Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Ver- sion 7.3 SPD 25.01.63 Note: This SPD describes Compaq OpenVMS Operating System software for the Alpha and VAX computer family. Except where explicitly noted, the fea- tures described in this SPD apply equally to both Alpha and VAX sys- tems. OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX operating system licenses and part numbers are architecture specific. Please refer to the Ordering In- formation section of this SPD for further details. DESCRIPTION OpenVMS is a general-purpose, multiuser operating system that runs in both production and development environments. OpenVMS Alpha supports Compaq Computer Corporation's Alpha series computers, while OpenVMS VAX supports VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, and VAXserver series comput- ers. OpenVMS software supports industry standards, facilitating ap- plication portability and interoperability. OpenVMS provides symmet- ric multiprocessing (SMP) support for multiprocessing Alpha and VAX systems. The OpenVMS Alpha operating system provides support for 64- bit virtual memory addressing and Very Large Memory (VLM). The OpenVMS operating system can be tuned to perform well in a wide variety of environments. This includes combinations of compute-intensive, I/O-intensive, client/server, real-time, and other environments. Ac- tual system performance depends on the type of computer, available phys- ical memory, and the number and type of active disk and tape drives. April 2001 The OpenVMS operating system has well-integrated networking, distributed computing, client/server, multiprocessing, and windowing capabilities. It contains extensive features that promote ease-of-use, improve the productivity of programmers, and facilitate system management. OpenVMS Version 7.3 provides the following new features: o Improved disaster tolerant capabilities with ATM and Gigabit Eth- ernet as cluster interconnects because of their inherent high per- formance and long distance capabilities. o Greater system availability during backups with faster reintegra- tion of shadow members after copies. o Enhanced OpenVMS support for the latest ENSA Storage offerings. o Greater serviceability for the AlphaServer GS160/320 systems with CPU Online Replace. o Substantial application performance benefits can be realized with the new Extended File Cache. o Improved cluster, SMP and system performance through enhancements to RMS and the clusterwide Lock Manager, as well as FastPath sup- port for Fibre Channel and SCSI storage architectures. o OpenVMS adds industry standard Kerberos V5 security, which allows VMS applications to communicate and authenticate with Windows 2000 domains and UNIX platforms. o OpenVMS Intrusion Detection expands to be cluster-wide, reducing chances of system break-ins. o Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) Data Collector and ECP Performance Analyzer are now included with the purchase of Open- VMS Version 7.3. o The OpenVMS license is expanded to include all of these new e-Business technologies: - Compaq Secure Web Server Version 1.0-1 for OpenVMS Alpha (based on Apache). - Compaq COM for OpenVMS (Alpha) 2 - Extensible Markup Language (XML) Technology (XML parser and XSLT stylesheet processor) - Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, Version 1.2.2-3 for OpenVMS Alpha - Attunity Connect "On Platform" Package (native JDBC driver included) - Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX - Compaq OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business (X.500) - Compaq BridgeWorks Now, with Version 2.0 of Compaq DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for Open- VMS, the right to use all DCPS products (-Base, -Open, and -Plus) is bundled with the OpenVMS Operating System license. Media, documenta- tion, and services are sold separately. Refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.3 New Features and Documentation Overview manual and the OpenVMS Version 7.3 Release Notes for further details on the new enhancements, features, and functions for this release. USER ENVIRONMENT Users can access the OpenVMS software by using the English-like DIG- ITAL Command Language (DCL), the command language for OpenVMS that is supplied with the system. DCL commands provide information about the system and initiate system utilities and user programs. DCL commands take the form of a command name followed by parameters and qualifiers. With the DCL command PIPE, individual DCL operations can be connected using a UNIX like command syntax. OpenVMS prompts users to enter re- quired DCL parameters, making it easy for novice users. Users can enter DCL commands at a terminal or include them in command procedures. These command procedures can be run interactively or sub- mitted to a batch queue for later processing. Information on DCL and OpenVMS utilities is available on line through the OpenVMS Help system. Online help includes summary information on all aspects of system operation. 3 The following tools and utilities are integrated into the OpenVMS op- erating system. Text Processing The Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE), one of several text editors sup- plied by Compaq, is the default editor for OpenVMS. EVE allows users to insert, change, and delete text quickly. Written in the DIGITAL Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) language, EVE is a full-screen editor that allows users to scroll through text on a terminal screen. EVE provides an EDT-style keypad, allowing EDT users to move easily to EVE. EDT is also supported on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3. Mail Utility The Mail utility allows users to send messages to any other user on the system. Multinode operation is available if a DECnet or TCP/IP prod- uct is installed and licensed on each participating node on the net- work. Command-Level Programming Command-level programming allows users to create special files, called command procedures, that contain a series of DCL commands. When users execute a command procedure, the system processes the commands in the command procedure consecutively. Users can also use special DCL com- mands to: o Assign symbolic names o Evaluate numerical and logical expressions o Accept parameters o Communicate interactively with the user invoking the command pro- cedure o Perform conditional (IF-THEN-ELSE) and branching (GOTO) logic o Handle error conditions User Environment Tailoring 4 Users can customize the computing environment with login command pro- cedures, shorthand commands, binding of commands to function keys, and command recall and editing. Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) This facility allows Compaq 7-bit terminals to input and output the Compaq Multinational character set (MCS). Specific tables allow con- version for a number of different 7-bit National Replacement Charac- ter sets to MCS, such as French, German, Spanish, and Swedish. TFF also allows character composition on terminals that do not have the com- pose key. National Character Set (NCS) Utility This utility allows users to define non-ASCII string collating sequences and to define conversion functions. Conversion functions use conver- sion algorithms to change an input string; for example, to change low- ercase characters to uppercase. NCS also allows OpenVMS Record Man- agement Services (RMS) indexed files to be collated using user-specified collating sequences. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT OpenVMS includes a comprehensive set of tools for developing programs, including: run-time libraries (RTLs), a linker, a librarian, and a sym- bolic debugger. The assembly-level VAX MACRO-32 language is supplied with OpenVMS VAX. In addition, the Java 2 SDK provides an environment in which to develop and deploy Java applications on OpenVMS Alpha. The following tools are available to the OpenVMS programmer. Java 2 Software Development Kit The Java 2 SDK is a set of building blocks containing basic develop- ment tools and a rich set of class libraries. Language and Run-Time Library Support OpenVMS includes several RTLs that provide: o String manipulation 5 o Parallel processing support o I/O routines o I/O conversion o Terminal-independent screen handling o Date and time formatting routines o Highly accurate mathematical functions o Signaling and condition handling o Other general-purpose functions With OpenVMS VAX, these routines can be called from programs written in such languages as VAX MACRO-32, Compaq Ada, Compaq BASIC, VAX BLISS- 32 Implementation Language, VAX C, Compaq C, Compaq C++, Compaq COBOL, VAX DIBOL, Compaq Fortran, Compaq Pascal, and VAX PL/I. With OpenVMS Alpha, these routines can be called from programs writ- ten in such languages as MACRO-32, MACRO-64, Compaq Ada, Compaq BA- SIC, Compaq C, Compaq C++, Compaq COBOL, Compaq Fortran, Compaq Pas- cal, Java, and Compaq PL/I. Also included in OpenVMS Alpha are language-support libraries. While each language is different, all provide support for sequential file I/O, and most support direct and indexed file I/O. Language RTLs also provide support for I/O formatting, error handling, and in Compaq For- tran, the ability to read unformatted files that contain data from other vendors. RTLs are provided to support translated images created from user-mode images built on OpenVMS VAX Version 4.0 through Version 5.5-2. Depend- ing on the method used to create the VAX image, these RTLs can be use- ful for images built on later versions of OpenVMS VAX, which do not use features that were developed since OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2. 6 Translated image RTLs are used to support a few architectural features that differ between VAX and Alpha systems, such as VAX D-float and H- float. They also support programs converted to run on Alpha systems before native Alpha compilers were available for particular program- ming languages. Many Compaq languages adhere to the common calling standard. This means that routines written in any of these languages can directly call rou- tines written in any other language. Development of applications us- ing multiple languages is simple and straightforward. All user-accessible routines in the RTLs follow the OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX calling standard and condition-handling conventions, and most are contained within shareable images. At a lower level, programs can call system services directly for se- curity, event flag, asynchronous system trap, logical name, record and file I/O, process control, timer, time conversion, condition handling, lock management, and memory management. Again, system services use the OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha calling standard and condition-handling conventions. OpenVMS supports the execution of user-mode images created on earlier versions of OpenVMS. Typically, recompiling and relinking are not re- quired. MACRO Compiler (Alpha Only) For migration purposes, the MACRO compiler is supplied with the Open- VMS Alpha software. With minor modifications, VAX MACRO-32 sources can be compiled for ex- ecution on Alpha. Compaq POSIX Threads Library OpenVMS includes a user-mode, multithreading capability called Com- paq POSIX Threads Library. Compaq POSIX Threads Library provides a POSIX 1003.1-1996 standard style threads interface. Additionally, Compaq POSIX 7 Threads Library provides an interface that is the OpenVMS implemen- tation of Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) threads as defined by the Open Software Foundation (OSF). Compaq POSIX Threads Library is a library of run-time routines that allows the user to create multiple threads of execution within a sin- gle address space. With Compaq POSIX Threads Library Kernel Threads features enabled, Compaq POSIX Threads Library provides for concur- rent processing across all CPUs in a symmetric multiprocessor system by allowing a multithreaded application to have a thread executing on every CPU. On an asymmetric (e.g. NUMA) system, a single process can have a thread executing on all processors in the process's home RAD. Multithreading allows computation activity to overlap I/O activity. Synchronization elements, such as mutexes and condition variables, are provided to help ensure that shared resources are accessed correctly. For scheduling and prioritizing threads, Compaq POSIX Threads Library provides multiple scheduling policies. For debugging multithreaded ap- plications, Compaq POSIX Threads Library is supported by the OpenVMS Debugger. Compaq POSIX Threads Library also provides Thread Indepen- dent Services (TIS), which assist in the development of thread-safe APIs. Visual Threads Visual Threads is a new tool available with OpenVMS Version 7.3 that lets you analyze your multithreaded applications. You can use it to debug potential thread-related logic problems, even those hard-to-find problems that only occur due to slight timing differences. You can also use Visual Threads to pinpoint bottlenecks and performance problems by using its rule-based analysis, statistics capabilities and visu- alization techniques. Visual Threads can be used with any application that uses a POSIX threads API (POSIX, DCE, or CMA API), or is written in Java. Visual Threads features include the following: o Detects violation conditions based on the application of partic- ular rules in your application. Several predefined rules look for deadlock conditions, programming errors, and performance issues. 8 o Lets you use templates to define your own rules to specify crite- ria for violation conditions. o Records events to a trace file so that you can play back and an- alyze them later. o Dynamically displays events as they occur, with controls for search- ing and filtering. o Suspends execution of the application when it detects violation con- ditions. You can choose from several options at this point, includ- ing invoking the debugger in the appropriate context for your ap- plication. o Dynamically monitors multithreading objects (threads, mutexes, and so on) in real time. o Provides easy access to object-level statistics and current state information, including use of resources (for example, the mutexes a particular thread holds). o Automatic analysis of lock contention and lock granularity, sta- tistical hotspots, and processor utilization. o Visualizes thread state over time, level of contention, and object- level usage statistics. Librarian Utility The Librarian utility permits storage of object modules, image files, macros, help text, or any general record-oriented information in cen- tral, easily accessible files. Object module and image file libraries are searched by the linker when the linker finds a reference it can- not resolve in one of its input files. Alpha macro libraries are searched by the MACRO-32 compiler and MACRO-64 assembler when either finds a macro name that is not defined in the input file. VAX macro libraries are searched by the MACRO-32 assembler when the assembler finds a macro that is not defined in the input. Hypersort 9 Hypersort is a portable library of user-callable routines that pro- vide a high-performance sorting capability for Alpha systems. Traceback Facility When an application is compiled and linked with traceback information, the Traceback facility translates stack frame addresses into routine names and line numbers and displays a symbolic traceback whenever a runtime error occurs in that application. Debugger The OpenVMS Debugger allows users to trace program execution, as well as display and modify register contents using the same symbols that are present in the source code. The debugger contains a Heap Analyzer feature that displays a graphic view of memory allocations and deallocations in real time. Alpha System-Code Debugger The OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger is a kernel code debugger. It allows a system code developer to trace the execution of nonpageable system code at any Interrupt Priority Level (IPL). Based on the OpenVMS Alpha Debugger, the system-code debugger uses the same interface and most of the same command set. System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Utility In the event of a system failure, OpenVMS writes the contents of mem- ory to a preallocated dump file. This dump file can later be analyzed using System Dump Analyzer (SDA). System dumps can either be full mem- ory dumps, where all memory is written, or selective memory dumps, where only portions of memory in use at the time of the system failure is written. The dump file can be located on any locally connected disk. On Alpha only, dump compression allows both full and selective dumps to be written to smaller files than required for uncompressed dumps. Full memory dumps, if not compressed, require a dump file big enough to hold all memory. Selective memory dumps write as much of the mem- ory in use at the time of the system failure that will fit into the dump file. 10 Spinlock Tracing Utility The Spinlock Tracing Utility provides a mechanism for characterizing spinlock usage and can collect performance data for a given spinlock on a per-CPU basis. Process Dumps When an application fails, a copy of its registers and memory can be written to a data file, which can be examined using the ANALYZE PRO- CESS utility. This utility uses the same interface and commands as the OpenVMS Debugger to allow registers and memory to be examined. On Al- pha only, another process can initiate the writing of the memory dump. RMS File Utilities Record Management Services (RMS) file utilities allow users to ana- lyze the internal structure of an RMS file and tune the I/O, memory, space and performance parameters of the file. The RMS file utilities can also be used to create, load, and reclaim space in an RMS file. Refer to the Operating System Environment section of this SPD for more information on RMS. File Differences Utility This utility compares the contents of two files and lists those records that do not match. Translated Image Environment (TIE) (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Alpha provides an array of services that allow the operation of programs which have undergone binary translation from OpenVMS VAX images. These programs perform virtually all user-mode functions on OpenVMS Alpha and operate in combination with other programs (images) that have been translated from OpenVMS VAX or have been built using native compilers on OpenVMS Alpha. Without requiring special source code, the TIE resolves differences between the VAX and Alpha archi- tectures, including floating-point registers, condition codes, excep- tion handling, and ASTs. The TIE included with OpenVMS Alpha can run images that have been translated elsewhere. 11 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT OpenVMS provides a variety of features that aid the system manager in configuring and maintaining an optimal system. The following features are available to system managers. Compaq Availability Manager Version 1.4 Compaq Availability Manager is a system management tool that, from ei- ther an OpenVMS Alpha or a Windows 2000 node, enables you to monitor one or more OpenVMS nodes on an extended local area network (LAN). This tool helps system managers and analysts target a specific node or pro- cess for detailed analysis. The Availability Manager collects system and process data from multiple OpenVMS nodes simultaneously. It an- alyzes the data and displays the output using a native Java GUI. It is included in the OpenVMS distribution kit. The Availability Manager tool evolved from the OpenVMS only DECamds product and its Motif graphical user interface (GUI). Because the Avail- ability Manager Data Analyzer requires a run-time environment, it does not run on OpenVMS VAX, which does not support Java. To perform real- time system monitoring on VAX systems, one should use DECamds. Installation of Java Version 1.1.8 or later is required for the Avail- ability Manager Version 1.4 client on an OpenVMS system. Compaq rec- ommends using, at a minimum, the following hardware configuration: 500 MHz Alpha processor with 128 MB of memory. The Availability Manager Version 1.4 kit for OpenVMS includes the Data Analyzer and Data Col- lector: o The Java Data Analyzer can be installed only on OpenVMS Alpha Ver- sions 7.1, 7.1-2, 7.2, 7.2-1, and 7.2-1 variants. o The Data Collector can be installed on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Ver- sions 6.2, 7.1, 7.1-2, 7.2, 7.2-1, and 7.2-1 variants. On a Windows system, Compaq recommends using, at a minimum, either of the following hardware configurations: o Windows NT or 2000-300 MHz Intel Pentium processor with 96 MB of memory 12 o Windows NT-500 MHz Alpha processor with 128 MB of memory You can install the Availability Manager Data Analyzer on any system running Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later or on Windows 2000. Please note that you must reinstall Availability Manager Version 1.4 after upgrad- ing to Windows 2000. DECamds Version 7.2-1B DECamds version 7.2-1B is available on the OpenVMS distribution kit. DECamds is a separately installable, real time, high performance, mul- tisystem monitoring utility. It is supported on any system running Open- VMS Version 7.1 or higher. With OpenVMS Version 7.1, the right to use DECamds was included under the terms and conditions of the OpenVMS op- erating system base license for both Alpha and VAX. DECamds is the pre- decessor of the newer application Availability Manager. DECamds provides system resource monitoring, investigation aid, and correction capability. This enables system managers to proactively and effectively manage multiple systems from a centralized DECwindows dis- play. DECamds software includes an OpenVMS device driver, which is in- stalled on every node on the LAN that is to be monitored. The soft- ware includes a Motif GUI application that allows a system manager to perform monitoring functions. The Motif application can be installed on any OpenVMS Alpha or VAX workstation. DECamds is currently in main- tenance mode. All new system management functionality requested for DECamds will be directed to our Availability Manager product. Compaq Management Agents for OpenVMS Version 2.1 Compaq Management Agents for OpenVMS Version 2.1 consists of a web server for system management, with management agents that allow you to com- municate with devices on their OpenVMS systems over the Internet or intranet. Compaq Management Agents for OpenVMS utilizes Web-based en- terprise management (WBEM) architecture. This is an architecture that allows one to use a web browser to monitor many devices that are con- nected to a network. Devices can be computer systems, networked print- ers, or network components such as router. WBEM uses a three-tiered 13 architecture that includes a management server, devices managed by web agents, and a web browser. Compaq Management Agents for OpenVMS use SNMP and TCP/IP protocols that allow the "management server" to communicate with OpenVMS devices. The management agents use common web-enabling components to provide reg- istration, discovery, HTTP communications, and a home page for the man- aged devices. The management agents can send information directly to the "management server" or they can create an HTML file to communi- cate directly with a browser. Compaq Management Agents for OpenVMS utilize Compaq Insight Manager XE on an NT server as the "management server/application." With the introduction of Compaq Insight Manager XE on an NT server, management of all your Compaq platforms inclusive of OpenVMS from a single NT server becomes a possibility. Compaq Insight Manager XE, which is an exam- ple of a "management server/application," is a web-based interface that enables you to look across a heterogeneous computing services envi- ronment and access information about devices connected to the network. Using the Insight Manager XE, one can obtain information about the con- figuration of OpenVMS systems and their components or peripherals. Com- paq Management Agents for OpenVMS is an example of a Compaq Insight Manager XE web agent. Management Agents for OpenVMS provides the means of communication between OpenVMS devices and the web browser. The Com- paq Insight Manager XE "management server" provides a single refer- ence point for data from all devices. The "management server" uses its connection with the web browser to display device data to the user. OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.0 OpenVMS Management Station is a powerful, Microsoft Windows NT based management tool for system managers and others who perform system man- agement tasks on OpenVMS systems. OpenVMS Management Station features a powerful, intuitive user interface. System managers and help desk staff no longer need to remember complicated DCL syntax or command pro- cedures to manage their OpenVMS systems. OpenVMS Management Station makes system management much easier. 