LynxOS Installation Guide

Installing LynxOS Cross Development Systems


This chapter describes how to install the LynxOS cross development system software components.

A cross development system consists of a host computer, where the LynxOS cross development software components are installed for target system development. The target system is where the software is deployed.

The LynxOS cross development software can be installed on the following host operating systems:

Refer to the LynxOS Release Notes for the latest supported versions of these Operating Systems.

Cross Development Core Software Components

The two core LynxOS cross development software components are:

Installation of these core components are required for the LynxOS cross development system. Additional components can also be added to increase feature functionality.

For UNIX cross development hosts, the LynxOS CDK component must be installed first, followed by the ODE component.

This is important to note because installation of these components is different on Windows hosts:

UNIX Cross Development Installation

Use the following instructions to install the LynxOS cross development environment on the host. Installing the LynxOS CDK requires root privileges.

It is important to note that the LynxOS CDK package must be installed before the LynxOS ODE package. Failure to install these components in the correct order can result in problems with LynxOS.

  1. Create a directory for LynxOS. Enter the following command on the host system:

# mkdir /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<target>
Where <release_num> is the LynxOS product release number and <target> is the host CPU architecture, for example: x86 or ppc.
For example, a user installing LynxOS 4.0 on an PowerPC platform would use the following command:
# mkdir /usr/lynx/4.0.0/ppc

Note: If it is not possible to install the LynxOS CDK directly into this directory, install it in another directory, then link that directory to a directory with the same name as the directory above:

This is done with the ln -s command. For example:

# ln -s /home/lynx/<release_num>/<target> /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<target>

The LynxOS CDK tools searches for all libraries and tools under the directory /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<target>.
  1. Insert the LynxOS CDK CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and mount it. For example,

# mount <cdrom_dev_node> /mnt/cdrom
Where <cdrom_dev_node> is the CD-ROM device node name. Refer to the mount man page for additional usage options.
  1. Extract the LynxOS CDK tar files using gnutar. Enter the following commands to move to the installation directory and extract the tar files:

# cd /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<target>
# gnutar -xvzpf \ /mnt/cdrom/tar_images/<target>/*.cdk<host>.tar.gz \ ./
In the command above, <release_num> is the LynxOS product release number, <target> is the CPU architecture (x86, or ppc) and <host> is the host Operating Sysetm, for example:
- Solaris host- sol1
- Linux host - linux
The LynxOS CDK components are now installed.

Note: The gnutar utility is provided on the LynxOS CDK CD-ROM:

gnutar can be copied from the LynxOS CDK CD-ROM to a cross development system with the cp command. For example,

# cd /mnt/cdrom/x86/cdk/sunos-elf-x86/bin
# cp gnutar /usr/bin/gnutar

  1. Unmount the LynxOS CDK and remove it from the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Insert the LynxOS ODE CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and mount it.

  3. Change directory to the LynxOS installation directory:

# cd /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<target>
where <release_num> represents the LynxOS product release number and <target> is the CPU architecture of the system (x86 or ppc).
  1. Extract the ODE images by entering the following commands (assuming the CD-ROM mount point is /mnt/cdrom):

# gnutar -xvzpf \
If a Board Support Package (BSP) is required, extract the BSP image with the following command:
# gnutar -xvzpf \
/mnt/cdrom/tar_images/ \
Where media_num is a LynuxWorks-assigned unique number, and bsp_name is the BSP name. Refer to LynxOS Release Notes for BSP names.

Note: The Legacy x86 AT BSP (pc_at) is included for legacy purposes only. It is recommended that customers use the x86 DRM-based BSPs (x86_drm).

The LynxOS ODE software component for UNIX-hosted cross development systems is now installed.
  1. Unmount and remove the CD-ROM.

  2. Before using LynxOS to develop applications, users must set the LynxOS environment with one of two SETUP scripts:

For bash shells:
$ . SETUP.bash
For C shells:
% sh SETUP.csh
For more information on these SETUP scripts, see the chapter entitled "Getting Started" in the LynxOS User's Guide.

This completes the LynxOS core installation for UNIX cross hosts.

Once installed, the LynxOS ODE for UNIX-hosted cross development systems provides users with the LynxOS libraries, utilities, kernel objects, and other files necessary for developing LynxOS applications.

See the chapter entitled "Getting Started" in the LynxOS User's Guide for information on using LynxOS.

The host system is now ready to develop target applications. However, several optional software components are available to enhance target application development. To install these onto the host system, refer to "Optional Software Installation for UNIX" below.

