

 PRODUCT NAME:  DECmigrate Version 1.1A for OpenVMS AXP Systems  SPD


 DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems is a product that translates ex-
 isting OpenVMS VAX applications to OpenVMS AXP systems, with facil-
 ities to:

 o  Translate OpenVMS VAX user mode executable files and shareable im-
    ages to their OpenVMS AXP equivalents, subject to limitations de-
    fined below

 o  Identify dependencies on user-supplied shareable images which might
    also need to be translated or recompiled

 o  Identify non-portable code that might need to be rewritten in or-
    der to run successfully on OpenVMS AXP systems

 DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems operates much like a compiler, ex-
 cept that the input file is a VAX binary executable file rather than
 source code of any level, high or low. In general, the performance of
 a translated program on an AXP System will be comparable to the per-
 formance of the original program on a VAX system of similar size, but
 slower than if that program has been recompiled from source code for
 the AXP system environment. Actual performance will vary from program
 to program, depending on each program's reliance on specific VAX fea-

 An application can combine translated VAX executable and shareable im-
 ages with OpenVMS AXP executable and shareable images that have been
 compiled with native AXP compilers.

                               DIGITAL                    April 1994

 DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP produces a working OpenVMS AXP executable
 from any OpenVMS VAX executable that meets the criteria outlined be-
 low. This translation is completed in a single pass, without requir-
 ing the user to understand the internals of the program or interact
 with DECmigrate during the translation process. DECmigrate works with-
 out accessing the program source code. Performance of the translated
 application can sometimes be improved by successive translations, us-
 ing the automatic feedback capability incorporated in DECmigrate. The
 output from DECmigrate is optimized Alpha AXP code, not interpreted
 or emulated VAX code.

 Run-time support for translated images is bundled with the OpenVMS AXP
 system, making it possible for software developers to distribute trans-
 lated versions of their software products to customers who have Open-
 VMS AXP systems, whether or not those customers have purchased DECmi-


 DECmigrate cannot generate a working program when the original pro-

 o  Doesn't work

 o  Uses undocumented interfaces into the operating system

 o  Uses user-written system services

 o  Has been linked such that code and data are tied to fixed addresses

 o  References system memory space

 o  Executes privileged instructions

 o  Executes vector instructions

 o  Was linked on a version of VMS prior to version 4.0

 o  Was written in Ada

 o  Depends on specific VAX architecture features, such as 512-byte page


 o  Is a shareable image that includes both shared and copy-on-reference
    writeable image sections that are located on the same 64 KB Alpha
    AXP page

 o  Depends on shareable images which have not been translated or re-
    compiled for OpenVMS AXP systems

 Examples of untranslatable programs and programming practices include:

 o  Exception handlers which use the value of the program counter or
    depend on the value of the PSL at the time of the exception

 o  Programs that search memory for specific VAX instructions

 o  Device drivers

 In most cases where DECmigrate is unable to complete the translation,
 error messages describe causes or possible solutions that may be ap-
 plied at the source program level.

 Finally, a very few programs will be so large that, with the additional
 memory required for the translated image to execute, they will be un-
 able to fit in memory.



 For this product, there is no business need for standards conformance.


 Processors Supported

 Alpha AXP:  DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation,
             DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Server,
             DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation,
             DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Server

             DEC 4000 Model 610 AXP System

             DEC 7000 Model 610 AXP System

             DEC 10000 Model 610 AXP System

 Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1):

 Disk space  22,000 blocks
 for in-
             (11.5 Mbytes)

 Disk space  10,000 blocks
 for per-

 These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The
 sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's
 system environment, configuration, and software options.


 Memory Requirements for DECwindows Support

 The minimum supported memory for this application running in a stan-
 dalone DECwindows environment with both the client and server execut-
 ing on that same system is 8MB.


 For Systems Using Terminals:

 o  OpenVMS AXP Operating System

 For Workstations Running DECwindows Using Motif[R]:

 o  OpenVMS AXP Operating System

 o  DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS AXP


 The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of
 this product may be different from the requirements for the current



 This product is available as part of the AXP Operating System Consol-
 idated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. It is also sold separately.

 The software documentation for this product is available as part of
 the AXP Operating System Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. It
 is also sold separately.



 This product is distributed on the Digital CD-ROM Software Library for
 OpenVMS AXP (order number QA-03XAA-H8).

 Software Licenses: QL-MWMA*-**
 Software Media: QA-MWMAA-**
 Software Documentation: QA-MWMA*-GZ
 Software Product Services: QT-MWMA*-**

 *  Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li-
    censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book.


 This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital
 Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in-
 formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your
 local Digital office.

 License Management Facility Support:

 This layered product supports the License Management Facility.

 License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System
 Use basis.

 For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the
 OpenVMS AXP Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx)
 or the AXP Operating System documentation.


 A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in-
 formation, contact your local Digital office.



 Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur-
 chase of a license for the product.

 The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your
 local Digital office for the most up-to-date information.

 � 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved.

 [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation,

 [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha AXP, AXP, DEC, DECmigrate, DECwin-
    dows, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, and VMS are trademarks of Digital
    Equipment Corporation.
