System Healthcheck for OpenVMS (CD-ROM Distribution) ________________________________________________ User Information April 1995 This manual describes how to install and use the System Healthcheck tool for OpenVMS systems. Revision Information: This is a new manual Operating System and Version:OpenVMS VAX Version 5.0 to 6.2 OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 to 6.2 Software Version: System Healthcheck for OpenVMS Version 1.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ April 1995 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized, sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All Rights Reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments form at the end of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: AXP, DEC, DECserver, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXmail, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Overview of System Healthcheck 2 Installing the System Healthcheck Tool Before You Install the System Healthcheck Tool......................................... 2-2 How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool... 2-4 3 Running the System Healthcheck Tool How to Run the System Healthcheck Tool....... 3-2 Choosing a Language.......................... 3-3 System Healthcheck Main Menu................. 3-5 System Healthcheck User Interface............ 3-6 4 Performing a Data Collection Job Starting a Data Collection Job............... 4-2 Entering Customer Details.................... 4-4 Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire................................ 4-6 Entering Data Collection Details............. 4-9 Entering Site Security Policy Details........ 4-12 Completing the Consent Form.................. 4-15 Selecting Nodes.............................. 4-16 Checking the Data Collection Status.......... 4-19 Completing a Data Collection Job............. 4-21 Returning the Collected Data................. 4-24 iii 5 Error Handling Procedures Troubleshooting the SMSAT_GATHER Command File......................................... 5-2 Troubleshooting the SMSAT_CONTROL Command File......................................... 5-3 Performing a Controlled Shutdown............. 5-5 Getting Further Help......................... 5-6 A Sample Installation Procedure B Useful OpenVMS Commands C Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters Category 1: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files........ C-2 Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks.................... C-3 Category 3: Multiple Queue Management Files Independent of System Configuration.......... C-6 Category 4: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files and Queue Management Files....................... C-7 D Function Keys E Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report Glossary Index iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface CONTENT OF THIS MANUAL This manual contains information about how to install and use the System Healthcheck tool and it also describes the process for sending the collected data back to Digital[TM] for analysis. AUDIENCE This manual is intended for users installing or running the System Healthcheck tool for OpenVMS[TM]. STRUCTURE OF THIS MANUAL This manual contains five chapters, five appendixes, a glossary, and an index as follows: o Chapter 1 contains an overview of the System Healthcheck service and tool. o Chapter 2 describes how to install the System Healthcheck tool. o Chapter 3 describes how to run the System Healthcheck tool. o Chapter 4 describes how to perform a data collection job and how to return the collected data to Digital. o Chapter 5 describes the System Healthcheck error handling procedures. o Appendix A contains a sample installation procedure. o Appendix B contains some useful OpenVMS commands that you may need to use before running the tool. v o Appendix C contains information about running the System Healthcheck tool on heterogeneous VMSclusters. o Appendix D describes the function keys that you can use when entering details in the user input screens. o Appendix E contains sample extracts from the main sections in the System Healthcheck report. o The glossary defines the important terms used in the manual. o The index is a reference to the main topics in the manual. CONVENTIONS The following conventions are used in this manual: __________________________________________________________ Convention Meaning __________________________________________________________ monospace type System displays used as examples are shown in monospace type. monospace bold User input is shown in monospace bold type type. italic type Italic type emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and indicates complete titles of manuals. boldface type Boldface type in text indicates the first instance of a term defined in the glossary. UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command, the name of a file, or an abbreviation for a system privilege. __________________________________________________________ vi 1 ________________________________________________________________ Overview of System Healthcheck INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of the System Healthcheck service and outlines the steps involved in completing the service. SERVICE OVERVIEW The System Healthcheck service that you have received from Digital provides you with a broad assessment of your standalone or clustered OpenVMS computer system. The software used to provide the service is called the System Healthcheck tool which is a data collector for OpenVMS systems. This tool collects static and dynamic information on the performance, security, configuration, and accounting aspects of your system. Once the data is collected, you return it to Digital for analysis. As a result of this analysis, Digital produces and sends you a System Healthcheck report outlining potential problems, issues, and concerns. Shortly after receiving the report, a Digital Multivendor Customer Services (MCS) consultant will contact you to discuss the report and to outline a follow-on action plan, if appropriate. STEP 1: INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE For prerequisite information and complete installation instructions, refer to Chapter 2 of this manual. Overview of System Healthcheck 1-1 Overview of System Healthcheck STEP 2: COLLECTING THE DATA After you install the System Healthcheck tool on your system, run it to perform a data collection job on the system. For complete information, refer to Chapters 3 and 4 of this manual. Chapter 3 provides information on running the System Healthcheck tool. Chapter 4 provides information on performing a data collection job. A data collection job consists of the following phases: 1. Static data collection During this phase, the tool collects static data from the system such as account setup, file security, and layered product information. 