____________________________________________________ Overview of OpenVMS Documentation Order Number: AA-QSBEA-TE December 1995 This manual contains a brief description of the OpenVMS documentation set and includes a short summary of each manual for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0. Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the Overview of OpenVMS Documentation, Version 6.2. Software Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ December 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Digital conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: AXP, Bookreader, DDCMP, DECamds, DECdtm, DECnet, DECdirect, DECmigrate, DECtalk, DECthreads, DECTPU, DECwindows, Digital, EDT, InfoServer, OpenVMS, PDP-11, POLYCENTER, VAX, VAX MACRO, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Posix is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Wind/U is a registered trademark of Bristol Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. ZK4511 This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Overview...................................... 1 1.1 Documentation Formats..................... 1 2 What's New in Version 7.0..................... 2 2.1 New Documentation for This Release........ 2 2.2 Updated Printed Documentation for This Release................................... 2 2.3 Updated Bookreader Documentation for This Release................................... 3 2.4 Revised Version 6.2 DCL Dictionary........ 4 3 Components of OpenVMS Documentation........... 4 3.1 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set............ 5 3.2 Color Designators......................... 9 3.3 System Integrated Products................ 10 3.4 Online Help............................... 10 3.5 Help Message.............................. 10 3.6 Documentation on OpenVMS VAX Installation Media..................................... 11 4 Upgrade and Installation Documentation........ 11 4.1 Upgrade and Installation Supplements..... 12 4.2 Archived Installation Supplements......... 14 5 OpenVMS Archived Books ....................... 14 6 OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.................. 15 6.1 Online Documentation...................... 16 6.2 Printable Documentation................... 16 7 Restructured Documentation Sets............... 18 iii A Book Descriptions A.1 Base Documentation Set Descriptions........... A-1 A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions................ A-4 A.3 Manuals in the Media Kit...................... A-12 A.4 System Integrated Products Documentation...... A-13 A.5 Archived Manual Descriptions.................. A-13 Figures 1 OpenVMS Documentation Set Organized by Audience.................................. 10 Tables 1 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set ........... 5 2 Order Numbers for SIPs Manuals............ 10 3 Order Numbers for Upgrade and Installation Documents................................. 12 4 Order Numbers for Archived Installation Supplements............................... 14 5 Archived OpenVMS Manuals.................. 15 6 Printable Files on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM...................... 17 7 Where to Find Information................. 19 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Reader's Comments Digital welcomes your comments on this manual. Print or edit the online form SYS$HELP:OPENVMSDOC_ COMMENTS.TXT and send us your comments by: Internet openvmsdoc@zko.mts.dec.com Fax 603 881-0120, Attention: OpenVMS Documentation, ZK03-4/U08 Mail OpenVMS Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation Use the following table to order additional documentation or information. If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825). Conventions The name of the OpenVMS AXP operating system has been changed to OpenVMS Alpha. Any references to OpenVMS AXP or AXP are synonymous with OpenVMS Alpha or Alpha. The following conventions are used to identify information specific to OpenVMS Alpha or to OpenVMS VAX: v 1 Overview This manual is a guide to the OpenVMS documentation set for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0. It provides information about the contents of the documentation set and provides ordering information for each of the components in the OpenVMS documentation set. This manual helps you choose the documentation that best suits your needs. It describes the components of the complete OpenVMS documentation set, provides ordering information, and lists order numbers for all components. A combination of printed and Bookreader manuals are being provided to support OpenVMS Version 7.0. Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 list the manuals that have been revised for our printed documentation set for Version 7.0. Several of the manuals in the OpenVMS Documentation Set were revised only in Bookreader format. Refer to Section 2.3 for a list of manuals that have been revised only in Bookreader format and to the OpenVMS Version 7.0 Release Notes and the OpenVMS Version 7.0 New Features Manual for information concerning operating system changes that are not included in our printed documentation. In most cases, no changes have been made to the user operation of the components associated with these manuals. 1.1 Documentation Formats OpenVMS documentation is available in a variety of formats: o Printed books (hard copy) o Online viewable books (using the DECwindows Bookreader application) OpenVMS customers receive the Version 7.0 documentation set in online viewable format with their OpenVMS CD-ROM kit, which contains a separate documentation CD-ROM. For more information about online documentation, see Section 6. o Printable files in ASCII text and PostScript formats 1 2 What's New in Version 7.0 This section describes the changes to the OpenVMS documentation set for OpenVMS Version 7.0. 2.1 New Documentation for This Release The following new manuals are in the OpenVMS Version 7.0 documentation set: o Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs o Migrating an Application from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha o Migrating an Environment from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha o OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-Bit Addressing o OpenVMS Alpha Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications o OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual o OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual o OpenVMS Version 7.0 New Features Manual o OpenVMS Version 7.0 Release Notes See Appendix A in this document for a description of these manuals. 2.2 Updated Printed Documentation for This Release The following manuals have been revised in printed and Bookreader formats for Version 7.0: o Guide to DECthreads o OpenVMS Calling Standard o OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual o OpenVMS Debugger Manual o OpenVMS Master Index o OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A-GETMSG 2 o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI-Z o Overview of OpenVMS Documentation 2.3 Updated Bookreader Documentation for This Release The following manuals have been revised in Bookreader format for Version 7.0. In addition, printable PostScript files are provided on the Documentation CD-ROM. For information about printing the files, see the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs. o DECamds User's Guide o OpenVMS Alpha System Dump Analyzer Manual o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M (Version 7.0) o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z (Version 7.0) o OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual o OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual o OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual o OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual o OpenVMS RTL Screen Management Purpose (SMG$) Manual o OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual o OpenVMS Software Overview o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems o OpenVMS User's Manual o OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual o POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide 3 2.4 Revised Version 6.2 DCL Dictionary The OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M Version 6.2 and the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z Version 6.2 have been revised and reissued for OpenVMS Version 7.0. Customers running OpenVMS Version 6.2 should use this new edition of the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary Version 6.2, order numbers AA-PVSKD-TK and AA-PVSLD-TK. In addition, the Version 7.0 DCL Dictionary is available in Bookreader and PostScript formats on the Documentation CD-ROM. 3 Components of OpenVMS Documentation OpenVMS documentation consists of the following documentation components: o Full Documentation Set (which includes the Base Documentation Set) o Base Documentation Set o System Integrated Products (SIPs) o Online help o Help Message facility o Printable documentation options in the OpenVMS VAX installation procedure The components of the various documentation sets are described in this section. The OpenVMS hardcopy documentation offering is made up of the following two sets that can be ordered separately: ___________________________________________________________ Set Order Number ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Full QA-001AA-GZ.7.0 Documentation Set OpenVMS Base Set (subset QA-09SAA-GZ.7.0 of Full Documentation Set) ___________________________________________________________ The OpenVMS Full Documentation Set contains the OpenVMS Base Set. Table 1 lists the books included in the 4 OpenVMS Full and Base Documentation Sets. You can order documentation by sets or by individual manuals. The installation information for your OpenVMS operating system is included in the media kit for your software. 3.1 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set Table 1 lists the documents in the OpenVMS Full Documentation Set and the OpenVMS Base Set. _________________________________________________________________ Table 1 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Base Subset _________________________________________________________________ Migrating an Application from OpenVMS VAX to AA-QSBKA-TE OpenVMS Alpha Migrating an Environment from OpenVMS VAX to AA-QSBLA-TE OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Compatibility Between VAX and Alpha AA-PYQ4C-TE OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M (revised Version AA-PV5KD-TK 6.2) OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z (revised Version AA-PV5LD-TK 6.2) OpenVMS Guide to System Security AA-Q2HLB-TE OpenVMS Management Station Overview and AA-QJGCA-TE Release Notes OpenVMS Master Index (Version 6.2) AA-PV5VC-TK OpenVMS Master Index (Version 7.0) AA-QSBSA-TE OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference AA-PV5PC-TK Manual: A-L OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference AA-PV5QC-TK Manual: M-Z OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials AA-PV5MC-TK (continued on next page) 5 _________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Full Documentation Set _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Base Subset _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, AA-PV5NC-TK Monitoring, and Complex Systems OpenVMS User's Manual AA-PV5JB-TK OpenVMS Version 6.2 New Features Manual AA-QJEEA-TE OpenVMS Version 7.0 New Features Manual AA-QSBFA-TE OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release Notes Addendum AA-QMCHA-TE OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release Notes AA-QJEFA-TE OpenVMS Version 7.0 Release Notes AA-QSBTA-TE Overview of OpenVMS Documentation (Version AA-PV6YC-TK 6.2) Overview of OpenVMS Documentation (Version AA-QSBEA-TE 7.0) TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems AA-QJGDA-TE _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ A Comparison of System Management on OpenVMS AA-PV71B-TE AXP and OpenVMS VAX Building Dependable Systems: The OpenVMS AA-PV5YB-TE Approach Creating an OpenVMS AXP Step 2 Device Driver AA-Q28TA-TE from a Step 1 Device Driver Creating an OpenVMS AXP Step 2 Device Driver AA-Q28UA-TE from an OpenVMS VAX Device Driver DECamds User's Guide AA-Q3JSB-TE DECnet for OpenVMS Guide to Networking AA-PV5ZA-TK DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual AA-PV60A-TK DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management AA-PV61A-TK Utilities DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual AA-PWCCA-TE (continued on next page) 6 _________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Full Documentation Set _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ Digital Portable Mathematics Library AA-PV6VB-TE Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual AA-PWCDA-TE Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures AA-PV6AA-TK Guide to DECthreads (Version 6.1) AA-Q39DA-TK Guide to DECthreads (Version 7.0) AA-QSBPA-TE Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility AA-PWCBA-TE Guide to OpenVMS AXP Performance Management AA-Q28WA-TE Guide to OpenVMS File Applications AA-PV6PA-TK Guide to OpenVMS Performance Management AA-PV5XA-TE Guidelines for VMScluster System AA-Q28LA-TK Configurations Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Planning AA-PV62A-TE for Migration Porting VAX MACRO Code from OpenVMS VAX to AA-PV64A-TE OpenVMS Alpha Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: AA-PV63A-TE Recompiling and Relinking Applications OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-Bit Addressing AA-QSBCA-TE OpenVMS Alpha Guide to Upgrading Privileged- AA-QSBGA-TE Code Applications OpenVMS AXP Device Support: Developer's AA-Q28SA-TE Guide OpenVMS AXP Device Support: Reference AA-Q28PA-TE OpenVMS AXP System Dump Analyzer Utility AA-PV6UB-TE Manual OpenVMS Calling Standard (Version 6.1) AA-PV69B-TK OpenVMS Calling Standard (Version 7.0) AA-QSBBA-TE OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and AA-QSBDA-TE Message Utilities Manual OpenVMS Debugger Manual (Version 6.1) AA-PV6BB-TK (continued on next page) 7 _________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Full Documentation Set _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Debugger Manual (Version 7.0) AA-QSBJA-TE OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual AA-PWCAA-TE OpenVMS Glossary AA-PV5UA-TK OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual AA-PV6SA-TK OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual AA-PV6CA-TK OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual AA-PV67B-TK OpenVMS Programming Environment Manual AA-PV66B-TK OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a AA-PV68A-TK System Routine OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference AA-PV6QA-TK Manual OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference AA-PV6RA-TK Manual OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual AA-PV6HA-TK OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual (Version AA-PB6KB-TE 6.1) OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual (Version AA-QSBHA-TE 7.0) OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual AA-PV6LA-TK OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual AA-PV6MA-TK OpenVMS Software Overview AA-PVXHB-TE OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for AA-PV5TA-TK Help Message Users OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: AA-PV6FB-TK A-GETMSG (V6.1) OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: AA-PV6GB-TK GETQUI-Z (V6.1) OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: AA-QSBMA-TE A-GETMSG (V7.0) (continued on next page) 8 _________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Full Documentation Set _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: AA-QSBNA-TE GETQUI-Z (V7.0) OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual AA-PV6EB-TK OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual AA-PWC8A-TE OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual AA-PWC9A-TE OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual AA-PVXJA-TE OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility AA-PV6TA-TE Manual POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility AA-Q28MA-TK Developer's Guide VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference AA-PS6GA-TE Manual VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS AA-PV5WB-TK _________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Color Designators Beginning with Version 6.2, we introduced a new cover design and new colors for the Version 6.2 new and updated manuals. The colors of the manuals indicate the manual type (general user, system management, or programming). In addition, we have added a letter to the spine of each manual that indicates the manual type. The following table shows manual type, color, and letter designator. ___________________________________________________________ Cover Manual Type Color Letter Designator ___________________________________________________________ General user Blue G System management Red S Programming Green P ___________________________________________________________ 9 3.3 System Integrated Products Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS, RMS Journaling for OpenVMS, and OpenVMS Clusters are System Integrated Products (SIPs). They are included in the OpenVMS software, but you must purchase separate licenses to enable them. The OpenVMS Cluster documentation is included in the OpenVMS Full Documentation Set, but the documentation for Volume Shadowing and RMS Journaling must be purchased separately. Table 2 lists the order numbers for individual SIPs manuals. See Section A.4 for a description of each manual. ___________________________________________________________ Table 2 Order Numbers for SIPs Manuals ___________________________________________________________ Title Order Number ___________________________________________________________ Volume Shadowing for AA-PVXMC-TE OpenVMS RMS Journaling for AA-JG41C-TE OpenVMS Manual ___________________________________________________________ 3.4 Online Help The OpenVMS operating system provides online help for the commands, utilities, and system routines documented in the Full Documentation Set. 3.5 Help Message You can use the Help Message facility to quickly access online descriptions of system messages. In addition, you can add your own source files, such as messages documentation that you have written to the Help Message database. The manual OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users explains how to use the Help Message facility. You can also access DCL Help for Help Message by entering: 10 $ HELP HELP/MESSAGE 3.6 Documentation on OpenVMS VAX Installation Media The installation procedure for OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 includes options to allow you to print, in ASCII text format, the OpenVMS Glossary, the OpenVMS Master Index, and the Overview of OpenVMS Documentation.<> 4 Upgrade and Installation Documentation Your installation information includes an installation and upgrade manual for your system plus the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. The OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual is included in all OpenVMS media kits. This manual describes the License Management Facility (LMF), the software license management tool. LMF includes the License Management Utility (LICENSE) and the command procedure VMSLICENSE.COM, which is used to register, manage, and track software licenses on line. OpenVMS Alpha customers receive the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual. This manual contains step-by-step upgrade and installation information as well as device-naming and booting information. For OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0, use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to install the operating system. Complete installation information for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 is available in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual.<> On OpenVMS VAX, the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual is your primary source for step-by-step upgrade and installation procedures using the VMSINSTAL utility. Start any Version 7.0 installation or upgrade by following the instructions in the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual, which is included in your media kit. In addition to the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual, you receive one or more upgrade and installation supplements with your media kit. These manuals contain information specific to your VAX computer. Use your computer-specific supplement in conjunction with the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual when you install or upgrade your system software.<> 11 4.1 Upgrade and Installation Supplements Table 3 lists the titles and the order numbers for the upgrade and installation manuals and supplements. Note that you will receive upgrade and installation manuals and the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual with your software media. ___________________________________________________________ Table 3 Order Numbers for Upgrade and Installation Documents ___________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number ___________________________________________________________ Upgrade and Installation Manuals ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 AA-PV6XC-TE Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 AA-QSE8A-TE Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 AA-PV6WC-TE Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 AA-QSBQA-TE Upgrade and Installation Manual License Management Utility AA-PVXUC-TK Manual (continued on next page) 12 ___________________________________________________________ Table 3 (Cont.) Order Numbers for Upgrade and Installation Documents ___________________________________________________________ Optionally Orderable VAX Upgrade and Installation Supplements ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PVXTA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 7000 Series and VAX 10000 Series OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6TA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 9000 Series OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6SA-TE Installation Supplement: VAXstation 3100, 4000 and MicroVAX 3100 Series OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6NA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 6000 Series VMS Installation and AA-LB31B-TE Operations: VAX-11/730 OpenVMS VAX Installation and AA-PS6ZA-TE Operations: VAXstation II, II/GPX and MicroVAX II OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6LA-TE Installation Supplement: VAXstation 3520, 3540 OpenVMS Upgrade/Installation: AA-PS6RA-TE VAX 4000 Series, MicroVAX, VAXstation, and VAXserver 32/33/34/35/36/38/3900 Series OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6YA-TE Installation Supplement: VAXstation 2000, MicroVAX 2000 ___________________________________________________________ 13 4.2 Archived Installation Supplements Table 4 lists installation supplements that have been archived and are no longer available on the OpenVMS kit. However, they can be ordered from DECdirect using the order numbers below. These supplements are also available on the Documentation CD-ROM in printable PostScript format. For information about how to print these supplements from the Documentation CD-ROM, see Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs. ___________________________________________________________ Table 4 Order Numbers for Archived Installation Supplements ___________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6MA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 8820, 8830, 8840 OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6PA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350 OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6QA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 8530, 8550, 8810 (8700), and 8820-N (8800) OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and AA-PS6UA-TE Installation Supplement: VAX 8600, 8650 VMS Upgrade and Installation AA-LB29B-TE Supplement: VAX-11/780, 785 VMS Upgrade and Installation AA-LB30B-TE Supplement: VAX-11/750 ___________________________________________________________ 5 OpenVMS Archived Books This section lists the OpenVMS manuals that have been archived since OpenVMS Version 6.2. Please note the following. o Archived books can be ordered separately in hardcopy format through Software Supply Business (SSB). 