14 Three functional areas are now implemented in OpenVMS Management Sta- tion: user account management, printer queue management, and storage configuration management. For user account management, OpenVMS Man- agement Station supports account creation, modification, and deletion, as well as renaming accounts and displaying account attributes. Printer queue management makes it possible for system managers to manage all printers, print queues, and jobs in their environment using a central- ized Windows GUI. This includes monitoring one or more printers, adding or removing printers, and their associated queues, examining and mod- ifying queue and printer attributes, and requeuing or deleting jobs. The current release of OpenVMS Management Station adds storage man- agement support. OpenVMS Management Station now makes it easy for one to manage their disk storage devices across multiple OpenVMS Cluster systems and OpenVMS Nodes. With OpenVMS Management Station one no longer needs to maintain complicated command files to control their storage environment. One can create, delete, and manage storage from an easy- to-use Windows interface. It provides a persistent database that can automatically determine and configure your system's storage config- uration at system startup. OpenVMS Management Station is now based on the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The Microsoft Management Console provides a common man- agement framework for various administration programs. OpenVMS Man- agement Station is implemented as an MMC snap-in and includes all of the MMC components you need. Features include: o Storage Configuration Management-You can create, delete, and man- age a disk volume under one interface. Wizards make it easy to add systems to be managed, create a volume, and so forth. o Configuration Control Over Reboots- If you allow it to, OpenVMS Man- agement Station preserves the disk configuration across reboots. OpenVMS Management Station can mount and maintain your storage con- figuration without intervention. And, OpenVMS Management Station mounts volumes much faster than is possible with DCL or command pro- cedures, so performance is enhanced. 15 o Coexistence with Established Environment-You do not have to change your existing DCL command procedures if you don't want to. You can use the display capabilities of OpenVMS Management Station with- out having to use the automated mount feature. In this way, you can give OpenVMS Management Station as little or as much control as you are comfortable with. o Remote Management Supported-You can use OpenVMS Management Station to remotely manage your OpenVMS systems. Once you establish a TCP/IP RAS connection, you can then use OpenVMS Management Station to man- age your OpenVMS systems from home or on the road. Note: The version of MMC included in this baselevel requires files provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. Version 3.02 or later of Internet Ex- plorer must be present on the system. The OpenVMS Management Station client supports only TCP/IP connections for primary servers, so at least one OpenVMS system must be running TCP/IP. If you are running Version 6.2 of OpenVMS and plan to manage shadow volumes, remedial kits are required. Additional TCP/IP stacks for OpenVMS have not been tested. However, TCP/IP stacks that are 100% compliant with the QIO interface for Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS should also work. Contact your TCP/IP vendor for additional information and support issues. Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) Data Collector and ECP Per- formance Analyzer Beginning with the release of OpenVMS Version 7.3, ECP Data Collec- tor and ECP Performance Analyzer Version 5.4, engineered and supported by Compaq, are licensed with the OpenVMS operating system and avail- able from the OpenVMS System Management web page at: /system_management.html ECP Data Collector and ECP Performance Analyzer will be licensed with the OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Operating System Version 6.2 to Version 7.3. 16 ECP Data Collector is a highly efficient, detailed performance data collector and ECP Performance Analyze provides graphic historical re- porting of OpenVMS performance parameters. Satisfying the needs of En- terprise Management, ECP Data Collector also contains an API that pro- vides an interface for the access of collected performance data. This interface converts the contents of the .CPC data file generated by the data collector into a formatted, comma-separated ASCII file that can then be used for performance analysis and reporting programs. The ECP Data Collector provides: o Robust data collection set-It collects more system metrics than other vendors (for example, over 250 VMS performance parameters). o Flexible data collection-The sampling rate of data can be tuned down to sub-second intervals. o Low overhead-Audited production systems now running have routinely shown that the collector has less than 1.5% impact on CPU. The ECP Performance Analyzer provides: o Native OpenVMS product running under Motif o Viewing of performance data in graphical format o Analyzed data including CPU, Memory and I/O o User-selected sampling rate Software Support Service for these products is sold separately and is available on an incremental basis. Please contact your Compaq Services representative for further details. Class Scheduler for CPU Scheduling With OpenVMS Version 7.3, a new SYSMAN-based interface for defining and controlling scheduling classes has been added. This new class sched- uler for both Alpha and VAX systems allows you to designate the per- centage of CPU time that a system's users may receive by placing users into scheduling classes. 17 Batch and Print Queuing System OpenVMS provides an extensive batch and print capability that allows the creation of queues and the setup of spooled devices to process non- interactive workloads in parallel with timesharing or real-time jobs. The OpenVMS batch and print operations support two types of queues: generic queues and execution queues. A generic queue is an interme- diate queue that holds a job until an appropriate execution queue be- comes available to initiate the job. An execution queue is a queue through which the job (either print or batch) is actually processed. The system queues batch jobs for execution. The system manager can reg- ulate the number of queues and the number of streams per queue (the number of batch jobs in the queue that can execute concurrently). Both generic and execution batch queues can have different attributes, such as the maximum CPU time permitted, working set size, and prior- ity. Facilities are provided for starting and stopping queues and for starting and stopping jobs in a queue. Because multiple execution queues can be associated with a generic queue, OpenVMS VAX enables load bal- ancing across available CPUs in an OpenVMS Cluster system, increas- ing overall system throughput. Print queues, both generic and execution, together with queue manage- ment facilities, provide versatile print capabilities, including sup- port for various print file formats. The maximum number of process identifiers for queuing requests is 1024. Accounting Utility For accounting purposes, OpenVMS keeps records of system resource us- age. These statistics include processor and memory utilization, I/O counts, print symbiont line counts, image activation counts, and pro- cess termination records. The OpenVMS Accounting utility allows you to generate various reports using this data. Audit Analysis Utility 18 For security auditing purposes, OpenVMS selectively records critical, security-relevant events in the system security audit log file. These records contain the date and time the event occurred, the identity of the associated user process, and information specific to each event type. This information helps the system manager maintain system se- curity and deter possible intruders. The OpenVMS Audit Analysis util- ity allows you to generate various reports from this data. Autoconfigure/AUTOGEN Utilities The Autoconfigure and AUTOGEN utilities automatically configure the available devices in the system tables and set system parameters based on the peripheral and memory architecture. This eliminates the need for a traditional system generation process when the hardware config- uration is expanded or otherwise modified. The OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure sets several system parameters automatically by detecting the devices installed in a configuration. A feedback option allows you to generate a report of recommended pa- rameter settings based on previous usage patterns. Backup Utility The Backup utility provides both full-volume and incremental file back- ups for file-structured, mounted volumes and volume sets. Individual files, selected directory structures, or all files on a volume set can be backed up and restored. Files can be selected by various dates (such as creation or modification) and can be backed up to magnetic tape, magnetic disk, or Write Once Read Many (WORM) optical disk. The Backup utility can also be used to restore a save set or list the contents of a save set. A BACKUP API has been added for invoking backup routines from an ex- ecutable procedure. The Backup Manager for OpenVMS provides a screen-oriented interface to the Backup utility that assists users in performing routine backup operations. The Backup Manager is menu driven and provides: 19 o Access to the save, restore, and list operations without having to understand Backup command syntax o The ability to create, modify, recall, and delete Backup Manager templates that describe the Backup save operations The Backup Manager works on all supported OpenVMS configurations with a video terminal. It uses the Screen Management (SMG) RTL routines to provide a window-like user interface. The software does not assume any privilege on the part of its user beyond access to the files and de- vices being operated upon. Standalone BACKUP Utility (VAX Only) Standalone BACKUP provides a mechanism for system managers to back up and restore system disks. This utility can also be used during the in- stallation of the OpenVMS VAX operating system. Analyze Disk Structure Utility The Analyze Disk Structure utility compares the structure information on a disk volume with the contents of the disk, prints the structure information, and permits changes to that information. It can also be used to repair errors detected in the file structure of disks. Monitor Utility The Monitor utility enables the system manager to monitor different classes of systemwide performance data including: process activity, I/O activity, memory-management activity, vector-processing activity (VAX only), and two-phase, commit-transaction activity at specified intervals. The data can be displayed as it is gathered or saved in a file for later use. License Management Facility (LMF) The License Management facility allows the system manager to enable software licenses and to determine which software products are licensed on an OpenVMS system. System Management Utility (SYSMAN) 20 The System Management utility allows system managers to define a man- agement environment in which operations performed from the local Open- VMS system can be executed on all other OpenVMS systems in the envi- ronment. The environment can include OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems con- figured in an OpenVMS Cluster or multiple systems networked through DECnet or DECnet-Plus. Operations OpenVMS allows for varying levels of privilege to be assigned to dif- ferent operators. Operators can use the OpenVMS Help Message utility to receive online descriptions of error messages. In addition, system- generated messages can be routed to different terminals based on their interest to the console operators, tape librarians, security admin- istrators, and system managers. Security Kerberos Kerberos Version 1.0 for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX, based on MIT Kerberos Version 5 Release 1.0.5, is included on the OpenVMS Version 7.3 distribution media. (Kerberos documentation provided by MIT is in- cluded on the OpenVMS documentation CD-ROM in HTML format.) Kerberos is a network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryp- tography. The Kerberos for OpenVMS authentication system, based upon work done by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is provided in three separate components: o Key Distribution Center (KDC) server o Client subsystem 21 o Two application-programming interfaces, one written to comply with the Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSS- API V2) specification as defined by RFC2078. The second API presents the Kerberos interface to the users. Both APIs are delivered as sharable images on OpenVMS. Kerberos was created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a solution to network security problems. The Kerberos protocol uses strong cryptography so that a client can prove its identity to a server (and vice versa) across an insecure network connection. After a client and server have used Kerberos to prove their identity, they can also encrypt all of their communications to assure privacy and data integrity. General information about Kerberos is available from the following World Wide Web address: Per-Thread Security Profiles Thread-level security allows for simplified multiprofile application development and improves overall performance while maintaining a high level of security. This feature allows each execution thread of a mul- tithreaded process to run an independent security profile without im- pacting the security profiles of other threads in the process. This feature, known as Per-thread security profiles, includes a new security structure, known as the Persona Security Block (PSB), which supersedes many process-wide structures and fields including the ARB, JIB username and account information, PHD privilege bits, and the PCB NOAUDIT cell. A new SYSGEN parameter, ARB_SUPPORT, has been added to allow system managers to control the level by which the current security data in the PSB will be backported to these old privilege data cells. There are four levels of support ranging from NONE (ARB_SUPPPORT = 0) to FULL (ARB_SUPPORT = 3). External Authentication 22 External authentication is an optional feature that enables OpenVMS systems to authenticate designated users within a LAN Manager domain using their LAN Manager user name and password. If you want to enable external authentication on your system, you need DECwindows Version 1.2-4 or later and any requirements outlined in the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configu- ration Guide and the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. See these manuals and the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for detailed information about using external authen- tication. For additional information on Advanced Server for OpenVMS and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, refer to the Associated Products section of this SPD. Users who are externally authenticated by their LAN Manager need only remember a single user name/password combination to gain access to their OpenVMS and LAN Manager accounts. In addition, the OpenVMS DCL com- mand SET PASSWORD has been enhanced to update the user's password in the LAN Manager domain database (as well as optionally synchronize the SYSUAF password). For externally authenticated users, the normal system authorization database (SYSUAF.DAT) is used to construct the OpenVMS process pro- file (UIC, privileges, quotas, and so on) and to apply specific lo- gin restrictions. However, there are two key differences between ex- ternally authenticated users and normal OpenVMS users. For externally authenticated users: o The password stored in the SYSUAF is not the password used to ver- ify the user at login time. o The SYSUAF user name selected to be used for OpenVMS process iden- tification may not be the same as the LAN Manager user name that was used to authenticate the user at login. The system manager spec- ifies the LAN Manager to OpenVMS user name mapping for each user. Security APIs 23 Security APIs for intrusion detection, proxy access, and impersonation services are available on both the Alpha and VAX platforms to provide better security in client/server applications. With OpenVMS Version 7.3, Intrustion Detection capabilities have now been expanded to be clusterwide. The Security Persona services provide the ability to support alter- nate security models. OpenVMS security persona services allow Open- VMS applications the ability to attach NT or any other Non-OpenVMS se- curity credentials to an OpenVMS security profile. Government Security Ratings As the following table illustrates, OpenVMS is committed to consis- tently delivering rated security in our base products. ___________________________________________________________________ Version_______________Rating____Evaluation_Date____________________ OpenVMS Alpha E3 2001 6.2-1H3+ OpenVMS Alpha 6.1 C2 1996 SEVMS Alpha 6.1 B1 1996 OpenVMS VAX 6.1 C2 1995 SEVMS VAX 6.1 B1 1995 OpenVMS VAX 6.0 C2 1993 SEVMS VAX 6.0 B1 1993 VAX/VMS 4.3 C2 1988 ___________________________________________________________________ +Currently_in_ITSEC_Rating_________________________________________ These ratings represent the National Computer Security Center vali- dation of the design of the OpenVMS and SEVMS operating systems against DoD 5200.28-STD Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Eval- uation Criteria. To obtain an evaluation summary, please visit the US NCSC at Trusted Product Evaluation Program (TPEP) homepage at: 24 OpenVMS provides a rich set of tools to control user access to system- controlled data structures and devices that store information. Open- VMS employs a reference monitor concept that mediates all access at- tempts between subjects (such as user processes) and security-relevant system objects (such as files). OpenVMS also provides a system secu- rity audit log file that records the results of all object access at- tempts. The audit log can also be used to capture information regard- ing a wide variety of other security-relevant events. The system manager maintains user account information in the system user authorization file (SYSUAF). When creating user accounts with the Authorize utility, the system manager assigns the privileges and quo- tas associated with each user account. The system manager also assigns a user name, password, and unique user identification code (UIC) to each account. Additional identifiers can be assigned to each account, allowing users to belong to multiple overlapping groups or projects. The system manager can limit account use by the time of day, day of week, and type of access, such as local, remote, network, or batch. To log in and gain access to the system, the user must supply a valid user name and password. The password is encoded and does not appear on terminal displays. Users can change their password voluntarily, or the system manager can specify how frequently passwords change, along with minimum password length, and the use of randomly generated pass- words. OpenVMS provides a password dictionary filter that screens password choices for common words, and a user password history filter that pre- vents users from re-using passwords that they have used within the past year. In addition to these built-in filters, a site can design and in- stall its own filter to screen passwords according to a site-specific password policy. The system password hash algorithm can also be replaced with a pri- vate algorithm for those sites that have contractual obligations to use specific public or private password encryption algorithms. The sys- tem manager can enable this feature on a per-user, per-password ba- sis. 25 Login security includes break-in detection, which disables terminals when password guessing is detected. Users retain a secure login path, which can thwart Trojan horse attacks against local terminals. Addi- tionally, the system manager can associate a system password with dial- in terminal lines to prevent the display of any operating system-specific identification that might yield clues to possible attack methods. When a user logs in, the system displays a message stating when the last login for the account occurred and the number of failed attempts since the last successful login. Every security-relevant system object is labeled with the UIC of its owner along with a simple protection mask. The owner UIC consists of two fields: the user field and a group field. System objects also have a protection mask that allows read, write, execute, and delete access to the object's owner, group, privileged system users, and to all other users. The system manager can protect system objects with access con- trol lists (ACLs) that allow access to be granted or denied to a list of individual users, groups, or identifiers. ACLs can also be used to audit access attempts to critical system objects. OpenVMS applies full protection to the following system objects: o Capabilities (VAX only) o Common event flag clusters o Devices o Files o Group global sections o Logical name tables o Batch/print queues o Resource domains o Security classes o System global sections o Volumes (ODS-2) 26 o Volumes (ODS-5) OpenVMS provides security attribute defaults in the form of security profile templates. These templates are referenced whenever a new ob- ject is created and provide a means of associating default security information with each system object class, except for files. Protec- tion information for files is inherited from the previous version of an existing file, the parent directory, or the default protection of the creating process. Data scavenging protection can be enabled in the form of high-water marking and erase-on-delete attributes. These attributes ensure that the contents of a file cannot be read after the file has been deleted. The system manager can enforce file erasure on a per-volume basis. The system manager can also replace the disk erasure pattern with a pri- vate pattern for those sites that have contractual obligations to use a specific pattern. Security auditing is provided for the selective recording of security- related events. This auditing information can be directed to security operator terminals (alarms) or to the system security audit log file (audits). Each audit record contains the date and time of the event, the identity of the associated user process, and additional informa- tion specific to each event. OpenVMS provides security auditing for the following events: o Login and logout o Login failures and break-in attempts o Object creation, access, deaccess, and deletion; selectable by use of privilege, type of access, and on individual objects o Authorization database changes o Network logical link connections for DECnet for OpenVMS, DECnet- Plus, DECwindows, IPC, and SYSMAN o Use of identifiers or privileges o Installed image additions, deletions, and replacements 27 o Volume mounts and dismounts o Use of the Network Control Program (NCP) utility o Use or failed use of individual privileges o Use of individual process control system services o System parameter changes o System time changes and recalibrations Note: Because no system can provide complete security, Compaq cannot guarantee complete system security. However, Compaq continues to en- hance the security capabilities of its products. Customers are strongly advised to follow all industry-recognized security practices. Open- VMS recommended procedures are included in the OpenVMS Guide to Sys- tem Security. OPERATING SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT OpenVMS VAX Processes and Scheduling The basic unit of execution in OpenVMS VAX is the process. A process consists of individual address space and registers known as context, and code called an executable image. The context identifies the pro- cess and describes its current state. Executable images consist of sys- tem programs and user programs that have been compiled and linked. The maximum number of concurrent processes is 8,192 per OpenVMS VAX system. Processes receive time to execute their images based on the priority. Thirty-two priorities are recognized on OpenVMS VAX, and 64 priori- ties are recognized on OpenVMS Alpha. Priorities 0 to 15 are for time- sharing processes and applications (four is the typical default for timesharing processes). Priorities 16 to 32 on VAX and 16 to 63 on Al- pha are for real-time processes. 28 Each time an event such as an I/O interrupt occurs, the system ser- vices the event first and then passes control to the highest prior- ity process ready to execute. The system automatically adjusts the pri- orities of processes in the range of 0 to 15 to favor I/O-bound and interactive processes. However, the system does not adjust the pri- ority of a process in the range of 16 to 31 for VAX or 16 to 63 for Alpha. Real-time processes can be assigned higher priorities to ensure that they receive processor time whenever they are ready to execute. Real- time processes are scheduled preemptively; that is, if a real-time pro- cess is ready to execute, it is given to the processor immediately, unless a process with a higher priority is ready to execute. OpenVMS uses paging and swapping to provide sufficient virtual mem- ory for concurrently executing processes. Paging and swapping are also provided for processes whose memory requirements exceed available phys- ical memory. The maximum working set size is 512 MB of memory for VAX and 4 GB for Alpha. Programmers can control memory management from within an image. An im- age executing in a real-time process, for example, can inhibit pag- ing or swapping of critical code and data. Peripheral devices can be managed by the system or allocated by in- dividual processes. At least one disk must be a system disk. Other disks can be designated as data disks for the general use of all users log- ging in to the system or for a specific group of users. The system con- trols interactive terminals and one or more printers. OpenVMS Alpha Processes and Scheduling The basic unit of execution in OpenVMS Alpha is the kernel thread. A kernel thread consists of individual address space and registers known as context, and code called an executable image. The context identi- fies the kernel thread and describes its current state. Each process can have up to 256 kernel threads. Executable images consist of sys- tem programs and user programs that have been compiled and linked. 