processing, ICONV COMPILE
              does not generate an output tablefile. If a warning is
              encountered, a valid table file is created. However,
              because a warning can indicate a user error, you should
              check the returned warning messages.

              Some ICONV COMPILE error messages and their descriptions

              %ICONV-E-INVFCSRNG, syntax error in <fromcodeset_range> definition

              This error occurs when the definition of the <fromcodeset_
              range> symbol does not conform to the required syntax. The
              <fromcodeset_range> symbol defines encoding ranges and is
              required for multibyte codesets.

              %ICONV-E-INVSYNTAX, invalid file syntax

              This error occurs when a line in the source does not
              conform to the required syntax.

              %ICONV-E-BADTABLE, bad table caused by invalid value for 
              <fromcodeset_range> definition

              This error occurs when an invalid value is specified
              for the codeset encoding ranges. The encoding ranges are
              defined by the <fromcodeset_range> symbol.

        5-14 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                        5.2 ICONV COMPILE

        5.2.4 Example


              This example shows how to create a conversion table file
              to convert the EUCTW codeset to the DECHANYU codeset. The
              listing file, EUCTW_DECHANYU.LIS, contains a listing of
              the source file and any error messages generated by the

        5.3 ICONV CONVERT

              The ICONV CONVERT command converts characters in a
              file from one codeset to another codeset. The converted
              characters are written to an output file.

        5.3.1 Format

              ICONV CONVERT infile outfile Parameters


              The file specification of the file that contains the
              characters to be converted. The /FROMCODE qualifier
              specifies the codeset of the characters in this file.


              The file specification of the file created by ICONV
              CONVERT. The /TOCODE qualifier specifies the codeset of
              the characters in this file. Qualifiers


              A required qualifier that specifies the codeset of the
              characters in the input file infile.


              A required qualifier that specifies the codeset of the
              characters in the output file outfile.

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-15

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.3 ICONV CONVERT

        5.3.2 Description

              The ICONV CONVERT command converts the characters in infile
              from the codeset identified by the /FROMCODE qualifier
              to the codeset identified by the /TOCODE qualifier. The
              converted file is written to outfile.

              The conversion is done in one of two ways:

              o  Using a conversion table file to look up the converted
                 characters. This is the default method. The conversion
                 table file naming convention is:


                 ICONV CONVERT searches your current directory for this
                 file. If it cannot find the file, it searches the system
                 directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_ICONV.
                 You can create a conversion table using the ICONV
                 COMPILE command.

                 Note that if you add conversion tables to your
                 system, they must use the same file naming convention.
                 Otherwise, the ICONV CONVERT will not recognize them.

              o  Using an algorithm. This is implemented as a conversion
                 function that is built into the DEC C run-time library.
                 If there is an algorithm available for the specific
                 conversion, ICONV CONVERT uses it instead of the
                 conversion table. You cannot use this method to add
                 codeset converters to your system.

              The ICONV commands support any 1- to 4-byte codesets that
              are state independent. They do not support state-dependent

        5.3.3 Example


              This example shows a conversion from EUCTW characters to
              DECHANYU characters. The EUCTW characters in the file
              FROMFILE.DAT are converted to the corresponding DECHANYU
              characters. The converted characters are stored in the file

        5-16 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                       5.4 LOCALE COMPILE

        5.4 LOCALE COMPILE

              The LOCALE COMPILE command converts a locale source file
              into a binary locale file. The binary locale file is used
              by those utilities and C routines that are dependent on the
              setting of the international environment logical names.

        5.4.1 Format

              LOCALE COMPILE sourcefile Parameter


              The file specification of the locale source file. This file
              defines each category of the locale. The default file type
              for the source file is .LSRC. For the definition of the
              locale source file format, see Section 5.11. Qualifiers

              /NOCHARACTER_DEFINITIONS  (default)

              Specifies a character-set description file (charmap) for
              the locale. This file maps characters to their actual
              character encodings. If a charmap is not specified, no
              symbolic names (other than collating symbols defined in
              a collating symbol keyword) are allowed in the locale
              source file. For definition of the charmap file format,
              see Section 5.12. The default file type for a charmap is


              Used with certain Chinese locales and terminals to specify
              that 4-byte characters occupy four printing positions
              (columns) on the terminal display. The default value (
              /DISPLAY=NOHOLE) specifies that 4-byte characters occupy
              two printing positions.

              /NOIGNORE (default)

              Generates an output file even if LOCALE COMPILE issues
              warning messages. Use the /IGNORE keyword cautiously
              because the warnings could indicate user errors that you
              might want to correct before using the resulting locale

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-17

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.4 LOCALE COMPILE

              /LISTING [=filename]  (batch default)
              /NOLISTING  (interactive default)

              Specifies the name of the listing file. The /SHOW qualifier
              controls the information included in the listing file. If
              the file name is omitted, the default is sourcefile.LIS.


              Specifies the name of the output file. If the /OUTPUT
              qualifier is omitted, the default output file name is
              sourcefile.LOCALE. Public locales are stored in the
              directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE.
              If the output file is in any other location, the locale is

              If /NOOUTPUT is specified, the compiler does not create an
              output file, even if the compilation is successful.


              Use /SHOW together with /LIST to control the information
              included in the listing file. You can specify the following

              Keyword          Description

              ALL              Include all information.

              BRIEF            Include a summary of the symbol table.

              [NO]CHARACTER_   Include or omit the charmap file.

              NONE             Do not print any information. If NONE is
                               specified, the listing file only contains
                               the error messages generated.

              [NO]SOURCE       Include or omit a listing of the source

              [NO]STATISTICS   Include or omit compiler performance

              [NO]SYMBOLS      Include or omit a listing of the charmap
                               symbol table.

              [NO]TERMINAL     Display compiler messages at the terminal.

              The default is /SHOW=(SOURCE,TERMINAL).

        5-18 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                       5.4 LOCALE COMPILE

        5.4.2 Description

              Use the LOCALE COMPILE command to add new locales to your
              system in addition to those supplied by Digital. To compile
              a locale, LOCALE COMPILE requires two files:

              o  A charmap file that defines the character set for the
                 locale. If you do not specify a charmap file, symbolic
                 names cannot be specified in the locale source file.
                 If this happens, LOCALE COMPILE issues an error or
                 warning message, depending on the category processed,
                 and no output file is produced. (Also see the /IGNORE

              o  A locale source file. This file describes one or
                 more of the locale categories: LC_CTYPE, LC_COLLATE,

        5.4.3 Errors

              Some LOCALE COMPILE error messages and their descriptions

              %LOCALE-E-CASEALRDY, case conversion already exists for 'character'

              Where `character` is a character from the codeset. This
              error can occur when the locale compiler is processing the
              LC_CTYPE category. It indicates that more than one case
              conversion is specified for `character`.

              %LOCALE-E-PREOFCMAP, premature end of file in charmap file

              This error occurs if there is no END CHARMAP statement in
              the charmap file.

              %LOCALE-E-PREEOFSRC, premature end of file in source file

              This error occurs if there is an error with the END
              statements in the locale source file.

              %LOCALE-F-NOADDSYM, failed to add symbol to symbol table

              This error can occur when there is insufficient memory
              to finish the compilation. Check the amount of memory
              available to your process.

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-19

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.4 LOCALE COMPILE

              %LOCALE-F-NOINITSYM, failed to initialize symbol table

              This error may be caused if there is insufficient memory
              to finish the compilation. Check the amount of memory
              available to your process.

        5.4.4 Example

        DEFINITIONS=ISO8859-1 -

              This example shows how to generate a locale file named EN_
              GB_ISO8859-1.LOCALE from the source file EN_GB_ISO8859-
              1.LSRC, using the charmap file ISO8859-1.CMAP. To use this
              locale file, copy it to the SYS$I18N_LOCALE directory and
              set the LANG logical to "EN_GB.ISO8859-1". The listing file
              contains a listing of the charmap file, the symbol table,
              performance information, and any error messages generated
              by the compiler.

        5.5 LOCALE LOAD

              This command loads the specified locale name into the
              system's memory as shared, read-only global data.

        5.5.1 Format

              LOCALE LOAD name Parameter


              A character string that identifies the locale to be loaded.
              This can be one of the following:

              o  The name of the public locale

                 Specifies the public locale. The format of the name is:


                 LOCALE LOAD searches for the public locale binary file
                 in the location defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_
                 LOCALE. The file type defaults to .LOCALE. The period
                 (.) and at-sign (@)  characters in the name specified
                 are replaced by underscore (_) characters.

        5-20 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                          5.5 LOCALE LOAD

                 For example, if the name specified is
                 "zh_CN.dechanzi@radical", LOCALE LOAD searches for the
                 following binary locale file:


              o  A file specification

                 Specifies the binary locale file. This can be any valid
                 file specification. If either the device or directory
                 is not specified, LOCALE LOAD first applies the current
                 caller's device and directory as defaults. If the file
                 is not found, the device and directory defined by the
                 SYS$I18N_LOCALE logical name are used as defaults. The
                 file type defaults to .LOCALE.

                 Wildcards are not allowed. The binary locale file cannot
                 reside on a remote node. Qualifiers


        5.5.2 Description

              This command loads the specified locale name into the
              system's memory as several shared, read-only global
              sections. All processes that access the loaded locale then
              use this one copy of the locale, thereby reducing overall
              demand on system memory.

              LOCALE LOAD is a privileged OpenVMS command, typically
              issued by the system manager. The following privileges are

              o  SYSGBL

              o  PRMGBL

        5.6 LOCALE UNLOAD

              This command unloads the specified locale name from the
              system's memory.

        5.6.1 Format

              LOCALE UNLOAD name

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        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.6 LOCALE UNLOAD


              A character string that identifies the locale to be
              unloaded. See the LOCALE LOAD command for acceptable
              formats for this parameter. Qualifiers


        5.6.2 Description

              This command unloads the specified locale name from the
              system's memory. If a process is accessing the locale when
              the UNLOAD command is entered, the global sections are
              deleted after the process deaccesses the locale.

              LOCALE UNLOAD is a privileged OpenVMS command, typically
              issued by the system manager. The following privileges are

              o  SYSGBL

              o  PRMGBL

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                Only locale files loaded by the LOCALE LOAD command
                can be unloaded.



              This command lists character set description files

        5.7.1 Format



        5-22 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                    5.7 LOCALE SHOW CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS


        5.7.2 Description

              This command lists all the character set description files
              (charmaps) in the public directory defined by the logical
              name SYS$I18N_LOCALE. A charmap defines the symbolic names
              and values of characters in a coded character set. Charmaps
              are used by the LOCALE COMPILE command when compiling a
              locale. A charmap file has the file type .CMAP.

        5.7.3 Example


              This example shows a system with several charmap files in
              the SYS$I18N_LOCALE directory.


              This command displays a summary of the current
              international environment as defined by several
              international environment logical names.

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        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

        5.8.1 Format

              LOCALE SHOW [CURRENT] Parameters

              None. Qualifiers


        5.8.2 Description

              The LOCALE SHOW CURRENT command lists the settings for each
              locale category and the values of the environment variables
              LC_ALL and LANG. The CURRENT keyword is the default and
              is, therefore, optional. The logical name that defines a
              category has the same name as the category. For example,
              the LC_MESSAGES logical name defines the setting for the
              LC_MESSAGES category. The locale categories are:

              Category         Description

              LC_COLLATE       Information about collating sequences.

              LC_CTYPE         Character classification information.

              LC_MESSAGES      Information about the language of program
                               messages and the format of yes/no prompts.

              LC_MONETARY      Monetary formatting information.

              LC_NUMERIC       Information about formatting numbers.

              LC_TIME          Time and date information.

              Each locale category is defined by scanning the following
              logical names in the order shown, until a logical name is
              found. If the logical name found does not represent a valid
              locale file, then LOCALE SHOW displays the string "C" for
              all the categories.

              1. LC_ALL

              2. Logical names corresponding to the categories specified
                 in the table (for example, if LC_NUMERIC is specified as
                 a valid locale category, the LOCALE SHOW CURRENT command
                 displays the name of the category and the locale name it

              3. LANG

        5-24 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.8 LOCALE SHOW CURRENT

              4. SYS$LC_ALL

              5. The system default for the locale categories as
                 specified by the SYS$* logical names. For example, the
                 default for the category LC_NUMERIC is defined by the
                 SYS$LC_NUMERIC logical name.

              6. SYS$LANG

              The system manager can choose to define SYS$* logicals
              in the site-specific system startup files to set the
              default locale. If no definition is provided, programs
              operate using the built-in "C" locale, in which case the
              LOCALE SHOW CURRENT command displays the string "C" for the
              current locale categories.

        5.8.3 Example

              $ DEFINE LC_COLLATE EN_US.ISO8859-
        1 ! NOTE: the collate category in unquoted
              $ DEFINE LANG EN_GB_ISO8859-1
              $ DEFINE LC_
              $ LOCALE SHOW CURRENT

              This example shows a process where all locale categories
              except LC_COLLATE and LC_MESSAGES have defaulted to the
              same locale, EN_GB.ISO8859-1. A setting enclosed in double
              quotes indicates that the setting is implied by the setting
              of one of the following logical names: LANG, LC_ALL,
              SYS$LC_ALL, or SYS$LANG. A setting not enclosed by double
              quotes indicates that the logical name for that category
              defines the international environment. This example also
              shows that if a locale category is specified by a complete
              file specification, then the complete file specification is

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-25

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

        5.8.4 Errors

              If any logical names that define the environment are
              improperly defined, no warning message is issued. However,
              the actual international environment is listed exactly as
              it would be seen by an application that uses the DEC C run-
              time library routine setlocale (for instance, if in the
              previous example the SPECIAL.LOCALE file does not exist,
              then the display for the LC_MESSAGES category would show


              This command lists all the public locales on the system.

        5.9.1 Format

              LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC Parameters

              None. Qualifiers


        5.9.2 Description

              This command lists all the public locales on the system.
              The set of public locales contains all the locales that
              reside in the directory defined by the logical name
              SYS$I18N_LOCALE as well as the system's built-in locales
              supplied with the DEC C run-time library.

        5.9.3 Example

              $ LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC

              C (Built-in)
              POSIX (Built-in)
        LOCALE (bad file header checksum)
        DECKANJI (Permanently Loaded)

        5-26 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                   5.9 LOCALE SHOW PUBLIC

              This example shows a system with three locale files in
              the SYS$I18N_LOCALE directory. The C and POSIX locales are
              built in with the system and, therefore, cannot be found in
              SYS$I18N_LOCALE directory.

              This example also shows the effect of having a bad file or
              a nonlocale file in the public directory and the effect of
              having a locale file loaded into the system's memory by the
              LOCALE LOAD command.

        5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

              This command displays the value of one or more keywords
              from the current international environment.

        5.10.1 Format

              LOCALE SHOW VALUE name[,...] Parameter


              The name of a keyword or category. If you specify a
              keyword, the value of that keyword in the current locale
              is displayed. If you specify a category, the values of
              the keywords in that category are displayed. For integer
              keywords that have no value assigned, the value CHAR_
              MAX (127) is displayed. When a keyword value includes
              semicolons, double quotes, backslashes, or control
              characters, they are preceded by an escape character
              (usually a backslash).

              Table 5-3 lists the categories and keywords you can specify
              for name.

        Table 5-3 Locale Categories and Keywords

        Category      Keyword               Keyword Description

        LC_CTYPE                            Character classification

        LC_TIME       DAY                   Full weekday names

                      ABDAY                 Abbreviated weekday names

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-27

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

        Table 5-3 (Cont.) Locale Categories and Keywords

        Category      Keyword               Keyword Description

                      MON                   Full month names

                      ABMON                 Abbreviated month names

                      D_T_FMT               Date and time format

                      D_FMT                 Date format

                      T_FMT                 Time format

                      T_FMT_AMPM            Time format in the 12-hour

                      AM_PM                 Defines how the ante
                                            meridiem (a.m.) and post
                                            meridiem (p.m.) strings are

                      ERA                   Defines how years are counted
                                            and displayed for eras in a

                      ERA_D_FMT             Era date format

                      ERA_D_T_FMT           Era date and time format

                      ERA_T_FMT             Era time format

                      ALT_DIGITS            String defining alternative
                                            symbols for digits

        LC_NUMERIC    DECIMAL_POINT         Character used as a decimal

                      THOUSANDS_SEP         Character used to group
                                            digits to the left of the
                                            decimal delimiter

                      GROUPING              Defines how characters to the
                                            left of the decimal delimiter
                                            are grouped

        LC_MONETARY   INT_CURR_SYMBOL       Character string representing
                                            the international currency

                      CURRENCY_SYMBOL       String used as the local
                                            currency symbol

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-28 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

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                                                   5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

        Table 5-3 (Cont.) Locale Categories and Keywords

        Category      Keyword               Keyword Description

                      MON_DECIMAL_POINT     Character used as a decimal
                                            delimiter when formatting
                                            monetary quantities

                      MON_THOUSANDS_SEP     Character used as a separator
                                            for groups of digits to the
                                            left of the decimal delimiter

                      POSITIVE_SIGN         String used to represent
                                            positive monetary quantities

                      NEGATIVE_SIGN         String used to represent
                                            negative monetary quantities

                      INT_FRAC_DIGITS       Number of digits displayed
                                            to the right of the decimal
                                            delimiter when formatting
                                            monetary quantities using the
                                            international currency symbol

                      FRAC_DIGITS           Number of digits displayed
                                            to the right of the decimal
                                            delimiter when formatting
                                            monetary quantities using the
                                            local currency symbol

                      P_CS_PRECEDES         For positive monetary values,
                                            this is set to 1 if the local
                                            currency symbol precedes the
                                            number and 0 if the symbol
                                            follows the number

                      N_CS_PRECEDES         For negative monetary values,
                                            this is set to 1 if the local
                                            currency symbol precedes the
                                            number and 0 if the symbol
                                            follows the number

                                                 (continued on next page)

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        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

        Table 5-3 (Cont.) Locale Categories and Keywords

        Category      Keyword               Keyword Description

                      P_SEP_BY_SPACE        For positive monetary values,
                                            this is set to 0 if there is
                                            no space between the currency
                                            symbol and the value, 1 if
                                            there is a space, and 2 if
                                            there is a space between the
                                            symbol and the sign string

                      N_SEP_BY_SPACE        For negative monetary values,
                                            this is set to 0 if there is
                                            no space between the currency
                                            symbol and the value, 1 if
                                            there is a space, and 2 if
                                            there is a space between the
                                            symbol and the sign string

                      P_SIGN_POSN           Integer used to indicate
                                            where the POSITIVE_SIGN
                                            string should be placed

                      N_SIGN_POSN           Integer used to indicate
                                            where the NEGATIVE_SIGN
                                            string should be placed

                      MON_GROUPING          Defines how digits are
                                            grouped when formatting
                                            monetary values

        LC_MESSAGES   YESSTR                String representing YES in
                                            the current locale

                      NOSTR                 String representing NO in the
                                            current locale

                      YESEXPR               Expression representing an
                                            affirmative response in the
                                            current locale

                      NOEXPR                Expression representing a
                                            negative response in the
                                            current locale

        5-30 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

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                                                   5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                When an environment variable that affects the setting
                of the current locale points to an invalid locale,
                then the "C" locale is set.


              Other valid keywords that are not displayed by default as
              part of any category include:

              o  CHARMAP - displays the file specification of the charmap
                 used when the locale was created.

              o  CODE_SET_NAME - defines the name of the coded character
                 set for which the charmap file is defined.

              o  MB_CUR_MAX - defines the maximum number of bytes in a
                 multibyte character.

              o  MB_CUR_MIN - defines the minimum number of bytes in a
                 character in the coded character set. Qualifiers


              Displays the category name before each keyword. If
              /CATEGORY is not specified, the category name is not


              Displays the keyword name before the value of a keyword.
              If /KEYWORD is not specified, the value of the keyword is
              displayed, but not its name.

        5.10.2 Errors

              %LOCALE-E-NOKEYFND, no keyword keyword-name found

              The keyword-name is not a valid keyword. Specify only the
              keywords listed in Table 5-3.

        5.10.3 Description

              This command displays the value of one or more keywords
              from the current international environment.

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        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.10 LOCALE SHOW VALUE

        5.10.4 Examples


                 $ LOCALE SHOW VALUE NOEXPR

                 Issuing LOCALE SHOW VALUE without qualifiers displays
                 the value of the NOEXPR string.



                 Specifying /CATEGORY displays the category name (LC_
                 MESSAGES) before the value of the NOEXPR string.


                 noexpr= "^[nN][[:alpha:]]*"

                 Specifying /KEYWORD displays the keyword name before its


                 noexpr= "^[nN][[:alpha:]]*"

                 Specifying /KEYWORD and /CATEGORY displays the category
                 and keyword name before the keyword value.

        5-32 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

        5.11 Locale File Format

              A locale definition source file contains one or more
              categories that describe a locale. You can convert a locale
              definition source file into a locale by using the LOCALE
              COMPILE command. Locales can be modified only by editing
              a locale definition source file and then using the LOCALE
              COMPILE command again on the new source file. Each locale
              source file section defines a category of locale data. A
              source file cannot contain more than one section for the
              same category.

        5.11.1 Locale Categories

              The following standard locale categories are supported:

              o  LC_COLLATE - Defines character or string collation

              o  LC_CTYPE - Defines character classification, case
                 conversion, and other character attributes

              o  LC_MESSAGES - Defines the format for affirmative and
                 negative responses

              o  LC_MONETARY - Defines rules and symbols for formatting
                 monetary numeric information

              o  LC_NUMERIC - Defines a list of rules and symbols for
                 formatting nonmonetary numeric information

              o  LC_TIME - Defines a list of rules and symbols for
                 formatting time and date information Overriding Defaults

              You can include optional declarations at the beginning of
              your locale source file to override the default comment and
              escape characters used in locale category definitions:

              o  Escape character

                 The escape character is used in decimal or hexadecimal
                 constants when they are specified in the locale file.
                 The default escape character is the backslash (\). To
                 define another escape character, include a line with the
                 following format:

                 escape_char  <char_symbol>

              o  Comment character

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        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

                 The comment character is the first character of any
                 comment entries in the locale file. The default comment
                 character is the number sign (#). To define another
                 comment character, use the following format:

                 comment_char  <char_symbol>

              In the preceding formats, <char_symbol> is the character's
              symbolic name as defined in the charmap file used to build
              the locale's codeset. One or more blank characters (spaces
              or tabs) must separate escape_char or comment_char from
              <char_symbol>. Category Source Definitions

              Each category source definition consists of the following:

              o  The category header (category_name)

              o  The associated keyword or value pairs that comprise the
                 category body

              o  The category trailer (END category_name)

              For example:

              <source for LC_CTYPE category>
              END LC_CTYPE

              The source for all of the categories is specified using
              keywords, strings, character literals, and character
              symbols. Each keyword identifies either a definition or
              a rule. The remainder of the statement containing the
              keyword contains the operands to the keyword. Operands are
              separated from the keyword by one or more blank characters
              (spaces or tabs). A statement may be continued on the next
              line by placing a backslash (\) as the last character
              before the new-line character that terminates the line.
              Lines containing the comment character (#) in the first
              column are treated as comment lines.

              A symbolic name begins with the left angle-bracket
              character (<) and ends with the right angle-bracket
              character (>). The characters between the < and the > can
              be any characters from the Portable Character Set, except
              for the control and space characters. For example, <A-
              diaeresis> could be a symbolic name for a character. Any
              symbolic name referenced in the locale source file must be

        5-34 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              defined via the Portable Character Set or in the character
              set description (charmap) file for that locale.

              A character literal is the character itself, or a decimal,
              hexadecimal, or octal constant. A decimal constant contains
              two or three decimal digits and has the following form,
              where n is any decimal digit:

              \dnn or \dnnn

              A hexadecimal constant contains two hexadecimal digits and
              has the following form, where n is any hexadecimal digit:


              An octal constant contains two or three octal digits and
              has the following form, where n is any octal digit:

              \nn or \nnn

              The explicit definition of each category in a locale
              definition source file is not required. When a category
              is undefined in a locale definition source file, the LOCALE
              COMPILE command will not store any data value for this
              category in the resulting locale file.

        5.11.2 The LC_COLLATE Category

              The LC_COLLATE category defines the relative order between
              collation items. This category begins with the LC_COLLATE
              header and ends with the END LC_COLLATE trailer.

              A collation item is the unit of comparison for collation.
              A collation item may be a character or a sequence of
              characters. Every collation item in the locale has a set
              of weights, which determine if the collation item collates
              before, equal to, or after the other collation items in the
              locale. Each collation item is assigned collation weights
              by the LOCALE COMPILE command when the locale definition
              source file is compiled. These collation weights are then
              used by applications programs that compare strings.

              String comparison is performed by comparing the collation
              weights of each character in the string until either a
              difference is found or the strings are determined to be
              equal. This comparison may be performed several times if
              the locale defines multiple collation orders. For example,
              in the French locale, the strings are compared using a
              primary set of collation weights. If they are equal on the

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-35

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              basis of this comparison, they are compared again using
              a secondary set of collation weights. A collation item
              has a set of collation weights associated with it that is
              equal to the number of collation sort rules defined for the

              Every character defined in the charmap file (or every
              character in the Portable Character Set if no charmap
              file is specified) is itself a collation item. Additional
              collation items can be defined using the collating-element
              statement (see the description that follows).

              Table 5-4 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_COLLATE category.

              Table 5-4 LC_COLLATE Category Keywords

              Keyword             Description

              copy                Specifies the name of an existing
                                  locale to be used as the definition
                                  of this category. If you specify a copy
                                  statement, you need not specify any
                                  other keywords in this category.

              collating-element   Specifies multicharacter collation

              collating-symbol    Specifies collation symbols for use in
                                  collation sequence statements.

              order_start         Specifies collation order statements
                                  that assign collation weights to
                                  collation items.

              The collating-element, collating-symbol, and order_start
              statements are further described in the following sections. The collating-element Statement

              The collating-element statement specifies multicharacter
              collation items.


              collating-element <character_symbol> from <string>

        5-36 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              The character_symbol argument defines a collation item that
              is a string of one or more characters as a single collation
              item. The character_symbol cannot duplicate any symbolic
              name in the current charmap file or any other symbolic name
              defined in this collation definition.

              The string argument specifies a string of two or more
              characters that define the character_symbol argument. The
              following are examples of the syntax for the collating-
              element statement:

              collating-element <ch> from "<c><h>"
              collating-element <e-acute> from "<acute><e>"
              collating-element <11> from "<1><1>"

              A character_symbol argument defined by the collating-
              element statement is recognized only within the LC_COLLATE
              category. The collating-symbol Statement

              The collating-symbol statement specifies collation symbols
              for use in collation sequence statements.


              collating-symbol <collating_symbol>

              The collating_symbol argument cannot duplicate any symbolic
              name in the current charmap file or any other symbolic name
              defined in this collation definition. The following are
              examples of collating-symbol statements:

              collating-symbol <UPPER_CASE>
              collating-symbol <HIGH>

              An argument defined by the collating_symbol statement is
              recognized only within the LC_COLLATE category. The order_start Statement

              The order_start statement is followed by one or more
              collation order statements that assign collation weights
              to collation items and the order_end keyword. The order_
              start statement is a required statement.

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-37

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format


              order_start sort_rules;sort_rules;...;sort_rules

              Sort Rules

              The sort_rules directives have the following syntax:

              keyword, keyword,...,keyword

              where keyword is FORWARD, BACKWARD, or POSITION.

              The sort_rules directives are optional. If specified, they
              define the rules to apply during string comparison. The
              number of specified sort_rules directives defines the
              number of weights each collation item is assigned (that
              is, the directives define the number of collation orders in
              the locale). If no sort_rules directives are specified, one
              forward directive is assumed and comparisons are made on a
              character basis rather than a string basis.

              If sort_rules directives are present, the first one applies
              when comparing strings that use the primary weight, the
              second when comparing strings that use the secondary
              weight, and so on. Each set of sort_rules directives is
              separated by a semicolon (;). A sort_rules directive
              consists of one or more keywords separated by commas. The
              following keywords are supported:

                 FORWARD - Specifies that collation weight comparisons
                 proceed from the beginning of a string to the end of the

                 BACKWARD - Specifies that collation weight comparisons
                 proceed from the end of a string to the beginning of the

                 POSITION - Specifies that collation weight comparisons
                 consider the relative position of nonignored elements
                 in the string (that is, if strings compare as equal,
                 the element with the shortest distance from the starting
                 point of the comparison collates first).

              The forward and backward keywords are mutually exclusive.

        5-38 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Here is an example of a sort_rules directive:

              order_start        forward;backward

              Collation Order Statements

              The following syntax rules apply to the collation order

              o  Each collation order statement consists of a <character_
                 symbol> specification followed by white space and a set
                 of collation orders.

              o  Characters in the character set can be explicitly
                 specified in the collation order statements or
                 implicitly specified using the ellipsis symbol (...).

              o  A collation order statement that begins with the
                 UNDEFINED special symbol specifies any characters
                 that are in the character set but not explicitly
                 or implicitly specified by other collation order

              The optional operands for each collation item are used
              to define the primary, secondary, or subsequent weights
              for the collation item. The special symbol IGNORE is used
              to indicate a collation item that is to be ignored when
              strings are compared.

              An ellipsis keyword appearing in place of a collating_
              element_list indicates the weights are to be assigned,
              for the characters in the identified range, in numerically
              increasing order from the weight for the character symbol
              on the left side of the preceding statement.

              The use of the ellipsis keyword results in a locale that
              may collate differently when compiled with different
              character set description (charmap) source files.

              The UNDEFINED special symbol includes all coded character
              set values not specified explicitly or with an ellipsis
              symbol. These characters are inserted in the character
              collation order at the point indicated by the UNDEFINED
              special symbol and are all assigned the same weight.
              If no UNDEFINED special symbol exists and the collation
              order does not specify all collation items from the coded
              character set, a warning is issued and all undefined
              characters are placed at the end of the character collation

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-39

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format


              The following is an example of a collation order statement
              section in the LC_COLLATE locale definition source file

              order_start     forward;backward
              UNDEFINED       IGNORE;IGNORE
              <space>         <LOW>;<space>
              ...              <LOW>;...
              <a>             <a>;<a>
              <a-acute>       <a>;<a-acute>
              <a-grave>       <a>;<a-grave>
              <A>             <a>;<A>
              <A-acute>       <a>;<A-acute>
              <A-grave>       <a>;<A-grave>
              <ch>            <ch>;<ch>
              <Ch>            <ch>;<Ch>
              <s>             <s>;<s>
              <ss>            <s><s>;<s><s>
              <eszet>         <s><s>;<eszet><eszet>
              ...             <HIGH>;...

              This example is interpreted as follows:

              o  The UNDEFINED special symbol indicates that all
                 characters not specified in the definition (either
                 explicitly or by the ellipsis symbol) are ignored for
                 collation purposes.

              o  All collation items between <space> and <a> have the
                 same primary equivalence class and individual secondary
                 weights based on their coded character-set values.

              o  All versions of the letter a (uppercase and lowercase,
                 and with or without diacriticals) belong to the same
                 primary collation class.

              o  The <c><h> multicharacter collation item is represented
                 by the <ch> collating symbol and belongs to the same
                 primary equivalence class as the <C><h> multicharacter
                 collation item.

        5-40 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              o  The <eszet> character is collated as an <s><s> string
                 (that is, one <eszet> character is expanded to two
                 characters before comparing).

        5.11.3 The LC_CTYPE Category

              The LC_CTYPE category defines character classification,
              case conversion, and other character attributes. This
              category begins with the LC_CTYPE header and ends with
              the END LC_CTYPE trailer.

              All operands for LC_CTYPE category statements are defined
              as lists of characters. Each list consists of one or
              more characters or symbolic character names separated
              by semicolons. An ellipsis (...) can represent a series
              of characters; for example, <a>;...;<z> represents the
              characters in the range a through z.

              Table 5-5 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_CTYPE category. In the keyword descriptions, the phrase
              "automatically included" means that an error does not occur
              if the referenced characters are included or omitted;
              the characters are provided if they are missing, and are
              accepted if they are present.

              Table 5-5 LC_CTYPE Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              copy     Specifies the name of an existing locale to be
                       used as the definition for this category.

                       If you specify a copy statement, you cannot
                       specify any other keyword.

              upper    Defines uppercase letter characters.

                       Do not specify any character defined by the cntrl,
                       digit, punct, or space keyword. The uppercase
                       letters A through Z are automatically included in
                       this set.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-41

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-5 (Cont.) LC_CTYPE Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              lower    Defines lowercase letter characters.

                       Do not specify any character defined by the cntrl,
                       digit, punct, or space keyword. The lowercase
                       letters a through z are automatically included in
                       this set.

              alpha    Defines all letter characters.

                       Do not specify any character defined by the cntrl,
                       digit, punct, or space keyword. Characters defined
                       by the upper and lower keywords are automatically
                       included in this character class.

              digit    Defines numeric digit characters.

                       Only the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
                       9 can be specified. The digits 0 through 9 are
                       automatically included in this set.

              space    Defines white-space characters.

                       Do not specify any character defined by the upper,
                       lower, alpha, digit, graph, or xdigit keyword.
                       The space, form-feed, new-line, carriage-return,
                       tab, and vertical tab characters are automatically
                       included in this set.

              cntrl    Defines control characters.

                       Do not specify any character defined by the upper,
                       lower, alpha, digit, punct, graph, print, or
                       xdigit keyword.

              punct    Defines punctuation characters.

                       Do not specify the space character or any
                       character defined by the upper, lower, alpha,
                       digit, cntrl, or xdigit keywords.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-42 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-5 (Cont.) LC_CTYPE Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              graph    Defines printable characters, excluding the space

                       Do not specify any character defined by the cntrl
                       keyword. The characters defined by the upper,
                       lower, alpha, digit, xdigit, and punct keywords
                       are automatically included in this character

              print    Defines printable characters, including the space

                       Do not specify any character defined by the
                       cntrl keyword. The space character and characters
                       defined by the upper, lower, alpha, digit, xdigit,
                       and punct keywords are automatically included in
                       this character class.

              xdigit   Defines hexadecimal digit characters.

                       Only the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
                       can be specified. Any character, however, can be
                       specified for the hexadecimal values for 10 to 15.
                       These alternate hexadecimal digits are not used by
                       standard conversion routines when converting digit
                       strings from hexadecimal to numeric quantities.
                       The numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through
                       F and a through f are automatically included in
                       this set.

              blank    Defines blank characters.

                       The space and horizontal tab characters are
                       included in this character class. Any characters
                       defined by this statement are automatically
                       included in the space class.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-43

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-5 (Cont.) LC_CTYPE Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              toupper  Defines the mapping of lowercase characters to
                       uppercase characters.

                       Operands for this keyword consist of character
                       pairs separated by commas. Each character pair is
                       enclosed in parentheses () and separated from the
                       next pair by a semicolon (;). The first character
                       in each pair is considered a lowercase character;
                       the second character is considered an uppercase
                       character. Only characters defined by the lower
                       and upper keywords can be specified. If toupper is
                       not specified, a through z is mapped to A through
                       Z by default.

              tolower  Defines the mapping of uppercase characters to
                       lowercase characters.

                       Operands for this keyword consist of character
                       pairs separated by commas. Each character pair is
                       enclosed in parentheses () and separated from the
                       next pair by a semicolon (;). The first character
                       in each pair is considered an uppercase character;
                       the second character is considered a lowercase
                       character. Only characters defined by the lower
                       and upper keywords can be specified.

                       If tolower is not specified, the mapping defaults
                       to the reverse mapping of the toupper keyword,
                       if specified. If the toupper and tolower keywords
                       are both omitted, the mapping for each defaults to
                       that of the C locale.

        5-44 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Additional keywords can be provided to define new character
              classifications. For example:

              charclass vowel
              vowel        <a>;<e>;<i>;<o>;<u>;<y>

              The LC_CTYPE category does not support multicharacter
              elements (for example, the German Eszet character is
              traditionally classified as a lowercase letter). In
              proper capitalization of German text, the Eszet character
              is replaced by the two characters SS; there is no
              corresponding uppercase letter. This kind of conversion
              is outside the scope of the toupper and tolower keywords.

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-45

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              The following is an example of a possible LC_CTYPE category
              listed in a locale definition source file:

              #"alpha" is by default "upper" and "lower"
              #"alnum" is by definition "alpha" and "digit"
              #"print" is by default "alnum", "punct" and the space character
              #"graph" is by default "alnum" and "punct"
              #"tolower" is by default the reverse mapping of "toupper"
              upper   <A>;<B>;<C>;<D>;<E>;<F>;<G>;<H>;<I>;<J>;<K>;<L>;<M>;\
              lower   <a>;<b>;<c>;<d>;<e>;<f>;<g>;<h>;<i>;<j>;<k>;<l>;<m>;\
              digit   <zero>;<one>;<two>;<three>;<four>;<five>;<six>;\
              space   <tab>;<newline>;<vertical-tab>;<form-feed>;\
              cntrl   <alert>;<backspace>;<tab>;<newline>;<vertical-tab>;\
              punct   <exclamation-mark>;<quotation-mark>;<number-sign>;\
              xdigit  <zero>;<one>;<two>;<three>;<four>;<five>;<six>;\
              blank   <space>;<tab>

        5-46 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              toupper (<a>,<A>);(<b>,<B>);(<c>,<C>);(<d>,<D>);(<e>,<E>);\
              END LC_CTYPE

        5.11.4 The LC_MESSAGES Category

              The LC_MESSAGES category defines the format for affirmative
              and negative system responses. This category begins with
              the LC_MESSAGES header and ends with the END LC_MESSAGES

              All operands for the LC_MESSAGES category are defined as
              strings or extended regular expressions bounded by double
              quotation marks ("). These operands are separated from
              the keyword they define by one or more blank characters
              (spaces or tabs). Two adjacent double quotation marks ("")
              indicate an undefined value.

              Table 5-6 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_MESSAGES category.

              Table 5-6 LC_MESSAGES Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              copy     Specifies the name of an existing locale to be
                       used as the definition of this category.

