GNU Zebra User's Guide

The Zebra Suite

Zebra Daemons

Zebra uses a number of routing daemons in addition to the zebra manager daemon. The router daemons can exist on systems separate from the manager daemon, allowing for a more modular architecture. Each of these daemons listens on a particular port for incoming VTY connections. The routing daemons include:

In addition to these routing daemons, Zebra includes the routing manager daemon, zebra.

The following sections detail commands common for all of the routing daemons.

Daemon Configurations

Configuration files allow users to write debugging options, edit VTY passwords, change routing daemon configurations, and edit logfile names. This information forms the initial command set for a routing process as it starts.

Configuration files are generally located in:


Each of these daemons uses its own configuration file. For example, Zebra's default configuration file is:


The daemon name plus .conf is the default configuration file name for the router daemon. To specify a configuration file, use the -f or
--config-file options when starting the daemon.

Basic Configuration Commands

The following table shows the basic configuration commands:

Basic Configuration Commands  
hostname HOSTNAME
Set hostname of the router.
password PASSWORD
Set password for VTY interface. If there is no password, VTY refuses connections.
enable password PASSWORD
Set enable password.
log stdout
no log stdout
Set login output to stdout.
log file FILENAME
To log into a file, specify FILENAME as follows:
log file /usr/zebra/etc/bgpd.log
log syslog
no log syslog
Set login output to syslog.
write terminal
Display the current configuration of the VTY interface.
write file
Write current configuration to the configuration file.
configure terminal
Change to configuration mode. This command is the first step in configuring Zebra.
terminal length 0-512
Set terminal display length to 0-512 If length is 0, no display control is performed.
Display user on VTY.
List commands.
service password-encryption
Encrypt password.
service advanced-vty
Enable advanced mode VTY.
service terminal-length
Set system wide line configuration. This configuration command applies to all VTY interfaces.
show version
Show the current version of Zebra and the build host information.
line vty
Enter VTY configuration mode.
banner motd default
no banner motd
Set or disable motd banner string printing.
exec-timeout SECOND
exec-timeout MINUTE SECOND
no exec-timeout
Set VTY connection timeout value. When only one argument is specified, that value is used for timeout in seconds. Default timeout value is 10 minutes. If the timeout value is set to zero, there is no timeout.

no-exec-timeout prevents connection timeout, and is the same as exec-timeout 0 0.
access-class ACCESS-LIST
Restrict VTY connections with an access list.

Sample Configuration File

The following is a sample configuration for the zebra daemon. The ! and # are comment characters. If either of these are the first character of the line, the entire line is ignored. In the example below, the password is set to zebra.

# Zebra configuration file
hostname Router
password zebra
enable password zebra
log stdout

Common Invocation Options

These options are common to all Zebra daemons:

Common Invocation Options

Run in daemon mode.

Set configuration file name.

Set the VTY port number.

Print program version.

Virtual Terminal Interfaces

VTY - Virtual Terminal (aka TeletYpe) Interface is a Command Line Interface (CLI) used to change and/or view the current configuration.

VTY stands for Virtual TeletYpe interface. With VTY, users can connect to the daemon via the telnet protocol. VTY can only be accessed if there is a password set. If no password is set on the system, the VTY interface refuses connection.

% telnet localhost 2601
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Hello, this is zebra (version 0.88)
Copyright 1997-2000 Kunihiro Ishiguro

User Access Verification

The key ? is used to look up commands.

Password: XXXXX
Router> ?
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
help Description of the interactive help system
list Print command list
show Show running system information
who Display who is on a vty
Router> enable
Password: XXXXX
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface eth0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ^Z

VTY Modes

There are three basic VTY modes:

Certain commands are restricted to specific VTY modes.

VTY View Mode

This mode is for read-only access to the Command Line Interface (CLI). Users can exit the mode by leaving the system or by entering Enable mode.

VTY Enable Mode

This mode is for read-write access to the CLI. Users can exit the mode by leaving the system or by escaping to View mode.

VTY Other Modes

This mode is used for describing other modes.

VTY CLI Commands

These commands are described in the following three subsections.

CLI Movement Commands

Default Emacs key combinations are used to move the CLI cursor.

Note: The Meta key varies on different systems with different keyboards. Typically, Meta is configured to the Alt key, however it can also be configured to Esc.

CLI Movement Commands
Right arrow
Move forward (right) one character
Left arrow
Move backward (left) one character

Move forward one word
Move backward one word
Move to the beginning of the line
Move to the end of the line

CLI Editing Commands

These commands are used for editing text on a line

Note: The Meta key varies on different systems with different keyboards. Typically, Meta is configured to the Alt key, however it can also be configured to Esc.

CLI Editing Commands  
Ctrl-H Del
Delete the character before cursor
Delete the character after cursor
Forward kill word
Backward kill word
Kill to the end of the line
Kill line from the beginning, erasing input
Transpose character

CLI Advanced Commands

There are several additional CLI commands for command line completions: "insta-help" and VTY session management.

