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dBforums » Archive » comp.unix.sco.misc » Stage 1 boot failure

This thread has been archived and is read-only
Originally posted by Karkie on February 21st, 2002 22:40
in the comp.unix.sco.misc forum
There are 9 posts in this thread
Last post:
February 22nd, 2002 10:50

Stage 1 boot failure
From: Karkie    
Date: 02-21-02 22:40

At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with SCO
OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).

When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard and
that the diskdrive and floppy drive also got wet and that the floppy drive didn't
work. Anyways, they changed the keyboard and sent it back to us.

Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok. We also couldn't see any
signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a fluid.

Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us the
following warning:

Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot

So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short circuited
somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.

I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints. On Google I
found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery floppy disk. The
only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the boot disk it wants us
to install SCO again.

We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive) because
the software we are running on the laptops we may nor can install ourselfs. Besides
that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in the near future we will switch from
laptops to desktops with a dedicated (phone)line to the host. But ... we need the
laptop asap.

Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can someone please give
me some advise?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Kamiel
From: Richard Howlett    
Date: 02-21-02 22:40

Karkie wrote:
  > Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us the
  > following warning:
  > Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot

It has lost the program called "/boot". You can replace it using boot/root floppies.
Seeing as you only have the install media and have made no provision for disaster
recovery you will have to make a boot/root floppy set on another laptop. Can we
assume these laptops are all of a similar spec? Anyway to create your boot/root
floppies log in as root on another laptop and type: mkdev fd Follow the prompts to
create the disks. Then ...

[ from the manual supplied with the OpenServer media set ]

... insert your "boot" floppy in drive and reboot

At "Boot:" prompt type: fd(60)unix.Z root=hd(42)

Bring up system in single user by entering the root password at the prompt

Type the following: mount -r /dev/fd0 /mnt
cp /mnt/boot / umount /mnt

Remove floppy and halt the system using: haltsys

Reboot by pressing <Enter> at the "Boot:" prompt

Richard Howlett

mailto:[email protected]
From: Scott McMillan    
Date: 02-22-02 00:37

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:35:55 GMT, Karkie <[email protected]> wrote:

  >At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with SCO
  >OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).
  >When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
  >couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
  >keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard and
  >that the diskdrive and floppy drive also got wet and that the floppy drive didn't
  >work. Anyways, they changed the keyboard and sent it back to us.
  >Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
  >checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok. We also couldn't see any
  >signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a fluid.
  >Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us the
  >following warning:
  >Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot
  >So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short circuited
  >somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.
  >I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints. On Google I
  >found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery floppy disk. The
  >only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the boot disk it wants us
  >to install SCO again.
  >We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive) because
  >the software we are running on the laptops we may nor can install ourselfs. Besides
  >that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in the near future we will switch from
  >laptops to desktops with a dedicated (phone)line to the host. But ... we need the
  >laptop asap.
  >Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can someone please give
  >me some advise?
  >Thanks in advance.

Do you know/Can you verify that the disk geometry in the laptop's BIOS was not
changed? If you have another laptop - similar enough in configuration to this one -
check the hard drive parameters on the working one, and compare to the parameters on
the non-working. I've had this problem when someone changed the drive settings to
"auto", for example.

Scott McMillan
From: Jeff Hyman    
Date: 02-22-02 00:37

Recently, Karkie wrote:
  > At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with SCO
  > OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).
  > When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
  > couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
  > keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard and
  > that the diskdrive and floppy drive also got wet and that the floppy drive didn't
  > work. Anyways, they changed the keyboard and sent it back to us.
  > Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
  > checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok. We also couldn't see any
  > signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a fluid.
  > Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us the
  > following warning:
  > Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot
  > So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short
  > circuited somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.
  > I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints. On Google I
  > found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery floppy disk. The
  > only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the boot disk it wants
  > us to install SCO again.
  > We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive) because
  > the software we are running on the laptops we may nor can install ourselfs. Besides
  > that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in the near future we will switch from
  > laptops to desktops with a dedicated (phone)line to the host. But ... we need the
  > laptop asap.
  > Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can someone please
  > give me some advise?
  > Thanks in advance.
  > --
  > Regards, Kamiel

# ltmenu
c --> f --> 4 --> stage <Enter> <Enter>

- Jeff Hyman

KEYWORDS: 3002 dparam missing no os stage one boot failure 1 not a directory boot not
found can not open error loading hd(40)/boot

RELEASE: All Versions

QUESTION: After successfully reloading my tape to the new hard drive with AIR-BAG, I
get one of the 2 following errors when booting from the hard drive:


not a directory boot not found Cannot open Stage 1 boot failure: error
loading hd(40)/boot


no os Missing OS Stage 1 boot failure

What is causing this, and how do I fix it?

SOLUTION: This problem can stem from a couple of different situations.

1) Boot sector on the hard drive being corrupt or missing.

This is easily corrected by restamping the boot information to the
drive. Assumming the partitions and filesystem are intact, you can boot
up on the AIR-BAG diskettes and choose the following options from the
Main Menu.

