Xenix 2.3.4 ports of gnu software. These tar files give full source directories with the compiled programs ready to do a 'make install'. CONTENTS: diffutils-2.4.tar.gz diff, diff3, cmp. grep-1.5.tar.gz Grep utilities gzip124.tar.Z Gzip compression make-3.68.tar.gz Gnu-Make. patch-2.1.tar.gz Gnu version of Larry Wall's patch. ttar-1.11.2.tar.gz Gnu-tar with code for /etc/rmt that works for remote tape access. README Bill -- INTERNET: bill@Celestial.COM Bill Campbell; Celestial Software UUCP: uunet!camco!bill 8545 SE 68th Street FAX: (206) 232-9186 Mercer Island, WA 98040; (206) 947-5591