                       If you specify a copy statement, you cannot
                       specify any other keyword.

              yesexpr  Specifies an extended regular expression that
                       describes the acceptable affirmative response to
                       a question expecting an affirmative or negative

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-47

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-6 (Cont.) LC_MESSAGES Category Keywords

              Keyword  Description

              noexpr   Specifies an extended regular expression that
                       describes the acceptable negative response to a
                       question expecting an affirmative or negative

              yesstr   Specifies the locale's equivalent of an acceptable
                       affirmative response.

                       This string is accessible to applications through
                       the nl_langinfo subroutine as nl_langinfo
                       (YESSTR). Note that yesstr is likely to be
                       withdrawn from the XPG4 standard; yesexpr is the
                       recommended alternative.

              nostr    Specifies the locale's equivalent of an acceptable
                       negative response.

                       This string is accessible to applications through
                       the nl_langinfo subroutine as nl_langinfo (NOSTR).
                       Note that nostr is likely to be withdrawn from
                       the XPG4 standard; noexpr is the recommended

              The following is an example of a possible LC_MESSAGES
              category listed in a locale definition source file:

              yesexpr "<circumflex><left-square-bracket><y><Y>\
              noexpr  "<circumflex><left-square-bracket><n><N>\
              yesstr  "<y><e><s>"
              nostr   "<n><o>"
              END LC_MESSAGES

        5.11.5 The LC_MONETARY Category

              The LC_MONETARY category defines rules and symbols for
              formatting monetary numeric information. This category
              begins with the LC_MONETARY header and ends with an
              END LC_MONETARY trailer.

        5-48 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              All operands for the LC_MONETARY category keywords are
              defined as string or integer values. String values are
              bounded by double quotation marks ("). All values are
              separated from the keyword they define by one or more blank
              characters (spaces or tabs). Two adjacent double quotation
              marks ("") indicate an undefined string value. A negative
              one (-1) indicates an undefined integer value.

              Table 5-7 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_MONETARY category.

              Table 5-7 LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              copy             Specifies the name of an existing locale
                               to be used as the definition of this

                               If you specify a copy statement, you
                               cannot specify any other keyword.

              int_curr_symbol  Specifies the string used for the
                               international currency symbol.

                               The operand for this keyword is a 4-
                               character string+. The first three
                               characters contain the alphabetic
                               international currency symbol. The fourth
                               character defines a character separator
                               for insertion between the international
                               currency symbol and a monetary quantity.

              currency_symbol  Specifies the string used for the local
                               currency symbol.

              mon_decimal_     Specifies the the decimal delimiter string
              point            used for formatting monetary quantities.


              four characters to be specified. However, the user should
              not rely on this fact and use it exactly as specified. The
              4-character limit will be implemented in a future version
              of DEC C RTL.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-49

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              mon_thousands_   Specifies the character separator used
              sep              for grouping digits to the left of the
                               decimal delimiter in formatted monetary

              mon_grouping     Specifies a string that defines the size
                               of each group of digits in formatted
                               monetary quantities.

                               The operand for this keyword consists
                               of a sequence of integers separated by
                               semicolons. Each integer specifies the
                               number of digits in a group. The first
                               integer defines the size of the group
                               immediately to the left of the decimal
                               delimiter. Subsequent integers define
                               succeeding groups to the left of the
                               previous group. If the last integer is
                               not -1, it is used to group any remaining
                               digits. If the last integer is -1, no
                               further grouping is performed.

                               A sample interpretation of the mon_
                               grouping statement follows. Assuming a
                               value of 123456789 to be formatted and
                               a mon_thousands_sep operand of ' (single
                               quotation mark), the following results

                               mon_grouping   Formatted Value

                               3;-1           123456'789

                               3              123'456'789

                               3;2;-1         1234'56'789

                               3;2            12'34'56'789

              positive_sign    Specifies the string used to indicate a
                               nonnegative formatted monetary quantity.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-50 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              negative_sign    Specifies the string used to indicate a
                               negative formatted monetary quantity.

              int_frac_digits  Specifies an integer value representing
                               the number of fractional digits (those
                               after the decimal delimiter) to be
                               displayed in a formatted monetary quantity
                               using the int_curr_symbol value.

              frac_digits      Specifies an integer value representing
                               the number of fractional digits (those
                               after the decimal delimiter) to be
                               displayed in a formatted monetary quantity
                               using the currency_symbol value.

              p_cs_precedes    Specifies an integer value indicating
                               whether the int_curr_symbol or currency_
                               symbol string precedes or follows the
                               value for a nonnegative-formatted monetary

                               The following integer values are

                               0   The currency symbol follows the
                                   monetary quantity.

                               1   The currency symbol precedes the
                                   monetary quantity.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-51

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              p_sep_by_space   Specifies an integer value indicating
                               whether the int_curr_symbol or currency_
                               symbol string is separated by a space from
                               a nonnegative-formatted monetary quantity.

                               The following integer values are

                               0   No space separates the currency symbol
                                   from the monetary quantity.

                               1   A space separates the currency symbol
                                   from the monetary quantity.

                               2   A space separates the currency symbol
                                   and the positive_sign string, if

              n_cs_precedes    Specifies an integer value indicating
                               whether the int_curr_symbol or currency_
                               symbol string precedes or follows the
                               value for a negative-formatted monetary

                               The following integer values are

                               0   The currency symbol follows the
                                   monetary quantity.

                               1   The currency symbol precedes the
                                   monetary quantity.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-52 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              n_sep_by_space   Specifies an integer value indicating
                               whether the int_curr_symbol or currency_
                               symbol string is separated by a space from
                               a negative-formatted monetary quantity.

                               The following integer values are

                               0   No space separates the currency symbol
                                   from the monetary quantity.

                               1   A space separates the currency symbol
                                   from the monetary quantity.

                               2   A space separates the currency symbol
                                   and the negative_sign string, if

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-53

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              p_sign_posn      Specifies an integer value indicating the
                               positioning of the positive_sign string
                               for a nonnegative-formatted monetary

                               The following integer values are

                               0   A left_parenthesis and right_
                                   parenthesis symbol enclose both the
                                   monetary quantity and the int_curr_
                                   symbol or currency_symbol string.

                               1   The positive_sign string precedes the
                                   quantity and the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               2   The positive_sign string follows the
                                   quantity and the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               3   The positive_sign string immediately
                                   precedes the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               4   The positive_sign string immediately
                                   follows the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-54 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-7 (Cont.) LC_MONETARY Category Keywords

              Keyword          Description

              n_sign_posn      Specifies an integer value indicating
                               the positioning of the negative_sign
                               string for a negative-formatted monetary

                               The following integer values are

                               0   A left_parenthesis and right_
                                   parenthesis symbol enclose both the
                                   monetary quantity and the int_curr_
                                   symbol or currency_symbol string.

                               1   The negative_sign string precedes the
                                   quantity and the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               2   The negative_sign string follows the
                                   quantity and the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               3   The negative_sign string immediately
                                   precedes the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string.

                               4   The negative_sign string immediately
                                   follows the int_curr_symbol or
                                   currency_symbol string. Monetary Format Variations

              You can produce a unique customized monetary format by
              changing the value of a single statement. Table 5-8 shows
              the results of using all combinations of defined values
              for the p_cs_precedes, p_sep_by_space, and p_sign_posn

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-55

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-8 Monetary Format Variations

                                  =                   2        1        0
              p_cs_precedes = 1   p_sign_posn = 0  ($1.25)  ($       ($1.25)

                                  p_sign_posn = 1  + $1.25  +$ 1.25  +$1.25

                                  p_sign_posn = 2  $1.25 +  $ 1.25+  $1.25+

                                  p_sign_posn = 3  + $1.25  +$ 1.25  +$1.25

                                  p_sign_posn = 4  $ +1.25  $+ 1.25  $+1.25

              p_cs_precedes = 0   p_sign_posn = 0  (1.25    (1.25    (1.25$)
                                                   $)       $)

                                  p_sign_posn = 1  +1.25 $  +1.25 $  +1.25$

                                  p_sign_posn = 2  1.25$ +  1.25 $+  1.25$+

                                  p_sign_posn = 3  1.25+ $  1.25 +$  1.25+$

                                  p_sign_posn = 4  1.25$ +  1.25 $+  1.25$+

              The following is a sample LC_MONETARY category specified in
              a locale definition source file:

              int_curr_symbol         "<U><S><D><space>"
              currency_symbol         "<dollar-sign>"
              mon_decimal_point       "<period>"
              mon_thousands_sep       "<comma>"
              mon_grouping            3
              positive_sign           "<plus-sign>"
              negative_sign           "<hyphen>"
              int_frac_digits         2
              frac_digits             2
              p_cs_precedes           1
              p_sep_by_space          2
              n_cs_precedes           1
              n_sep_by_space          2
              p_sign_posn             3
              n_sign_posn             3
              END LC_MONETARY

        5-56 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

        5.11.6 The LC_NUMERIC Category

              The LC_NUMERIC category defines rules and symbols for
              formatting nonmonetary numeric information. This category
              begins with the LC_NUMERIC header and ends with the
              END LC_NUMERIC trailer.

              All operands for the LC_NUMERIC category keywords are
              defined as string or integer values. String values are
              bounded by double quotation marks ("). All values are
              separated from the keyword they define by one or more blank
              characters (spaces or tabs). Two adjacent double quotation
              characters ("") indicate an undefined string value. A
              negative one (-1) indicates an undefined integer value.

              Table 5-9 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_NUMERIC category.

              Table 5-9 LC_NUMERIC Category Keywords

              Keyword       Description 

              copy          Specifies the name of an existing locale to
                            be used as the definition of this category.

                            If you specify a copy statement, you cannot
                            specify any other keyword.

              decimal_      Specifies the decimal delimiter string used
              point         to format nonmonetary numeric quantities.

                            This keyword cannot be omitted and cannot be
                            set to the undefined string value.

              thousands_    Specifies the string separator used for
              sep           grouping digits to the left of the decimal
                            delimiter in formatted nonmonetary numeric

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-57

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-9 (Cont.) LC_NUMERIC Category Keywords

              Keyword       Description

              grouping      Defines the size of each group of digits in
                            formatted monetary quantities.

                            The operand for the grouping keyword consists
                            of a sequence of integers separated by
                            semicolons. Each integer specifies the number
                            of digits in a group. The first integer
                            defines the size of the group immediately to
                            the left of the decimal delimiter. Subsequent
                            integers define succeeding groups to the left
                            of the previous group. Grouping is performed
                            for each integer specified for the grouping
                            keyword. If the last integer is not -1, it
                            is used repeatedly to group any remaining
                            digits. If the last integer is -1, no more
                            grouping is performed.

                            A sample interpretation of the grouping
                            statement follows. Assuming a value of
                            123456789 to be formatted and a thousands_
                            sep operand of ' (single quotation mark), the
                            following results occur:

                            grouping       Formatted Value

                            3;-1           123456'789

                            3              123'456'789

                            3;2;-1         1234'56'789

                            3;2            12'34'56'789

              The following is a sample LC_NUMERIC category specified in
              a locale definition source file:

              decimal_point   "<period>"
              thousands_sep   "<comma>"
              grouping        <3>
              END LC_NUMERIC

        5-58 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

        5.11.7 The LC_TIME Category

              The LC_TIME category defines rules and symbols for
              formatting time and date information. This category
              begins with the LC_TIME category header and ends with the
              END LC_TIME trailer.

              All operands for the LC_TIME category keywords are
              defined as string or integer values. String values are
              bounded by double quotation marks ("). All values are
              separated from the keyword they define by one or more blank
              characters (spaces or tabs). Two adjacent double quotation
              characters ("") indicate an undefined string value. Field
              descriptors, described later in this section, are used by
              commands and subroutines that query the LC_TIME category to
              represent elements of time and date formats. Keywords

              Table 5-10 lists the statement keywords recognized in the
              LC_TIME category.

              Table 5-10 LC TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

              copy       Specifies the name of an existing locale to be
                         used as the definition of this category.

                         If you specify a copy statement, you cannot
                         specify any other keyword.

              abday      Defines the abbreviated weekday names
                         corresponding to the %a field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of seven strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         corresponds to the abbreviated name for the
                         first day of the week (Sun), the second to the
                         abbreviated name for the second day of the week,
                         and so on.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-59

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-10 (Cont.) LC_TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

              day        Defines the full spelling of the weekday names
                         corresponding to the %A field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of seven strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         corresponds to the full spelling of the name of
                         the first day of the week (Sunday), the second
                         to the name of the second day of the week, and
                         so on.

              abmon      Defines the abbreviated month names
                         corresponding to the %b field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of 12 strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         corresponds to the abbreviated name for the
                         first month of the year (Jan), the second to
                         the abbreviated name for the second month of the
                         year, and so on.

              mon        Defines the full spelling of the month names
                         corresponding to the %B field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of 12 strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         corresponds to the full spelling of the name
                         for the first month of the year (January), the
                         second to the full spelling of the name for the
                         second month of the year, and so on.

              d_t_fmt    Defines the string used for the standard
                         date-and-time format corresponding to the %c
                         field descriptor. The string can contain any
                         combination of characters and field descriptors.

              d_fmt      Defines the string used for the standard date
                         format corresponding to the %x field descriptor.
                         The string can contain any combination of
                         characters and field descriptors.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-60 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-10 (Cont.) LC_TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

              t_fmt      Defines the string used for the standard time
                         format corresponding to the %X field descriptor.
                         The string can contain any combination of
                         characters and field descriptors.

              am_pm      Defines the strings used to represent a.m.
                         (before noon) and p.m. (afternoon) corresponding
                         to the %p field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of two strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         corresponds to the a.m. designation, the second
                         string corresponds to the p.m. designation.

              t_fmt_     Defines the string used for the standard 12-hour
              ampm       time format that includes an am_pm value (%p
                         field descriptor).

                         This statement corresponds to the %r field
                         descriptor. The string can contain any
                         combination of characters and field descriptors.
                         If the string is empty, the 12-hour format is
                         not supported by the locale.

              era        Defines how the years are counted and displayed
                         for each era in a locale, corresponding to the
                         %E field descriptor modifier.

                         For each era, there must be one string in the
                         following format:


                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-61

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-10 (Cont.) LC_TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

                         The variables for the era string format are
                         defined as follows:

                         o  direction - Specifies a minus (-) or a plus
                            (+) character.

                            The minus character (-) indicates that years
                            count in the negative direction when moving
                            from the start date to the end date. The plus
                            character (+) indicates that years count in
                            the positive direction when moving from the
                            start date to the end date.

                         o  offset - Specifies a number representing the
                            first year of the era corresponding to the
                            %Ey field descriptor.

                         o  start_date - Specifies the starting date of
                            the era in yyyy/mm/dd format, where yyyy,
                            mm, and dd are the year, month, and day,
                            respectively, on the Gregorian calendar.

                            Years prior to the year A.D. 1 are
                            represented as negative numbers. For example,
                            an era beginning March 5 in the year 100 B.C.
                            would be represented as -100/03/05.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-62 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-10 (Cont.) LC_TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

                         o  end_date - Specifies the ending date of the
                            era in the same form used for the start_date
                            variable or one of the two special values -*
                            or +*.

                            A -* value indicates that the ending date of
                            the era extends backward to the beginning of
                            time. A +* value indicates that the ending
                            date of the era extends forward to the end
                            of time. Therefore, the ending date can be
                            chronologically before or after the starting
                            date of the era. For example, the strings
                            for the Christian eras A.D. and B.C. would be
                            entered, respectively, in the following way:

                             +:0:0000/01/01:+*:AD:%Ey %EC
                             +:1:-0001/12/31:-*:BC:%Ey %EC

                         o  name - Specifies a string representing the
                            name ofDECeCeXPG4hLocalizationtUtilitiest5-63
                            %EC field descriptor.

                         o  format - Specifies a strftime, strptime, and
                            wcsftime format string to use when formatting
                            the %EY field descriptor.

                            This string can contain any strftime,
                            strptime, and wcsftime format control
                            characters (except %EY) and locale-dependent
                            multibyte characters.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-63

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

              Table 5-10 (Cont.) LC_TIME Category Keywords

              Keyword    Description

                         An era value consists of one string (enclosed
                         in quotes) for each era. If more than one era
                         is specified, each era string is separated by a
                         semicolon (;).

              era_d_fmt  Defines the string used to represent the date
                         in alternate-era format corresponding to the
                         %Ex field descriptor. The string can contain any
                         combination of characters and field descriptors.

              era_t_fmt  Defines the locale's alternative time format
                         as represented by the %EX field descriptor for
                         strftime, strptime, and wcsftime.

              era_d_t_   Defines the locale's alternative date-and-
              fmt        time format as represented by the %Ec field
                         descriptor for strftime, strptime, and wcsftime.

              alt_       Defines alternate strings for digits
              digits     corresponding to the %O field descriptor.

                         Recognized values consist of a group of strings
                         separated by semicolons. The first string
                         represents the alternate string for 0 (zero),
                         the second string represents the alternate
                         string for 1, and so on. You can specify a
                         maximum of 100 alternate strings. Field Descriptors

              The LC_TIME locale definition source file uses field
              descriptors to represent elements of time and date formats.
              You can combine these field descriptors to create other
              field descriptors or to create time and date format
              strings. When used in format strings that contain field
              descriptors and other characters, field descriptors are
              replaced by their current values. All other characters
              are copied without change. Table 5-11 lists the field
              descriptors used by commands and subroutines that query
              the LC_TIME category for time formatting.

        5-64 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

          Table 5-11 LC_TIME Locale Field Descriptors

          Descriptor   Meaning

              %a       Represents the abbreviated weekday name (for
                       example, Sun) defined by the abday statement.

              %A       Represents the full weekday name (for example,
                       Sunday) defined by the day statement.

              %b       Represents the abbreviated month name (for
                       example, Jan) defined by the abmon statement.

              %B       Represents the full month name (for example,
                       January) defined by the month statement.

              %c       Represents the date-and-time format defined by the
                       d_t_fmt statement.

              %C       Represents the century as a decimal number (00 to

              %d       Represents the day of the month as a decimal
                       number (01 to 31).

              %D       Represents the date in %m/%d/%y format (for
                       example, 01/31/91).

              %e       Represents the day of the month as a decimal
                       number (1 to 31).

                       If the day of the month is not a 2-digit
                       number, the leading digit is filled with a space

              %Ec      Specifies the alternate date-and-time
                       representation for the locale.

              %EC      Specifies the name of the base year (period) in
                       the locale's alternate representation.

              %Ex      Specifies the alternate date representation for
                       the locale.

              %Ey      Specifies the offset from %EC (year only) in the
                       locale's alternate representation.

              %EY      Specifies the full alternate year representation.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-65

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

          Table 5-11 (Cont.) LC_TIME Locale Field Descriptors

          Descriptor   Meaning

              %h       Represents the abbreviated month name (for
                       example, Jan) defined by the abmon statement.
                       This field descriptor is a synonym for the %b
                       field descriptor.

              %H       Represents the 24-hour clock hour as a decimal
                       number (00 to 23).

              %I       Represents the 12-hour clock hour as a decimal
                       number (01 to 12).

              %j       Represents the day of the year as a decimal number
                       (001 to 366).

              %m       Represents the month of the year as a decimal
                       number (01 to 12).

              %M       Represents the minutes of the hour as a decimal
                       number (00 to 59).

              %n       Specifies a new-line character.

              %Od      Specifies the day of the month by using the
                       locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %Oe      Specifies the day of the month by using the
                       locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %OH      Specifies the hour (24-hour clock) by using the
                       locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %OI      Specifies the hour (12-hour clock) by using the
                       locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %Om      Specifies the month by using the locale's
                       alternate numeric symbols.

              %OM      Specifies the minutes by using the locale's
                       alternate numeric symbols.

              %OS      Specifies the seconds by using the locale's
                       alternate numeric symbols.

              %OU      Specifies the week number of the year (with
                       Sunday as the first day of the week) by using
                       the locale's alternate numeric symbols.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-66 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

          Table 5-11 (Cont.) LC_TIME Locale Field Descriptors

          Descriptor   Meaning

              %Ow      Specifies the weekday as a number in the locale's
                       alternate representation (Sunday = 0).

              %OW      Specifies the week number of the year (with
                       Monday as the first day of the week) by using
                       the locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %Oy      Specifies the year (offset from %C) using the
                       locale's alternate numeric symbols.

              %p       Represents the a.m. or p.m. string defined by the
                       am_pm statement.

              %r       Represents the 12-hour clock time with a.m./p.m.
                       notation as defined by the t_fmt_ampm statement.

              %S       Represents the seconds of the minute as a decimal
                       number (00 to 59).

              %t       Specifies a tab character.

              %T       Represents 24-hour clock time in the format
                       %H:%M:%S (for example, 16:55:15).

              %U       Represents the week of the year as a decimal
                       number (00 to 53).

                       Sunday, or its equivalent as defined by the day
                       statement, is considered the first day of the
                       week for calculating the value of this field

              %w       Represents the day of the week as a decimal number
                       (0 to 6).

                       Sunday, or its equivalent as defined by the
                       day statement, is considered to be 0 (zero) for
                       calculating the value of this field descriptor.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-67

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.11 Locale File Format

          Table 5-11 (Cont.) LC_TIME Locale Field Descriptors

          Descriptor   Meaning

              %W       Represents the week of the year as a decimal
                       number (00 to 53).

                       Monday, or its equivalent as defined by the day
                       statement, is considered the first day of the
                       week for calculating the value of this field

              %x       Represents the date format defined by the d_fmt

              %X       Represents the time format defined by the t_fmt

              %y       Represents the year of the century (00 to 99).

              %Y       Represents the year as a decimal number (for
                       example, 1989).

              %%       Specifies a % (percent sign) character. Sample Locale Definition

              The following is a sample LC_TIME category specified in a
              locale definition source file:

              #Abbreviated weekday names (%a)
              abday   "<S><u><n>";"<M><o><n>";"<T><u><e>";"<W><e><d>";\

              #Full weekday names (%A)
              day     "<S><u><n><d><a><y>";"<M><o><n><d><a><y>";\

              #Abbreviated month names (%b)
              abmon   "<J><a><n>";"<F><e><b>";"<M><a><r>";"<A><p><r>";\

        5-68 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                                  5.11 Locale File Format

              #Full month names (%B)
              mon     "<J><a><n><u><a><r><y>";"<F><e><b><r><u><a><r><y>";\

              #Date-and-time format (%c)
              #Note that for improved readability, this section uses actual
              #characters, rather than symbolic names, and is inconsistent with
              #the other sections in this example.  This is bad form.
              #In practice, symbolic names should be used.
              d_t_fmt         "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
              #Date format (%x)
              d_fmt           "%m/%d/%y"
              #Time format (%X)
              t_fmt           "%H:%M:%S"
              #Equivalent of AM/PM (%p)
              am_pm           "<A><M>";"<P><M>"
              #12-hour time format (%r)
              #Note that for improved readability, this section uses actual
              #characters, rather than symbolic names, and is inconsistent with
              #the other sections in this example.  This is bad form.
              #In practice, symbolic names should be used.
              t_fmt_ampm      "%I:%M:%S %p"
              era             "+:0:0000/01/01:+*:AD:%Ey %EC";\
              "+:1:-0001/12/31:-*:BC:%Ey %EC"

              era_d_fmt     ""
              alt_digits    "<0><t><h>";"<1><s><t>";"<2><n><d>";"<3><r><d>";\
              END LC_TIME

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-69
        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

        5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

              This section describes the character set description file,
              or charmap file. The charmap file defines character symbols
              as character encodings and is the source file for a coded
              character set, or codeset.

        5.12.1 Portable Character Set

              All supported codesets have the Portable Character Set
              (PCS) as a proper subset. The PCS consists of the following
              character symbols (listed by their standardized symbolic
              names) and their hexadecimal encodings. See Table 5-12.

              Table 5-12 Portable Character Set

              Symbol Name           Hexadecimal Encoding

              <NUL>                 \x00

              <alert>               \x07

              <backspace>           \x08

              <tab>                 \x09

              <newline>             \x0A

              <vertical-tab>        \x0B

              <form-feed>           \x0C

              <carriage-return>     \x0D

              <space>               \x20

              <exclamation-mark>    \x21

              <quotation-mark>      \x22

              <number-sign>         \x23

              <dollar-sign>         \x24

              <percent>             \x25

              <ampersand>           \x26

              <apostrophe>          \x27

              <left-parenthesis>    \x28

              <right-parenthesis>   \x29

              <asterisk>            \x2A

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-70 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                           5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

              Table 5-12 (Cont.) Portable Character Set

              Symbol Name           Hexadecimal Encoding

              <plus-sign>           \x2B

              <comma>               \x2C

              <hyphen>              \x2D

              <period>              \x2E

              <slash>               \x2F

              <zero>                \x30

              <one>                 \x31

              <two>                 \x32

              <three>               \x33

              <four>                \x34

              <five>                \x35

              <six>                 \x36

              <seven>               \x37

              <eight>               \x38

              <nine>                \x39

              <colon>               \x3A

              <semi-colon>          \x3B

              <less-than>           \x3C

              <equal-sign>          \x3D

              <greater-than>        \x3E

              <question-mark>       \x3F

              <commercial-at>       \x40

              <A>                   \x41

              <B>                   \x42

              <C>                   \x43

              <D>                   \x44

              <E>                   \x45

              <F>                   \x46

              <G>                   \x47

                                                 (continued on next page)

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-71
        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

              Table 5-12 (Cont.) Portable Character Set

              Symbol Name           Hexadecimal Encoding

              <H>                   \x48

              <I>                   \x49

              <J>                   \x4A

              <K>                   \x4B

              <L>                   \x4C

              <M>                   \x4D

              <N>                   \x4E

              <O>                   \x4F

              <P>                   \x50

              <Q>                   \x51

              <R>                   \x52

              <S>                   \x53

              <T>                   \x54

              <U>                   \x55

              <V>                   \x56

              <W>                   \x57

              <X>                   \x58

              <Y>                   \x59

              <Z>                   \x5A

              <left-bracket>        \x5B

              <backslash>           \x5C

              <right-bracket>       \x5D

              <circumflex>          \x5E

              <underscore>          \x5F

              <grave-accent>        \x60

              <a>                   \x61

              <b>                   \x62

              <c>                   \x63

              <d>                   \x64

                                                 (continued on next page)

        5-72 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                           5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

              Table 5-12 (Cont.) Portable Character Set

              Symbol Name           Hexadecimal Encoding

              <e>                   \x65

              <f>                   \x66

              <g>                   \x67

              <h>                   \x68

              <i>                   \x69

              <j>                   \x6A

              <k>                   \x6B

              <l>                   \x6C

              <m>                   \x6D

              <n>                   \x6E

              <o>                   \x6F

              <p>                   \x70

              <q>                   \x71

              <r>                   \x72

              <s>                   \x73

              <t>                   \x74

              <u>                   \x75

              <v>                   \x76

              <w>                   \x77

              <x>                   \x78

              <y>                   \x79

              <z>                   \x7A

              <left-brace>          \x7B

              <vertical-line>       \x7C

              <right-brace>         \x7D

              <tilde>               \x7E

        5.12.2 Components of a Charmap File

              A charmap file has the following components:

              o  An optional special symbolic name declarations section

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-73

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

                 Each declaration in this section consists of a special
                 symbolic name, followed by one or more space or tab
                 characters, and a value. The following list describes
                 the special symbolic names that you can include in the
                 declarations section:


                    Specifies the name of the codeset for which the
                    charmap file is defined. This value determines
                    the value returned by the nl_langinfo (CODESET)
                    subroutine. If <code_set_name> is not declared, the
                    name for the Portable Character Set is used.


                    Specifies the maximum number of bytes in a character
                    for the codeset. Valid values are 1 to 4. The default
                    value is 1.


                    Specifies the minimum number of bytes in a character
                    for the codeset. Since all supported codesets have
                    the Portable Character Set as a proper subset, this
                    value must be 1.


                    Specifies the escape character that indicates
                    encodings in hexadecimal or octal notation. The
                    default value is a backslash (\).


                    Specifies the character used to indicate a comment
                    within a charmap file. The default value is the
                    number sign (#).

              o  The CHARMAP section header

                 This header marks the beginning of the section that
                 associates character symbols with encodings.

              o  Mapping statements for characters in the codeset

        5-74 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                           5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

                 Each statement specifies a symbolic name for a character
                 and the associated encoding for that character. A
                 mapping statement has the following format:

                 <char_symbol> encoding

                 A symbolic name begins with the left angle-bracket
                 (<) character and ends with the right angle-bracket
                 (>) character. For char_symbol (the name between <
                 and >), you can use any characters from the Portable
                 Character Set, except for control and space characters.
                 You can use a > in char_symbol; if you do, precede all >
                 characters except the last one with the escape character
                 (as specified by the <escape_char> special symbolic

                 An encoding is specified as one or more character
                 constants, with the maximum number of character
                 constants specified by the <mb_cur_max> special symbolic
                 name. The encoding may be specified as decimal, octal,
                 or hexadecimal constants with the following formats:

                 o  Decimal constant: \dnn or \dnnn, where n is any
                    decimal digit

                 o  Octal constant: \nn or \nnn, where n is any octal

                 o  Hexadecimal constant: \xnn, where n is any
                    hexadecimal digit

                 The following are sample character symbol definitions:

                 <A>        \d65        #decimal constant
                 <B>        \x42        #hexadecimal constant
                 <j10101>   \x81\xA1    #multiple hexadecimal constants

                 You can also define a range of symbolic names and
                 corresponding encoded values, where the nonnumeric
                 prefix for each symbolic name is common, and the numeric
                 portion of the second symbolic name is equal to or
                 greater than the numeric portion of the first symbolic
                 name. In this format, a symbolic name value consists
                 of zero or more nonnumeric characters followed by an
                 integer of one or more decimal digits. This format
                 defines a series of symbolic names. For example, the
                 string <j0101>...<j0104> is interpreted as the symbolic

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-75

        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
        5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

                 names <j0101>, <j0102>, <j0103>, and <j0104>, in that

                 In statements defining ranges of symbolic names, the
                 specified encoded value is the value for the first
                 symbolic name in the range. Subsequent symbolic names
                 have encoded values in increasing order. Consider the
                 following sample statement:

                 <j0101>...<j0104>        \d129\d254

                 This sample statement is interpreted as follows:

                 <j0101> \d129\d254
                 <j0102> \d129\d255
                 <j0103> \d130\d0
                 <j0104> \d130\d1

                 You cannot assign multiple encodings to one symbolic
                 name, but you can create multiple names for one encoded
                 value because some characters have several common names.
                 For example, the . character is called a period in some
                 parts of the world, and a full stop in others. You can
                 specify both names in the charmap. For example:

                 <period>        \x2e
                 <full-stop>     \x2e

                 Any comments must begin with the character specified by
                 the <comment_char> special symbolic name. When an entire
                 line is a comment, you must specify the <comment_char>
                 in the first column of the line.

              o  The END CHARMAP section trailer

                 This trailer indicates the end of character map

              The following is a portion of a sample charmap file:

              <code_set_name>         "ISO8859-1"
              <mb_cur_max>            1
              <mb_cur_min>            1
              <escape_char>           \
              <comment_char>          #

        5-76 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities

                                        DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
                           5.12 Character Set Description (Charmap) File

              <NUL>                   \x00
              <SOH>                   \x01
              <STX>                   \x02
              <ETX>                   \x03
              <EOT>                   \x04
              <ENQ>                   \x05
              <ACK>                   \x06
              <alert>                 \x07
              <backspace>             \x08
              <tab>                   \x09
              <newline>               \x0a
              <vertical-tab>          \x0b
              <form-feed>             \x0c
              <carriage-return>       \x0d
              END CHARMAP

                                   DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities 5-77


                         Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              The local area network (LAN) software has been enhanced
              to include system management tools for LAN configurations.
              The enhancements include two LAN utilities that work in
              conjunction with the OpenVMS LAN driver system software.
              The LAN utilities perform system management tasks related
              to LAN operations and provide other benefits.

              The LAN system management enhancements:

              o  Allow you to set LAN parameters to customize your LAN

              o  Display LAN settings and counters.

              o  Provide Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) downline
                 load support for devices such as terminal servers,
                 x-terminals, and LAN-based printers, and for booting
                 satellites in a VMScluster environment. This enhancement
                 provides an alternative to the traditional method of
                 using either DECnet for OpenVMS or DECnet/OSI software.

                     Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-1

              Table 6-1 describes the LAN utilities and the functionality
              supported on systems running OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS

              Table 6-1 LAN System Management Enhancements

              Utility   Description           OpenVMS Support

              LAN       Runs as a server      The LANACP utility provides
              Auxiliary process whose         identical functionality
              Control   primary function      on VAX and Alpha systems
              Program   is to provide         running OpenVMS Version
              (LANACP)  MOP downline load     6.2.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-2 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Table 6-1 (Cont.) LAN System Management Enhancements

              Utility   Description           OpenVMS Support

              LAN       Allows you to         OpenVMS Alpha Version
              Control   control LAN           6.1 contains the initial
              Program   software parameters   implementation of LANCP,
              (LANCP)   and obtain            which does not include
                        information from      MOP-related functions.
                        the LAN software.     OpenVMS Version 6.2 (VAX
                        You can use the       and Alpha) adds MOP-related
                        LANCP utility to:     functions and extends

                        o  Obtain LAN         this capability to VAX
                           device counters,   systems. The following
                           revision, and      table shows how the LAN
                           configuration      utility functions are
                           information        supported on VAX and Alpha

                                                 (continued on next page)

                     Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-3

              Table 6-1 (Cont.) LAN System Management Enhancements

              Utility   Description           OpenVMS Support

                        o  Change the         ___________________________
                           operational                    OpenVMS   OpenVMS
                           parameters of                  Alpha     VAX
                           LAN devices on     Function____V6.2______V6.2_

                           the system         Update      Yes       No

                        o  Maintain the LAN   firmware?

                           device database    Change      Yes       No
                           and the LAN node   opera-
                           database           tional
                        o  Update the         param-
                           firmware on LAN    eters
                           devices            of LAN
                        o  Control the        Display     Yes       Limited
                           LANACP LAN         LAN
                           Server process     device
                           (including MOP     informa-
                           downline load      tion?
                           server related     ___________________________

                        o  Initiate MOP
                           console carrier
                           and MOP trigger
                           boot operations


        6-4 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              This chapter describes how to invoke and use the LANCP and
              LANACP utilities.

        6.1 The LANCP Utility

              The LANCP utility implements commands to set and show LAN
              parameters. Section 6.1.1 describes how to invoke the LANCP
              utility. Table 6-2 describes LAN functions and provides
              section references to the LANCP commands that help you
              perform these functions.

              Table 6-2 Functions of the LANCP Utility

              Category         Function                        Reference

              LAN device       Changes operational             Section 6.1.3
              management       parameters, and displays
                               counters and status
                               information, and performs
                               firmware updates of LAN

              LAN device       Enables or disables MOP         Section 6.1.4
              database         downline load service,
              management       and displays MOP counters
                               information for LAN devices
                               in the LAN permanent and
                               volatile device databases.

              LAN node         Changes node data and           Section 6.1.5
              database         displays MOP counters
              management       information in the LAN
                               permanent and volatile node

              LANACP MOP       Changes operational             Section 6.1.6
              downline         parameters, and displays and
              load service     clears counters and status
              management       information.

              LANCP MOP        Initiates console carrier       Section 6.1.7
              console          connections.

              LANCP MOP        Sends trigger boot requests     Section 6.1.8
              trigger boot     to other nodes.

                     Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-5

        6.1.1 Invoking and Exiting the LANCP Utility

              Table 6-3 describes the ways you can invoke the LANCP
              utility (SYS$SYSTEM:LANCP.EXE).

              Table 6-3 Invoking the LANCP Utility

              Command          Example

              Use the RUN      At the DCL command prompt, enter:
              command          $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LANCP

                               The LANCP utility responds by displaying
                               the LANCP prompt at which you can enter
                               LANCP commands.

              Define LANCP     Either at the DCL prompt or in a startup
              as a foreign     or login command file, enter:
              command          $ LANCP :== $SYS$SYSTEM:LANCP

                               Then, you can enter the command LANCP at
                               the DCL prompt to invoke the utility and
                               enter LANCP commands.

                               When you enter the LANCP command:

                               o  Without specifying any command
                                  qualifiers, the LANCP utility displays
                                  the LANCP prompt at which you can enter

                               o  With command qualifiers, the LANCP
                                  utility terminates after it executes
                                  the command and the DCL command prompt
                                  is displayed.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-6 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Table 6-3 (Cont.) Invoking the LANCP Utility

              Command          Example

              Use the MCR      At the DCL command prompt, enter:
              command          $ MCR LANCP

                               When you enter the MCR LANCP command:

                               o  Without specifying any command
                                  qualifiers, the LANCP utility displays
                                  the LANCP prompt at which you can enter

                               o  With command qualifiers, the LANCP
                                  utility terminates after it executes
                                  the command and the DCL command prompt
                                  is displayed.

              For information about the LANCP utility, enter the HELP
              command at the LANCP prompt.

              To exit from the LANCP utility, enter the EXIT command at
              the LANCP prompt or press Ctrl/Z.

        6.1.2 LAN Databases

              The LANCP and LANACP utilities manipulate two databases:

              o  The device database, one for each node in the cluster,
                 contains information about the LAN devices on the

              o  The node database, usually one for the entire cluster,
                 contains information about all the nodes on the LAN for
                 which LANCP/LANACP will provide MOP load service.

              These two databases are stored on disk as the permanent
              databases. When the LANACP is started (usually during
              system startup) the contents of these databases are
              loaded into memory as the volatile databases. Maintaining
              a version of the databases in memory improves LANACP
              performance. The volatile databases are reloaded from
              the permanent databases every time the LANACP process is
              started, and by explicit operator command.

                     Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-7

              The permanent (disk-resident) versions of the databases are
              manipulated by LANCP DEFINE and PURGE commands.

              o  DEFINE commands are used to enter information into the

              o  PURGE commands are used to remove information.

              The volatile (memory-resident) versions of the databases
              are manipulated by LANCP SET and CLEAR commands. They
              provide the same functions as the permanent database DEFINE
              and PURGE commands, but only affect the volatile databases.
              Because the volatile databases are reloaded from the
              permanent databases each time the LANACP is started, the
              effect of SET and CLEAR commands is lost at each startup.

