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From: LudwigiB <aix_tech@...>
Subject: Help IPLing zVM Ver 5 Rel 3 on hercules 64-bit edition under MS/Windows 7
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.emulators.hercules390.general
Date: 2010-05-05 21:24:45 GMT (12 weeks, 5 days and 49 minutes ago)



Although with your help and my web research I am making progress, I now hit another problem when I try to IPL z/VM Version 5 Release 3 Evaluation Edition.

Now I am getting exceptions and a "Disable wait state PSW=00020000 00000000 0000000000001010"

Could someone take a quick look at the listing below and tell me if you see anything wrong?

Thank you

Hercules Info:

Hercules Version 3.07
(c)Copyright 1999-2010 by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and others
Built on Mar 23 2010 at 01:41:44
Build information:
Windows (MSVC) build for AMD64
Modes: S/370 ESA/390 z/Arch
Max CPU Engines: 8

ipl zvm.ins

HHCCP007I CPU0000 architecture mode set to ESA/390
CPU0000: SIGP Set architecture mode (12) CPU0000, PARM 00000001: CC 0
HHCCP007I CPU0000 architecture mode set to z/Arch
CPU0000: SIGP Set architecture mode (12) CPU0000, PARM 0000000000000000: CC 0
HHCCP007I CPU0000 architecture mode set to ESA/390
CPU0000: SIGP Set architecture mode (12) CPU0000, PARM 00000001: CC 0
HHCCP007I CPU0000 architecture mode set to z/Arch
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Operand exception CODE=0015 ILC=4
PSW=04041000 80000000 000000000080006C INST=B232A034 MSCH 52(10) modify_subchannel
V:00000000736E903C:K:06=7364FAF8 02C90009 80000080 0000FF80 ...8.I..........
R0=0000000000000009 R1=0000000000010000 R2=0000000000000003 R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000000 R5=0000000000000518 R6=000000000000E000 R7=0000000000000005
R8=000000007364FAF8 R9=00000000807FFE5C RA=00000000736E9008 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000007FF930 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000000000400 RF=0000000073665E90
C0=0000000094000E40 C1=000000000000A007 C2=000000007FF7A080 C3=0000000000000000
C4=0000000000000000 C5=000000007FF7A000 C6=0000000080000000 C7=0000000000000020
C8=0000000000000000 C9=0000000000000000 CA=0000000000000000 CB=0000000000000000
CC=000000007FED0CA1 CD=000000000000A007 CE=0000000000000000 CF=0000000000000000
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Specification exception CODE=0006 ILC=4
PSW=04041000 80000000 00000000002DF636 INST=8320020C DIAG 2,0,524(0) diagnose
V:000000000000020C:K:36=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
R0=FFFFFFFF00000001 R1=0000000000000000 R2=0000000080000D38 R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000001 R5=00000000734E6000 R6=000000000000E000 R7=000000000016732F
R8=0000000073658288 R9=000000000000E000 RA=000000000000E000 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000002DF1D0 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000030000000 RF=0000000073665E90
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Specification exception CODE=0006 ILC=4
PSW=04041000 80000000 00000000002DF67E INST=8320020C DIAG 2,0,524(0) diagnose
V:000000000000020C:K:36=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
R0=FFFFFFFF00000001 R1=0000000000000000 R2=0000000000000D3C R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000001 R5=00000000734E6000 R6=000000000000E000 R7=000000000016732F
R8=0000000073658288 R9=000000000000E000 RA=000000000000E000 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000002DF1D0 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000010000000 RF=0000000073665E90
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Operation exception CODE=0001 ILC=4
PSW=04040000 80000000 00000000002DF76A INST=B25C00F0 ????? , ?
V:0000000000000000:K:36=00FC3000 80335310 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF ................
V:0000000000000001:K:36=FC3000 80335310 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF ................
R0=FFFFFFFF00000001 R1=0000000000000000 R2=0000000000000D3C R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000001 R5=00000000734E6000 R6=000000000000E000 R7=000000000016732F
R8=0000000073658288 R9=000000000000E000 RA=000000000000E000 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000002DF1D0 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000010000000 RF=0000000000000000
C0=0000000094000E40 C1=000000000000A007 C2=000000007FF7A080 C3=0000000000000000
C4=0000000000000000 C5=000000007FF7A000 C6=0000000080000000 C7=0000000000000020
C8=0000000000000000 C9=0000000000000000 CA=0000000000000000 CB=0000000000000000
CC=000000007FE90CC1 CD=000000000000A007 CE=0000000000000000 CF=0000000000000000
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Special-operation exception CODE=0013 ILC=4
PSW=04040000 80000000 00000000002DF7AA INST=B25800EF BSG 14,15 branch_in_subspace_group
V:0000000000001000:K:34=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
V:0000000073665E90:K:04=00000001 00000000 00000D3C 002E2A78 ................
R0=FFFFFFFF00000001 R1=0000000000000000 R2=0000000000000D3C R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000001 R5=00000000734E6000 R6=000000000000E000 R7=000000000016732F
R8=0000000073658288 R9=000000000000E000 RA=000000000000E000 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000002DF1D0 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000000001000 RF=0000000073665E90
C0=0000000094000E40 C1=000000000000A007 C2=000000007FF7A080 C3=0000000000000000
C4=0000000000000000 C5=000000007FF7A000 C6=0000000080000000 C7=0000000000000020
C8=0000000000000000 C9=0000000000000000 CA=0000000000000000 CB=0000000000000000
CC=000000007FE90D01 CD=000000000000A007 CE=0000000000000000 CF=0000000000000000
HHCCP014I CPU0000: Special-operation exception CODE=0013 ILC=4
PSW=04041000 80000000 00000000002DF7EA INST=B25A00E0 BSA 14,0 branch_and_set_authority
V:0000000010001000:K:04=CB8B96F0 E001C0E0 FFFFCB27 96F0E001 ..o0\.{\....o0\.
V:0000000000000001:K:36=FC3000 80335310 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF ................
R0=FFFFFFFF00000001 R1=0000000000000000 R2=0000000000000D3C R3=00000000002E2A78
R4=0000000000000001 R5=00000000734E6000 R6=000000000000E000 R7=000000000016732F
R8=0000000073658288 R9=000000000000E000 RA=000000000000E000 RB=0000000000002000
RC=00000000002DF1D0 RD=000000007366DC00 RE=0000000010001000 RF=0000000073665E90
C0=0000000094000E40 C1=000000000000A007 C2=000000007FF7A080 C3=0000000000000000
C4=0000000000000000 C5=000000007FF7A000 C6=0000000080000000 C7=0000000000000020
C8=0000000000000000 C9=0000000000000000 CA=0000000000000000 CB=0000000000000000
CC=000000007FE90D41 CD=000000000000A007 CE=0000000000000000 CF=0000000000000000
HHCCP048I 0280:CCW=D4300006 00000000=>000C0000 800391B8 02000200 60000200 ......j.....-...
HHCCP075I 0280:Stat=0E00 Count=0006 =>000C0000 800391B8 02000200 60000200 ......j.....-...
HHCCP076I 0280:Sense=80480027 00000020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
HHCCP011I CPU0000: Disabled wait state
PSW=00020000 00000000 0000000000001010

