LynxOS User's Guide

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


/etc directory  1

/sys directory  1, 2

/devices directory  1

/lib kernel library files  1

modifiable directories  1

overview  1

symbolic link to BSP directory  1

/sys/lynx.os directory  1

overview  1

/sys/lynx.os/uparam.h file  1, 2

additional parameters for error detection  1

configurable parameters for dynamic memory  1, 2


a.out file  1, 2, 3

Active System Log  1


device drivers with CONFIG.TBL  1

functionality to a kernel  1

new user groups  1

Additional Components CD-ROM  1, 2

Administration Utilities

adduser  1

deluser  1

setup utility  1

Apache web server  1

application development process  1

archival contents

extracting  1, 2

listing  1

Archived System Log  1

Authorization Protocol for X11  1



making  1, 2

media  1

policies and procedures  1

block size, setting  1

Board Support Package (BSP)

location  1, 2

symbolic link to  1

boot media, creating  1

Bootable images, creating  1

booting LynxOS

booting KDIs  1

from x86 ROM  1

root device  1

updating  1



creating as boot medium  1

example device nodes  1

IDE device naming convention  1

naming convention  1

SCSI device naming convention  1

types supported by LynxOS  1

CD-ROMs, LynxOS  1

chmod utility  1

colors on X Windows  1


GDB  1

LynxOS  1

vi  1


source code  1

using gcc  1

CONFIG.TBL, adding/removing drivers  1

Configuring core files  1

configuring serial ports  1

configX utility  1, 2

contacting LynuxWorks  1

Creating KDIs with mkimage  1, 2

Cross Development Environment

about  1

setting  1

setup scripts  1

Unix hosts  1

bash shell  1

C shell  1

Windows hosts  1

bash shell  1

C shell  1


/sys directory  1

kernel  1, 2

Customizing the Default LynxOS Kernel Configuration  1, 2



GDB  1


TotalView  1


setting breakpoints  1

source code  1

deluser utility  1

demand-paging  1

demos, KDI  1

developing applications, about  1

development tools

directory  1

location  1, 2

device drivers

adding  1

adding or removing  1

CONFIG.TBL file  1, 2

managing changes to  1

modifying  1

removing unused  1

Device Node Naming Conventions  1, 2

device nodes

creating  1

examples for CD-ROMs  1

examples for hard disks and partitions  1

list of  1

location  1

major and minor numbers  1

naming  1


exceptions for hard disks  1

floppy disk  1

hard disk  1


IDE hard disk  1

RAM disk  1


SCSI floppy device  1

SCSI hard disk  1

standard floppy device  1

tape drives  1

rebuilding  1, 2

devices supported on target platforms  1


creating  1

cross development tools  1

kdi  1

personal kernel build  1

removing  1

removing recursively  1

Disk Buffer Cache  1

modifying  1

disk space

configuring  1

determining usage  1

managing  1, 2

df Command  1

du Command  1

find Command  1

Disk Space Management  1, 2

dlopen()  1

documents  1

LynxOS  1

LynxOS Installation Guide  1, 2

LynxOS Networking Guide  1

online  1

reference  1

general software  1

Linux  1


programming  1

UNIX titles  1

Writing Device Drivers for LynxOS  1, 2, 3

X Libraries  1

dynamic kernel size, modifying  1, 2

dynamic memory, modifying  1


emacs  1

embedded root file system, KDIs  1

embedded standalone file system image, KDIs  1

ENV_PREFIX, setting up for cross development  1

environment variables

$ENV_PREFIX  1, 2, 3


Makefile  1

PATH  1, 2

environment, setting for cross development  1

error detection, MCP750 board  1

Error file, X server  1

Event Log Driver  1

Event Logging  1, 2

Components  1

Installing  1

Parameters  1

Process Flow  1

sample driver code  1

severity levels  1, 2

system facilities  1

User Libraries  1

Event Logging Daemon  1

evlogd  1

options  1

evloginfo.h header file  1

extracting tar archives  1, 2


File Permissions  1

file system

creating  1

setting block size  1

setting inodes  1

creating on floppy disk  1

for KDIs  1


backing up  1

backup media  1

determining usage  1

extracting  1

organizing  1

protecting  1

setting permissions  1

chmod utility  1

target support  1, 2

floppy disk

creating file system on  1

for installation on x86 systems  1

formatting  1

naming convention  1

SCSI device naming convention  1

standard device naming convention  1

types supported by LynxOS  1


floppy disks  1

filler value  1

interleave factor  1

how to  1

SCSI disks  1

fstab file, description  1


GDB  1

commands  1

Generating, PROM Images on x86  1

Glossary  1

GNU C compiler  1

GNU C Pre-Processor  1

GNU Zebra Routing Package  1, 2