CLI Advanced Commands
Interrupt current input and move to the next line
End current configuration session and move to top node
Down arrow
Move down to next line in the history buffer
Up arrow
Move up to previous line in the history buffer
Use command line completion

Users can use command line help by typing help at the beginning of the line. Typing ? at any point in the line displays possible completions of the command.

The zebra Daemon

zebra is the routing manager daemon that provides kernel routing table updates, interface lookups, and redistribution of routes between different routing protocols.

Invoking zebra

Besides the common invocation options (see "Common Invocation Options"), there are zebra-specific invocation options:

zebra Command Options
-b --batch
Runs in batch mode. zebra parses the configuration file and terminates immediately.
-k --keep_kernel
When zebra starts, old inserted routes are retained.
-l --log-mode
Set verbose logging on.
-r --retain
When program terminates, retain routes added by zebra.

zebra Interface Commands

The following table details interface commands for the zebra daemon. Before using these interface commands, users must first set the interface on which to issue commands. To set the interface, use this command:

interface IFNAME

where IFNAME is the name of the interface. After the interface is set, users can issue these commands:

zebra Interface Commands  
no shutdown
Shutdown, or disable shutdown of current interface.
ip address ADDRESS
Set IP address for the interface.
description DESCRIPTION ...
Set description for the interface.
no multicast
Enable or disable multicast flags for the interface.
bandwidth 1-10000000
no bandwidth 1-10000000
Set bandwidth value for the interface. This is used in calculating OSPF cost. This command does not set actual device configurations.

zebra Static Route Commands

The following table shows the commands used in Static Routes.

Static Route Commands

Select the primary kernel routing table to be used. This only works for kernels supporting multiple routing tables (Linux 2.2.x, for example).
Sets the gateway for ip route
Sets the gateway for an IPv6 route

zebra Terminal Mode Commands

The following table shows terminal mode commands for zebra:

zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show ip route
Display current routes in the zebra database:
Router# show ip route
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S -
static, R - RIP, B - BGP * - FIB route.
C* lo
C* eth0
show interface
Display current interface
show ipv6 route
Display current IPv6 route
show ipforward
Display whether the host IP forwarding function is enabled or not. Almost any UNIX kernel can be configured with IP forwarding disabled. If so, the system is unable to function as a router.
show ipv6forward
Display whether IPv6 host forwarding is enabled or not.


RIP - Routing Information Protocol is a widely deployed Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). RIP was developed in the 1970s at Xerox Labs as part of the XNS routing protocol. RIP is a distance-vector protocol based on the Bellman-Ford algorithms. As a distance-vector protocol, the RIP router sends periodic updates to its neighbors, allowing the convergence of a known topology. In each update, the distance to any given network is broadcasted to its neighboring router.

ripd supports RIP v2 as described in RFC2453 and RIP v1 as described in RFC1058

Starting and Stopping ripd

The default configuration file name of ripd is ripd.conf. The ripd daemon searches the current local directory and /usr/zebra/etc for configuration files.

RIP uses port 521 to send and receive RIP packets, so the user must have the capability to bind this port. Generally, this means that the user must have superuser privileges. The RIP protocol requires interface information maintained by the zebra daemon. zebra must be running before starting ripd.

Start zebra and ripd by typing:

# zebra -d
# ripd -d

Stop ripd with the kill command. Find the Process ID (pid) and kill the daemon with the following commands:

# ps -axon | grep ripd
# kill pid

Some signals can be used to configure ripd:

In addition to the Common Invocation Options (see "Common Invocation Options"), ripd uses the following command options:

ripd Command Options
-r --retain
When the program terminates, retain manually marked routes in the Zebra Routing Table that were added by ripd.

RIP Netmask

The netmask feature of ripd supports both v1 and v2 of RIP. RIP v1 does not contain any netmask information. Rather, network classes are used to determine the size of the netmask. Class A networks are assigned an 8 bit mask, Class B networks are assigned a 16 bit mask, and Class C networks are assigned a 24 bit mask. Typically, network masks are assigned to a packet based on the interface that receives the packet.

RIP v2 supports a variable length subnet mask (VLSM). By extending the subnet mask, the mask can be divided and reused. Each subnet can be used for different purposes, such as large and mid-sized LANs and WAN links. ripd for Zebra does not support the non-sequential netmasks included in RIP v2.

In a case of similar information with the same prefix and metric, the old information is suppressed. ripd does not currently support equal cost multipath routing.