29 The maximum number of concurrent processes is 16,384 per OpenVMS Al- pha system. Kernel threads receive processor time to execute their images based on the priority of the process. Thirty-two priorities are recognized on OpenVMS VAX, and 64 priorities are recognized on OpenVMS Alpha. Pri- orities 0 to 15 are for time-sharing processes and applications (four is the typical default for timesharing processes). Priorities 16 to 32 on VAX and 16 to 63 on Alpha are for real-time processes. Each time an event such as an I/O interrupt occurs, the system first services the event and then passes control to the highest priority ker- nel thread ready to execute. The system adjusts the priorities of ker- nel threads whose base priority is in the range of 0 to 15 to favor I/O-bound and interactive processes. However, the system does not ad- just the priority of a kernel thread in the range of 16 to 31 for VAX or 16 to 63 for Alpha. Real-time processes can be assigned higher priorities to ensure that they receive processor time whenever they are ready to execute. Real- time processes are scheduled preemptively; that is, if a real-time pro- cess is ready to execute, it is given to the processor immediately, unless a higher priority process is ready to execute. OpenVMS uses paging and swapping to provide sufficient virtual mem- ory for concurrently executing processes. Paging and swapping is also provided for processes whose memory requirements exceed available phys- ical memory. Programmers can control memory management from within an image. An im- age executing in a real-time process, for example, can inhibit pag- ing or swapping of critical code and data. Peripheral devices can be managed by the system or allocated by in- dividual processes. At least one disk must be a system disk. Other disks can be designated as data disks for the general use of all users log- ging in to the system or for a specific group of users. The system con- trols interactive terminals and one or more printers. 64-Bit Virtual Addressing (Alpha Only) 30 The OpenVMS Alpha operating system provides support for 64-bit vir- tual memory addressing. This capability makes the 8TB virtual address space, defined by the Alpha architecture, available to the OpenVMS Al- pha operating system and to application programs. Future hardware im- plementations will provide greater capacity. OpenVMS Alpha compilers and applications take advantage of 64-bit processing by using 64-bit data types. Refer to the SPDs for the OpenVMS Alpha compilers for fur- ther details. Note that the application virtual address space defaults to a 32-bit implementation for compatibility and migration purposes. Very Large Memory (VLM) Features (Alpha Only) OpenVMS Alpha provides the following additional memory management VLM features beyond those provided by 64-bit virtual addressing: o Memory-resident global sections o Fast I/O for global sections o Shared page tables o Expandable global page table o Reserved memory registry Memory-resident global sections allow a database server to keep larger amounts of "hot" data cached in physical memory. The database server then accesses the data directly from physical memory without perform- ing I/O read operations from the database files on disk. With faster access to the data in physical memory, run-time performance increases dramatically. As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, VLM applications that share a large memory-resident cache can use Fast I/O for memory shared by processes through global sections. Fast I/O improves the ability of a VLM ap- plication, such as a database server, to handle larger capacities and higher data throughput rates. By reducing the CPU costs per I/O re- quest, Fast I/O and memory-resident global sections dramatically in- crease performance for critical database server I/O operations. 31 Shared page tables allow that same database server to reduce the amount of physical memory consumed within the system. Because multiple server processes share the same physical page tables that map the large database cache, an OpenVMS Alpha system can support more server processes. This increases overall system capacity and decreases response time to client requests. Also, with shared page tables, the database server startup time is dra- matically reduced because server processes can map memory-resident global sections hundreds of times faster than traditional global sections. With a multiple gigabyte global database cache, the server startup per- formance gains can be significant. The system parameters GBLPAGES and GBLPAGFIL are dynamic parameters. Users with the CMKRNL privilege can change these parameter values on a running system. Increasing the value of the GBLPAGES parameter al- lows the global page table to expand, on demand, up to the new max- imum size. The Reserved Memory Registry supports memory-resident global sections and shared page tables. Through its interface within the SYSMAN util- ity, the Reserved Memory Registry allows an OpenVMS system to be con- figured with large amounts of memory set aside for use within memory- resident sections or other privileged code. The Reserved Memory Reg- istry also allows an OpenVMS system to be properly tuned through AU- TOGEN, thus accounting for the preallocated reserved memory. Extended Physical Addressing (VAX Only) Physical address space is 32 bits. The OpenVMS VAX operating system can provide 3.5 GB of physical memory and .5 GB of I/O and adapter space. This enables large applications and workloads to access the large amounts of physical memory that they require. The following table lists the VAX processors that support this extended physical addressing: 32 _________________Accessible________________________________________ Physical System___________Memory______I/O_and_Adapter_Space_________________ VAX 6000 1.25 GB .5 GB model 600 VAX 7000 3.5 GB .5 GB series VAX 10000 3.5 GB .5 GB series_____________________________________________________________ Vector Processing (VAX Only) A single data item with only one value is known as a scalar value. A group of related scalar values, or elements, with the same data type, is known as a vector. An extension to the VAX architecture defines an optional design for integrated vector processing that has been adopted by several VAX sys- tems. The VAX vector architecture includes sixteen 64-bit vector reg- isters (V0 through V15), each containing 64 elements, vector control registers, vector function units, and a set of vector instructions. VAX vector instructions transfer data between the vector registers and memory, perform integer and floating-point arithmetic, and execute pro- cessor control functions. A more detailed description of the VAX vector architecture, vector reg- isters, and vector instructions appears in the VAX MACRO and Instruc- tion Set Reference Manual. The OpenVMS VAX operating system provides fully shared, multiprogram- ming support for VAX vector processing systems. By default, OpenVMS VAX loads vector support code when initializing vector-present sys- tems but does not load it when initializing vector-absent systems. Sys- tem managers can control this behavior by using the VECTOR_PROC sys- tem parameter. 33 The presence of vector support code in a system has little effect on processes running in a scalar-only system, or scalar processes run- ning in a vector-present system. If many processes must compete si- multaneously for vector processor resources, the system manager can maintain good performance by adjusting system resources and process quotas. The OpenVMS VAX operating system makes the services of the vector pro- cessor available to system users by means of a software abstract known as a capability. A system manager can restrict the use of the vector processor to users holding a particular identifier by associating an ACL entry with the VECTOR object. The VAX Vector Instruction Emulation Facility (VVIEF) is a standard feature of the OpenVMS VAX operating system. It allows vectorized ap- plications to be written and debugged in a VAX system in which vec- tor processors are not available. VVIEF emulates the VAX vector pro- cessing environment, including the nonprivileged VAX vector instruc- tions and the OpenVMS VAX vector system services. Use of VVIEF is re- stricted to code in user mode. DECdtm Services The DECdtm services embedded in the OpenVMS operating system support fully distributed databases using a two-phase commit protocol. The DECdtm services provide the technology and features for distributed process- ing, ensuring both transaction and database integrity across multi- ple Compaq resource managers. Updates to distributed databases occur as a single all-or-nothing unit of work, regardless of where the data physically resides. This ensures the consistency of distributed data. DECdtm services allow applications to define global transactions that can include calls to any number of Compaq data management products. Regardless of the mix of data management products used, the global trans- action either commits or aborts. OpenVMS is unique in providing trans- action processing functionality with base operating system services. 34 DECdtm features include: o Embedded OpenVMS system services that support the DECtp architec- ture, providing the features and technology for distributed trans- action processing. o Ability for multiple disjoint resources to be updated automatically. These resources can be either physically disjointed on different clusters at separate sites, or logically disjointed in different databases on the same node. o Robust application development. Applications can be written to en- sure that data is never in an inconsistent state, even in the event of system failures. o Ability to be called using any Compaq TP monitor or database prod- uct. This is useful for applications using several Compaq database products. Interprocess Communication OpenVMS provides the following facilities for applications that con- sist of multiple cooperating processes: o Mailboxes as virtual devices that allow processes to communicate with queued messages. o Shared memory sections on a single processor or an SMP system that permit multiple processes to access shared address space concur- rently. o Galaxywide sections on a Galaxy platform that permit multiple pro- cesses in multiple instances to access shared address space con- currently. o Common event flags that provide simple synchronization. o A lock manager that provides a more comprehensive enqueue/dequeue facility with multilevel locks, values, and asynchronous system traps (ASTs). 35 o Intracluster communication services through which two processes run- ning on the same system or on different OpenVMS Cluster nodes can establish a connection and exchange data. o Logical names through which one process can pass information to other processes running on the same system or on different OpenVMS Clus- ter nodes. o Network interprocess communication is available via TCP/IP Services and DECnet-PLUS (product licenses are required). Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) OpenVMS provides symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support for both Al- pha and VAX multiprocessor systems. SMP is a form of tightly coupled multiprocessing in which all processors perform operations simulta- neously. All processors perform operations in all OpenVMS access modes, user, supervisor, executive, and kernel. OpenVMS SMP configurations consist of multiple CPUs executing code from a single shared memory address space. Users and processes share a sin- gle copy of OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX address space. SMP also pro- vides simultaneous shared access to common data in global sections to all processors. OpenVMS SMP selects the CPU where a process will run based on its priority and in special cases as directed by the appli- cation. OpenVMS uses a specialized scheduling algorithm when running a nonuniform memory access (NUMA) platform. SMP support is an integral part of OpenVMS and is provided to the user transparently. Because an SMP system is a single system entity, it is configured into a network and OpenVMS Cluster configurations as a sin- gle node. Networking Facilities OpenVMS provides device drivers for all Compaq local area network (LAN) adapters listed in the LAN Options section of Appendix A of this SPD. Application programmers can use the QIO system service to communicate with other systems connected via the LAN using either Ethernet or In- stitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 packet 36 format. Simultaneous use of Compaq Ethernet and the IEEE 802.3 pro- tocols are supported on any Compaq LAN adapter. OpenVMS supports the standards defined by the ATM Forum's LANE Ver- sion 1.0 specifications for LAN emulation over an ATM network. By im- plementing an emulated LAN over an ATM network, you enable a group of ATM stations to act like a traditional LAN. LAN emulated over an ATM network allows you to run your existing applications basically unchanged, while the computers on which your applications are running are con- nected to the ATM network. DECnet-Plus offers task-to-task communications, file management, down- line system and task loading, network command terminals, and network resource sharing capabilities as defined in the DIGITAL Network Ar- chitecture (DNA) Phase V protocols. DECnet-Plus provides the newest DECnet features such as extended addressing and downline-load perfor- mance enhancements. DECnet-Plus integrates DECnet and OSI protocols and now provides a linkage to TCP/IP using Request for Comments (RFC) 1006 and RFC 1859. DECnet and OSI applications can now be run over DEC- net (NSP), OSI (CLNS), and TCP/IP transports. DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha offers the networking capabilities as defined in the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) Phase IV. For more information, refer to the DECnet-Plus and DECnet Software portion of the Associated Products section of this SPD. Terminal Server Products Compaq's terminal server products provide terminal server access to OpenVMS. When used in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, terminal servers distribute users across the available Alpha and VAX systems at login time. OpenVMS can also establish a connection to other devices (such as print- ers) attached to such terminal servers. Reliability 37 OpenVMS handles hardware errors as transparently as possible while main- taining data integrity and providing sufficient information to diag- nose errors. The system limits the effects of an error by first de- termining if the error is fatal. If the error occurs in system con- text, the current OpenVMS system shuts down. If the error is not fa- tal, the system recovers actions pertinent to the error and contin- ues the current operation. In all cases, information relevant to the error is written to the er- ror log file for later analysis. Hardware errors include the follow- ing categories: o Processor errors. These include processor soft errors, processor hard errors, processor machine checks, and adapter errors. o Memory errors. These can be unrecoverable (hard) errors or recov- erable (soft) errors. The system examines memory at startup time and does not use any bad pages. During system operation, the sys- tem corrects all single-bit memory errors for those systems with error correction code (ECC) memory. On OpenVMS VAX, an unrecover- able error causes the memory page on which the error occurred to be added to the bad page list. If the page has not been modified, system operation continues with a new copy of the page. o Correctable memory errors. A primary cause of these correctable mem- ory errors is alpha particle radiation. On some processors, when correctable memory errors occur, the memory controller corrects only the data returned to the CPU or I/O controller. The actual data in memory is left with the error intact. Subsequent read operations cause correction cycles to occur and, in most cases, an interrupt to report the error. On many of these processors, OpenVMS monitors the occurrence of correctable memory errors and, in almost all cases, is able to remove the error condition by rewriting the data in mem- ory. Rewriting the data causes the data to be corrected in that mem- ory location. On OpenVMS VAX, if the cause of the error is not tran- sient, and the error condition persists, the operating system at- tempts to move the data from the existing page, which contains the error, to a new page. The original page is then retired from use. 38 Other failures include: o Operating system errors (system-detected inconsistencies or archi- tectural errors in system context) o User errors o I/O errors The system logs all processor errors, all operating system errors de- tected through internal consistency checks, all double-bit memory er- rors (and a summary of corrected single-bit memory errors), and most I/O errors. If the system is shut down because of an unrecoverable hardware or soft- ware error, a dump of physical memory is written. The dump includes the contents of the processor registers. The OpenVMS System Dump An- alyzer (SDA) utility is provided for analyzing memory dumps. Power Failures (VAX Only) If the power fails, the system shuts down automatically. When power is restored, the system restarts automatically and resumes process- ing at the point of interruption under these circumstances: o If the system has a time-of-day clock and a memory battery backup unit o If the contents of memory are still valid o If the system is set to permit automatic rebooting The system restarts device and communication lines and all I/O oper- ations in progress, including magnetic tape I/O operations. On request, programs can be notified of power restoration. An optional battery- operated hardware clock resets the date and time of day when the sys- tem restarts. If the system does not have a battery backup unit, or if the memory contents are not valid on power restoration, the sys- tem reboots automatically if it is set to permit automatic rebooting. 39 If, for any reason, after a power failure the system disk does not come back on line within a specific time after the CPU regains power, the system shuts down. Input/Output The QIO system service and other related I/O services provide a di- rect interface to the operating system's I/O routines. These services are available from within most OpenVMS programming languages and can be used to perform low-level I/O operations efficiently with a min- imal amount of system overhead for time-critical applications. Device drivers execute I/O instructions to transfer data to and from a device and to communicate directly with an I/O device. Each type of I/O device requires its own driver. Compaq supplies drivers for all devices supported by the OpenVMS operating system and provides QIO sys- tem service routines to access the special features available in many of these devices. OpenVMS supports a variety of disk and tape peripheral devices, as well as terminals, networks, and mailboxes (virtual devices for interpro- cess communication), and more general I/O devices. With OpenVMS Alpha, users can write drivers for I/O devices that do not have inherent OpenVMS support. OpenVMS Alpha allows device drivers to be written in Compaq C and MACRO-32. Documentation is available that describes how to write OpenVMS Alpha device drivers and how to con- vert existing OpenVMS VAX drivers to run on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The Compaq C compiler for OpenVMS Alpha is an optional layered product. With OpenVMS VAX, users can write their own drivers in MACRO-32 for I/O devices that do not have inherent OpenVMS support, as described in the appropriate documentation. I/O Performance Features Fast I/O provides a suite of additional system services that appli- cations can use to improve I/O throughput. The fast I/O services min- imize the CPU resources required to perform I/O. 40 Fast Path provides a streamlined mainline code path through the I/O subsystem to improve both uniprocessor and multiprocessor I/O perfor- mance. On multiprocessor systems, Fast Path allows all CPU process- ing for specific I/O adapters to be handled by a specific CPU. This can significantly lower the demands on the primary CPU and increase the I/O throughput on multiprocessor systems with multiple I/O ports. Disk and port drivers for the CIXCD, CIPCA, KGPSA, and KZPBA ports have been enhanced to take advantage of the Fast Path capability. No user application changes are needed to take advantage of Fast Path. Fast Path can be utilized by the $QIO system service or the Fast I/O ser- vices. Extended File Cache (XFC) Alpha The Extended File Cache (XFC) is a new virtual block data cache pro- vided with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3. Similar to the Virtual I/O Cache, the XFC is a clusterwide, file system data cache. Both file system data caches are compatible and coexist in the OpenVMS Cluster. The XFC improves I/O performance with the following features that are not available with the Virtual I/O Cache: o Read-ahead caching o Automatic resizing of the cache o Larger maximum cache size o No limit on the number of close files that can be cached o Control over the maximum size of I/O that can be cached o Control over whether cache memory is static or dynamic Virtual I/O Cache OpenVMS provides a standalone or clusterwide, file-oriented disk cache. Applications benefit from the advantages of the virtual I/O cache with- out any special coding. The virtual I/O file-caching algorithm is cho- sen based on the type of clusterwide access currently in progress. Vir- tual I/O caching reduces current and potential I/O bottlenecks within 41 OpenVMS systems. It reduces the number of I/Os to the disk subsystem, thereby reducing systemwide bottlenecks. Record Management Services (RMS) RMS is a set of I/O services that helps application programs to pro- cess and manage files and records. Although it is intended to provide a comprehensive software interface to mass storage devices, RMS also supports device-independent access to unit-record devices. RMS supports sequential, relative, and indexed file organizations in fixed-length and variable-length record formats. RMS also supports byte stream formats for sequential file organization. RMS record access modes provide access to records in four ways: o Sequentially o Directly by key value o Directly by relative record number o Directly by record file address RMS also supports block I/O operations for various performance-critical applications that require user-defined file organizations and record formats. RMS promotes safe and efficient file sharing by providing multiple file access modes and automatic record locking (where applicable). RMS of- fers the options of enabling global buffers for buffer sharing by mul- tiple processes. RMS utilities aid file creation and record maintenance. These util- ities convert files from one organization and format to another; re- structure indexed files for storage and access efficiency; and reclaim data structures within indexed files. These utilities also generate appropriate reports. 42 For systems that have DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, or DECnet-Plus installed, RMS provides a subset of file and record management ser- vices to remote network nodes. Remote file operations are generally transparent to user programs. Commands such as EDIT, CREATE, COPY, TYPE, and PRINT allow users to manipulate RMS records within RMS files at the DCL command level. Disk and Tape Volumes The system manager can organize disk volumes into volume sets. Vol- ume sets can contain a mix of disk device types and can be extended by adding volumes. Within a volume set, files of any organization type can span multiple volumes. Files can be allocated to the set as a whole (the default) or to specific volumes within the set. Optionally, the system manager can allocate portions of indexed files to specific ar- eas of a single disk or to specific volumes in a volume set. The system manager can place quotas on a disk to control the amount of space individual users can allocate. Quota assignment is made by UIC and can be controlled for each individual volume set in the sys- tem (or for each individual volume if the volume is not part of a set). The system manager can cache disk structure information in memory to reduce the I/O overhead required for file management services. Although not required to do so, users can preallocate space and control auto- matic allocation. For example, a file can be extended by a given num- ber of blocks, contiguously or noncontiguously, for optimal file sys- tem performance. The system applies software validity checks and checksums to criti- cal disk structure information. If a disk is improperly dismounted be- cause of user error or system failure, the system rebuilds the disk's structure information automatically the next time the disk is mounted. The system detects bad blocks and prevents their reuse once the files to which the blocks were allocated are deleted. On DIGITAL Storage Ar- chitecture (DSA) disks, the disk controller detects and replaces bad blocks automatically. 