DEC_SoftWindows_______________________________ User's Guide for the OpenVMS AXP Operating System Order Number: AA-QBWDA-TE November 1994 This User's Guide provides the information needed to set up DEC SoftWindows and to run PC applications on an OpenVMS AXP workstation. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1-1 or higher Software Version: DEC SoftPC Version 5.0/DEC SoftWindows Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP Systems Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ November 1994 © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECstation, DECwindows, VMS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. Apple Imagewriter II is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Laserwriter Plus is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. CROSSTALK XVI is a trademark of MicrosTuf, Inc. DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. Epson FX-105 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson LQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson SQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology. IBM Personal Computer AT and IBM Graphics Printer are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SmarTerm 220 is a registered trademark of Persoft, Inc. SoftPC and SoftWindows are trademarks of Insignia Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. S2675 This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. ix 1 Introduction DEC SoftWindows for OpenVMS AXP Systems............ 1-1 The DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window.................. 1-1 The Windows Desktop................................ 1-2 The DEC SoftWindows Menus.......................... 1-2 Terminal Support................................... 1-2 Interfacing DEC SoftWindows........................ 1-2 Hard Disks......................................... 1-2 FSA Drives......................................... 1-2 Floppy Disk Drives................................. 1-3 CD-ROM............................................. 1-3 Mouse.............................................. 1-3 Keyboard........................................... 1-3 Serial and Parallel Ports.......................... 1-3 Networking Support................................. 1-4 Extended and Expanded Memory....................... 1-4 DEC SoftWindows Specifications..................... 1-5 Hardware and Software Requirements for Running DEC SoftWindows........................................ 1-7 2 Using DEC SoftWindows Using Windows...................................... 2-1 To Run DEC SoftWindows and Display the Windows Desktop............................................ 2-1 To Run DEC SoftWindows from the Session Manager.... 2-2 To Exit from Windows............................... 2-2 Using MS-DOS....................................... 2-4 To Display the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window....... 2-4 iii To Resize the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window........ 2-4 Status Bar......................................... 2-4 Restarting and Quitting from DEC SoftWindows....... 2-5 To Restart DEC SoftWindows......................... 2-5 LK201 or LK401 Keyboards........................... 2-5 To Freeze DEC SoftWindows.......................... 2-5 To Exit from DEC SoftWindows....................... 2-6 To Quit Immediately................................ 2-6 Using the Mouse.................................... 2-6 To Use the Mouse Under MS-DOS...................... 2-6 To Restore the Normal Workstation Mouse............ 2-7 Using the Keyboard................................. 2-8 The Keyboard....................................... 2-8 Motif Retains Control of the Left ALT Key.......... 2-8 Keyboard Mapping-PC to a Digital Workstation or Terminal........................................... 2-10 Keyboard Mapping-Digital Workstation to PC......... 2-12 Copying and Pasting Text........................... 2-14 Using Floppy Disks................................. 2-15 To Use a Floppy Disk............................... 2-15 To Eject a Floppy Disk............................. 2-16 To Format a Floppy Disk............................ 2-16 Using CD-ROMs...................................... 2-16 To Use a CD-ROM.................................... 2-17 To Eject a CD-ROM.................................. 2-17 Using Sound........................................ 2-17 Using FPU Emulation................................ 2-18 Activating and Deactivating Drives and Ports....... 2-19 To See Which Services Are in Use by DEC SoftWindows........................................ 2-19 To Free a Device for Use by OpenVMS Applications... 2-19 To Set Read-only Access on Hard Disk Drives........ 2-20 3 Setting up DEC SoftWindows Restarting DEC SoftWindows......................... 3-1 Setting Up Memory.................................. 3-2 Memory Performance Hints........................... 3-2 To Specify the PC Memory........................... 3-3 Setting Up Drives.................................. 3-4 Using Hard Disk Files.............................. 3-4 To Choose the Hard Disk File for C: or D:.......... 3-5 To Set Up a New D: Drive File...................... 3-5 iv Creating a New Hard Disk........................... 3-6 Selecting the Disk Size............................ 3-6 Partitioning the Disk.............................. 3-7 Choosing to Create a Bootable or Nonbootable Disk............................................... 3-7 Optional Method to Create a Bootable Disk ......... 3-8 To Remove the Hard Disk File....................... 3-8 To Install Windows................................. 3-9 Setting Up File Sharing Architecture (FSA) Drives............................................. 3-10 Filenames in MS-DOS................................ 3-10 To Set up an OpenVMS Directory as PC Drive E:...... 3-11 To Set Up OpenVMS Directories as Drives E: to Z:... 3-11 To Remove an OpenVMS Directory from a Drive........ 3-12 To List the OpenVMS Directories Attached to Drives............................................. 3-12 Sharing and Using Text Files in OpenVMS and MS-DOS............................................. 3-13 Setting Up Floppy Disk Drives...................... 3-14 To Set Up the Floppy Disk Drives A: and B:......... 3-14 To Deassign a Floppy Disk Drive.................... 3-14 Setting Up CD-ROM Drives........................... 3-15 To Set Up the CD-ROM Drive......................... 3-15 MS-DOS Configuration............................... 3-15 MSCDEX Options..................................... 3-15 Setting Up the Display............................. 3-17 To Specify the Display Adapter..................... 3-17 To Specify the Number of Colors for Windows........ 3-18 Windows Change Color............................... 3-18 4 Printing, Input, and Output COM and LPT Port Options........................... 4-1 Flushing Output to a File.......................... 4-2 To Flush Output Automatically...................... 4-2 To Flush Output Manually........................... 4-2 Printing from PC Applications...................... 4-4 To Print to the OpenVMS Printer.................... 4-4 To Print to a Serial Printer with Default Settings........................................... 4-5 To Print to a Serial Printer With Selectable Settings........................................... 4-5 Redirecting to a File.............................. 4-6 v To Redirect Output to a File....................... 4-6 Serial Input and Output............................ 4-7 To Use Serial Input and Output..................... 4-8 Serial Port Emulation.............................. 4-8 Recommendations for Using Serial Ports............. 4-9 5 Networking What is SoftNode?.................................. 5-1 Compatibility...................................... 5-1 TCP/IP Connectivity................................ 5-2 Supported Network Software......................... 5-2 Configuring SoftNode............................... 5-3 Using Novell NetWare............................... 5-6 To Load the NetWare Client Software................ 5-6 Using Microsoft LAN Manager........................ 5-8 Step 1: Editing the CONFIG.SYS File................ 5-8 Step 2: Installing LAN Manager..................... 5-8 Step 3: Configuring the Protocol Manager........... 5-9 Step 4: Rebooting DEC SoftWindows.................. 5-9 Step 5: Configuring SoftNode....................... 5-9 Step 6: Loading the ODI System..................... 5-10 Step 7: Loading LAN Manager Client................. 5-10 Step 8: Accessing the Network...................... 5-10 Using Banyan Vines................................. 5-11 Step 1: Changing NET.CFG........................... 5-11 Step 2: Changing CONFIG.SYS........................ 5-11 Step 3: Creating a PROTOCOL.INI File............... 5-11 Step 4: Loading the ODI System..................... 5-11 Step 5: Running the PCCONFIG Utility............... 5-12 Step 6: Starting Vines............................. 5-12 Step 7: Accessing the Network...................... 5-12 Using Novell LAN Workplace for DOS................. 5-13 Step 1: Install LAN Workplace...................... 5-13 Step 2: Configure SoftNode......................... 5-13 Step 3: Load the ODI System........................ 5-14 Step 4: Load the TCP/IP Stack...................... 5-14 Step 5: Use TCP/IP Applications.................... 5-14 Additional Information............................. 5-14 Using Other Versions of TCP/IP..................... 5-14 Ethernet Frame Types............................... 5-15 vi 6 Setting up Windows Setting Up Memory.................................. 6-2 To Change the PC Memory............................ 6-2 Installing Printer Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, and Fonts.............................................. 6-3 To Select a Printer Driver......................... 6-3 To Change the Keyboard............................. 6-4 To Add Fonts....................................... 6-4 Installing and Running Windows Applications........ 6-4 To Install a Windows Application................... 6-4 To Run a Windows Application....................... 6-6 7 Using MS-DOS About MS-DOS....................................... 7-1 Using the MS-DOS Editor............................ 7-1 To Run the MS-DOS Editor from the MS-DOS Prompt.... 7-1 To Edit the File................................... 7-3 To Cut, Copy, and Paste Text....................... 7-3 To Delete Text..................................... 7-3 To Exit from the MS-DOS Editor..................... 7-3 Using MS-DOS Commands.............................. 7-4 Getting Help....................................... 7-4 CD................................................. 7-4 COPY............................................... 7-5 DEL................................................ 7-5 DIR................................................ 7-5 FORMAT............................................. 7-6 HELP............................................... 7-6 MKDIR (MD)......................................... 7-7 PRINT.............................................. 7-7 RMDIR (RD)......................................... 7-7 TYPE............................................... 7-8 XCOPY.............................................. 7-8 Installing MS-DOS Applications..................... 7-9 To Install from 3 1\2" Disks....................... 7-9 Installing From an FSA Drive....................... 7-10 Where to Install................................... 7-10 Disk Space Requirements............................ 7-11 vii 8 DEC SoftWindows Configuration SWINCONFIG.INI Configuration File.................. 8-1 The System Defaults................................ 8-1 MS-DOS Configuration............................... 8-3 9 Displaying Remotely To Display DEC SoftWindows on a Remote Workstation........................................ 9-1 10 Troubleshooting Common Problems.................................... 10-1 Using Floppy Disks................................. 10-1 Using Hard Disks................................... 10-1 Using CD-ROM....................................... 10-2 Using Memory....................................... 10-2 Using the Mouse.................................... 10-2 Using Keyboards.................................... 10-2 Using the Screen................................... 10-3 Using Printers..................................... 10-3 Using Serial Devices............................... 10-3 Converting Between MS-DOS and OpenVMS.............. 10-4 Setting File Access Permissions.................... 10-4 Using Configuration Files.......................... 10-6 Using FSA Drives................................... 10-6 Using Networking................................... 10-7 Running PC Applications............................ 10-7 Using Windows...................................... 10-8 MS-DOS Errors...................................... 10-9 DEC SoftWindows FSA Errors......................... 10-11 Networking Errors.................................. 10-12 SoftWindows Errors................................. 10-13 Index viii Figures 2-3 Digital VT220 Terminal Keyboard.......... 2-8 2-4 Digital LK201 Workstation Keyboard....... 2-8 2-5 Digital LK401 Workstation Keyboard....... 2-8 8-1 SWINCONFIG.INI System Configuration File..................................... 8-2 8-2 AUTOEXEC.BAT Configuration File.......... 8-3 8-3 CONFIG.SYS Configuration File............ 8-4 Tables 1-1 DEC SoftWindows Specifications........... 1-5 1-2 Requirements for Running DEC SoftWindows.............................. 1-7 2-1 Key Assignments.......................... 2-10 2-2 Key Assignments for Digital Workstations............................. 2-12 5-1 Supported Network Software............... 5-2 5-2 Protocols Used by Applications........... 5-4 5-3 Network Packages on OSF/1 and OpenVMS Systems.................................. 5-5 ix ________________________________________________________________ Preface About This Guide This guide explains how to use DEC SoftWindows on your Digital workstation. It consists of the following chapters: o Chapter 1 - Introduction Describes the main features of DEC SoftWindows, and explains how it enables you to run PC applications on your Digital workstation. o Chapter 2 - Using DEC SoftWindows Explains how to run DEC SoftWindows, describes the key features of the DEC SoftWindows window, and explains how to use floppy disks and the keyboard with DEC SoftWindows. o Chapter 3 - Setting up DEC Softwindows Describes how to set up DEC SoftWindows emulation of PC memory, disk drives, and display. o Chapter 4 - Printing, input, and output Describes how to set up and use the DEC SoftWindows serial and output parallel ports for printing, and for serial communications. o Chapter 5 - Networking Describes how to set up and use the DEC SoftWindows networking support. o Chapter 6 - Setting up Windows Explains how to set up Microsoft Windows, and run Windows applications on your Digital workstation. ix o Chapter 7 - Using MS-DOS Explains how to give MS-DOS commands, use the MS-DOS Editor, and install and run MS-DOS applications. o Chapter 8 - DEC SoftWindows configuration Gives information about the DEC SoftWindows system and user configuration files, and describes the MS-DOS configuration files used by DEC SoftWindows. o Chapter 9- Displaying Remotely Provides information for about setting up a DEC SoftWindows to run on a remote workstation or X terminal. o Chapter 10 - Troubleshooting Suggests solutions to problems that you may encounter when running PC applications on your Digital worksta- tion, and explains the DEC SoftWindows and MS-DOS error messages. o (gloss) Describes the technical terms used in the guide. x Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: __________________________________________________________ This_style_______Refers_to_this___________________________ COMPUTER Anything you type, exactly as it appears. bold Names of menus, menu commands, buttons, dialog boxes, and windows that appear on the screen. Special keys on the keyboard. The Return key, also sometimes labeled Enter. italics Variables in command lines and system messages; references to other sections of _________________this_guide.______________________________ Abbreviations This guide uses the following abbreviations: __________________________________________________________ This abbrevia- tion_____________Refers_to_this___________________________ DEC SoftWindows DEC SoftWindows for Digital workstations Insignia Insignia Solutions. MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System for the IBM PC, or any compatible DOS. PC An Intel-based computer. Windows__________Microsoft_Windows_3.1.___________________ xi 1 ________________________________________________________________ Introduction This chapter describes the main features of DEC SoftWindows and explains how it enables you to run PC applications on your OpenVMS AXP workstation. DEC SoftWindows for OpenVMS AXP Systems DEC SoftWindows is an X Windows application that runs on OpenVMS and DEC OSF/1 AXP workstations or servers. This chapter describes how DEC SoftWindows enables you to run MS-DOS and Windows applications on your OpenVMS workstation. Figure 1-1 shows Microsoft Word for Windows running under Motif using DEC SoftWindows. DEC SoftWindows emulates a high specification IBM PC/AT or compatible computer with Windows 3.1 already installed and ready for use. As Figure 1-2 illustrates, you can run most Windows or MS-DOS PC applications on your OpenVMS workstation alongside your other OpenVMS applications. The DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window DEC SoftWindows runs in a window that emulates the standard PC display types: Video 7 Super VGA (Video Graphics Array), EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter), CGA (Color Graphics Adapter), or Hercules. Indicators in a status bar at the bottom of the DEC SoftWindows window show you whether special keyboard modes or certain configuration options are selected. 