2. Dynamic data collection for a variable length of time During this phase, the tool collects dynamic data from the system such as I/O rates, disk usage, and paging information. An optional time delay allows you to specify a start time for the dynamic data collection when the load on the system is typical of a normal working day. STEP 3: COPYING THE COLLECTED DATA TO MEDIA When the data collection job is complete, copy the collected data to a TK50 or TK70 tape, or to alternative media agreed with your local customer support center (CSC). Chapter 4 describes the process for copying the collected data onto the media. STEP 4: RETURNING THE COLLECTED DATA After you have copied the collected data to the media, please contact your local CSC for information on how to return the data to Digital. Chapter 4 contains information on how to contact your local CSC. 1-2 Overview of System Healthcheck Overview of System Healthcheck STEP 5: ANALYZING THE DATA On receipt of the media, Digital analyzes the collected data and compares it against benchmarked system management practices. Digital produces and sends you a System Healthcheck report. Included in this report is a simple, easy-to-read scorecard detailing the results of the areas tested along with reference texts and evidence information in relation to the issues detected. Appendix E contains sample extracts from the main sections in the System Healthcheck report. STEP 6: FOLLOW-UP CONSULTATION Shortly after you receive the report, a Digital Multivendor Customer Services (MCS) consultant will contact you to answer any of your questions and to outline a follow-on action plan, if appropriate. Overview of System Healthcheck 1-3 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the System Healthcheck Tool INTRODUCTION This chapter describes how to install the System Healthcheck tool on OpenVMS systems. IN THIS CHAPTER This chapter contains the following sections: o Before You Install the System Healthcheck Tool o How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool Installing the System Healthcheck Tool 2-1 Before You Install the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ Before You Install the System Healthcheck Tool LOCATION OF THE SOFTWARE The System Healthcheck installation kit is located in the directory [SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK.KIT] on the OpenVMS CD-ROM. PREREQUISITES Before you install the System Healthcheck tool on your system, you must ensure that you have the following prerequisites: __________________________________________________________ Category Prerequisite __________________________________________________________ Operating OpenVMS VAX[TM] Version 5.0 to 6.2 or System OpenVMS AXP[TM] Version 1.5 to 6.2 Hardware Any VAX or AXP system with a character-cell terminal or a graphics display. Disk Space To install the tool: At least 6000 blocks free on the system disk 4000 blocks free on the application disk To run the tool: 2000 blocks per node in a VMScluster[TM] and 3 blocks per user account on each SYSUAF.DAT file 2-2 Installing the System Healthcheck Tool Before You Install the System Healthcheck Tool __________________________________________________________ Category Prerequisite __________________________________________________________ Privileges To install the tool: Full system privileges To run the tool: BYPASS CMKRNL CMEXEC DIAGNOSE NETMBX OPER SECURITY SYSLCK SYSPRV TMPMBX WORLD Process PGFLQUOTA = 32 768 Quotas MAXJOBS = 0 MAXACCTJOBS = 0 WSQUOTA = 4096 WSEXTENT = 8192 UIC Group The user identification code (UIC) for the process must be in Group 1. __________________________________________________________ For information and instructions on the OpenVMS commands to use to set up the prerequisites, see Appendix B. Installing the System Healthcheck Tool 2-3 How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool WHERE TO INSTALL THE TOOL You should install the System Healthcheck software on an application disk. During the installation procedure, you are asked to select the disk on which you want to install the software. ________________________Note ________________________ If your system is a VMScluster, install the software on a disk that is mounted clusterwide in order to be able to collect data from every node in the cluster. Also, when you have a choice, do not locate the System Healthcheck software on the system disk. _____________________________________________________ When you install the software, the installation procedure creates a directory called [SHC] to contain the software. HETEROGENEOUS VMSCLUSTERS If you are installing the System Healthcheck software on a heterogeneous VMScluster, you should read Appendix C of this manual before beginning the installation. PROCEDURE To install the System Healthcheck software on your system, carry out the following procedure: ________________________________________________________________ Step Action ________________________________________________________________ 1. Insert the OpenVMS CD-ROM in a CD drive. 2. Log into an account with system privileges. 2-4 Installing the System Healthcheck Tool How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ Step Action ________________________________________________________________ 3. Enter a command similar to the following, replacing cd_dev with the device name of the CD-ROM drive where you inserted the CD-ROM, and press Return: $ @sys$update:vmsinstal shc011 cd_dev:[system_healthcheck.kit] options n When you enter this command, an OpenVMS installation script is displayed on the screen and you are prompted to answer some questions related to the installation. 4. If you are not logged into the SYSTEM account, the VMSINSTAL procedure reminds you of this and displays the following question: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y If you are logged into an account with system privileges, enter Y and press Return to continue with the installation. If you are not logged into an account with system privileges, press Return to exit from the VMSINSTAL procedure. 5. The VMSINSTAL procedure asks you if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The default answer is Y. To accept the default, press Return. If you are not satisfied with the backup of the system disk, enter N and press Return to return to the system prompt. Installing the System Healthcheck Tool 2-5 How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ Step Action ________________________________________________________________ 6. The VMSINSTAL procedure displays a list of options for viewing the release notes and asks you to select an option: * Select option [2]: ____________________________________________________________ To ... Then ... ____________________________________________________________ Accept the default value and Press Return print the release notes Display the release notes on Enter 1 and press Return the screen Display and print the release Enter 3 and press Return notes Continue with the installation Enter 4 and press Return without displaying or printing the release notes ____________________________________________________________ 7. The VMSINSTAL procedure then asks if you wish to continue with the installation: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Press Return to stop the installation, or enter Y and press Return to continue with the installation. 8. If you answer Yes, the VMSINSTAL procedure then asks if you are ready to start the installation: * Are you ready [YES]? Press Return to start the installation, or enter N and press Return if you are not ready to start the installation. 