____________________________________________________ OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Manual Order Number: AA-QSBFC-TE January 1999 This manual describes the new features associated with the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 operating systems. Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the OpenVMS Version 7.1 New Features Manual Software Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas ________________________________________________________________ January 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor. Compaq conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. © Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation: Alpha, Compaq, AlphaServer, AlphaStation, ATMWORKS, Bookreader, CI, DEC Ada, DEC Fortran, DEC VTX, DECchip, DECdirect, DECevent, DECmcc, DECmigrate, DECnet, DECserver, DECSWITCH, DECthreads, DECUS, DECwindows, DIGITAL, DIGITAL UNIX, EtherWORKS GIGAswitch, HSC, HSJ, HSZ, IAS, InfoServer, LAT, MicroVAX, MSCP, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, RSX, RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS, StorageWorks, TA, ThinWire, TMSCP, TURBOchannel, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX C, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, VT, XMI, and the Compaq logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Adobe and POSTSCRIPT are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. MEMORY CHANNEL is a trademark of Encore Computer Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. NT and Windows NT are trademarks, and Visual C++, WIN32, Windows, and Windows 9 registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. ZK6520 The OpenVMS documentation set is available on CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... ix 1 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 2 General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions..................................... 2-1 2.1.1 New SET PATH_PREFERRED Command............ 2-1 2.1.2 Changed DCL Commands and Qualifiers....... 2-1 2.1.3 New and Changed DCL Lexical Functions..... 2-7 2.2 Documentation Features........................ 2-8 2.3 The MIME Utility.............................. 2-10 3 System Management Features 3.1 BACKUP Utility................................ 3-1 3.1.1 /NOINCREMENTAL Qualifier.................. 3-1 3.1.2 Performance Improvements.................. 3-2 3.2 Bitmap Limits Increased ...................... 3-2 3.3 DECnet Installation Choices................... 3-3 3.4 Deferred Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100 Computers..................................... 3-4 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS....................................... 3-5 3.5.1 Overview of DCM Subagents................. 3-6 3.5.2 Setting Up the System to Use the DCM Subagents................................. 3-10 3.6 Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Support (Alpha Only)......................................... 3-11 3.7 Extended File Specifications (Alpha Only)..... 3-11 iii 3.7.1 Benefits of Extended File Specifications............................ 3-12 3.7.2 Features of Extended File Specifications............................ 3-12 ODS-5 Volume Structure.................. 3-13 Deep Directory Structures............... 3-13 Directory Naming Syntax................ 3-13 3.8 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives................ 3-14 3.9 FastTrack Web Server (Alpha Only)............. 3-14 3.9.1 Benefits.................................. 3-15 3.9.2 Availability and Ordering................. 3-16 3.10 Fibre Channel Support (Alpha Only)............ 3-16 3.11 Firmware Revision Checking (Alpha Only)....... 3-18 3.12 InfoServer Service Listing: Improved Display and Service Selection......................... 3-18 3.13 LANCP Define Device and Set Device for Classical IP: New Qualifier (Alpha Only)...... 3-20 3.14 LANCP Classical IP (CLIP) Qualifier: New and Changed Keyword (Alpha Only).................. 3-21 3.15 Monitor Utility: TCP/IP Support Added......... 3-21 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems....................... 3-22 3.16.1 New CIPCA Adapter Support ................ 3-22 3.16.2 Clusterwide Logical Names................. 3-23 Overview................................ 3-23 Features................................ 3-23 3.16.3 Gigabit Ethernet as a Cluster Interconnect.............................. 3-24 System Support.......................... 3-25 OpenVMS Cluster Functions Planned for Future Release.......................... 3-25 3.16.4 Intra-Cluster Communication (ICC) System Services.................................. 3-26 3.16.5 Lock Manager Improvements................. 3-26 3.16.6 MEMORY CHANNEL Enhancements (Alpha Only)..................................... 3-27 3.16.7 Multipath SCSI Configurations with Parallel SCSI or Fibre Channel ........... 3-28 3.16.8 SCSI OpenVMS Cluster System Supports Four Nodes..................................... 3-29 3.16.9 Ultra SCSI Configuration Support.......... 3-29 3.16.10 Warranted and Migration Support........... 3-32 3.17 OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0........ 3-34 3.17.1 OpenVMS Management Station New Features... 3-34 iv 3.18 OpenVMS Registry.............................. 3-35 3.18.1 For More Information...................... 3-36 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only)..... 3-36 3.19.1 Firmware Updates.......................... 3-37 3.19.2 Link Autonegotiation Support.............. 3-38 SYSMAN Utility Directions............... 3-38 LANCP Utility Directions................ 3-39 3.19.3 Jumbo Frame Support....................... 3-40 Enabling Use of Frames Greater Than 1518 Bytes................................... 3-41 SYSMAN Utility Directions............... 3-41 LANCP Utility Directions................ 3-42 3.20 PCSI Qualifiers............................... 3-42 3.21 RMS CONVERT Utility Enhancements.............. 3-42 3.22 SYSMAN RESERVED_MEMORY: New and Modified Subcommands and Qualifiers.................... 3-43 3.22.1 New and Changed Subcommands............... 3-43 3.22.2 New MODIFY Subcommand and Qualifiers...... 3-44 3.23 System Parameters............................. 3-45 3.24 Tape Density Support Enhanced (Alpha Only).... 3-48 3.25 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS................... 3-49 3.26 Ultra SCSI Support............................ 3-52 3.26.1 Coexistence of Ultra SCSI Devices with Other SCSI Devices........................ 3-52 3.26.2 Ultra SCSI Devices Supported by OpenVMS... 3-53 3.27 Year 2000 Readiness........................... 3-53 4 Programming Features 4.1 Adapter Support (Alpha Only).................. 4-1 4.1.1 ATMWORKS 351 Adapter...................... 4-1 4.1.2 DE500-BA/DE504-BA Adapters................ 4-1 4.1.3 DE500-FA Adapter.......................... 4-2 4.1.4 DEGPA-SA Adapter.......................... 4-2 4.2 Clusterwide Logical Names..................... 4-2 4.2.1 New Clusterwide Attributes for $TRNLNM System Service............................ 4-3 4.2.2 New Clusterwide Attribute for $GETSYI System Service............................ 4-4 4.2.3 Creating Clusterwide Tables with the $CRELNT System Service.................... 4-4 4.3 COM for OpenVMS............................... 4-4 4.3.1 COM for OpenVMS Delivery.................. 4-6 v 4.3.2 COM for OpenVMS Security.................. 4-6 Summary of Security Implementation Differences............................. 4-8 4.4 Common File Qualifier Routines................ 4-9 4.4.1 Using the Common File Qualifier Routines.................................. 4-9 4.5 DECthreads.................................... 4-10 4.5.1 Yellow Zone Stack Overflow (Alpha only)... 4-10 4.5.2 Read-Write Locks (Alpha and VAX).......... 4-10 4.5.3 Threads Debugging Enhancements (Alpha and VAX)...................................... 4-11 4.6 DIGITAL DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Functionality................................. 4-11 4.6.1 Starting and Stopping RPC................. 4-12 4.6.2 Managing RPC Endpoints.................... 4-12 4.6.3 Limiting RPC Transports................... 4-13 4.6.4 For More Information...................... 4-13 4.7 Fast I/O and Buffer Objects for Global Sections (Alpha Only)......................... 4-13 4.8 Fast Path Support (Alpha Only)................ 4-14 4.9 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives................ 4-14 4.10 High-Performance Sort/Merge Utility (Alpha Only)......................................... 4-16 4.10.1 High-Performance Sorting with Threads..... 4-16 4.10.2 Indexed Sequential Output File Organization.............................. 4-16 4.10.3 Output File Overlay....................... 4-16 4.10.4 Statistical Summary Information........... 4-16 4.11 Intra-Cluster Communication System Services... 4-17 4.11.1 ICC Benefits.............................. 4-17 4.11.2 ICC System Services....................... 4-18 4.11.3 Programming with ICC...................... 4-18 4.11.4 ICC System Management and Security........ 4-19 4.12 Java Development Kit (Alpha Only)............. 4-19 4.13 Kernel Threads Enhancements (Alpha Only)...... 4-19 4.13.1 Increased Number of Kernel Threads Per Process................................... 4-20 4.13.2 New Method for Changing Kernel Thread Priorities................................ 4-20 4.13.3 Detecting Thread Stack Overflow........... 4-20 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger.............. 4-21 4.14.1 Client/Server Interface................... 4-21 vi 4.14.2 Heap Analyzer Displays 64-Bit Space (Alpha Only)..................................... 4-22 4.14.3 Support for C++ Version 5.5 and Later (Alpha Only).............................. 4-23 4.14.4 PTHREAD Command........................... 4-24 4.15 OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$).................... 4-25 4.15.1 LIB$GET_LOGICAL........................... 4-25 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements.................................. 4-25 4.16.1 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Support................................... 4-25 4.16.2 Support for New File Length Hint Attribute (Alpha Only).............................. 4-26 4.16.3 New Qualifier for the Analyze/RMS_File Utility................................... 4-28 4.16.4 File User Characteristics Item for XAB (XABITM).................................. 4-28 4.16.5 RMS Global Buffer Performance Enhancements.............................. 4-28 4.17 Scheduling Processes with Soft Affinity (Alpha only)......................................... 4-29 4.18 Security Features (Alpha Only)................ 4-30 4.18.1 Per Thread Security....................... 4-30 Benefits................................ 4-31 4.18.2 Enhanced Persona Support.................. 4-32 New Persona System Services............. 4-32 4.19 Shared Address Data (Alpha Only).............. 4-33 4.19.1 Creating Shared Address Data Sections..... 4-34 4.19.2 New INSTALL Command Keywords.............. 4-34 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only)......................................... 4-35 4.20.1 New and Enhanced Commands................. 4-35 CLUE CALL_FRAME Extension Command....... 4-35 CLUE ERRLOG Extension Command:/OLD qualifier............................... 4-36 CLUE FRU Extension Command.............. 4-36 CLUE REGISTER Extension Command......... 4-36 CLUE SG Extension Command: /CRAB qualifier............................... 4-37 CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL Extension Command... 4-37 SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU Extension Routine... 4-37 SDA$SET_CPU Extension Routine........... 4-37 SDA$SET_PROCESS Extension Routine....... 4-37 vii SHOW DUMP Command: /MEMORY_MAP Qualifier............................... 4-37 SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: EXECLET-NAME Parameter............................... 4-37 SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: /SUMMARY Qualifier............................... 4-37 SHOW GSD Command: New Qualifiers........ 4-38 SHOW LOCK Command: New Qualifiers....... 4-38 SHOW PAGE_TABLE Command: Qualifiers..... 4-39 SHOW PAGE_TABLE/FREE Command: /HEADER Qualifier .............................. 4-40 SHOW PARAMETER Command.................. 4-40 SHOW PFN_DATA Command: /UNTESTED and /PRIVATE [=address] Qualifiers.......... 4-41 SHOW PROCESS Command: New Qualifiers.... 4-42 SHOW PROCESS/PAGE_TABLES Command........ 4-45 SHOW RESOURCE Command: New Qualifiers... 4-46 SHOW STACK Command: /PHYSICAL Qualifier ........................................ 4-46 SHOW STACK Command: RANGE Parameter..... 4-46 SHOW SUMMARY Command: /USER=username Qualifier............................... 4-47 SHOW SYMBOL/ALL Command: /ALPHA and /VALUE Qualifiers....................... 4-47 SHOW SYMBOL Command: Enhanced to Allow Wildcards............................... 4-47 VALIDATE PFN_LIST Command: /UNTESTED and /PRIVATE Qualifiers .................... 4-47 VALIDATE QUEUE Command: /PHYSICAL and /BACKLINK Qualifiers ................... 4-48 4.20.2 SDA CLUE: DOSD File Analysis Capability... 4-48 4.20.3 SDA Extensions............................ 4-49 4.21 System Services............................... 4-49 4.21.1 Support for New Service, $GETENV.......... 4-49 4.21.2 Support for Intra-Cluster Communication... 4-49 4.21.3 Support for Clusterwide Logicals.......... 4-49 4.21.4 Support for Extended File Specifications............................ 4-51 4.21.5 Support for Fast Path..................... 4-52 4.21.6 Support for Personas...................... 4-52 viii 5 Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha 5.1 OpenVMS Galaxy Version 7.2 Features........... 5-2 5.2 Getting More Information...................... 5-3 A New OpenVMS System Messages Index Tables 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 Software Features............. 1-2 2-1 Changed DCL Commands and Qualifiers....... 2-2 2-2 Summary of Changes to DCL Lexical Functions................................. 2-7 2-3 Documentation CD-ROM File Types........... 2-10 3-1 DCM Subagent Objects Implemented on OpenVMS................................... 3-6 3-2 Fibre Channel Features.................... 3-17 3-3 Define Device and Set Device ............. 3-21 3-4 Keyword for /CLIP Qualifier for Define Device and Set Device..................... 3-21 3-5 AlphaServer Support for Gigabit Ethernet Adapters ................................. 3-25 3-6 Cluster Functions Not Currently Supported .......................................... 3-26 3-7 OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Support.......... 3-30 3-8 OpenVMS Restrictions...................... 3-31 3-9 Documentation for Configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Clusters ................ 3-31 3-10 OpenVMS Cluster Warranted and Migration Support................................... 3-33 3-11 OpenVMS Frame Size Support................ 3-40 3-12 New System Parameters..................... 3-45 4-1 UTIL$CQUAL Routines....................... 4-9 ix _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for general users, system managers, and programmers who use the OpenVMS operating system. This document describes the new features related to Version 7.2 of the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX operating systems. For information about how some of the new features might affect your system, read the release notes before you install, upgrade, or use Version 7.2. Document Structure This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 contains a summary of the new OpenVMS software features. o Chapter 2 describes new features of interest to general users of the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha operating systems. o Chapter 3 describes new features that are applicable to the tasks performed by system managers. o Chapter 4 describes new features that support programming tasks. o Chapter 5 provides an overview of the Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha. o The appendix lists the new messages for OpenVMS Version 7.2 from the Help Message database. ix Related Documents For additional information on Open Systems Software Group (OSSG) products and services, access the following OpenVMS World Wide Web address: http://www.openvms.digital.com Reader's Comments Compaq welcomes your comments on this manual. Print or edit the online form SYS$HELP:OPENVMSDOC_ COMMENTS.TXT and send us your comments by: Internet openvmsdoc@zko.mts.dec.com Fax 603 884-0120, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3-4/U08 Mail Compaq Computer Corporation OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation Use the following World Wide Web address to order additional documentation: http://www.openvms.digital.com:81/ If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825). Conventions The following conventions are used in this manual: Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. PF1 x A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. x In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as brackets, rather than a box. . . . A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities: o Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted. o The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times. o Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. . A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission . of items from a code example or command . format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. ( ) In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. [ ] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose one, none, or all of the options. (Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification or in the syntax of a substring specification in an assignment statement.) [|] In command format descriptions, vertical bars separating items inside brackets indicate that you choose one, none, or more than one of the options. xi { } In command format descriptions, braces indicate required elements; you must choose one of the options listed. bold text This text style represents the introduction of a new term or the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. In the HTML version of this Conventions table, this convention appears as italic text. italic text Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. Monospace text Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. In the HTML version of this Conventions table, this convention appears as italic text. - A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. xii numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes-binary, octal, or hexadecimal-are explicitly indicated. xiii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features OpenVMS Version 7.2 leverages existing capabilities and provides significant new functionality and features. Some of the most significant new OpenVMS Version 7.2 features include: o Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha o Seamless integration between OpenVMS and Windows NT o Premier OpenVMS Clustering-includes increased cluster performance for large-scale databases and easier system management with cluster-wide logical names o Java Development Kit o Extended File Specifications support o TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS-new and improved. Based on the UNIX kernel o Enhanced system management o New network support for Gigabit Ethernet o Base infrastructure support for Fibre Channel as a storage interconnect o Ongoing improvements-to boost operating system performance, reliability, and availability o Year 2000 readiness OpenVMS Version 7.2 includes all the capabilities of OpenVMS Version 7.1 and the OpenVMS Version 7.1-1Hx hardware releases. Table 1-1 summarizes each feature provided by OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 and presents these features according to their functional component (general user, system management, or programming). Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 __________Software_Features______________________________________ ______________________General_User_Features______________________ DCL Commands and A new DCL command has been added: Qualifiers o SET PREFERRED_PATH-Provides a command line interface to the preferred path QIO function. In addition, changes have been made to several DCL commands and qualifiers to support Extended File Specifications, Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM), and clusterwide logical names. Documentation Three new OpenVMS manuals have been added to the documentation set: the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide, the Guide to OpenVMS Extended File Specifications, and the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tool Manual. For Version 7.2, the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM supports a dual OpenVMS and Windows- based PC format. MIME Interpretation The MIME Interpretation and Composition and Composition Editor utility (MICE) allows you to read Editor and compose MIME-encoded mail messages. (continued on next page) 1-2 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________System_Management_Features____________________ BACKUP utility The OpenVMS Version 7.2 BACKUP utility contains the following improvements: o A new BACKUP qualifier (/NOINCREMENTAL) allows you to back up modified directories in one operation without additionally having to save all the files and subdirectories within them. o Improvements to BACKUP performance (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-3 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ____________________System_Management_Features___________________ Bitmap limits Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the increased limits of storage and index file bitmaps have been increased. DECnet installation Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the choices OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX installation menus now include both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV as networking software choices. During the OpenVMS installation or upgrade, you are given the option to install either DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV. Deferred memory To speed up the time between system power- testing on on and user login, the system manager can AlphaServer 4100 now defer a portion of memory testing on computers AlphaServer 4100 computers. This option limits the console to a minimum amount of memory testing and leaves the rest for the operating system to test. DIGITAL Server MIB OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 implements the (DSM) subagents DSM subagents on the AlphaServer 800, implemented on 1000, 4000, 4100, 8200, and 8400 systems. OpenVMS (Alpha only) With the DSM subagents, you can remotely determine and manage important information such as: Firmware revision numbers Base system descriptions FRU (field replaceable unit) information and descriptions Processor and cache status Interface configurations Environmental conditions in the system enclosure that might be detrimental to the hardware (continued on next page) 1-4 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ___________________System_Management_Features____________________ Ethernet and Fast OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides run- Ethernet Support time and boot support for the DE500-BA PCI (Alpha only) Ethernet network interface card (NIC) and for the DE500-FA PCI Fast Ethernet network interface card. The former supports a maximum distance of 100 meters; the latter supports a maximum distance of 2000 meters. Extended File Extended File Specifications is a file Specifications handling environment that eliminates many (Alpha only) of the file naming restrictions currently imposed by OpenVMS. This environment provides consistent file handling across both OpenVMS and Windows NT systems in a PATHWORKS environment. Fast Skip for SCSI There is a new qualifier for the SET tape drives MAGTAPE command, /FAST_SKIP, that allows you to skip by file mark or by record. The options are: PER_IO (default), ALWAYS, and NEVER. FastTrack Web Server FastTrack Web Server for OpenVMS Alpha (Alpha only) provides a way to create, build, publish, and serve Web pages and applications. Fibre Channel Fibre Channel is an ANSI standard network support (Alpha only) and storage interconnect that offers many advantages, including high speed transmission, long interconnect distances, and support of multiple protocols. OpenVMS Alpha will support Fibre Channel as a storage interconnect for single systems and as a shared storage interconnect in multihost OpenVMS Cluster systems. This support will become available shortly after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-5 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ____________________System_Management_Features___________________ Firmware revision OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides enhanced checking (Alpha firmware checking for systems during a only) boot operation. When you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM, the system now automatically checks the version of console firmware (including PALcode) that is running on your computer. InfoServer Service OpenVMS Version 7.2 offers system managers Listing (ISL) a quicker way to view and select services from a Compaq InfoServer. Service information is now grouped by server and displayed alphabetically. LANCP Commands to On Alpha systems, Define Device and Set Manage Classical Device have a new qualifier for Classical IP over ATM (Alpha IP, and a new keyword for the /CLIP only) qualifier. MONITOR utility: The Monitor utility has been enhanced to be TCP/IP support added able to use either TCP/IP (if available) or DECnet as its transport. (continued on next page) 1-6 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ___________________System_Management_Features____________________ (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-7 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ____________________System_Management_Features___________________ OpenVMS Cluster The following are new OpenVMS Cluster Systems features: New CIPCA A new CIPCA adapter has adapter been qualified since the support release of OpenVMS Version 7.1. Clusterwide Clusterwide logical name logical names support includes new attributes for the $TRNLNM and $GETSYI system services and a change in behavior for the $CRELNT system service which allows easier system management of an OpenVMS Cluster. Gigabit Gigabit Ethernet is Ethernet as supported as an OpenVMS a cluster Cluster interconnect for interconnect OpenVMS Version 7.1-2. (Alpha only) The same support will be available on OpenVMS Version 7.2 soon after its release. Intra-cluster The ICC system services Communications are a new applications (ICC) programming interface (API) for intra-cluster communications. Lock Manager The enhanced lock performance manager software improves improvements performance of applications that issue a large number of lock manager requests. The enhancements also improve application scaling. MEMORY CHANNEL MEMORY CHANNEL enhancements include support for larger configurations, new MEMORY 1-8 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features CHANNEL hardware, and more robust performance. Multipath SCSI Multipath SCSI support support (Alpha in OpenVMS Alpha provides only) failover from one path to a device to another path to the same device. Failover is provided between multiple direct SCSI paths. Failover between direct SCSI paths and MSCP served paths will be available soon after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2. Multiple paths to the same device increase the availability of that device for I/O operations and increase performance in certain configurations. Multipath support is available for parallel SCSI configurations. Shortly after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2, multipath support will also be available for Fibre Channel configurations. SCSI OpenVMS With the introduction of Cluster system the SCSI hub DWZZH-05, the supports four maximum number of nodes in nodes a SCSI multihost OpenVMS Cluster system has been raised from three to four. Ultra SCSI OpenVMS Version 7.2 configuration supports Ultra SCSI support operations in single- host and multihost configurations. Warranted OpenVMS Alpha Version and migration 7.2 and OpenVMS VAX support Version 7.2 provide two levels of support, warranted and migration, for mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ___________________System_Management_Features____________________ OpenVMS Management OpenVMS Management Station makes it easy to Station manage disk storage devices across multiple OpenVMS Cluster systems. OpenVMS Registry To allow OpenVMS and Windows NT to interoperate, Compaq has provided a registry on OpenVMS. PCI Gigabit Ethernet OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides run- support (Alpha only) time support for the Digital PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet adapter. This adapter incorporates a new technology that transfers data at a rate of one gigabit per second-ten times the rate of a Fast Ethernet adapter. Gigabit Ethernet technology addresses congestion experienced at the backbone and server levels by today's networks. PCSI qualifiers Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility has two new qualifiers that you can use with a number of PRODUCT commands. RMS CONVERT Utility The CONVERT utility has many enhancements Enhancements for OpenVMS Version 7.2. SYSMAN RESERVED_ New and modified subcommands and qualifiers MEMORY have been added to reserve a block of contiguous page frame numbers (PFNs). System parameters OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 introduces several new system parameters. Tape density support Enhanced tape density support permits enhanced (Alpha the selection of any density and any only) compression supported by a tape drive. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-9 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ____________________System_Management_Features___________________ TCP/IP services With OpenVMS Version 7.2, the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.0 product replaces Version 4.2 (also known as UCX). Version 5.0 completes the change initiated several releases ago when the product name changed from ULTRIX Connection (UCX) to DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. Several new TCP/IP features, including a new kernel and support for the gateway routing (GATED) daemon, are available in this release. Year 2000 readiness OpenVMS Version 7.2 includes all the Year 2000 enhancements that shipped in the Year 2000 enhancement kits for OpenVMS Version 7.1 and Version 7.1-1H1. These Year 2000 enhancements are the result of a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of the entire OpenVMS operating system, including extensive OpenVMS testing. (continued on next page) 1-10 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________Programming_Features_______________________ Additional network OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 offers support adapters (Alpha for the following new adapters: only) ATMWORKS 351 adapter (for communication over an ATM network) DE500-BA and DE504-BA adapters (for communication over a PCI Ethernet network) DE500-FA adapter (for communication over a PCI FastEthernet network) DEGPA-SA adapter (Alpha only-for communication over a PCI Gigabit Ethernet Network) Clusterwide logical Clusterwide logical name support includes name support new attributes for the $TRNLNM and $GETSYI system services and a change in behavior for the $CRELNT system service. COM for OpenVMS COM (Component Object Model) is a technology from Microsoft that allows developers to create distributed network objects. DIGITAL and Microsoft jointly developed the COM specification. First released as NetOLE (Network Object Linking and Embedding) and then renamed DCOM (Distributed COM), the COM specification now includes network objects. COM for OpenVMS is an implementation of the Microsoft code that supports the COM draft standards. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-11 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _______________________Programming_Features______________________ Common file New common file qualifier routines qualifier routines (UTIL$CQUAL) allow you to parse the command line for qualifiers related to certain file attributes, and to match files you are processing against the selected criteria retrieved from the command line. DECthreads DECthreads for OpenVMS Version 7.2 contains the following new features: o Yellow zone stack overflow-area of memory that enables applications to catch stack overflow conditions and attempt recovery or terminate gracefully o Read-write locks-allows many threads to have simultaneous read-only access to data while allowing only one thread to have write access o Improved debugging support DIGITAL DCE Remote Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Procedure Call (RPC) functionality is integrated into the operating system. RPC provides connectivity between individual procedures in an application across heterogeneous systems in a transparent way. Using RPC, an application can interoperate with either DIGITAL DCE or Microsoft RPC applications. Fast I/O and buffer As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, VLM objects for global applications can use Fast I/O for memory sections (Alpha shared by processes through global only) sections. In prior versions of OpenVMS Alpha, buffer objects could be created only for process private virtual address space. (continued on next page) 1-12 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ______________________Programming_Features_______________________ Fast Skip for SCSI If you access your tape drive via your own tape drives user-written program, you can use a new modifier, IO$M_ALLOWFAST, to control the behavior of the IO$_SKIPFILE function. Fast Path support Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1, (Alpha only) Fast Path supports disk I/O for the CIXCD and the CIPCA ports. High-Performance The high-performance Sort/Merge utility for Sort/Merge Utility OpenVMS Version 7.2 supports the following: (Alpha only) o Threads o Indexed sequential output file organization o Output file overlay o Statistical summary information Intra-Cluster Intra-cluster communications (ICC) provides Communications new system services that form a supported applications programming interface (API) to the existing interprocess communications services (IPC). This allows application program developers to create connections between different processes on the same or different systems within a single OpenVMS Cluster. Java Development Kit The Java Development Kit is now a standard (Alpha only) component of the OpenVMS operating system. This kit can be used to develop and run Java applets and programs on OpenVMS Alpha systems. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-13 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _______________________Programming_Features______________________ Kernel threads Kernel threads enhancements include the enhancements (Alpha increased number of threads per-process, only) the ability to change the base priorities of all kernel threads with one call, and detection of thread stack overflow. OpenVMS Debugger The OpenVMS Debugger includes the following enhancements features with OpenVMS Version 7.2: o New client/server interface-This new interface allows you to use Windows- based client applications to debug programs that reside and run on OpenVMS VAX or Alpha systems. o Support for C++ Version 5.5 or later (Alpha only)-OpenVMS Version 7.2 provides you with the ability to debug C++ programs with the OpenVMS Alpha Debugger. o New DECthreads command-When debugging programs that use DECthreads Version 3.13 or greater, you can directly access the DECthreads debugger with the PTHREAD command. OpenVMS RTL Routine For OpenVMS Version 7.2, the RTL Routine LIB$GET_LOGICAL LIB$GET_LOGICAL provides streamlined access to the $TRNLNM system service. (continued on next page) 1-14 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ______________________Programming_Features_______________________ Record Management RMS includes the following enhancements for Services OpenVMS Version 7.2: enhancements o Support for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format-RMS and FAL now support the 128-bit UTC format for the exchange of date and time information about files. o Support for a new file length hint attribute-RMS under some conditions now maintains file length hint data (record count and user data byte count) that may be retrieved by users using an item list XAB. o The Analyze/RMS_File Utility has a new qualifier: /UPDATE_HEADER. o The XAB$_UCHAR_PRESHELVED item for file user characteristics for item list XAB (XABITM) of RMS is available. o Global buffer performance enhancement- RMS global buffer hashing replaces the sequential buffer lookup with a hashing scheme that improves performance for lookups in the global cache. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-15 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _______________________Programming_Features______________________ Scheduling processes In OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the with soft affinity scheduling algorithm for soft affinity (Alpha only) has been improved. (continued on next page) 1-16 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ ______________________Programming_Features_______________________ Security features OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 contains the (Alpha only) following security changes: Persona Includes changes and support additions to the $PERSONA system services to support Windows NT-style security semantics. Per-thread Allows each thread of security execution within a multithreaded process to have an individual security profile. Shared address data Using shared address data saves physical (Alpha only) memory by reducing fixup CPU time and I/O for fixup during image activation. Performance is improved because of the reduced demand on physical memory with shared images. (continued on next page) Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-17 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha __________________Version_7.2_Software_Features__________________ _______________________Programming_Features______________________ System Dump Analyzer SDA includes the following enhancements for enhancements (Alpha OpenVMS Version 7.2: only) o Enhanced SDA commands-Many new qualifiers were added to the SHOW and VALIDATE commands. o SDA CLUE Dump Off System Disk-SDA CLUE allows the system dump file to be written to a device other than the system disk. o SDA extensions-OpenVMS Alpha SDA extensions expand the functionality of the System Dump Analyzer with the addition of new routines. System services Several new system services have been added and others have been modified to support OpenVMS Version 7.2. _________________________________________________________________ _______Compaq_Galaxy_Software_Architecture_on_OpenVMS_Alpha______ Compaq Galaxy OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 introduces Software a model of computing that allows Architecture (Alpha multiple instances of OpenVMS to execute only) cooperatively in a single computer. With Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP), many processors (and other physical resources) are partitioned in order to run multiple instances of operating systems. (continued on next page) 1-18 Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features Table 1-1 (Cont.) Summary of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha _________________________________________________________________ _____________________OpenVMS_System_Messages_____________________ New system messages This appendix alphabetically lists and describes new messages that can occur before the system is fully functional; that is, when the Help Message database is ______________________not_accessible.____________________________ Summary of OpenVMS Version 7.2 New Features 1-19 2 _________________________________________________________________ General User Features This chapter provides new features information for all users of the OpenVMS operating system. 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions This section describes new and changed DCL commands, qualifiers, and lexical functions for OpenVMS Version 7.2. 2.1.1 New SET PATH_PREFERRED Command OpenVMS Version 7.2 introduces the SET PATH_PREFERRED command as a command line interface to the QIO function for disk and tape drives. SET PATH_PREFERRED has the following qualifiers: o /FORCE o /HOST o /NOHOST For more information about SET PATH_PREFERRED and its qualifiers, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. 2.1.2 Changed DCL Commands and Qualifiers Several commands and qualifiers have been modified to support the Extended File Specifications, Hierarchical Storage Management, and clusterwide logical names. The following table contains a summary of these changes. For more information about changed commands and qualifiers, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. General User Features 2-1 General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______________ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ COPY Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. DEBUG Support added for CLIENT/SERVER. o Added new qualifiers, /CLIENT and /SERVER. DELETE Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. DIRECTORY Support added for the Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) project. o Added new keywords-PRESHELVED AND NOPRESHELVED-for /SELECT qualifier. o Added PRESHELVED display information to /SHELVED_STATE qualifier. Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. o Added display item to /FULL to display client attributes. (continued on next page) 2-2 General User Features General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ DUMP Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added display item to /DIRECTORY to display Name type attribute. o Added display item to /HEADER to display new attributes. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. EXCHANGE NETWORK Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. INITIALIZE Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added a new qualifier, /STRUCTURE=5. Support added for DECram allocation increase. o Added new information to /SIZE qualifier for DECram size allocation increase. Java Support added for Java Development Kit (JDK). o New DCL command and qualifiers added. MIME Support added for the MIME utility. (continued on next page) General User Features 2-3 General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ PRINT Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. PURGE Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. RENAME Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. SEARCH Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. SET DEFAULT Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Modified the directory-spec item. o Added an example for the /PARSE_ STYLE qualifier. (continued on next page) 2-4 General User Features General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ SET DEVICE Support added for Fast Path. Support added for multipath parallel SCSI and Fibre Channel configurations. o Added new qualifiers, /PATH, /ENABLE, /NOENABLE, /POLL, /NOPOLL, /SWITCH. SET DIRECTORY Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. SET FILE Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. SET MAGTAPE Support added for Fast Skip. o Added new qualifier, /FAST_SKIP, with new keywords, PER_IO, ALWAYS, and NEVER. SET PROCESS Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added a new qualifier, /PARSE_ STYLE=(keyword), where keywords are TRADITIONAL and EXTENDED. (continued on next page) General User Features 2-5 General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ SET SECURITY Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. Support added for Intra-Cluster Communications (ICC). o Added new Object Class, ICC- ASSOCIATION. SET VOLUME Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added a new qualifier, /STRUCTURE_ LEVEL=5 device-name[:][,...]. SHOW CPU Support added for Fast Path. SHOW DEVICES Support added for Multipath. o Added new qualifier, /MULTIPATH. SHOW DEVICES/FULL Support added for Fast Path. Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Updated the display information to show the disk structure level. SHOW MEMORY/POOL Support added for Lock Manager. SHOW MEMORY/POOL o Added Lock Manager Dynamic /FULL Memory and Bus Addressable Memory attributes to SHOW MEMORY/POOL and SHOW MEMORY/POOL/FULL. (continued on next page) 2-6 General User Features General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Changed_DCL_Commands_and_Qualifiers______ DCL_Command_________New_Features___________________________ SHOW SECURITY Support added for Intra-Cluster Communications (ICC). o Added new Object Class, ICC- ASSOCIATION. SHOW SYSTEM Support added for threads. o Added new qualifier, /MULTITHREAD. SUBMIT Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. TYPE Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new qualifier, /STYLE, with new keywords, EXPANDED and CONDENSED. ___________________________________________________________ 2.1.3 New and Changed DCL Lexical Functions The following table contains a summary of new and changed DCL lexical functions. Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information. Table_2-2_Summary_of_Changes_to_DCL_Lexical_Functions______ Lexical_Function____New_Features___________________________ F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new item codes: FILE_LENGTH_ HINT, VERLIMIT, DIRECTORY. (continued on next page) General User Features 2-7 General User Features 2.1 DCL Commands, Qualifiers, and Lexical Functions Table 2-2 (Cont.) Summary of Changes to DCL Lexical __________________Functions________________________________ Lexical_Function____New_Features___________________________ F$GETDVI Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new attributes to the ACPTYPE item code. F$GETENV Support added for new lexical. o Returns the value of a specified console environment variable. F$GETJPI Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Added new item codes: PARSE_STYLE_ PERM and PARSE_STYLE_IMAGE. F$GETSYI Support added for clusterwide logical names. o Added the CWLOGICALS item code. o Removed references that certain item codes are for local nodes only. F$TRNLNM Support added for clusterwide logical names. o Modified the case argument. o Added the CLUSTERWIDE item code. o Added two new examples. ___________________________________________________________ 2.2 Documentation Features OpenVMS Version 7.2 includes some significant documentation on new features. For this release, OpenVMS is shipping the following new manuals to support new and enhanced functionality: o The OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide introduces Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture concepts and describes how to 2-8 General User Features General User Features 2.2 Documentation Features create, manage, and use an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment. o The Guide to OpenVMS Extended File Specifications provides an overview of Extended File Specifications and describes the overall differences and impact Extended File Specifications introduce to the OpenVMS environment. o The OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tool Manual explains how to use various Alpha system analysis tools to investigate system failures and examine a running OpenVMS system. These tools are useful for the system programmer who must investigate the causes of system failures and debug kernel mode code. The tools available are system dump analysis (SDA), system-code debugger, system dump debugger, and watchpoint utility. Version 7.2 of the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual contains the following new appendixes: o Managing the OpenVMS Registry This appendix explains how to install and manage the OpenVMS Registry. o DIGITAL MIB Subagents Implemented on OpenVMS Alpha The Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol (eSNMP) allows network managers to manage many different types of devices across all network and vendor boundaries through the use of databases called MIBs (Management Information Bases). This appendix describes the DIGITAL Server MIB and the DIGITAL Cluster MIB. In addition, selected manuals from the integrated layered products and OpenVMS archived manuals are also included with the documentation. For Version 7.2, the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM supports a dual OpenVMS and Windows-based PC format. This means that you can mount and read the CD-ROM on both OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems and a Windows 95 or Windows NT system. Table 2-3 provides information about the files and manuals that are provided on the two partitions. General User Features 2-9 General User Features 2.2 Documentation Features Table_2-3_Documentation_CD-ROM_File_Types__________________ File_Type_____Platform____________Book_Type________________ HTML OpenVMS/Windows OpenVMS Manuals PostScript OpenVMS OpenVMS Manuals Archived Manuals Layered Product Release Notes and Install Guides Bookreader OpenVMS Archived manuals Selected layered product manuals PDF Windows Archived manuals Text OpenVMS/Windows Release Notes, New __________________________________Features,_Install_Guides_ For the first time, OpenVMS is also shipping the executable files for the following browsers and viewers: o Netscape Navigator Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX o Adobe Acrobat Reader for reading PDF files o Bookreader for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX 2.3 The MIME Utility The MIME utility allows you to read and compose MIME- encoded mail messages. The standard used to attach nontext files to mail messages is the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME). With MIME, nontext files, such as graphics or sound files, are encoded and sent as plain text, although that text may not be readable. The MIME utility decodes MIME files to their original form and allows you to create MIME-encoded files, which can be sent as mail messages using the OpenVMS Mail utility. Complete instructions for using the MIME utility to decode or encode files are found in the OpenVMS User's Manual. Information about the installation and administration of the MIME utility is found in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 2-10 General User Features 3 _________________________________________________________________ System Management Features This chapter provides information about new features, changes, and enhancements for system managers. 3.1 BACKUP Utility The following section discusses improvements to the BACKUP utility for OpenVMS Version 7.2. 3.1.1 /NOINCREMENTAL Qualifier On a save operation, you can use the new BACKUP qualifier /NOINCREMENTAL to avoid saving all the files and subdirectories under directories that have been modified. Use this qualifier only if you are sure that you want to save specific files and do not want to save all data. Prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2, the system, by default, did not save the files and subdirectories that were under directories that had been modified. In OpenVMS Versions 7.0 and 7.1, to ensure a successful restore, the system saved all files and subdirectories under directories that had been modified. This behavior, however, sometimes resulted in saving files and subdirectories that were not needed for later restore operations. The /NOINCREMENTAL qualifier has been implemented to allow you more control over the amount of file data that is saved. Usage Notes o /NOINCREMENTAL has no meaning in a restore operation. o /NOINCREMENTAL might be useful for the incremental operations on PATHWORKS servers that are discussed in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials. System Management Features 3-1 System Management Features 3.1 BACKUP Utility 3.1.2 Performance Improvements Work on the BACKUP utility for this release has resulted in the following performance improvements: o For a badly fragmented disk, a significant reduction in run time for an image backup-at times as much as 30% less time o Decrease in overall CPU usage o Decreased image size, especially the BACKUPSHR.EXE file 3.2 Bitmap Limits Increased In previous versions of OpenVMS, both storage and index file bitmaps were limited to 255 blocks. This size, in turn, limited a volume to approximately one million allocation units, or clusters. Larger disks were required to have a larger cluster factor to accommodate the limit; for example, a 9 GB disk required a cluster factor of 18. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the limits of storage and index file bitmaps have been increased as follows: ___________________________________________________________ Type_of_Bitmap________Limit________________________________ Storage bitmap 65535 blocks Index_file_bitmap_____4095_blocks__________________________ The increased bitmap limits have the following advantages: o For the foreseeable future, they allow you to use space more efficiently with small files. o They increase the number of files allowed on a volume to the architectural maximum of approximately 16 million. The behaviors of the INITIALIZE and BACKUP commands reflect the larger bitmap sizes. On OpenVMS Version 7.1 and earlier versions, you cannot mount a volume with bitmaps larger than 255 blocks. For this reason, the default cluster factor that the INITIALIZE command chooses on Files-11 structure level 2 disks limits the storage bitmap to 255 blocks. However, now you can override the default with an explicit cluster factor to make the storage bitmap as large as you want. 3-2 System Management Features System Management Features 3.2 Bitmap Limits Increased In OpenVMS Version 7.2, for Files-11 structure level 5 volumes, the INITIALIZE command assigns a cluster factor of 3 to currently available disks. The default maximum number of files-and hence, the size of the index file bitmap-that the INITIALIZE command assigns increases to correspond to the size of the storage bitmap. In OpenVMS Version 7.2, when you use the BACKUP/IMAGE command to restore or copy a volume, the BACKUP utility normally preserves the cluster factor. However, when you copy an ODS-2 volume whose storage bitmap is 255 blocks or smaller, if the output volume is larger, BACKUP will increase the cluster factor to keep the storage map 255 blocks or smaller. This behavior ensures that a volume that was usable on pre-Version 7.2 systems remains usable when copied to larger media. You can override the BACKUP behavior by setting the output volume's cluster factor to any size by initializing the output volume with the /CLUSTER qualifier and then invoking BACKUP with the /NOINITIALIZE qualifier. ________________________ Note ________________________ You cannot mount volumes with extended bitmaps on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 or earlier system. ______________________________________________________ 3.3 DECnet Installation Choices Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX operating system installation menus offer the choice to install either DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV networking software. Note, however, that both DECnet products cannot run concurrently on your system. You must choose to install either DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV. For DECnet Phase IV software service support, you must purchase an addendum to your standard support contract. See your local Compaq support representative for more information. For detailed information about installing or upgrading DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual and the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual. System Management Features 3-3 System Management Features 3.4 Deferred Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100 Computers 3.4 Deferred Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100 Computers To speed up the time between system power-on and user login, the system manager can now defer a portion of memory testing on AlphaServer 4100 computers. When you choose this option, the console tests a minimum amount of memory and leaves the rest for the operating system to test. To use this new feature, you need to specify a value for the MEMORY_TEST environment variable at the console before booting. The values for MEMORY_TEST are as follows: ___________________________________________________________ Value_______Description____________________________________ FULL (off) The console does all the testing. NONE 32 MB of memory are tested before booting. PARTIAL_____256_MB_of_memory_are_tested_before_booting.____ If you set MEMORY_TEST to NONE or PARTIAL, OpenVMS tests any remaining untested memory on an as-needed basis at either or both of the following times: o While the operating system is booting o In the scheduler idle loop when no processes are available to run When you change the value of MEMORY_TEST, you must issue the INIT console command before the new value takes effect. Therefore, you need to follow these steps from the console before booting: 1. Change the value of MEMORY_TEST (if desired). 2. Issue the INIT command from the console. 3. Boot the operating system. OpenVMS also gives you more control over when memory is actually tested. Bit 2 in the system parameter MMG_CTLFLAGS controls deferred memory testing: o If the bit is clear (the default), OpenVMS tests memory in the background and not necessarily before the bootstrap process has completed. 3-4 System Management Features System Management Features 3.4 Deferred Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100 Computers o If you set the bit, OpenVMS guarantees that all memory will be tested by the end of EXEC_INIT in the system bootstrap process; that is, before IPL is lowered from 31. 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS The DCM (Digital Cluster MIB) is a private Digital MIB (Management Information Base) that delivers management information about OpenVMS Cluster systems. The Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol (eSNMP) makes it possible for network managers to manage many different types of devices across all network and vendor boundaries through the use of databases called MIBs (Management Information Bases). Essentially, information is exchanged between master agents and subagents, which are devices such as routers and servers on the network being managed, and managers, which are the devices on the network through which the management is done. The DCM consists of two extensions, or subagents: o System-Describes a management interface to cluster system information not defined by standard MIBs. o Management-Describes instrumentation in the DIGITAL extension agent, including the ability to detect and monitor thresholds on integer variables. The representation of the DCM within the standard Structure of Managed Information (SMI) framework is: iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) 36 OpenVMS Version 7.2 implements the DCM subagents. With the DCM subagents, you can remotely determine status information for an OpenVMS Cluster system, including the following: o Cluster software version o Status of the cluster software: installed, running, failed, and so forth o Type of cluster that is running System Management Features 3-5 System Management Features 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS o State change to reflect when a cluster member is added or deleted To access the DCM subagents, you use the following software: o DIGITAL's ServerWORKS Manager Version 3.0 or any MIB browser that has access to the DCM definitions. o DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 or later. The DCM subagents use the SNMP agent supplied with TCP/IP Services to communicate with SNMP clients. The following sections describe the DCM subagents and explain how to set up your system to use them. 3.5.1 Overview of DCM Subagents DCM subagents respond to SNMP requests for a DCM object-the data item that the network manager is concerned with, or a trap-information about a change of status. A subagent is responsible for reporting on and maintaining the data pertaining to these objects and traps. The DCM subagents implement the objects listed in Table 3-1. Each object returns information relevant to an OpenVMS Cluster system and can be accessed by a network manager through ServerWORKS Manager. Table_3-1_DCM_Subagent_Objects_Implemented_on_OpenVMS____________ Object_______________Data_Type_______Access_____Description________ Cluster_Information______________________________________________ svrCluSoftwareVendor DisplayString Read only Cluster software vendor name. The current value is Digital. svrCluSoftwareVersion DisplayString Read only Cluster software version. This is the OpenVMS version string. (continued on next page) 3-6 System Management Features System Management Features 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS Table_3-1_(Cont.)