The packaging of this ADCD packet has changed from previous releases.
Please make note of the following changes. The full readme and migration instructions can be
found on
An additional DB2 volume has been added for DB2 V8.1. Volume Z5DB81 found on CD15 contains the
target libs for the new release. The distribution libs for the new release are found on Z5DB22
on CD16. CD16/Z5DB22 also contains the DB2 7.1 distribution libs.
Skip the following paragraph if using a Flex system.
On the MP3000 starting at ADCD z/OS 1.3, a wait state 02E can occurs when bringing up the release
from emulated disk. This did NOT occur during testing of the ADCD z/OS 1.5 release. The system was
IPLed from emulated disk. If you still experience the 02E wait state, then the volume should
be copied to physical internal disk as required in prior releases. For this reason CD13
only contains SARES1 for z/OS 1.5.
Packing List Summary:
CD1 - CD3 are required volumes for a basic z/OS 1.5 system. C13 contains a standalone
res volume (single volume IPL that can access all other disk).
CD3 - OS39M1 - IPLPARM, JES2 SPOOL, Storage vol and Z5USS1 - Root HFS files
CD4 - Z5USS2 - Second HFS volume for z/OS releate products
CD5 - Z5DIS1 - Distribution Libraries
CD6 - Z5DIS2 - Distribution Libraries - contain MVS.*.CSI
CD7 - Z5DIS3 - Distribution Libraries
CD8 - Z5DB21 - DB2 v7.1 Target, Catalog, and Databases
CD9 - Z5CIC1 - CICS Target, Dlib, System files
CD10- Z5IMS1 - IMS Target, DLIB, system files and Utilities
CD11- Z5WAS1 - Websphere Application Server Dlibs
CD12- Z5WAS2 - Websphere Application Server Target
CD13- SARES1 - Standalone Res volume
CD14- Z5DIS4 - Distribution Libraries
CD15- Z5DB81 - DB2 V8.1 Target
CD16- Z5DB22 - DB2 V7.1 and V8.1 Dlibs