DECevent_Event_Management_Utility_for_OpenVMS_______ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q73JC-TE This guide contains information and instructions for installing and deinstalling the DECevent event management utility on OpenVMS[TM] systems. Revision/Update Information: October 27, 1995 DECevent Version: V2.1 OpenVMS Alpha Version: 7.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ October 1995 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Alpha, DEC, DECevent, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparation 1.1 Introduction..................................... 1-1 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit ................... 1-2 1.3 Required Operating System Components and Software......................................... 1-2 1.4 Preinstallation Steps............................ 1-2 2 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.1 Introduction..................................... 2-1 2.2 Installation Example............................. 2-1 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions.................... 2-7 2.3.1 Addition to Site-Specific Startup and Shutdown Procedures..................................... 2-7 2.3.2 Ensuring DECevent Help Is Inserted ............ 2-8 2.3.3 Ensuring SICL Is ON ........................... 2-8 2.3.4 Deleting the Knowledge Library ................ 2-11 3 Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.1 Introduction..................................... 3-1 3.2 Deinstallation Example........................... 3-1 iii A Command Summary for System Managers Tables 1 Associated Documents .......................... vi A-1 Commands Related to Installation ............. A-1 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install and deinstall the DECevent event management utility. Intended Audience This guide is intended for users responsible for planning the installation and deinstallation of the DECevent event management utility. Manual Structure This guide includes the following chapters: o Chapter 1-Provides the necessary information to prepare for a DECevent installation. o Chapter 2-Shows an actual log from a DECevent installation. Asterisks show where users need to respond to prompts or questions during the installation procedures. o Chapter 3-Shows an actual DECevent deinstallation. Asterisks show where users need to respond to prompts or questions during the deinstallation procedure. Associated Documents The following documents are associated with the DECevent documentation. v Table_1_Associated_Documents_______________________________ Document________________________Order_No.__________________ DECevent Translation and AA-Q73KC-TE Reporting Utility for OpenVMS User and Reference Guide DECevent Analysis and AA-Q73LC-TE Notification Utility for OpenVMS User and Reference Guide The DECevent Graphical AA-QE26A-TE Interface User's Guide OpenVMS System Manager's AA-PV5MB-TK Manual: Essentials OpenVMS System Manager's AA-PV5NB-TK Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and_Complex_Systems________________________________________ vi 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparation 1.1 Introduction This chapter describes how to prepare for the installation of the DECevent event management utility. Installing DECevent software is similar to installing other VMS optional products. The following steps must be performed: 1. Inventory the distribution kit. 2. Make sure the system has the prerequisite software. 3. Prepare the system for and inform the users of the installation. 4. Perform the installation procedure and any necessary postinstallation procedures. These procedures are explained in detail in Chapter 2. 5. Resume normal operations after the installation is complete. 6. Record the changed state of the system and report any problems to the Digital Customer Support Center. ________________________ Note ________________________ Previous fault management tools offered cluster-wide support by merging events from all cluster nodes into a common database. DECevent does not support the merging of events from cluster nodes into a common database. DECevent is run separately on any or all nodes of a cluster. DECevent is not supported in mixed architecture cluster environments. ______________________________________________________ Preparation 1-1 Preparation 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit Each DECevent distribution kit contains: o A kit bill of materials (BOM) o The DECevent distribution medium o Documentation Check the kit contents against the kit BOM. Make sure the kit contains the correct distribution medium. The medium label contains the name of the product, DECevent, the version number (for example, DIA021), and the date. If the kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Digital representative. 1.3 Required Operating System Components and Software Installing DECevent software requires a valid VMS operating system configuration running at a minimum OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 software. The required software must be installed before performing the DECevent installation. 1.4 Preinstallation Steps The VMSINSTAL command procedure is used to install DECevent. ________________________ Note ________________________ System Managers need to ensure that users have an increased User Authorization File (UAF) page file quota (PGFLQUO) of at least 65,535 blocks. ______________________________________________________ For VMSINSTAL to run properly, perform the following steps: 1. Back up the system disk. If a system failure occurs at a critical point during the installation, file corruption may occur. Therefore, back up the system disk before attempting to install DECevent software. Refer to the VMS system management documentation for more information on backup operations. 