14 o Archived books are also available in PostScript format on CD-ROM and tape. _________________________________________________________________ Table 5 Archived OpenVMS Manuals _________________________________________________________________ Manual Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS RTL Parallel Processing (PPL$) Manual AA-PV6JA-TK OpenVMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL AA-PWBXA-TE OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery AA-PVXKA-TE Procedures Reference Manual: A-L OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery AA-PVXLA-TE Procedures Reference Manual: M-Z OpenVMS Wide Area Network I/O User's AA-PWC7A-TE Reference Manual OpenVMS VAX Card Reader, Line Printer, and AA-PVXGA-TE LPA11-K I/O User's Reference Manual OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual AA-PS6BA-TE OpenVMS RTL DECtalk (DTK$) Manual AA-PS6CA-TE OpenVMS SUMSLP Utility Manual AA-PS6EA-TE OpenVMS National Character Set Utility Manual AA-PS6FA-TE OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual AA-PS6KA-TE OpenVMS DIGITAL Standard Runoff Reference AA-PS6HA-TE Manual OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual AA-PS69A-TE OpenVMS Exchange Utility Manual AA-PS6AA-TE OpenVMS VAX Patch Utility Manual AA-PS6DA-TE OpenVMS Obsolete Features Manual AA-PS6JA-TE PDP-11 TECO User's Guide [1] AA-K420B-TC _________________________________________________________________ [1]This manual has been archived and is not available as a PostScript file, but you can order it through DECdirect. _________________________________________________________________ 6 OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM This section contains information about the contents of the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM. 15 6.1 Online Documentation All OpenVMS documentation is available in online books that can be viewed with the DECwindows Bookreader or the DECwindows Motif Bookreader. For this release, OpenVMS is providing a separate documentation CD-ROM to all OpenVMS customers. The documentation CD-ROM contains the OpenVMS Full Documentation Set in Bookreader format as well as documentation for the following layered products: o DCE o DECamds o DECmigrate o DECnet/OSI o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS o Digital TCP/IP Services o Monitoring Performance History (MPH) o SoftWindows o SoftPC o System Healthcheck o Wind/U For more information about the OpenVMS CD-ROM kit, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs. 6.2 Printable Documentation The OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM contains printable files. Table 6 lists the OpenVMS manuals available in ASCII text and PostScript formats on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM. In addition to the OpenVMS Documentation, some printable files of associated layered products are available on the CD-ROM. For more information about this documentation, see the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs. 16 ___________________________________________________________ Table 6 Printable Files on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM ___________________________________________________________ Document File Name ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Version 7.0 Release V70_REL_NOTES.[PS,TXT] Notes OpenVMS Version 7.0 New V70_NEW_FEATURES.[PS,TXT] Features Manual OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 V70_VAX_INSTALL.[PS,TXT] Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 V70_ALPHA_INSTALL.[PS,TXT] Upgrade and Installation Manual Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 V70_CD_GD.[PS] CD-ROMs OpenVMS Master Index V70_INDEX.[TXT] Overview of OpenVMS V70_OVERVIEW.[TXT] Documentation OpenVMS for Alpha and VAX V70_SPD.[PS,TXT] Version 7.0 SPD DECnet for OpenVMS SPD DECNET_SPD.[PS,TXT] RMS Journaling for OpenVMS SPD RMS_SPD.[PS,TXT] Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS VOL_SHAD_SPD.[PS,TXT] SPD OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD CLUSTER_SPD.[PS,TXT] OpenVMS RTL General Purpose V70_RTL_OTS.[PS] (OTS$) Manual OpenVMS I/O User's Reference V70_IO_REF.[PS] Manual OpenVMS Software Overview V70_SOFT_OVER.[PS] OpenVMS Record Management V70_RMS_REF.[PS] Services Reference Manual OpenVMS RTL String V70_RTL_STR.[PS] Manipulation (STR$) Manual OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual V70_LINKER.[PS] (continued on next page) 17 ___________________________________________________________ Table 6 (Cont.) Printable Files on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM ___________________________________________________________ Document File Name ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS RTL Screen Management V70_RTL_SMG.[PS] (SMG$) Manual OpenVMS Alpha System Dump V70_ALPHA_SDA.[PS] Analyzer Utility Manual OpenVMS Utility Routines V70_UTIL_ROUTINES.[PS] Manual OpenVMS User's Manual V70_USER.[PS] POLYCENTER Software V70_PCSI_GD.[PS] Installation Utility Developer's Guide OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M V70_DCLDICT_REF1.[PS] OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z V70_DCLDICT_REF2.[PS] OpenVMS System Manager's V70_SYSMAN_MAN1.[PS] Manual: Essentials OpenVMS System Manager's V70_SYSMAN_MAN2.[PS] Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems OpenVMS Programming Concepts V70_PROG_CON.[PS] Manual DECamds User's Guide V70_DECAMDS.[PS] ___________________________________________________________ For more information about the OpenVMS CD-ROM kit, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs. 7 Restructured Documentation Sets For the OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 releases, OpenVMS introduced a restructured information set for the OpenVMS operating system. Many of the most commonly-used manuals (for example, the DCL Dictionary) continue to be published and revised under the same or very similar titles. Other manuals were discontinued and their information was moved into other manuals. Table 7 shows where information from those discontinued manuals can be found in the OpenVMS Version 7.0 documentation. 18 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ New Location Discontinued Manual Version_7.0 _________________________________________________________________ General User _________________________________________________________________ VMS General User Master Index Discontinued Introduction to VMS OpenVMS User's Manual Guide to Using VMS VMS DCL Concepts Manual Guide to Using VMS Command Procedures VMS Mail Utility Manual OpenVMS User's Manual VMS Sort/Merge Utility Manual Online Help VMS Phone Utility Manual Guide to VMS Text Processing OpenVMS User's Manual Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual OpenVMS DIGITAL Standard Runoff Reference Manual OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual Online Help Guide to VMS Files and Devices OpenVMS System Manager's Manual (continued on next page) 19 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ New Location _________________________________________________________________ System Management _________________________________________________________________ POLYCENTER Software Installation OpenVMS System Manager's Utility User's Guide Manual VMS System Management Master Index Discontinued Introduction to VMS System OpenVMS System