RIP Configuration

The following table details RIP configuration commands:

RIP Configuration Commands  
router rip
no router rip
The router rip command is used to enable RIP. To disable RIP, use the no router rip command. RIP must be enabled before carrying out any of the RIP commands.

rip version (1|2)
no rip version (1|2)
RIP can be configured to process either RIP v1 or RIP v2 packets, the default mode is RIP v2. If no version is specified, then the RIP process defaults to RIP v2. In the case that RIP is set to v1, the setting "Version 1" is displayed. However, the setting "Version 2" is not displayed when RIP v2 is set explicitly or non-explicitly.
network NETWORK
no network NETWORK
Set the RIP enabled interface to NETWORK. The interface with matching NETWORK addresses are enabled. These commands either enable or disable RIP interfaces between certain specified network address. For example, if the network for is RIP enabled, all addresses from to would be enabled for RIP. The no network command disables RIP for the specified network.
network IFNAME
no network IFNAME
Set RIP-enabled interface to IFNAME. Both the sending and receiving of RIP packets are enabled on the specified port. The no network IFNAME command disables RIP on the specified interface.
neighbor A.B.C.D
no neighbor A.B.C.D
Specify RIP neighbor. If a neighbor doesn't support multicast, this command is used to specify neighbors. In some cases, not all routers are able to understand multicasting (where packets are sent to a network or a group of addresses). In a situation where a neighbor cannot process multicast routing, it is necessary to establish a direct link between routers. The neighbor command allows the network administrator to specify a router as a RIP neighbor. The no neighbor A.B.C.D command disables the RIP neighbor.

Below is a simple RIP configuration. Interface eth0 and any interfaces that match are RIP-enabled.

router rip
network eth0

Passive Interface Commands

The following table details commands used for setting passive interfaces:

Passive Interface Commands
passive-interface IFNAME
no passive-interface IFNAME
This command sets the specified interface to passive mode. When passive mode is set, all receiving packets are processed as normal. ripd does not multicast or unicast RIP packets, except in the case where an RIP neighbor is specified.
version VERSION
Set the RIP process version. VERSION can be 1 or 2
ip rip send version VERSION
VERSION can be 1, 2, 1 2. This configuration command overrides the routers RIP VERSION setting. This command enables the selected interface to send packets with RIP v1, RIP v2, or both. In the case of 1 2, packets are both broadcast and multicast.
ip rip receive version VERSION
Version setting for incoming RIP packets. This command enables the selected interface to receive packets in RIP v1, RIP v2, or both.

RIP split-horizon Command

The split-horizon command improves RIP convergence by preventing the router from advertising routes back to a neighbor that advertised the route first. The table below describes the command used in RIP split-horizon.

RIP split-horizon Command
ip split-horizon
no ip split-horizon
Control split-horizon on the interface. Default is ip split-horizon. If split-horizon is not performed on the interface, specify no ip split-horizon.

Announcing RIP Routes Commands

The following table describes commands used in announcing RIP routes:

Announcing RIP Route Commands  
redistribute kernel
redistribute kernel metric 0-16
kernel route-map ROUTE-MAP
no redistribute kernel
redistribute kernel redistributes routing information from a kernel route entry into the RIP tables. no redistribute kernel disables the route.
redistribute static
redistribute static metric 0-16
redistribute static route-map ROUTE-MAP
no redistribute static
redistributes static redistributes routing information from a static route entry into the RIP tables. no redistribute static disables the route.
redistribute connected
redistribute connected metric 0-16
redistribute connected route-map ROUTE-MAP
no redistribute connected
Redistributes a connected route into the RIP tables. This command disables connected routes in the RIP tables. The connected route on RIP enabled interface is announced in default.
redistribute ospf
redistribute ospf metric 0-16
ospf route-map ROUTE-MAP
no redistribute ospf
redistribute ospf redistributes routing information from an OSPF route entry into the RIP tables. no redistribute ospf disables the route.
redistribute bgp
redistribute bgp metric 0-16
redistribute bgp route-map ROUTE-MAP
no redistribute bgp
redistribute bgp redistributes routing information from a bgp route entry into the RIP tables. no redistribute bgp disables the route.

RIP-only Static Route Command

The following table describes the command used to specify RIP-only static routes.

Static route Command
route A.B.C.D/M
no route A.B.C.D/M

This command is specific to Zebra. The route command makes a static route inside RIP only. This command should be used by advanced users who are already familiar with the RIP protocol. In most cases, it is recommended to create a static route in Zebra and redistribute it in RIP using redistribute static.

RIP Route Filtering Commands

RIP routes can be filtered with the distribute-list command.

RIP Route Filtering Commands
distribute-list ACCESS_LIST
(in|out) IFNAME

You can apply access lists to the interface with a distribute-list command. ACCESS_LIST is the access list name. DIRECT is in or out. If DIRECT is in, the access list is applied to input packets.

The distribute-list command can be used to filter the RIP path. distribute-list can apply access lists to a chosen interface. Users should first specify the access list, then the name of the access list used in the distribute-list command. For example, in the following configuration, eth0 permits only the paths that match the route
router rip
distribute-list private in eth0
access-list private permit 10
access-list private deny any
distribute-list can be applied to both incoming and outgoing data.
distribute-list prefix PREFIX_LIST
Users can apply prefix lists to the interface with a distribute-list command. PREFIX_LIST is the prefix list name. The second argument is the direction (in or out). If DIRECT is in the access list is applied to input packets.