1-1 The Windows Desktop DEC SoftWindows also includes color and monochrome Windows display drivers to optimize the performance of Windows and to allow it to run in a window of any size on either color or monochrome displays. You can switch between your PC application and an OpenVMS application at any time and copy and paste text between PC and OpenVMS applications. DEC SoftWindows automatically converts text cut or copied from Windows applications into the correct format for pasting into an OpenVMS application. The DEC SoftWindows Menus The DEC SoftWindows menus provide functions that enable you to configure DEC SoftWindows to suit your PC applications. You can do many operations that would require hardware or board changes on a real PC by choosing the appropriate function from DEC SoftWindows menus. Terminal Support DEC SoftWindows also supports most standard terminals that can be used with your OpenVMS workstation. You can run MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter) PC applications in text mode from a VT220 or compatible terminal. Interfacing DEC SoftWindows Hard Disks Most PCs have either one or two hard disk drives. These drives have the fixed names C: and D: under the MS-DOS filing system. DEC SoftWindows emulates each PC hard disk using a file in the OpenVMS file system. You can create hard disks of up to 300 Mbyte, subject to the amount of disk space on your workstation. FSA Drives Using the DEC SoftWindows File Sharing Architecture (FSA), DEC SoftWindows also lets you access individual files in the OpenVMS file system as if they were on an MS-DOS drive. FSA allows you to access the same files from both OpenVMS programs and PC applications. 1-2 Floppy Disk Drives Most PCs have 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives labeled A: and B:. Standard PC software installations use these drives. DEC SoftWindows can use the computer's 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives as drive A: or B: to read, write, and format either low density (720 Kbyte), high density (1.4 Mbyte) or extended density (2.88Mbyte) MS-DOS disks. CD-ROM DEC SoftWindows includes the Microsoft CD-ROM extensions to allow PC programs to read PC-format CD-ROMs. Mouse For PC applications that allow you to use a mouse, DEC SoftWindows can use an OpenVMS workstation mouse to emulate the standard PC Microsoft Bus Mouse. When you are running Windows, the DEC SoftWindows mouse driver automatically emulates the PC mouse when the mouse pointer is within the DEC SoftWindows window. When using MS-DOS applications, you can either choose to emulate the Microsoft Bus Mouse, or use the mouse for choosing menu functions and working with other OpenVMS applications. Keyboard DEC SoftWindows uses the OpenVMS workstation keyboard to emulate a standard IBM PC/AT keyboard and supports most US, UK, French, and German keyboards. Serial and Parallel Ports DEC SoftWindows emulates PC/AT serial ports that MS-DOS refers to as COM1: to COM4:, and the parallel printer ports LPT1: to LPT3:. If your PC application generates output for a printer and you have a printer available to your OpenVMS workstation, you can logically attach the appropriate PC port to the OpenVMS print spooler. Output from a PC application to any PC port can also be saved in a file in the OpenVMS file system or sent to the serial ports on the OpenVMS workstation. 1-3 In addition, the serial ports COM1: to COM4: can be attached to the OpenVMS workstation's serial ports for full two-way communication, with selectable baud rate, parity, and word format. Networking Support Networking support is available for most industry-standard file servers. Extended and Expanded Memory You can configure the amount of PC memory using either the PC Extended memory or Expanded memory system. 1-4 DEC SoftWindows Specifications Table 1-1 summarizes the DEC SoftWindows specifications. Table_1-1_DEC_SoftWindows_Specifications__________________ Feature__________Specification____________________________ Processor 80286 Real and Protected mode Math co- 80287 processor ROM BIOS PC/AT-compatible RAM 640 Kbyte Expanded memory 0 to 32 Mbyte of LIM Extended memory 1 to 16 Mbyte of XMS Floppy disk Two drives, A: and B: drives Hard disk Two drives, C: and D: drives FSA drives E: to Z: CD-ROM Data on drive F: NetWare Support for Novell NetWare file servers on drives L: to Z: Video Super Video Graphics Array (Video 7), Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA), Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), or Hercules. Super VGA modes supported: 40h to 45h, and 60h to 69h excluding 63h and 64h. Parallel ports Three ports, LPT1: to LPT3: Serial ports Four ports, COM1: to COM4: Keyboard PC/AT 101/2-key keyboard Mouse Microsoft Bus Mouse compatible MS-DOS Version 6.21 Microsoft Version 3.1, runs in standard mode Windows (continued on next page) 1-5 Table_1-1_(Cont.)_DEC_SoftWindows_Specifications__________ Feature__________Specification____________________________ DEC SoftWindows Color and monochrome display, and mouse driver____________________________________________________ 1-6 Hardware and Software Requirements for Running DEC SoftWindows Table 1-2 summarizes the requirements for running DEC SoftWindows on the OpenVMS AXP operating system. Table_1-2_Requirements_for_Running_DEC_SoftWindows________ Feature____________Specification__________________________ System software OpenVMS V6.1 or later. Motif Window System Version 1.2-2 or later Memory 32 Mbytes minimum. Disk space About 40 Mbyte is required to install DEC SoftWindows. If applications are installed on the default supplied hard disk, you may need additional capacity to allow for maximum expansion of the hard disk up to 300 Mbyte. Swap space The swap space should be at least three times the physical memory size for 32 Mbyte systems, or twice the physical memory size for larger memory systems. Floppy disk The standard internal and external drives 3 1/2-inch Digital disk drives are supported. Keyboards Digital series LK401 (US/UK, French, and German), and series PCXAL (US, UK, French, and German). LK201 series keyboards can be used by specifying the LK401 keyboard support. Terminals__________VT220_or_higher._______________________ 1-7 2 ________________________________________________________________ Using DEC SoftWindows This chapter describes how to run DEC SoftWindows, the features of the DEC SoftWindows window, and how to use floppy disks and CD-ROMs with DEC SoftWindows. Using Windows To Run DEC SoftWindows and Display the Windows Desktop To run DEC SoftWindows and display the Windows desktop, type the following command in a terminal window: SOFTWINDOWS A standard looking MS-DOS window appears. At the MS-DOS prompt you can choose either to run MS-DOS applications or to run MS-Windows by entering the following: WIN The following dialog box appears after the Windows welcome screen to allow you to specify the size and position of the window to use for Windows: Resize the window by dragging any of the resize corners, then click OK to run Windows. ________________________Note ________________________ Increasing the size of the window requires more memory and may reduce performance. _____________________________________________________ 2-1 DEC SoftWindows initially runs in a separate Motif window so you can run Windows and PC applications at the same time as OpenVMS applications. Figure 2-1 shows a Windows desktop in a Motif window with many installed applications, most of which are not provided by DEC SoftWindows. To Run DEC SoftWindows from the Session Manager To run DEC SoftWindows from the session manager, you must first add it to the session manager's Applications menu: 1. Select Options from the session manager menu bar. 2. Select Applications Definitions. 3. Using the resulting dialog box, in the Menu Item field, enter the name you want to appear in the Applications menu; for example, SoftWindows. 4. In the Menu Command field, enter the command: SoftWindows 5. Click Add, Apply, and OK. 6. Select Options from the session manager menu bar. 7. Select Applications menu. 8. In the Select item to add column, select SoftWindows. 9. Click Apply and then OK. The next time you display the session manager's Applications pull-down menu, DEC SoftWindows appears as an option. To Exit from Windows Follow these steps to exit from MS Windows: o If necessary, double-click the Program Manager icon, to display the Program Manager window. o From the Program Manager File menu, choose Exit Windows. 2-2 The following dialog box appears: o Choose OK to exit from Windows to the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS window. 2-3 Using MS-DOS To Display the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window To display the MS-DOS window (Figure 2-2): o Either double-click the MS-DOS Prompt icon in the Main program group or exit from Windows To Resize the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS Window To resize the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS window: o Drag the window by any of its resize corners. When you release the mouse button the window jumps to the closest fixed size. You can resize the DEC SoftWindows window to one of three alternative fixed sizes: 1.0x, 1.5x, and 2.0x, up to the size of your workstation screen (or larger). Status Bar The status bar, located at the bottom of the window, shows the status of DEC SoftWindows using the indicators described in the following table: __________________________________________________________ Indicator________What_it_means____________________________ A: Floppy disk drive A: is in use B: Floppy disk drive B: is in use Caps Lock Caps Lock mode is selected Scroll Lock Scroll Lock mode is selected Num Lock Num Lock mode is selected VGA, EGA, or The display type CGA MSW______________DEC_SoftWindows_graphics_driver__________ Note that there is no status bar on the text terminal version of DEC SoftWindows. 2-4 Restarting and Quitting from DEC SoftWindows To Restart DEC SoftWindows To restart DEC SoftWindows: o From the Actions menu, choose Restart, which is equivalent to holding down together on a real PC. The following dialog box then warns you that you can lose work if you have not exited from PC applications or saved files before restarting: o Click Cancel to cancel the command, or OK to restart. ________________________Note ________________________ Holding down together produces an immediate restart without the warning dialog box. _____________________________________________________ LK201 or LK401 Keyboards On LK201 or LK401 keyboards, use the decimal point key to the right of the 0 key on the numeric keypad for the PC key . To Freeze DEC SoftWindows Freezing DEC SoftWindows stops it running without affecting the DEC SoftWindows window. You can use one of two methods to freeze DEC SoftWindows: o To freeze whenever you choose, from the Actions menu, select Freeze. A button appears next to the menu function. To restart DEC SoftWindows, select Freeze again. o To automatically freeze DEC SoftWindows whenever you select another window, from the Options menu, choose Auto Freeze. 2-5 ________________________Note ________________________ If you select Freeze while running networking software, network connections may time out. _____________________________________________________ To Exit from DEC SoftWindows To exit from DEC SoftWindows: o From the File menu, choose Exit. The following dialog box then appears to warn you that you can lose work if you quit without exiting from PC applications or saving files. The default is Save Configuration Changes, which saves any changes you have made to the DEC SoftWindows con- figuration file, SWINCONFIG.INI. For more information, refer to DEC SoftWindows Configuration, Chapter 8. o Choose OK to exit from DEC SoftWindows or Cancel to cancel the exit. To Quit Immediately To quit immediately from DEC SoftWindows, type the following command in the MS-DOS window: C:\> EXITSWIN DEC SoftWindows exits immediately without saving any changes to your DEC SoftWindows configuration. Using the Mouse If you have a mouse attached to your computer, you can use it with MS-DOS programs that support a Microsoft Bus mouse. To Use the Mouse Under MS-DOS To use the mouse under MS-DOS, either: o From the Actions menu, choose Attach Mouse, or o Hold down and and click the middle mouse button. 2-6 The following dialog box then appears the first time you choose Attach Mouse: When you click OK, the workstation mouse disappears, and other windows and menus become inaccessible. When you are running Windows, the mouse is automatically attached and the Attach Mouse menu function is grayed out. To Restore the Normal Workstation Mouse To restore the normal workstation mouse, hold down and and click the middle mouse button. 2-7 Using the Keyboard This section describes the differences in key mapping between your Digital workstation or VT220 terminal keyboard and a PC keyboard. The Keyboard When you use DEC SoftWindows, you must use the Digital terminal keyboard (Figure 2-3) or workstation keyboards (Figure 2-4 [1] and Figure 2-5) as though they were a PC keyboard. This section describes which Digital keys change functions to emulate PC key functions. Motif Retains Control of the Left ALT Key Motif retains control of the left ALT key on the LK201 and LK401 keyboards. Windows uses the left ALT key in key sequences such as ALT + F5 and ALT + F7, The following solutions enable you to use the Windows ALT key functions on these keyboards: o LK201 keyboard-Use the Motif Window Manager to disable Motif so that all keystrokes go directly to DEC SoftWindows. ___________________ [1]The LK201 diagram, Figure 2-4, includes two errors. (1) Both the left and right LK201 shift keys map to PC Left Shift. Use the F20 key for PC Right Shift. (2) The diagram incorrectly shows two keys to the left of the space bar instead of the single Compose Character key. 2-8 o LK401 keyboard-Use the left Compose Character key for left ALT functions or use the Motif Window Manager to disable Motif so that all keystrokes go directly to DEC SoftWindows. 2-9 Keyboard Mapping-PC to a Digital Workstation or Terminal Table 2-1 compares the Digital workstation keys and terminal keyboard keys that function differently with DEC SoftWindows. Table_2-1_Key_Assignments_________________________________ Digital PC_Keyboard____Workstation____Digital_VT220_Terminal______ Break Help F6 Down arrow 2 (keypad) 2 (keypad) End 1 (keypad) 1 (keypad) Escape PF4 PF4 F1 F1 F11 F2 F2 F12 F3 F3 F13 F4 F4 F14 F5 F5 F17 F6 F6 F18 F7 F7 F19 F8 F8 F20 F9 F9 F9 F10 F10 F10 Greater Shifted Shifted less than(<) than(>) period (continued on next page) 2-10 Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Key_Assignments_________________________ Digital PC_Keyboard____Workstation____Digital_VT220_Terminal______ Home 7 (keypad) 7 (keypad) Insert 0 (keypad) 0 (keypad) Left arrow 4 (keypad) 4 (keypad) Less than (<) Shifted comma less than(<) Left shift Shift Insert here Num lock PF1 PF1 Page down 3 (keypad) 3 (keypad) Page up 9 (keypad) 9 (keypad) Print screen F13 Help Right arrow 6 (keypad) 6 (keypad) Right shift F20 Prev screen Scroll lock F14 Do Slash_(/)______PF2____________PF2_________________________ 2-11 Keyboard Mapping-Digital Workstation to PC Table 2-2 shows the Digital workstation keyboard keys mapped to the PC keyboard in increasing Digital scan code order. Table_2-2_Key_Assignments_for_Digital_Workstations________ Digital_Workstation___PC_Keyboard_________________________ F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 F6 F6 F7 F7 F8 F8 F9 F9 F10 F10 F11 F11 F12 F12 F13 Print Screen F14 Scroll Lock Help Break F17 F17 F18 Right Control F19 Right Alt F20 Right Shift Find Insert Insert Home Remove Page Up Select Delete Prev End (continued on next page) 2-12 Table_2-2_(Cont.)_Key_Assignments_for_Digital_Workstations Digital_Workstation___PC_Keyboard_________________________ Next Page Down __________________________________________________________ ______________________Numeric_Keypad______________________ 0 Insert .(period) Delete Enter Enter 1 End 2 Down Arrow 3 Page Down 4 Left Arrow 5 5 6 Right Arrow ,(comma) + 7 Home 8 Up Arrow 9 Page Up - - PF1 Num Lock PF2 / PF3 * PF4 escape __________________________________________________________ _______________________Cursor_Keys________________________ Left Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Right Arrow Down Arrow Down Arrow Up Arrow Up Arrow (continued on next page) 2-13 Table_2-2_(Cont.)_Key_Assignments_for_Digital_Workstations Digital_Workstation___PC_Keyboard_________________________ ___________________Special_Control_Keys___________________ Shift Left Shift Control Left Control Lock Caps Lock Compose Left Alt Del___________________Erase_______________________________ The remaining keys on the Digital workstation and PC keyboard are identical. Copying and Pasting Text When DEC SoftWindows is in text mode, you can copy text from and paste text into the DEC SoftWindows window using the procedures described in this section. o Pasting text into the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS window 1. Select the text you want to copy by holding down the Select button (left mouse button), and dragging over the text. 2. Move the mouse pointer over the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS window. 