

 PRODUCT NAME:  VMScluster Software Version 1.5 for OpenVMS AXP  SPD


 VMScluster Software for OpenVMS AXP is an OpenVMS AXP System Integrated
 Product (SIP) that provides a highly integrated OpenVMS computing en-
 vironment distributed over multiple Alpha AXP CPUs. This environment
 is called a VMScluster system, and can be extended to include VAX fam-
 ily CPUs running VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS VAX. Refer to the VAX-
 cluster Software for OpenVMS VAX, Version 5.5-2 Software Product De-
 scription (SPD 29.78.06) for details of the VAXcluster software prod-

 Except where noted, all references to OpenVMS and VMScluster features
 apply equally to VAX systems and Alpha AXP systems when configured to-
 gether in a single VMScluster.

 CPUs in a VMScluster system can share processing, mass storage, and
 other resources under a single OpenVMS security and management domain.
 Within this highly integrated environment, CPUs retain their indepen-
 dence because they use local, memory-resident copies of the OpenVMS
 operating system. Thus, VMScluster CPUs can boot and shut down inde-
 pendently while benefiting from common resources.

 Applications running on one or more CPUs in a VMScluster system ac-
 cess shared resources in a coordinated manner. VMScluster software com-
 ponents synchronize access to shared resources, allowing multiple pro-
 cesses on any CPU in the VMScluster to perform coordinated shared data

                               DIGITAL                      May 1993

 Because resources are shared, VMScluster systems offer higher avail-
 ability than standalone CPUs. Properly configured VMScluster systems
 can withstand the shutdown or failure of various components. For ex-
 ample, if one CPU in a VMScluster is shut down, users can log on to
 another CPU to create a new process and continue working; because mass
 storage can be shared cluster-wide, the new process is able to access
 the original data. Applications can be designed to survive these events

 All VMScluster systems have the following software features in com-

 o  The OpenVMS operating system and VMScluster software allow all CPUs
    to share read and write access to disk files in a fully coordinated
    environment. Application programs can specify the level of cluster-
    wide file sharing that is required; access is then coordinated by
    the OpenVMS Extended QIO Processor (XQP) and Record Management Ser-
    vices (RMS).

 o  Shared batch and print queues are accessible from any CPU in the
    VMScluster system. The OpenVMS queue manager controls cluster-wide
    batch and print queues, which can be accessed by any CPU. Batch jobs
    submitted to cluster-wide queues are routed to any available CPU
    so the batch load is shared.

 o  The OpenVMS Lock Manager System Services operate in a cluster-wide
    manner. These services enable reliable coordinated access to any
    resource and provide signaling mechanisms, at the system and pro-
    cess level, across the whole VMScluster system.

 o  All physical disks in a VMScluster system can be made accessible
    to all CPUs. Additionally, VAX systems can serve TMSCP-compliant
    tapes to all systems in a VMScluster.

 o  Process information and control services are available cluster-wide
    to application programs and system utilities.

 o  Configuration command procedures assist in adding and removing CPUs
    and in modifying their configuration characteristics.


 o  The dynamic Show Cluster Utility displays the status of VMSclus-
    ter hardware components and communication links.

 o  Standard OpenVMS system and security features work in a cluster-
    wide manner such that the entire VMScluster system operates as a
    single security domain.

 o  The VMScluster software balances the interconnect I/O load in VM-
    Scluster configurations that include multiple interconnects.

 o  Multiple VMScluster systems can be configured on a single or ex-
    tended Local Area Network (LAN).