              Use DEFINE and PURGE commands to modify the permanent
              databases for settings that you wish to keep permanently.
              Use SET and CLEAR commands to modify the volatile databases
              for settings that you wish to keep only for the current
              session. LANCP commands are provided to update the volatile
              databases with changes made to the permanent databases, and
              vice versa.

        6.1.3 LAN Device Management

              LAN device management consists of setting device parameters
              and displaying device characteristics. You can use the
              LANCP utility to set parameters for the types of LAN
              devices shown in Table 6-4.

        6-8 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Table 6-4 LAN Devices

              LAN       Examples       Description

              Ethernet  DE425,         Allow the selection of media type
                        DE434,         (type of cable connected) and the
                        DE435,         speed of connection (Ethernet or
                        DE436,         FastEthernet).
                        DE500,         Allow full-duplex operation
                        DECchip        (point-to-point operation between
                        21040          similar devices or between the

                                       device and a switch).

              FDDI      DEFTA,         Allow full-duplex operation.
                        DEFEA, DEMFA

              Token     DETRA,         Allow the setting of Token Ring
              Ring      DW300, DW110   parameters and the definition
                                       of source routing and functional
                                       address mapping.

              All       Any            Allow the setting of generic
                                       parameters such as the number
                                       of receive buffers. Setting Device Parameters

              All LAN devices are characterized by a collection of
              parameters. The parameters define the operational
              characteristics of a LAN device on the medium to which
              the device is connected.

              At the LANCP> prompt, enter the SET DEVICE command to
              set LAN device parameters. The LANCP utility issues
              this command directly to the specified device (without
              interaction with the LANACP server process).

              The syntax for the SET DEVICE command is:

              SET DEVICE device-name/qualifiers

              In this command, you specify:

              o  Device-name

                     Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-9

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or
                 EXA0:. To select all LAN devices, omit the device name
                 and include the /ALL qualifier.

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-5 for a description of the LANCP SET DEVICE
                 command qualifiers.

        6-10 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-5 LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /AGING_             Sets the amount of time in seconds to age
        TIMER=value         source routing cache entries before marking
                            them stale. This timer expires when no
                            traffic is sent to or received from the
                            remote node in this amount of time.

                            Default value: 60 seconds

                            Note: Increase this value when idle
                            connections bounce between the stale and
                            known states. Setting this value too low
                            may cause unnecessary explorer traffic to
                            traverse the LAN.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

        /ALL                Sets data for all LAN devices. If a device
                            name is specified, all matching LAN devices
                            are selected (for example, E to select all
                            Ethernet devices, F for FDDI devices, I for
                            Token Ring devices, and EW for Ethernet PCI
                            Tulip devices).

        /CACHE_             Sets the number of entries to reserve for
        ENTRIES=value       caching source routing address entries.

                            Default value: 200 entries

                            Note: If your system directly communicates
                            to a large number of systems, you may want to
                            increase this number.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

        /CONTENDER          Specifies that the device is to participate
                            in the Monitor Contention process when it
                            joins the ring.

                            Default value: /NOCONTENDER

                            Note: The default setting directs the device
                            not to challenge the current ring server.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-11

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /DISCOVERY_         Sets the number of seconds to wait for a
        TIMER=value         reply from a remote node when performing the
                            source routing route discovery process.

                            Default value: 2 seconds

                            Note: If you have nodes that respond slowly
                            on your extended LAN, you may need to
                            increase this number to reduce the amount
                            of explorer traffic that traverses your LAN.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

        /EARLY              Enables Early Token Release on the device.
                            The negated form of the qualifier, /NOEARLY,
                            disables Early Token Release.

                            Default value: /EARLY

                            Devices: Token Ring devices operating on
                            16-megabit rings

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-12 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /FULL_DUPLEX        Enables usage of full-duplex operation on a
                            device. You may also need to specifically
                            set up the device or network connection
                            for full-duplex operation to get full-
                            duplex operation. The negated form of the
                            qualifier, /NOFULL_DUPLEX, disallows full-
                            duplex operation regardless of the hardware

                            Default value: /NOFULL_DUPLEX

                            Devices: DEMFA, DEFAA, DEFEA, DEFPA, DEFTA,
                            DE425, DE434, DE435, DE436, DECchip 21040


                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-13

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

                            Defines or deletes a functional address
                            mapping entry. Token Ring devices do not
                            support IEEE 802 standard globally defined
                            group addresses. They do support functional
                            addresses. A functional address is a locally
                            administered group address that has 31
                            possible values. Each functional address
                            sets one bit in the third through sixth bytes
                            of the address, and bytes 1 and 2 are 03-
                            00 (C0:00 in bit reversed format). This
                            command maps a standard multicast address
                            to a functional address.

                            The negated form of the qualifier,
                            /NOMAP=(MULTICAST_ADDRESS=address), clears
                            the mapping established for the specified

                            Specify the functional address as follows:

                            o  The MULTICAST_ADDRESS qualifier requires a
                               standard 6-byte multicast address.

                            o  The FUNCTIONAL_ADDRESS qualifier requires
                               only the last 4 bytes of the functional
                               address (the preceding 03-00 bytes are
                               automatically prefixed).

                            o  The variable address, given as hexadecimal
                               byte characters separated by hyphens,
                               specifies the canonical form of the
                               address. Use a colon as the separator
                               character to indicate the bit-reversed
                               form of the address.

                            For example, to map the multicast address
                            CB-00-01-02-03-04 to the functional address
                            03-00-00-80-00-00 on the Token Ring device
                            IRA0, enter the following command:

                            SET DEVICE IRA0/MAP=(MULTI=CB-00-01-02-03-

                            Default value: See Table 6-6 for the default
                            address mapping or issue the command SHOW
                            DEVICE/MAP device-name.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

                                                  (continued on next page)

        6-14 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /MAX_               Sets the maximum number of receive buffers to
        BUFFERS=value       be allocated and used by the LAN driver for
                            the LAN device. The value must be within the
                            range 4 to 32. The value cannot be less than
                            the minimum number of receive buffers.

                            Default value: 32

                            Devices: Any LAN device

                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-15

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /MEDIA=value        To set the /MEDIA qualifier:

                            o  For Token Ring devices, this qualifier
                               selects the type of cable media that is
                               being used to connect the adapter to the
                               Token Ring Media Access Unit (MAU) for
                               devices that do not automatically detect
                               cable types. Acceptable values for this
                               qualifier are either UTP (unshielded
                               twisted pair) or STP (shielded twisted

                               Default value: STP

                            o  For Ethernet devices DE425, DE434, DE435,
                               DE436, DE500, and DECchip 21040, this
                               qualifier selects the cable connection.
                               Normally, the selection is made during
                               device initialization using a limited
                               autosensing algorithm that selects twisted
                               pair, but fails over to AUI if twisted
                               pair does not appear to be functional.
                               Thereafter, a cabling change would require
                               a reboot of the system to take effect.
                               This qualifier allows you to change the
                               selection without rebooting. Acceptable
                               values are AUI (10Base2, 10Base5),
                               TWISTEDPAIR (10BaseT), and AUTOSENSE
                               (perform the limited autosense algorithm

                               Default value: AUTOSENSE

                               Note: Some devices, such as the DE435,
                               require a jumper change on the Ethernet
                               card to switch between 10Base2 and 10Base5
                               (ThinWire and thickwire). Other devices,
                               such as the DE434, DE436 and DE500, only
                               have twisted-pair connections.

                            Devices: Any LAN device that has software-
                            settable media selection

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-16 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /MIN_               This qualifier sets the minimum number of
        BUFFERS=value       receive buffers to be allocated and used by
                            the LAN driver for the LAN device. The value
                            must be within the range 4 to 32. The value
                            can not exceed the maximum number of receive

                            Default value: 32

                            Devices: Any LAN device

        /SOURCE_ROUTING     Enables source routing on the Token Ring
                            device. If you have only one ring in your
                            LAN or you use transparent bridging, use
                            the /NOSOURCE_ROUTING qualifier to turn off
                            source routing.

                            Default value: /SOURCE_ROUTING

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-17

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /SPEED=value        Sets the speed of the LAN. For Token Ring,
                            valid values are either 4 or 16, indicating
                            4 megabits per second or 16 megabits per
                            second. For Ethernet, valid values are either
                            10 or 100, which selects the 10 megabits per
                            second Ethernet port or the 100 megabits per
                            second FastEthernet port.

                            Default value: The default value for Token
                            Ring is 16 unless the LAN adapter supports
                            a nonvolatile mechanism for setting this
                            parameter (as does the DEC Token Ring
                            Controller 700). The default value for
                            Ethernet is to sense automatically which
                            type of port is connected and select the
                            appropriate speed.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices and the DE500
                            Ethernet/FastEthernet device

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-18 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-5 (Cont.) LANCP SET DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /SR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address, RI=routing-information)

                            Statically defines a specific source routed
                            route for a specific node. This caching will
                            remain valid while used or until the aging
                            timer expires.

                            The negated form of the qualifier, /NOSR_
                            ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address), clears the
                            previously defined static source routed

                            The address is a standard 6-byte LAN address
                            given as hexadecimal byte characters
                            separated by hyphens, which specifies the
                            canonical form of the address. Using a colon
                            as the separator character indicates the
                            bit-reversed form of the address.

                            The routing-information is the source routing
                            field, specified as a series of two-byte
                            hexadecimal characters (each byte separated
                            by a hyphen). The field consists of a two-
                            byte routing control field followed by up
                            to 14 two-byte segment identifiers, each
                            containing the ring number and the bridge
                            number used in the hop.

                            Default value: No routes specified

                            Note: Use this only as a last resort when
                            isolating communication failures on extended
                            LAN topologies.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices

              Table 6-6 lists the default address mapping for Token Ring

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-19

        Table 6-6 Default Functional Address Mapping for Token Ring

        Multicast        Functional
        Address          Address          Description

        09-00-2B-00-     03-00-00-00-     ISO ALL ES
        00-04            02-00

        09-00-2B-00-     03-00-00-00-     ISO ALL IS
        00-05            01-00

        CF-00-00-00-     03-00-00-08-     Loopback Assistant
        00-00            00-00

        AB-00-00-01-     03-00-02-00-     DNA MOP Dump/Load
        00-00            00-00

        AB-00-00-02-     03-00-04-00-     DNA MOP Remote Console
        00-00            00-00

        AB-00-00-03-     03-00-08-00-     DNA L1 Routers
        00-00            00-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-08-00-     DNA L2 Routers
        00-00            00-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-08-00-     DNA Phase IV Primary Router
        01-0A            00-00

        AB-00-00-04-     03-00-10-00-     DNA Endnodes
        00-00            00-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-10-00-     DNA Phase IV Prime Unknown
        01-0B            00-00            Destination

        09-00-2B-00-     03-00-20-00-     PCSA NETBIOS Emulation
        00-07            00-00

        09-00-2B-00-     03-00-40-00-     LAT Service Advertisement
        00-0F            00-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-80-00-     LAT Service Solicit
        01-04            00-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-00-02-     LAT Xwindown Service Solicit
        01-07            00-00

        09-00-2B-04-     03-00-00-04-     LAST
        00-00            00-00

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-20 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-6 (Cont.) Default Functional Address Mapping for Token
                          Ring Devices

        Multicast        Functional
        Address          Address          Description____________________

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-00-00-     DNA Name Service Advertisement
        01-00            08-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-00-00-     DNA Name Service Solicit
        01-01            10-00

        09-00-2B-02-     03-00-00-00-     DNA Time Service
        01-02            20-00

        03-00-00-00-     03-00-00-00-     NETBUI Emulation
        00-01            00-01

        03-00-02-00-     03-00-02-00-     RIPL
        00-00            00-00

              The following shows some SET DEVICE command examples:

              SET DEVICE Examples


                 This command enables monitor contention, UTP cable
                 media, and source routing, and disables early token
                 release for Token Ring device ICA0.


                 This command sets the media type to twisted pair for the
                 second Tulip Ethernet device.


                 This command sets the number of receive buffers for all
                 LAN devices to be no less than 12. Displaying Device Parameters

              The SHOW DEVICE command displays LAN device parameters. At
              the LANCP> prompt, enter the command using the following

              SHOW DEVICE device-name[/qualifiers]

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-21

              In this command, you specify:

              o  Device-name

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0,
                 or EXA0:. This refers to the LAN template device,
                 which is maintained for most of the device parameters
                 and counters. Also, the device name can refer to a
                 device unit representing an actual user or protocol.
                 For example, the cluster protocol can be started on a
                 device as EWA1. You can specify device units to view
                 unit-specific parameter information.

                 If no device name is given, all devices are displayed.

                 If a device name is specified, all matching LAN devices
                 are displayed (for example, E to select all Ethernet
                 devices, F for FDDI devices, I for Token Ring devices,
                 and EW for Ethernet PCI Tulip devices).

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-7 for a description of the SHOW DEVICE
                 command qualifiers.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                If you do not specify a qualifier, the utility
                displays the matching devices without additional


              Table 6-7 LANCP SHOW DEVICE Command Qualifiers

              Qualifier     Description

              /COUNTERS     Displays device counters.

                            Devices: All LAN devices, template devices

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-22 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Table 6-7 (Cont.) LANCP SHOW DEVICE Command Qualifiers

              Qualifier     Description

              /MAP          Displays the current configuration of the
                            functional address mapping table.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices, template devices

              /PARAMETERS   Displays status and related information about
                            the device.

                            Devices: All LAN devices

              /REVISION     Displays the current firmware revision of the
                            adapter, if available or applicable. Not all
                            LAN devices return revision information.

                            Devices: All LAN devices, template devices

              /SR_ENTRY     Displays the contents of the current source
                            routing cache table.

                            This data is displayed for template devices
                            only, regardless of the device specification.

                            Devices: Token Ring devices, template devices

              The following examples show how to use the SHOW DEVICE

              SHOW DEVICE Examples


                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-23

                Device Counters EXA0:
                             Value  Counter
                             -----  -------
                            259225  Seconds since last zeroed
                           5890496  Data blocks received
                           4801439  Multicast blocks received
                            131074  Receive failure
                         764348985  Bytes received
                         543019961  Multicast bytes received
                                 3  Data overrun
                           1533610  Data blocks sent
                            115568  Multicast packets transmitted
                            122578  Blocks sent, multiple collisions
                             86000  Blocks sent, single collision
                            189039  Blocks sent, initially deferred
                         198120720  Bytes sent
                          13232578  Multicast bytes transmitted
                           7274529  Send failure
                                 0  Collision detect check failure
                                 0  Unrecognized frame destination
                                 0  System buffer unavailable
                                 0  User buffer unavailable

                 This command displays counters for Ethernet device EXA0.

              2. LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/MAP ICA0

        6-24 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

                Multicast to Functional Address Mapping ICA0:
                   Multicast address   Functional Address   Bit-Reversed
                   -----------------   ------------------   ------------
                   09-00-2B-00-00-04   03-00-00-00-02-00    C0:00:00:00:40:00
                   09-00-2B-00-00-05   03-00-00-00-01-00    C0:00:00:00:80:00
                   CF-00-00-00-00-00   03-00-00-08-00-00    C0:00:00:10:00:00
                   AB-00-00-01-00-00   03-00-02-00-00-00    C0:00:40:00:00:00
                   AB-00-00-02-00-00   03-00-04-00-00-00    C0:00:20:00:00:00
                   AB-00-00-03-00-00   03-00-08-00-00-00    C0:00:10:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-00-00   03-00-08-00-00-00    C0:00:10:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-0A   03-00-08-00-00-00    C0:00:10:00:00:00
                   AB-00-00-04-00-00   03-00-10-00-00-00    C0:00:08:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-0B   03-00-10-00-00-00    C0:00:08:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-00-00-07   03-00-20-00-00-00    C0:00:04:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-00-00-0F   03-00-40-00-00-00    C0:00:02:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-04   03-00-80-00-00-00    C0:00:01:00:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-07   03-00-00-02-00-00    C0:00:00:40:00:00
                   09-00-2B-04-00-00   03-00-00-04-00-00    C0:00:00:20:00:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-00   03-00-00-00-08-00    C0:00:00:00:10:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-01   03-00-00-00-10-00    C0:00:00:00:08:00
                   09-00-2B-02-01-02   03-00-00-00-20-00    C0:00:00:00:04:00
                   03-00-00-00-00-01   03-00-00-00-00-01    C0:00:00:00:00:80
                   03-00-02-00-00-00   03-00-02-00-00-00    C0:00:40:00:00:00

                 This command displays mapping information for Token Ring
                 device ICA0.

              3. LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/PARAM IRA0

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-25

                Device Parameters IRA0:
                             Value  Parameter
                             -----  ---------
                            Normal  Controller mode
                          External  Internal loopback mode
                 00-00-93-58-5D-32  Hardware LAN address
                        Token Ring  Communication medium
                           Enabled  Functional address mode
                                No  Full duplex enable
                                No  Full duplex operational
                                16  Line speed (megabits/second)
                           16 Mbps  Ring speed
                               STP  Line media
                           Enabled  Early token release
                          Disabled  Monitor contender
                               200  SR cache entries
                                 2  SR discovery timer
                                60  SR Aging Timer
                           Enabled  Source routing
                                 3  Authorized access priority
                 AA-00-04-00-92-FF  Upstream neighbor
                                 0  Ring number

                 This command displays status and parameter information
                 for Token Ring device IRA0.

                Device revision FXA0:  05140823

                 This command displays revision information for FDDI
                 device FXA0.


            Source Routing Cache Table ICA0:
                  LAN address      State    XmtTmo   RcvTmo  StaleTmo DiscvTmo
               -----------------   -----   -------- -------- -------- --------
               AA-00-04-00-92-FF   LOCAL   00000028 00000028 00000245 00000000

                 This command displays source routing entry information
                 for Token Ring device ICA0.

        6-26 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

 Displaying Device Configuration

              The SHOW CONFIGURATION command displays the LAN devices on
              the system. At the LANCP> prompt, enter the command using
              the following syntax:


              The following example shows the output from a SHOW
              CONFIGURATION command that was entered on a node that has
              three LAN devices: two DE435s and a DETRA.

              LAN Configuration:
                 Device   Medium      Default LAN Address   Version
                 ------   ------      -------------------   -------
                  EWA0    CSMA/CD      08-00-2B-E4-00-BF    02000023
                  EWB0    CSMA/CD      00-00-C0-92-A4-0D    02000023
                  IRA0    Token Ring   00-00-93-58-5D-32    20000223

              The version is the device-specific representation of the
              actual version. In this example, for two devices on the
              PCI bus, the actual version is in the low byte (2.3 for
              the DE435 adapters). A device that does not have a readable
              version is shown as version zero.

              Consult your device-specific documentation to correlate
              the version returned with a particular hardware or firmware
              implementation of the device. Firmware Updates

              LAN devices contain firmware images in EEPROM or FLASH ROM
              that you can update using the LANCP utility. You can update
              devices such as the DEMNA, DEMFA, DEFAA, DEFTA, DEFEA, and

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                You can also use methods other than the LANCP utility
                to update firmware. For example, you can use the LFU
                update utility on DEC 7000 and DEC 10000 systems to
                update DEMNA and DEMFA devices.


                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-27

              At the LANCP> prompt, enter the UPDATE DEVICE command using
              the following syntax:

              UPDATE DEVICE device-name/FILE=filename[/RESET]

              In this command, you can specify:

              o  Device-name

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or

              o  FILE=filename

                 Provide the file specification of the file to be loaded
                 into the device. The file consists of a 2 block file
                 header followed by the binary firmware image.

              o  /RESET

                 This is an optional qualifier. The default setting,
                 /RESET, indicates that the device will begin using the
                 new image when the firmware update completes. Use the
                 /NORESET qualifier to prevent a device reset.

              For example, the following command updates FDDI device FAA0
              with the firmware image FBUS_MAIN.SYS located on DKA0:[FW].
              The device begins using the new image after the firmware
              update has completed and a device reset has been done.


        6.1.4 LANACP Device Database Management

              The LAN volatile and permanent device databases each
              contain a single entry for each LAN device that exists
              on the system. Each entry in the LAN volatile device
              database contains device information and MOP downline
              load counters information. Each entry in the LAN permanent
              device database contains device information that is used to
              populate the volatile database when the LANACP LAN Server
              process is started.

        6-28 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Typically, each database contains the same devices.
              However, the permanent database may contain entries for
              devices that have not yet been configured or installed
              in the system. The LANACP LAN Server process maintains
              the volatile device database. The LANCP utility maintains
              the permanent device database. You can manipulate either
              database using the LANCP utility commands depending on your
              user privileges, as follows:

              o  Privileged users can add or delete device entries
                 from each database, enable or disable MOP downline
                 load service, and clear MOP downline load counters
                 information for LAN devices

              o  Unprivileged users can view the MOP downline load status
                 and counters information

              The following sections describe how to enter and remove
              devices from the LAN permanent and volatile device
              databases, and how to enable and disable MOP downline load
              service. Entering Devices into the LAN Device Databases

              Use the following command syntax to enter a device into the
              LAN permanent device database or to change device data for
              an entry that already exists in the database:

              DEFINE DEVICE device-name[/qualifiers]

              Use the following command syntax to enter a device into the
              LAN volatile device database or to change device data for
              an entry that already exists in the database:

              SET DEVICE device-name[/qualifiers]

              In these commands, you specify:

              o  Device-name

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or
                 EXA0:. To select all LAN devices, omit the device name
                 and include the /ALL qualifier.

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-8 for a description of the LANCP command

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-29

        Table 6-8 LANCP DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /ALL                Defines data for all LAN devices in the LAN
                            permanent or volatile device database. If
                            a device name is specified, all matching
                            LAN devices are selected (for example, E
                            to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI
                            devices, I for Token Ring devices, and EW for
                            Ethernet PCI Tulip devices).

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-30 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-8 (Cont.) LANCP DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier               Description

        /MOPDLL=(enable-option, exclusive-option, size-option,
                            Provides the MOP downline load service
                            settings for the device.

                            Note that defaults apply to creation of an
                            entry in the device database. If an existing
                            entry is being modified, fields not specified
                            are not changed.

                            In this qualifier, you can specify:

                            o  Enable-option keyword

                               Specify ENABLE or DISABLE to indicate
                               that MOP downline load service should be
                               enabled or disabled for the device.

                            o  Exclusive-option keyword

                               Specify EXCLUSIVE to indicate that no
                               other provider of MOP downline load
                               service is allowed on the specified LAN
                               device at the same time as LANACP. Specify
                               NOEXCLUSIVE to indicate that LANACP MOP
                               downline load service can coexist with
                               other implementations (in particular,
                               the DECnet Phase IV implementation that
                               operates the MOP protocol in shared mode).

                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-31

        Table 6-8 (Cont.) LANCP DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description__________________________________

                            o  Knownclientsonly-option keyword

                               Specify KNOWNCLIENTSONLY to indicate
                               that MOP downline load requests should
                               be serviced only for clients defined in
                               the LANACP volatile node database. When
                               NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY is selected, LANACP
                               searches the LAN$DLL directory for any
                               images requested by clients that are
                               not defined in the LANACP volatile node

                            o  Size-option

                               Use SIZE=value to specify the size in
                               bytes of the file data portion of each
                               downline load message. The permitted range
                               is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size
                               for better load performance and less
                               server overhead. Note that some clients
                               may not support the larger size.
                               basis. See Section for details.

                               The recommended size is the largest size
                               that results in successful loads of all
                               clients. The 1482 value is derived from
                               the maximum packet size for CSMA/CD
                               (Ethernet) of 1518 bytes less the 802e
                               header and CRC is 1492 bytes, less 10
                               bytes of MOP protocol overhead. This
                               leaves 1482 bytes as the maximum length
                               of the file data portion of a downline
                               load data message.

                            Default values: /MOPDLL=(DISABLE,
                            NOEXCLUSIVE, SIZE=246, NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY)

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-32 Local Area NetworkY(LAN)nManagementtEnhancements per-node

        Table 6-8 (Cont.) LANCP DEVICE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /PERMANENT_         Updates the device entries in the LAN
        DATABASE (SET       volatile device database with any data
        command only)       currently set in the permanent database.
                            This allows you to update the volatile
                            database after changing data in the permanent
                            database, rather than repeating the commands
                            for each updated entry to apply the changes
                            to the volatile database.

        /UPDATE             Adds existing LAN devices to the LAN
                            permanent or volatile device database that
                            are not currently in the database.

        /VOLATILE_          Updates the device entries in the LAN
        DATABASE (DEFINE    permanent device database with any data
        command only)       currently set in the volatile database. This
                            allows you to update the permanent database
                            after changing data in the volatile database,
                            rather than repeating the commands for each
                            updated entry to apply the changes to the
                            permanent database.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-33

              The following examples show how to use the DEFINE DEVICE
              and SET DEVICE commands:

              DEFINE DEVICE and SET DEVICE Examples


                 This command defines LAN device EXA0 to enable
                 LANACP MOP downline load service in exclusive
                 mode. The settings of the KNOWNCLIENTSONLY and SIZE
                 characteristics are not changed. If the device entry
                 does not currently exist in the LAN permanent device
                 database, these settings will be set to the defaults.


                 This command sets all LAN devices defined in the LAN
                 permanent device database to nonexclusive mode for
                 LANACP MOP downline load service.


                 These commands enable LANACP MOP downline load service

                 o  LAN device EXA0 in nonexclusive mode

                 o  LAN device FXB0 in exclusive mode for only known
                    clients Displaying Devices in the LAN Device Databases

              Use the following command syntax to display device
              information in the LAN permanent device database:

              LIST DEVICE device-name[/MOPDLL]

              Use the following command syntax to display device
              information in the LAN volatile device database:

              SHOW DEVICE device-name[/MOPDLL]

              In these commands, you specify:

              o  Device-name

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or

        6-34 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

                 If no device name is given, all devices are displayed.

                 If a device name is specified, all matching LAN devices
                 are displayed (for example, E to select all Ethernet
                 devices, F for FDDI devices, I for Token Ring devices,
                 and EW for Ethernet PCI Tulip devices).

              o  /MOPDLL

                 Display MOP downline load information.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                If you do not specify a qualifier, the utility
                displays the matching devices without additional

                ______________________________________________________ Deleting Devices from the LAN Device Databases

              Use the following command syntax to delete a device from
              the LAN permanent device database:

              PURGE DEVICE device-name[/ALL]

              Use the following command syntax to delete a device from
              the LAN volatile device database:

              CLEAR DEVICE device-name[/ALL]

              In these commands, you specify:

              o  Device-name

                 Supply the LAN controller device name. For example, you
                 can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or
                 EXA0:. To select all LAN devices, omit the device name
                 and include the /ALL qualifier.

              o  /ALL

                 Deletes all LAN devices in the LAN permanent device
                 database. If a device name is specified, all matching
                 LAN devices are selected (for example, E to select all
                 Ethernet devices, F for FDDI devices, I for Token Ring
                 devices, and EW for Ethernet PCI Tulip devices).

              The following examples show how to use the PURGE DEVICE and
              CLEAR DEVICE commands:

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-35

              PURGE DEVICE and CLEAR DEVICE Examples

              1. LANCP> PURGE DEVICE/ALL

                 This command deletes all devices from the LAN permanent
                 device database.

              2. LANCP> CLEAR DEVICE EXA0

                 This command deletes device EXA0 from the LAN volatile
                 device database. Enabling MOP Downline Load Service

              Use the following command syntax to enable MOP downline
              load service:

              SET DEVICE device-name/MOPDLL=ENABLE

              In this command, use the device-name parameter to supply
              the LAN controller device name.

              See Section for a complete description of this
              command. Disabling MOP Downline Load Service

              Use the following command syntax to disable MOP downline
              load service:

              SET DEVICE device-name/MOPDLL=DISABLE

              In this command, use the device-name parameter to supply
              the LAN controller device name.

              See Section for a complete description of this

        6.1.5 LANACP Node Database Management

              The LAN volatile and permanent node databases each contain
              a single entry for each defined LAN node. Each entry in the
              LAN volatile node database contains node information and
              MOP downline load counters information. Each entry in the
              LAN permanent node database contains node information that
              is used to populate the volatile database when the LANACP
              LAN Server process is started.

        6-36 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Typically, each database contains the same nodes. The
              LANACP LAN Server process maintains the volatile node
              database. The LANCP utility maintains the permanent node
              database. You can manipulate either database using the
              LANCP utility commands depending on your user privileges,
              as follows:

              o  Privileged users can add or delete node entries from
                 each database, and clear MOP downline load counters
                 information for LAN nodes

              o  Unprivileged users can view the node information and MOP
                 downline load status and counters information

              The following sections describe how to enter and remove
              nodes from the LAN permanent and volatile node databases. Entering Nodes into the LAN Node Databases

              Use the following command syntax to define node information
              in the LAN permanent node database:

              DEFINE NODE node-name[/qualifiers]

              Use the following command syntax to define node information
              in the LAN volatile node database:

              SET NODE node-name[/qualifiers]

              In these commands, you specify:

              o  Node-name

                 Specify the node name, using up to 63 characters,
                 associated with the node address. You can include the
                 name of the LAN device in the node name to distinguish
                 between multiple LAN devices on the same system. For
                 example, use GALAXY_EXA, GALAXY_EXB, and GALAXY_FXA
                 to distinguish between the three LAN devices on node

                 If a node name is specified with the /ALL qualifier, all
                 matching nodes are selected. For example, A/ALL selects
                 all nodes beginning with A.

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-9 for a description of the LANCP command

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-37

        Table 6-9 LANCP NODE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /ADDRESS=node-      Specifies a unique LAN address associated
        address             with the node name. Specify the address as
                            6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated
                            by hyphens. The address does not have to be
                            unique (as might be the case when the address
                            is not known, so a nonexistent address is
                            specified). The default is 00-00-00-00-00-00.

                            If the qualifier is not present, the setting
                            will not be changed. You can specify the
                            /NOADDRESS qualifier to clear the field.

        /ALL                Defines data for all nodes in the LAN
                            permanent or volatile node database. If a
                            node name is specified, all matching nodes
                            are selected. For example, A/ALL selects all
                            nodes beginning with A.


                            Indicates the type of processing required
                            for downline load requests. The downline
                            load can be for a VAX satellite cluster boot
                            (VAX_SATELLITE), an Alpha satellite cluster
                            boot (ALPHA_SATELLITE), or the specified
                            image (OTHER). The distinction is necessary
                            because cluster satellite loads require that
                            additional cluster-related data be appended
                            to the load image indicated by the /FILE
                            qualifier. The default value is OTHER.

                            If the qualifier is not present, the setting
                            will not be changed. Use the /NOBOOT_TYPE to
                            clear the field.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-38 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-9 (Cont.) LANCP NODE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /FILE=file-         Supplies the file name you want provided when
        specification       the downline load request does not include a
                            requested file name. The file specification
                            is limited to 127 characters.

                            If the /FILE qualifier is not present, the
                            setting will not be changed. Use the /NOFILE
                            qualifier to clear the field.

        /ROOT=directory-    Supplies the directory specification to be
        specification       associated with the file name. For cluster
                            satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier
                            specifies the satellite root directory.
                            For noncluster service, this qualifier
                            specifies the location of the file. If the
                            file specification or the file name given in
                            the boot request includes the directory name,
                            this qualifier is ignored. The directory
                            specification is limited to 127 characters.

                            If you do not specify a /ROOT qualifier, the
                            setting remains unchanged. Use the /NOROOT
                            qualifier to clear a field.

        /SIZE=value         Overrides the default load data size
                            specified for the device. This is the size
                            in bytes of the file data portion of each
                            downline load message. The permitted range is
                            246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for
                            better load performance and less server
                            overhead. See Section for more

                            If you do not specify a /SIZE qualifier, the
                            setting remains unchanged. Use the /NOSIZE
                            qualifier to clear the setting.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-39

        Table 6-9 (Cont.) LANCP NODE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier           Description

        /V3                 Forces the server to respond to only MOP
                            Version 3 boot requests from this node.
                            This qualifer may be used to resolve a load
                            problem where the node does not implement MOP
                            Version 4 correctly and cannot boot.

                            If you do not specify a /V3 qualifier, the
                            setting remains unchanged. Use the /NOV3
                            qualifier to clear the setting.

        /VOLATILE_          Updates the node entries in the LAN permanent
        DATABASE (DEFINE    node database with any data currently set
        command only)       in the volatile database. This allows you to
                            update the permanent database after changing
                            data in the volatile database, rather than
                            repeating the commands for each updated
                            entry to apply the changes to the permanent

        /PERMANENT_         Updates the node entries in the LAN volatile
        DATABASE (SET       node database with any data currently set in
        command only)       the permanent database. This allows you to
                            update the volatile database after changing
                            data in the permanent database, rather than
                            repeating the commands for each updated
                            entry to apply the changes to the volatile

        6-40 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              The following examples show how to use the DEFINE NODE and
              SET NODE commands:

              DEFINE NODE and SET NODE Examples

              1. DEFINE NODE GALAXY/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 -
                                  /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE -
                                  /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

                 This command sets up node GALAXY in the LAN permanent
                 node database for booting as a VAX satellite into a
                 VMScluster system.

                 The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located
                 on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB>. The
                 <SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server
                 process and is not included in the root definition.

              2. DEFINE NODE ZAPNOT/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 -
                                  /FILE=APB.EXE -
                                  /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

                 This command sets up node ZAPNOT for booting as an Alpha
                 satellite into a VMScluster system.

                 The APB.EXE file is actually located on
                 $64$DIA14:<SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE>. Note that
                 <SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server
                 process and is not included in the root definition.

              3. SET NODE CALPAL/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 -

                 This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an
                 InfoServer image. It defines the file that should
                 be loaded when a load request without a file name is
                 received from node CALPAL.

                 Because the file does not include a directory
                 specification, the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to
                 locate the file. You could give directory specification
                 by using the file name or by using the /ROOT qualifier.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-41

                 Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the
                 boot command overrides the file name specified in the
                 node database entry. Displaying Devices in the LAN Node Databases

              Use the following command syntax to display node
              information in the LAN permanent node database:

              LIST NODE node-name[/ALL]

              Use the following command syntax to display node
              information in the LAN volatile node database:

              SHOW NODE node-name[/ALL]

              In these commands, you specify:

              o  Node-name

                 Supply the node name. If no node name is given, all
                 nodes are displayed.

        6-42 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              o  /ALL

                 Displays data for all nodes in the LAN permanent or
                 volatile node database. If a node name is specified, all
                 matching nodes are selected. For example, A/ALL selects
                 all nodes beginning with A. Deleting Nodes from the LAN Node Databases

              Use the following command syntax to delete a node from the
              LAN permanent node database:

              PURGE NODE node-name[/ALL]

              Use the following command syntax to delete a node from the
              LAN volatile node database:

              CLEAR NODE node-name[/ALL]

              In this command, you specify:

              o  Node-name

                 Supply the node name.

              o  /ALL

                 Deletes all LAN nodes in the LAN permanent or volatile
                 node database. If a node name is specified, all matching
                 nodes are selected. For example, A/ALL deletes all nodes
                 whose name begins with A.

        6.1.6 LANACP MOP Downline Load Service Management

              The LANACP LAN Server process maintains the LAN volatile
              node and device databases. The LANCP utility provides
              commands that:

              o  Display MOP downline load status and counters

              o  Clear counters information

              o  Enable or disable OPCOM messages and packet tracing.

              Counters and status information is maintained for each node
              and device. Counters information includes transmitted and
              received byte and packet counts, transmit errors, logical
              errors such as protocol violations and timeouts, and number
              of load requests. Status includes the time of the last load
              and the status of the last load.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-43

 Displaying the Status and Counters Data

              Use the following command syntax to display MOP downline
              load status:

              SHOW MOPDLL

              The following display shows counters information for a
              particular node.

   LAN MOP DLL Status:
     EXA enabled in exclusive mode for known nodes only, data size 1482 bytes
     FXA disabled

          #Loads   Packets        Bytes     Last load time       Last loaded
          ------   -------        -----  --------------------  -----------------
     EXA      5      1675      4400620  23-SEP-1994 10:27.51  GALAXY
     FXA      0         0            0

              On this node, there are two LAN devices, EXA (DEMNA) and
              FXA (DEMFA). MOP downline load service is enabled on EXA in
              exclusive mode.

              Requests are answered only for nodes that are defined in
              the LANACP node database. The image data size in the load
              messages is 1482 bytes. There have been five downline
              loads, the last one occured on node GALAXY at 10:27.
              Finally, there are no recorded downline loads for FXA,
              which is currently disabled for downline load service.

              Use the following command syntax to display recent downline
              load activity that has been logged in the LAN$ACP.LOG file:

              SHOW LOG Clearing the Counters Data

              Use the following command syntax to clear MOP downline load
              counters for all nodes and devices:

              CLEAR MOPDLL Displaying the Status and Counters Data for Individual

              Use the following command syntax to display MOP downline
              load information for nodes in the LAN permanent node

              LIST NODE node-name[/ALL][/OUTPUT=commandfilename]

        6-44 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Use the following command syntax to display MOP downline
              load status and counters information for nodes in the LAN
              volatile node database:

              SHOW NODE node-name[/ALL][/OUTPUT=commandfilename][/TOTAL]

              In these commands, you can specify:

              o  Node-name

                 Specify the node name. The name can include up to 63
                 characters associated with the node address. If a node
                 is not specified, the /ALL qualifier is assumed. If you
                 use the /ALL qualifier, the node name is ignored and all
                 nodes are displayed.

              o  /ALL

                 Display information for all nodes in the database.

              o  /OUTPUT=commandfilename

                 Indicate that the output should be directed to the
                 specified file in the form of a list of DEFINE NODE
                 or SET NODE commands. The resulting command file can be
                 used to create the LAN node databases.

              o  /TOTAL (SHOW NODE command only)

                 Display counter totals only.

              The following shows sample output from a node on which
              there are three nodes defined (GALAXY, ZAPNOT, and CALPAL).
              CALPAL has received two load requests:

              o  The first request is the multicast request that CALPAL
                 volunteered to accept

              o  The second request is the load request sent directly to
                 CALPAL for the actual load data. The elapsed time from
                 the second load request to completion of the load was
                 6.65 seconds.