2-6 Installing the System Healthcheck Tool How to Install the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ Step Action ________________________________________________________________ 9. If you answer Yes, the VMSINSTAL procedure then asks you where you want to install the software: * Enter the name of the disk where you wish to install SHC: Enter the name of the disk on which you want to install the System Healthcheck software and press Return. The installation procedure then installs the software on the specified disk. See Appendix A for an example of the installation script that is displayed. ________________________________________________________________ Installing the System Healthcheck Tool 2-7 3 ________________________________________________________________ Running the System Healthcheck Tool INTRODUCTION This chapter describes how to run the System Healthcheck tool on OpenVMS systems. IN THIS CHAPTER This chapter contains the following sections: o How to Run the System Healthcheck Tool o Choosing a Language o System Healthcheck Main Menu o System Healthcheck User Interface Running the System Healthcheck Tool 3-1 How to Run the System Healthcheck Tool ________________________________________________________________ How to Run the System Healthcheck Tool HETEROGENEOUS VMSCLUSTERS If you are running the System Healthcheck tool on a heterogeneous VMScluster, please refer to Appendix C for information on the correct procedure to follow when performing a data collection. STARTUP COMMAND Please ensure that you do not run the System Healthcheck tool from an account which is due to expire or become disabled during the data collection job. To run the System Healthcheck tool, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set def test$disk:[shc]1 $ @healthcheck The System Healthcheck user interface is then displayed. ___________________ 1 Replace test$disk with the name of the disk on which you installed the software. 3-2 Running the System Healthcheck Tool Choosing a Language ________________________________________________________________ Choosing a Language LANGUAGE OPTIONS The first time you run the System Healthcheck tool on your system, you are prompted to choose the language in which you want to run the tool. You can choose any of the following languages: o English o French o German PROCEDURE To choose a language, enter the number opposite the language of your choice and press Return. The System Healthcheck Main Menu is then displayed in the language of your choice. RESETTING THE LANGUAGE The language selection screen is displayed only once, when you run the System Healthcheck tool for the first time. To reset the language and display the language selection screen again, you must delete a file called SHC_LANGUAGE.TXT located in the [SHC] directory. To do this, enter the following command: $ delete shc_language.txt; Running the System Healthcheck Tool 3-3 Choosing a Language SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows an example of the language selection screen: 3-4 Running the System Healthcheck Tool System Healthcheck Main Menu ________________________________________________________________ System Healthcheck Main Menu SCREEN DESCRIPTION When you run the tool, the Main Menu is displayed. It contains seven options as follows: 1. Start a Data Collection Job 2. Check Collection Status 3. Copy Collected Data to Media 4. Deinstall Healthcheck Software 5. Stop a Data Collection Job 6. Help 7. Exit (does not stop collection) SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows an example of the Main Menu: Running the System Healthcheck Tool 3-5 System Healthcheck User Interface ________________________________________________________________ System Healthcheck User Interface NAVIGATING The following figure shows how you should navigate the System Healthcheck user interface for a typical data collection job: 3-6 Running the System Healthcheck Tool System Healthcheck User Interface ONLINE HELP To view the online help for the System Healthcheck tool, you can either choose the Help option from the Main Menu or you can move the cursor to the [HELP] action button on each user input screen and press Return. Context-sensitive help is also available for each data entry field. To view the context-sensitive help, move the cursor to the data entry field in question and press F15, the Help key, or Ctrl/X. On any keyboard, in any terminal emulation mode, the key sequence Ctrl/X behaves as the Help key. Running the System Healthcheck Tool 3-7 4 ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Data Collection Job INTRODUCTION This chapter describes how to use the System Healthcheck software to perform a data collection job on the system. IN THIS CHAPTER This chapter contains the following sections: o Starting a Data Collection Job o Entering Customer Details o Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire o Entering Data Collection Details o Entering Site Security Policy Details o Completing the Consent Form o Selecting Nodes o Checking the Data Collection Status o Completing a Data Collection Job o Returning the Collected Data Performing a Data Collection Job 4-1 Starting a Data Collection Job ________________________________________________________________ Starting a Data Collection Job HOW TO START A DATA COLLECTION JOB When you are ready to start a data collection job, select Option 1 from the Main Menu by entering 1 and pressing Return. When you select this option, you are presented with a series of screens requiring user input on the details of the data collection. CHECKING PREREQUISITES When you select Option 1 on the Main Menu, the first screen displayed is the Data Collection Prerequisites Check screen. The tool checks to ensure that your system has the prerequisites to run the tool and one of the following actions takes place: __________________________________________________________ If your system ... Then ... __________________________________________________________ meets the you can continue to the next screen and prerequi- start entering the data required to start a sites data collection job. does not you can exit from the tool and set up the meet the prerequisites. prerequi- sites __________________________________________________________ To view the prerequisites for running the tool, see Chapter 3 and for information on setting up the prerequisites, see Appendix B. ENTERING DATA For information on the function keys that you can use when you are entering data in the data entry fields, see Appendix D or refer to the online help. 4-2 Performing a Data Collection Job Starting a Data Collection Job BATCH QUEUE CREATED When you have completed the user input screens and the data collection begins, the tool creates a batch queue on the system for the duration of the data collection job. This batch queue is called SMSAT_MASTER_BATCH. Performing a Data Collection Job 4-3 Entering Customer Details ________________________________________________________________ Entering Customer Details SCREEN DESCRIPTION The second screen that is displayed when you want to start a data collection job is the Customer Details screen. This screen prompts you for information about the company and the person who is running the System Healthcheck tool. You must enter data for every data entry field before you can continue to the next screen. See Appendix D or the online help for a full list of the function keys that you can use when completing the user input screens. INPUT REQUIRED The following table lists the data entry fields and the input that is required for each field: ________________________________________________________________ Field Name Data Required ________________________________________________________________ Company Name Enter the full name of the company. Address Enter the address of the site at which you are running the data collection. Customer Name Enter the name of the person who is running the data collection. Customer Telephone Enter a telephone number at which a Digital Number Customer Service representative may contact the person running the data collection. Customer FAX Enter a facsimile number at which a Digital Number Customer Service representative may contact the person running the data