 The following terms are used throughout this SPD.

 o  CPU (Central Processing Unit) - An Alpha AXP family or VAX family
    computer running the OpenVMS operating system. A CPU comprises one
    or more processors and operates as a VMScluster node. A VMSclus-
    ter node can be referred to as VMScluster member.

 o  Disk server - A CPU that makes disks to which it has access avail-
    able to other CPUs in the VMScluster system, using the OpenVMS MSCP

 o  Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) server - A CPU that services
    satellite boot requests, using DECnet for OpenVMS AXP software, to
    provide the initial Local Area Network (LAN) down-line load sequence
    of the OpenVMS operating system and VMScluster software. At the end
    of the initial down-line load sequence, the satellite uses a disk
    server to perform the remainder of the OpenVMS booting process.

 o  Satellite - A CPU that is booted over a LAN using a MOP server and
    disk server.

 o  Boot server - A CPU that is both a MOP server and a Disk server.
    A Boot server can fully service Satellite boot requests.

 o  Mixed interconnect VMScluster system - A VMScluster system that uses
    more than one type of interconnect for VMScluster communication.


 o  Mixed architecture VMScluster system - A VMScluster system that is
    configured with both VAX and Alpha AXP CPUs.

 o  Hierarchical Storage Controller (HSC) - An intelligent mass stor-
    age controller subsystem that connects to the CI.

 o  Star Coupler - A common connection point for all CI-connected CPUs
    and HSCs.

 o  MSCP (Mass Storage Control Protocol) - A message-based protocol for
    controlling Digital Storage Architecture (DSA) disk storage sub-
    systems. The protocol is implemented by the OpenVMS DUDRIVER de-
    vice driver.

 o  TMSCP (Tape Mass Storage Control Protocol) - A message-based pro-
    tocol for controlling DSA tape storage subsystems. The protocol is
    implemented by the OpenVMS TUDRIVER device driver.


 VMScluster systems are configured by connecting multiple CPUs with a
 communication media, referred to as an interconnect. VMScluster nodes
 communicate with each other using the most appropriate interconnect
 available. Whenever possible, in the event of interconnect failure,
 VMScluster software will automatically use an alternate interconnect.
 VMScluster software supports the following interconnects for Alpha AXP

 o  Computer Interconnect (CI)

 o  Ethernet

 o  Digital Storage System Interconnect (DSSI)

 Ethernet is an industry-standard general purpose communications in-
 terconnect that can be used to implement a Local Area Network (LAN).

 CI and DSSI are highly optimized special purpose interconnects for CPUs
 and Storage subsystems in VMScluster configurations.


 Additionally, VAX CPUs may use FDDI as an interconnect in a VMSclus-
 ter system. Refer to the VAXcluster Software, Version 5.5-2 Software
 Product Description (SPD 29.78.06) for further information.

 Configuration Rules

 The following rules apply to Alpha AXP CPUs in a VMScluster system:

 o  A maximum of three DEC 7000/10000 CPUs can be configured in a VM-

 o  A maximum of two DEC 4000 CPUs can be configured in a VMScluster.

 o  A maximum of twelve DEC 3000 CPUs can be configured in a VMSclus-
    ter system.

 o  A maximum of two CI adapters can be configured on a DEC 7000/10000

 o  A maximum of two LAN adapters can be configured on an Alpha AXP CPU.

 o  DEC 7000/10000 CPUs cannot be connected to the DSSI.

 o  DEC 4000/7000/10000 CPUs require a system disk that is accessed via
    a local controller or through a local CI or DSSI connection. These
    CPUs cannot be configured to boot as VMScluster satellite nodes.

 The following rules, and those defined in the VAXcluster Software, Ver-
 sion 5.5-2 Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.06), apply when VAX CPUs
 are configured in a mixed architecture VMScluster system. Where rules
 in the VAXcluster Software SPD conflict with rules in this SPD, this
 SPD takes precedence.

 o  When DEC 7000/10000 CPUs share a CI with VAX CPUs, the total num-
    ber of CPUs (Alpha AXP plus VAX) on that interconnect cannot ex-
    ceed eight.

 o  When DEC 4000 CPUs share a DSSI with VAX CPUs, the total number of
    CPUs (Alpha AXP plus VAX) on that interconnect cannot exceed three.

 o  DEC 4000 CPUs can coexist on a DSSI with VAX 4xxx, VAX 6xxx, VAX
    7xxx, and VAX 10xxx CPUs.