RIP Metric Manipulation Commands

The RIP metric is a value used to measure the distance of the network. ripd increments the metric when network information is received. The metric for redistributed routes is set to 1.

RIP Metric Manipulation Commands
default-metric 1-16
no default-metric 1-16
This command modifies default metric value for redistributed routes. The default value is 1. This command does not affect the connected route, even if it is redistributed by redistribute connected. To modify the connected route's metric value, use redistribute connected metric or route-map offset-list.

offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out)
Add a metric offset to ACCESS-LIST for incoming (in) or outgoing (out) routes.
offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out) IFNAME
Add a metric offset to IFNAME (interface) in ACCESS-LIST for incoming (in) or outgoing (out) routes.

RIP Distance Commands

The RIP distance value is used by the zebra daemon. The default RIP distance is set to 120. Distance is a measurement of administrative distances between hosts, which is used in selecting shorter and more reliable paths.

RIP Distance Commands  
distance 1-255
no distance 1-255
Set default RIP distance to specified value.
distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M
Set default RIP distance to specified value when the route source IP address matches the specified prefix.
distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
Set default RIP distance to specified value when the route's source IP address matches the specified prefix and specified access-list.

RIP route-map Command

The optional argument route-map MAP_NAME is added to each redistribute statement.

RIP route-map command
redistribute static [route-map MAP_NAME]
redistribute connected [route-map MAP_NAME]
Controls the redistribution of routes between protocols.

Cisco applies a route-map before routes that are exported to the RIP route table. In Zebra's current test implementation, ripd applies a route-map after routes listed in the route table and before routes are announced to the interface (through output filter).

The route-map statement is needed to use route-map functionality.

route-map Match Statement

The following tables describes route-map match statements:

route-map Match Statement  
match metric METRIC
Match if the route has this metric.
match ip address ACCESS-LIST
Match if route destination is permitted by ACCESS-LIST.
match ip next-hop A.B.C.D
Cisco uses the access-list ripd IPv4 address. Match if route has this next-hop (listed in the RIP route table).
match interface NAME
This match differs from the Cisco definition. Cisco uses a list of interfaces (NAME1 NAME2 ... NAMEN). ripd currently allows for only one name.
The Cisco notation includes the next-hop of routes (similar to ip next-hop statement). ripd interprets interface NAME as where this route is sent.

Route-map Set Statement

The following table describes route-map set statements:

route-map Set Statement
set metric 0-4294967295

Set a metric for the matched route when announcement is sent. The metric value range is large for compatibility reasons.

set next-hop A.B.C.D
Set next-hop field.

RIP Authentication Commands

The following command describes RIP Authentication commands:

RIP Authentication Commands
ip rip authentication mode md5
no ip rip authentication mode md5

Set the interface with RIPv2 md5 authentication.

ip rip authentication mode text
no ip rip authentication mode text
Set the interface with RIPv2 simple password authentication.

ip rip authentication string STRING
no ip rip authentication string STRING
By default, RIP v2 has simple text authentication. This command sets the authentication string. the string must be shorter than 16 characters.
ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
no ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
Specify keyed md5 chain.
key chain test
key 1
key-string test
interface eth1
ip rip authentication mode md5
ip rip authentication key-chain test

RIP Timer Commands

The following table describes the commands used in setting RIP timers:

RIP Timer Commands
The RIP protocol has several timers. Users can configure the value of these timers with the timers basic command. The default settings for the timers are as follows:

The update timer defaults to 30 seconds. For each update, the RIP process sends an unsolicited response message containing the complete routing table to all neighboring RIP routers.

The timeout timer defaults to 180 seconds. Upon expiration of the timeout, the route is no longer valid. However, the route is retained in the routing table for a short period of time so neighbors can be notified that the route has been dropped.

The garbage collect timer defaults to 120 seconds. Upon expiration of the garbage-collection timer, the route is removed from the routing table.

The timers basic command allows the default values of the timers listed above to be changed.
no timers basic
The no timers basic command resets the timers to the default settings listed above.

RIP Display Commands

The following table describes commands used to display RIP routes and protocols:

RIP Display Commands
show ip rip
This command displays all RIP routes. For routes received through RIP, this command displays the time the packet was sent and the tag information. This command also displays this information for routes redistributed into RIP.
show ip protocols
The command display current RIP status. It includes RIP timer, filtering, version, RIP enabled interface and RIP peer information.

ripd> show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds with +/-50%, next due in 35 seconds
Timeout after 180 seconds, garbage collect after 120 seconds
Outgoing update filter list for all interface is not set
Incoming update filter list for all interface is not set default redistribution metric is 1
Redistributing: kernel connected
Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2
Interface Send Recv
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway BadPackets BadRoutes Distance Last Update

RIP Debugging Commands

The following table describes RIP debug commands:

RIP Debugging Commands  
debug rip events
Debug RIP events.

debug rip shows RIP events, including packets sent and received, timers, and changes in interfaces.
debug rip zebra
Debug RIP between zebra communication.