1-2 Preparation Preparation 1.4 Preinstallation Steps 2. Log on any terminal that has been enabled to receive op com messages. The privileges necessary for the DECevent installation are SYSPRIV, DIAGNOSE, and SYSNAM. 3. Determine the number of free blocks on the appropriate disk by entering the following command: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE The system returns the following message informing you of the number of free blocks available: Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt $1$DUS0: (MUTT) Mounted 0 VMSRL5 900234 522 12 A minimum of 35,000 free blocks is required on the system disk to install DECevent software. 4. Make sure the JTquota for the Field account is of sufficient size to run DECevent by entering the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW FIELD Preparation 1-3 Preparation 1.4 Preinstallation Steps Username: FIELD Owner: FIELD SERVICE Account: FIELD UIC: [1,10] ([FIELD]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMAINT] LGICMD: LOGIN Flags: Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary days: Sat Sun No access restrictions Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 8 Login Fails: 0 Pwdlifetime: 30 00:00 Pwdchange: 24-AUG-1993 10:33 Last Login: 27-AUG-1993 08:17 (interactive), 27-AUG-1993 08:59 (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 10240 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 4096 Prclm: 2 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 150 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 20 WSextent: 0 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 30 Pgflquo: 65,535 ________________________ Note ________________________ Locate the JTquota:field. Notice the JTquota is 4096 in this example. The JTquota must be increased to 8192 for DECevent software to work. The next UAF> prompt in this procedure allows you to change the JTquota by entering the MODIFY FIELD /JTQUOTA=8192 command. Also, system managers need to ensure that users have an increased User Authorization File (UAF) page file quota (PGFLQUO) of at least 65,535 blocks as shown on the last line of the above display. ______________________________________________________ Authorized Privileges: GRPNAM ALLSPOOL DIAGNOSE LOG_IO GROUP PRMCEB PRMMBX SETPRV TMPMBX NETMBX PHY_IO Default Privileges: GRPNAM ALLSPOOL DIAGNOSE LOG_IO GROUP PRMCEB PRMMBX SETPRV TMPMBX NETMBX PHY_IO 1-4 Preparation Preparation 1.4 Preinstallation Steps UAF> MODIFY FIELD/JTQUOTA=8192 %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated UAF> EXIT %UAF-I-DONEMSG, system authorization file modified %UAF-I-NAFNOMODS, no modifications made to network proxy data base %UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights data base 5. Delete previously installed versions of DECevent from your system using the deinstallation process contained in Chapter 3. Preparation 1-5 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing the DECevent Utility 2.1 Introduction This chapter explains how to run the installation procedure for the DECevent utility. Allow 15 minutes to complete the installation. Digital recommends referring to the VMSINSTAL command procedure in the OpenVMS documentation set. See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials and the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. 2.2 Installation Example This section contains an example of a successful DECevent installation. Within the installation procedures are questions that you must answer to complete the installations. These questions are marked with an asterisk (*). Follow all responses to questions with a carriage return. Responses in the examples are shown in uppercase letters. ________________________ Note ________________________ A product authorization tool (PAK) license is required in order to utilize the DECevent analysis and notification added-value options. The license is obtained by a Digital Customer Services engineer through the technical information management architecture (TIMA) and must be installed on your system prior to kit installation. To find the DECevent service PAK in TIMA, select the TIMA tools database and search for "Service PAKS". The title of the tool you need is "Service Tools Product Authorization Key (PAK) Distribution Tool". Refer to TIMA documentation for specifics. Installing the DECevent Utility 2-1 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example In addition, customers may acquire the PAK information through DSNlink. If DSNlink is installed on your system, type DSNLINK ITS at the system prompt and open the database articles for your operating system. Search for DECEVENT and select the article with the PAK information. You may also refer to the DSNlink for OpenVMS Users's Guide (AA-PBL4D-TE) for further information about DSNlink. Licenses are verified at run time by the License Management Facility (LMF). For more information on LMF concepts and operation, enter the HELP LICENSE command at the DCL ($) prompt. ______________________________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ If a previous version of DECevent software was installed on your system, you must delete the original knowledge library, FMG_LOCAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL, from your sys$login directory after installing the new version of DECevent. Failure to delete the older, incompatible knowledge library causes the new version of DECevent to fail initilization. ______________________________________________________ The following is an example of a successful DECevent installation to the system disk: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 15-AUG-1995 at 13:39. