After doing an 'make install' in the smail3.1.28 sources: 1. Comment out the smtp entry in /etc/inetd.conf if your're running TCP/IP. 2. Shut of the automatic startup of the mmdf deliver program. You can either 'chmod -x rc0.d/K86mmdf' or edit the file by putting an exit; statement at the top of the file. I use the second method so that fixperm won't turn it back on. 3. Either add a '/usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q10m' to /etc/rd.c/7/udaemons (or another file in that directory), or touch /usr/lib/ Touching the file will cause /etc/tcp to automatically start '/usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h' during startup. 4. If you're not running DNS/BIND, then you will have to comment out the inet_hosts and match-inet-addrs entries in /usr/local/lib/smail/routers file to prevent smail from trying to use the name server. 5. Edit /usr/local/lib/smail/config with the appropriate domain, smart-hosts, and smart-user entries for your system. Make sure that you change the transport of your smart-user to uux or demand if you're not connected to the smart-user via SMTP. 6. Create/edit /usr/lib/aliases, /usr/lib/fullnames, and /usr/lib/uucp/paths appropriately for your system. At a minimum, you can touch these three files which will create empty entries.