8 (Utilities Menu) ==> 5 (Put boot strap on hard Drive)

Then shutdown the AIR-BAGs normally, and reboot your system.

2) There is a disagreement about the disk parameters between the OS and the
Hard Drive. This can happen when restoring to new hard drives that are
larger than the original.


- Boot from the AIR-BAG diskettes,
- Select option # 7 (Invoke Unix Shell), and enter the following

cactus> dparam -w dparam /dev/rhd00 `dparam /dev/rhd00` exit

- After entering exit, you should be back to the AIR-BAG Main Menu.
- Select # 8 (Utilities Menu)
- Select # 5 (Put boot strap on hard drive)
- Now exit back to the AIR-BAG Main Menu and shutdown.

NOTES: If the Hard disk partitions and/or filesystems are corrupt, you will need to
restore you entire operating system by following the appro- priate Main Menu options.

For Xenix and SCO Unix (AIR-BAG Version and earlier) you will need
to verify that the boot information that will be written from the AIR-BAG
disks to the hard disk is correct. Use the following steps to do this:

To do this, follow the steps in #2 above.

From: Karkie    
Date: 02-22-02 00:37

Richard Howlett wrote:

  > Seeing as you only have the install media and have made no provision for disaster
  > recovery you will have to make a boot/root floppy set on another laptop.

We have the original boot floppy. We used it and (I forgot to mention this) we tried
typing something like this when it said Boot:

  > fd(60)unix.Z root=hd(42)

But, we got the response it couldn't find or locate hd(42).

Although .. I am in doubt if I used the same, because I cannot recall using 'root' in
it. I will try this again. Thanks.

Regards, Kamiel
From: Karkie    
Date: 02-22-02 00:37

Scott McMillan wrote:

  > Do you know/Can you verify that the disk geometry in the laptop's BIOS was not
  > changed?

Good point. To be honest, we didn't check. So we'll try this too. Thanks.

Regards, Kamiel
From: Tony Lawrence    
Date: 02-22-02 00:37

Jeff Hyman wrote:

  > Recently, Karkie wrote:
     >>At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with SCO
     >>OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).
     >>When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
     >>couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
     >>keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard and
     >>that the diskdrive and floppy drive also got wet and that the floppy drive didn't
     >>work. Anyways, they changed the keyboard and sent it back to us.
     >>Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
     >>checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok. We also couldn't see any
     >>signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a fluid.
     >>Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us the
     >>following warning:
     >>Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot
     >>So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short
     >>circuited somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.
     >>I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints. On Google I
     >>found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery floppy disk. The
     >>only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the boot disk it wants
     >>us to install SCO again.
     >>We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive) because
     >>the software we are running on the laptops we may nor can install ourselfs. Besides
     >>that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in the near future we will switch from
     >>laptops to desktops with a dedicated (phone)line to the host. But ... we need the
     >>laptop asap.
     >>Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can someone please
     >>give me some advise?
     >>Thanks in advance.
     >>Regards, Kamiel
  > # ltmenu
  > c --> f --> 4 --> stage <Enter> <Enter>

Unfortunately I think he just found some ARTICLES referring to airbag- I don't think
he actually has an airbag disk..

  > - Jeff Hyman
  > ##################################################

  > KEYWORDS: 3002 dparam missing no os stage one boot failure 1 not a directory boot
  > not found can not open error loading hd(40)/boot
  > ==================================================

  > RELEASE: All Versions
  > QUESTION: After successfully reloading my tape to the new hard drive with AIR-BAG,
  > I get one of the 2 following errors when booting from the hard drive:
  > ERROR #1

  > not a directory boot not found Cannot open Stage 1 boot failure: error
  > loading hd(40)/boot

  > ERROR #2

  > no os Missing OS Stage 1 boot failure

  > What is causing this, and how do I fix it?
  > SOLUTION: This problem can stem from a couple of different situations.
  > 1) Boot sector on the hard drive being corrupt or missing.
  > This is easily corrected by restamping the boot information to the
  > drive. Assumming the partitions and filesystem are intact, you can
  > boot up on the AIR-BAG diskettes and choose the following options from
  > the Main Menu.
  > 8 (Utilities Menu) ==> 5 (Put boot strap on hard Drive)
  > Then shutdown the AIR-BAGs normally, and reboot your system.
  > 2) There is a disagreement about the disk parameters between the OS and
  > the Hard Drive. This can happen when restoring to new hard drives that
  > are larger than the original.
  > - Boot from the AIR-BAG diskettes,
  > - Select option # 7 (Invoke Unix Shell), and enter the following
  > cactus> dparam -w dparam /dev/rhd00 `dparam /dev/rhd00` exit
  > - After entering exit, you should be back to the AIR-BAG Main
  > Menu.
  > - Select # 8 (Utilities Menu)
  > - Select # 5 (Put boot strap on hard drive)
  > - Now exit back to the AIR-BAG Main Menu and shutdown.
  > NOTES: If the Hard disk partitions and/or filesystems are corrupt, you will need to
  > restore you entire operating system by following the appro- priate Main Menu
  > options.
  > For Xenix and SCO Unix (AIR-BAG Version and earlier) you will
  > need to verify that the boot information that will be written from the
  > AIR-BAG disks to the hard disk is correct. Use the following steps to do
  > this:
  > To do this, follow the steps in #2 above.
  > ##################################################