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: LESH HART WEIR * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: MUA0: 2-2 Installing the DECevent Utility Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DIA021 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: DIA V2.1 Beginning installation of DIA V2.1 at 13:39 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... This kit has placed the files named DECEVENT$021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS and DECEVENT$021_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT in SYS$HELP. This file summarizing the new features, changes, restrictions, and compatibility issues in this release of DECevent. This file contains information valuable to DECevent users. Please inform your user community of this file's existence. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES By default, DECevent is installed on the system disk (SYS$SPECIFIC:[DIA$TOOLS]). If space is limited you can elect to install DECevent on another disk. * Enter device name where DECevent is to be installed [SYS$SYSDEVICE]: ________________________ Note ________________________ Pressing return after the above question forces DECevent to be installed on your system disk. If you wish to install DECevent on a disk other than the system disk, enter the name of the device after the above question and press return. ______________________________________________________ This kit requires a license for the analysis functions of DECevent. If your license has expired, please contact your local Digital Service Representative for information regarding an updated license. * Current authorization key registered and loaded [YES]: YES The DIA$MANAGER username must exist on all systems running DECevent. The entry in the User Authorization File (SYSUAF) for DIA$MANAGER must match the entry created when this installation was started (on the first system disk). Installing the DECevent Utility 2-3 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example * Enter UIC for DIA$MANAGER (with brackets) [[375,300]]: ________________________ Note ________________________ If you enter a UIC that is already active, you are prompted to enter a new UIC. ______________________________________________________ * Enter password for DIA$MANAGER account: * Re-enter password for verification: ________________________ Note ________________________ User response not echoed when a password is entered or verified. ______________________________________________________ * Enter system serial number for node: GARCIA (VAXSTATION 4000-60): we33444093 ________________________ Note ________________________ You must enter the system specific serial number of the node on which DECevent is being installed. Check your Digital service contract for the node under contract or contact your Digital Field Service engineer. ______________________________________________________ * Start automatic analysis upon completion of this installation[Y]? YES ________________________ Note ________________________ Answering YES to the above question initiates automatic analysis on this node. Automatic analysis starts the monitoring process that enables DECevent to detect system faults. ______________________________________________________ 2-4 Installing the DECevent Utility Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example You have answered all of the questions for this installation. The installation takes 3 to 15 minutes to complete depending on your configuration. No more questions will be asked. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system specific directory [DIA$TOOLS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system specific directory [DIA$TOOLS.MANAGER]. DECevent help successfully inserted into the system help library. ________________________ Note ________________________ If for some reason DECevent help cannot be inserted into the system, the following message is displayed: The system help library cannot be updated at this time. Please wait until no users are using the help facility and then re-run the SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$UPDATE_ HELP.COM command file. Follow the instructions given in the message about re-running the command file and help will be inserted. Refer to Section 2.3.2 for more information about ensuring that the DECevent system help library is updated. ______________________________________________________ %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of VMI$ has been superseded %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of HLP_ has been superseded %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of VMI$ has been superseded %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named DIA$MANAGER. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier DIA$MANAGER value [000375,000300] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DIA$MANAGER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated Your VMS system will now be modified to include the following new and modified (from 2.0) files: Installing the DECevent Utility 2-5 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE [modified] SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB [modified] SYS$SYSTEM:DIA.EXE [new] SYS$LIBRARY:DECEVENT$SHARE.EXE [new] SYS$LIBRARY:XDECEVENT$SHARE.EXE [new] DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:PRE_GUI__VMS.UID [new] SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM [modified] SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$''DECEVENT$VER'_RELEASE_NOTES.PS [modified] SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$''DECEVENT$VER'_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT [modified] SYS$HELP:FMG_HELP_FILE__AMERICAN_ENGLISH.HLB [modified] SYS$HELP:FMG_HELP_FILE__AMERICAN_ENGLISH.HLP [modified] SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$UPDATE_HELP.COM [new] DIA$EXE:FMG_AMERICAN_ENGLISH__MESSAGES.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_AMERICAN_ENGLISH__HELP_STRINGS.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_GLOBAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_FACTORY_GLOBAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_CTR__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_ETC__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_RPT__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_ETC__DEF_SEL_LIB.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_ANA__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL [new] DIA$EXE:FMG_ANA__FAC_STATE_DB.KNL [new] DIA$EXE:FMG_NOT__DEF_MAIL_LIB.KNL [new] DIA$EXE:FMG_NOT__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL [new] DIA$EXE:FMG_NOT__DEF_EXTERNAL_LIB.KNL [new] DIA$EXE:AXP_SYS12_EV5.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:AXP_SYS17_EV4.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:AXP_SYS27_EV45.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:AXP_SYS9_EV4.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:AXP_SYS9_EV5.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:DEC_4000.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:DEC_7000.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:RFXX.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:KDM70.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:DSA.BIN [new] DIA$EXE:HSAC.BIN [new] [SYSMGR]DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_VMS_COMMAND.KNL [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_UNIX_COMMAND.KNL [modified] SYS$MANAGER:DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM [modified] DIA$EXE:FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL [new if not present] The file SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM contains commands to be executed at system startup. 2-6 Installing the DECevent Utility Installing the DECevent Utility 2.2 Installation Example $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM You must add the above line to your system's site specific startup procedure. The file SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM contains commands to be executed when the system is to be shutdown $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM You must add the above line to the system's site specific shutdown procedure ( sys$ ). ******************************************************************* NOTE: Please inform the users of DECevent that if the file FMG_LOCAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL is found in their SYS$LOGIN directory to please delete it. DECevent will recreate it in its new format. If the old KNL file is found DECevent may not work properly. ******************************************************************* To permanently remove the DECEVENT image, check the release notes for directions on how to run DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 0000042A Installation of DIA V2.1 completed at 13:43 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:43 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions The DECevent installation procedure contains instructions for certain postinstallation procedures. These postinstallation procedures are contained in this section. 2.3.1 Addition to Site-Specific Startup and Shutdown Procedures You must add the following command to your system site specific startup procedure in the file SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM Installing the DECevent Utility 2-7 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions The SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM file contains commands to be executed when the system is to be shutdown. You must add the following line to the system's site specific shutdown procedure (SYS$STARTUP:SYSHUTDWN.COM): $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM 2.3.2 Ensuring DECevent Help Is Inserted If for some reason DECevent help cannot be inserted into the system, you must run the SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$UPDATE_ HELP.COM command file as part of the postinstallation procedures. The installation procedure warns you if DECevent help was not inserted during installation with the following message: The system help library cannot be updated at this time. Please wait until no users are using the help facility and then re-run the SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$UPDATE_HELP.COM command file. 2.3.3 Ensuring SICL Is ON To make sure the System Initiated Call Logging (SICL) process is active on the system on which DECevent has been installed. The following command procedure should be run by your Digital Multivendor Customer Services engineer. Engineer responses are needed where asterisks are shown. DSNlink is required on your system in order for the SICL function to operate. @DIA$MGR:DECEVENT$SICL_ENABLE This procedure is used to enable the DECevent SICL capabilities. SICL (System Initiated Call Logging) causes the DECevent software to log service calls with