collection. ________________________________________________________________ 4-4 Performing a Data Collection Job Entering Customer Details SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows the Customer Details screen with examples of the user input required: Performing a Data Collection Job 4-5 Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire ________________________________________________________________ Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire SCREEN DESCRIPTION The third screen that is displayed when you want to start a data collection job is the Site Operations Questionnaire. You must answer each question on this screen by entering either Y or N. The final question on the questionnaire allows you to enter information about any other issues that you think may be causing system problems. This question is optional and you are not obliged to enter data. When you have answered all of the questions, move the cursor to the [CONTINUE] action button and press Return. EXPLANATION OF QUESTIONS The following table briefly explains the questions in this questionnaire: ________________________________________________________________ Question Explanation ________________________________________________________________ 1. After setting up a clusterwide local area transport (LAT) service, some users may still insist on connecting to individual nodes. This often occurs when users are allowed to access the local prompt on a DECserver[TM] and are familiar with the node names in the cluster. If this situation exists on your system, enter Y. If you are not sure whether or not this is occurring on your system, enter N. 2. If data becomes unavailable to an application using a shadowset or during backups, enter Y. 3. If local disks are mounted clusterwide and these nodes experience long delays at startup time, enter Y. 4. If the failover of dual-ported disks causes problems, enter Y. 5. If the shadowset merge time is longer than one day, enter Y. 4-6 Performing a Data Collection Job Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire ________________________________________________________________ Question Explanation ________________________________________________________________ 6. If you are aware of poor performance from printers and queues on the system, enter Y. 7. If you do not have Network Topology Documentation, enter Y. 8. If there are any other problems that adversely affect the system, enter the details in this field. ________________________________________________________________ If you are unsure about the answers to any of these questions, enter N in the data entry field. Performing a Data Collection Job 4-7 Completing the Site Operations Questionnaire SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows the Site Operations Questionnaire: 4-8 Performing a Data Collection Job Entering Data Collection Details ________________________________________________________________ Entering Data Collection Details SCREEN DESCRIPTION The fourth screen that is displayed when you want to start a data collection job is the Data Collection Details screen. This screen allows you to specify how you want to run the data collection job. You must enter data for every data entry field before you can continue to the next screen. INPUT REQUIRED The following table explains the input that is required for each data field: Performing a Data Collection Job 4-9 Entering Data Collection Details ________________________________________________________________ Data_Field Input Required ________________________________________________________________ Start time for Enter the time when the data collection job data collection should begin. The default is 'Immediately' but you can specify any time in the future that you think is most suitable. You can overwrite the default value by typing a new start time. Time delay between Enter the required time delay between the static and dynamic end of the static data collection and the collection start of the dynamic data collection. The time delay enables you to start the dynamic data collection when the load on the system is typical of a normal working day. The default answer is 'None' which means that the dynamic data collection begins immediately after the static data collection. You can overwrite the default value by typing a new time delay. Duration of Enter the length of time for which you dynamic data want to collect dynamic data. The default collection and recommended value is 8 hours. You can overwrite the default value by typing a new time. Send additional If you want the tool to send status status messages to messages to the OPA0 console during the the console? data collection, enter Y in this field. The default is not to send messages to the console as you can use VAXmail[TM] messaging and the Check Collection Status option to check the status of a data collection job. ________________________________________________________________ 4-10 Performing a Data Collection Job Entering Data Collection Details SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows the Data Collection Details screen: Performing a Data Collection Job 4-11 Entering Site Security Policy Details ________________________________________________________________ Entering Site Security Policy Details SCREEN DESCRIPTION The fifth screen that is displayed when you want to start a data collection job is the Site Security Policy screen. This screen prompts you for information about the security policy for the user accounts on the system. You must enter data for every data entry field before you can continue to the next screen. INPUT REQUIRED The following table explains the input that is required for each data field: ________________________________________________________________ Data Field Input Required ________________________________________________________________ Minimum password Enter the minimum number of characters length for privileged that is allowed for a privileged account accounts password. The default is 15 characters. Minimum password Enter the minimum number of characters length for that is allowed for a nonprivileged nonprivileged accounts account password. The default is 8 characters. Privileged account Enter the number of days that can elapse lifetime before a privileged account user is requested to change a password. The default is 30 days. Nonprivileged account Enter the number of days that can elapse lifetime before a nonprivileged account user is requested to change a password. The default is 90 days. Number of days after Enter the number of days for which which unused accounts accounts can be unused before they are are flagged flagged as unused. The default is 90 days. 4-12 Performing a Data Collection Job Entering Site Security Policy Details ________________________________________________________________ Data Field Input Required ________________________________________________________________ Password dictionary Enter Y or N to indicate whether a check enabled dictionary check is done on passwords. The default is Y. Password history check Enter Y or N to indicate whether a enabled password history list is used to check passwords. The default is Y. ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Data Collection Job 4-13 Entering Site Security Policy Details SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows the Site Security Policy screen: 4-14 Performing a Data Collection Job Completing the Consent Form ________________________________________________________________ Completing the Consent Form SCREEN DESCRIPTION When you have finished entering the data required to begin the data collection, a Consent Form is displayed. This form describes how Digital could use, with your permission only, the information that is gathered during a data collection job to track how systems are configured and managed. WHAT TO DO You should read this Consent Form carefully and if you consent to allow Digital to use the information, you should enter Y at the end of the form. If you do not wish to allow Digital to use the information, enter N to continue with the data collection. Performing a Data Collection Job 4-15 Selecting Nodes ________________________________________________________________ Selecting Nodes PROCESS When you have entered all of the data required to start a data collection job, the following process takes place: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. The tool scans the system for nodes. 2. One of the following actions takes place: ______________________________________________________ If ... Then ... ______________________________________________________ the system consists Step 5 takes place. of one standalone node the system consists Step 3 takes place. of a VMScluster with multiple nodes ______________________________________________________ 3. The tool displays a list of the nodes in the VMScluster and by default all nodes are selected for data collection. You can deselect any node by moving the cursor to the nodename and pressing the space bar. When you are satisfied with the list of nodes for data collection, press Return. 4. The tool displays the following question: Please enter the approximate number of user accounts on the system: Enter the total number of user accounts on all SYSUAF.DAT files available in the VMScluster and press Return. 4-16 Performing a Data Collection Job Selecting Nodes __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 5. The tool displays the estimated disk space required and the available disk space. You are then given the option to exit from the tool if you do not have sufficient disk space as follows: Do you wish to exit here and free up disk space? (y/n) Take one of the following actions: ______________________________________________________ If you ... Then ... ______________________________________________________ have sufficient enter N and Step 6 takes place. disk space do not have enter Y to exit from the tool. sufficient disk space ______________________________________________________ 6. The data collection job begins. 7. The tool gives you the option of disabling VAXmail messaging to the account from which you are running the tool by displaying the following question: Do you wish to disable VAXMAIL messaging from SMSAT_GATHER Enter Y or N depending on whether you want to disable VAXmail messaging and press Return. __________________________________________________________ Performing a Data Collection Job 4-17 Selecting Nodes SCREEN EXAMPLE The following figure shows the Nodes to be Included in Data Collection screen: IMPORTANT NOTE If you wish, you can select Option 7 from the Main Menu to exit from the tool while it is collecting the data. Exiting from the tool does not interrupt the data collection job in any way. You can monitor the progress of a data collection job using the Check Collection Status option. 4-18 Performing a Data Collection Job Checking the Data Collection Status ________________________________________________________________ Checking the Data Collection Status SCREEN DESCRIPTION You use Option 2 - Check Collection Status on the Main Menu to check the progress of a data collection job. When you choose this option, you first see a graph representing the status of either the static or dynamic data collection, depending on which is in progress at the time. To view a screen display containing status messages, press the space bar. You can alternate the display between the graph and the status messages by pressing the space bar. To return to the Main Menu at any time, press Return. ________________________ Note ________________________ Checking the status of a data collection job does not affect the data collection in any way. _____________________________________________________ Performing a Data Collection Job 4-19 Checking the Data Collection Status SCREEN EXAMPLES The following figures show examples of the screens that are displayed when you check the status of a data collection job: 4-20 Performing a Data Collection Job Completing a Data Collection Job ________________________________________________________________ Completing a Data Collection Job COPYING COLLECTED DATA TO MEDIA You can copy the collected data to either a file on the application disk or to a TK50/TK70 tape or alternative media agreed with your local CSC. You must eventually however, copy the data to a tape in order to return it to Digital for analysis. To copy the collected data to the media, carry out the following steps: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. Choose Option 3 from the Main Menu. Result: The tool asks you to confirm that you want to copy the data to a tape as follows: Do you want to copy to tape? (y/n) 2. Take one of the following actions: ______________________________________________________ If you ... Then ... ______________________________________________________ do not want to enter N and go to Step 5. copy the data Result: The data is copied to a directly to a saveset on the disk called SHC- tape nnnn.BCK where nnnn is a unique identifier. do want to enter Y and go to Step 3. copy the data directly to a tape ______________________________________________________ Performing a Data Collection Job 4-21 Completing a Data Collection Job __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 3. Enter the name of a tape device when the following question is displayed and press Return: Enter tape device name (eg. mua0) [ ] or press EXIT to return to the menu. Result: The tool displays the following: Please insert a write-enabled tape into the drive and press 'y' to copy the data to the tape. Or, press 'n' to return to the menu. 4. If you have not already done so, insert a tape in the tape drive and enter Y to copy the data to the tape or you can press Exit or F10 to return to the Main Menu. Ensure that the write protection tab on the tape is in the write-enable position. Result: The tape is mounted automatically by the software and the files containing the data are backed up to a saveset and copied to the specified tape. 5. Press any key to return to the Main Menu. __________________________________________________________ If you decide at any time that you do not want to copy the files to a tape, you can press Exit or F10 to return to the Main Menu. DEINSTALLING THE SYSTEM HEALTHCHECK SOFTWARE To deinstall the System Healthcheck software on your system, choose Option 4 from the Main Menu. When you choose this option, you are asked to confirm that you want to delete the software as follows: Do you really want to deinstall this software? (y/n) If you answer Y, the System Healthcheck software is deleted from your system. However, if the [SHC] directory contains files other than those created by the System Healthcheck tool, the directory and those files are not deleted. If you answer N, you are returned to the Main Menu. 4-22 Performing a Data Collection Job Completing a Data Collection Job STOPPING A DATA COLLECTION JOB You can stop a data collection job at any time by choosing Option 5 from the Main Menu. This stops the job in a controlled manner, returning the system to its initial state. If a serious error occurs during a data collection job and you are unable to select Option 5 from the Main