Tony Lawrence SCO/Linux Support Tips, How-To's, Tests and more: http://pcunix.com
From: Jean-Pierre Radl    
Date: 02-22-02 02:26

Tony Lawrence propounded (on Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:49:37PM +0000):
  | Jeff Hyman wrote:
  | >Recently, Karkie wrote:
  | >
  | >>At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with
  | >>SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).
  | >>
  | >>When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
  | >>couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
  | >>keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard
  | >>and that the diskdrive and floppy drive also got wet and that the floppy drive
  | >>didn't work. Anyways, they changed the keyboard and sent it back to us.
  | >>
  | >>Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
  | >>checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok. We also couldn't see
  | >>any signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a fluid.
  | >>
  | >>Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us
  | >>the following warning:
  | >>
  | >>Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot
  | >>
  | >>
  | >>So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short
  | >>circuited somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.
  | >>
  | >>I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints. On Google I
  | >>found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery floppy disk.
  | >>The only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the boot disk it
  | >>wants us to install SCO again.
  | >>
  | >>We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive)
  | >>because the software we are running on the laptops we may nor can install
  | >>ourselfs. Besides that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in the near future
  | >>we will switch from laptops to desktops with a dedicated (phone)line to the host.
  | >>But ... we need the laptop asap.
  | >>
  | >>Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can someone please
  | >>give me some advise?
  | >>
  | >>Thanks in advance.
  | >>
  | >>--
  | >>Regards, Kamiel
  | >>
  | >
  | >
  | ># ltmenu
  | >c --> f --> 4 --> stage <Enter> <Enter>
  | Unfortunately I think he just found some ARTICLES referring to airbag- I don't
  | think he actually has an airbag disk..

Well, maybe he has airbag, but I would still wonder which tape drive was in
his laptop...

From: Eric Nicholson    
Date: 02-22-02 10:50

"Jean-Pierre Radley" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
  > Tony Lawrence propounded (on Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:49:37PM +0000):
  > | Jeff Hyman wrote:
  > |
  > | >Recently, Karkie wrote:
  > | >
  > | >>At the moment we (a not-for-profit organisation) are using several laptops with
  > | >>SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 (or is it 5.0.5).
  > | >>
  > | >>When we got one laptop back we noticed the keyboard wasn't working anymore (we
  > | >>couldn't fill in the startup password). So, we sent it to the factory for a new
  > | >>keyboard. The factory replied that someone has spilled fluid over the keyboard
  > | >>and that the diskdrive and floppy
  > | >>also got wet and that the floppy drive didn't work. Anyways, they changed the
  > | >>keyboard and sent it back to us.
  > | >>
  > | >>Because we found it very strange someone would spill fluid over the keyboard we
  > | >>checked the floppy drive. It was just fine, it worked ok.
  > | >>also couldn't see any signs that the floppy drive has been in contact with a
  > | >>fluid.
  > | >>
  > | >>Anyways .. the problem is that when we type in the startup password it gives us
  > | >>the following warning:
  > | >>
  > | >>Not a directory boot not found Stage 1 boot failure: error loading hd(40)/boot
  > | >>
  > | >>
  > | >>So it looks to me that there was fluid in the laptop and it probably short
  > | >>circuited somewhere deleting the bootrecord or something.
  > | >>
  > | >>I have tried looking on sco.com but there weren't any helpfull hints.
  > | >>Google I found some articles about something called AIR-BAG and a recovery
  > | >>floppy disk. The only thing _we_ have is a boot disk and when we start with the
  > | >>boot disk it wants us to install SCO again.
  > | >>
  > | >>We can't just install SCO again (if it's even possible with this diskdrive)
  > | >>because the software we are running on the laptops we may
  > | >>can install ourselfs. Besides that, it would cost thousands of euro's and in
  > | >>the near future we will switch from laptops to desktops with a dedicated
  > | >>(phone)line to the host. But ... we need the laptop asap.
  > | >>
  > | >>Is there _any_ hope for us we can use this laptop and if so, can
  > | >>please give me some advise?
  > | >>
  > | >>Thanks in advance.
  > | >>
  > | >>--
  > | >>Regards, Kamiel
  > | >>
  > | >
  > | >
  > | ># ltmenu
  > | >c --> f --> 4 --> stage <Enter> <Enter>
  > |
  > |
  > | Unfortunately I think he just found some ARTICLES referring to airbag- I don't
  > | think he actually has an airbag disk..
  > Well, maybe he has airbag, but I would still wonder which tape drive was in his
  > laptop...
  > --
  > JP

Could be external off of scsi pc card... :)
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