Manager's Management Manual Guide to Setting Up a VMS System Guide to Maintaining a VMS System Using VMS BACKUP VMS SYSMAN Utility Manual OpenVMS System Management VMS Install Utility Manual Utilities Reference Manual VMS LAT Control Program (LATCP) Online Help Manual VMS System Generation Utility Manual VMS Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility Manual VMS Backup Utility Manual VMS Error Log Utility Manual VMS Mount Utility Manual VMS Access Control List Editor Manual VMS Authorize Utility Manual VMS Audit Analysis Utility Manual VMS Accounting Utility Manual VMS Monitor Utility Manual VMS Show Cluster Utility Manual (continued on next page) 20 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ New Location Discontinued Manual Version 7.0 _________________________________________________________________ System Management _________________________________________________________________ VMS Exchange Utility Manual OpenVMS System Manager's VMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual Manual Online Help VMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual Guide to DECnet-VAX Networking DECnet for OpenVMS Guide to Networking VMS Networking Manual DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual VMS DECnet Test Sender/DECnet Test DECnet for OpenVMS Network Receiver Utility Manual Management Utilities VMS Network Control Language Online Help Reference Manual VMS LAD Control Program (LADCP) OpenVMS System Manager's Manual Manual InfoServer System Operations Guide InfoServer Client for OpenVMS LASTCP and LADCP Utilities Online Help _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 21 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ Discontinued Manual New Location of Information _________________________________________________________________ Programming _________________________________________________________________ Guide to VMS Programming Resources OpenVMS Programming Environment Manual OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual VMS Command Definition Utility OpenVMS Command Definition, Manual Librarian, and Message VMS Librarian Utility Manual Utilities Manual VMS Message Utility Manual Online Help VMS Analyze/RMS_File Utility Manual OpenVMS Record Management VMS Convert and Convert/Reclaim Utilities Reference Manual Utility Manual Online Help VMS File Definition Language Facility Manual Introduction to VMS System Routines OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine OpenVMS Calling Standard Introduction to the VMS Run-Time OpenVMS Programming Library Interfaces: Calling a System Routine Introduction to VMS System Services OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine (continued on next page) 22 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ Discontinued Manual New Location of Information _________________________________________________________________ Programming _________________________________________________________________ Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Migrating an Application Planning for Migration from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP Migrating an Application System: Recompiling and Relinking from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Applications Alpha OpenVMS Compatibility Between VAX Migrating an Environment and Alpha from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha A Comparison of System Management Migrating an Environment on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha VAX Text Processing Utility Manual DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual Online Help VMS I/O User's Reference Manual: OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Part I Manual, except Chapters 2, 4, and 5, which are in the OpenVMS VAX Card Reader, Line Printer, and LPA11-K I/O User's Reference Manual (continued on next page) 23 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ Discontinued Manual New Location of Information _________________________________________________________________ Programming _________________________________________________________________ VMS I/O User's Reference Manual: Chapters 1 through 5: Part II OpenVMS Wide Area Network I/O User's Reference Manual Chapter 6, Ethernet/802 Device Drivers: OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Archived Manual[1] Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS RTL Parallel Processing AA-PV6JA-TK (PPL$) Manual OpenVMS Developer's Guide to AA-PWBXA-TE VMSINSTAL OpenVMS System Messages and AA-PVXKA-TE Recovery Procedures Reference Manual: A-L OpenVMS System Messages and AA-PVXLA-TE Recovery Procedures Reference Manual: M-Z OpenVMS Wide Area Network I/O AA-PWC7A-TE User's Reference Manual OpenVMS VAX Card Reader, Line AA-PVXGA-TE Printer, and LPA11-K I/O User's Reference Manual OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility AA-PS6BA-TE Manual OpenVMS RTL DECtalk (DTK$) Manual AA-PS6CA-TE OpenVMS SUMSLP Utility Manual AA-PS6EA-TE OpenVMS National Character Set AA-PS6FA-TE Utility Manual OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual AA-PS6KA-TE [1]Archived_manuals_are_available_on_the_Documentation_CD-ROM_in_ PostScript format. See Table 6. (continued on next page) 24 _________________________________________________________________ Table 7 (Cont.) Where to Find Information _________________________________________________________________ Archived Manual[1] Order Number _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS DIGITAL Standard Runoff AA-PS6HA-TE Reference Manual OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility AA-PS69A-TE Manual OpenVMS Exchange Utility Manual AA-PS6AA-TE OpenVMS VAX Patch Utility Manual AA-PS6DA-TE OpenVMS Obsolete Features Manual AA-PS6JA-TE PDP-11 TECO User's Guide [1] AA-K420B-TC _________________________________________________________________ [1]Archived manuals are available on the Documentation CD-ROM in PostScript format. See Table 6. _________________________________________________________________ 25 A _________________________________________________________________ Book Descriptions This appendix describes each manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. The following table lists the section where the books in a specific set are described. ___________________________________________________________ Descriptions Of See Section ___________________________________________________________ Manuals in the OpenVMS Base A.1 Documentation Set Manuals in the OpenVMS A.2 Documentation Set Manuals in the Media Kit A.3 System integrated products A.4 manuals Archived manuals A.5 ___________________________________________________________ A.1 Base Documentation Set Descriptions The following sections describe each manual in the Base Documentation Set: Migrating an Application from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha Describes how to create an OpenVMS Alpha version of an OpenVMS VAX application. It provides an overview of the VAX to Alpha migration process and information to help you plan a migration. It discusses the decisions you must make in planning a migration and the ways to get the information you need to make those decisions. In addition, it describes the migration methods available so that you can estimate the amount of work required for each method and select the method best suited to a given application. A-1 Book Descriptions A.1 Base Documentation Set Descriptions Migrating an Environment from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha Describes how to migrate a computing environment from an OpenVMS VAX system to an OpenVMS Alpha system or a mixed- architecture cluster. It provides an overview of the VAX to Alpha migration process and describes the differences in system and network management on VAX and Alpha computers. OpenVMS Compatibility Between VAX and Alpha Compares and contrasts OpenVMS on VAX and Alpha computers, focusing on the features provided to end users, system managers, and programmers. OpenVMS DCL Dictionary