This chapter explains how to set up a VMEbus backplane-based network in which Alpha VME single-board computers (SBCs) operate as Ethernet nodes.
The VMEbus backplane (vb
) interface provides access
to an Ethernet network through the VMEbus backplane driver, which acts as
an Ethernet Datalink Layer driver.
This interface allows VMEbus-based systems
to communicate directly over the VMEbus to other VMEbus-based systems on the
same backplane, or on other Ethernet-connected systems outside the backplane
through a gateway node on the backplane.
Both the Tru64 UNIX and VxWorks for Alpha (Version 3.1 or higher)
software support the
driver as well as communication
between these systems on the same backplane.
The Tru64 UNIX
driver is supported on AXPvme and Alpha VME SBCs and on Alpha VME
2100 systems.
The VMEbus backplane interface requires you to modify the
file on your AXPvme or Alpha VME system in order
to configure the
driver and to map VMEbus windows for
the system.
Mapping the VMEbus windows on one node requires knowledge about
every node in the
Do not modify any
kernel subsystem attributes. To configure avb
network node, you modify attributes of thevb
driver (vb:
) and the system's VMEbus adapter (vba_vipvic:
This chapter addresses the following topics relating to the use of the
interface on Alpha VME systems:
VMEbus backplane (vb
) network overview
(Section 3.1)
network nodes (Section 3.2)
driver attributes (Section 3.3)
adapter attributes
(Section 3.4)
adapter attributes (Section 3.5)
VIP/VIC two-node network example (Section 3.6)
UNIVERSE II two-node network example (Section 3.7)
commands (Section 3.8)
Diagnostic messages (Section 3.9)
Errors (Section 3.10)
3.1 VMEbus Backplane (vb) Network Overview
Tru64 UNIX provides a VMEbus backplane (vb
) driver
that allows systems to communicate over a VMEbus backplane using Ethernet
The backplane driver is compatible with the other parts of the network subsystem; that is, all higher-level network protocols are immediately available over the backplane, just as they are over the Ethernet. Socket communication, remote login, remote file access, NFS, and remote procedure calls are all simultaneously available to and from any processor on the backplane. Using these network facilities over the backplane is indistinguishable from using any other network medium.
By default, the
driver is not configured to run
when the system is booted and must be explicitly turned on for the node to
participate in the backplane network.
Configuring nodes in a
network can be simple or
complex, depending on the specific system needs.
At a minimum, you must configure
driver to be turned on and you must specify the
Ethernet hardware address of the target system.
By default, an unconfigured
driver will not start up.
You can use all other default
without change, as long as you configure the necessary system VMEbus window
space correctly.
You can also tailor several backplane node characteristics
to meet specific system and application needs.
VMEbus addresses are used in two ways in the
To map local memory onto the VMEbus for client message queues
To interrupt nodes on the
network when
data is sent
The following subsections describe how VMEbus addresses are used for
client communication and for interrupting nodes on the
3.1.1 VMEbus Addresses Used for Client Communication
network is made up of two or more nodes in a
VMEbus backplane cage that communicate by way of local memory mapped onto
the VMEbus.
Nodes that participate in the
network provide
local memory for client message queues.
Other backplane nodes map to this
memory over the VMEbus and write data to this local memory; this is what is
meant by "sending" messages to a node on the backplane network.
The VMEbus has three different basic address spaces to which system VMEbus windows may be mapped: A16, A24, and A32. Each system in a VMEbus backplane must configure a client communication VMEbus window (and a mailbox-interrupt VMEbus window, discussed later) in a unique manner, such that the windows do not overlap across the backplane. See Section 2.2 (VIP/VIC-based Alpha VME systems) or Section 2.3 (UNIVERSE II-based Alpha VME systems) for more information on configuring VMEbus address spaces.
driver uses either A24 or A32 space to map
its client communication queues (data) to the VMEbus.
You specify the following
information regarding the queues for each backplane node:
The address space in which to map the queues (A24 or A32) as well as other address space modifiers (supervisory/user, program/data)
The address within A24 or A32 space at which the queues will be mapped to the VMEbus, specified as an offset from the base of the queues' chosen system VMEbus window
The total size of the area needed to map the communication queues
Default values are defined for these items, but you can reconfigure
and VMEbus characteristics by adding or modifying
values in the
file, as described in
Section 3.2.
Whatever you configure the values to be, you must modify the client communication window to accommodate the chosen values. The window (A24 or A32) base and size specified must be unique across the backplane, and its size must be big enough to fit the queue size specified, starting at the offset specified.
You can configure VMEbus windows on a per-system basis by adding or
modifying values for each window's VMEbus base address and size in the
Section 2.2
Alpha VME systems) or
Section 2.3
(UNIVERSE II-based Alpha
VME systems) for more information on modifying the base address and size of
VMEbus windows.
If you do not uniquely configure the client communication VMEbus windows for the backplane nodes on the
network, unpredictable behavior may occur. An error message similar to the following prints to the console of a node whose client communication VMEbus window overlaps that of a node that has mapped the window and is actively communicating through it, even if it is with a device other than thevb
driver:vba0 errors_inter: VIP/VIC errors detected VIC BESR 0x50 - VIP BESR 0x40400 VIC DMASR 0x8 VMEbus timeout local bus error - LBERR* asserted to VIC Inbound error - invalid s/g or VMEbus slave access error
3.1.2 VMEbus Addresses Used for Interrupting
Module-switch (mailbox-interrupt) settings regulate interrupt activity
in the
backplane network.
When a node sends data to
another node, the sending node generates an interrupt on the receiving node
by using module switches.
An interrupt is generated by writing to a particular offset from the base of a mailbox-interrupt window, which is an A16 (VIP/VIC) or A16/A24/A32 (UNIVERSE II) VMEbus window on the node to be interrupted. The offset determines the particular module switch to use for interrupting a node.
You must configure each node's mailbox-interrupt window to be unique
across the nodes in the VMEbus backplane.
You can configure VMEbus windows
on a per-system basis by adding or modifying values for each window's VMEbus
base address and associated attributes in the
Section 2.2
(VIP/VIC-based Alpha VME systems) or
Section 2.3
(UNIVERSE II-based Alpha VME systems) for more information
on modifying the base address and size of VMEbus windows.
Four module switches are associated with each node's mailbox-interrupt
You specify the module switch to use for interrupting by adding or
modifying values for the following driver attributes in
A module-switch offset value in
A module-switch vector number in the
field of the
For UNIVERSE II-based Alpha VME systems, VMEbus address
modifiers for the mailbox-interrupt window in
Additionally, you must verify that the
attribute is set to 1 to select interrupt mode over polling mode.
If you prefer, you can use the default module-switch offset and vector values, which select module switch 1. Adapter-specific offset and vector values are listed in Section 3.3.
Whatever you configure the values to be, you must modify the A16 (VIP/VIC) or A16/A24/A32 (UNIVERSE II) mailbox-interrupt window base address to be unique among the nodes in the VMEbus backplane for interrupting to work. (Only one node in the backplane can use the default mailbox-interrupt window base address.)
However, you can configure the module switch used to interrupt a particular
node individually on a per-node basis (not necessarily uniquely).
3.1.3 Box Manager Node
Because a
network is made up of two or more nodes
in a VMEbus backplane cage that communicate via local memory mapped onto the
VMEbus, information about which nodes are participating in the network must
be stored so that all nodes can access this information.
The information is
stored in the local memory of a single backplane node, called the
box manager.
The box manager node is a special client in that it maps this global information onto the VMEbus in addition to mapping its client communication queues.
