LynxOS Installation Guide

Using installit


This chapter provides instructions on using installit (the LynxOS native development installation utility) to install LynxOS onto native development system hard disks (including removable hard disks).

installit in included on the LynxOS ODE CD-ROM.

Before running installit, complete the appropriate installation checklist for the type of system on which LynxOS is to be installed (see "Basic Installation Overview").

The installit utility follows these four stages:

  1. Selection of installation parameters, such as the location of the installation medium, the hard disk partition onto which LynxOS is to be installed (destination media), networking, and other parameters

  2. Selection of the development modules from which to install LynxOS

  3. Installation of LynxOS onto the development system's hard disk

  4. Reconfiguration of LynxOS boot parameters to boot from the development system's hard disk

After reconfiguring LynxOS to boot from the development system's hard disk, installit automatically reboots the system. After the system reboots, LynxOS is ready for application development, or installation of additional components.

Backing Up Important Data

LynxOS installation overwrites existing data on the disk onto which it is installed. Whether performing a new installation or an upgrade, be sure to back up
important data.

If upgrading LynxOS to a newer version, LynuxWorks recommends that the following files be backed up:

installit Interface, Restart and Quit Commands

Because LynxOS is designed to be installed on a wide range of systems, installit does not assume that a mouse is available. All installit menus are text-based, assuming that a monitor and a keyboard are always available on the development system.

For ease of use, installit is case insensitive, accepting either lower case or upper case commands. To select a particular menu item, simply type in the item number or first letter of that item, then hit Enter.

While waiting for a menu selection to be made, installit displays the default action for the particular menu in square brackets, for example: [1]. To select the default action, simply press the Enter key.

installit menus are designed so that after selecting an item, the user is presented with a new menu of increasingly detailed information. The user may return to a previous or parent menu by keying in the R command and pressing Enter. On return to a previous menu, installit automatically selects the next menu item as the default option. In this manner, it is possible to navigate the entire installit menu tree.

Typing Q and then pressing Enter in most installit menus causes the utility to quit without installing any files. installit prints the following message:

******** Aborting Installation ********

installit can be restarted at any time by quitting, and then typing the installit command at the root prompt.

Running installit

Welcome Message

Insert the LynxOS ODE CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and boot the system.

# reboot

Run installit by simply entering the command installit at the prompt, then press Enter. On startup, installit displays the following message for all products:

Welcome Message
Welcome to the LynxOS Installation Utility!
This script gathers all of the information needed to install LynxOS on your particular hardware. It obtains this information by presenting several menus for you to complete. If you are unsure about a menu option, please refer to the Installation Guide or choose the help option if one is available.
You may quit the installation by selecting 'Q' during any of
the menus or by typing '<Control>-<C>' at any time. If installit is interrupted before successful completion, you will need to run it again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before proceeding with this installation, you should backup all user and data files on your system. If you
have a previous version of LynxOS, refer to the Installation
Guide for a list of some important files that should be backed up.
Would you like to proceed with the installation? (y/n) [y]

To terminate the installation, type the letter n then press the Enter key. Otherwise, simply press Enter to proceed with the installation.

Note: This initial screen is displayed on all LynxOS native development systems except PowerPC; see "PowerPC Initial Screen" below.

PowerPC Initial Screen

On PowerPC systems only, the Terminal Type Selection Menu (shown below) is the first screen displayed after running installit.

PowerPC Terminal Type Selection
    *** Terminal Type Selection Menu ***
Current terminal type: dumb
0) dumb terminal (dumb)
1) vt100 console (vt100at)
2) Wyse serial terminal (wyse50)
3) vt100 serial terminal
4) xterm (default mode of HyperTerm)
5) linux (default mode of MiniCom)
6) sun (default mode of TIP)
C)ontinue installation
Q)uit Installation
Enter option or new terminal type: [1]

installit supports installation via a serial line console. The following terminal emulator programs can be used with installit:

Terminal emulator programs must be configured to use the serial connection in the 9600/N81 mode. The 9600/N81 mode assumes the following settings:

baud rate 9600
parity No
data bits 8
stop bit 1

Select the terminal and then enter option C to continue installation.

Main Menu

The installit Main Menu displays the following options:

Main Menu
    *** Main Menu ***
    1) Modify Default Values
    2) Choose Products to Install
    Please make sure the Default Values and Products to
    install are correct before Beginning the Installation.
    B)egin Installation
    Q)uit Installation
Enter Option: [1]

For a typical installation, the user must verify that all default installation values are correct and choose the products to install before continuing. As such, it is best to navigate through all of the menus.

Selecting the Distribution Media

The Modify Default Values Menu, shown below, allows the user to select the appropriate LynxOS installation media options. For instance, a CD-ROM drive can be connected to the system either through an IDE or SCSI interface.

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
3) System Parameters: default
4) Virtual Memory: no
Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
5) Device Drivers and
Driver Related Features
6) Date, Time and Time Zone
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

The default installation device for LynxOS here is the IDE CD-ROM indicated by ide.1. If this is correct, press Enter, and continue with selecting the Install To: device. If unsure, select 1 to view the Install Media Selection Menu, shown below.

Installation Media Selection Menu
    *** Install Media Selection Menu ***
    Installing LynxOS from: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
    1) SCSI Tape
    2) SCSI CD-ROM
    3) IDE CD-ROM
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [3]

Enter the correct option for the device from which LynxOS is being installed.