The following is my config file:

# CPU Configuration

CPUSERIAL 002623 # CPU serial number
CPUMODEL 2086 # CPU model number
CPUVERID 00 # CPU Version Identification
MAINSIZE 4096 # Main storage size in megabytes
XPNDSIZE 0 # Expanded storage size in megabytes
NUMCPU 1 # Number of CPUs
ARCHMODE z/Arch #Architecture mode S/370, ESA/390 or z/Arch
ALRF ENABLE # ASN-and-LX-Reuse facility
ECPSVM NO # VM Assist : NO or Level (20 recommended)
# OS Tailoring

LOADPARM 1F # IPL parameter
OSTAILOR OS/390 # OS tailoring
SYSEPOCH 1900 # Base year for initial TOD clock
TZOFFSET +0600 # Using UTC (GMT)

# Hercules Service Processor and Hercules Application Window

# MODPATH /usr/local/lib/hercules # Where to search for modules
# LDMOD dyninst tcpip # Modules to be loaded

# Hercules Service Processor and Hercules Application Window

CODEPAGE default # CodePage conversion table
DIAG8CMD enable # OS may issue commands via DIAG 8

HTTPPORT 8081 noauth userid password # HTTP server port
# HTTPROOT /usr/local/share/hercules/ # HTTP root directory
PANRATE FAST # Panel refresh rate
CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect

# Advanced Hercules Performance Tailoring
# +----------------------------------------------------------+
# | Caution: Modification of these parameters may adversely |
# | affect the performance of the host system |
# | and/or Hercules. |
# +----------------------------------------------------------+

# HERCPRIO 0 # Hercules process runs at Normal priority
# CPUPRIO 15 # CPU thread(s) run at Low priority
# DEVPRIO 8 # Device thread(s) run at Below Normal priority
# TODPRIO -20 # TOD Clock and timer thread are Time Critical

# Integrated Hercules I/O Controller

# DEVTMAX 0 # Device threads, 8 on Windows, else unlimited
CNSLPORT 3270 # TCP port number to which consoles connect
# SHRDPORT 3990 # TCP port number for sharing DASD images on
# this instance of Hercules (inactive)

# .-----------------------Device number
# | .-----------------Device type
# | | .---------File name and parameters
# | | |
# V V V
# ---- ---- --------------------
0009 3215-C / noprompt
000C 3505 ./util/zzsacard.bin
000D 3525 punch00d.txt ascii
000E 1403 print00e.txt crlf
001F 3270
0000 SYSG
280 3490 C:\Data\Daten\hercules\
400 3390 C:\Data\Daten\Hercules\3390.DASD.400
401 3390 C:\Data\Daten\Hercules\3390.DASD.401
402 3390 C:\Data\Daten\Hercules\3390.DASD.402
403 3390 C:\Data\Daten\Hercules\3390.DASD.403

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