The box manager maps the global information onto the VMEbus at an address
that is known to all other nodes in the backplane network (the well-known
When non-box-manager nodes boot, they read information from the
well-known address to see what other nodes are in the network.
The well-known
address must reside in the particular system VMEbus window (A24 or A32) with
modifiers (supervisory/user, program/data) that are also well known to other
nodes in the
The combination of the address
and its modifier uniquely specifies where the box manager global data resides
on the VMEbus for all nodes to see.
The well-known address is configurable through
and defaults to 0xBC0000.
The address space that it is mapped
to (A24 or A32) is also configurable and defaults to A24 address space, supervisory
mode, and data space.
(For more information on configuring the well-known
address and modifiers, see
Section 3.3.2.)
The network administrator must configure only one node to be the box manager node. A node is a box manager if the well-known address is contained within the node's system VMEbus window (either A24 or A32, depending on the configured value of the box manager address modifier). No other switch or value specification is needed to identify a box manager. Note that you do not have to set the base VMEbus window address to the well-known address; the well-known address must simply be contained within a valid VMEbus system window.
When a node boots, it determines whether or not it is the box manager node by comparing the well-known address to its configured system VMEbus window range. A node that is not the box manager node is called a client node.
The box manager node is also just another network client, and it has local communication queues mapped to the VMEbus just like any other client. The difference is in the placement of those queues mapped onto the VMEbus. The box manager has two sets of data that must be mapped to the VMEbus: the box manager global data and the client communication queues.
By default, box manager global data and client communication queues are mapped to the same address space, A24. In the default case:
The offset of the communication queues from the base window
specified in
for the queues is ignored.
The communication queues are mapped directly following the global data starting at the well-known address.
In addition, the combined size of the global data and the communication queues is adjusted to be equal to the configured size of the communication queues (the default for which is 0x40000, or 256 KB). You do not need to deal with the size of the box manager global data when you determine what your system VMEbus window size should be for the box manager node.
However, you can configure the global data and the communication queues to be mapped to different spaces (A24 and A32). In this case, the communication queues are mapped like any other client node. They are mapped at the configured offset from the base of its configured window. The global data is mapped to the well-known address, for a size of 0x6000 bytes. You must be sure that both system windows, A24 and A32, will accommodate either the well-known address or the communication queues.
The box manager node must be the first node in the backplane to boot, so that the global memory is mapped to the well-known address before other nodes attempt to read from it.
You must boot the VMEbus system controller for the VMEbus crate (set
by the appropriate jumper on the module) before any other node that is participating
in the
backplane and before any other node that is using
the VMEbus.
This is because when the system controller is booted, it can reset
the VMEbus registers of all other nodes.
If the VMEbus system controller is
not the box manager, ensure that the system controller boots before the box
manager node, or that the system controller is not booted while the
network is up and running.
Note that if the the system controller
is not the box manager, the system controller cannot participate in the
3.1.4 Network Participation
Nodes in a backplane network communicate via memory mapped onto the
If this memory becomes unmapped, or if the VMEbus is reset for any
reason, the mapping is no longer valid.
Any read or write operations to a
remote node that uses the invalid mapping could cause a panic or machine check
on the system performing the read or write.
To reduce the possibility of this
occurring, the nodes in the
network maintain
with the rest of the network.
To maintain liveness, when a node enters the
it begins continually updating a counter in the global memory called its
In addition, all nodes on the network continually check
heartbeat of other nodes, including the box manager
node, to see if they are still alive and able to participate in the network
in a timely manner.
If the heartbeat of a remote node is no longer being updated, communication to that node must stop in anticipation of the remote node's VMEbus mapping becoming invalid. For example, if a node is rebooted, its heartbeat ceases to be updated and the rest of the backplane nodes eventually lose liveness with that node and stop communicating with it.
When a node is shut down in a controlled manner (using
), the
driver notifies the other
nodes that it is shutting down, so that they can stop communicating.
If a node is shut down in an uncontrolled manner (panic or halt), the current
VMEbus mappings remain valid until you reinitialize the system.
This allows
time for other
network nodes to lose liveness with the
node before an invalid mapping reference occurs.
After you fully reboot the shutdown node, it can reenter the
network and be seen by the other
nodes again.
If node A loses liveness with node B, node B cannot reenter the
network without rebooting.
You cannot restart the
driver without rebooting.
This restriction is due to the need
for the restarting node to probe the well-known address to see if a box manager
memory is mapped to the well-known address.
This probing is supported only
during the booting stage.
Response time is an important aspect of liveness.
Even if a node is
not shut down, it may respond too slowly to
traffic to be considered alive.
In these cases, it may be in the best interest
of the rest of the
network to cease communication with
that node.
For example, a node may have a realtime application running at
a realtime priority above that of the
network driver,
and in fact higher than many system functions.
Without network traffic being
processed in a timely manner, backups or message loss could occur on any node
attempting to send data to the node.
The liveness feature of the drivers allows remote nodes to notice that
the node's heartbeat is not being updated (because the node is devoted to
the realtime application) and stop attempting to communicate with it.
In addition,
you could use a long liveness interval in a stable network configuration (one
that does not expect frequent shutdowns) to allow a light load on the
network to continue in the midst of expectedly high realtime
priority usage.
3.2 Configuring vb Network Nodes
To configure a
network node, you perform the following
Examine the default or current configuration attributes of
driver (vb:
) and of the system's
VMEbus adapter (vba_vipvic:
If an existing
entry in
indicates that adapter
defaults have already been modified for other VMEbus device drivers in the
system, you must factor the needs of other drivers into any changes you make
for the
As needed, modify the
file to add or modify values for
driver and VMEbus adapter
You must turn on the
driver and you must
specify the node's Ethernet hardware address.
Also, as part of modifying VMEbus
adapter attributes, you need to configure each node's VMEbus system windows
with the other participating nodes' VMEbus window configurations in mind.
Sections that follow describe these tasks in detail.
Do not directly edit
. Instead, use thesysconfigdb
facility, as described in thesysconfigdb
(8) reference page. It is recommended that you maintain privatesysconfigtab
file fragments forvb
and VMEbus adapter attributes and usesysconfigdb
switches to add (-a -f
), delete (-d
), or merge (-m -f
) attribute values for a particular subsystem. The examples in Section 3.6 and Section 3.7 illustrate this approach.
Reboot the
You must always reboot
after modifying driver or adapter subsystem attributes.
When a configured
node boots, you must
use the
command to register the
driver as a new network driver.
Assign each
node a
unique IP address that is a subnet used exclusively by the
network, to differentiate between the Ethernet network and the
The participating nodes must be specified in the
For information on setting up a new network, see
Network Administration.
You must configure and boot the box manager node before configuring and booting any other nodes. Also, if the box manager is not the VMEbus system controller, the VMEbus system controller module must boot before the box manager. Otherwise, when the system controller is booted, it may reset the entire VMEbus backplane network.
When you boot each configured node, the VMEbus backplane driver becomes
During the boot, the console displays diagnostic messages prefixed
with the string
The box manager displays the following
message at startup:
VB: This is the box manager node
A client (non-box-manager) node displays the following message at startup:
VB: Box mgr address space is not configured for this system, thus this node is not the box manager node (OK). Be sure that there is a box manager in the network.
Make sure that only one node comes up as the box manager. If more than one node comes up as the box manager, it means that the system VMEbus address window has been configured to contain the well-known address (whose default is 0xBC0000) on more than one node. This results in unpredictable behavior and, at a minimum, causes the
network to fail.
3.3 Modifying vb Driver Attributes
driver attributes are configurable on a per-node
or per-vb
-network basis, as described in detail in this
First you examine the default or current configuration attributes of
driver and the system's VMEbus adapter.
