SHC - SYSTEM HEALTHCHECK for OpenVMS - V1.1 CD RELEASE NOTES The SHC Data Collection Kit is used to collect data from a VAX node or cluster running OpenVMS V5.0 to V6.2, or running OpenVMS AXP V1.5, V6.1 or V6.2. The collected data must be copied to tape and returned to the Digital CSC for analysis. You will be asked to specify a disk on which the SHC collector will be installed. If the system is a cluster, you should use a disk that is mounted cluster-wide in order to collect data from every node in the cluster. The disk must have sufficient free space to store the data collector software and the collected data. The approximate free space needed can be computed using the following formula: Number of free blocks needed = 4000 + (number of nodes x 2000) + (number of user accounts on each SYSUAF * 3) The files that make up the data collection package will be contained in a new top level directory on this disk called [SHC]. The data collection process is started by setting default to this directory and running the HEALTHCHECK command procedure as follows: $ set default disk:[shc] (where 'disk' is the disk you will $ @healthcheck specify in the installation procedure) A menu of options will be presented to allow collection of data, the transfer of the collected data to tape, and the deinstallation of the data collection package.