3. Click the middle mouse button. Result-The text is typed into the DEC SoftWindows window at the current cursor position. o Copying text from the DEC SoftWindows MS-DOS window 1. Select the text you want to copy by holding down the left-hand mouse button and dragging over the text. 2. Move the mouse pointer over the window you want to paste into. 3. Click the middle mouse button. Result-The text is typed into the window at the current cursor position. o Copying text between Windows and DECterm 2-14 DEC SoftWindows includes a utility called SmartCopy to copy text between MS Windows and a DECterm window. SmartCopy converts text between the Windows and Motif clipboards so that you can copy or cut and paste freely between X Windows and MS Windows applications. The SmartCopy icon changes to show when the text is ready to paste as follows: + When you move the mouse pointer out of the DEC SoftWindows window, the icon shows when text is ready to paste into a Motif application. + When you move the mouse pointer into the DEC SoftWindows window, the icon shows when text is ready to paste from a Motif application. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not select Copy or Paste from the DECterm pull- down menu. _____________________________________________________ Using Floppy Disks DEC SoftWindows lets you work with 3 1/2-inch MS-DOS format floppy disks using the floppy disk drives on your OpenVMS workstation. Before using floppy disk drive A: or B:, you need to assign it to the internal 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drive on your workstation. From the Options menu, select Disk Drives and then select the Open Drive function (see Setting Up Floppy Disk Drives, Chapter 3.) To Use a Floppy Disk To use a floppy disk: o Insert the disk into the computer's internal floppy disk drive. o To see the contents of the disk from an MS-DOS windows, enter one of the following commands: C:\> DIR A: 2-15 or C:\> DIR B: o To see the contents of the disk from Windows, use the File Manager. To Eject a Floppy Disk To eject a floppy disk: o Press the eject button on the floppy disk drive. To Format a Floppy Disk Before using the MS-DOS command FORMAT, you must first use the OpenVMS command INITIALIZE to format a floppy disk. (See Using MS-DOS, Chapter 7.) In the following example, the floppy device name is DKA300. Your device name may be different. For example: $INIT DKA300:/DENSITY=density where density is one of the following values: __________________________________________________________ Density_____Description________Size_______________________ DD double density 720 Kb HD high density 1.44 Mbyte ED__________extended_density___2.88_Mbyte_________________ Use the OpenVMS command SHOW DEVICE/FULL for a complete description of the disks on your system. For detailed information on floppy device names, see Setting Up Floppy Disk Drives, Chapter 3. Using CD-ROMs You can work with MS-DOS format CD-ROMs using a CD-ROM drive attached to the OpenVMS workstation. DEC SoftWindows uses drive F: as the CD-ROM drive. Setting Up CD-ROM Drives, Chapter 3, describes how to set up drive F:. 2-16 To Use a CD-ROM To use a CD-ROM: o Enter the USECD command at the MS-DOS prompt: C:\> USECD This command sets up the CD-ROM drive as drive F:. It becomes available like any other drive except that it is read only. For example, enter this command at the C:\> prompt in an MS-DOS window to see the contents of the CD-ROM: C:\> DIR F: To Eject a CD-ROM To eject a CD-ROM: o Press and hold the eject button on the front of the CD-ROM drive. Using Sound To alternately enable and disable the OpenVMS worksta- tion's sound facilities: o From the Options menu, click on Sound to turn sound on or off. When sound is enabled, a button appears next to the Sound menu option as shown below: ________________________Note ________________________ DEC SoftWindows cannot emulate complex sounds, such as digitized voices or music. Attempting to run a PC application with sound substantially slows down your PC application. To avoid this problem, turn the sound off in the PC application. Using the Sound function will not solve the performance problem since the PC application continues to do the sound processing. _____________________________________________________ 2-17 Using FPU Emulation To alternately enable and disable the FPU Emulation function: o From the Options menu, click on FPU Emulation to turn the function on or off. When FPU emulation is enabled, a button appears next to the FPU Emulation menu option as shown below: ________________________Note ________________________ MS-DOS applications written to use the 80287 chip must have FPU emulation enabled as shown in the figure above. _____________________________________________________ 2-18 Activating and Deactivating Drives and Ports Use the Activate function to control which of the PC drives or PC ports are reserved for use by DEC SoftWindows. The possible PC drives are A: to D:. The possible PC ports are LPT1: to LPT3: or COM1: to COM4:. DEC SoftWindows tries to activate a drive or port when it is first selected, according to the settings in the Open Disk Drives, Comms Ports, and Printer Ports dialog boxes; refer to Setting Up Drives, Chapter 3 and Printing, Input, and Output, Chapter 4. To See Which Services Are in Use by DEC SoftWindows To see which services are in use by DEC SoftWindows: o From the Actions menu, choose Activate. The following cascade menu then appears: The buttons next to device names in the cascade menu indicate devices in use by DEC SoftWindows. Entries with no device assigned to them are shown grayed out in the menu. To Free a Device for Use by OpenVMS Applications To free a device for use by OpenVMS applications: o From the Actions menu, choose Activate. o From the Activate cascade menu, choose the correspond- ing drive or port. 2-19 To Set Read-only Access on Hard Disk Drives To set read-only access on hard disk drives: o From the Actions menu, choose Activate. o From the Activate cascade menu, choose C Drive or D Drive. Any number of users can have read access to a hard disk file, but only one can have write access at a time. A button shown beside a drive name indicates that you have read and write access; other users have read access only. If no button appears beside a drive name, you have read access only, which allows another user to write to the drive. 2-20 3 ________________________________________________________________ Setting up DEC SoftWindows This chapter describes how to configure a PC to your specifications using selections from the DEC SoftWindows Options menu to emulate PC memory, disks, and displays: o Memory-Use this function to set up the amount of Extended or Expanded memory you need. o Disk Drives-Use this function to specify how the PC hard disk drives are emulated on the workstation. o Display- Use this function to choose DEC SoftWindows emulation of a PC display adapter. Restarting DEC SoftWindows After changing any of these preferences, which correspond to a hardware change on a real PC, you must restart DEC SoftWindows. 3-1 The following dialog box appears to warn you and give you the option of canceling the change: Setting Up Memory The standard amount of memory available on a PC is 640 Kbyte. DEC SoftWindows supports two methods to increase this memory: Extended memory and Expanded memory. The method you choose depends on your PC application. The following table describes the differences between Extended memory and Expanded memory: __________________________________________________________ Type of PC memory______Description___________________________________ Main Also referred to as XMS memory (Extended (Extended) Memory Specification). Used by more recent memory applications, including Windows. Requires a protected-mode 80286. Expanded Also referred to as LIM or EMS (Lotus, Intel, memory Microsoft Expanded memory specification). Used ____________by_earlier_real-mode_PC_applications._________ Memory Performance Hints The following performance hints may help you decide how to set up the PC memory: o Set only the amount of memory your application needs. Choosing too much memory may reduce performance. o If your application can use either type of memory, Digital recommends Main (Extended) memory, which is accessed faster than Expanded memory. o Replace conventional memory with Expanded memory only if your MS-DOS application specifies backfilling. o Selecting between 4 and 8 Mbytes of Main Memory and 0 Mbytes of Expanded Memory gives the best performance for most applications. 3-2 To Specify the PC Memory To specify the PC memory, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Memory. The following dialog box shows the amount of Main (Extended) memory and Expanded memory and allows you to change it: o Select the amount of Main memory by dragging the top slider, labeled Main Memory Size, until the value you want is shown above the slider. o Select the amount of Expanded memory by dragging the bottom slider, until the value you want is shown above the slider then click OK to restart DEC SoftWindows with the memory configuration. 3-3 Setting Up Drives PCs use the drive letters A: to Z: to identify individual disk drives. You can set up the floppy disk drives A: and B:, the hard disk drives C: and D:, the FSA drive E:, and the CD-ROM drive F:. From the Options menu, select Disk Drives, then Open Drive. You can use the NET USE command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to set up the FSA drives G: and H:. The following table shows the meaning of each drive letter and how each is set up when you first install DEC SoftWindows: __________________________________________________________ Drive_Default__________Description________________________ A: Empty The floppy disk drive. B: Empty Additional floppy disk drive C: MS-WIN-31.HDF The startup, or boot, hard disk drive D: Empty Additional hard disk drive E: SYS$LOGIN Your home directory F: Empty The CD-ROM drive G: SWIN$HOME:[windows] The Windows data directory H:____SYS$LOGIN________Your_home_directory________________ Using Hard Disk Files DEC SoftWindows emulates PC hard disks using single files in the OpenVMS file system with the extension .HDF. The individual MS-DOS files within DEC SoftWindows hard disk files are accessible only from within DEC SoftWindows and cannot be listed using OpenVMS commands. DEC SoftWindows hard disk files can be attached to and detached from either of the PC drives C: and D: without affecting the information stored within the hard disk file. 3-4 DEC SoftWindows always uses drive C: to start up unless a floppy disk is in an attached A: disk drive. This means you must always have a bootable DEC SoftWindows hard disk file attached to drive C:. This hard disk file must include the MS-DOS start-up files, which must be installed when the hard disk file is created. DEC SoftWindows is supplied with a drive C: container file called MS-WIN- 31.HDF. To Choose the Hard Disk File for C: or D: To choose the hard disk file for C: or D:, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then Open Drive. The following dialog box appears to show the hard disk files assigned to drives C: and D:. o Either type the name you require in the text box or click Hard Disk Drive C: File Name or Hard Disk Drive D: File Name to change the hard disk file used for drive C: or D:, respectively. The following dialog box lets you select the hard disk file to use: o Choose the name of the file you want to use and click OK to restart DEC SoftWindows with the drive configuration you have specified. To Set Up a New D: Drive File To set up a new file to contain the D: drive, use the following procedure: o Make sure that you have enough OpenVMS disk space for the file you are creating; you can use the OpenVMS SHOW DEVICE command to check the available disk space. o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then New Drive. The following dialog box appears: o Enter a name for the new hard disk file. It is recommended you give the file a .HDF extension. 3-5 o Choose the size by dragging the slider until the size you want is shown above the slider. o Click OK to set up the hard disk file you have specified. Creating a New Hard Disk To create a new hard disk within the file set up as described above, you must: o Select the size for your new disk o Partition the disk o Choose to create the disk as either a bootable or nonbootable The following sections describe how to do each of these steps. Selecting the Disk Size To select the disk size, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, select Disk Drives, then New Drive. The following dialog box appears: o Enter the name of the disk. If you omit directory information, DEC SoftWindows places the file in the directory that was current when you invoked DEC SoftWindows. Enter a complete file specification to place the file in a different directory. o Place your cursor on the slide bar and move the marker to the desired size. Click on OK. The example shown creates a 150-Mbyte container file named NEWDRIVE.DOS. The file is created and DEC SoftWindows restarts with NEWDRIVE.DOS installed as your D: drive. 3-6 Partitioning the Disk To partition the disk, run the MS-DOS program FDISK and use the following procedure: o To run the FDISK program, enter the following command at the MS-DOS prompt: C:\> FDISK o Enter option 5 from the FDISK menu for your second hard disk: Enter choice [5] o FDISK displays the disks on your system, Now enter the disk number that shows 0% usage and press o Enter Option 1 to create an MS-DOS partition. o From the next menu, enter Option 1 for a primary partition. o Enter Y to use the whole disk as a standard MS-DOS partition unless you have special requirements. o Press Esc to return to FDISK options o Press Esc again to exit FDISK o Press any key to reboot DEC SoftWindows. Choosing to Create a Bootable or Nonbootable Disk Hard disks can be bootable or nonbootable. You determine which type you need: o A bootable disk contains the MS-DOS operating system and other files. It is known as drive C:. o A nonbootable disk contains application programs. It is known as drive D:. Do not make a new C: drive using system files from a C: drive that contained a previous version of DEC SoftWindows. For the following instructions, the C: drive must be either the C: hard disk drive that came with DEC SoftWindows or a copy of it. 3-7 To create a bootable drive, issue the following commands: C:\> FORMAT D:/S Enter Y C:\> XCOPY C: D:/S C:\> MAKEBOOT 1 To create a nonbootable drive, issue the following commands: C:\> FORMAT D: Enter Y Optional Method to Create a Bootable Disk The XCOPY command shown in the above procedures copies all files from your existing DEC SoftWindows C: drive to your newly-created D: drive. If you do not need to copy the entire disk, you may copy only essential files from the C: disk to the D: disk. To create a bootable disk containing only essential files, issue the following commands: C:\> FORMAT D:/S Enter Y C:\> MKDIR D:\DOS C:\> MKDIR D:\INSIGNIA C:\> COPY C:\DOS\*.* D:\DOS\*.* C:\> COPY C:\INSIGNIA\*.* D:\INSIGNIA\*.* C:\> COPY C:CONFIG.SYS D: *.* C:\> COPY C:AUTOEXEC.BAT D: *.* C:\> MAKEBOOT 1 To Remove the Hard Disk File To remove the hard disk file, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then Open Drive to show the hard disk files attached to C: and D:. 3-8 o Delete the name of the hard disk file in the Hard Disk Drive D: File Name text box. o Click OK to restart DEC SoftWindows with the drive configuration you have specified. To Install Windows To install Windows on a new hard disk file, you need to run the Windows Setup program, using the files provided in the Windows data directory. To install Windows, use the following procedure: o Create a new hard disk file on drive D:. Refer to To Create a New D: Drive earlier in this chapter. The size of the new disk should be not less than 11Mbyte to provide space for Windows, but at least 20 Mbyte is recommended. o Remove the hard disk file from the D: drive and assign it as the C: drive. o Run the Windows Setup program in the Windows data directory (attached as the FSA drive G: by default) by typing: C:\> G:\SETUP o When the installation is complete, exit from DEC SoftWindows to ensure that all the files close correctly. o Run DEC SoftWindows and then run Windows on the new drive in the usual way. Refer to Using Windows, Chapter 2. Note that the Windows setup procedure automatically installs a program called Smartdrive, which reduces performance when used with DEC SoftWindows. Digital recommends that you remove the line C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file after installing Windows on a hard disk file. 3-9 If you are going to print PostScript files from Windows, follow the instructions in the file PRINTERS.WRI to insert a statement CtrlD=0 in the WIN.INI file. Setting Up File Sharing Architecture (FSA) Drives DEC SoftWindows includes software called the File Sharing Architecture (FSA) that allows MS-DOS files to be stored in the OpenVMS file system and still be accessed by MS-DOS and PC applications as though they were on an MS-DOS disk. In the case of a real PC, an FSA drive would be on another computer and MS-DOS would access it through a software driver. DEC SoftWindows uses this attribute of MS-DOS to access a specified OpenVMS directory, which can be on your workstation's hard disk or mounted from a remote file server, according to your needs. The MS-DOS files in an FSA drive are individual OpenVMS files and can be used by OpenVMS programs that can work with MS-DOS files. Filenames in MS-DOS Not all OpenVMS filenames are valid as MS-DOS names. You should adhere to the MS-DOS filename conventions when creating files in the OpenVMS file system that you want to access from DEC SoftWindows. MS-DOS filenames have the form: name.ext where name is eight characters or less, and ext is an optional three character or less extension. Filenames can include the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and the following symbols: _ ! # $ % & @ ^ ~ However, all of these characters except _ (underscore) are special characters in OpenVMS, so you should avoid them in filenames. 