DEC_SoftWindows_____________________________________ Release Notes for the OpenVMS AXP Operating System November 1994 Read these release notes first. They document late changes, restrictions, and corrections not covered elsewhere in the DEC SoftWindows documentation. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS AXP 6.1 or higher Software Version: DEC SoftPC Version 5.0/ DEC SoftWindows Version 1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ November 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECstation, DECwindows, VMS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. Apple Imagewriter II is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Laserwriter Plus is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. CROSSTALK XVI is a trademark of MicrosTuf, Inc. DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. Epson FX-105 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson LQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson SQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology. IBM Personal Computer AT and IBM Graphics Printer are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SmarTerm 220 is a registered trademark of Persoft, Inc. SoftPC is a trademark of Insignia Solutions, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1-1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Warning About Installation.................... 1-1 Error in IEEE floating point handling......... 1-1 Creating a Larger Container File.............. 1-2 Color problems with HX graphics card.......... 1-4 Foreign keyboards............................. 1-4 Motif Missing Button Problem.................. 1-5 iii _________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe product restrictions, undocumented features, and other essential information about DEC SoftWindows Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP, not covered elsewhere in the documentation. These release notes Supersede all other documents. Intended Audience All DEC SoftWindows users (system managers and general users) should read these release notes. Associated Documents System managers should read the DEC SoftWindows Installation Guide for the OpenVMS AXP Operating System. General users should read the entire DEC SoftWindows User's Guide for the OpenVMS AXP Operating System. v 1 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Warning About Installation The SoftWindows V1.0 installation process removes any components it finds from previous installations. (This only applies when a previous version of SoftPC or a field- test version of SoftWindows has been installed.) Therefore, any software on your hard C: disk under the container file name MS-WIN-31.HDF is deleted. If you want to keep any software stored in this container file, rename MS-WIN- 31.HDF before installing SoftWindows V1.0. However, do not continue to use MS-WIN-31.HDF as your C: container file with SoftWindows V1.0, as certain system files have changed and unpredictable results will occur. _________________________________________________________________ Error in IEEE floating point handling. There is a problem in the IEEE run time handler in OpenVMS on 6.1 that can cause SoftWindows V1.0 to generate errors when running certain applications. The fix is to replace a module in OpenVMS AXP called VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE, using the following Procedure: 1. Log in as system manager 2. Install SoftWindows V1.0 3. Set default to sys$library 4. Rename the file VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE to VMS$IEEE_ HANDLER.OLDEXE 1-1 Error in IEEE floating point handling. 5. Replace the defective module by copying the version of VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE, located in the SOFTWIN$SYSTEM directory, into sys$library as follows: $ Copy softwin$system:VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE - _$ []VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE/log _________________________________________________________________ Creating a Larger Container File The C drive (container file) that comes with SoftWindows V1.0 is about 33,000 blocks in size. Much of it is already used, as it contains MS-DOS as well as a full MS-Windows kit. If you want to add more applications and there is insufficient room on the C drive, you can install your applications on another drive or increase the size of the C drive. To avoid any restrictions on loading your applications, it is recommended that you increase the size of your C drive. Use the following procedure to increase the drive size. If any problems arise during the procedure or the procedure does not perform as you expect, you can delete your new drive and start again using the MS-WIN-31.hdf as supplied with the kit. 1. Determine the size you need. For this example, assume a 120MB drive. 2. Install and start SoftWindows in the normal way. 3. Go to the top of the SoftWindows window and select the options menu. 4. From the options menu, select disk drives. 5. Select new drive. 6. Specify the destination and name of the new drive container file, such as dka300:120Mb.hdf. 7. Slide the bar to 120MB and type OK. 8. Wait several seconds for the system to reboot. 1-2 Creating a Larger Container File 9. Type the following: C:>FDISK 10.Select 5. (Change current fixed disk drive.) 11.It should now show you that disk 2 is 0% usage. Select 2. 12.Select 1. (Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive.) 13.Select 1. (Create Primary DOS Partition.) 14.Select Y. 15.Press Escape. 16.Press Escape again. 17.Press any key. 18.Type the following, which formats drive D and puts a system onto it: C:>format d:/s 19.Type yes. 20.Type in a volume name or press Return. 21.Type the following, which copies all files and subdirectories from C to D: C:>xcopy c: d:/s You may be asked if should be overwritten. If so, say yes.) 22.Type the following to make the new drive bootable: C:>makeboot 1 23.Tell SoftWindows to boot your newly created drive: a. Go to options and select Disk Drives. b. Select Open Drive. c. Delete the old value in C drive name. d. Put the current D drive name into the C drive name. e. Delete the D drive name. f. Specify OK. 1-3 Creating a Larger Container File 24.SoftWindows reboots and you have a 120MB C: drive onto which you can install new software. _________________________________________________________________ Color problems with HX graphics card There is a problem when running certain applications with the HX graphics card. The problem is due to the OpenVMS AXP V6.1 device-dependent X driver. The problem manifests itself when selecting items by pushbutton; the `highlight color' for certain icons does not revert to its normal color when deselected. Another manifestation is in MS Paintbrush; the spraycan sprays the incorrect color. Fix the problem by saving the old X driver and then copying a corrected version of the X driver from the softwindows directory into the sys$share directory as follows: $ Set default sys$share: $ $ Rename DECW$SERVER_DDX_SFB.EXE DECW$SERVER_DDX_SFB.OLDEXE $ $ Copy SOFTWIN$SYSTEM:DECW$SERVER_DDX_SFB.EXE sys$share:*/log $ _________________________________________________________________ Foreign keyboards In the initial installation you are asked which keyboard and country you wish to load as your default. The kit contains preconfigured templates for only the following LK201, LK401 or PCXAL (PC) style keyboards: US keyboard, UK keyboard, French keyboard, and German keyboard. The DOS and Windows drivers for other keyboards are in the kit, but they will have to be loaded manually. 1-4 Foreign keyboards If you examine how the French or German keyboards are set up, you can make equivalent commands to set up the other countries. _________________________________________________________________ Motif Missing Button Problem Under Motif, you may experience a warning or error message with no visible action buttons. The button function is there and a carriage return will activate the default. 1-5