Note: If an installation device type is not found on the machine, installit does not display a selection number next to it, thereby directing the user to the correct choice.

There are also several parameters that need to be entered for each LynxOS installation device.

After installation, installit prompts the user to return to the parent menu to continue with installation.

Installing from a SCSI Tape Device

After entering option 1 (SCSI Tape) from the Install Media Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu displays the following options:

SCSI Device Selection Menu
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***
    SCSI Tape attached to ISA Adaptec AHA 1520/1522 (st1522.4)
    1) Select SCSI Adapter:  st1522.4 (ISA Adaptec AHA 1520/1522)
    2) Select SCSI ID:       4
       Select Partition:     N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

Installing from a SCSI CD-ROM Device

After entering option 2 (SCSI CD-ROM) from the Install Media Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu displays the following options:

SCSI Device Selection Menu
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***
    SCSI CD-ROM attached to PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N (sdascsi.6)
    1) Select SCSI Adapter: sdascsi. (PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N)
    2) Select SCSI ID: 6
    Select Partition: N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

Changing SCSI Adapter for x86 Systems

After entering 2 (SCSI CD-ROM) from the Install Media Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu is displayed.

SCSI Device Selection Menu (x86)
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***
    SCSI CD-ROM attached to PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N (sdascsi.6)
    1) Select SCSI Adapter: sdascsi. (PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N)
    2) Select SCSI ID: 6
    Select Partition: N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu

Enter option: [1]

Enter option 1 to view or change SCSI Adapter settings. The SCSI Adapter Selection Menu displays the following options:

SCSI Adapter Settings (x86)
    *** SCSI Adapter Selection Menu ***
    Current SCSI adapter for SCSI CD-ROM: sdascsi. (sdascsi.6) PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N
    ISA Adaptec AHA1520/1522 (does not support CD-ROMs)
    2) ISA Adaptec AHA1540/1542
    3) PCI Adaptec AHA2940/2940W
    4) PCI NCR 810/825/860/875
    5) PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N
    6) PCI NCR 896
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [5]

Enter the correct values and options on this screen.

Changing SCSI Adapter for PowerPC Systems

After entering 2 from the Install Media Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu is displayed the following options:

SCSI Device Selection Menu (PPC)
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***
    SCSI CD-ROM attached to on-board SCSI (sdncr.6)
    1) Select SCSI Adapter:     sdncr. (on-board SCSI)
    2) Select SCSI ID:          6
       Select Partition:        N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

Enter option 1 to view or change SCSI Adapter settings; doing so displays the SCSI Adapter Selection Menu as follows:

SCSI Adapter Settings (PPC)
    *** SCSI Adapter Selection Menu ***
Current SCSI adapter for SCSI CD-ROM: sdncr. (sdncr.6)
on board SCSI
1) on board SCSI
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

Enter the correct values and options on this screen, then return to the SCSI Device Selection Menu.

Once this is done, go to the section "Selecting ID for SCSI CD-ROM" and continue.

Selecting ID for SCSI CD-ROM

Enter option 2 from the SCSI Device Selection Menu to view the SCSI ID Selection Menu, shown below.

SCSI ID Selection Menu
    *** SCSI ID Selection Menu ***

    Current SCSI ID of SCSI CD-ROM connected to PCI Adaptec AHA2940UW/2940U2W/2940UW PRO/19160/29160/29160N: 6 (sdncr.6)

    0) SCSI ID 0
    1) SCSI ID 1
    2) SCSI ID 2
    3) SCSI ID 3
    4) SCSI ID 4
    5) SCSI ID 5
    6) SCSI ID 6

    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [6]

Enter the device ID of the SCSI CD-ROM drive. Now that the correct settings have been entered, return to the Modify Default Values Menu.

Installing from IDE CD-ROM

After entering option 3 (IDE CD-ROM) from the Install Media Selection Menu, the IDE Device Selection Menu displays the following options:

SCSI ID Selection Menu
    *** IDE Device Selection Menu ***
    IDE CD-ROM attached to (E)IDE controller (ide.1)
    1) Select IDE Adapter: ide. ((E)IDE controller)
    2) Select IDE ID: 1
Select Partition: N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

Selecting IDE Adapter

Enter option 1 tin the IDE Device Selection Menu to view or change the IDE Adapter settings on the IDE Adapter Selection Menu, which follows.

IDE Adapter Selection
    *** IDE Adapter Selection Menu ***

    Current Adapter for IDE-CDROM: (ide.0) (E)IDE controller

    1) (E)IDE controller

    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
     Enter Option: [1]

installit supports only one IDE adapter.

Selecting IDE Device ID

Choose option 2 from the IDE Device Selection Menu to enter the IDE device ID from the IDE ID Selection Menu, shown below.

IDE ID Number Selection
    *** IDE ID Selection Menu ***
    Current ID of IDE CD-ROM connected to (E)IDE controller: 0 (ide.0)
    0) Primary IDE controller, Master drive
    1) Primary IDE controller, Slave drive
    2) Secondary IDE controller, Master drive
    3) Secondary IDE controller, Slave drive
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [0]

IDE IDs 0 and 1 refer to the primary IDE adapter master and slave devices, respectively. IDE IDs 2 and 3 refer to the secondary IDE adapter (not present on all systems) master and slave devices, respectively.

Now that the correct CD-ROM IDE settings have been entered or verified, return to the Modify Default Values Menu on the development system, then see "Selecting the Destination Media".