_DCM_Subagent_Objects_Implemented_on_OpenVMS____ Object_______________Data_Type_______Access_____Description________ Cluster_Information______________________________________________ svrCluSoftwareStatus ClusterStatus Read only The status of the cluster software. Possible values are running and not running. svrCluClusterType ClusterType Read only The type of cluster that is running. The current value is OpenVMS. svrCluExtensionOID Object Read only The authoritative Identifier identification for the MIB. If no such identifier exists, the value {0.0} is returned. svrCluThisMember Integer Read only Index into the member table (svrCluMemberTable) that corresponds to this node. _________________________________________________________________ SMNP_Traps_______________________________________________________ svrCluMemberAdded Trap Packet Read only Generated when a cluster member is added. svrCluMemberDeleted Trap Packet Read only Generated when a cluster member is deleted. (continued on next page) System Management Features 3-7 System Management Features 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS Table_3-1_(Cont.)_DCM_Subagent_Objects_Implemented_on_OpenVMS____ _________________________________________________________________ Node-Specific_Information________________________________________ (continued on next page) System Management Features 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS Table_3-1_(Cont.)_DCM_Subagent_Objects_Implemented_on_OpenVMS____ Object_____________Data_Type_______Access_____Description________ Node-Specific_Information________________________________________ svrCluMemberIndex Integer Read only A unique index for the entry. Values of svrCluMemberIndex must remain constant at least between reboots of the network management system on the managed node. Where possible, this value should reflect the system's native member identifier. svrCluMemberName DisplayString Read only The SCS node name of this cluster member. A zero- length value means the member's node name is unknown. This name may not necessarily resolve to an address. svrCluMemberCommentDisplayString Read only This is the hardware name of the node, as returned by the $GETSYI system service. (continued on next page) System Management Features 3-9 System Management Features 3.5 DIGITAL Cluster MIB Subagent Implemented on OpenVMS Table_3-1_(Cont.)_DCM_Subagent_Objects_Implemented_on_OpenVMS____ Object___________________Data_Type_______Access_____Description________ Node-Specific_Information________________________________________ svrCluMemberStatus MemberStatus Read only Status of this member. Possible values are normal and removed. svrCluMemberAddressIndex Integer Read only The index for this address. svrCluMemberAddress IpAddress Read only An IP address of this cluster member. This address may not be reachable from nodes that are not configured into the ____________________________________________________cluster.___________ 3.5.2 Setting Up the System to Use the DCM Subagents For your convenience, the following files have example entries to start, run, and shut down the DCM subagents. o [TCPIP$SNMP]TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_STARTUP.COM. (This file is called by TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP.COM.) o [TCPIP$SNMP]TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUN.COM. (This file is called by TCPIP$SNMP_RUN.COM.) o [TCPIP$SNMP]TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_SHUTDOWN.COM. (This file is called by TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM.) Search the files for SVRCLUSTER_MIB entries and edit them as needed. You must also remove the GOTO entries, which cause the command procedures to simply exit. 3-10 System Management Features System Management Features 3.6 Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 3.6 Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides run-time and boot support for the DE500-BA PCI Ethernet network interface card, which is capable of 10 or 100 Mb/s operation in half or full-duplex mode. OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 also provides run-time and boot support for the DE500-FA PCI Fast Ethernet network interface card, which is capable of 100 Mb/s operation in half or full-duplex mode. For more information about these adapters, see Section 4.1. 3.7 Extended File Specifications (Alpha Only) Extended File Specifications is a feature of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 that allows the use of Windows-style file specifications. Extended File Specifications includes support for the following: o The ODS-5 disk structure. ODS-5 is an extension to the existing ODS-2 disk structure, and adds the ability to use extended file names that can be more easily mapped between Windows and OpenVMS. ODS-5 expands the available character set and filename length to be consistent with Windows 95 and Windows NT, and sets the stage for future Unicode file name support through PATHWORKS. o Deeper directories. Enhancements to RMS provide deep directory support on both ODS-2 and ODS-5 volumes. Taken together, these components provide much greater flexibility for OpenVMS Alpha systems (using Advanced Server for OpenVMS 7.2, formerly known as PATHWORKS for OpenVMS), to store, manage, serve, and access files that have names similar to those in a Windows 95 or Windows NT environment. This section provides an overview of the benefits, features, and support for Extended File Specifications, as well as changes in OpenVMS behavior that occur when using Extended File Specifications. Refer to OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for additional information on Extended File Specifications. Online help on Extended File Specifications is available by typing the following: $ HELP Ext_File_Specs System Management Features 3-11 System Management Features 3.7 Extended File Specifications (Alpha Only) 3.7.1 Benefits of Extended File Specifications The deep directories and extended file names supported by Extended File Specifications provide the following benefits: o OpenVMS system managers can manage files with extended names and deep directories in the same manner as Windows NT users. o Users of Advanced Server for OpenVMS 7.2 (formerly known as PATHWORKS for OpenVMS) have the ability to store longer file names and use deeper directory structures, which are more compatible with Windows 95 and Windows NT file names. o Applications developers who are porting applications from other environments that have support for deep directories can use a parallel structure on OpenVMS. o Longer file naming capabilities and Unicode support enables OpenVMS Version 7.2 to act as a DCOM server for Windows NT clients, and ODS-5 provides capabilities that make the OpenVMS and Windows NT environment more homogeneous for DCOM developers. o Java applications on OpenVMS will comply with Java object naming standards. o General OpenVMS users can make use of long file names, new character support, and the ability to have lowercase and mixed-case file names. These benefits result from the features described in Section 3.7.2. 3.7.2 Features of Extended File Specifications Extended File Specifications consists of two main features, the ODS-5 volume structure, and support for deep directories. 3-12 System Management Features System Management Features 3.7 Extended File Specifications (Alpha Only) ODS-5 Volume Structure OpenVMS Version 7.2 implements On-Disk Structure Level 5 (ODS-5). This structure provides the basis for creating and storing files with extended file names. You can choose whether or not to enable ODS-5 volumes on your OpenVMS Alpha systems. For more information about the structure of an ODS-5 disk, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications. The ODS-5 volume structure allows the following features: o Long file names o More characters legal within file names o Preservation of case within file names Deep Directory Structures Both ODS-2 and ODS-5 volume structures support deep nesting of directories, subject to the following limits: o There can be up to 255 levels of directories. o The name of each directory can be up to 236 8-bit or 117 16-bit characters long. Complete file specifications longer than 255 bytes are abbreviated by RMS when presented to unmodified applications. For example, a user can create the following deeply nested directory: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY [.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m] A user can create the following directory with a long name on an ODS-5 volume: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY [.AVeryLongDirectoryNameWhichHasNothingToDoWithAnythingIn Particular] Directory Naming Syntax On an ODS-5 volume, directory names conform to most of the same conventions as file names when using the ISO Latin-1 character set. Periods and special characters can be present in the directory name, but in some cases, they must be preceded by a circumflex (^) in order to be recognized as literal characters. System Management Features 3-13 System Management Features 3.8 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives 3.8 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives There is a new qualifier for the SET MAGTAPE command, /FAST_SKIP, that allows you to skip by file mark or by record. The options are PER_IO (default), ALWAYS, and NEVER. ________________________ Note ________________________ This tape positioning qualifier is for use on local SCSI tape drives only. ______________________________________________________ To find out if your drive supports the fast skip option, use the SHOW DEVICE command. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z and online help. 3.9 FastTrack Web Server (Alpha Only) Netscape FastTrack, a robust Web server for creating, building, publishing, and serving Web pages and applications, is now bundled at no additional cost with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. FastTrack's rich cross-platform environment supports building or deploying a variety of Web or database applications. Based on open Internet and intranet standards, FastTrack enables high-fidelity communication and information sharing within and beyond the organization. FastTrack Server offers a rich environment for building or deploying many types of web or database applications, while remaining extremely easy to use and manage. FastTrack takes the cost and complexity out of building a Web site. Users can install FastTrack easily, get it up and running, and publish to it in a matter of minutes. With FastTrack's Web-based administration interface, users can manage a Web site from any desktop in the organization. With the push of a button, users can publish documents to the server. FastTrack provides common user and group management across multiple servers by supporting LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for directory access, enabling administrators to specify access rights to documents in a 3-14 System Management Features System Management Features 3.9 FastTrack Web Server (Alpha Only) fine-grained manner. FastTrack delivers reliability in its core Web engine through optimized caching, advanced use of kernel threads, HTTP V1.1 support, and sophisticated memory management. FastTrack's security features restrict access to information stored on the server by the following: o Supporting SSL (secure sockets layer) V3.0, the widely accepted Internet security standard that encrypts the information flow between the server and a Web client o Supporting client authentication to restrict access to the server based on client certificates Some of the features that distinguish FastTrack from Netscape Communications and Commerce servers include: o Web engine based on the HTTP 1.1 standard o Comprehensive management of users and groups, configurations, and access control o Client authentication o Flexible, fine-grained access controls on documents and directories o Support for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), so that users and groups can be centrally managed across an organization or even outside it o Distributed administration that allows administrative privileges to be shared by multiple people or a subset of capabilities to be delegated o An advanced platform for building crossware applications through its support of the latest versions of Java, JavaScript, LiveConnect, and the web application interface (WAI) o Centralized certificate management 3.9.1 Benefits The benefits of using FastTrack for OpenVMS Alpha include: o Provides a Web-based administration interface, making it easy to manage a site from anywhere in the organization o Allows users to set up a Web server and publish documents quickly System Management Features 3-15 System Management Features 3.9 FastTrack Web Server (Alpha Only) o Supports industry standards HTTP V1.1 and SSL (secure sockets layer) V3 for encrypting information flow between the client and server o Provides a web-based administration interface, making it easy to manage a site from anywhere in the organization o Includes LDAP support for centralized user and group management o Enables building and deployment of crossware applications with server-side Java and JavaScript 3.9.2 Availability and Ordering Netscape FastTrack Server for OpenVMS Alpha is included in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 release and is licensed under the OpenVMS license, QL-MT1*. No additional license is required. Netscape FastTrack Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha software, which runs on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 or later, is also available at no cost as a downloadable kit from the OpenVMS web site at: http://www.openvms.digital.com 3.10 Fibre Channel Support (Alpha Only) Fibre Channel is a new ANSI standard network and storage interconnect that offers many advantages over other interconnects. Its most important features are described in Table 3-2. ________________________ Note ________________________ To help you plan for the introduction of Fibre Channel in your computing environment, this documentation is provided in advance of the Fibre Channel functionality, which will be available shortly after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2. ______________________________________________________ 3-16 System Management Features System Management Features 3.10 Fibre Channel Support (Alpha Only) Table_3-2_Fibre_Channel_Features___________________________ Feature_________________Description________________________ High-speed 1.06 gigabits per second, full transmission duplex, serial interconnect (can simultaneously transmit and receive 100 megabytes of data per second) Choice of media Initial OpenVMS support for fibre- optic media. Potential future support for copper media. Long interconnect Initial OpenVMS support for multi- distances mode fiber at 400 meters per link. Potential future support for 10 kilometer single-mode fiber links and 30 meter copper links. Numerous topologies Initial OpenVMS support for switched FC (highly scalable, multiple concurrent communications). Potential future support for arbitrated loop (maximum number of nodes fixed at 126, shared bandwidth, hardware relatively inexpensive), fabric of switches, mixed arbitrated loop and ________________________switches,_and_point-to-point_______ The initial OpenVMS implementation supports a single-switch topology, with multi-mode fiber-optic media, at distances up to 400 meters per link. Figure 3-1 shows a logical view of a switched topology. The FC nodes are either Alpha hosts, or storage subsystems. Each link from a node to the switch is a dedicated FC connection. The switch provides store-and-forward packet delivery between pairs of nodes. Concurrent communication between disjoint pairs of nodes is supported by the switch. For more information about OpenVMS support for Fibre Channel, refer to Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations. System Management Features 3-17 System Management Features 3.11 Firmware Revision Checking (Alpha Only) 3.11 Firmware Revision Checking (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides enhanced firmware checking for systems during a boot operation. When you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM, the system automatically checks the version of console firmware (including PALcode) that is running on your computer. The system also provides more explicit information about how and when to upgrade the firmware. Previously, only the PALcode version was checked and the informational messages were less specific. Note that once you install this version of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, the firmware check (similar to the previous PALcode check) will occur each time you reboot the system. 3.12 InfoServer Service Listing: Improved Display and Service Selection OpenVMS Version 7.2 offers system managers a quicker way to view and select services from a Compaq InfoServer. The service listings that are displayed during both a MOP boot and at run time (with the MCR ESS$LADCP SHOW SERVICES command) have been reorganized. Prior to Version 7.2, service information was displayed in random order, such as shown in the following excerpt from an OpenVMS Version 7.1 MOP boot procedure: . . . Servers found: 19 Service Name Format: Service Number Service Name Server Name Ethernet ID #1 X6FA_IMAGE VMS_DSS 08-00-2B-27-FC-0F 3-18 System Management Features System Management Features 3.12 InfoServer Service Listing: Improved Display and Service Selection #2 X6G7_KIT ALPHA_DSS 08-00-2B-28-17-A3 #3 CDDOC06JUL21 SUPER 08-00-2B-20-CD-07 Enter a Service Number or for more: . . . With a maximum of four services per screen, this selection process often involved repeated scrolling to locate the correct services. Now service information is grouped by server and displayed alphabetically, as shown by the following example taken from an OpenVMS Version 7.2 MOP boot procedure: . . . Servers found:: 19 Services offered by node AJAX_TEST_SERVR, Address: 08-00-2B-2D- B8-32 # 2 VAXDOCSEP931 # 3 R6LBCK # 4 V71R01-03 # 5 CDDOC09NOV22 Services offered by node IMS$DSS1, Address: 08-00-2B-23-94-15 # 6 VXT_UPDATE Services offered by node PUB_08002EE0AF60, Address: 08-00-2B-B0- AF-60 # 1 FREEWAREV20 System Management Features 3-19 System Management Features 3.12 InfoServer Service Listing: Improved Display and Service Selection Services offered by node VMS$DSS1, Address: 08-00-2B-2C-D4-A6 # 7 VAXBINDEC969 # 8 CDBIN_01 # 9 CDBIN_02 . . . The run-time service information is also grouped by server, as follows: $ MC ESS$LADCP SHO SER Interrogating network for Disk services, please wait... Disk services offered by node AXX_150 (LAD V3.1, Address: 08-00-2B- 26-A4-B5) Current Writes Service: Device: Rating: Connects: Allowed?: PCSI_MOTIF123 RZ57 65263 0 Yes VPWRK_LATEST RZ57 65272 0 Yes VPWRKV5D RZ57 65272 0 Yes APWRK_LATEST RZ57 65263 0 Yes VAXVMS061 RZ57 65263 0 Yes VMS060 RZ57 65272 0 Yes VMS054 RZ57 65272 0 Yes Disk services offered by node FPG90 (LAD V3.1, Address: AA-00-04-00- F3-FC) Current Writes Service: Device: Rating: Connects: Allowed?: RSM$FETCH_CSG20-VMS OpenVMS AXP 64 0 No RSM$FETCH_CSG20-AVMS OpenVMS AXP 64 0 No This improved display format provides more service information per screen and enables system managers to monitor and select services more easily. 3.13 LANCP Define Device and Set Device for Classical IP: New Qualifier (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Version 7.2 has two new qualifiers, /PVC and /NOPVC, for Define Device and Set Device commands for LANCP. Table 3-3 shows the qualifiers for the Define Device and Set Device commands. 3-20 System Management Features System Management Features Device and Set Device for Classical IP: New Qualifier (Alpha Only) Table_3-3_Define_Device_and_Set_Device_____________________ Qualifier_____Description__________________________________ /PVC=([vc- On Alpha systems, defines or sets the id],... permanent virtual channel (PVC). This is ) an optional qualifier. An example of enabling the PVC is: /PVC = (200,105) /NOPVC=([vc- On Alpha systems, does not define or set the id],...) permanent virtual channel (PVC). This is an ______________optional_qualifier.__________________________ 3.14 LANCP Classical IP (CLIP) Qualifier: New and Changed Keyword (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Version 7.2 has a new and changed keyword for the /CLIP qualifier for the Define Device and Set Device LANCP commands. The description for the keyword type=server has changed and the new keyword is shown in Table 3-4. Table 3-4 Keyword for /CLIP Qualifier for Define Device and __________Set_Device_______________________________________ Qualifier_____Description__________________________________ /CLIP The meanings for the syntax of keyword and subkeyword for /CLIP are as follows: o type=server Starts up a CLIP server. Only one server for each LIS is allowed, and the server needs to be started first. o type=(server,client) Starts up a CLIP server and client. ___________________________________________________________ 3.15 Monitor Utility: TCP/IP Support Added The Monitor utility has been enhanced to be able to use either TCP/IP (if available) or DECnet as its transport. MONITOR will try to access TCP/IP first; if TCP/IP is not available, MONITOR will use DECnet. System Management Features 3-21 System Management Features 3.15 Monitor Utility: TCP/IP Support Added To take advantage of this enhancement, you must uncomment the following line in SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:VPM$STARTUP.COM See SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.TEMPLATE for examples. 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems The following new OpenVMS Cluster features are described in this section: o New CIPCA adapter support o Clusterwide logical names o Intra-cluster communication (ICC) system services o Lock Manager enhancements o MEMORY CHANNEL enhancements o Multipath SCSI configurations with parallel SCSI or Fibre Channel o SCSI OpenVMS Cluster system supports four nodes o Ultra SCSI configuration support o Warranted and migration support 3.16.1 New CIPCA Adapter Support The CIPCA adapter is a PCI-to-CI storage host bus adapter. CIPCA enables users to connect their existing CI-based storage to high-performance PCI-based AlphaServer systems. Since the release of OpenVMS Version 7.1, the CIPCA-BA adapter has been qualified on OpenVMS Version 7.1. The CIPCA-BA adapter requires two PCI slots. The earlier CIPCA- AA adapter requires one EISA slot and one PCI slot. The CIPCA-BA is intended for newer servers that have a limited number of EISA slots. The CIPCA adapter enables users to include the latest Alpha-based servers within an existing OpenVMS Cluster system, thereby taking advantage of servers offering the best price performance while maintaining previous investments in storage subsystems. The CIPCA adapter and the HSJ50 storage controller allow PCI to CI connectivity 3-22 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems and increase the performance of the CI with support for 4K packets. The maximum number of CIPCA adapters that can be configured within a system is dependent upon the system, the available number of EISA and PCI slots, the combination of CIPCA models selected, as well as other system options. For more information about CIPCA, see Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations. 3.16.2 Clusterwide Logical Names Clusterwide logical names are an extension to the existing logical name support in OpenVMS. They are available on both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX. This section provides information about clusterwide logical names for system managers. For programming aspects of clusterwide logical names, see Section 4.2. Overview Clusterwide logical names extend the convenience and ease- of-use features of shareable logical names to OpenVMS Cluster systems. Existing applications can take advantage of clusterwide logical names without any changes to the application code. Only a minor modification to the logical name tables referenced by the application (directly or indirectly) is required. New logical names created on OpenVMS Version 7.2 are local by default. Clusterwide is an attribute of a logical name table. In order for a new logical name to be clusterwide, it must be created in a clusterwide logical name table. Features Some of the most important features of clusterwide logical names are: o When a new node running Version 7.2 joins the cluster, it automatically receives the current set of clusterwide logical names. o When a clusterwide logical name or name table is created, modified, or deleted, the change is automatically propagated to every other node in the cluster running Version 7.2. Modifications include security profile changes to a clusterwide table. System Management Features 3-23 System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems o Translations are done locally so there is minimal performance degradation for clusterwide name translations. o Because LNM$CLUSTER_TABLE and LNM$SYSCLUSTER_TABLE exist on all systems running OpenVMS Version 7.2, the programs and command procedures that use clusterwide logical names can be developed, tested, and run on nonclustered systems. For more information about clusterwide logical names, refer to the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. 3.16.3 Gigabit Ethernet as a Cluster Interconnect ________________________ Note ________________________ OpenVMS Cluster support for Gigabit Ethernet will be available shortly after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2. This documentation is provided to help you plan for the introduction of Gigabit Ethernet in your OpenVMS Cluster configurations, ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 supports Gigabit Ethernet as a cluster interconnect. The nodes in a Gigabit Ethernet OpenVMS Cluster system are connected to a Gigabit Ethernet switch, or, if there are only two nodes, they can be connected point-to-point so that no switch is needed, as shown in Figure 3-2. Most Gigabit Ethernet switches can be configured with Gigabit Ethernet or a combination of Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps). Each node can have a single connection to the switch or can be configured with multiple connections. For example, a node can be connected by Gigabit Ethernet and by Fast Ethernet. Figure 3-3 shows a five-node cluster with two nodes connected by Gigabit Ethernet, one node connected by both Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, and two nodes connected by Fast Ethernet. Note that the currently supported DIGITAL PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet adapter is known as a DEGPA. The currently supported Fast Ethernet family of adapters is named DE50x-xx. 3-24 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems In a multipath configuration where a node is connected to the switch by two or more cables, such as the middle node shown in Figure 3-3, if one path fails, the remaining path can assume the load of the failed path. System Support Gigabit Ethernet is supported as a cluster interconnect on several AlphaServer models, as shown in Table 3-5. Table 3-5 AlphaServer Support for Gigabit Ethernet __________Adapters_________________________________________ Maximum Number of AlphaServer_Model_____Adapters_______Minimum_Memory________ AlphaServer GS140 4 128[1] AlphaServer 8400 4 128[1] AlphaServer 8200 4 128[1] AlphaServer 4x00 4 128[1] AlphaServer 1200 2 128[1] AlphaServer 800 2 128[1] [1]256_MB_is_strongly_recommended._________________________ ___________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Cluster Functions Planned for Future Release A limited number of cluster functions will not be supported in OpenVMS Version 7.1-2 or OpenVMS Version 7.2, as described in Table 3-6. Support for these cluster functions is planned for a future release. System Management Features 3-25 System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Table_3-6_Cluster_Functions_Not_Currently_Supported________ Function__________Comment__________________________________ Jumbo frames Jumbo frames are supported at this (frame size time over Gigabit Ethernet but not for >1518 and cluster communications. The frame size <9,018) supported for cluster communications is the standard 1518-byte maximum Ethernet frame size. Optimum path Because optimum path selection is not selection implemented in this release, you cannot rely on the cluster software to always select the optimal path. Satellite Although the DEGPA cannot be used as the booting with boot device, satellites can be booted the DEGPA as the over standard 10/100 Ethernet network boot_device_______adapters_configured_on_a_Gigabit_switch._ 3.16.4 Intra-Cluster Communication (ICC) System Services The new intra-cluster communications (ICC) system services provide an applications programming interface (API) for applications that will run in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Using these services, application program developers can create connections between different processes on the same or different systems within a single OpenVMS Cluster system. For more information about the new ICC system services, refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI-Z, and Section 4.11 in this manual. 3.16.5 Lock Manager Improvements The lock manager synchronizes resources in an OpenVMS system. For OpenVMS Version 7.2, the lock manager software has been enhanced to improve the performance of applications that issue a large number of lock manager requests and to improve application scaling. These improvements pertain to single systems and to OpenVMS Cluster systems. For OpenVMS Alpha, the changes include a new location for most of the lock manager data structures. These data structures now reside in S2 space in a structure known as a Pool Zone. The SHOW MEMORY display has been modified to 3-26 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems display attributes of the Pool Zone memory used by the lock manager. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. 3.16.6 MEMORY CHANNEL Enhancements (Alpha Only) MEMORY CHANNEL is a high-performance cluster interconnect technology for PCI-based Alpha systems. It is suitable for applications that must move large amounts of data among nodes, such as high-performance databases. MEMORY CHANNEL supports node-to-node cluster communication only. A second interconnect is required for network traffic or storage access. When introduced in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1, MEMORY CHANNEL supported a maximum of 4 nodes in a 10-foot radial topology. OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1 provided the following enhancements for MEMORY CHANNEL Version 1.5: o Support for a maximum of 8 nodes in a configuration o Support for a new MEMORY CHANNEL adapter (CCMAA-BA), which provides improved performance o Time stamps on all messages o More robust performance in the presence of errors MEMORY CHANNEL Version 2.0, supported by OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, provides the following new capabilities: o Support for a new adapter (CCMAB-AA) and a new hub (CCMHB-AA) o Support for simultaneous communication between four sender-receiver pairs o Support for longer cables for a radial topology up to 3 km - Copper cables (3 sizes) up to a 10-m (32.8 ft) topology - Fiber-optic cables up to a 3-km topology Fiber-optic cables up to 30 meters are available from Compaq. Fiber-optic cables up to 3 kilometers are available from other vendors. System Management Features 3-27 System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems You can configure a computer in an OpenVMS Cluster system with both a MEMORY CHANNEL Version 1.5 hub and a MEMORY CHANNEL Version 2.0 hub. However, the version number of the adapter and the cables must match the hub's version number for MEMORY CHANNEL to function properly. In other words, you must use MEMORY CHANNEL Version 1.5 adapters with the MEMORY CHANNEL Version 1.5 hub and MEMORY CHANNEL Version 1.5 cables. Similarly, you must use MEMORY CHANNEL Version 2.0 adapters with the MEMORY CHANNEL Version 2.0 hub and MEMORY CHANNEL Version 2.0 cables. For more information about MEMORY CHANNEL, refer to Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations. 