graphics adapters, loading  1


hard disk

example device nodes  1

IDE device naming convention  1

Iomega and Jaz naming convention  1

naming convention  1

SCSI device naming convention  1

types supported by LynxOS  1

hex format, kernel image  1

host, customizing kernel from  1

hot key exit, X Server  1

Hot Key Resolution Switching  1


images, making  1

imake  1

Inodes, setting  1

installation media  1, 2

installit utility  1, 2

IPSec  1, 2

IPv6  1, 2

ISO images, creating  1


jump code, for kernel images on x86 PROM  1, 2



boot media  1


x86 floppy  1

booting  1

from ROM  1

over network  1

RAM memory map  1

build templates  1

getting started  1

building demos  1

components  1

creating an image  1

burning on target ROM  1

burning on x86 PROM  1

converting into hex format  1

converting jump code  1

creating jump code  1

creating spec file  1

enabling RAM disk driver  1

modifying kernel parameters  1

testing  1

creation procedure overview  1

file system component  1

embedded rfs  1

embedded standalone fs image  1

kernel component  1

mkimage utility  1

network booting  1

ordering of build directories  1

Overview  1

prebuilt images  1

text segment component  1


adding functionality  1

adding TCP/IP

on a cross development system  1

on a native development system  1

changes made to /sys/devices  1

changing static size  1

converting into hex format  1

customization, main directory  1

customizing for functionality  1

customizing for maximum processes  1

customizing for performance  1, 2

customizing for size  1, 2

components  1

symbol table information  1

customizing from a Cross Development Host  1

determining disk space usage  1

determining memory usage  1

determining size  1

Library Files, location  1

loading  1

modifying dynamic size  1, 2

personal build directory  1

reasons to customize  1

rebuilding with make utility  1

removing major functional modules  1

Kernel Build Directories, creating individual  1

Kernel Downloadable Images (KDIs)  1

keyboard support, international  1


lazy linking  1  1, 2, 3

licenses, run-time  1

link library interface, X server  1

linking, source code  1

Linux ABI Compatibility  1, 2

Linux ABI Compatibility Layer  1, 2, 3

adding Linux libraries to LynxOS  1

dynamically linked applications  1

extracting RPMs  1

installing  1

installing and running Opera  1 dynamic linker  1

libraries included  1

limitations  1

Linux Reference Distribution  1

versioned symbols  1

Linux ABI Libraries

adding to LynxOS  1

specifying paths  1

updating  1

Linux binary applications  1

determining Linux libraries needed  1

running on LynxOS  1

shared object interface calls  1


BSP  1, 2

development tools  1, 2

device nodes  1

kernel library files  1

LynxOS kernel files  1, 2

setup scripts  1

X and Motif Libraries  1

Log Buffer

Event Data  1

Event Record  1, 2

high watermark level  1

low watermark level  1

Log Daemon  1, 2

login shell types supported by LynxOS  1

LynuxWorks, contacting  1, 2


basic commands  1

creating boot media  1

Customizing default kernel  1, 2

description  1

documents  1

installation media  1, 2

kernel image components  1

kernel images  1, 2

loading kernel images from ROM  1

loading kernel images over a network  1

login shells  1

mkimage utility  1

reference manuals  1

shared libraries provided  1

shared libraries supported  1

specifying the embedded file system  1

specifying the kernel image  1

specifying the resident text segments  1

starting and stopping  1

steps for building kernel images  1

testing kernel images  1

LynxOS applications, native  1, 2

LynxOS Installation Guide  1, 2, 3

LynxOS kernel files, location  1, 2

LynxOS Networking Guide  1

LynxOS System Administration  1, 2


Major and Minor numbers  1

make utility  1


environment variables  1

rules  1

target-specific  1

man pages  1, 2

memory usage, kernel  1

mkfs command  1

mkimage utility  1, 2

Disk-Based File System  1

kernel image components  1

RAM-Based File System  1

specification file  1, 2

specifying embedded file system  1

specifying kernel image  1

specifying resident text segments  1

syntax and features  1

testing images made  1


removing  1

rkjump  1

Motif Libraries  1

mounted devices, list of  1

-mshared option  1, 2

Multi-monitor support  1

multiple kernel build directories  1


native development system, adding TCP/IP to  1

Networking and the X Server  1

newconsole  1

nodetab file

description  1

line syntax  1



KDI template tar files  1