Selecting the Destination Media

Selecting the LynxOS destination media is similar to selecting the LynxOS installation device. Return to the Modify Default Values Menu, shown below, and enter option 2.

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
    1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
    2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
    3) System Parameters: default
    4) Virtual Memory: no
Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
    5) Device Drivers and
Driver Related Features
    6) Date, Time and Time Zone
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [2]

After entering option 2, the Installation Target Selection Menu is displayed.

Installation Target Selection Menu
    *** Installation Target Selection Menu ***

    Installing LynxOS to:   IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
    1) SCSI Hard Disk
    2) IDE Hard Disk
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [2]

Enter the option that is correct for the development system onto which LynxOS is to be installed. There are two installation media options:

Installing onto SCSI Hard Disk for x86

After entering 1 from the Installation Target Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu displays the following options:

SCSI Device Selection Menu (x86)
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***

    SCSI Hard Disk attached to on-board SCSI (sdncr.0a)

    1) Select SCSI Adapter:  sdncr. (PCI NCR 810/825)
    2) Select SCSI ID:       0
    3) Select Partition:     a
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
    Enter Option: [1]

Enter option 1 in the SCSI Device Selection Menu to view or change SCSI Adapter settings on the SCSI Adapter Selection Menu, shown below.

SCSI Adapter Selection Menu (x86)
    *** SCSI Adapter Selection Menu ***
    Current SCSI adapter for SCSI Hard Disk: sd1522. (sd1522.0a)
        ISA Adaptec AHA1520/1522
    1) ISA Adaptec AHA1520/1522
    2) ISA Adaptec AHA1540/1542
    3) PCI Adaptec AHA2940/2940W
    4) PCI NCR 810/825
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

The user must enter the correct values and options for the LynxOS destination hard disk, and then return to the SCSI Device Selection Menu.

Enter option 2 on the SCSI Device Selection Menu to view the SCSI ID Selection Menu, shown below.

SCSI ID Selection Menu (x86)
    *** SCSI ID Selection Menu ***

    Current SCSI ID of SCSI Hard Disk connected to
PCI NCR 810/825: 0 (sdncr.0a)

    0) SCSI ID 0
    1) SCSI ID 1
    2) SCSI ID 2
    3) SCSI ID 3
    4) SCSI ID 4
    5) SCSI ID 5
    6) SCSI ID 6

    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [0]

Enter the destination SCSI hard disk's ID, then return to the SCSI Device Selection Menu.

Installing onto SCSI Hard Disk for PPC

After entering 1 from the Installation Target Selection Menu, the SCSI Device Selection Menu displays the following:

SCSI Device Selection Menu (PPC)
    *** SCSI Device Selection Menu ***

    SCSI Hard Disk attached to on-board SCSI (sdncr.0b)
    1) Select SCSI Adapter:   sdncr. (On-board SCSI)
    2) Select SCSI ID:        0
    3) Select Partition:      b
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

Enter option 1 in the Installation Target Selection Menu to view or change SCSI Adapter settings on the SCSI Adapter Selection Menu, shown below.

SCSI ID Selection Menu (PPC)
    *** SCSI Adapter Selection Menu ***

    Current SCSI Adapter for SCSI Hard Disk: sdncr. (sdncr.0b)
        On-board SCSI

    1) On-board SCSI

    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

The user needs to enter the correct values and options for the LynxOS destination device, then return to the SCSI Device Selection Menu.

Enter option 2 to view the SCSI ID Selection Menu, shown below.

SCSI ID Selection Menu (PPC)
    *** SCSI ID Selection Menu ***

    Current SCSI ID of SCSI Hard Disk connected to
        On-board SCSI: 0 (sdncr.0b)

    0) SCSI ID 0
    1) SCSI ID 1
    2) SCSI ID 2
    3) SCSI ID 3
    4) SCSI ID 4
    5) SCSI ID 5
    6) SCSI ID 6
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [0]

Enter the destination hard disk's SCSI ID, then return to the SCSI Device Selection Menu.

Partitioning SCSI Devices (x86 or PPC)

Enter option 3 in the SCSI Device Selection Menu to view partitions. If the entered disk exists and partitions have already been created, the Partition Configuration Menu displays the following:

SCSI Partition Configuration Menu
    *** Partition Configuration Menu ***
    Current partition: 2 (b) (sdncr.2b)
    0) Partition Info
Partition 1 (a) (This partition is reserved for booting)
2) Partition 2 (b) 9) Partition 9 (i)
3) Partition 3 (c) 10) Partition 10 (j)
4) Partition 4 (d) 11) Partition 11 (k)
5) Partition 5 (e) 12) Partition 12 (l)
6) Partition 6 (f) 13) Partition 13 (m)
7) Partition 7 (g) 14) Partition 14 (n)
8) Partition 8 (h) 15) Partition 15 (o)
16) Create/Modify Disk Partitions
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [2]

If the selected disk exists, users can view the partition info by selecting option 0. For instance:

SCSI Partition Information
Current partitions:
Space Available total blocks (mb) largest hole blocks (mb)
base partitions: 336 ( 0.16) 336 ( 0.16)
extended partition d: 0 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00)
Partition Boot Megabytes  Id  Symbolic Name
    a        *            0.07        65  (PowerPC boot partition)
    b                   999.98        64  (LynxOS)
    c                  1000.00        64  (LynxOS)
    d                  6748.00*        5  (DOS Extended)
    e                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    f                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    g                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    h                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    i                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    j                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    k                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    l                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    m                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    n                   499.98        64  (LynxOS)
    o                  1747.98        64  (LynxOS)
Press <Enter> to continue:

Note: On the PowerPC, partition 1 (a) is reserved for booting.