3.16.7 Multipath SCSI Configurations with Parallel SCSI or Fibre Channel OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 introduces multipath support for parallel SCSI configurations. Shortly after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2, multipath support will also be available for Fibre Channel configurations. SCSI multipath support means support for failover between multiple paths that may exist between an OpenVMS system and a SCSI device, as shown in Figure 3-4. If the current path to a mounted disk fails, the system will automatically fail over to the alternate path. Multipath support is provided for: o Systems that are configured with multiple direct connections to the HSZ70, HSZ80, and the HSG80 storage controllers o Systems that are in a cluster and have one or more direct paths to a disk as well as an MSCP-served path ________________________ Note ________________________ Multipath support for failover between direct SCSI paths and MSCP served paths will be available soon after the release of OpenVMS Version 7.2. ______________________________________________________ 3-28 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Figure 3-5 shows a SCSI multipath configuration with multiple direct connections to the HSx controllers as well as MSCP served paths to the HSx controllers. Multipath SCSI devices can be directly attached to Alpha systems and served to Alpha or VAX systems. SCSI multipath failover for redundant paths to a storage device greatly improves data availability and, in some configurations, improves performance. For more information about SCSI multipath support, refer to Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations. 3.16.8 SCSI OpenVMS Cluster System Supports Four Nodes With the introduction of the SCSI hub DWZZH-05, four nodes can now be supported in a SCSI multihost OpenVMS Cluster system. In order to support four nodes, the hub's fair arbitration feature must be enabled. This hub is supported with either KZPSA or KZPBA-CB adapters. This configuration is supported on the following versions of OpenVMS Alpha: o Version 7.1-1H1 o Version 7.1-1H2 o Version 7.1-2 o Version 7.2 Prior to the introduction of the SCSI hub DWZZH-05, a maximum of three nodes were supported in a SCSI multihost OpenVMS cluster system. 3.16.9 Ultra SCSI Configuration Support OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1 introduced support for certain Ultra SCSI devices in Ultra SCSI mode in single- host configurations. Since the release of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1, additional Ultra SCSI devices have been qualified on OpenVMS, and support for multihost configurations has been added to OpenVMS. OpenVMS Version 7.2 includes Ultra SCSI support for both single-host and multihost configurations. A maximum of four hosts is supported in an Ultra SCSI multihost configuration when a DWZZH-05 hub is used with fair arbitration enabled. System Management Features 3-29 System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Table 3-7 summarizes the Ultra SCSI support provided by OpenVMS, including support for several significant Ultra SCSI devices. For information about all Ultra SCSI devices supported by OpenVMS and about configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters, see the documents described in Table 3-9. Table_3-7_OpenVMS_Alpha_Ultra_SCSI_Support_________________ Configuration /Adapter___________Version__Description____________________ Single-host 7.1-1H1 The KZPBA-CA is a single- configurations ended adapter. The KZPAC Ultra using the KZPBA- SCSI host RAID controller is CA also supported in single-host configurations. Single-host 7.1-1H1 The KZPBA-CB is a differential configurations adapter. The HSZ70 is also using the KZPBA- supported in Ultra SCSI mode, CB using the KZPBA-CB. Multihost 7.1-1H1 Up to four hosts can share configurations with a the Ultra SCSI bus when a using the KZPBA- reme- DWZZH-05 hub is used with CB dial fair arbitration enabled. The kit HSZ70 is also supported on the multihost bus. Multihost 7.2 Up to four hosts can share configurations the Ultra SCSI bus when a using the KZPBA- DWZZH-05 hub is used with CB fair arbitration enabled. The HSZ70 is also supported on the ____________________________multihost_bus._________________ Note the restrictions described in Table 3-8. 3-30 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Table_3-8_OpenVMS_Restrictions_____________________________ Restriction___________Comments_____________________________ Firmware for the Earlier firmware versions do not KZPBA-CB must be provide multihost support. Version 5.53 or higher. Console firmware All console SCSI driver fixes are must be updated with included on this CD. This CD also the Alpha Systems includes the latest version of the Firmware Update KZPBA-CB firmware (Version 5.53 or CD Version 5.1 or higher). higher.____________________________________________________ Table 3-9 provides pointers to additional documentation for Ultra SCSI devices and for configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters. Table 3-9 Documentation for Configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra __________SCSI_Clusters____________________________________ Topic_________________Document______________Order_Number___ SCSI devices that StorageWorks EK-ULTRA-CG support Ultra SCSI UltraSCSI operations and how Configuration to configure them Guidelines KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI AA-R5XWA-TE storage adapter Storage Adapter Module Release Notes Multihost SCSI bus Guidelines for AA-Q28LB-TK operation in OpenVMS OpenVMS Cluster Cluster systems Configurations Systems and devices OpenVMS Operating SPD 25.01.xx supported by OpenVMS System for Alpha and Version 7.1-1H1 VAX, Version 7.1-1H1 Software Product Description (continued on next page) System Management Features 3-31 System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Table 3-9 (Cont.) Documentation for Configuring OpenVMS __________________Alpha_Ultra_SCSI_Clusters________________ Topic_________________Document______________Order_Number___ Multihost SCSI OpenVMS Cluster SPD 29.78.xx support Software Software ______________________Product_Description__________________ Information about StorageWorks Ultra SCSI products is available and periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.storage.digital.com OpenVMS software product descriptions are also available and periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.openvms.digital.com You will find the software product descriptions under Publications, a choice on the home page. 3.16.10 Warranted and Migration Support OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 provide two levels of support, warranted and migration, for mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems. Warranted support means that Compaq has fully qualified the two versions coexisting in an OpenVMS Cluster and will answer all problems identified by customers using these configurations. Migration support is a superset of the Rolling Upgrade support provided in earlier releases of OpenVMS and is available for mixes that are not warranted. Migration support means that Compaq has qualified the versions for use together in configurations that are migrating in a staged fashion to a newer version of OpenVMS VAX or of OpenVMS Alpha. Problem reports submitted against these configurations will be answered by Compaq. However, in exceptional cases, Compaq may request that you move to a warranted configuration as part of answering the problem. 3-32 System Management Features System Management Features 3.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems Migration support helps customers move to warranted OpenVMS Cluster version mixes with minimal impact on their cluster environments. Table 3-10 shows the level of support provided for all possible version pairings. Table_3-10_OpenVMS_Cluster_Warranted_and_Migration_Support_ Alpha Alpha ____________V6.2-xxx____V7.1-xxx____Alpha_V7.2_____________ VAX V6.2- WARRANTED Migration Migration xxx VAX V7.1- Migration WARRANTED Migration xxx VAX_V7.2____Migration___Migration___WARRANTED______________ For OpenVMS Version 6.2 nodes to participate in a cluster with systems running either Version 7.1 or Version 7.2, the cluster compatibility kit must be installed on each Version 6.2 node. In addition, if you use the Monitor Utility in a mixed version utility, you must install a new remedial kit. For more information about these kits, refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.2 Release Notes. Compaq does not support the use of Version 7.2 with Version 6.1 (or earlier versions) in an OpenVMS Cluster. In many cases, mixing Version 7.2 with versions prior to Version 6.2 will successfully operate, but Compaq cannot commit to resolving problems experienced with such configurations. ________________________ Note ________________________ Nodes running OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or earlier versions, or OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.0 or 1.5, cannot participate in a cluster with one or more OpenVMS Version 7.2 nodes. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.2 Release Notes. ______________________________________________________ System Management Features 3-33 System Management Features 3.17 OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0 3.17 OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0 Version 3.0 of OpenVMS Management Station adds storage management support to the existing user account and printer management features. OpenVMS Management Station now makes it easy for you to manage your disk storage devices across multiple OpenVMS Cluster systems and OpenVMS nodes. With Version 3.0 of OpenVMS Management Station, you no longer need to maintain complicated command procedures to control your storage environment. You can create, delete, and manage storage from an easy-to-use Windows interface. OpenVMS Management Station provides a persistent database that can automatically determine and configure your system's storage configuration at system startup. OpenVMS Management Station is now based on the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The Microsoft Management Console provides a common management framework for various administration programs. OpenVMS Management Station is implemented as an MMC snap-in and includes all of the MMC components you need. 3.17.1 OpenVMS Management Station New Features OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0 includes the following new features: o Storage Configuration Management. You can create, delete, and manage a disk volume under one interface. Wizards make it easy to create a volume. o Configuration Control Over Reboots. If you allow it to, OpenVMS Management Station preserves the disk configuration across reboots. OpenVMS Management Station can mount and maintain your storage configuration without intervention. And, OpenVMS Management Station mounts volumes much faster than is possible with DCL or command procedures, so performance is enhanced. o Coexistence with Established Environment. You do not have to change your existing DCL command procedures if you do not want to. You can use the display capabilities of OpenVMS Management Station without having to use 3-34 System Management Features System Management Features 3.17 OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0 the automated mount feature. In this way, you can give OpenVMS Management Station as little or as much control as you are comfortable with. o Remote Management Supported. You can use OpenVMS Management Station to remotely manage your OpenVMS systems. Once you establish a TCP/IP dialup connection, you can then use OpenVMS Management Station to manage your OpenVMS systems from home, while traveling, and so forth. o Integrated Web Features. MMC allows you to insert World Wide Web URLs directly into the viewer and access them via Microsoft Internet Explorer. OpenVMS Management Station includes hot links to the OpenVMS and OpenVMS Management Station web pages, where you can find the latest product information and kits. You can use this feature to add web links of your own. For example, you might add a link to an internal Help Desk troubleshooting page, or to a system management procedures page. 3.18 OpenVMS Registry To allow OpenVMS and Windows NT to interoperate, Compaq has provided a registry on OpenVMS. Both PATHWORKS and COM for OpenVMS use the OpenVMS Registry. Like the Windows NT registry, the OpenVMS Registry is made up of two components: the OpenVMS Registry database and the OpenVMS Registry server. The OpenVMS Registry database is a systemwide or clusterwide hierarchical database of configuration information. This information is stored in a database structure of keys and associated values. The OpenVMS Registry server controls all OpenVMS Registry operations, such as creating and backing up the OpenVMS Registry database, and creating, displaying, modifying, or deleting keys and values. The OpenVMS Registry includes interfaces (COM APIs and system services) to allow applications to control the OpenVMS Registry server and to read and write to the OpenVMS Registry database. The OpenVMS Registry also includes server management utilities to allow system managers to display and update OpenVMS Registry information from the OpenVMS DCL command line. System Management Features 3-35 System Management Features 3.18 OpenVMS Registry The OpenVMS Registry is compatible with the Windows NT registry. Windows NT client applications such as RegEdt32 can connect to and edit the OpenVMS Registry. 3.18.1 For More Information For more information about the OpenVMS Registry, see the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. You can find this document in the following locations: o The document is included in the COM for OpenVMS kit. When you install the kit, the document is placed in the COM for OpenVMS [SYSHLP] subdirectory. o The document is available from the OpenVMS website at the following location: http://www.openvms.digital.com/openvms/products/dcom/index.html For more information about installing and managing the OpenVMS Registry, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) Run-time support for the DIGITAL PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet adapter (DEGPA) is included in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. The DEGPA is supported on single systems. For information about OpenVMS Cluster support, see Section 3.16.3. The DEGPA conforms to the IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet standard running over 1000BASE-SX fiber optic cabling. It can run point-to-point to another Gigabit Ethernet adapter or to a Gigabit Ethernet hub or switch. To configure the DEGPA, do the following: 1. Verify that your system is running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. 2. Power down your system. 3. Install the DEGPA in an available PCI slot, preferably a 64-bit slot. (For installation instructions for this adapter, see the DIGITAL PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Installation and Configuration guide that accompanies it.) 4. Boot the system. 3-36 System Management Features System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 5. Determine which EW device is the DEGPA with the following command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LANCP LANCP> SHOW DEV EW/CHAR The device that has a line speed of 1000 megabits per second is the DEGPA. 6. Verify that the device is cabled correctly to the switch or point-to-point with another device. If it is, a "link up" console message is displayed. If you missed the console message (it is not logged to the OPCOM log file), you can either check the DEGPA or use the SDA utility: o On the DEGPA, there are two small lights. The light next to the link symbol (two circles linked together) is green if the DEGPA is correctly cabled. (For more information about the lights, see the DIGITAL PCI-to-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Installation and Configuration guide.) o Issue the SDA command SHOW LAN, as follows: $ ANALYZE/SYSTEM SDA> SHOW LAN If cabled properly, SDA displays "ring available" for the device. 3.19.1 Firmware Updates As firmware is updated for the Gigabit Ethernet adapter, it will be included in successive versions of the driver. Unlike other adapters, the firmware image for the Gigabit Ethernet adapter is embedded in the driver. (The firmware is loaded into the adapter at device initialization and is part of the driver image.) This means that you do not update the firmware. System Management Features 3-37 System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 3.19.2 Link Autonegotiation Support The OpenVMS Gigabit Ethernet driver supports link autonegotiation. Autonegotiation is enabled by default and can be turned on or off using the SYSMAN utility or the LANCP utility. If you use the SYSMAN utility to change the setting, it takes effect on all the Gigabit Ethernet adapters. The LANCP utility can be used to change the setting on individual adapters or on all of them. The change takes effect immediately when issued by either utility. Many Gigabit Ethernet switches support link autonegotiation but some, such as the Gigaswitch/Ethernet, do not. If the Gigabit Ethernet switch you are using does not support link autonegotiation, you must disable link autonegotiation on the driver. Each time the setting of link negotiation is changed, a console message is displayed. At driver initialization, if you have disabled autonegotiation, the following message is displayed on the console: %EWA0, Autonegotiation disabled per SYSGEN parameter LAN_FLAGS Because the Gigabit Ethernet driver checks the LAN_FLAGS setting once every second and changes the link setting as dictated by bit 5, the driver will be able to see a valid link within a few seconds. If the device is cabled properly but the driver is not able to see a valid link, it is probably because the switch does not support autonegotiation. Directions for using SYSMAN or LANCP to turn autonegotiation off or on follow. SYSMAN Utility Directions Using SYSMAN, you can disable or enable autonegotiation on all adapters. You cannot single out individual adapters. To disable autonegotiation, you set bit 5 of the LAN_FLAGS system parameter. To enable autonegotiation, you clear the bit. To disable autonegotiation: 1. Verify that the device is cabled properly by looking at the link light or by using SDA, as previously described. 3-38 System Management Features System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 2. Invoke SYSMAN and issue the following SYSMAN commands: $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use current SYSMAN> parameters set lan_flags %x20 SYSMAN> parameters write active SYSMAN> parameters write current SYSMAN> exit The notation "%x" instructs the operating system that the following number is hexadecimal. ________________________ Note ________________________ The setting for bit 5 should be OR'd with any other existing settings for the LAN_FLAGS system parameter. ______________________________________________________ 3. Insert or edit the following line in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT: lan_flags = %x20 ! turn off auto-negotiate on DEGPA To enable autonegotiation, follow the previous directions except clear bit 5 instead of setting it. Then modify the relevant line in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. LANCP Utility Directions You can use the LANCP utility to disable or enable autonegotiation on one or more specific adapters with separate commands or on all the adapters with a single command. Issue the following command to disable link autonegotiation for a specific adapter, for example, ewa: $ mc lancp set dev devname/noauto ewa Issue the following command to disable link autonegotiation on all Gigabit Ethernet adapters connected to the Gigabit Ethernet switch: $ mc lancp set dev devname/noauto ew/all If you have disabled link autonegotiation, you can turn it back on by using the syntax of the previous commands but replacing noauto with auto. System Management Features 3-39 System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 3.19.3 Jumbo Frame Support The OpenVMS Gigabit Ethernet driver supports frame sizes larger than 1518 bytes, the maximum frame size supported on Ethernet and Fast Ethernet. The Gigabit Ethernet adapter supports frame sizes up to 9018 bytes. The Gigabit Ethernet driver limits the actual maximum frame size to the size of the non-paged pool lookaside lists less the transmit and receive request frame overhead of 640 bytes. Table 3-11 shows the default frame size and the maximum size allowed for this release and for OpenVMS Version 7.2. Table_3-11_OpenVMS_Frame_Size_Support______________________ Version__________Default_Size__Maximum_Size________________ OpenVMS Version 1512 bytes 4480 bytes 7.1-2 OpenVMS Version 1512 bytes 7552 bytes 7-2________________________________________________________ Some Gigabit Ethernet switches, such as the Gigaswitch /Ethernet, do not support frame sizes larger than 1518 bytes. Other switches may support the larger frame size, but may require applications to determine whether the larger frame size can be used when communicating with another node on the same switch or elsewhere on the LAN. For example, the switch may accept large frames but may discard them, without notice to the sender, when the destination is a Fast Ethernet node on the same switch. Each application is responsible for negotiating a frame size between nodes. Some applications, such as Digital TCP/IP, rely on the switch for frame fragmentation or notification of frame size errors (ICMP frame for TCP/IP). If the switch does not provide jumbo frame support, the maximum frame size must be limited by the LAN driver to 1518 bytes. This limit enables communication over the switch to nodes that do not support the larger frame size or that are limited by switch hardware between two nodes. 3-40 System Management Features System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) ________________________ Note ________________________ Enable the use of jumbo frames if the Gigabit Ethernet switch supports jumbo frames or if you are configured point-to-point with another node that also supports jumbo frames, and if the application also supports jumbo frames. ______________________________________________________ Enabling Use of Frames Greater Than 1518 Bytes You can use the SYSMAN utility or the LANCP utility to enable the use of jumbo frames. Directions for using both utilities follow. The jumbo frame setting takes effect immediately, regardless of which utility you use. However, an application may check the maximum packet size only during initialization. For this reason, it may be necessary to stop and restart the application to effect the change. Each time you change the frame size, a console message is displayed. If you change the frame size with SYSMAN, the following message is displayed: %EWA0, Jumbo frames enabled per SYSGEN parameter LAN_FLAGS SYSMAN Utility Directions To enable jumbo frames by means of the SYSMAN utility: 1. Set bit 6 of the LAN_FLAGS system parameter, as shown in the following example: $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use current SYSMAN> parameters set lan_flags %x40 SYSMAN> parameters write active SYSMAN> parameters write current SYSMAN> exit The notation "%x" instructs the operating system that the following number is hexadecimal. ________________________ Note ________________________ The setting for bit 6 should be OR'd with any existing bits set in LAN_FLAGS. ______________________________________________________ System Management Features 3-41 System Management Features 3.19 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Support (Alpha Only) 2. Insert or edit the following line in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT: lan_flags = %x40 ! enable jumbo frames on DEGPA You can turn off the jumbo frame setting by clearing bit 6 and then editing the same line in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. LANCP Utility Directions To enable jumbo frames by means of the LANCP utility: 1. Issue the following command: $ mc lancp set dev devname/jumbo_frames 2. Insert the previous command into SYS$SYSTEM:SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM to enable jumbo frames before applications are started. To turn off jumbo frame support, replace jumbo_frames with nojumbo_frames and make the appropriate edit to the SYS$SYSTEM:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file. 3.20 PCSI Qualifiers Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility has two new qualifiers that you can use with a number of PRODUCT commands: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_____________Description__________________________ /KIT_ATTRIBUTES Allows you to select kits by kit type or kit format, or both. /SPAN_VERSIONS Allows you to specify a range of versions using the keywords ABOVE, ______________________BELOW,_MAXIMUM,_and_MINIMUM._________ 3.21 RMS CONVERT Utility Enhancements For OpenVMS Version 7.2, the CONVERT utility has had several enhancements added to it. These improved features are described in the following paragraphs. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 3-42 System Management Features System Management Features 3.21 RMS CONVERT Utility Enhancements The CONVERT utility has been modified to eliminate a previous design constraint in which the output file would temporarily become vulnerable to user access during the exchange of the file between CONVERT and the SORT32 utility. This would occur during the FAST load processing of the secondary keys of the file. Previous versions of CONVERT required unlocking of the output file whenever it passed control to the SORT32 utility for performing sort operations. This provided an opportunity in which the output file could be locked by a user application, causing the file to become inaccessible to CONVERT. This could result in a premature exit of the convert process, leaving some of the secondary keys in an uninitialized state. This failure was most prevalent when the output file name was the same as the production file name. The CONVERT modifications were made with the goal of not impacting performance or increasing disk space usage by default. In all test cases, the CONVERT performance has been either equal to or better than previous versions of CONVERT while maintaining constraints on the disk space required for the work files. A new qualifier, /SECONDARY, has been added that allows a user to override the latter default constraint to improve performance at the expense of disk space. 3.22 SYSMAN RESERVED_MEMORY: New and Modified Subcommands and Qualifiers If you want to reserve a block of contiguous page frame numbers (PFNs), you can use new and modified SYSMAN RESERVED_MEMORY subcommands to do so. The following sections discuss: o Changes to existing subcommands and qualifiers o New subcommands and qualifiers that have been added 3.22.1 New and Changed Subcommands The following sections lists new and modified qualifiers of existing RESERVED_MEMORY subcommands. System Management Features 3-43 System Management Features 3.22 SYSMAN RESERVED_MEMORY: New and Modified Subcommands and Qualifiers New Qualifiers /SYSGBL and /[NO]GLOBAL The subcommands ADD, FREE, REMOVE, and SHOW accept these new qualifiers: /SYSGBL Specify this qualifier to indicate that the reservation is for a system global memory resident section. /GLOBAL_SECTION Specify /NOGLOBAL_SECTION to indicate /NOGLOBAL_SECTION that the memory qualifier is for a privileged application rather than for a group or system global section. Changes Related to the /GROUP Qualifier You cannot use the /GROUP qualifier with either /SYSGBL or /NOGLOBAL_SECTION. Improved Ease of Use of /ZERO and /ALLOCATE Qualifiers In OpenVMS Version 7.1, you could specify /ZERO only if you also specified /ALLOCATE. The new behavior is the following: o /ZERO implies /ALLOCATE. o /NOALLOCATE implies /NOZERO. o /ZERO is incompatible with /NOALLOCATE. This change has no effect on existing command procedures because all commands that were valid in Version 7.1 behave exactly as they did in Version 7.1 because /GLOBAL_SECTION is now the default. 3.22.2 New MODIFY Subcommand and Qualifiers MODIFY Allows you to modify an existing entry in the reserved memory registry file. Format: RESERVED_MEMORY MODIFY gs_name 3-44 System Management Features System Management Features 3.23 System Parameters 3.23 System Parameters OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 introduces several new system parameters. Table 3-12 lists the parameters and their functions. For additional information on OpenVMS system parameters, refer to online help and the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Table_3-12_New_System_Parameters___________________________ Parameter_______Function___________________________________ ARB_SUPPORT A number of COMPAQ and third-party products require that OpenVMS maintain the pre- Version 7.2 Access Rights Block (ARB) and related kernel-mode data structures in parallel with the data structures that have replaced the ARB; this requirement continues because many products have not yet been modified to operate correctly with the new per-thread security Persona Security Block (PSB) data structures. MAXBOBS0S1 On Alpha systems, MAXBOBS0S1 defines the maximum amount of 32-bit system space, measured in pagelets, that can be used for windows to buffer objects. MAXBOBS0S1 is a DYNAMIC parameter. MAXBOBS2 On Alpha systems, MAXBOBS2 defines the maximum amount of 64-bit system space, measured in pagelets, that can be used for windows to buffer objects. MAXBOBS2 is a DYNAMIC parameter. MPDEV_D1 MPDEV_D1 is reserved for Compaq use only. (continued on next page) System Management Features 3-45 System Management Features 3.23 System Parameters Table_3-12_(Cont.)