Table 3-1
lists the default values for
driver parameters.
Table 3-1: VMEbus Backplane (vb) Network Driver Defaults
Parameter | Default | Meaning |
Per-node vb attributes: | ||
Module_Config_Name |
vb | Driver name is
vb |
VB_Startup_State |
0 | Driver is off |
VB_Client_Addr_Type |
0x7 | Client communication window address modifiers: A24 space, supervisory mode, and data access |
VB_Client_Vme_Window_Size |
0x40000 | Size of communication queues area is 256 KB |
VB_Client_Vme_Window_Offset |
0x0 | Map client queues at offset 0x0 from the client communication window base address |
VB_Interrupt_Interface |
1 | Message response is interrupt driven |
VB_Liveness_Timeout |
10000 | Remote liveness tests are 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds) apart |
VB_Mailbox_Addr_Type |
0xE | (UNIVERSE II only) Client mailbox-interrupt window address modifiers: A16 space, supervisory mode, and data access |
VB_Mailbox_Offset |
0x23 or 0x34C | Module switch 1 is selected by offset 0x23 (VIP/VIC) or 0x34C (UNIVERSE II) |
VB_Maxnodes |
10 | Maximum nodes allowed in the
network is 10 |
VB_Netid |
-- | Ethernet hardware address of the node must be supplied for the network to start up |
VB_Give_Up |
1 | Time out if the
is exceeded |
VB_Probe_Period |
1 | Number of minutes to probe the box manager's well-known address before exiting driver is 1 |
VB_Census_Change |
0 | Do not display node mapping state changes |
VB_Transfer_Type |
0 | Use only programmed I/O (PIO) transfers over the bus |
VB_DMA_Threshold |
256 | If
1, transfers equal to or exceeding 256 bytes will use direct memory access
(DMA) rather than PIO |
VB_DMA_Dwidth |
0 | If
1, the D16 data width will be used for DMA transfers over the bus |
Per-network vb attributes: | ||
VB_Box_Mgr_WK_Addr |
0xBC0000 | Box manager's well-known VMEbus address is 0xBC0000 (must match on every node) |
VB_Box_Mgr_WK_Addr_Type |
0x7 | Box manager global data address modifiers: A24 space, supervisory mode, and data access (must match on every node) |
VB_Maxmtu |
1500 | Maximum transfer unit (mtu) size is 1500 bytes (configurable on the box manager node only) |
Table 2-1 and Table 2-4 list the parameter defaults for the VIP/VIC and UNIVERSE II VMEbus adapters, respectively.
If the existing
entry in
indicates that
driver defaults have already
been modified, you may need to factor the previous changes into your new changes.
If an existing
entry in
indicates that adapter defaults
have already been modified for other VMEbus device drivers in the system,
you must factor the needs of other drivers into any changes you make for the
If you wish to change a
driver attribute from
its default or current value, you enter the attribute and its new value after
the label
in the
file or in a
file fragment.
Do not directly edit
. Instead, use thesysconfigdb
facility, as described in thesysconfigdb
(8) reference page. It is recommended that you maintain a privatesysconfigtab
file fragment forvb
attributes and usesysconfigdb
switches to add (-a -f
), delete (-d
), or merge (-m -f
attribute values. The examples in Section 3.6 and Section 3.7 illustrate this approach. You must always reboot after changingvb
driver attributes.
You must also add or modify
adapter attribute values to map unique VMEbus windows
for client communication and mailbox interrupts, as described in
Section 3.4
Section 3.5, respectively.
The following code example shows a sample
in the
file or in a
file fragment, including the associated
bus configuration structure.
Line breaks have been added to the
entry for clarity.
In this example, only the
parameters have been modified from their defaults.
modifications enable the
driver to start up and participate
in a
After you complete your
driver and VMEbus adapter modifications, you must reboot the system.
vb: # # %%%VB # VB_Startup_State = 1 VB_Netid = 08-00-2b-e2-48-48 VBA_Option = Manufact_Name - 'Compaq', Product_Name - 'VME Backplane Network Driver', Bus_Instance - 0, Driver_Name - vb, Driver_Instance - 0, Csr1 - 0, Csr2 - 0, Vector - 0x1150, Bus_Priority - 7, Type - C, Adpt_Config - N
3.3.1 Modifying Per-Node vb Attributes
The following
driver attributes are configurable
on a per-node basis in
; values can differ
on each node:
Specifies the driver name as an unquoted ASCII string.
The default
value is
Specifies the startup state of this driver.
The default value is 0
You must change this value to 1 (on) to start up the
Specifies address modifiers for the VMEbus address space used for the client node's message queues. You must specify the numerical equivalent of the desired set of address modifier (AM_) flags, among the following: AM_A24 (0x1), AM_SUPER (0x2), and AM_DATA (0x4).
You can map a node's client communication queue memory to the VMEbus in either the A24 or A32 address space (AM_A24 set or clear), either in supervisory mode or user mode (AM_SUPER set or clear), and either in data or program space (AM_DATA set or clear). The default is AM_A24|AM_SUPER|AM_DATA, which equals 0x7. A32 program space in user mode would be represented as 0x0 (no flags set).
Specifies the size (in bytes) of an area within the client communication
window (as characterized by
) to be
used by the
driver for its communication queues.
bigger the size, the greater the number of message packets that will be preallocated
for communication.
The default size is 0x40000 (256 KB).
If the maximum transfer unit
) and maximum nodes (VB_Maxnodes
parameters, described below, are left at their default values of 1500 bytes
and 10 nodes, the 256 KB window size is enough for approximately 150 packets
to be reserved for the queues.
With a maximum of 10 nodes in the network,
this default allows for approximately 15 packets per node to be devoted exclusively
to communication between the local node and each of the other nodes.
would decrease the number of packets available per node.
Specifies the offset from the client communication window base address
(A24 or A32, as characterized by
) at
which to map client queues for other nodes to see.
The default is 0x0, which
maps the queues at the beginning of the base address.
You must be able to adjust queue mappings because, if other VMEbus drivers in the system map memory to specific VMEbus addresses, there may be conflicts. In the event of a conflict, you can either adjust a system VMEbus window base address or modify the offset value such that the queues start at a different VMEbus address.
Although the default offset of 0x0 works well, you should consider changing
the offset to a value equal to the A24 or A32 window size minus the size of
the client communication queues (VB_Client_Vme_Window_Size
defaults to 256 KB, 0x40000).
For example, in a 2 MB (0x200000) A24 window,
specify an offset of 0x1C0000.
This moves the client communication queues
to the top of the window, which reduces fragmentation within the window and
minimizes potential conflict with the memory needs of other VMEbus drivers.
If you change the offset, make sure the value is on a page boundary (0x2000 bytes).
Specifies an interface for determining whether messages have been sent
to the
driver's queues: interrupt (1) or polled (0).
You should use the default value of 1 for better performance.
driver uses module switch interrupts.
If you use the interrupt interface, you must ensure that the base address
for the VMEbus window that maps the inbound mailbox interrupts is unique among
the nodes in the backplane, as configured in
Specifies the interval in milliseconds between remote node liveness tests. By default, a node checks whether a remote node is still alive every 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).
Be careful if you modify this value. An interval that is too short could cause nodes to lose liveness with each other too easily, and a lost node must be rebooted to resume communication. An interval that is too long (or 0, which specifies no liveness checking) could cause delays in determining that a remote node has gone down. The node could attempt to communicate with a shut-down node after the VMEbus mapping is no longer valid.