This command details the communication between ripd and zebra. This command displays the addition and deletion of paths to the kernel and the sending and receiving of interface information.
show debugging rip
Display RIP debugging option.

This command displays the information currently set for ripd debug.


ripngd supports the RIPng protocol as described in RFC2080. It is an IPv6 incarnation of the RIP protocol.

Invoking ripngd

There are no ripngd-specific options, however, common options can be specified (see "Common Invocation Options").

ripngd Configuration

ripngd supports the following commands:

ripngd Configuration  
router ripng
Enable RIPng.
flush_timer TIME
Set flush timer.
network NETWORK
Set RIPng enable interface by NETWORK
network IFNAME
SetRIPng Command: route NETWORK
Set RIPng static routing announcement of NETWORK.
router zebra
This command is the default and does not appear in the configuration. With this statement, RIPng routes go to the zebra daemon.

ripngd Terminal Mode Commands

The following table lists the ripngd Terminal Mode Commands:

ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
show ip ripng
show debugging ripng
debug ripng events
debug ripng packet
debug ripng zebra

ripngd Filtering Commands

The following table describes commands used in ripngd filtering:

ripngd Filtering Commands
distribute-list ACCESS_LIST (in|out) IFNAME
Users can apply an access-list to the interface using the distribute-list command. ACCESS_LIST is an access-list name. DIRECT is in or out. If DIRECT is in, the access-list is applied only to incoming packets.


ospfd provides an OSPF v2 routing protocol as described in RFC2178. OSPF is an IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol). Compared with RIP, OSPF can serve larger networks. In addition, its periods of convergence are shorter. OSPF is widely used in large networks, such as ISP backbones and enterprise networks.

Starting and Stopping ospfd

Start the ospfd daemon with this command:

# ospfd -d

Note: zebra must be running before starting ospfd.

Stop ospfd with the kill command. Find the Process ID (pid) and kill the daemon with the following commands:

# ps -axon | grep ripd
# kill pid

Configuring ospfd

There are no ospfd-specific options, however, common options can be specified (see "Common Invocation Options"). ospfd requires interface information from zebra. The zebra daemon must be running before invoking ospfd.

Like other daemons, ospfd is configured in the OSPF specific configuration file, ospfd.conf.

OSPF Router Commands

To start the OSPF process an OSPF router must be specified. As of this writing, ospfd does not support multiple OSPF processes.

OSPF Router Commands  
router ospf
no router ospf
Enable or disable the OSPF process. ospfd does not yet support multiple OSPF processes, so specific process numbers cannot be specified.
ospf router-id A.B.C.D
no ospf router-id
Enable or disable a fixed OSPF router IP address.
ospf abr-type TYPE
no ospf abr-type TYPE
TYPE can be:
ospf rfc1583compatibility
no ospf rfc1583compatibility
passive interface INTERFACE
no passive interface INTERFACE
Enable or disable RFC1583-compatible preferences when choosing between multiple AS-external LSAs advertising the same destination.
timers spf 0-4294967295 0-4294967295
no timers spf
Enable or disable OSPF timer. Time denoted in seconds.
refresh group-limit 0-10000
refresh per-slice 0-10000
refresh age-diff 0-10000
Refreshes (Link State Advertisement) LSA. Rate is in seconds.
auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1-4294967
no auto-cost reference-bandwidth
Control OSPF default metrics based on reference-bandwidth. Rate is megabits per second.
network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
no network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
no network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
This command specifies the OSPF-enabled interface. If the interface has an address of, then the command below provides network information to the OSPF processes.

router ospf
network area 0

The network command mask length should be the same as the interface address mask.

OSPF Area Commands

The following table describes commands used for setting OSPF area:

OSPF Area Commands  
area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
no area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
no area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress substitute IPV4_PREFIX
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress substitute IPV4_PREFIX
area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
no area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
no area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
area A.B.C.D shortcut
no area A.B.C.D shortcut
area 0-4294967295 shortcut
no area 0-4294967295 shortcut
area A.B.C.D stub
no area A.B.C.D stub
area 0-4294967295 stub
no area 0-4294967295 stub
area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
no area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
no area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
no area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
area 0-4294967295 default-cost 0-16777215
no area 0-4294967295 default-cost 0-16777215
area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
no area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
no area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
no area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
no area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
area A.B.C.D authentication
no area A.B.C.D authentication
area 0-4294967295 authentication
no area 0-4294967295 authentication
area A.B.C.D authentication message-digest
area 0-4294967295 authentication message-digest

