Monitoring Performance History (MPH) V7.0 Digital invites you to participate in the Digital Product Performance (DPP) Program, which monitors and verifies in-field performance of Digital systems at customer and Digital sites. This program provides Digitals service, manufacturing, and design engineering organizations with accurate information about the performance of Digital products. Digital's goal is to provide customers with improved reliability on all Digital systems. To ensure the high quality of its products, Digital has developed a system monitoring tool called Monitoring Performance History (MPH). MPH resides on participants' systems with negligible impact on system performance and no impact on system security. MPH collects error log entries, crash dump summaries, and configuration information from monitored systems. Every week the information is sent to the DPP group using the selected transport mechanism, which can include DSNLink and Internet mail, among others. DPP analyzes the collected information and generates reports which are distributed to Digital engineering, manufacturing, and services groups. These groups evaluate this information in an effort to improve system reliability and availability. All collected information is classified as Digital Confidential and is held for internal use only. The MPH process, with the exception of installation, is fully automated. MPH runs as a background task utilizing negligible system resources. The disk space required for the collected data and the application is approximately 300 blocks per system. MPH is a voluntary program that requires no special maintenance agreement with Digital. 1 MPH Kit Location on the Media The MPH kit and installation guide are in the following OpenVMS Version 7.0 media locations: o Volume 3 of the magnetic tape media o Volume 2 of the TK50 media o Directory [MPH] of the Associated Products CD-ROM media Installing MPH You install MPH by using VMSINSTAL. The installation manual is included in the MPH kit saveset and can be extracted in either text form or POSTSCRIPT form. o To extract the installation manual in text form, enter the following command: $ BACKUP/SELECT=MPH_IGUIDE.TXT MPH_VMS014.A - /SAVE [].TXT o To extract the information in POSTSCRIPT form, enter the following command: $ BACKUP/SELECT=MPH_IGUIDE.PS MPH_VMS014.A - /SAVE [].PS Stopping MPH You can stop MPH on your systems at any time by entering this command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MPH$SHUTDOWN.COM Deinstalling MPH You can deinstall MPH at any time by entering this command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MPH$DEINSTAL.COM 2 New Features in Version 1.4 of the OpenVMS MPH Kit The following new features are included in Version 1.4 of the OpenVMS MPH kit: o MPH now offers you the opportunity to upgrade your existing installation. o Error log data can be collected on a weekly or daily basis. o Customer questions asked during the installation process have been updated to retrieve more accurate information. o During installation if Internet is chosen as the MPH file transport method a file MPH_INTERNET.DIS is created which is used to mail the files back to DPP. o MPH now performs space management to ensure it has no impact on your system, regardless of error log size. o The MPH directory no longer requires to be a top-level directory. o MPH invokes the CRash Log tool (CRL) on OpenVMS VAX systems if the CRash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE) is not running on the system. o Several new safeguards and warning messages have been introduced; for example: - The system manager is notified if there are problems with DSNLink. - The system manager is notified if the initial error log is too large or if daily changes to the error log are large. o After installation on a cluster, monitored nodes can be added or deleted by executing: MPH$AREA:MPH$EDIT_ NODES.COM. o On systems running a field test version of OpenVMS the Remote Performance Monitoring Software (RPM) will be installed. RPM collects performance data from systems in the field. Data collected using RPM is used by Digital to develop an understanding through monitoring, 3 of average customer system performance trends, in particular how they relate to reliability. For more information... For additional information about MPH or the DPP program, send mail to: Include the keyword INFO anywhere in the subject header of your message to expedite routing of your request. Digital looks forward to your participation in this mutu- ally beneficial program. Thank you for your cooperation. 4