For UNIVERSE II-based Alpha VME systems only, specifies address modifiers for the VMEbus address space used to map the client node's inbound mailbox interrupts. You must specify the numerical equivalent of the desired set of address modifier (AM_) flags, among the following: AM_A24 (0x1), AM_SUPER (0x2), AM_DATA (0x4), and AM_A16 (0x8).
On UNIVERSE II-based nodes, you can map a node's mailbox interrupts to the VMEbus in A16, A24, or A32 address space. Specifying AM_A16 set and AM_A24 clear selects A16; specifying AM_A24 set and AM_A16 clear selects A24; and specifying both AM_A16 and AM_A24 clear selects A32. You also can map the mailbox interrupts either in supervisory mode or user mode (AM_SUPER set or clear), and either in data or program space (AM_DATA set or clear). The default is AM_A16|AM_SUPER|AM_DATA, which equals 0xE. A32 program space in user mode would be represented as 0x0 (no flags set).
For UNIVERSE II-based nodes, the VMEbus address modifiers you
specify for this attribute must match the adapter's CSR window attributes.
See the descriptions of the
, and
attributes in
Section 2.3.
For VIP/VIC-based Alpha VME systems, do not specify this attribute; the VMEbus window that maps inbound mailbox interrupts is always A16 data space in supervisory mode.
Selects a mailbox for inbound interrupts by specifying an offset from the mailbox-interrupt window base address.
You use module switches to create
driver interrupts
on the backplane.
You can use any of four module switches for interrupts
in each mailbox-interrupt window.
For each module switch, you must specify
a particular offset value for
and specify
a particular vector number in the
field of the
For VIP/VIC-based Alpha VME systems, the offset and vector values are:
Module switch 0 | A16 offset 0x21,
vector 0x1140 |
Module switch 1 | A16 offset 0x23,
vector 0x1150 (default) |
Module switch 2 | A16 offset 0x25,
vector 0x1160 |
Module switch 3 | A16 offset 0x27,
vector 0x1170 |
The default is module switch 1.
Remote nodes can use offset 0x23 added
to a target node's mailbox-interrupt window base address (see examples in
Section 3.6) to cause an interrupt
on the target node when the
driver writes to the address.
For UNIVERSE II-based Alpha VME systems, the offset and vector values are:
Module switch 0 | Offset 0x348,
vector 0x1140 |
Module switch 1 | Offset 0x34C,
vector 0x1150 (default) |
Module switch 2 | Offset 0x350,
vector 0x1160 |
Module switch 3 | Offset 0x354,
vector 0x1170 |
The default is module switch 1.
Remote nodes can use offset 0x34C added
to a target node's mailbox-interrupt window base address (see examples in
Section 3.7) to cause an interrupt
on the target node when the
driver writes to the address.
The mailbox-interrupt window base address must be unique among all nodes in the backplane. However, the offset need not be unique.
If you change the module switch from the default of 1, this change must
be reflected in both the
attribute and
field of the
for interrupts to work on the system.
Specifies the maximum number of nodes allowed in the
The default value is 10.
The maximum you specify cannot exceed
This value is examined by the
box manager only,
and determines the maximum number of nodes that may enter the
network while the box manager is booted.
All other client nodes adjust their maximum-nodes value according to the box manager's value and do not have to know the box manager's value ahead of time.
Specifies the Ethernet hardware address of the node as an unquoted ASCII
string; for example, 08-00-2b-e2-48-48.
You must fill in this field with
the correct Ethernet hardware address.
address is derived from the unique Ethernet hardware address and is the shadow
Ethernet address.
If this value is not filled in, the
driver does not start up and an error message is displayed.
One way to obtain the Ethernet hardware address of a running system
netstat -I ln0
or other Ethernet
You can also obtain the Ethernet address at the console prompt of
a nonbooted system as follows:
>>> show dev
Specifies whether the
driver's probing of the
box manager's well-known address should time out after the number of minutes
specified in
or continue until the box
manager comes up.
The default is to time out (1).
You can modify the value
to continue probing indefinitely (0).
Specifies the number of minutes to probe the box manager's well-known
address before timing out and exiting the driver.
The default value is 1
This value is ignored if
is set to
Specifies whether to display information whenever the driver maps to
a new node or unmaps from a node.
The default is not to display state changes
If the
driver starts up with this value set to
1, you can track state changes beginning at startup.
(requires Tru64 UNIX
Version 5.0A or higher)
Specifies whether transfers over the bus use only programmed I/O (0) or can select between programmed I/O and direct memory access based on the transfer size (1). The default is 0, programmed IO only.
If you set
to 1, direct memory
access (DMA) transfers will
be performed whenever the transfer size equals or exceeds the value of
(256 by default); for smaller transfer sizes,
programmed I/O (PIO)
transfers will be performed.
You can produce significant performance gains by allowing DMA transfers
over the bus, particularly if you select the D64 data width with the
parameter, described below.
Furthermore, if all
nodes in your network are running Tru64 UNIX 5.0A or higher,
you potentially can realize even greater performance gains by modifying the
per-network parameter
, which is described in
Section 3.3.2.
Before you enable
DMA transfers on a node, you
should consider the potential impact on your system, such as increased contention
for DMA between the
driver and devices in the system.
(requires Tru64 UNIX
Version 5.0A or higher)
If DMA transfers over the bus are enabled (VB_Transfer_Type
equals 1), this parameter defines the threshold (a transfer size,
in bytes) at which DMA transfers are used.
Whenever a transfer size equals
or exceeds
(256 bytes by default), DMA
is used for the transfer; otherwise PIO is used.
(requires Tru64 UNIX
Version 5.0A or higher)
If DMA transfers over the bus are enabled (VB_Transfer_Type
equals 1), this parameter defines the data width to be used for
the DMA transfers.
The value 0 (the default) selects D16, 1 selects D32,
and 2 selects D64.
If DMA is enabled, you can realize the maximum performance
gain by selecting the D64 data width.
Reserved for future use
3.3.2 Modifying Per-Network vb Attributes
The following
driver attributes are configurable
on a per-network basis in
; values must match
exactly on every node that participates in the
Specifies the well-known VMEbus address of the box manager, to which
the box manager maps 256 KB of global VMEbus data.
This address and its associated
256 KB size must fit within the adapter's configured inbound VMEbus address
The default is 0xBC0000.
Be careful when modifying this value, as
it must match on every node in the
network for communication
to occur.
default of 0xBC0000 differs from the default used in previousvb
driver versions, 0xA40000. The new default places thevb
box manager well-known address near the top of what is assumed to be a 2 MB A24 or A32 window: 0xC00000 (window top) minus 0x040000 (256 KB size) equals 0xBC0000. This reduces fragmentation within the window and minimizes potential conflict with other VMEbus drivers on the same node allocating memory in the same window.
UNIVERSE II Restriction
Section 3.7, UNIVERSE II Two-Node Network Example, uses the value 0xFC0000 for
. This suggested value does not fit into the UNIVERSE II adapter's default special A24/A16 outbound window, due to the allocation of the A24/A16 window's top 64 KB for A16 space. UNIVERSE IIvb
nodes should either adjust the box manager well-known address down by 64 KB (x10000) to 0xFB0000 to allow use of the A24/A16 window, or instead use an outbound PCI-to-VME 256 KB (or larger) window to map the 0xFC0000 value. Note that doing the latter can boost performance by allowing use of block transfers (BLTs) and a wider data path, at the cost of the added PCI resources used to map the window.
Specifies address modifiers for the box manager's well-known VMEbus address. You must specify the numerical equivalent of the desired set of address modifier (AM_) flags, among the following: AM_A24 (0x1), AM_SUPER (0x2), and AM_DATA (0x4).