To create or modify a disk partition, select option 16.

Disk Partition Menu
    *** Disk Partitioning Menu ***
    Modify partitions on SCSI Hard Disk (sdncr.0)
    1) Modify current partitioning (using mkpart)
    2) Use default partitioning
    partition 1 (a): entire disk
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [R]

If the user enters option 1 to modify or create new partitions, installit invokes mkpart. For additional information on using mkpart, see "mkpart(1) man page".

Note: The boot partition on SCSI disks cannot be greater than 1 GB. If your SCSI hard disk is greater than 1 GB, it must be divided into two or more partitions.

Now that the correct partition settings have been entered or verified, return to the Modify Default Values Menu on the development system, then see "Setting System Parameters".

Installing onto IDE Disk

After entering option 2 from the Installation Target Selection Menu, the IDE Device Selection Menu displays the following options:

IDE Device Selection Menu
    *** IDE Device Selection Menu ***
    IDE Hard Disk attached to (E)IDE controller (ide.0a)
    1) Select IDE Adapter:    ide. ((E)IDE controller)
    2) Select IDE ID:         0
    3) Select Partition:      a
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

Changing IDE Adapter

Enter option 1 on the IDE Device Selection Menu to view or change IDE Adapter settings. The IDE Adapter Selection Menu appears, as shown below, confirming the selection.

IDE Adapter Selection Menu
    *** IDE Adapter Selection Menu ***
    Current Adapter for IDE-CDROM:(ide.0) (E)IDE controller
    1) (E)IDE controller
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

installit supports only one IDE adapter; press the Enter key to select option 1.

IDE Device ID

Select 2 from the IDE Device Selection Menu to display the IDE ID Selection Menu, shown below.

IDE ID Selection Menu
    *** IDE ID Selection Menu ***
    Current ID of IDE Hard Disk connected to (E)IDE controller: 0         (ide.0a)
    0) Primary IDE controller, Master drive
    1) Primary IDE controller, Slave drive
    2) Secondary IDE controller, Master drive
    3) Secondary IDE controller, Slave drive
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [0]

Device IDs 0 and 1 refer to the primary IDE adapter master and slave devices, respectively. Device IDs 2 and 3 refer to the secondary IDE adapter (not present on all systems) master and slave devices, respectively.

Enter the device ID of the destination hard disk.

Partitioning an IDE Disk

Return to the IDE Device Selection Menu and enter option 3 to view partitions. If the selected disk exists and partitions have already been created, the Partition Configuration Menu displays partition information, as shown below.

IDE Partition Configuration Menu
    *** Partition Configuration Menu ***
    Current partition: 1 (a) (ide.0a)
    0) Partition Info
    1) Partition 1 (a)
    2) Partition 2 (b) 9) Partition 9 (i)
    3) Partition 3 (c) 10) Partition 10 (j)
    4) Partition 4 (d) 11) Partition 11 (k)
    5) Partition 5 (e) 12) Partition 12 (l)
    6) Partition 6 (f) 13) Partition 13 (m)
    7) Partition 7 (g) 14) Partition 14 (n)
    8) Partition 8 (h) 15) Partition 15 (o)
    16) Create/Modify Disk Partitions
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

If the selected disk exists, users can view its partition info by selecting option 0. For instance:

IDE Partition Information
Current partitions:
Space Available     total blocks (mb)   largest hole blocks (mb)
base partitions:      10080 ( 4.92)            10080 ( 4.92)
Partition   Boot        Megabytes     Id  Symbolic Name
    a        *          7000.84       64  (LynxOS)
    b                   7000.88       64  (LynxOS)
    c                   5551.88       64  (LynxOS)
    d                   15.75         64  (LynxOS)
Press <Enter> to continue:

Note: In some instances, partition information may also be automatically displayed, followed by partition configuration choices.

Selecting option 16 from the Partition Configuration Menu displays the Disk Partitioning Menu.

IDE Disk Partitioning Menu
    *** Disk Partitioning Menu ***
Modify partitions on IDE Hard Disk (ide.0)
1) Modify current partitioning (using mkpart)
2) Use default partitioning
partition 1 (a): entire disk
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [R]

Enter option 1 to modify or create new partitions. installit invokes mkpart. For additional information on using mkpart, see "mkpart(1) man page".

Note: The boot partition on IDE disks must be located starting in the first 8 GB (0 to 8 GB) of storage space in the hard disk.

Now that the correct partition settings have been entered or verified, return to the Modify Default Values Menu on the development system, and see "Setting System Parameters".

Setting System Parameters

To set the system parameters, return to the Modify Default Values Menu, shown below, and enter option 3.

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
    1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
    2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
    3) System Parameters: default
    4) Virtual Memory: no
       Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
    5) Device Drivers and
       Driver Related Features
    6) Date, Time and Time Zone
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [3]

After entering 3, the System Parameter Configuration Menu displays the following:

System Parameter Configuration Menu
    *** System Parameter Configuration Menu ***
    Current System Parameters: default
    1) Default values
    2) Development System Values (requires at least 10MB RAM)
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

The Default values are recommended for most LynxOS installations. If LynxOS is going to be used for software development and debugging, the Development Systems Values option is recommended. As noted in the menu, the development system values require at least 10 MB of memory (RAM).

