DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3B (MUPB) AV-QMC5B-TE ________________________________________________________________ ________________Alpha_Systems_______________VAX_Systems_________ Kit Name DCEAXPMUPB013 DCEVAXMUPB013 Old Product Digital DCE for OpenVMS Digital DCE for Alpha V1.3A OpenVMS VAX V1.3A New Product Digital DCE for OpenVMS Digital DCE for Alpha V1.3B OpenVMS VAX V1.3B Approximate 48,000 36,000 Block_Size______________________________________________________ Version 1.3B Mandatory Update (MUPB) Description Version 1.3B of Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha is a mandatory update that replaces Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3A. Version 1.3B is a complete kit that does not require a previous version of Digital DCE for OpenVMS for installation. Version 1.3B can be installed in a new system or can be installed as an update to a previous version of DCE for OpenVMS. Refer to the Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes for information about this release. Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha V1.3B is function- ally equivalent to Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha V1.3A. The following problems are fixed in Digital DCE for OpenVMS V1.3B: o DCE$CDSCLERK, DCE$CDSD, and DCE$CDSADVER processes termi- nated with an ACCVIO when processing errors (such as network errors). o DCE daemons terminated because of a lack of resources. o DCE daemons hung in HIB state with an outstanding user mode AST pending. o DTS time conversion routines were not thread safe. o DCE for OpenVMS systems were unable to participate in cells with other DCE systems based on OSF DCE R1.1. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995. All rights reserved. ___________________ [TM] The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Bookreader, DEC, DECwindows, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. OSF is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation. o An OpenVMS DCE client could not be configured into an Alpha NT security server. o DCE$SECD process hung on multiprocessor systems. o DCE startup failures occurred when running on systems running DECnet/OSI with a cluster alias defined. o Synchronization problems occurred when using the UDP protocol on multiprocesor systems. o DCE daemons failed to reach steady state on multiprocessor systems. All existing Version 1.3 documentation can be used with Version 1.3B with the following exceptions: o References to the installation directories [DCEVAX013] and [DCEAXP013] should be changed to [DCEVAXMUPB013] and [DCEAXPMUPB013]. o References to the installation saveset names DCEVAX013 and DCEAXP013 should be changed to DCEVAXMUPB013 and DCEAXPMUPB013. License Information If you are installing the Digital DCE for OpenVMS Run Time Services Kit, you do not need a separate license. The right to use the Run Time Services Kit is included as part of the OpenVMS operating license. However, if you are installing the Digital DCE for OpenVMS Ap- plication Developer's Kit, CDS Server Kit, or Security Server Kit, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing Digital DCE for OpenVMS as an update on a node or cluster al- ready licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for registration instructions. Installation Information on OpenVMS VAX Installing Version 1.3B of Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX requires OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher. If you are installing on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or lower, you must install a special kit, the DEC C/C++ Run Time Components Kit, AACRT060.A (which is shipped as part of Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX), before you can install Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.3B. If you are installing on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or higher, you do not need to preinstall this special kit. 2 Installation Information on OpenVMS Alpha Installing Version 1.3B of Digital DCE for OpenVMS Alpha re- quires OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher. If you are installing on OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5, you must also install a special kit, DCEPRE013.A (which is shipped as part of Digital DCE for OpenVMS Alpha), before you can install Digital DCE for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3B. If you are installing on OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 or higher, you do not need to preinstall this special kit. Release Notes Information The release notes for Digital DCE for OpenVMS Version 1.3B con- tain important installation-related instructions and a summary of technical changes, new features, differences, known problems, corrected errors, restrictions, and incompatibilities. Note: The release notes contain important information about system and process parameters and quotas. These parameters and quotas may require adjustments depending on the number of DCE users. After you install Digital DCE for OpenVMS, you can find the release notes in: SYS$HELP:DCE013B.RELEASE_NOTES You can find the release notes for the Resource Broker in: SYS$HELP:RB011.RELEASE_NOTES Contents of This Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BOM enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Digital representative. o Media If you ordered media, you will find the media in this kit. Consult the Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Installation and Configura- tion Guide for information about installing Digital DCE for OpenVMS on your system. o Documentation This kit includes the following Digital DCE for OpenVMS hardcopy documentation: Read Before Installing or Using Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Installation and Configuration Guide Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Product Guide 3 Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Reference Guide Guide to the Resource Broker DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Installation and Reference Guide for OpenVMS VAX Understanding DCE (O'Reilly and Associates) Guide to Writing DCE Applications (O'Reilly and Asso- ciates) Distributing Applications Across DCE and Windows NT (O'Reilly and Associates) Introduction to OSF DCE (Prentice-Hall) OSF DCE User's Guide and Reference (Prentice-Hall) OSF DCE Administration Guide-Introduction (Prentice-Hall) OSF DCE Administration Guide-Core Components (Prentice- Hall) OSF DCE Administration Guide-Extended Services (Prentice- Hall) OSF