You can map the box manager's global data to the VMEbus in either the
A24 or A32 address space (AM_A24 set or clear), either in supervisory mode
or user mode (AM_SUPER set or clear), and either in data or program space
(AM_DATA set or clear).
The default is AM_A24|AM_SUPER|AM_DATA, which equals
Be careful when modifying this value, as it must match on every node
in the
If you modify this value, make sure
the address is on a page boundary (0x2000 bytes).
Specifies the maximum transmit unit (mtu) size, in bytes.
Before Version
5.0A of Tru64 UNIX, this value was not configurable.
Beginning with Tru64 UNIX
and provided all nodes in your
are running Tru64 UNIX 5.0A or higher,
you can modify this value
from its default of 1500 bytes up to a maximum of 16384 (16K) bytes.
less than 1500 or greater than 16K default to 1500.) Specifying a larger
mtu increases the size of transfer packets, resulting in fewer (but larger)
packets on the transfer queues.
You modify this value on the box manager node only; on client nodes, leave the value at its default. Client nodes obtain the mtu size from the box manager during node registration.
alone can produce significant
performance gains in programmed I/O (PIO) transfers.
However, using
in conjunction with the
, and
allows you to take advantage of direct memory access (DMA) transfers over
the bus and potentially realize even greater performance gains.
Note that increasing the mtu size has a significant effect on the allocation
of memory resources for the complete
For example,
if you specify 16K as the mtu, that increase is multiplied times
, the maximum number of nodes in the system.
If your
system design allows, you may be able to reduce the maximum number of nodes
in the system (modify
), thereby increasing
the memory resources available per node.
3.4 Modifying vba_vipvic Adapter Attributes
On each node in a
network, you must modify VMEbus
adapter attributes in
to configure unique
system VMEbus windows for client communication and mailbox interrupts.
the node is VIP/VIC-based, you add or modify values for
kernel subsystem attributes, such as
Section 2.2
describes these
Do not directly edit
. Instead, use thesysconfigdb
facility, as described in thesysconfigdb
(8) reference page. It is recommended that you maintain privatesysconfigtab
file fragments forvba_vipvic
attributes and usesysconfigdb
switches to add (-a -f
), delete (-d
), or merge (-m -f
attribute values. The example in Section 3.6 illustrates this approach.
Each system participating in the
network must
map its client communication queues to either A24 or A32 space in a unique
Allocated system VMEbus window space must be sufficient to accommodate
the size devoted to the communication queues.
In addition, the system VMEbus
window of the box manager node must encompass the well-known address (default
of 0xBC0000).
Although the address modifiers of the box manager well-known address and of the client communication queues are the same by default (A24/Supervisor/Data), they need not be the same. If they are not the same, configure the box manager node so that its system windows accommodate both sets of data. If they are the same, configure the box manager node so that the chosen system VMEbus window accommodates both sets of data, starting at the well-known address, for a size equal to the size of the communication queues.
For interrupting, the A16 system VMEbus window base address must also be unique for all nodes in the backplane, but the size is always 0x100.
Table 3-2
lists the VMEbus address space parameters
you can modify in
and their defaults.
Table 3-2: VIP/VIC VMEbus Address Space Defaults
Parameter | Default | Meaning |
A32_Base | 0x08000000 | A32 inbound DMA window base address |
A32_Size | 0x08000000 | A32 window size (128 MB) |
A24_Base | 0x00C00000 | A24 inbound DMA window base address |
A24_Size | 0x00400000 | A24 window size (4 MB) |
A16_Base | 0x00000100 | A16 interprocessor communication base address (size is always 0x100) |
See the VIP/VIC Two-Node Network Example in
Section 3.6
for examples of how to modify
for VIP/VIC-based
nodes in a
The size of the system VMEbus window for a node should exceed what the
driver needs. If thevb
driver uses the entire system VMEbus window, no window space remains for other VMEbus devices on the system to use.A system administrator must carefully configure all nodes on the backplane to have large enough system VMEbus windows to accommodate the needs of each, but not so much that there is little room left for other nodes. The system administrator should make a roadmap of each system's VMEbus device addresses and sizes and fit the
needs around the needs of the other devices, because thevb
characteristics are user configurable.
3.5 Modifying vba_univ Adapter Attributes
On each node in a
network, you must modify VMEbus
adapter attributes in
to configure unique
system VMEbus windows for client communication and mailbox interrupts.
the node is UNIVERSE II-based, you add or modify values for
kernel subsystem attributes that configure VMEbus windows.
Section 2.3
describes these attributes.
Do not directly edit
. Instead, use thesysconfigdb
facility, as described in thesysconfigdb
(8) reference page. It is recommended that you maintain privatesysconfigtab
file fragments forvba_univ
attributes and usesysconfigdb
switches to add (-a -f
), delete (-d
), or merge (-m -f
attribute values. The example in Section 3.7 illustrates this approach.
Each system participating in the
network must
map its client communication queues to either A24 or A32 space in a unique
Allocated system VMEbus window space must be sufficient to accommodate
the size devoted to the communication queues.
In addition, the system VMEbus
window of the box manager node must encompass the well-known address (default
of 0xBC0000).
Although the address modifiers of the box manager well-known address and of the client communication queues are the same by default (A24/Supervisor/Data), they need not be the same. If they are not the same, configure the box manager node so that its system windows accommodate both sets of data. If they are the same, configure the box manager node so that the chosen system VMEbus window accommodates both sets of data, starting at the well-known address, for a size equal to the size of the communication queues.
For interrupting, you must map the node's VMEbus adapter CSRs, including
mailbox-interrupt CSRs, to a VMEbus system window.
nodes, extra work is required to also map the VME adapter CSRs (including
mailbox-interrupt CSRs) of each
partner node.
II-based nodes, VMEbus device CSRs are not constrained to A16/Supervisor/Data
space and potentially could vary widely in address space and characteristics
from node to node.
For mapping purposes, you should organize the VMEbus device
CSRs for all nodes in the
network into a carefully designed
region of VMEbus space, such that each UNIVERSE II-based node can map
them using a dedicated window with consistent VMEbus attributes.
You then
adapter attributes on each UNIVERSE II
node to map partner-node CSRs with a dedicated window.
See the UNIVERSE II Two-Node Network Example in
Section 3.7
for examples of how to modify
II-based nodes in a
The size of the system VMEbus window for a node should be larger than what the
driver needs. If thevb
driver uses the entire system VMEbus window, no window space remains for other VMEbus devices on the system to use.A system administrator must carefully configure all nodes on the backplane to have large enough system VMEbus windows to accommodate the needs of each, but not so much that there is little room left for other nodes. The system administrator should make a roadmap of each system's VMEbus device addresses and sizes and fit the
needs around the needs of the other devices, because thevb
characteristics are user configurable.
3.6 VIP/VIC Two-Node Network Example
The following steps show an easy way to configure two VIP/VIC nodes
to run in a VMEbus backplane (vb
) network: Node 0 and
Node 1.
For each node, most of the VIP/VIC and
values listed in
Table 2-1
Table 3-1
are retained.
In particular, the well-known VMEbus address of the box manager
remains at its 0xBC0000 default.
You should examine the attribute defaults
listed in
Table 2-1
Table 3-1, invoke
sysconfigdb -l vba_vipvic
sysconfigdb -l vb
on each node to uncover any previous changes to those defaults, and decide
which attribute values require further modification.
In this example, VIP/VIC and
parameters that must
be modified include the following:
The A24 base address and size
The A16 base address
The startup state
The node's Ethernet hardware address
The client queues offset from the base of the node's A24 system VMEbus window
Configure the box manager node first. Make sure that it is either the VMEbus system controller node or that the system controller node is already up.