Menu, see the section entitled Performing a Controlled Shutdown in Chapter 5 for more information. EXITING FROM THE TOOL You can exit from the tool by choosing Option 7 from the Main Menu. You can exit from the tool while a data collection job is in progress without affecting the data collection job in any way. Performing a Data Collection Job 4-23 Returning the Collected Data ________________________________________________________________ Returning the Collected Data PROCEDURE When you have copied the collected data to tape, you must return the tape to Digital. To determine the correct procedure for returning the tape to Digital, you must call your local CSC for information. The CSC personnel will instruct you on how to return the collected data to Digital for analysis. COUNTRY TELEPHONE NUMBERS To contact your local CSC, call one of the following numbers: __________________________________________________________ Country Telephone Number __________________________________________________________ U.S.A: 1-800-354-9000 U.K: 01-256-373-373 France: 161-6987-4123 Germany: 089-95910 Australia: 1-800-500-255 Japan: 81-3-5349-7347 Other For a complete list of CSCs and their locations: support telephone numbers, refer to the file CONTACT_LIST.TXT/PS located in CD_DEV:[SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK .DOCUMENTATION][1] __________________________________________________________ [1]CD_DEV is the device name of the CD-ROM drive where you inserted the CD-ROM. __________________________________________________________ 4-24 Performing a Data Collection Job 5 ________________________________________________________________ Error Handling Procedures INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the error handling procedures that you can use if you have problems running the System Healthcheck tool. When you run the System Healthcheck tool, certain log files are created that you can use to try to identify the problem. The log files that are created are as follows: o SMSAT_CONTROL.LOG This log file details the progress of the control batch job, SMSAT_CONTROL. o SMSAT_PROGRESS_NODENAME.LOG This log file details the progress of the data collection job. There is a different log file for each node on which the tool runs. IN THIS CHAPTER This chapter contains the following sections: o Troubleshooting the SMSAT_GATHER Command File o Troubleshooting the SMSAT_CONTROL Command File o Performing a Controlled Shutdown o Getting Further Help Error Handling Procedures 5-1 Troubleshooting the SMSAT_GATHER Command File ________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting the SMSAT_GATHER Command File PROCEDURE If the DCL command file SMSAT_GATHER.COM fails during execution, carry out the following steps to determine where the failure occurred: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. Comment out the first line in the file SMSAT_GATHER.COM by placing an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line as follows: $!SMSAT$VER = F$VERIFY(0) This switches on the verification. 2. Run the System Healthcheck tool again to determine where the failure occurred. __________________________________________________________ 5-2 Error Handling Procedures Troubleshooting the SMSAT_CONTROL Command File ________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting the SMSAT_CONTROL Command File PROCEDURE If the DCL command file SMSAT_CONTROL.COM fails during execution, carry out the following steps to determine the cause of the failure: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. Edit the file SMSAT_CONTROL.COM. 2. Search this file for the string debug_switch. 3. Change the value of debug_switch from 0 to 1 as follows: $ debug_switch = 1 4. Search the file for debug_switch again. 5. Change the value of debug_switch to 1 as follows: debug_switch = "1" 6. Search the file for the word submit. 7. Two lines below the word submit, you will see the following line: /nolog - Replace this line with the following line: /log='path'smsat_gather_'node_buff'.log - 8. Save the file. 9. Run the tool again and the following files will be available containing debug information: o SMSAT_CONTROL.LOG with DCL verification information. o A log file for each node from which data was collected, with DCL verification information. These log files are called SMSAT_GATHER_ NODENAME.LOG. Error Handling Procedures 5-3 Troubleshooting the SMSAT_CONTROL Command File __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 10. Read the log files to determine the cause of the failure. __________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTE To collect data successfully from a node, DEBUG should be switched off. 5-4 Error Handling Procedures Performing a Controlled Shutdown ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Controlled Shutdown PROCEDURE If a serious error occurs during a data collection job, you may not be able to select Option 5 to stop the data collection. If this happens, you should exit from the tool and enter the following command at the system prompt: $ This stops the data collection job completely and returns the system to its initial state. Error Handling Procedures 5-5 Getting Further Help ________________________________________________________________ Getting Further Help WHO TO CONTACT If you have any problems with the System Healthcheck service or tool that you cannot resolve yourself, please refer to the file CONTACT_LIST.TXT/PS located in the [SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK.DOCUMENTATION] directory and telephone your nearest Digital office requesting assistance with the System Healthcheck service. 5-6 Error Handling Procedures A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Procedure OVERVIEW This appendix contains an example of the text that is output to the screen from an installation procedure. User input is shown in boldface type. IMPORTANT NOTE The sample shown is an example of the output from one installation and may vary depending on your system. SAMPLE $ @sys$update:vmsinstal shc011 CD_DEV:[system_healthcheck.kit] OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 17-FEB-1994 at 18:20. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SQLSRV$SERVER DECW$MWM VUE$SMITH_11 DECW$TE_0248 _FTA15: _FTA16: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Y The following products will be processed: Sample Installation Procedure A-1 Sample Installation Procedure SHC V1.1 Beginning installation of SHC V1.1 at 18:21 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 1 DSA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.shc011]shc011.RELEASE_NOTES;1 SHC - SYSTEM HEALTHCHECK for OpenVMS - V1.1 RELEASE NOTES The SHC Data Collection Kit is used to collect data from a VAX node or cluster running OpenVMS Version 5.0 or more, or running AXP Version 1.5. The collected data must be copied to tape and returned to the Digital CSC for analysis. You will be asked to specify a disk on which the SHC collector will be installed. If the system is a cluster, you should use a disk that is mounted cluster-wide in order to collect data from every node in the cluster. The disk must have sufficient free space to store the data collector software and the collected data. The approximate free space needed can be computed using the following formula: Number of free blocks needed = 4000 + (number of nodes x 2000) + (number of user accounts on each SYSUAF * 3) The files that make up the data collection package will be contained in a new top level directory on this disk called [SHC]. The data collection process is started by setting default to this directory