43 The system provides 255 levels of named directories and subdirecto- ries whose contents are alphabetically ordered. Device and file spec- ifications follow Compaq conventions. Users can use logical names to abbreviate the specifications and to make application programs device and file name independent. Users can assign a logical name to an en- tire specification, to a portion of a specification, or to another log- ical name. OpenVMS supports multivolume magnetic tape files with transparent vol- ume switching. Access positioning is done either by file name or by relative file position. OpenVMS Alpha Support for New AlphaServer GS Series Systems OpenVMS Version 7.3 provides support for Compaq's AlphaServer GS80, GS160 and GS320 systems. This support includes: o OpenVMS support for hard and soft partitions (Galaxy) on AlphaServer GS80, GS160 and GS320 systems o OpenVMS Resource Affinity Domain (RAD) support for applications o OpenVMS Support for CPU Online Replace OpenVMS Support for Hard and Soft Partitions Hard partitioning is a physical separation of computing resources by hardware-enforced access barriers. It is impossible to read or write across a hard partition boundary. There is no resource sharing between hard partitions. Soft partitioning is a separation of computing resources by software- controlled access barriers. Read and write access across a soft par- tition boundary is controlled by the operating system. OpenVMS Galaxy is an implementation of soft partitioning. The way that customers choose to partition their systems depends on their computing environments and application requirements. For more information about using hard partitions and OpenVMS Galaxy, see the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide. 44 OpenVMS Application Support for Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) The large amount of physical memory in the AlphaServer GS80/160/320 systems provides opportunities for extremely large databases to be com- pletely in memory. The nonuniform memory access (NUMA) system archi- tecture of the new AlphaServer GS80/160/320 systems provides the band- width to efficiently access this large amount of memory. NUMA is an attribute of a system in which the access time to any given physical memory is not the same for all CPUs. OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 includes NUMA awareness in OpenVMS memory management and process scheduling. This capability (application sup- port for resource affinity domains) ensures that applications running in a single instance of OpenVMS on multiple quad building blocks (QBBs) can execute as efficiently as possible in a NUMA environment. The operating system treats the hardware as a set of resource affin- ity domains (RADs). A RAD is a set of hardware components (CPUs, mem- ory, and I/O) with common access characteristics. On AlphaServer GS80/160/320 systems, a RAD corresponds to a Quad Building Block (QBB) in an Al- phaServer GS80, GS160 or GS320 system. For more information about using the OpenVMS RAD support for appli- cation features, see the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide. OpenVMS Support for CPU Online Replace With OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, you can replace secondary CPUs on a running system without rebooting, which provides increased system main- tainability and serviceability. This feature is supported only on Al- phaServer GS160/320 systems. Note that replacing the primary CPU re- quires rebooting. E-BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES The Compaq OpenVMS e-Business Infrastructure Package provides key In- ternet and e-Business software technology that enhances the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. These technologies are licensed as part of the 45 Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Operating System and are provided on the Open- VMS e-Business Infrastructure CD-ROM (Ordering number QA-6LYAA-H8). Additional details can be found in the OpenVMS e-Business Infrastruc- ture Package Software Product Description, SPD 80.58.00. Most of these technologies can also be downloaded from: Java 2 Software Development Kit for OpenVMS Alpha The Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) provides an environment in which to develop and deploy Java applications on OpenVMS Alpha. Java applications can be written once and run on any operating system that implements the Java run-time environment, which consists primarily of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The Java 2 SDK is a set of building blocks containing basic develop- ment tools and a rich set of class libraries including: o Java Compiler o Java Virtual Machine (JVM) o Java Class Libraries o Java Applet Viewer o Java Debugger and other tools o A POSIX threads (pthreads) implementation that provides increased performance on multiprocessor systems o Flexible options for representing UNIX directory and file speci- fications on OpenVMS system Services for the Java 2 SDK for OpenVMS Alpha are provided under ex- isting OpenVMS Operating System service agreements. Compaq Secure Web Server for OpenVMS Alpha 46 Compaq Secure Web Server for OpenVMS Alpha (CSWS) provides a power- ful, flexible web server based on the popular Apache Web Server 1.3.12 from the Apache Software Foundation and provides the following fea- tures: o HTTP/1.1 compliance (RFC2616) o All standard Apache extensions (modules) o Perl support (mod_perl) o Java support (mod_jserv) o Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support (mod_ssl) using OpenSSL and RSA Crypto-C (BSAFE) o Digital certificates from VeriSign Inc. Services for Compaq Secure Web Server for OpenVMS Alpha are provided under existing OpenVMS Operating System service agreements. Attunity Connect "On Platform" Package Attunity Connect is object-oriented middleware that facilitates the development of applications that access, integrate, and update data from multiple, heterogeneous sources across a wide range of operat- ing system platforms. The Attunity Connect "On Platform" package for OpenVMS provides the ODBC, JDBC, and XML client APIs and ODBC, XML and Oracle8i adapters for accessing data sources. Additional data adapters for OpenVMS Al- pha and Attunity Connect are available directly from Attunity. The full Attunity Connect product provides ODBC, JDBC, XML, ADO and OLEDB client APIs and adapters for a large number of relational and nonrelational data sources and support for a large number of popular platforms including UNIX, Windows, OpenVMS, Tandem, and mainframes. Services for the Attunity Connect "On Platform" Package for OpenVMS Alpha are provided under existing OpenVMS Operating System service agree- ments. Extensible Markup Language (XML) Technology 47 Using open source software from Apache Software Foundation, an XML parser and an XSLT stylesheet processor are provided that give applications the ability to parse, generate, manipulate, validate, and transform XML documents and data. Services for the XML Technology for OpenVMS Alpha are provided under existing OpenVMS Operating System service agreements. Compaq OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business (LDAPv3/X.500) The Compaq OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business, based on the X.500 standard, delivers robust and scaleable directory services across intranets, extranets and the Internet to customers, suppliers and part- ners. It combines the best of both the industry standard LDAPv3 and X.500 capabilities. The former allows access by a myriad of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) clients, user agents and applications and the latter brings very high performance, resilience, advanced ac- cess controls and easy replication across the enterprise. Certified with Entrust/PKI 5, this directory ensures at sign on that all users may be authenticated with zero latency and that each gains access only to those resources they are authorized to use. The OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business may contain informa- tion on anything of interest, including people, systems, network re- sources, applications, authentication certificates and databases. It is designed to be accessed by individual users, applications and soft- ware developers. Both the established DAP interface and the LDAPv3 in- terface may be accessed simultaneously by disparate applications, thereby delivering full integration with existing environments. The OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business is available with Open- VMS Alpha Version 7.3 and is licensed with the OpenVMS Alpha operat- ing system. It is also available on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Lay- ered Products Library. Software Support Service for this product is sold separately. For further information, refer to the Compaq Open- VMS Enterprise Directory for e-Business Software Product Description (SPD 40.77.xx) Reliable Transaction Router 48 Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is fault tolerant transactional mes- saging middleware used to implement large, distributed applications using client/server technology. Reliable Transaction Router enables computing enterprises to deploy distributed applications on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems. Software Support Service for this product is sold separately. Refer to the Reliable Transaction Router for OpenVMS Software Product De- scription (SPD 51.04.xx) for additional information. Compaq BridgeWorks Compaq BridgeWorks is a distributed application development and de- ployment tool for OpenVMS 3GL applications. Compaq BridgeWorks con- sists of a GUI development tool on the Windows NT desktop, a server manager component on OpenVMS, and extensive online help. Compaq Bridge- Works provides developers with an easy means to create distributed ap- plications using OpenVMS as the enterprise server and Windows NT as the departmental server. Compaq BridgeWorks enables software devel- opers to develop components that encapsulate selected functionality in 3GL OpenVMS applications using an interactive PC environment. It generates all the necessary files and code to build these components into a three-tier, distributed connection. Components generated by Com- paq BridgeWorks use established standard technologies internally, in- cluding COM, DCE/RPC, C, and C++. Compaq BridgeWorks does not directly assist with the development of the clients; it provides the code that exposes the 3GL routine as a component. The client can be developed using any COM-capable tool, such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, and many scripting tools. Software Support Service for this product is sold separately. Compaq COM for OpenVMS 49 Component Object Model (COM) is a technology from Microsoft that al- lows developers to create distributed network objects. Digital Equip- ment Corporation and Microsoft jointly developed the COM specifica- tion. First released by Microsoft on Windows NT as Network Object Link- ing and Embedding (NetOLE), and then renamed Distributed COM (DCOM), the COM specification now includes network objects. COM is used to create distributed applications made up of reusable ob- jects. COM locates objects locally or in a network and uses the Re- mote Procedure Call (RPC) wire protocol to communicate between these objects across the network. COM on OpenVMS delivers connectivity and interoperability between Open- VMS and Windows NT systems. With Compaq COM for OpenVMS, programmers write distributed applications that run across a heterogeneous envi- ronment of systems. Compaq COM for OpenVMS is based on the Microsoft COM shipped on Windows NT Version 4.0 SP3 and implements many of the features of Microsoft COM including activation, automation, monikers, Type Libraries, and structured storage on OpenVMS. COM on OpenVMS requires OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 or higher. The binary kit for COM (both developer kit and run-time) ships with the OpenVMS Alpha distribution kit. COM is not available on VAX. Soft- ware Support Service for this product is sold separately. For more in- formation, see the Compaq COM for OpenVMS Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 70.45.xx). Netscape FastTrack Server for OpenVMS Alpha Netscape FastTrack Server Version 3.02 for OpenVMS Alpha is a general- purpose Web server for creating, building, publishing, and serving Web pages and applications. Netscape FastTrack Server is being replaced by Compaq Secure Web Server (based upon Apache) for OpenVMS Alpha. FastTrack will continue to be supported until December 31, 2001 on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and Version 7.2 systems. 50 Services for the Netscape FastTrack Server for OpenVMS Alpha are pro- vided under existing OpenVMS service agreements. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS is supported on OpenVMS Alpha sys- tems only. Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS is the only version of that product supported on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3. The Advanced Server for OpenVMS product evolved from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). Advanced Server is an OpenVMS-based network operating system (NOS) com- patible with Microsoft networking technology. The software lets you establish Compaq OpenVMS systems as servers to provide Windows desk- top users easy and efficient access to OpenVMS file and print services. Desktop users can use Microsoft products and utilities such as Win- dows Explorer to access these resources shared over the network. Advanced Server for OpenVMS combines the networking strengths and rich application set of Windows NT with the proven availability, scalabil- ity, and security of OpenVMS. The software supports the Windows NT in- tegration features of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and is compatible with Windows NT and Windows 2000 servers running in the same network. Advanced Server for OpenVMS can function as a file and print server for a small, isolated community of users or as the foundation of a large network distributed over a wide geographical area. The Advanced Server software also provides a flexible system for network administration and security, for both wide area networks (WANs) and local area net- works (LANs). Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), also known as PATH- WORKS Advanced Server, runs on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems. The only version supported on OpenVMS Alpha or VAX Version 7.3 is PATHWORKS Ver- sion 6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). PATHWORKS Advanced Server, 51 as with Advanced Server for OpenVMS, is an OpenVMS-based network op- erating system compatible with, and enhancing, the Microsoft network- ing technology, and providing file and print services for Windows desk- top users. It is compatible with Windows NT servers running in the same network. Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha is available as a separately licensed System Integrated Product (SIP). By running multiple instances of OpenVMS in a single computer or hard partition, an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment gives you quantum improvements in: o Compatibility-Existing applications run without changes. o Availability-Presents opportunities to upgrade software and expand system capacity without downtime. o Scalability-Offers scaling alternatives that improve performance of SMP and cluster environments. o Adaptability-Physical resources can be dynamically reassigned to meet changing workload demands. o Cost of ownership-Fewer computer systems reduce system management requirements, floor space, and more. For companies looking to improve their ability to manage unpredictable, variable, or growing IT workloads, OpenVMS Galaxy technology provides a flexible way to dynamically reconfigure and manage system resources. An OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment is ideal for high-availability applications, such as: o Database servers o Transaction processing systems o Data warehousing o Data mining 52 o Internet servers With OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and forward, you can create an Open- VMS Galaxy computing environment that allows you to run multiple in- stances of OpenVMS on AlphaServer systems, and also allows you to: o Reassign CPUs between instances o Perform independent booting and shutdown of instances o Use shared memory for inter-instance communication o Create a shared memory RAMdisk with Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Al- pha Version 3.0 o Cluster instances within an OpenVMS Galaxy using the shared mem- ory cluster interconnect o Cluster instances with non-Galaxy systems o Create applications using OpenVMS Galaxy APIs for resource manage- ment, event notification, locking for synchronization, and shared memory for global sections o Use the Galaxy Configuration Utility to view and control the Open- VMS Galaxy environment o Run a single-instance OpenVMS Galaxy on any Alpha system for ap- plication development Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha requires Open- VMS Alpha Version 7.2 or later. For more information about OpenVMS Galaxy licensing requirements, re- fer to the Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha Software Prod- uct Description (SPD 70.44.xx). For more information about how to create, manage, and use an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Partition- ing and Galaxy Guide. Compaq OpenVMS Cluster Software 53 Compaq OpenVMS Cluster software is available for Alpha and VAX sys- tems as a separately licensed System Integrated Product (SIP). It pro- vides a highly integrated OpenVMS computing environment that is dis- tributed over multiple systems containing up to 96 nodes. OpenVMS Cluster systems and storage communicate using a combination of the following interconnects: o Memory Channel o CI o DIGITAL Storage Systems Interconnect (DSSI) o Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) o Ethernet o Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) o Shared Memory Cluster Interconnect (SMCI) (Galaxy only) o Fibre Channel (Storage Only) Version 7.2-1 and above In addition, when configured with suitable FDDI bridges, OpenVMS Clus- ter configurations can use DS3/T3 and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networking infrastructures. Applications running on one or more nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster sys- tem share resources in a coordinated manner. While updating data, the OpenVMS Cluster software synchronizes access to shared resources, pre- venting multiple processes on any node in the cluster from uncoordi- nated access to shared data. This coordination ensures data integrity during concurrent update transactions. Application programs specify the level of OpenVMS Cluster file sharing that is required; access is then coordinated by the extended QIO processor (XQP) and Record Man- agement System (RMS). The OpenVMS queue manager controls the OpenVMS Cluster batch and print queues, which can be accessed by any node in the OpenVMS Cluster. Batch jobs submitted to OpenVMS Cluster queues are routed to any available CPU so that the batch load is shared. 54 The Lock Manager provides synchronized services between systems in a cluster, for use by both system components such as RMS and XQP, and also for direct use by applications. Two or more Alpha and VAX computers connected to the same Memory Chan- nel, CI, DSSI, or SCSI interconnect must be configured as members of the same OpenVMS Cluster system. Mixed-architecture and mixed-version clusters that contain both Alpha systems and VAX systems are supported. OpenVMS Cluster systems provide a uniform computing environment that is highly scaleable, highly available, and secure. OpenVMS Cluster soft- ware implements a single-security environment within a cluster con- figuration. The security subsystem ensures that all cluster-visible objects maintain consistent security profiles and that system secu- rity auditing controls operate clusterwide. Refer to the Compaq OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) for more information. Compaq Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Compaq provides Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX products for performing disk mirroring operations, using a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) 1 storage strategy. Compaq Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS is available for Alpha and VAX sys- tems as a separate licensed System Integration Product (SIP). Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS provides high data availability for disk devices by ensuring against data loss that results from media deterioration or controller or device failure. This prevents storage subsystem com- ponent failures from interrupting system or application tasks. The system disk and Files-11 On-Disk Structure (ODS-2, ODS-5) data disks can be volume shadowed. Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS supports the clusterwide shadowing of Com- paq SCSI and DSA storage systems. Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS also supports shadowing of all MSCP served DSA disks and Compaq SCSI disks. All disks in a single shadow set must have the same number of logi- cal blocks. Shadow set members can be located on a single system or 55 anywhere in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Disks can be configured on any MSCP or Compaq SCSI-compliant controller. Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS provides fault tolerance resulting from disk media errors or controller errors across the full range of Al- pha and VAX processors and configurations. Shadow set member units can be located on different controllers and OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX MSCP servers, providing configuration flexibility and a high degree of data availability. Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS supports up to 10,000 single-member shadow sets, and up to 500 devices in multiple member (two or three member) shadow sets, on a standalone or OpenVMS Cluster system. The binary kit for Volume Shadowing ships with the OpenVMS Alpha and VAX distribution kits. To run the software, customers must purchase a license. Refer to the Compaq Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 27.29.xx) for more information. Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, Version 5.1, (VAX and Alpha) is Compaq's industry-standard implementation of the TCP/IP and NFS net- working protocols on the OpenVMS platform. Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is integrated with the OpenVMS operating system installation. Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides interoperability and re- source sharing among systems running OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows NT, and other operating systems that support TCP/IP. Version 5.1 provides a comprehensive suite of functions and applications that support industry- standard protocols for heterogeneous network communications and re- source sharing. TCP/IP Services Version 5.1 incorporates the TCP/IP protocols stack from Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1. Compaq TCP/IP Service for OpenVMS, Version 5.1, provides enhancements such as NFS V3, the ability to run NFS over TCP and an Anti-SPAM re- lay for SMTP mail. This release also contains Internet Protocol Ver- sion 6 (IPv6) support for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), raw sockets, and IPv6 support for commands and utilities. This support is for those customers who want to start using IPv6 today and for those who want to test or experiment with IPv6. 56 This support is in addition to the IPv4 support already in TCP/IP Ser- vices for OpenVMS. Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides a full TCP/IP protocol suite including IP/Multicasting, Dynamic Load Balancing, Rlogin PROXY, net- work file access, remote terminal access, remote command execution, remote printing, mail, application development, Post Office Protocol (POP), SNMP Extensible agent (eSNMP) and Finger Utility. Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, Version 5.1 ensures transparent backward compatibility with earlier versions of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS and is supported on OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 and OpenVMS VAX Versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. Compaq DECnet-Plus and DECnet Software Compaq DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha software is a System Integrated Product (SIP) that is licensed separately from the OpenVMS operating system. Refer to the Compaq DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 48.48.xx) for further information on supported communications devices and software features. Compaq DECnet-Plus (formerly DECnet/OSI) is licensed separately from the OpenVMS operating system. The license for Compaq DECnet for Open- VMS VAX and Alpha also grants the rights to use DECnet-Plus. Note that only one version of DECnet can be active on a single system at any one time. Refer to the Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha Software Prod- uct Description (SPD 50.45.xx) and the Compaq DECnet-Plus for Open- VMS VAX Software Product Description (SPD 25.03.xx)) for further in- formation on supported hardware configurations and software features. Compaq RMS Journaling for OpenVMS Compaq provides the RMS Journaling for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX products as separately licensed SIPs that enable a system manager, user, or ap- plication to maintain the data integrity of RMS files in the event of a number of failure scenarios. These journaling products protect RMS file data from becoming lost or inconsistent. 