LynxOS Installation Guide

Installing X & Motif

This section provides detailed installation instructions for the X & Motif Development Package for x86 and the Power PC (PPC) platforms.

Note: The X & Motif Development Package is not included in all LynxOS packages. Only native development systems include X & Motif by default. For cross development systems, the X & Motif package can be purchased separately. Contact your LynuxWorks sales representative for more information.


The installation process for the X & Motif Development Package involves the following steps:

  1. Review system requirements.

  2. Remove any previous X server installation.

  3. Run the installation script Install.XM.

  4. Configure the X Server with configX.

The following sections describe these steps in full detail. The configX utility is described in "X Server Configuration" .

Installing the X Libraries Only

For users developing X applications on cross development systems, the X & Motif components can be installed with the following instructions. There is no need to run the X installation script.

UNIX Hosts

For UNIX hosts, mount the X & Motif CD-ROM to an available mount point, and extract the X & Motif tar files. For example:

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /usr/lynx/<release>/<cpu>
# . SETUP.bash
# tar xvfz /mnt/cdrom/tar_images/<media_num>x11r6.tar.gz
# tar xvfz /mnt/cdrom/tar_images/<media_num>motif.tar.gz

Windows Hosts

For Windows hosts, insert the X & Motif CD-ROM and extract the contents of the x11r6 and motif tar files to the LynxOS installation directory:

Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

Open a DOS Prompt, start a bash shell, and untar the X & Motif files to the LynxOS directory:

C:\ bash
$ cd /lynx/<release>/usr/lynx/<release>/<cpu>
$ . SETUP.bash
$ tar xvfz \ //<cd_letter>/tar_images/<media_num>x11r6.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz \ //<cd_letter>/tar_images/<media_num>motif.tar.gz

Before Installing

Before proceeding with the actual installation of the X & Motif Development Package, check that the following system requirements are met:

These requirements are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Disk Space Requirements

The X & Motif Development Package requires approximately 316 MB of free disk space for installation (137 MB for X, 179 MB for Motif.)

Graphics Adapter Requirements

Supported x86 Graphics Adapters

The X & Motif Development Package supports a wide array of graphics adapters for the x86 platform. Please see the LynxOS Hardware Support Guide (on the LynxOS Documentation CD-ROM or from for the complete list of supported graphics cards.

Supported PPC Graphics Chipsets

The X & Motif Development Package supports Cirrus Logic 5434, 5436 and 5446 chipsets with 256 colors on the Power PC.

Monitor Requirements

The X & Motif Development Package requires a video monitor that is compatible with the system's video graphics adapter and capable of supporting the desired display resolution. Consult the manufacturer's documentation of the video graphics adapter for specific monitor requirements.

Supported Mice

The X & Motif Development Package provides support for the following pointing devices and their compatibles:

Installing the PS/2 Mouse Driver

If the PS/2 mouse driver was not installed during the LynxOS installation, the Install.ps2mouse installation script can be used to install a PS/2 mouse driver. Use the following instructions to install the PS/2 mouse driver.

  1. Run the Install.ps2mouse script by entering the following command:

# /usr/bin/Install.ps2mouse
This script adds a PS/2 mouse driver and rebuilds the kernel.
  1. Reboot the system by entering the following command:

# reboot -aN
The system boots with the PS/2 mouse driver support.

Removing Previous X Server Installation

To upgrade an X server installation, the previous version of X must be removed.

The Uninstall.XM script can be used to remove any existing X and Motif distributions. Type the following command to remove a previous X server installation.

# /usr/bin/X11/Uninstall.XM

To manually remove an X server installation, follow the steps below.

Note: Root access is required to complete these steps.

For example, to remove all of the X and Motif files from under the /usr/bin/X11 directory, use the following instructions:

  1. Change to the X server directory:

# cd /usr/bin/X11
  1. Remove all files in the current directory:

# rm -rf *

Note: It is recommended that users check the directory before running the rm command. rm -rf deletes the current directory, and all subdirectories. Verify the current directory by typing pwd at the command line before running rm.

Repeat the same instructions for these directories:

Installing X with the Install.XM Utility

Before installing X & Motif, users must select the destination directory, specific components to be installed, and where the X & Motif distribution is located. The provided installation script, Install.XM must be run to set the options and install X and Motif. Use the following instruction to set up the installation options and start the installation.

Log in to the system as root and type the following command:

# /usr/bin/Install.XM

Mount the CD-ROM.

# mount -o ro /dev/cdrom_device_id /mnt

The following sections describe the X and Motif installation menu options.