 o  DEC 4000 CPUs cannot coexist on a DSSI with VAX 3xxx or VAX 9xxx

 o  DEC 4000 CPUs cannot coexist on a DSSI with the KFQSA adapter.

 o  A VAX CPU and an Alpha AXP CPU cannot boot from a common system disk.

 o  Cross architecture satellite booting is not supported. Alpha AXP
    satellites must boot from an Alpha AXP boot server, and VAX satel-
    lites must boot from a VAX boot server.

 o  Alpha AXP CPUs cannot access shadow or stripe sets created on VAX CPUs
    by the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS VAX or VAX Disk Striping prod-

 In addition, all VMScluster configurations must adhere to the follow-
 ing general rules.

 o  A maximum of 96 CPUs can be configured in a VMScluster. This limit
    is the sum of Alpha AXP CPUs plus VAX CPUs in the total VMSclus-
    ter configuration.

 o  A maximum of two Star Couplers can be configured in a VMScluster.

 o  Every CPU in a VMScluster system must be connected to every other
    CPU via any of the supported VMScluster interconnects.

 o  All CPUs connected to a CI or DSSI must be configured as VMSclus-
    ter members. VMScluster members configured on a CI or DSSI will be-
    come members of the same VMScluster (this is imposed automatically
    by the VMScluster software).

 o  The RA-series disks and TA-series tapes can be dual pathed between
    pairs of HSC subsystems on the same Star Coupler, or between two
    local controllers. Such dual pathing provides enhanced data avail-
    ability using an OpenVMS automatic recovery capability called failover.
    Failover is the ability to use an alternate hardware path from a
    CPU to a storage device when a failure occurs on the current path.
    The failover process is transparent to applications. Dual pathing
    between an HSC and a local controller is not permitted. When two
    local controllers are used for dual pathing, each controller must


    be located on separate CPUs, and the CPUs must be of the same ar-

 o  CPUs that use an Ethernet for VMScluster communications can con-
    currently use it for other network protocols that conform to the
    applicable Ethernet standards, such as Ethernet V2.0, IEEE 802.2,
    and IEEE 802.3.

 o  All LAN paths used for VMScluster communication must operate, at
    a minimum, with approximately 10 megabits per second throughput and
    low latency.

 o  A DECnet communication path must exist between all nodes in a VM-
    Scluster system.

 o  A single time zone setting must be used by all CPUs in a VMSclus-
    ter system.

 o  A VMScluster system can be configured with a maximum of one Quo-
    rum Disk. A Quorum Disk cannot be a member of an OpenVMS volume set,
    or of a shadow or stripe set created by the Volume Shadowing for
    OpenVMS or VAX Disk Striping products.


 The optimal VMScluster system configuration for any computing envi-
 ronment is based on requirements of cost, functionality, performance,
 capacity, and availability. Factors that impact these requirements in-

 o  Applications in use

 o  Number of users

 o  Number and model of CPUs

 o  Interconnect and adapter throughput and latency characteristics

 o  Disk and tape I/O capacity and access time

 o  Number of disks and tapes being served

 o  Interconnect utilization


 Digital recommends VMScluster system configurations based on its ex-
 perience with the VMScluster software product. The customer should eval-
 uate specific application dependencies and performance requirements
 to determine an appropriate configuration for the desired computing

 When planning a VMScluster system, consider the following recommen-

 o  VMScluster CPUs should be configured using interconnects that pro-
    vide appropriate performance for the required system usage. In gen-
    eral, use the highest performance interconnect possible. CI and DSSI
    are the preferred interconnects between DEC 4000, 7000, and 10000
    CPUs. For performance reasons, configuring VMScluster systems con-
    taining multiple DEC 4000, 7000, and 10000 CPUs using Ethernet as
    the only interconnect should be avoided.

