.TITLE DEHEX .SBTTL Stuart Hecht and Eric McQueen, Stevens Inst of Technology .LIBRARY /SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET/ .LIBRARY /SYS$LIBRARY:LIB/ .IDENT /1.2/ ; ; Define ALPHA if R22 is a register and not a symbol ; .NTYPE ...IS_IT_ALPHA,R22 ;Get the type of R22 ...IS_IT_ALPHA = <...IS_IT_ALPHA@-4&^XF>-5 .IIF EQ,...IS_IT_ALPHA, ALPHA=1 ;++ ;1.2 ;Updated July 2, 1993 by Hunter Goatley, Western Kentucky University ;<goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET> ;Ported to run under OpenVMS AXP. Changed JSBs and JMPs to BSBWs and BRWs. ;Could use a lot more cleanup, but I don't have the time.... ;------------------------------ ;1.1.01 ;Updated March 9, 1898, by Susan Webb and Jerry Holliday of Lockheed Aircraft ;Systems Co, Marietta, GA, to work for files longer than 64K. Added lines ;marked with ";JH". ;-- ;++ ;1.1.02 ;Updated March 15, 1989, by Tom Allebrandi of Advanced Computer Consulting, ;Inc, Charlottesville, VA. (ta2@acci.com) ; ;On March 14, 1989, I pulled this file and VMSMIT.HEX from Columbia via ;KERMSRV. After compiling, this utility would not decode the VMSMIT file. ;The problem was the 1.1.01 fix noted above. ; ;I have removed the 1.1.01 fix and coded it so that it works correctly. ;My changes are marked ";ta2" ;-- ;++ ;Modified by Jeff Guerber, STX, (xrjrg@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov), June 4, 1991. ;Added the file organization (fab$b_org). Indexed files were not being ;treated properly, hopefully this will fix it. Marked with "JRG". 1.1.03 ;-- ;++ ;This will take a set hexidecimal strings created by the hexify program and ; recreate the source file(s). ;-- .EXTRN LIB$GET_INPUT .EXTRN LIB$PUT_OUTPUT .EXTRN DSC$K_DTYPE_T .EXTRN DSC$K_CLASS_S .EXTRN SS$_NORMAL .MCALL $FAB ; RMS calls .MCALL $RAB .MCALL $CLOSE .MCALL $CONNECT .MCALL $CREATE .MCALL $DISCONNECT .MCALL $GET .MCALL $OPEN .MCALL $WRITE .MCALL $RAB_STORE .MCALL $FAB_STORE .SBTTL Definitions of symbols DWRLUN =1 ; Disk read LUN DWWLUN =5 ; Disk write LUN TRUE =1 ; True FALSE =0 ; False KNORMAL =0 ; No error LEFTBYTE=^O377*^O400 ; All ones in left byte HEXOFFSET=7 ; Offset to get to 'A from '9+1 CR =13. ; Carriage return LF =10. ; Line feed MAX.MSG =256. ; Maximum number of chars from XK RCV.SOH =^A/:/ ; Receive start of packet RCV.EOL =13. ; End of line character MSB =128. ; Most significant bit ; Packet types currently supported PKDATA =00 ; Data packet code PKRFM =255. ; Record format PKRAT =254. ; Record attributes PKMRS =253. ; Maximum record size PKALQ =252. ; File length(blocks) PKFILNM =251. ; File name PKEOF =250. ; End of task file PKORG =249. ; File organization ; .SBTTL RMS Data .PSECT $PLIT$,LONG DEFALT: .ASCIZ 'SYS$DISK:' ; System default. DEFALN =.-DEFALT ; Size of the default device. .EVEN .SBTTL Data M$FILE: .BYTE CR,LF .ASCII 'Please type the file name: ' L$FILE= .-M$FILE M$CRLF: .BYTE CR,LF ; Data for carriage return/line feed L$CRLF =.-M$CRLF .ALIGN LONG ;M$AK: ; .ASCII 'Y' ; Data for aknowledged .ALIGN LONG M$NAK: ;.ASCII 'N' ; Data for not aknowledged .ASCII 'BAD CHECK SUM' ; Data for not aknowledged L$NAK =.-M$NAK .ALIGN LONG M$UN: ;.ASCII 'U' ; Data for unrecognized code .ASCII 'UNKNOWN BLOCK TYPE' ; Data for unrecognized code L$UN =.-M$UN .ALIGN LONG M$RMS: .BYTE CR,LF,LF .ASCII 'RMS ERROR' L$RMS =.-M$RMS .ALIGN LONG M$REC: .BYTE CR,LF,LF .ASCII 'RECEIVE ERROR - Try again.' L$REC =.-M$REC .EVEN .SBTTL Storage locations .PSECT $OWN$,LONG .ALIGN LONG MSGDSC: .BLKW 1 ; Data block for terminal output .BYTE DSC$K_DTYPE_T .BYTE DSC$K_CLASS_S ADDR: .ADDRESS ADDR LNGADR: .BLKL 1 INP_STR_D: ; Key string desciptor .BLKL 1 INP_BUF: .ADDRESS ADDR INP_STR_LEN: .BLKL 1 ; Key string length WTCOUNT: .BLKL 1 ; Number of characters written LENGTH: .BLKL 1 ; Length of data portion of packet OPENFL: .BLKL 1 ; Tells us if the file is open CHKSUM: .BLKL 1 ; Checksum for the line ADDRESS: .BLKL 1 ; Current address ALQLOC: .BLKW 2 ; Storage for allocation OUT.N: .BLKB 28. ; Space for output file name OUT.L =.