# # Configuration file for Hercules & IBM ADCD z/OS 1.4 # CPUSERIAL 000000 # CPU serial number CPUMODEL 9672 # CPU model number MAINSIZE 300 # Main storage size in megabytes XPNDSIZE 0 # Expanded storage size in megabytes CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect HTTPPORT 8081 # HTTP server NUMCPU 1 # Number of CPUs NUMVEC 1 # Vector facilities emulated TZOFFSET +0100 OSTAILOR OS/390 # OS tailoring PANRATE SLOW # Panel refresh rate ARCHMODE ESAME # Architecture mode S/370, ESA/390 or ESAME PGMPRDOS LICENSED # Allow OS/390 and Z/OS systems to run # # IPL parameter # LOADPARM 0A8200.. # # 0A82xx.. xx : one of the following : # # CS CLPA and cold start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. # 00 Warm start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. # WS Warm start of JES2. Base z/OS system functions i.e. no CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, etc. # DC CLPA, brings in CICS LPA modules, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2 and CICS. # DB Warmstart of JES2 and starts the DB2 and CICS. # DI CLPA and cold start of JES2 and loads the IMS Libraries. IMS must be manually started. # CC CLPA and cold start of JES2, loads the CICS Libraries, starts up CICS, no DB2. # CW Warm start of JES2, and starts up CICS. # 2C CLPA, cold start of JES2, starts up DB2, no CICS. # 2W Warm start of JES2, starts up DB2, no CICS. # IC CLPA and cold start of JES2 and load the IMS Libraries, start IMS, no DB2 or CICS. # IW Warm start of JES2 start IMS, no DB2 or CICS. # AC CLPA and cold start of JES2 load IMS and CICS libraries, start IMS, DB/2, and CICS. # AW Warmstart of JES2. start IMS, DB/2, and CICS. # BC CLPA and cold start of JES2, load WAS libraries, WAS is manually started # BW Warmstart of JES2. WAS is manually started. # 99 Points to IODF99 for IPL on MP3000. # Reply 00,SYSP=xx were xx is any of the above options i.e. for cics only xx=cc or cw. # Device list #--- ---- -------------------- 0700 3270 0701 3270 0702 3270 0900 3270 0901 3270 0A80 3390 s4res1.a80 0A81 3390 s4res2.a81 0A82 3390 os39m1.a82 0A83 3390 s4db21.a83 0A84 3390 s4cic1.a84 0A85 3390 s4dis1.a85 0A86 3390 s4dis2.a86 0A87 3390 s4uss1.a87 0A88 3390 s4dis3.a88 0A89 3390 s4ims1.a89 0A8A 3390 s4was1.a8a 0A8B 3390 s4was2.a8b 0A8C 3390 sares1.a8c 0A8D 3390 s4dis4.a8d 0A8F 3390 saipl1.a8f 0E20 3088 CTCI