# # Configuration file for Hercules 3.07 & IBM ADCD z/OS 1.10 # # ipl A81 # CPUSERIAL 000111 # CPU serial number CPUMODEL 2097 # CPU model number (2097=z10) MAINSIZE 800 # Main storage size in megabytes 768 XPNDSIZE 0 # Expanded storage size in megabytes CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect HTTPPORT 8081 # HTTP server NUMCPU 2 # Number of CPUs # heure d'hiver : +0000 # heure d'été : +0001 TZOFFSET +0000 OSTAILOR Z/OS # OS tailoring PANRATE SLOW # Panel refresh rate ARCHMODE Z/ARCH # Architecture mode PGMPRDOS LICENSED # Allow OS/390 and Z/OS systems to run ASN_AND_LX_REUSE ENABLE LPARNAME ADCD DIAG8CMD ENABLE DEVTMAX 0 PANTITLE "Hercules z/OS 1.10 : ipl A81 to IPL" CCKD ra=9,raq=16,rat=16,wr=8,gcparm=4 LOGOPT TIMESTAMP LOADPARM 0A95DB.. # Loadparm is in the form 0A95xx.. with xx in : # #CS CLPA and cold start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. #00 Warm start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. #WS Warm start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. #DC CLPA, brings in CICS LPA modules, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2 and CICS. #DB Warm start of JES2 and starts the DB2 and CICS. #DI CLPA and cold start of JES2 and loads the IMS Libraries. IMS must be manually started. #CC CLPA and cold start of JES2, loads the CICS Libraries, starts up CICS, no DB2. #CW Warm start of JES2, and starts up CICS. #9C CLPA, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2 V9 only. #9W Warm start of JES2, starts up DB2 V9 only. #8C CLPA, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2 v8 only. #8W Warm start of JES2, starts up DB2 v8 only. #2C CLPA, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2 v8 and DB2 v9. #2W Warm start of JES2, starts up DB2 v8 and DB2 v9. #IC CLPA and cold start of JES2 and load the IMS Libraries, start IMS, no DB2 or CICS. #IW Warm start of JES2 start IMS, no DB2 or CICS. #AC CLPA and cold start of JES2 load IMS and CICS libraries, start IMS, DB/2 v8, and CICS. #AW Warm start of JES2. start IMS, DB/2 v8, and CICS. #BC CLPA and cold start of JES2, load WAS libraries, WAS is manually started #BW Warm start of JES2. WAS is manually started. # # Devices # 0700.5 3270 0A81 3390 cckd/zares1.cckd sf=shadow/zares1_* 0A82 3390 cckd/zares2.cckd sf=shadow/zares2_* 0A83 3390 cckd/zadb81.cckd sf=shadow/zadb81_* 0A84 3390 cckd/zadb82.cckd sf=shadow/zadb82_* 0A85 3390 cckd/zadb83.cckd sf=shadow/zadb83_* 0A86 3390 cckd/zadb84.cckd sf=shadow/zadb84_* 0A87 3390 cckd/zadb91.cckd sf=shadow/zadb91_* 0A88 3390 cckd/zadb92.cckd sf=shadow/zadb92_* 0A89 3390 cckd/zacic1.cckd sf=shadow/zacic1_* 0A8A 3390 cckd/zadis1.cckd sf=shadow/zadis1_* 0A8B 3390 cckd/zadis2.cckd sf=shadow/zadis2_* 0A8C 3390 cckd/zadis3.cckd sf=shadow/zadis3_* 0A8D 3390 cckd/zadis4.cckd sf=shadow/zadis4_* 0A8E 3390 cckd/zadis5.cckd sf=shadow/zadis5_* 0A8F 3390 cckd/zadis6.cckd sf=shadow/zadis6_* 0A90 3390 cckd/zaims1.cckd sf=shadow/zaims1_* 0A91 3390 cckd/zaprd1.cckd sf=shadow/zaprd1_* 0A92 3390 cckd/zaprd2.cckd sf=shadow/zaprd2_* 0A93 3390 cckd/zaprd3.cckd sf=shadow/zaprd3_* 0A94 3390 cckd/zaprd4.cckd sf=shadow/zaprd4_* 0A95 3390 cckd/zasys1.cckd sf=shadow/zasys1_* 0A96 3390 cckd/zauss1.cckd sf=shadow/zauss1_* 0A97 3390 cckd/zawas1.cckd sf=shadow/zawas1_* 0A98 3390 cckd/zawas2.cckd sf=shadow/zawas2_* 0A99 3390 cckd/zawas3.cckd sf=shadow/zawas3_* 0A9A 3390 cckd/sares1.cckd sf=shadow/sares1_* 0E20.2 3088 CTCI 0560.2 3480