To configure Node 0, perform the following steps:
On Node 0, create a
file fragment
in a private directory; for example,
Insert the label
at the beginning
of the file.
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list,
immediately following the label, of the
you wish to modify and their values.
This example assumes
contains no
If such an entry exists, you
can either remove the old entry (sysconfigdb -d
) before
adding the new, or merge the new attributes in with the old (sysconfigdb
-m -f
You may need to factor the earlier
attribute values into your new modifications.
Change the A24 base address (vba_vipvic
) from the default of 0xC00000 to something
that encompasses the box manager data well-known address of 0xBC0000.
example, set the A24 base address to 0xA00000, and change the A24 size (parameter
) to 2 MB (value 0x200000), which brings the window to just
below the default window address of 0xC00000.
The box manager node now has
an A24 window of 0xA00000 to 0xBFFFFF.
Change the A16 base address (parameter
to something other than the default of 0x100; for example, 0x000.
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vba_vipvic: A24_Base = 0x00A00000 A24_Size = 0x200000 A16_Base = 0x00000000
Close the file, then add its contents to
by issuing the following command:
sysconfigdb -a -f /mypath/vipvic_sysconfigtab vba_vipvic
Create a
file fragment for
attributes; for example,
(If you want to use the default
entry provided by
as a starting point, you can copy the existing
entry into the file fragment using the command
sysconfigdb -l vb
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list, immediately
following the label
, of the
attributes you wish to modify and their values.
Change the VB startup state (vb
) from 0 (off) to 1 (on).
Specify the VB node's Ethernet hardware address (vb
For example, if the
node's Ethernet address is 08-00-26-E2-48-47, you would specify that address
as an unquoted ASCII string.
Modify the client communication queues offset,
, to map client queues at the top of the A24 window, as previously
configured with the
Mapping at the top of a window
reduces window fragmentation and minimizes potential conflicts with the memory
needs of other VMEbus drivers.
Specify the value 0x1C0000, which equals the
A24 window size (0x200000) minus the 256 KB needed for client queues (0x040000).
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vb: VB_Startup_State = 1 VB_Netid = 08-00-26-e2-48-47 VB_Client_Vme_Window_Offset = 0x1C0000
Close the file, then merge its contents into
by issuing the following
sysconfigdb -m -f /mypath/vb_sysconfigtab vb
Reboot the
box manager node.
the boot, the
driver becomes available and prints
messages on the console, including the following message:
VB: This is the box manager node
When you configure Node 1, do not modify any VMEbus A24 or A16 window
attributes in
, except for the A24 client
communication queues offset.
, and
, use the defaults, which do not
overlap with the values reconfigured for the box manager node.
This will produce
the following setup for Node 0 and Node 1:
A24 Base | Client Queues A24 Address | A24 End | A16 Base | |
Node 0: | 0xA00000 | 0xBC0000 | 0xBFFFFF (2 MB) | 0x000 |
Node 1: | 0xC00000 | 0xFC0000 | 0xFFFFFF (4 MB) | 0x100 |
To configure Node 1, perform the following steps:
Create a
file fragment
corresponding to Node 0's for Node 1, changing the VB startup state (vb
) from 0 (off) to
1 (on).
Specify the VB node's Ethernet hardware address (vb
For example, if the
node's Ethernet address is 08-00-26-E2-24-50, you would specify that address
as an unquoted ASCII string.
Modify the client communication queues offset,
, to map client queues at the top of the A24 window, based on Node
1's A24 window size.
Specify the value 0x3C0000, which equals the default
A24 window size (0x400000) minus the 256 KB needed for client queues (0x040000).
file fragment
for Node 1 now contains the following text:
vb: VB_Startup_State = 1 VB_Netid = 08-00-26-e2-24-50 VB_Client_Vme_Window_Offset = 0x3C0000
Close the file, then merge its contents into
by issuing the following
sysconfigdb -m -f /mypath/vb_sysconfigtab vb
Reboot Node 1.
You should see
printed on the console, including the following message:
VB: Box mgr address space is not configured for this system, thus this node is not the box manager node (OK). Be sure that there is a box manager in the network.
Because Node 1 is using the system defaults for the VMEbus A24 window, you must make sure that if you bring up an additional node (Node 2), you modify the addresses such that the defaults are not used. Even if Node 2 does not turn on the backplane driver, its inbound window overlaps with Node 1. Accesses to the window could cause a system crash or could cause error messages to be printed to the screen of Node 2, because Node 2 is receiving inbound VMEbus accesses from other nodes on addresses to which it has not mapped inbound.
In summary, you should always reconfigure the VMEbus addresses to be
unique, no matter how you plan to use the VMEbus.
3.7 UNIVERSE II Two-Node Network Example
The following steps show an easy way to configure two UNIVERSE II nodes
to run in a VMEbus backplane (vb
) network: Node 0, which
is the box manager and the system controller, and Node 1.
For each node, most of the UNIVERSE II and
listed in
Table 2-4
Table 3-1
retained, including most inbound and outbound window characteristics.
should examine the attribute defaults listed in
Table 2-4
Table 3-1, invoke
sysconfigdb -l vba_univ
sysconfigdb -l vb
on each node to uncover any previous
changes to those defaults, and decide which attribute values require further
In this example, UNIVERSE II and
parameters that
must be modified include the following:
Inbound and outbound window base addresses
Mailbox-interrupt window attributes
The startup state
The node's Ethernet hardware address
The client queues offset from the client communication window base address
The box manager node's well-known VMEbus address
Configure the box manager node first. This example assumes that the box manager node is the VMEbus system controller node.
To configure Node 0, perform the following steps:
On Node 0, create a
file fragment
in a private directory; for example,
Insert the label
at the beginning of the file.
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list, immediately following
the label, of the
attributes you wish to modify
and their values.
This example assumes
contains no
If such an entry exists, you
can either remove the old entry (sysconfigdb -d
) before
adding the new, or merge the new attributes in with the old (sysconfigdb
-m -f
You may need to factor the earlier
attribute values into your new modifications.
Verify that inbound VME-to-PCI (VMEbus slave) windows 0 and 1 are configured at their default VMEbus base addresses, 0x00C00000 and 0x08000000. Node 1's corresponding windows will be relocated to different VMEbus addresses (0x00800000 and 0x10000000). For both Node 0 and Node 1, all other attributes of these windows are left at their defaults.
In step 12, you will modify the box manager's well-known VMEbus address to map box manager data at the top of VME-to-PCI window 0.
Relocate outbound PCI-to-VME (PCI slave) windows 0 through
3 to VMEbus base address 0x10000000, leaving all other window attributes at
their defaults.
You do this by entering the value 0x10000000 for the
, and
Configure the outbound PCI-to-VME windows 4 and 5 to encompass
all of A24 address space for user-data and supervisory-data accesses to other
nodes in the system.
Because the windows are set up by default for user data
and supervisory data, respectively, you only need to specify a new base address,
0x00000000, and a new size, 16 MB, for each.
to the value 0x00000000,
and set
to the value 0x01000000.
In addition to providing a complete view of A24 address
space for supervisory-data and user-data access, this mapping allows use of
MBLTs and data widths up to D64.
Configure the outbound PCI-to-VME window 6 as a mailbox-interrupt window. To do this, you design a region of VMEbus space that encompasses the UNIVERSE II adapter CSRs (4 KB per node), including mailbox-interrupt CSRs, for both Node 0 and the partner node, Node 1.
In this case, the base address of the mailbox-interrupt window will be 0xFFFF0000, its size will be 64 KB, and Node 0 and Node 1 will map their adapter CSRs at 0xFFFF0000 and 0xFFFF1000, respectively. (If location monitors were in use, you could place adapter CSRs at 0xFFFF0000 and 0xFFFF2000, and location monitors at 0xFFFF1000.)
to the value 1, set
to the value 0xFFFF0000, and set the window size (parameter
) to 64 KB (value 0x00010000).