57 RMS Journaling provides the following three types of journaling: o After-image journaling. Allows users to reapply modifications that have been made to a file. This type of journaling allows users to recover files that are inadvertently deleted, lost, or corrupted. RMS Journaling recovers the file by applying the journaled modi- fications to a backup copy, thereby restoring its final state. Ap- plication modifications are not necessary to use after-image jour- naling. o Before-image journaling. Allows users to reverse modifications that have been made to a file. This type of journaling allows users to return a file to a previously known state. This is useful if a file is updated with incorrect or bad data. Application modifications are not necessary to use before-image journaling. o Recovery-unit journaling. Allows users to maintain transaction in- tegrity. A transaction can be defined as a series of file updates on one or more files. If any failure occurs during the transaction, recovery-unit journaling rolls back the partially completed trans- action to its starting point. This allows complex transactions to be completed as an atomic event-partially completed transactions can be avoided. Recovery-unit journaling requires application mod- ification. The binary kit for RMS Journaling ships with the OpenVMS Alpha and VAX distribution kits. To run the software, customers must purchase a li- cense and documentation. Refer to the Compaq RMS Journaling for Open- VMS Software Product Description (SPD 27.58.xx) for more information. Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Compaq DECram for OpenVMS is a disk device driver that improves I/O performance by allowing an OpenVMS system manager to create pseudo disks (RAMdisks) that reside in main memory. Frequently accessed data can be accessed much faster from a DECram device than from a physical disk device. These RAMdisks can be accessed through the file system just as physical disks are accessed, requiring no change to application or system software. 58 Because main memory is allocated for the DECram device, extra memory is generally required. The OpenVMS system manager can designate the amount of memory dedicated to the DECram device(s) and the files that will be stored on it. In Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.0, DECram's capability is ex- tended to use OpenVMS Galaxy shared memory to create a VMS shared mem- ory disk. This will allow customers to take advantage of OpenVMS Galaxy shared memory with no modifications to any of their applications. Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.0 is supported on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1H1 or higher. Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.3 will continue to be available and supported on OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 or higher. DECram Version 3.0 cannot run on an OpenVMS VAX system, however, the RAMdisk can be accessed by OpenVMS VAX systems in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Refer to the Compaq DECram for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 34.26.xx) for more information. Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Compaq offers a separately licensed layered product called DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS. This product provides support for both OSF/Motif, a standards-based graphical user interface, and the X user interface (XUI) in a single, run-time and development environment. DECwindows Motif displays the OSF/Motif user interface. Because both Motif and XUI are based on X Consortium's X Window System, applications writ- ten on either toolkit will run regardless of which environment the user selects. Refer to the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Software Prod- uct Description (SPD 42.19.xx) for more information. Compaq DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-5 for OpenVMS Alpha and higher de- livers the New Desktop environment for OpenVMS Alpha systems, which is derived from the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) technology. CDE provides and defines a consistent user interface for end users and a consistent development environment for application developers across multiple platforms. 59 The OpenVMS software installation procedure contains an optional step to install the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS workstation and font sup- port, which is required to run the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS lay- ered product. Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 Upgrade and In- stallation Manual or OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual for details concerning the optional installation of the DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS device support. CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS OpenVMS is based on the following public, national, and international standards. Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Support The Compaq DCE for the OpenVMS product family provides a set of the distributed computing features specified by the Open Software Foun- dation's (OSF) DCE, as well as tools for application developers. With DCE, the OSF has established a standard set of services and interfaces that facilitate the creation, use, and maintenance of client/server applications. Compaq DCE for OpenVMS serves as the basis for an open computing environment where networks of multivendor systems appear as a single system to the user. Because DCE makes the underlying networks and operating systems transparent, application developers can easily build portable, interoperable client/server applications. Users can locate and share information safely and easily across the entire en- terprise. Compaq DCE for OpenVMS supplies system managers with a set of tools to consistently manage the entire distributed computing en- vironment, while assuring the integrity of the enterprise. Compaq DCE for OpenVMS currently consists of the following products: o DCE Run-time Services for OpenVMS, which is required for all sys- tems participating in the DCE cell. The Run-time Services include DCE client functions as well as DCE administration tools. DCE Run- time Services allow client/server applications to interoperate over DECnet, TCP/IP, and UDP/IP network protocols. 60 o DCE Application Developers' Kit for OpenVMS, which is required for developers of distributed applications but is optional for other users. The DCE Application Developers' Kit provides programmers with an Interface Definition Language (IDL), an easy-to-use, ANSI C-based language for writing remote procedure calls. o DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS), one of which is required for each DCE cell. The DCE CDS is a central repository that contains infor- mation about the location of resources in the DCE cell. It allows access to resources by a single name, regardless of their physi- cal location. o Compaq DCE Security Server, one of which is required for each DCE. The DCE Security Server protects resources from illegal access and provides secure communications within and between DCE cells. The right to use the DCE Run-time Services is included with the Open- VMS operating system base license. All other DCE products are avail- able as separate layered products. Refer to the Compaq Distributed Com- puting Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 43.05.xx) for more detailed information. Support for OSF/Motif and X Window System Standards DECwindows Motif provides support for OSF/Motif, a standards based graph- ical user interface. DECwindows Motif also provides support for the X Consortium's X Window System, Version 11, Release 6 (X11R6) server and the Version 11, Release 5 (X11R5) client. Standards Supported by OpenVMS The OpenVMS operating system is based on the following public, national, and international standards. These standards are developed by the Amer- ican National Standards Institute (ANSI), U.S. Federal Government (re- sponsible for FIPS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The following information may be useful in determining responsiveness to stated conformance requirements as enabled in particular commer- cial and/or government procurement solicitation documents. o ANSI X3.4-1986: American Standard Code for 61 Information Interchange o ANSI X3.22-1973: Recorded Magnetic Tape (800 BPI, NRZI) o ANSI X3.27-1987: File Structure and Labeling of Magnetic Tapes for Information Interchange o ANSI X3.298: Limited support. Information Technology-AT Attachment-3 Interface (ATA-3) o ANSI X3.39-1986: Recorded Magnetic Tape (1600 BPI, PE) o ANSI X3.40-1983: Unrecorded Magnetic Tape o ANSI X3.41-1974: Code Extension Techniques for Use with 7-bit ASCII o ANSI X3.42-1975: Representation of Numeric Values in Character Strings o ANSI X3.54-1986: Recorded Magnetic Tape (6250 BPI, GCR) o ANSI X3.131-1986 (SCSI I): Small Computer System Interface o ANSI X3.131-1994 (SCSI II): Small Computer System Interface o ANSI/IEEE 802.2-1985: Logical Link Control o ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection o FIPS 1-2: Code for Information Interchange, Its Representations, Subsets, and Extensions Note: 1-2 includes ANSI X3.4-1977(86)/FIPS 15; ANSI X3.32-1973/FIPS 36; ANSI X3.41-1974/FIPS 35; and FIPS 7. o FIPS 3-1/ANSI X3.22-1973: Recorded Magnetic Tape Information Interchange (800 CPI, NRZI) 62 o FIPS 16-1/ANSI X3.15-1976: Bit Sequencing of the Code for Infor- mation Interchange in Serial-by-Bit Data Transmission Note: FED STD 1010 adopts FIPS 16-1. o FIPS 22-1/ANSI X3.1-1976: Synchronous Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal and Data Communication Equipment Note: FED STD 1013 adopts FIPS 22-1. o FIPS 25/ANSI X3.39-1986: Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information In- terchange (1600 CPI, Phase Encoded) o FIPS 37/ANSI X3.36-1975: Synchronous High-Speed Data Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment Note: FED STD 1001 adopts FIPS 37. o FIPS 50/ANSI X3.54-1986: Recorded Magnetic Tape for Information In- terchange, 6250 CPI (246 CPMM), Group Coded Recording o FIPS 79/ANSI X3.27-1987: Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange o FIPS 86/ANSI X3.64-1979: Additional Controls for Use with Ameri- can National Standard Code for Information Interchange Note: Other FIPS are not applicable. Note: Information regarding interchangeability of ANSI and FED stan- dards with FIPS is contained in "ADP Telecommunications Standards Index," July 1988, published and maintained by the General Services Administration. o ISO 646: ISO 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Exchange o ISO 1001: File Structure and Labeling of Magnetic Tapes for Infor- mation Interchange o ISO 1863: Information Processing - 9-track, 12, 7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange recorded at 32 rpmm (800 rpi) 63 o ISO 1864: Information Processing - Unrecorded 12, 7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange - 35 ftpmm (800 ftpi) NRZI, 126 ftpmm (3 200) ftpi phase encoded and 356 ftmm (9 042 ftpi), NRZI o ISO 2022: Code Extension Techniques for Use with ISO 646 o ISO 3307: Representations of Time of the Day o ISO 3788: Information Processing - 9-track, 12, 7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange recorded at 63 rpmm (1 600 rpt), phase encoded o ISO 4873: 8-Bit Code for Information Interchange - Structure and Rules for Implementation o ISO 5652: Recorded Magtape (6250) o ISO 6429: Control Functions for Coded Character Sets o ISO 9316: 1989 (SCSI-1) Small Computer System Interface o ISO 9660: Information Processing - Volume and file structure of CD- ROM for information exchange o ISO 10288: 1994 (SCSI-2) Small Computer System Interface INSTALLATION OpenVMS Alpha is distributed as a binary kit on CD-ROM. Procedures for setting up the system disk from media and for preparing the system for day-to-day operations are provided. The procedures use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to configure and install the OpenVMS Al- pha operating system. These procedures are described in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual. OpenVMS VAX is distributed as binary kits on CD-ROM and tape. Open- VMS VAX Version 7.3 is the last OpenVMS release for which TK50 and Mag- netic tape media will be distributed. Future OpenVMS VAX releases will be distributed on CD-ROM only. Procedures for setting up the system disk from a kit and for preparing the system for day-to-day operations are provided. The procedures are described in the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual. Computer-specific information is 64 contained in the upgrade and installation supplements for each fam- ily of VAX computers. POLYCENTER Software Installation The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility simplifies the instal- lation and management of OpenVMS products. It is used to install, con- figure, reconfigure, and deinstall software products that have been prepared with the utility. In addition, the POLYCENTER utility pro- vides a database to track the installation, reconfiguration, and de- installation of software. For products installed with other instal- lation technologies, the POLYCENTER utility provides a mechanism for adding information about them into the product database. The POLYCEN- TER utility also provides the ability to manage dependencies between products during the installation process. For software providers, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility simplifies the task of packaging software by providing a simple, declar- ative language for describing material for the installation kit and defining how it is installed. The POLYCENTER utility handles the func- tions, while the developer instructs the utility what to do. This sig- nificantly reduces the complexity and time to develop installation pro- cedures. The language allows the developer to easily specify depen- dencies on other software, manage objects in the execution environ- ment (such as files and directories), and anticipate and resolve con- flict before it occurs. The POLYCENTER utility also significantly sim- plifies the packaging of multiple software products into one logical product suite. For OpenVMS Alpha, you use the POLYCENTER Software Installation util- ity to install the operating system and to install layered products that are compliant with the POLYCENTER utility. For OpenVMS VAX, you use the POLYCENTER Software Installation util- ity to install layered products that are compliant with the POLYCEN- TER utility. VMSINSTAL 65 OpenVMS includes the VMSINSTAL facility to handle the installation of optional Compaq supplied software products that have not been converted to use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. OpenVMS VAX also includes the VMSINSTAL facility to automate operating system software updates. Test Package and Diagnostics OpenVMS includes a User Environment Test Package (UETP), which ver- ifies that the OpenVMS operating system is properly installed and ready for use on the customer's systems. You can run diagnostics on individual devices during normal system op- eration. Certain critical components can operate in degraded mode. OpenVMS Alpha DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS Operating System Disk Space Requirements The disk space requirements for OpenVMS Alpha vary according to which options are installed: 66 ____________________Space__________________________________________ File_Category_______Used______Running_Total________________________ Minimum OpenVMS 78 MB 78 MB files Optional OpenVMS 106 184 MB files MB DECwindows 32 MB 216 MB Support Paging file 38 MB 254 MB (required) Swap file (sug- 3 MB 257 MB gested) Dump file (op- 28 MB 285 MB tional) Decompressed 15 MB 300 MB Help files (optional) Full DECwindows 159 459 MB Motif Version MB 1.2-6 (optional) Safeguard for 50 MB 509 MB upgrading__________________________________________________________ Note: The minimum OpenVMS files listed in the table will allow you to run with minimal functionality. Not all OpenVMS commands and utili- ties will function fully as documented in this minimum configuration. Not all Compaq and other layered products will work in this minimum configuration. The minimum OpenVMS files are for a system configuration where all op- tional features have been declined during the initial installation. For most applications, this is not a realistic OpenVMS environment. 67 The paging, swap, and dump file requirements are the minimum for a sys- tem with 32 MB of main memory. Additional memory in most cases adds to the space needed for these files, as will particular needs of your application. With careful system management it is possible to use the paging file space as a temporary dump file. For an OpenVMS Cluster system disk, paging, swap, and dump files can- not be shared between nodes, so the files must either be duplicated on the system disk or located on some other disk. Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Disk Space Requirements To support OpenVMS Alpha and DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha, Com- paq recommends a system disk of greater than 550 MB. However, you can install a subset of DECwindows Motif. The disk space required for the installation of DECwindows Motif is 159 MB. The permanent amount of space used is 145 MB. An additional 33 MB is needed to install the DECwin- dows X11 Display Server and associated files. (The DECwindows X11 Dis- play Server and associated files are included in the OpenVMS Alpha op- erating system media.) These disk space requirements are in addition to the disk space required for the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, as indicated in the OpenVMS Alpha Disk Space Requirements table. Installation of the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-6 layered product gives customers the option of installing any or all of the following com- ponents: o Run-time support base kit - 33 MB. This section provides support for running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha applications on Al- pha compute servers and is a required part of the installation. o New Desktop - 24 MB. This is an optional component that allows use of the New Desktop environment. It includes applications and ap- plication programming interfaces (APIs). o DECwindows desktop - 11 MB. This component is also optional, but you should install either the New Desktop or the DECwindows desk- top to create a usable system. The DECwindows desktop is the user 68 interface that was included in previous versions of DECwindows Mo- tif and includes the DECwindows Session Manager, FileView, and the Motif Window Manager. o Programming support - 32 MB. This section includes support for the Compaq C, Compaq C++, Compaq Fortran, and Pascal programming lan- guages. If you install a subset of languages, the amount of disk space required will be less. o Example files - approximately 26 MB. o Translated image support - approximately 20 MB. Layered Product Disk Space Requirements In addition to the disk space used directly by Compaq or third-party layered products, there may be additional space used to store infor- mation from those products in OpenVMS help libraries, command tables, object libraries, and elsewhere. The amount of additional disk space required cannot be exactly predicted due to the possibility of recov- ering unused space already existing in those library files. Unusually large modules contributed by layered products can also affect the amount of space required for upgrading to a new version of the OpenVMS Al- pha operating system. OpenVMS VAX DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 3) To support the complete OpenVMS VAX system, Compaq recommends a sys- tem disk of greater than 150 MB. When you use a smaller disk, addi- tional tailoring is required before installing some of the OpenVMS VAX options. This does not include the dump file space. Refer to the Open- VMS VAX Version 7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual for information on tailoring. Operating System Disk Space Requirements 69 The disk space requirements for OpenVMS VAX vary according to which options are installed. ___________________________________________________________________ Space File_Category_______Used______Running_Total________________________ Minimum OpenVMS 32.0 32.0 MB files MB Optional OpenVMS 52.0 84.0 MB files MB DECwindows 14.0 98.0 MB Support MB Paging file 6.0 104.0 MB (after installa- MB tion) Swap file (sug- 1.2 105.2 MB gested) MB Dump file (op- 6.2 111.4 MB tional) MB Decompressed 7.0 118.4 MB Help files MB (optional) Safeguard for 25.0 143.4 MB upgrading MB Variable ad- 3.3 146.7 MB ditional space MB (additional files, IN- DEXF.SYS,_etc.)____________________________________________________ Note: The minimum OpenVMS files listed in the table will allow you to run with minimal functionality. Not all OpenVMS commands and utili- ties will function fully as documented in this minimum configuration. Not all Compaq and other layered products will work in this minimum configuration. 70 The data in the table was created from an installation on a VAXserver 2000 with 6 MB of memory and an RD54 disk. Additional memory adds to the space required for page, swap, and dump files, and the variable additional space increases with larger mem- ory and disk. Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX Disk Space Requirements To support OpenVMS VAX and the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX lay- ered product, Compaq recommends a system disk of greater than 300 MB. The disk space required for the installation of DECwindows Motif is 60 MB. The permanent amount of space used is 54 MB. An additional 16 MB are needed to install the DECwindows X11 Display Server and asso- ciated files. (The DECwindows X11 Display Server and associated files are included in the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 media.) These disk space requirements are in addition to the disk space required for the Open- VMS VAX Version 7.3 operating system, as indicated in the OpenVMS VAX Disk Space Requirements table. Installation of the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-6 layered product gives customers the option of installing any or all of the following com- ponents: o Run-time support files base kit - 41 MB. This section provides sup- port for running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX applications on VAX compute servers and is a required part of the installation. It includes the DECwindows desktop applications and libraries. o Programming support - 7 MB. This section includes support for the Compaq C, Compaq C++, Compaq Fortran, Pascal, and VAX C program- ming languages. If a subset of languages is installed, the amount of disk space required is less. o Example files - approximately 7 MB. Note that the individual sizes add up to more than the total because some components are shared by multiple portions of the environment. 71 MEMORY SPACE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Alpha Memory Space Requirements The minimum amount of memory required to install, boot, and log in to an OpenVMS Alpha system is 64 MB. Additional memory may be required to ensure satisfactory performance for either of the following: o Particular applications or number of users o Particular hardware configurations Refer to specific layered product documentation for their memory re- quirements. OpenVMS VAX Memory Space Requirements The minimum amount of memory required to install, boot, and log in to an OpenVMS VAX system is 14 MB. To ensure satisfactory performance for particular applications or number of users, additional memory may be required. Refer to specific layered product documentation for their memory requirements. DISTRIBUTION AND BACKUP MEDIA OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Alpha is available on CD-ROM only. The OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 Binary CD-ROM contains the operating system binaries and selected documentation in both text and PostScript format. The OpenVMS Version 7.3 Online Documentation CD-ROM contains all OpenVMS manuals in .HTML and .PDF formats. Associated product manuals are in .HTML and selected product and archived manuals are in .PDF format. The OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM is a dual-formatted system CD-ROM that can be mounted and read on both an OpenVMS system and a Windows 95 or Windows NT PC system. An InfoServer or local drive is required for up- grades and system disk backups. The OpenVMS Alpha operating system is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROM offering. 