-OUT.N ; Length of output file name INP.N: .BLKB 28. ; Space for input file name INP.L =.-INP.N ; Length of input file name .EVEN ; Need to start RDBUF on even boundary RDBUF: .BLKB MAX.MSG ; XK read buffer .EVEN WTBUF: .BLKB 512. ; Disk write buffer .EVEN .SBTTL RMS Data structures .ALIGN LONG RDFAB:: $FAB DNA=DEFALT,DNS=DEFALN,FNA=INP.N,FNS=INP.L,- LCH=DWRLUN,FAC=GET,SHR=GET .ALIGN LONG RDRAB:: $RAB FAB=RDFAB,RAC=SEQ ; Beginning of RAB block. .ALIGN LONG WTFAB:: $FAB DNA=DEFALT,DNS=DEFALN,FNA=OUT.N,FNS=OUT.L,- LCH=DWWLUN,FAC=PUT,SHR=NIL WTRAB:: $RAB FAB=WTFAB,RAC=SEQ ; Beginning of RAB block. .SBTTL Start of program .PSECT $CODE$,LONG,EXE .ENTRY DEHEX,^M<> FILE: MOVAB M$FILE,R11 ; Output the get file name message MOVZBL #L$FILE,R12 MOVAB INP.N,R10 ; Get the file name MOVZBL #INP.L,R1 BSBW READ TSTL R0 ; Check for no input BEQL FILE ; Go back and get some ;Open the file MOVAL RDFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1. $FAB_STORE FAB=R1,FNS=R0 ; Tell RMS file name length $OPEN #RDFAB ; Open the file BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error MOVAL RDRAB,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1. ; Put address of user buffer and size and record buffer and size in RAB. $RAB_STORE RAB=R1,UBF=RDBUF,RBF=RDBUF,USZ=#MAX.MSG,RSZ=#MAX.MSG $CONNECT #RDRAB ; Connect to record. BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error .SBTTL Do the real work ;++ ; Do the actual work ;-- BEGIN: MOVAL M$CRLF,R10 ; Get a return/linefeed and output them MOVZBL #L$CRLF,R1 BSBW WRITE CLRL WTCOUNT ; Initialize the pointer CLRL ADDRESS ; Initialize the address CLRL OPENFL ; Set the file to not open .SBTTL Main loop ; Main loop to get data DOLIN: CLRL CHKSUM ; Clear the checksum BSBW RECEIVE ; Get the line CLRL R3 ; Clear R3 out BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert it to a real number MOVL R10,LENGTH ; Save the length NAB: BSBW CVTBIN ; BISL R10,R3 ; Save a byte of the address ASHL #8.,R3,R3 ; Make room for next byte SOBGEQ LNGADR,NAB ; If there are more than 2 bytes BSBW CVTBIN ; BISL R10,R3 ; Fill in the low byte of address ;ta2 The fix for 1.1.01 converted two more hex values here. As of March ; 1989, this doesn't appear to be required. The conversion has been ; removed. BSBW CVTBIN ;ta2 Pick up the record type code CMPL #PKDATA,R10 ; Check to see if this is regular data BNEQ NOTDAT ; If not then check the special cases ; Check for end of hex file TSTL R3 ; Check to see if the address is all BNEQ DATST ; zero, if not then branch TSTL LENGTH ; Check to see if the length is zero BNEQ DATST ; also, if not then branch BRW FINISH ; Must be end of hex file so finish up ; Regular data to put into the file DATST: TSTL OPENFL ; Check to see if the file is open yet BNEQ DAT1 ; If it is then skip the open BSBW OPEN ; Open the file DAT1: CMPL R3,ADDRESS ; Check for null compression BEQL 10$ ; If none compressed then continue past CLRL R10 ; Make a null BSBW PUT ; and put it into the file INCL ADDRESS ; Point to next address BRW DAT1 ; Go see if there are any more nulls ; Go to work on the HEX we got on the line 10$: MOVL LENGTH,R2 ; Get the length TSTL R2 ; See if there is any data BEQL 30$ ; If not then branch 20$: BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert it BSBW PUT ; Put the character in the file INCL ADDRESS ; Increment the address SOBGTR R2,20$ ; Repeat until all done 30$: BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTDAT: MOVAL WTFAB,R5 ; Get the FAB address CMPL #PKRFM,R10 ; Check to see if this is record fmt BNEQ NOTRFM ; If not then don't do this stuff ; Store the Record format (FIX, VAR, ...) BSBW CVTBIN ; $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,RFM=R10 ; Store the record format BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTRFM: CMPL #PKRAT,R10 ; Check to see if this is