Describes the DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) and provides an alphabetical listing of detailed reference information and examples for all DCL commands and lexical functions. This manual is in two parts. OpenVMS Guide to System Security Describes the security features available in the OpenVMS Alpha and VAX operating systems. It explains the purpose and proper application of each feature in the context of specific security needs. OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes Provides an overview of OpenVMS Management Station and describes how to get started using the software. OpenVMS Management Station is a powerful, Microsoft Windows based management tool for system managers and others who perform account management tasks on OpenVMS systems. OpenVMS Management Station provides a comprehensive user interface to OpenVMS system account management. This document also includes release notes for OpenVMS Management Station. OpenVMS Master Index (Versions 6.2 and 7.0) Offer an edited compilation of indexes from the books in the Full Documentation Set. For OpenVMS Version 7.0, the OpenVMS Master Index is also available in a Bookreader version. A-2 Book Descriptions A.1 Base Documentation Set Descriptions ________________________ Note ________________________ Index entries shown in the Bookreader version of the OpenVMS Master Index refer to page numbers in the hardcopy manuals. ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual Presents reference information on the utilities you can use to perform system management tasks on your system as well as the tools to control and monitor system access and resources. In addition to system management utilities, a description of the AUTOGEN command procedure is included in this two-part manual. OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials Provides system managers of small standalone systems with descriptions of the procedures they need to manage daily operations on an OpenVMS system. It provides instructions for setting up and maintaining routine operations, such as starting up the system, installing software, and setting up print and batch queues. It also documents routine disk and magnetic tape operations. OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems Describes configuring and controlling the network, monitoring the system and performance, and managing system parameters. The manual also includes information on VMScluster environments and DECdtm functionality. OpenVMS User's Manual Provides an overview of the operating system and presents basic concepts, task information, and reference information that enable you to perform daily computing tasks. It describes how to work with files and directories. It also includes these additional topics: o Sending messages with the Mail utility and the Phone utility o Using the Sort/Merge utility o Using logical names and symbols o Writing command procedures A-3 Book Descriptions A.1 Base Documentation Set Descriptions o Editing files with the EVE and EDT text editors o Processing files with DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR) OpenVMS Version 6.2 New Features Manual and OpenVMS Version 7.0 New Features Manual The describe new and improved components for the Alpha and VAX operating systems for the Version 6.2 and Version 7.0 releases. OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release Notes and OpenVMS Version 7.0 Release Notes Describe temporary problems and bug fixes to the Alpha and VAX operating systems. They also list layered product versions supported by OpenVMS Version 6.2 and OpenVMS Version 7.0. OpenVMS Version 6.2 Release Notes Addendum Describes temporary problems and bug fixes to the Alpha and VAX operating systems. Overview of OpenVMS Documentation and (Version 6.2 and Version 7.0) The manual, Version 7.0 of which you are now reading, is a general introduction to the documentation set. This manual explains how the set is organized and describes all its components. It also lists order numbers and provides ordering information. TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems Provides an introductory overview of TCP/IP networking and describes OpenVMS DCL support for TCP/IP capabilities. A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions A Comparison of System Management on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX Discusses system management tools, the impact of Alpha page sizes on system management operations, the system directory structure, interoperability issues, and performance information. This manual is designed for system managers who need to learn quickly how to manage an OpenVMS Alpha system. A-4 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions Building Dependable Systems: The OpenVMS Approach Offers practical information about analyzing the dependability requirements of your business applications and deciding how to use your computing systems to support your dependability goals. This information is complemented by technical summaries of the dependability features of OpenVMS and related hardware and layered software products. Creating an OpenVMS AXP Step 2 Device Driver from a Step 1 Device Driver Provides information for upgrading a Step 1 device driver (used in earlier versions of OpenVMS AXP) to a Step 2 device driver. A Step 2 device driver is required for OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1. Creating an OpenVMS AXP Step 2 Device Driver from an OpenVMS VAX Device Driver Provides information for migrating a device driver used on OpenVMS VAX to a Step 2 device driver used on OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1. DECamds User's Guide Provides information for installing and using the DECamds software. DECamds was previously available only as an optional product. For OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2, DECamds is available to users who have a VMSclusters license. DECamds is a system management tool that lets you monitor and track certain events in a VMScluster environment. DECnet for OpenVMS Guide to Networking Introduces networking on an OpenVMS system. This guide presents a basic overview of networking, summarizes user and manager network operations, and describes the procedures for bringing up the network and keeping it running. DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual Covers network management concepts, tasks, procedures, and programming operations. DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities Contains command information for the Network Control Program (NCP) and the DTS/DTR utility. This document is for users responsible for network testing and management. A-5 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions Digital Portable Mathematics Library Documents the mathematics routines in the Digital Portable Mathematics Library (DPML), supplied only with OpenVMS Alpha systems. VAX programmers should refer to the OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual. Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual Contains command reference information about the EVE text editor. It also provides a cross-reference between EDT and EVE commands. Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures Describes how to perform a complex programming task by dividing it into modules and coding each module as a separate procedure. Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility Introduction to developing DECTPU programs. Guide to DECthreads (Version 6.1 and Version 7.0) Describe DECthreads functionality, Digital's multithreading run-time library. The routines are used for creating and controlling multiple threads of execution within the address space provided by a single process. This manual documents two interfaces to DECthreads: a stable, upwardly compatible interface called cma and an interface that adheres to the evolving POSIX standard 1003.4a, called pthread. DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual Describes the DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) and provides reference information about the EDT Keypad Emulator interfaces to DECTPU. Guide to OpenVMS AXP Performance Management Introduces and explains the techniques used to optimize performance on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Guide to OpenVMS File Applications Contains guidelines for designing, creating, and maintaining efficient data files by using Record Management Services (RMS). This manual is intended for application programmers and designers responsible for programs that use RMS files, especially if performance is an important consideration. A-6 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions Guide to OpenVMS Performance Management Introduces and explains the techniques used to optimize performance on an OpenVMS VAX system. Guidelines for VMScluster Configurations Provides configuration information for VMSclusters, especially those in a mixed-architecture environment. Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Planning for Migration Describes the general characteristics of RISC architectures, compares the Alpha architecture to the VAX architecture, and presents an overview of the migration process and a summary of migration tools provided by Digital. The information in this manual is intended to help you define the optimal migration strategy for your application. Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Recompiling and Relinking Applications Provides detailed technical information for programmers who must migrate high-level language applications to OpenVMS Alpha. This manual describes how to set up a development environment to facilitate the migration of applications, helps programmers identify application dependencies on elements of the VAX architecture, and introduces compiler features that help resolve these dependencies. Individual sections of this manual discuss specific application dependencies on VAX architectural features, data porting issues (such as alignment concerns), and the process of migrating VAX shareable images. Porting VAX MACRO Code from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha Describes how you can port existing VAX MACRO assembly language code to an OpenVMS Alpha system by using the features of the MACRO-32 compiler. It provides information to help you identify and correct VAX MACRO code that relies on elements of the VAX architecture. The manual examines the function of each compiler directive and built-in, explaining the circumstances under which it is necessary to add a directive or built-in to VAX MACRO assembly language code. It also discusses the qualifiers that govern the behavior of the compiler. A-7 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-Bit Addressing Introduces and describes OpenVMS Alpha operating system support for 64-bit virtual addressing. Intended for system and application programmers, this guide presents an overview of the OpenVMS Alpha 64-bit virtual address space layout and describes OpenVMS Alpha tools and languages that support 64-bit addressing. OpenVMS Alpha Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications Explains the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 changes that may impact Alpha privileged-code applications and device drivers. This guide contains information that applies to any application that links against the OpenVMS Alpha base system image SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE. OpenVMS AXP Device Support: Developer's Guide Describes how to write a driver for OpenVMS Alpha for a device not supplied by Digital. OpenVMS AXP Device Support: Reference Provides the reference material for the OpenVMS Alpha Device Support: Developer's Guide by describing the data structures, macros, and routines used in device-driver programming. OpenVMS AXP System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual Explain how to use the System Dump Analyzer utility to investigate system failures and examine a running OpenVMS Alpha system. Alpha programmers should refer to this manual; VAX programmers should refer to the OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual. OpenVMS Calling Standard (Version 6.2 and Version 7.0) Document the calling standard for the operating system. This manual indicates aspects of the calling standard that are specific to OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX. OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual Contains descriptive and reference information about the following utilities: o Command Definition utility o Librarian utility A-8 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions o Message utility OpenVMS Debugger Manual (Version 6.1 and Version 7.0) Explains the features of the OpenVMS Debugger for programmers. OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual Describes the Delta/XDelta utility used to debug programs that run in privileged processor mode or at an elevated interrupt priority level. OpenVMS Glossary Defines terms specific to OpenVMS that are used throughout the documentation. OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual Contains the information that system programmers need to program I/O operations using the device drivers that are supplied with the operating system. OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual Describes how to use the Linker utility to create images that run on either VAX or Alpha systems and how you can control a link operation with link qualifiers and link options. OpenVMS Programming Environment Manual Provides a general description of Digital products and tools that define the programming environment. This manual introduces facilities and tools such as the compilers, the linker, the debugger, the System Dump Analyzer, system services, and routine libraries. OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual Describes concepts such as process creation, interprocess communication, data sharing, condition handling, and ASTs. This manual uses system services, utility routines, and run-time library (RTL) routines to illustrate mechanisms for utilizing OpenVMS features. OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine Describes the OpenVMS interface for procedure-to-procedure calls and how to call a system service or RTL procedure. It also describes how you represent data types in the various high-level languages supported on OpenVMS. A-9 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual Contains descriptive and reference information about the following RMS utilities: o Analyze/RMS_File utility o Convert and Convert/Reclaim utilities o File Definition Language facility OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual Provides reference and usage information for all programmers who use RMS data files. OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual (Version 6.1 and Version 7.0) Documents the general-purpose routines contained in the LIB$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. This manual indicates which routines are specific to Alpha or VAX, as well as how routines function differently on each system. OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual Documents the general-purpose routines contained in the OTS$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. This manual indicates which routines are specific to Alpha or VAX, as well as how routines function differently on each system. OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual Documents the screen management routines contained in the SMG$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. This manual indicates which routines are specific to Alpha or VAX, as well as how routines function differently on each system. OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual Documents the string manipulation routines contained in the STR$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. This manual indicates which routines are specific to Alpha or VAX, as well as how routines function differently on each system. OpenVMS Software Overview Provides