_New_System_Parameters___________________ Parameter_______Function___________________________________ MPDEV_ENABLE MPDEV_ENABLE controls the formation of multipath sets. When MPDEV_ENABLE is ON (1), the formation of multipath sets is enabled. Setting this parameter to OFF (0) disables the formation of additional multipath sets; path failover, however, continues on existing multipath sets. The default value is ON (1). MPDEV_ENABLE is a DYNAMIC parameter. MPDEV_ MPDEV_LCRETRIES specifies the number of LCRETRIES times the system retries locally connected paths to a SCSI device before moving on to local unconnected paths or to the MSCP- served path to the device. The valid range is 1 through 256. MPDEV_LCRETRIES is a DYNAMIC parameter. MPDEV_POLLER MPDEV_POLLER controls the polling of paths to multipath set members. Setting this parameter to ON (1) allows early detection of errors on otherwise inactive paths. If a path becomes unavailable or returns to service, an OPCOM message notifies the system manager. If MPDEV_POLLER is set to OFF (0), multipath polling is disabled. The default value is ON (1). MPDEV_POLLER is a DYNAMIC parameter. (continued on next page) 3-46 System Management Features System Management Features 3.23 System Parameters Table_3-12_(Cont.)_New_System_Parameters___________________ Parameter_______Function___________________________________ MPDEV_REMOTE MPDEV_REMOTE controls whether the MSCP served path to a SCSI device can become a member of a multipath set. Setting the parameter to ON (1) allows this membership. If MPDEV_REMOTE is set to OFF (0), only local paths to a SCSI device can be used to form additional multipath sets; path failover, however, continues to include remote members of existing multipath sets. The default value is ON (1). MPDEV_REMOTE is a DYNAMIC parameter. POWEROFF POWEROFF enables or disables software requests to the console firmware to remove power from the system. This parameter should normally be turned ON (1) to allow software to make power-off requests. However, POWEROFF can be set to OFF (0) to disable software power-off requests. If firmware or hardware support for the power-off request is not implemented, the shut-down procedure leaves the system halted, but fully powered. POWEROFF is a DYNAMIC parameter. NPAG_BAP_MIN_ On Alpha systems, NPAG_BAP_MIN_PA specifies PA the lowest physical address allowed within bus addressable pool. VCC_MAX_CACHE On Alpha systems, VCC_MAX_CACHE is reserved for Compaq use only. VCC_MAX_LOCKS On Alpha systems, VCC_MAX_LOCKS is reserved for Compaq use only. VCC_MINSIZE On VAX systems, VCC_MINSIZE sets the lower limit in pages of memory used by virtual I/O cache. (continued on next page) System Management Features 3-47 System Management Features 3.23 System Parameters Table_3-12_(Cont.)_New_System_Parameters___________________ Parameter_______Function___________________________________ VCC_ On Alpha systems, VCC_WRITEBEHIND is WRITEBEHIND reserved for Compaq use only. VCC_WRITE_ On Alpha systems, VCC_WRITE_DELAY is DELAY reserved for Compaq use only. WLKSYSDSK On Alpha systems, WLKSYSDSK is used by various bootstrap components to determine if the system disk should be treated as ________________though_it_is_write-locked._________________ 3.24 Tape Density Support Enhanced (Alpha Only) In versions of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.2, the range of densities that users were able to set for magnetic tape devices was limited. With OpenVMS Version 7.2, that range has been extended to include any density that a specific tape drive supports. Because of this enhancement, exchanging tapes among tape drives with different default settings for density is much easier. Using multiple tape densities is discussed in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. You can set densities using the following DCL commands: o $ INITIALIZE o $ SET MAGTAPE (for tapes only) Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details about using the /DENSITY qualifier with these DCL commands. You can also set densities using the following system management utilities: o $ MOUNT (with /FOREIGN qualifier for mounted tapes) o $ BACKUP Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for details about using the /DENSITY qualifier with these utilities. 3-48 System Management Features System Management Features 3.24 Tape Density Support Enhanced (Alpha Only) Multiple tape density support is provided by changes in the QIO interface. These changes are guided by device/density tables in system libraries and the corresponding class drivers. This enhancement functions with tape drives that support multiple tape density switching via the standard MODE_SENSE and MODE_SELECT mechanisms. The QIO interface uses the information in the libraries and drivers to identify and match valid densities and compressions with tape drives. For more information about enhanced tape density support, refer to the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 3.25 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS With OpenVMS Version 7.2, the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.0 product replaces Version 4.2 (also known as UCX). Version 4.2 is no longer supported, but will remain on your OpenVMS system after the upgrade to Version 5.0. Version 5.0 completes the change initiated several releases ago when the product name changed from ULTRIX Connection (UCX) to DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. The identifier UCX is replaced with TCP/IP in the following items: o Registered product facility code o Management command prompt o All messages, examples, and banners o All product file names and databases o All logical names o All associated product documentation OpenVMS Version 7.2 provides backward compatibility for all UCX logical names and support for UCX> commands. New TCP/IP features include: o A new, reliable, commercial-ready kernel, ported from the DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D IPv4 protocol stack. This kernel incorporates several performance enhancements either developed or extended by Compaq. System Management Features 3-49 System Management Features 3.25 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS o A new option for dynamic routing-the gateway routing (GATED) daemon. GATED supports the following protocols: o Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Version 1 (RFC 1058) and RIP Version 2 (RFC 1388) RIP is a commonly used interior protocol that selects the route with the lowest metric (hop count) as the best route. o Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Version 2 (RFC 1583) Another interior routing protocol, OSPF is a link- state protocol (shortest path first) and better suited than RIP for use in complex networks with many routers. o Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) (RFC 904) EGP exchanges reachability information between autonomous systems. An autonomous system is usually defined as a set of routers under a single administration, using an interior gateway protocol and common metric to route packets. Autonomous systems use exterior routing protocols to route packets to other autonomous systems. o Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) (RFC 1163 RFC 1267 RFC 1654) Like EGP, BGP exchanges reachability information between autonomous systems, but supports nonhierarchical topologies. BGP uses path attributes to provide more information about each route. Path attributes can include, for example, administrative preferences based on political, organizational, or security considerations. o Router Discovery (RFC 1256) This protocol is used to inform hosts of the availability of hosts it can send packets to and is used to supplement a statically configured default router. 3-50 System Management Features System Management Features 3.25 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS o A new management interface based on the following UNIX management utilities: ________________________________________________________ UNIX_Utility_____Function_______________________________ ifconfig Configures or displays network interface parameters, redefines an address for a particular interface, or sets options such as an alias list, broadcast address, or access filter. netstat Displays network statistics of sockets, data link counters, specified protocols or aliases, network interfaces, and a host's routing table. sysconfig Displays and maintains the network subsystem attributes. route Manually manipulates the routing table. arp______________Controls_and_displays_ARP_tables.______ ______________________ Important ______________________ If you are not familiar with these UNIX utilities, you should continue to use the OpenVMS-style management commands provided with the product and available at the TCPIP> prompt. ______________________________________________________ o New support for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP provides a centralized approach to the configuration and maintenance of IP address space. It lets the system manager provide dynamic allocation of IP addresses from a single OpenVMS host. o A new implementation of DNS/BIND based on the Internet Software Consortium's (ISC) BIND 8.1. o A new method for cluster load balancing. o New implementations of NTP and SNMP. o A new TELNET port driver QIO programming interface. System Management Features 3-51 System Management Features 3.25 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Other changes for OpenVMS Version 7.2 include the following: o Enhanced messages o Obsolescense of some management commands o Timezone configuration changes o Enhanced socket-based application programming interface o FTP enhancements, including support for Extended File Specifications o NFS and SMTP changes For more information about these features and changes, refer to the release notes available in the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.0 kit. For information about installing DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, refer to the manual DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration. 3.26 Ultra SCSI Support Ultra SCSI was invented by DIGITAL and subsequently standardized by the ANSI SCSI committee. Ultra SCSI incorporates several improvements over its predecessor, Fast SCSI, including an increase in the maximum transfer rate on the SCSI bus from 10 MHz to 20 MHz. For a wide Ultra SCSI bus, this means an increase in maximum bus bandwidth from 20 MB/s to 40 MB/s. OpenVMS Ultra SCSI support was first introduced in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1 hardware release. OpenVMS Version 7.2 extends Ultra SCSI support to multihost configurations, as described in Section 3.16.9. 3.26.1 Coexistence of Ultra SCSI Devices with Other SCSI Devices Ultra SCSI devices can be used on the same SCSI bus as non- Ultra SCSI devices. For example, Ultra SCSI peripherals such as the RZ1DB-VW can be used at non-Ultra speeds with the KZPSA adapter. Furthermore, non-Ultra SCSI peripherals such as the RZ29B can be used with the KZPBA Ultra SCSI host adapter. 3-52 System Management Features System Management Features 3.26 Ultra SCSI Support 3.26.2 Ultra SCSI Devices Supported by OpenVMS For information about all Ultra SCSI devices supported by OpenVMS and how to configure them, refer to StorageWorks UltraSCSI Configuration Guidelines, order number EK-ULTRA- CG. You can also obtain information about StorageWorks Ultra SCSI products from their Web site, which is periodically updated: http://www.storage.digital.com 3.27 Year 2000 Readiness OpenVMS Version 7.2 is fully Year 2000 ready. This version of OpenVMS includes all the Year 2000 enhancements that shipped in the Year 2000 kits for OpenVMS Version 7.1 and 7.1-1H1. The OpenVMS Year 2000 enhancements are the result of a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of the entire OpenVMS operating system, including simulations of the transition to the Year 2000 and beyond, and extensive OpenVMS testing. These Year 2000 modifications affect only a few older and rarely used components. You can find links to OpenVMS Year 2000 release notes and other information about testing your own environment for the Year 2000 on the OpenVMS Year 2000 web site: http://www.openvms.digital.com/openvms/products/year-2000/ OpenVMS Version 7.2 conforms to the Year 2000 DIGITAL Product Warranty. For information on this special warranty, see the following World Wide Web page: http://www.digital.com/year2000/warranty.asp Although OpenVMS is ready for the Year 2000, you must ensure that the environment in which OpenVMS operates is also ready. Based on our investigations and testing, Compaq expects that most Year 2000-related problems will occur primarily in locally developed layered applications. Therefore, it is important to start evaluating your applications and environments as soon as possible. System Management Features 3-53 4 _________________________________________________________________ Programming Features This chapter describes new features relating to application and system programming on this version of the OpenVMS operating system. 4.1 Adapter Support (Alpha Only) The following sections describe the new adapters supported for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. 4.1.1 ATMWORKS 351 Adapter The ATMWORKS 351 adapter is a high-performance, 155 Mb/s, full-duplex ATM adapter that enables systems with peripheral component interconnect (PCI) slots to communicate over an ATM network. The ATMWORKS 351 driver is supported by the SYS$ATMWORKS351 port driver which has a device name HWcu, where c is the controller and u is the unit number, as for example, HWA0. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 4.1.2 DE500-BA/DE504-BA Adapters OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides run-time and boot support for the DE500-BA and DE504-BA adapters. The DE500- BA and DE504-BA are single-slot adapters with direct interfaces to the 32-bit PCI Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC). The DE500-BA contains a single port, and the DE504-BA contains four ports. Each port is capable of running Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/s) and 10 Mb/s standard Ethernet protocols. Both adapters support full- and half- duplex modes at either speed for configuration flexibility that allows a single adapter to communicate with Fast or standard Ethernet systems. Also, both adapter's NIC also includes support for IEEE 802.3u autonegotiation. Programming Features 4-1 Programming Features 4.1 Adapter Support (Alpha Only) The DE500-BA uses an 8-position modular connector to connect to hubs, switches, or to other NICs. This connector, commonly referred to as an RJ-45, uses two pairs of data grade 100-ohm category 5 UTP or 150-ohm STP-A cable supporting a maximum distance of 100 meters. 4.1.3 DE500-FA Adapter OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 provides run-time and boot support for the DE500-FA PCI FastEthernet Network Interface Card (NIC). The DE500-FA is capable of 100 Mb operation in half or full-duplex mode. This NIC supports the 100Base-FX physical layer described in clause 26 of the IEEE 802.3u specification. The 100Base-FX is designed to operate over two strands of 62.5/125 graded index multimode optical fiber cable. A maximum distance of 412 meters is supported in half-duplex mode and 2000 meters in full-duplex mode. The DE500-FA uses an SC fiber optic connector. The 100Base- FX does not support autonegotiation or 10 Mb operation. 4.1.4 DEGPA-SA Adapter OpenVMS Version 7.2 provides run-time support for the DEGPA-SA PCI Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC). The DEGPA-SA conforms to the IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet standard running over 1000BASE-SX fiber optic cabling. It can run point-to-point to another Gigabit Ethernet adapter or to a Gigabit Ethernet hub/switch. For more information about Gigabit Ethernet support, see Section 3.19. 4.2 Clusterwide Logical Names Clusterwide logical names are an extension to the existing logical name support in OpenVMS. They are available on OpenVMS Alpha and on OpenVMS VAX. This section provides information regarding the use of clusterwide logical names in applications. For general information about clusterwide logical names, including how to create them at the DCL level, see Section 3.16.2. For more information about using logical names in applications, refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. 4-2 Programming Features Programming Features 4.2 Clusterwide Logical Names 4.2.1 New Clusterwide Attributes for $TRNLNM System Service Two new attributes have been added to the $TRNLNM system service: o LNM$V_CLUSTERWIDE o LNM$M_INTERLOCKED LNM$V_CLUSTERWIDE is an output attribute to be returned in the itemlist if you asked for the LNM$_ATTRIBUTES item for a logical name that is clusterwide. LNM$M_INTERLOCKED is an attr argument bit that can be set to ensure that any clusterwide logical name modifications in progress are completed before the name is translated. LNM$M_INTERLOCKED is not set by default. If your application requires translation using the most recent definition of a clusterwide logical name, use this attribute to ensure that the translation is stalled until all pending modifications have been made. On a single system, when one process modifies the shareable part of the logical name database, the change is visible immediately to other processes on that node. Moreover, while the modification is in progress, no other process can translate or modify shareable logical names. In contrast, when one process modifies the clusterwide logical name database, the change is visible immediately on that node, but it takes a short time for the change to be propagated to and made on other nodes. By default, translations of clusterwide logical names are not stalled. Therefore, it is possible for processes on different nodes to translate a logical name and get different equivalence names when modifications are in progress. The use of LNM$M_INTERLOCKED guarantees that your application will receive the most recent definition of a clusterwide logical name. Programming Features 4-3 Programming Features 4.2 Clusterwide Logical Names 4.2.2 New Clusterwide Attribute for $GETSYI System Service One new clusterwide attribute, SYI$_CWLOGICALS, has been added to the $GETSYI system service. When you specify SYI$_ CWLOGICALS, $GETSYI returns the number 1 if the clusterwide logical name database has been initialized on the CPU, or the value 0 if it has not been initialized. Because this number is a Boolean value (1 or 0), the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify 1 (byte). On a nonclustered system, the value of SYI$_CWLOGICALS is always 0. 4.2.3 Creating Clusterwide Tables with the $CRELNT System Service When creating a clusterwide table, the $CRELNT requester must supply a table name. OpenVMS does not supply a default name for clusterwide tables because the use of default names enables a process without the SYSPRV privilege to create a shareable table. 4.3 COM for OpenVMS COM (Component Object Model) is a technology from Microsoft[R] that allows developers to create distributed network objects. Digital Equipment Corporation and Microsoft jointly developed the COM specification. First released as NetOLE (Network Object Linking and Embedding) and then renamed DCOM (Distributed COM), the COM specification now includes network objects. COM for OpenVMS is an implementation of the Microsoft code that supports the COM draft standards. A developer might implement COM applications on OpenVMS in the following ways: o For existing OpenVMS applications and data, a developer can encapsulate an OpenVMS application as a COM object. A Windows COM client can then interact with the existing OpenVMS application and data. This allows business- critical applications and data to stay on the OpenVMS system while making the OpenVMS data and code accessible through a Windows application. 4-4 Programming Features Programming Features 4.3 COM for OpenVMS o For existing COM applications on other operating systems, a developer can port COM objects to OpenVMS to take advantage of specific OpenVMS features. This allows you to leave other COM objects associated with the application unchanged on their current platforms, and lets you port only the objects you need to your OpenVMS system. You can then revise the ported code to maximize OpenVMS benefits and at the same time, minimize the change to the overall application. o For new OpenVMS applications, a developer can create a COM server on OpenVMS. COM client applications on Windows NT systems, on other OpenVMS systems, or on other COM-enabled operating systems can access this OpenVMS COM server. To implement COM on OpenVMS, Compaq has made the following changes to the OpenVMS operating system: o Added COM APIs to OpenVMS Compaq has added a set of Microsoft COM APIs to OpenVMS. These APIs allow developers to write and debug COM objects on OpenVMS systems. (For complete details about COM for OpenVMS development, see the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide included with the COM for OpenVMS developer kit.) o Added an OpenVMS Registry COM applications can add, read, change, and delete the OpenVMS Registry contents. You can view and edit the contents of the OpenVMS Registry either from OpenVMS (using the REG$CP utility or the $REGISTRY system service) or from Windows[R] NT[TM] (using RegEdit or RegEdt32). o Extended OpenVMS security to enable secure connections between Windows NT and OpenVMS These enhancements include support for common user authentication and authenticated RPC with NTLM security. In addition, Compaq has moved some DCE RPC functions into the base operating system to provide limited support for Microsoft RPC calls. o Added application event logging on OpenVMS Programming Features 4-5 Programming Features 4.3 COM for OpenVMS Applications write system, security, and application activity information to the OpenVMS event logs. You can view the contents of the event logs on OpenVMS either from OpenVMS (using the PATHWORKS Admin utility) or from Windows NT (using the Windows NT Event Viewer). 4.3.1 COM for OpenVMS Delivery COM for OpenVMS will ship with the OpenVMS operating system. It is licensed as follows: o The run-time version of COM for OpenVMS is licensed as part of OpenVMS Version 7.2. o The COM for OpenVMS developer kit has a separately orderable license. 4.3.2 COM for OpenVMS Security COM for OpenVMS security will be implemented in two phases. The following sections describe the phases. Phase 1: COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS (without authentication) In this phase, a COM for OpenVMS process executes with an OpenVMS security identity only; OpenVMS does not authenticate COM requests from Windows NT clients or process any Windows NT credentials. An OpenVMS system manager can set the COM for OpenVMS security identities of a COM server process in the following ways: o Execute the process with a DCOM$GUEST identity. DCOM$GUEST is a nonprivileged account created by COM for OpenVMS during installation. (This is the default action.) o Assign an OpenVMS account to a specific COM for OpenVMS application. In this case, the system manager creates a OpenVMS account that has privileges, rights, and restrictions as defined by the person creating the account. COM servers that execute from this account are restricted to the OpenVMS security context of the account. 4-6 Programming Features Programming Features 4.3 COM for OpenVMS Because COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS does not authenticate remote users, COM for OpenVMS accepts and processes client requests as if authentication had taken place. Although less secure than a full NTLM implementation, COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS minimizes the security risk by using the OpenVMS accounts to execute servers. COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS enforces security on a processwide basis; as a result, per-method security is not available. Because the COM process has no associated NT credentials and no authentication mechanism exists in COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS, Windows NT systems treat the outbound requests to Windows NT systems as unauthenticated. Windows NT systems that run COM server processes for COM for OpenVMS client applications must allow access to everyone for the specific server applications. When full NTLM authentication (COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS) is available, Compaq will add another option: client access. This option allows the COM for OpenVMS server process to execute in the security context of the requesting Windows NT client. The COM for OpenVMS server process includes Windows NT credentials that OpenVMS can use for Registry access and outbound COM requests. COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS software requirements COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS does not use the NTLM security features (tactical security, SSPI, and authenticated RPC). COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS does not require or use Advanced Server for OpenVMS (formerly the PATHWORKS server). Advanced Server for OpenVMS is required if you want to connect from a Windows NT system and access the OpenVMS Registry. Event logging is part of PATHWORKS and is not available in COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS. Phase 2: COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS (with NTLM authentication) In this phase, COM for OpenVMS processes OpenVMS security identities, authenticates COM requests from Windows NT clients, and processes Windows NT credentials. This is the full implementation of NTLM (NT LAN Manager) security for COM for OpenVMS. COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS software requirements Programming Features 4-7 Programming Features 4.3 COM for OpenVMS COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS uses the NTLM security features (tactical security, SSPI, and authenticated RPC). COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS requires Advanced Server for OpenVMS (formerly the PATHWORKS server). COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS enables event logging. Summary of Security Implementation Differences The OpenVMS Registry can control access to OpenVMS Registry keys in the following two ways: o Through NTLM security NTLM security uses NT credentials to control access to registry keys and can be used to control access to specific keys. o Through OpenVMS security OpenVMS security uses OpenVMS privileges and rights identifiers to control access to the OpenVMS Registry database and cannot be used to control access to specific keys. COM applications require read access to the COM registry keys and COM developers require read and write access to the COM registry keys. In COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS (without authentication), COM for OpenVMS does not have NT credentials; as a result, COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS uses OpenVMS security to control access to the OpenVMS Registry. Because you cannot control this OpenVMS Registry access on a per-key basis, you must grant all COM application read access to the entire OpenVMS Registry and you must grant all COM developers write access to the entire OpenVMS Registry. This means that the entire OpenVMS Registry, including the PATHWORKS portion not used by COM for OpenVMS, is accessible to COM applications and developers. In COM Version 1.1 for OpenVMS (with NTLM authentication), COM for OpenVMS will use NT credentials to control access to specific OpenVMS Registry keys and remove the OpenVMS privileges and rights identifiers. This will protect those parts of the OpenVMS Registry that are not used by COM for OpenVMS. 4-8 Programming Features Programming Features 4.4 Common File Qualifier Routines 4.4 Common File Qualifier Routines OpenVMS Version 7.2 contains the UTIL$CQUAL routines, which allow you to parse the command line for qualifiers related to certain file attributes, and to match files you are processing against the selected criteria retrieved from the command line. The utility routines allow a user to select files and perform terminal I/O without the application writer performing these explicitly. The common file qualifier routines begin with the characters UTIL$CQUAL. Your program calls these routines using the OpenVMS Calling Standard. When you call a UTIL$CQUAL routine, you must provide all the required arguments. Upon completion, the routine returns its completion status as a condition value. The following table lists the common file qualifier routines. Table_4-1_UTIL$CQUAL_Routines______________________________ Routine_Name___________Description_________________________ UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_PARSE Parses the command line for file qualifiers, and obtains associated values. Returns a context value that is used when calling the matching and ending routines. UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_MATCH Compares the routine file input to the command line data obtained from the parse routine call. UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_END Deletes all virtual memory allocated during the command line parse routine call. UTIL$CQUAL_CONFIRM_ Prompts a user for a response from ACT____________________SYS$COMMAND.________________________ 4.4.1 Using the Common File Qualifier Routines Follow these steps to use the common file qualifier routines: 1. Call UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_PARSE to parse the command line for the common file qualifiers. Programming Features 4-9 Programming Features 4.4 Common File Qualifier Routines 2. Call UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_MATCH for each checked file. UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_MATCH returns an indication that the file is, or is not, to be processed. 3. Call UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_END to release the virtual memory held by the common file qualifier package. You may optionally call UTIL$CQUAL_CONFIRM_ACT to ask for user confirmation without calling the other common qualifier routines. For more information about the common file qualifier routines, refer to the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 4.5 DECthreads This section contains information about new DECthreads features for OpenVMS Version 7.2. 4.5.1 Yellow Zone Stack Overflow (Alpha only) DECthreads now provides a special protected area of memory between the usable stack region and the guard page. When accessed, the VMS exec un-protects this memory and a stack overflow exception is delivered to the user thread. This feature enables applications to catch stack overflow conditions and attempt recovery or graceful termination. 