online help  1

OpenSSL Encryption Package  1, 2

Opera  1


of /sys  1

of /sys/lynx.os  1

shared libraries  1



examples for hard disk  1

passwd file  1

PATH, setting up for cross development  1

Permissions, files  1

PIC  1


about  1

benefits  1

Standards  1

PosixWorks Desk  1

PPC, X Libraries  1

printers available on the system  1

processes, increasing on LynxOS  1, for demo KDIs  1

PROM Images, generating on x86  1


RAM disk driver, enabling  1

RAM disk naming convention  1

RAM memory map, netbooting KDIs  1

Reference manuals  1

renaming compiled source code  1

resident text segments, for KDIs  1

resident text, use of  1

resolution switching  1

rkjump module  1

root account  1

root file system

creating device nodes in  1

RPMs, extracting with rpm2cpio  1

Run-Time licenses  1


screens, designing  1

security issues

changing User ID  1

file protection  1

Process protection  1

serial port configurations, description  1

serial ports

/etc/ttys file line syntax  1

configuring  1

enabling for login  1

recognized by init for login  1

setup account  1

setup scripts, location  1

setup utility  1, 2, 3

SETUP.bash  1, 2, 3

SETUP.csh  1, 2, 3

Shared Libraries  1, 2

and single/multithreaded applications  1

Choosing Contents  1

Code Maintenance  1

Creating  1

Determining use of  1

Disk Space Usage  1, 2

effects  1

factors in memory usage  1

kinds supported  1

linking to  1

Linux ABI Libraries  1

multi-threaded  1

object files included  1

overview  1

program maintenance  1

provided in LynxOS  1

Single-threaded  1

System Memory Usage  1

Types & Directories  1

Updating  1

X and Motif  1

shells supported by LynxOS  1

size, kernel  1

SKDB  1, 2, 3

removing support for  1

source code

compiling and linking  1

creating  1

debugging  1

Starting LynxOS  1

starttab file  1

static kernel size, changing  1

Stopping LynxOS  1

superuser  1

definition  1

system administration

/etc directory  1

adding new user groups  1

maintaining user IDs  1

managing user privileges  1

setup utility tasks  1

tasks  1

system downtime  1

System Log File  1

querying entries  1

writing to  1


tape drive

naming convention  1

types supported by LynxOS  1

tar archive utility  1, 2


burning images on x86 PROM  1

burning kernel images into PROM  1

devices supported on  1

files, location  1, 2

target-specific Makefile  1

tconfig file  1


adding to cross development system  1

adding to native development system  1

Technical Support  1, 2

termcap file  1, 2

terminal emulator  1


describing in /etc/termcap file  1

enabling ports for login  1

managing  1

termcap file  1

Testing kernel images  1

Total/db User's Guide  1

TotalDB kernel debugger  1

TotalView  1, 2

TotalView Supplement for LynxOS Users  1

TotalView User's Guide  1

touchscreen support  1, 2

ttys file  1, 2

Typographical Conventions  1


uil  1

user accounts

/etc/passwd file  1

adduser utility  1

changing User ID  1

creating user name  1

deluser utility  1

establishing Group ID  1

establishing User ID  1

home directory  1

managing  1

root account  1

setting login shell  1

setup account  1

unique attributes  1

User ID

changing  1

establishing  1

passwd file  1

root user  1

rules for maintaining  1

User Privileges  1


vi text editor

commands  1

introduction  1

virtual memory  1


widgets, designing  1

Window managers  1

raising priorities  1

Writing Device Drivers for LynxOS  1, 2, 3


X & Motif Development Package  1, 2

X and Motif Libraries, location  1

X and Motif shared libraries  1

X and Threads  1

X application and server interface  1

X build utilities  1

X clients unsupported by LynxOS  1

X configuration and SKDB  1

X Display Manager library  1

X install script  1

X Libraries  1

documentation  1

link library interface  1

Motif libraries  1

Other Libraries  1

x86 and PPC  1

X Server

client-server connections  1

default priorities  1

Error file  1

features  1

hardware planning for high resolutions  1

Hot Key Exit  1

international keyboard support  1

Metro-X Enhanced Server Set technology  1

Multiheaded server support  1

networking support  1

resolution switching  1

touchscreen support  1

X clients  1

X Utilities  1

imake  1

uil  1

X Windows

limiting colors used  1

starting and stopping  1, 2

Window Manager  1

X11 Protocol, extensions  1

X11, authorization protocol  1

x86, X Libraries  1

Xconsole  1

XIP text segments  1


Zebra  1, 2

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138