and running the HEALTHCHECK command procedure as follows: $ set default disk:[shc] (where 'disk' is the disk you will $ @healthcheck specify in the installation procedure) A-2 Sample Installation Procedure Sample Installation Procedure A menu of options will be presented to allow collection of data, the transfer of the collected data to tape, and the deinstallation of the data collection package. * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ******************************************************************** * SHC V1.1 * * * * System Healthcheck for OpenVMS * * * ******************************************************************** SHC for OpenVMS V1.1 Installation Procedure Building the product will take approximately 4 minutes. * Are you ready [YES]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... * Enter the name of the disk where you wish to install SHC: $1$DUA1 This procedure will proceed to completion based on the answers already given - no more questions will be asked. ******************************************************** Creating directory $1$DUA1:[SHC] Extracting product files... To run the data collector, type the following commands when the installation is complete: $ set default $1$DUA1:[SHC] $ @healthcheck ******************************************************** %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of SHC V1.1 completed at 18:27 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 18:27 Sample Installation Procedure A-3 B ________________________________________________________________ Useful OpenVMS Commands OVERVIEW This appendix describes some of the OpenVMS commands that you may need to use to set up the prerequisites to run the tool. For more detailed information, see your OpenVMS System Management documentation. ADDING A PRIVILEGE TO A USER ACCOUNT To add a privilege to a user account, for example, CMEXEC, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/priv=cmexec UAF> exit CHECKING THE DISK SPACE AVAILABLE To check the amount of disk space that is available, enter the following command at the system prompt: $ show device test$disk The disk space available is indicated in the Free Blocks column. MODIFYING PGFLQUOTA To modify the value of PGFLQUOTA, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/pgflquota=32768 UAF> exit Useful OpenVMS Commands B-1 Useful OpenVMS Commands MODIFYING MAXJOBS To modify the value of MAXJOBS, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/maxjobs=0 UAF> exit MODIFYING WSQUOTA To modify the value of WSQUOTA, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/wsquota=4096 UAF> exit MODIFYING WSEXTENT To modify the value of WSEXTENT, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/wsextent=8192 UAF> exit MODIFYING THE GROUP UIC VALUE To modify the value of the UIC group, enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ set default sys$system $ mc authorize UAF> modify username/UIC=[1,member number] UAF> exit The member number is a number in the range of 0 to 177776 (octal). B-2 Useful OpenVMS Commands C ________________________________________________________________ Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters SUMMARY To run the System Healthcheck tool successfully on heterogeneous VMSclusters, you must first determine which of the following categories your system belongs to: o Category 1: Systems with multiple SYSUAF.DAT files o Category 2: Systems with multiple queue management files for multiple system disks o Category 3: Systems with multiple queue management files independent of system configuration o Category 4: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT files and multiple queue management files Please read the section appropriate to your system type in the following pages, to find out the procedure to follow for your heterogeneous VMScluster. FURTHER HELP If you require further help after reading the appropriate section, please refer to the file CONTACT_LIST.TXT /PS located in the [SYSTEM_HEALTHCHECK.DOCUMENTATION] directory and telephone your nearest Digital office for assistance. The personnel at the Digital CSC will assist you in determining what procedure you need to carry out and will guide you in executing the correct procedure. Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters C-1 Category 1: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files ________________________________________________________________ Category 1: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files WHAT HAPPENS If there are multiple SYSUAF.DAT files in the VMScluster, the System Healthcheck tool will run as long as the account from which it was invoked exists in each SYSUAF.DAT file and is identical in every respect. C-2 Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks ________________________________________________________________ Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks SAMPLE HETEROGENEOUS VMSCLUSTER CONFIGURATION The following figure shows a sample heterogeneous VMScluster configuration and the files that are generated when you run the System Healthcheck tool on each set of nodes: ________________________Note ________________________ This example assumes that there is a unique queue management system for each system disk and that HSCs exist on each disk. _____________________________________________________ Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters C-3 Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks WHAT TO DO If there are multiple queue management files in the system and the files are associated with separate system disks, you should take the following steps to perform a data collection: C-4 Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks ________________________________________________________________ Step Action ________________________________________________________________ 1. Determine the names of the system disks in the VMScluster and the names of the nodes running off each disk. 2. Run the System Healthcheck tool on the nodes connected to a specific system disk by deselecting the nodes connected to the other system disks. See Chapter 4 for more information. 3. Run the System Healthcheck tool on the nodes connected to the remaining disks. Note: You should start the System Healthcheck tool at the same time for each set of nodes and you should also ensure that you run the tool from a different directory for each set of nodes. This is recommended because the dynamic data for each node will cover the same period of system activity. 4. When the data collection is complete, create a new directory by issuing the following command: $ CREATE/DIR [.HET_CLUSTER] 5. Copy the following data and executable files to the new directory using commands similar to the following: $ COPY [SET1]GATHER_*.TXT+GATHER_HSCS.DAT [.HET_CLUSTER]*.* $ COPY [SET2]GATHER_*.TXT+GATHER_HSCS.DAT [.HET_CLUSTER]*.* $ COPY [SET3]GATHER_*.TXT+GATHER_HSCS.DAT [.HET_CLUSTER]*.* $ COPY SMSAT_*.EXE [.HET_CLUSTER]*.* The directory [SET1] contains the files from the data collection job on System Disk 1, while [SET2] contains the files from System Disk 2, and [SET3] contains the files from System Disk 3. 