Additionally, you must modify the mailbox-interrupt window's attributes
to be compatible with the address modifier attributes of the node's CSR window,
which will be mapped in the next step.
Set the
parameter to specify A32 space (value 2) and set the
parameter to specify supervisory mode (value
Data access remains selected by default.
Configure the node's CSR window in accordance with the design of the mailbox-interrupt window configured in the previous step. For node 0, retain all CSR window defaults, including the VMEbus base address of 0xFFFF0000, A32 space, supervisory mode, and both program and data access.
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vba_univ: PCI_Wnd0_VME_Address = 0x00C00000 PCI_Wnd1_VME_Address = 0x08000000 VME_Wnd0_VME_Address = 0x10000000 VME_Wnd1_VME_Address = 0x10000000 VME_Wnd2_VME_Address = 0x10000000 VME_Wnd3_VME_Address = 0x10000000 VME_Wnd4_VME_Address = 0x00000000 VME_Wnd4_Size = 0x01000000 VME_Wnd5_VME_Address = 0x00000000 VME_Wnd5_Size = 0x01000000 VME_Wnd6_Ena = 1 VME_Wnd6_VME_Address = 0xFFFF0000 VME_Wnd6_Size = 0x00010000 VME_Wnd6_AM_Space = 2 VME_Wnd6_AM_Usr_Sprvsr = 2
Close the file, then add its contents to
by issuing the following command:
sysconfigdb -a -f /mypath/univ_sysconfigtab vba_univ
Create a
file fragment for
attributes; for example,
(If you want to use the default
entry provided by
as a starting point, you can copy the existing
entry into the file fragment using the command
sysconfigdb -l vb
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list, immediately
following the label
, of the
attributes you wish to modify and their values.
Change the VB startup state (vb
) from 0 (off) to 1 (on).
Specify the VB node's Ethernet hardware address (vb
For example, if the
node's Ethernet address is 08-00-26-E2-48-47, you would specify that address
as an unquoted ASCII string.
Modify the client communication queues offset,
, to map client queues at the top of a 4 MB window.
Mapping at the
top of a window reduces window fragmentation and minimizes potential conflicts
with the memory needs of other VMEbus drivers.
Specify the value 0x003C0000,
which equals the window size (0x00400000) minus the 256 KB needed for client
queues (0x00040000).
Modify the box manager well-known address,
, to map box manager data at the top of VME-to-PCI window 0.
step 2, VME-to-PCI window 0 was configured to encompass the box manager well-known
address that is shared among all nodes.
Specify the value 0x00FC0000, which
equals the VME-to-PCI window 0 base address (0x00C00000), plus its size (0x00400000),
minus the 256 KB needed for the box manager's VMEbus global data (0x00040000).
Mailboxes reside within the CSR window.
You must modify the
mailbox-interrupt address type parameter,
, to match the address modifier attributes associated with the CSR
window you configured.
Specify A32 address space, supervisory mode, and data
access (value 0x6).
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vb: VB_Startup_State = 1 VB_Netid = 08-00-26-e2-48-47 VB_Client_Vme_Window_Offset = 0x003C0000 VB_Box_Mgr_WK_Addr = 0x00FC0000 VB_Mailbox_Addr_Type = 0x6
Close the file, then merge its contents into
by issuing the following
sysconfigdb -m -f /mypath/vb_sysconfigtab vb
Reboot the
box manager node.
the boot, the
driver becomes available and prints
messages on the console, including the following message:
VB: This is the box manager node
When you configure Node 1, you should specify UNIVERSE II and
parameter values that you have carefully selected to fit well
with the values specified for Node 0, and try to anticipate the needs of any
additional nodes that might be added to the
For example, the values specified in this example produce the following
setup for Node 0 and Node 1:
Parameter | Node 0 | Node 1 |
VME-to-PCI (inbound) window 0 address | 0x00C00000 | 0x00800000 |
VME-to-PCI (inbound) window 1 address | 0x08000000 | 0x10000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 0 address | 0x10000000 | 0x08000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 1 address | 0x10000000 | 0x08000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 2 address | 0x10000000 | 0x08000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 3 address | 0x10000000 | 0x08000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 4 address | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 |
PCI-to-VME window 4 size | 0x01000000 | 0x01000000 |
PCI-to-VME (outbound) window 5 address | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 |
PCI-to-VME window 5 size | 0x01000000 | 0x01000000 |
PCI-to-VME (mailbox-interrupt) window 6 address | 0xFFFF0000 | 0xFFFF0000 |
PCI-to-VME window 6 size | 0x00010000 | 0x00010000 |
PCI-to-VME window 6 address modifiers | 2 (A32), 2 (supervisory), 1 (data) | 2 (A32), 2 (supervisory), 1 (data) |
CSR window address | 0xFFFF0000 | 0xFFFF1000 |
Box manager well-known address | 0x00FC0000 | 0x00FC0000 |
Client queues offset (assumes a 4 MB window) | 0x003C0000 | 0x003C0000 |
To configure Node 1, perform the following steps:
On Node 1, create a
file fragment
corresponding to Node 0's in a private directory; for example,
Insert the label
at the beginning
of the file.
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list, immediately
following the label, of the
attributes you wish
to modify and their values.
Relocate inbound VME-to-PCI (VMEbus slave) windows 0 and 1
to VMEbus locations that differ from those used by Node 0's corresponding
windows, leaving all other window attributes at their defaults.
Node 0 used
the default VMEbus base addresses 0x00C00000 and 0x08000000 for its VME-to-PCI
windows 0 and 1.
For Node 1, enter the values 0x00800000 and 0x10000000 for
Relocate outbound PCI-to-VME (PCI slave) windows 0 through
3 to VMEbus base address 0x08000000, leaving all other window attributes at
their defaults.
Enter the value 0x08000000 for the parameters
, and
As with Node 0, configure Node 1's outbound PCI-to-VME windows
4 and 5 to encompass all of A24 address space for user-data and supervisory-data
accesses to other nodes in the system.
Because the windows are set up by
default for user data and supervisory data, respectively, you only need to
specify a new base address, 0x00000000, and a new size, 16 MB, for each.
to the value 0x00000000, and set
to the value 0x01000000.
In addition
to providing a complete view of A24 address space for supervisory-data and
user-data access, this mapping allows use of MBLTs and data widths up to D64.
Configure the outbound PCI-to-VME window 6 as a mailbox-interrupt window, adhering to the design established during Node 0 configuration. As with Node 0, the base address of the mailbox-interrupt window will be 0xFFFF0000 and its size 64 KB. Node 0 and Node 1 will map their adapter CSRs at 0xFFFF0000 and 0xFFFF1000, respectively.
to the value 1, set
to the value 0xFFFF0000, and set the window size (parameter
) to 64 KB (value 0x00010000).
As with Node 0, you
must modify the mailbox-interrupt window's attributes to be compatible with
the address modifier attributes of the node's CSR window, which will be mapped
in the next step.
Set the
to specify A32 space (value 2) and set the
parameter to specify supervisory mode (value 2).
Data access remains
selected by default.
Configure the node's CSR window in accordance with the design
of the mailbox-interrupt window configured in the previous step.
In this case,
only the VMEbus base address needs modification; set
to the value 0xFFFF1000.