4.5.2 Read-Write Locks (Alpha and VAX) DECthreads now supports use of multiple readers, single writer locks, also known as read-write locks, allowing many threads to have simultaneous read-only access to data while allowing only one thread to have write access at any given time. Such locks are typically used to protect data that is read more frequently than written. As part of this support, the following new routines have been added to the DECthreads POSIX 1003.1c library: pthread_rwlock_destroy() pthread_rwlock_init() pthread_rwlock_rdlock() pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() pthread_rwlock_unlock() pthread_rwlock_wrlock() pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() 4-10 Programming Features Programming Features 4.5 DECthreads pthread_rwlockattr_init() 4.5.3 Threads Debugging Enhancements (Alpha and VAX) DECthreads has improved its debugging support, allowing Compaq and third-party debuggers to better integrate with DECthreads. The 'pthread' debugging interface, previously only available via SDA is now available from the OpenVMS Debugger as well. 4.6 DIGITAL DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Functionality ________________________ Note ________________________ Information on Microsoft's NT Lan Manager (NTLM) is provided as a preview of functionality that will be available in a future version of Digital DCE for OpenVMS (Alpha only). This advanced documentation will help you in future planning. ______________________________________________________ Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) functionality is integrated into the operating system. RPC provides connectivity between individual procedures in an application across heterogeneous systems in a transparent way. This functionality uses the DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) RPC, but also provides the ability to use the Microsoft RPC Application Programming Interface (API) as well as the DIGITAL DCE RPC API. Using RPC, an application can interoperate with either DIGITAL DCE or Microsoft RPC applications. If security is required, you can use either Microsoft's NTLM security or (by installing the full DIGITAL DCE Run-Time Kit) DCE Security. The RPC daemon allows client/server RPC applications to register their specific endpoints. Registering endpoints allows remote clients of the application to find the server application's entry point on the system. The DIGITAL DCE Application Developer's Kit (separately licensed) is required to develop RPC applications, but the resulting applications may be installed on any OpenVMS Version 7.2 system, or any supported OpenVMS system where the full DIGITAL DCE Run-Time Kit is installed. The DIGITAL DCE Run-Time Kit, although shipped on the OpenVMS CD-ROM, Programming Features 4-11 Programming Features 4.6 DIGITAL DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Functionality is licensed with the OpenVMS operating system and does not require the purchase of additional software licenses. 4.6.1 Starting and Stopping RPC The RPC daemon can be started or stopped with the following new command files: DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM DCE$RPC_SHUTDOWN.COM These command files are located in the directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]. To start the RPC daemon, execute the DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM procedure. The following option may be specified: [NO]CONFIRM Turns user prompting on or off. CONFIRM is the default. To stop the RPC daemon, execute the DCE$RPC_SHUTDOWN.COM procedure. The following options may be specified in any order: [NO]CONFIRM Turns user prompting on or off. CONFIRM is the default. CLEAN Deletes all entries from the RPC endpoint database. ________________________ Note ________________________ Do not stop the RPC daemon if any DCE components or RPC applications are running on the system. ______________________________________________________ 4.6.2 Managing RPC Endpoints RPC endpoints can be managed using the RPC Control Program (RPCCP). To invoke this utility, enter the following command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DCE$RPCCP.EXE You can type help at the system prompt for information about parameter usage. 4-12 Programming Features Programming Features 4.6 DIGITAL DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Functionality 4.6.3 Limiting RPC Transports The RPC daemon can limit what protocols will be used by RPC applications. To restrict the protocols that can be used, set the logical name RPC_SUPPORTED_PROTSEQS to contain the valid protocols. Valid protocols are ncadg_ip_udp, ncacn_ ip_tcp, and ncacn_dnet_nsp. Separate each protocol with a colon. For example: $ define RPC_SUPPORTED_PROTSEQS "ncacn_ip_tcp:ncacn_dnet_nsp" This definition prevents RPC applications from registering endpoints that use TCP/UDP. 4.6.4 For More Information Refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.2 Release Notes for important information for existing users of DIGITAL DCE for OpenVMS. For additional information about DIGITAL DCE for OpenVMS, use online help or refer to the following documentation: o Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Installation and Configuration Guide o Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Product Guide o Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Reference Guide 4.7 Fast I/O and Buffer Objects for Global Sections (Alpha Only) As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, VLM applications can use Fast I/O for memory shared by processes through global sections. In prior versions of OpenVMS Alpha, buffer objects could be created only for process private virtual address space. Database applications where multiple processes share a large cache can now create buffer objects for the following types of global sections: o Page file-backed global sections o Disk file-backed global sections o Memory-resident global sections Programming Features 4-13 Programming Features 4.7 Fast I/O and Buffer Objects for Global Sections (Alpha Only) Buffer objects enable Fast I/O system services, which can be used to read and write very large amounts of shared data to and from I/O devices at an increased rate. By reducing the CPU cost per I/O request, Fast I/O increases performance for I/O operations. Fast I/O improves the ability of VLM applications, such as database servers, to handle larger capacities and higher data throughput rates. For more information about how to use Fast I/O and buffer objects for global sections, see the OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-Bit Addressing and VLM Features. 4.8 Fast Path Support (Alpha Only) Fast Path is an optional, high-performance feature designed to improve I/O performance. Fast Path creates a streamlined path to the device. Fast Path is of interest to any application where enhanced I/O performance is desirable. Two examples are database systems and real- time applications, where the speed of transferring data to disk is often a vital concern. Using Fast Path features does not require source-code changes. Minor interface changes are available for expert programmers who want to maximize Fast Path benefits. Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1, Fast Path supports disk I/O for the CIXCD and the CIPCA ports. These ports provide access to CI storage for XMI- and PCI-based systems. In Version 7.0, Fast Path supported disk I/O for the CIXCD port only. Fast Path is not available on the OpenVMS VAX operating system. For more information, see Table 1-1 and Section 4.21.5 in this manual, and refer to the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual. 4.9 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives If you access your tape drive via your own user-written program, you can use a new modifier, IO$M_ALLOWFAST, to control the behavior of the IO$_SKIPFILE function. 4-14 Programming Features Programming Features 4.9 Fast Skip for SCSI Tape Drives In the past, OpenVMS has always skipped files on tape by using skip-record commands to perform the motion. This has essentially simulated skip-by-filemarks, and while this functions correctly, this type of skipping can be quite slow at times as compared to what a tape can achieve by using skip-by-filemarks commands. In V7.2, OpenVMS allows the tape driver to be set up to use skip-by-filemarks where the user permits. Modern tape drives keep track of the end of logical data, so MKdriver can use these facilities to position correctly if these features exist on a tape drive. (If they do not, the old skip-by-records skipping is used.) The skipping-by-filemarks, when used, will correctly sense the end-of-tape provided the tape ends in double EOF. Utilities such as Backup and file structured copy, which use ANSI formatted tape, need the end positioning to be set correctly, and they work fine with the new skip method. They already continue skip-file operations across null files if they exist. Some third-party utilities may, however, depend on the documented behavior of stopping a skip-by-files on double EOF marks on tape. To accommodate this, OpenVMS assumes by default the use of the old skip-by-records form of tape motion. Because this form of positioning may be as much as 100 times slower than skip-by-files, OpenVMS provides two additional features: 1. The magtape ACP and Backup uses an added function modifier in their IO$_SKIPFILE commands to tape (IO$M_ ALLOWFAST) that permits them to use the skip-by- filemarks command. This modifier is also transmitted across TMSCP, if all systems are at the 7.2 level. 2. The SET MAGTAPE command has a new qualifier, /FAST_SKIP. For more information on this qualifier, see Section 3.8 in this manual, and refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z, and online help. Programming Features 4-15 Programming Features 4.10 High-Performance Sort/Merge Utility (Alpha Only) 4.10 High-Performance Sort/Merge Utility (Alpha Only) This section briefly describes new features and capablilities pertaining to the command line interface and the callable interface (SOR routines) of the OpenVMS Alpha high-performance Sort/Merge utility. This information is of interest to both general users and programmers. For more information about these new features, and about using the OpenVMS Alpha high-performance Sort/Merge utility, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual and the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. 4.10.1 High-Performance Sorting with Threads Support for threads has been added to the high-performance Sort/Merge utility. This enables enhanced performance by taking advantage of multiple processors on an SMP configured system. To obtain best performance when using the high-performance Sort/Merge utility on a multi-processor machine, your program should be linked with the /THREADS_ENABLE qualifier. 4.10.2 Indexed Sequential Output File Organization Support for indexed sequential output file organization has been added to the high-performance Sort/Merge utility. You may now specify the /INDEXED_SEQUENTIAL file organization qualifier. 4.10.3 Output File Overlay Support for output file overlay has been added to the high- performance Sort/Merge utility. You may now specify the /OVERLAY qualifier to overlay or write an output file to an existing empty file. 4.10.4 Statistical Summary Information Partial support for statistical summary information has been added to the high-performance Sort/Merge utility. You may now specify the /STATISTICS qualifier with the following fields: o Records read/input (SOR$K_REC_INP) 4-16 Programming Features Programming Features 4.10 High-Performance Sort/Merge Utility (Alpha Only) o Records sorted (SOR$K_REC_SOR) o Records output (SOR$K_REC_OUT) o Input record length (SOR$K_LRL_INP) 4.11 Intra-Cluster Communication System Services The new intra-cluster communication (ICC) system services, available on Alpha and VAX, form an application programming interface (API) for process-to-process communications. For large data transfers, the ICC system services are the highest-performance OpenVMS application communication mechanism, superior to standard network transports and mailboxes. The ICC system services enable application program developers to create distributed applications with connections between different processes on a single system, or between processes on different systems within a single OpenVMS Cluster system. The ICC system services do not require a network product. The communication uses memory or System Communication Services (SCS). The ICC system services: o Allow the creation of both client and server processes o Maintain a simple registry of servers and services o Manage security of the server process namespace and access to server processes o Establish connections between these processes and transmit data between these processes o Provide 64-bit buffer and address support 4.11.1 ICC Benefits The ICC system services provide the following benefits: o An easy-to-use conventional system service interface for interprocess communications within a cluster o An interface usable for communications between processes within a single, nonclustered node Programming Features 4-17 Programming Features 4.11 Intra-Cluster Communication System Services o An interface callable from all modes and from execlets as well as from images o An easy-to-use interface giving access to high-speed interconnects such as Memory Channel o An interface independent of the installation of any networking product o An interface usable for nonprivileged clients and authorized (but not necessarily privileged) servers 4.11.2 ICC System Services The new system services enable application program developers to create connections between processes on the same or different systems within a single OpenVMS Cluster system. These services are as follows: o Open Association: $ICC_OPEN_ASSOC o Close Association: $ICC_CLOSE_ASSOC o Connect: $ICC_CONNECT and $ICC_CONNECTW o Accept: $ICC_ACCEPT o Reject: $ICC_REJECT o Disconnect: $ICC_DISCONNECT and $ICC_DISCONNECTW o Transmit Data: $ICC_TRANSMIT and $ICC_TRANSMITW o Receive Data: $ICC_RECEIVE and $ICC_RECEIVEW o Transceive Data: $ICC_TRANSCEIVE and $ICC_TRANSCEIVEW o Reply: $ICC_REPLY and $ICC_REPLYW Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI-Z for additional information on the ICC system services. 4.11.3 Programming with ICC Refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for information on programming with ICC. 4-18 Programming Features Programming Features 4.11 Intra-Cluster Communication System Services 4.11.4 ICC System Management and Security Refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information on ICC system management and security. 4.12 Java Development Kit (Alpha Only) The Java Development Kit (JDK) is shipped with the OpenVMS operating system. This kit can be used to develop and run Java applets and programs on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The JDK for OpenVMS systems contains a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The JIT compiler provides on-the-fly compilation of your application's Java byte-codes and runtime calls into native Alpha machine code. This results in significantly faster execution of your Java application compared with running it using the Java interpreter. The JIT runs by default when you enter the JAVA command. The JDK implements Java threads on top of native (POSIX) threads. This allows different Java threads in your application to run on different processors, provided that you have a multiprocessor machine. It also means that your Java application will run properly when linked with native methods or native APIs (such as DCE) that are also implemented using POSIX threads. For more information, see the Java documentation in the following directory on your OpenVMS Alpha system where the JDK is installed: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.JAVA]INDEX.HTML 4.13 Kernel Threads Enhancements (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 includes the following new kernel threads capabilities: o Capacity for a larger number of kernel threads per process o Ability to change the base priorities of all kernel threads with a single call o Ability to detect a thread stack overflow Programming Features 4-19 Programming Features 4.13 Kernel Threads Enhancements (Alpha Only) 4.13.1 Increased Number of Kernel Threads Per Process In the initial release of the kernel threads support, OpenVMS allowed a maximum of 16 kernel threads per process. This enabled an application to have threads executing on up to 16 CPUs at one time. With OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the number of kernel threads that can be created per- process has been increased to 256. The maximum value for the MULTITHREAD system parameter has also been increased to 256. 4.13.2 New Method for Changing Kernel Thread Priorities The SYS$SETPRI system service and the SET PROCESS/PRIORITY DCL command both take a process identification value (PID) as an input and therefore affect only a single kernel thread at a time. If you want to change the base priorities of all kernel threads in a process, a separate call to SYS$SETPRI or invocation of the SET PROCESS/PRIORITY command must be done for each thread. In OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, a new value for the 'policy' parameter to the SYS$SETPRI system service has been added. If JPI$K_ALL_THREADS is specified, the call to SYS$SETPRI changes the base priorities of all kernel threads in the target process. Also, the ALL_THREADS qualifier has been added to the SET PROCESS/PRIORITY DCL command which provides the same support. 4.13.3 Detecting Thread Stack Overflow The default user stack in a process can expand on demand to be quite large, so single threaded applications do not typically run out of user stack. When an application is written using DECthreads, each thread gets its own user stack, which is a fixed size. If the application developer underestimates the stack requirements, the application may fail due to a thread overflowing its stack. This failure is typically reported as an access violation and is very difficult to diagnose. To address this problem, yellow stack zones have been introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.2 and are available to applications using DECthreads. 4-20 Programming Features Programming Features 4.13 Kernel Threads Enhancements (Alpha Only) Yellow stack zones are a mechanism by which the stack overflow can be signaled back to the application. The application can then choose either to provide a stack overflow handler or do nothing. If the application does nothing, this mechanism helps pinpoint the failure for the application developer. Instead of an access violation being signaled, a stack overflow error is signaled. 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger The OpenVMS Debugger contains the following new features: o Windows client/server interface o Heap Analyzer displays 64-bit space (Alpha only) o Support for C++ Version 5.5 and Later (Alpha only) o PTHREAD Command The following sections describe these OpenVMS Debugger enhancements. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. 4.14.1 Client/Server Interface The OpenVMS Debugger Version 7.2 features a new client/server interface that allows you to use Windows- based client applications to debug programs that reside and run on OpenVMS VAX or Alpha systems. The OpenVMS server provides a fully cached DCE-RPC interface that can support up to 32 simultaneous client connections. These connections can occur across mixed desktop platforms such as DECwindows Motif, Windows NT, and Windows 95. Typically, a single client/server connection is maintained; however, additional parallel connections can be initiated to support team debugging, remote support, or classroom training. Client applications are available for DECwindows Motif, Microsoft Windows NT, and Windows 95 systems. These clients are capable of running remote debug sessions with OpenVMS servers over TCP/IP, DECnet, or UDP network transports. Each client can support simultaneous connections to an unlimited number of OpenVMS servers on both VAX and Alpha platforms. Programming Features 4-21 Programming Features 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger All Windows clients are implemented with Microsoft Visual C++/MFC and include additional features such as access to web-based HTML documentation and user-definable buttons for accessing other desktop tools (including Telnet sessions for managing the servers). The new client/server interface provides new flexibility for debugging OpenVMS applications. You can run several sessions simultaneously from a PC, share debugging context between several users on different PCs, and swap back and forth between different debugging sessions. The new client/server environment supports the following types of configurations: o One-to-One (one server; one client) A typical debugging configuration. o One-to-Many (one client; multiple servers) This allows the client to switch between different sessions to debug related or interacting programs simultaneously. o Many-to-One (multiple clients; one server) This allows several users to collectively debug a single program, or to use the session as a teaching tool. o Many-to-Many (multiple clients; multiple servers) This allows many users to team debug multiple programs. These different configurations can consist of any combination of OpenVMS VAX and Alpha servers and Windows clients (Intel and Alpha). In addition, DECwindows Motif clients can simultaneously access debugging sessions on these configurations. 4.14.2 Heap Analyzer Displays 64-Bit Space (Alpha Only) The Heap Analyzer has been enhanced to display 64-bit address space when required. The Heap Analyzer also displays 64-bit addresses where appropriate, but uses 32-bit addressing when that is sufficient. 4-22 Programming Features Programming Features 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger The Zoom pulldown menu has two new entries to help scale the view of the entire memory space used by programs that take advantage of 64-bit address space. These new entries are: Extremely Far Extraordinarily Far A new pulldown menu, the View menu, contains entries for the views listed in the Views window. Entries include: All Views Images P0 Regions P2 Region (if accessed by a 64-bit system routine in the program being analyzed) Pxx Region (named virtual region created by $CREATE_ REGION_64) These new features of the Heap Analyzer makes it much easier to debug OpenVMS applications that use the 64-bit address space. 4.14.3 Support for C++ Version 5.5 and Later (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Version 7.2 provides you with the ability to debug C++ programs with the OpenVMS Alpha debugger. Specifically, the OpenVMS Alpha debugger supports the following C++ features: o C++ names and expressions, including: - Explicit and implicit this pointer to refer to class members - Scope resolution operator (::) - Member access operators: period (.) and right arrow (->) - Template instantiations o Setting breakpoints in: - Member functions, including static and virtual functions - Overloaded functions - Constructors and destructors Programming Features 4-23 Programming Features 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger - Template instantiations - Operators o Calling functions, including overloaded functions o Debugging programs containing a mixture of C++ code and code in other languages This new support enables you to use the OpenVMS debugger to debug OpenVMS Alpha applications written in DEC C++ Version 5.5 and later. 4.14.4 PTHREAD Command When debugging programs that use DECthreads Version 3.13 or greater, you can directly access the DECthreads Debugger with the PTHREAD command. The syntax of the PTHREAD command is PTHREAD command where command is a valid DECthreads Debugger command. The OpenVMS Debugger passes the command to the DECthreads Debugger for execution. You can get help on DECthreads debugger commands by typing PTHREAD HELP. For example: DBG_1> PTHREAD HELP conditions [-afhwqrs] [-N ] [id]...: list condition variables exit: exit from DECthreads debugger help [topic]: display help information keys [-v] [-N ] [id]...: list keys mutexes [-afhilqrs] [-N ] [id]...: list mutexes quit: exit from DECthreads debugger show [-csuv]: show stuff squeue [-c ] [-fhq] [-t ] [a]: format queue stacks [-fs] [sp]...: list stacks system: show system information threads [-1] [-N ] [-abcdfhklmnor] [-s ] [-tz] [id]...: list threads tset [-chna] [-s ] : set state of thread versions: display versions write : write a string All keywords may be abbreviated: if the abbreviation is ambiguous, the first match will be used. For more help, type 'help '. DBG_1> 4-24 Programming Features Programming Features 4.14 New Features of OpenVMS Debugger The PTHREAD command gives you direct access to the DECthreads Debugger within the context of a debugging session. This can provide much more information to help debug the application. 4.15 OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) This section describes the RTL routine LIB$GET_LOGICAL. 4.15.1 LIB$GET_LOGICAL LIB$GET_LOGICAL provides a simplified interface to the $TRNLNM system service. It provides most of the features found in $TRNLNM with some additional benefits. For string arguments, all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library are understood. The list of item descriptors, which may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, is handled internally by LIB$GET_LOGICAL. See the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual for more information about routine LIB$GET_LOGICAL. 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements The following sections describe the RMS enhancements included with the OpenVMS Version 7.2 release. 4.16.1 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Support With OpenVMS Version 7.2, both RMS and the File Access Listener (FAL) have been enhanced to support the 128-bit Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format for the exchange of date and time information about files (such as file creation or file revision). With this enhancement, RMS and FAL support two formats for the exchange of file date and time information: o New UTC format. This enhancement takes advantage of the DECnet Data Access Protocol (DAP) option for transferring times using the 128-bit UTC format. As of this version, this has been made the default for OpenVMS systems. o Current 2-digit year format. A 2-digit year is used in the following 18-byte format in accordance with the DAP specification: DD-MON-YYHH:MM:SS Programming Features 4-25 Programming Features 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements In previous versions of RMS and FAL, as part of their own implementation (not part of the DAP specification), the 2-digit year field pivoted about the year 1970. YYs from 70 to 99 map to 1970 through 1999; YYs from 00 to 69 map to 2000 through 2069. Thus, this scheme presents no Year 2000 problem for previous versions in the immediate future. If the client requesting the file transfer in the system configuration message has set the system capability (SYSCAP) indicating "support for binary date/time format," OpenVMS will use the UTC format by default. And as of this version, it will be set for any OpenVMS client. If the UTC capability is not set by a non OpenVMS client, then the current 2-digit year scheme will remain in effect. Note that the pivot around the 1970 year, implemented in the OpenVMS RMS and FAL code, is not part of the DAP specification; therefore, it cannot be presumed that either a pivot or a pivot around the specific year 1970 is implemented by non OpenVMS clients. 4.16.2 Support for New File Length Hint Attribute (Alpha Only) RMS is now capable of storing, retrieving, and maintaining a file length hint. A file length hint is a pair of quadword integer fields (16 bytes) as follows: 1. Record count (bytes 0-7): the number of data records written to the file using record I/O ($PUT). 2. User data byte count (bytes 8-15): the total number of user data bytes in the file (excluding any overhead bytes added by RMS). For sequential files with a record format of variable (VAR) or variable with fixed control (VFC) on an On-Disk Structure Level 5 (ODS-5) volume, RMS will maintain the file hint, provided: o The file is written only using unshared RMS record I/O. o The file does not have journaling enabled. The XAB$_FILE_LENGTH_HINT item code may be used with an item list XAB on $OPEN or $DISPLAY operations to sense the file length hint values. A SETMODE may be used with a $CLOSE operation to set the file length hint counts. 4-26 Programming Features Programming Features 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements The SETMODE will override any counts that RMS may be concurrently maintaining. The XAB$_FILE_LENGTH_HINT XABITM requires a 16-byte buffer for the two quadwords. These fields are maintained as a set: either both fields are valid or invalid. The most significant (sign) bit of each quadword is used to indicate whether the associated count is valid. A sequential file with VAR or VFC format that is created on an ODS-5 volume, had any data added to it using RMS record I/O ($PUTs), and has met the conditions indicated above should have valid counts. If, however, at some point in time, some data are written to a file using RMS block I/O, for example, then the sign bits will be set on file deaccess to indicate the counts are invalid. The last count maintained in each field is retained as a hint of what its last valid value was, but the sign bit being set indicates it is stale. If these fields have never been modified by RMS for a file on an ODS-5 volume, then the contents of each quadword will be 8 bytes of 0xFF. For example, after a file originally created and maintained on an On-Disk Structure Level 2 (ODS-2) volume is converted from ODS-2 format to ODS-5 format, these fields will contain 8 bytes of 0xFF. The counts in these fields are invalidated if a truncate- on-put is done, except if the truncate is to zero. If a SENSEMODE using this item code is requested for a non- ODS-5 file, the contents returned for each quadword will be 8 bytes of 0xFF. A SETMODE using this item code for a non-ODS-5 file will be ignored. The file length hint is not supported for DECnet operations; it is ignored. If a SENSE is attempted, 8 bytes of 0xFF will be returned to the user buffer for each quadword. Programming Features 4-27 Programming Features 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements 4.16.3 New Qualifier for the Analyze/RMS_File Utility With OpenVMS Version 7.2, the Analyze/RMS_File utility has a new qualifier /UPDATE_HEADER. The /UPDATE_HEADER qualifier attempts to update the following attributes in the header of the file: longest record length (LRL) and/or file length hint attribute. You must use this qualifier in combination with either /STATISTICS or /CHECK (the default). This qualifier only applies to sequential file organizations and is ignored for any other file organization. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual. 4.16.4 File User Characteristics Item for XAB (XABITM) With OpenVMS Version 7.2, the file user characteristic item XAB$_UCHAR_PRESHELVED is available for use with the XAB (XABITM) item list of RMS. The XAB$_UCHAR_PRESHELVED item indicates that a file is shelved but also kept online. For more detailed information, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. 4.16.5 RMS Global Buffer Performance Enhancements OpenVMS Version 7.2 includes two enhancements that improve RMS global buffer performance. The two enhancements are as follows: o RMS implements a new algorithm for global buffer management that dramatically improves scalability. The performance associated with the previous algorithm effectively limited the maximum number of global buffers on large, shared files. With this change, you may increase the number of global buffers on these files to the full limit of 32,767 to fully exploit large memory systems. o RMS now synchronizes access to the global section that is used for RMS global buffers by using inline atomic instruction sequences rather than distributive locking. This change allows more concurrent access to the section, particularly on symmetric multiprocessing machines (SMP). 4-28 Programming Features Programming Features 4.16 Record Management Services (RMS) Enhancements The first change benefits those who wish to use very large global buffer counts. The second change helps any application using global buffers where contention on the global section itself is a bottleneck. ________________________ Note ________________________ By increasing the number of global buffers on specific files, you may need to increase in size some of the system resources. In particular, the sysgen parameters GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFILE, or GBLSECTIONS may need to be increased. In addition, you may need to increase the process working set size and the page file quota. ______________________________________________________ 4.17 Scheduling Processes with Soft Affinity (Alpha only) In OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the scheduling algorithm for soft affinity has been improved. Soft affinity allows a kernel thread to be scheduled on the last processor on which it has run. This capability preserves its investment in the cache and translation buffers. The new algorithm bases its decision on whether a soft affinity process should execute on the current CPU by collecting and using process scheduling data. The system collects more information about how processes are performing on each CPU by collecting the following data at each process priority level: o Process runtime o Process waittime (how long it waited on the COM queue before it was selected to run) o Interrupt time incurred by the process Soft affinity can be enabled in two ways: o The $SET_IMPLICIT_AFFINITY system service enables soft affinity for a particular process or as the default for all future processes. The CAP$V_IMPLICIT_ALL_THREADS flag enables soft affinity for all kernel threads in a process. Programming Features 4-29 Programming Features 4.17 Scheduling Processes with Soft Affinity (Alpha only) o The new DCL command SET PROCESS/AFF=SOFT enables soft affinity for a process. Prior to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the DCL command SET PROCESS/AFF/SET=1 enabled hard (or explicit) affinity for a process, but there was no DCL command that enabled soft affinity. As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the qualifier /AFF has hard and soft values associated with it. If neither is specified, the default is hard, which preserves the previous behavior. In OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the DCL command SHOW PROCESS /ALL displays the soft affinity setting. This command displays the following new line: Soft affinity: on or if soft affinity is not enabled: Soft affinity: off. Two system parameters are associated with soft affinity: o AFFINITY_SKIP In OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, AFFINITY_SKIP is obsolete. o AFFINITY_TIME As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, AFFINITY_TIME specifies how long (in seconds) the number of voluntary waits a process has incurred should be counted before determining if the process is I/O bound or compute bound. The default value is 3 seconds. 4.18 Security Features (Alpha Only) This section contains information about security changes in OpenVMS Version 7.2. 4.18.1 Per Thread Security This section discusses per-thread security, a new feature in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. Per-thread security permits each thread of execution within a multithreaded process to have an individual security profile. In OpenVMS Version 7.2, the impersonation system services and underlying system framework have been enhanced to support per-thread security profiles. 4-30 Programming Features Programming Features 4.18 Security Features (Alpha Only) Security profile information previously contained in various process level data structures and data cells is now stored in a single data structure, the Persona Security Block (PSB), which is then bound to a thread of execution. All associated references within OpenVMS have been redirected accordingly. Every process in the system has at least one PSB that is the natural persona of the process. The natural persona is created during process creation. Interaction between a thread manager (for example, the thread manager incorporated within DECthreads) and the security subsystem provides for the automatic switching of profiles as threads are scheduled for execution. Refer to Appendix B, "Considerations for OpenVMS Systems" in the Guide to DECthreads for further information about threading capabilities available on OpenVMS systems. Benefits The primary consumer of per-thread security is a multithreaded server with threads that impersonate clients. These threads appear to the system as the clients in regard to audits, access checks, rights processing, and so on. This is a benefit to those writing a system level server application that processes requests on behalf of users. These applications can be coded using the DECthreads thread model and the system's built-in impersonation services to have the system automatically perform the security checking on behalf of the requesting client. When kernel threads were implemented in the OpenVMS operating system, modifications to one thread's security information (privileges, rights, and identity information) could be inadvertently passed to another thread if the threads are scheduled on different processors simultaneously, as kernel threads are designed to do. Per-thread security ensures that this security information is handled properly. Each user thread in a process has a fully separate security profile. When the user thread is scheduled, the security profile for that thread is automatically switched as well. Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for more information about per-thread security. Programming Features 4-31 Programming Features 4.18 Security Features (Alpha Only) 4.18.2 Enhanced Persona Support Previous versions of OpenVMS included system services that allowed a privileged OpenVMS process to create and use personae. These system services are as follows: o $PERSONA_ASSUME o $PERSONA_CREATE o $PERSONA_DELETE Enhancements and additions to these services are a new feature in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. These enhancements support subject security credentials other than OpenVMS. Initially, Windows NT-style security credentials are supported. New Persona System Services The following new system services support persona lookup and retrieval and persona extensions. These system services are documented in OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI-Z. Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for additional information about these services. o $PERSONA_CLONE o $PERSONA_CREATE_EXTENSION o $PERSONA_DELETE_EXTENSION o $PERSONA_DELEGATE o $PERSONA_EXTENSION_LOOKUP o $PERSONA_FIND o $PERSONA_MODIFY o $PERSONA_QUERY o $PERSONA_RESERVE ________________________ Note ________________________ The persona extension services ($PERSONA_CREATE_ EXTENSION, $PERSONA_DELETE_EXTENSION, $PERSONA_ DELEGATE, $PERSONA_EXTENSION_LOOKUP, and $PERSONA_ RESERVE) are under development and are subject to change in a release following OpenVMS Version 7.2. ______________________________________________________ 4-32 Programming Features Programming Features 4.18 Security Features (Alpha Only) 4.19 Shared Address Data (Alpha Only) Using shared address data on OpenVMS Alpha systems improves performance at the following times: o At run time, shared address data saves physical memory because of increased memory sharing between processes. o At image activation, shared address data reduces CPU and I/O time because fixup is performed at installation time. Related Terms Explanations of terms related to shared address data follow. o Image section An image consists of a number of image sections. An image section can contain: - Instructions (code) - Read-only data (constants) - Read/write data o Shared known images You can make an image a shared known image by using the following command: $ INSTALL ADD image-name /SHARED When you enter this command, the Install utility creates global sections for read-only image sections, allowing the sections to be shared by all the processes that run the image. o Address data One kind of image section contains address data. At execution time, address data sections are read-only. However, the addresses are not known until image activation; therefore, the image section is read /write until the end of image activation. Addresses for a shareable image generally vary with the process, because different processes are likely to have different collections of mapped images. Programming Features 4-33 Programming Features 4.19 Shared Address Data (Alpha Only) o Shared address data The shared address data feature assigns unique P1 space addresses for shareable images from the P1 image region. (The IMGREG_PAGES system parameter determines the size of the P1 space.) With the assigned address, the Install utility determines the content of an address data section when the image is installed. A global section is created to allow shared access to each address data image section. Executable (main) images can also use shared address data sections; these images are not assigned P1 addresses, however, because the base address for an executable image is determined when the image is linked. 4.19.1 Creating Shared Address Data Sections To install an image with shared address data, you use the new keyword ADDRESS_DATA with the INSTALL/SHARED command: $ INSTALL CREATE/SHARED=ADDRESS_DATA imagename Note that when you install an image (Image A, for example) with shared address data, and Image B is called by Image A, Image B must also be installed with shared address data. Two corollaries of this rule are the following: o If Image B is not installed with shared address data, the Install utility displays a message indicating this, and Image A is installed without shared address data. o If Image B is removed (with the command $ INSTALL REMOVE B), when the image activator subsequently activates Image A, the activator will create unshared address data sections for Image A. 4.19.2 New INSTALL Command Keywords On OpenVMS Alpha systems, you can use the [NO]ADDRESS_DATA keyword with the following commands: o INSTALL> CREATE/SHARED[=[NO]ADDRESS_DATA] o INSTALL> REPLACE/SHARED[=[NO]ADDRESS_DATA] 4-34 Programming Features Programming Features 4.19 Shared Address Data (Alpha Only) When you use the ADDRESS_DATA keyword with either command, P1 space addresses are assigned for shareable images. With the assigned addresses, the Install utility can determine the content of an address data section when the image is installed rather than when it is activated, reducing CPU and I/O time. A global section is created to allow shared access to address data image sections. Example: INSTALL> CREATE/SHARED=ADDRESS_DATA WRKD$:[MAIN]INFOSHR The command in this example installs the INFOSHR file as a shared known image and creates shared global sections for code sections and read-only data sections. Because the command includes the ADDRESS_DATA keyword, address data is also created as a shared global section. 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) The following sections describe the new SDA features included in OpenVMS Version 7.2. 4.20.1 New and Enhanced Commands The following SDA CLUE extension commands, SDA extension routines, and SDA commands are either new or have new or changed qualifiers or parameters for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. For further information about these commands, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. CLUE CALL_FRAME Extension Command The following table shows the qualifiers for the CLUE CALL_ FRAME extension command: Programming Features 4-35 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier__________Meaning_________________________________ /ADDRESS=n Specifies the PCB address of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME /PROCESS. /CPU [cpu-id|ALL Indicates that the call frame for a CPU is required. The CPU should be specified by its number or by using ALL to indicate all CPUs. /IDENTIFICATION=n Specifies the identification of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS. /INDEX=n Specifies the index of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME /PROCESS. /PROCESS Indicates that the call frame for a [process- process is required. The process should name|ALL] be specified with one of the qualifiers /ADDRESS, /IDENTIFICATION, or /INDEX; or by its name, or by using ALL to indicate ___________________all_processes.__________________________ CLUE ERRLOG Extension Command:/OLD qualifier The CLUE ERRLOG extension command has a new qualifier, /OLD. The /OLD qualifier dumps the errorlog buffers into a file using the old errorlog format. The default action, if /OLD is not specified, is to dump the errorlog buffers in the common event header format. CLUE FRU Extension Command The CLUE FRU extension command outputs the Field Replacement Unit (FRU) table to a file for display by DECevent. CLUE REGISTER Extension Command The Alpha SDA new command CLUE REGISTER displays the active registers for the crash CPU. The CLUE REGISTER command is only valid when analyzing crash dumps. 4-36 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) CLUE SG Extension Command: /CRAB qualifier The CLUE SG extension command displays the scatter-gather map. The /CRAB qualifier displays the ringbuffer for the specified Counted Resource Allocation Block (CRAB). The default action is to display the ringbuffer for all CRABs. CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL Extension Command The Alpha SDA new command CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL command displays the contents of the shared logical name tables in the system. SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU Extension Routine The SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU extension routine gets the CPU database address of the currently selected CPU. SDA$SET_CPU Extension Routine The SDA$SET_CPU extension routine sets a new SDA CPU context. SDA$SET_PROCESS Extension Routine The SDA$SET_PROCESS extension routine sets a new SDA process context. SHOW DUMP Command: /MEMORY_MAP Qualifier Displays the memory map of a full dump. SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: EXECLET-NAME Parameter The Alpha SDA command SHOW EXECUTIVE has a new parameter, execlet-name. If execlet-name is given, SDA only displays the data for the specified execlet. Wildcards can be used in execlet-name, in which case SDA displays data for all matching execlets. The benefit of the execlet-name parameter is to reduce the volume of output necessary to obtain the desired information. SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: /SUMMARY Qualifier The Alpha SDA command SHOW EXECUTIVE has a new qualifier. The /SUMMARY qualifier displays a single line of output for each loadable image. Programming Features 4-37 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SHOW GSD Command: New Qualifiers The SHOW GSD command has the following new qualifiers: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier___Meaning________________________________________ /GLXGRP Displays information in the group global section descriptors of a Galaxy system /GLXSYS Displays information in the system global ____________section_descriptors_of_a_Galaxy_system_________ SHOW LOCK Command: New Qualifiers The SHOW LOCK command has the following new qualifiers: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_______Meaning____________________________________ /BLOCKING Displays only the locks that have a blocking AST specified or attached /BRIEF Displays a brief one line of lock information /CONVERT Displays only the locks that are on the conversion queue /GRANTED Displays only the locks that are on the granted queue /POOL Displays the lock managers poolzone information, which contains the lock blocks (LKB) and resource blocks (RSB) /STATUS=(keywordDisplays only the locks that have the specified status bits set in the LKB$L_ [,keyword...]) STATUS field. For the keywords and their meanings for this qualifier, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. /SUMMARY Displays summary data and performance counters /WAITING________Displays_only_the_waiting_locks____________ 4-38 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SHOW PAGE_TABLE Command: Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command SHOW PAGE_TABLE has the following new qualifiers: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_____________Meaning______________________________ /INVALID_PFN This qualifier, which is valid on [=option] platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. /NONMEMORY_PFN This qualifier, supported on all [=option] platforms, causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's private memory nor in Galaxy shared memory. /PTE_ADDRESS Specifies that the range given is of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped by the PTEs. /SECTION_INDEX=n Displays the page table for the range of pages in the global section or ______________________pageable_part_of_a_loaded_image._____ ________________________ Note ________________________ Both /INVALID_PFN and /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifiers allow two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is given, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is given, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all system pages whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. ______________________________________________________ Programming Features 4-39 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SHOW PAGE_TABLE/FREE Command: /HEADER Qualifier The Alpha SDA command SHOW PAGE_TABLE /FREE has a new qualifier. The /HEADER=address qualifier causes SDA to display the free list for the specified private page table. SHOW PARAMETER Command The Alpha SDA new command SHOW PARAMETER displays the name, location, and value of one or more SYSGEN parameters at the time that the system dump is taken. The SHOW PARAMETER command has the following parameter: ___________________________________________________________ Parameter_______Meaning____________________________________ SYSGEN_ The name of a parameter to be displayed. parameter The name given may include wildcards. However, a truncated name is not recognized, unlike the equivalent SYSGEN ________________and_SYSMAN_commands._______________________ The SHOW PARAMETER has the following qualifiers: 4-40 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_______Meaning____________________________________ /ACP Displays all Files-11 parameters. /ALL Displays the values of all parameters except the special control parameters. /CLUSTER Displays all parameters specific to clusters. /DYNAMIC Displays all parameters that can be changed on a running system. /GALAXY Displays all parameters specific to Galaxy systems. /GEN Displays all general parameters. /JOB Displays all Job Controller parameters. /LGI Displays all LOGIN security control parameters. /MAJOR Displays the most important parameters. /MULTIPROCESSINGDisplays parameters specific to multiprocessing. /PQL Displays the parameters for all default process quotas. /RMS Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS). /SCS Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Cluster System Communications Services. /SPECIAL Displays all special control parameters. /STARTUP Displays the name of the site-independent startup procedure. /SYS Displays all active system parameters. /TTY Displays all parameters for terminal ________________drivers.___________________________________ SHOW PFN_DATA Command: /UNTESTED and /PRIVATE [=address] Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command SHOW PFN_DATA has two new qualifiers: /PRIVATE [=address] and /UNTESTED. The /PRIVATE [=address] qualifier causes SDA to display private PFN lists. If no address is given, all private PFN lists are displayed; if an address is given, only the PFN list whose head is at the given address is displayed. The /UNTESTED qualifier causes Programming Features 4-41 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SDA to display the state of the untested PFN list that was set up for deferred memory testing. SHOW PROCESS Command: New Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command SHOW PROCESS has the following new qualifiers: 4-42 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) Programming Features 4-43 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_____________Meaning______________________________ /BRIEF This qualifier, when used with the /LOCKS qualifier, causes SDA to display each lock owned by the current process in brief format; that is, one line for each lock. /CHANNEL [=PID_ONLY] Displays information about the I/O channels assigned to the process. If the keyword FID_ONLY is given, SDA does not attempt to translate the FID (File ID) to a file name when invoked with ANALYZE/SYSTEM. /FANDLE Displays the data on the process's fast I/O handles. /INVALID_PFN This qualifier, which is valid on [=option] platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. /LOCKS [/BRIEF] Displays the lock management locks owned by the current process. The /LOCKS [/BRIEF] qualifier produces a display similar in format to that produced by the SHOW LOCK command. See also the /BRIEF qualifier description. /NONMEMORY_PFN This qualifier, supported on all [=option] platforms, causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's private memory nor in Galaxy shared memory. /PERSONA [=address] Displays all persona security blocks (PSBs) held in the PERSONA ARRAY of the process, and then lists selected information contained in each initially listed PSB. The selected information includes the contents of the following cells inside the PSB: Flags Reference count 4-44 Programming Features Execution mode Audit status Account name UIC Privileges Rights enabled mask If a PSB address is specified, the above information is provided for that specific PSB only. /PERSONA/RIGHTS Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] information and additional selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes currently held and active for each persona security block (PSB). /PERSONA/RIGHTS Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] /AUTHORIZED information and additional selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes authorized for ______________________each_persona_security_block_(PSB).___ Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SHOW PROCESS/PAGE_TABLES Command The SHOW PROCESS/PAGE_TABLES command has the following new qualifiers: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_______Meaning____________________________________ /PTE_ADDRESS Specifies a PTE address instead of the virtual address mapped by the PTE. /SECTION_ Displays the page table for the range of INDEX=n pages in the global section or pageable part of a loaded image, or the process section specified when used with the /PAGE_ TABLE qualifier. Except for global sections where global page table entries (GPTEs) are displayed, one of the qualifiers /L1, /L2, or /L3 can also be specified. Displays the PST for the single process section specified when used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier. The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier is ignored if neither the /PAGE_TABLE nor the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifiers is specified. /INVALID_PFN This qualifier, which is valid on platforms [=option] that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. /NONMEMORY_PFN This qualifier, supported on all platforms, [=option] causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's ________________private_memory_nor_in_Galaxy_shared_memory. ________________________ Note ________________________ Both /INVALID_PFN and /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifiers allow two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is given, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is given, only pages that allow write access are displayed. Programming Features 4-45 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) For example, SHOW PROCESS ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_ PFN=WRITABLE would display all process pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. ______________________________________________________ SHOW RESOURCE Command: New Qualifiers The SHOW RESOURCE command has the following new qualifiers: ___________________________________________________________ Qualifier_______Meaning____________________________________ /BRIEF Displays a brief one line of the resource information /CONTENTION Displays only resources that have at [=ALL] least one lock on either the waiting or conversion queue /STATUS=(keywordDisplays only resources that have the specified status bits set in the RSB$L_ [keyword,]) STATUS field. For the keywords and their meanings for this qualifier, see the ________________OpenVMS_Alpha_System_Analysis_Tools_Manual. SHOW STACK Command: /PHYSICAL Qualifier The Alpha SDA command SHOW STACK has a new qualifier: /PHYSICAL. The /PHYSICAL qualifier causes SDA to treat the start and/or end address in the given range as a physical address. This qualifier is only relevant when a range is specified. SHOW STACK Command: RANGE Parameter The Alpha SDA command SHOW STACK has a new parameter, range. The range parameter displays a range of memory locations in stack format. You can express a range using the following syntax: ___________________________________________________________ Value_Meaning______________________________________________ m:n Range of addresses from m to n m;n Range of addresses starting at m and continuing for n ______bytes________________________________________________ 4-46 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) SHOW SUMMARY Command: /USER=username Qualifier The Alpha SDA command SHOW SUMMARY has a new qualifier /USER=username. If /USER=username is given, SDA only displays the processes of the specified user. Wildcards can be used in /USER=username, in which case SDA displays processes of all matching users. The benefit of the /USER=username qualifier is to reduce the volume of output necessary to obtain the desired information. SHOW SYMBOL/ALL Command: /ALPHA and /VALUE Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command SHOW SYMBOL /ALL has two new qualifiers. The /ALPHA qualifier causes SDA to display the symbols sorted only in alphabetical order. The /VALUE qualifier causes SDA to display the symbols sorted only in value order. The default is to display the symbols twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value. SHOW SYMBOL Command: Enhanced to Allow Wildcards The Alpha SDA command SHOW SYMBOL without the /ALL qualifier now causes SDA to allow standard wildcards in the symbol-name parameter. By default, matching symbols are displayed only in alphabetical order. If SHOW SYMBOL /VALUE is specified, then matching symbols are output sorted by value. If both /ALPHA and /VALUE are specified, matching symbols are displayed twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value. The benefit of this new functionality is increasing the flexibility of the SHOW SYMBOL command for locating symbols whose name is only partially known. VALIDATE PFN_LIST Command: /UNTESTED and /PRIVATE Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command VALIDATE PFN_LIST has two new qualifiers: /PRIVATE and /UNTESTED. The /PRIVATE qualifier causes SDA to validate all private PFN lists. The /UNTESTED qualifier causes SDA to validate the state of the untested PFN list that was set up for deferred memory testing. Programming Features 4-47 Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) VALIDATE QUEUE Command: /PHYSICAL and /BACKLINK Qualifiers The Alpha SDA command VALIDATE QUEUE has two new qualifiers: /PHYSICAL and /BACKLINK. The /PHYSICAL qualifier causes SDA to allow validation of queues whose header and links are physical addresses. The /BACKLINK qualifier causes SDA to allow doubly linked lists to be validated from the tail of the queue. The benefit of the /BACKLINK qualifier is that if the queue is found to be broken when validated from the head of the queue, this qualifier can be used to narrow the list of corrupted entries. 4.20.2 SDA CLUE: DOSD File Analysis Capability OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 allows you to write the system dump file to a device other than the system disk. With this enhancement, CLUE HISTORY information can be collected even when dump off system disk (DOSD) is in use. For SDA CLUE to locate the dump file to be analyzed, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Modify the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to add the system logical name CLUE$DOSD_DEVICE to point to the device where the dump file resides. You need to supply only the physical or logical device name without a file specification. 2. Modify the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to mount systemwide the device where the dump file resides. Otherwise, SDA CLUE cannot access and analyze the dump file. In the following example, the dump file has been placed on device $3$DUA25, which has the label DMP$DEV. You need to add the following commands to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM: $ MOUNT/SYSTEM/NOASSIST $3$DUA25: DMP$DEV DMP$DEV $ DEFINE/SYSTEM CLUE$DOSD_DEVICE DMP$DEV 4-48 Programming Features Programming Features 4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only) 4.20.3 SDA Extensions OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 includes extension routines that allow you to create additional System Dump Analyzer (SDA) commands for interpreting system dumps. You can now use a documented and supported interface to write custom SDA extensions tailored to your business needs. For a description of the the SDA extension routines, as well as how to create and debug an extension, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. 