X and Motif Installation Main Menu

After running Install.XM, the main menu is displayed:

X & Motif Installation Main Menu
     ******* Main Menu ******
     X and Motif Installation
     1) Modify Default Values
     2) Choose Products to Install
     Please make sure the Default Values and Products to Install
     are correct before Beginning the Installation.
     B) Begin Installation
      Q)uit Installation
Enter Option: [1]

The Main Menu options provide the following options:

These menu options are described in more detail in the following sections.

After X is installed, the Install.XM utility provides an additional option for use in administrative configuration tasks:

Modify Default Values

The Modify Default Values opens the Hardware Configuration Menu:

Hardware Configuration Menu
     *** Hardware Configuration Menu ***
     1) Install Directory                : /
     2) Installation Media               : /dev/ide.1
     3) Select Mouse Type for configx    : No Mouse Attached
     Q)uit Installation
     R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [R]

Hardware Configuration Menu Options

The Hardware Configuration Menu options are as follows:

The Installation Media Selection Menu selects the device that contains the X and Motif distribution media.

Installation Media Selection Menu
     *** Installation Media Selection Menu ***
     Installing From: /dev/ide.0
     1) SCSI Tape
     2) SCSI CD-ROM
     3) IDE CD-ROM (x86 & PowerPC only)
     4) 1.44MB Floppy Disk (x86 only)
     5) Other SCSI Devices
     6) From distribution tar files
     7) Install pre-extracted distribution
     Q)uit Installation
     R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [R]

Choose Products to Install

Option 2 from the Main Menu, Choose Products to Install opens the Software Configuration Menu.

Software Configuration Menu
     *** Software Configuration Menu ***
     1) Install X (y/n)                :y
     2) Install Motif (y/n)            :y
     3) PosixWorks Desk                :y
          Selecting (y) will cause the PosixWorks Desk
          environment to be run by default. Selecting (n)
          will result in a basic mwm or twm environment
          to be run instead.
     4) Advanced Installation options
     Q)uit Installation
     R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option [R]:

Software Configuration Menu Options

The Software Configuration Menu options are as follows:

Concluding X Installation

Return to the X and Motif Installation Main Menu and choose B to install the X server configuration chosen. At the appropriate screen prompts:

  1. Remove the installation CD-ROM.

  2. Press Enter to continue with installation.

  3. Use reboot -aN to reboot the system.

Miscellaneous Admin Menu Options

Once the X installation is complete, running the Install.XM script again brings up the Main Menu with a new option: Miscellaneous Admin. Selecting this option opens the Miscellaneous Admin Menu screen.

If X has been configured to start automatically upon system reboot/startup, enter Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-R to access command line mode. Then run Install.XM.

Miscellaneous Admin Menu
NOTE: These options are provided for tuning the X product AFTER
it has been installed. DO NOT use these, if installing X
for the first time.
     *** Miscellaneous Admin Menu ***
     1) Change Mouse selection for use with ConfigX utility
     2) Install Posix Works Desktop as default desktop
     3) De-Install Posix Works Desktop as default desktop
     4) Change X settings to enable automatic start on system reboot
     5) Change X settings to disable automatic start on system reboot
     Q)uit Installation
     R)eturn to Previous Menu
Enter Option: [R]

X Display Manager (xdm)

The X Display Manager (xdm) manages X sessions for local and remote hosts. The following sections describe how to setup and configure xdm for LynxOS.

Configuring xdm for Local Systems

For a local display, the X installation script can set the xdm (X display Manager) utility to start the X session automatically. This selection can be changed at any time using the Install.XM script. See "Miscellaneous Admin Menu Options".

Configuring xdm for Remote Systems

To configure a display on a remote system, the remote sysetm must have an X server running, and must be able to communicate with the LynxOS host system
via TCP/IP.

The LynxOS system can force the connection between itself and the target system. Start the X server on the target and make sure that it can accept connections from the LynxOS system. If the target is also a LynxOS system, start the X server with this command:

# X -ac

This starts the X server and awaits connections from the host LynxOS system.

On the host LynxOS system, edit the /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers file and add the line:

target_hostname:0 foreign

where target_hostname is replaced with the host name of the target system running the X server. Next, start the xdm daemon by typing:

# /usr/bin/X11/xdm

followed by a Return. The xdm-errors file created in /usr/lib/X11/xdm directory can be viewed for any errors.

Alternatively, the chooser utility can be used to select between a number of hosts with which to establish a connection. On the LynxOS host system, comment out all entries in the /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers file and start the xdm daemon
by typing:

# /usr/bin/X11/xdm

If the target system is also running LynxOS, type in the following on the
target system:

# /usr/bin/X11/X -indirect host_hostname

This starts the X server and opens the chooser window, showing all the systems on the network that can establish a connection. Select the appropriate host to start the session.

Once a session has been established, the xdm login window appears. To abort the session press Ctrl-R.

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138