DIGITAL System Healthcheck for OpenVMS (CD-ROM Distribution) Read Me First To Install and Run the Software To install and run the System Healthcheck software on your target system, carry out the following steps: 1. Print the System Healthcheck for OpenVMS (CD-ROM Distri- bution) User Information manual located in the directory CD_DEV:[SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK.DOCUMENTATION], where CD_DEV is the device name of the CD drive in which you inserted the OpenVMS[TM] CD-ROM. 2. Install the System Healthcheck software located in the directory CD_DEV:[SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK.KIT], following the instructions in Chapter 2 of the user manual. 3. Run the System Healthcheck tool on your system, following the instructions in Chapters 3 and 4 of the user manual. To Return the Collected Data for Analysis For information on returning the collected data to Digital[TM] for analysis, contact your local Digital Customer Support Center (CSC). The CSC personnel will instruct you on how to return the collected data. To contact your local CSC, call one of the following numbers: ________________________________________________________________ Country Telephone Number ________________________________________________________________ U.S.A: 1-800-354-9000 U.K: 01-256-373-373 France: 161-6987-4123 Germany: 089-95910 Australia: 1-800-500-255 Japan: 81-3-5349-7347 Other For a full list of CSCs and their support tele- locations: phone numbers, refer to the file CONTACT_LIST.TXT/PS located in CD_DEV:[SYSTEM_ HEALTHCHECK.DOCUMENTATION] ________________________________________________________________ What You Receive Within 10 working days of receiving the data, your local Digital CSC will send you a copy of the System Healthcheck Report. You will then receive a follow-up telephone call from an OpenVMS support specialist to talk you through the System Healthcheck Report that you received and to discuss any further requirements you may have. ©Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All Rights Reserved. ___________________ [TM] Digital, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 2