4.21 System Services Several new system services have been added, and several existing services have been modified for OpenVMS Version 7.2. This section contains the new and changed services. 4.21.1 Support for New Service, $GETENV The new system service, $GETENV, returns the value(s) of the specified console environment variable(s). 4.21.2 Support for Intra-Cluster Communication New services have been created to support Intra-Cluster Communication, an applications programming interface (API) for local and clusterwide interprocess communications. For more information about these services and their application, see Section 4.11 in this manual. 4.21.3 Support for Clusterwide Logicals This section contains information about services that have been modified to support clusterwide logical names. The following table details the changes. ___________________________________________________________ System_Service___New_Features______________________________ $CRELNM Support added for clusterwide logicals. o Modified item, TABNAM o Modified item code, LNM$_STRING o Added condition value, SS$_INSFMEM Programming Features 4-49 Programming Features 4.21 System Services ___________________________________________________________ System_Service___New_Features______________________________ $CRELNT Support added for clusterwide logicals. o Modified attribute, LNM$M_CREATE_IF o Modified arguments, PARTAB and TABNAM o Added condition value, SS$_INSFMEM o Modified condition value, SS$_IVLOGTAB o Modified Required Access or Privileges section $DELLNM Support added for clusterwide logicals. o Added condition value, SS$_INSFMEM o Modified Required Access or Privileges section $GETSYI Support added for clusterwide logicals. o Modified 64-bit descriptor field, BUFFER LENGTH o Added item codes, SYI$_CWLOGICALS and SYI$_SYSTYPE o All item codes work for clusterwide logicals $TRNLNM Support added for clusterwide logicals. o Modified arguments, ATTR and TABNAM o Added item code attributes, LNM$M_ CLUSTERWIDE and LNM$M_INTERLOCKED o Modified Description section ___________________________________________________________ For more information about these services, refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4-50 Programming Features Programming Features 4.21 System Services 4.21.4 Support for Extended File Specifications This section contains information about services that have been modified to support Extended File Specifications. The following table details the changes. ___________________________________________________________ System_Service_____________New_Features____________________ $CREPRC Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Modified service to include new symbolic name for the stsflg parameter. $CVT_FILENAME Support added for Extended File Specifications. o New service that converts a string from RMS format to file-system (ACP/QIO) format, or from file-system (ACP/QIO) format to RMS format. $GETJPI Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Modified service to include new item codes, JPI$_PARSE_ STYLE_PERM, and JPI$_PARSE_ STYLE_IMAGE. $SETDDIR Support added for Extended File Specifications. o Modified the Description section $SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIESW Support added for Extended File Specifications. o New service that sets a simple value associated with a process ___________________________________________________________ For more information about these services, refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. Programming Features 4-51 Programming Features 4.21 System Services 4.21.5 Support for Fast Path Two new services have been created to support Fast Path, $IO_FASTPATH and $IO_FASTPATHW. For more information about Fast Path, refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI-Z, to the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual, and see Table 2-1 in this manual. 4.21.6 Support for Personas Previous versions of OpenVMS included system services that allowed a privileged OpenVMS process to create and use personae. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, several new system services are available to support persona lookup and retrieval and persona extensions. For more information about these services and their application, see Section 4.18.2 in this manual and refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. 4-52 Programming Features 5 _________________________________________________________________ Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 introduces a model of computing that allows multiple instances of OpenVMS to execute cooperatively in a single computer. With Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP), many processors (and other physical resources) are partitioned in order to run multiple instances of operating systems. Each instance has assigned CPUs, memory, and I/O. The instances share a part of memory, and CPUs can be reassigned from one instance to another while the system runs. This computing environment can be dynamically adapted to changing application needs and workload demands. Compaq's first implementation of the APMP model of computing is the Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha. An evolution in OpenVMS functionality, OpenVMS Galaxy leverages proven OpenVMS cluster, symmetric multiprocessing, memory management, memory channel community management, and performance features to provide extremely flexible operational computing capabilities. For companies looking to improve their ability to manage unpredictable, variable, or growing IT workloads, OpenVMS Galaxy technology provides a flexible way to dynamically reconfigure and manage system resources. By running multiple instances of OpenVMS in a single computer, an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment gives you quantum improvements in: o Compatibility-Existing applications run without changes. o Availability-Presents opportunities to upgrade software and expand system capacity without downtime. o Scalability-Offers scaling alternatives that improve performance of SMP and cluster environments. Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha 5-1 Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha o Adaptability-Physical resources can be dynamically reassigned to meet changing workload demands. o Cost of ownership-Fewer computer systems reduce system management requirements, floor space, and more. An OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment is ideal for high- availability applications, such as: o Database servers o Transaction processing systems o Data Warehousing o Data Mining o Internet servers 5.1 OpenVMS Galaxy Version 7.2 Features With OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, you can create an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment that allows you to: o Run three instances of OpenVMS on an AlphaServer 8400 o Run two instances of OpenVMS on an AlphaServer 8200 o Run two instances of OpenVMS on an AlphaServer 4100 o Reassign CPUs between instances o Perform independent booting and shutdown of instances o Use shared memory for inter-instance communication o Cluster instances within an OpenVMS Galaxy using the shared memory cluster interconnect o Cluster instances with non-Galaxy systems o Create applications using OpenVMS Galaxy APIs for resource management, event notification, locking for synchronization, and shared memory for global sections o Use the Galaxy Configuration Utility to view and control the OpenVMS Galaxy environment o Run a single-instance OpenVMS Galaxy on any Alpha system for application development 5-2 Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha 5.2 Getting More Information 5.2 Getting More Information For more information about how to create, manage, and use an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide. This book includes: o OpenVMS Galaxy licensing, hardware, and configuration requirements o Procedures for creating OpenVMS Galaxy computing environments on OpenVMS Alpha Server 8400, 8200, and 4100 systems o Complete details about how to use all of the OpenVMS Galaxy features and capabilities available in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 Note that release notes about the Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS are included in the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide. Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha 5-3 A _________________________________________________________________ New OpenVMS System Messages This release includes new messages for the following OpenVMS facilities: o ACME, Authentication and Credential Management o ANALDISK, Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility o BACKUP, Backup Utility o Cluster Port Driver o INSTALL, Install Utility o IOGEN o MOUNT, Mount Utility o OPCOM, Operator Communication Process o PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility o PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility o POWER, AlphaServer 8200 Series Power Monitoring o RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services o SDA, System Dump Analyzer o SET, SET Command and SET Utility o SET, SET PASSWORD Command o SYSINIT, System Initialization o SYSTEM, System Services o UAF, Authorize Utility The Help Message database has been updated with all the new messages. This appendix alphabetically lists and describes only those messages that might occur before the system is fully functional; that is, when the Help Message database is not accessible. New OpenVMS System Messages A-1 New OpenVMS System Messages For information about the HELP/MESSAGE command and qualifiers, see DCL help (type HELP HELP/MESSAGE at the DCL prompt) or refer to OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users. ACTERR, error activating ICBM Facility: IOGEN Explanation: OpenVMS was unable to activate the proper IOGEN Configuration Building Module during device autoconfiguration. Most likely, the image SYS$SHARE:SYS$ICBM.EXE is not present on your system disk or is not installed. User Action: Check to see whether the image file exists and verify that it is installed as a known image. (For instructions on installing a known image, refer to the Install utility chapter in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.) If you still have problems, reinstall OpenVMS onto your system disk or contact a Compaq support representative for assistance. ALHOMERR, I/O error reading alternate home block on 'device- name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to read the alternate home block on the volume being mounted. An accompanying message provides additional information about the error. This is a warning message; the mount is allowed to proceed. User Action: To avoid future errors, repair the named volume using the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR. ALHOMINV, invalid alternate home block on 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The alternate home block on the volume being mounted does not have a valid format. This is a warning message; the mount is allowed to proceed. User Action: To avoid future errors, repair the named volume using the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR. A-2 New OpenVMS System Messages New OpenVMS System Messages CI port Virtual Circuit SETCKT OPEN timeout: Restart Port Facility: Cluster Port Driver Explanation: When the CI port found a new, remote CI node, the CI port did not complete the processing of a "virtual- circuit-open" command within the permitted virtual-circuit timeout period. The local CI port is either hung, offline, or saturated with activity, or the CI response queue processing CPU remained at or above IPL-8 for an extended period. User Action: The port restarts automatically. If this error recurs, it indicates problems with port load balancing, system tuning, or faulty hardware or firmware on the CI port. DOSETVOL, Use SET VOLUME/STRUCTURE_LEVEL and remount. Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: This message accompanies the INCONSTRUCT and INCONSET error messages to provide instructions for making the volume or volume set consistent. User Action: If the volume or volume set is not currently mounted /NOSHARE, dismount the portion that is currently mounted and mount the volume or volume set using /NOSHARE. Then execute the DCL command SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 on the volume or volume set. Later, you can dismount the volume or volume set and mount it as you wish. FIBREPOLL, scanning for devices through FIBRE port 'port- device' Facility: IOGEN Explanation: This message is displayed while IO AUTOCONFIGURE scans a fibre channel bus to locate and configure devices on that bus. User Action: None. New OpenVMS System Messages A-3 New OpenVMS System Messages FTLIOERR, fatal I/O error while trying to access device Facility: IOGEN Explanation: During device configuration, OpenVMS was unable to communicate with one of the devices identified during its scan of the I/O buses. User Action: Verify that your hardware configuration is set up properly and make any necessary corrections. If no configuration problems are noted, contact a Compaq support representative for assistance. INCONSET, structure level on 'device-name' is inconsistent with volume set Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The file structure level recorded on the volume is not consistent with the structure level of the volume set of which it is a part. The volume is marked as Files-11 structure level 2 while the rest of the volume set is structure level 5, or vice versa. This condition can occur if a system failure occurs during the execution of a SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 command. This error is fatal for all shareable mounts (for example, MOUNT/SYSTEM and MOUNT/SHARE). It is a warning for /NOSHARE mounts; however, the volume set is locked against modification. That is, existing files can be accessed and updated, but they cannot be extended or deleted. User Action: If the volume set is not currently mounted /NOSHARE, dismount the portion that is currently mounted and mount the entire set using /NOSHARE. Then execute the DCL command SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 on the volume set. Later, you can dismount the volume set and mount it as you wish. INCONSTRUCT, inconsistent file structure level on 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The file structure level recorded on the volume is inconsistent. Parts of the volume are identified as Files-11 structure level 2 and other parts are identified as structure level 5. This condition can occur if a system failure occurs during the execution of a SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 command. A-4 New OpenVMS System Messages New OpenVMS System Messages This error is fatal for all shareable mounts (for example, MOUNT/SYSTEM and MOUNT/SHARE). It is a warning for /NOSHARE mounts; however, the volume is locked against modification. That is, existing files can be accessed and updated, but they cannot be extended or deleted. User Action: Mount the volume using /NOSHARE if it is not currently mounted as such. Then execute the DCL command SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 on it. Later, you can dismount the volume and mount it as you wish. Insuff. Bus Addr. Pool for Init.: Use AUTOGEN W/FEEDBACK (NPAG_BAP_*) Facility: Cluster Port Driver Explanation: The device driver failed to initialize because of a failure to allocate bus addressable pool (BAP). Either BAP was not created or it was insufficient. User Action: To correctly size and position BAP in physical memory, manually invoke @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN using FEEDBACK mode and reboot. For more information, consult the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L or AUTOGEN help. INVBACKLINK, invalid backlink in extension header 'file-number' on relative volume 'volume-number' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The backlink on an extension file header does not point to a valid location for a primary header. User Action: Use the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE /REPAIR to repair the volume or volume set. IVALOCLS, invalid HSZ allocation class, 'allocation-class' Facility: IOGEN Explanation: The allocation class read from a storage array exceeds the maximum allowed value of 999. User Action: From the console of the storage array, set an allocation class for the controller that has a positive value of less than 1000. New OpenVMS System Messages A-5 New OpenVMS System Messages MSCIOERR, I/O error while trying to access device Facility: IOGEN Explanation: During device configuration, OpenVMS was unable to communicate with one of the devices identified during its scan of the I/O buses. User Action: Verify that your hardware configuration is set up properly and make any necessary corrections. If no configuration problems are noted, contact a Compaq support representative for assistance. NOALOCLS, no multibus HSZ allocation class Facility: IOGEN Explanation: When you put a storage array into multibus failover mode, you must also assign an allocation class to the array controllers. OpenVMS has not obtained a valid allocation class from this device. User Action: From the console of the storage array, set an allocation class for the array controller. NODEVID, no identifier defined for device Facility: IOGEN Explanation: The device being configured either has been assigned an invalid device ID or it has an invalid or missing worldwide ID. User Action: Assign a valid device ID to the failing device, following the procedure described in the documentation for the device or storage array. If you still have a problem, try replacing the drive. If the error persists, contact a Compaq support representative for assistance. NOLUNS, no logical units found by array controller Facility: IOGEN Explanation: The storage array being configured by OpenVMS has reported that it contains no storage devices. User Action: If you wish, add drives to the storage array. A-6 New OpenVMS System Messages New OpenVMS System Messages Port incompatible with nonzero system base PA. Facility: Cluster Port Driver Explanation: You attempted to use an older non-PCI device, such as an XMI-based CIXCD or KFMSB, on an Alpha system whose main memory does not begin at physical address zero (PA0). User Action: Use CIXCD or KFMSB adapters only in systems with system memory based at physical address zero (0). Use adapters such as CIPCA or KFPSA in systems with system memory based above physical address zero. SCSIPOLL, scanning for devices through SCSI port 'port-device' Facility: IOGEN Explanation: This message is displayed while IO AUTOCONFIGURE scans a SCSI bus to locate and configure devices on that bus. User Action: None. New OpenVMS System Messages A-7 _________________________________________________________________ Index A CIPCA host adapter support, _______________________________ 3-22 Adapter support, 4-1 Circumflex character, 3-13 Address data Client/Server interface in image section, 4-33 debugger, 4-21 ALL_THREADS qualifier /CLIP qualifier SET PROCESS/PRIORITY, 4-20 type=server, 3-21 Analyze/RMS_File Utility type=server, client, 3-21 /UPDATE_HEADER, 4-28 CLUE CALL_FRAME extension ARB_SUPPORT system parameter, command, 4-35 3-45 /ADDRESS= qualifier, 4-35 ATMWORKS 351 adapter, 4-1 /CPU qualifier, 4-35 /IDENTIFICATION, 4-35 B______________________________ /INDEX=, 4-35 BACKUP command /PROCESS, 4-35 /IMAGE qualifier CLUE ERRLOG extension command cluster factor, 3-3 /OLD qualifier, 4-36 /NOINCREMENTAL qualifier, CLUE FRU extension command, 3-1 4-36 64-bit address space CLUE REGISTER extension debugger support, 4-22 command, 4-36 Heap Analyzer, 4-22 CLUE SG extension command Bitmaps, 3-2 /CRAB qualifier, 4-37 CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL extension C command, 4-37 _______________________________ Cluster MIB C++ language defined, 3-5 debugger support, 4-23 setting up, 3-10 CCMAA-BA adapter, 3-27 subagent objects, 3-6 CCMAB-AA adapter, 3-27 subagents, 3-5 CCMHB-AA hub, 3-27 Clusters Character sets, 3-13 See OpenVMS Cluster systems Index-1 Clusterwide logical names DCL command (cont'd) in applications, 4-2 PURGE, 2-4 system management, 3-23 RENAME, 2-4 COM APIs on OpenVMS, 4-5 SEARCH, 2-4 COM for OpenVMS SET DEFAULT, 2-4 developer kit, 4-6 SET DEVICE, 2-5 overview, 4-4 SET DIRECTORY, 2-5 run-time version, 4-6 SET FILE, 2-5 security implementations, SET MAGTAPE, 2-5, 3-14 4-6 SET PROCESS, 2-5 with NTLM authentication, SET SECURITY, 2-6 4-7 SET VOLUME, 2-6 without authentication, 4-6 SHOW CPU, 2-6 Commerce and Communications SHOW DEVICES, 2-6 web servers, 3-15 SHOW DEVICES/FULL, 2-6 Common file qualifier routines SHOW MEMORY/POOL, 2-6 , 4-9 SHOW SECURITY, 2-7 Common user authentication, SHOW SYSTEM, 2-7 4-5 SUBMIT, 2-7 CONVERT utility TYPE, 2-7 enhancements, 3-42 DCOM, 3-12, 4-4 Coordinated Universal Time DE500-BA Adapter, 4-1 (UTC), 4-25 DE500-BA PCI Ethernet Network Interface Card, 3-11 D DE500-FA Adapter, 4-2 _______________________________ DE500-FA PCI Fast Ethernet DAP (DECnet Data Access Network Interface Card, Protocol), 4-25 3-11 DCL command Debugger COPY, 2-2 Client/Server interface, DEBUG, 2-2 4-21 DELETE, 2-2 Heap Analyzer DIRECTORY, 2-2 64-bit address space, DUMP, 2-3 4-22 EXCHANGE NETWORK, 2-3 PTHREAD command, 4-24 F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES Lexical, support for C++, 4-23 2-7 DECnet Data Access Protocol F$GETDVI Lexical, 2-8 F$GETENV Lexical, 2-8 see DAP F$GETJPI Lexical, 2-8 DECnet Networking Software F$GETSYI Lexical, 2-8 installation and upgrade F$TRNLNM Lexical, 2-8 choices, 3-3 INITIALIZE, 2-3 DECthreads Java, 2-3 yellow stack zones, 4-20 MIME, 2-3 PRINT, 2-4 Index-2 Deferred memory testing, 3-4 File Access Listener Define Device see FAL, 4-25 /PVC, 3-20 Firmware DEGPA adapter, 3-36 revision checking, 3-18 DEGPA-SA Adapter, 4-2 DIGITAL DCE for OpenVMS G______________________________ See Remote Procedure Call Galaxy Software Architecture, Functionality 5-1 DIGITAL PCI-to-Gigabit $GETSYI system service, 4-4 Ethernet Adapter, 3-36 Gigabit Ethernet Directory structures jumbo frames, 3-40 limits, 3-13 Gigabit Ethernet support, 3-36 Distributed COM, 4-4 OpenVMS Cluster systems, Documentation features, 2-8 3-24 Dump off system disk (DOSD), 4-48 H______________________________ E High-performance Sort/Merge _______________________________ utility Encapsulation with COM for See Sort/Merge utility (high- OpenVMS, 4-4 performance) Error messages, A-1 HSZ70 Ultra SCSI host adapter, Ethernet support, 3-11 3-52 Event logging, 4-5 Hypersort Extended File Specifications, 3-11 See Sort/Merge utility (high- benefits, 3-12 performance) features, 3-12 I______________________________ F______________________________ Image section FAL Shared address data, 4-33 UTC support, 4-25 InfoServer Fast Ethernet support, 3-11 displaying a list of services Fast I/O , 3-18 and buffer objects, 4-13 INITIALIZE command Fast Path, 4-14, 4-52 cluster factor, 3-3 Fast SCSI mode, 3-52 INITIALIZE utility Fast skip bitmap increases, 3-2 for SCSI tape drives, 3-14, INSTALL command 4-14 new keywords for shared IO$M_ALLOWFAST, 4-14 address data, 4-34 FastTrack Web Server, 3-14 Internet Fibre Channel, 3-16 Netscape FastTrack Web Server , 3-14 Index-3 Intra-cluster communication system services, 4-17 M______________________________ Invoking the RPC Control Managing RPC endpoints, 4-12 Program, 4-12 MAXBOBS0S1 system parameter, 3-45 J______________________________ MAXBOBS2 system parameter, Java 3-45 applications on OpenVMS, Memory 3-12 deferred testing, 3-4 object naming standards, MEMORY CHANNEL interconnect, 3-12 3-27 JPI$K_ALL_THREADS MEMORY_TEST environment SYS$SETPRI, 4-20 variable deferred memory testing, 3-4 K______________________________ Merging files Kernel threads, 4-19 See Sort/Merge utility (high- allowable number of process performance) threads, 4-20 Messages, A-1 changing thread priorities, MMG_CTLFLAGS system parameter 4-20 deferred memory testing, 3-4 detecting stack overflow, Monitor utility 4-20 TCP/IP support, 3-21 KZPAA SCSI host adapter, 3-52 MPDEV_D1 system parameter, KZPAC Ultra SCSI host RAID 3-45 controller, 3-52 MPDEV_ENABLE system parameter, KZPBA-CA Ultra SCSI adapter, 3-45 3-52 MPDEV_LCRETRIES system KZPSA SCSI host adapter, 3-52 parameter, 3-46 KZTSA SCSI host adapter, 3-52 MPDEV_POLLER system parameter, 3-46 L______________________________ MPDEV_REMOTE system parameter, LANCP utility 3-46 Gigabit Ethernet link Multipath, 3-28 autonegotiation, 3-39 MULTITHREAD parameter, 4-20 LIB$GET_LOGICAL, 4-25 N Limiting RPC transports, 4-13 _______________________________ Link autonegotiation NetOLE, 4-4 Gigabit Ethernet, 3-38 Netscape Commerce and Logical names Communications web servers, clusterwide 3-15 in applications, 4-2 system management, 3-23 Index-4 Netscape FastTrack Web Server, 3-14 R______________________________ /NOINCREMENTAL Remote Procedure Call BACKUP qualifier, 3-1 functionality, 4-11 NPAG_BAP_MIN_PA system limiting RPC transports, parameter, 3-47 4-13 NTLM security, 4-5 managing endpoints, 4-12 NT security semantics, 4-32 starting, 4-12 O stopping, 4-12 _______________________________ using the RPC Control Program OpenVMS Cluster systems , 4-12 CIPCA support, 3-22 RMS clusterwide logical names, file length hint, 4-26 3-23, 4-2 Global buffer enhancements, lock manager enhancements, 4-28 3-26 UTC support, 4-25 MEMORY CHANNEL enhancements, RPC 3-27 See Remote Procedure Call mixed-architecture support, Functionality 3-32 mixed-version support, 3-32 S______________________________ support for four nodes, 3-29 SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU extension Ultra SCSI support, 3-52 warranted and migration routine, 4-37 support, 3-32 SDA$SET_CPU extension routine, OpenVMS Management Station 4-37 storage management features, SDA$SET_PROCESS extension 3-34 routine, 4-37 OpenVMS Registry, 3-35, 4-5 SDA (System Dump Analyzer), OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$), 4-35 4-25 commands, 4-35 dump off system disk analysis P______________________________ , 4-48 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, 3-11, extensions, 4-49 3-12 Security PCSI qualifiers, 3-42 NT security semantics, 4-32 $PERSONA system services, 4-32 per-thread, 4-30 Per-thread security, 4-30 Set Device POWEROFF system parameter, /PVC, 3-20 SET PROCESS/PRIORITY command, 3-47 4-20 Programming features, 1-10 Shared address data, 4-33 PTHREAD command creating sections, 4-34 debugger support, 4-24 new keyword with INSTALL command, 4-34 Index-5 Shared known images SHOW PROCESS command (cont'd) shared address data, 4-33 /PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED SHOW DUMP qualifier, 4-42 /MEMORY_MAP qualifier, 4-37 /PERSONA/RIGHTS qualifier, SHOW EXECUTIVE command 4-42 execlet-name parameter, 4-37 /PERSONA [=address] qualifier /SUMMARY qualifier, 4-37 , 4-42 SHOW GSD SHOW PROCESS/PAGE_TABLES /GLXGRP qualifier, 4-38 /PTE_ADDRESS, 4-45 /GLXSYS qualifier, 4-38 /SECTION_INDEX=n, 4-45 SHOW LOCK command SHOW RESOURCE /BLOCKING qualifier, 4-38 /BRIEF, 4-46 /BRIEF qualifier, 4-38 /CONTENTION [=ALL], 4-46 /CONVERT qualifier, 4-38 /STATUS=(keyword[,keyword,]), /GRANTED qualifier, 4-38 4-46 /POOL qualifier, 4-38 SHOW STACK command /STATUS=(keyword[,keyword...]) /PHYSICAL qualifier, 4-46 , 4-38 RANGE parameter, 4-46 /SUMMARY qualifier, 4-38 SHOW SUMMARY command /WAITING qualifier, 4-38 /USER=username qualifier, SHOW PAGE_TABLE 4-47 /INVALID_PFN [=option], 4-39 SHOW SYMBOL/ALL command /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option], /ALPHA qualifier, 4-47 4-39 /VALUE qualifier, 4-47 /PTE_ADDRESS qualifier, 4-39 SHOW SYMBOL command, 4-47 /SECTION_INDEX=n, 4-39 Soft affinity SHOW PAGE_TABLE/FREE command scheduling processes, 4-29 /HEADER=address qualifier, SOR callable interface 4-40 See Sort/Merge utility (high- SHOW PARAMETER command, 4-40 SHOW PFN_DATA command performance) /PRIVATE [=address] qualifier SORT32 , 4-41 See Sort/Merge utility (high- /UNTESTED qualifier, 4-41 performance) SHOW PROCESS command Sorting files /BRIEF qualifier, 4-42 See Sort/Merge utility (high- /CHANNEL [=FID_ONLY] performance) qualifier, 4-42 Sort/Merge utility (high- /FANDLE qualifier, 4-42 performance) /INVALID_PFN [=option] command line interface, 4-16 qualifier, 4-42 new features /LOCKS [/BRIEF] qualifier, output file organization, 4-42 4-16 /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option] output file overlay, 4-16 qualifier, 4-42 Index-6 Sort/Merge utility (high- System services (cont'd) performance) $CVT_FILENAME, 4-51 new features (cont'd) $DELLNM, 4-50 statistical summary $GETJPI, 4-51 information, 4-16 $GETSYI, 4-50 threads, 4-16 $PERSONA, 4-32 SOR callable interface, 4-16 $SETDDIR, 4-51 Sort operations, concurrent $SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIESW, See Sort/Merge utility (high- 4-51 performance) $TRNLNM, 4-50 Starting RPC, 4-12 T Stopping RPC, 4-12 _______________________________ Storage management Tape density, 3-48 new features in OpenVMS TCP/IP services, 3-49 Management Station, 3-34 $TRNLNM system service, 4-3 SYS$SETPRI system service, 4-20 U______________________________ SYSMAN RESERVED_MEMORY, 3-43 Ultra SCSI support SYSMAN utility multi-host configuration, Gigabit Ethernet link 3-52 autonegotiation, 3-38 /UPDATE_HEADER, 4-28 System management features, User features, 1-2 1-2 UTIL$CQUAL routines, 4-9 System messages, A-1 System parameters V______________________________ ARB_SUPPORT, 3-45 VALIDATE PFN_LIST command MAXBOBS0S1, 3-45 /PRIVATE qualifier, 4-47 MAXBOBS2, 3-45 /UNTESTED qualifier, 4-47 MPDEV_D1, 3-45 VALIDATE QUEUE command MPDEV_ENABLE, 3-45 /BACKLINK qualifier, 4-48 MPDEV_LCRETRIES, 3-46 /PHYSICAL qualifier, 4-48 MPDEV_POLLER, 3-46 VCC_MAX_CACHE system parameter MPDEV_REMOTE, 3-46 , 3-47 NPAG_BAP_MIN_PA, 3-47 VCC_MAX_LOCKS system parameter POWEROFF, 3-47 VCC_MAX_CACHE, 3-47 , 3-47 VCC_MAX_LOCKS, 3-47 VCC_MINSIZE system parameter, VCC_MINSIZE, 3-47 3-47 VCC_WRITEBEHIND, 3-47 VCC_WRITEBEHIND system VCC_WRITE_DELAY, 3-48 parameter, 3-47 WLKSYSDSK, 3-48 VCC_WRITE_DELAY system System services parameter, 3-48 $CRELNM, 4-49 $CRELNT, 4-50 $CREPRC, 4-51 Index-7 W______________________________ X______________________________ Web Server XAB$_FILE_LENGTH_HINT item FastTrack, 3-14 code, 4-26 WLKSYSDSK system parameter, XAB$_UCHAR_PRESHELVED, 4-28 3-48 XAB (XABITM) Item List XAB$_UCHAR_PRESHELVED, 4-28 Y______________________________ Year 2000 readiness, 3-53 Index-8