LynxOS User's Guide


This LynxOS User's Guide provides information about basic system administration and kernel configuration for the LynxOS real-time operating system from LynuxWorks, Inc. This guide covers a wide range of topics, including tuning system performance, and creating kernel images for embedded applications.

This document assumes that its audience has a basic understanding of the UNIX environment.

While this document provides information for a variety of readers--system administrators, network administrators, developers, and end-users of LynxOS--many of the tasks described in it require root privilege or access to other information typically given only to system administrators.

For More Information

For information on the features of LynxOS, refer to the following printed and online documentation.

This printed document contains details on the features and late-breaking information about the current release.

This manual details the installation instructions and configurations of LynxOS and the X Windows System.

This guide contains configuration and usage information on the networking capabilities in LynxOS. It provides information on supported protocols such as TCP/IP, NFS, DHCP, etc.

This guide contains details on writing device drivers for LynxOS.

The complete LynxOS documentation set is available on the Documentation CD-ROM. Books are provided in both HTML and PDF formats.

Updates to these documents are available online at the LynuxWorks
web site:

Additional information about commands and utilities is provided online with the man command. For example, to find information about the GNU gcc compiler, use the following syntax:

man gcc

Typographical Conventions

The typefaces used in this manual, summarized below, emphasize important concepts. All references to file names and commands are case sensitive and should be typed accurately.

Type of Text
Body text; italicized for emphasis, new terms, and book titles

Refer to the LynxOS User's Guide.
Environment variables, file names, functions, methods, options, parameter names, path names, commands, and computer data
Commands that need to be highlighted within body text, or commands that must be typed as is by the user are bolded.


login: myname
# cd /usr/home
Text that represents a variable, such as a file name or a value that must be entered by the user

cat filename
mv file1 file2
Blocks of text that appear on the display screen after entering instructions or commands
Loading file /tftpboot/shell.kdi into 0x4000
File loaded. Size is 1314816
Copyright 2000 LynuxWorks, Inc.
All rights reserved.
LynxOS (ppc) created Mon Jul 17 17:50:22 GMT 2000
user name:
Keyboard options, button names, and menu sequences

Enter, Ctrl-C

Special Notes

The following notations highlight any key points and cautionary notes that may appear in this manual.

Note: These callouts note important or useful points in the text.

Caution! Used for situations that present minor hazards that may interfere with or threaten equipment/performance.

Technical Support

LynuxWorks Technical Support is available Monday through Friday (holidays excluded) between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time (U.S. Headquarters) or between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Central European Time (Europe).

The LynuxWorks World Wide Web home page provides additional information about our products, and LynuxWorks news groups.

LynuxWorks U.S. Headquarters

Internet: [email protected]
Phone: (408) 979-3940
Fax: (408) 979-3945

LynuxWorks Europe

Internet: [email protected]
Phone: (+33) 1 30 85 06 00
Fax: (+33) 1 30 85 06 06

World Wide Web

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138