DCE Administration Reference (Prentice-Hall) OSF DCE Application Development Guide (Prentice-Hall) OSF DCE Application Development Reference (Prentice-Hall) Note that you need the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components In- stallation and Reference Guide only for certain OpenVMS VAX systems. You can ignore this guide if you are installing on an OpenVMS Alpha system or on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or higher. o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an overview of the Digital DCE for OpenVMS kit and its features. o Software Performance Report (SPR) Use this form to report any problems with Digital DCE for OpenVMS, provided you have purchased warranty services. Contents of the CD Table 1 lists the root directories on the CD for Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3B. ________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Directories_on_the_CD_for_Digital_DCE_for_OpenVMS_____ [000000] Contents________________________________________________________ Contains software for Digital DCE for DCEAXPMUPB013.DIR OpenVMS AXP Contains software for Digital DCE for DCEVAXMUPB013.DIR OpenVMS VAX Contains the Read Before Installing README.DIR letter and the CD guide. You should read these two documents first 4 ________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.): Directories on the CD for Digital DCE for __________________OpenVMS_______________________________________ [000000] Contents________________________________________________________ Contains Bookreader manuals DECW$BOOK.DIR Contains printable installation guides, DOCUMENTATION.DIR release_notes,_and_the_SPD______________________________________ Table 2 lists the contents of [DCEAXPMUPB013], the directory for the Digital DCE for OpenVMS Alpha software. ________________________________________________________________ Table_2:__Software_for_Digital_DCE_for_OpenVMS_Alpha____________ [DCEAXPMUPB013] Saveset___________________________File_Name_____________________ Special Alpha AXP PreInstalla- DCEPRE013.A tion Kit Saveset A DCEAXPMUPB013.A Saveset B DCEAXPMUPB013.B Saveset C DCEAXPMUPB013.C Saveset D DCEAXPMUPB013.D Saveset_E_________________________DCEAXPMUPB013.E_______________ Table 3 lists the contents of [DCEVAXMUPB013], the directory for the Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX software. ________________________________________________________________ Table_3:__Software_for_Digital_DCE_for_OpenVMS_VAX______________ [DCEVAXMUPB013] Saveset___________________________File_Name_____________________ DEC C/C++ Run Time PreInstal- AACRT060.A lation Kit Saveset A DCEVAXMUPB013.A Saveset B DCEVAXMUPB013.B Saveset C DCEVAXMUPB013.C Saveset D DCEVAXMUPB013.D Saveset_E_________________________DCEVAXMUPB013.E_______________ 5 Table 4 lists the contents of [README], the directory containing the documents you should read right away. ________________________________________________________________ Table_4:__Read_First_Documentation______________________________ [README] Document_Name_____________________File_Name_____________________ Read Before Installing Digi- DCE_READFIRST.TXT (and .PS) tal DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha-This document Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX DCE_CD_GUIDE.TXT (and .PS) and OpenVMS Alpha Compact Disc User's_Guide____________________________________________________ Table 5 lists the contents of [DECW$BOOK], the directory for the Digital DCE Bookreader documentation. For more information on reading books on the CD, see the Digi- tal DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Compact Disc User's Guide. ________________________________________________________________ Table_5:__Bookreader_Documentation_for_Digital_DCE______________ [DECW$BOOK] Document_Name__________________________File_Name________________ Bookshelf for this library LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and DCE_PROD_GDE.DECW$BOOK OpenVMS Alpha Product Guide Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and DCE_REF_GDE.DECW$BOOK OpenVMS Alpha Reference Guide Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and DCE_INSTALL_CONFIG_ OpenVMS Alpha Installation and GDE.DECW$BOOK Configuration Guide Guide to the Resource Broker RESOURCE.DECW$BOOK Introduction to OSF DCE INTRO.DECW$BOOK OSF DCE User's Guide and Reference USERS_GDREF.DECW$BOOK OSF DCE Administration Guide- BOOKINTRO.DECW$BOOK Introduction OSF DCE Administration Guide-Core BOOKCORE.DECW$BOOK Components OSF DCE Administration Guide- BOOKEXTENDED.DECW$BOOK Extended Services 6 OSF DCE Administration Reference ADMIN_REF.DECW$BOOK OSF DCE Application Development APP_GD.DECW$BOOK Guide OSF DCE Application Development APP_REF.DECW$BOOK Reference_______________________________________________________ Table 6 lists the contents of [DOCUMENTATION], the directory containing Digital DCE for OpenVMS printable documentation. ________________________________________________________________ Table_6:__Printable_Documentation_for_Digital_DCE_______________ [DOCUMENTATION] Document_Name__________________________File_Name________________ Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and DCE_INSTALL_CONFIG_ OpenVMS Alpha Installation and GDE.TXT (and .PS) Configuration Guide Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and DCE_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes (and .PS) Resource Broker Release Notes RB_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT (and .PS) DEC C/C++ Run Time Components CRT060_REF_INST.TXT (and .PS) for OpenVMS VAX Reference and Installation Guide DEC C/C++ Run Time Components for CRT060_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT OpenVMS VAX Release Notes (and .PS) Digital DCE for OpenVMS Software OPENVMS_DCE_SPD.TXT (and Product_Description_(SPD)______________.PS)_____________________ A Final Note Digital prides itself on responding to customer needs. In order to continue serving you, we need your comments. Each manual contains preaddressed, postage-paid Reader's Comments forms at the back. If you find errors in a manual or want to make comments about it, please fill out one of these forms and send it to us. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pur- suant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. This MUP has not been through an exhaustive field test process. Due to the experimental stage of this MUP, Digital makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection and backup data used in conjunction with this MUP. 7