 o  While VMScluster systems can include any number of system disks,
    system performance and management overhead should be considered in
    determining their number and location. It is important to recog-
    nize that while the performance of multiple system disk configu-
    rations may be higher than with a single system disk, system man-
    agement efforts increase in proportion to the number of system disks.

 o  Digital recommends that all CI connected CPUs be connected to at
    least one common Star Coupler. When CPUs are configured with mul-
    tiple CIXCD CI adapters it is recommended that each CIXCD be con-
    nected to a different Star Coupler.

 o  Data availability and I/O performance are enhanced when multiple
    VMScluster nodes have direct access to shared storage; when pos-
    sible, configure systems to allow direct access to shared storage
    in favor of OpenVMS MSCP Served access. Multi-access DSSI- and HSC-
    based storage provides higher data availability than singly accessed,
    local controller-based storage. Additionally, dual pathing of DSA
    disks between local or HSC storage controllers enhances data avail-
    ability in the event of controller failure.


 o  VMScluster systems can provide enhanced availability by utilizing
    redundant components. For example, additional CPUs, storage con-
    trollers, and disks and tapes can be configured. Extra peripheral
    options such as printers and terminals can be included to further
    enhance availability. Multiple instances of all the VMScluster in-
    terconnects (CI, DSSI, Ethernet) are supported.

 o  To enhance availability, LAN-based and mixed interconnect VMSclus-
    ter systems should include multiple boot servers. When a server fails
    in configurations that include multiple servers, satellite access
    to multi-path disks will fail over to another path. Disk servers
    should be the most powerful CPUs in the VMScluster and should use
    the highest bandwidth LAN adapters available.

 o  When a LAN-based VMScluster system is configured with high perfor-
    mance nodes, multiple LAN adapters and interconnects can be used
    to increase total communication bandwidth.

 o  Maintenance of complex LAN-based VMScluster configurations can be
    simplified with the aid of the OpenVMS LAVC$FAILURE_ANALYSIS pro-
    gram, which is available in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory.

 o  VMSclusters are sensitive to LAN traffic levels. The average LAN
    segment utilization should not exceed 60 percent for any 10-second
    interval. Nodes may leave the VMScluster if they cannot properly
    exchange control messages every three seconds. If the overall level
    of LAN network traffic becomes excessive, bridges can be used to
    localize VMScluster traffic, either by locating the VMScluster sys-
    tem behind a bridge, or by placing bridges between groups of VM-
    Scluster members.

 o  When under heavy network load, bridges are subject to packet loss
    and retransmission, due to congestion. In a VMScluster environment,
    heavy network loads can result when many satellite nodes are booted
    simultaneously. It may be necessary to minimize simultaneous boot-
    ing, or limit the number of nodes that utilize these LAN bridges.



 Supported CPUs

 Any Alpha AXP CPU, as listed in the OpenVMS AXP Operating System, Ver-
 sion 1.5 Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.01), can be used in
 a VMScluster.

 Any Alpha AXP CPU, as listed in the OpenVMS AXP Operating System, Ver-
 sion 1.5 Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.01), can be config-
 ured as a VMScluster satellite node, with the exception of DEC 4000
 /7000/10000 CPUs.

 Supported LAN Adapters

 Table 1 shows the types of Local Area Network (LAN) adapters supported
 by VMScluster software.



 XMI                   DEMNA

 TURBOchannel          PMAD


 Supported Peripheral Options

 Alpha AXP CPUs in VMScluster systems can use all peripheral options
 supported by the OpenVMS AXP operating system. Refer to the OpenVMS
 AXP Operating System, Version 1.5 Software Product Description (SPD
 41.87.01) for further information. VAX CPUs in VMScluster systems can
 use all peripheral options supported by the OpenVMS VAX operating sys-
 tem. Refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System, Version 5.5-2 Soft-
 ware Product Description (SPD 25.01.37) for further information.

 Star Coupler Expander


 A Computer Interconnect Star Coupler Expander (CISCE) can be added to
 any Star Coupler to increase its connection capacity to 32 ports. The
 maximum number of CPUs that can be connected to a Star Coupler is eight,
 regardless of size.