Setting Virtual Memory Options

To set or verify the virtual memory (swap file system) options, the user must return to the Modify Default Values Menu, shown below.

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
    1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
    2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
    3) System Parameters: default
    4) Virtual Memory: no
       Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
    5) Device Drivers and
       Driver Related Features
    6) Date, Time and Time Zone
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [4]

All LynxOS processes and threads run in virtual memory, that is, addressing is virtual and is mapped to the underlying physical RAM by the system's memory management unit (MMU).

LynxOS also supports demand-paged virtual memory (sometimes just called "virtual memory"). When demand-paging is not enabled, the number of simultaneously executable processes is limited by the amount of available physical RAM. When demand-paging is enabled, LynxOS (as needed and on demand) clears up physical RAM to make room for more processes. To do this, LynxOS copies pages of RAM to the swapfile residing on a hard disk or any other mass storage device. When these pages are needed again, LynxOS makes space for them in physical RAM (by paging out other pages) and paging in the needed pages.

For most embedded applications, demand-paging should not be enabled. The main reason for this is to avoid performance penalties associated with paging in and paging out of required pages of memory. Demand paging is disabled by default.

To enable or disable demand-paging, enter option 4 from the Modify Default Values Menu, which displays the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu as follows:

Virtual Memory Configuration Menu, disabled
    *** Virtual Memory Configuration Menu ***
    1) Install Virtual Memory: no
       Swapfile type: N/A
       Swapfile name: N/A
       Size: N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

To enable demand paging, enter option 1. This option acts as a toggle switch for enabling/disabling demand paging.

Note: The swapfile type, swapfile name, and size cannot be modified until demand paging is enabled.

Entering 1 on the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu, shown below, toggles demand-paged virtual memory. When it is enabled, the menu allows the user to select virtual memory type, name, and size parameters.

Virtual Memory Configuration Menu, enabled
    *** Virtual Memory Configuration Menu ***
    1) Install Virtual Memory:        yes
Swapfile type:                 Contiguous File
Swapfile name:                 /.swap
Size:                          32M
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

There are two swapfile types supported by LynxOS:

Virtual Memory Contiguous File Settings

To change the swapfile name, enter option 3 in the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu. The following is displayed:

Swapfile Name Menu
    *** Swapfile Name Menu ***
    Current Swapfile Name: /.swap
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option or New Swapfile Name: [/.swap]

To change the name of the file, simply key in the new swapfile name in the Enter option or New Swapfile Name: field.

To change the swapfile size, enter option 4 from the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu. Doing this displays the Swapfile Size Configuration Menu, shown below.

Swapfile Size Configuration Menu
    *** Swapfile Size Configuration Menu ***
    Current Swapfile Size: 32M
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option or Swapfile size: [32M]

To change the swapfile size, simply enter the new Swapfile size at the
Enter option or Swapfile size: prompt. For help on this topic, enter the H option. In most cases, setting the swapfile size to twice the amount of physical RAM provides optimal performance. For systems running large applications, such as X Windows-based applications, additional swap space may be required.

Return to the Modify Default Values Menu on the development system, and see "Configuring Device Driver Parameters".

Virtual Memory Raw Partition Settings

After selecting raw swapfile type from the Swapfile Type Menu, the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu displays the following information:

Virtual Memory Configuration Menu
    *** Virtual Memory Configuration Menu ***
    1) Install Virtual Memory:       yes
    2) Swapfile type:                Raw Partition
    3) Swapfile device:              ide.0b
Size:                        N/A
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [3]

The swapfile partition must not be the same as the LynxOS installation partition. To change the swapfile partition, enter option 3 the Virtual Memory Configuration Menu. Doing this displays the Swap Partition Menu, as shown below.

Swap Partition Menu
    *** Swap Partition Menu ***
    Current Swap Partition: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0b)
    1) SCSI Hard Disk
    2) IDE Hard Disk
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [2]

Selecting swap partition is identical to selecting the installation partition; see the following sections depending on the development system: "Installing onto SCSI Hard Disk for x86", "Installing onto SCSI Hard Disk for PPC", "Installing onto IDE Disk".

Return to the Modify Default Values Menu on the development system, then see "Configuring Device Driver Parameters" below.

Configuring Device Driver Parameters

To configure device driver parameters, enter option 5 on the Modify Default Values Menu:

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
    1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
    2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
    3) System Parameters: default
    4) Virtual Memory: no
       Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
    5) Device Drivers and
       Driver Related Features
    6) Date, Time and Time Zone
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [5]

After entering option 5, the Modify Device Driver/Driver Related Features Menu displays the following:

Modify Device Driver/Driver Related Features Menu
    *** Modify Device Driver / Driver Related Features Menu ***
    1) Networking
    2) PS2 Compatible Mouse Driver: no
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

To install a PS2 compatible mouse, enter option 2; see "Selecting a PS2 Mouse". If networking parameters need to be configured, see "Configuring Networking Parameters" below.

Configuring Networking Parameters

To configure networking parameters, enter option 1 from the Modify Device Driver/ Driver Related Features Menu.

installit allows for choosing the primary ethernet interface, IP address configuration, setting the host name, and provides the option to install NFS.