record type BNEQ NOTRAT ; If not then branch ; Store the record type (CR, ...) BSBW CVTBIN ; $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,RAT=R10 ; Store the record type BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line ; Store the file organization (SEQ, IDX, etc). JRG. NOTRAT: CMPL #PKORG,R10 ; Check to see if this is organization BNEQ NOTORG ; If not then branch BSBW CVTBIN ; $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,ORG=R10 ; Store the organization BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTORG: CMPL #PKMRS,R10 ; Check to see if this is max record BNEQ NOTMRS ; size, branch if not ; Get the maximum record size (512. for tasks) BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert high order byte MOVL R10,R3 ; Save it ASHL #8.,R3,R3 ; Shift it to the high order byte BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert low order byte BISL R10,R3 ; Put low order word into R3 also $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,MRS=R3 ; Store the maximum record size BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTMRS: CMPL #PKALQ,R10 ; Check to see if this is allocation BNEQ NOTALQ ; If not then branch ; Get the file length (in blocks) BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert high order byte MOVL R10,R3 ; Save it ASHL #8.,R3,R3 ; Shift it to the high order byte BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert low order byte BISL R10,R3 ; Put low order word into R3 also MOVZWL R3,ALQLOC ; Save it $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,ALQ=ALQLOC ; Store the allocation BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTALQ: CMPL #PKFILNM,R10 ; Check to see if this is file name BNEQ NOTFILNM ; If not then branch ; Get the file name MOVL LENGTH,R2 ; Get the length $FAB_STORE FAB=R5,FNS=R2 ; Store the file name length MOVAB OUT.N,R3 ; Get the output file name address 10$: BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert next character of the name MOVB R10,(R3)+ ; Save the character SOBGTR R2,10$ ; Repeat until all done MOVAB M$CRLF,R10 ; MOVZBL #L$CRLF,R1 ; BSBW WRITE ; Output a return/line feed MOVAB OUT.N,R10 ; MOVL LENGTH,R1 ; BSBW WRITE ; Output the file name MOVAB M$CRLF,R10 ; MOVZBL #L$CRLF,R1 ; BSBW WRITE ; Output a return/line feed BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line NOTFILNM: CMPL #PKEOF,R10 ; Check to see if this is end of task BNEQ NOTPKEOF ; If not then branch ; End of ouput file record found BSBW CLTSK ; Close the task file CLRL WTCOUNT ; Initialize the pointer CLRL ADDRESS ; Initialize the address BRW LINDON ; Go finish this line ; Unknown code NOTPKEOF: ; Since we don't know what the code MOVAB M$UN,R10 ; just send the unknown code text to MOVZBL #L$UN,R1 ; the terminal BSBW WRITE ; BRW DOLIN ; Go do next input line .SBTTL Finished with this line ; Line processed without a problem LINDON: ; MOVAB M$AK,R10 ; Get the data address of the ; ; single character ; MOVZBL #1,R1 ; Only write single char to terminal ; BSBW WRITE ; Write to the terminal BRW DOLIN ; Good so do next line .SBTTL Finish up ;++ ;Finish up ;-- FINISH: ; Close the file(s) BSBW CLTSK ; Close the task file if it isn't yet MOVAL RDFAB,R1 ; Get FAB for input file $CLOSE R1 ; Close the input file BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error END: MOVL #SS$_NORMAL,R0 ; Set up successful completion RET .SBTTL Close file ;++ ; Close the output file if there is one open ; ; If there is an error the program stops with an RMS error ; ; Registers destroyed: R0, R1 ; The OPENFL state is changed to file not open (OPENFL=0). ;-- CLTSK: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY PRESERVE=<R5,R2,R3,R4,R10> TSTL OPENFL ; See if the task file is open BEQL 20$ ; If not then just return ; Write last buffer if needed TSTL WTCOUNT ; See if there is any data not written BEQL 10$ ; If not then branch MOVAL WTRAB,R1 ; Get the RAB address $RAB_STORE RAB=R1,RSZ=WTCOUNT ; Put its size into the RAB. $WRITE R1 ; Put the buffer of data. BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error ; Close the file 10$: MOVAL WTFAB,R1 ; Get FAB for output file $CLOSE R1 ; Close output file BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error CLRL OPENFL ; Set the state to file not open 20$: RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL Output and input to/from terminal ;++ ; Write data to terminal. ; R10 Address of data to output ; R1 Length of data ;-- WRITE: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R1,R10>,PRESERVE=<R5,R2,R3,R10> MOVW R1,MSGDSC ; Store the length in the descript blk MOVL R10,ADDR ; Store the address of the ASCII PUSHAQ MSGDSC ; Push the descriptor block address CALLS #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT ; Do the output RSB ; Return to sender ;++ ; Read from the terminal ; R10 Address of buffer ; R1 Number of characters to read ; R11 Input prompt address ; R12 Length of prompt ; ;Returned: ; R0 Number of characters read ;-- READ: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R1,R10,R11,R12>,PRESERVE=<R5,R2,R3,R10,R11,R12> MOVL R1,INP_STR_D ; Store the buffer length in desc block MOVL R10,INP_BUF ; Store the buffer address in desc blk MOVL R11,ADDR ; Store prompt address in desc block MOVW R12,MSGDSC ; Store length in desctriptor block PUSHAB INP_STR_LEN ; Address for string length PUSHAQ MSGDSC ; Push address of prompt descriptor blk PUSHAB INP_STR_D ; String buffer descriptor CALLS #3,G^LIB$GET_INPUT ; Get input string value MOVL INP_STR_LEN,R0 ; Get actual input length back RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL RMS error routine ;++ ;Check for RMS error ; Call with: R0 Status of last RMS call (automatically stored ; in R0 by RMS after an operation) ; ; Returned: R0 Status ; Registers destroyed: R0 ; Program stops after error message is displayed if there is any type of error. ;-- RMSERR: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R0>,OUTPUT=<R10> BLBC R0,10$ ; If error, go check it out MOVL #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up a successful return code. RSB ; Return to caller ; Here if there is an RMS error we don't know how to handle 10$: PUSHL R0 ; Save the error code MOVAB M$RMS,R10 ; Get the address and length of the MOVL #L$RMS,R1 ; message to output BSBW WRITE ; Output it POPL R0 ; Get the error code back $EXIT_S CODE=R0 ; Exit back to VMS .IIF DF,ALPHA, RSB ; RSB to keep the AXP compiler happy .SBTTL Open the output file ;++ ; Create and open the output file and set the file open flag ; ; Registers destroyed: R0, R1 ; Program stops after error message is displayed if there is any type of error. ;-- OPEN: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R10>,PRESERVE=<R5,R2,R3,R10> MOVL #TRUE,OPENFL ; State that the file is open MOVAL WTFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1. $FAB_STORE FAB=R1,FAC=<BIO,GET> ; Set the block I/O in FAB. ;$FAB_STORE FAB=R1,FOP=CTG ; Tell RMS to make the task contiguous $CREATE #WTFAB ; Create the file BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error MOVAL WTRAB,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1. ; Put address of user buffer and record buffer and sizes into RAB $RAB_STORE RAB=R1,UBF=WTBUF,RBF=WTBUF,USZ=#512.,RSZ=#512. $CONNECT #WTRAB ; Connect to record. BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL Put a character to the file ;++ ; Put a character to the output file. ; The buffer is only written when 512. characters have been sent to the routine ; If the file does not end on a boundary then the buffer will have to be ; written by some other routine. ; ; Call with: R10 Contains the character to be put into file ; Registers destroyed: R1, R10 ; ; Program stops after error message is displayed if there is any type of error. ;-- PUT: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R10>,PRESERVE=<R5,R2,R3,R10> PUSHL