Optional Software Installation for UNIX

Additional components can be installed after the LynxOS ODE installation is complete. Some additional components include:

Additional Components  
Additional Components
Linux ABI Compatibility Layer
Additional Linux Libraries
GNU Zebra Routing Package
OpenSSL Encryption Components
Kernel Downloadable Images (KDI)s
BSP Demo files
Solaris CDK
PosixWorks Desktop
(for Solaris hosts only)

To install any or all of these additional components on a UNIX-hosted system, use the following instructions:

  1. Mount the Additional Components CD-ROM to /mnt/cdrom. Refer to the Linux or Solaris documentation for instructions. For Linux hosts, for example:

# mount <cdrom_dev_node> /mnt/cdrom
Where <cdrom_dev_node> is the CD-ROM device node name. Refer to the mount man page for additional usage options.
  1. Change to the LynxOS installation directory and source the LynxOS environment:

# cd /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<cpu>
# . SETUP.bash
where <release_num> is the LynxOS release number and <cpu> is the target system architecture.

Note: For the Linux ABI Layer, it is recommended that users create a separate directory specifically for the Linux ABI Layer:
# mkdir linuxabi
# cd linuxabi

  1. From this directory, extract the tar file with the following command:

# gnutar -xvzpf \
where <media_num> is a unique media number and <filename> is the name of the file.

Additional tools, such as LynxInsure++, TotalView, or SpyKer include separate documentation that describes their installation procedure.

Windows Cross Development Installation

The LynxOS cross development kit for Windows contains the CDK and ODE software components on the same CD-ROM. These components are installed at the same time during the InstallShield installation.

Note: The LynxOS CDK/ODE CD-ROM for Windows is printed with the title "LynxOS CDK for Windows."

In addition to the cross development software, the Windows CDK also contains the LynxOS BSP and system files.

Windows CDK/ODE Installation

The LynxOS CDK CD-ROM for Windows contains all components necessary for setting up a cross development host, including both CDK and ODE components.

To install these components, use the following instructions.

  1. Close all programs.

  2. Insert the LynxOS CDK CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

  3. When InstallShield starts, follow the instructions as appropriate.

If Windows Autorun is not enabled, users can start the setup process by double-clicking on the setup.exe icon in the CD-ROM directory.
Install Shield displays the following installation options:
Win32 LynxOS <release_num> <target> CDK
LynxOS <release_num> <target> kdi
  1. Select the appropriate option and proceed through the installation as instructed by the Installshield process.

    Note: The Win32 LynxOS <release_num> <target> CDK selection contains both the CDK and the ODE LynxOS components.

Updating the PATH Environment Variable

The PATH variable must be updated before the user can start the bash shell and use LynxOS command line utilities. The CYGWIN binary path must be added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose:

Settings->Control Panel->System->
A) For Windows 2000:
Click on the Advanced tab of the dialog box. Choose:
Environment Variables->System Variables->Edit

Adding a Bash Prompt Shortcut to the Desktop

Users can create a shortcut on the desktop that starts the bash prompt, changes to the LynxOS directory and starts the LynxOS environment. Use the following instructions to create a shortcut.

  1. Right-click on desktop and select New -> Shortcut.

  2. Type in the path to the bash.exe executable in the Location of item field. For example,

When finished, click Next.
  1. Type in a shortcut name, LynxOS CDK, for example, and click Finish.

  2. Right-click on the LynxOS CDK shortcut and select Properties.

  3. In the Shortcut tab, modify the Target field to automatically execute the SETUP.bash or SETUP.csh script:

C:\Lynx\4p0p0\bin\bash.exe -rcfile SETUP.bash
  1. Modify the Start in path to the LynxOS installation directory. For example,


Additional Components Installation on Windows

The Additional Components CD-ROM contains utilities that are installed after the LynxOS ODE installation is complete. This CD-ROM includes these utilities:

Additional Components  
File Name
Additional Components
Linux ABI Compatibility Layer
Additional Linux Libraries
GNU Zebra Routing Package
OpenSSL Encryption Components
Kernel Downloadable Images (KDI)s
BSP demo Files

To install any or all of these additional components, use the following instructions:

  1. Open a DOS prompt and start a bash shell:

C:\ bash
  1. Change to the LynxOS installation directory and source the LynxOS environment:

$ cd /usr/lynx/<release_num>/<cpu>
$ . SETUP.bash
Where <release_num> is the LynxOS release number and <cpu> is the target system architecture.

Note: For the Linux ABI Layer, it is recommended that users create a separate directory specifically for the Linux ABI Layer:
# mkdir linuxabi
# cd linuxabi

  1. From this directory, extract the tar file with the following command:

# gnutar -xvzpf \
Where <media_num> is a unique media number and <filename> is the name of the file to extract.

Additional tools, such as LynxInsure++, TotalView, or SpyKer include separate documentation that describes their installation procedures.

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138