              Node Listing:

              GALAXY (08-00-2B-2C-51-28):
                MOP DLL:  Load file:   APB.EXE
                          Load root:   $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>
                          Boot type:   Alpha satellite

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-45

   ZAPNOT (08-00-2B-18-7E-33):
     MOP DLL:  Load file:   NISCS_LOAD.EXE
               Load root:   LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS10.>
               Boot type:   VAX satellite

     CALPAL (08-00-2B-08-9F-4C):
     MOP DLL:  Load file:   READ_ADDR.SYS
               Last file:   LAN$DLL:APB_X5WN.SYS
               Boot type:   Other
               2 loads requested, 1 volunteered
               1 succeeded, 0 failed
               Last request was for a system image, in MOP V4 format
               Last load initiated 30-OCT-1994 09:11:17 on EXA0 for 00:00:06.65
               527665 bytes, 4161 packets, 0 transmit failures

   Unnamed (00-00-00-00-00-00):

     Requests received    2
     Requests volunteered 1
     Successful loads     1
     Failed loads         0
     Packets sent         2080
     Packets received     2081
     Bytes sent           523481
     Bytes received       4184
     Last load            CALPAL at 30-OCT-1994 09:11:17.29 OPCOM Messages

              By default, OPCOM messages are enabled. Messages are
              generated by the LANACP LAN Server process when a device
              status changes, load requests are received, and loads
              complete. These messages are displayed on the operator's
              console and included in the log file written by LANACP,

              Use the following command to enable OPCOM messages:

              SET ACP/OPCOM

              Use the following command to disable OPCOM messages:

              SET ACP/NOOPCOM

        6-46 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

 Load Trace Facility

              If the error data produced by the LANACP LAN Server
              process for a load request is not sufficient to help you
              determine why the load is failing, you can direct the
              server process to record trace data. The data consists
              of transmit and receive packet information for every
              transmit and receive done by the server, and written to
              a log file for each load attempt. The name of the log file
              is SYS$MANAGER:LAN$nodename.LOG. You can record either all
              packet data or only the first 32 bytes of each packet.

              The following list describes the typical load sequence:

              1. Receive a Program Request message on the Load Assistance
                 Multicast Address from the requesting node, code 8.

              2. Transmit an Assistance Volunteer message to the
                 requesting node, code 3.

              3. Receive a Program Request message on your node address
                 from the requesting node, code 8.

              4. Transmit a Memory Load message to the requesting node
                 with sequence number zero, code 2.

              5. Receive a Request Memory Load message requesting the
                 next sequence number (modulo 256), code 10 (decimal).

              6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until there is no more data to

              7. Transmit a Memory or Parameter Load with Transfer
                 Address message, code 0 or 20 (decimal).

              8. Receive a final Request Memory Load message requesting
                 the next sequence number (modulo 256) indicating that
                 the last message has been received, code 10 (decimal).

              For cluster satellite loads, the last Memory Load message
              contains cluster parameters. This message and the final
              Load with Transfer Address messages are displayed in full
              even if only partial trace echo has been enabled.

              Note that packet tracing significantly slows downline load
              operations for all requests and may result in very large
              LAN$ACP.LOG files if packet tracing is inadvertently left

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-47

              Use the following command to enable partial tracing of
              packet data:

              SET ACP/ECHO

              Use the following command to enable full tracing of packet

              SET ACP/ECHO/FULL

              Use the following command to disable tracing of packet

              SET ACP/NOECHO

        6.1.7 LANCP MOP Console Carrier

              Console carrier provides a mechanism to connect to a
              LAN device, such as a terminal server, that implements
              a management interface using the MOP console carrier
              protocol. The LANCP utility provides this function in the
              form of a CONNECT NODE command.

              The command syntax is:

              CONNECT NODE node-specification/qualifiers

              In this command, you specify:

              o  Node-specification

                 Supply either the node name or the node address of the
                 target node. If you supply the node name, the node
                 address is obtained via lookup of the node name in
                 the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node
                 address, the corresponding node need not be defined in
                 the LAN volatile node database.

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-10 for a description of the LANCP command

        6-48 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

        Table 6-10 LANCP CONNECT NODE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier        Description

        /DEVICE=device-  Specifies the LAN controller device name to be
        name             used for the connection. For example, a DEMNA
                         controller, EXA, is specified as EXA, EXA0 or

        /DISCONNECT=     Specifies the disconnect character that LANCP
        disconnect-      will recognize to terminate the connection
        character        to the remote node. The default disconnect
                         character is D, which indicates that a Ctrl
                         /D will terminate the connection. Any ASCII
                         character is allowed from @ through Z, except C,
                         M, Q, S, Y, and the left bracket ([).

        /PASSWORD=16hexdiSpecifies the password to be used when the
                         connection is initiated, in hexadecimal. For
                         example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF. The default
                         password is zero. You can omit leading zeros.

        /V3 or /V4       Allows override of the MOP format. Normally,
                         LANCP determines the format by sending a MOP
                         Request ID message in MOP Version 4 format to
                         the remote node, waiting for a response. If no
                         response is received, LANCP sends a message in
                         MOP Version 3 format and waits for a response.
                         The LANCP utility repeats this process several
                         times until a response is received. You can
                         specify the format:

                         o  To allow connection to nodes that do not
                            support Request ID messages

                         o  As a means of getting around implementation
                            problems with one of the formats


              The following examples show how to use the CONNECT NODE

              CONNECT NODE Examples


                 This command attempts a console-carrier connection to
                 node GALAXY using the Ethernet device EWA0.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-49

        2. CONNECT NODE 08-00-2B-11-22-33/DEVICE=EWA0/PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF

                 This command attempts a console-carrier connection to
                 the given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0,
                 with a password.

        6.1.8 LANCP MOP Trigger Boot

              Some systems recognize and respond to MOP remote boot
              requests. These systems typically require a password or
              other mechanism to prevent unwanted boot requests from
              triggering a reboot of the system. The LANCP utility
              provides this function in the form of the TRIGGER NODE

              Use the following command syntax:

              TRIGGER NODE node-specification/qualifiers

              In this command, you can specify:

              o  Node-specification

                 Supply either the node name or the node address of the
                 target node. If you supply the node name, the node
                 address is obtained via lookup of the node name in
                 the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node
                 address, the corresponding node need not be defined in
                 the LAN volatile node database.

        6-50 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              o  Qualifiers

                 See Table 6-11 for a description of the LANCP command

        Table 6-11 LANCP TRIGGER NODE Command Qualifiers

        Qualifier        Description

        /DEVICE=device-  Specifies the LAN controller device name to be
        name             used for sending the boot messages. For example,
                         a DEMNA controller, EXA, is specified as EXA,
                         EXA0 or EXA0:.

        /PASSWORD=16hexdiSpecifies the password to be used when the
                         connection is initiated, in hexadecimal (for
                         example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF). The
                         default password is zero. You can omit leading

              Rather than specify the format to send MOP Version 3 or 4,
              the LANCP utility sends one message in each format to the
              target node.

              The following examples show how to use the TRIGGER NODE

              TRIGGER NODE Examples


                 This command sends MOP trigger boot messages to node
                 GALAXY using Ethernet device EWA0.

        2. TRIGGER NODE 08-00-2B-11-22-33/DEVICE=EWA0/PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF

                 This command sends MOP trigger boot messages to the
                 given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0, with
                 indicated password.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-51

        6.1.9 LANCP Miscellaneous Functions

              Use the SPAWN command to create a subprocess of the current
              process. The SPAWN command copies the context of the
              subprocess from the current process. The syntax for the
              SPAWN command is as follows:

              SPAWN [optional command line]

              You can set up the LANCP utility to execute commands from a
              command file. The LANCP utility recognizes the command file
              as the file name preceded by an at sign (@). The default
              file name extension is .COM.

        6.2 The LANACP LAN Server Process

              The LANACP Server process provides the following services:

              o  Maintenance of the LAN volatile node database

              o  Maintenance of the LAN volatile device database

              o  MOP downline load

              Table 6-12 describes the logical name and a collection of
              files associated with the LANACP LAN Server process.

              Table 6-12 The LANACP Utility

              Component                    Description

              LAN$ACP system logical       This logical name defines
              name                         the name of the LANACP
                                           Server process log file,
                                           containing entries describing
                                           changes to the LAN permanent
                                           device and node databases,
                                           and load request and load
                                           status information. By
                                           default, this is defined as

                                                 (continued on next page)

        6-52 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

              Table 6-12 (Cont.) The LANACP Utility

              Component                    Description

              LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE system   This logical name defines
              logical name                 the name of the LAN per-
                                           manent device database. By
                                           default, this is defined as

              LAN$DLL system logical       This logical name defines
              name                         the location of downline load
                                           files, where the location of
                                           the file is not provided in
                                           the load request or explicitly
                                           defined in the LAN volatile
                                           node database. By default,
                                           this will be defined as
                                           MOM$SYSTEM. When DECnet
                                           is used for MOP downline
                                           loading, it is defined as

              LAN$NODE_DATABASE system     This logical name defines
              logical name                 the name of the LAN
                                           permanent node database. By
                                           default, this is defined as

              SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_       This file contains an entry
              VMS.COM                      that may be used to start
                                           LANACP automatically at system

              SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP.COM  This file starts the LANACP
                                           server process.

              SYS$SYSTEM:LANACP.EXE        This is the LANACP utility

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-53

        6.2.1 Running the LANACP Process

              To start the LANACP LAN Server process, type
              @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP at the DCL prompt, or include
              this line in the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM command file
              to start LANACP automatically at system startup.

              The following shows the command line as it appears in

    $! To start the LANACP LAN server application, remove the comment delimiter
    $! from the command line below.

        6.2.2 Stopping the LANACP LAN Server Process

              To stop the LANACP LAN Server process, enter the SET ACP
              /STOP command at the LANCP utility prompt.

        6.3 LAN MOP Downline Load Services

              The collection of utilities and startup command files for
              LANCP and LANACP provide the necessary functionality for
              MOP downline load service. These utilities and files load
              cluster satellites, terminal servers, and systems requiring
              downline load of special images, such as console update
              images or system software update images (for Infoserver

              This environment provides functionality that is similar
              to that provided by DECnet. The result is that a system
              manager can choose which functionality to use, DECnet MOP
              or LAN MOP. For VMScluster systems, LAN MOP permits the
              operation of a VMScluster without the presence of DECnet.

        6.3.1 Coexistence with DECnet MOP

              LAN MOP can coexist with DECnet MOP in the following ways:

              o  Running on different systems

                 For example, DECnet MOP service is enabled on some of
                 the systems on the LAN and LAN MOP is enabled on other

              o  Running on different LAN devices on the same system

        6-54 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

                 For example, DECnet MP service is enabled on a subset of
                 the available LAN devices on the system and LAN MOP is
                 enabled on the remainder.

              o  Running on the same LAN device on the same system but
                 targeting a different set of nodes for service

                 For example, both DECnet MOP and LAN MOP are enabled but
                 LAN MOP has limited the nodes to which it will respond.
                 This allows DECnet MOP to respond to the remaining

        6.3.2 Migrating from DECnet MOP to LAN MOP

              To migrate to LAN MOP, follow these steps:

              1. Decide which nodes are to provide MOP downline load
                 service. These may be the same nodes that currently have
                 service enabled for DECnet.

              2. Populate the LAN permanent device database by typing MCR
                 LANCP DEFINE DEVICE/UPDATE at the DCL prompt.

              3. Populate the LAN permanent node database by entering
                 a node definition for each of the cluster satellite
                 nodes and any other nodes that are similarly defined
                 in the DECnet node database. You can enter this
                 data manually or execute the command procedure
                 SYS$EXAMPLES:LAN$POPULATE.COM, following the directions
                 and help provided.

              4. Disable service on each of the DECnet circuits where it
                 is currently enabled in the volatile database.

              5. Enable service on each LAN device in the LAN permanent
                 device database that you would like to use by typing MCR
                 LANCP DEFINE DEVICE device-name/MOPDLL=ENABLE at the DCL
                 prompt for each device.

              6. If high performance is required, select a data size of
                 1482 bytes and only reduce this if some load requests
                 now fail. Alternatively, set up one system to load those
                 clients that require a small data size and set up a
                 different system to load the other clients.

              7. Start the LANACP server process by typing
                 @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP at the DCL prompt.

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-55

              To migrate permanently, follow these steps:

              1. Disable service on each of the DECnet circuits in the
                 permanent database.

              2. Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to start LANACP at
                 system startup.

              To migrate back to DECnet MOP, follow these steps:

              1. Stop the LANACP server process by issuing the SET ACP
                 /STOP command to the LANCP utility.

              2. Reenable service on each of the DECnet circuits in the
                 permanent and volatile databases.

              3. Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to disable startup of
                 LANACP at system startup.

        6.3.3 Using CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and LAN MOP

              A new cluster management command procedure has been
              provided to facilitate the use of LANCP for LAN MOP
              booting of satellites. Called CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM,
              it resides in SYS$MANAGER and is a direct parallel to
              CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM, which is used by cluster managers
              to configure and reconfigure a VMScluster system. The
              two procedures perform the same functions, except
              CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM uses DECnet MOP for downline load,
              whereas CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM uses LAN MOP. Therefore,
              when you add a new node, CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM does not
              ask for the node's DECnet node name and address. Instead,
              it queries for an SCS node name and an SCS node id number.

              For your convenience, you can still run CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM.
              When you execute CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM, it checks whether
              LANACP for MOP booting is running. It also checks to
              see if DECnet is running. If LANACP is running and
              DECnet is not, then CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM dispatches to
              that both LANACP and DECnet are running, it asks the
              user whether LAN MOP booting is being used, and whether
              it should call CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM for the user.

        6-56 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements

 Sample Satellite Load

              The following shows how to issue commands to the LANCP
              utility to enable MOP downline load service and to define
              node ZAPNOT:

              set acp/opcom
              enable mop/dev=eza0
              set node ZAPNOT/addr=08-00-2B-33-FB-F2/file=APB.EXE-

              The following shows the OPCOM messages displayed when you
              start up the LANACP LAN Server process:

              %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  30-OCT-1994 06:47:35.18  %%%%%%%%%%%
              Message from user SYSTEM on GALAXY
              LANACP MOP Downline Load Service
              Found LAN device EZA0, hardware address 08-00-2B-30-8D-1C

              %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  30-OCT-1994 06:47:35.25  %%%%%%%%%%%
              Message from user SYSTEM on GALAXY
              LANACP MOP Downline Load Service
              Found LAN device EZB0, hardware address 08-00-2B-30-8D-1D

              %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  30-OCT-1994 06:47:54.80  %%%%%%%%%%%
              Message from user SYSTEM on GALAXY
              LANACP MOP V3 Downline Load Service
              Volunteered to load request on EZA0 from ZAPNOT
              Requested file:  $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE]APB.EXE

              %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  30-OCT-1994 06:48:02.38  %%%%%%%%%%%
              Message from user SYSTEM on GALAXY
              LANACP MOP V3 Downline Load Service
              Load succeeded for ZAPNOT on EZA0
         System image, $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE]APB.EXE (Alpha image)

              The following display shows the contents of the LAN$ACP.LOG

                    Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements 6-57

30-OCT-1994 06:47:35.02  Found LAN device EZA0, hardware address 
30-OCT-1994 06:47:35.18  Found LAN device EZB0, hardware address 
30-OCT-1994 06:47:35.25  LANACP initialization complete
30-OCT-1994 06:47:45.39  Enabled LAN device EZA0 for MOP downline load service 
                         in exclusive mode
30-OCT-1994 06:47:54.70  Volunteered to load request on EZA0 from ZAPNOT
Requested file:  $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE]APB.EXE
30-OCT-1994 06:48:02.23  Load succeeded for ZAPNOT on EZA0
MOP V3 format, System image, $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE]APB.EXE
Packets:  2063 sent, 2063 received
Bytes:    519416 sent, 4126 received, 507038 loaded
Elapsed time:  00:00:07.42, 68276 bytes/second Cross-Architecture Booting

              The LAN enhancements permit cross-architecture booting in a
              VMScluster system. VAX boot nodes can provide boot service
              to Alpha satellites and Alpha boot nodes can provide boot
              service to VAX satellites. Note that each architecture must
              include a system disk that is used for installations and

        6-58 Local Area Network (LAN) Management Enhancements


                                SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              One of the benefits of VMScluster systems is that multiple
              computers can simultaneously access storage devices
              connected to a VMScluster storage interconnect. Together,
              these systems provide high performance and highly available
              access to storage.

              This chapter describes how VMScluster systems support
              the Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) as a storage
              interconnect. Multiple Alpha computers, also referred to as
              hosts or nodes, can simultaneously access SCSI disks over a
              SCSI interconnect. A SCSI interconnect, also called a SCSI
              bus, is an industry-standard interconnect that supports one
              or more computers, peripheral devices, and interconnecting

              The discussions in this chapter assume that you already
              understand the concept of sharing storage resources
              in a VMScluster environment. VMScluster concepts and
              configuration requirements are described in the following
              VMScluster documentation:

              o  Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations

              o  VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS

              o  VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product
                 Description (SPD 42.18.xx)

              This chapter includes two primary parts:

              o  Section 7.1 through Section 7.6.6 describe the
                 fundamental procedures and concepts that you would need
                 to plan and implement a SCSI VMScluster system.

              o  Section 7.7 and its subsections provide additional
                 technical detail and concepts; these sections can be
                 seen as containing supplementary information about SCSI

                            SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-1

                 VMScluster systems that would typically be located in an

        7.1 Conventions Used in This Chapter

              Certain conventions are used throughout this chapter to
              identify the ANSI Standard and for elements in figures.

        7.1.1 SCSI ANSI Standard

              VMScluster systems configured with the SCSI interconnect
              must use standard SCSI-2 components. The SCSI-2 components
              supported must be compliant with the architecture defined
              in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
              Standard SCSI-2. This standard defines extensions to the
              SCSI-1 standard. For ease of discussion, this chapter
              uses the term SCSI or SCSI-2 to refer to the SCSI-2
              implementation as specified in the ANSI Standard SCSI-2
              document X3T9.2, Rev. 10L.

        7.1.2 Symbols Used in Figures

              Figure 7-1 is a key to the symbols used in figures
              throughout this chapter.

        7.2 Accessing SCSI Storage

              In VMScluster configurations, multiple VAX and Alpha hosts
              can directly access SCSI devices in any of the following

              o  CI interconnect with HSJ or HSC controllers

              o  Digital Storage Systems Interconnect (DSSI) with HSD

              o  SCSI adapters directly connected to VAX or Alpha systems

              You can also access SCSI devices indirectly using the
              OpenVMS MSCP server.

              The following sections describe single-host and multiple-
              host access to SCSI storage devices.

        7-2 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

        7.2.1 Single-Host SCSI Access in VMScluster Systems

              Prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2, VMScluster systems provided
              support for SCSI storage devices connected to a single
              host using an embedded SCSI adapter, an optional external
              SCSI adapter, or a special-purpose RAID (redundant array
              of independent disks) controller. Only one host could be
              connected to a SCSI bus.

        7.2.2 Multiple-Host SCSI Access in VMScluster Systems

              With OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2, multiple Alpha hosts in
              a VMScluster system can be connected to a single SCSI bus
              to share access to SCSI storage devices directly. This
              capability allows you to build highly available servers
              using shared access to SCSI storage.

              Figure 7-2 shows a VMScluster configuration that uses
              a SCSI interconnect for shared access to SCSI devices.
              Note that another interconnect (for example, a local area
              network [LAN]) is required for host-to-host VMScluster
              (System Communications Architecture [SCA]) communications.

              You can build a two-node VMScluster system using the shared
              SCSI bus as the storage interconnect, or you can include
              shared SCSI buses within a larger VMScluster configuration.
              A quorum disk can be used on the SCSI bus to improve the
              availability of two-node configurations. Host-based RAID
              (including host-based shadowing) and the MSCP server are
              supported for shared SCSI storage devices.

        7.3 Configuration Requirements and Hardware Support

              This section lists the configuration requirements and
              supported hardware for SCSI VMScluster systems for OpenVMS
              Version 6.2.

        7.3.1 Configuration Requirements

              Table 7-1 shows the requirements and capabilities of the
              basic software and hardware components you can configure in
              a SCSI VMScluster system.

                            SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-3

              Table 7-1 Requirements for SCSI VMScluster Configurations

              Requirement    Description

              Software       All Alpha hosts sharing access to storage on
                             a SCSI interconnect must be running:

                             o  OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2

                             o  VMScluster Software for OpenVMS Alpha
                                Version 6.2

              Hardware       Table 7-2 lists the supported hardware
                             components for SCSI VMScluster systems.
                             See also Section 7.7.7 for information about
                             other hardware devices that might be used in
                             a SCSI VMScluster configuration.

              SCSI tape,     You cannot configure SCSI tape drives,
              floppies       floppy drives, or CD-ROM drives on
              and CD-ROM     multiple-host SCSI interconnects. If your
              drives         configuration requires SCSI tape, floppy,
                             or CD-ROM drives, configure them on single-
                             host SCSI interconnects. Note that SCSI
                             tape, floppy, or CD-ROM drives may be
                             MSCP or TMSCP served to other hosts in the
                             VMScluster configuration.

              Maximum        You can connect up to two hosts on a
              hosts on a     multiple-host SCSI bus. You can configure
              SCSI bus       any mix of the hosts listed in Table 7-2 on
                             the same shared SCSI interconnect.

              Maximum SCSI   You can connect each host to a maximum of
              buses per      two multiple-host SCSI buses. The number of
              host           nonshared (single-host) SCSI buses that can
                             be configured is limited only by the number
                             of available slots on the host bus.

              Host-to-host   All members of the cluster must be connected
              communica-     by an interconnect that can be used for
              tion           host-to-host (SCA) communication; for
                             example, DSSI, Ethernet, or FDDI.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        7-4 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              Table 7-1 (Cont.) Requirements for SCSI VMScluster

              Requirement    Description

              Host-          Supported in SCSI VMScluster configurations.
              based RAID

              SCSI device    The name of each SCSI device must be unique
              naming         throughout the VMScluster system. When
                             configuring devices on systems that include
                             a multiple-host SCSI bus, adhere to the
                             following requirements:

                             o  A host can have, at most, one
                                controller attached to a particular SCSI

                             o  All host controllers attached to a given
                                SCSI interconnect must have the same
                                OpenVMS device name (for example, PKA0).

                             o  Each system attached to a SCSI
                                interconnect must have the same nonzero
                                allocation class. Each disk device name
                                (for example, DKB100), whether or not
                                on a shared SCSI bus, must be unique
                                within an allocation class. Refer to
                                Section 7.6.2 for more information.


        7.3.2 Hardware Support

              Table 7-2 shows the supported hardware components for SCSI
              VMScluster systems; it also lists the minimum required
              revision for these hardware components (that is, for
              any component, you must use either the version listed in
              Table 7-2 or a subsequent version).

              The SCSI interconnect configuration and all devices on
              the SCSI interconnect must meet the requirements defined
              in the ANSI Standard SCSI-2 document and the requirements
              described in this chapter.

                            SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-5

              See also Section 7.7.7 for information about other
              hardware devices that might be used in a SCSI VMScluster

              Table 7-2 Supported Hardware for SCSI VMScluster Systems

                                              or H/W        How to Find
              Component   Supported Item      Revision      Your Version

              Hosts       AlphaServer 400     See           Console
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]   SHOW VERSION

              Hosts       AlphaServer 1000    See           Console
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]   SHOW VERSION

                          AlphaServer 2000    See
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]

                          AlphaServer 2100    See
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]

                          AlphaStation 200    See
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]

                          AlphaStation 250    See
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]

                          AlphaStation 400    See
                          4/xxx               footnote[1]

              Disks       RZ26                392A          Console
                                                            SHOW DEVICE

                          RZ26L               442D

                          RZ28                442D

              [1]The minimum revision of this component for SCSI
              VMScluster configurations is the version included in the
              Version 3.2 Firmware Kit on the May, 1995 CD-ROM. The
              revision number is listed in the Firmware Release Notes
              Overview that accompanies that Firmware Kit.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        7-6 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              Table 7-2 (Cont.) Supported Hardware for SCSI VMScluster

                                              or H/W        How to Find
              Component   Supported Item      Revision      Your Version

                          RZ28B               0006

                          RZ29B               0006

              Controller  HSZ40               2.5           Console
                                                            SHOW DEVICE

              Bus         DWZZA-AA            E01           Examine
              Isolators                                     product

                          DWZZA-VA            F01

              Adapters[2] Integral system     N/A

                          KZPAA (PCI to
              [2]You can configure other types of SCSI adapters in a
              system for single-host access to local storage.

        7.4 SCSI Interconnect Concepts

              The SCSI standard defines a set of rules governing the
              interactions between initiators (typically, host systems)
              and SCSI targets (typically, peripheral devices). This
              standard allows the host to communicate with SCSI devices
              (such as disk drives, tape drives, printers, and optical
              media devices) without having to manage the device-specific

              The following sections describe the SCSI standard and the
              default modes of operation. The discussions also describe
              some optional mechanisms you can implement to enhance

                            SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-7

              the default SCSI capabilities in areas such as capacity,
              performance, availability, and distance.

        7.4.1 Number of Devices

              The SCSI bus is an I/O interconnect that can support up
              to eight devices. The devices can include host adapters,
              peripheral controllers, and discrete peripheral devices
              such as disk or tape drives. The devices are addressed by
              a unique ID number from 0 through 7. You assign the device
              IDs by entering console commands, or by setting jumpers or

              To increase the number of devices on the SCSI interconnect,
              some devices implement a second level of device addressing
              using logical unit numbers (LUNs). For each device ID, up
              to eight LUNs (0-7) can be used to address a single SCSI
              device as multiple units. The maximum number of LUNs per
              device ID is eight.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                When connecting devices to a SCSI interconnect, each
                device on the interconnect must have a unique device
                ID. You may need to change a device's default device
                ID to make it unique. For information about setting
                a device's ID, refer to the owner's guide for the


        7.4.2 Performance

              The default mode of operation for all SCSI devices is 8-
              bit asynchronous mode. This mode, sometimes referred to
              as narrow mode, transfers 8 bits of data from one device
              to another. Each data transfer is acknowledged by the
              device receiving the data. Because the performance of
              the default mode is limited, the SCSI standard defines
              optional mechanisms to enhance performance. The following
              list describes two optional methods for achieving higher

              o  Increase the amount of data that is transferred in
                 parallel on the interconnect. The 16-bit and 32-bit
                 wide options allow a doubling or quadrupling of the
                 data rate, respectively. Because the 32-bit option is

        7-8 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

                 seldom implemented, this chapter discusses only 16-bit
                 operation and refers to it using the term wide.

              o  Use synchronous data transfer. In synchronous mode,
                 multiple data transfers can occur in succession,
                 followed by an acknowledgment from the device receiving
                 the data. The standard defines a Slow Mode (also called
                 Standard Mode) and a Fast Mode for synchronous data

                 -  In Standard Mode, the interconnect achieves up to 5
                    million transfers per second.

                 -  In Fast Mode, the interconnect achieves up to 10
                    million transfers per second.

              Because all communications on a SCSI interconnect occur
              between two devices at a time, each pair of devices must
              negotiate to determine which of the optional features they
              will use. Most, if not all, SCSI devices implement one or
              more of these options.

              Table 7-3 shows data rates when using 8- and 16-bit
              transfers with Standard and Fast synchronous modes.

              Table 7-3 Maximum Data Transfer Rates in Megabytes per

              Mode      Narrow (8-Bit)   Wide (16-Bit)

              Standard    5                10

              Fast        10               20

        7.4.3 Distance

              The maximum length of the SCSI interconnect is determined
              by the signaling method used in the configuration and, in
              some cases, by the data transfer rate. There are two types
              of electrical signaling for SCSI interconnects:

              o  Single-ended signaling

                 The single-ended method is the most common and the
                 least expensive. It can operate in either Standard or

                            SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-9

                 Fast Mode. The mode used determines the length of the
                 interconnect, as follows:

                 -  When standard transfers are in use, the interconnect
                    can be up to 6 meters in length[1]

                 -  When fast transfers are in use, the interconnect can
                    be up to 3 meters in length

              o  Differential signaling

                 This method provides higher signal integrity, thereby
                 allowing a SCSI bus to span distances of up to 25
                 meters. Differential signaling allows both standard
                 and fast data transfers regardless of the length of the
                 SCSI bus.

              When considering cable distance issues, be sure to include
              both internal and external cabling in your calculations.
              Table 7-5 lists the internal cable lengths for various

              Table 7-4 summarizes how the type of signaling method
              affects SCSI interconnect distances.

              Table 7-4 Maximum SCSI Interconnect Distances

              Signaling        Rate of Data
              Technique        Transfer         Maximum Cable Length

              Single ended     Standard         6 meters+

              Single ended     Fast             3 meters

              Differential     Standard or      25 meters
              +The SCSI standard specifies a maximum length of 6 meters
              for this type of interconnect. However, Digital recommends
              that, where possible, you limit the cable length to 4
              meters to ensure the highest level of data integrity.

              A DWZZA converter is a single-ended to differential
              converter that you can use to connect single-ended and

              [1]   See the note following Table 7-4 for information
                    about the maximum length recommended by Digital.

        7-10 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              differential SCSI interconnect segments. The differential
              segments are useful for the following:

              o  Overcoming the distance limitations of the single-ended

              o  Allowing communication between single-ended and
                 differential devices

              Because the DWZZA is strictly a signal converter, you
              do not need to assign a SCSI device ID to it. You can
              configure a maximum of two DWZZA converters in the path
              between any two hosts.

        7.4.4 Cabling and Termination

              Each single-ended and differential SCSI interconnect
              must have two terminators, one at each end. The specified
              maximum interconnect lengths are measured from terminator
              to terminator.

              The interconnect terminators are powered from the SCSI
              interconnect line called TERMPWR. Each Digital host adapter
              and enclosure supplies the TERMPWR interconnect line, so
              that as long as one host or enclosure is powered on, the
              interconnect remains terminated.

              Devices attach to the interconnect by short cables (or
              etch), called stubs. Stubs must be short in order to
              maintain the signal integrity of the interconnect. The
              maximum stub lengths allowed are determined by the type of
              signaling used by the interconnect, as follows:

              o  For single-ended interconnects, the maximum stub length
                 is .1 meters

              o  For differential interconnects, the maximum stub length
                 is .2 meters

              Additionally, the minimum distance between stubs on a
              single-ended interconnect is .3 meters. Refer to Figure 7-3
              for an example of this configuration.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                Terminate single-ended and differential buses
                individually, even when using DWZZA converters.


                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-11

              When you are extending the SCSI bus beyond an existing
              terminator, it is necessary to disable or remove that

              When using the host system's internal SCSI adapter, you
              must configure the system at the end of the single-ended
              SCSI segment. This is because the internal SCSI cable
              lengths exceed the allowable SCSI stub length. However,
              host systems are not required to be configured at the ends
              of the bus segment when an add-on SCSI adapter is used.

              See Table 7-5 for information about internal SCSI cable

        7.5 SCSI VMScluster Hardware Configurations

              The hardware configuration that you choose depends on a
              combination of factors:

              o  Your computing needs-for example, continuous
                 availability, or the ability to disconnect or remove
                 a system from your SCSI VMScluster system

              o  Your environment-for example, the physical attributes of
                 your computing facility

              o  Your resources-for example, your capital equipment or
                 the available PCI slots

              You can connect up to two hosts on a shared SCSI
              interconnect. Each host can be connected to one or two
              shared SCSI interconnects. The number of nonshared SCSI
              buses that can be configured is limited only by the number
              of available slots on the host bus.

              The following sections provide guidelines for building SCSI
              configurations and describe potential configurations that
              might be suitable for various sites.

        7.5.1 Systems Using Add-On SCSI Adapters

              Shared SCSI bus configurations may use optional add-on
              KZPAA adapters. These adapters are generally easier to
              configure than internal adapters because they do not
              consume any SCSI cable length. Additionally, when you
              configure systems using KZPAA adapters for the shared
              SCSI bus, the internal adapter is available for connecting

        7-12 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              devices that cannot be shared (for example, SCSI tape,
              floppy, and CD-ROM drives).

              When using KZPAA adapters, storage is configured using
              BA350, BA353, or HSZ40 StorageWorks enclosures. These
              enclosures are suitable for all data disks, and for shared
              VMScluster system and quorum disks. By using StorageWorks
              enclosures, it is possible to shut down individual systems
              without losing access to the disks.

              The following sections describe some SCSI VMScluster
              configurations that take advantage of add-on adapters. Building a Basic System Using Add-On SCSI Adapters

              Figure 7-4 shows a logical representation of a basic
              configuration using SCSI adapters and a StorageWorks
              enclosure. This configuration has the advantage of
              being relatively simple, while still allowing the use of
              tapes, floppies, CD-ROMs, and disks with nonshared files
              (for example, page files and swap files) on internal
              buses. Figure 7-5 shows this type of configuration using
              AlphaServer 1000 systems and a BA350 enclosure.

              The BA350 enclosure uses 0.9 meters of SCSI cabling, and
              this configuration typically uses two 1-meter SCSI cables.
              (A BA353 enclosure also uses 0.9 meters, with the same
              total cable length.) The resulting total cable length of
              2.9 meters allows Fast SCSI Mode operation.

              Although the shared BA350 storage enclosure is
              theoretically a single point of failure, this basic system
              is a very reliable SCSI VMScluster configuration. When
              the quorum disk is located in the BA350, you can shut down
              either of the AlphaStation systems independently while
              retaining access to the VMScluster system. However, you
              cannot physically remove the AlphaStation system because
              that would leave an unterminated SCSI bus.

              If you need the ability to remove a system while your
              VMScluster system remains operational, build your system
              using DWZZA converters, as described in Section If
              you need continuous access to data if a SCSI interconnect
              fails, you should do both of the following:

              o  Add a redundant SCSI interconnect with another BA350

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-13

              o  Shadow the data.

              In Figure 7-4 and the other logical configuration diagrams
              in this chapter, the required network interconnect is not
              shown. (See Figure 7-1 for the key to the symbols used in
              the following figures.)
 Building a System That Allows a Server to Be Removed
                (Using DWZZA Converters)

              The capability of removing an individual system from your
              SCSI VMScluster configuration (for maintenance or repair)
              while the other systems in the cluster remain active gives
              you an especially high level of availability. To have
              this capability, use a configuration that includes a DWZZA
              converter (a SCSI bus isolator). DWZZA converters provide
              additional SCSI bus length capabilities because the DWZZA
              allows you to connect a single-ended device to a bus that
              uses differential signaling. As described in Section 7.4.3,
              SCSI bus configurations that use differential signaling
              may span distances up to 25 meters, whereas single-ended
              configurations can span only 3 meters when Fast Mode data
              transfer is used.

              DWZZA converters are available as standalone, desktop
              components or as StorageWorks compatible building blocks.
              DWZZA converters can be used with the internal SCSI adapter
              or the optional KZPAA adapters.

              Figure 7-6 shows a logical view of a configuration
              that uses internal SCSI adapters and a pair of bus
              isolators, and Figure 7-7 shows a physical view of the
              same configuration using two AlphaServer 1000 systems.
              In configurations such as those shown in Figure 7-6 and
              Figure 7-7, you can also remove either of the AlphaServer
              enclosures because the SCSI bus remains terminated.

              In each of these figures, note that a single-ended SCSI
              bus is used to connect a DWZZA to the AlphaServer systems,
              and another single-ended bus is used to connect the second
              DWZZA to the disks. The two DWZZAs are connected to each
              other by a differential bus. The differential signaling
              is necessary because the cabling between the DWZZA and the
              AlphaServer systems consumes virtually all of the 3 meters

        7-14 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect


              of single-ended cabling that is allowed for Fast Mode data

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                See Figure 7-1 for the key to the symbols used in the
                following figures.

                ______________________________________________________ Building a System That Allows Additional Features and
                Performance Using an HSZ40 Controller

              The HSZ40 is a high-performance differential SCSI
              controller that can be connected to a differential SCSI
              bus, and supports up to 42 SCSI devices. An HSZ40 may be
              configured on a shared SCSI bus that includes DWZZA single-
              ended to differential converters. Disk devices configured
              on HSZ40 controllers can be combined into RAID sets to
              further enhance performance and provide high availability.

              Figure 7-8 shows a logical view of a configuration that
              uses differential SCSI controllers, and Figure 7-9 shows
              a physical example of the same configuration using an
              HSZ40 in an SW300 enclosure. Note that the DWZZA is
              not needed in the StorageWorks enclosure in this type
              of configuration because the HSZ40 is compatible with
              differential signaling. Building a System with More Enclosures or Greater

              If you need additional enclosures, or if the needs of
              your site require a greater physical separation between
              systems, you can use a configuration in which DWZZAs are
              placed between systems with single-ended signaling and a
              differential-cabled SCSI bus.

              Figure 7-10 shows a logical view of a configuration that
              uses additional DWZZAs to increase the potential physical
              separation (or to allow for additional enclosures),
              and Figure 7-11 shows a sample representation of this

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-15

 Planning for the Future

              In OpenVMS Version 6.2, you can connect up to two hosts on
              a multiple-host SCSI bus. In the future, Digital expects to
              provide the capability for connecting up to three hosts on
              the same multiple-host SCSI bus.

              Although this capability is not currently supported,
              Figure 7-12 is included to show how a three-host SCSI
              VMScluster system might be configured.

        7.5.2 Building a System Using Internal SCSI Adapters

              You can build a multiple-host SCSI VMScluster configuration
              with two systems using internal adapters that are joined
              by a single SCSI cable. This type of configuration is
              relatively inexpensive, and it provides some of the
              benefits of multiple-host SCSI VMScluster systems that
              use external adapters (for example, fully shared disks
              and twice the serving performance of a single system).
              This system configuration can also be expanded to provide
              improved performance, availability, and scaling.