a Digital Customer Support Center when repair actions are required for a particular device. It requires access to the SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM file and SYSNAM privilege. Enter "?" for help with any question. * Do you want to continue [YES]: YES * Is SICL to be enabled at this site [YES]: YES 2-8 Installing the DECevent Utility Installing the DECevent Utility 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions If your site has not been registered with the Customer Support Center then SICL calls are not processed by the CSC. You can continue the SICL installation even if you are not registered. * Do you want to continue [YES]: YES In order to properly handle SICL data at the Digital CSC, system serial numbers must be accurately entered in the DECevent database. The following information was found in the DECevent database: Your current DECevent System Information Settings are: DECevent V2.1 Analysis Notification Parameters: PHONE NUMBER Customer Service Phone Number is 1-800-354-9000 SICL System Initiated Call Logging is OFF COPY Autocopy is OFF SYSTEM INFO System Info for OLD1S Serial Number 105 System Type DEC 3000 * Is the DECevent information complete and correct [YES]: YES SICL requires that DSNlink software be installed and that this site is registered for SICL with the appropriate Customer Support Center (CSC). * Is DSNlink installed at this site [YES]: YES The next question asks for the location of the customer profile file. This file contains site specific customer profile data as ASCII text. Enter NONE if no customer profile information is desired. * Enter customer profile filename [NONE]: SYS$MANAGER:DIA$CUSTOMER_PROFILE.DAT The customer profile contains the following: ******************************************************************** Installing the DECevent Utility 2-9 Installing the DECevent Utility 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions ******************************************************************** Customer Name: Unbroken Chain Customer Address: Brokedown Palace St. San Fran. CA Customer Phone: 808-352-1324 Customer Contact: Phil Lesh Customer System Dec3500AXP ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* SICL mail sent to the DIA$MANAGER account includes the replies to service request messages sent by the CSC that contain the log number of the call. The next question asks for the VAXmail address to forward these replies to from the DIA$MANAGER account. * Enter VAXmail address to receive SICL reply messages from CSC [SYSTEM]: Outgoing service request mail normally only goes to the DSN%SICL address. The next question asks for a list (separated by commas) of additional VAXmail addresses to get copies of service request mail. * Enter VAXmail addresses for copies of outgoing SICL messages: FIELD * Do you want to purge old versions of sys$startup:decevent$ [YES]: %DECevent-I-NOMORE, no more questions will be asked %DECevent-I-EDITSTARTUP, editing SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM %DECevent-I-REPLPROF, replacing existing FMGPROFILE definition %DECevent-I-SETFORWARD, forwarding DIA$MANAGER mail to SYSTEM %DECevent-I-SETMAILLIST, setting up DECevent SICL mailing list %DECevent-I-ADDSICL, Adding FIELD to the SICL mailing list DECevent V2.1 Your current SICL mail distribution lists are: DECevent V2.1 Notification Mailing Lists: -- Mailing List: CUSTOMER SYSTEM 2-10 Installing the DECevent Utility Installing the DECevent Utility 2.3 Postinstallation Instructions -- Mailing List: FSE FIELD -- Mailing List: MONITOR SYSTEM -- Mailing List: SICL DSN%SICL FIELD If you need to modify the SICL mailing lists, use the DECevent ADD USER and REMOVE USER commands. %DECevent-I-SETSICLSTATE, setting DECevent SICL state to ON, ignore DIAG>prompts DIAG> SHOW SICL Current Settings Information: Name Value ================================================================== SICL_STATE ON DIAG> This system is now enabled for System Initiated Call Logging 2.3.4 Deleting the Knowledge Library If a previous version of DECevent was installed on your system, you must delete the original FMG_LOCAL_PARAM_ LIBRARY.KNL in the SYS$LOGIN directory after installing the new version of DECevent. This library file is recreated when a new version of DECevent software is installed. DECevent software will not function properly if the old library is encountered. Installing the DECevent Utility 2-11 3 _________________________________________________________________ Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.1 Introduction This chapter explains how to run the deinstallation procedure for the DECevent event management utility. Follow the procedure closely. 3.2 Deinstallation Example This section contains an example of a deinstallation procedure on a system. You must respond to questions during the deinstallation procedure. These questions are marked with an asterisk (*). User responses are shown in uppercase letters. Upon completion of the deinstallation procedure, you must log off the system, log back on, and delete the DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM command procedure from SYS$MANAGER. ________________________ Note ________________________ The DECevent automatic analysis option must be disabled before DECevent software can be deinstalled. Enter the SHOW SYSTEM command to see if automatic analysis is currently running. Look in the display for the name DECevent_, as shown on the last line of the following example. ______________________________________________________ GARCIA> SHOW SYSTEM Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3-1 Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.2 Deinstallation Example OpenVMS V6.2 on node GARCIA 7-FEB-1995 10:24:50.90 Uptime 0 01:26:30 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Pages 00000081 SWAPPER HIB 16 0 0 00:00:00.06 0 0 00000086 OPCOM HIB 6 58 0 00:00:00.35 92 43 00000087 AUDIT_SERVER HIB 10 55 0 00:00:00.11 310 46 00000088 JOB_CONTROL HIB 9 80 0 00:00:00.05 37 55 00000089 QUEUE_MANAGER HIB 8 44 0 00:00:00.08 105 149 0000008A TP_SERVER HIB 10 382 0 00:00:01.02 55 86 0000008C NETACP HIB 10 121 0 00:00:00.15 131 73 0000009A SYSTEM LEF 9 35 0 00:00:00.09 135 61 000000AA DECevent_GARCIA HIB 6 156 0 00:00:03.01 857 880 If the name DECevent_ appears in the display, indicating automatic analysis is running, you must execute one of the following commands. $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM $ DIAGNOSE SHUTDOWN Once the shutdown command procedure has been executed, run the deinstallation procedure as follows: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DECEVENT$DEINSTALL This procedure will remove DECevent facility from your system disk. * Do you wish to continue? [Yes] : YES 3-2 Deinstalling the DECevent Utility Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.2 Deinstallation Example %DIAGNOSE-I-REMOVE, Removing verb DIAGNOSE from: SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE %DIAGNOSE-I-INSTAL, Installing SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE %DIAGNOSE-I-DELHELP, Removing help topic: DIAGNOSE from system help file %DIAGNOSE-I-DELFIL, Deleting DECevent files and directory %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM;1 deleted (27 blocks) %DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for SYS$HELP:FMG_HELP_FILE__AMERICAN_ENGLISH.HLB;* -RMS-F-FNM, error in file name %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]FMG__MAIN.EXE;1 deleted (7344 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;32 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;31 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;30 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;29 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;28 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;27 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;26 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;25 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;24 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;23 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;22 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;21 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;20 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;19 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;18 deleted (705 blocks) Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3-3 Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.2 Deinstallation Example %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;17 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;16 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;15 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] FMG_AMERICAN_ENGLISH__HELP_STRINGS.KNL;1 deleted (24 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] FMG_AMERICAN_ENGLISH__MESSAGES.KNL;1 deleted (453 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_CTR__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (7008 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_ETC__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (3807 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_ETC__DEF_SEL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (51 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] FMG_FACTORY_GLOBAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL;1 deleted (75 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_GLOBAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL;1 deleted (75 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_RPT__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (1818 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]FMG_VMS_COMMAND.KNL;1 deleted (1035 blocks) %DELETE-I-TOTAL, 27 files deleted (27036 blocks) %DIAGNOSE-I-DELLOG, deleting DECevent logicals %DIAGNOSE-I-REMOVE, removing added value package %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_ANA__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (543 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_ANA__FAC_STATE_DB.KNL;1 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL;1 deleted (705 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_NOT__DEF_EXTERNAL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (24 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_NOT__DEF_MAIL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (24 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]FMG_NOT__DEF_RUL_LIB.KNL;1 deleted (828 blocks) %DELETE-I-TOTAL, 6 files 3-4 Deinstalling the DECevent Utility Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3.2 Deinstallation Example deleted (2829 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]DEC_4000.BIN;1 deleted (180 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]DEC_7000.BIN;1 deleted (351 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]DSA.BIN;1 deleted (642 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]KDM70.BIN;1 deleted (120 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]RFXX.BIN;1 deleted (306 blocks) %DELETE-I-TOTAL, 5 files deleted (1599 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM;1 deleted (6 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]DECEVENT$SICL_DISABLE.COM;1 