3-10 When accessing OpenVMS files using an FSA drive, an illegal MS-DOS filename that does not adhere to the above restrictions is converted to a legal name, although it may not be accessible to MS-DOS if another file of the same name already exists. To Set up an OpenVMS Directory as PC Drive E: To set up an OpenVMS directory as PC drive E:, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then Open Drive. The following dialog box shows the OpenVMS directory assigned to drive E:. o Type the directory you want to use into the text box, or click FSA Root Directory Name. The following dialog box allows you to select the OpenVMS directory to use as drive E:. o Locate the directory you want to use, and choose OK. o Choose OK to exit from the Open Disk Drives dialog box with the drive configuration you have specified. To Set Up OpenVMS Directories as Drives E: to Z: To set up OpenVMS directories as drives E: to Z:, use the following procedure: o Type the following command at the MS-DOS C:\> prompt: C:\> NET USE x: dir where x: is the letter of the drive you want to assign to the directory, and dir is the full OpenVMS pathname of the directory. For example, in the following example, a user named Smith assigns J: to the subdirectory DOS in his home directory: NET USE J: [SMITH.DOS] The drive can be any letter from E: to Z: (subject to the setting of LASTDRIVE). Drives A: to D: are predefined by MS-DOS. The CONFIG.SYS file on the hard disk supplied with DEC SoftWindows sets LASTDRIVE to K:. 3-11 Equally, if you set up a hard disk with more than one partition and assign the first partition as drive D:, MS-DOS uses drive E: for the second partition, drive F: for the third, and so on. In this case, you need to use subsequent letters for any FSA drives you set up. You can include the appropriate NET USE command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you want the drives to be set up each time you run DEC SoftWindows. When attaching to a NetWare file server, the login drive uses the letter that follows the letter assigned to LASTDRIVE in the CONFIG.SYS file; by default the login drive is L:. All drives not included with the LASTDRIVE command are available to NetWare and can be assigned with the NetWare MAP command. To Remove an OpenVMS Directory from a Drive To remove an OpenVMS directory from a drive, use the following procedure: o Type the following command at the C:\> prompt: C:\> NET USE x: /D where x: is the letter of the drive you want to remove. This does not delete the directory but removes the pointer to it. To List the OpenVMS Directories Attached to Drives To list the OpenVMS directories attached to drives, use the following procedure: o Type the following command: C:\> NET USE This command lists the drive letter of each FSA drive, and the pathname of the directory to which it has been attached. If the command is given with a drive letter, it shows the current selection for that drive. 3-12 Sharing and Using Text Files in OpenVMS and MS-DOS OpenVMS and MS-DOS store text files in slightly different formats. If you create a text file under OpenVMS and want to edit it from MS-DOS, or vice versa, you may find that the format is wrong. On the OpenVMS system, use SOFTWINDOWS command qualifiers /DOS_TO_VMS and /VMS_TO_DOS to convert files. o The qualifier /DOS_TO_VMS converts MS-DOS files to OpenVMS format. For example, $SOFTWINDOWS/DOS_TO_VMS DOSFILE.DAT VMSFILE.DAT converts the file DOSFILE.DAT to an OpenVMS formatted file called VMSFILE.DAT. o The qualifier VMS_TO_DOS converts OpenVMS files to MS-DOS format. For example, $SOFTWINDOWS/VMS_TO_DOS VMSFILE.DAT DOSFILE.DAT converts the file VMSFILE.DAT to an MS-DOS formatted file called DOSFILE.DAT. The following table shows when to convert files: __________________________________________________________ Created by ____________OpenVMS_________Created_by_DOS________________ Used by OK Convert using DOSTOVMS command VMS Used by Convert using OK DOS VMSTODOS ____________command_______________________________________ 3-13 Setting Up Floppy Disk Drives You can set up DEC SoftWindows to use the internal or external 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives on your workstation as the PC drives A: and/or B: to work with MS-DOS format 3 1/2-inch floppy disks. To Set Up the Floppy Disk Drives A: and B: To set up the floppy disk drives A: and B:, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then Open Drive. The following dialog box shows the devices assigned to the floppy disk drives A: and B:. o Type the floppy disk drive device name into the appropriate text box labeled Floppy Drive A: Device File Name or Floppy Drive B: Device File Name. Use a device name such as DKA300: or, for the AXP 150, DVA0:. o Choose OK to reset DEC SoftWindows with the drive configuration you have specified. To Deassign a Floppy Disk Drive To deassign a floppy disk drive, use the following procedure: o Delete the device name from the text box labeled Floppy Drive A: Device File Name or Floppy Drive B: Device File Name, as appropriate. You might need system privileges. 3-14 Setting Up CD-ROM Drives DEC SoftWindows allows you to read data CD-ROMs that are compatible with the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX) as MS-DOS drives. The CD-ROMs can be read by MS-DOS commands, if appropri- ate, or by executing the relevant application programs (which are often on the CD-ROM itself). To Set Up the CD-ROM Drive To set up the CD-ROM drive, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Disk Drives, then Open Drive. The Open Disk Drives dialog box shows the device assigned to the CD-ROM drive. o Type the CD-ROM drive device name (DKA400:, for example) into the text box labeled CD-ROM Device File Name. You can now use the CD-ROM with DEC SoftWindows. Refer to Using CD-ROMs, Chapter 2. MS-DOS Configuration The MS-DOS program USECD executes the following command to assign the CD-ROM to drive F:. MSCDEX /D:CDROM$$$ /L:F Include this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you want to use CD-ROMs each time you run DEC SoftWindows. MSCDEX Options The MSCDEX command accepts the following parameters: __________________________________________________________ Parameter_Function________________________________________ /D: Specifies the device driver to be used. For DEC device SoftWindows, it is CDROM$$$. 3-15 __________________________________________________________ Parameter_Function________________________________________ /M: Sets the number of buffers. The buffers buffers parameter should be at least 5, but a larger value, such as 20, improves performance. /E: Uses Expanded memory if it is installed and available. /V: Displays additional information about memory usage during initialization. /L: Assigns the drive at the drive letter given, drive_____rather_than_the_next_available._________________ 3-16 Setting Up the Display DEC SoftWindows provides emulation of all the main PC display adapter types. The following table shows, in order of precedence, which display option to choose for your PC application, and which DEC SoftWindows display option to use: __________________________________________________________ For this PC option___________Choose_this_setting______________________ Super VGA, VGA Video 7, VGA EGA EGA CGA CGA Hercules Hercules Other____________Try_VGA_first,_then_CGA._________________ Digital recommends that you use the Hercules option if you have a monochrome display. To Specify the Display Adapter To specify the display adapter, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Display. The following dialog box shows the display adapter currently selected: o Choose the Display Type you want to use by clicking the appropriate button. o Choose OK to reset DEC SoftWindows with the display settings you have chosen. 3-17 To Specify the Number of Colors for Windows To specify the number of colors for windows, use the following procedure: o Choose 16 or 256 in the Display dialog box. Selecting 16 leaves more colors free for your other applications. If only 16 colors are available, the 256 option is grayed out. Windows Change Color If you choose 256 colors, then all your OpenVMS windows will change color when you are using DEC SoftWindows. This is normal and is caused by the PC emulator loading the OpenVMS color map with a PC color map. Normal colors appear when you click back into the OpenVMS windows. 3-18 4 ________________________________________________________________ Printing, Input, and Output PC applications use the COM1: to COM4: serial ports and the LPT1: to LPT3: parallel ports to communicate with external devices such as printers, modems, and data loggers. This chapter describes how to assign these ports to take advantage of the equivalent capabilities of the OpenVMS AXP workstation. COM and LPT Port Options When you install DEC SoftWindows, all the COM and LPT port options are undefined. Before you can perform any operations to these ports, you must explicitly define them using device and queue specifications that are valid for your site. This chapter explains how to use the DEC SoftWindows menus and dialog boxes to define the ports. The COM and LPT port options are: __________________________________________________________ Port__________Description_________________________________ File for output redirected to a specified file Print Queue for output sent to an OpenVMS print queue DataComm for input/output to the workstation serial port Printer for output connected to the workstation serial port Plotter for output to a plotter connected to the workstation serial port None__________for_no_device_assigned______________________ 4-1 Flushing Output to a File The PC print environment differs from the OpenVMS print environment. PCs do not always print an entire file- sometimes a portion of the file remains in a buffer. So after sending date from a DEC SoftWindows COM or LPT port out to a file, you need to flush the output to ensure that the last partial buffer of data has been sent. DEC SoftWindows allows you to flush output either automatically or manually. The Auto Flush option flushes the buffer automatically a specified time after the last activity on the port. Alternatively, you can flush output from a port manually when you know that output has finished. To Flush Output Automatically To flush output automatically, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose Auto Flush. The following dialog box then appears: o Check that the Enable Automatic Flushing box is selected. o Set the required delay either by moving the Autoflush Delay slider until the field shows the value you want or by typing the value into the box. You can set any autoflush delay from 1 to 50 seconds. The ideal autoflush delay depends on how quickly the PC application sends data. You may need to experiment by starting with a high value, then reducing it, to find the best setting. To Flush Output Manually To flush output manually, use the following procedure: o Choose Flush Ports from the Actions menu. A cascade menu then appears, allowing you to select which ports to flush. o Either choose All to flush all ports or choose the specific port you want to flush. 4-2 o Choose Flush after sending data out with the Pipe option to a COM or LPT port. The buffers are also flushed automatically when you quit from DEC SoftWindows. 4-3 Printing from PC Applications DEC SoftWindows provides two printing options: o DEC SoftWindows can use the standard print spooler to print to a local or a network printer. o DEC SoftWindows can drive a PC printer directly connected to a serial port so that your application can print directly to it. The best option to select depends on your printer and the printers supported by the PC application. You then need to: o Set up the PC application to print to the type of printer you are going to use. o Set up DEC SoftWindows to provide the appropriate printer emulation. How you configure MS-DOS applications depends on the application. For Windows applications use the Print Manager. Note that additional information about printing from Windows is provided in the file C:\WINDOWS\PRINTERS.WRI. To Print to the OpenVMS Printer To print to the OpenVMS printer, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose COM/LPT Ports. o From the COM/LPT Ports cascade menu, choose Printer Ports. The Printer Ports dialog box then appears: o Choose Print Queue from the LPT1: popup menu. Note that SYS$PRINT is the default setting, which sends output to the local print spooler. o Check that Enable Automatic Flushing is set in the Auto Flush dialog box. 4-4 To Print to a Serial Printer with Default Settings You can print from an LPT port to a serial printer with the following fixed communications settings: 9600 baud no parity 8 data bits 1 stop bit XON/XOFF handshaking To print to a serial printer with default settings, use the following procedure: o Connect the printer to the serial port. o From the Options menu, select COM/LPT Ports. o From the COM/LPT Ports cascade menu, select Printer Ports. The Printer Ports dialog box then appears. o Select the Printer option from the LPT1: popup menu. By default this selection sends output to one of the serial ports. Depending on which port you are using, you may need to change this selection. To Print to a Serial Printer With Selectable Settings If you need to use communications settings other than the defaults, set a COM port to Printer and use the MODE command to set the communications parameters. For example, the command MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1 sets 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit, the default setting. XON/XOFF handshaking is supported. If your application can only print to an LPT port, use the MODE command to direct LPT output to the COM port. For example: MODE LPT1:=COM1: Include the MODE commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you want to use these settings every time you run DEC SoftWindows. 4-5 Redirecting to a File You can redirect all output from a specified port to a file in the OpenVMS file system. Redirecting output from DEC SoftWindows to a file is a useful way of debugging problems with printing. The file can then be printed externally to DEC SoftWindows. ________________________Note ________________________ Your VMS editor will not be able to read the print file if it is in DOS format. In this case, you need to use the SOFTWINDOWS/DOS_TO_VMS command to convert the file and adjust the carriage returns and line feeds. For details, see Sharing and Using Text Files in OpenVMS and MS-DOS, Chapter 3, or type $ HELP SOFTWINDOWS _____________________________________________________ To Redirect Output to a File To redirect output to a file, use the following procedure: o From the Options menu, choose COM/LPT Ports. o From the COM/LPT Ports cascade menu, choose Printer Ports or Comm Ports, depending on whether you want to redirect an LPT or COM port. Either the Printer Ports or Comm Ports dialog box then appears: o Choose File from the popup menu corresponding to the port you want to redirect. o Either use the default, the filename SOFTWIN.LIS in your home directory or enter the filename you want to use. If the file already exists the output will be appended to it. o Check that Enable Automatic Flushing is set in the Auto Flush dialog box to flush output to the file; refer to Flushing output to a file, earlier in this chapter. 4-6 Serial Input and Output Using the DataComm option, you can attach a COM port with selectable serial parameters to either of the serial ports for input and output. This option is intended to be used for communications packages that provide their own handshaking. The following serial baud rate parameters are supported: 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 The following combinations are supported: __________________________________________________________ Data_bits____Parity_____________Stop_bits_________________ 8 None 1 7 Even 1 7 None 2 7____________Odd________________1_________________________ By default, COM1: is set up by the following MODE command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file: MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1 This command gives the following communications settings: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. Issue another MODE command to change these settings. 