 HSC Subsystems

 VMScluster software supports all models of the HSC family of intel-
 ligent mass storage controllers. The following rules apply for HSC sub-

 o  The following minimum software revisions are required for HSC sub-

    -  HSC Software V4.1 for the HSC50

    -  HSC High Performance Software V8.1 for the HSC40, HSC60, HSC65,
       HSC70, HSC90, and HSC95

 o  All HSC device ports can be used for disk storage. The maximum num-
    ber of ports that can be used for tapes is twenty-four for the HSC70,
    HSC90 and HSC95; twelve for the HSC40, HSC60, and HSC65; eight for
    the HSC50.


 o  OpenVMS AXP Operating System V1.5

    Refer to the OpenVMS AXP Operating System, Version 1.5 Software Prod-
    uct Description (SPD 41.87.01) for further information.

    Note: The OpenVMS AXP operating system, V1.5 can coexist in a VM-
    Scluster configured with VAX CPUs that are running the OpenVMS VAX
    operating system, V5.5-2. VAX systems running OpenVMS VAX operat-
    ing system, A5.5-2 must be upgraded to V5.5-2 when included in a
    mixed architecture VMScluster system. Only one version of OpenVMS
    can exist on a system disk. Note that cross-architecture upgrades
    cannot be performed; a VAX system disk cannot be upgraded to an Al-
    pha AXP system disk, and vice versa.


 o  DECnet V1.5 for OpenVMS AXP

    All VMScluster CPUs require a DECnet for OpenVMS AXP license. If
    the Cluster Alias feature is required, at least one VMScluster mem-
    ber must install an Extended Function license.

    Refer to the DECnet Version 1.5 for OpenVMS AXP Software Product
    Description (SPD 42.25.01) for further information.


 For information on VMScluster support for optional software products,
 refer to the VMScluster Support section of the Software Product De-
 scriptions for those products.

 Optional products that are particularly useful in VMScluster systems

 o  DECram for OpenVMS V1.1 (SPD 34.26.xx)

 o  VAXcluster Console System V1.4 (SPD 27.46.xx)


 The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of
 this product may be different from the requirements for the current





 Software Licenses: QL-MUZA*-AA
 Software Media & Documentation: QA-MT1AA-HA
 Software Product Services: QT-MUZA*-**

 *  Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li-
    censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book.


 OpenVMS AXP customers automatically receive the VMScluster Systems for
 OpenVMS manual, in on-line viewable format, on the OpenVMS AXP Oper-
 ating System, Version 1.5 CD-ROM. In addition, the VMScluster Systems
 for OpenVMS manual is included in the OpenVMS AXP Operating System,
 Version 1.5 hardcopy documentation, as part of the Standard Documen-
 tation Set.

 Refer to the OpenVMS AXP Operating System, Version 1.5 Software Prod-
 uct Description (SPD 41.87.01) for additional information on OpenVMS
 AXP documentation and ordering information.


 A VMScluster software license is required for each Alpha AXP CPU in
 a VMScluster system. A VAXcluster software license is required for each
 VAX CPU in a VMScluster system.

 This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital
 Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in-
 formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your
 local Digital office.

 License Management Facility Support

 The VMScluster Software product supports the Digital License Manage-
 ment Facility (LMF).

 License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System
 Use basis.


 For more information about the License Management Facility, refer to
 the OpenVMS AXP Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx)
 or documentation set.


 A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in-
 formation, contact your local Digital office.


 Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur-
 chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty
 Addendum of this SPD.

 The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your
 local Digital office for the most up-to-date information.
 [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha AXP, AXP, CI, DEC, DECnet, Digital,
    HSC, HSC40, HSC50, HSC60, HSC70, HSC90, MSCP, OpenVMS, RA,
    TA, TMSCP, TURBOchannel, VAX, VAXcluster, and VMScluster are
    trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