72 OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS VAX is available on CD-ROM, TK50, or 9-track 6250 BPI magnetic tape media. The 9-track 6250 BPI magnetic tape media is available only through the OpenVMS VAX media and hardcopy documentation update ser- vice. OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 is the last OpenVMS release for which TK50 and Magnetic tape media will be distributed. The OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Binary CD-ROM contains the OpenVMS VAX Ver- sion 7.3 save sets, OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 standalone BACKUP, and se- lected OpenVMS documentation in text and PostScript format. The Open- VMS Version 7.3 Online Documentation CD-ROM contains all OpenVMS man- uals in .HTML and .PDF formats. Associated product manuals are in .HTML and selected product and archived manuals are in .PDF format. The OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM is a dual-formatted system CD-ROM that can be mounted and read on both an OpenVMS system and a Windows 95 or Windows NT PC system. The TK50 streaming tape contains the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 save sets and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 standalone BACKUP. The 9-track 6250 BPI magnetic tape contains the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 save sets. The OpenVMS VAX operating system is also available as part of the Open- VMS VAX Software Products Library CD-ROM offering. DOCUMENTATION For OpenVMS Version 7.3, documentation is available in the following formats: Printed Books OpenVMS printed documentation is available in two sets: the OpenVMS Full Documentation Set and the OpenVMS Base Documentation Set. 73 The Full Documentation Set is for users who need extensive explana- tory information on all major OpenVMS resources, complete reference information on system routines and utilities, detailed examples, Open- VMS Cluster guidelines, programming concepts, a master index, and in- formation on the Help Message utility. This set meets the needs of sys- tem managers and of system and application programmers. It includes the Base Documentation Set. The Base Set includes the most commonly used OpenVMS manuals, address- ing the needs of general users and system managers of small standalone systems. Manuals, such as the Release Notes, New Features, and the DCL Dictionary are included in the Base Set. Each book in these sets is also separately orderable. A complete list- ing of all hardcopy manuals and their part numbers is in the OpenVMS Version 7.3 New Features and Documentation Overview manual. Online Books For Version 7.3, online documentation is provided on the OpenVMS Doc- umentation CD-ROM, an ISO9660 CD-ROM that can be read on OpenVMS, Win- dows, and Macintosh systems. The OpenVMS Version 7.3 Online Documentation CD-ROM contains all Open- VMS manuals in .HTML and .PDF formats. Associated product manuals are in .HTML and selected product and archived manuals are in .PDF for- mat. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. 74 SOURCE LISTINGS OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Operating System Source Listings are available on CD-ROM. These discs contain source listing files and the Alpha spe- cific debug symbol files that make up the OpenVMS operating system. Compaq provides source listings for key modules of the OpenVMS oper- ating system that are appropriate for end users or application devel- opers. The debug symbol files (DSF) on the OpenVMS Alpha Source List- ings CD-ROM contain information used by the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger. Certain company confidential source listings and debug sym- bol files, however, are excluded from the CD-ROM. The orderable CD-ROM kit includes the license required to view these files on a standalone system or an OpenVMS Cluster system. If users want to make these files available to another system (possibly at a remote site), they must purchase another kit. ORDERING INFORMATION Alpha Software Licenses 75 QL-MT1A*-6* OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Base License QL-MT1A*-7* OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Base Update License QL-MT1A9-6* OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Symmetric Multipro- cessing (SMP) Base Extension License QL-MT1A9-7* OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Symmetric Multipro- cessing (SMP) Base Extension Update License QL-MT2A9-** OpenVMS Alpha Individual User License (No Longer Available...order the Concurrent Use License or Unlimited User License) QL-MT2A*-AA OpenVMS Alpha Unlimited User License QL-MT2A*-Y* OpenVMS Alpha Individual User Update License QL-MT3A*-B* OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Interactive User License (No Longer Available...order the Concurrent Use License) QL-MT3A*-Y* OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Interactive User Update License QL-MT3A*-3* OpenVMS Concurrent Use License QL-MT3A*-5* OpenVMS Concurrent Use Update License VAX Software Licenses QL-001A*-** VAX VMS Operating System License and Update Li- cense for OpenVMS QL-005A*-6* OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base License QL-005A*-7* OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base Update License QL-005A9-6* OpenVMS VAX Operating System Symmetric Multipro- cessing (SMP) Base Extension License QL-005A9-7* OpenVMS VAX Operating System Symmetric Multipro- cessing (SMP) Base Extension Update License QL-XULA9-** OpenVMS VAX Individual User License (No Longer Available...order the Concurrent Use License or Unlimited User License) 76 QL-XULA*-AA OpenVMS VAX Unlimited User License QL-XULA*-Y* OpenVMS VAX Interactive User Update License QL-09SA*-** OpenVMS VAX Distributed Interactive User License (No Longer Available...order the Concurrent Use License) QL-09SA*-Y* OpenVMS VAX Distributed Interactive User Update License QL-MT3A*-3* OpenVMS Concurrent Use License QL-MT3A*-5* OpenVMS Concurrent Use Update License Alpha and VAX CD-ROM Media and Online Documentation QA-MT1AA-H8 OpenVMS Alpha software and online documentation CD-ROM QA-MT1AG-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2-1H3 software and on- line documentation CD-ROM. This includes Version 6.2-1H1 and Version 6.2-1H2. (QA-MT1AA-H8.6.2 is required) QA-MT1AD-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H2 software and on- line documentation CD-ROM. (QA-MT1AA-H8.7.1 is required) QA-MT1AR-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-2 software and online documentation CD-ROM QA-MT1AT-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 software and online documentation CD-ROM QA-MT1AU-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1H1 software and online documentation CD-ROM QA-XULAA-H8 OpenVMS VAX software and online documentation CD-ROM QA-MT3AA-H8 OpenVMS VAX/Alpha software and online documenta- tion CD-ROM QA-MT3AE-G8 OpenVMS VAX/Alpha online documentation CD-ROM 77 VAX Media and Hardcopy Documentation QA-09SAA-H8 OpenVMS VAX Software CD-ROM and Base Documentation Set QA-09SAA-H5 OpenVMS VAX Software TK50 and Base Documentation Set QA-001AA-H8 OpenVMS VAX Software CD-ROM and Full Documentation Set QA-001AA-H5 OpenVMS VAX Software TK50 and Full Documentation Set Hardcopy Documentation Sets QA-09SAA-GZ OpenVMS Base Documentation Set QA-001AA-GZ OpenVMS Full Documentation Set Source Listings Kits QB-MT1AB-E8 OpenVMS Alpha Listings CD-ROM Kit and License QB-001AB-E8 OpenVMS VAX Listings CD-ROM Kit and License OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROM Offerings QA-5FX8A-A8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products and Op- erating System Library (Software Layered Product binaries only-no online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QA-4KM8A-G8 OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library QA-5G98A-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products and Op- erating System Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation, com- plete Operating System kit) QA-03XAA-H8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation) 78 OpenVMS VAX Software Products Library CD-ROM Offerings QA-VWJ8A-H8 OpenVMS VAX Software Layered Products and Oper- ating System Library (Software Layered Product binaries only-no online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QA-VYR8A-G8 OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Library QA-YL48A-H8 OpenVMS VAX Software Layered Products and Operat- ing System Library Package (Software Layered Prod- uct binaries and online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QA-5G88A-H8 OpenVMS VAX Software Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation) Software Update Distribution Services Provides an automatic distribution of software media and documenta- tion update. Choices include: o Media and Documentation Distribution o Documentation Distribution o Consolidated Software Engineering Change Order Distribution o Consolidated Distribution of Software Binaries o Consolidated Distribution with Software Binaries and Documentation o Consolidated Online Documentation For additional ordering and pricing information, contact your local Compaq Account Representative. CD-ROM Media and Online Documentation Update Service QT-MT1AA-E8 OpenVMS Alpha software and online documentation CD-ROM QT-XULAA-E8 OpenVMS VAX software and online documentation CD-ROM QT-MT3AA-E8 OpenVMS VAX and Alpha software and online documen- tation CD-ROM 79 Hardcopy Documentation Only Update Service QT-09SAA-KZ OpenVMS Base Documentation Set QT-001AA-KZ OpenVMS Full Documentation Set OpenVMS VAX Media and Hardcopy Documentation Update Service QT-09SA*-E* With Base Documentation Set QT-001A*-E* With Full Documentation Set OpenVMS Source Listings Service QT-MT1AB-Q8 OpenVMS Alpha Source Listings Service QT-001AB-Q8 OpenVMS VAX Source Listings Service * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate Compaq price book. OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROM Service QT-5FX8A-C8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products and Op- erating System Library (Software Layered Product binaries only-no online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QT-4KM8A-C8 OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library QT-5G98A-C8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products and Op- erating System Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation, com- plete Operating System kit) QT-03XAA-C8 OpenVMS Alpha Software Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation) OpenVMS VAX Software Products Library CD-ROM Service 80 QT-VWJ8A-C8 OpenVMS VAX Software Layered Products and Oper- ating System Library (Software Layered Product binaries only-no online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QT-VYR8A-C8 OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Library QT-YL48A-C8 OpenVMS VAX Software Layered Products and Operat- ing System Library Package (Software Layered Prod- uct binaries and online documentation, complete Operating System kit) QT-5G88A-C8 OpenVMS VAX Software Library Package (Software Layered Product binaries and online documentation) SOFTWARE LICENSING The OpenVMS operating system software is furnished under the licens- ing provisions of Compaq Computer Corporation's Standard Terms and Con- ditions. The OpenVMS Version 7.3 Online Documentation CD-ROM contains all OpenVMS manuals in .HTML and .PDF formats. Associated product man- uals are in .HTML and selected product and archived manuals are in .PDF Software License Information (Alpha Only) The OpenVMS Alpha operating system license includes the right to use OpenVMS Alpha licenses for multiple instances of OpenVMS on the first and then once again on each subsequent hard partition of a single Al- phaServer GS80/160/320 system. The OpenVMS Alpha operating system license includes the right to use Compaq DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS products (-Base, -Open, and -Plus). The DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS has separate documentation, media kit, and service products. Refer to the Compaq DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 44.15.xx) for more information. 81 The right to use the DCE Run-time Services is included with the Open- VMS base operating system license. Refer to the Compaq Distributed Com- puting Environment (DCE) Software Product Description (SPD 43.05.xx) for more detailed information on the DCE for OpenVMS product family. The right to use Compaq Capacity On Demand for OpenVMS is included with the OpenVMS base operating system license. The following technologies are licensed as part of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system: 82 ___________________________________________________________________ Attunity Con- SPD 80.58.xx nect "On Plat- form" Package for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq COM for SPD 70.45.xx OpenVMS Alpha Compaq BridgeWorks SPD 80.58.xx Compaq Secure Web SPD 80.58.xx Server for OpenVMS Alpha ECP Data Collector SPD 80.88.00 for OpenVMS ECP Performance SPD 80.89.00 Analyzer for OpenVMS Extensible Markup SPD 80.58.xx Language (XML) Technology Java 2 Software SPD 80.58.xx Development Kit for OpenVMS Alpha Netscape FastTrack SPD 80.58.xx Server for OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Enter- SPD 40.77.xx prise Directory for e-Business (LDAPv3/X.500) Reliable Transac- SPD 51.04.xx tion Router (Alpha and_VAX)___________________________________________________________ The following are separately licensed products: 83 ___________________________________________________________________ Compaq Advanced SPD 30.50.xx Server for OpenVMS Compaq DECnet-Plus SPD 25.03.xx for OpenVMS VAX Compaq DECnet-Plus SPD 50.45.xx for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq DECnet for SPD 48.48.xx OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Compaq DECram for SPD 34.26.xx OpenVMS Compaq DECwindows SPD 42.19.xx Motif for OpenVMS Compaq Galaxy SPD 70.44.xx Software Architec- ture on OpenVMS Alpha Compaq PATHWORKS SPD 30.50.xx for OpenVMS (Ad- vanced Server) Compaq OpenVMS SPD 29.78.xx Cluster Software Compaq RMS Jour- SPD 27.58.xx naling for OpenVMS Compaq TCP/IP SPD 46.46.xx Services for OpenVMS Compaq Volume SPD 27.29.xx Shadowing for OpenVMS____________________________________________________________ Software License Information (VAX Only) 84 The OpenVMS VAX operating system uses one of two different categories of licenses depending on the hardware and software configurations used and currently supported. This information is also provided in the ap- plicable country's Price List. These are the two categories of operating system licenses for Open- VMS VAX: o VAX VMS Licensing o OpenVMS VAX Licensing System Support Services Compaq provides the proper license type with the purchase of the sys- tem. Not all license types are available for every system model. VAX VMS License Information Note: Effective February 6, 1995, the VAX VMS (UPI001) licenses no longer include the rights for the Oracle Rdb Run-Time option for OpenVMS VAX, and do not permit use of Rdb Run-time on prior versions of OpenVMS VAX. Each of the following licenses are for a specified hardware system, which is either the system the license was originally shipped with or the system on which the license was first used: o Operating System Base License (QL-001**-**) o Operating System User License for OpenVMS VAX (QL-001**-**) o Traditional License for OpenVMS VAX (QL-001**-**) There are four types of VAX VMS licenses: All use the LMF Product Name of VAX-VMS. 1. Traditional License (QL-001A*-**) This type of license provides unlimited use to the users on a defined system. VAX VMS traditional licenses are sized to capacity according to system type. 2. Multi-User License (QL-001A*-**) 85 This type of license provides use according to a specified number of concurrent users. This is an activity-based license. The Multi-User License provides the customer with the right to use the operating sys- tem up to the limit of users specified in the license. An operating system user is a person who is logged in to the system and is using the system interactively. This license is only available on limited system models, primarily MicroVAX and VAX 4000 systems. The customer can increase interactive use of VAX systems licensed with the Multi-User License by the addition of OpenVMS User Licenses* (for one or more users). Refer to the section on Ordering Information for further information. 3. VAX VMS Workstation License (QL-001A*-**) This type of license provides use for a single user on a VAX worksta- tion. This license type allows one direct login for the single user and one additional login for system management purposes only. Additional interactive use of VAX workstations licensed with the VAX VMS Workstation License requires the addition of an OpenVMS User Li- cense* (for one or more users). Refer to the section on Ordering In- formation for further information. 4. File and Application Server License (QL-001A*-**) This type of license provides for the noninteractive use of OpenVMS. OpenVMS based VAXserver systems are sold with a File and Application Server License. The intent of an OpenVMS based VAXserver is to pro- vide file, print, application, and compute services to clients who have submitted their requests remotely (for example via network/remote sub- mit/batch jobs, and so forth). This license type also allows one di- rect login for system management purposes only. Additional interactive use of OpenVMS VAXserver systems licensed with the File and Application Server License requires the addition of an OpenVMS User License* (for one or more users). Refer to the section on Ordering Information for further information. 86 These licenses grant the right to use the same version of the oper- ating system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. Notes: Not all VAX VMS license types are available for all versions of VMS, OpenVMS, or all VAX models. The OpenVMS VAX Individual Use Licenses are not supported by the VMS or OpenVMS VAX operating system releases prior to Version 5.5. OpenVMS VAX License Information There are five types of OpenVMS VAX licenses: 1. OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base License (QL-005A*-**) LMF Product Name: BASE-VMS-250136 OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base License grants the right to unre- stricted, noninteractive use of the OpenVMS VAX operating system for the execution of remotely submitted requests for batch, print, appli- cation, and computing services, on a designated, single processor. This license authorizes one direct login for system management purposes only. The OpenVMS VAX Base License does not include the license right for the Oracle Rdb Run-Time Option for OpenVMS VAX. The Operating System Base License is a prerequisite for all Interac- tive User Licenses and all SMP Base Extension Licenses. Interactive use of systems licensed with an OpenVMS VAX Operating Sys- tem Base License requires the addition of an OpenVMS User License (for one or more users). Refer to the section on Ordering Information for further information. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. 87 The OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base License also includes the li- cense for DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS VAX. The DECprint Supervi- sor for OpenVMS VAX has separate documentation, media kits, and ser- vice products. Refer to SPD 44.15.xx for further details. 2. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Base Extension License (QL-005A9-6*) LMF Product Name: BASE-VMS-250136 SMP Base Extensions extend the Operating System Base License to en- able symmetric multiprocessing capability on a select number of Open- VMS VAX systems supporting SMP. SMP Base Extensions are permanently tied to the Operating System Base License and cannot be separated from the Operating System Base License if an SMP board is removed from the system. SMP Extensions grant the right to use the same version of the oper- ating system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the SMP Extension is granted. 3. OpenVMS VAX Individual User License (QL-XULA*-**) LMF Product Name: VMS-USER The OpenVMS VAX Individual User License provides the right to inter- actively use the operating system by the specified or unlimited num- ber of concurrent users on a designated, single processor. A user is an individual who is logged in to a processor and is interactively us- ing the operating system software by means other than a login. An Open- VMS VAX Operating System Base License or one of the five types of VAX VMS Licenses (QL-001A*-**) is a prerequisite for the OpenVMS User Li- cense. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. 88 The OpenVMS VAX Operating System Base, the SMP Base Extension, and In- teractive User licenses are not supported by the VMS or OpenVMS VAX operating system releases prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5. 4. OpenVMS VAX Distributed Interactive User License (QL-09SA*-**) LMF Product Name: ADL-USER This license grants the right to interactive use of the OpenVMS VAX operating system, provided the appropriate Operating System Base Li- cense or one of the five types of VAX VMS Licenses has been previously installed on a VAX system. The Distributed Interactive User licenses are concurrent-use licenses and are available in any quantity, except unlimited. Distributed Interactive User licenses are mobile (and can be redesignated) and may be installed and used on a single OpenVMS VAX processor or shared in a single OpenVMS VAXcluster. A distributed interactive user is defined as an individual who is logged in to an OpenVMS VAX processor or OpenVMS VAXcluster system or is in- teractively using the operating system software by means other than a login. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. 5. OpenVMS Concurrent Use License (for both VAX and Alpha) (QL-MT3A*-3*) LMF Product Name: OPENVMS-ALPHA-ADL This license grants the right to interactive use of the OpenVMS op- erating system, provided the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System Base License is installed on an OpenVMS VAX processor, or on an OpenVMS Al- pha processor, or on OpenVMS VAX processors if one of the five types of VAX VMS Licenses has been previously installed on a VAX system. The OpenVMS Concurrent-Use Licenses are available in any quantity desired except unlimited. OpenVMS Concurrent-Use Licenses are mobile (and can be redesignated) and may be installed and used on a single OpenVMS VAX 89 or OpenVMS Alpha processor, or shared in a single OpenVMS VAXcluster, a single OpenVMS Cluster, or shared in a mixed OpenVMS Cluster. A user that enables a Concurrent-Use License is defined as an indi- vidual who is logged in to an OpenVMS VAX processor, or an OpenVMS Al- pha processor, or an OpenVMS VAXcluster, or an OpenVMS Cluster, or a mixed OpenVMS Cluster and/or is interactively using the OpenVMS op- erating system software by means other than a login. When an OpenVMS VAX SMP System upgrade is performed, the SMP Exten- sion to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System License permits the use of all existing Distributed Interactive User Licenses on the upgraded sys- tem. The Operating System Base License provides the right to use only the OpenVMS features of the current or prior versions of the OpenVMS op- erating system. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. OpenVMS Alpha License Information There are five types of OpenVMS licenses available on Alpha proces- sors: 1. Operating System Base License (QL-MT1A*-6*) LMF Product Name: OpenVMS-ALPHA This license grants the right to noninteractive use of the remote batch, print, application, and computing services of the OpenVMS Alpha op- erating system on a single processor. This license authorizes one di- rect login for system management purposes only. For dual processor sys- tems (Compaq AlphaServer 8200, 8400 and the AlphaServer GS60, GS60E, and GS140), the base license for these specific systems grants the right to noninteractive use of the remote batch, print, application, and com- puting services of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system on a dual pro- cessor. 90 The Operating System Base License is a prerequisite for OpenVMS User Licenses and SMP Base Extension Licenses. The Operating System Base License provides the right to use only the OpenVMS features of the current or prior versions of the OpenVMS Op- erating System. 2. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Base Extension License (QL-MT1A9- 6*) LMF Product Name: OpenVMS-ALPHA SMP Base Extensions extend the Operating System Base License to en- able symmetric multiprocessing capability on those OpenVMS Alpha sys- tems supporting SMP. SMP Base Extensions are permanently tied to the Operating System Base License and may not be separated from the Op- erating System Base License if an SMP board is removed from the sys- tem. SMP Extensions grant the right to use the same version of the oper- ating system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the SMP Extension is granted. 3. Individual User License (QL-MT2A*-**) (No Longer Offered) LMF Product Name: OpenVMS-ALPHA-USER This license grants the right to interactive use of the OpenVMS Al- pha operating system, provided the appropriate Operating System Base License has been previously installed on the OpenVMS Alpha system. The Individual User Licenses are available in any quantity desired or as an unlimited user license. Individual User Licenses can be redesignated and may be installed and used on a single OpenVMS Alpha processor only. They may not be shared in a single OpenVMS Cluster environment. A user is defined as an in- dividual who is logged in to an OpenVMS Alpha processor or is inter- actively using the operating system software by means other than a lo- gin. 91 This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. 4. OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Interactive User License (QL-MT3A*-**) (No Longer Offered) LMF Product Name: OpenVMS-ALPHA-ADL This license grants the right to interactive use of the OpenVMS Al- pha operating system, provided the appropriate Operating System Base License has been previously installed on an Alpha system. The ADL In- teractive User Licenses are concurrent-use licenses and are available in any quantity desired except unlimited. ADL Interactive User Licenses can be redesignated and may be installed and used on a single Open- VMS Alpha processor, or shared in a single OpenVMS Cluster environ- ment. A distributed interactive user is defined as an individual who is logged in to an OpenVMS Alpha processor or OpenVMS Cluster or is interactively using the operating system software by means other than a login. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. 5. OpenVMS Concurrent-Use License (for both VAX and Alpha) (QL-MT3A*- 3*) LMF Product Name: OPENVMS-ALPHA-ADL This license grants the right to interactive use of the OpenVMS op- erating system, provided the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System Base License in installed on an OpenVMS VAX processor, and/or on an Open- VMS Alpha processor, or on OpenVMS VAX processors if one of the five types of VAX VMS Licenses has been previously installed on a VAX sys- tem. The OpenVMS Concurrent-Use Licenses are available in any quan- tity desired except unlimited. OpenVMS Concurrent-Use Licenses are mo- bile (can be redesignated) and may be installed and used on a single OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha processor, or shared in a single Open- VMS VAXcluster, a single OpenVMS Cluster, or shared in a mixed Open- VMS Cluster. 92 A user that enables a Concurrent-Use License is defined as an indi- vidual who is logged in to an OpenVMS VAX processor, or an OpenVMS Al- pha processor, or an OpenVMS VAXcluster, or an OpenVMS Cluster, or a mixed OpenVMS Cluster and/or is interactively using the OpenVMS op- erating system software by means other than a login. When an Alpha SMP System upgrade is performed, the SMP Base Extension to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System License permits the use of all existing User Licenses on the upgraded system. This license grants the right to use the same version of the operat- ing system software as permitted for the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the User License is installed. License Management Facility Support The OpenVMS operating system supports the Compaq License Management Facility (LMF). If an OpenVMS license is not registered and activated using LMF, only a single login is permitted for system management purposes through the system console (OPA0:). Several of the VAX VMS and OpenVMS VAX license types are based on the number of concurrent users, called an activity license. Every prod- uct has the option to define an activity as related to the LMF. Open- VMS Interactive User and ADL Interactive User Licenses define the num- ber of concurrent users who have activity licenses as defined by the LMF. OpenVMS defines activities, sometimes referred to as an OpenVMS user, as follows: o Each remote terminal connection is considered an activity. This is true even if users set host to their local nodes (SET HOST 0). o Each connection from a terminal server is considered an activity. o A multiple-window session on a workstation is considered one ac- tivity, regardless of the number of windows. o A batch job is not considered an activity. 93 o A remote network connection (a connection other than a remote ter- minal connection) is not considered an activity. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your Compaq Account Representative. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. System Sup- port Services provides integrated hardware and software remedial sup- port, telephone advisory support, and the right-to-use new version of kernel software. For more information, contact your local Compaq Ac- count Representative. SYSTEMS SUPPORTED Alpha Systems Supported This section lists the Alpha systems that are supported by OpenVMS Al- pha Version 7.3. Refer to the appropriate page at the following web- site for details concerning Alpha hardware configurations and options: TURBOchannel Bus-Based Systems o DEC 3000 Models 300/300L/300LX/300X o DEC 3000 Models 400/400S o DEC 3000 Models 500/500S/500X o DEC 3000 Models 600/600S o DEC 3000 Models 700/700LX o DEC 3000 Models 800/800S o DEC 3000 Models 900/900LX DSSI Bus-Based Systems o DEC 4000 Model 600 94 o DEC 4000 Model 700 XMI Bus-Based Systems o AlphaServer 8400 (All chip speeds) o DEC 7000 Model 600 o DEC 10000 Model 600 PCI Bus-Based Systems o AlphaServer 300 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 400 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 800 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1000 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1000A (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 2000 (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100 (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100A (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100A LP (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 4000 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 4100 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 8200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 8400 (All chip speeds) o Compaq AlphaServer DS10 o Compaq AlphaServer DS10L o Compaq AlphaServer DS20 o Compaq AlphaServer DS20E o Compaq AlphaServer ES40 95 o Compaq AlphaServer GS60 o Compaq AlphaServer GS60E o Compaq AlphaServer GS80 o Compaq AlphaServer GS140 o Compaq AlphaServer GS160 o Compaq AlphaServer GS320 o DIGITAL 2100 Server Model A500MP, A600MP o AlphaStation 200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 250 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 255/233, 255/300 o AlphaStation 400 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 500/266, 500/333, 500/400, 500/500 o AlphaStation 600 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 600A (All chip speeds) o DPWau 433au, 500au, 600au o Compaq AlphaStation DS20e o Compaq AlphaStation ES40 o Compaq AlphaStation XP900/DS10 o Compaq AlphaStation XP1000 The following are the Compaq semiconductor microprocessor development reference boards supported by OpenVMS Alpha: o Alpha 21064/21064A PCI reference board (EB64+) o Alpha 21164 PCI reference board (EB164) o Alpha PC64 reference board (APC64) 96 Compaq Modular Computing Component o Alpha 4/233 PICMG SBC o Alpha 4/266 PICMG SBC o Alpha 5/366 PICMG SBC o Alpha 5/500 PICMG SBC o CompactPCI CS-1000 VAX Systems Supported This section of the SPD lists the VAX systems that are supported by OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3. Refer to the Systems and Options Catalog and the Network and Communications Buyers Guide for details concerning VAX hardware configurations and options. Q-bus Based Systems o MicroVAX II o MicroVAX 3300, VAXserver 3300 o MicroVAX 3400, VAXserver 3400 o MicroVAX 3500, VAXserver 3500, VAXstation 3500, VAXstation 3520, VAXstation 3540 o MicroVAX 3600, VAXserver 3600 o MicroVAX 3800, VAXserver 3800 o MicroVAX 3900, VAXserver 3900 o VAX 4000, Models 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 o VAX 4000, Models 50, 100A, 105A, 106A, 108, 500A, 505A, 600A, 700A, 705A, o VAXserver 4000, Models 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 XMI Bus-Based Systems o VAX 6000 Series, Models 210, 220, 230, 240 97 o VAX 6000 Series, Models 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360 o VAX 6000 Series, Models 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460 o VAX 6000 Series, Models 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560 o VAX 6000 Series, Models 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660 o VAXserver 6000, Models 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, 420, 510, 520, 610, 620, 630 o VAX 7000, Models 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760, 810, 820, 830, 840, 850, 860 o VAX 10000, Models 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660 Special System-Specific Internal Bus o MicroVAX 3100, Models 10, 10E, 20, 20E, 30, 40, 80, 85, 88, 90, 95, 96, 98 o VAXserver 3100, Models 10, 10E, 20, 20E o VAXstation 4000, Models 60, 90, 95, 96 o VAXstation 4000-VLC o VAX 9000, Models 110, 110VP[5], 210, 210VP, 310, 310VP System Restrictions DECwindows Restrictions The following list describes version-specific restrictions. The DECwin- dows Motif environment is not supported on these systems. MicroVAX I and VAXstation I Systems OpenVMS Restrictions ____________________ Vector processor (VP) 98 The final version of OpenVMS VAX that supports the following systems is VMS Version 5.1-1. VAX-11/725 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 was the final version to support the follow- ing: VAX-11/730 VAX-11/750 VAX-11/751 VAX-11/780 VAX-11/782 VAX-11/785 VAXft 110 VAXft 310 VAXft 410 VAXft 610 VAXft 810 MicroVAX I VAXstation I OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 is the final version to support the follow- ing: MicroVAX II VAXstation II/GPX, VAXstation II/QVSS VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 2000/GPX, VAXstation 2000/MFB MicroVAX 2000 OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 is the last version to support the following: VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAXserver 8200, VAXserver 8250 VAX 8300, VAX 8350, VAXserver 8300, VAXserver 8350 VAX 8530, VAXserver 8530, VAX 8550, VAXserver 8550 VAX 8600, VAX 8650, VAXserver 8600, VAXserver 8650 VAX 8700, VAXserver 8700 VAX 8800, VAX 8810, VAX 8820, VAX 8830, VAX 8840 VAXserver 8800, VAXserver 8810, VAXserver 8820, VAXserver 8830, VAXserver 8840, VAX 8842, VAX 8974, VAX 8978 99 VAX 9000, Models 110, 110VP, 210, 210VP, 310, 310VP VAX 9000, Models 320, 320VP, 330, 330VP, 340, 340VP VAX 9000, Models 410, 410VP, 420, 420VP, 430, 430VP, 440, 440VP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 is the last version to support the fol- lowing: o DEC 2000 Models 300/500 o Tadpole ALPHAbook 1 100 APPENDIX A This appendix describes Compaq Computer Corporation terminals, disks, tapes, controllers, graphics, and network options. Some restrictions for specific devices are listed, if applicable. Compaq reserves the right to change the number and type of devices sup- ported by OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS VAX, Compaq DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, and Compaq OpenVMS Cluster Software. The minimum hardware re- quirements for future versions and updates of these software products may be different from current hardware requirements. For configura- tion details about Alpha or VAX hardware, refer to the Systems and Op- tions Catalog and the Network and Communications Buyers Guide. Refer to the following SPDs for detailed product information: Compaq DECnet for OpenVMS (SPD 48.48.xx), Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS (SPD 50.45.xx, 25.03.xx), Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (SPD 46.46.xx), Compaq Cluster Software (SPD 29.78.xx), and Compaq Open3D for Open- VMS Alpha (SPD 45.08.xx). Terminals and Terminal Line Interfaces To prevent input from overflowing a buffer, terminals use the ASCII control characters DC1 and DC3 for synchronization as defined by the Compaq DEC STD 111, Revision A. VXT windowing terminals support stan- dard ANSI applications and X Windows using the LAT transport proto- col. The following table lists the terminals supported by OpenVMS Alpha: VT200 VT300 VT400 series series series VT500 VXT2000 series series 101 The following table lists the terminals supported by OpenVMS VAX: VT52 VT100 LA series series VT300 VT1000 LQP02 series series VT200 VT500 series series Terminals on Professional 350, Rainbow 100, and DECmate II systems em- ulate VT100 terminals. Only limited support is available for the VT52. The VT131, when run- ning an application, operates in block mode. When interacting with Open- VMS VAX and associated utilities, the VT131 operates only in VT100 (or interactive) mode and not in block mode. Note: The VT1000 is a monochrome windowing terminal that supports stan- dard ANSI applications and the X Window System. The transport proto- col supported is LAT for VMS. The product supports 15-inch and 19-inch monitors. Disks The first column lists the disk drive. The second column describes the device. The third column lists the bus the device is supported on. The fourth column lists the minimum required version of OpenVMS Alpha that supports these devices. The fifth column lists the minimum required version of OpenVMS VAX that supports these devices. (NS stands for Not Supported.) ___________________________________________________________________ VAX Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ EF51R[3] 107 MB solid state DSSI NS 5.5- 2 102 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ EF52R[4] 205 MB solid state DSSI NS 5.5- 2 EF53[4] 267 MB solid state DSSI NS 5.5- 2 ESE-20[3] 120 MB solid state SDI NS ESE-52[3] 120 MB solid state SDI 1.0 5.5- 2 ESE-56 600 MB solid state SDI 1.5 5.5- 2 ESE-58 960 MB solid state SDI 1.5 5.5- 2 EZ31 134 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS EZ32 268 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS EZ51R[3] 100 MB solid state SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 EZ54R 467 MB solid state SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 EZ58R 855 MB solid state SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 EZ64 475 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- 2 EZ69 950 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- 2 DS-EZ41 134 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- 1H3 DS-EZ42 268 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- 1H3 DS-EZ705 536 MB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- 1H3 103 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ DS-EZ711 1.07 GB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- 1H3 DS-EZ716 1.6 GB solid state SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- 1H3 PBXRW-JC 2 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk PBXRW-NB 4 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk PBXRW-SA 9 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk PBXRZ-JC 2 GB narrow fixed SCSI 6.2-1H3 disk PBXRZ-NB 4 GB narrow fixed SCSI 6.2-1H3 disk PBXRZ-SA 9 GB narrow fixed SCSI 6.2-1H3 disk RA60[4] 205 MB removable SDI NS 6.1 RA70 280 MB fixed SDI NS 6.1 RA71 700 MB fixed disk SDI NS 5.4- 2 RA72 1 GB fixed disk SDI 1.0 5.4- 2 RA73 2 GB fixed disk SDI 1.0 5.5- 2 RA80[3] 128 MB fixed disk SDI NS 6.1 RA81 456 MB fixed disk SDI NS 6.1 RA82 622 MB fixed disk SDI NS 6.1 RA90 1.2 GB fixed disk SDI 1.0 6.1 RA92 1.5 GB fixed disk SDI 1.0 6.1 104 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RC25[3] 2 disks each 26 Q-bus NS 6.1 MB (1 fixed and 1 removable) disk drive with shared spindle RD32[3] VAX 42 MB fixed Q-bus NS disk RD51[3] 10 MB fixed disk Q-bus NS 6.1 RD52[3] 31 MB fixed disk Q-bus NS 6.1 RD53[3] 71 MB fixed disk Q-bus NS RD54[4] 159 MB fixed disk Q-bus NS RF30[4] 150 MB fixed disk DSSI NS 6.1 RF31 381 MB fixed disk DSSI 1.5 RF31F[1] 200 MB fixed disk DSSI NS 5.4- 2 RF31T 381 MB fixed disk DSSI 1.5 5.5- 2 RF35 800 MB fixed disk DSSI 1.0 5.5 RF36 1.6 GB fixed disk DSSI 6.1 6.0 RF71 400 MB fixed disk DSSI 1.5 6.1 RF72 1 GB fixed disk DSSI 1.5 5.5- 2 RF74 3.5 GB fixed disk DSSI 6.1 6.0 RK06[3] 14 MB removable UNIBUS NS disk RK07[3] 28 MB removable UNIBUS NS disk RL02[3] 10 MB removable UNIBUS NS disk 105 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RRD40[3] 600 MB read-only Q-bus NS optical disk drive and SCSI RRD42 600 MB read-only SCSI 1.0 5.4- optical disk drive 2 RRD43 680 MB read-only SCSI 6.1 5.5- optical disk drive 2 RRD44 680 MB read-only SCSI 6.1 optical disk drive RRD45 600 MB 4x read-only SCSI 6.1 6.1 optical disk drive 106 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RRD46 600 MB 12x read- SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- only optical disk 2H4 drive RRD47 600 MB 32x read- SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- only optical disk 1H3 drive RRD50[3] 600 MB read-only Q-bus NS optical disk drive RWZ01 594 MB optical SCSI 1.0 removable disk drive RWZ53 2.6 GB magneto SCSI 6.1 6.1 optical disk drive RX02[3] 512 KB diskette UNIBUS NS RX23 1.47 MB diskette SCSI NS RX23L 1.44 MB diskette SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS drive RX26 2.8 MB diskette I82077 1.5-1H1 drive RX26 2.8 MB diskette SCSI 1.0 5.5 drive RX33[3] 1.2 MB diskette Q-bus NS drive, requires minimum RQDX3 mi- crocode of Version 3.0 RX50[3] 400 KB diskette Q-bus NS RV20[3] 2 GB Write Once Q-bus, NS Read Many optical UNIBUS, disk drive VAXBI 107 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RV64[3] 2 GB Write Once Q-bus, NS Read Many optical UNIBUS, disk subsystem VAXBI RZ1BB 2 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk RZ1CB 4 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk RZ1DB 9 GB wide fixed UltraSCSI 6.2-1H3 disk RZ22[3] 52 MB fixed disk SCSI NS RZ23[3] 104 MB fixed disk SCSI NS RZ23L[3] 121 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 5.4- 1 RZ24[1] 209 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 6.1 RZ24L 245 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 5.4- 3 RZ25 425 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 5.4- 3 RZ25L 500 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 RZ25M 540 MB fixed disk SCSI 6.1 6.1 RZ26 1.05 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 5.5- 2 RZ26B 1.05 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 6.0 RZ26L 1.0 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 RZ26N 1.0 GB fixed disk SCSI 6.2 5.5- 2H4 108 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RZ28 2.1 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 5.5- 2 RZ28B 2.1 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 6.0 RZ28D 2.1 GB fixed disk SCSI 6.2 6.2 109 ______________________________________________________________VAX__ Alpha Ver- Disk_Drive_____Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion_ RZ28L 2 GB narrow fixed SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- disk 2H4 RZ28M 2.1 GB fixed disk SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- 2H4 RZ29B 4.3 GB fixed disk SCSI 6.1 5.5- 2H4 RZ29L 4 GB narrow fixed SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- disk 2H4 RZ35 852 MB fixed disk SCSI NS 5.4- 3 RZ40 9 GB narrow fixed SCSI Version 6.1 disk 6.2-1H3 RZ55 332 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 6.1 RZ56 665 MB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 6.1 RZ57[2] 1 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.5 5.4- 3 RZ58 1.35 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 5.5 RZ73 2 GB fixed disk SCSI 1.0 6.0 RZ2CC 4 GB fixed disk SCSI 7.1-1H2 RZ2DC 9 GB fixed disk SCSI 7.1-1H2 RZ1EF__________18_GB_fixed_disk_______SCSI________7.1-1H2__________ ____________________ Specific tailoring is required to use this device as an OpenVMS Al- pha or VAX system disk with the DECwindows Motif environment. Minimum revision firmware is V6000. Device cannot be used as an OpenVMS VAX system disk. Device cannot be used as an OpenVMS VAX system disk with DECwindows Motif environment. TSZ05 is not supported in Version 7.2. Last version supported was Alpha Version 6.1. 110 Note: The preceding list is not complete in terms of currently ship- ping disk and tape devices, as that list changes frequently. Currently, supported disk and tape devices are reflected in the AlphaServer Sup- ported Options Lists that can be found at the individual AlphaServer WEB pages: After clicking on the requested AlphaServer, one can access links from the left hand columns under Technical Information under Supported Op- tions. From there, you can sort by type of option and have it display disks, tapes, etc. Disk Options Supported by Compaq's Services Enterprise Integration Cen- ter (SEIC) (VAX Only) RF30- 150 MB removable (DSSI) RA[4] disk RF31-RA 381 MB removable (DSSI) disk RF71-RA 400 MB removable (DSSI) disk RF71-RA 1 GB removable (DSSI) disk RWZ01 594 MB optical (SCSI) (Version 5.4-3) removable disk Tapes The first column lists the device name. The second column describes the device. The third column lists the bus the device is supported on. The fourth column lists the minimum required version of OpenVMS Al- pha, and the fifth column lists the minimum required version of Open- VMS VAX that supports these devices. (NS stands for Not Supported.) 111 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ TA78 1600/6250 BPI, STI 1.0 STI TU78 TA79 STI TU79 STI NS TA81 145 MB tape drive STI 1.0 TA90 1.2 GB tape car- STI 1.0 tridge subsystem. (5-inch 200 MB cartridge) TA90E 1.2 GB tape car- STI NS tridge subsys- tem. Compacts data records automati- cally TA91 High-performance STI NS 5.4-2 tape drive TE16 9-track magnetic M-BUS NS tape drive TF70 290 MB TK70 tape DSSI NS 5.4-2 cartridge drive TF85 2.6 GB streaming DSSI 6.1 5.5-2 tape cartridge drive TF857 18.2 GB tape car- DSSI 6.1 5.5-2 tridge loader TF86 6.0 GB DLT tape DSSI 6.1 6.1 cartridge TF867 42 GB DLT tape DSSI 6.1 6.1 loader 112 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ TK50 95 MB, 5 1/4-inch Q-bus NS streaming tape and SCSI cartridge drive TK70 296 MB, 5 1/4-inch Q-bus NS streaming tape cartridge drive TKZ09 5.0 GB, 8mm tape SCSI 1.5 NS drive TKZ9E 1-14 GB, 8mm tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5-2 drive TKZ15 Exabyte 8505 8mm SCSI 6.1 6.1 tape drive TKZ20 2 GB, DC2000 tape SCSI 6.1 6.1 drive TKZ60 200/400 MB, SCSI 1.0 5.5-2 3480/3490 tape drive TKZ61 4.4 GB, 3480/3490 SCSI 6.1 5.5-2 tape loader TKZ62 24 GB, 3480/3490/3490E SCSI 6.1 5.5-2 tape loader TL893 18.4 TB, 4mm, DAT SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS tape drive TL894 3.3 TB, 4mm, DAT SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS tape drive TL896 12.3 TB, 4mm, DAT SCSI 6.2-1H3 NS tape drive TLZ04 1.2 GB, 4mm, DAT SCSI 1.0 tape drive 113 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ TLZ06 4 GB, 4mm, DAT tape SCSI 1.0 6.1 drive TLZ07 8 GB, 4mm, DAT tape SCSI 6.1 6.1 drive TLZ08 5.25-inch, 2 GB, SCSI NS 8mm tape drive TLZ09 4 GB, DAT tape SCSI 6.1 5.5- drive 2H4 TLZ10 12/24 GB, DAT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5-2 drive TLZ6L 4 GB, 3.5-inch, 4mm SCSI 6.1 DAT tape loader TLZ7L 8 GB, 3.5-inch, 4mm SCSI 6.1 6.1 DAT tape loader TLZ9L 32/64 GB, 3.5-inch, SCSI 6.2-1H3 4mm DAT tape loader TL812 1.92 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 TL822 10.4 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 TL826 7.0 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 DS-TL890 1.12 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 DS-TL891 700 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 DS-TL893 18.4 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 114 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ DS-TL894 3.3 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 DS-TL895 6.7 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 DS-TL896 12.3 TB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 6.2- library 1H3 TS05 9-track magnetic Q-bus NS tape drive TS11 9-track magnetic UNIBUS NS tape drive TSZ05 1600 bits/in tape SCSI 1.5 drive TSZ07 1600/6250 BPI tape SCSI 1.0 5.4-1 drive TU77 9-track magnetic M-BUS NS tape drive TU78 9-track magnetic M-BUS NS tape drive TU80 9-track magnetic UNIBUS NS tape drive TU81 9-track magnetic UNIBUS NS tape drive TU81-Plus Streaming 9-track Q-bus, NS magnetic tape drive UNIBUS, VAXBI TZ30 95 MB, half-height SCSI 1.0 DLT tape drive TZ85 2.6 GB DLT tape SCSI 1.0 drive 115 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ TZ857 18 GB, DLT tape SCSI 1.0 loader TZ86 6.0 GB, DLT tape SCSI 1.5 drive TZ867 42 GB, DLT tape SCSI 1.5 loader TZ87 20 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.1 6.1 drive TZ875 100 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.1 6.1 loader TZ877 140 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.1 6.1 loader TZ88 20/40 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2 5.5- drive 2H4 TZ88N 40/80 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2 5.5- drive 2H4 TZ89N 35/70 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H3 5.5- drive 2H4 TZ885 40/80 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H2 5.5- loader 2H4 TZ887 40/80 GB, DLT tape SCSI 6.2-1H2 5.5- loader 2H4 TZK08 2.2 GB 8mm, tape SCSI 6.1 drive TZK10 320/525 MB, QIC SCSI 1.0 tape drive TZK11 2.0 GB, QIC tape SCSI 6.1 drive 116 _____________________________________________________________VAX___ Alpha Ver- Tape__________Description____________Bus_________Version_____sion__ TZS20 25/50 GB, AIT 8mm, SCSI 7.1 tape drive ESL9326 40/80 GB, DLT tape SCSI 7.2 library family ESL9198 40/80 GB, DLT tape SCSI 7.2 ______________library_family_______________________________________ Note: The preceding list is not complete in terms of currently ship- ping disk and tape devices, as that list changes frequently. Currently, supported disk and tape devices are reflected in the AlphaServer Sup- ported Options Lists that can be found at the individual AlphaServer WEB pages: After clicking on the requested AlphaServer, one can access links from the left hand columns under Technical Information under supported op- tions. From there, you can sort by type of option and have it display disks, tapes, etc. Networks Storage Servers HS111 StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer HS121 StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer HS211 StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer HS221 StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer HS241 StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer SWXNA StorageWorks FDDI StorageServer 117 InfoServer An integrated hardware and software system that sits directly on the Ethernet to provide CD-ROM, hard disk, magneto-optical, and tape access to OpenVMS clients in a LAN. It supports up to 14 SCSI devices and can be used for software distribution and ini- tial system load (ISL). For more information, refer to the InfoServer Software Product Description (SPD 33.20.xx.) Enterprise Storage Arrays SWXES StorageWorks Enterprise Storage Array 10000, 12000 SWXRA StorageWorks RAID Array 7000, 310, 450, 3000, 8000 Controllers and Adapters HSC40 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. HSC50 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 4.1.) Refer to SPD 32.96.xx for supported configurations. HSC60 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. HSC65 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. 