              However, a multiple-host SCSI VMScluster system that uses
              only internal SCSI adapters has the following limitations:

              o  On most systems, the internal cabling lengths exceeds 3
                 meters and therefore precludes the use of Fast Mode data
                 transfer (see Table 7-5).

              o  You cannot remove either of the AlphaServer systems
                 for maintenance or repair while the remaining
                 cluster systems stay active (because the bus would be

              o  If these are the only members of the cluster, then
                 quorum is lost when one (or either, depending on how
                 the votes are allocated) of the enclosures goes down.

              o  You cannot use tape or CD-ROM drives.

              Some of the limitations associated with the internal
              adapter can be removed by using DWZZAs, additional SCSI
              adapters, and additional storage enclosures.

        7-16 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              Figure 7-13 shows a conceptual view of a SCSI system
              using internal adapters, and Figure 7-14 shows a sample
              configuration of such a system.

              Table 7-5 Internal SCSI Cable Lengths

              System Type                          Internal Cable Length

              AlphaServer 1000 rackmount           1.6 meters

              AlphaServer 1000 pedestal with an    2.0 meters
              internal StorageWorks shelf in a
              dual-bus configuration[1]

              AlphaServer 2000 pedestal with the   1.7 meters
              internal StorageWorks shelf that is
              not connected

              AlphaServer 2100 rackmount           2.0 meters

              AlphaServer 2100 pedestal with the   1.6 meters
              internal StorageWorks shelf that is
              not connected

              AlphaStation 200                     1.2 meters

              AlphaStation 400                     1.4 meters

              [1]See your hardware manual for an explanation of single-
              bus and dual-bus configurations, and how to switch from one
              to the other.

        7.6 Installation

              This section describes the steps required to set up and
              install the hardware in a SCSI VMScluster system. The
              assumption in this section is that a new VMScluster system,
              based on a shared SCSI bus, is being created. If, on the
              other hand, you are adding a shared SCSI bus to an existing
              VMScluster configuration, then you should integrate
              the procedures in this section with those described in
              VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS to formulate your overall
              installation plan.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-17

              Table 7-6 lists the steps required to set up and install
              the hardware in a SCSI VMScluster system.

              Table 7-6 Steps for Installing a SCSI VMScluster System

              Description                   Reference

            1  Ensure proper grounding      Section 7.6.1 and
              between enclosures.           Section 7.7.8

            2  Configure SCSI host IDs.     Section 7.6.2

            3  Power up the system and      Section 7.6.3
              verify devices.

            4  Set SCSI console             Section 7.6.4

            5  Install the OpenVMS          Section 7.6.5
              operating system.

            6  Configure additional         Section 7.6.6

        7.6.1 Step 1: Meet SCSI Grounding Requirements

              You must ensure that your electrical power distribution
              systems meet local requirements (for example, electrical
              codes) prior to installing your VMScluster system. If your
              configuration consists of two or more enclosures connected
              by a common SCSI interconnect, you must also ensure that
              the enclosures are properly grounded. Proper grounding
              is important for safety reasons and to ensure the proper
              functioning of the SCSI interconnect.

              Electrical work should be done by a qualified professional.
              Section 7.7.8 includes details of the grounding
              requirements for SCSI systems.

        7.6.2 Step 2: Configure SCSI Node IDs

              This section describes how to configure SCSI node and
              device IDs. SCSI IDs must be assigned separately for
              multiple-host SCSI buses and single-host SCSI buses.

              Figure 7-15 shows two hosts; each one is configured with a
              single-host SCSI bus and shares a multiple-host SCSI bus.

        7-18 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              The following sections describe how IDs are assigned in
              this type of multiple-host SCSI configuration. For more
              information about this topic, see VMScluster Systems for
              OpenVMS. Configuring Device IDs on Multiple-Host SCSI Buses

              When configuring multiple-host SCSI buses, adhere to the
              following rules:

              o  Set each host adapter on the multiple-host bus to a
                 different ID. Start by assigning ID 7, then ID 6, and so
                 on, using decreasing ID numbers.

                 If a host has two multiple-host SCSI buses, allocate
                 an ID to each SCSI adapter separately. There is no
                 requirement that you set the adapters to the same ID,
                 although using the same ID may simplify configuration
                 management. (Section 7.6.4 describes how to set host IDs
                 for the internal adapter using SCSI console parameters.)

              o  When assigning IDs to devices and storage controllers
                 connected to multiple-host SCSI buses, Digital
                 recommends starting at ID 0 (zero), assigning the
                 highest ID numbers to the disks that require the fastest
                 I/O response time.

              o  Devices connected to a multiple-host SCSI bus must have
                 the same name as viewed from each host. To achieve this,
                 ensure that:

                 -  All hosts connected to a multiple-host SCSI bus are
                    set to the same allocation class

                 -  All host adapters connected to a multiple-host SCSI
                    bus have the same controller letter Configuring Device IDs on Single-Host SCSI Buses

              The following discussion applies to hosts that include both
              a single-host SCSI bus and a multiple-host SCSI bus.

              In multiple-host SCSI configurations, device names
              generated by OpenVMS use the format $allocation_
              class$DKA300. You set the allocation class using the
              ALLOCLASS system parameter. OpenVMS generates the
              controller letter (for example, A, B, C, and so forth)
              at boot time by allocating a letter to each controller. The

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-19

              unit number (for example, 0, 100, 200, 300, and so forth)
              is derived from the SCSI device ID.

              When configuring devices on single-host SCSI buses that are
              part of a multiple-host SCSI configuration, take care to
              ensure that the disks connected to the single-host SCSI
              buses have unique device names. Do this by assigning
              different IDs to devices connected to single-host SCSI
              buses with the same controller letter on systems that use
              the same allocation class. Note that the device names must
              be different, even though the bus is not shared.

              For example, in Figure 7-15, the two disks at the bottom of
              the picture are located on SCSI bus A of two systems that
              use the same allocation class. Therefore, they have been
              allocated different device IDs (in this case 2 and 3).

              For a given allocation class, SCSI device type, and
              controller letter (in this example, "$4$DKA"), there can
              be up to 8 devices in the cluster, one for each SCSI bus
              ID. To use all 8 IDs, it is necessary to configure a disk
              on one SCSI bus at the same ID as a processor on another
              bus. (See Section 7.7.5 for a discussion of the possible
              performance impact this can have.)

              SCSI bus IDs can be effectively "doubled up" by configuring
              different SCSI device types at the same SCSI ID on
              different SCSI buses. For example, device types "DK" and
              "MK" could produce "$4$DKA100" and "$4$MKA100".

        7.6.3 Step 3: Power Up and Verify SCSI Devices

              After connecting the SCSI cables, power up the system.
              Enter a console SHOW DEVICE command to verify that all
              devices are visible on the SCSI interconnect.

              If there is a SCSI ID conflict, the display may omit
              devices that are present, or it may include nonexistent
              devices. If the display is incorrect, then check the
              SCSI ID jumpers on devices, the automatic ID assignments
              provided by the StorageWorks shelves, and the console
              settings for host adapter and HSZ40 controller IDs. If
              changes are made, type INIT, then SHOW DEVICE again.
              If problems persist, check the SCSI cable lengths and

        7-20 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              The following is a sample output from a console SHOW DEVICE
              command. This system has one host SCSI adapter on a private
              SCSI bus (pka0), and two additional SCSI adapters (pkb0 and
              pkc0), each on separate, shared SCSI buses.

            >>>SHOW DEVICE
            dka0.               DKA0 1                       RZ26L  442D
            dka400.             DKA400                        RRD43  2893
            dkb100.            DKB100                         RZ26  392A
            dkb200.            DKB200                        RZ26L  442D
            dkc400.            DKC400                        HSZ40   V25
            dkc401.            DKC401 2                     HSZ40   V25
            dkc500.            DKC500                        HSZ40   V25
            dkc501.            DKC501                        HSZ40   V25
            dkc506.            DKC506                        HSZ40   V25
            dva0.               DVA0
            jkb700.            JKB700 3                    OpenVMS  V62
            jkc700.            JKC700                       OpenVMS  V62
            mka300.             MKA300 4                     TLZ06  0389
            era0.               ERA0                   08-00-2B-3F-3A-B9
            pka0.               PKA0 5                     SCSI Bus ID 7
            pkb0.              PKB0                        SCSI Bus ID 6
            pkc0.              PKC0                        SCSI Bus ID 6

              The following list describes the device names in the
              preceding example:

              1  DK devices represent SCSI disks. Disks connected to
                 the SCSI bus controlled by adapter PKA are given device
                 names starting with the letters DKA. Disks on additional
                 buses are named according to the host adapter name in a
                 similar manner (DKB devices on adapter PKB, and so on).

                 The next character in the device name (0 in this case)
                 represents the device's SCSI ID. Make sure that the SCSI
                 ID for each device is unique for the SCSI bus to which
                 it is connected.

              2  The last digit in the DK device name (1 in this case)
                 represents the LUN number. The HSZ40 virtual DK device
                 in this example is at SCSI ID 4, LUN 1. Note that some
                 systems do not display devices that have nonzero LUNs.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-21

              3  JK devices represent nondisk or nontape devices on the
                 SCSI interconnect. In this example, JK devices represent
                 other processors on the SCSI interconnect that are
                 running the OpenVMS operating system. If the other
                 system is not running, these JK devices do not appear
                 in the display. In this example, the other processor's
                 adapters are at SCSI ID 7.

              4  MK devices represent SCSI tapes. The third character in
                 this device's name is A, indicating that it is attached
                 to adapter pka0, the private SCSI bus.

              5  PK devices represent the local SCSI adapters. The
                 information in the rightmost column indicates this
                 adapter's SCSI ID. Make sure this is different from
                 the IDs used by other devices and host adapters on its

                 The third character in the device name (in this example,
                 a) is assigned by the system so that each adapter has
                 a unique name on that system. The fourth character is
                 always zero.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                Make sure that all host adapters attached to a SCSI
                interconnect have the same name; that is, the third
                character in the device names must be the same.
                OpenVMS configures the internal SCSI adapter as
                DKA, the first KZPAA adapter as DKB, and so on. For
                example, to ensure that device names are consistent
                on a shared SCSI bus, do not connect the internal
                adapter in one system and a KZPAA adapter in a second
                system to the same bus. For more information, see


        7-22 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

        7.6.4 Step 4: Show and Set SCSI Console Parameters

              When creating a SCSI VMScluster system, you need to verify
              the settings of the console environment parameters shown in
              Table 7-7 and, if necessary, reset their values according
              to your configuration requirements.

              Table 7-7 provides a brief description of SCSI console
              parameters. Refer to your system-specific documentation for
              complete information about setting these and other system

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                If you need to modify any parameters, first change the
                parameter (using the appropriate console SET command),
                and then enter a console INIT command or press the
                Reset button to make the change effective.


              Table 7-7 SCSI Environment Parameters

              Parameter             Description

              bootdef_dev device_   Specifies the default boot device to
              name                  the system.

              boot_osflags root_    The boot_osflags variable
              number,bootflag       contains information that is
                                    used by the operating system to
                                    determine optional aspects of a
                                    system bootstrap (for example,
                                    conversational bootstrap).

              pk*0_disconnect       Allows the target to disconnect from
                                    the SCSI bus while the target acts
                                    on a command. When this parameter
                                    is set to 1, the target is allowed
                                    to disconnect from the SCSI bus
                                    while processing a command. When
                                    the parameter is set to 0, the target
                                    retains control of the SCSI bus while
                                    acting on a command.

                                                 (continued on next page)

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-23

              Table 7-7 (Cont.) SCSI Environment Parameters

              Parameter             Description

              pk*0_fast             Enables SCSI adapters to perform in
                                    Fast SCSI Mode. When this parameter
                                    is set to 1, the default speed is
                                    set to Fast Mode; when the parameter
                                    is 0, the default speed is Standard

              pk*0_host_id          Sets the SCSI device ID of host
                                    adapters to a value between 0 and

              scsi_poll             Enables console polling on all SCSI
                                    interconnects when the system is

              control_scsi_term     Enables and disables the terminator
                                    on the integral SCSI interconnect
                                    at the system bulkhead (for some

              Before setting boot parameters, display the current
              settings of these parameters, as shown in the following


              1. >>>SHOW *BOOT*

                boot_osflags            10,0
                boot_reset              OFF
                bootdef_dev             dka200.

                 The first number in the boot_osflags parameter specifies
                 the system root. (In this example, the first number is
                 10.) The boot_reset parameter controls the boot process.
                 The default boot device is the device from which the
                 OpenVMS operating system is loaded. Refer to the
                 documentation for your specific system for additional
                 booting information.

        7-24 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

                 Note that you can identify multiple boot devices to
                 the system. By doing so, you cause the system to search
                 for a bootable device from the list of devices that you
                 specify. The system then automatically boots from the
                 first device on which it finds bootable system software.
                 In addition, you can override the default boot device
                 by specifying an alternative device name on the boot
                 command line.

                 Typically, the default boot flags suit your environment.
                 You can override the default boot flags by specifying
                 boot flags dynamically on the boot command line with the
                 -flags option.

              2. >>>SHOW *PK*

                pka0_disconnect         1
                pka0_fast               1
                pka0_host_id            7

                 The pk*0_disconnect parameter determines whether or
                 not a target is allowed to disconnect from the SCSI bus
                 while it acts on a command. On a multiple-host SCSI bus,
                 the pk*0_disconnect parameter must be set to 1 so that
                 disconnects can occur.

                 The pk*0_fast parameter controls whether Fast SCSI
                 devices on a SCSI controller perform in Standard or Fast
                 Mode. When the parameter is set to 0, the default speed
                 is set to Standard Mode; when the pk*0_fast parameter
                 is set to 1, the default speed is set to Fast SCSI Mode.
                 In this example, devices on SCSI controller pka0 are
                 set to Fast SCSI Mode. This means that both Standard
                 and Fast SCSI devices connected to this controller will
                 automatically perform at the appropriate speed for the
                 device (that is, in either Fast or Standard Mode).

                 The pk*0_host_id parameter assigns a bus node ID for
                 the specified host adapter. In this example, pka0 is
                 assigned a SCSI device ID of 7.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-25

              3. >>>SHOW *POLL*
                scsi_poll               ON

                 Enables or disables polling of SCSI devices while in
                 console mode.

                 Set polling ON or OFF depending on the needs and
                 environment of your site. When polling is enabled,
                 the output of the SHOW DEVICE is always up-to-date.
                 However, because polling can consume SCSI bus bandwidth
                 (proportional to number of unused SCSI IDs), you might
                 want to disable polling if one system on a multiple-host
                 SCSI bus will be in console mode for an extended period
                 of time.

                 Polling must be disabled during any hot plugging
                 operations. For information on hot plugging in a SCSI
                 VMScluster environment, see Section 7.7.6.

              4. >>>SHOW *TERM*
                control_scsi_term       external

                 Used on some systems (such as the AlphaStation 400)
                 to enable or disable the SCSI terminator next to the
                 external connector. Set the control_scsi_term parameter
                 to external if a cable is attached to the bulkhead.
                 Otherwise, set the parameter to internal.

        7.6.5 Step 5: Install the OpenVMS Operating System

              Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX upgrade and installation
              manual for information about installing the OpenVMS
              operating system. Perform the installation once for
              each system disk in the VMScluster system. In most
              configurations, there is a single system disk. Therefore,
              you need to perform this step once, using any system.

              During the installation, when you are asked if the system
              is to be a cluster member, answer Yes. Then, complete
              the installation according to the guidelines provided in
              VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS.

        7-26 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

        7.6.6 Step 6: Configure Additional Systems

              Use the CLUSTER_CONFIG command procedure to configure
              additional systems. Execute this procedure once for the
              second host that you have configured on the SCSI bus. (See
              Section 7.7.1 for more information.)

        7.7 Supplementary Information

              The following sections provide supplementary technical
              detail and concepts about SCSI VMScluster systems.

        7.7.1 Running the CLUSTER_CONFIG Command Procedure

              You execute the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM command procedure to
              set up and configure nodes in your VMScluster system.+
              Typically, the first computer is set up as a VMScluster
              system during the initial OpenVMS installation procedure
              (see Section 7.6.5). The CLUSTER_CONFIG procedure is
              then used to configure additional nodes. However, if you
              originally installed OpenVMS without enabling clustering,
              the first time you run CLUSTER_CONFIG, the procedure
              converts the standalone system to a cluster system.

              To configure additional nodes in a SCSI VMScluster, execute
              CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM for each additional node. Table 7-8
              describes the steps to configure additional SCSI nodes.

              Table 7-8 Steps for Installing Additional Nodes


              1   From the first node, run the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM
                  procedure and select the default option [1] for ADD.

              2   Answer Yes when CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM asks if you want to

                                                 (continued on next page)

              +     In OpenVMS Version 6.2, sites that choose to boot
                    their VMScluster systems using the LANCP utility
                    rather than DECnet use the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM
                    procedure.  See Section 3.5 for information about the
                    use of this alternative procedure.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-27

              Table 7-8 (Cont.) Steps for Installing Additional Nodes


              3   Supply the DECnet name and address of the node that you
                  are adding to the existing single-node cluster.

              4   Confirm that this will be a node with a shared SCSI

              5   Answer No when the procedure asks if this node will be
                  a satellite.

              6   Configure the node to be a disk server if it will serve
                  disks to other cluster members.

              7   Place the new node's system root on the default device

              8   Select a system root for the new node. The first node
                  uses SYS0. Take the default (SYS10 for the first
                  additional node), or choose your own root numbering
                  scheme. You can choose from SYS1 to SYSn, where n is
                  hexadecimal FFFF.

              9   Select the default disk allocation class so that the
                  new node in the cluster will use the same ALLOCLASS as
                  the first node.

              10  Confirm whether or not there is a quorum disk.

              11  Answer the questions about the sizes of the page file
                  and swap file.

              12  When CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM completes, boot the new node
                  from the new system root. For example, for SYSFF on
                  disk DKA200, enter the following command:

                   BOOT -FL FF,0 DKA200

                  On the BOOT command, you can use the following flags:

                  o  -FL indicates boot flags

                  o  FF is the new system root

                  o  0 means there are no special boot requirements, such
                     as conversational boot


              Example 7-1 shows how to run the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM
              procedure to set up an additional node in a SCSI

        7-28 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              Example 7-1 Adding a Node to a SCSI VMScluster


                         Cluster Configuration Procedure

         Use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to set up or change a VMScluster configuration.
         To ensure that you have the required privileges, invoke this procedure
         from the system manager's account.

                  Enter ? for help at any prompt.

                          1. ADD a node to a cluster.
                          2. REMOVE a node from the cluster.
                          3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics.
                          4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for CLU21.
                          5. EXIT from this procedure.

                  Enter choice [1]:

                  The ADD function adds a new node to a cluster.

                  If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES in
                  every cluster member's MODPARAMS.DAT must be adjusted, and the
                  cluster must be rebooted.

            WARNING - If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and
                      if common system files will be used, please, do not
                      proceed unless you have defined appropriate logical
                      names for cluster common files in SYLOGICALS.COM.
                      For instructions, refer to the VMScluster Systems for
                      OpenVMS manual.

                            Do you want to continue [N]? y

             If the new node is a satellite, the network databases on CLU21 are
             updated. The network databases on all other cluster members must be

           For instructions, refer to the VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS manual.

              What is the node's DECnet node name? SATURN
              What is the node's DECnet node address? 7.77
              Is SATURN to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI bus (Y/N)? y
              Will SATURN be a satellite [Y]? N
              Will SATURN be a boot server [Y]?

                                                 (continued on next page)

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-29

              Example 7-1 (Cont.) Adding a Node to a SCSI VMScluster

    This procedure will now ask you for the device name of SATURN's system root.
    The default device name (DISK$BIG_X5T5:) is the logical volume name of

              What is the device name for SATURN's system root [DISK$BIG_X5T5:]?
              What is the name of SATURN's system root [SYS10]? SYS2
                  Creating directory tree SYS2 ...
                  System root SYS2 created

             All nodes on the same SCSI bus must be members of the same cluster
             and must all have the same non-zero disk allocation class or each
             will have a different name for the same disk and data corruption
             will result.

              Enter a value for SATURN's ALLOCLASS parameter [7]:
              Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]?
              Updating network database...
              Size of pagefile for SATURN [10000 blocks]?

        7.7.2 Errors Reports and OPCOM Messages in Multiple-Host SCSI

              Certain common operations, such as booting or shutting down
              a host on a multiple-host SCSI bus, can cause other hosts
              on the SCSI bus to experience errors. In addition, certain
              errors that are unusual in a single-host SCSI configuration
              may occur more frequently on a multiple-host SCSI bus.

              These errors are transient errors that OpenVMS detects,
              reports, and recovers from without losing data or affecting
              applications that are running. This section describes the
              conditions that generate these errors and the messages that
              are displayed on the operator console and entered into the
              error log.

        7-30 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

 SCSI Bus Resets

              When a host connected to a SCSI bus first starts, either
              by being turned on or by rebooting, it does not know the
              state of the SCSI bus and the devices on it. The ANSI
              SCSI-2 Standard provides a method called BUS RESET to
              force the bus and its devices into a known state. A host
              typically asserts a RESET signal one or more times on each
              of its SCSI buses when it first starts up and when it shuts
              down. While this is a normal action on the part of the host
              asserting RESET, other hosts consider this RESET signal
              an error, because RESET requires that the hosts abort and
              restart all I/O operations that are in progress.

              A host may also reset the bus in the midst of normal
              operation if it detects a problem that it cannot correct in
              any other way. These kinds of resets are uncommon but occur
              most frequently when something on the bus is disturbed.
              For example, an attempt to hot plug a SCSI device while the
              device is still active (see Section 7.7.6) or halting one
              of the hosts with CTRL/P can cause a condition that forces
              one or more hosts to issue a bus reset. SCSI Timeouts

              When a host exchanges data with a device on the SCSI bus,
              there are several different points where the host must wait
              for the device or the SCSI adapter to react. In an OpenVMS
              system, the host is allowed to do other work while it is
              waiting, but a timer is started to make sure that it does
              not wait too long. If the timer expires without a response
              from the SCSI device or adapter, this is called a timeout.

              There are three kinds of timeouts:

              o  Disconnect timeout-The device accepted a command
                 from the host and disconnected from the bus while it
                 processed the command but never reconnected to the
                 bus to finish the transaction. This error happens most
                 frequently when the bus is very busy. See Section 7.7.5
                 for more information. The disconnect timeout period
                 varies with the device, but for most disks, it is about
                 20 seconds.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-31

              o  Selection timeout-The host tried to send a command to a
                 device on the SCSI bus, but the device did not respond.
                 This condition might happen if the device did not exist
                 or if it were removed from the bus or powered down,
                 for example. (This failure is not more likely with
                 a multi-initiator system; it is mentioned here for
                 completeness.) The selection timeout period is about
                 0.25 seconds.

              o  Interrupt timeout-The host expected the adapter to
                 respond for any other reason, but it did not respond.
                 This error is usually an indication of a busy SCSI bus.
                 It is more common if you have initiator unit numbers set
                 low (0 or 1) rather than high (6 or 7). The interrupt
                 timeout period is about 4 seconds.

              Timeout errors are not inevitable on SCSI VMScluster
              systems. However, they are more frequent on SCSI buses
              with heavy traffic and those with two initiators. They do
              not necessarily indicate a hardware or software problem.
              If they are logged frequently, you should consider ways
              to reduce the load on the SCSI bus (for example, adding an
              additional bus). Mount Verify

              Mount verify is a condition declared by a host about a
              device. The host declares this condition in response to a
              number of possible transient errors, including bus resets
              and timeouts. When a device is in the mount verify state,
              the host suspends normal I/O to it until the host can
              determine that the correct device is there, and that the
              device is accessible. Mount verify processing then retries
              outstanding I/Os in a way that ensures that the correct
              data is written or read. Application programs are unaware
              that a mount verify condition has occurred as long as the
              mount verify completes.

              If the host cannot access the correct device within a
              certain amount of time, it declares a mount verify timeout,
              and application programs are notified that the device is
              unavailable. Manual intervention is required to restore
              a device to service after the host has declared a mount
              verify timeout. A mount verify timeout usually means that
              the error is not transient. The system manager can choose

        7-32 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              the timeout period for mount verify; the default is one
              hour. Shadow Volume Processing

              Shadow volume processing is a process similar to mount
              verify, but it is for shadow set members. An error on
              one member of a shadow set places the set into the volume
              processing state, which blocks I/O while OpenVMS attempts
              to regain access to the member. If access is regained
              before shadow volume processing times out, then the
              outstanding I/Os are reissued and the shadow set returns
              to normal operation. If a timeout occurs, then the failed
              member is removed from the set. The system manager can
              select one timeout value for the system disk shadow set,
              and one for application shadow sets. The default value for
              both timeouts is 20 seconds.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                The SCSI disconnect timeout and the default shadow
                volume processing timeout are the same. If the SCSI
                bus is heavily utilized so that disconnect timeouts
                may occur, it may be desirable to increase the
                value of the shadow volume processing timeout. (A
                recommended value is 60 seconds.) This may prevent
                shadow set members from being expelled when they
                experience disconnect timeout errors.

                ______________________________________________________ Expected OPCOM Messages in Multiple-Host SCSI

              When a bus reset occurs, an OPCOM message is displayed as
              each mounted disk enters and exits mount verification or
              shadow volume processing.

              When an I/O to a drive experiences a timeout error, an
              OPCOM message is displayed as that drive enters and exits
              mount verification or shadow volume processing.

              If a quorum disk on the shared SCSI bus experiences either
              of these errors, then additional OPCOM messages may appear,
              indicating that the connection to the quorum disk has been
              lost and regained.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-33

 Error-Log Basics

              In the OpenVMS system, the Error Log utility allows device
              drivers to save information about unusual conditions
              that they encounter. In the past, most of these unusual
              conditions have happened as a result of errors such
              as hardware failures, software failures, or transient
              conditions (like loose cables, for example).

              If you type the DCL command SHOW ERROR, the system displays
              a summary of the errors that have been logged since the
              last time the system booted. For example:

              $ SHOW ERROR

              Device                           Error Count
              SALT$PKB0:                               6
              $1$DKB500:                              10
              PEA0:                                    1
              SALT$PKA0:                               9
              $1$DKA0:                                 0

              In this case, 6 errors have been logged against host
              SALT's SCSI port B (PKB0), 10 have been logged against
              disk $1$DKB500, and so forth.

              To see the details of these errors, you can use the command
              ANALYZE/ERROR/SINCE=DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS at the DCL prompt.
              The output from this command displays a list of error-log
              entries with information similar to the following:

  ******************************* ENTRY    2337. *******************************
   ERROR SEQUENCE 6.                               LOGGED ON:  CPU_TYPE 00000002
  DATE/TIME 29-MAY-1995 16:31:19.79                            SYS_TYPE 0000000D

              <identification information>

                     ERROR TYPE            03
                                                    COMMAND TRANSMISSION FAILURE
                     SCSI ID               01
                                                     SCSI ID = 1.
                     SCSI LUN              00
                                                     SCSI LUN = 0.
                     SCSI SUBLUN           00
                                                     SCSI SUBLUN = 0.
                     PORT STATUS     00000E32
                                                %SYSTEM-E-RETRY, RETRY OPERATION

        7-34 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              <additional information>

              For this discussion, the key elements are the "ERROR TYPE"
              and, in some instances, the "PORT STATUS" fields. In this
              example, the ERROR TYPE is "03, COMMAND TRANSMISSION
              FAILURE", and the PORT STATUS is "00000E32, SYSTEM-E-
              RETRY". Error-Log Entries in Multiple-Host SCSI

              The error-log entries listed in this section are likely to
              be logged in a multiple-host SCSI configuration, and you
              usually do not need to be concerned about them. You should,
              however, examine any error-log entries for messages other
              than those listed in this section.

              o  ERROR TYPE 0007, BUS RESET DETECTED

                 Occurs when the other system asserts the SCSI bus reset
                 signal. This happens when a:

                 o  System's power-up self-test runs

                 o  Console INIT command is executed

                 o  EISA Configuration utility (ECU) is run

                 o  Console BOOT command is executed (several resets
                    occur in this case)

                 o  System shutdown completes

                 This error causes all mounted disks to enter mount


                 When a SCSI bus is reset, an initiator must get "sense
                 data" from each device. When the initiator gets this
                 data, an "EXTENDED SENSE DATA RECEIVED" error is logged.
                 This is expected behavior.

                 PORT STATUS E32, SYSTEM-E-RETRY

                 Occasionally, one host may send a command to a disk
                 while the disk is exchanging error information with
                 the other host. Many disks respond with a SCSI "BUSY"
                 code. The OpenVMS system responds to a SCSI BUSY code
                 by logging this error and retrying the operation. You
                 are most likely to see this error when the bus has been
                 reset recently. This error does not always happen near

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-35

                 resets, but when it does, the error is expected and

              o  ERROR TYPE 204, TIMEOUT

                 An interrupt timeout has occurred (see Section
                 The disk is put into mount verify when this error

              o  ERROR TYPE 104, TIMEOUT

                 A selection timeout has occurred (see Section
                 The disk is put into mount verify when this error

        7.7.3 Restrictions and Known Problems

              The current release of VMScluster software has the
              following restrictions when multiple hosts are configured
              on the same SCSI bus:

              1. A node's access to a disk will not fail over from
                 a direct SCSI path to an MSCP served path. This is
                 not expected to be a significant limitation since
                 most of the failures that cause a SCSI disk to become
                 inaccessible to one node on the SCSI bus affect all the
                 nodes on the SCSI bus. Thus, when a failure occurs, the
                 served path to the disk tends to fail at the same time
                 that the direct path fails.

                 Conversely, a node's access to a disk will not fail
                 over from an MSCP served path to a direct SCSI path.
                 Normally, this type of failover is not a consideration
                 because when OpenVMS discovers both a direct and a
                 served path, it chooses the direct path permanently.
                 It is necessary, however, to avoid situations in
                 which the MSCP served path becomes available first,
                 and is selected by OpenVMS before the direct path
                 becomes available. You must avoid this by observing
                 the following rules:

                 o  A node that has a direct path to a SCSI system disk
                    must boot the disk directly from the SCSI port, not
                    over the LAN.

        7-36 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

                 o  If a node is running the MSCP server, then a SCSI
                    disk must not be added to the multiple-host SCSI bus
                    after the node boots. This is necessary to prevent
                    the second node on the SCSI bus from seeing the
                    served path to the new disk and configuring it,
                    thereby precluding the second node from configuring
                    its direct path.

              2. The SYS$DEVICE_SCAN system service (and the F$DEVICE
                 lexical function that calls it) can be executed
                 repeatedly to obtain a list of devices on the system. If
                 this is done on a system with a multiple-host SCSI bus,
                 and the other system is running the MSCP server, then
                 each device on the multiple-host SCSI bus is reported
                 twice by SYS$DEVICE_SCAN (or F$DEVICE).

                 The reason for this is that each device on the multiple-
                 host SCSI bus has two UCBs, one for the direct SCSI
                 path, and one for the MSCP served path. (The MSCP served
                 path is not used.)

                 Programs that use SYS$DEVICE_SCAN or F$DEVICE to search
                 the IO database may need to be modified to check for,
                 and ignore, duplicate device names.

              3. If a system on a multiple-host SCSI bus boots a disk
                 that is served to it over the LAN, and the other system
                 on the SCSI bus is running the MSCP server, then each
                 device on the multiple-host SCSI bus is reported twice
                 by the DCL SHOW DEVICE command. This not known to result
                 in any other adverse effects.

              4. Abruptly halting a system on a multiple-host SCSI bus
                 (by typing CTRL/P on the console, for example) may
                 leave the SCSI adapter in a state that can interfere
                 with the operation of the other host on the bus. It
                 is recommended that you either initialize, boot, or
                 continue an abruptly halted system as soon as possible
                 after it has been halted.

              5. All I/O to a disk drive must be stopped while its
                 microcode is updated. This typically requires more
                 precautions in a multiple-host environment than
                 are needed in a single-host environment. Refer to
                 Section for the necessary procedures.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-37

              6. The EISA Configuration Utility (ECU) causes a large
                 number of SCSI bus resets. These resets cause the other
                 system on the SCSI bus to pause while its I/O subsystem
                 recovers. It is suggested (though not required) that
                 both systems on a shared SCSI bus be shut down when the
                 ECU is run.

              The current release of VMScluster software also places one
              new restriction on the SCSI quorum disk, whether the disk
              is located on a single-host SCSI bus or a multiple-host
              SCSI bus: the SCSI quorum disk must support Tagged Command
              Queueing. This is required because of the special handling
              that quorum I/O receives in the OpenVMS SCSI drivers.

              This restriction is not expected to be significant because
              all disks on a multiple-host SCSI bus must support Tagged
              Command Queueing (see Section 7.7.7), and because quorum
              disks are normally not used on single-host buses.

        7.7.4 Troubleshooting

              The following sections describe troubleshooting tips for
              solving common problems in a VMScluster system using a SCSI
              interconnect. Termination Problems

              Verify that two terminators are on every SCSI interconnect
              (one at each end of the interconnect). The BA350 enclosure,
              the DWZZA, and the KZPAA adapter have internal terminators
              that are not visible externally. (See Section 7.4.4.) Booting or Mounting Failures Caused by Incorrect

              OpenVMS automatically detects configuration errors
              described in this section and prevents the possibility of
              data loss that could result from such configuration errors,
              either by bugchecking or by refusing to mount a disk.

     Bugchecks During the Bootstrap Process   There
              are three types of configuration error can can cause a
              bugcheck (the bugcheck code is: "VAXCLUSTER, Error detected
              by VMScluster software" during booting). These errors are
              described in this section.

        7-38 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              When OpenVMS boots, it determines which devices are present
              on the SCSI bus by sending an inquiry command to every SCSI
              ID. When a device receives the inquiry, it indicates its
              presence by returning data that indicates whether it is a
              disk, tape, or processor.

              Some processor devices (host adapters) answer the inquiry
              without assistance from the operating system; others
              require that the operating system be running. The adapters
              supported in VMScluster systems require the operating
              system to be running. These adapters, with the aid of
              OpenVMS, pass information in their response to the
              inquiry that allows the recipient to detect the following
              configuration errors:

              o  Different controller device names on the same SCSI bus

                 The OpenVMS device name of each adapter on the SCSI
                 bus must be identical (all named pkc0, for example),
                 or the VMScluster software cannot coordinate the
                 host's accesses to storage (see Section 7.6.2 and
                 Section 7.6.3).

                 OpenVMS can check this automatically because it sends
                 the controller letter in the inquiry response. A booting
                 system receives this response, and it compares the
                 remote controller letter with the local controller
                 letter. If a mismatch is detected, then an OPCOM message
                 is printed, and the system stops with an VAXCLUSTER
                 bugcheck to prevent the possibility of data loss. See
                 the description of the NOMATCH error in either the
                 Help Message utility or in Appendix A. (To use the Help
                 Message utility for NOMATCH, enter HELP/MESSAGE NOMATCH
                 at the DCL prompt.)

              o  Different or zero allocation class values

                 Each host on the SCSI bus must have the same nonzero
                 disk allocation class value, or the VMScluster software
                 can not coordinate the host's accesses to storage (see
                 Section 7.6.3 and Section 7.6.2). The disk allocation
                 class value is controlled by the ALLOCLASS SYSGEN

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-39

                 OpenVMS is able to automatically check this because it
                 sends the ALLOCLASS value in the inquiry response. A
                 booting system receives this response, and compares the
                 remote ALLOCLASS value with the local ALLOCLASS value.
                 If a mismatch or a zero value is detected, then an
                 OPCOM message is printed, and the system stops with an
                 VAXCLUSTER bugcheck, in order to prevent the possibility
                 of data loss. See the description of the ALLODIFF and
                 ALLOZERO errors in either the Help Message utility or in
                 Appendix A.

              o  Unsupported processors

                 Finally, there may be processors on the SCSI bus
                 that are not running OpenVMS or that do not return
                 the controller name or allocation class information
                 needed to validate the configuration. If a booting
                 system receives an inquiry response and the response
                 does not contain the special OpenVMS configuration
                 information, then an OPCOM message is printed and an
                 VAXCLUSTER bugcheck occurs. See the description of the
                 CPUNOTSUPP error in either the Help Message utility or
                 in Appendix A.

                 (If your system requires the presence of a non-
                 VMScluster processor device on a SCSI bus, refer to
                 the CPUNOTSUPP message description in either the Help
                 Message utility or in Appendix A for instructions on the
                 use of a special SYSGEN parameter for this purpose.)

                ________________________ Hint ________________________

                The OPCOM error code that is printed for each of the
                failures described above is preserved in R8 of the
                VAXCLUSTER bugcheck. You can examine register R8 to
                quickly determine the cause of the error. For example:

             SDA> examine @r8;50
             2D462D47 49464E4F 43415453 250A0D4B  K..%STACONFIG-F-     00020430
             4C412065 6854202C 46464944 4F4C4C41  ALLODIFF, The AL     00020440
             6574656D 61726170 20535341 4C434F4C  LOCLASS paramete     00020450
             20656874 20726F66 2065756C 61762072  r value for the      00020460
             00000000 6E6F2072 6F737365 636F7270  processor on....     00020470


        7-40 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

     Mount Failures   There are two types of
              configuration error can can cause a disk to fail to mount.
              These are described in this section.

              First, when a system boots from a disk on the shared SCSI
              bus, it may fail to mount the system disk. This happens
              if there is another system on the SCSI bus that is already
              booted, and the other system is using a different device
              name for the system disk. (Two systems will disagree about
              the name of a device on the shared bus if their controller
              names or allocation classes are misconfigured, as described
              in the previous section.) If the system does not execute
              one of the bugchecks described in the previous section
              first, then the following error message is displayed on the

  %SYSINIT-E- error when mounting system device, retrying..., status = 007280B4

              The decoded representation of this status is:

              VOLALRMNT,  another volume of same label already mounted

              This error indicates that the system disk is already
              mounted in what appears to be another drive in the
              VMScluster system, so it is not mounted again. Solve this
              problem by checking the controller letters and allocation
              class values for each node on the shared SCSI bus.