Note: The default options are not suitable; at a minimum the IP address needs to be changed. In addition, the default Ethernet interface may not be correct.

The second and subsequent network devices (or devices not shown here) cannot be configured from installit and must be added after installation, either by running the /usr/bin/Install.tcpip script, or manually, after the addition of appropriate device drivers.

After entering 1 from the Modify Device Driver/Driver Related Features Menu, the Modify Networking Default Values Menu displays the following:

Modify Networking Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Networking Default Values Menu ***
    1) Network Interfaces
       Ethernet Card:              SMC EtherPower (epic0)
    2) TCP/IP:                     yes
       Hostname / IP Address:      lynxdemo /
    3) NFS:                        yes
       NFS Server / File Locking:  yes / yes
       NFS Client / Client Cache:  yes / yes
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [1]

To select a network interface card, enter option 1. To enable/disable TCP/IP, or to change the host name or IP address, enter option 2. To enable/disable NFS and to change NFS parameters, enter option 3.

Selecting an Ethernet Card (x86)

To select an Ethernet card on x86 development systems, enter option 1 on the Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu.

Note: Option 1 corresponds to a default value. Select it anyway for a list of available options.

Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu (x86)
       *** Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu ***
    Current ethernet adapter: SMC EtherPower (epic0)
    0) None
    1) WD/SMC Elite
    2) SMC Elite Ultra
    3) 3Com 3C509
    4) 3Com 3C579
    5) SMC EtherPower
    6) AMD Am79C970A
    7) SMC EtherPower II
    8) NE2000 compatible
    9) Intel 82558 Pro
    10) 3Com 3C900,3C905,3C905B
    11) 3Com 3C589
    12) Intel 8254X
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [5]

The list of Ethernet Adapters displays supported chips and/or cards/card series.

Enter the appropriate Ethernet adapter, then return to the Modify Networking Default Values Menu on the development system to continue configuring the appropriate network parameters.

Selecting an Ethernet Card (PPC)

To select an Ethernet card on PPC development systems, enter option 1 on the Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu.

Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu
    *** Ethernet Adapter Selection Menu ***
Current ethernet adapter: dec21040 / SMC EtherPower (dec0)
0) None
1) dec21040 / SMC EtherPower
2) Am79c970 / AMD Am79C970A
3) PowerQUICC SCC1 (821/860 only)
4) Intel 82558 Pro
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

Enter the appropriate Ethernet adapter, then return to the Modify Networking Default Values Menu on the development system to continue configuring network parameters as appropriate.

Configuring TCP/IP

To configure TCP/IP parameters, enter option 2 on the Modify Networking Default Values Menu. This displays the TCP/IP Configuration Menu as follows:

TCP/IP Configuration Menu
    *** TCP/IP Configuration Menu ***
    1) Install TCP/IP: yes
    2) Hostname: lynxdemo
    3) IP Address:
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [2]

TCP/IP is enabled by default. To toggle TCP/IP, enter option 1.

Note: Changing the host name or the IP address is not permitted by installit unless TCP/IP is enabled.

Setting Host Name

To change the host name, enter option 2 on the TCP/IP Configuration Menu. Doing this displays the Hostname Configuration Menu as follows:

Hostname Configuration Menu
    *** Hostname Configuration Menu ***
    Current Hostname: lynxdemo
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option or new Hostname: [lynxdemo]

To change the host name, key in the name, then press Enter.

Configuring IP Address

After entering the host name, return to the TCP/IP Configuration Menu and enter option 3. Doing this displays the IP Address Configuration Menu, shown below.

IP Address Configuration Menu
    *** IP Address Configuration Menu ***
    Current IP Address:
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option or new IP address: []

To change the IP address, simply type the new IP address and press Enter.

After completing the TCP/IP configuration, return to the Modify Networking Default Values Menu.

Note: Any special netmask requirements must be added after installation.This is typically done by creating a /net/rc.local file and inserting appropriate ifconfig commands into it.
Note: The user may also install TCP/IP but configure networking parameters (host name, IP address) after installation using DHCP, for example.

Configuring NFS

To configure NFS, enter option 3, which brings up the NFS Configuration Menu, as shown below.

NFS Configuration Menu
    *** NFS Configuration Menu ***
    1) Install NFS:               yes
    2) Enable Server:             yes
    3) Enable Client:             yes
    4) Enable Client Cache:       yes
    5) Enable File Locking:       yes
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [2]

NFS installation is enabled by default. To enable or disable NFS, enter option 1. If NFS installation is disabled, installit does not permit the other NFS parameters to be changed. To enable or disable any of the other parameters (assuming NFS is enabled), simply enter the appropriate option and press Enter.

If Enable Server and Enable Client are both disabled, installit automatically disables Install NFS:.

Selecting a PS2 Mouse

To select a PS2 mouse, choose option 2 from the Modify Device Driver/Drive Related Features Menu. This toggles the PS2 mouse selection.

Selecting PS2 Mouse
    **** Modify Device Driver/ Driver Related Features Menu ****
    1) Networking
    2) PS2 compatible Mouse Driver: yes
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option [R].

Setting Date, Time and Time Zone

To set or verify the date, time and time zone values, return to the Modify Default Values Menu and select option 6.

Modify Default Values Menu
    *** Modify Default Values Menu ***
1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1)
2) Install To: IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)
3) System Parameters: default
4) Virtual Memory: no
Swapfile name / size: N/A / N/A
5) Device Drivers and
Driver Related Features
6) Date, Time and Time Zone
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [6]

The following menu is displayed.