OSPF Interface Commands

OSPF Interface Commands  
ip ospf authentication-key AUTH_KEY
no ip ospf authentication-key
Set OSPF authentication key for a simple password. By setting AUTH_KEY, all OSPF packets are authenticated. AUTH_KEY can be up to 8 characters.
ip ospf message-digest-key KEYID md5 KEY
no ip ospf message-digest-key
Set the OSPF authentication key for cryptographic password. The cryptographic algorithm is MD5. KEYID identifies the secret key used to create the message digest. KEY is the actual message-digest-key (up to 16 characters).
ip ospf cost 0-65535
no ip ospf cost
Set link cost for specified interface. The cost value is set to router-LSA's metric field, and is used for SPF calculation.
ip ospf dead-interval 1-65535
no ip ospf dead-intercal
Set the number of seconds for RouterDeadInterval timer value used for the wait timer and inactivity timer. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. The default value is 40 seconds.
ip ospf hello-interval 1-65535
no ip ospf hello-intercal
Set number of seconds for hello-interval timer value. The value of hello-interval determines how often (in seconds) a Hello packet is sent on the specified interface. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. The default value is 10 seconds.
ip ospf network (broadcast|non-broadcast| point-to-multipoint|point-to-point)
no ip ospf network
Set explicit network type for specified interface.
ip ospf priority 0-255
no ip ospf priority
Set RouterPriority integer value. Setting a higher value allows the router to be eligible to become the Designated Router. Setting the value to 0 makes the router ineligible to be the Designated Router. The default value is 1.
ip ospf retransmit-interval 1-65535
no ip ospf retransmit-interval
Set number of seconds for RxmtInterval timer value. This value is used when retransmitting Database Description and Link State Request packets. The default value is 5 seconds.
ip ospf transmit-delay
no ip ospf transmit-delay
Set number of seconds for InfTransDelay value. The age of LSAs is incremented by this value when transmitting. The default value is 1 second.
The following table describes OSPF interface commands:

OSPF Redistribute Route Commands

The following table describes commands used in redistributing routes to OSPF:

OSPF Redistribute Route Commands  
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) ROUTE-MAP
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2)
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric 0-16777214
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric 0-16777214 route-map WORD
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214 \ route-map WORD
no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
default-information originate
default-information originate metric 0-16777214
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2)
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
default-information originate always
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2)
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
no default-information originate
distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
no distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
default-metric 0-16777214
distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
no distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
default-metric 0-16777214
no default-metric
distance 1-255
no distance 1-255
distance ospf (intra-area|inter-area|external) 1-255
no distance ospf
router zebra
no router zebra

Displaying OSPF Information

The following table shows the commands used to display OPSF information.

Displaying OSPF Information
show ip ospf
show ip ospf interface INTERFACE
show ip ospf neighbor
show ip ospf neighbor INTERFACE
show ip ospf neighbor detail
show ip ospf database
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary)
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID adv-router ADV-ROUTER
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) adv-router ADV-ROUTER
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID self-originate
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) self-originate
show ip ospf database max-age
show ip ospf database self-originate
show ip ospf refresher
show ip ospf route

OSPF Debugging Commands

The following table shows the commands used to debug OSPF:

OSPF Debugging Commands 
debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) DETAIL
no debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) DETAIL
debug ospf ism
no debug ospf ism
debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
no debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
debug ospf nsm
no debug ospf nsm
debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
no debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
debug ospf lsa
no debug ospf lsa
debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
no debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
debug ospf zebra
no debug ospf zebra
debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
no debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
show debugging ospf


bgpd is a Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) protocol daemon. BGP-4 is described in RFC1771. bgpd also supports Multiprotocol Extension for BGP-4 (sometimes known as BGP-4+ or MBGP) which is described in RFC2283.

BGP-4 is a primary EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocols) and is used for inter-domain routing.

Configuring bgpd

The default configuration file for bgpd is /usr/zebra/etc/bgpd.conf. All of the bgpd commands must be configured in bgpd.conf.

bgpd-specific invocation options are described below. Common options may also be specified (see "Common Invocation Options").

bgpd Options
Set the BGP protocol's port number.
When program terminates, retain BGP routes added by zebra.

BGP Router Commands

The BGP router must first be configured with the router bgp command. To configure the BGP router, an AS (Autonomous System) number is required. The AS number provides identification for an Autonomous System. The BGP protocol uses the AS number to detect whether the BGP connection is internal or external.

The AS number is a digit between 1 and 65535. Instructions on using the AS number are described in RFC1930. AS numbers 64512 through 65535 are reserved for private use. Private AS numbers must not to be advertised on the global Internet.

BGP Router Commands  
router bgp AS-NUMBER
Enables a BGP protocol process with the specified AS-NUMBER. After this statement, users can input any BGP Commands. Different BGP processes cannot be created under a different AS-NUMBER without specifying multiple instances.
no router bgp AS-NUMBER
Destroys a BGP protocol process with the specified AS-NUMBER
bgp router-id ROUTER-ID
This command specifies the router-id. If bgpd connects to zebra, it receives the interface and address information. In that case, the default router-id value is set to the largest IP Address of the interfaces. If the router zebra is disabled, bgpd can't receive interface information, so the router-id is set to If this happens, the router-id must be set manually.