4-7 To Use Serial Input and Output To use serial input and output, use the following procedure: o Connect the serial device to the workstation's serial port. o From the Options menu, select COM/LPT Ports. o From the COM/LPT Ports cascade menu, choose Comm Ports. The Comms Ports dialog box then appears: o Choose DataComm from the COM1: popup menu, then enter the appropriate device name for the port you want to use. If necessary, ask your system administrator for the name of that device. Serial Port Emulation DEC SoftWindows uses facilities provided by the OpenVMS terminal device drivers to determine the state of the serial port. This means that the PC/AT serial port cannot be fully emulated, although most devices and packages designed to operate with it work equally well on DEC SoftWindows. The following technical details are for users who need specialized help in getting a device or package to work properly or who are developing software that uses the serial ports. o DSR (Data Set Ready)-The DSR signal is always held high. The effect is that devices can detect DTR (Data Terminal Ready), but a response from the device via DSR cannot be detected by DEC SoftWindows. Therefore DEC SoftWindows cannot support hardware handshaking; you should use XON/XOFF software handshaking instead. o RI (Ring Indicator)- The RI modem input signal cannot be detected; the software forces it off. o Input Errors- The occurrence of input overrun and framing errors in the hardware or an input break condition cannot be detected. 4-8 Recommendations for Using Serial Ports The following recommendations apply if you are either choosing a package to run under DEC SoftWindows on the OpenVMS workstation or developing software that uses the serial ports for communication. o You should normally use 4800 baud or lower. Higher speeds are likely to be less reliable. o The packet size should be kept small; 512 to 1024 bytes is a suitable size. o Interrupt driven, rather than polled data transfer is preferable. When DEC SoftWindows receives data from an external source with XON/XOFF data flow control, the program running on DEC SoftWindows may have problems. This is due to host buffering of input data preventing the program from responding quickly enough to XOFF signals. 4-9 5 ________________________________________________________________ Networking This chapter describes the SoftNode networking features built into DEC SoftWindows and describes how to install the following network packages: o Novell Netware o Microsoft LAN Manager o Banyan Vines o Novell LAN Manager for DOS The chapter also discusses using TCP/IP and Ethernet frame types. What is SoftNode? SoftNode is the name given to the portion of DEC SoftWindows that implements networking functionality. This module makes it possible to run standard PC networking software such as Novell NetWare and Microsoft LAN Manager on DEC SoftWindows. In technical terms, SoftNode is an ODI-compliant network driver. This means that it effectively emulates a network card, the interface to which is Novell's ODI standard. Compatibility Since SoftNode is an ODI driver, it is theoretically compatible with any ODI-compliant network software. It is also compatible with any NDIS-compliant software, using Novell's NDIS-to-ODI converter program, ODINSUP. However, due to the limitations of some manufacturers' network facilities, it is impossible to provide identical functionality on all ports. 5-1 TCP/IP Connectivity SoftNode attempts to handle TCP/IP packets exactly like other packets. Where possible, SoftNode is compatible with any ODI or NDIS-based TCP/IP package, such as Novell LAN Workplace for DOS or Sun PCNFS. Unfortunately, not all versions of Unix can deal with TCP/IP packets at a low enough level. To provide some TCP/IP connectivity for these ports, Insignia produced a TSR program called ISTCPIP, which implements the API for Novell LAN Workplace for DOS applications. Supported Network Software Table 5-1 lists the network software packages with which SoftNode has been tested successfully. Note that the table does not include a complete list of ODI- and NDIS- compliant applications. Table_5-1_Supported_Network_Software______________________ Ports____________________Network_Software_Packages________ All Ports support Novell NetWare 3.x and 4.x Banyan Vines OpenVMS Alpha support Microsoft LAN manager AXP, Novell LAN Workplace for DOS Sun (SunOS and Sun PCNFS Solaris), and FTP PC/TCP SGI(Irix) Wollongong Pathway IBM RS/6000 supportsMicrosoft LAN manager 2.x (AIX) Novell LAN Workplace for DOS[1] HP PA-RISC supportsNovell LAN Workplace for DOS[1] (HP-UX) [1]The_relevant_operating_system_cannot_support_TCP/IP____ directly. Novell LAN Workplace TCP/IP support is provided by the Insignia ISTCPIP program. __________________________________________________________ 5-2 Configuring SoftNode SoftNode is an ODI driver, so its configuration is driven entirely from the file ENET.CFG, which is normally located in the root directory of the boot drive. This file is the master configuration file for the ODI system and contains sections which relate to different parts of the system. For example, the Link Support section contains configura- tion information for the Link Support Layer, which handles communication between the component parts of the system. The Link Driver section contains configuration information pertaining to the driver itself, specifying the frame types and protocols which are to be used. A sample Link Driver section follows: Link Driver ETHERSPC Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_SNAP Protocol IPX 8137 Ethernet_II The Frame lines in this Link Driver section allow all four Ethernet frame types to be used with the driver. This means that the driver can transmit and receive frames of the four most common hardware packets. Note that the order of the lines is significant. Insignia recommends that all SoftNode Link Driver sections include these four lines. A configuration like this prevents Frame and Protocol mismatches from occurring and makes configuring for both ODI and NDIS identical. A Link Driver section set up to transmit and receive Banyan Vines packets would resemble the following: Link Driver ETHERSPC Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_SNAP Protocol Vines BAD Ethernet_II 5-3 The Protocol line in this Link Driver section enables the driver to transmit and receive Ethernet II format frames with a protocol IDF of 8137 hex. This protocol ID is the one assigned for the IPX protocol; the IPX in the Protocol line is merely descriptive. The IPX protocol is unique because it can be configured to run over any frame type, most other protocols run only over a single static frame type. Table 5-2 lists protocols used by the currently tested applications, their protocol IDs, and the frame types over which they can run: Table_5-2_Protocols_Used_by_Applications__________________ Protocol Application_Protocol__ID________Frame_Type________________ NetWare IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 NetWare IPX E0 Ethernet_802.2 NetWare IPX 8137 Ethernet_SNAP NetWare IPX 8137 Ethernet_II TCP/IP IP 800 Ethernet_II TCP/IP ARP 806 Ethernet_II Vines Vines BAD Ethernet_II LAN SMB FO Ethernet_802.2 Manager___________________________________________________ Table 5-3 lists the network packages that run on the OSF/1 and OpenVMS AXP operating systems. 5-4 Table_5-3_Network_Packages_on_OSF/1_and_OpenVMS_Systems___ DOS_________OSF/1__________OpenVMS________________________ DECnet[1] Yes[2] Yes[2] IPX Yes Yes TCP/IP Yes Yes, if not using UCX. NETBIOS Yes Yes LANMAN Yes Yes Vines Yes Yes Winsockets Yes Yes, if not using UCX. [1]You_cannot_run_Pathworks_under_DOS_over_DECnet_if_you__ are running DECnet with either OSF/1 or OpenVMS. You can, however, run Pathworks over NetBEUEI or TCP. [2]Unless DECnet is already in use on that system. This is likely with OpenVMS. __________________________________________________________ 5-5 Using Novell NetWare A NetWare 3.11 client is standard on every hard disk file created by DEC SoftWindows. Therefore, since NetWare runs over the IPX protocol, installation first involves matching IPX frame types with those configured on the server and then loading the appropriate software. To Load the NetWare Client Software To load the NetWare Client software and connect to the NetWare server, type the following commands: C:\> LSL C:\> ETHERSPC C:\> IPXODI C:\> NETX The server's login directory should appear on the drive letter immediately following that specified in the LASTDRIVE line in your CONFIG.SYS file (usually L:). Then type the following commands: C:\> L C:\> LOGIN After entering your login name and password correctly, you have full access to the server. Example: The following example compiles the kernel using the packet filter option. The frame type used is ETHERNET_II. Sample net.cfg: ; Lines beginning with a ; are comments. ; Link Support MemPool 4096 Link Driver EtherSPC ; Default frame type. Don't need to set protocol number. ; Frame ETHERNET_802.3 ; Protocol IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 5-6 ; Frame used by NetWare 286 after running ECONFIG Frame ETHERNET_II Protocol IPX 8137 ETHERNET_II ; ; Netware386 packet type 3 ; Frame ETHERNET_SNAP ; Protocol IPX 8137 ETHERNET_SNAP ; ; Netware386 packet type 4 ; Frame ETHERNET_802.2 ; Protocol IPX e0 ETHERNET_802.2 ; ; TCPIP configuration ; Frame ETHERNET_II Protocol ARP 806 ETHERNET_II Protocol IP 800 ETHERNET_II 5-7 Using Microsoft LAN Manager LAN Manager client software must be installed from the standard distribution floppy disks. This section describes how to install the LAN Manager. The description takes into account that LAN Manager runs over NDIS. Step 1: Editing the CONFIG.SYS File You need to edit the CONFIG.SYS file created by the DEC SoftWindows hard disk creation facility to enable the hard disk to communicate properly with LAN Manager: o Because the LAN Manager MS-DOS redirector, PROTMAN.DOS, conflicts with the DEC SoftWindows FSA redirector, HOST.SYS, you must remove the line that loads the HOST.SYS file before installing LAN manager. Remove or comment out the following line in the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\INSIGNIA\HOST.SYS Then restore FSA functionality by adding the following line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file: DEVLOD C:\INSIGNIA\HOST.SYS o To give LAN Manager more space to assign drive letters, you must alter the LASTDRIVE value by changing the value assigned to LASTDRIVE in the CONFIG.SYS file, for example: LASTDRIVE=Z Step 2: Installing LAN Manager Install LAN Manager from the distribution floppies. When the installation procedure asks for the name of an Ethernet driver, pick any on the list. The driver you select will be replaced by the DEC SoftWindows ODI driver. Insignia recommends that you do not allow the procedure to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, which would cause errors during the next boot. 5-8 Step 3: Configuring the Protocol Manager To correctly configure the Protocol Manager, ensure that the CONFIG.SYS file includes the following line : DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS The directory LANMAN.DOS is the default installation di- rectory for LAN manager files. If you ask the installation procedure to install to a different directory, you must replace LANMAN.DOS with the name of this directory as shown in the example above. To inform LAN Manager that you will use the DEC SoftWindows network driver rather than the one specified in the installation procedure, change the BINDINGS line in the [NETBEUI_XIF] section of the PROTOCOL.INI file in the installation directory to: BINDINGS = ETHERSPC Note that the name of the of this section may change if you intend to run LAN Manager over a protocol other than NetBEUI. Step 4: Rebooting DEC SoftWindows At this point, reboot DEC SoftWindows to implement the changes to the CONFIG.SYS file that you have just made. Step 5: Configuring SoftNode Normally LAN Manager runs over the NetBEUI protocol. This in turn runs over the lower level SMB protocol, which is based on Ethernet 802.2 frames with a protocol ID of F0 (hex). Thus, using the information given earlier, the LinkDriver section of the NET.CFG file should be: Link Driver EtherSPC Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_SNAP Protocol SMB F0 Ethernet_802.2 5-9 If you wish to run LAN Manager over a different protocol, for example, TCP/IP, refer to Configuring SoftNode, earlier in this chapter, for appropriate frame types and protocol IDs. Step 6: Loading the ODI System To load the component parts of the ODI system, including the Link Support Layer, ODI driver, and NDIS-to-ODI converter, type the following lines. LSL ETHERSPC ODINSUP Step 7: Loading LAN Manager Client The loading order of the various programs that comprise the LAN Manager client can change between different versions of the client. Insignia recommends that you consult the LAN Manager documentation, or the modified AUTOEXEC.BAT file that was kept aside after the installation, for exact details. For LAN Manager client V2.1, the command sequence follows: NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI Step 8: Accessing the Network Log on to the network and access LAN Manager volumes using the following standard commands: NET LOGON user NET USE drive letter: \\server\volume 5-10 Using Banyan Vines Load Banyan Vines from the floppy disks onto the C drive in directory BAN50. Like LAN Manager, Banyan Vines runs over NDIS. This section describes the procedures for installing Banyan Vines. Step 1: Changing NET.CFG Change \novell\net.cfg to include the following lines: Link Driver ETHERSPC Frame ETHERNET_802.3 Frame ETHERNET_802.2 Frame ETHERNET_II Frame ETHERNET_SNAP Protocol BANYAN BAD ETHERNET_II Protocol ODINSUP Bind ETHERSPC Step 2: Changing CONFIG.SYS If necessary change the CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that the following line is included: device=c:\ban50\protman.dos /i:c:\ban50 Step 3: Creating a PROTOCOL.INI File Create a PROTOCOL.INI file in the directory BAN50 as follows: [protocol manager] drivername=PROTMAN$ [VINES_XIF] DRIVERNAME=NDISBAN$ BINDINGS=ETHERSPC Step 4: Loading the ODI System Start NOVEL using the following commands: LSL ETHERSPC ODINSUP 5-11 Step 5: Running the PCCONFIG Utility Run PCCONFIG in BAN50 to configure the interface as follows: o Select "Network Card Settings". o Choose "NDIS Ethernet". o Set the INTERRUPT to 10 and BINDING to ETHERSPC. o Press twice to return to the main menu. o Choose option 2, "Login Environment Settings". o Choose "NDIS Ethernet". o Press until PCCONFIG saves the changes and returns to DOS. Now restart DEC SoftWindows. Step 6: Starting Vines At the C:\> prompt, enter the following commands to start Banyan Vines: C:\> LSL C:\> ETHERSPC C:\> ODINSUP C:\> CD \BAN50 C:\> BAN /NC (Ignore the "no network interface enabled".) C:\> NDISBAN C:\> NETBIND C:\> ARSWAIT C:\> REDIRALL Step 7: Accessing the Network Login to the server using the following command: Z:LOGIN 5-12 Using Novell LAN Workplace for DOS Novell LAN Workplace is an industry standard PC implemen- tation of TCP/IP based on ODI. Therefore, the default installation procedure should suffice to set up DEC SoftWindows. Step 1: Install LAN Workplace The LAN Workplace installation procedure asks several questions to correctly configure the workstation. Make sure that you have the following information before you begin the installation. Ask your system administrator for information about your network. o A unique IP number (not the IP number of the host workstation) o Your network's subnet mask o The IP number of your DNS server(s) o The IP numbers of your IP gateways and routers o Whether or not your network uses the ARP protocol to resolve names o Whether or not your workstation will remote boot from another machine Step 2: Configure SoftNode After installation, verify that the correct Frame and Protocol lines for the IP and ARP protocols are present in the Link Driver section of the NET.CFG file. The following section should contain at least the following: Link Driver ETHERSPC Frame Ethernet_II Protocol IP 800 Ethernet_II Protocol ARP 806 Ethernet_II 5-13 Step 3: Load the ODI System Load the ODI system, including the Link Support Layer and the ODI driver, by typing: LSL ETHERSPC Step 4: Load the TCP/IP Stack Load the LAN Workplace TCP/IP module by typing: TCPIP When loaded successfully, this program displays its configuration, which it reads from the NET.CFG file. Check that the details are correct and that the protocol is registered to run over the Ethernet II frame type. Step 5: Use TCP/IP Applications You should be able to use the MS-DOS and Windows applications provided with the LAN Workplace package. For example, type: PING hostname FTP hostname TNVT220 hostname Additional Information Using Other Versions of TCP/IP There are several other implementations of TCP/IP for the PC, most of which have been tested successfully with DEC SoftWindows. Although these packages have different installation procedures, basically they all send and receive the same packets. Since the actual SoftNode Configuration of these packages is identical, IP and ARP protocols over the Ethernet II frame type should be enabled. Some packages require that an IRQ number be set for the driver. If an installation procedure asks for this information, use IRQ number 10 (decimal). 