R10 ; Save the character MOVL WTCOUNT,R10 ; Get the offset into the buffer MOVB (SP),WTBUF(R10) ; Put the character TSTL (SP)+ ; Restore the stack INCL WTCOUNT ; Increment the offset into the buffer CMPL WTCOUNT,#512. ; Check to see if we are past the end BNEQ 10$ ; If not then branch MOVAL WTRAB,R1 ; Get the RAB address $RAB_STORE RAB=R1,RSZ=WTCOUNT ; Put its size into the RAB. $WRITE R1 ; Put the buffer of data. BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error CLRL WTCOUNT ; Clear the pointer 10$: RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL Convert to binary ;++ ; Convert 2 hexidecimal digits to binary ; Input is from the input buffer pointed to by R4 (it is incremented twice) ; ; Call with: R4 The pointer into the input buffer ; Returned: R10 The binary walue ; Registers destroyed: R10,R1 ;-- CVTBIN: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R4,R10>,OUTPUT=<R4,R10>,PRESERVE=<R2,R3,R5> CLRL R10 ; Clear R10 for the BISB BISB (R4)+,R10 ; Get the next digit BSBW BIN ; in place and convert to binary ASHL #4,R10,R10 ; Multiply the result by 16 MOVL R10,R1 ; and save it CLRL R10 ; Clear R10 BISB (R4)+,R10 ; Get the next digit BSBW BIN ; Convert to binary BISL R1,R10 ; Set the correct bits for high order ADDL2 R10,CHKSUM ; Add the value to the checksum RSB ; Return to sender BIN: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R10>,OUTPUT=<R10>,PRESERVE=<R2,R3,R4,R5> CMPB R10,#^A/9/ ; Check to see if above '9 BLEQ 10$ ; If not then branch SUBL2 #HEXOFFSET,R10 ; Subtract offset to alphabet 10$: SUBL2 #48.,R10 ; Make binary RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL Receive a line of data ;++ ; This will get a line of data from the input device ; ; Returned: R4 Address of start of data buffer ; Registers destroyed: R0, R1, R3, R4 ; ; A checksum error will cause a NAK to be sent and input to be read again ; A real error will cause an error message to be output and the program to stop ;-- RECEIVE: .IIF DF,ALPHA, .JSB_ENTRY INPUT=<R10>,OUTPUT=<R4>,PRESERVE=<R2,R3,R5,R10> ; Here to read from a file MOVAL RDRAB,R1 ; Get the RAB address $GET R1 ; Get the record BSBW RMSERR ; Check for file error MOVZWL #MAX.MSG,R3 ; Assume we got a full buffer ; Here to check the data we got RECCHK: MOVAL RDBUF,R4 ; Get the address of the information CLRL R1 ; Clear the data start address 10$: BICB #MSB,(R4) ; Clear parity bit SUBB3 #RCV.SOH,(R4)+,R0 ; Check for start of header BLSS 20$ ; If not, just keep going CMPB R0,#2 ; There are 3 possible headers BGTR 20$ ; Not a header MOVZBL R0,LNGADR ; Amount of extra bytes in the address MOVL R4,R1 ; Start of header so save it 20$: SOBGTR R3,10$ ; Repeat until done TSTL R1 ; Check to see if we got a SOH BNEQ 30$ ; If good then skip the jump BRW RECEIVE ; If not then re-read 30$: MOVL R1,R4 ; Move to R4 for use PUSHL R4 ; Save SOH pointer on stack BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert all to binary to see if ; checksum is correct MOVL R10,R3 ; Get the length of data ADDL2 #4,R3 ; Add the length of address and field ; type and checksum ADDL2 LNGADR,R3 ; If long address, skip more bytes BLSS 60$ ; If we have a negative number then ; must have been a bad length CMPL R3,#MAX.MSG/2-1 ; If we got some length that is out of BGEQ 60$ ; range then NAK right away 40$: BSBW CVTBIN ; Convert all to binary to see if SOBGTR R3,40$ ; the checksum is OK 50$: BICL #LEFTBYTE,CHKSUM ; We only want an 8 bit checksum TSTL CHKSUM ; Test for a zero checksum BEQL 70$ ; If OK then exit normally 60$: CLRL CHKSUM ; Clear the checksum for the line MOVAL M$NAK,R10 ; Get the address of the message MOVZBL #L$NAK,R1 ; Only write the first character to BSBW WRITE ; the terminal TSTL (SP)+ ; Pull the pointer off the stack BRW RECEIVE ; Try to get the line again ; Return to sender 70$: POPL R4 ; Get the pointer back RSB ; Return to sender .SBTTL End of the Dehexify .END DEHEX