6. Change your directory location to the new directory using the following command: $ SET DEFAULT [.HET_CLUSTER] 7. To consolidate the data files, issue the following command on OpenVMS VAX systems: $ RUN SMSAT_GC or on OpenVMS AXP systems, issue the following command: $ RUN SMSAT_GC_AXP The valid binary files for analysis are then created and contained in the directory [HET_CLUSTER]. ________________________________________________________________ Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters C-5 Category 2: Multiple Queue Management Files for Multiple System Disks ________________________________________________________________ Category 3: Multiple Queue Management Files Independent of System Configuration WHAT TO DO If there are multiple queue management files in the system and they are organized independently of the system disk configuration, you should carry out the following steps to run the System Healthcheck tool: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. Determine the number of unique queue management files, that is JBCSYSQUE.DAT or QMAN$MASTER.DAT in the case of OpenVMS Version 5.5 or higher. To do this, issue the following command on each node in the VMScluster: $ ANALYZE/SYSTEM SDA> SHOW PROCESS/CHANNEL JOB_CONTROL 2. Follow the procedure outlined in Category 2 to run the System Healthcheck tool on the different sets of nodes associated with each of the queue management files. __________________________________________________________ C-6 Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters Category 4: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files and Queue Management Files ________________________________________________________________ Category 4: Multiple SYSUAF.DAT Files and Queue Management Files WHAT TO DO To run the System Healthcheck tool on a heterogeneous VMScluster with multiple SYSUAF.DAT files and multiple queue management files, you must do the following: __________________________________________________________ Step Action __________________________________________________________ 1. Carry out the steps outlined in Category 1. 2. Carry out the steps outlined in Category 2 or Category 3 as appropriate. __________________________________________________________ Procedures for Heterogeneous VMSclusters C-7 D ________________________________________________________________ Function Keys FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE The following table describes the function keys that you can use when entering details in the user input screens: __________________________________________________________ Key Function __________________________________________________________ Help, F15, or Displays online help. Ctrl/X Remove or Ctrl Removes all characters from the current /K position to the end of the field. F10 or Ctrl/D Exit Insert Here or Toggles between the Insert and Overstrike Ctrl/V editing modes. Ctrl/A Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current field. Ctrl/E Moves the cursor to the end of the current field. Enter Accepts the user input on a screen and moves you to the next screen. Return, Ctrl Accepts the data in the current field and /M, or Ctrl/J moves you to the next field. Left arrow key Moves the cursor one space to the left. or Ctrl/B Right arrow Moves the cursor one space to the right. key or Ctrl/F Function Keys D-1 Function Keys __________________________________________________________ Key Function __________________________________________________________ Up arrow key Accepts the data in the current field and moves the cursor to the previous field. Down arrow key Accepts the data in the current field and moves the cursor to the next field. __________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTE If the terminal on which you are displaying the System Healthcheck user interface is not at least as advanced as a VT200, then some of the function keys may not work correctly or may not be available. However, full functionality is available by using the alternate keys described in the previous table. D-2 Function Keys E ________________________________________________________________ Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report SUMMARY This appendix contains the following sample extracts from a System Healthcheck for OpenVMS report: o Sample Scorecard o Sample System and Disk Performance Conditions o Sample Supporting Data Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report E-1 Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report SAMPLE SCORECARD The following is an example of the scorecard in the System Healthcheck report: E-2 Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report SAMPLE SYSTEM AND DISK PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS The following is a sample extract from the System and Disk Performance Conditions section of the System Healthcheck report: Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report E-3 Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report SAMPLE SUPPORTING DATA The following are sample extracts from the Supporting Data section of the System Healthcheck report: E-4 Sample Extracts from the System Healthcheck Report ________________________________________________________________ Glossary HSC HSC is a VAXcluster device used to make disks and tape drives available clusterwide. System Healthcheck Report The System Healthcheck Report is the end result of the System Healthcheck service. It is a written report outlining the findings of the data collection and analysis. Glossary-1 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Dynamic data collection, ___________________________ 1-2 Adding privileges, B-1 E__________________________ B__________________________ Entering data, 4-2 Batch queue, 4-2 Error handling, 5-1 Binary files, C-5 Exiting, 4-23 C__________________________ F__________________________ Check Collection Status, Function keys, D-1 4-19 Further help, 5-5 Checking disk space, B-1 Consent Form, 4-15 H__________________________ Console messaging, 4-10 Hardware requirements, 2-2 Context-sensitive help, Heterogeneous VMSclusters, 3-7 2-4, 3-2, C-1 Controlled shutdown, 5-5 Copying data to media, I 4-21 ___________________________ Customer Details screen, Installing the tool, 2-4 4-4 sample installation procedure, A-1 D__________________________ where to install, 2-4 Data Collection Details K screen, 4-9 ___________________________ Deinstalling the tool, Key definitions, D-1 4-22 Deselecting nodes, 4-16 Disk space, 2-2 checking, B-1 Index-1 L__________________________ S__________________________ Language selection, 3-2 Selecting nodes, 4-16 resetting, 3-3 SHC-nnnn.BCK, 4-21 Location of software, 2-2 SHC_LANGUAGE.TXT, 3-3 Log files, 5-1 Shutdown command, 4-22, 5-5 M__________________________ Site Operations Main Menu, 3-4 Questionnaire, 4-6 MAXJOBS Site Security Policy screen how to modify, B-1 , 4-12 Multiple queue management SMSAT_CONTROL command file, files, C-3 5-3 independent of system SMSAT_GATHER command file, configuration, C-6 5-1 Multiple SYSUAF.DAT files, Starting a data collection, C-2 4-2 Static data collection, O__________________________ 1-2 Online help, 3-7 Status messages, 4-10 Operating system Stopping a data collection, requirements, 2-2 4-22 System Healthcheck report P samples ___________________________ Scorecard, E-2 PGFLQUOTA Supporting Data, E-4 how to modify, B-1 System and Disk prerequisite value, 2-2 Performance Conditions, Prerequisites, 2-2 E-3 Privileges adding, B-1 T__________________________ to install the tool, 2-2 Terminal type, D-2 to run the tool, 2-2 Troubleshooting, 5-1 Process quotas, 2-3 ___________________________ U__________________________ Report samples, E-1 UIC group Resetting language, 3-3 how to modify, B-2 Returning data for analysis prerequisite value, 2-2 , 4-23 Running the tool startup command, 3-2 Index-2 V__________________________ W__________________________ VAXmail messaging, 4-16 WSEXTENT how to modify, B-2 prerequisite value, 2-2 WSQUOTA how to modify, B-2 prerequisite value, 2-2 Index-3