5-14 Ethernet Frame Types Ethernet II This is the frame type normally used for TCP/IP packets. It can also be configured for IPX packets. You can distinguish this frame type from the 802.2 and 802.3 frame types because the the 2 byte field following the hardware addresses must be greater than the maximum Ethernet packet size (1514 decimal). The format follows: o Destination Ethernet Hardware Address o Source Ethernet Hardware Address o Protocol Number (for example, 8137 for IPX) Ethernet 802.2 This is also known as the Ethernet 802.3 with 802.2 envelope frame type. It is the usual format used by SMB packets, however it can be used to transport IPX packets. With the advent of NetWare 4.X, this is the new default frame type for ODI drivers. You can distinguish this frame type from the Ethernet II frame type because the 2 byte field following the hardware addresses must be less than or equal to the maximum Ethernet packet size (1514 decimal). The format follows: o Destination Ethernet Hardware Address o Source Ethernet Hardware Address o Packet Length (0-1514 bytes) o Destination SAP (such as E0 for IPX) o Source SAP (such as E0 for IPX) o Control Byte Ethernet 802.3 This is the original frame type for IPX, developed by Novell but not recognized as an official frame type by the IEEE. This frame type requires the IPX checksum field be hardwired to ff:ff hex to be recognized so it cannot be 5-15 used with IPX checksumming enabled. Therefore, it is being phased out by Novell. The format follows: o Destination Ethernet Hardware Address o Source Ethernet Hardware Address o Packet Length (0-1514 bytes) o Checksum of IPX Packet Header (ff:ff hex) Ethernet SNAP This is the frame type normally used by AppleTalk packets, however it can be used to transport IPX packets. You can distinguish this frame type from the Ethernet 802.2 frame type by the distinctive SSAP, DSAP and Control values in its 802.2 headers. The format follows: o Destination Ethernet Hardware Address o Source Ethernet Hardware Address o Packet Length (0-1514 bytes) o Destination SAP of AA hex o Source SAP of AA hex o Contrtol Byte of 03 hex o Protocol Number (such as 0:0:0:81:37 hex for IPX) 5-16 6 ________________________________________________________________ Setting up Windows This chapter describes how to set up the Windows screen, how to install and use Windows applications, and how to install printer drivers, keyboard drivers, and fonts. For more detailed information about Microsoft Windows refer to the Microsoft Windows User's Guide and User's Reference. 6-1 Setting Up Memory To run Windows you need at least 2 Mbyte of Main memory. The performance of Windows improves with additional Extended memory up to a certain point. Windows does not benefit from Expanded memory, however, so Digital recommends that you set it to 0 Mbyte. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not allocate excessive memory. Excessive memory reduces the performance of your workstation and other OpenVMS programs. The default amount of memory, 4 Mbyte, is the recommended setting, but you may wish to experiment with different settings for better results. _____________________________________________________ For more information about PC memory, refer to Setting Up Memory, Chapter 4. To Change the PC Memory To change the PC memory, use the following procedure: o On the Options menu choose Memory. The dialog box shows the current size set for each type of PC memory, Main (Extended), and Expanded, and allows you to change it. o Select the amount of Extended memory to allocate using the Main slider. o Click OK to confirm the changes. If you have changed the memory settings, a dialog box will be displayed to allow you to restart DEC SoftWindows. 6-2 Installing Printer Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, and Fonts This section describes how to use the Windows Control Panel to select a different printer driver, how to install additional printer drivers or fonts, and how to change the keyboard layout. DEC SoftWindows comes with a selection of printer drivers, all the standard Windows fonts already installed, and the keyboard set up to use a US keyboard layout. To Select a Printer Driver To select a printer driver, use the following procedure: o Double-click on the Control Panel Icon in the Main Window. o Double-click on Printers in the Control Panel window. The Printers dialog box appears, showing the currently selected default printer, and the list of installed printers. o Choose the printer you want to use in the Installed Printers list, and choose Set As Default Printer. DEC SoftWindows has several printer drivers that you can install. o If the printer you want to use is not installed, choose Add to list the available printer drivers in the following dialog box: o If your printer driver is on the list, select the printer driver you want to add and choose Install. If necessary, the following dialog box appears to allow you to locate the printer driver: o Enter G:\ and choose OK. Note that MS-Windows is supplied on the G: drive. o Choose Close to close the Printers dialog box. 6-3 To Change the Keyboard To change the keyboard layout, use the following procedure: o Double-click International in the Control Panel window. The International dialog box appears. o Choose the down arrow to open the Keyboard Layout drop- down list box, and select the layout you require. o Choose OK to use the new layout. To Add Fonts To add fonts, use the following procedure: o Double-click Fonts in the Control Panel window: The Fonts dialog box lists the fonts installed for use by Windows. o Choose Add to install additional fonts. The Add Fonts dialog box appears. o Open the Drives list, and select the G: drive. The List of Fonts box shows the available fonts. o Select the fonts you want to add, and choose OK. o Choose Close to exit from the Fonts dialog box. Installing and Running Windows Applications Most Windows applications are installed using an installer program typically called SETUP or INSTALL. With DEC SoftWindows you can install Windows applications just as you would on a PC. To Install a Windows Application To install a Windows application, use the following procedure: o Check that the floppy disk drive is set up as A:. Refer to Using Floppy Disks, Chapter 4. o From the Program Manager File menu, choose Run. 6-4 o Follow the instructions for your application. A typical example follows: o Type A:\SETUP, for example, and choose OK. As the installation proceeds, a series of dialog boxes similar to the one shown below prompts you for information needed for the installation. 6-5 To Run a Windows Application To run a Windows application, use the following procedure: o Double-click the application icon in the appropriate program group. For example, to run Solitaire, supplied with Windows, proceed as follows: o Double-click the Games program group icon, to open it: o Double-click the Solitaire icon, to run Solitaire. 6-6 7 ________________________________________________________________ Using MS-DOS This chapter describes the MS-DOS operating system and explains how to take advantage of the most useful MS-DOS features. About MS-DOS DEC SoftWindows includes MS-DOS version 6.21. As with earlier versions of MS-DOS, you give commands to the computer by typing instructions at the MS-DOS C:\> prompt. Using the MS-DOS Editor MS-DOS 6.21 includes the MS-DOS Editor, a simple screen editor with which you create, edit, and print plain text files. The editor includes menu commands and you can also edit text using the mouse. The editor is particularly useful for editing MS-DOS batch programs and files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. MS-DOS 6.21 also includes EDLIN, the less powerful line editor provided with earlier versions of MS-DOS. To Run the MS-DOS Editor from the MS-DOS Prompt To run the MS-DOS Editor: o Type: EDIT filename where filename is the name of the file you want to edit. Omit the filename to create a new file. 7-1 For example, to edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT startup file, type: EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT Figure 7-1 shows the file as it appears in the MS-DOS Editor window. 7-2 To Edit the File To edit the file: o Position the cursor either by using the arrow keys or by clicking with the mouse. o Type to insert text at the cursor. To Cut, Copy, and Paste Text To cut, copy, and paste text: o Drag to select the text you want to cut or copy. o Use the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear functions from the MS-DOS Editor's Edit menu in exactly the same way as you would use the equivalent functions in X Windows applications. To Delete Text To delete text: o Drag to select the text you want to delete. o Either press or type the text you want to replace it. To Exit from the MS-DOS Editor To exit from the MS-DOS Editor: o Choose Exit from the Editor's File menu. The dialog box shown below prompts you to save the file before exiting if you have made any changes to it. o Either click Yes or press to save the changes and exit from the MS-DOS Editor. 7-3 Using MS-DOS Commands With DEC SoftWindows, you enter MS-DOS commands at the MS-DOS prompt as you would on a real PC. This section briefly describes the following useful MS-DOS commands: Getting Help CD COPY DEL DIR FORMAT HELP MKDIR (MD) PRINT RMDIR (RD) TYPE XCOPY Refer to an MS-DOS reference guide for more detailed information. In the following command descriptions, italics indicate command arguments and square brackets indicate optional arguments. Note that MS-DOS is not case-sensitive-it treats upper- and lower-case characters in the same way. Getting Help To display help about any command, type: command /? CD Changes the current directory. Syntax CD [path]directory Example To change your current directory to C:\LOTUS, type: CD C:\LOTUS 7-4 COPY Copies one or more files between two directories. Syntax COPY [drive:][path]file [drive:][path]file Example To copy a file named BUDGET.WK1 from the LOTUS directory on your C: drive to the D: drive, type: COPY C:\LOTUS\BUDGET.WK1 D:\BUDGET.WK1 DEL Deletes specified files. Syntax DEL [drive:][path]file Example To delete the file named \WP\REPORT.OLD on the D: drive, type: DEL D:\WP\REPORT.OLD DIR Lists the files in a directory. Syntax DIR [drive:][path][/W] The /W (keep) option displays the files in columns. Example To list the files on your D: drive in the WP subdirectory in wide format, type: DIR D:\WP/W 7-5 FORMAT Formats a disk. Syntax FORMAT [drive:] [/option] where option is either F:720, F:1.44, or F:2.88 as described in the following table: __________________________________________________________ To_format_____________Give_this_command___________________ 3 1/2" double FORMAT A: /F:720 density 3 1/2" high density FORMAT A: /F:1.44 3 1/2" extended FORMAT A: /F:2.88 density___________________________________________________ Note that you should only format double-density disks in the 720 Kbyte format, high-density disks in the 1.4 Mbyte format and extended-density in the 2.88 Mbyte format. ________________________Note ________________________ You must use the VMS command INITIALIZE on a floppy disk before you can use the MS-DOS command to format it. For details, see To Format a Floppy Disk, Chapter 2. _____________________________________________________ A drive set up as a DEC SoftWindows FSA drive cannot be formatted. HELP Gives help about using an MS-DOS command. Syntax HELP [command] where command is the long or short form of the command. Example 7-6 To get help about FORMAT command: HELP FORMAT MKDIR (MD) Makes a subdirectory. Syntax MKDIR [drive:][path]directory Example To make a directory named PCAPPS on your D: drive, type: MKDIR D:\PCAPPS PRINT Prints a text file to the printer. Syntax PRINT [drive:][path]file Example To print the file named TEXT.OUT from the WP subdirectory on your D: drive, type: PRINT D:\WP\TEXT.OUT Note that after typing in a PRINT command, you may see the message: Enter the name of the list device [prn:] Respond by pressing RMDIR (RD) Removes an empty directory. Syntax RMDIR [drive:][path]directory Example To remove the empty subdirectory named TEMP from your D: drive, type: RMDIR D:\TEMP 7-7 TYPE Displays the contents of a text file on the screen. Syntax TYPE [drive:][path]file Example To display the contents of the file TEXT.OUT from the WP subdirectory on your D: drive, type: TYPE D:\WP\TEXT.OUT XCOPY Copies files and directories, including their subdirecto- ries. Syntax XCOPY [drive:][path]file [drive:][path] /S Example To copy all the files and directories from your C: drive to your D: drive, type: XCOPY C:\*.* D: \S 7-8 Installing MS-DOS Applications MS-DOS software is typically supplied on one or more floppy disks. To install the program, copy the files from these disks to your PC hard disk. For specific instructions, refer to the application's manual. To simplify the installation process, most PC programs provide a batch file which automatically copies the files. This batch file is typically called SETUP.BAT or INSTALL.BAT. Run it by typing SETUP or INSTALL at the MS-DOS prompt. To Install from 3 1\2" Disks The simplest way to install PC software (if you have a floppy disk drive available) is to install directly from 3 1\2" installation disks. A typical sequence follows: o Set up the workstation's floppy disk drive as drive A: or B:; refer to Setting Up Floppy Disk Drives, Chapter 4. A: or B: appears in the DEC SoftWindows status bar, indicating that the drive is available to DEC SoftWindows. Now you can access the disk from DEC SoftWindows. o Follow the instructions supplied with the software. For example, you may be instructed to type: A:\SETUP If at any stage in the installation you need to change disks, refer to To Eject a Floppy Disk, Chapter 2. MS-DOS software is typically supplied on one or more floppy disks. To install the program, copy the files from these disks to your PC hard disk. 7-9 Installing From an FSA Drive Instead of installing directly from 3 1\2" disks, you can copy the software from a PC to a directory on your workstation, over a network or a serial connection. Attach the directory to DEC SoftWindows as an FSA drive so that you can access the files from DEC SoftWindows, as described in Setting Up FSA Drives, Chapter 4. Then install from the files in this directory. ________________________Note ________________________ Some installer programs assume you are installing from floppy disk. The files may not work correctly if you first copy them to a hard disk, then install from the hard disk. _____________________________________________________ Where to Install The installation program typically gives you the option of where to install the files it is copying from the installation disks. You have the following options: __________________________________________________________ Install_here_____If_______________________________________ Drive C: or D: You are sure that the files you are DEC SoftWindows installing will fit on your DEC hard disk file SoftWindows hard disk file, and that you do not need to access the files using other OpenVMS programs. Drive E: to K: You are not sure how much space the DEC SoftWindows software you are installing needs, and FSA drive; you may need to access the files using refer to other OpenVMS programs. Setting Up FSA Drives, Chapter_4.________________________________________________ ________________________Note ________________________ Some PC application installer programs will only install onto a hard disk. Some programs will assume that drives E: to Z: are a PC network, and install 7-10 additional networking software if you specify these drives. _____________________________________________________ Disk Space Requirements Before installing onto the hard disk, check the disk space requirements specified in the application manual, and check the available hard disk space. For example, if you are installing to drive C:, type: CHKDSK at the C:\> prompt in DEC SoftWindows. Note that 1048576 bytes = 1 Mbyte. If you do not have enough space to install the applica- tion, refer to Setting Up Drives, Chapter 4, for details on how to create a larger hard disk. The DEC SoftWindows hard disk files cannot be expanded because they emulate real PC hard disks which cannot change in size. To increase the size of the C: or D: drive, create a new and larger D: hard disk file, then copy your information from the old file to the new one using the XCOPY command; refer to the section XCOPY, earlier in this chapter, or Creating a New Hard Disk, Chapter 2. 