Retain defaults for all other CSR window
attributes, including A32 space, supervisory mode, and both program and data
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vba_univ: PCI_Wnd0_VME_Address = 0x00800000 PCI_Wnd1_VME_Address = 0x10000000 VME_Wnd0_VME_Address = 0x08000000 VME_Wnd1_VME_Address = 0x08000000 VME_Wnd2_VME_Address = 0x08000000 VME_Wnd3_VME_Address = 0x08000000 VME_Wnd4_VME_Address = 0x00000000 VME_Wnd4_Size = 0x01000000 VME_Wnd5_VME_Address = 0x00000000 VME_Wnd5_Size = 0x01000000 VME_Wnd6_Ena = 1 VME_Wnd6_VME_Address = 0xFFFF0000 VME_Wnd6_Size = 0x00010000 VME_Wnd6_AM_Space = 2 VME_Wnd6_AM_Usr_Sprvsr = 2 CSR_VME_Address = 0xFFFF1000
Close the file, then add its contents to
by issuing the following command:
sysconfigdb -a -f /mypath/univ_sysconfigtab vba_univ
Create a
file fragment corresponding
to Node 0's for
attributes; for example,
(If you want to use the default
provided by
as a starting point, you
can copy the existing entry into the file fragment using the command
sysconfigdb -l vb >
In the next few steps, you will construct an indented list, immediately
following the label
, of the
attributes you wish to modify and their values.
Change the VB startup state (vb
) from 0 (off) to 1 (on).
Specify the VB node's Ethernet hardware address (vb
For example, if the
node's Ethernet address is 08-00-26-E2-24-50, you would specify that address
as an unquoted ASCII string.
Modify the client communication queues offset,
, to map client queues at the top of a 4 MB window.
Mapping at the
top of a window reduces window fragmentation and minimizes potential conflicts
with the memory needs of other VMEbus drivers.
Specify the value 0x003C0000,
which equals the window size (0x00400000) minus the 256 KB needed for client
queues (0x00040000).
Modify the box manager well-known address,
, to map box manager data at the top of Node 0's VME-to-PCI window
Node 0's VME-to-PCI window 0 was configured to encompass the box manager
well-known address that is shared among all nodes.
Specify the value 0x00FC0000,
which equals Node 0's VME-to-PCI window 0 base address (0x00C00000), plus
its size (0x00400000), minus the 256 KB needed for the box manager's VMEbus
global data (0x00040000).
As with Node 0, you must modify the
mailbox-interrupt address type parameter,
to match the address modifier attributes associated with the CSR window you
Specify A32 address space, supervisory mode, and data access (value
file fragment
now contains the following text:
vb: VB_Startup_State = 1 VB_Netid = 08-00-26-e2-24-50 VB_Client_Vme_Window_Offset = 0x003C0000 VB_Box_Mgr_WK_Addr = 0x00FC0000 VB_Mailbox_Addr_Type = 0x6
Close the file, then merge its contents into
by issuing the following
sysconfigdb -m -f /mypath/vb_sysconfigtab vb
Reboot Node 1.
You should see
printed on the console, including the following message:
VB: Box mgr address space is not configured for this system, thus this node is not the box manager node (OK). Be sure that there is a box manager in the network.
The host's Internet address is specified at boot time with an SIOCSIFADDR
interface employs the
address resolution protocol described in
(7) to map
dynamically between Internet and Ethernet addresses on the local network.
command to read the physical
address of the VMEbus backplane node.
The SIOCSPHYSADDR command cannot be
used to change the physical address of the VMEbus backplane node.
The VMEbus
backplane network does not support DECnet.
to add or delete multicast addresses.
The VMEbus backplane driver recognizes
a maximum of 64 multicast addresses.
to read or "read and clear" the Ethernet driver counters.
The argument to
these two commands is a pointer to a counter structure,
found in
to enable and disable the interface loopback mode.
To obtain the physical address of the adapter, use the SIOCRPHYSADDR command as in the following program example:
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard I/O */ #include <errno.h> /* Error numbers */ #include <sys/socket.h> /* Socket definitions */ #include <sys/ioctl.h> /* ioctl commands */ #include <net/if.h> /* Generic interface structures */ main() { int s,i; static struct ifdevea devea; /* Get a socket */ s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (s < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } strcpy(devea.ifr_name,"vb0"); if (ioctl(s,SIOCRPHYSADDR,&devea) < 0) { perror(&devea.ifr_name[0]); exit(1); } printf("Address is "); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%X ", devea.default_pa[i] & 0xff); printf("\\n"); close(s); }
The following diagnostic messages contain relevant information provided by the VMEbus backplane driver, and are not errors:
VB: VME Backplane Driver
The backplane driver is not configured to run.
Reconfigure the VB_Startup_State attribute to 1
in the vb: backplane driver subsystem in sysconfigtab.
Driver exiting....
The VMEbus backplane driver is not configured on this system.
is the initial default state of the VMEbus driver, before you configure it
to run by setting
to 1.
VB: VME Backplane Driver
Mailbox interrupts are configured to use A24 space
AND A16 space, which is illegal.
Defaulting to A16 SUPER DATA space for mailbox interrupts.
driver attributes specified in
use an illegal combination of address modifiers for the VMEbus
window that maps mailbox interrupts.
The driver has reverted to a default
set of address modifiers: A16 address space, supervisory mode, and data space.
VB: VME Backplane Driver
VB_MAXMTU is outside the allowable range
Setting VB_MAXMTU = 1500
The value specified for the
driver attribute
is less than 1500 or greater than 16K and has been reset
to the default value, 1500.
VB: VB_Maxmtu changed to match the Box manager's MTU n
This message is displayed during
client registration
if the
driver attribute
on the client is not equal to
on the box manager
The client value is reset to match the box manager value.
VB: This is the box manager node
This node's VMEbus address space contains the user-configured address
for the box manager node as specified in the
Therefore, this is the box manager node.
One and only one node in
a backplane network should have this message appear at startup.
VB: network started
This message will appear on a node that has successfully entered the backplane network.
VB: shutdown
This message will appear when a node in the VMEbus backplane network
is shut down.
This is a normal diagnostic message.
3.10 Errors
This section lists and describes error messages displayed during and
after system startup.
3.10.1 System Startup Error Messages
The following error messages may appear at system startup:
VB: Ethernet address contains all zeroes! DRIVER EXITING...
The backplane driver has been configured to be turned on, but the Ethernet
address in the file
has not been changed to
reflect the Ethernet hardware address of the node.
This information must
be supplied in order for the node to be entered in the VMEbus backplane network.
VB: Incorrect ident in box manager memory.
Another device is mapped to the address specified as the box manager
well-known address in the
Be sure to
reconfigure the box manager address such that it does not overlap another
device's CSR address range.
VB: VME Backplane Driver
Doorbell interrupts are configured to use A16 space, which
is not the case on this system.
Reconfigure the VB_Mailbox_Addr_Type attribute in sysconfigtab to
use the correct address space according to this system's setup.
Driver exiting....
Reconfigure mailbox interrupts as instructed.
3.10.2 Post-Startup Error Messages
The following error messages may appear after system startup:
VB: MALLOC failure on box mgr memory
VB: MALLOC failure on l3 queues
These messages indicate that the
driver was unable
to allocate memory for internal data structures.
VB: Error in dma_get_maps.
driver was unable to obtain VMEbus slave window
mapping information.
VB: Error mapping box mgr memory inbound on the VME.
VB: Error mapping l3 queues inbound on VME.
VB: Error mapping outbound to box mgr
VB: Error mapping outbound to node %d
These VMEbus mapping errors are generally caused by misconfigured systems on the backplane network.
vb%d: initialization error
driver was unable to initialize the network
vb%d SIOCADDMULTI fail, multicast list full
Too many multicast requests have been made.