118 HSC70 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. HSC90 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. HSC95 Hierarchical storage controller for MSCP served disks and TMSCP served tapes. (HSC software must be at minimum Version 8.1.) Refer to SPD 42.81.xx for supported configurations. HSD05 DSSI to SCSI-2 FSE StorageWorks bus adapter. (Firmware must be at minimum Version X36.) HSD10 DSSI to SCSI-2 FSE StorageWorks bus adapter HSD30 DSSI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to three SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSD firmware must be at minimum Version V15D.) HSD50 DSSI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to six SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSD firmware must be at minimum Version Version 5.0D.) HSJ30 CI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to three SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSJ firmware must be at minimum Version V15J.) HSJ40 CI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to six SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSJ firmware must be at minimum Version V15J.) HSJ50 CI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to six SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSJ firmware must be at minimum Version Version 5.0J-2 or later.) HSZ20 Fast wide differential SCSI based StorageWorks con- troller that supports up to three SCSI-2 FSE ports. (Alpha only) 119 HSZ40- Fast wide differential SCSI based StorageWorks con- Bx/Cx troller that supports up to six SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSZ firmware must be at minimum Version V2.5Z.) (Alpha only) HSZ50 Fast wide differential SCSI based StorageWorks con- troller that supports up to six SCSI-2 FSE ports. (HSZ firmware must be at minimum Version Version 5.0Z) (Alpha only) HSZ70 UltraSCSI wide differential based StorageWorks con- troller that supports up to six UltraSCSI wide sin- gle ended device ports and one host port. (Alpha only) HSZ80 UltraSCSI wide differential based StorageWorks con- troller that supports up to six UltraSCSI wide sin- gle ended device ports and two host ports. (Alpha only) HSZ22 UltraSCSI wide differential based StorageWorks con- troller that supports up to two UltraSCSI wide sin- gle ended device ports and two host ports. (Alpha only) HSG60 Fibre Channel based StorageWorks controller that supports up to two UltraSCSI wide single ended de- vice ports and two host ports. (Alpha only - Version 7.2-1 and higher) HSG80 Fibre Channel based StorageWorks controller that supports up to six UltraSCSI wide single ended de- vice ports and two host ports. (Alpha only - Version 7.2-1 and higher) MDR Compaq StorageWorks Modular Data Router for con- necting SCSI tape devices to a FC switch. (Alpha only) KDM70 Mass-storage controller for XMI systems with eight SDI ports. 120 KFESA Mass-storage controller for EISA systems with one DSSI port. (Alpha only) KFESB Mass-storage controller for EISA systems with one DSSI port. (Alpha only) KFMSB Mass-storage controller for XMI systems with two DSSI ports. (Alpha only) KFPSA Mass-storage controller for PCI systems with one DSSI port. (Alpha only - Version 6.2-1H2 minimum support) KZESC-AA Backplane RAID controller for EISA systems with one SCSI-2 FSE port. (Alpha only) KZESC-BA Backplane RAID controller for EISA systems with three SCSI-2 FSE ports. (Alpha only) KZMSA Mass-storage controller for XMI systems with two SCSI ports. (Limited SCSI-2 support - Alpha only) KZPAA Mass-storage adapter for PCI systems with one SCSI-2 FSE port. (Alpha only) KZPBA-CA Mass-storage adapter for PCI based servers with one UltraSCSI port. Single host support in Version 6.2-1H3, and Version 7.1-1H1 and higher. (Alpha only) KZPBA-CB Mass-storage adapter for PCI based servers with two UltraSCSI ports. Single host support in Version 6.2- 1H3, and multi-host support in Version 7.1-1H1 and higher. (Alpha only) KZPDA Mass-storage adapter for PCI systems with one SCSI-2 FWSE port. (Alpha only) KZPSA Mass-storage adapter for PCI systems with one SCSI-2 FWD port. (Alpha only - 26 per system maximum with Version 6.2-1H3 and Version 7.1) KZPSC-AA Backplane RAID controller for PCI systems with one SCSI-2 FSE port. (Alpha only) 121 KZPSC-BA Backplane RAID controller for PCI systems with three SCSI-2 FSE ports. (Alpha only) KZPAC- One and two channel Backplane RAID controller for AA,CA,CB PCI systems. (Alpha only) KZPCM Mass-storage/network adapter for PCI systems with one SCSI-2 FSE port, an Ethernet port to connect to IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Alpha only - Version 6.2-1H1 minimum support) KZPCA Mass-storage adapter for PCI based servers with one UltraSCSI, Ultra-2 port . (Alpha only) KGPSA Mass-storage adapter for PCI-based servers with one Fibre Channel port. (Alpha only - Version 7.2-1 and higher) KZTSA Mass-storage adapter for TURBOchannel systems with one SCSI-2 FWD port. (Alpha only) PB2HA-SA Mass-storage controller for EISA systems with one SCSI port. (Limited SCSI-2 support. Alpha only on systems with no greater than 1GB of memory.) PMAZB Mass-storage adapter for TURBOchannel systems with two SCSI-2 FSE ports. (Alpha only) PMAZC Mass-storage adapter for TURBOchannel systems with two fast SCSI-2 FSE ports. (Alpha only) Hubs and Switches DWZZH-03 3 port SCSI hub DWZZH-05 5 port SCSI hub DSGGA-AA/B 8/16 port Fibre Channel switch Controllers (VAX Only) HSZ10 SCSI based StorageWorks controller that supports up to two SCSI-2 ports. 122 IDC Integrated Disk Controller for VAX-11/725 and VAX- 11/730 systems. IDTC Integral Disk and Tape Controller for VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 systems. LPA11-K Microprocessor controller for laboratory acquisi- tion I/O devices, accommodating up to two AD11-K, one AA11-K, one KW11-K, two AM11-Ks, and five DR11- K devices. One LPA11-K controller is supported per UNIBUS, and a maximum of two are supported per sys- tem. KDA50 Q-bus MSCP disk controller. The KDA50 disk con- troller supports up to four of the following drives: RA60, RA70, RA80, RA81, and RA82. KDB50 VAXBI MSCP disk controller. The KDB50 disk con- troller supports up to four of the following drives: RA60, RA80, RA81, and RA82. KFQSA Q-bus to DSSI bus adapter. This adapter allows up to seven DSSI storage devices to attach to the DSSI bus. (Six DSSI storage devices are allowed in a multi-host configuration.) KLESI Q-bus, UNIBUS, and VAXBI tape controller for the TU81-Plus, RV20, or RC25. KRQ50 Q-bus controller for the RRD40/RRD50 compact disc reader. KZQSA Q-bus to SCSI bus adapter. This adapter allows up to seven SCSI storage devices to attach to the SCSI bus. Supported only for CD-ROM and specific tape devices. KFDDA VAX 4000 model 100 DSSI bus adapter. This adapter allows up to seven DSSI storage devices to attach to the DSSI bus. (Six DSSI storage devices are allowed in a multi-host configuration.) 123 KFDDB VAX 4000 model 500/600/700 DSSI bus adapter. This adapter allows up to seven DSSI storage devices to attach to the DSSI bus. (Six DSSI storage devices are allowed in a multi-host configuration.) LP11 UNIBUS parallel high-speed line printer controller for the LPxx printers. LPV11 Q-bus parallel high-speed line printer controller. RK711 UNIBUS disk controller for RK07 disk drives. RL211 UNIBUS disk controller for the RL02 disk drive. RQDXx Q-bus disk controller for MicroVAX and VAXstation systems. There is an RQDX1, RQDX2, and an RQDX3 controller. The RQDXx disk controller supports as many as four disk units, with each RX50 diskette drive counting as two units. Due to controller lim- itations, the system supports a maximum of four devices; the number of RD/RX devices the system supports depends on the enclosure. The RQDX3 disk controller is required for the RD54 and the RX33 drives. RX211 UNIBUS diskette controller for two RX02 drives. One RX211 diskette controller is supported per system. RUX50 UNIBUS diskette controller for RX50 drives. One RUX50 diskette controller is supported per system. TM03 MASSBUS tape controller for the TE16 and TU77 mag- netic tape drives. TM32 BI bus, 9-track tape controller only with large record support. TM78 MASSBUS tape controller for the TU78 magnetic tape drive. TQK50 Q-bus tape controller for the TK50 cartridge tape drive. TQK70 Q-bus tape controller for the TK70 cartridge tape drive. 124 TS11 UNIBUS tape controller for the TS11 magnetic tape drive. TBK50 BI bus tape controller for the TK50 cartridge tape drive. TBK50 BI bus tape controller for the TK50 cartridge tape drive. TBK70 BI bus tape controller for the TK70 cartridge tape drive. TUK50 UNIBUS tape controller for the TK50 cartridge tape drive. One TUK50 tape controller is supported per system. UDA50 UNIBUS MSCP disk controller. The UDA50 controller must have a minimum microcode version of REV 3. The UDA50 controller supports up to four of the following disk drives: RA60, RA80, RA81, and RA82. Asynchronous Terminal Controllers (Alpha Only) PBXDA- 4-port PCI asynchronous terminal controller AA PBXDA- 8-port PCI asynchronous terminal controller AB PBXDA- 16-port PCI asynchronous terminal controller AC Asynchronous Terminal Controllers (VAX Only) CXA16 16-line serial terminal multiplexer (DEC-423), maximum baud rate supported: 38400. (No modem control) (Q-bus) CXB16 16-line serial terminal multiplexer (RS422), maximum baud rate supported: 38400. (No modem control) (Q-bus) 125 CXY08 8-line serial terminal multiplexer (RS232), maximum baud rate supported: 19200. (Full modem control) (Q-bus) DHB32 16-line asynchronous terminal controller for VAXBI, maximum baud rate supported: 19200. (VAXBI) DHF11 32-line asynchronous terminal controller (DEC 423), maximum baud rate supported: 19200. (No modem control) (Q-bus) DHT32 8-line asynchronous terminal controller (DEC 423). (No modem control) (MicroVAX 2000) DHQ11 8-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232-C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rate supported: 19200. (Full modem control) (Q-bus) DHU11 16-line asynchronous terminal controller (RS-232-C), maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Full modem control) (UNIBUS) DHV11 8-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Full modem control) (Q-bus) DMB32 8-line asynchronous terminal controller, maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Full modem control) (VAXBI) DMF32 8-line asynchronous terminal controller, maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Full modem control on first two lines) (UNIBUS) DMZ32 24-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Modem support dependent on configuration) (UNIBUS) DZ11 8-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rate supported: 9600. (Partial modem control) (UNIBUS) 126 DZ32 8-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rate supported: 9600. (Partial modem control) (UNIBUS) DZQ11 4-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rate supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Partial modem control) (Q-bus) DZV11 4-line asynchronous terminal controller (EIA RS-232- C or RS-423-A), maximum baud rate supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19200; DECnet-VAX, 9600. (Partial modem control) (Q-bus) Synchronous Controllers-(Alpha Only) The X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems software product contains the syn- chronous device drivers and is required when using synchronous com- munications options. Refer to SPD 47.37xx for more information. SCC Integral Synchronous Communications controller on DEC 3000 systems DSYT1 2-port TurboChannel/Synchronous Communications con- troller DNSES 2-port EISA/Synchronous Communications controller (Ver- sion 6.2-1H2 minimum support.) PBXDI- 2 or 4-port ISA/Synchronous Communications controller Ax PBXDP- 2, 4 or 8-port PCI/Synchronous Communications con- Ax troller Synchronous Controllers (VAX Only) The optional VAX Wide Area Network Device Drivers component of the Com- paq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software product contains the synchronous device drivers and is required when using synchronous communication options. Refer to SPD 25.03.xx for more information. 127 DMB32 Point-to-point synchronous interface. (VAXBI) DMC11 High-speed, local, point-to-point synchronous inter- face; retired device, no longer offered as an option. (UNIBUS) DMF32 Point-to-point or multipoint synchronous interface. (UNIBUS) DMP11 Point-to-point or multipoint synchronous interface; (UNIBUS) retired device, no longer offered as an op- tion. DMR11 Remote, point-to-point, synchronous interface; (UNIBUS) replaces DMC11. DMV11 Point-to-point or multipoint synchronous interface. (Q-bus) DPV11 Synchronous, 1-line, half or full-duplex, point-to- point communication interface supporting DDCMP, HDLC, SDLC, or BISYNC protocols. DSB32 2-line, multiple protocol, synchronous adapter. (VAXBI) DSH32 1-line synchronous (full modem control) and 8-line asynchronous (no modem control) communications con- troller for the MicroVAX 2000. DEC423 devices are sup- ported. Maximum baud rates supported: OpenVMS VAX, 19.2 KbPS (kilobits/second); 9.6 kBPS for MicroVAX 2000, etc. DST32 Synchronous single-line support for DDCMP up to 9.6 KbPS, full duplex for MicroVAX 2000 systems. Concurrent use with the DHT32 is not supported. DSV11 Synchronous, 2-line, half or full-duplex point-to-point communication interface supporting DDCMP (one or two lines up to 64 KbPS). 128 DSF32 DEC WANcontroller 620 - 2-line synchronous communica- tions controller designed specifically for the VAXft 3000 processors, supporting DDCMP. DDCMP is supported at speeds up to 64 KbPS per line for a 2-line opera- tion. Graphics Options PBXGK ELSA/GLoria Synergy+ graphics option that provides 2D acceleration for supported PCI-based Alpha Work- stations and Servers. PBXGD PowerStorm 300/3500 graphics option that provides 3D acceleration or 3D acceleration with stereo viewing capabilities for supported PCI-based Alpha Worksta- tions and Servers. PBXGF-AB 3DLabs OXYGEN VX1 graphics option that provides 2D acceleration for supported PCI-based Alpha Worksta- tions and Servers. OpenGL 1.1 supports PowerStorm 350 and 300 graphics accelerators on the following platforms: o XP900 o XP1000 o DS10 o DS20 o DS20e o ES40 OpenGL 1.1 is included with the OpenVMS Alpha operating system dis- tribution kit. For more information, refer to the Compaq Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 45.08.xx), and the Compaq DECwindows Mo- tif Software Product Description (SPD 42.19.xx) 129 LAN Options (VAX and Alpha) DEFTA A network adapter that connects TURBOchannel systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks.(100 mbits/sec) DEFZA A network adapter that connects TURBOchannel systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. Not supported as a cluster interconnect or boot device. (100 mbits/sec) DEMFA A network adapter that connects XMI systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. (100 mbits/sec) DEMNA A network adapter that connects XMI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) PMAD A network adapter that connects TURBOchannel systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) LAN Options (Alpha Only) DEFAA A network adapter that connects FUTUREBUS+ systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. (100 mbits/sec) DEFEA A network adapter that connects EISA systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. (100 mbits/sec) DEFPA A network adapter that connects PCI systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. (100 mbits/sec) DGLPB ATMworks 350 network adapter that connects PCI systems to ATM local area networks. Version 7.1-1H1 minimum. (155 mbits/sec-OC3) DGLPA ATMworks 351 network adapter that connects PCI systems to ATM local area networks. Version 7.1-1H1 minimum. (155 mbits/sec-OC3) DAPBA FORE Systems HE155 network adapter that connects PCI systems to ATM local area networks. Version 7.1-1H1 minimum. (155 mbits/sec-OC3) 130 DAPCA FORE Systems HE622 network adapter that connects PCI systems to ATM local area networks. Version 7.1-1H1 minimum. (622 mbits/sec-OC12) DE205 A network adapter that connects ISA/EISA systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 6.2-1H2 minimum support or Version 6.2 with AXPLAN01_062 Remedial kit.) (10 mbits/sec) DE422 A network adapter that connects EISA systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE425 A high-performance network adapter that connects EISA systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE434 A high-performance network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE435 A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE436 A quad channel network adapter that connects PCI sys- tems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE450 A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DE500- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the AA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 6.2-1H3 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) DE500- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the BA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 6.2-1H3 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) 131 DE504- A quad channel network adapter that connects PCI sys- BA tems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 7.1-1H1 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) DE500- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the FA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 7.1-1H1 minimum support.) (100 mbits/sec) DE500- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the XA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 6.2-1H2 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) DE600- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the AA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 7.1-2 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) DE600- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the FA Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 7.1-2 minimum support.) (100 mbits/sec) DE602- A dual channel network adapter that connects PCI sys- AA tems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (Version 7.1-2 minimum support.) (10 or 100 mbits/sec) DEGPA- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the SA Ethernet and IEEE 802.2 local area networks. (Version 7.1-2 minimum support.) (1000 mbits/sec) DEGPA- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to both the TA Ethernet and IEEE 802.2 local area networks. (Version 7.1-2 minimum support.) (10, 100, or 1000 mbits/sec) DW300 A network adapter that connects the EISA bus to a Token Ring local area network. (4 or 16 mbits/sec) PBXNP- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to a To- DA ken Ring local area network. (Version 6.2-1H3 minimum support.) (4 or 16 mbits/sec) 132 PBXNP- A network adapter that connects PCI systems to a To- AA ken Ring local area network. (Version 6.2-1H3 minimum support.) (4 or 16 mbits/sec) DETRA A network adapter that connects the TURBOchannel sys- tems to a Token Ring local area network. (4 or 16 mbits/sec) PB2CA- A network adapter that connects AA EISA systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) LAN Options (VAX Only) DEUNA A network adapter that connects UNIBUS systems to both Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DELUA A network adapter that connects UNIBUS systems to both the Ethernet to IEEE 802.3 local area networks. The minimum revision required is F1. (10 mbits/sec) DEBNA A network adapter that connects VAXBI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DEBNI A network adapter that connects VAXBI systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DESVA An embedded network adapter that connects VAX sys- tems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DEQNA A network adapter that connects Q-bus systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. The minimum revision level required is K3. Supported for application use only. Not supported beyond Version 5.4-3. (10 mbits/sec) 133 DELQA A network adapter that connects Q-bus systems to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. This is the replacement for DEQNA. The minimum revision level required is C3. (10 mbits/sec) DESQA A network adapter that connects Q-bus for S-BOX config- urations to both the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. (10 mbits/sec) DEFQA A network adapter that connects Q-bus systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. (100 mbits/sec) DGLTA- ATMworks 750 network adapter that connects TurboChannel FA systems to local area networks. (OC3) KFE52 Ethernet adapter for the VAXft 3000. Minimum of two adapters per system providing redundant connection to the Ethernet and the DSSI buses. CI Options (Alpha Only) CIPCA Native CI adapter for PCI AlphaServer systems with one CI port. (Alpha only-Version 6.2-1H2 minimum support) CIXCD-AC Native CI adapter for Alpha XMI systems. (Minimum microcode version REV 1.0 is required.) CI Options (VAX Only) VAXcluster software can support multiple CI adapters per system. Re- fer to the VAXcluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) for the supported configurations. CIBCI CI adapter for VAXBI systems. (Minimum microcode ver- sion REV 8.7 is required.) CIBCA- Native CI adapter for VAXBI systems. (Minimum microcode AA version REV 7.5 is required.) CIBCA- Native CI adapter for VAXBI systems. (Minimum microcode BA version REV 5.2 is required.) 134 CIPCI CIXCD- Native CI adapter for VAX 9xxx XMI systems. (Minimum AA microcode version REV 1.0 is required.) CIXCD- Native CI adapter for VAX 6xxx XMI systems. (Minimum AB microcode version REV 1.0 is required.) Memory Channel Options (Alpha Only) CCMAA-AA PCI-based Memory Channel Controller CCMAA-BA PCI-based Memory Channel Controller CCMHA-AA Memory Channel Hub With 4 Line Cards CCMLA-AA Memory Channel Line Card for use with Memory Channel Hub(CCMHA-AA) CCMAB-AA PCI-based Memory Channel 2 Controller CCMHB-AA Memory Channel 2 Hub with 4 Line Cards CCMLB-AA Memory Channel 2 Line Card for use with Memory Chan- nel 2 Hub (CCMHB-AA) Miscellaneous PC4XD-AA Parallel/serial port adapter. PMTCE TURBOchannel extender. Miscellaneous (VAX Only) CR11 Card reader. One CR11 card reader is supported per system. (UNIBUS) DRV11- General-purpose DMA interface. (Q-bus) WA DR11-W General-purpose, high-speed DMA interface - one DR11-W interface supported per UNIBUS. DR750 High-performance, general-purpose interface for the VAX-11/750. One DR750 interface is supported per sys- tem. This device cannot be used in conjunction with the CI750. 135 DR780 High-performance, general-purpose interface for the VAX-11/780 and VAX-11/785. One DR780 interface is sup- ported per system. On the VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 as many as four per system are permitted provided that the M8297-YA is used. DWBUA XMI to UNIBUS adapter. DWMBA XMI to BI adapter; also the adapter used to connect the XMI to VAX expander cabinet. DWMVA XMI to VME adapter. FP86-AA Floating point accelerator for the VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 systems. FV64A Vector processing option for the VAX 6000-400. H7112 Memory battery backup for VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 sys- tems. This is required for power-fail/recovery. RH780 MASSBUS controller for the VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 sys- tems. SBI System backplane interconnect and I/O bus for the VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 systems. VS40X 4-plane graphics coprocessor. WS01X VAXstation 3100 SPX graphics option. Abbreviations APMP Adaptive Partitioned Multi-Processing ATA-3 AT Attachment, Version 3 COM Component Object Model DLT Digital Linear Tape DSSI DIGITAL Storage Systems Interconnect EISA Extended Industry Standard Interconnect FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface FSE Fast Single Ended (SCSI) FWD Fast Wide Differential (SCSI) 136 IDE Integrated Device (or Drive) Electronics IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers I80277 Intel 82077 PC Compatible Floppy Interface MSCP Mass Storage Control Protocol NCS National Character Set PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect QIC Quarter Inch Cartridge RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks RMC Remote Procedure Call RMS Record Management Services SDI Standard Drive Interface SMP Symmetric Multiprocessing STI Standard Tape Interface TFF Terminal Fallback Facility TIE Translated Image Environment TMSCP Tape Mass Storage Control Protocol VLM Very Large Memory VVIEF VAX Vector Instruction Emulation Facility XMI Extended Memory Interconnect SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Compaq with the pur- chase of a license for the products as defined in the Software War- ranty Addendum to this SPD. The previous information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation 137 Compaq, AlphaServer, MicroVAX, POLYCENTER, PowerStorm, StorageWorks, VAX, VMS, and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Offic. OpenVMS, DECnet, DECwindows, Tru64, and VAXcluster are trade- marks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Cor- poration in the United States and other countries. Motif, OSF/1, and UNIX are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change with- out notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Noth- ing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. 138 139