BGP Peer Commands

The following table describes the commands used in setting BGP Peers:

BGP Peer Commands
neighbor PEER remote-as AS-NUMBER
Creates a new neighbor whose remote-as is AS-NUMBER. PEER is an IPv4 address.

router bgp 1
neighbor remote-as 2

In this case the router in AS-1 is trying to peer with AS-2 at

This command must be the first command used when configuring a neighbor. If remote-as is not specified, bgpd responds with an error:

can't find neighbor

BGP Network Commands

The following table describes the commands used in setting BGP networks:

BGP Network Commands
network NETWORK
no network NETWORK
This command adds the announcement network.

router bgp 1

This configuration example says that network is announced to all neighbors. Some vendor routers do not advertise routes if they are not present in its IGP routing tables; bgpd doesn't care about IGP routes when announcing its routes.
aggregate-address NETWORK
no aggregate-address NETWORK
This command specifies an aggregate address.

BGP Redistribute Commands

The following table describes the commands used in redistributing routes to BGP:

BGP Redistribute Commands
redistribute kernel
Redistribute kernel route to BGP process.
redistribute static
Redistribute static route to BGP process.
redistribute connected
Redistribute connected route to BGP process.
redistribute rip
Redistribute RIP route to BGP process.
redistribute ospf
Redistribute OSPF route to BGP process.

Peer Configuration Commands

The following table describes the commands used to configure BGP peers:

Peer Configuration Commands  
neighbor PEER shutdown
no neighbor PEER shutdown
Shutdown PEER. Users can delete a neighbor's configuration with no neighbor PEER remote-as AS-NUMBER, but all configurations of the neighbor are deleted. Use this syntax to preserve the configuration and drop the BGP peer.
neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
no neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
Specifies PEER for ebgp multihopping.

neighbor PEER version VERSION
no neighbor PEER version VERSION
Set up the neighbor's BGP version. VERSION can be:
BGP version 4 is the default value used for BGP peering. BGP version 4+ means that the neighbor supports Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4. BGP version 4- is similar, but uses the old Internet-Draft revision 00's Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4. Some routing software is still using this version.
neighbor PEER next-hop-self
no neighbor PEER next-hop-self
This command specifies an announced route's next-hop as equivalent to the address of the BGP process.
neighbor PEER update-source
no neighbor PEER update-source
Sets BGP sessions to allow use of any functioning interface for TCP connections.
neighbor PEER default-originate
no neighbor PEER default-originate
bgpd defaults to not announce the default route (, even if it is in routing table. Use this command to announce default routes.
neighbor PEER port PORT
no neighbor PEER port PORT
Sets a specific port for PEER.
neighbor PEER send-community
no neighbor PEER send-community
Sends PEER attribute to BGP community.
neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
no neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
This command specifies a default WEIGHT value for the neighbor's routes.
neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
no neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
Sets the maximum number of prefixes that can be sent to a neighbor.
neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
no neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
When connecting to a BGP peer over an IPv6 link-local address, users must specify the IFNAME of the interface used for the connection.

Peer Filtering Commands

The following table describes the commands used to filter BGP Peers:

Peer Filtering Commands  
neighbor PEER distribute-list NAME DIRECT
This command specifies a distribute-list for the peer. DIRECT is in or out.
neighbor PEER prefix-list NAME DIRECT
Distribute PEER attribute to BGP systems according to prefix-list. DIRECT is in or out.
neighbor PEER filter-list NAME DIRECT
Distributes PEER attribute according to filter-list. DIRECT is in or out.
neighbor PEER route-map NAME DIRECT
Apply a route-map on the neighbor. DIRECT must be in or out.

BGP Terminal Mode Commands

The following table describes the BGP terminal commands:

BGP Terminal Mode Commands  
show ip bgp NETWORK
Lists all bgpd routes
show ip bgp regexp AS-REGEX
Display routes matching AS path regular expression
show ip bgp summary
Display status of all BGP connections
show ip bgp neighbor PEER
Show status of BGP neighbor
clear ip bgp PEER
Clear peers with addresses of X.X.X.X
clear ip bgb PEER soft in
Clear peer using soft reconfiguration
show debug
Display debugging information
debug event
no debug event
Enable or disable BGP event debugging
debug update
no debug update
Enable or disable BGP updates debugging
debug keepalive
no debug keepalive
Enable or disable BGP keepalives debugging

BGP Log Format

bgpd outputs logging information to a terminal or a specified file. It includes routing updates and peer status change information. It also includes date, time, packet type, the peer IP address, and other routing information. The following is an example of the BGP log format:

1999/03/29 17:42:18 Update:[] med: 0 lpref: 0 nexthop:
aspath: 4691 3561 5119 3576 3782 i

Route Reflector Commands

The following table shows the commands used in reflecting routes:

Route Reflector Commands
bgp cluster-id A.B.C.D
neighbor PEER route-reflector-client
no neighbor PEER route-reflector-client

Route Server

Many ISPs are connected to each other by external BGP peers. Normally, these external BGP connections are created by full mesh methods. This method, however, has a scaling problem.