an overview of the OpenVMS operating system and some of its available products. A-10 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users Describes features of the Help Message facility, a tool that you can use to display message descriptions. The manual describes the HELP/MESSAGE command and qualifiers and also includes detailed information about customizing the Help Message database. The manual also provides descriptions of messages that can occur when the system and Help Message are not fully operable. OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual (Version 6.1 and Version 7.0) Presents the set of routines that the operating system uses to control resources, allow process communication, control I/O, and perform other such operating system functions. This manual is in two parts. OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual Describes the routines that allow a program to use the callable interface of selected OpenVMS utilities. OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual Describes how to write an OpenVMS VAX driver for a device not supplied by Digital. OpenVMS VAX Device Support Reference Manual Provides the reference material for the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual by describing the data structures, macros, and routines used in device-driver programming. OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual Documents the mathematics routines contained in the MTH$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library, which is relevant only to programmers using OpenVMS VAX. (Alpha programmers should refer to Digital Portable Mathematics Library.) OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual Explains how to use the System Dump Analyzer utility to investigate system failures and examine a running OpenVMS VAX system. VAX programmers should refer to this manual; Alpha programmers should refer to the OpenVMS Alpha System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual. A-11 Book Descriptions A.2 Documentation Set Descriptions POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide Describes the procedure and provides guidelines for developing software products that will be installed using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Intended for developers who are designing installation procedures for software products layered on the OpenVMS operating system. VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual Documents both the assembler directives of VAX MACRO and the VAX instruction set. VMScluster Systems for OpenVMS Provides an overview of VMScluster environments and explains procedures for setting up and managing VMScluster configurations. A.3 Manuals in the Media Kit Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROMs Provides information about the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX operating system and documentation CD-ROMs. It lists the contents of the OpenVMS Version 7.0 CD-ROM package, includes pointers to installation information, and gives instructions on how to access books on the Documentation CD-ROM. OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual Provide step-by-step instructions for installing and upgrading the OpenVMS Alpha operating system on Alpha computers. It also includes information about booting, shutdown, backup, and licensing procedures. OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 Upgrade and Installation Manual Provide step-by-step instructions for installing and upgrading the OpenVMS VAX computers. It also includes information about booting, shutdown, backup, and licensing procedures. A-12 Book Descriptions A.3 Manuals in the Media Kit OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual Describes the License Management Facility (LMF), the software license management tool. LMF includes the License Management Utility (LICENSE) and the command procedure VMSLICENSE.COM, which is used to register, manage, and track software licenses on line. A.4 System Integrated Products Documentation RMS Journaling for OpenVMS Manual Describes the three types of RMS Journaling as well as other OpenVMS components that support RMS Journaling. This manual also describes the RMS Recovery utility (which is used to recover data saved using journaling), the transaction processing system services, and system management tasks required when using RMS Journaling. You receive this manual when you purchase the RMS Journaling license.) Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Describes how to provide high data availability with phase II volume shadowing. You receive this manual when you purchase the volume shadowing license. A.5 Archived Manual Descriptions OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual Describes how to use the Bad Block Locator utility to locate bad blocks on older types of media. OpenVMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL Describes the VMSINSTAL command procedure and provides guidelines for designing installation procedures that conform to standards recommended by Digital. Intended for developers who are designing installation procedures for software products layered on the OpenVMS operating system. OpenVMS DIGITAL Standard Runoff Reference Manual Describes the DSR text-formatting utility. OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual Contains complete reference information for the EDT editor. A-13 Book Descriptions A.5 Archived Manual Descriptions OpenVMS Exchange Utility Manual Describes how to use the Exchange utility to transfer files between some foreign format volumes and OpenVMS native volumes. OpenVMS National Character Set Utility Manual Describes how to use the National character set utility to build NCS definition files. OpenVMS Obsolete Features Manual Presents the DCL commands, system services, RTL routines, and utilities made obsolete by VMS Version 4.0 through Version 5.0. The manual also has an appendix of DCL commands, RTL routines, and utilities eliminated from VMS Version 4.0.) OpenVMS RTL DECtalk (DTK$) Manual Documents the DECtalk support routines contained in the DTK$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. OpenVMS RTL Parallel Processing (PPL$) Manual Documents the parallel-processing routines contained in the PPL$ facility of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. This manual indicates which routines are specific to Alpha or VAX, as well as how routines function differently on each system. OpenVMS SUMSLP Utility Manual Describes how to use the SUMSLP batch-oriented editor to update source files. OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual Contains an alphabetical listing of the errors, warnings, and informational messages issued by the operating system. Also provides the meaning of each message and a statement of the action to be taken in response to each message. This manual is in two parts. OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual Describes how to use the Terminal Fallback utility to manage the libraries, character conversion tables, and terminal parameters that are available within this utility. A-14 Book Descriptions A.5 Archived Manual Descriptions OpenVMS VAX Card Reader, Line Printer, and LPA11-K I/O User's Reference Manual Describes the card reader, laboratory peripheral accelerator, and line printer drivers on OpenVMS VAX. OpenVMS VAX Patch Utility Manual Describes how to use the Patch utility to examine and modify executable and shareable OpenVMS VAX images. OpenVMS Wide Area Network I/O User's Reference Manual Describes the DMC11/DMR11, DMP11 and DMF32, DR11-W and DRV11-WA, DR32, and asynchronous DDCMP interface drivers on OpenVMS VAX. PDP-11 TECO User's Guide Describes the operating procedures for the PDP-11 TECO (Text Editor and Corrector) program. POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide Provides information on the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, a new component that lets you install and manage software products that are compatible with the utility. A-15