              Second, SCSI disks on a shared SCSI bus will fail to mount
              on both systems unless the disk supports Tagged Command
              Queueing (TCQ). This is because TCQ provides a command
              ordering guarantee that is required during VMScluster state

              OpenVMS determines that another processor is present on
              the SCSI bus during autoconfiguration, using the mechanism
              described in Section The existence of another
              host on a SCSI bus is recorded and preserved until the
              system reboots.

              This information is used whenever an attempt is made to
              mount a non-TCQ device. If the device is on a multiple-
              host bus, the mount attempt fails and returns the following

              %MOUNT-F-DRVERR, fatal drive error.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-41

              If the drive is intended to be mounted by multiple hosts on
              the same SCSI bus, then it must be replaced with one that
              supports TCQ.

              Note that the first processor to boot on a multiple-host
              SCSI bus does not receive an inquiry response from the
              other hosts because the other hosts are not yet running
              OpenVMS. Thus, the first system to boot is unaware that
              the bus has multiple hosts, and it allows non-TCQ drives
              to be mounted. The other hosts on the SCSI bus detect the
              first host, however, and they are prevented from mounting
              the device. If two processors boot simultaneously, it is
              possible that they will detect each other, in which case
              neither is allowed to mount non-TCQ drives on the shared
              bus. Grounding

              Having excessive ground offset voltages or exceeding the
              maximum SCSI interconnect length can cause system failures
              or degradation in performance. See Section 7.7.8 for more
              information about SCSI grounding requirements. Interconnect Lengths

              Adequate signal integrity depends on strict adherence
              to SCSI bus lengths. Failure to follow the bus length
              recommendations can result in problems (for example,
              intermittent errors) that are difficult to diagnose. See
              Section 7.4.3 for information on SCSI bus lengths.

        7.7.5 SCSI Arbitration Considerations

              Only one initiator (typically, a host system) or target
              (typically, a peripheral device) can control the SCSI bus
              at any one time. In a computing environment where multiple
              targets frequently contend for access to the SCSI bus,
              you could experience throughput issues for some of these
              targets. This section discusses control of the SCSI bus,
              how that control can affect your computing environment, and
              what you can do to achieve the most desirable results.

              Control of the SCSI bus changes continually. When an
              initiator gives a command (such as READ) to a SCSI target,
              the target typically disconnects from the SCSI bus while it
              acts on the command, allowing other targets or initiators
              to use the bus. When the target is ready to respond to the

        7-42 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              command, it must regain control of the SCSI bus. Similarly,
              when an initiator wishes to send a command to a target, it
              must gain control of the SCSI bus.

              If multiple targets and initiators want control of the bus
              simultaneously, bus ownership is determined by a process
              called arbitration, defined by the SCSI Standard. The
              default arbitration rule is simple: control of the bus
              is given to the requesting initiator or target that has the
              highest unit number.

              The following sections discuss some of the implications
              of arbitration and how you can respond to arbitration
              situations that affect your environment. Arbitration Issues in Multiple-Disk Environments

              When the bus is not very busy, and bus contention is
              uncommon, the simple arbitration scheme is adequate
              to perform I/O requests for all devices on the system.
              However, as initiators make more and more frequent I/O
              requests, contention for the bus becomes more and more
              common. Consequently, targets with lower ID numbers begin
              to perform poorly because they are frequently blocked from
              completing their I/O requests by other users of the bus (in
              particular, targets with the highest ID numbers). If the
              bus is sufficiently busy, low-numbered targets may never
              complete their requests. This situation is most likely to
              occur on systems with more than one initiator because more
              commands can be outstanding at the same time.

              The OpenVMS system attempts to prevent low-numbered targets
              from being completely blocked by monitoring the amount of
              time an I/O request takes. If the request is not completed
              within a certain period, the OpenVMS system stops sending
              new requests until the tardy I/Os complete. While this
              algorithm does not ensure that all targets get equal access
              to the bus, it does prevent low-numbered targets from being
              totally blocked.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-43

 Solutions for Resolving Arbitration Problems

              If you find that some of your disks are not being serviced
              quickly enough during periods of heavy I/O, try some or all
              of the following, as appropriate for your site:

              o  Assign the highest ID numbers to those disks that
                 require the fastest response time.

              o  Spread disks across more SCSI buses.

              o  Keep disks that need to be accessed only by a single
                 host (for example, page and swap disks) on a nonshared
                 SCSI bus.

              Another method that might provide for more equal servicing
              of lower and higher ID disks is to set the host IDs to the
              lowest numbers (0 and 1) rather than the highest. When you
              use this method, the host cannot gain control of the bus
              to send new commands as long as any disk, including those
              with the lowest IDS, need the bus. Although this option
              is available to improve fairness under some circumstances,
              Digital considers this configuration to be less desirable
              in most instances, for the following reasons:

              o  It can result in lower total throughput.

              o  It can result in timeout conditions if a command cannot
                 be sent within a few seconds.

              o  It can cause physical configuration difficulties. For
                 example, StorageWorks shelves such as the BA350 have no
                 slot to hold a disk with ID 7, but they do have a slot
                 for a disk with ID 0. If you change the host to ID 0,
                 you must remove a disk from slot 0 in the BA350, but you
                 cannot move the disk to ID 7. If you have two hosts with
                 IDs 0 and 1, you cannot use slot 0 or 1 in the BA350.
                 (Note, however, that you can have a disk with ID 7 in a

        7-44 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

 Arbitration and Bus Isolators

              Any active device, such as a DWZZA, that connects bus
              segments introduces small delays as signals pass through
              the device from one segment to another. Under some
              circumstances, these delays can be another cause of
              unfair arbitration. For example, consider the following
              configuration, which could result in disk servicing
              problems (starvation) under heavy work loads:

              Although disk 5 has the highest ID number, there are some
              circumstances under which disk 5 has the lowest access to
              the bus. This can occur after one of the lower numbered
              disks has gained control of the bus and then completed the
              operation for which control of the bus was needed. At this
              point, disk 5 does not recognize that the bus is free and
              might wait before trying to arbitrate for control of the
              bus. As a result, one of the lower numbered disks, having
              become aware of the free bus and then submitting a request
              for the bus, will gain control of the bus.

              If you see this type of problem, the following suggestions
              can help you reduce its severity:

              o  Try to place all disks on the same bus segment.

              o  If placing all disks on the same bus segment is not
                 possible (for example, if you have both some RZ28 disks
                 by themselves and an HSZ40), try to use a configuration
                 that has only one isolator between any pair of disks.

              o  If your configuration requires two isolators between
                 a pair of disks (for example, to meet distance
                 requirements), try to balance the number of disks on
                 each bus segment.

              o  Follow the suggestions in Section to reduce the
                 total traffic on the logical bus.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-45

        7.7.6 Removal and Insertion of SCSI Devices While the VMScluster
              System is Operating

              With proper procedures, certain SCSI devices can be removed
              from or inserted onto an active SCSI bus without disrupting
              the on-going operation of the bus. This capability is
              referred to as hot plugging. Hot plugging can allow a
              suitably configured VMScluster system to continue to run
              while a failed component is replaced. Without hot plugging,
              it is necessary to make the SCSI bus inactive and remove
              power from all the devices on the SCSI bus before any
              device is removed from it or inserted onto it.

              In a SCSI VMScluster system, hot plugging requires that all
              devices on the bus have certain electrical characteristics
              and be configured appropriately on the SCSI bus. Successful
              hot plugging also depends on strict adherence to the
              procedures described in this section. These procedures
              ensure that the hot-plugged device is inactive and that
              active bus signals are not disturbed.

                 Hot Plugging for SCSI Buses Behind a Storage Controller

                This section describes hot-plugging procedures for
                devices that are on the same SCSI bus as the host
                that is running OpenVMS. The procedures are different
                for SCSI buses that are behind a storage controller,
                such as the HSZ40. Refer to the storage controller
                documentation for the procedures to hot plug devices
                that they control.

                ______________________________________________________ Terminology for Describing Hot Plugging

              The terms shown in bold in this section are used in the
              discussion of hot plugging rules and procedures.

              o  A SCSI bus segment consists of two terminators, the
                 electrical path forming continuity between them, and
                 possibly, some attached stubs. Bus segments may be
                 connected together by bus isolators (for example, DWZZA)
                 to form a logical SCSI bus or just SCSI bus.

        7-46 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              o  There are two types of connections on a segment:
                 bussing connections, which break the path between two
                 terminators, and stubbing connections, which disconnect
                 all or part of a stub.

              o  A device is active on the SCSI bus when it is asserting
                 one or more of the bus signals. A device is inactive
                 when it is not asserting any bus signals.

                 The segment attached to a bus isolator is inactive when
                 all devices on that segment, except possibly the bus
                 isolator, are inactive.

              o  A port on a bus isolator has proper termination when it
                 is attached to a segment that is terminated at both ends
                 and has TERMPWR in compliance with SCSI-2 requirements. Rules for Hot Plugging

              The following rules must be followed when planning for and
              performing hot plugging:

              o  The device to be hot plugged, and all other devices on
                 the same segment, shall meet the electrical requirements
                 described in Annex A, Section A.4, of the SCSI-3
                 Parallel Interface (SPI) Standard, working draft X3T10
                 /855D.[1] The SPI document places requirements on
                 the receivers and terminators on the segment where
                 the hot plugging is being performed, and on the
                 transceivers, TERMPWR, termination, and power/ground
                 /signal sequencing, of the device that is being hot

                 All the devices in Table 7-2 meet these requirements,
                 except the DWZZA. The DWZZA's transceivers do not meet
                 the requirements for glitch-free power on/off. The rules
                 and procedures in this section have been adjusted to
                 compensate for this fact.

              [1]   Reference to this draft standard is necessary because
                    the SCSI-2 Standard does not adequately specify the
                    requirements for hot plugging.

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-47

              o  Hot plugging shall occur only at a stubbing connection.

                 This implies that a hot-plugged device shall make
                 only one connection to the SCSI bus, the device shall
                 not provide termination for the SCSI bus, and the
                 device's connection shall not exceed the maximum stub
                 length, as shown in Figure 7-3. An example of a SCSI bus
                 topology showing the valid hot plugging connections is
                 illustrated in Figure 7-16.

              o  Precautions shall be used to ensure that electrostatic
                 discharge (ESD) does not damage devices or disrupt
                 active signals on the SCSI bus. These precautions
                 shall be taken during the process of disconnecting and
                 connecting, as well as during the time that SCSI bus
                 conductors are exposed.

              o  Precautions shall be used to ensure that ground offset
                 voltages do not pose a safety hazard and will not
                 interfere with SCSI bus signaling, especially in single-
                 ended configurations. The procedures for measuring and
                 eliminating ground offset voltages are described in
                 Section 7.7.8.

              o  The device that is hot plugged shall be inactive during
                 the disconnection and connection operations. Otherwise,
                 the SCSI bus may become hung.[1]

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                Ideally, a device will also be inactive whenever its
                power is removed, for the same reason.


                 The procedures for ensuring that a device is inactive
                 are described in Section

              [1]   OpenVMS will eventually detect a hung bus and
                    reset it, but this may be temporarily disruptive

                    to VMScluster operations.

        7-48 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              o  A quorum disk shall not be hot plugged. This is because
                 there is no mechanism for stopping the I/O to a quorum
                 disk and because the replacement disk will not contain
                 the correct quorum file.

                 The VMScluster system must be reconfigured to remove a
                 device as a quorum disk before that device is removed
                 from the bus. The procedure for accomplishing this is
                 described in VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS (Section
                 8.3.3 in the OpenVMS Version 6.1 edition).

                 An alternate method for increasing the availability
                 of the quorum disk is to use an HSZ40 mirror set as
                 the quorum disk. This would allow a failed member
                 to be replaced while maintaining the quorum disk

              o  Disks shall be logically dismounted before removing or
                 replacing them in a hot-plug operation. This is required
                 to ensure that the disk is inactive and to ensure the
                 integrity of the file system.

              o  The DWZZA shall be powered up when it is inserted onto
                 an active SCSI bus. The DWZZA should remain powered up
                 at all times while it is attached to the active SCSI
                 bus. This is because the DWZZA can disrupt the operation
                 of the attached segments when it is powering up or down.

              o  The segment attached to a bus isolator shall be
                 maintained in the inactive state whenever the other port
                 on the bus isolator is improperly terminated. This is
                 required because an improperly terminated bus isolator
                 port may pass erroneous signals to the other port.

                 Thus, for a particular hot-plugging operation, one
                 of the segments attached to a bus isolator shall be
                 designated as the (potentially) active segment, and
                 the other shall be maintained in the inactive state,
                 as illustrated in Figure 7-17. The procedures for
                 ensuring that a segment is inactive are described in

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-49

                 Note that although a bus isolator may have more than one
                 stubbing connection and thus be capable of hot plugging
                 on each of them, only one segment can be the active
                 segment for any particular hot-plugging operation.

              o  Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the only
                 electrical conductor that contacts a connector pin
                 is its mate. These precautions must be taken during
                 the process of disconnecting and connecting as well as
                 during the time the connector is disconnected.

              o  Devices shall be replaced with devices of the same
                 type (that is, if any member in the VMScluster system
                 configures a SCSI ID as a "DK" or "MK" device, then
                 that SCSI ID shall contain only "DK" or "MK" devices,
                 respectively, for as long as that VMScluster member is

                 Different implementations of the same device type may be
                 substituted (for example, an RZ26L may be replaced with
                 an RZ28B). Note that the system will not recognize the
                 change in device type until an attempt is made to mount
                 the new device. Also, note that host-based shadowing
                 continues to require that all members of a shadow set be
                 the same device type.

              o  SCSI IDs that are empty when a system boots shall remain
                 empty as long as that system is running. This rule only
                 applies if there are multiple processors on the SCSI bus
                 and the MSCP server is loaded on any of them. (The MSCP
                 server is loaded when the system parameter MSCP_LOAD
                 equals 1).

                 This is required to ensure that nodes on the SCSI bus
                 use their direct path to the disk, rather than the
                 served path. When the new device is configured on a
                 system (using SYSMAN IO commands), that system serves it
                 to the second system on the shared SCSI bus. The second
                 system automatically configures the new device via the
                 MSCP served path. Once this occurs, the second system
                 will be unable to use its direct SCSI path to the new
                 device because failover from an MSCP served path to a
                 direct SCSI path is not implemented.

        7-50 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

 Procedures for Ensuring That a Device or Segment Is

              Use the following procedures to ensure that a device or a
              segment is inactive:

              o  To ensure that a disk is inactive:

                 1. Dismount the disk on all members of the VMScluster

                 2. Ensure that any I/O that can occur to a dismounted
                    disk is stopped, for example:

                    -  Disable the disk as a quorum disk.

                    -  Allocate the disk (using the DCL ALLOCATE command)
                       to block further mount or initialization attempts.

                    -  Disable console polling by all halted hosts on the
                       logical SCSI bus (by setting the console variable
                       SCSI_POLL to OFF, and entering the INIT command).

                    -  Ensure that no host on the logical SCSI bus is
                       executing power-up or initialization self-tests,
                       booting, or configuring the SCSI bus (using SYSMAN
                       IO commands).

              o  To ensure that an HSZ40 controller is inactive:

                 1. Dismount all of the HSZ40 virtual disks on all
                    members of the VMScluster system.

                 2. Shut down the controller, following the procedures in
                    the HS Family of Array Controllers User's Guide.

                 3. Power down the HSZ40, if desired.

              o  To ensure that a host adapter is inactive:

                 1. Halt the system.

                 2. Power down the system or set the console variable
                    SCSI_POLL to OFF and then enter the INIT command on
                    the halted system. This ensures that the system will
                    not poll or respond to polls.

              o  To ensure that a segment is inactive, follow the
                 procedure described above for every device on the

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-51

 Procedure for Hot Plugging StorageWorks SBB Disks

              To remove an SBB disk from an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance.

              2. Follow the procedure in Section to make the disk

              3. Squeeze the clips on the side of the SBB, and slide the
                 disk out of the StorageWorks shelf.

              To insert an SBB disk onto an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance.

              2. Ensure that the SCSI ID associated with the device
                 (either by jumpers or by the slot in the StorageWorks
                 shelf) conforms to the following:

                 o  The SCSI ID is unique for the logical SCSI bus

                 o  The SCSI ID is already configured as a "DK" device on
                    all of the following:

                    -  Any member of the VMScluster system that already
                       has that ID configured

                    -  Any OpenVMS processor on the same SCSI bus that is
                       running the MSCP server

              3. Slide the SBB into the StorageWorks shelf.

              4. Configure the disk on VMScluster members, if required,
                 using SYSMAN IO commands. Procedure for Hot Plugging HSZ40s

              To remove an HSZ40 controller from an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance.

        7-52 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              2. Follow the procedure in Section to make the
                 HSZ40 inactive.

              3. The HSZ40 can be powered down, but it must remain
                 plugged in to the power distribution system to maintain

              4. Unscrew and remove the differential tri-link from the

              5. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              To insert an HSZ40 controller onto an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance. Also, ensure that the ground
                 offset voltages between the HSZ40 and all components
                 that will be attached to it are within the limits
                 specified in Section 7.7.8.

              2. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              3. Power up the HSZ40 and ensure that the disk units
                 associated with the HSZ40 conform to the following:

                 o  The disk units are unique for the logical SCSI bus

                 o  The disk units are already configured as "DK" devices
                    on the following:

                    -  Any member of the VMScluster system that already
                       has that ID configured

                    -  Any OpenVMS processor on the same SCSI bus that is
                       running the MSCP server

              4. Ensure that the HSZ40 will make a legal stubbing
                 connection to the active segment. (The connection is
                 legal when the tri-connector is attached directly to the
                 HSZ40 controller module, with no intervening cable.)

              5. Attach the differential tri-link to the HSZ40, using
                 care to ensure that it is properly aligned. Tighten the

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-53

              6. Configure the HSZ40 virtual disks on VMScluster members,
                 as required, using SYSMAN IO commands. Procedure for Hot Plugging Host Adapters

              To remove a host adapter from an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance.

              2. Verify that the connection to be broken is a stubbing
                 connection. If not, then hot plugging must not be

              3. Follow the procedure in Section to make the host
                 adapter inactive.

              4. The system can be powered down, but it must remain
                 plugged in to the power distribution system to maintain

              5. Remove the "Y" cable from the host adapter's single-
                 ended connector.

              6. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              7. Do not unplug the adapter from the host's internal bus
                 while the host remains powered up.

                 At this point, the adapter has disconnected from the
                 SCSI bus. To remove the adapter from the host, power
                 down the host first, and then remove the adapter from
                 the host's internal bus.

              To insert a host adapter onto an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance. Also, ensure that the ground
                 offset voltages between the host and all components that
                 will be attached to it are within the limits specified
                 in Section 7.7.8.

        7-54 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              2. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              3. Ensure that the host adapter will make a legal stubbing
                 connection to the active segment (the stub length must
                 be within allowed limits, and the host adapter must not
                 provide termination to the active segment).

              4. Plug the adapter into the host (if it is unplugged).

              5. Plug the system into the power distribution system to
                 ensure proper grounding. Power up if desired.

              6. Attach the "Y" cable to the host adapter, ensuring that
                 it is properly aligned. Procedure for Hot Plugging DWZZAs

              Use the following procedure to remove a DWZZA from an
              active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance.

              2. Verify that the connection to be broken is a stubbing
                 connection. If not, then hot plugging must not be

              3. Do not power down the DWZZA. This can disrupt the
                 operation of the attached SCSI bus segments.

              4. Determine which SCSI bus segment will remain active
                 after the disconnection. Follow the procedure in
                 Section to make the other segment inactive.

                 When the DWZZA is removed from the active segment, the
                 inactive segment must remain inactive until the DWZZA
                 is also removed from the inactive segment, or proper
                 termination is restored to the DWZZA port that was
                 disconnected from the active segment.

              5. The next step depends on the type of DWZZA and the
                 segment that is being hot plugged, as follows:

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-55


                 DWZZA-VA    Single-ended     Squeeze the clips on the
                             segment will     side of the SBB, and slide
                             remain active    the DWZZA-VA out of the
                                              StorageWorks shelf.

                 DWZZA-VA    Differential     Unscrew and remove the
                             segment will     differential tri-link from
                             remain active    the DWZZA-VA.

                 DWZZA-AA    Single-ended     Remove the "Y" cable from
                             segment will     the DWZZA-AA's single-ended
                             remain active    connector.

                 DWZZA-AA    Differential     Unscrew and remove the
                             segment will     differential tri-link from

              6. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              To insert a DWZZA onto an active SCSI bus:

              1. Use an ESD grounding strap that is attached either to
                 a grounding stud or to unpainted metal on one of the
                 cabinets in the system. Refer to the system installation
                 procedures for guidance. Also, ensure that the ground
                 offset voltages between the DWZZA-AA and all components
                 that will be attached to it are within the limits
                 specified in Section 7.7.8.

              2. Protect all exposed connector pins from ESD and from
                 contacting any electrical conductor while they are

              3. Ensure that the DWZZA will make a legal stubbing
                 connection to the active segment (the stub length must
                 be within allowed limits, and the DWZZA must not provide
                 termination to the active segment).

              4. The DWZZA must be powered up. The SCSI segment that is
                 being added must be attached and properly terminated.
                 All devices on this segment must be inactive.

        7-56 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

              5. The next step depends on the type of DWZZA, and which
                 segment is being hot plugged, as follows:


                 DWZZA-VA    Single-ended     Slide the DWZZA-VA into the
                             segment is       StorageWorks shelf.
                             being hot

                 DWZZA-VA    Differential     Attach the differential
                             segment is       tri-link to the DWZZA-VA,
                             being hot        using care to ensure that
                             plugged          it is properly aligned.
                                              Tighten the screws.

                 DWZZA-AA    Single-ended     Attach the "Y" cable to
                             segment is       the DWZZA-AA, using care to
                             being hot        ensure that it is properly
                             plugged          aligned.

                 DWZZA-AA    Differential     Attach the differential
                             segment is       tri-link to the DWZZA-VA,
                             being hot        using care to ensure that
                             plugged          it is properly aligned.

              6. If the newly attached segment has storage devices on it,
                 then configure them on VMScluster members, if required,
                 using SYSMAN IO commands.

        7.7.7 OpenVMS Requirements for Devices Used on Multiple-Host SCSI
              VMScluster Systems

              At this time, the only devices approved for use on
              multiple-host SCSI VMScluster systems are those listed in
              Table 7-2. While not specifically approved for use, other
              disk devices might be used in a multiple-host VMScluster
              system when they conform to the following requirements:

              o  Support for concurrent multi-initiator I/O.

              o  Proper management for the following states or conditions
                 on a per-initiator basis:

                 -  Synchronous negotiated state and speed

                 -  Width negotiated state

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-57

                 -  Contingent Allegiance and Unit Attention conditions

              o  Tagged Command Queueing. This is needed to provide an
                 ordering guarantee used in VMScluster systems to ensure
                 that I/O has been flushed. The drive must implement
                 queuing that complies with Section 7.8.2 of the SCSI-2
                 Standard, which says (in part):

                    "...All commands received with a simple queue tag
                    message prior to a command received with an ordered
                    queue tag message, regardless of initiator, shall be
                    executed before that command with the ordered queue
                    tag message." (Emphasis added.)

              o  Support for command disconnect.

              o  A reselection timeout procedure compliant with Option b
                 of Section of the SCSI-2 Standard. Furthermore,
                 the device shall implement a reselection retry algorithm
                 that limits the amount of bus-time spent attempting to
                 reselect a nonresponsive initiator.

              o  Automatic read reallocation enabled (ARRE) and automatic
                 write reallocation enabled (AWRE), (that is, drive-based
                 bad block revectoring), to prevent multiple hosts from
                 unnecessarily revectoring the same block. To avoid data
                 corruption, it is essential that the drive comply with
                 Section of the SCSI-2 Standard, which says (in

                    "...The automatic reallocation shall then be
                    performed only if the target successfully recovers
                    the data." (Emphasis added.)

              o  Storage devices should not supply TERMPWR. If they
                 do, then it is necessary to apply configuration rules
                 to ensure that there are no more than four sources of
                 TERMPWR on a segment.

              Finally, if the device or any other device on the same
              segment will be hot plugged, then the device must meet the
              electrical requirements described in Section

        7-58 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect

        7.7.8 Grounding Requirements

              This section describes the grounding requirements for
              electrical systems in a SCSI VMScluster system.

              Improper grounding can result in voltage differentials,
              called ground offset voltages, between the enclosures in
              the configuration. Even small ground offset voltages across
              the SCSI interconnect (as shown in Step 3 in Table 7-9)
              can disrupt the configuration, and the user may experience
              performance degradation or data corruption.

              Table 7-9 describes important considerations to ensure
              proper grounding.

              Table 7-9 Steps for Ensuring Proper Grounding


              1  Ensure that site power distribution meets all local
                 electrical codes.

              2  Inspect the entire site power distribution system to
                 ensure that:

                 o  All outlets have power ground connections

                 o  A grounding prong is present on all computer
                    equipment power cables

                 o  Power outlet neutral connections are not actual
                    ground connections

                 o  All grounds for the power outlets are connected to
                    the same power distribution panel

                 o  All devices that are connected to the same circuit
                    breaker as the computer equipment are UL or IEC

                                                 (continued on next page)

                           SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect 7-59

              Table 7-9 (Cont.) Steps for Ensuring Proper Grounding


              3  If you have difficulty verifying these conditions, you
                 can use a hand-held multimeter to measure the ground
                 offset voltage between any two cabinets. To measure the
                 voltage, connect the multimeter leads to unpainted metal
                 on each enclosure. Then, determine whether the voltage
                 exceeds the following allowable ground offset limits:
                 SCSI Signaling
                 Method                Maximum Allowable Offset

                 Single-ended          50 millivolts

                 Differential          800 millivolts

                 The multimeter method provides data for only the moment
                 it is measured. The ground offset values may change over
                 time as additional devices are activated or plugged into
                 the same power source. To ensure that the ground offsets
                 remain within acceptable limits over time, Digital
                 recommends that you have a power survey performed by
                 a qualified electrician.

              4  If you are uncertain about the grounding situation or if
                 the measured offset exceeds the allowed limit, Digital
                 recommends that a qualified electrician correct the
                 problem. It may be necessary to install grounding cables
                 between enclosures to reduce the measured offset.

              5  If an unacceptable offset voltage was measured and a
                 ground cable was installed, then measure the voltage
                 again to ensure it is less than the allowed limits. If
                 not, an electrician must determine the source of the
                 ground offset voltage and reduce or eliminate it.

        7-60 SCSI as a VMScluster Storage Interconnect


                              VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

              This chapter discusses multiple-site VMScluster
              configurations, with an emphasis on the new wide area
              network ATM and DS3 communications services. It provides
              configuration guidelines and system management suggestions
              for VMScluster systems in which multiple nodes are located
              at sites separated by relatively long distances.

              The information in this chapter supersedes the Multiple-
              Site VMScluster Systems Addendum manual, and it supplements
              multiple-site VMScluster information in the following
              VMScluster manuals:

              o  VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS

              o  Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations

              The sections that follow describe multiple-site VMScluster
              configurations and some of the benefits you can derive from

        8.1 What Is a Multiple-Site VMScluster System?

              A multiple-site VMScluster system is a VMScluster system
              in which the member nodes are located in geographically
              separate sites. When an organization has geographically
              disperse sites, a multiple-site VMScluster system allows
              the organization to realize the benefits of VMScluster
              systems (for example, sharing data among sites while
              managing data center operations at a single, centralized

              Figure 8-1 illustrates the concept of a multiple-site
              VMScluster system for a company with a manufacturing site
              located in Washington, D.C. and corporate headquarters
              in Philadelphia. This configuration spans a geographical
              distance of approximately 130 miles (210 km).

                          VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-1

              The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) has been in
              general use since VMS Version 5.4-3 to carry out cluster
              communications over distances of approximately 25 miles
              (approximately 40 km).[1]

        8.1.1 ATM, DS3, and FDDI Intersite Links

              The following link technologies between sites are approved
              for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP systems:

              o  Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

              o  DS3

              o  FDDI

              High-performance local area network (LAN) technology
              combined with the ATM, DS3, and FDDI interconnects allows
              you to utilize wide area network (WAN) communication
              services in your VMScluster configuration. VMScluster
              systems configured with the GIGAswitch crossbar switch and
              ATM, DS3, or FDDI interconnects approve the use of nodes
              located miles apart.[2] Section 8.3 describes VMScluster
              systems and the WAN communications services in more detail.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                To gain the benefits of disaster tolerance across a
                multiple-site VMScluster, use the Business Recovery
                Server combined with Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.

                Consult your Digital Services Group or see the
                Software Product Descriptions (SPDs) for complete
                and up-to-date details about these products.



              [1]   The cable route distance between sites.
              [2]   The actual distance between any two sites is
                    determined by the physical intersite cable-route
                    distance, and not the straight-line distance between
                    the sites.

        8-2 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        8.1.2 Benefits of Multiple-Site VMScluster Systems

              The benefits you can realize with a multiple-site
              VMScluster system include:


              Remote           A few systems can be remotely located
              satellites       at a secondary site and can benefit from
              and nodes        centralized system management and other
                               resources at the primary site, as shown
                               in Figure 8-2. For example, a main office
                               data center could be linked to a warehouse
                               or a small manufacturing site that has
                               a few local nodes with directly attached
                               site-specific devices. Alternatively,
                               some engineering workstations could be
                               installed in an office park across the
                               city from the primary business site.

              Data center      A single management team can manage nodes
              management       located in data centers at multiple sites.

              Physical         Multiple sites can readily share devices
              resource         such as high-capacity computers,
              sharing          tape libraries, disk archives, or

              Remote           Backups can be made to archival media
              archiving        at any site in the cluster. A common
                               example would be to use disk or tape at
                               a single site to back up the data for all
                               sites in the multiple-site VMScluster.
                               Backups of data from remote sites can be
                               made transparently (that is, without any
                               intervention required at the remote site).

                          VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-3



              Increased        In general, a multiple-site VMScluster
              availability     system provides all of the availability
                               advantages of a LAN VMScluster. (See
                               VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS for
                               information about LANs.) Additionally,
                               by connecting multiple, geographically
                               separate sites, multiple-site VMScluster
                               configurations can increase the
                               availability of a system or elements of
                               a system in a variety of ways:

                               o  Logical volume/data availability-
                                  Volume shadowing or redundant arrays
                                  of independent disks (RAID) can be used
                                  to create logical volumes with members
                                  at both sites. If one of the sites
                                  becomes unavailable, data can remain
                                  available at the other site.

                               o  Site failover-By adjusting the
                                  VOTES system parameter, you can
                                  select a preferred site to continue
                                  automatically if the other site fails
                                  or if communications with the other
                                  site are lost.

                               o  Disaster tolerance-When combined with
                                  the software, services, and management
                                  procedures provided by the Business
                                  Recovery Server and Volume Shadowing
                                  for OpenVMS products, you can achieve a
                                  high level of disaster tolerance. The
                                  Software Product Descriptions (SPDs)
                                  for these products provide further

        8-4 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Figure 8-2 shows a VMScluster system with satellites accessible
        from a remote site.

        Figure 8-2 Multiple-Site VMScluster Configuration with Remote

        8.1.3 General Configuration Guidelines

              The same configuration rules that apply to VMScluster
              systems on a LAN also apply to a multiple-site VMScluster
              configuration that includes ATM, DS3, or FDDI intersite
              interconnects. General LAN configuration rules are stated
              in the following documents:

              o  VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS VAX Software Product
                 Description (SPD 29.78.xx)

              o  VMScluster Software for OpenVMS AXP Software Product
                 Description (SPD 42.18.xx)

              o  Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations

              Some configuration guidelines are unique to multi-
              site VMSclusters, and these guidelines are described in
              Section 8.3.4.

        8.2 Using FDDI to Configure Multiple-Site VMScluster Systems

              Since VMS Version 5.4-3, FDDI has been the most commonly
              used means to connect two distant VMScluster sites. Using
              high-speed FDDI fiber-optic cables, you can connect sites
              with an intersite cable-route distance of up to 25 miles
              (40 km).

              You can connect sites using these FDDI methods:

              o  To obtain maximum performance, use a full-duplex FDDI
                 link at 100 Mb/s both ways between GIGAswitch/FDDI
                 bridges at each site for maximum intersite bandwidth.

              o  To obtain maximum availability, use a dual FDDI ring at
                 100 Mb/s between dual attachment station (DAS) ports of
                 wiring concentrators or GIGAswitch/FDDI bridges.

                          VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-5

              o  For maximum performance and availability, use two
                 disjoint FDDI LANs, each with dedicated host adapters
                 and full-duplex FDDI intersite links connected to
                 GIGAswitch/FDDI bridges at each site.

              Refer to the GIGAswitch/FDDI ATM Linecard Reference Manual
              for configuration information. Additional VMScluster
              configuration guidelines and system management information
              can be found in Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations
              and VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS. See the Overview of
              OpenVMS Documentation for information about ordering the
              current version of these manuals.

              The inherent flexibility of VMScluster systems and improved
              VMScluster LAN protocols also allow you to connect multiple
              VMScluster sites using the ATM and/or DS3 communications

        8.3 Using WAN Services to Configure Multiple-Site VMScluster

              This section provides an overview of the ATM and DS3 wide
              area network (WAN) services, describes how you can bridge
              an FDDI interconnect to the ATM and/or DS3 communications
              services, and provides guidelines for using these services
              to configure multiple-site VMScluster systems.

              The ATM and DS3 services provide long-distance, point-
              to-point communications that you can configure into your
              VMScluster system to gain WAN connectivity. The ATM and DS3
              services are available from most common telephone service
              carriers and other sources.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                DS3 is not available in Europe and some other
                locations. Also, ATM is a new and evolving standard,
                and ATM services might not be available in all


              ATM and DS3 services are approved for use with the
              following OpenVMS versions:

        8-6 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites


              ATM      OpenVMS Version 6.2 or later


              The following sections describe the ATM and DS3
              communications services and how to configure these services
              in multiple-site VMScluster systems.

        8.3.1 The ATM Communications Service

              The ATM communications service that uses the SONET physical
              layer (ATM/SONET) provides full-duplex communications
              (that is, the bit rate is available simultaneously in
              both directions as shown in Figure 8-3). ATM/SONET is
              compatible with multiple standard bit rates. The SONET
              OC-3 service at 155 Mb/s full-duplex rate is the best match
              to FDDI's 100 Mb/s bit rate. ATM/SONET OC-3 is a standard
              service available in most parts of the world. In Europe,
              ATM/SONET is a high performance alternative to the older E3

              To transmit data, ATM frames (packets) are broken into
              cells for transmission by the ATM service. Each cell
              has 53 bytes, of which 5 bytes are reserved for header
              information and 48 bytes are available for data. At the
              destination of the transmission, the cells are reassembled
              into ATM frames. The use of cells permits ATM suppliers to
              multiplex and demultiplex multiple data streams efficiently
              at differing bit rates. This conversion of frames into
              cells and vice versa is transparent to higher layers.

        8.3.2 The DS3 Communications Service

              The DS3 communications service provides full-duplex
              communications as shown in Figure 8-4. DS3 (also known
              as T3) provides the T3 standard bit rate of 45 Mb/s. T3 is
              the standard service available in North America and many
              other parts of the world.

                          VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-7

        8.3.3 FDDI-to-WAN Bridges

              You can use FDDI-to-WAN (for example, FDDI-to-ATM and/or
              FDDI-to-DS3) bridges to configure a VMScluster with nodes
              in geographically separate sites, such as the one shown in
              Figure 8-5. In this figure, the VMScluster nodes at each
              site communicate as though the two sites are connected by
              FDDI. The FDDI-to-WAN bridges make the existence of ATM and
              DS3 transparent to the VMScluster software.

              In Figure 8-5, the FDDI-to-DS3 bridges and DS3 operate as

              1. The local FDDI-to-DS3 bridge receives FDDI packets
                 addressed to nodes at the other site

              2. The bridge converts the FDDI packets into DS3 packets
                 and sends the packets to the other site via the DS3 link

              3. The receiving FDDI-to-DS3 bridge converts the DS3
                 packets into FDDI packets and transmits them on an FDDI
                 ring at that site

              Digital recommends using the GIGAswitch/FDDI system
              to construct FDDI-to-WAN bridges. Digital used the
              GIGAswitch/FDDI, combined with the DEFGT WAN T3/SONET
              option card, during qualification testing of the ATM and
              DS3 communications services in multiple-site VMScluster

        8.3.4 Guidelines for Configuring ATM and DS3 in a VMScluster

              When configuring a multiple-site VMScluster configuration,
              you must ensure that the intersite link's delay, bandwidth,
              availability, and bit error rate characteristics
              meet application needs. This section describes the
              requirements and provides recommendations for meeting those

        8-8 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites


              To be a configuration approved by Digital, a multiple-site
              VMScluster must comply with the following rules:

              Maximum intersite link     The total intersite link cable
              route distance             route distance between members
                                         of a multiple-site VMScluster
                                         cannot exceed 150 miles (242
                                         km). You can obtain exact
                                         distance measurements from your
                                         ATM or DS3 supplier.

                                         This distance restriction may be
                                         exceeded by Business Recovery
                                         Server configurations that
                                         meet Business Recovery Server
                                         configuration rules.

              Maximum intersite link     Average intersite link
              utilization                utilization in either direction
                                         must be less than 80% of the
                                         link's bandwidth in that
                                         direction for any 10-second
                                         interval. Exceeding this
                                         utilization is likely to result
                                         in intolerable queuing delays or
                                         packet loss.

              Intersite link             The intersite link must meet
              specifications             the VMScluster requirements
                                         specified in Table 8-3.

              VMScluster LAN             Apply the configuration rules
              configuration rules        for VMScluster systems on a LAN
                                         to a configuration. Documents
                                         describing configuration rules
                                         are referenced in Section 8.1.3.

                          VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-9


              When configuring the DS3 interconnect, apply the
              configuration guidelines for VMScluster systems
              interconnected by LANs that are stated in the cluster
              Software Product Descriptions (SPDs) and in the Guidelines
              for VMScluster Configurations manual. VMScluster members at
              each site can include any mix of satellites, systems, and
              other interconnects such as CI and DSSI.

              This section provides additional recommendations for
              configuring a multiple-site VMScluster system.