7-11 8 ________________________________________________________________ DEC SoftWindows Configuration This chapter describes the DEC SoftWindows system configuration file SWINCONFIG.INI and the MS-DOS configuration files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. SWINCONFIG.INI Configuration File DEC SoftWindows configuration settings are stored in a configuration file named SWINCONFIG.INI in your home directory. They determine the settings in each of the Options menu dialog boxes. Any changes you make in these dialog boxes are saved in the configuration file when you exit from DEC SoftWindows with Save Configuration Changes checked. You can also edit your DEC SoftWindows configuration file using an OpenVMS text editor such as EDT. The System Defaults The system configuration file SWINCONFIG.INI determines the initial DEC SoftWindows configuration. The file is installed into the DEC SoftWindows directory specified by the environment variable SOFTWIN$HOME. The system administrator can edit the system configuration file to set up a different initial configuration of DEC SoftWindows. The system configuration file also contains entries that determine the default values for the LPT and COM port settings, the maximum hard disk drive and memory sizes, and the initial size of the Windows desktop. Figure 8-1 is a complete listing of the SWINCONFIG.INI system configuration file. 8-1 Figure 8-1 SWINCONFIG.INI System Configuration File DRIVE_C_FILE_NAME SOFTWIN$HOME:MS-WIN-31.hdf DRIVE_D_FILE_NAME DRIVE_CDROM_DEVICE_NAME DRIVE_FSA_ROOT_DIRECTORY SYS$LOGIN DRIVE_FLOPPY_A_DEVICE_NAME DRIVE_FLOPPY_B_DEVICE_NAME DISPLAY_GRAPHICS_ADAPTOR VGA DISPLAY_SIZE 1.0 DISPLAY_MSWIN_WIDTH 640 DISPLAY_MSWIN_HEIGHT 480 DISPLAY_MSWIN_COLOURS 16 MEMORY_EXTENDED_SIZE 4 MEMORY_EXPANDED_SIZE 0 MEMORY_EXPANDED_BACK_FILL No LPT_PORT_1_TYPE LPT_PORT_2_TYPE LPT_PORT_3_TYPE LPT_PORT_1 LPT_PORT_2 LPT_PORT_3 COM_PORT_1_TYPE COM_PORT_2_TYPE COM_PORT_3_TYPE COM_PORT_4_TYPE COM_PORT_1 COM_PORT_2 COM_PORT_3 COM_PORT_4 SOUND No AUTO_FREEZE No AUTO_FLUSH Yes FPU_EMULATION Yes AUTO_FLUSH_DELAY 50 KEYBOARD_MAP_FILE_NAME SOFTWIN$HOME:[keyboard]DECus401.kbd 8-2 MS-DOS Configuration The contents of the files AUTOEXEC.BAT (Figure 8-2) and CONFIG.SYS (Figure 8-3) determine the MS-DOS configuration. Figure 8-2 AUTOEXEC.BAT Configuration File @loadhigh C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /l:500 /f:5100 @Echo off Prompt $p$g Path C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\Insignia;c:\novell C:\INSIGNIA\FSADrive e: C:\INSIGNIA\Mouse Mode COM1:9600,n,8,1 Net Use G: SOFTWIN$HOME:[windows] Net Use H: SYS$LOGIN Ver Set TEMP=C:\DOS C:\INSIGNIA\DEVLOD C:\INSIGNIA\CDROM.SYS mscdex /d:cdrom$$$ /l:f /e /v Echo Type ETHER and press ENTER to run SoftNode Echo Type WIN and press ENTER to start Windows 8-3 Figure 8-3 CONFIG.SYS Configuration File DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB devicehigh=c:\insignia\cdrom.sys FILES=30 DEVICE=C:\INSIGNIA\EM_DRVR.SYS DEVICE=C:\INSIGNIA\HOST.SYS LASTDRIVE=K BUFFERS=15 STACKS=9,256 FCBS=20,20 DEVICE=C:\DOS\DISPLAY.SYS CON=(EGA,437,4) 8-4 9 ________________________________________________________________ Displaying Remotely This chapter provides information about installing and setting up DEC SoftWindows on a second workstation. To make DEC SoftWindows available to additional work- stations, either install DEC SoftWindows on each workstation or set up DEC SoftWindows to display on a remote workstation. In either case, you need a license for each copy of DEC SoftWindows you want to run concurrently. To Display DEC SoftWindows on a Remote Workstation The procedure described in this section uses the following terms: __________________________________________________________ Term__________________Meaning_____________________________ Local workstation The system actually running the DEC SoftWindows software Remote workstation The system displaying DEC SoftWindows remotely. It can be either a workstation or some other X Windows ______________________device._____________________________ To display DEC SoftWindows on a remote workstation, use the following procedure: o Make sure that the remote workstation has the SoftWindows fonts set up. The procedures for making the fonts available depend on the type of remote workstation or device. o From the Session Manager Options menu on the remote workstation, select Security. In the Security dialog box, enter the user name, node, and transport (DECnet) of the local workstation from which DEC SoftWindows 9-1 will run. This gives DEC SoftWindows permission to run on the remote workstation. o From the remote workstation, use the SET HOST command to log onto the local workstation and account entered in the Security dialog box. o Enter the following command to tell DEC SoftWindows which node to display on: SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=node where node is the node name of the remote workstation. o Enter the command: softwindows DEC SoftWindows starts up on the remote workstation if the preceding steps have been successful. Refer to Using Windows, Chapter 2. o If the remote workstation is different from the local system, you may want to tailor the remote environment by editing the SWINCONFIG.INI configuration file after starting up DEC SoftWindows at least once. (The configuration file for each user doesn't exist until then.) For example, if the keyboard at the remote workstation is different, it may not work properly unless you set up the correct keyboard mapping file. You can tailor all the parameters in the configuration file as necessary (screen size, colors, disk files, and so on.) Otherwise, the remote user can tailor the environment using the DEC SoftWindows Options menu. 9-2 10 ________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting This chapter suggests solutions to problems that you may encounter when running PC applications on your workstation with DEC SoftWindows. It also includes details of the DEC SoftWindows and MS-DOS error messages, with explanations and suggested solutions. Common Problems The following sections give solutions to the most commonly-encountered problems when using DEC SoftWindows. Using Floppy Disks How do I format a floppy disk? Refer to To Format a Floppy Disk, Chapter 2. Using Hard Disks How do I create a new hard disk? Use the New Drive function on the Disk Drives cascade menu on the Options menu; refer to Setting Up Drives, Chapter 3. How do I make a hard disk file larger? Create a new hard disk file, and then copy the contents of the old file to the new file; refer to Disk Space Requirements, Chapter 7 or the Release Notes. How do I share hard disks? Make the hard disk read-only; more than one user can then read data from it. To do this, enter the following command in a terminal window: SET PROTECTION=(w:RE) filename.hdf where filename is the name of the hard disk file. 10-1 Can I use hard disk files from other versions of DEC SoftWindows or SoftPC? You can use the hard disk file from other versions of DEC SoftWindows as D: but do not use them as drive C: because the version of Windows and the configuration files are not compatible. Using CD-ROM How do I set up a CD-ROM drive? Refer to Setting Up CD-ROM Drives. Chapter 3. How do I read an MS-DOS CD-ROM? Refer to Using CD-ROMs, Chapter 2. Using Memory How do I change the Extended or Expanded memory settings for PC applications? Use the Memory dialog box; refer to Setting Up Memory, Chapter 3. Using the Mouse The workstation mouse pointer has disappeared While the mouse is attached for use by MS-DOS applications it is not available to OpenVMS programs. To detach it, refer to Using the Mouse, Chapter 2. Using Keyboards How do I set up a foreign keyboard in MS-DOS? Use the MS-DOS command KEYB. How do I set up a foreign keyboard in Windows? Use the Windows International Control Panel; refer to To Change the Keyboard Layout, Chapter 6. 10-2 Using the Screen How do I change the size of the DEC SoftWindows screen? When running MS-DOS you can select between 1.0x, 1.5x, and 2.0x scales in the Display dialog box; refer to To Resize the DEC Softwindows MS-DOS Window, Chapter 2. When you are running Windows you can specify any size, up to the full screen; refer to Using Windows, Chapter 2. Using Printers How do I set up the COM and LPT ports? Refer to Printing, Input and Output, Chapter 4. How can I print from a PC application? Refer to Printing from PC Applications, Chapter 4. Printing is not working properly If you are using the print spooler, try flushing the port to ensure that all the data has been sent. Try redirecting print output to a file, then printing the file outside DEC SoftWindows. Refer to Redirecting to a File and Piping to a Process, Chapter 4. How do I set up a printer for Windows? Use the Windows Printers control panel; refer to To Select a Printer Driver, Chapter 6. Unrecognized <04> in file Use encapsulated postscript to solve this problem or simply edit your file to remove the 04 or try different printer options. Using Serial Devices How do I use the serial ports with PC applications? Refer to To Use Serial Input and Output, Chapter 4. 10-3 Converting Between MS-DOS and OpenVMS How do I convert text documents between DOS and OpenVMS? Use the OpenVMS command SOFTWINDOWS/VMS_TO_DOS or SOFTWINDOWS/DOS_TO_VMS to convert the files. Type $ HELP SOFTWINDOWS for more information and refer to Sharing and Using Text Files in OpenVMS and DOS, Chapter 3. How can I copy and paste between PC and X Windows applications? Use the DEC SoftWindows copy and paste facilities; refer to Copying and Pasting Text, Chapter 2. Setting File Access Permissions What are file access permissions? File access permissions tell a computer system who has access to files and directories. Each file and directory has a set of permissions that determines which users can read, write, and execute the contents of a file. If a system is shared or is part of a network, other people might have or need access to its files and directories. There are four types of permissions that can be applied to files and directories. __________________________________________________________ Permission__Symbol______What_it_means_____________________ Read R Allows users to view or copy a file, or list files in a directory. Write W Allows users to create, and edit a file. Execute E Allows users to run an executable file, such as a program or application, and search a directory. Delete______D___________Allows_users_to_delete_a_file.____ Any of the permissions can be assigned to four categories of users: 10-4 __________________________________________________________ User________Symbol______What_it_means_____________________ System S The System or a person logged into system. Owner O The creator of the file (or directory) . Group G The other users in the owners group. World_______W___________All_other_users.__________________ How do I check file access permissions? Check file access permissions using the OpenVMS DIRECTORY command. In a terminal window, enter: DIR/PROTECTION filename The response will be similar to this: C10.SDML;75 (RWED,RWED,RE,) where the file access permissions are represented by the letters RWED,RWE,R,R; R is for read, W is for write, E is for execute and D is for delete. The four sets are for the System, Owner, Group, and Others, respectively. How do I change file access permissions? You can change file access permissions using the OpenVMS SET PROTECTION command. To change the permissions, you must be logged in as the owner or system. If necessary, ask your system administrator to do this. Then give the SET PROTECTION command with an appropriate parameter. The parameter consists of S: (system), O: (owner), G: (group), or W: (other) followed by the type of access: R (read), W (write), E (execute) or D (delete). For example, to enable the Owner to write to a file, use the command: SET PROTECTION=(O:W) filename For more information on file access permissions, consult your OpenVMS reference manuals. 10-5 Using Configuration Files Where is my DEC SoftWindows configuration stored? In the SWINCONFIG.INI file in your home directory; refer to Softwindows Configuration, Chapter 8. What determines the configuration of MS-DOS? The MS-DOS files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Refer to MS-DOS Configuration, Chapter 8. Using FSA Drives I get an error message when I try to use an MS-DOS file on an FSA drive. Because MS-DOS was not designed to handle file ownership and permissions like OpenVMS, MS-DOS uses an assortment of standard file error messages to indicate that you do not have permission to read, write to, or execute a given file or directory. Any of the following messages may indicate that you do not have access to a particular file or directory, due to the file permissions: File creation error File not found Invalid directory Invalid path (or file not found) If one of these messages appears in MS-DOS, and you are certain that the file or directory exists, you should check the permissions and ownership, using OpenVMS. Refer to Setting File Access Permissions, earlier in this chapter. Alternatively, copy the files to the hard disk C: or D: and try again. 10-6 Using Networking The ETHER command does not work If the following message appears: Bad command or file name the batch file ETHER.BAT is not on the path. Either copy ETHER.BAT into a directory on the path, or amend PATH. I cannot login If you try to switch to drive L: to log in, and get the message: Invalid drive specification or you run LOGIN.EXE from your hard disk and get the message: Warning: unexpected error 9(89ff) The following drive mapping operation could not be completed this means that the system was unable to map drive letters to network drives. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file. It should have an entry of the form: LASTDRIVE=K Novell uses drive letters after LASTDRIVE, ie starts with L, etc. Running PC Applications How do I install PC software with DEC SoftWindows? Refer to Installing MS-DOS Applications, Chapter 7. How do I give MS-DOS commands? Type them at the C:\> prompt; refer to Using MS-DOS commands, Chapter 7. How can I edit MS-DOS files? Use the MS-DOS editor, EDIT; refer to Using the MS-DOS Editor, Chapter 7. In Windows you can use the Windows Notepad text editor. No display is visible in the DEC SoftWindows window 10-7 An MS-DOS application may have been started with the wrong video mode. Change the display type; refer to Setting Up the Display, Chapter 3. Application fails to run at all or locks up DEC SoftWindows The application may be copy protected, and installed on an FSA drive. Re-install on drive C: or D:. Alternatively, the application may require Expanded or Extended memory. Refer to Setting Up Memory, Chapter 3. Using Windows How do I install new Windows fonts? Refer to To Add Fonts, Chapter 6. Windows will not run Windows needs a minimum of 2 Mbyte of Extended memory to run, and 4 Mbyte is recommended. Check that this has been set correctly; refer to Setting Up Memory, Chapter 3. Windows will not run with a read-only C: drive Temporarily make it readable and writable. Then in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file change the line SET TEMP=C:\DOS to specify a writable disk. For example: SET TEMP=H: I cannot load extra Windows drivers from G: Check that the FSA drive G: is SOFTWIN$SYSTEM:[windows], where SOFTWIN$SYSTEM is the DEC SoftWindows installation (normally :[SoftWindows]), by typing NET USE at the MS-DOS prompt. Alternatively, before running Windows type: ASSIGN A=G R What are the names of the DEC SoftWindows Windows drivers? When you run Windows in a window you are not using, one of the emulated display drivers (VGA, EGA, and so on), and the title bar changes to DEC SoftWindows Desktop to indicate that you are using the DEC SoftWindows 10-8 Windows display and mouse drivers. These are called DEC SoftWindows Display and DEC SoftWindows Mouse. MS-DOS Errors These errors may appear in the DEC SoftWindows window: ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Not ready error Your floppy disk Attach or select the reading drive A/B drive is not floppy disk drive, Abort, Retry, Fail attached to DEC or insert a disk and SoftWindows, or the retry the command. specified drive is set to Empty in the Open Disk Drives dialog box, or there is no disk in the drive. Invalid drive If you are trying Select a file as specification to access drive drive D; refer to D: there is no DEC Setting Up Drives, SoftWindows hard Chapter 3. disk file selected as drive D:. If you are trying Check that to access an FSA CONFIG.SYS and drive, the software AUTOEXEC.BAT are set needed to access FSA up correctly; refer drives is not set up to Setting Up FSA correctly. Drives, Chapter 3. Non System disk DEC SoftWindows Eject the floppy is attempting to disk from drive A:. boot from an MS-DOS floppy disk in drive A: which has not been initialized as a startup disk. 10-9 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ DOS needs ROM BASIC This means that you Refer to Chapter 4. have tried to create a new C drive but have forgotton to make it bootable by ______________________saying_MAKEBOOT_1.________________________ 10-10 DEC SoftWindows FSA Errors These errors may appear in the DEC SoftWindows window; they relate to the use of FSA drives: ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ The host filesystem The FSA directory Check that the directory cannot be cannot be found. directory has not found been renamed, moved, or deleted. The host filesystem An FSA drive has Only directories can name must be a been given the name be specified for FSA directory of a file. drives. The host filesystem The FSA directory Change the must have read cannot be read. directory's access access permissions. The x drive is not You are trying to Check the NET USE being used detach a drive with command argument NET USE/D which is against drives not attached. currently attached. The x drive is not a You are trying Retry the NET USE network drive to attach a non- command with the network drive which correct drive id. is already in use (for example, drive C:) with a NET USE command. The x drive is You are trying to Retry the NET USE already in use attach a network command with the drive (id of E correct drive id. onwards) with a NET USE command, but the drive is already in use. Illegal drive The drive specified Check that it is specification in an FSADRIVE or a single letter NET USE command is followed by a colon, not valid. in the range E to ____________________________________________LASTDRIVE.__________ 10-11 Networking Errors These errors may appear in the DEC SoftWindows window; they relate to the network support software: ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ WARNING: Error NET.CFG could not be Create NET.CFG registering found, so default is or make sure the Protocol=IPX, used. existing one is on Frame=ETHERNET_ the PATH. 802.3, PID=X WARNING: Error The HP port of Alter NET.CFG registering SoftNode does not so that either Protocol=IPX, support frame types 802.2 or ETHERNET Frame=ETHERNET_ SNAP or 802.3. II protocols are 802.3, PID=X specified. WARNING: Error The HP port of Alter NET.CFG registering SoftNode does not so that either Protocol=IPX, support frame types 802.2 or ETHERNET Frame=ETHERNET_ SNAP or 802.3. II protocols are SNAP,PID=X specified. SHELL-322-21: A A network server The frame type network server could could not be found. specified in NET.CFG not be found. is not supported by the network server. Consult your network administrator to find out which types are supported and amend NET.CFG ____________________________________________accordingly.