deleted (3 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]DECEVENT$SICL_ENABLE.COM;1 deleted (42 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]DECEVENT_START.LOG;18 deleted (9 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]DECEVENT_START.TMPCOM;18 deleted (3 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]DIA_ACTIVITY.LOG;18 deleted (3 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[MANAGER]FMG_LOCAL_PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL;1 deleted (99 blocks) %DELETE-I-TOTAL, 40 files deleted (363 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, DIA$:[000000]MANAGER.DIR;1 deleted (3 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SPECIFIC:[000000]DIA$TOOLS.DIR;1 deleted (3 blocks) %UAF-I-REMMSG, record removed from system authorization file %UAF-I-RDBREMMSGU, identifier DIA$MANAGER value [000375,000300] removed from rights database %UAF-I-DONEMSG, system authorization file modified %UAF-I-NAFNOMODS, no modifications made to network proxy database %UAF-I-RDBDONEMSG, rights database modified %DIAGNOSE-I-SUCCESS, Successful deinstalled of DECevent at 7-FEB-1995 14:08:55.49 * PLEASE RE-LOGIN TO USE NEW DCLTABLES * Manually delete DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM from SYS$MANAGER Remember to manually delete DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM from SYS$MANAGER using the following command: $ DELETE SYS$MANAGER:DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM; Deinstalling the DECevent Utility 3-5 A _________________________________________________________________ Command Summary for System Managers This appendix contains a table summarizing DECevent command procedures and commands that a system manager may need to know during the installation and post installation procedures of DECevent. Table_A-1_Commands_Related_to_Installation_________________ Command_________________________Summary____________________ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTALL vmsinstall for DECevent starts the installation of the DECevent event management software. A file named DECEVENT$V11_ RELEASE_NOTES.PS is placed in SYS$HELP summarizing the new features, changes, restrictions, and compatibility issues for this release of DECevent. @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$DEINSTALL.COM This command procedure permanently removes the DECevent image from your system. Refer to Chapter 3 for an explanation on how to run this procedure. @SYS$HELP:DECEVENT$UPDATE_ HELP.COM (continued on next page) Command Summary for System Managers A-1 Command Summary for System Managers Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Commands_Related_to_Installation_________ Command_________________________Summary____________________ This command procedure is run as part of the post installation procedure if the system help library could not be updated during the installation of DECevent. You must wait until no users are using the help facility before re-running this command procedure. @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM This command procedure contains commands to be executed at system startup. You must add this command to to your system's site specific startup procedure, SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM, as part of the post installation procedures. @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM This file contains commands to be executed when the system is to be shutdown. You must add this command to your systems's site specific shutdown procedure, SYS$STARTUP:SYSHUTDWN.COM, as part of the post installation procedures. DELETE SYS$LOGIN:FMG_LOCAL_ PARAM_LIBRARY.KNL (continued on next page) A-2 Command Summary for System Managers Command Summary for System Managers Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Commands_Related_to_Installation_________ Command_________________________Summary____________________ Users must delete this file if found in their SYS$LOGIN directory. DECevent recreates this file in its own format upon completion of the installation. Failure to delete this file causes DECevent to perform incorrectly. DELETE SYS$MANAGER:DECEVENTDEINSTALL.COM You must manually delete this command procedure from SYS$MANAGER at the end of the deinstallation procedure. @DIA$MGR:DECEVENT$SICL_ ENABLE.COM This command procedure is used to enable the System Initiated Call Logging (SICL) capabilities. It requires access to the SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM file and the SYSNAM privilege. @DIAMGR:DECEVENT$SICL_ DISABLE.COM (continued on next page) Command Summary for System Managers A-3 Command Summary for System Managers Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Commands_Related_to_Installation_________ Command_________________________Summary____________________ This command procedure is used to disable the System Initiated Call Logging (SICL) capabilities. It requires access to the SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM file and the SYSNAM privilege. DIAGNOSE STARTUP This command is another method of enabling the automatic analysis option of DECevent, although the preferred method is to issue the @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$STARTUP.COM command procedure. DIAGNOSE SHUTDOWN This command is another method of disabling the automatic analysis option of DECevent, although the preferred method is to issue the @SYS$STARTUP:DECEVENT$SHUTDOWN.COM command procedure. One or the other command must be performed prior to ________________________________deinstalling_DECevent._____ A-4 Command Summary for System Managers