Modify Date, Time, and Time Zone Menu
    *** Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu ***
1) Date: 2001/10/31
2) Time: 05:28:40
3) Use TZ environment variable: no
4) Time Zone: 480 minutes east(-)/west(+) of Greenwich
5) Daylight Savings Type: 1 (USA)
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

Enter option 1 to modify the date. Note that the date is in the format YYYY/MM/DD.

Modify Date Menu
    *** Modify Date Menu ***
    Current date: 2001/10/31
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to the previous menu
Enter a new date: [2001/10/31]

After changing the date, return to the Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu and select option 2 to enter a new time. New time should be entered in a 24 hour clock.

Modify Time Menu
*** Modify Time Menu ***
Current time: 05:44:48
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter a new time: [05:44:48]

There are two ways to set a time zone. One way (default) is to use a value of minutes east (-) or west (+) of Greenwich Mean Time and setting a daylight savings type. The second way is to use the TZ environment variable. To enable or disable use of the TZ environment variable, select option 3 from the Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu. The Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu changes appropriately.

Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu, TZ enabled
*** Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu ***
1) Date:                        2001/10/31
2) Time:                        06:42:53
3) Use TZ environment variable: yes
4) TZ environment variable:     PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [4]

Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu, GMT enabled
*** Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu ***
1) Date: 2001/10/31
2) Time: 05:28:40
3) Use TZ environment variable: no
4) Time Zone: 480 minutes east(-)/west(+) of Greenwich
5) Daylight Savings Type: 1 (USA)
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [4]

To set the time zone using the default way, select option 4 from the Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu when use of the TZ environment variable is turned off. The following menu is displayed.

Modify Time Zone Menu
*** Modify Time Zone Menu ***
Current time zone: 480 Minutes east (-) or west (+) of Greenwich
1) 720 KJT (Kwajalein Is.) 18) -180 MSK/MSD (Asia: W Russia)
2) 660 SST (Samoa) 19) -210 IT (Iran)
3) 600 HST (US Hawaii) 20) -240 SMT (Asia: Seychelles)
4) 540 AKST/AKDT (US Alaska) 21) -270 AFT (Afghanistan)
5) 480 PST/PDT (US Pacific) 22) -300 PKT (Asia: Pakistan)
6) 420 MST/MDT (US Mountain) 23) -330 IST (India)
7) 360 CST/CDT (US Central) 24) -345 NPT (Nepal)
8) 300 EST/EDT (US Eastern) 25) -360 NSK/NSD (Asia:Bangladesh)
9) 240 AST/ADT (Atlantic) 26) -390 BMT (Burma)
10) 210 NST (Newfoundland) 27) -420 ISK/ISD (Asia: China)
11) 180 WGT/WGT DST (Western Greenland) 28) -480 WST (Western Australia)
12) 120 MGT/MGT DST (Middle Greenland) 29) -540 JST (Asia: Japan)
13) 60 EGT/EGT DST (Eastern Greenland) 31) -570 CST (Central Australia)
14) 0 WET/WET DST (Western Europe) 32) -600 EST (Eastern Australia)
16) -60 MET/MET DST (Middle Europe) 33) -660 PSK/PSD (Asia: E Russia)
17) -120 EET/EET DST (Eastern Europe) 34) -720 NZST/NZDT (New Zealand)
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option or new time zone as minutes east(-)/west(+) of Greenwich: [480]

After changing the time zone, return to the Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu and select option 5 to select daylight savings type. The Modify Daylight Savings Type Menu is shown.

Modify Daylight Savings Type Menu
*** Modify Daylight Savings Type Menu ***
Current daylight savings type: 1 (USA)
0) None
1) USA
2) Australia
3) Eastern Europe
4) Central Europe
5) Western Europe
Q)uit Installation
R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [1]

To set the time zone using the TZ environment variable, select option 4 from the Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu when the TZ environment variable
is enabled.

Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu, TZ enabled
    *** Modify Date, Time and Time Zone Menu ***
    1) Date:                        2001/10/31
    2) Time:                        06:42:53
    3) Use TZ environment variable: yes
    4) TZ environment variable:     PST8PDT9, M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [4]

The following menu is used to configure the TZ environment variable.

Modify TZ Environment Variable
    *** Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu ***
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    0) Select from predefined TZ variables
    1) Standard Time Zone Name:             PST
    2) Standard Offset from GMT:            8
    3) Daylight Savings Time Zone Name:     PDT
    4) Daylight Savings Offset From GMT:    9
    5) Start Date:                          M4.1.0 (first Sunday in April)
    6) Start Time:                          02:00:00
    7) End Date:                            M10.5.0 (last Sunday in October)
    8) End Time:                            02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [0]

To select from predefined TZ variables, select option 0 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Select Predefined TZ Environment Variable
    *** Select Predefined TZ Environment Variable ***
    Current TZ area:      US (Pacific)
    Current TZ variable:  PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
1) US (Hawaii)       14) Russia (Kaliningrad)   27) Australia(Western)
2) US (Alaska)       15) Russia (Moscow)        28) Australia(Central)
3) US (Pacific)      16) Russia (Samara)        29) Australia(Eastern)
4) US (Mountain)     17) Russia (Yekaterinburg) 30) Asia (Japan)
5) US (Central)      18) Russia (Omsk)          31) Asia (China)
6) US (Indiana)      19) Russia (Novosibirsk)   32) Asia (Hong Kong)
7) US (Eastern)      20) Russia (Krasnoyarsk)   33) Asia (Korea)
8) UK (London)       21) Russia (Irkutsk)       34) Asia (India)
9) UK (Belfast)      22) Russia (Yakutsk)
10) UK (Dublin)      23) Russia (Vladivostok)
11) Europe (Western) 24) Russia (Magadan)
12) Europe (Central) 25) Russia (Kamchatka)
13) Europe (Eastern) 26) Russia (Anadyr)
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter option: [R]