________ 10-12 SoftWindows Errors The following errors, arranged according to the situations in which they can occur, are displayed in a dialog box. ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Starting_DEC_SoftWindows________________________________________ The configuration There is a Reset your file in your home problem with your preferences; refer directory has an preferences. to DEC SoftWindows option with a bad Configuration, value Chapter 8. The system default The SWINCONFIG.INI Correct the invalid configuration file file has an entry value; refer to has a bad value with an invalid Configuration File, value. Chapter 8. The system default There is a Correct the invalid configuration file problem with the value; refer to has a duplicate or SWINCONFIG.INI file. Configuration File, unrecognized entry Chapter 8. An installation An ancillary file Reinstall DEC file required by that DEC SoftWindows SoftWindows. DEC SoftWindows is needs is missing. missing, execution must terminate. The configuration There is a If you cannot file entry shown problem with your correct the problem below has an invalid preferences such with Default or value. You may as a filename Continue, click select Default to misspelled or Quit and reset your replace it with nonexistent. preferences; refer the system default to DEC SoftWindows value, or type a Configuration, correct value and Chapter 8. select Continue. 10-13 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Starting_DEC_SoftWindows________________________________________ The configuration There is a If you cannot file entry shown problem with your correct the problem below is empty. You configuration file. with Default or may select Default Continue, click to use the system Quit or reset your default value, or configuration; refer type a correct value to DEC SoftWindows and select Continue. Configuration, Chapter 8. A configuration file There is a If you cannot entry is duplicated problem with your correct the problem or there is an configuration file. with Default or unrecognized entry. Continue, click You may select Quit or reset your Default to ignore configuration; refer this entry, or type to DEC SoftWindows a correct entry Configuration, name and value, then Chapter 8. select Continue. DEC SoftWindows is The DEC SoftWindows not running with permissions have system permissions. been changed. DEC Continuing will SoftWindows needs disable floppy and system permission. CDROM support. At root type: SET PROTECTION =(W:RWE) _File: SOFTWIN$SYSTEM:SOFTWINDOWS.EXE The DEC SoftWindows There is something Check the installa- executable is a wrong with the tion. soft link. Please SoftWin directory. execute the actual DEC SoftWindows. 10-14 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Starting_DEC_SoftWindows________________________________________ Either could not DEC SoftWindows Check the installa- find or could cannot locate the tion. not 'stat' the correct executable. executable below. Unable to open the DEC SoftWindows Check that the terminal could not locate keyboard mapping the keyboard mapping file is present. file. DEC SoftWindows DEC SoftWindows Check that the files could not open the could not access one are present on the font file of the font files. system where you are displaying. If you are doing a remote display, then you must remotely install and load the SoftWindows fonts. 10-15 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ DEC_SoftWindows_Licensing_______________________________________ The license number DEC SoftWindows Check the numbers in or authorization is not correctly the License Manager code is invalid licensed. dialog box. All licensed DEC You need to upgrade Try again when a SoftWindows are your DEC SoftWindows user has finished. already running. license to cover Contact Digital for Please contact a larger number of license upgrades. your Service users, or wait until Representative. a DEC SoftWindows has shut down. This copy of DEC The demo period has Buy a license. SoftWindows is expired. Contact your not licensed, and Digital Sales the demo period Representative. has expired. You must enter a serial number and authorization code to use this product. 10-16 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Running_DEC_SoftWindows_________________________________________ The DEC SoftWindows The MS-DOS program Make sure you do CPU has encountered you are running not have a floppy an illegal has an illegal disk in the drive instruction instruction in it while starting DEC and DEC SoftWindows SoftWindows. Try cannot process it, again; if the error or you may be trying recurs, reinstall to boot from an the program. Try invalid floppy. running the program in a slightly different way. For other suggestions, refer to Installing MS-DOS Applications, Chapter 7. 10-17 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Running_DEC_SoftWindows_________________________________________ Internal error in This is a rare, Reset your DEC SoftWindows but fatal error and preferences; refer procedure there is no way to to DEC SoftWindows recover. Configuration, Chapter 8. Then restart DEC SoftWindows and retry the operations that produced the error. If the error recurs, call Digital Service. DEC SoftWindows does This message Make the disk not support a ROM indicates that a bootable. BASIC program has tried to access ROM BASIC and may be caused by attempting to boot from a non-bootable disk. 10-18 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Running_DEC_SoftWindows_________________________________________ The file named below DEC SoftWindows is not accessible to cannot find or DEC SoftWindows access one of its ancillary files. A continuous RESET The CPU is being If the problem state has been continuously rest. A persists, contact entered PC/AT would lock up Digital Service. in this state, but DEC SoftWindows will detect it. It has been caused by the application you are running. The date has been Self-explanatory. set forward, or the system frozen for a period. The PC date may be incorrect. The date has been Self-explanatory. set backward. The PC date may be incorrect. 10-19 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Memory__________________________________________________________ Failure to allocate There is not Reduce the DEC the requested number enough memory SoftWindows Expanded of Expanded Memory available to satisfy Memory requirement pages the requirement in the Memory dialog specified. box or free memory by quitting from other OpenVMS programs. The memory resources DEC SoftWindows Free memory by needed by DEC has been unable quitting from other SoftWindows could to allocate the OpenVMS programs. not be allocated. amount of memory it Select Continue to requires. retry. Extended memory has An attempt has been Reset the setting in not been configured. made to access the Memory dialog Extended memory box. beyond 1 Mbyte when it is set to 1 Mbyte in the Memory dialog box. 10-20 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ ________________________________________________________________ DEC_SoftWindows_hard_disk_files_________________________________ The hard disk is The hard disk cannot Check the file not writable - be written to. access permissions; check file name refer to How Do I and permissions. Check File Access Permissions?, earlier in this chapter. The hard disk file The hard disk file Check the file is not a valid hard does not have the access permissions; disk because the correct internal refer to How Do I disk geometry is format. Either it is Check File Access incorrect not a hard disk or Permissions? earlier another application in this chapter. has written into it. The new hard disk The attempt to Check the file file could not be create a new hard access permissions; created disk file has refer to How Do I failed. Check File Access Permissions? earlier in this chapter. The hard disk has You do not have the Change the file been mounted read necessary access access permissions; only because you permissions to write refer to How Do I do not have write to the disk. Check File Access permission for the Permissions? earlier file. Check the file in this chapter. permissions if you need to write to the disk. Drive C: and Drive You have attempted Choose a different D: cannot be the to select the same file. same file. file for C: and D:. 10-21 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Floppy_disk_drives______________________________________________ Floppy drive DEC SoftWindows Check that the problem. DEC cannot open the floppy disk device SoftWindows cannot floppy device. name is correct; access the floppy refer to Using device. Floppy Disks, Chapter 2. Check the privileges and verify that the user has write permission. The host computer DEC SoftWindows Check that the has no floppy drive cannot access the floppy disk device that DEC SoftWindows floppy device driver name is correct; can access which has been set refer to Using up in preferences. Floppy Disks, Chapter 2. The floppy device The floppy device Reset the settings name is invalid for name is invalid for in the Open Disk the type chosen. the floppy device Drives dialog box. type. Typically no name with a non-null type, or a name when the type is none. Floppy A: and floppy You have attempted Specify a different B: cannot be the to select the same device. same device device for A: and B:. 10-22 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ FSA_drives______________________________________________________ The host filesystem The directory Check that the directory cannot be specified for an directory has not found. FSA drive cannot be been renamed, moved, found. or deleted. The host filesystem An FSA drive has Specify a directory. must be a directory. been given the name of an ordinary file. The host filesystem The directory for an Check the file must have read FSA drive cannot be access permissions; access. read. refer to How Do I Check File Access Permissions? earlier in this chapter. ________________________________________________________________ COM/LPT_ports___________________________________________________ Output error. DEC DEC SoftWindows has Check that the SoftWindows was one of its COM or queued process has unable to write to LPT ports configured not quit. the specified queue. to output to a queue but can no longer output to it. The communications The name of the Check the name in device name is file, queue, or the appropriate invalid. device selected for dialog box. a COM or LPT port is not valid. Device needed by A device set up for Check the file comms adapter could a COM or LPT port access permissions; not be accessed - cannot be accessed. refer to How Do I check permissions. Check File Access Permissions? earlier in this chapter. Process requested in The queue set up for Check the name in comms adapter could a COM or LPT port the appropriate not be found. cannot be found. dialog box. 10-23 ________________________________________________________________ Error_________________Explanation___________Suggestion__________ Exiting_DEC_SoftWindows_________________________________________ The DEC SoftWindows DEC SoftWindows Check the home resource file cannot create one of file permissions; could not be its ancillary files. refer to How Do I created.(It will Check File Access not be updated.) Permissions? earlier in this chapter. The DEC SoftWindows DEC SoftWindows Check the home resource file cannot update one of file permissions; could not be its ancillary files. refer to How Do I updated. Continuing Check File Access will attempt to Permissions? earlier create the file in in this chapter. SYS$LOGIN.______________________________________________________ 10-24 ________________________________________________________________ Index A CGA display, 3-17 ___________________________ Comm Ports (options menu), A: drive, 3-14 4-6 Activate (Actions menu), Comm Ports (Options menu), 2-19 4-8 applications Comms ports installing, 6-4 activating\deactivating, running, 6-6 2-19 Attach Floppy (Actions configuration file menu), 2-15 saving, 2-6 Attach Mouse (Actions menu) COPY (MS-DOS command), 7-5 , 2-6 copying text between AutoFlush (Options menu), windows, 2-14 4-2 Auto Freeze (Options menu), D__________________________ 2-6 D: drive, 3-5 B Data Comm (Comm Ports ___________________________ option), 4-7 B: drive, 3-14 DEC SoftWindows Banyan Vines, 5-11 restarting, 3-1 running on a second C__________________________ workstation, 9-1 C: drive, 3-5 setting up, 3-1 CD (MS-DOS command), 7-4 defaults CD-ROM drives serial printer, 4-5 device name, 3-15 DEL (MS-DOS command), 7-5 in AUTOEXEC.BAT, 3-15 DIR (MS-DOS command), 7-5 setting up, 3-15 directory CD-ROMs listing OpenVMS, 3-12 interfacing, 1-3 removing OpenVMS from troubleshooting, 10-2 drive, 3-12 using, 2-16 Index-1 Disk Drives (Options menu), 3-1, 3-4 F__________________________ Display (Options menu), file 3-1, 3-17 outputting to, 4-6 display, setting up, 3-17 file access permissions, /DOS_TO_VMS qualifier, 10-20 3-13 checking, 10-5 drive F:, 2-17 setting, 10-4 drivers files installing, 6-3 sharing OpenVMS and drives MS-DOS, 3-13 activating\deactivating, file servers 2-19 LAN Manager, 1-4 defaults, 3-4 NetWare, 1-4 floppy disk E__________________________ to format, 2-16 E: drive floppy disk drives setting up, 3-11 deassigning, 3-14 E: to K: drives, 3-11 interfacing, 1-3 EDIT (MS-DOS command), 7-1 setting up, 3-14 EGA display, 3-17 using, 3-14 Enable Automatic Flushing floppy disks option, 4-4, 4-6 troubleshooting, 10-1 error messages using, 2-15 FSA, 10-11 flushing, 4-2 MS-DOS, 10-9 automatically, 4-2 networking, 10-12 manually, 4-2 SoftWindows, 10-13 Flush Ports (Action menu), Ethernet 802.2, 5-15 4-2 Ethernet 802.3, 5-15 fonts Ethernet frame types, 5-15 adding, 6-4 Ethernet II, 5-15 FORMAT, 2-16 Ethernet SNAP, 5-16 FORMAT (MS-DOS command), exit 7-6 from Windows, 2-2 FPU emulation (Options Exit (File menu), 2-6 menu), 2-18 exiting Freeze (Actions menu), 2-5 from DEC SoftWindows, 2-6 FSA expanded memory, 1-4 error messages, 10-11 Expanded memory, 3-2 FSA drives extended memory, 1-4 interfacing, 1-2 setting up, 3-10 Index-2 H__________________________ M__________________________ hard disk files Main memory, 3-2 choosing, 3-5 size, 3-3 creating, 3-5 memory interfacing, 1-2 changing, 6-2 removing, 3-8 Expanded, 6-2 sharing, 10-1 Main, 6-2 using, 3-4 setting up, 3-2, 6-2 hard disks troubleshooting, 10-2 troubleshooting, 10-1 Memory (Options menu), HELP (MS-DOS command), 7-6 3-1, 3-3, 6-2 Hercules display, 3-17 Microsoft LAN Manager, 5-8 MKDIR (MS-DOS command), I__________________________ 7-7 interfacing mouse, 1-3 CD-ROMs, 1-3 disappearing, 2-7 floppy disk drives, 1-3 troubleshooting, 10-2 FSA drives, 1-2 using, 2-6 hard disk files, 1-2 MSCDEX (MS-DOS command), 3-15 K__________________________ MS-DOS keyboard, 2-8 error messages, 10-9 Keyboard, 2-8 filenames, 3-10 functions in MS-DOS, 2-10 using, 2-4 functions in MS-DO S, MS-DOS applications disk space requirements, 2-12 7-10 keyboard layout installing from floppies, changing, 6-4 7-9 Keyboard mapping, 2-10 installing over the workstation to PC, 2-11 network, 7-10 keyboards, 1-3 MS-DOS commands troubleshooting, 10-2 CD, 7-4 L COPY, 7-5 ___________________________ DEL, 7-5 LAN Manager file servers, DIR, 7-5 1-4 EDIT, 7-1 LAN Workplace for DOS, 1-4 FORMAT, 7-6 LPT ports HELP, 7-6 activating\deactivating, MKDIR, 7-7 2-19 PRINT, 7-7 RMDIR, 7-7 TYPE, 7-8 Index-3 MS-DOS commands (cont'd) printing, 4-1 XCOPY, 7-8 to a network printer, 4-4 MS-DOS Editor, 7-1 to an OpenVMS printer, 4-4 N__________________________ to a serial printer, 1-3, NET USE (MS-DOS command), 4-4 3-12 to a text file, 1-3 NetWare file servers, 1-4 R networking ___________________________ Banyan Vines, 5-2 requirements error messages, 10-12 DEC SoftWindows, 1-7 Novell NetWare, 5-2 resize packages, 5-4 MS-DOS window, 2-4 TClP/IP, 5-2 Restart (Actions menu), troubleshooting, 10-7 2-5 Novell LAN Workplace for restarting DOS, 5-13 DEC SoftWindows, 3-1 Novell NetWare, 5-6 RMDIR (MS-DOS command), 7-7 O__________________________ OpenVMS directories, 3-12 S__________________________ setting up, 3-11 serial ports, 4-5 OpenVMS filenames setting up conversion to MS-DOS, DEC SoftWindows, 3-1 3-11 SoftNode, 5-1 Options menu, 3-1 SoftWindows error messages, 10-13 P__________________________ SoftWindows Display drives, pasting text between 10-8 windows, 2-14 SoftWindows Mouse drives, PC applications 10-8 troubleshooting, 10-7 specifications, 1-5 PRINT (MS-DOS command), SWINCONFIG.INI file, 8-1 7-7 system configuration file, printer driver 8-1 installing, 6-3 T selecting, 6-3 ___________________________ Printer Ports (Options terminal support, 1-2 Menu), 4-5 text files printers sharing OpenVMS and troubleshooting, 10-3 MS-DOS, 3-13 Index-4 troubleshooting CD-ROMs, 10-2 W__________________________ floppy disks, 10-1 Windows hard disks, 10-1 installing on hard disk, keyboards, 10-2 3-9 memory, 10-2 resizing, 2-1 mouse, 10-2 setting up, 6-1 networking, 10-7 using, 2-1 PC applications, 10-7 Windows applications printers, 10-3 installing, 6-4 TYPE (MS-DOS command), 7-8 V X__________________________ ___________________________ XCOPY (MS-DOS command), VGA display, 3-17 7-8 VMS_TO_DOS qualifier, 3-13 Index-5