              DS3 link capacity/protocols

              The GIGAswitch with the WAN T3/SONET option card provides a
              full-duplex 155 Mb/s ATM/SONET link. The entire bandwidth
              of the link is dedicated to the WAN option card. However,
              The GIGAswitch/FDDI's internal design is based upon full-
              duplex extensions to FDDI. Thus, the GIGAswitch/FDDI's
              design limits the ATM/SONET link's capacity to 100 Mb/s in
              each direction.

              The GIGAswitch with the WAN T3/SONET option card provides
              several protocol options that can be used over a DS3 link.
              Use the DS3 link in clear channel mode, which dedicates
              its entire bandwidth to the WAN option card. The DS3 link
              capacity varies with the protocol option selected. Protocol
              options are described in Table 8-1:

              Table 8-1 DS3 Protocol Options

              Protocol Option                Link Capacity

              ATM[1] AAL-5[2] mode with       39 Mb/s
              PLCP[3] disabled.

              ATM AAL-5 mode with PLCP        33 Mb/s

              HDLC[4] mode (not currently     43 Mb/s

              [1]Asynchronous Transfer Mode
              [2]ATM Adaptation Layer
              [3]Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
              [4]High-Speed Datalink Control

        8-10 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

              For maximum link capacity, Digital recommends configuring
              the WAN T3/SONET option card to use ATM AAL-5 mode with
              PLCP disabled.

              Intersite bandwidth

              The intersite bandwidth can limit application locking and
              I/O performance (including volume shadowing or RAID set
              copy times) and the performance of the lock manager.

              To promote reasonable response time, Digital recommends
              that average traffic in either direction over an intersite
              link not exceed 60% of the link's bandwidth in that
              direction for any 10-second interval. Otherwise, queuing
              delays within the FDDI-to-WAN bridges can adversely affect
              application performance.

              Remember to account for both VMScluster communications
              (such as locking and I/O) and network communications
              (such as TCP/IP, LAT, and DECnet) when calculating link

              Intersite delay

              An intersite link introduces a one-way delay of up to 1 ms
              per 100 miles of intersite cable route distance plus the
              delays through the FDDI-to-WAN bridges at each end. Digital
              recommends that you consider the effects of intersite
              delays on application response time and throughput.

              For example, intersite link one-way path delays have the
              following components:

              o  Cable route one-way delays of 1 ms/100 miles (0.01 ms
                 /mile) for both ATM and DS3

              o  FDDI-to-WAN bridge delays (approximately 0.5 ms per
                 bridge, and 2 bridges per one-way trip)

              Calculate the delays for a round trip as follows:

                                 WAN ROUND TRIP DELAY =

           2x( N miles x  0.01 ms per mile + 2  x 0.5 ms per FDDI-WAN  bridge )

              An I/O write operation that is MSCP served requires a
              minimum of two round-trip packet exchanges:

                     WAN I/O Write Delay = 2xWAN Round Trip Delay

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-11

              Thus, an I/O write over a 100-mile WAN link takes at least
              8 ms longer than the same I/O write over a short, local

              Similarly, a lock operation typically requires a round trip
              exchange of packets:

                    WAN Lock Operation Delay = WAN Round Trip Delay

              An I/O operation with N locks to synchronize it incurs the
              following delay due to WAN:

                            WAN Locked IO Operation Delay =

                   (N  x WAN Lock Operation Delay)  + WAN I/O Delay

              Bit error ratio

              The bit error ratio (BER) parameter is an important measure
              of the frequency that bit errors are likely to occur on
              the intersite link. You should consider the effects of bit
              errors on application throughput and responsiveness when
              configuring a multiple-site VMScluster. Intersite link bit
              errors can result in packets being lost and retransmitted
              with consequent delays in application I/O response time
              (see Section 8.3.6). You can expect application delays
              ranging from a few hundred milliseconds to a few seconds
              each time a bit error causes a packet to be lost.

              Intersite link availability

              Interruptions of intersite link service can result in the
              resources at one or more sites becoming unavailable until
              connectivity is restored (see Section 8.3.5).

              System disks

              Sites with nodes contributing quorum votes should have a
              local system disk or disks for those nodes.

              System management

              A large, multiple-site VMScluster requires a system
              management staff trained to support an environment that
              consists of a large number of diverse systems that are used
              by many people performing varied tasks.

        8-12 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

              Microwave DS3 links

              You can provide portions of a DS3 link with microwave radio
              equipment. The specifications in Section 8.3.6 apply to
              any DS3 link. The BER and availability of microwave radio
              portions of a DS3 link are affected by local weather and
              the length of the microwave portion of the link. Consider
              working with a microwave consultant who is familiar with
              your local environment if you plan to use microwaves as
              portions of a DS3 link.

        8.3.5 Availability Considerations

              If the FDDI-to-WAN bridges and the link that connects
              multiple sites become temporarily unavailable, the
              following events could occur:

              o  Intersite link failures can result in the resources at
                 one or more sites becoming unavailable until intersite
                 connectivity is restored.

              o  Intersite link bit errors (and ATM cell losses) and
                 unavailability can affect:

                 -  System responsiveness

                 -  System throughput (or bandwidth)

                 -  Virtual circuit (VC) closure rate

                 -  VMScluster transition and site failover time

              Many communication service carriers offer availability-
              enhancing options, including path diversity and protective
              switching, that can significantly increase the intersite
              link's availability.

        8.3.6 Specifications

              This section describes the requirements for successful
              communications and performance with the WAN communications

              To assist you in communicating your requirements
              to a WAN service supplier, this section uses WAN
              specification terminology and definitions commonly used by
              telecommunications service providers. These requirements
              and goals are derived from a combination of Bellcore
              Communications Research specifications and a Digital
              analysis of error effects on VMSclusters.

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-13

              Table 8-2 describes terminology that will help you
              understand the Bellcore and VMScluster requirements and
              goals used in Table 8-3.

              Use the Bellcore and VMScluster requirements for ATM/SONET
              - OC3 and DS3 service error performance (quality) specified
              in Table 8-3 to help you assess the impact of the service
              supplier's service quality, availability, down time, and
              service-interruption frequency goals on the system.

                ________________________ Note ________________________

                To ensure that the VMScluster system meets your
                application response-time requirements, you might
                need to establish WAN requirements that exceed the
                Bellcore and VMScluster requirements and goals stated
                in Table 8-3.


        8-14 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Table 8-2 Bellcore and VMScluster Requirements and Goals

  Specification    Requirements                              Goals

  Bellcore         Bellcore specifications are the           These
  Communication    recommended "generic error performance    are the
  Research         requirements and objectives" documented   recommended
                   in the Bellcore Technical Reference TR-   minimum
                   TSY-000499 TSGR: Common Requirements.     values.
                   These specifications are adopted by WAN   Bellcore
                   suppliers as their service guarantees.    calls these
                   The FCC has also adopted them for         goals their
                   tariffed services between common          "objectives"
                   carriers. However, some suppliers will    in the
                   contract to provide higher service-       TSGR: Common
                   quality guarantees at customer request.   Requirements
                   Other countries have equivalents to the   document.

                   Bellcore specifications and parameters.

        VMScluster In order for Digital to approve a         For optimal
                   configuration, parameters must meet       VMScluster
                   or exceed the values shown in the         operation,
                   VMScluster Requirement column in          all
                   Table 8-3.                                parameters
                   ________________________________________  should
                   IF..._______THEN..._____________________  meet or

                   These       VMScluster performance will   exceed the
                   values      probably be unsatisfactory    VMScluster
                   are not     because of interconnect       Goal
                   met         errors/error recovery delays, values in
                               and VC closures that may      Table 8-3.

                               produce VMScluster state      Note that if
                               transitions and/or site       these values
                               failover.                     are met or

                   These       Interconnect bit error-       exceeded,
                   values      related recovery delays       then
                   are         will not significantly        interconnect
                   met or      degrade average VMScluster    bit errors
                   exceeded    throughput. VMScluster        and bit
                               response time should be       error
                               generally satisfactory.       recovery
                               Note that if the              delays
                               requirements are only being   should
                               met, there may be several     not sig-
                               application pauses per hour.  nificantly
                               [1]                           degrade

                                                (continued on next page)

                       VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-15


        Table 8-3 VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance Requirements

                        Bellcore    Bellcore   VMScluster   VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal       Requirement  Goal[1]     Units

                                                             time should
                                                             be generally
                                                             there may
                                                             be brief
                                                             pauses a few
                                                             times per

        [1]Pauses are due to a virtual circuit retransmit timeout
        resulting from a lost packet on one or more NISCA transport
        virtual circuits. Each pause might last from a few hundred
        milliseconds to a few seconds.

        [2]Application pauses may occur every hour or so (similar to what
        is described under VMScluster Requirement in Table 8-3) because
        of packet loss caused by bit error.

        [3]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

                                                 (continued on next page)

        8-16 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites
        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance
                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster   VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement  Goal[1]    Units

        Errored          <1.0%      <0.4%     <1.0%     <0.028%     %
        seconds (%                                                  ES/24

        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."

       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-17

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                       Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter      Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

                         The ES parameter can also be expressed as a
                         count of errored seconds, as follows:

        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

        8-18 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                         Bellcore     Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter        Requirement  Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

                         <864       <345      <864      <24         ES
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-19

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

        Burst errored    �4         -         �4        Bellcore    BES
        seconds                                         Goal        /day
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        [2]Averaged over many days.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

        8-20 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

        Bit error        1x10 -9    2x10 -10  1x10 -9   6x10 -12    Errored

        ratio (BER)[3]                                              bits
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        [3]Does not include any burst errored seconds occurring in the
        measurement period.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-21

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

        DS3 channel      None       �97       None      Bellcore    Min
        unavailability              @ 250               Goal        /yr
                                    to 24
                                    @ �25

                                                 (continued on next page)

        8-22 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-23

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

        SONET channel    None       �105      None      Bellcore    Min
        unavailability              @ 250               Goal        /yr
                                    to 21
                                    @ �50

                                                 (continued on next page)

        8-24 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance

                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

                                                 (continued on next page)

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-25

        Table 8-3 (Cont.) VMScluster DS3 and SONET OC3 Error Performance
                        Bellcore    Bellcore  VMScluster  VMScluster
        Parameter       Requirement Goal      Requirement Goal[1]     Units

        Channel          None       None      None      1 to 2      Events
        unavailable                                                 /year
        [1]Application requirements might need to be more rigorous than
        those shown in the VMScluster Requirements column.
        [4]The average number of channel down-time periods occurring
        during a year. This parameter is useful for specifying how often
        a channel might become unavailable.
        Table Key

       o Availability-The long-term fraction or percentage of time that
         a transmission channel performs as intended. Availability is
         frequently expressed in terms of unavailability or down time.
       o BER (bit error ratio)-"The BER is the ratio of the number of
         bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted during
         a measurement period, excluding all burst errored seconds
         (defined below) in the measurement period. During a burst
         errored second, neither the number of bit errors nor the number
         of bits is counted."
       o BES (burst errored second)-"A burst errored second is any
         errored second containing at least 100 errors."
       o Channel-The term for a link that is used in the Bellcore TSGR:
         Common Requirements document for a SONET or DS3 link.
       o Down time-The long-term average amount of time (for example,
         minutes) that a transmission channel is not available during a
         specified period of time (for example, 1 year).

         "...unavailability or downtime of a channel begins when the
         first of 10 [or more] consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
         (SESs) occurs, and ends when the first of 10 consecutive non-
         SESs occurs."

         The unavailable time is counted from the first SES in the 10-
         SES sequence.

         "The time for the end of unavailable time is counted from the
         first fault-free second in the [non-SES] sequence."
       o ES (errored second)-"An errored second is any one-second
         interval containing at least one error."
       o SES (severely errored second)-"...an SES is a second in which
         the BER is greater than 10-3."

        8-26 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        8.4 Managing VMScluster Systems Across Multiple Sites

              In general, you manage a multiple-site VMScluster using
              the same tools and techniques that you would use for any
              VMScluster interconnected by a LAN. The following sections
              describe additional considerations and recommend system
              management tools and techniques.

              The following table lists system management considerations
              specific to multiple-site VMScluster systems:

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-27


              Multiple-site              Assign votes so that one
              configurations present     preferred site has sufficient
              an increased probability   votes to maintain quorum and
              of the following failure   to continue operation if the
              modes:                     site-to-site communication
              o  VMScluster quorum loss  link fails or if the other
                 resulting from site-    site is unavailable. Select
                 to-site communication   the site with the most
                 link failure            critical applications as the
                                         primary site. Sites with a
              o  Site loss resulting     few noncritical systems or
                 from power failure or   satellites probably should
                 other breakdown can     not have sufficient votes to
                 affect all systems at   continue.
                 that site

              Users expect that the      Consider some of the following
              local resources will       options for setting user
              either continue to be      expectations:
              available or will rapidly  o  Set management and user
              become available after        expectations regarding
              such a failure. This          the likely effects of
              might not always be the       failures, and consider
              case.                         training remote users in

                                            the procedures to be followed
                                            at a remote site when the
                                            system becomes unresponsive
                                            because of quorum loss or
                                            other problems.

                                         o  Develop management policies
                                            and procedures for what
                                            actions will be taken
                                            to identify and handle
                                            these failure modes. These
                                            procedures may include
                                            manually adjusting quorum
                                            to allow a site to continue.

        8-28 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites

        8.4.1 Methods and Tools

              You can use the following system management methods and
              tools to manage both remote and local nodes:

              o  There are two options for remote-site console access
                 when you use an intersite link through a DECserver in
                 reverse LAT mode.

                 o  Use the following tools to connect remote consoles:

                    -  SET HOST/LAT command

                    -  POLYCENTER Console Manager

                    -  VMScluster Console System (VCS)

                    -  Business Recovery Server Operations Management
                       Station (includes VCS)

                 o  Use a modem to dial up the remote system consoles.

              o  An alternative to remote-site console access is to have
                 a system manager at each site.

              o  To enable device and processor control commands to take
                 effect across all nodes in a VMScluster system, use the
                 System Management utility (SYSMAN) that is supplied with
                 the OpenVMS operating system.

        8.4.2 Shadowing Data

              Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS allows you to shadow data
              volumes across multiple sites. System disks can be members
              of a volume shadowing or RAID set within a site; however,
              use caution when configuring system disk shadow set members
              in multiple sites. This is because it may be necessary to
              boot from a remote system disk shadow set member after a
              failure. If your system does not support FDDI booting, it
              will not be possible to do this.

              See the Software Product Descriptions (SPDs) for complete
              and up-to-date details about Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS
              and StorageWorks RAID for OpenVMS.

                         VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites 8-29

        8.4.3 Monitoring Performance

              Monitor performance for multiple-site VMScluster systems as

              o  Monitor the virtual circuit (VC) packet-loss count and
                 round-trip time values using the System Dump Analyzer
                 (SDA). The procedures for doing this are documented in
                 VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS.

              o  Monitor the intersite link bit error ratio (BER) and
                 packet loss using network management tools. You can
                 use tools such as POLYCENTER NetView or DECmcc to
                 access the GIGAswitch and WAN T3/SONET option card's
                 management information and to set alarm thresholds.
                 See the GIGAswitch, WAN T3/SONET card, POLYCENTER, and
                 DECmcc documentation, as appropriate.

        8-30 VMScluster Systems That Span Multiple Sites


                                              New OpenVMS System Messages

              This release includes new or changed messages for the
              following OpenVMS facilities:

              o  ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

              o  BACKUP, Backup Utility

              o  DUMP, DUMP Command

              o  IMGACT, Image Activator

              o  LAT, LAT Facility

              o  LIB, Library Facility

              o  LICENSE, License Management Utility

              o  LOADER, Executive Image Loader

              o  MONITOR, Monitor Utility

              o  MOUNT, Mount Utility

              o  RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services

              o  SECSRV, Security Server

              o  SET, SET Command and SET Utility

              o  STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

              o  SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility

              o  SYSMAN, System Management Utility

              o  SYSTEM, System Services

              This appendix alphabetically lists and describes messages
              that have been added or changed for this release. You
              can access online descriptions of these and all other
              OpenVMS system messages by using the online Help Message
              utility. For information about the HELP/MESSAGE command
              and qualifiers, see DCL help (type HELP HELP/MESSAGE at the

                                          New OpenVMS System Messages A-1

              DCL prompt) or refer to OpenVMS System Messages: Companion
              Guide for Help Message Users.

         ACA_ACTIVE,  SCSI ACA operations are active

            Facility: SYSTEM, System Services

            Explanation: You attempted to execute a SCSI I/O operation
            while the SCSI device was busy performing a recovery

            User Action: Retry the operation.

         AECREATED,  created alias file entry

            Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility

            Explanation: The specified alias file entry was created
            during a backup restore operation.

            User Action: None.

         ALFNOMATCH,  no records matched search criteria

            Facility: SMI, System Management Integrator/Server

            Explanation: No records in the ALF database match the search
            criteria of the command.

            User Action: None.

         ALFWILCRDREQ,  more than one record might match - Wildcard or
            unit number of device required

            Facility: SYSMAN, System Management Utility

            Explanation: While removing records from SYSALF.DAT, the
            SYSMAN ALF component has encountered more than one record
            that matches the input from a terminal device.

            User Action: Supply a wildcard or unit number with the
            device input.

         ALIASQUAL,  saveset was created /NOALIAS, restore /ALIAS
            qualifier will be ignored

            Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility

            Explanation: The backup restore operation could not be
            performed as specified because the save set was created
            ignoring alias entries. Therefore, there are no separate
            files in the save set to restore in place of the alias
            directory entries. The restore operation was performed

        A-2 New OpenVMS System Messages

            by processing the alias file entries as directory entries
            instead of as separate file entries.

            User Action: Examine the save set used in the backup restore
            operation to determine if it is the correct save set. If
            not, restore the correct image and incremental save sets in
            the recommended order. If the save set is the correct one,
            no additional action is required.

         ALLODIFF,  The ALLOCLASS parameter value for the processor on
            SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-number', is different from
            the value on this system.
            This condition creates multiple names for the same device,
            which can lead to data corruption.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The value of the SYSGEN disk allocation class
            parameter differs between the local node and the specified
            remote node.

            User Action: Set the ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero
            value on both nodes.

         ALLOZERO,  This system and/or the processor on SCSI bus
            'device-name', ID 'slot-number', has a zero ALLOCLASS value.
            This condition creates multiple names for the same device,
            which can lead to data corruption.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The local node, remote node, or both nodes have
            the SYSGEN disk allocation class parameter set to zero.

            User Action: Set the ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero
            value on both nodes.

         ARESTERR,  error restoring alias file entry
            the primary file entry was 'dev:[prim_dir]primary.file'

            Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility

            Explanation: An error occurred when the Backup utility tried
            to restore an alias file entry. The alias file entry was not
            restored. Note that in most cases the alias file entry is
            eliminated from the directory.

            User Action: Examine the primary file, the directory, and
            the alias entry directory to determine the cause of the
            error. Then, based on the data in this error message and any

                                          New OpenVMS System Messages A-3

            secondary error status, correct the problem and create the
            alias file entry using the DCL command SET FILE/ENTER.

            As a general practice, Digital recommends that you execute
            the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK after Backup restore operations
            of all save sets have been completed and any subsequent
            error corrections have been made, for example, using SET
            FILE/ENTER commands.

         ASSIGNFAILED,  security server failed to assign a channel to a
            client reply mailbox

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server's call to the $ASSIGN
            system service failed to assign a channel to the requestor's

            User Action: Contact your system manager.

         AUDITFAILED,  security server failed to audit an event because
            of the following error:

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server could not perform an audit
            because of the error reported in the accompanying message.

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         BAD_DIREFBLK,  EFBLK indicates zero length directory file

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected a
            directory file of zero length.

            User Action: Do a SET FILE/NODIRECTORY on the bad directory
            file; then delete the directory file. Last, run ANALYZE/DISK
            /REPAIR to rename all the files from the bad directory into
            the SYSLOST.DIR;1 directory.

         BAD_GSD,  an inconsistency was detected while traversing the GST

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: An executive image was loaded containing
            a global symbol that is not vectored through either the
            SYS$BASE_IMAGE or the SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS image.

            User Action: Use either /NOSYSSHR or /NOSYSLIB to correct
            the link procedure to exclude any shareable image other than

        A-4 New OpenVMS System Messages

         BAD_NAMEORDER,  filename ordering incorrect in VBN 'virtual-
            of directory 'file-id'
            Filenames are 'file-id' and 'file-id'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected two
            files that are out of alphabetical order.

            User Action: Do a SET FILE/NODIRECTORY on the directory file
            in which the files are located; then delete the directory
            file. Last, run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to rename all the files
            from the bad directory into the SYSLOST.DIR;1 directory.

         BAD_VERSORDER,  version ordering incorrect in VBN 'virtual-
            of directory 'file-id'
            Filename is 'file-id'
            Versions are ' version-number' and 'version-number'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected two
            versions of a file that are out of numerical order.

            User Action: Do a SET FILE/NODIRECTORY on the directory file
            in which the files are located; then delete the directory
            file. Last, run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to rename all the files
            from the bad directory into the SYSLOST.DIR;1 directory.

         BADIMGOFF,  image offset not within any image section

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: During an image load request, a relocation or
            fixup operation was attempted on an image offset that has no
            resultant address within the image.

            User Action: Disable executive slicing by specifying the
            LDR$V_NO_SLICE option or by using the LOAD_SYS_IMAGES system
            parameter. Correct the bad references in the source code.

                                          New OpenVMS System Messages A-5

         BADINITD_MFD,  Root directory 000000.DIR;1 file header
            incorrectly initialised, RVN 'relative-volume-number'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected
            an incorrectly initialized master file directory (MFD),

            User Action: None, if you specified the /REPAIR qualifier.
            If you omitted /REPAIR, reenter the command with the

         BADJOBTYPE,  an invalid job type was used to audit a login
            failure or breakin attempt

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request to audit a login failure in the
            security server failed because the type of job specified
            in the request is invalid.

            User Action: Specify the job type correctly and retry the
            call to the intrusion system services.

         BADLOCALUSERLEN,  local user name length is out of range

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The proxy record you want to add contains a
            local user name that is too long.

            User Action: Specify a user name that is valid for your
            environment. The proxy services accept 32 characters but
            currently OpenVMS allows only 12.

         BADNODENAMELEN,  remote node name length is out of range

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The proxy record you want to add contains a
            remote node name that is too long.

            User Action: Specify a remote node name that is valid for
            your environment. The proxy services allow 1024 characters
            but currently OpenVMS allows only 256.

        A-6 New OpenVMS System Messages

         BADREFCNT,  faulty reference count maintenance

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A call was made to the SYS$REMOVE_REF system
            service and the outstanding reference count for the image is

            User Action: Check all references to the routines in the
            executive image to ensure that each SYS$MAKE_REF has only
            one associated SYS$REMOVE_REF.

         BADREMUSERLEN,  remote user name length is out of range

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The proxy record you want to add contains a
            remote user name that is too long.

            User Action: Specify a remote user name of 32 or fewer

         BADSECSYS,  failed to create or access SECURITY.SYS

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: The Mount utility was unable to create and
            write the SECURITY.SYS file on a volume that was initialized
            prior to OpenVMS Version 6.0, usually because the device is

            User Action: Try any of the following actions:

            o  Mount the device using the /NOWRITE qualifier.

            o  Mount the device with /OVERRIDE=SECURITY if the security
               policy of the system permits this. Once the disk
               is mounted, free up approximately 10 blocks on the
               disk, and then remount the disk without using the
               /OVERRIDE=SECURITY qualifier.

            o  Mount the device on a version of OpenVMS prior to Version
               6.0 and free up about 10 blocks on the disk. Then remount
               the disk on the later version of the system.

         BADWIDTH,  illegal width value 'n'

            Facility: DUMP, DUMP Command

            Explanation: The specified width value is illegal.

            User Action: Specify a legal width value of either 80 or 132
            to format the output.

                                          New OpenVMS System Messages A-7

         CANTASSIGN,  Error assigning a channel to the PK device.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The $ASSIGN system service did not complete

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         CANTRUNACP,  attempt to run LATACP incorrectly

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: An attempt was made to run the LATACP process
            interactively. This action is prohibited because it can
            cause LATACP to start improperly.

            User Action: Use the LAT$STARTUP command procedure to
            automatically start both LAT and LATACP.

         CIADBEMPTY,  no intruders or suspects currently exist

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made to show the contents of the
            intrusion database, and the database is empty.

            User Action: None.

         CIASHUTDOWN,  breakin detection and evasion processing is
            shutting down

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The break-in detection and evasion processing
            component of the security server is shutting down upon

            User Action: None required. If you wish to restart
            the security server, issue the DCL command SET SERVER

         CIASTARTINGUP,  breakin detection and evasion processing now
            starting up

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The break-in detection and evasion processing
            component of the security server is starting up, as

            User Action: None.

        A-8 New OpenVMS System Messages

         CIATERMINATED,  an error caused breakin detection and evasion
            processing to terminate

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error occurred in the break-in detection and
            evasion processing component of the security server.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         CONNDELETEONLY,  connection can only be deleted

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: You tried to change a virtual circuit
            characteristic. This information cannot be changed.

            User Action: Do not attempt to change virtual circuit

         CONNECTQUEUED,  queued at service position 'position'

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: A LAT connection request issued to a service
            with no available resources has been placed in the remote
            node's service connection queue. When resources become
            available, the connection request will be completed.

            User Action: Wait until the connection request is serviced.
            To abort the queued connection, press Ctrl/Y.

         CONSTERROR,  security server experienced a CONSTRAINT_ERROR

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error occurred in the security server.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         CONVERT,  converting proxy database to new format

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The NETPROXY.DAT file is being converted to the
            new format; the new file name is NET$PROXY.DAT.

            User Action: None.

                                          New OpenVMS System Messages A-9

         CONVERT_SUCCESS,  conversion of proxy database to new format was

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The old proxy database, NETPROXY.DAT, was
            successfully converted to the new format database named

            User Action: None.

         COULDNTRESTART,  security server cannot restart because of the
            following error:

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server was directed to restart
            itself but the error reported in the accompanying message
            prevented this action.

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         COULDNTSTART,  security server cannot start functioning properly

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server failed to start for the
            reason described in an accompanying message.

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         CPUNOTSUPP,  The processor device on SCSI bus 'device-name',
            ID 'slot-number', is not supported in a multihost SCSI
            VMScluster environment.
            The processor vendor ID is 'vendor-id' and the product ID is

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: An unsupported processor device was discovered
            on the bus.

            User Action: If you are operating in a multihost SCSI
            VMScluster environment, remove the specified unsupported

            If you are not operating in a multihost SCSI VMScluster
            environment, specify the processor device using the SYSGEN
            parameter SCSICLUSTER_Pn=abcd, where:

                n = 1, 2, 3, or 4
               ab = The first two letters of the processor's vendor ID
               cd = The first two letters of the processor's product ID

        A-10 New OpenVMS System Messages

         CREATEPROXYDB,  attempting to create proxy database

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, the security server is attempting
            to create a new proxy database.

            User Action: None.

         CRELNM_FAILED,  failed to create logical name 'name' in table

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: The mount operation completed successfully,
            but the Mount utility could not create the requested logical
            name. An accompanying message explains the reason for the

            User Action: None required. If you wish, you can manually
            assign the logical name after the reason for the failure has
            been resolved.

         CREMBXFAILED,  security server failed to create input mailbox

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server could not create a mailbox.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         DASSGNFAILED,  security server could not deassign a channel to a
            client reply mailbox

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server could not deassign the
            channel assigned to the reply mailbox.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         DBALREADYEXISTS,  proxy database already exists

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server cannot create a new proxy
            database because a proxy database already exists.

            User Action: Delete or rename the current proxy database
            before attempting to create a new one.

         DELENTRY,  deleted queue entry 'id'

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: The specified queue entry ID was deleted.

            User Action: None.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-11

         DELETEDCONN,  deleted connection 'connect-id'

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: A delete circuit operation completed

            User Action: None.

         DENIGNORED,  /DENSITY qualifier not appropriate to this device;

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: The /DENSITY qualifier was supplied on the
            command line for a device that does not support various
            densities. The qualifier is ignored.

            User Action: Omit the /DENSITY qualifier to avoid getting
            this system message. Use the /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION
            qualifier if the device supports compaction.

         DEVNAMLNG,  device or port or node::username length restricted
            to 63 characters

            Facility: SYSMAN, System Management Utility

            Explanation: The device name parameter specified in
            the SYSMAN ALF ADD command exceeds 63 characters. The
            63-character restriction is determined by the field size
            in SYSALF.DAT.

            User Action: Specify a device name that is no more than 63

         DRVERR,  fatal drive error

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: In a SCSI VMScluster environment, a request
            has been made to mount a device on a shared SCSI bus and the
            device does not support SCSI-2 tagged command queuing (TCQ).

            User Action: If you want to mount a device on a shared SCSI
            bus, the device must support TCQ.

        A-12 New OpenVMS System Messages

         DUPLICATEUSER,  username already exists in the proxy record

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made to add a local user name to
            a proxy record that already contains that local user name.

            User Action: Use the SHOW/PROXY command in the Authorize
            utility to see what proxy records exist for a specific
            combination of remote node name and user name.

         DZRO_ISD,  image contains demand zero sections

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A load request was made for an executive image
            that illegally contains demand zero sections.

            User Action: Correct the link procedure used to build the
            executive image; specify the appropriate PSECT_ATTR and
            COLLECT statements to eliminate the demand zero sections.

         ENTRYDELONLY,  queue entry can only be deleted

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: An attempt was made to use a SETMODE $QIO
            operation on a queue entry. You can only delete queue
            entries from the system or use SENSEMODE $QIO operations
            on them.

            User Action: Do not use SETMODE $QIO operations on queue

         EXDEPTH,  exceeded allowed depth

            Facility: SYSTEM, System Services

            Explanation: Either a programming error has occurred or the
            resource name tree does not have enough depth. This error
            can be caused by any of the following conditions:

            o  The operation has exceeded the maximum number (64K) of
               child locks that can be associated with one parent lock.

            o  The operation has exceeded the maximum number of locks
               you can have on one resource name (64K).

            o  The operation has exceeded the maximum number of parent
               generations for a lock. The maximum is fixed at 127 for
               Alpha systems. The maximum for VAX systems is computed
               using the values for the INTSTKPAGES and DLCKEXTRASTK
               system generation parameters, as follows:

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-13

               (INTSTKPAGES*512 - DLCKEXTRASTK) / 32 = maximum

               The maximum VAX value can range from 4 to 255.

            User Action: Reprogram the operation so that it does not
            exceed the maximums. If you need to increase the number
            of parent generations on VAX systems, you can increase the
            value of the INTSTKPAGES parameter.

         FILFAIMAT,  file failed to match selection criteria

            Facility: LIB, Library Facility

            Explanation: No files meet the search criteria for a PRINT
            or SUBMIT command.

            User Action: None.

         FREESPADRIFT,  free block count of 'n' is incorrect (RVN 'n');
            the correct value is 'n'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The free block count for this disk is

            User Action: None. The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility
            automatically corrects this error if you used the /REPAIR
            qualifier and you have the CMKRNL privilege.

         INCOMPDRVACP,  incompatible LATACP and LTDRIVER - LATACP

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: An attempt to start LAT failed because of a
            mismatch between the LAT driver and LATACP.

            User Action: Locate the mismatched image and remove it from
            the system.

         INCONOWNER,  inconsistent /OWNER_UIC option. Verify volume owner

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: The UIC specified in the /OWNER_UIC qualifier
            is not consistent with the protection that this device has
            been mounted with on other nodes in the cluster.

            User Action: Verify that the /OWNER_UIC option is specified
            consistently on all nodes.

        A-14 New OpenVMS System Messages

         INCONPROT,  inconsistent /PROTECTION option. Verify volume

            Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility

            Explanation: The protection specified in the /PROTECTION
            qualifier is not consistent with the protection that the
            device has been mounted with on other nodes in the cluster.

            User Action: Verify that the /PROTECTION option is specified
            consistently on all nodes.

         INSUFINFO,  not enough information to produce a breakin record

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request to produce a break-in record did not
            contain the required information.

            User Action: Include at least one of the following in a call
            to request a break-in record: source terminal, source user,
            failed user, failed password, parent user, or source node.

         INTRUDER,  matching intruder found

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A record matching the request was found in the
            intrusion database.

            User Action: None. The search was successful.

         INVALIDDELETE,  you cannot delete the only user in a record; you
            must delete the entire record

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made to delete an explicit local
            user from a proxy record; however, that is the only local
            user in the record.

            User Action: Remove the explicitly named local user from
            your request to delete the entire record or add another
            local user to this proxy record and perform the delete
            request again.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-15

         INVALIDTERMNAME,  received invalid terminal name for intruder

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An invalid terminal name was specified in a
            request to generate a break-in record.

            User Action: Specify a valid terminal name and retry the

         LOGRDERR,  error reading LBN 'n' to LBN 'n', RVN 'n'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected an
            error while trying to read from disk.

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         LOGWRTERR,  error writing to LBN 'n', RVN 'n'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility detected an
            error while trying to write to the disk.

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         LRJINCOMPVER,  incompatible LAT version with remote node

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: An attempt was made to run LATACP with an
            incompatible LTDRIVER.

            User Action: Check whether an incorrect LATACP was placed
            in SYS$SYSTEM or an incorrect LTDRIVER was placed in
            SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES. Remove the incorrect file from the

         LRJIVMSG,  invalid message or slot received

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: An invalid LAT slot or LAT message was received
            from the remote node. This message indicates that a protocol
            violation occurred during a LAT connection.

            User Action: File a problem report against the remote
            LAT implementation that sent the invalid LAT slot or LAT

        A-16 New OpenVMS System Messages

         LRJREMDISABLED,  remote node is disabled

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: A LAT $QIO connection request failed because
            the target node has disabled LAT connections.

            User Action: Enable connections on the remote node and retry
            the connection.

         MARKUNL,  exec image is marked for unload

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A call was made to the LDR$UNLOAD_IMAGE routine
            to unload a removable executive image that already has an
            outstanding unload request against it.

            User Action: None.

         MULTIPLE_ISDS,  more than one image section of a given type

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A load request was made for an image that was
            not linked correctly because it contains more than one each
            of the following types of sections:

               nonpaged code
               nonpaged data
               paged code
               paged data

            User Action: Correct the link procedure used to build the
            executive image; specify the appropriate PSECT_ATTR and
            COLLECT statements to ensure that each executive image
            contains only one each of the types of information listed

         NO_PAGED_ISDS,  cannot load paged ISDs in SYSBOOT

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: SYSBOOT failed to load the executive image
            because it contains either paged code or paged data

            User Action: Correct the link procedure used to build the
            executive image; specify the appropriate PSECT_ATTR and
            COLLECT statements to eliminate the paged image sections.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-17

         NO_SUCH_IMAGE,  the requested image cannot be located

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A load request was made for an executive
            image that was linked against a shareable image that is not
            loaded. The only legal shareable images for executives are

            User Action: Use /NOSYSSHR or /NOSYSLIB to correct the
            link procedure to exclude any shareable images other than

         NOACTLINKS,  no active LAT links to service request

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: A LAT connection to the local node was
            attempted from the local node. The operation failed because
            LAT cannot communicate with the datalink layer.

            User Action: Ask your system manager to properly create
            LAT$LINK and make it available.

         NOCMKRNL,  correcting free block count requires CMKRNL privilege

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: To correct the free block count, you must have
            the CMKRNL privilege.

            User Action: Enable the CMKRNL privilege, then enter the
            ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR command again.

         NODISCON,  disconnect character disabled

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: Use of the disconnect character has been
            disabled in response to a SET HOST/LAT/NODISCONNECT command.

            User Action: None. This is a Success message.

         NOLOGIO,  erasing old home block requires LOG_IO privilege

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: To erase an old home block, you must have the
            LOG_IO privilege.

            User Action: Enable the LOG_IO privilege, then enter the
            ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR command again.

        A-18 New OpenVMS System Messages

         NOMATCH,  The processor on SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-
            is attached using controller 'device-name'.
            This condition creates multiple names for the same device,
            which can lead to data corruption.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The local and remote nodes are attached to the
            SCSI bus through unmatched ports.

            User Action: Connect the nodes to the SCSI bus through
            matching ports on each system.

         NOMOREENTRIES,  no more entries in queue

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: There are no more entries in the LAT connection

            User Action: None.

         NOPROXYDB,  cannot find proxy database file NET$PROXY.DAT

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server cannot find the proxy
            database file NET$PROXY.DAT.

            User Action: If a proxy database exists, make sure that it
            is in SYS$SYSTEM or that the logical name NET$PROXY points
            to it.

            If a proxy database does not exist, create one by using the
            DCL command RUN SYS$SYSTEM:CONVERT_PROXY to convert the old
            NETPROXY.DAT file or by issuing the CREATE/PROXY command in
            the Authorize utility to create a new NET$PROXY.DAT file.

         NORDPROXYREC,  proxy record is internally inconsistent; cannot
            read it

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A proxy record was read from the proxy
            database, but the record is not internally consistent.

            User Action: Examine the NETPROXY.DAT database from which
            the new format NET$PROXY.DAT proxy database was created.
            Delete erroneous records and reconvert the proxy database
            using the DCL command RUN SYS$SYSTEM:CONVERT_PROXY. If the
            conversion process does not create a NET$PROXY.DAT file,
            contact a Digital support representative.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-19

         NOSCANNEDINTRUDER,  no matching intruder or suspect found

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: No record in the intrusion database matches the
            $SCAN_INTRUSION request; the specified user is not a suspect
            or intruder.

            User Action: None.

         NOSHARE,  NO_SHARE option may not be removed from 'product'

            Facility: LICENSE, License Management Utility

            Explanation: The NO_SHARE option cannot be removed from a
            PAK that was originally issued with the NO_SHARE option. The
            NO_SHARE option can be removed with a LICENSE MODIFY/NONO_
            SHARE command only if the NO_SHARE option was added with a
            LICENSE MODIFY/NO_SHARE command.

            User Action: If you require a PAK without the NO_SHARE
            option for a particular product, contact the software vendor
            to see if such a PAK is available.