To set the standard time zone name, select option 1 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Select Time Zone Menu
    *** Set Time Zone Name Menu ***
    Current standard time zone name: PST
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone name: [PST]

To set the standard offset from GMT, select option 2 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Offset
    *** Set Time Zone Offset Menu ***
    Current standard time zone offset: 8
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone offset: [-3]

To set the daylight savings time zone name, select option 3 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Name Menu
    *** Set Time Zone Name Menu ***
    Current daylight savings time zone name: PDT
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone name: [MSD]

To set the daylight savings offset from GMT, select option 4 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Offset Menu
    *** Set Time Zone Offset Menu ***
    Current daylight savings time zone offset: 9
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone offset: [-2]

To set the time zone start date, select option 5 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Date Menu (start date)
    *** Set Time Zone Date Menu ***
    Current time zone start date: M4.1.0 (first Sunday in April)
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone date: [M3.5.0]

To set the time zone start time, select option 6 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Date Menu (start time)
    *** Set Time Zone Time Menu ***
    Current time zone start time: 02:00:00
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone time: [02:00:00]

To set the time zone end date, select option 7 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Date Menu (end date)
    *** Set Time Zone Date Menu ***
    Current time zone end date: M10.5.0 (last Sunday in October)
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone date: [M10.5.0]

To set the time zone end time, select option 8 from the Modify TZ Environment Variable Menu.

Set Time Zone Date Menu (end time)
    *** Set Time Zone Time Menu ***
    Current time zone end time: 02:00:00
    Current TZ variable: PST8PDT9,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter new time zone time: [02:00:00]

Choosing Products to Install

Enter option 2 to choose products to install. The following menu appears:

Product Installation Menu
*** Product Installation Menu ***
    1) Development OS:                       yes
       Linux ABI:                            is not available
   99) Additional products from separate CD: no
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [R]

Options 1 and 99 toggle installing the development OS and additional products, respectively. Additional products are the GNU Zebra routing package, the OpenSSL encryption components, etc.

To choose an item for installation enter the appropriate option. Return to the Main Menu when all desired products are enabled.

Completing the LynxOS Installation

After configuring the development system, begin the installation. This installs LynxOS onto the development system. To run installit, return to the Main Menu, shown below, and enter option B:

Main Menu
    *** Main Menu ***
    1) Modify Default Values
    2) Choose Products to Install
    B)egin Installation
    Q)uit Installation
Enter Option: [B]

installit displays the Final Installation Menu as follows:

Final Installation Menu
    *** Final Installation Menu ***
    Continuing now will result in the loss
    of all data on the IDE Hard Disk (ide.0a)!
    C)ontinue installation
    Q)uit Installation
    R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option [R]

Note: If the wrong installation CD-ROM option is entered, installit prints the message shown below:
Please make sure that the Distribution CD-ROM is in
the IDE drive (/dev/ide.0)
Press <Enter> to continue.

Enter the command C to continue. installit immediately begins installing LynxOS. This process includes first removing any existing data on the destination hard disk partition. During the installation process, installit displays status information, including names of files as they are being copied to the hard disk.

After running installit to install LynxOS, the development system needs to be rebooted for the installation to take effect.


At the end of the installation, installit configures a LynxOS kernel to boot from the hard disk. A reboot message is printed by installit, prompting the user to press Enter and remove the media.

Note: The CD-ROM can be ejected only after pressing Enter to reboot the system.

Secondary Installation Configurations

After rebooting, the installation procedure starts the secondary installation installation process. This includes changing LynxOS configuration files and rebuilding the kernel, if needed. The following message is printed during the secondary installation:

LynxOS secondary configuration started.......................
Beginning Installation

Extracting Development OS from the IDE CD-ROM drive (ide.1).

Extracting Development OS Board Support Package from the IDE CD-ROM (ide.1).

Press <Enter> to reboot the system and then remove the bootable CD.

The host database (/etc/hosts) supplied is just a sample and it may not reflect the exact network addresses and hostnames at your site. If you already have a host data base, copy it to /etc/hosts. Otherwise you will need to edit /etc/hosts to add your network addresses and hostnames to the database.

Press <Enter> to continue...

The file /etc/fstab can be edited to include mount commands for any directories that are to be NFS mounted each time the machine is booted.

Press <Enter> to continue...

The file /etc/exports needs to be edited to include any directories that can be exported to NFS clients. If you already have a database of exportable NFS directories, copy it to /etc/exports. If you need to create a new database, please refer to the section on file formats in the LynxOS Reference Manual (man-4,5,9) for the format of the file /etc/exports.

Secondary configuration is complete!
Press <Enter> to reboot your system...

Reboot the system again to complete the LynxOS installation.

Users new to LynxOS should read the Getting Started chapter of the LynxOS User's Guide to familiarize themselves with the basics of LynxOS.

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138