Route Server is a method used to resolve this problem. Each ISP's BGP router is a peer to a Route Server. The Route Server sends BGP information to other BGP routers. By applying this method, the number of BGP connections is reduced from O(n*(n-1)/2) to O(n).

Unlike a normal BGP router, a Route Server must have several routing tables for managing the different routing policies of each BGP router. The routing tables are called a BGP view. bgpd can work as normal BGP router, a Route Server, or both at the same time.

Multiple BGP Instance Commands

To enable multiple view function of bgpd, the multiple instance feature must be enabled before running the command.

Multiple BGP Instance Commands
bgp multiple-instance
Enable BGP multiple instance feature. After this feature is enabled, users can make multiple BGP instances or multiple BGP views.
no bgp multiple-instance
Disable BGP multiple instance feature. This feature cannot be disabled when multiple BGP instances or views exist.

BGP Instance and View Commands

BGP instance is a normal BGP process. The result of the route selection is sent to the kernel routing table. Users can setup different AS at the same time when the BGP multiple instance feature is enabled.

BGP Instance and View Commands
router bgp AS-NUMBER
Make a new BGP instance.
bgp multiple-instance
router bgp 1
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor remote-as 3
router bgp 2
neighbor remote-as 4
neighbor remote-as 5

The BGP view is similar to a normal BGP process without the route selection appended to the kernel routing table. The BGP view is only for exchanging BGP routing information.
router bgp AS-NUMBER view NAME
Make a new BGP view. Any arbitrary word can be used for NAME. The route selection for this view is not sent to the kernel routing table. With this command, users can setup a Route Server:

bgp multiple-instance
router bgp 1 view 1
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor remote-as 3
router bgp 2 view 2
neighbor remote-as 4
neighbor remote-as 5
Routing Policy

Users can set different routing policies for a peer. For example, these peers use different filters:

bgp multiple-instance
router bgp 1 view 1
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor distribute-list 1 in
router bgp 1 view 2
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor distribute-list 2 in

In this example, the BGP update from peer is sent to both BGP view 1 and view 2. When the update is inserted into view 1, distribute-list 1 is applied. However, if the the update is inserted into view 2 distribute-list 2 is applied.

BGP Display Command

To display the routing table of the BGP view, the view name must be specified.

BGP Display Command
show ip bgp view NAME
Display routing table of BGP view NAME

Dump BGP Packet and Table Commands

The table below describes commands used in BGP packet and table dumping:

Dump BGP Packet and Table Commands
dump bgp all PATH
dump bgp all PATH INTERVAL
Dump all BGP packet and events to PATH file.
dump bgp updates PATH
dump bgp updates PATH INTERVAL
Dump BGP updates to PATH file.
dump bgp routes PATH
dump bgp routes PATH
Dump whole BGP routing table to PATH. This is a heavy process.

Multiple BGP Protocol Extension Commands

BGP includes a Multiprotocol Extension which extends the BGP protocol to support IPv6 and Multicast routing. If BGP is used to exchange IPv6 routing information, it is called BGP-4+. When BGP is used to exchange multicast routing information, it is called MBGP.

bgpd supports Multiprotocol Extension for BGP. If a remote peer supports the protocol, bgpd can exchange multicast and IPv6 routing information.

Traditional BGP does not have a feature to detect the capability of the remote peer, which can make Multiprotocol Extension difficult to implement. draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-cap-neg-04.txt proposes a feature called capability negotiation. bgpd uses this capability negotiation to detect the remote peers capability. If the peer is configured as an IPv4 unicast neighbor, bgpd does not send the capability negotiation packet.

By default, zebra brings up peering with minimal common capabilities of both sides. For example, local routers have unicast and multicast capabilities, and remote routers have only unicast capabilities. In this case, the local router establishes the connection with unicast-only capability. If there is no common capability, zebra sends an unsupported capability error. and resets the connection. If capability must match a remote peer, use the strict-capability-match command.

Multiple BGP Protocol Expansion Commands
neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
no neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
Strictly compare remote capability and local capability. If capability is different, send an unsupported capability error and reset the connection.

Users may want to disable sending capability negotiation OPEN message optional parameter to the peer when remote peer does not implement capability negotiation. Use the dont-capability-negotiate command to disable this feature.
neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
no neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Suppresses sending capability negotiation as OPEN message optional parameter to the peer. This command only affects the peer if it is configured for IPv4 unicast configuration.

If the remote peer does not have the capability negotiation feature, the remote peer does not send capability. In this case, BGP configures the peer with configured capability.

Users may prefer a locally configured capability more than negotiated capability, even if a remote peer sends capability. If the peer is configured by override-capability, bgpd ignores the received capability. It then overrides negotiate capability with the configured value.
neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
no neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Override the result of capability negotiate with local configuration. Ignore remote peer's capability value.


vtysh is an integrated command shell of the Zebra software. For information on specific vtysh commands, please see "VTY Key Index".

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