         NOSUCHINTRUDER,  no intruder or suspect matches your

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The specified intruder or suspect has no entry
            in the intrusion database.

            User Action: None.

         NOSUCHNODE,  node 'node-name' not known

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: A LAT connection was attempted to an unknown
            target node.

            User Action: Retry the connection until the specified node
            is known or check whether some condition on the specified
            node prohibits its network visibility. Possibly, the local
            node's service group codes do not intersect with the group
            codes of the specified remote node.

         NOSUCHPROXY,  no proxy record matches your specification

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The requested proxy record does not exist.

            User Action: Specify an existing proxy record or add a new
            proxy record.

        A-20 New OpenVMS System Messages

         NOSUCHUSER,  no user matches your specification

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The user name you specified does not exist in
            the specified proxy record.

            User Action: Specify a user name that exists in the proxy
            record or add a new user name for the proxy record.

         NOT_UNL,  image is not unloadable or not loaded

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A call was made to LDR$UNLOAD_IMAGE to unload
            an executive image that is not loaded or that was not loaded
            with the LDR$V_UNL flag bit set.

            User Action: If you want to be able to unload an executive
            image, be sure to set the LDR$V_UNL bit in the flags passed
            to the LDR$LOAD_IMAGE routine when the image is loaded.
            The LDR$V_UNL bit cannot be specified for OpenVMS-supplied
            executive images or for images loaded using VMS$SYSTEM_

         NOTALLSET,  authorization file NOT modified on some or all
            members; check before rebooting any member.

            Facility: SYSMAN, System Management Utility

            Explanation: A CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER operation to set
            either the cluster group number or the cluster password
            failed on one or more nodes of the cluster. This message
            appears only when the environment is set to CLUSTER and not
            all the members are updated.

            User Action: Ensure that all members of the cluster are
            updated with the new password or group number before
            rebooting any members.

         NOTIMEOUT,  no timeout period set

            Facility: SYSMAN, System Management Utility

            Explanation: Either SYSMAN received a timeout value of
            0-00:00:00.00 for the SET TIMEOUT command (meaning that no
            timeout value is set for cluster communication) or a SYSMAN
            SHOW TIMEOUT command was issued when there is no timeout in

            User Action: None.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-21

         NOTNATIVE,  image is not an OpenVMS AXP image

            Facility: IMGACT, Image Activator

            Explanation: The image is not an OpenVMS Alpha image. It
            might be an OpenVMS VAX image.

            User Action: Use the DCL command ANALYZE/IMAGE to get more
            information about the image.

         NOTVAXIMG,  image is not an OpenVMS VAX image

            Facility: IMGACT, Image Activator

            Explanation: The image is not an OpenVMS VAX image. It might
            be an OpenVMS Alpha image.

            User Action: Use the DCL command ANALYZE/IMAGE to get more
            information about the image.

         NXR,  nonexistent record

            Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services

            Explanation: A secondary index data record (SIDR) points to
            a nonexistent primary data record. This condition (commonly
            referred to as a dangling SIDR) can occur when a power
            failure, system crash, or STOP/ID occurs while a process has
            modified buckets whose write-back to disk has been deferred
            by the deferred-write option.

            This condition can be detected when a $GET or $FIND
            operation performs an exact-match keyed search using a
            secondary key. An RNF is reported in the status (STS) of
            the RAB and NXR is returned in the associated status value
            (STV) of the RAB.

            User Action: None. If the associated file was opened with
            write access, RMS transparently cleans up the SIDR element
            before returning the NXR status value.

         OBSPASSALL,  terminal set to PASSALL mode even though /PASSALL
            qualifier is obsolete

            Facility: SET, SET Command and SET Utility

            Explanation: You specified the obsolete /PASSALL qualifier
            with the SET TERMINAL command.

            User Action: Use the /PASSTHRU qualifier to perform this

        A-22 New OpenVMS System Messages

         OLDHM,  old home block found at LBN 'n', RVN 'n'

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility found a home
            block that was created by a previous initialize operation.

            User Action: None. The Analyze/Disk_Structure utility
            automatically erases the old home block if you used the
            /REPAIR qualifier and you have the LOG_IO privilege.

         OUTCOMTERMINATED,  security server's outgoing message mechanism
            failed and is exiting

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error occurred in the security server's
            communication system and the server is shutting down.

            User Action: Issue the DCL command SET SERVER SECURITY/START
            to restart the security server. If this condition persists,
            contact a Digital support representative.

         PAGED_GST_TOBIG,  paged global symbol fixup data exceeds table

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: An executive image has more global symbols in
            the fixup data than can fit in the loader's internal tables.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         PROXYACTIVE,  proxy processing is active; you must shut down
            proxy processing to perform this action

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made to start proxy processing or
            to create a proxy database but proxy processing is already

            User Action: You must shut down proxy processing before
            performing either of these actions.

         PROXYMODIFIED,  existing proxy entry modified

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The request to modify the proxy entry

            User Action: None.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-23

         PROXYNOTACTIVE,  proxy processing is not currently active;
            please try your request later

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: Proxy processing is not active because either
            the security server was not started or proxy processing
            halted for some reason.

            User Action: Check whether a new format NET$PROXY.DAT
            proxy database exists and use the DCL command SET SERVER
            SECURITY/START to start the security server if it has not
            been started.

            If a proxy database does not exist, create one by using the
            DCL command RUN SYS$SYSTEM:CONVERT_PROXY to convert the old
            NETPROXY.DAT file or by issuing the CREATE/PROXY command in
            the Authorize utility to create a new NET$PROXY.DAT file.

         PROXYNOTOPEN,  cannot open proxy database

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The proxy database NET$PROXY.DAT exists, but
            it cannot be opened for the reason stated in an accompanying

            User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

         PROXYSHUTDOWN,  proxy processing is shutting down

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, proxy processing is shutting

            User Action: None.

         PROXYSTARTINGUP,  proxy processing now starting up

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, proxy processing is starting up.

            User Action: None.

         PROXYTERMINATED,  an error caused proxy processing to terminate

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error occurred in the proxy processing
            component of the security server.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

        A-24 New OpenVMS System Messages

         PSB_FIXUPS,  image contains LPPSB fixups, link NATIVE_ONLY

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A load request was made for an executive image
            that contains LPPSB fixup data because it was linked
            /NONATIVE_ONLY. Executive images must be linked /NATIVE_

            User Action: Relink the image using /NATIVE_ONLY.

         QIOCALLFAIL,  QIO service call failure.
            Unable to obtain inquiry data from one or more SCSI

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The $QIOW system service did not complete

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         QIOFAILED,  security server QIO on client mailbox failed

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error has occurred in the security server.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         QIOOPFAIL,  QIO service operation failure.
            Unable to obtain inquiry data from one or more SCSI

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The operation requested by the $QIOW system
            service did not complete successfully.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         RIGHTSLIM,  Rights limit exceeded

            Facility: SMI, System Management Integrator/Server

            Explanation: A SYSMAN user with more than 125 rights
            identifiers attempted to issue a SYSMAN command to a
            remote node. This rights limitation includes a minimum
            of three identifiers that are granted at login when the
            process rights list is created: a UIC identifier, a system
            identifier, and at least one environmental identifier.

            User Action: Run SYSMAN from another account with 125 or
            fewer rights identifiers or reduce the number of identifiers
            on the current account to fall within the required range.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-25

         RUNNING,  security server is already running; it will not be

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An attempt was made to start a security server
            but another is already running.

            User Action: Shut down the current server before starting

         SAMEDEVICE,  you cannot write output to the disk you are

            Facility: ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

            Explanation: You used the /LIST, /OUTPUT, or /USAGE
            qualifier to write output to the disk you are repairing.

            User Action: Enter the command again, making sure that none
            of the files specified by the /LIST, /OUTPUT, or /USAGE
            qualifier are on the disk you are repairing.

         SERVERNOTACTIVE,  security server is not active

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made of the security server but
            the server is not currently running.

            User Action: Start the security server and retry the

         SERVERRESTART,  security server restarting

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, the security server is

            User Action: None.

         SERVERSHUTDOWN,  security server shutting down

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, the security server is shutting

            User Action: None required. If you wish to start a security
            server, use the DCL command SET SERVER SECURITY/START.

        A-26 New OpenVMS System Messages

         SERVERSTARTINGUP,  security server starting up

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: As requested, the security server is starting

            User Action: None.

         SERVERTERMINATED,  an error caused the security server to

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error caused the security server to
            perform cleanup and terminate break-in detection, evasion
            processing, and proxy processing.

            User Action: Use the DCL command SET SERVER SECURITY/START
            to restart the security server. If this condition persists,
            contact a Digital support representative.

         SHADOWLBS,  clearing low-order bit in SHADOWING; function no
            longer supported

            Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility

            Explanation: The low-order bit in the SYSGEN parameter
            SHADOWING was set at boot time. This bit has been cleared
            and the system was booted from the physical device named to
            VMB register 3 (R3). Unless you have migrated to phase II
            volume shadowing, no shadow sets will be created.

            User Action: None.

         SPF_TOBIG,  second pass fixup data exceeds table size

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: The loader's internal tables cannot accommodate
            all of the executive image fixups that must be postponed to
            later in the bootstrap operation.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-27

         SRVREPLYTIMEOUT,  timed out waiting for reply from security

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The security server did not reply to a request
            within the timeout period. Most likely, the security server
            encountered an error while processing the request and had to
            restart itself.

            User Action: Check the operator log and correct any error
            condition that caused the security server to terminate.
            If this problem persists, contact a Digital support

         SUSPECT,  matching suspect found

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A record matching the request was found in the
            intrusion database.

            User Action: None. The search was successful.

         TAPEALLODIFFF,  The TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter value for the
            on SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-number', is different
            from the value on this system.
            This condition creates multiple names for the same device,
            which can lead to data corruption.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The value of the SYSGEN tape allocation class
            parameter differs between the local node and the specified
            remote node.

            User Action: Set the TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter to the same
            nonzero value on both nodes.

         TAPEALLOZERF,  This system and/or the processor on SCSI bus
            'device-name', ID 'slot-number', has a zero TAPE_ALLOCLASS
            This condition creates multiple names for the same device,
            which can lead to data corruption.

            Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process

            Explanation: The local node, remote node, or both nodes have
            the SYSGEN tape allocation class parameter set to zero.

            User Action: Set the TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter to the same
            nonzero value for both nodes.

        A-28 New OpenVMS System Messages

         TASKERROR,  security server experienced a TASKING_ERROR

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: An error occurred in the security server.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

         TOOMANYELTS,  an attempt was made to 'action' 'nnnn' 'class-
            name' elements. The maximum allowed is 'nnnn'.

            Facility: MONITOR, Monitor Utility

            Explanation: MONITOR attempted to display or record a number
            of elements that exceeds the maximum allowed for the class
            of data specified by class-name.

            When this message is seen with the DISK class, the elements
            being displayed or recorded are individual disks. MONITOR
            will attempt to process all the mounted disks seen by the
            system. If that number exceeds MONITOR's internal limits,
            the MONITOR request terminates with this message.

            User Action: If your MONITOR request selected the /RECORD
            option, you have reached the record limit of 909. If you
            reissue the request without the /RECORD qualifier, and
            select display and/or summary output, you can monitor as
            many as 1817 disks without recording.

            Because MONITOR collects information about mounted disks
            only, you can reduce the number of disks monitored by
            dismounting unused disks.

         TOOMANYUSERS,  proxy already has the maximum number of
            associated users

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: A request was made to add a local user entry to
            a proxy record that already has the maximum number of local

            User Action: Delete a local user entry to make room for the
            new one.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-29

         UNDEFENTRY,  invalid queue entry request ID

            Facility: LAT, LAT Facility

            Explanation: The queue entry you specified does not exist.

            User Action: Use the LATCP SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY command to list
            all entries in the local queue. Retry the command, using a
            valid queue entry.

         UNL_PEN,  exec image unload is pending

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: A call was made to LDR$UNLOAD_IMAGE to unload
            an executive image that is in use. The image is marked to be
            unloaded later.

            User Action: None.

         VALUOVRFLOW,  value too large for 'system-parameter'; field
            width is only 'n' bytes

            Facility: SYSMAN, System Management Utility

            Explanation: A system parameter is set to a value that
            exceeds its actual field width. With SYSGEN, you can set a
            parameter value to more than its actual field width without
            getting an error message but SYSGEN silently truncates
            the value to fit the parameter's field width. In contrast,
            SYSMAN gives a warning and does not change the value of the
            parameter even if PARAMETER DISABLE CHECK is in effect.

            User Action: Set the parameter to a value within the
            acceptable range.

         VEC_TOBIG,  symbol vector reset data exceeds table size

            Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader

            Explanation: An attempt to load an executive image failed
            because the image's symbol vector updates for SYS$BASE_
            IMAGE and SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS exceed the size of the loader's
            internal tables.

            User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.

        A-30 New OpenVMS System Messages

         VERIFY_CONVERSION,  verifying that proxy database conversion is

            Facility: SECSRV, Security Server

            Explanation: The contents of the new proxy database,
            NET$PROXY.DAT, are being compared to the contents of the
            old proxy database, NETPROXY.DAT.

            User Action: None.

         ZEROALLOCLS,  unit has zero allocation class

            Facility: SYSTEM, System Services

            Explanation: The physical unit cannot be added to the shadow
            set because the allocation class is zero.

            User Action: Make sure all the disks being used to make
            the shadow set are configured with an allocation class.
            Then reenter the command to form or add to the shadow set.
            See the VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS manual for more
            information about allocation classes.

                                         New OpenVMS System Messages A-31



     A                                 ATM intersite link
     _______________________________      specifications,  8-13
     Adapters                          AUTOGEN command procedure
       add-on SCSI, 7-12                 AGEN$NO_AUTOCONFIGURE logical
       integral SCSI, 7-16                  , 3-21
       LAN communication, 4-2            AGEN$NO_SPAWN logical,  3-22
        name, 3-21                          logical, 3-21
     AGEN$NO_SPAWN logical name,         computation of SYSMWCNT
        3-22                                parameter, 3-21
        logical name, 3-21                  pseudoparameter, 3-22
     Allocation classes                  preventing autoconfigure,
       setting for SCSI                     3-21
         configurations,  7-5, 7-18,     preventing from running as a
         7-19                               spawned subprocess, 3-22
     ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command      suppression of informational
       erasing home blocks, 3-33            messages, 3-21
     ANALYZE/IMAGE command,  2-3
     APPEND command,  2-3              B______________________________
     Applications                      BACKUP command
       TCP/IP, 3-35                      directory levels,  3-25
     Arbitration rules                   /[NO]ALIAS qualifier,  3-25
       for control of SCSI bus,        Backup Manager
         7-42                            description,  3-24
          modifying the effect of,     Booting
            7-43                         cross-architecture,  6-58
     ASSIGN command,  2-3
     ATM communications service,
       system management, 8-27


                                          Configurations (cont'd)
        C______________________________     SCSI interconnect

        C++ RTL object library, 4-17          requirements,  7-3
        Character set description           SCSI VMScluster systems, 7-1
          (charmap) file                    single-ended and differential
         components,  5-73                    SCSI signaling,  7-9
         descriptions of,  5-70 to          single-host SCSI access on
            5-77                              VMScluster system,  7-3
        Cluster event notification          troubleshooting SCSI
          system services,  4-10              VMScluster systems,  7-38
        CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM command          unique SCSI device IDs, 7-8
          procedure                         using CLUSTER_CONFIG for SCSI
         setting up LAN MOP,  6-56            VMScluster systems,  7-27
        CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM command      WANs, 8-2
          procedure,  6-56                Controllers
        Command files                       HSZ40 controllers, 7-15
         LAN Control Program (LANCP)      Converters
            utility,  6-52                  using DWZZA in SCSI
        Communications services               VMScluster systems,  7-14
         ATM,  8-6                        COPY command,  2-3
         DS3,  8-6                          /FTP qualifier, 2-7
        Configurations                      /RCP qualifier, 2-7
         building SCSI VMScluster         CREATE/NAME_TABLE command,  2-3
            systems with DWZZA            Cross-architecture booting,
            converters,  7-14                6-58

         building with add on SCSI
            adapters,  7-12               D______________________________

         building with an HSZ40           Databases
            controller,  7-15               LAN device, 6-7
         building with BA350/BA353          node, 6-7
            StorageWorks enclosures,        permanent, 6-7
            7-12                            volatile, 6-7
         building with internal SCSI      Date format
            adapters,  7-16                 selecting for SHOW command,
         displaying LAN,  6-27                3-29
         installing SCSI VMScluster       DCL commands
            systems,  7-17                  automatic foreign commands,
         LAN,  6-1                            2-3
         LAN firmware updates,  6-27        changes, 2-3
         multiple-host SCSI access on     DEASSIGN command,  2-4
            VMScluster system,  7-3       DECamds,  3-13, 3-35
         SCSI concepts,  7-7              DECnet/OSI
         SCSI hardware,  7-12               full name support, 4-1
                                               routines, 4-2


        DEFINE command, 2-4               DUMPSTYLE system parameter,
        DELETE command, 2-4                  3-23
        Device IDs
         configuring for SCSI,  7-19      E______________________________
        Devices                           Error-handling requirements,
         LAN communication,  4-2             8-13
         managing with LAN Control        Error messages,  A-1
            Program (LANCP) utility,      EXCHANGE/NETWORK command,  2-4
        DIFFERENCES command, 2-4          F
        Differential signaling            _______________________________
         for SCSI,  7-9                   FDDI
        Digital Availability Manager        multiple-site VMScluster
          for Distributed Systems             configurations,  8-5
         See DECamds                      Feedback on documentation
        Digital writers                     sending comments to Digital
         sending comments to,  iii            writers,  iii
        DIRECTORY command, 2-4            Firmware
         /FTP qualifier,  2-7               LAN updates, 6-27
        Disks                             Freeware disc,  2-1
         access to SCSI storage,  7-3     Full names
         SCSI,  7-1                         support, 3-25
         SCSI concepts,  7-7                SYSMAN, 3-25

         SCSI configuration
            requirements,  7-3            G______________________________

         SCSI storage interconnect,       GENCAT command,  5-2
            3-9                           Grounding
        Documentation                       SCSI requirements, 7-18
         sending comments to Digital        troubleshooting, 7-42

            writers,  iii
        DR_UNIT_BASE system parameter,    H______________________________

          3-23                            Hardware
        DS3 communications service,         add-on SCSI adapters, 7-12
          8-6                               BA350/BA353 StorageWorks
         system management,  8-27             enclosures,  7-12
        DS3 interconnect                    DWZZA converters, 7-14
         in VMScluster systems,  3-11       HSZ40 controllers, 7-15
        DS3 intersite link                  in SCSI VMScluster systems,
          specifications,  8-13               7-12
        Dump file off system disk,          integral SCSI adapters, 7-16
          3-35                            Home blocks

                                            erasing, 3-33


        Host-based RAID
         support for,  7-5                L______________________________
        Host-based shadowing              LANACP utility
         support for,  7-5                  See LAN Auxiliary Control
        Host IDs                              Program utility
         configuring for SCSI,  7-18      LAN Auxiliary Control Program
        Hosts                                (LANACP) utility
         in a VMScluster system,  7-1       booting cluster satellites
        Hot plugging (SCSI devices),
          7-46                                with,  3-16
        HSC series controller failover      clearing counters, 6-44
          ,  3-13                           deleting device information,
        HSD series controller failover        6-35
          ,  3-13                           deleting node information,
        HSJ series controller failover        6-43
          ,  3-13                           device database management,
        I                                   disabling MOP downline load
        _______________________________       service,  6-36
        ICONV commands                      displaying device information
         COMPILE,  5-8                        ,  6-34
         CONVERT,  5-15                     displaying node information,
        INITIALIZE command, 2-4               6-42
        Installation                        displaying OPCOM messages,
         configuring SCSI node IDs,           6-46
            7-18                            displaying status and
         SCSI VMScluster systems,             counters,  6-44
            7-17                            enabling MOP downline load
        Interconnects                         service,  6-36
         accessing SCSI storage over,       Load Trace facility, 6-47
            7-2                             MOP downline load service
         ATM,  8-6                            management,  6-43
         DS3,  3-11, 8-6                    node database management,
         FDDI,  8-5                           6-36
         SCSI,  3-9, 7-1                    OPCOM messages displayed,
         troubleshooting SCSI,  7-38          6-57
        Internet, 3-35                      running, 6-54
        Internet address                    servers, 6-52
         specifying in Mail,  2-7           setting device information,
        ISA devices
         configuring,  4-4 to 4-7             6-29
                                            setting node information,
                                            stopping, 6-54


        LAN Control Program (LANCP)       LANs (local area networks)
          utility,  6-5                      (cont'd)
         booting cluster satellites         displaying OPCOM messages,
            with,  3-15                       6-46
         device management,  6-8            displaying status and
         LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE.DAT file,        counters,  6-44
            3-15                            enabling MOP downline load
         LAN$NODE_DATABASE.DAT file,          service,  6-36
            3-15                            Ethernet controllers, 4-3
         MOP console carrier,  6-48         ISA devices, 4-4 to 4-7
         MOP trigger boot,  6-50            LANACP device database
         running,  6-6                        management,  6-28
         setting up LAN MOP,  6-57          LANACP related OPCOM messages
         SPAWN function,  6-52                ,  6-57
         using command files,  6-52         LAN Auxiliary Control Program

        LANCP (Local Area Network             (LANACP) utility,  6-52
          Control Program)                  LAN Control Program (LANCP)

         See LAN Control Program              utility,  6-5
            utility                         LANCP command files, 6-52
        Language                            LANCP SPAWN function, 6-52
         selecting for SHOW command,        LAN firmware updates, 6-27
            3-29                            LAN MOP and DECnet MOP, 6-54
        LANs (local area networks)          Load Trace facility, 6-47
         clearing counters,  6-44           migrating DECnet MOP to LAN
         communication devices and            MOP,  6-55
            drivers,  4-2                   MOP console carrier, 6-48
         databases,  6-7                    MOP downline load service,
         deleting device information,         6-54
            6-35                            MOP downline load service
         deleting node information,           management,  6-43
            6-43                            MOP trigger boot, 6-50
         device management,  6-8            multiple-site VMScluster
         device names,  4-3                   systems,  8-3
         disabling MOP downline load        node database management,
            service,  6-36                    6-36
         displaying device information      running the LANACP utility,
            ,  6-34                           6-54
         displaying LAN device              sample LAN MOP set up, 6-57
            configurations,  6-27           setting device information,
         displaying LAN device                6-29
            parameters,  6-21               setting LAN device parameters
         displaying node information,         ,  6-9
            6-42                            setting node information,



        LANs (local area networks)        LGI_BRK_LIM system parameter,
          (cont'd)                           3-23
         setting up LAN MOP with          License database,  3-28
            CLUSTER_CONFIG,  6-56         LICENSE MODIFY command,  3-28
         stopping the LANACP utility,     Licenses
            6-54                            VMScluster client software,
         system management                    3-11
            enhancements,  6-1            Linker utility,  4-17
        LAT Control Program (LATCP)       Load Trace facility,  6-47
          utility,  3-28                  LOAD_DECNET_IMAGES
        LATCP (Local Area Transport         AUTOGEN pseudoparameter,
          Control Program)                    3-22

         See LAT Control Program          Local Area Network Auxiliary
            utility                          Control Program

        LAT software                        See LAN Auxiliary Control
         LAT Control Program (LATCP)          Program utility

            utility,  3-28                Local area networks

         SET HOST/LAT command,  3-28        See LANs
            new qualifiers,  2-5          LOCALE commands
        Layered products                    COMPILE, 5-17
         inclusion on distribution          LOAD, 5-20
            kit,  3-36                      SHOW CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS,
        LC_COLLATE locale category,           5-22
          5-35                              SHOW CURRENT, 5-23
        LC_CTYPE locale category, 5-41      SHOW PUBLIC, 5-26
        LC_MESSAGES locale category,        SHOW VALUE, 5-27
          5-47                              UNLOAD, 5-21
        LC_MONETARY locale category,      Locale file format
          5-48                              descriptions of, 5-33 to
         format variations,  5-55             5-69
         keywords,  5-49                    locale categories, 5-33,
        LC_NUMERIC locale category,           5-34

        LC_TIME locale category, 5-59     M______________________________

         field descriptors,  5-64         MAIL
         keywords,  5-59                    MAIL$INTERNET_TRANSPORT
         sample locale definition,            logical name,  2-7
            5-68                            specifying addresses in
        Lexical functions                     Internet format,  2-7
         F$CONTEXT,  2-4                  Managing multiple sites,  8-29
         F$GETQUI,  2-4                   MERGE command,  2-6
         F$GETSYI,  2-4                   Messages,  A-1


        MOP downline load service         OPCOM
         clearing counters,  6-44           messages (cont'd)
         console carrier,  6-48                displayed during LANACP
         disabling,  6-36                        start,  6-57
         displaying status and                 generated by LANACP, 6-46
            counters,  6-44                 OPC$V_OPR_* bit definitions,
         enabling,  6-36                      3-30
         LANACP server,  6-43               OPC$Z_MS_ENAB_TERMINALS field
         LAN MOP,  6-54                       ,  3-31
            coexisting with DECnet          OPC$Z_MS_TARGET_CLASSES field
               MOP,  6-54                     ,  3-31
         migrating DECnet MOP to LAN        OPR$V_* bit definitions,
            MOP,  6-55                        3-30
         sample setup,  6-57                overriding symbol values for
         setup with CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM        workstations in a cluster,
            ,  6-56                           3-30
         trigger boot,  6-50              OpenVMS Alpha SCSI-2

        N                                   device support, 4-16
        _______________________________   OpenVMS cluster client
        NET$PROXY.DAT file, 3-26, 3-27       software, 3-11
        NETPROXY.DAT file, 3-26           OpenVMS Management Station
        Networks                            description, 3-2
         Internet,  3-35                    documentation, 3-5
         LAN enhancements,  6-1             features, 3-4, 3-5
         deleting node information,       P______________________________
            6-43                          Parameters
         in a VMScluster system,  7-1       setting SCSI, 7-23
         setting node information,        Performance
            6-37                            data transfer rates, 7-9

        O                                   SCSI storage, 7-8
        _______________________________   Performance requirements,  8-13
        OPC$OPA0_ENABLE logical           Persona
         defining,  3-30                    assuming, 4-11
        OPC$Z_MS_ENAB_TERMINALS OPCOM       creating, 4-13
          field,  3-31                      deleting, 4-15
          field,  3-31                       , 4-11
        OPCOM                             $PERSONA_CREATE system service
         defining OPC$OPA0_ENABLE,           , 4-13
            3-30                          $PERSONA_DELETE system service
         enabling selected operator          , 4-15

            classes,  3-30


        Portable Character Set, 5-70
        Port-queue functionality, 4-17    S______________________________
        PRINT command, 2-4                Satellites
        Protocols                           booting, 6-54
         for using TCP/IP,  3-35            cross-architecture booting,
        Proxy authorization files,            6-58
          3-26                              LAN MOP and DECnet MOP
         NET$PROXY.DAT,  3-26                 downline load service,
         NETPROXY.DAT,  3-26                  6-54
        PURGE command, 2-4                  migrating to LAN MOP downline

        R                                     load service,  6-55
        _______________________________   SCSI bus
        RAID (redundant arrays of           arbitration rules, 7-42
          independent disks),  7-3             modifying the effect of,
         volume shadowing support,               7-43
            3-8                             control of, 7-42
        RECALL command, 2-4               SCSI disks
        Redundant arrays of                 accessing, 7-2
          independent disks                 configurations requirements,
         See RAID                             7-3
        RENAME command, 2-4                 modes of operation, 7-8
        Requirements                        unique device IDs, 7-8
         Bellcore Communications          SCSI interconnect,  7-1
            Research,  8-14                 ANSI standard, 7-1
         VMScluster,  8-14                  as a VMScluster storage
        RMTDBG_SCRATCH_PAGES system           interconnect,  3-9
          parameter,  3-23                  cabling and termination,
        RTL (run-time library)                7-11
         See Run-time library (RTL)         concepts, 7-7
                                            configuration requirements,
            routines                          7-3
        RUN (process) command, 2-4          configurations using add on
        Run-time library (RTL)                SCSI adapters,  7-12
          routines                          configurations using an HSZ40
         LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC,  4-2             controller,  7-15
         LIB$COMPARE_NODENAME,  4-2         configurations using BA350
         LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME,  4-2          /BA353 StorageWorks
         LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME,  4-2            enclosures,  7-12
         LIB$FIT_NODENAME,  4-2             configurations using DWZZA
         LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET,  4-2        converters,  7-14
         LIB$GET_HOSTNAME,  4-2             configurations using integral
         LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME,  4-2              SCSI adapters,  7-16

                                            configuring device IDs, 7-19


        SCSI interconnect (cont'd)        SET HOST/DTE command,  2-5
         configuring SCSI node IDs,       SET HOST/LAT command,  2-5,
            7-18                             3-28
         configuring with CLUSTER_        SET MAGTAPE command,  2-5
            CONFIG.COM,  7-27             SET SECURITY command,  2-5
         connected to a single host,      SET TERMINAL command,  2-5
            7-3                           SET TIME command,  2-5
         connected to multiple hosts,     SET VOLUME command,  2-5
            7-3                           Shadowing
         data transfer rates,  7-9          support for, 7-5
         grounding requirements,  7-18    SHADOWING system parameter,
         hardware configurations,            3-23
            7-12                          Shadow sets
         hot plugging devices with,         increased numbers supported,
            7-46                              3-6, 3-7
         installation,  7-17              SHOW command
         maximum distances,  7-10           time and date formats, 3-29
         maximum length,  7-9             SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS
         number of devices supported,        command, 2-5
            7-8                           SHOW DEVICES/SERVED command,
         performance,  7-8                   2-5
         power up and verify,  7-20       SHOW INTRUSION command,  3-27
         show and set console             SHOW PROCESS command,  2-5
            parameters,  7-23             SHOW SECURITY command,  2-5
         TERMPWR line,  7-11              SHOW SYSTEM command,  2-6
         troubleshooting,  7-38           SHOW TERMINAL command,  2-6
        SCSI tapes                        SHOW USERS command,  2-6
         no support for SCSI retension    SHUTDOWN$DECNET_MINUTES
            ,  3-13                          logical, 3-34
         support in a VMScluster          SHUTDOWN$QUEUE_MINUTES logical
            system,  3-12                    , 3-34
        SEARCH command, 2-5               SHUTDOWN.COM
        Security Server process             logicals, 3-34
         intrusion database,  3-27        Single-ended signaling
         network proxy database,  3-27      for SCSI, 7-9

        Security system services, 4-8     Small Computer Systems
        Sending comments to Digital          Interface

          writers,  iii                     See SCSI
        SET AUDIT command, 2-5            SONET OC-3 intersite link
        SET DIRECTORY command, 2-5           specifications, 8-13
        SET FILE command, 2-5             SORT command,  2-6
        SET HOST command                  SPAWN command,  2-6
         /RLOGIN qualifier,  2-7
         /TELNET qualifier,  2-7
         /TN3270 qualifier,  2-7


        SPAWN function                    System management
         LAN Control Program (LANCP)        ATM multisite, 8-27
            utility,  6-52                  clearing counters, 6-44
        Specifications                      deleting device information,
         ATM Intersite Link,  8-13            6-35
         DS3 Intersite Link,  8-13          deleting node information,
         T3 Intersite Link,  8-13             6-43
         WAN Intersite Link,  8-13          disabling MOP downline load
        STOP command, 2-6                     service,  6-36
        StorageWorks                        displaying device information
         BA350/BA353 enclosures,  7-12        ,  6-34
        SUBMIT command, 2-6                 displaying LAN device
        Subprocesses                          configurations,  6-27
         creating with the LANCP SPAWN      displaying LAN device
            function,  6-52                   parameters,  6-21
        SYS$ADD_PROXY system service,       displaying node information,
          4-9                                 6-42
        SYS$CLRCLUEVT system service,       displaying OPCOM messages,
          4-10                                6-46
        SYS$DELETE_INTRUSION system         displaying status and
          service,  4-8                       counters,  6-44
        SYS$DELETE_PROXY system             DS3, 8-27
          service,  4-9                     enabling MOP downline load
        SYS$DISPLAY_PROXY system              service,  6-36
          service,  4-9                     LANACP device database, 6-28
        SYS$PERSONA_ASSUME system           LAN Auxiliary Control Program
          service,  4-11                      (LANACP) utility,  6-52
        SYS$PERSONA_CREATE system           LAN Control Program (LANCP)
          service,  4-13                      utility,  6-5
        SYS$PERSONA_DELETE system           LANCP command files, 6-52
          service,  4-15                    LANCP SPAWN function, 6-52
        SYS$SCAN_INTRUSION system           LAN databases, 6-7
          service,  4-8                     LAN devices, 6-8
        SYS$SETCLUEVT system service,       LAN enhancements, 6-1
          4-10                              LAN firmware updates, 6-27
        SYS$SHOW_INTRUSION system           LAN node database management,
          service,  4-8                       6-36
        SYS$TSTCLUEVT system service,       Load Trace facility, 6-47
          4-10                              methods and tools, 8-29
        SYS$VERIFY_PROXY system             MOP console carrier, 6-48
          service,  4-9                     MOP downline load service
        SYSMWCNT parameter                    management,  6-43
         computation of,  3-21              MOP trigger boot, 6-50
                                            multisite, 8-27


        System management (cont'd)
         running the LANACP utility,      T______________________________

            6-54                          T3 intersite link
         running the LANCP utility,          specifications, 8-13
            6-6                           Tagged command queuing
         setting device information,        device support, 4-16
            6-29                            I/O requests, 4-16
         setting LAN device parameters    Tapes
            ,  6-9                          no support for SCSI retension
         setting node information,            ,  3-13
            6-37                            SCSI, 3-12
         stopping the LANACP utility,       TMSCP served, 3-12
            6-54                          TCP/IP (Transmission Control
         WAN multisite,  8-27                Protocol/Internet Protocol)
        System Management utility           applications, 3-35
          (SYSMAN)                          DCL commands, 2-7
         full name support,  3-25         Terminators
        System messages, A-1                for SCSI, 7-11
        System parameters                 Time format
         DR_UNIT_BASE,  3-23                selecting for SHOW command,
         DUMPSTYLE,  3-23                     3-29
         LGI_BRK_LIM,  3-23               TMSCP servers
         RMTDBG_SCRATCH_PAGES,  3-23        controlled by TMSCP_LOAD,
         SHADOWING,  3-23                     3-12
         TMSCP_SERVE_ALL,  3-23             controlled by TMSCP_SERVE_
         VCC_PTES,  3-24                      ALL,  3-12
        System services, 4-8                SCSI tapes in a VMScluster
         $ADD_PROXY,  4-9                     system,  3-12
         $CLRCLUEVT,  4-10                TMSCP_LOAD system parameter,
         cluster event notification,         3-12
            4-10                          TMSCP_SERVE_ALL system
         $DELETE_INTRUSION,  4-8             parameter, 3-12, 3-23
         $DELETE_PROXY,  4-9              Transmission Control Protocol
         $DISPLAY_PROXY,  4-9                /Internet Protocol
         $PERSONA_ASSUME,  4-11             See TCP/IP
         $PERSONA_CREATE,  4-13           Trigger boot
         $PERSONA_DELETE,  4-15             LANCP MOP downline load
         $SCAN_INTRUSION,  4-8
         security,  4-8                       service,  6-50
         $SETCLUEVT,  4-10                Troubleshooting
         $SHOW_INTRUSION,  4-8              SCSI configurations, 7-38
         $TSTCLUEVT,  4-10                TYPE command,  2-6

         $VERIFY_PROXY,  4-9


                                          VMScluster systems (cont'd)
        V______________________________     SCSI storage interconnect,

        VCC_PTES system parameter,            7-1
          3-24                              serving SCSI tapes, 3-12
        VMScluster systems                  setting up for LAN MOP, 6-57
         ATM communications service,        shared SCSI storage concepts,
            8-6                               7-7
         ATM multisite system               using CLUSTER_CONFIG to set
            management,  8-27                 up LAN MOP,  6-56
         booting with LANCP instead of      using FDDI, 8-5
            DECnet,  3-15                   using LANCP as booting
         client software licensing,           mechanism,  3-15
            3-11                            using the DS3 interconnect,
         CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM,  7-27            3-11
         cross-architecture booting,        using the SCSI interconnect,
            6-58                              3-9
         DS3 communications service,        WAN multisite system
            8-6                               management,  8-27
         DS3 system management,  8-27       warranted and migration
         hosts, nodes, and computers,         configurations,  3-13
            7-1                           Volume shadowing
         HSC series controller              geometry-based shadowing
            failover,  3-13                   device recognition,  3-6
         HSD series controller              new features, 3-6
            failover,  3-13                 RAID support, 3-8
         HSJ series controller              shadow set numbers, 3-6
            failover,  3-13                    guidelines, 3-7

         installing SCSI,  7-17
         LAN management enhancements,     W______________________________

            6-1                           WAN communications service
         LAN MOP coexisting with            system management, 8-27
            DECnet MOP,  6-54             WAN intersite link
         migrating from DECnet MOP to        specifications, 8-13
            LAN MOP,  6-55                WANs
         multiple-site,  8-1                utilizing in a VMScluster
         SCSI configuration                   system,  8-2
            requirements,  7-3            Wide area networks
         SCSI hardware configurations,      See WANs
         SCSI performance,  7-8
         SCSI storage connected to a
            single host,  7-3
         SCSI storage connected to
            multiple hosts,  7-3


                                            LOCALE commands
        X______________________________        COMPILE, 5-17
        XPG4 localization utilities,           LOAD, 5-20
          5-1                                  SHOW CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS
         character map (charmap) file,           ,  5-22
            5-70 to 5-77                       SHOW CURRENT, 5-23
         GENCAT command,  5-2                  SHOW PUBLIC, 5-26
         ICONV commands                        SHOW VALUE, 5-27
            COMPILE,  5-8                      UNLOAD, 5-21
            CONVERT,  5-15                  locale file format, 5-33 to
